Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin...

C a n a d a 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2 phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org [email protected] @tarbiyatcanada www.wayofseekers.ca Tarbiyat Department FRIDAY SERMON OCTOBER 09, 2020 This document is uploaded every Friday by 11:30 AM EST on this web link https://www.wayofseekers.ca/friday-sermon-summary/ This document contains: 1. Summary of the Friday Sermon of Syedna Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih (May Allah be his Helper!) 2. Local Sermon Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FOR THE SERMON** Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details of the battle of Yarmook. Before this war, Muslims decided to retreat their army from the area of Hims. Due to this, Muslims opted to return the Jizya (tax) of local people. When this wealth was returned, it is narrated that the local Christians were deeply influenced by the honesty and kindness of Muslims and cried and prayed that may God return these compassionate leaders. During the course of this battle, a man by the name of George was sent by the Romans to negotiate a treaty with the Muslims. During these talks, George asked Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) what his view was

Transcript of Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin...

Page 1: Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details

C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org

[email protected] @tarbiyatcanada


Tarbiyat Department


This document is uploaded every Friday by 11:30 AM EST on this web link https://www.wayofseekers.ca/friday-sermon-summary/

This document contains: 1. Summary of the Friday Sermon of Syedna Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih (May Allah be his Helper!) 2. Local Sermon Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah!

Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated:

➢ Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details of the battle of Yarmook. Before this war, Muslims decided

to retreat their army from the area of Hims. Due to this, Muslims opted to return the Jizya (tax) of local

people. When this wealth was returned, it is narrated that the local Christians were deeply influenced

by the honesty and kindness of Muslims and cried and prayed that may God return these

compassionate leaders.

➢ During the course of this battle, a man by the name of George was sent by the Romans to negotiate a

treaty with the Muslims. During these talks, George asked Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) what his view was

Page 2: Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details

C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org

[email protected] @tarbiyatcanada


Tarbiyat Department

regarding Jesus (as). Is response, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) recited the following verses of the Holy


People of the Book! exceed not the limits in your religion and say not of Allah anything but the truth.

Verily, the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah and a fulfilment of His word

which He sent down to Mary, and a mercy from Him. So, believe in Allah and His Messengers, and say

not ‘They are three.’ Desist, it will be better for you. Verily, Allah is the only One God. Far is it from His

Holiness that He should have a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the

earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Guardian. (4:172)

➢ After listening to these verses of the Holy Quran, George replied that this is the truth about the

Messiah, your Prophet is true, and he became a Muslim. Muslims were victorious in this war. There

were different tribes and nations living in Syria. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) declared all of them to be

equal, he established justice and granted religious freedom to all people. Many Arab Christians and

people of Roman descent accepted Islam as a result of his behavior.

➢ Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) was also part of the victory of Jerusalem. The city had first been surrounded

by the army of Hazrat Amr. Then Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) joined with his own army. The Christians

agreed to open the gates of the city with the condition that Hazrat Umar (ra) should himself come to

the city. Hazrat Umar (ra) agreed to this condition and travelled to Jerusalem, while leaving Hazrat Ali

(ra) as Ameer of Medina.

➢ During this time, an incident took place when Hazrat Umar (ra) visited the residence of Hazrat Abu

Ubaidah (ra). Hazrat Umar noticed that he lived with extreme simplicity and had very few things in

possession. Hazrat Umar (ra) advised him that he should obtain more things for use. Hazrat Abu

Ubaidah (ra) replied: O Ameer-ul-Momineen, I fear that such things would lead us to being luxurious.

➢ Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (ra) passed away in the 18th year of Hijrah in Syria due to plague. Before his death,

he said to the people that I advise you to always establish the prayer, pay the Zakaat, observe fasting

in Ramadan, give Sadaqah, perform Hajj and Umrah, always enjoin good to each other, seek good for

those who rule over you and do not deceive them. Remember, that your women should not keep you

from fulfilling your obligations. Even if a person stays alive for a thousand years, he must depart this

world one day. A wise person is he who stays ready for his death. Convey my Salaam to Hazrat Ameer-

ul-Momineen and tell him that I have paid my dues in full.

Page 3: Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details

C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org

[email protected] @tarbiyatcanada


Tarbiyat Department

➢ Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) announced the following funeral prayers and relayed many good

attributes of the deceased. 1. Professor Naeem-ud-Din Khatak: He was martyred on October 15 while

returning from teaching in college. He was 58 years old and faced persecution and animosity for a long

time. 2. Usman Sadiq Sahib: He was a student at Jamia Ahmadiyya Germany and passed away at the

age of 20 years old due to drowning in a river. 3. Saleem Ahmad Malik Sahib: He was a former teacher

at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK and served Jama’at for a long time in various capacities.



REMINDER FOR PRAYERS: In his Friday Sermon of August 21, 2020, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) has

asked us to recite prayers for Ahmadis to stay safe from persecution. Given the recent martyrdom in

Pakistan, members are specially reminded to continue to recite these prayers and Durood Sharif.

ASHRA SALAAT (October 13 - 22): Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Canada will be celebrating Ashra

Salat from October 13 – 22, 2020.

A few years ago, we had received instructions from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) regarding combining

prayers. Considering those instructions, office bearers and members of Jama’at are being reminded that

prayers cannot be combined in Mosques or Salaat centers due to rain given our circumstances now a

days in these developed countries. In this regard, these may only be combined if a weather warning for

extreme conditions and storms has been issued by local authorities.

Members, who are not able to come to mosques or Salaat centers due to current circumstances should

offer their prayers in congregation at home. Please cooperate with office bearers when they request to

confirm about regularity of prayers in congregation at home.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) states:

“I wish to rectify such people who say not to ask them regarding prayers as this is matter between us

and God. Many women complain that if we wish to reform our husbands regarding prayers, they start

fighting with us. To such people, I say that even though this is a matter between man and God, yet it is

the responsibility of Nizam-e-Jama’at to question and remind people in this matter. Similarly, it is a task,

rather an obligation, of wives as well. If it was the case that prayers may be offered when a person

Page 4: Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details

C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org

[email protected] @tarbiyatcanada


Tarbiyat Department

wishes to and may not be offered when he does not wish to, or if the husband says that you should not

wake me up for Fajr prayer as I am in deep sleep at night time after being tired during the day, or if

Salaat was left to the wishes of a person, the Holy Prophet (sa) would not have advised the wife and

husband that whoever wakes up before should awake the other person and if he or she does not wake

up or shows laziness, the partner should sprinkle some water … Thus, this sort of thinking is wrong that

we are free in this matter and it is between me and my God. If the Nizaam, with which you have

associated yourself, questions you regarding offering prayers, you should cooperate with it instead of

being irritated and angry.” (Friday Sermon, January 27, 2017)

VIRTUAL EDUCATIONAL RALLY: Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Canada is bringing to you, for the

first time, a Virtual Educational Rally, this weekend from October 10 to 11. Brothers will have the

opportunity to:

● Attend talks by International guests

● Take part in social interactive discussions

● Participate in workshops

All other activities and programs are open for all and definitely will have something to spike your

interest. You are encouraged to attend both days and get a chance to meet your brothers from across

Canada once again, from the comfort of your homes. The rally will provide us with our annual meet up

with friends across the Nation, as well as learn, spiritually uplift, and partake in relevant and interesting


Let's not miss this first-of-its-kind virtual educational rally! Detailed program can be found at:


Highlights of the Virtual Rally:

Oct 10 at 1 PM: Opening address by Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya

Oct 10 at 7 PM: Q/A session with respected Ameer sahib and Missionary Incharge sahib Canada

Oct 11 at 2:15 PM: Address by Abid Khan sahib, secretary Press Ahmadiyya

Members can access the LIVE video stream through the following link: www.khuddam.ca

Page 5: Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details

C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org

[email protected] @tarbiyatcanada


Tarbiyat Department

اک ذرک رکےت وہےئ اراشد رفامای:ریض اہلل ہنع اوب دیبعہ نب رجاح رضحت وضحر اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتیل ےن

ایل اھت۔ وچہکن املسمن ج وک واسپ الباینپ وف ےک اقمم ےس صمح ےن ونں ۔ اس گنج ےس لبق املسمن رفامںیئوضحر اونر ادیہ اہلل اعتیل ےن گنج ریومک یک افتلیص ایب ❖

اک زجہی صمح واہں ےک اقمیم ولوگں واسپ ولٹ رےہ ےھت اس ےئل دای ایگ۔ (سکیٹ )ےس واسپ رک وت واہں ےک اقمیم اسیعیئ ان وک بج ہی رمق اںیھن واسپ یک یئگ

دلج واسپ الےئ۔ ل رمکحاون، دخا اعتیل ںیہمتہک اے ردمح اور ےتہک ےھت اور روےت ےھت یل ےس تہب اتمرث وہےئ یک اامتن داری اور ردمح املسمونں

رضحت اوب دیبعہ وک گنج ےس لبق املسمونں یک رطف اجیھب ایگ۔ اس یک الماقت George روویمں ےک اکی رجلینگنج ریومک ےک قلعتم اترخی ںیم اتلم ےہ ہک ❖

االسلم ےک قلعتم ااکپ ایک ایخل ےہ۔ اس رپ رضحت ۔ اکی وسال اس ےن ہی ایک ہک رضحت یسیع ہیلعےس دنچ وسال ئک ریض اہلل ہنع ےس وہیئ سج دوران اس ےن ان

ت رفامیئ: دیبعہ ریض اہلل ہنع ےن ان اایت یک التواوب

اشم حتف وہیئ۔ اس گنج ںیم املسمونں وک ہک یہی حیسم ےک قلعتم دصاتق ےہ۔ اہمترا روسل اچس ےہ اور وہ املسمن وہ ایگ۔ اہک ےن George دعب ن اایت وک ےننس ےکا ❖

ااصنف اقمئ ایک اور امتم ولوگں وک ذمیبہ ںیم رباربی اقمئ یک۔ ولوگں امتم رضحت اوب دیبعہ ریض اہلل ہنع ےن۔ یتسب ںیھت فلتخم ابقلئ اور فلتخم اوقامںیم تہب ےس

ےئ۔ ببس االسم ںیم دالخ وہازادی دی۔ تہب ےس رعب اسیعیئ اور رویم ولگ اپ ےک رباتو ےک

احمرصہ ںیم ےل ایل۔ ھچک املسمونں ےن یک ایقدت ںیم رمعو نب ااعلصوملش وک رضحت ری۔ ےلہپ وہےئ یض اہلل ہنع اشلمس ںیم یھب رضحت اوب دیبعہ رحتف تیب ادقمل ❖

ہی رشط ےک اقمیم اسیعویئں ےن وملش ری احمرصہ وک متخ رکےن ےئلیکارخاکر اشلم وہ ایگ۔ املسمونں یک وفج ےک اسھت ریض اہلل ہنع اک رکشل یھب رضحت اوب دیبعہ رعہص دعب

ےن وبقل رفامای اور رضحت یلع وک دمہنی ںیم اریم انب رک اپ ےن ریوملش یک د رشتفی الںیئ۔ اس رشط وک رضحت رمع ریض اہلل ہنع ریھک ہک رضحت رمع ریض اہلل ہنع وخ

ںیم دالخ وہےئ۔ ج ےک اسھت رہش اور املسمونں یک وف ایک رطف رفس

۔ واہں رضحت رمع ریض اہلل ہنع ےن داھکی ہک واہعق شیپ اای ہک رضحت رمع ریض اہلل ہنع رضحت اوب دیبعہ ریض اہلل ہنع یک راہشئ ںیم رشتفی الےئ اس دوارن اکی ❖

ت یک اایشء اےنپ تہب یہ مک اایشء اپ یک راہشئ اگہ ںیم ںیھت۔ رضحت رمع ریض اہلل ہنع ےن اپ وک تحیصن رفامیئ ہک اپ رضور اپ اہنتی اسدیگ ےس رےتہ ےھت اور

۔ یگںیمہ ااسوشئں یک رطف رابغ رک دںی اایشء ہیےھجم ڈر ےہ ہک نینم، اریم اوملای اپس روھکا ںیل۔ اپ ےن رفامای ہک

وتیص ہی وہیئ۔ اینپ وافت ےس لبق اپ ےن ولوگں وک اہک ہک ںیم ںیہمت اشم ےک العہق ںیم اطوعن ےک ابثع رجہی ںیم ۱۸ یک وافت ریض اہلل ہنع رضحت اوب دیبعہ ❖

ۃ ادا رکان، راضمن ےک روزے رانھک، دصہق دےتی رانہ، جح اور رمعہ رکان، اکی دورسے وک ایھچ ابوتں یک اتدیک رکان، اےنپ ارماء ےس ریخ زوکامنز وک اقمئ رکان، ہک رکات وہں

Page 6: Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details

C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org

[email protected] @tarbiyatcanada


Tarbiyat Department

رفاضئ ےس اغلف ہن رکدںی۔ ارگ ادیم زہار اسل یھب زدنہ رےہ بت یھب اےس اکی دن اس رے ہک ہن دانی، دوھکی اہمتری وعرںیت ںیہمت اہمتایہ رکان، اںیھن دھ وخ

۔اامںیتن ادا رک دی یہ ہک ںیم ےن امتم داین ےس رتصخ وہان ےہ۔ دنملقع وہ ےہ وج ومت ےئلیک ایتر راتہ ےہ۔ اریم اوملنینم وک ریما السم اچنہپ دانی اور رعض رک دانی

و دیہش رپورسیف میعن ادلنی کٹخ اصبح ۔ ۱ن رفامای۔ انجزہ اک االع امنز دنمرہج ذلی رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ادیہ اہلل اعتیل ےن ❖ک


۔ دیہش رک دای ایگےس وایسپ رپ اکجل اوتکرب وک ۵

اصبح وج اجہعم ادمحہی رجینم ںیم اطبل ملع ےھت۔ اپ درای ںیم ڈوےنب زعزیم ااسہم اصدق ۔ ۲۔ انم ایک اپ ےن ابمل رعہص اخمتفل اک اساسل یھت۔ ۵۸اپ یک رمع

۔ میلس ادمح کلم اصبح اسقب ااتسد اجہعم ادمحہی وی ےک۔ ۳اسل یک رمع ںیم وافت اپ ےئگ۔ ۲۰ ےک ابثع


ونسٹ رباےئ اقمیم بطخ

ںیم رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتیل ےن امجتع وک نیقلت رفامیئ ےہ ہک امتم ادمحویں ےئلیک اور اخص وطر ۲۰۲۰، ۲۱بطخ ہعمج ومرہخ اتسگ داعوں یک ایدداہین:

ان داعوں و متس ےس وفحمظ رےنہ ےئلیک داع رکےت ریہ۔ ربممان امجتع ےس دروخاتس ےہ ہک اور درود رشفی وک اباقدعیگ ےس رپ اپاتسکن ےک ادمحویں ےئلیک ملظ وک

ڑپےتھ ریہ۔

صل ھچک اسل ےلہپرضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ادیہ اہلل اعتیل یک رطف ےس امنزںی عمج ۔ امجتع ادمحہی ڈنیکا رشعۃ ولصۃ انم ریہ ےہ ۲۲ات ۱۳اوتکرب اشنء اہلل ومرہخ ا و ۃ:رشعہ

ےک رسیم ان اممکل ںیم وہسایلت اید داہین رکوایئ اجیت ےہ ہک وک دیاران ربممان امجتع اور دہع رکےن ےک قلعتم دہاایت وموصل وہںیئ ںیھت۔ اس ہلسلس ںیم

وللک ہمکحم warning افن ےک قلعتمای وط وممس یک دشتہک اموساےئ ۔رش یک وہج ےس امنزوں وک عمج ںیہن ایک اجاتکساب ںیم اسمدج اور امنز رٹنیس وہےن ےک ابثع

ومایمست یک رطف ےس اجری یک یئگ وہ۔

دروخاتس ےہ ہک امجیتع اکرنک بج اپ ےس ربممان امجتع ےس وج ولگ ان احالت ںیم اسمدج ای امنز رٹنیس ںیہن اج ےتکس وہ رھگوں ںیم امنزںی ابامجتع ادا رکںی۔

: ںیمہ تحیصن رکےت وہےئ رفامےت یہ رضحت ۃفیلخ احیسمل ااخلسم ادیہ اہلل اعتیل اس ےک قلعتم امنز ںیم اباقدعیگ ےک قلعتم وپںیھچ وت ان ےس اعتون رکںی۔

Page 7: Tarbiyat Department ...Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah! Mentioning about Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah (ra), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aa) stated: Hazoor Anwar (aa) mentioned the details

C a n a d a

10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2

phone: 905-303-4000 fax: 905-832-3220 www.ahmadiyya.ca | www.alislam.org

[email protected] @tarbiyatcanada


Tarbiyat Department

ور دخا اک اعمہلم ےہ۔ یئک وعروتں یک ایس رطح ںیم اہیں اےسی ولوگں یک دریتس رکان اچاتہ وہں وج ہی ےتہک یہ ہک ہن ںیمہ امنزوں ےک قلعتم وہک، ہن وپوھچ ویکہکن ہی امہرا ا’’

اتہک وہں ہک ہی کشیب دنبے اور دخا اک اعمہلم ےہ نکیل وتہج دالان اکشتی ایت ےہ ہک ارگ مہ اےنپ اخودنوں وک وتہج دالںیئ وت وہ ڑلان رشوع وہ اجےت یہ۔ اےسی ولوگں وک ںیم

ڑپھ ولں اگ، ہن وہیئ وت ںیہن۔ ای اور وپانھچ اظنم امجتع اک اکم ےہ۔ ایس رطح ویبویں اک یھب اکم ےہ ہکلب رفض ےہ۔ ارگ رصف اانت یہ وہات ہک رمیض وہیت ای رمیض وہیئ وت

اور دن رھب ےک ےکھت وہےئ وہےت یہ اس ےئل رات وک رہگی دنین ایت ےہ اس ےئل ںیمہ اگجان ںیہن۔ ارگ ہی رمیض رپ وہات وت رھپ رجف یک امنز رپ مہ رہگی دنین وسےت یہ

یتسس داھکےئ وت اپین رگ ہن اجےگ ای ارضحنت یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس ویبی اور اخودن وک ہی اراشدہن رفامےت ہک وج امنز ےک ےئل ےلہپ اجےگ وہ دورسے وک امنز ےک ےئل اگجےئ اور ا

وہ ۔ ےک ےٹنیھچ امرے۔ اور دخا اک اعمہلم ےہ۔ سج اظنم ےس اےنپ اپ وک کلسنم رک رےہ یہ ارگ اینپ ۔ سپ ہی وسچ طلغ ےہ ہک مہ اےسی اعمےلم ںیم ازاد یہ۔ امہرا

ڑےن ا

ونجری ۲۷)بطخ ہعمج ‘‘ ور ہصغ ںیم اےن ےک اعتون رکان اچےئہ۔ امجتع اک اجزئہ ےنیل ےک ےئل امنزوں یک ادایگیئ ےک ابرے ںیم ااسفتسر رکات ےہ وت اجبےئ چ

۲۰۱۷ )