Tame times katlehong 30 oct 2013

Volume 02, 31 October 2013, Week 44 www.tametimes.co.za Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335 Becoming the voice of Ekurhuleni tame TIMES Katlehong, Zonkizizwe, Magagula Heights WINNER OF THE 2012 EKURHULENI AWARDS: BEST PRINT MEDIA INSIDE SPORT: PAGE 16 In the previous edition, time TIMES reported on a young boy who was murdered and whose body was found in Katlehong. A 64-year-old man from Empilisweni, in Thokoza, a friend of the deceased boy’s biological father, was arrested for perjury in connection with the murder of the young boy, aged between 4-6 years old, whose body was found on 17 August. The deceased boy’s body was found dumped next to a house in Hlongwane section in Katlehong. According to the Detective Warrant officer Polane Mokadi, the family of the child was found. He said it is alleged that the boy was staying at a Thokoza hostel with his biological father and stepmother. The mother alleges that she took the boy to stay with his father in November last year. This occurred because she was unable to take care of the child’s needs financially. She said she left the boy with the stepmother because his father was not at home. “The mother told the police that when things started to go well for her in October this year, she got in touch with the father requesting to see the boy. She said the father promised to bring the child, but he never did. On 12 October he phoned her, informing her that the child was missing. The mother searched for the child until she heard from the media of an unidentified deceased boy. She went to check at the Germiston mortuary where she was directed to the police,” said Mokadi. He said the mother is staying at Holomisa Park next to Boksburg prison. According to the investigations, the friend of the boy’s father opened a false missing child case at Thokoza Police Station on 11 October. The man was arrested and charged with perjury. “The man told the police that the child was abused by the biological father and the stepmother. He said that he was asked by the father to open the case on 10 October. The father and the stepmother are at large, they have moved from the Thokoza hostel to an unknown place. The mother of the child was also arrested and charged with child neglect,” said Mokadi. Communications officer of Katlehong Police Station, Captain Mega Ndobe warned parents to take care of their children. “I would like to thank everyone who helped with the dissemination of the information that led to the discovery of the child’s family. We also advise the community to report missing persons immediately. They must not wait until the following day, if the child is not at home they should search for the child with the police,” said Captain Ndobe. The mother of the child and the father’s friend appeared at Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court facing charges of child neglect and perjury respectively. The charges against the mother was withdrawn by the court and she was released from police custody. The case was postponed until 21 November. They also issued a warrant of arrest against the biological father and the stepmother. The police are still looking for the father and stepmother. The father’s name is Bongani Dladla. Anyone with information can contact the nearest police station. Deceased boy identified The deceased boy’s body has been identified by the family (Reconstructed image). The father and the stepmother are at large, they have moved from the Thokoza hostel to an unknown place The father of the child’s name is Bongani Dladla. Anyone with information can contact the nearest police station. PASSION IS EVERYTHING DIVAS: PAGE 8 Charity Moyo [email protected]


Tame times katlehong 30 oct 2013

Transcript of Tame times katlehong 30 oct 2013

Page 1: Tame times katlehong 30 oct 2013

Volume 02, 31 October 2013, Week 44 www.tametimes.co.za Tel: 011 862 8500 Fax: 011 869 7335

Becoming the voice of EkurhulenitameTIMES

Katlehong, Zonkizizwe, Magagula HeightsWInnEr OF THE 2012 EKurHulEnI aWardS: BEST prInT MEdIa


sport: page 16

In the previous edition, time TIMES reported on a young boy who was murdered and whose body was found in Katlehong. a 64-year-old man from Empilisweni, in Thokoza, a friend of the deceased boy’s biological father, was arrested for perjury in connection with the murder of the young boy, aged between 4-6 years old, whose body was found on 17 august.The deceased boy’s body was found dumped next to a house in Hlongwane section in Katlehong. According to the Detective Warrant officer Polane Mokadi, the family of the child was found. He said it is alleged that the boy was staying at a Thokoza hostel with his biological father and stepmother. The mother alleges that she took the boy to stay with his father in November last year. This occurred because she was unable to take care of the child’s needs financially. She said she left the boy with the stepmother because his father was not at home. “The mother told the police that when things started to go well for her in October this year, she got in touch with the father requesting to see the boy. She said the father promised to bring the child, but he never did. On 12 October he phoned her, informing her that the child was missing. The mother searched for the child until she heard from the media of an unidentified deceased boy. She went to check at the Germiston mortuary where she was directed to the police,” said Mokadi.He said the mother is staying at Holomisa Park next to Boksburg prison. According to the investigations, the friend of the boy’s father opened a false missing child case at

Thokoza Police Station on 11 October. The man was arrested and charged with perjury. “The man told the police that the child was abused by the biological father and the stepmother. He said that he was asked by the father to open the case on 10 October. The father and the stepmother are at large, they have moved from the Thokoza hostel to an unknown place. The mother of the child was also arrested and charged with child neglect,” said Mokadi. Communications officer of Katlehong Police Station, Captain Mega Ndobe warned parents to take care of their children. “I would like to thank everyone who helped with the dissemination of the information that led to the discovery of the child’s family. We also advise the community to report missing persons immediately. They must not wait until the following day, if the child is not at home they should search for the child with the police,” said Captain Ndobe.The mother of the child and the father’s friend appeared at Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court facing charges of child neglect and perjury respectively. The charges against the mother was withdrawn by the court and she was released from police custody. The case was postponed until 21 November. They also issued a warrant of arrest against the biological father and the stepmother. The police are still looking for the father and stepmother. The father’s name is Bongani Dladla. Anyone with information can contact the nearest police station.

deceased boy identified

The deceased boy’s body has been identified by the family (reconstructed image).

The father and the stepmother are at large, they have moved from the Thokoza

hostel to an unknown place

The father of the child’s name is Bongani dladla. anyone with information can contact the nearest

police station.

passIon Is everythIng

dIvas: page 8

Charity [email protected]

Page 2: Tame times katlehong 30 oct 2013

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Page 2 31 October 2013tame TIMES

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Delivered bi-weekly on a Thursday. Published by Tame CommunicationsCorner Michelle Avenue and 37 Sangiro Close, Randhart. PO Box 17699, Randhart, 1457, Tel: 011 862 8500, Fax: 011 869 7335

Editor:Charity [email protected] 074 787 3166

Sub-editor:Eddie Kok: [email protected] 862 8500

Journalists:Lebo [email protected] 986 9110 Happy Khumalo [email protected] - 078 769 4542

Distribution: Alberton & Germiston South: 35 000 JHB South 24 500 Bedfordview: 12 000 Kathorus: 55 000

It is an exciting and crucial time of the year for everyone. The matriculants have started writing their final examinations this week. To some of them, the time they have been waiting for has finally arrived and they are ready, whereas others are left with no choice but to face the examinations.Matric is like a race and it is up to the students to sprint, run or jog. We hope that they will apply everything that they have learnt during the past 12 years. tame TIMES had an opportunity to interview some matric students around Kathorus a day before commencement of the examinations. One of the interviewees said she won’t sleep the day before the examination as she will be studying the whole night. She went on to say that she will make sure that she carries her notebook in the morning to continue revising before entering the examination room. I certainly do not think last minute reading is a clever idea. The question is what happened to the time that they were given to prepare for the examinations? This is an indicator that some of the learners are not as well prepared as they should be. I advise learners to refrain from this habit, because it will not yield good

results. It can actually c a u s e exhaustion, c o n f u s i o n a n d panicking. At this time they should be relaxed and meditating on what they have learnt.In our school news this week, we also asked about the first English paper that they wrote. The overall comment was that the paper was fair and most of them anticipated pass marks. We also encourage parents and guardians to support their children during this time. They should avoid giving learners many responsibilities, such as sending them for errands and doing household duties during the examination period.

Lastly, tame TIMES would like to wish the 2013 matric students all the best. Ambition and zeal will enable the students to pass with flying colours. Let’s meet again with more exciting news and stories.

Charity Moyo, the editor of tame TIMES (Kathorus)

Mpho Gamede, a 29-year-old man from number 19 Goba Section in Katlehong went missing on 18 September 2013. The Gamede family is pleading to the community to assist in determining his whereabouts. According to distraught mother Victoria Ntombikayise Gamede, the day when her son went missing he woke up and bathed as usual. She said he left the house and she thought that he was taking a walk as

he usually does, but he did not return home. “My son is mentally handicapped and was undergoing some treatment. His challenge is only noticeable through a conversation. He is used to going to our relatives for days without informing me, but the relatives inform me when he is at their place. I have consulted all our family members, relatives and friends and no one has seen him. We have been looking for him for a month now. We have gone to the nearby hospitals and government mortuaries but we could not find him.”Gamede is pleading to the members of the community to assist in finding her son. “He is light in complexion and is of average height. He smokes and drinks alcohol occasionally. He has a humble, polite and quiet personality. It is difficult to live without knowing his whereabouts. I am confused, depressed and l still have hope that he is still alive. I appeal to the community members to help in finding my son and those who have seen him can contact me or report to the police station,” said Gamede.She has opened a missing person case at Katlehong North Police Station. For those who have seen anyone resembling the description of Mpho Gamede, please contact Victoria at 078 596 3709 / 071 224 2394 or report to the nearest police station.

Help find missing manCharity [email protected]

Mpho Gamede is missing.

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Born and bred in Radebe section, Katlehong, Sifiso Khoza is an accountant and an inspiration to the youth. He owns and runs Sifiso Khoza Professional Accountant (SA).Khoza is a qualified internal auditor, accountant, practising member with the South African Institute of Accountants and is a registered tax practitioner. He started his career at a young age, where he was involved in his mother’s street vending business.“It came naturally. l was used to street vending and it taught me customer care and accounting. At school l excelled in numeracy subjects, hence l pursued a career

in accounting. I started this business after working for the companies in the industry to gain experience. I started with no funds and worked with only one computer from home,” said Khoza.Khoza renders the following services: tax returns, bookkeeping, trust administration, BBEE certificates, accounting services, payroll, company registration, VAT, PAYE and trust registrations. His business is unique in that they do not charge clients for consultation. “We have a unique operating strategy. Our business is very flexible, we visit the clients in their place of residence at any time of the day to minimise transport costs. We also speak the majority of languages to accommodate all our customers. The fees are very reasonable, because

we don’t have expensive rentals and equipment to pay,” said Khoza.

Sifiso Khoza Professional Accountant (SA) also hosts business and motivational seminars for business people around Kathorus to network and share business ideas.The company has been operating for four years and their secret to success is, according to Khoza, “We provide quality services. We do business in a kasi style and in a professional way.” His dream is to open branches all over South African townships. Khoza has two operating offices in Radebe section, Katlehong and in Alberton.

Township accountant guru

Sifiso Khoza is a professional accountant.

Charity [email protected]


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As South Africans continue to embrace Gospel music, which is getting increased airplay on radio and other media forms, ‘Clap and Tap’ and Zion music (South Africa’s Indigenous Choral Music) continues to be overlooked. That is what inspired the Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation to come up with the initiative of hosting South Africa’s Indigenous Choir Festival in various regions across the province.On 13 November, Ekurhuleni Indigenous Gospel Choirs will take centre stage at Germiston City Hall. According to the Department spokesperson, Nomazwe Ntlokwana, the performing groups will be competing to represent the Ekurhuleni region in the Provincial Festival scheduled for late November. “The objective of this initiative is to promote indigenous gospel music. As we continue to support indigenous games, we will do the same with indigenous gospel music so that

it gains the status it deserves in society. Most young people are involved in this kind of music, which is one reason we support it,” said Ntlokwana.She said such activities helps the youth to refrain from anti-social behavior. Ntlokwana said such programs are trying to build social cohesion amongst communities. The choirs underwent a rigorous audition process, which ran throughout September, judged on criteria including originality, creativity, melody and arrangement. MEC Lebogang Maile, who is a firm believer of preserving and nurturing heritage, said, “The indigenous gospel music has been part of the community since time immemorial. This form of music has assisted in enriching the country’s rich music industry. Indigenous gospel has been an integral part of our community. It is imperative to keep it alive through festivals like these that offer exposure and opportunity for choirs to participate.”

Ekurhuleni Indigenous Gospel Choirs Festival Lebo Mosolodi

[email protected]

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Page 4 tame TIMES 31 October 2013

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As the country celebrates the renaming of Jan Smuts Airport to OR Tambo International Airport seven years ago on 26 October, learners of Chivirikani Primary School from Katlehong were recently invited to celebrate the airport’s milestone. Leading South African actors Katleho “Dineo Mashaba” Danke, from Generations, and Lehlokgonolo “Niki” Phiri, from Rhythm City, had the opportunity to read stories for the learners. This initiative is aligned with the airport’s support for early childhood development through its social development programme. OR Tambo International Airport General Manager, Tebogo Mokgoe said, “As a company, we believe that education is the most powerful tool for economic and social emancipation for South Africa. On the special occasion of the airport’s 7th birthday, we wanted to share this awareness with our future leaders.”Speaking to tame TIMES, Phiri said education is important for the country’s young generation. “We have two types of young generation in this country, is those who have access to internet technology and those who do not have access to books but are hungry to learn. Children from Chivrikani Primary School belong to the latter group and they were excited when we read them stories. These children are being taught in their mother tongue, but when they matriculate that vernacular doesn’t apply anymore. That is my main concern and we should, together as a nation, address that,” said Phiri. The auther, Diane Brown said youngsters should continue reading because it is vital if they want to pursue the careers in the field

of writing. She said reading will empower children to learn about different people far away from this country in the comfort of their home. Brown said books could help the younger generation to reflect on their lives. “However, our national government, local books stores and local publishers should work hard in supporting and improving local writers. Most of my books are being bought internationally, particularly in the USA and UK. Our industry needs to transform and local writers should play an active role in spearheading that transformation,” concluded Brown.

Learners celebrate OR Tambo Airport’s seventh birthdayLebo Mosolodi [email protected]

Lehlokgonolo “Niki” Phiri from Rhythm City reading a book for Chivrikani Primary School learners at OR Tambo International Airport.

Teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, bullying, HIV/AIDS and love relationships are major challenges affecting the learners at Mpontsheng Secondary School in Katlehong. As a result, the Star for Life school committee invited different stakeholders to guide and motivate grade 8-11 learners.The invited guests were social workers, nurses, Love Life, Star for Life, Ekupholeni Mental Health, and People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA). Simphiweyinkosi Gwamanela, Star for Life representative and life skills coach at the school said, “We are deployed in schools to give psycho-social support to learners through counselling. We organised the event because many pupils are involved in misconduct that is deteriorating their passion for education. We understand that most of the learners are from underprivileged backgrounds; therefore,

that makes them vulnerable to violence, drug abuse and bad love relationships. We want to make a difference in the school by empowering the African children to achieve their dreams.”Green Ngogodo, principal of Mpontsheng Secondary School said, “There is a challenge of teenage pregnancy and drug abuse. Sugar daddies are targeting our girls because they are vulnerable. The learners are losing concentration in class and it is affecting their academic performance. We want them to understand the importance of education and stay away from activities that distract their development.”Kagiso Chaka, regional programme leader of Ekurhuleni South Love Life said that they are raising awareness on HIV/AIDS. They want to create an HIV-free generation of young people by helping them to make the correct decisions and building their self-esteem. Chaka emphasised the importance of education and discipline to learners.

Mpontsheng hosts psycho-social awareness campaignCharity [email protected]

Charity [email protected]

Maureen Xaba, POWA representative; Mbali Radebe and Dikeledi Moetji from Love Life; Lorraine Pillay, a representative from Ekupholeni Mental Health; and Lerato Moloi from Katlehong Local AIDS Council were the speakers at the event.

Okwethu Jinayi, grade 5, and Lindokuhle Jamjam, grade 4, learners at Cathula Primary School, were recently each awarded with a certificate for the Top 5 South African Achievement in Mathematics.The two learners are top achievers among all the Kathorus primary schools. They were selected among grade 4 and 5 learners. The certificates were awarded to them at an award ceremony held at Alston Primary

School in Leondale.Nurse Majodina, educator at Cathula Primary School said, “I am proud of these learners, we now have future maths stars and they are going to motivate others to study mathematics. The subject is not difficult, it just needs focus and commitment. It also opens good opportunities. There is a great need for more engineers and doctors in the country, and studying mathematics is an entrance to such careers.”

Mathematics top achievers

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Bean, sausage and cabbage pot

Ingredients: Methods:- Heat oil in a large pot and add onions and garlic, fry until soft.- Add cabbage, mix and simmer for 4 minutes.- Pour the tomato paste, add chicken stock, sugar and kidney beans, mixed vegetables and seasoning and let it simmer for 10 minutes.- Add the sausages and simmer for 3 minutes- Serve with rice or bread.

For those who want to share their cooking styles and recipes please don’t hesitate to contact Charity Moyo at 074 787 3166 / 011 862 8500 or

e-mail: [email protected].

The wonder of cooking is that it gives one a chance to explore and mix different types of foods and still have a splendid outcome. Our recipe this week is one of those made up of different food elements.Itumeleng Manganyi from Marimba Gardens, Vosloorus, gave us a quick and nutritious meal that serves 6 to 8 people. It comprises of mainly proteins and vegetables, which are an essential part of a healthy diet and can be served with starch to complement the meal.

- 2 tablespoons sunflower oil- 2 onions chopped- 3 cloves of garlic crushed- 1/4 of cabbage shredded- 2 tablespoons tomato paste- 400g tinned kidney beans- 2 tins of 410g sugar beans- 1 tin of 410g mixed veggies- 2 cups of chicken stock- 8 vienna sausages sliced - Chopped parsley

Cathula Primary School in Katlehong hosted a career day for grade 7 learners at the school premises recently. The career session was to help learners in choosing subjects for high school that will help in

their chosen career paths. The school invited experts from several industries to attend, including acting, communication, accounting, scientists, hospitality, ChildLine Gauteng and Legal Aid

South Africa. Sibongiseni Zikhophe, educator and organiser of Cathula Primary School career day said, “We have invited people who are experts in different career fields for learners to find out what happens in their

industries. The grade 7 learners are going to high school and they have to choose specific subjects that will determine their career of choice.” Siphiwe Nkosi, an actor said, “Learners should go for careers that they are passionate about, not what their parents choose for them. Acting is a talent that needs dedication and to be nurtured. Actors are not made but they are born. Learners who want to be actors should go to school and study drama and arts in order to understand acting academically.”Luyanda Mendela, a former learner and a flight attendant said that learners should not lose hope because of their background. “Patience pays in life. I lost my parents when l was young and l had to look after my siblings. I led by example in that l passed my matric and managed to pay my tertiary education. Learners who want to be flight attendants should possess a matric certificate, swimming certificate and have English as a major subject.” Siyabonga Makhawula, curriculum developer in maths and science at Maths Centre motivated the learners to consider Further and Education Training colleges (FET) in pursuing careers in the artisan field. He said the country is running short on engineers, mathematicians and scientists. He encourages all learners to consider these opportunities.

Makhawula advised learners to choose mathematics, science and English at high school in order to pursue these careers.

Cathula hosts career day Charity [email protected]

The grade 7 learners of Cathula Primary School are listening attentively to the experts from different career fields during career day.

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31 10 November 2013

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Luyanda Mendela, 22-year-old from Ngema Section in Katlehong, urges young women to follow their passion in life in order to live a fulfilled life. She said women should learn to be independent and avoid cohabitation. Mendela is an air hostess at Mango Airlines and also does modelling part time. The tall and beautiful Mendela said that many young people are tempted to take shortcuts, without realising that “easy comes, easy goes”. She chose modelling because she is passionate about it and knows that she has the physical attributes of a model; she is tall, slender and glamorous. Mendela is a model and has appeared in magazines such as Gloss, which is published by Noluntu and Dineo from the SABC 1 soapie Generations.Mendela has big dreams for her future in the hospitality industry.

“In the future, I want to work for top notch airlines such as British Airways and South

African Airways.” When asked how she hopes to make this dream a reality, she said she would continuously check on information about any vacant

posts and apply. She added that next year she also wants to enrol with UNISA for a course in hotel

management.She has a friendly personality and

is a fast learner. “Being a hard learner and leaning from your mistakes are

what builds you at the end of the day,” said Mendela. Her advice to budding air hostesses is that they should study hard and pass their matric. Mendela said the requirements are a swimming certificate, matric qualification, fluency in written and verbal English and a diploma in flight attendance.Her hobbies are going out and socialising with friends. She is also a fashion fanatic and loves showing off nice clothes, and that is why she is a model.

Luyanda Mendela is urging women to have a passion for achieving their goals.

Cruising along the township roads is a wonderful experience for most motorists; but with the increasing fuel price, less are able to enjoy it. However, Sheppard Koti’s grey Corsa’s fuel consumption is economical. His car allows him to cruise

the township without feeling the pinch in his pocket.

What car are you driving?I’m driving a Corsa Lite Sport, 2005 model. When did you buy it?I had this car since 2006 and it has been good to me since then. What do you like most about your

car?Its fuel consumption is light compared to most other cars I know. I’m fascinated most about its durability on the road. How much petrol you make use of per month?I pour about R1200 petrol per month, which is affordable. What is your car’s passenger capacity?It can carry four passengers, plus a driver. What message would you like to give to fellow motorists during Transport Month?Motorists should form lift clubs to reduce carbon emissions, which are detrimental to our ozone layer. Lift clubs will also help to reduce road congestion. Any festive tips you would like to give to fellow motorists?Motorists should refrain from drinking and driving during the festive season. They should stick to speed limits to avoid accidents.

Passion is everything011 862 8500Gladys Mutemeri

Bargain on fuel consumption

Lebo Mosolodi [email protected]

Sheppard Koti urges motorists to behave during the festive season.

SEND YOUR STORIES TO:[email protected], [email protected] or

[email protected]

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Katlehong Local AIDS Council in partnership with Katlehong Community Policing Forum and Medecins Sana Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) is hosting an exhibition on migration and xenophobia, which started on 25 October and will continue until 9 November at Ramokonopi Police Station hall in Katlehong.The objective of the exhibition is to build

public awareness and critical consciousness around people in situations of migration and the barriers that exist for people seeking refuge in South Africa, particularly with regard to healthcare. The community members, foreigners, business stakeholders and different nationalities are invited to the event. People have different views about foreigners, some say they are taking their jobs, wives, resources and are causing the shortages of

ARVs in the local clinics. There are different testimonies from the foreigners about how they were treated in South Africa. As part of the exhibition there are suitcases that symbolise the bags that people carry when coming to South Africa, and also small coffins symbolising the lives that was lost during xenophobia attacks. One of the Katlehong residents, Molly Zulu said, “I feel sorry for fellow Africans who were

victims of xenophobia. There is a need for peace among African people and l think this act should come to an end. There are some foreigners who are doing remarkable things and helping us in starting businesses and they have the right to stay. We want those who are doing bad activities, such as bringing drugs to our country, to leave because they are killing the future of our nation.” Speaking to tame TIMES, Papi Papi, deputy

chairperson of Katlehong Local AIDS Council said they want the community to discuss the issues of migration and on how it affects individuals. “We don’t want to wait until the start of xenophobia attacks. We are educating the community that people don’t have boundaries, only countries have. The shortage of drugs in the clinics must not be blamed on foreigners. Everyone has a right to healthcare, despite their nationality. We had dialogues in order to find a solution.”Mandla Masango, secretary of the Katlehong Community Policing Forum said, “We are teaching people that communication is the key in solving problems. We need to accommodate each other as Africans. Crime is a major challenge; perpetrators are using xenophobia as a tool to steal from foreign nationals. We need to learn from each other in terms of business and skills.”

No to xenophobia Charity [email protected]

Papi Papi, deputy chairperson of Katlehong Local AIDS Council addressing the community during the exhibition on migration and xenophobia. *Photo taken by Happy Khumalo.

The people from different nationalities came together. *Photo taken by Happy Khumalo.

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Youth stand together to combat drug abuseOn a mission to fight the war against drug abuse, Thokoza Progressive Youth (TPY) hosted a substance abuse awareness campaign at Tsholo Hall in Katlehong.The hall was packed with youth members and local artists who were providing entertainment. The motivational speakers were business people and community leaders around Kathorus. Speaking to tame TIMES, Moses Tlemo, Chief operating officer of TPY said, “We have invited businessmen and community leaders to motivate the youth to stay away from drugs. We want the business gurus to encourage them to be entrepreneurs by sharing their success stories. We believe that if they are busy conducting businesses, it will keep them away from drugs and other crime related activities.”Sifiso Khoza, Director of Sifiso Khoza Professional Accountant SA from Katlehong, shared his background of being raised by a mother who was a street vendor and how he used to sell tomatoes to earn a living. He said his background inspired him to start his own business. “We encourage the youth to go to school and choose careers that they are passionate about. They should associate themselves with successful people to learn from them. I don’t believe in roaming around the streets and watching television, they should get involved in arts and cultural activities. We also call for business people to support our youth by providing them with employment,” said Khoza. Sydney Ngubeni, a coordinator of Brothers for

Life men’s forum in Katlehong said, “We are advising our youth to stay away from drugs and alcohol because it affects their health. Involvement in drugs also leads to crime in order to find money and sustain the supply of drugs. In most cases, a child that is involved in drugs lacks concentration at school and loses respect for their parents.” Ngubeni also took to the stage and showcased his dance moves as an illustration of how a drug free life can keep one healthy and fit even at an old age.

Zonkizizwe Secondary School and Ponego Secondary School in Katlehong celebrated Heritage Day by showcasing their arts and culture. Learners were dressed in their cultural regalia, demonstrating their traditional dances. Kathorus cultural activists were present and motivated the learners on the importance of heritage. Elizabeth Masemola, principal of Zonkizizwe Secondary School said, “Our school has a combination of different cultures and nationalities. We are demonstrating different origins, belief systems and teaching our learners to respect other traditions.” Thembi Sibisi, a cultural activist, Imbabazani Cultural group leader and Generations actress, emphasised on the importance of respect. She said respect is crucial and it builds young people’s futures. “The learners should respect adults to pave their way for a successful life. They should be proud of themselves. Girls should abstain from premarital sex and boys should stay away from drugs and alcohol. We want the future president to come from our learners,” said Sibisi.Thulani Nkosi, a member from KaDitsela Cultural Village said the learners should be

proud of where they come from. He motivated the learners to stay away from drugs and crime, and to avoid walking at night.At Ponego Secondary School, the culturally dressed educators and learners were awarded with gifts. Vangile Msibe, head of department in African languages at Ponego Secondary School said, “We want our learners to have knowledge of their roots and bring tolerance among different cultures. We can differ in terms of tradition, food and language, but we have to love each other and be proud of our heritage.”

Sydney Ngubeni, 63-year-old coordinator of Brothers for Life men’s forum in Katlehong, is advising the youth to refrain from drug abuse.

Charity [email protected]

Learners celebrate their heritage

Thembi Sibisi motivating the girls to preserve their virginity as part of their tradition.

Learners from Zonkizizwe Secondary School demonstrating their Zulu traditional dance during the Heritage Day celebration.

Charity [email protected]

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It is important that employees know their right to obtain payslips. To this effect, this article will summarise the nitty gritties pertaining to payslips. This right is outlined in the Meibc collective agreements. Is getting a payslip a right or a privilege? Do employers give you a payslip as and when they want or have time? What is the purpose of a payslip? What primary information must be contained in the payslip? When must you receive your payslip? All answers are outlined in the Meibc main agreement.I have specifically selected this topic because we are approaching the end of year period where most companies will be closing and going on holiday for December. The Meibc collective agreement defines how leave pay and leave enhancements are calculated when employees close for holidays at year end.

According to the provision of Meibc’s main agreement clause 8(1)b, it is your right to receive a payslip every time you get paid with no exceptions:

EXTRACT CLAUSE 8(1)b: Every employee shall, on payment, be given a statement showing the name and address of the employer, the name and occupation of the employee, his total earnings, ordinary time and overtime payments, allowances, deductions and the number of shifts accrued towards holiday leave. (1) (b) substituted by Government Notice R 59 of 28 January 2005)This provision clearly shows that you must not just receive a payslip for the sake of it, the payslip must contain the noted vital information. If the payslip does not contain this information, you can discuss it with the employer to have it rectified. In the case that there is failure on the employer’s side to rectify the details of the payslip, then there is no need to approach Meibc to assist in resolving the matter. Note that this information is important. This article is courtesy of Oupa Moshoadiba. He was born and bred in Thokoza. He holds a national Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering obtained from the Vaal University of Technology. In 2001 he joined an engineering company manufacturing automotive wheels as a metallurgist. He was introduced to industrial labour laws through joining one of the powerful trade unions in the country, called Numsa. He served as a shop steward for a lengthy time. He further pursued engineering studies and completed NQF4 Fitting and Turning before joining Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (Meibc) in 2008. His 5 year stay at Meibc has inspired him to pursue a career in labour law. Meanwhile, he has registered for a postgraduate diploma in Labour Law at the University of Johannesburg for 2014.

Employee’s right to get payslips Zonkizizwe Police Station arrested three

male suspects aged between 21 and 32 years old for armed robbery of a motor vehicle. Sergeant Rufus Tema, communications officer of Zonkizizwe Police Station, said the Zonkizizwe Intelligence Unit members were driving next to the taxi rank at zone three. They spotted a white panel van parked by and

on closer inspection they realised there was a squabble taking place in the panel van as the driver drove off. “The police followed the van and called for backup. The driver of the van stopped and together with other suspects ran away after realising that they are being followed by the police. The police gave chase and with the help of the community arrested one suspect at an open veld in zone three. The second suspect was arrested at Tsiesti Informal Settlement and the third suspect drove away with a red Corolla, who was also

arrested later at Chivirikani along the M7, Katlehong. The fourth suspect, with a firearm, is still at large and the police are tracing him,” said Tema.According to the 27-year-old complainant, he was about to unload packets of cigarettes from the van to the nearby spaza shop when the four suspects forced him in the van and drove off.The suspects are detained at Zonkizizwe Police Station and are expected to appear in the Heidelberg Court soon.

Trio arrested for armed robberyCharity [email protected]

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Matriculants write first examinationOn Monday 28 October, at midday, the streets were full of matric students return-ing from their first examination, English First Additional Language. The general and popular remark from the majority of the learners was that the examination was fair and that most of the questions com-prised of what they learnt in class. Most of the students were expecting to pass with distinctions.

Nomthandazo Nkumane and Nomalanga Ziqubu from PT Xulu Secondary School in Vosloorus said the paper was easy. They said that in order to pass, students should read and understand questions well before attempting to answer.

Khensani Mathebula and Loveness Mathebula from OR Tambo Secondary School in Katlehong are optimistic that they will pass and proceed to university.

(Left) Thabang Frans from Vosloorus Comprehensive School said everything he learnt was in the examination paper.

Refiloe Qobo from Eketsang Secondary School in Katlehong said the exam was easy because she was well prepared.

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Read before you signMany of us sign documents without reading them, and if all goes well, we can get away with it. However, in a recent court case, Mr Dludlu signed a document with company “A” without a clear understanding of its contents and later discovered that he was liable for debts. He later claimed that he was not bound to the terms of the document as he was not aware of the terms and conditions on the document that he had signed.On the other hand, the court looked at the issue in the context of a unilateral mistake that, “Our law allows a party to set up his own mistake in certain circumstances in order to escape liability under a contract which he has entered. But where the other party has not made a misrepresentation and has not appreciated at the time of acceptance that his offer was being accepted under a misrepresentation, the scope for a defence of unilateral mistake is very narrow, if it exists at all. At least the error would have to be reasonable and it would have to be pleaded.”To determine if the mistake was reasonable, the court considered whether company A was culpable in the mistake, or if company A was blameless, as the misrepresentation and document came from Mr Dludlu’s brother and nephew. The court then considered if there was an obligation on company A to inform Mr Dludlu of the terms to which he signed, but found that “even a cursory glance” at the documents would have alerted Mr Dludlu of what he was signing. Mr Dludlu’s mistake was not reasonable and there was no evidence that company A would have conned him in any way. The message here is clear and simple: read before you rush to pen down your signature.This article was contributed by Thando Damane, who is an attorney by profession.

Thando resides in Klipportjie in Ekurhuleni. He began his career in 2006 as a trainee at Edward Nathan (Proprietary) Limited and as a candidate attorney with Edward Nathan Sonnerbergs. In July 2008, Thando completed his articles with Bell Dewar and joined Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr as an associate in the information Technology Department. Thando joined the First National Bank’s procurement division in 2009 and was appointed as one of the Bank’s Contracts Managers. In 2010, Thando established Damane Associates (a legal consulting company), which focuses on offering various forms of legal support in corporate, commercial and technological law.

Thando Damane is a legal expert.

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Send all your sporting news to [email protected]

Maitjibulo Gauteng basketball champs

The defending Gauteng primary schools u/13 girls basketball team champions, Maitjibulo Primary School in Katlehong has done it again by winning the 2013 provincial championship on 11 October.The Gauteng basketball championship was held at the University of Pretoria. Maitjibulo represented Ekurhuleni South district and played extremely well in all the games. At the finals they played against Tshwane North team and beat them 43-2 sets. The team was awarded with gold medals and a trophy.Ali Tjale, Maitjibulo Primary School‘s deputy principal and the chairperson of basketball at Ekurhuleni South District, acknowledged the support they received from the school, community members, Ekurhuleni basketball

and the Ekurhuleni Sports Council. “We are now preparing for the national tournament against eight provinces. This year we vow to take first position and bring the trophy to Gauteng from the Western Cape (2012 South African champions).”He added that the only challenge they have is sporting attire. Tjale is appealing to business people and the community members to assist with donations of molten balls, track suits and takkies for the players during

the tournaments.Maitjibulo is going to represent Gauteng province in the South African Top Schools National Tournament, to be held in Bloemfontein from 10 - 16 December.

Maitjibulo Primary School u/13 girls’ basketball team won the Gauteng basketball primary schools championship u/13 division.

Charity [email protected]

Coach will change Khechane’s fortune

Nineteen-year-old Kgomotso “Caster Junior” Khechane is quickly gaining a reputation for being a master in the 100-200m races amongst her peers. The talented young Thokoza-based racing sensation wants to get rid of the myth that there are no good short distance runners in the country that can compete against the best in the world. Speaking to tame TIMES, Kechane said she started taking part in racing when she was 6 years old. “One of the major races I have taken part in was the Central Gauteng Championship in the 100-2000m race. I obtained position two in both categories and got awarded the silver medal for my efforts. Early this year I took part in the same race again and won second place. I also took part in the 2012 World Aids Day 10km Marathon, which was held in Huntersfield in Katlehong. I managed to make it to the first top 20 in that marathon race, of which the Mayor of Ekurhuleni City, Mondli Gungubele, was amongst the participants. I also took part in the 2013 Ekurhuleni South School competition where I was a star performer and obtained position one,” explained Khechane. Caster Semenya is her greatest role model because she comes from humble beginnings but made it big in athletics. Kechane said Semenya is now a household name, here and abroad. However, a major challenge in Kechane’s career is that the Kwatsaduza Athletic Club, which she is affiliated to, is in Tsakane. She is unable to train regularly with the rest of the team because she lives quite a distance from her teammates. “If I could have a couch I will definitely make it big in athletics. He or she could guide me and spot my strengths and weaknesses. My goal is to qualify for the 2016 Rio Olympics in Brazil. My fastest time I have done so far in a 100m race is 12.06, and 25.012 in a 200m race. Qualifying time for 2016 Rio Olympics is 11 seconds for the 100m race, and for the 200m race it is 23 seconds,” said Khechane.

Lebo Mosolodi [email protected]