TARIAN TOP TIPS - South Wales Chamber of Commerce€¦ · Cyber Protect Officers from Tarian,...

Cyber Protect Officers from Tarian, Regional Organise Crime Unit together with South Wales, Gwent and Dyfed-Powys Police Forces, have a prominent role in raising awareness of cybercrime in our communities. Please take a moment to read through this leaflet which highlights some easy ways to ensure you are better protected against the threat of Cybercrime. Cyber Protect Officers are dedicated to raising awareness of cybercrime, attending events and workplaces as well as contributing to online forums to educate staff about the importance of cyber security. Cyber Protect Officers can update you on the latest cybercrime trends and provide helpful advice on how to protect your business. There is no charge for this service and officers will be happy to attend a venue of your chasing at a convenient time to you. We work in conjunction with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), National Crime Agency (NCA) and Action Fraud so the advice we share is consistent and reliable. If you would like to contact the Tarian Cyber Protect Team, please get in touch via the details below. [email protected] @TarianROCU www.TarianROCU.org.uk If you are unfortunate enough to become a victim of cybercrime, here are some tips to consider: Contact Action Fraud, the National reporting tool for cybercrime, on line or via telephone If demands are made through Ransomware, Do not pay - there is no guarantee that decryption details will be provided or that you will not be targeted again Delete all affected data and backup from a restore point to continue business operations as effectively as possible If data has been extracted, inform relevant customers and staff immediately. Consider if you are obliged to report the breach to the UK Information Commissioner's Office Change relevant passwords as they may have been compromised during the attack Keep records of any Email addresses, Bitcoin addresses or other identifiers included in demands If possible, preserve affected equipment for examination TARIAN TOP TIPS Use a strong password to protect data. Keep your data backup separate from your computer and back up regularly Avoid Phishing attacks - Do not open anything from untrusted sources Report all instances of Cybercrime Update operating systems and software Ensure all staff are aware and appropriately trained on the dangers of cybercrime and the importance of good cyber and personal security. Further useful resources are included below: LITTLE BOOK OF CYBER SCAMS www.tarianrocu.org.uk/the-teams ACTION FRAUD 0300 123 2040 www.actionfraud.police.uk THE NCSC - SMALL BUSINESS GUIDE www.ncsc.gov.uk/smallbusiness Get Safe Online www.getsafeonline.com REF: 2454-18

Transcript of TARIAN TOP TIPS - South Wales Chamber of Commerce€¦ · Cyber Protect Officers from Tarian,...

Page 1: TARIAN TOP TIPS - South Wales Chamber of Commerce€¦ · Cyber Protect Officers from Tarian, Regional Organise Crime Unit together with South Wales, Gwent and Dyfed-Powys Police

Cyber Protect Officers from Tarian, Regional Organise Crime Unit together with South Wales, Gwent and Dyfed-Powys Police Forces, have a prominent role in raising awareness of cybercrime in our communities.

Please take a moment to read through this leaflet which highlights some easy ways to ensure you are better protected against the threat of Cybercrime.

Cyber Protect Officers are dedicated to raising awareness of cybercrime, attending events and workplaces as well as contributing to online forums to educate staff about the importance of cyber security.

Cyber Protect Officers can update you on the latest cybercrime trends and provide helpful advice on how to protect your business. There is no charge for this service and officers will be happy to attend a venue of your chasing at a convenient time to you.

We work in conjunction with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), National Crime Agency (NCA) and Action Fraud so the advice we share is consistent and reliable.

If you would like to contact the Tarian Cyber Protect Team, please get in touch via the details below.

[email protected] @TarianROCU www.TarianROCU.org.uk

If you are unfortunate enough to become a victim of cybercrime, here are some tips to consider:

● Contact Action Fraud, the National reporting tool for cybercrime, on line or via telephone

● If demands are made through Ransomware, Do not pay - there is no guarantee that decryption details will be provided or that you will not be targeted again

● Delete all affected data and backup from a restore point to continue business operations as effectively as possible

● If data has been extracted, inform relevant customers and staff immediately.

● Consider if you are obliged to report the breach to the UK Information Commissioner's Office

● Change relevant passwords as they may have been compromised during the attack

● Keep records of any Email addresses, Bitcoin addresses or other identifiers included in demands

● If possible, preserve affected equipment for examination

TARIAN TOP TIPS ● Use a strong password to protect data.

Keep your data backup separate from your computer and back up regularly

● Avoid Phishing attacks - Do not open anything from untrusted sources

● Report all instances of Cybercrime

● Update operating systems and software

● Ensure all staff are aware and appropriately trained on the dangers of cybercrime and the importance of good cyber and personal security.

Further useful resources are included below:

LITTLE BOOK OF CYBER SCAMS www.tarianrocu.org.uk/the-teams

ACTION FRAUD 0300 123 2040 www.actionfraud.police.uk

THE NCSC - SMALL BUSINESS GUIDE www.ncsc.gov.uk/smallbusiness

Get Safe Online www.getsafeonline.com

REF: 2454-18

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Page 2: TARIAN TOP TIPS - South Wales Chamber of Commerce€¦ · Cyber Protect Officers from Tarian, Regional Organise Crime Unit together with South Wales, Gwent and Dyfed-Powys Police

Mae gan Swyddogion Seiberddiogelwch Tarian, yr Uned Troseddau Cyfundrefnol Ranbarthol, ynghyd â Heddluoedd De Cymru, Gwent a Dyfed-Powys, rôl bwysig i’w chwarae o ran codi ymwybyddiaeth o seiberdroseddu yn ein cymunedau. Treuliwch ychydig o amser yn darllen drwy’r daflen hon sy’n tynnu sylw at rai ffyrdd hawdd o sicrhau eich bod wedi eich diogelu’n well rhag y bygythiad o seiberdroseddu. Mae Swyddogion Seiberddiogelwch yn ymrwymedig i godi ymwybyddiaeth o seiberdroseddu, mynychu digwyddiadau a gweithleoedd yn ogystal â chyfrannu at fforymau ar-lein er mwyn addysgu staff am bwysigrwydd seiberddiogelwch.

Gall Swyddogion Seiberddiogelwch roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi am y tueddiadau seiberdroseddu diweddaraf a chyngor defnyddiol ar sut i ddiogelu eich busnes. Mae’r gwasanaeth hwn am ddim a bydd swyddogion yn fwy na pharod i fynychu lleoliad o’ch dewis ar adeg sy’n gyfleus i chi. Rydym yn cydweithio â’r Ganolfan Seiberddiogelwch Genedlaethol (NCSC), yr Asiantaeth Troseddu Cenedlaethol ac Action Fraud er mwyn sicrhau bod y cyngor rydym yn ei roi yn gyson ac yn ddibynadwy.

Os hoffech gysylltu â thîm seiberddiogelwch Tarian, defnyddiwch y manylion isod.

[email protected] @TarianROCU www.TarianROCU.org.uk

CYNGOR DEFNYDDIOL TARIAN ● Defnyddiwch gyfrinair cryf er mwyn diogelu

eich data

● Cadwch eich data wrth gefn ar wahân i’ch cyfrifiadur a gwnewch gopïau wrth gefn yn rheolaidd

● Ceisiwch osgoi ymosodiadau gwe-rwydo - peidiwch ag agor unrhyw beth o ffynonellau annibynadwy

● Rhowch wybod am bob achos o seiberdroseddu

● Diweddarwch systemau a meddalwedd gweithredu

● Sicrhewch fod pob aelod o staff yn ymwybodol o beryglon seiberdroseddu a phwysigrwydd seiberddiogelwch a diogelwch personol da a’i fod wedi cael hyfforddiant priodol yn y meysydd hyn

Ceir rhagor o adnoddau defnyddiol isod:

ActionFraud 0300 123 2040 www.actionfraud.police.uk

Y GSG - CANLLAW I FUSNESAU BACH www.ncsc.gov.uk/smallbusiness

Get Safe Online www.getsafeonline.com

Os byddwch yn ddigon anffodus i ddioddef seiberdroseddu, dyma rai awgrymiadau i chi eu hystyried: ● Cysylltwch ag Action Fraud, yr adnodd

cenedlaethol ar gyfer rhoi gwybod am seiberdroseddu ar-lein neu dros y ffôn

● Os bydd rhywun yn gofyn am arian gennych drwy Ransomware, peidiwch â thalu – ni ellir gwarantu y caiff manylion dadgryptio eu darparu nag ychwaith na fyddwch yn cael eich targedu eto

● Dilëwch yr holl ddata yr effeithiwyd arnynt a gwnewch gopïau wrth gefn o bwynt adfer er mwyn parhau i redeg eich busnes mor effeithiol â phosibl

● Os yw data wedi’u hechdynnu, rhowch wybod i staff a chwsmeriaid perthnasol ar unwaith

● Ystyriwch p’un a oes rhaid i chi roi gwybod am yr achos hwn o gael mynediad diawdurdod at ddata i Swyddfa Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth y DU

● Newidiwch gyfrineiriau perthnasol gan y gallant fod wedi’u datgelu yn ystod yr ymosodiad

● Cadwch gofnod o unrhyw gyfeiriadau e-bost, cyfeiriadau Bitcoin neu unrhyw ddynodwyr eraill a gaiff eu rhannu gan y twyllwyr

● Os yw’n bosibl, cadwch y cyfarpar yr effeithiwyd arno er mwyn ei archwilio

LLYFR BACH SGAMIAU SEIBER www.tarianrocu.org.uk/y-timau/?lang=cy

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