Tara Cahn Chad Gerber Becky McGlensey Sara Rockefeller Carly Rollins Mallory Staff Johnson’s &...

Tara Cahn Chad Gerber Becky McGlensey Sara Rockefeller Carly Rollins Mallory Staff Johnson’s & Johnson’s Hair Powder …A Sprinkle Works Wonders!

Transcript of Tara Cahn Chad Gerber Becky McGlensey Sara Rockefeller Carly Rollins Mallory Staff Johnson’s &...

Tara CahnChad Gerber

Becky McGlensey

Sara RockefellerCarly RollinsMallory Staff

Johnson’s & Johnson’s Hair Powder

…A Sprinkle Works Wonders!

Creative Platform

1. Basic Problem advertising must address (baby powder has other uses and can gain more market share for Johnson and Johnson)

2. Advertising and communications objectives (increase in sales and more awareness of product, tap into the trend-setting college/teen market)

3. Specify target audience (teen/college, athletes, busy lifestyles, care about their appearance, Gen Y, trendy, etc)

4. Selling idea or key benefits to communicate (absorb oil in hair, suppress any smells like smoke, easy to use, quick fix, everyone uses it, not a substitution for a shower but a emergency product)

5. Creative Strategy statement (JJ's powder works wonders?? Idk i need help with this one)

6. Supporting information and requirements (stick with JJ brand image, a JJ family product, recyclable containers....)

Situation Analysis: SWOTT


• Leading label in baby powder• J&J’s wholesome family image• Positive attributes: reduce diaper rash, absorbs moisture, easy-use bottle


• Smell—negative association• Color—white makes skin look chalky or dry• Low-involvement product


• Many other uses:• Absorb shoe moisture• Reduces smoky/musty smells• Aids in untangling necklaces• Helps put on rubber gloves• Absorb oil in dirty hair


•Using to absorb oil in hair• Competition: dry shampoos• Not socially acceptable to not wash


Trends: fresh & light smells, convenient fixes

Situation Analysis: Competitors

· Dry Shampoos¾ Aveda (if people want to be green and natural)¾ Bumble and Bumble à aerosol (different sizes and different colors) ¾ Schwarzkopf dry shampoo· Shampowder à http://buttercreamcosmetics.com/faqs.php· Cornstartch· Talcum Powder· Translucent Powder· Compact

Marketing Objectives

Increase product awareness among the target audience by 30 percent in one year.Inform target audience about features and benefits of our product and its competitive advantage, leading to a 10 percent increase in sales in one year.Decrease or remove potential customers' resistance to buying our product, leading to a 20 percent increase in sales that are closed in six months or less.


All these uses for baby powder:

1. Cover smoke smell2. Help put rubber gloves/ swim caps on3. Sprinkle in gym shoes for odor control4. Quiets squeaky floor boards

And these uses are not advertised!

BUT, we will campaign one specific use that is so widespread by under utilized! (transition to next slide)


Creative Strategy statement: A sprinkle works wonders…

Advertising and Communication Objectives?

USP’s ( benefit, unique, and potent)-slide

Target Market

Demographics: 30,716,660 females between the ages of 15-29Demo: young, urban consumer mostly single… ADD FROM

Psychographics: care about style and appearance, are brand loyal, tech savvy, crave attention and expect immediate results. Have the best and newest products, want products that make their lives easier. Care about what others think about them, and what is popular.

Usage Behavior: Consumers use hair products to help straighten, add volume or enhance and accentuate different hair styles. Hair products are often sought out for their ease of use and time saving abilities.

Consumption Constellation: Consuemrs would be very familiar with other beauty products such as straightners, blow dryers, along with other mouse, gel and hairspray products. They are most likely subscribers to popular fashion magazine such as Instyle and Glamour. They shop at popular but affordable stores such as Forever21 and have the latest techonology such as iPods and Blackberries.


First, to introduce the best attributes/USPs: inexpensive, trusted brand, and fresh, neutral smell

It IS socially accptable

IMC Strategy

Target Market

Package Modification

Street TeamInternet Marketing

Expert Demonstration and Recommendation

Product Changes

Street Team

Expert Endorsement


Venue Placement


Module Budget

Evaluation Metrics

Thank you! Any Questions?

Label V1


hair powder

Light, Fresh Scent

Light, Fresh Scent

hair powder

A Sprinkle Works Wonders!

NET WT 2.5 oz724362

Label V2