Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson...

Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg

Transcript of Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson...

Page 1: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Taming the Math Monster

Taking a Metacognitive Approach to

Teaching/Learning Mathby

Andrea Johnsonand

Linda Hegeberg

Page 2: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

5 + 2(3) =

Page 3: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

A storekeeper goes to the bank to get $10 worth of change. She requests twice as many quarters as half dollars, twice as many dimes as quarters, three times as many nickels as dimes, and no pennies or dollars. How many of each coin did the storekeeper get?


You’re kidding me. Right???


Page 4: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Taming the Math Monster


Panic Frust


usion Intimidation

Page 5: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

So What is Metacognition?

• Awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes. (Merriam-Webster, 2012)

• Metacognition also includes self-regulation—the ability to orchestrate one's learning: to plan, monitor success, and correct errors when appropriate—all necessary for effective intentional learning… Metacognition also refers to the ability to reflect on one's own performance. (National Research Council, 2000)

• Learning how to learn cannot be left to students. It must be taught. (JP Gall. Tools for Learning, 1990 )

Page 6: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Reading Apprenticeship Conceptual Framework

Page 7: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Personal Math Log

• Examination of self as a learner• A priori attitudes about

math• Set goals• Ongoing reflection

throughout quarter

Personal Math Log Day 1: What attitudes about math do I bring to this class and why? What are my strengths? Weaknesses? What GOALS do I have for myself this quarter? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

On-going post-test reflection Exam #1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exam#2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

End of Quarter: How has my attitude regarding math changed? Current strengths? Weaknesses? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Page 8: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Math Self-Evaluation• Initiated after mid-term• Salient Self-Reflection:

strategies, changes, and resources

• “Pair Share”

Math Self-EvaluationName: ___________________

Have I reached my goal(s)s at this point? Do I need to set new goals?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are the learning strategies that have worked for me this quarter? What strategies have NOT worked?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What changes do I need to make in order to be more successful in math?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Resources I have tried:

Resources I NEED to try:_____________________________________________________ ______________________________


Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 9: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Initials Section Points and explanation/plan for completion and peer initials Graded?

______ ______

4.3_________ 4.4_________

_____ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ___________________________________________________________________________________

___________ ___________

______ ______ ______

4.5_________ SummaryExercises_________ 4.6_________

_____ __________________________________________________________________________________ _____ __________________________________________________________________________________ _____ _________________________________________________________________________________

___________ ___________ ___________

______ ______

4.7_________ 4.8_________

_____ __________________________________________________________________________________ _____ _________________________________________________________________________________

___________ ___________

Week #5Totals

Homework Peer-Review Sheet Name______________________________

(4.3 – 4.8) – Due 3/4 Name of Peer: _______________________

Homework Peer Review (Adapted from Calhan Ring)

Page 10: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Chapter(pg. #)

Trouble-Area/Roadblocks(Questions that I have) Strategies, Hints, and Example

Mastered?(If not, what is

my plan?)

Clarification Chart – Chapter(s) _________Use this chart to document your trouble-areas (roadblocks) as you progress through the chapters of the book. As you learn strategies and solutions to your questions, fill in the chart. If you haven’t mastered the concept on your own, try the tutoring center, Study Plan on MML, or ask your instructor. This chart is a great TOOL for exams and should be turned in with HW Packet for credit.

Page 11: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

First Day Questionnaire/Syllabus Quiz

Name: Program:

1) Are you a running start student?

2) What is the last math class you can remember taking, when did you take it, and what was your grade?

3) What is one thing you like about Math? And one thing you dislike?

4) Rate yourself as a reader on a scale from 1-5, 1 being illiterate, 5 being a proficient/prolific reader:

1 2 3 4 5

5) Please fill me in on any concerns or comments you have about math and/or reading:

6) I have read and understand the Math 98 Syllabus and Assignment Schedule (yes or no):

7) The Instructor’s name is:

8) How many online MyMathLab (MML) homework assignments are there?

9) When is the Quiz #3 due?

10) How many exams are there?

11) In-class work constitutes 10% of your grade, how do you earn these points?

12) What are 3 things engaged students do?

13) I believe everyone can learn math. You can be successful in this class when you put in the effort. Think about your schedule and where math learning will fit in. Please list 2-3 times and places during your week that you will devote to Math 98 (besides class time):

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Read the problem

What do I know about this? What is being asked?

What can I figure out?

Can I estimate an answer?

Your ideas



Formulas needed

Start solving

Find a partner

Decide your roles: Problem Solver- “think out loud” while solving the problem.

Assistant- listen to the problem solver, ask clarifying questions, give hints if needed, but not solving the problem.

Share your strategies and roadblocks, then: Problem solver solves

Assistant assists

Switch roles and go through the steps again for another problem

Page 13: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

A storekeeper goes to the bank to get $10 worth of change. She requests twice as many quarters as half dollars, twice as many dimes as quarters, three times as many nickels as dimes, and no pennies or dollars. How many of each coin did the storekeeper get?

Answer:5 Half Dollars, 10 Quarters, 20 Dimes, 60 Nickels

Page 14: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Trades Management

Last year, the owner of the Fixum Auto Repair Shop paid a premium of $9.92 per $100 of gross wages for workmen’s compensation insurance. This year his premium will increase by 4%. If he has 8 employees averaging $22 per hour, 40 hours per week for 50 weeks, what will be his total premium for this year?

Answer: Total premium will be $36,315.14

Page 15: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Backyard Baseball

In baseball, the infield is called the “diamond”; it is actually a square. But the DeVito brothers had to improvise in their backyard for infield practice. They made the distance from home to first base 60 feet, the distance from first base to second base 80 feet, the distance from second to third base 60 feet, and the distance from third base to home 80 feet, creating a rectangle. How far is the distance, diagonally, from second base to home plate?

Answer: 100 feet

Page 16: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

•Think about the strategies that you could adapt for use in your classroom to help “Tame the Math Monster”

•Write down your ideas

•Pair up and discuss how you would use it in your classroom

•Share - Those who are comfortable, please share your ideas with the rest of the group

Page 17: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Taming the Math Monster


Panic Frust


usion Intimidation

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Taming the Math Monster




Enthusiasm Confide


Page 19: Taming the Math Monster Taking a Metacognitive Approach to Teaching/Learning Math by Andrea Johnson and Linda Hegeberg.

Closing the Loop:

Letter to Incoming Students