Target analysis for a young American celebrity Lindsay Lohan.

Target analysis for a young American celebrity Lindsay Lohan

Transcript of Target analysis for a young American celebrity Lindsay Lohan.

Target analysis for a young American celebrity

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay is the sidelined every-girl.

Lindsay Lohan is a 19-year-old actress and singer. Her career was born out of childhood and teen roles aimed at tween and teenage audiences, though aspects of her character (both on-screen and off) resonate with a broader audience.

Her equity lies in her spunky persona, the quirky girl who fights to find her place in the world.

The persona honed in movie roles … – Parent Trap: twin girls reunite after their parents’ divorce – Freaky Friday: her widowed mom is remarrying– Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen: her parents divorce and she moves from NYC to the suburbs– Mean Girls: home schooled kid entering an American public high school

… is also true of real-life Lindsay:– wants to transition from child star to “credible actress”– growing up in the public eye– branching out from movies to music albums– stress of dad’s financial scandal and parents’ impending divorce

Good, clear analysis. Can it be shorter?

Good, clear analysis. Can it be shorter?

Recently, Lindsay has been more side-tracked than side-lined.

• While Lohan is still the girl trying to discover how she fits into a new life, the overwhelming combination of fame, fortune, and family troubles is overpowering her ability to fight back.

• The audience has become less sympathetic to the Lohan brand in part as a result of its success. She is starting to become commoditized.

• Her core audience is either losing interest or outgrowing her.

“Lindsay’s Dolce Vita! She buys $80,000 watches and wears couture nightly”-People Magazine

“Lindsay Lohan Stands Up Regis & Kelly”-Teen People

“Lindsay’s Fully Loaded Freak-Out”-Seventeen Magazine

“Lohan’s Parents Reach Divorce Settlement”-People Magazine

“Lindsay’s Left-Handed Ring!”-US Weekly

Good use of headlines. Journalism is a good source of credibility when illustrating your points.

Good use of headlines. Journalism is a good source of credibility when illustrating your points.

Lindsay has become not only unattainable but worse, undesirable.

How do we fix this?

The good news: everyone else is unattainable and undesirable too.

• The current paradigm in young women celebrities for girls is skinny, bitchy, and rich (oh yeah, and blonde).

• The audience expects more.Lindsay is moving in the wrong direction.

The build works really well here. Great use of images to tell a story.

The build works really well here. Great use of images to tell a story.

These celebrities are poor role models and are under-delivering to their targets.

• “i believe they hide all their insecurities w/they're $500 purse, or $100,000 car, or even they're $30 manicures. i believe they think they lose one more insecurity w/money. i believe they think money builds them when really it has to come from the inside.”

--xanga blogger, age 16

Other role models are boring and too close to home.

• Saccharine-sweet celebrities like Hilary Duff, Mandy Moore, and Kelly Clarkson lack interesting stories.

Is there no good competition? No-one who’s doing it right? A model Lohan should follow?

Is there no good competition? No-one who’s doing it right? A model Lohan should follow?

Lindsay’s desired audience clearly has a wider set of values.

I keep up on pop cultureI am open-minded

I am adventuresomeI am opinionated; people ask me for my opinion

I care about my looksI worry about the environment

It’s worth paying extra for qualityI can see myself as characters in movies sometimes

I can relate to characters in moviesI am imaginative

I enjoy owning the newest technologyI try to plan for my future

I am an independent thinkerIt’s important to me to be real

I am an individualI’m not satisfied with being “standard”

I am empathetic to people who need helpI value lasting relationships

Good way of bringing them to life - but this person sounds perfect. Are their any negatives or insecurities to their character? That would make it feel more plausible.

Good way of bringing them to life - but this person sounds perfect. Are their any negatives or insecurities to their character? That would make it feel more plausible.

Most importantly, girls and young women want a good story.

• Elements of a captivating life story:– Drama– Struggle– Empathy– Triumph

• Celebrity stories that encompass this:– Gwen Stefani– Jennifer Aniston– Angelina Jolie

• A degree of sophistication and likability is also essential. The audience must believe that the celebrity is “like me,” but different enough to provide an escape.

Yup. I buy this. Good point and good examples.

Yup. I buy this. Good point and good examples.

Lindsay Lohan has the right components to fulfill this role.

• Drama: Her life is a mess and the media is fueling negative images of Lindsay.

• Struggle: Rise to the occasion and acknowledge that life extends beyond what is seen on the red carpet.

• Empathy: Being open about her life will let girls and women empathize with her. At the moment, her brand lacks depth. She is defined by headlines, to which her target can only relate on a superficial level.

• Triumph: Overcome obstacles incrementally, in months rather than in a week. A quick and easy turn around would not be credible; time is essential to lend authenticity to her story. Lindsay’s audience needs to witness her development for her brand to secure a place in their hearts.

It’s time for Lindsay to create her own headlines.

Good thoughts and good conclusions.

This is great. Smart and succinct. Good ‘brand’ ideas. I’d have liked for a little more about who the audience is.

It also demonstrates how it’s easier to do something good when you’re talking about something you’re obviously interested in. (I suspect)

Good thoughts and good conclusions.

This is great. Smart and succinct. Good ‘brand’ ideas. I’d have liked for a little more about who the audience is.

It also demonstrates how it’s easier to do something good when you’re talking about something you’re obviously interested in. (I suspect)