Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013

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Transcript of Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013




    Whats NeW?

    eLeCtIONsSee page 10

    tom Pr sr FivlSunday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m. 5 p.m.

    Old Takoma

    See page 12

    tr collcionNo change in schedule this month

    a nwlr publid b Ci o tom Pr, Mrlnd Volum 52, No. 10 nomprmd.gov



    Page 3













    Page 10

    PestICIDe LIMIts n Page 5


    Page 5

    taX DUPLICatION n Page 11

    Nw f for

    pring inOld townStting n oct. 1, the ping lt behind

    the shps n Luel avenue (ccessible vithe divewy between S nd a Beds ndSuntust Bn) will bece pid ping.This decisin ws de by ppety wneJhn Ucil, t ptect the spts his ten-nts the businesses n Luel avenue nd thei custes.

    Ucil nd the business nd shp wn-es in old Twn sy they hve seen end e peple leving thei vehicles in thelt ll dy while they te met t w,

    w in ce buildings neby. The e-sult: Few spts e let old Twn shpcustes dpping by the pst ce, pic-ing up fwes, shpping gits cingthugh lunch.

    The llwing picing ws designed t en-cuge custes wh ptnize lcl busi-nesses in old Twn, but discuge thsewh e using the lt s ee ping en-tie dys. The picing will begin n oct. 1.

    The st hu is ee

    Theete, ping is $2 pe hu with xiu $14 dily

    Lst ticets e $14

    Sundys e ee

    a gte will bece petinl n oct. 1,nd will dispense ticets t vehicles ente-ing the lt. Uses then inset the ticet t theexit gte, nd py with csh cedit cdthee. on Sundys, the entnce gte will e-quie tht dives te ticet, but the exitgte will be pen s thee will be n ee ping tht dy.

    Fees ping will help py the e-cent lt envtin, nd lt intennce.This is nt ney-ing ventue by nyens, sys Ze Sten, ppety nge Ucil Ppeties.

    Questins but the new ping -ngeents y be diected t Sten, t [email protected].

    Council fnliz picid limiMur c in pring

    B Virgini Mr

    Despite lingeing ppsitin, the citycuncil pssed the se gw dinnce n

    July 22, phibiting the use pesticides csetic pupses. Next up: blue-pint esidents tying t cply.

    The dinnce hs been unde discus-sin 18 nths, nd geneted ps-sinte suppt s well s dubt t publicus nd in nline discussins. Thsein v the dinnce pint t deepwell evidence indicting the helth isspesented by pesticide use, individulsnd the envinent. Thse ppsedquestin the eccy nd elevnce theesech, bject t gvenent intusinn pivte ppety, nd cite lc en-ceent pvisin in the dinnce.

    Ppsed by T P esidents

    Ctheine Cuings nd Julie Tdde,Se Gw es it unlwul the Cityt use pesticides n City-wned ppety in City ight--wy, nd ls esit illegl t pply esticted pesticides n

    pivte ppety. Exceptins e de plnts tht e pisnus t the tuch,such s pisn ivy; insects tht bite, sting,e venus e disese cying, liesquites nd wsps; nd nils, in-sects plnts tht y cuse dge t stuctue instuctue, such s te-ites.

    Cuings nd Tdde cite sttistics gniztins such s the Citteen Envinentl Helth the aeicn

    acdey Peditics, nd the Ntinlacdey Sciences, which shw linsbetween pesticides nd epductive dis-

    Coun Propo smllr Duplicd tx RbB suznn Ludlow, Dpu Ci Mngr

    The mntgey Cunty CuncilGvenent opetins Cittee iscnsideing ppsl tht culd sig-nicntly educe the unt neyT P gets the cunty inexchnge pviding sevices suchs plice, d intennce nd pclen-up.

    The ppsl, the cuntys oce

    Legisltive ovesight (oLo), ec-ends chnges t the cuntys unici-pl tx duplictin lw. Cuent lw e-quies tht the cunty ebte the City T P the ney the cuntyeceives ppety, ince, cell, en-egy, nd the txes sevices it desnt pvide but wuld hve pvidedcunty esidents wh live in TP i the uniciplity did nt exist.

    These sevices include plice, css-ing guds, d intennce nd pintennce. (The cunty ls cntib-utes t the liby, thugh septepg.)

    But the cunty hs nt pid the ullunt these sevices sevelyes.

    I mntgey Cunty wee t p-


    Lucy Holland, with co-baker, Cece Sieert,

    won frst place in the kids category atthe second annual Takoma Park FarmersMarket Apple Pie Baking Contest. BestPie Ever went to Sarah Goupell; MostBeautiul Pie to Nicole Williams; MostUnusual to Greta Ehrig and Jim Baird;andthe Yummy Mess Award went to RobertaHammonds Apple Galette. The eventraised more than $330 or the marketsSNAP und or low-income amilies.

    Photos by Amy Schwenkmeyer

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    Pg 2 n Takoma Park News October 2013

    The National Bicycle Dealers Association has named Takoma Bicycle, 7030 Carroll Ave. as

    one of Americas Best Bike Shops for 2013! We knew that!


    Ci Council& Commi

    ClndrOcial City Government Meetings*

    TPCC: Takoma Park Community Center


    Tuesday, Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m.

    TPCC Auditorium

    COMMIttee ON the eNVIRONMeNt

    Monday, Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m.

    Tuesday, Oct. 29, 7 p.m.

    TPCC Hydrangea Room

    VOtING task FORCe

    Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7 p.m.Wednesday, Oct. 16, 7 p.m.

    Wednesday, Oct. 30, 7 p.m.

    TPCC Hydrangea Room


    Monday, Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m.

    Monday, Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m.

    Monday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m.

    Monday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m.

    TPCC Auditorium

    BOaRD OF eLeCtIONs

    Tuesday, Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m.

    Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7:30 p.m.

    TPCC Council Conerence Room

    tRee COMMIssION

    Tuesday, Oct. 8, 6:30 p.m.

    TPCC Lilac Room

    ReCReatION COMMIttee

    Thursday, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m.

    TPCC Hydrangea Room

    aRts aND hUMaNItIesCOMMIssION

    Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7 p.m.

    TPCC Hydrangea Room

    eMeRGeNCy PRePaReDNessCOMMIttee

    Thursday, Oct. 24, 8:30 a.m.

    TPCC Hydrangea Room

    *All meetings are open to the public unless

    noted otherwise. Additional meetings may bescheduled after the Takoma Park Newsletterdeadline. For the most up to date information,check www.takomaparkmd.gov/committees/calendar. Most meetings are held in the TakomaPark Community Center Sam Abbott CitizensCenter, 7500 Maple Ave. (TPCC). Individualsinterested in receiving a weekly councilagenda and calendar update by e-mail shouldcontact the city clerk at 301-891-7267 or clerk@


    Noic on aDa Complinc

    The City of Takoma Park is committed to ensuringthat individuals with disabilities are able to fullyparticipate in public meetings. Anyone planning

    to attend a City of Takoma Park public meetingor public hearing, and who wishes to receiveauxiliary aids, services or accommodations isinvited to contact the deputy city manager at

    301-891-7229 or [email protected] atleast 48 hours in advance.

    CiCouncilacionAll actions take place in scheduled legislative meetings o the City Council. Only negative votes and abstentions/recusals are noted. Adopted legislation is

    available or review online at www.takomaparkmd.gov. For additional inormation, contact the city clerk at [email protected].

    ResOLUtION 2013-58

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Poet Laureate

    The resolution appoints Merrill Leer as

    Takoma Park Poet Laureate.

    ResOLUtION 2013-59

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Recreation Committee Appointment

    The resolution appoints Vineda Myers (Ward 4)to the Recreation Committee.

    ResOLUtION 2013-60

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Program Open Space Annual Program

    The resolution approves the citys FY 2014

    Program Open Space Annual Program to

    include the Lee Jordan Sprinkler Replacement

    project, Colby Avenue Park renovation,

    Sligo Mill Overlook Park development, and

    development o a dog park in the city. The

    Annual Program does not bind the city to any

    project; but must include any projects that

    the city undertakes during a given fscal year

    in which POS unds are anticipated to be


    ORDINaNCe 2013-37

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Contract or Exterior Home Repair Program

    The ordinance authorizes execution o a

    contract with G&D Construction, LLC or the

    Exterior Home Repair Program.

    ORDINaNCe 2013-38

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Contract or Exterior Home Repair Program

    The ordinance authorizes execution o a

    contract with TITO Contractors, Inc. or the

    Exterior Home Repair Program.

    ORDINaNCe 2013-39

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Contract or Exterior Home Repair Program

    The ordinance authorizes execution o a

    contract with Colossal Contractors, Inc. or the

    Exterior Home Repair Program.

    ORDINaNCe 2013-40

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Vehicle Purchase

    The ordinance authorizes the purchase o

    three replacement vehicles rom Lindsay

    Ford: one Ford Fusion Hybrid ($19,070) to

    serve as an administrative pool vehicle, one

    Ford Transit Connect ($23,643) or the Public

    Works Equipment Maintenance Division; and

    one Ford Transit Connect ($22,746) or Parking


    ORDINaNCe 2013-41

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Fueling Station Leak Detection System

    The ordinance awards a contract to L.A.

    Fritter or installation o a ueling station leak

    detection system at a cost o $10,750.

    ORDINaNCe 2013-42

    Adopted Sept. 9

    Air Compressor or the Equipment Maintenance


    The ordinance awards a contract to United

    Rentals or purchase o a replacement large

    air compressor or the equipment maintenance

    shop at a cost o $13,366.

    Takoma Topics:DoCkET

    VaCaNCIes ON CIty BOaRDs, COMMIssIONs aND COMMIttees

    eMeRGeNCy PRePaReDNess COMMIttee

    (Three vacancies)

    The Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC) provides communityinput into the Citys planning or emergencies and encouragesresidents and others to be prepared. Committee membershipincludes seven Takoma Park residents appointed by the City Council,senior city sta selected by the city manager, and several membersrepresenting other agencies. Resident members serve three-yearterms. Currently, the EPC meets the ourth Thursday o each month,alternating between morning meetings (8:30 to 10 a.m.) and eveningmeetings (7:30 to 9 p.m.).

    ReCOGNItION task FORCe shORt teRM COMMItMeNt

    (new - vacancies) Last call! Apply now.

    The city council is looking or how best to recognize and/ormemorialize Takoma Park volunteers, leaders, advocates, mentorsand others who serve the community. To this end, the council isorming a Recognition Task Force to propose ideas and programs.The task orce will consist o up to seven members, one appointedby each member o the council and the mayor. The Task Force willbe asked to complete its work within three to our months. Residentswho are interested in making a short term commitment to assist withthis process should submit an application orm or contact JessieCarpenter, city clerk, at [email protected].

    saFe ROaDWays COMMIttee


    The Sae Roadways Committee will advise the city council ontransportation-related issues including, but not limited to, pedestrianand bicycle acilities and saety, trac issues and transit services.The committee will also encourage Takoma Park residents to usealternatives to driving, including walking, bicycling and transit.

    Members will be appointed to staggered two-year terms. Residencyis required. The meeting schedule will be set based on members

    preerences. Appointments will be made Oct. 14.

    ResIDeNtIaL stReetsCaPe task FORCe

    (new vacancies)

    On June 3, an ad hoc committee o Takoma Park residents presentedrecommendations on development o a residential streetscapepolicy or the City. The presentation is available or review onlineat: http://citycouncil-takomapark.s3.amazonaws.com/agenda/items/2013/060313-1-improving-the-tp-streetscape.pd. As a ollowup to the presentation, the City Council agreed to seek volunteers toserve on a temporary task orce to review guidelines or residentialstreetscapes and make recommendations to the Council. Apply byOct. 11.

    aDDItIONaL OPPORtUNItIesArts and Humanities Commission

    Board o Elections

    Commission on Landlord-Tenant Aairs ( landlords or propertymanagers needed)

    Committee on the Environment

    Nuclear-Free Takoma Park Committee

    Recreation Committee

    Task Force on Voting

    Tree Commission

    *Wards 4, 5, and 6 are especially invited to step up. Appointments are

    made by the City Council. Apply by completing an application orm

    and submit it along with a resume or statement o qualifcations to

    the city clerk. Go to www.takomaparkmd.gov/boards-commissions-

    and-committees or complete inormation or to apply. For questions,

    contact Jessie Carpenter, city clerk, at 301-891-7267 or [email protected].

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    October 2013 Takoma Park News n Pg 3

    MayORs OFFICe hOURs

    Mayor Williamswelcomes commentsand suggestions.Community members areinvited to meet with himduring his oce hourson Tuesdays:

    2 5 p.m. by appointment

    5 6 p.m. drop-in hours(check in at the inormation desk and let thereceptionist know you are here to see theMayor)

    6 7 p.m. by appointment

    The oce hours may change on weekswhen Monday is a holiday. For additionalinormation or to make an appointment,contact Executive Assistant Peggye

    Washington at [email protected] 301-891-7230.

    Editor: Virginia MyersProduction: Electronic Ink

    www.takomaparkmd.govVol. 52, No. 10

    The Takoma Park NewsleTTer

    The Takoma Park Newsletter is published 12 times a year as the ocial

    publication o the City o Takoma Park, takomaparkmd.gov.Letters to the editor, reports by community groups, calendar items

    and other submissions will be considered or publication; send [email protected] or Newsletter, City o Takoma Park,7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912.

    Name, address and telephone number must accompany all submittedmaterial. Editor reserves the right to edit or length, clarity, style,spelling and grammar.

    Published material containing opinions does not necessarily refect theviews o the Newsletter or the City o Takoma Park.

    The Newsletter does not accept commercial, classied, political

    advertisements.The Newsletter is printed on recycledcontent paper.

    City o Takoma Park Maryland


    Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)

    Monday, Oct. 7

    7:30 p.m.

    Takoma Park Community Center

    Auditorium7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, Md.

    The City o Takoma Park will be holdinga public hearing on Monday, Oct. 7 tosolicit community input regarding priorityneeds and proposed projects or theCommunity Development Block Grant(CDBG) program.

    The CDBG program, initiated in 1974,is one o the oldest programs at theU.S. Department o Housing and UrbanDevelopment (HUD) and is designed tound activities that primarily benet low-and moderate-income residents. CDBGgrants are provided on an annual basisto communities such as Takoma Park toensure decent aordable housing or all,provide services to the most vulnerable,create jobs and expand businessopportunities.

    For more inormation on the CDBGprogram and the upcoming publichearing, please contact the Housing andCommunity Development Department at301-891-7119.

    City o Takoma Park Maryland


    Trac Calming at the Intersection oFlower Avenue and Jackson Avenue

    Monday, Oct. 7

    7:30 p.m.Takoma Park Community Center


    7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park Md.

    The City Council will hold a publichearing on Monday, Oct. 7 to hearcomments on residents request toinstall trac calming measures at theintersection o Flower Avenue andJackson Avenue. All interested personsare encouraged to attend the publichearing and sign up to speak. Writtencomments may be submitted to the CityClerk, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park,Md. 20912 or [email protected].

    Bbll acdm srv Locl youB kvin adlr

    F bsebll ns, octbe is Wld Se-ies tie, the clix nd culintin the mj Legue sesn.

    on the the hnd, thusnds yung nd teenge plyes, bsebll se-sn neve ends. They w n thei sillsthughut the ye t btting cgesnd ind tining cilities. The new-

    estnd, pssibly, best-equippedisthe Wshingtn Bsebll acdey ewblcs suth the T, D.C. line.

    opened in Jnuy 2013, the acdeyis in n industil sectin oglethperd, NW. Diving thugh tll secuitygte t the e pinting plnt desnteve the geen bsebll dind.But step inside the 10,000-sque twehuse, nd the acdey is ll bse-bll.

    on lge ectngle synthetic gss,ctin is eveywhee. In btting cges,chines cches fing blls t bttes,with cches eing suggest ins te ev-ey ew pings thuds bt hitting bll.Elsewhee, plyes lsen up by snppingthws bc nd th, nd thes eldgundes in pid-e successin.

    Up t 25 plyes nd u cches cnw t tie. Yu cn d just butnything yu cn d utside, sys an-tine Willis, unde the Wshing-tn Bsebll acdey nd highly e-spected yuth cch. Weve gt the theebtting cges, which e etctble tgive us e spce. We hve u ptbleunds. With the tu eld, plyes cnw n elding nd bse unning. Wevegt ull gy, s they cn d cnditin-ing, t, he sys.

    Li Fulflld b Bbll

    Tes eseve spce pctices, butacdey cches ls pvide ne-n-ne tining. In specilized sessins,plyes swings nd pitches e vide-tped nd ieditely nlyzed niPhnes lptps. Giving tht instnteedbc is s iptnt, sys Willis.mybe pitche is hving tuble thw-ing sties. We cn see whts hppeningn the spt.

    S Stngin, ninth-gde wh plysn Bli High Schls juni vsity, swell s n tvel te, hs seen thebenets individul ttentin. The in-stuctin t the acdey hs been get.

    Whteve I need, whteve I dingwng, the cches cn x it, sys Stn-

    gin, wh lives in T P.Duing hitting lessns this sue,

    ne the cches t the acdey, mallen-Gid, wed with Stngint ipve the cnsistency his bt-ting ste. Hed tell e nt t dp y

    hnds, t wit lnge n y swing, sysStngin.

    allen-Gid hned his sills whileplying Willis t The met Schl,whee Willis hs built peennil citychpin. Willis, in tun, is pssinglng the nwledge he eceived his cches, wh helped hi bece theD.C. Plye the Ye when he ws se-ni t Wdw Wilsn High Schl ndtw-tie mst Vluble Plye t Cth-lic Univesity. I tell the plyes the sethings tht cches tld e: repetitinis ecgnitin. G ut nd develp gdhbits. I yue nt develping gd hb-

    its, yue develping bd nes, sys Wil-lis.

    Despite cllege std, plying in themjs ws nt Williss destiny whenhe gduted Cthlic in 1996. In-sted, the 40-ye-ld hs styed clse tthe ge s the vsity bsebll cch tmet (whee he is ls the thletic diec-t the iddle schl) nd unde the yuth tvel bsebll tes nwn sDC Dynsty.

    His issin s cch nd ent ist help ech plye ech his ptentil.The little things in bsebll e di-eence, sys Willis. I tell ids thtevey ne yu wnt be ble t thw90 iles pe hu hit the bll ve the

    ence. But yu cn len t ply the ightwybse unning, deensive psitin-ing, bunts, pics.

    Bsebll is the de tht hs divenWillis since he ws teenge. I gewup in mt. Plesnt in the lte 1980s, n

    aicn-ae icn id in city withut bsebll te. The the ids plyedbsetbll nd tbll. They clled e dinsu plying bsebll, sys Wil-lis.

    The dinsus ge hs suvived ndeven fuished, thns t the ivl the Ntinls nd yuth tes such sDC Dynsty. Willis believes tht the

    acdey cn hve big ipct, t. Lit-tle Legue tes, high schls, nd evense dult stbll tes use u cility,he sys. We hve individul tining,clinics, nd cpseveything t eyu bette plye.

    With citents s cch, ente-peneu, schl dinistt, husbndnd the, Willis desnt hve tie t

    ply uch bsebll these dys. But se-ties, te eveyne hs gne he the night, he steps int the btting cgend cns up the pitching chine t itsxiu 90 ph. I wnt t see i Ivestill gt it, he sys.

    t lil ingin bbll m dirnc.

    Antoine WilliamsFounder, Washington

    Baseball Academy

    The Washington Baseball Academy training acility,just outside the Takoma Park line, keeps players likethese, shown rallying with their coach and the academys

    ounder, Antoine Williams, ocused and ready to play.The academy includes three batting cages, our portablemounds, a tur feld and a ull gym.

    Photos courtesy Washing Baseball Academy

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    Pg 4 n Takoma Park News October 2013






    Expert speakers rom a lending institution, titlecompany, real estate oce and inspection rm

    Learn entire process or buying a house/condo

    Provided by a HUD-approved housing agency

    Certicate o Completion awarded to attendees

    Takoma Park

    CommuniTy CenTer

    7500 Maple Ave.

    Pre-registration required

    FREE or Takoma Park residents/$25 or non-residents

    [email protected] or 301-891-7222

    Continental breakast and lunch provided.

    Rcing ou o our lndlordB Mo a. Wild, Jr.

    Lndlord-tnn Coordinor

    I am a new Ta-koma Park tenantand Im not surehow I should let mylandlord know whenthere are repairs that need to be done in my apart-ment. And how about painting? How often is thelandlord required to paint my apartment?

    Wlcom o tom Pr!

    The best wy nd in ct the nly cilly ecg-nized wy t ept ny epis needed in yu pt-ent t yu lndld is in witing. Wite lette ndsend it by st clss il this is bette thn e-ilsince n e-il i s nt cned delivey t the lnd-ld. Yu cn ls send the lette by cetied il with geen cd delivey cntin. The lette shuldinclude the dte, yu list pbles nd yu cn-tct intin. Be cetin t sign the lette nd eep signed cpy yu les. This lette will estbli shwhen yu ined the lndld the issues(s).

    I yu d nt eceive espnse within wee, yuy ept yu cplint t the mntgey CuntyCde Custe Sevice Cente eithe n line t www.

    ntgeycuntyd.gv/311 by clling 240-777-0311. on-line cplints g diectly t the cde en-ceent divisin. This will initite cde inspectcing t yu ptent, by ppintent, t cntht the pbles e cde viltins. I cde vil-tins e cned, the inspect will send nticegiving yu lndld, typiclly, 30 dys t cect thepbles. a e-inspectin tes plce te the 30-dypeid t cn cplince.

    on t pinting: Sectin 6.16.050H the lndld-tennt lw equies lndlds t pint ll entl unitsin thei entiety t lest nce evey ve yes. althughepinting is nt equied between tenncies, ll pint-ed suces ust be in clen cnditin nd ee nypeeling chipping pint t the beginning newtenncy.

    Tenants or landlords with questions regarding the citys

    Landlord-Tenant and COLTA Laws may contact me [email protected] or 301-891-7215.

    scuri dpoi rurnd

    B Mo a. Wild, Jr.Lndlord-tnn Coordinor

    Wgnr v. JRW Brcl av. Rvocbl truCOLta C 2013-4t

    on Sept. 6, 2013,CoLTa issued de-cisin n etennts cplinttht the lndld hdiled t etun he secuity depsit. The tennt sughtthe etun he secuity depsit plus inteest nd pen-

    lties.Fllwing heing, CoLTa uled tht the lnd-ld iled t cply with the equieents Sectin

    8-203(g) the rel Ppety aticle the mylndCde which equies the lndld t send, vi st clss

    il, witten list dges t be withheld thetennts secuity depsit within 45 dys the tein-

    tin the tenncy.

    The Cissin wded the tennt the iginl$5,400 secu ity depsit plus the ccued inteest $234

    ttl eund $5,643. The Cissin declinedt wd the tennt punitive dges nding tht the

    lndld isundestd the bligtin egding thetiely etun the tennts secuity depsit.

    CoLTa cse decisins y be viewed nline t t-pd.gv/hcd/CoLTa-cse-suies.

    To fle a landlord-tenant complaint with COLTA , please

    contact Moses A. Wilds, Jr. at 301-891-7215 or online [email protected].

    Friends and colleagues are saying arewell to Regina Reese, who has worked with City TV or two years. Reese pioneered newscoverage or the station, hosting the We Are Takoma show, City TV News, and Snapshots with Akili Brown and BienvenidoMartinez. She is leaving or a network afliate position in Fargo, N.D. Staers say Reeses enthusiasm, initiative and smile willbe greatly missed, and they wish her every success in her new proessional adventure.

    Photo by Bianca Delaglio


    righTs Class

    in Takoma


    Thursday, Nov. 77 - 8:30 p.m.

    learn abouT

    Your Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

    How to Protect Your Security Deposit

    How Does Rent Stabilization Work?

    Is Your Rent Legal Under the Law?

    How to Report Repairs Needed in Your Apt.

    How to Give Proper Notice To Vacate

    Takoma Park

    CommuniTy CenTer

    7500 Maple Ave.

    Pre-Registration Required Call 301-891-7215

    Light Rereshments

    FirsT Timehome buyer Class

    SATURDAY, NOV. 2, 8:30 A. M. 1:30 P.M.

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    October 2013 Takoma Park News n Pg 5



    ar ou inrd in Old tom r?Join the Citys Faade Advisory Board, a Council appointedadvisory panel that ocuses on maintaining the quality andcharacter o the historic commercial areas o Old Town andTakoma Junction. The Board, composed o architects, designersand local business owners, reviews projects or exterior acadework such as signs, renovations, awnings, etc. Get a sneakpreview o changes and updates in Old Takoma!

    For more inormation about the Faade Advisory Board, contactRoz Grigsby at 301-891-7205 or [email protected] apply, send a completed application to the City Clerks ofce.Application can be downloaded at www.takomaparkmd.gov/bcc.

    Victoria Gau, center, will conduct the debut perormance o the new Takoma Ensemble Oct. 19. Including Gau, the ensembleincludes our Takoma Park residents among its 14-member cohort.

    Photo by Nelson Rietzke Photography

    Clicl muic o fll ll o communi cnrtom enmblSaturday, Oct. 19, 7:30 pm

    Suggested donation $20

    The T Enseble es its debut pence

    unde the btn T P esident Victi Gu,

    sscite cnduct the Ntinl Philhnic. The

    Enseble will pe sting usic including Giegs

    enegetic Hlbeg Suite nd Tchivsys Seende


    Gu is ili ce in the Wshingtn e, hving

    cnducted such gups s The othe ope Cpny

    (which she c-unded), The Wshingtn Svyds, the

    IN-Seies, nd the Fidy mning music Club ochest.

    This cncet will etue 14 pessinl sting usi-

    cins ll ve the egin, including vilinist nd c-unde Susnn kep, cellist Jhnthn Velsey, vilist

    ki Techut nd Gu, ll T P esidents.

    Gu st cnceived the ide decde g when Silve

    Sping ws designted n ats nd Entetinent Dist ict

    by the mylnd Stte ats Cuncil. Gu explins, We

    e lling niche T P hs ich l nd -

    tistic cunity, but thee wsnt he gwn pes-

    sinl clssicl enseble until nw.

    Gu is inteested in ing clssicl usic ccessible

    t ll udiences. a ce pt cncets will be expln-

    tins the usic, helping the udience undestnd the

    cpsitin nd pinting ut things t listen .

    We e elly excited t get the gup the gund

    nd vey excited t e usic t he.

    This pence is pt the We e T seies

    spnsed by the City T Ps ats nd Hun-ities Cissin.

    Loon up wiWingon Improv trWashington Improv Theater

    Oct. 25, 8 p.m. - Perormance

    Oct. 26, 3 - 5 p.m. Intro Workshop

    This octbe, Wshingtn IpvThete (WIT) nce gin unleshesits cetive juices in T P.ate successul pence t the

    Cunity Cente lst sping, WITwill be bc ne-tw punch: pence nd wshp. WIT i-pv tupes will be peing nFidy, oct. 25 nd then the llwingtenn, eing ee int w-shp 3 - 5 p..

    We wee beynd hppy with ust uting in T Patethe shw, I ws inundted with ques-tins but hw t see e WIT pe-nces nd sign up clsses. Scing bc t T t d eshws nd wshp ws n-bine, sys m Chlnt, tisticnd executive diect t WIT.

    With ipvistinl thete, st ll wht is peed is ceted

    n the spt, in the ent it is pe-ed. The dilgue, the ctin, thesty nd the chctes e ceted

    cllbtively by the plyes s the

    ipvistin unlds.

    Peple lie ipv becuse its s

    exciting nd spntneus. The pe-

    es e ing eveything up nthe spt, s ech shw will nly be

    seen nce. Tht cetes specil bnd

    between the pees nd the udi-

    ence, dds Chlnt.

    This pence is pt the We

    e T seies spnsed by the

    City T Ps ats nd Hu-nities Cissin.

    Documnr bou Communilwr prn d prlllHer Red Father

    Thursday, Oct. 9

    Takoma Park Community CenterAuditorium

    In ptneship with Dcs in Pg-

    ess, the City T P will

    sceen He red Fthe, new dcu-

    enty by le Tv Bec-

    Fiedn, but Bend ades,

    Cunist lwye whse legl e-

    ts in the 1930s esulted in aicn

    aeicns ening the ight t seven juies in the stte mylnd.

    ades gined ntiety deending

    aicn aeicns in cpitl cses.

    He ced disbent his ethdspting the inteests the C-

    unist pty. aiding his deense ws

    Thugd mshl l, ntewthy c-

    t histicl iptnce nt just

    becuse mshll went n t bece

    Supee Cut justice, but becuse

    he ws the st blc lwye t deend


    Bec-Fiedn sys ades sty is

    pticully elevnt becuse it ties in

    with the cuent NSa suveillnce dis-

    cussin. Bend ades ws cnstntly

    llwed by the FBI even thugh he

    didnt cit n unlwul ct.

    a discussin with le TvBec-Fiedn will llw the sceen-


    Her Red Father

    des, bith deects, lening disbilities, neulgicldisese nd cnce. They cllected signtues ethn 200 esidents wh suppt pesticide bn, nd de-scibed expeiences invlving childen whse sth hsbeen tiggeed by lwn cheicls, nd dgs tht hvebeen pisned.

    The dinnce ppted ppsl tht the decisin testict pest icides be put in the hnds esidents, thugheeendu in the Nvebe City electins. City Cuncileventully vted nt t pusue tht ptin.

    City st est ite tht Se Gw w ill cst $15,000 du-ing the st ye ipleenttin, s eductinl te-ils e develped, nd $20,000 t $25,000 ye tetht enceent. Funding will help t py pt-tiecnsultnt ssigned t educting esidents but se pes-ticide nd hebicide use.

    Enceent the dinnce, iginlly slted Jn-uy, ws delyed t pvide tie esidents t lenbut its specics. It ges int eect in mch 2014. In theen tie, the City will develp list bnned pesticidesnd w t in ll esidents its estictins (see bx intinl eeting tie).

    I esidents vilte the dinnce, they will be cited Clss D ense the st cittin ($200), Clss B ense secnd ($400) nd secnd ense Clss B thid subsequent ense ($800).

    once encted, Se Gw will e T P thesecnd city in the U.S. t estict the use pesticides npivte lnd, ccding t Cuings. The st is Wsh-ingtn, D.C. othe gvenent entities ng the,Geenbelt, md. hve esticted thei wn use pesti-cides. Thugh pesticide estictins e peepted by sttelw in st sttes, mylnd is ng the nine sttes (ndD.C.) tht llw such lcl estictins.

    Fll Lwn Rnovion, Nurll: evringyou Nd o know or s, OrgnicLndcp wi Pul tu

    Presented by the Sae Grow Zone Education Campaign

    Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m. noon

    Department o Public Works

    31 Oswego Ave., Silver SpringPaul Tukey is a journalist, author, lmmaker, TV host,consultant and motivational public speaker who isinternationally recognized or his expertise in environmentalissues related to landscape management and water quality.Tukey is lauded or his ability to turn a mundane subject lawn care into a rousing public discourse. Currently,Tukey is Chie Sustainability Ocer or Glenstone, amuseum in Potomac, Md., where he will help create a livingclassroom about organic landscaping.

    PestICIDe LIMItsn From page 1

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    Pg 6 n Takoma Park News October 2013


    aRtMake/sif sudio I - ar InpirionAges 8 10

    Lessons include drawing, painting, collage,assemblage and mixed media every class adierent subject and medium. Children learnto express themselves and engage in visualproblem solving while producing beautiul worksusing color, shape, line, texture and pattern.Contemporary and historical artists provide

    inspiration. Beginning students welcome.Materials ee included.

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Thursdays, Oct. 31 - Dec. 12, 3:45 - 5:30 p.m.

    TP residents: $150

    Non-residents: $170

    tRIPsFun D Progrm: Por DicovrAges 5 12

    Participants will explore Port Discovery inBaltimore, Md., where theyll see munchkinhouses and meet Dorothys riends thescarecrow, the cowardly lion and the tin man;play at the kaleidoscope and prism stations; andclimb the mountain to the wicked witchs castle tocapture her broom rom winged monkeys. Spacesare limited dont wait! Paperwork must be

    submitted prior to leaving on the trip.Meet at the TP Community Center Azalea Room

    Friday, Oct. 18, 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m.

    TP residents: $35

    Non-residents: $45

    Fun D Progrm: troll MuumAges 5 12

    All aboard to the Trolley Museum! The guidedtour includes exhibits, a ride on the vi ntage streetcar, a look at the street car collection and a visitto the model o a Connecticut Avenue streetrailway in the 1930s, with a silent movie eaturingstreet cars. Spaces are limited dont wait!Paperwork must be submitted prior to leaving onthe trip.

    Meet at the TP Community Center Azalea Room

    Friday, Nov. 1, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.TP residents: $35

    Non-residents: $45


    Fll hrv FivlCelebrate the new season with a Fall HarvestFestival at the Teen Lounge. There will be games,crats and un activities. For more inormation,contact Ms. Leicia at [email protected].

    TP Community Center Teen Lounge

    Friday, Oct. 18, 4 - 8 p.m.


    tn Fll Cl hv Bgun spcsill avilblAre you interested in learning a ew skills orparticipating in activities youve never triedbeore? Stop in at the Recreation Departmentto ask about our all classes, including SATpreparation, photography, Mac sotware, dance,charm school, job training, resume writing, tnessand more. For more inormation, contact Ms.

    Leicia at [email protected].


    aRtCrmic (Mond)Ages 16 and older

    Learn to sculpt and cast heads and gures. Learntechniques or larger sculpture. Tools and other

    materials provided. There is a $15 materials eedue to the instructor on the rst day o class.Instructor: Alice Sims, Art or the People

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Mondays, Sept. 30 Nov. 25, 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

    TP residents: $80

    Non-residents: $100

    Crmic (Wdnd)Ages 16 and older

    Instruction on using the potters wheel.Participants will make cups, bowls and dishes.Tools and other materials provided. There is a $15materials ee due to the instructor on the rst dayo class.

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Wednesdays, Oct. 2 - Nov. 20, 6 - 8 p.m.

    TP residents: $80Non-residents: $100

    Crmic (Frid)Ages 16 and older

    Make bowls, vases, mosaics, tiles, sculptureheads, clay animals and more, your imagination isyour only limit. All glazes are ood sae. Tools andother materials provided. There is a $15 materialsee due to the instructor on the rst day o class.

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Fridays, Oct. 4 Nov. 22, 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

    TP residents: $80

    Non-residents: $100

    CollgAges16 and older

    An introduction to a variety o collage techniques,work with elements and principals o design,and exploration o creative two- and three-dimensional assembly. Instruction includessurace preparation, adhesives, color theory andcomposition and is suitable or beginners as wellas more experienced students. Basic materials(adhesives, supports, papers and paints) will beavailable. A materials ee o $30, paid directly tothe instructor, will be due on the rst day o class.

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Tuesdays, Oct. 29 - Dec. 17, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

    TP residents: $210

    Non-residents: $240

    M your Own MAges 16 and older

    Masks have been used in ceremony since timebegan. It is said that when we put on a mask, wetake on the qualities o that person or thi ng. Justin time or the upcoming holiday, or any occasion,we will make masks out o plaster using our ownaces as the mold and create and decorate themusing recycled materials, paint, eathers andother treasures. Bring a towel and bandana tohold hair back. No artistic experience necessary!Supplies are included.

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Saturday, Oct. 26, 10 a.m. - noon

    TP residents: $45

    Non-residents: $55


    GRe Cr CourAges 18 and older

    Dreaming o graduate school but dreading theGRE? Unsure o how to get started? The GRECrash Course is designed or students who needa jump start on studying, guidance on how to getstarted, or a math reresher. Course book: GREMath Simplied with Video Solutions. Book ee o$25 due to instructor on the rst day o class.

    TP Community Center Azalea Room

    Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

    Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

    TP residents: $50

    Non-residents: $60

    eNVIRONMeNtaLexnding your Growing son all yrLongAges 16 and older

    The pleasure o growing your own ood doesnthave to stop just because the weather is gettingcooler. In this class well learn about the manycrops that preer cool temperatures and thevarious methods that can be implemented orinsulating and growing healthy, delicious ood allour seasons.

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 - 11:30 a.m.

    TP residents: $35

    Non-residents: $45

    ReCReatION n Page 7

    Monster Bash 2013surd, Oc. 26 Opn o ll g

    ~Rain or Shine~

    annul Coum Con

    5 p.m. in the public parking lot beside theTPSS Co-op

    Get all decked out and strut your stu

    Categories include most original, unniestand scariest

    Categories: ages 2 and under; 3 - 4; 5 - 7;8 - 10; 11 - 12; Teen and Adult; and Overall

    Group. Join in the Fun! Limited Parking dueto street closures.

    Coum Prd

    Approximately 6:15 p.m., immediatelyollowing the costume contest

    All are welcome to participate in thiswalking parade. Follow the Takoma Park

    Fire Department Fire Truck as it escortsyou down the parade route. This year anew route leaves the parking lot beside theTPSS Co-op and goes down Carroll Avenueto Old Town Takoma Park

    Coum awrd Crmon ndClbrion

    Join us or rereshments, sponsored bythe Takoma Park Lions Club, ollowing the

    parade. A musical perormance sponsoredby the Recreation Department is suitableor all ages.

    Approximately 7 p.m., immediatelyollowing the parade

    Old Town Takoma Park (Carroll and Laurelavenues)


    Fr Frid FiFridFree Fried Fish Fridayis back at the TakomaPark Community Center.Come out on Friday,Oct. 11 at 6 p.m. to thebasketball court at 7500Maple Ave. Bring yourriends, bring your amilyand bring your appetite!For more inormation,contact Ms. Leicia [email protected].

    Co-sponsored by the RecDepartment and ProjectMOVE

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    October 2013 Takoma Park News n Pg 7

    For full liing of tom PrRcrion Dprmn progrm,

    civii nd cl, pl vii uonlin www.omprmd.gov/

    rcrion nd clic on our Fll Guid.

    For mor informion cll 301-891-7290

    ReCReatIONn From page 6

    Fll soil Prp for Bounifulspring hrvAges 16 and older

    In the past, back breaking labor was arequirement or ertile garden soil...but notanymore. Sheet mulching is the process obuilding up and preparing the soil in the all andletting nature do the rest, without all the digging.Instructor: Hillary Banachowski

    TP Community Center Art StudioSaturday, Oct. 5, 10 - 11 a.m.

    TP resident: $35

    Non-resident: $45


    arobic: Crdio-InnGroov nd srngAges 16 and older

    Heart pumping and easy to ollow, Hi-LowAerobics fows to the beat o a great soundsystem. with high-energy moves interspersedwith moments that really make you sweat!Following the beat liberates the body and mindto move in the moment. Muscl e-building strengthwork with resistance tools ollows, and then awell-earned stretch.

    TP Community Center Dance Studio

    Mondays, Oct. 21 - Dec. 2, 6:10 - 7:15 p.m.

    TP residents: $60

    Non-residents: $70

    Drop-in: $15

    JzzrciAges 16 and older

    Jazzercise is the art o Jazz combined withthe science o exercise physiology. Each 60-70minute class includes easy-to-ollow, un, aerobicdance routines, weights or muscle strength andstretching exercises, all to the beat o music romoldies to jazz to the newest pop tunes.

    TP Recreation Center Gymnasium

    Mondays and Wednesdays (on-going), 7 - 8 p.m.

    Saturdays, 8 - 9 a.m. (on-going)

    $45 per month EFT (Easy Fitness Ticket)

    $110/eight-week pass

    $30 joining ee required or EFT and/oreight-week pass

    $15 drop-in

    Ldi Boo CmpAges 16 and older

    A total body program that includes a circuito drills such as jumping jacks, running, push-ups, squats, crunches and weight training. Achallenging workout within a quick hour.

    TP Recreation Center Gymnasium

    Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nov. 5 - Dec. 26,6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

    $85/eight weeks

    Pil IAges 16 and older

    A un and invigorating workout that teachescontrolled movements utilizing the bodys core abdomen, back and hips. Pilates improvescore control, coordination, standing alignmentand balance with mat exercises. Pilates is theultimate mind-body exercise or anyone whowants to tone, streamline and realign their body.

    TP Recreation Center ront meeting room

    Wednesdays, Oct. 30 - Dec. 4, 6 - 7 p.m.

    $60/six weeks

    Pil IIAges 16 and older

    Strengthen your abdominals as well as your

    glutes, back and shoulders. We build long, leanmuscles using a variety o tools and approaches.A challenging workout that is surprisingly

    enjoyable. Gain a stronger, more fexible core andbetter posture that will benet you 24 hours a day.Participants are required to bring a mat and theirown three-pound weights.

    TP Recreation Center ront meeting room

    Tuesdays, Oct. 29 - Dec. 3, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

    $60/six weeks

    yog Nidr: Mdiion nd RlxionAges 16 and older

    Feeling stressed, atigued, or just need to relax?This meditative yoga practice helps reducestress, increases general physical and mentalwell-being and brings greater joy and ease intoeveryday lie. Practitioners report decreasedinsomnia, anxiety and chronic pain. Students areguided through the meditation while lying on ayoga mat and blankets or seated in a comortableposition. Each student should bring their ownyoga mat, a ew blankets, and a pillow. Instructor:Carol Mermey.

    TP Community Center Dance Studio

    Mondays, Nov. 4 Dec. 9, 7:30 8:45 p.m.

    TP residents: $60

    Non-residents: $70

    Drop-in $15


    Ci tV acdm: DocumnrAges 12 - 17

    Learn Electronic News Gathering (ENG)production, videography and editing in this seven-week course.

    TP Community Center Multi Media Lab

    Saturdays, Oct. 26 - Dec. 21, 10 a.m. - noon

    TP residents: $50

    Non-residents: $60

    Ci tV acdm: Psa ProducionAges 12 - 18

    Learn to script and produce public serviceannouncements. Must have already completedCity TV Academy: Documentary course.

    TP Community Center Multi Media Lab

    Saturdays, Oct. 26 - Dec. 21, 1 - 3 p.m.

    TP residents: $50

    Non-residents: $60

    Vido ediing wi Finl Cu Pro -BginnrAges 25 and older

    Introduction to video editing using Apples latestversion o Final Cut Pro. Participants will learnthe general interace, keyboard shortcuts and allpertinent terminology. Learn how to create andorganize projects, log and capture video, addtransitions and eects, basic text manipulati onand time line based storytelling.

    TP Community Center Multi Media Lab

    Mondays and Wednesdays, Oct. 7 - Oct. 23, 6 -7:30 p.m.

    TP residents: $85

    Non-residents: $95


    Lind Nunz-scrg spcil PrnionOpen to adults 18 and older

    Linda Nunes-Schrag will share her refectionson her journey to rural Wintertveldt (north oJohannesburg and Pretoria), South Arica.Located in a semi-desert area with ew naturalresources, it was part o a region set aside in the1960s or black South Aricans. Hear the story(through slides) o seven women rom a shelteror abused women, who rise to the challenges omaking their lives meaningul through managingthe Othandweni Place o Love Day Care, at erschool program and small guest house.

    TP Community Center Lilac Room

    Monday, Oct. 21, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.Free. Drop-in.

    FOReVeR yOUNG: 55 PLUs

    aRtWrcolor nd sil Pining forBginnrAges 55 and older

    A special class in creating works o art withwatercolors on synthetic, smooth Yupo paper.Magically the watercolor painting extends in agentle transition rom Yupo paper to silk. Bothmedia provide a healing experience, calmingthe body and mind as the spirit expressespersonal creativity. Two sessions are assigned

    to watercolor painting, ollowed by tw o sessionsor silk painting. Limit 12 students. In-personregistration required. For more inormation, call301-891-7290.

    TP Community Center Art Studio

    Wednesdays, Oct. 9 - 30, noon - 2 p.m.

    The class is ree, however a $5 materials ee,payable directly to the instructor, is due rst dayo class.

    heaLth/FItNessti Ci sibiAges 55 plus

    The 18 Healing Movements o Shibashi, a sotorm o Tai-Chi, use a gentle approach, onemovement blending into the next; they helpthe body become limber while encouragingrelaxation, leaving students rejuvenated, calm

    and ocused. Instructor: Elisabeth Larson. In-person registration is required.

    TP Community Center Dance Studio

    Thursdays, Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.



    sugrlof Crf Fivl,Girburg, Md.Ages 55 and older

    Lovers o ne crats and art will nd more than250 top artisans displaying and selling theirunique creations in pottery, glass, jewelry,ashion and home dcor. Bring your lunch orspending money or lunch. Meet at Takoma ParkCommunity Center, 7500 Maple Ave. Bus pick up

    at Franklin Apartments, Mapleview Apartments,and Victory Tower only. In-person registration isrequired. For more inormation, call 301-891-7290.

    Friday, Oct. 11, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

    $5.50 per person admission, non-reundable, dueat time o registration. No cost or transportation.

    Crroll Communi Collg ar Gllri,Wminr, Md.Ages 55 and older

    Tour the Scott Center (Artist: Joseph PaulCassar) and the Babylon Great Hall (MarylandsPhotographer o the Year: Tammy Thompson).Aterwards, well have lunch at the popularBaughers Restaurant and Farmers Market. Bringyour lunch or spending money or lunch. Meet atTakoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Ave.Bus pick up at Franklin Apartments, Mapleview

    Apartments, and Victory Tower only. In-personregistration is required. For more inormation, call


    Thursday, Oct. 17, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

    Free admission. No cost or transportation.


    aaRP DRIVeR saFety PROGRaMAges 55 plus

    The AARP Driver Saety Program, the nationslargest classroom reresher course or drivers50 plus, is designed to help tune up driving skills,explain sae driving strategies, and covers thelatest State o Maryland rules o the road. SomeMaryland insurance companies may oer autopremium discounts to drivers who take thiscourse. Check with your agency. In-personregistration is required. Payment will be collectedby the AARP instructor on the day o class.

    TP Community Center Hydrangea Room

    Saturday, Oct. 5, noon - 4:30 p.m.

    AARP members: $12

    Non-members: $14

    Bring checks only (payable to AARP), AARP cardand drivers license to class

    Go Clur? G OrgnizdAges 55 plus

    Judy Tiger, proessional organizer and owner oD.C.-based Just That Simple, will share her top

    tips on taming clutter. Whether your challengeis papers, clothes, photos, memorabilia, books,the pantry, the attic, the basement or the garage,youll learn rom her personalized, nonjudgmentaland soothing approach to stu. As Tiger says,Clutter can be overwhelming and stressul. Buta ew simple steps can change chaos to calm.In-person registration is required.

    TP Community Center Senior Room

    Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1 - 2 p.m.



    Doggi tric nd GmDogs of any age

    Are you looking or more un things to do with

    your dog? This series o one-day sessionsincludes a variety o new activities your amilycan enjoy with your dog, including hide andseek, tricks, put the toy away, pick the toy, etch,Frisbee, agility ground work and maybe evenbowling and basketball. Instructor: FrancineHolland

    Hener Park Community Center

    Saturday, Nov. 16, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

    TP resident: $20

    Non-resident: $30

    WINteR BasketBaLL LeaGUe2014

    K - eighth grade

    The Winter Basketball League is a non-competitive, developmental, communityleague. Program goals are to introduceboys and girls to the undamentals obasketball. Volunteer coaches are alwaysneeded, training is provided. Please contactthe Takoma Park Recreation Department iinterested at 301-891-7282. Special requestsor particular players must be submittedonce you register.

    Takoma Park Recreation Department

    Saturdays, Jan. 18 March 15

    TP residents: $60

    Non-residents: $70

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    Pg 8 n Takoma Park News October 2013

    LIBrarYCircl tim

    Every Tuesday

    Two times: 10 a.m. OR 11 a.m.

    spni Circl tim

    Every Thursday 10:30 a.m. with Seora Geiza

    Id o 20 Cnur

    Sundays through Dec. 15, 12:30 p.m.

    Discussion or those taking the ree online

    class oered by edX. Call the library i youhave questions. Registration encouraged

    Librr Onlin tool: hior Rourc

    Sunday, Oct. 6, 4 p.m. Computer Center

    Collg Bound: Collg Finncing

    Tuesday, Oct. 1, 7 p.m.

    National expert Dr. Herm Davis talks aboutpaying or college. Please register

    Pi Cnon/Frnc Circl tim

    Saturday, Oct. 5, 10:30 a.m.

    Singing and rhyming in French with MadameMarie. Registration highly encouraged soparticipants can be updated with upcomingprogram dates

    Bdim soriMonday, Oct. 7, 7 p.m.

    Come in pjs; great or babies, toddlers,preschoolers and their grown-ups

    Comic Jm

    Tuesday, Oct. 8, 4 p.m.

    Join comics guru Dave Burbank at ourmonthly comics book club. No registrationrequired

    Collg Bound: Cooing Collg

    Tuesday, Oct. 8, 7 p.m.

    Dr. Lori Potts-Dupree gives tips on collegeselection. Please register

    Comic auor/Illuror Pul Pop

    Thursday, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m.

    A look at Popes new graphic novel, BattlingBoy. Registration encouraged

    Fn nd scinc Ficion: t humnMind, Our Modrn World

    Sundays, Oct. 13 through December, 2 p.m.Discussion group or those taking the reeonline course oered by Coursera. Contactthe library i you have questions

    yog sorim

    Sunday, Oct. 13, 3 p.m.Ages 3-5 and their grown-ups. Spaces limited;registration required.

    Librr Onlin tool: LngugRourc

    Sunday, Oct. 13, 4 p.m. Computer Center

    Nwbr Mdli PlliRnold Nlor

    Tuesday, Oct. 15, 7:30 p.m. Community CenterAuditorium. Registration encouraged.

    Prou Dicuion kic-O

    Wednesday, Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m. CommunityCenter Azalea Room

    Proessor Elena Lozinsky launches theFriends Big Book discussion o MarcelProusts Remembrance o Things Past. Allwelcome

    Frind o Librr Boo sl

    Saturday, Oct. 19, 10-3Library Lawn (inclement weather, Community

    Center Azalea Room)


    tRIO n Page 9

    trio of uor pr of Poliic nd Pro rib krn McPronIn octbe, the Liby will hst thee

    ntinlly-nwn uths childennd teens Newbey medlist, best-selling seies wite, nd gphic nvelist

    cutesy its ptneship with Pli-tics nd Pse Bste. all the eventse ee nd pen t the public; thse whwish t d s will hve the pptunity

    t puchse bs sle Pliticsnd Pse epesenttives. auths willbe vilble t sign bs te ech event.

    Fist up is wd-winning gphic nv-

    elist Pul Ppe, wh will spe n oct. 10t 7:30 p.. but Bttling By, his st

    gphic nvel yung edes. In thisb ids ges 10 nd up, Ppe tellsthe sty spiled 13-ye-ld wi

    gd ned Bttling By, wh is the nlyhpe t sve the city acplis thedens nd nstes wh theten its in-

    hbitnts.Ppe hs wn thee Eisne awds, the

    tp wd in the gphic nvel wld,

    his dult w, nd Bttling By ledyhs wn uds eviewes. In its e-

    view, Publishes Weely nted: Ppe,in his st w yung edes, tdeshis signtue d nd hedy esthetic pulpy Technicl ntsy with fitht is expected ne the industysst cclied cets. But the b ise thn just eye cndy, tching itsstyle with substnce nd tcling ll-t-hun pbles (despite cst stlythewldly chctes) lie the e ilue nd the pessues legcy. Its n-the ntch in Ppes belt, nd wthydditin t ny cics ns liby.

    on oct. 15, Newbey medlist Phyllis

    reynlds Nyl will lunch ntinwidetu beginning with 7:30 p.. discus-sin Nw Ill Tell Yu Eveything, thenl b in he cclied alice seies.This event, which is ied t teens nddults, will te plce in the CunityCente auditiu. I yuve eve been nalice n, this event is ust!

    In Nw Ill Tell Yu Eveything, Ny-l tes alice cllege thugh ge60, nsweing the ny questins nshve hd ve the yes since she pub-lished the st b, The agny alice,

    in 1985. The bs hve specil es-nnce T P esidents, s alicest lives in T P bee vingt Silve Sping with he teenged bthend widwed the, wh ws t usicste deled n Dle music n Gegeavenue in Silve Sping.

    The alice bs e peennilly ppu-l ng yung edes, wh alicesjys nd chllenges with iends, bys ndily edily esnte. The alice seieshs 2.5 illin cpies in pint; u libyhs ll the.

    But the alice bs ls hve been the

    subject cntvesy. Lie uth JudyBlue in he nvels, Nyl wites nlybut alices gwing sexulity. Whileyung edes nd ct nd cpn-inship in the bs, the seies hs beenthe cus nube chllenges bydults nt t u liby wh be-lieve it shuldnt be n liby shelves. as esult, the alice bs hve equentlyde the tp 10 bnned bs list is-sued nnully by the aeicn Liby

    Paul Pope Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Peter Lerangis

    Fmil boo

    ou Cldectt Club ily b

    club is bc! Well eet nce ech

    nth, octbe thugh Febuy, t 7

    p..; u st eeting is oct. 21. ou

    gl is t ed se the best pictue

    bs published this ye, with n eye

    twds chsing which ne we thin

    ight cptue the 2014 Cldectt med-

    l, which is given nnully by the ae-

    icn Liby asscitin t the best-

    illustted b childen ges bith

    thugh ge 14. Well e u nl

    Cldectt chices in Jnuy, just bee

    the ctul winne is nnunced t the

    aLas id-winte eeting in Phildel-phi. Then, in Febuy, well ed nd

    discuss the ctul 2014 Cldectt med-

    l-winning b, nd ny 2014 Clde-

    ctt Hn bs. Ce ll se u Cldectt Club eetings; n eg-

    isttin is equied these pgs,

    which e get ll ges. Cies nd

    lende e seved t ech eeting.

    yog ori

    Peschles ges 3-5 nd thei

    gwn-ups e invited t jin u new

    libin, ms. kti, in Yg Sty-

    tie, n Sundy, oct. 13 t 3 p.. ms.

    kti will she se sties nd tech

    se gentle yg pstues t ll ptici-

    pnts. Well supply the yg ts, just

    bing yu willingness t she se

    specil elxtin tie with yu little

    ne. Spces e liited, s egisttinis equied. In dditin, we will equie

    dults t sign sety wive the p-


    Librr Boo sl Rurn

    The Fiends the Liby will hld

    its sei-nnul b sle n Study,

    oct. 19 n the liby gunds 10

    .. t 3 p.. In cse in it will be

    held in the Cunity Cente azle


    The Fiends b sles pvide e

    pptunity t nd teic bgins t

    give s gits t dd t yu wn li-

    by. The liby will hve ctin nd

    nn-ctin ll ges in supeb cndi-

    tin t lw pices.

    The Fiends b sles e ne the

    st iptnt suces evenue

    the Fiends, nd ll pceeds g t the


    LIBRaRy BRIeFs n Page 9LIBRaRy CaLeNDaR n Page 9

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    October 2013 Takoma Park News n Pg 9

    Librr Onlin tool: Cildrn Rourc

    Sunday, Oct. 20, 4 p.m. Computer Center

    Cldco Club: a Fmil Boo Club

    Monday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m.A look at some great new picture books; lemonadeand cookies served. No registration

    Collg Bound: trniion o Collg

    Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7 p.m.Navigating the transition to college.

    Frind Boo Group Dicuion

    Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m.

    Community Center Hydrangea RoomCanada by Richard Ford. All welcome

    scr sori

    Thursday, Oct, 24, 7:30 p.m.

    Celebrate Halloween early with master storytellerCandace Wol. Best or ages 5 up.

    Fion Dign Worop: hllown ediion

    Sunday, Oct. 27, 3 p.m.Fashion crats rom paper and duct tape. Make acostume accessory. Ages 8 up.

    39 Clu auor Pr Lrngi

    Tuesday, Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m.Lerangis will introduce the second book in hisSeven Wonders series. Registration encouraged

    tRIOn From page 8

    aT YoUrSErVICE

    THE FIrEHoUSE rEPorTB Jim Jrbo

    as aug. 31, the T PVluntee Fie Deptent nd thepesnnel the mntgey Cunty

    Fie nd rescue Sevice ssigned tthe sttin hve espnded t 414 e-elted incidents in 2013. The dept-

    ent ddessed ssisted with 1,882escue bulnce-elted incidents ttl 2,296. Ttls 2012wee 418 nd 2,063, epesenting

    decese 185 incidents.Duing the nth august 2013,

    the T P Vluntees put in

    ttl 1,340.5 hus stndby tiet the sttin, cped t 1,868 in

    august 2012. Gnd ttls s au-gust 2013 is 9,550 hus, cpedt 9,779 hus in 2012, n incese 229 hus.

    Mrlnd Fir D Upd

    The mylnd Stte Fie mshloce epted s Sept. 23, 2013, 45

    peple hve died in es, s cpedt 33 in 2012.

    Fir Prvnion Mon

    octbe is Fie Peventinmnth, n nnul event tht nt nly

    helps sve lives, but ls ce-tes ne aeics st devstt-ing es.

    The Great Chicago Fire at

    but 9 p.. n oct. 8, 1871, ne

    aeics st dedly es begn, the

    Get Chicg Fie. Tw hunded ty

    peple died nd 100,000 peple wee

    let heless due t the enus

    blze tht buned 2,000 ces.

    Legend hs it tht the tw-dy e

    ctully stted te cw iced

    ve lnten, setting bn nd the

    entie city n e. on the vey se

    dy, oct. 8, 1871, aeics biggest

    e nd the wst ecded est e

    in Nth aeicn histy illed be-

    tween 1,200 nd 2,400 peple. The

    Get Peshtig Fie vged uppemichign nd Nthesten Wiscn-

    sin nd cveed but 2,400 sque

    iles. While the e cveed lge

    e, nely hl the deths c-

    cued in the villge Peshtig.

    United Sttes Pesident Wdw

    Wilsn pclied the st Ntinl

    Fie Peventin Dy in 1920. Fie Pe-ventin Wee, which begn in 1922,

    tes plce ech ye n the Sun-

    dy thugh Study when oct. 9

    lls. The 2013 Fie Peventin Wee

    tes plce oct. 6 thugh oct.

    12. The 2013 thee is Peventing

    kitchen Fies. Yu best deense

    when cing NEVEr leve c-

    ing unttended.

    assci tin.Inteestingly, Nyls st pestigius

    wd, the 1992 Newbey medl, ws Shilh, nn-alice b. Shilh,which ws llwed by tw sequels, tellsthe sty n bused begle wh is be-iended by yung by.

    ou nl Plitics nd Pse event inoctbe will etue Pete Lengis, wh

    is ne the uths the best-selling 39Clues seies. But Lengis will spe nTuesdy, oct. 29 t 7:30 p.. but hisnewest bs, the Seven Wndes se-ies; the secnd b in the seies, Lstin Bbyln, will be elesed public-tin tht se dy.

    Best-selling uth ric ridn is n

    the Seven Wndes seies, clling the

    st b, The Clssus rises, high-

    ctne ix den dventue nd n-

    cient secets. The seies evlves und

    12-ye-ld Jc mckinley wh discves

    tht he is descended the lst civiliz-

    tin atlntis nd hs ntsticl pwes.

    But thse pwes will desty Jc nd

    his iends (ellw atlntens) nd even

    Eth itsel unless Jc nd iends cn

    nd seven gicl bs the lst civi-

    liztins in tie t stp the destuctin.

    The st b in the seies, The Cls-sus rises, ws published elie this ye

    nd ws ieditely ppul with yung

    ns. on oct. 29, Lengis will tl but

    bth thse bs, nd ight even dis-

    cuss utue vlues in the seies. regis-

    ttin encuged.

    liby in the gits. The Fiendshve unded viety public pgs,including Spnish nd Fench CicleTie, unique sue eding pg childen, lnyds ids liby

    cds, new e-esuces dults nd chil-den, nd ny esech tls, nw vil-ble n-line.

    The liby lwys needs vluntees thelp ut t the sle, in tw-hu shits be-tween 8 .. nd 4 p.. Sevice leninghus e vilble high schl stu-dents, nd dult vluntees hve n p-ptunity t spend plesnt tenneeting thei neighbs, s well s help-ing thei cunity liby. F in-tin n vlunteeing t the b sle,cntct Ellen rbbins t [email protected].

    B dntins will be cceptedthugh oct. 16. Dnted bs ustbe genel inteest, in gd cnditin

    nd ust be bught by ppintent ithee e e thn thee bxes. Dntedbs cnnt be ccepted t the sle.

    Pln or Librr Fuur

    The T P mylnd Liby isthe nly unicipl cunity public li-by in mylnd. Thughut its nely80-ye histy, it hs suunted nychllenges. It hs evlved neigh-bhd liby sustined thugh d-ntins nd sted by vluntees t netht ebces eeging technlgy ndeductes divese cunity thughn bundnce pgs, with expe-ienced nd pessinl st. It stins

    ginst the cnnes sll nd ging

    building but hs develped nd n-

    ged cpute cente, gnized public

    discussins und pen nline unive-

    sity cuses nd engged the cunity

    with b discussins, esue building

    wshps nd the public pgs in

    the djcent Cunity Cente.

    Nnetheless it eins n nly

    sll independent liby in n ubn set-ting suunded by lge cunty systes

    nd suppted inly by city txes. It

    intins clse ties with neighbhd

    ilies nd students the ve schls

    tht e within wling distnce. Becuse

    it hs cntinuusly evlved nd used its

    fexibility t dpt nd t identiy nd e-

    spnd quicly t cunity needs, it hs

    etined supptive cnstituency.

    Wht then is the next step?

    I yu e inteested in the T P

    Liby nd wuld lie t help in plnning

    its utue, yu e invited t pticipte

    in ne seies cused cunity

    cnvestins this ll. The tie cit-

    ent is inil but yu pticiptinis ptentilly get vlue t the liby.

    With the guidnce t ined cilitt,

    liby st will be seeing nswes t

    these questins:

    Wht le des the T P Li-

    by ply in the lives its esidents?

    Wht des the cunity see s the

    stengths the Liby tdy?

    Wht is the T P cunitys

    visin liby sevice, nd wht chng-

    es e needed t insue tht the Liby

    cntinues t suppt tht visin in the


    F uthe intin, plese cntct

    Liby Diect Ellen rbbins t ellen@


    LIBRaRy BRIeFsn From page 8

    LIBRaRy CaLeNDaRn From page 8

    srvic d includ drug -bc,

    propr I.D. nd morT P Plice e eing sevel

    sevices t esidents t n event oct. 26:pesciptin dug cllectin, tw types ppety ptectin, vte egisttin ndeegency pepedness intin.

    The dy cincides with the Dug En-ceent adinisttins NtinwidePesciptin Dug Te-Bc Dy. Thiscpign gives the public n pptunityt pevent pill buse nd thet by iddingthei hes ptentilly dngeus, ex-pied, unused nd unwnted pesciptindugs. Plice will be ccepting pescip-tins 10 .. t 2 p.. t the T- P Plice Deptent, 7500 mple

    ave. Cllectin bxes will be set up inthe st f plice lbby. Pesciptin,ve-the-cunte nd pet edictins willbe ccepted.

    This inititive ddesses vitl publicsety nd public helth issue. medicinestht lnguish in he cbinets e highlysusceptible t divesin, isuse nd buse.rtes pesciptin dug buse in the

    U.S. e lingly high e aei-cns cuently buse pesciptin dugsthn use ccine, hllucingens nd he-in cbined. Studies shw tht j-ity bused pesciptin dugs e b-tined ily nd iends, including the he edicine cbinet.

    The vewheling public espnse tntinwide Te-Bc events nt nlyids hes ptentilly hul pe-sciptin dugs, but is n unpecedentedpptunity t educte eveyne but thegwing pesciptin dug buse pb-le. Studies hve shwn tht, ny,pesciptin dugs e the vey st dugs

    they buse nd ll t ten they entthe lst. Tht is why we e citted thelping aeicns eep thei hes seby idding thei edicine cbinets ex-pied, unused nd unwnted dugs, sysDEa adinistt michele Lenht.

    seRVICe Day n Page 12

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    Pg 10 n Takoma Park News October 2013

    Nominion o cndid or mor

    nd ci council o b ccpd on

    Oc. 1

    The Ninting Cucus will cnvenet 7:30 p.. n Tuesdy, oct. 1, t ccept

    nintins cndidtes y ndcity cuncil the Nv. 5, 2013 City

    T P electin. The eeting willte plce in the T P Cu-nity Cente auditiu, 7500 mple ave.,

    T P, md. While pen t the

    public, nly egisteed vtes the cityy pticipte in the eeting. residentsy egiste bee the stt the eet-

    ing.Nintins cndidtes y

    shll be de n tin by ny quli-ed vte the city, nd i such ni-

    ntin is secnded by qulied vte the city, the pesn s ninted shll be

    cnsideed cndidte. Nintin ech cndidte cuncilebe shll

    be de n tin ny qulied vte he/his wd, nd i such nintinis secnded by qulied vte his/he

    wd, the pesn s ninted shll becnsideed cndidte.

    any ninted cndidte y de-cline nintin duing the nin-

    tin eeting. a pesn y nly ccept nintin ne city ce. The ne

    ech eligible pesn ninted thece y nd cuncilebe shll

    be plced upn the cil bllt unlesshe/she shll le declintin with the

    city cle within thee dys te his/henintin. any pesn ninted s

    cndidte ust eet the qulictins the ce which she/he is ninted.

    Nomincion d Cndido pr

    alcldi Mimbro dl Conjo

    acpr l 1 d Ocubr

    L Junt de Nincin de Cndidts(reunin Electl) epez ls 7:30p.. el mtes, 1 de octube. Se cep-

    tn nincines de cndidts p elpuest de alclde y miebs del Cnse-

    j p ls eleccines de l Ciudd de T- P el 5 de Nviebe. L reunin

    Electl se llev cb en el auditidel Cent Cuniti de T P,

    7500 mple avenue, T P, md.L eunin est biet l pblic pe

    slente esidentes de T P queestn egistds p vt pdn p-

    ticip en l eunin.

    Nincines de cndidts p el

    puest de alclde se h cn un cin

    hech p culquie vtnte clicd

    en l Ciuddd de T P, y si l

    nincin es pyd p un segund

    vtnte en l Ciudd de T P, l

    pesn nind se cnsided c

    cndidt. Nincines de cd cndi-

    dt p mieb del Cnsej se h

    cn un cin p culquie vtnte de

    T P en el distit de tl cndi-

    dt. Culquie cndidt nind p-

    d echz un nincin dunte l

    eunin. Un pesn pd cept sl-ente un nincin de un sl puest.El nbe d cd pesn que stiscels equisits y que se nind p elpuest de alclde y mieb de Cnsejse nbd en l blet cil e-

    ns que es pesn entegue un ctp escit echznd l nincin locin de l Secteti municipl dentde ls 3 ds despus de su nincin.Culquie pesn nind c cn-didt p el puest de alclde mie-b del Cnsej tend que stisce lsequisits de tl puest.

    Vor Rgirion

    all esidents T P wh e t

    lest 16 yes ld nd wh d nt clithe ight t vte elsewhee y vte inthis Nvebes electin. Evey vteust egiste t vte. T P hselectin dy egisttin, but we ec-end tht ll eligible vtes egiste be-e then. I yu e ledy egisteed,yu d nt need t d nything uthe.

    Genelly, yu cn egiste using theStte mylnd s lng s yu

    eet ll these cnditins: yu e U.S.citizen, yu e t lest ge 16, yu d ntcli the ight t vte elsewhee nd yue nt incceted unde supevisindue t elny cnvictin.

    Thse esidents eligible t vte in T-

    P electins but nt eligible tegiste with the Stte mylnd yuse the City T P . Typi-clly, this includes esidents wh e ntUnited Sttes citizens wh e undesupevisin n ple due t elnycnvictin. residents wh e nt yet 16but wish t pepe vting in T

    P electins y egiste using the city nce they e 14 yes ge.

    Cplete intin nd vte egis-

    ttin pplictins e vilble t www.tpd.gv.

    Rgiro d von

    Tds ls esidentes de T Pque tienen p l ens 16 s de edd y

    que n estn egistds en t p te, pu-ede vt en ls eleccines en Nviebe.Tds ls que desen vt tienen queegistse p vt. Se puede egistel is d de ls eleccines, pe se e-

    2013 elcion Clndr

    tUesDay, OCt. 1, 7:30 p.m. - NominatingCaucus, Takoma Park Community CenterAuditorium, 7500 Maple Ave.

    WeDNesDay, OCt. 16 thROUGh eLeCtIONDay In person voter registration at theCity Clerks Oce, Third Floor, Takoma ParkCommunity Center, 7500 Maple Ave.

    tUesDay, OCt. 29, 4 P.M. - Last day to applyto the City Clerk or an absentee ballot bymail.

    WeDNesDay, OCt. 30 sUNDay, NOV. 3 Early Voting at the Takoma Park CommunityCenter, 7500 Maple Ave.

    tUesDay, NOV. 5 eLeCtION Day, Pollsopen 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Takoma ParkCommunity Center, 7500 Maple Ave.Absentee ballots must be received by the CityClerk prior to the closing o the polls.

    erl Voing hourEarly voting will take place at the TakomaPark Community Center, 7500 Maple Ave., asollows:

    Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2 to 8 p.m.

    Thursday, Oct. 31, 2 to 8 p.m.

    Friday, Nov. 1, 2 to 8 p.m.

    Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Sunday, Nov. 3, 12 noon to 4 p.m.

    Clndrio d l elccion Municipl dl 2013

    MaRtes 1 De OCtUBRe , 7:30 P.M. Junta deNominacin de Candidatos (Reunin Electoral),Auditorio del Centro Comunitario de TakomaPark, 7500 Maple Avenue.

    INICIO eL MIRCOLes 16 De OCtUBRe hasta elda de las Elecciones Presentarse en personapara registrarse para votar en la Ocina dela Secretara Municipal, 3r piso, en el CentroComunitario de Takoma, 7500 Maple Avenue.

    MaRtes 29 De OCtUBRe, 4 P.M. Es laecha limite para solicitar por correo unaboleta electoral de voto en ausencia. Puedesolicitor solicite en la Ocina de la SecretariaMunicipal, 3r piso, en el Centro Comunitario deTakoma, 7500 Maple Avenue.

    MIeRCOLes, 30 De OCtUBRe hasta elDomingo, 3 de Noviembre Se permitirvotar antes del da de las elecciones en el

    Centro Comunitario de Takoma Park, 7500Maple Avenue. El horario se anunciarposteriormente.

    MaRtes 5 De NOVIeMBRe Da de lasElecciones, las cabinas (urnas) electoralesestarn abiertas de 7 a.m. a 8 p.m. en el CentroComunitario de Takoma Park, 7500 MapleAvenue. Asimismo es la ech limite para recibirlas boletas electorales de votos en ausenciahasta las 8 p.m.

    hor d Vocin tmprnVote temprano en el Centro Comunitario deTakoma Park, 7500 Maple Avenue:

    Miercoles, 30 de Octubre, 2 pm 8pm

    Jueves, 31 de Octubre, 2 pm 8pm

    Viernes, 1 de Noviembre, 2 pm 8 pm

    Sabado, 2 de Noviembre, 10 am 4 pmDomingo, 2 de Noviembre, 12 pm 4 pm

    eLeCtIONs/eLeCCIONes n Page 11

    Cndid ForumThe Takoma Voice and Takoma Park Board o Elections will sponsora candidates orum on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. in the TakomaPark Auditorium, 7500 Maple Ave. The orum will be cablecast andstreamed live, and then saved as an archive on the Citys website.

    Foro d CndidoEl oro de candidatos ser patrocinado por Takoma Voice y la JuntaElectoral de Takoma Park. El Foro se llevar a cabo el Miercoles, 23

    de Octubre, 7 pm en el Auditorio del Centro Comunitario, 7500 MapleAvenue. El oro sera televisada por cable y transmitido en vivo porinternet donde el video ser archivado en la pgina web de TakomaPark.

  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    October 2013 Takoma Park News n Pg 11

    taX DUPLICatIONn From page 1

    eLeCtIONs/eLeCCIONesn From page 10

    ciend egistse ntes del d de ls

    eleccines. N tiene que hce nd s

    si y est egistd p vt.

    Genelente, si stisce ls equi-

    sits, se puede egist usnd l pli-

    ccin del Estd de mylnd, s: es

    cuiddn aeicn, tiene p l ens

    16 s de edd, n est egistd p

    vt en t pte y n est encceld

    bj libetd cndicinl p se cnde-

    nd p un delit.

    Ls esidentes que clicn p vt

    en ls eleccines de T P pe

    n clicn p egistse p vt

    en el Estd de mylnd pueden us l

    pliccin de l Ciudd de T P.

    Est nlente incluye ls esidentes

    de T P que n sn ciuddns

    aeicns esidentes que estn bj

    libetd cndicinl p se cndend

    de un delit. residentes que tienen p l

    ens 14 s de edd pueden egistse

    p vt p pepse p vt cu-

    nd cuplen ls 16 s de edd.


    T P encuges ll esidents

    t vte nd pvides sevel ptins:

    Electin dy vting n Tuesdy, Nv. 5,

    7 .. t 8 p.., t the T

    P Cunity Cente;

    Ely vting n the Wednesdy thugh

    Sundy bee electin dy;

    Vting by il ( bsentee vting).

    additinl intin n unning

    ce, the ninting cucus, egist-

    tin, vting ny the cet the elec-

    tin is vilble t www.tpd.

    gv by cntcting the City Cles o-

    ce t 301-891-7267.


    L Ciudd de T P quiee ni-

    sus esidentes que vten en ls elec-

    cines uniciples y ppcin vis

    ptuniddes p vt:

    Vte el d de ls eleccines el 5 de

    Nviebe de 7 .. 8 p.. en el Cen-

    t Cuniti de T P;

    Vte tepn de miecles Din-

    g ntes de ls eleccines ;

    Vte p ce ( vte cn un blet

    p vtntes usentes).

    Incin dicinl sbe el puest

    de alclde y miebs del Cnsej, l

    Junt de Ninncin de Cndidts(reunin Electl) culquie t in-

    tin sbe ls eleccines de T

    P se puede encnt en l pgin web

    www.tpd.gv puede pn-

    ese en cntct cn l ocin de l Sec-

    et municipl l 301-891-7214

    vide ull ebte it hsnt since 2009

    the city wuld hve eceived $4.4 illin

    lst ye. Insted, the city eceived $3.5

    illin in FY 2013. I the ecend-

    tins the oLo ept hd been in eect

    then, tht nube wuld hve gne dwn

    t $1.7 illin.

    Propoing cng

    The piy ecendtin the

    ept is tht cunty lw shuld chnge

    s tht the cunty will be equied t py

    just 40 pecent the ul unts t

    uniciplities tht 40 pecent wuld

    cespnd with the ptin vell

    cunty tx evenue tht is ppety tx,

    eectively eliinting ny the tx s

    suce evenue duplicted sevices.

    The oLo gues tht stte lw nly e-

    quies cetin cunties t py bc the

    duplicted ppety tx ptin cunty

    evenue slted sevices tht unicipl

    esidents d nt eceive the cunty

    nt evenue ince tx the


    Since mntgey Cunty cuently e-ceives but 40 pecent its genel und

    evenue ppety txes, 40 pecent

    ince txes nd 20 pecent

    ix the txes, the ppsl wuld

    llw the cunty t leglly eep ll dupli-

    cted nn-ppety tx evenue, includ-

    ing ince tx, T P. These

    unds pid by T P esidents

    wuld then ein in the genel cunty

    ces t py sevices pvided t ll

    cunty esidents, including thse wh d

    nt eside in T P.

    Coun, ci nd

    mntgey Cunty ppety wnes

    nd esidents py cbintin the

    llwing lcl txes:

    Ppety tx t the cunty sevices

    it pvides nd, i the ppety is within uniciplity, ppety tx t the u-

    niciplity sevices it pvides.

    Ince tx t the cunty sevices

    it pvides. I the ince tx le lives

    within uniciplity, 17 pecent

    tht ince tx ges t the unicipl-

    ity sevices it pvides. In se

    the slle mntgey Cunty u-niciplities, whee ince is genelly

    highe nd the nube unicipl

    sevices cptively lw, the 17 pe-

    cent is seties e thn is needed

    t cve csts. In T P, wheeince is genelly lwe nd unici-

    pl expenses e highe, the 17 pecent

    lls sht ctul csts.

    Enegy, telephne nd the iscell-

    neus txes t the cunty sevices it

    pvides; uniciplities eceive nne

    this evenue.

    Hw des mntgey Cunty spend

    this ney?

    75 pecent the cbined tx evenueges t schls, scil sevices, cec-

    tins nd the siil sevices.

    16.5 pecent the cbined tx eve-nue ges t sevices tht uniciplities

    cnnt pvide, such s cunty din-


    8.5 pecent the cbined tx evenue

    pys sevices pvided by unici-

    plities eithe exclusively (such s p-

    lice sevice in T P) jintly

    (such s ecetin). I the cunty des

    nt pvide pticul sevice, it still

    cllects the ney unicipl tx-

    pyes. Unde cunty lw, the cunty

    ebtes the ttl such unds t the

    uniciplity, thugh it hs nt dnes in ecent yes. When tht ney isetuned t the uniciplity, nd i theunt cves the expense sevices,the uniciplity is then ble t lwe itsppety tx te pvide dditinlsevices, s decided by the unicipl-ity.

    mntgey Cunty uniciplities ecdinting thei espnse t the oLoppsl. They wnt mntgey Cunty

    t cntinue t cpute ebtes t the ullcunty cst bsis the unt the cuntywuld hve spent n sevice i the cun-ty hd t pvide it.

    T P is wing pticullyhd n this issue s it hs the st t lse ny mntgey Cunty uniciplity.T P pvides ny sevices, in-cluding ull plice sevice, nd ls hseltively ewe welthy esidents s thtince tx evenue is lw n pe cpitbsis.

    The T P City Cuncil hs dis-cussed this issue t length nd ppsesthe ppsl. mebes hve sed esi-dents wh gee with the t cntct themntgey Cunty Cuncil nd s it

    t eject the ppsl. They sy the ullcunty cst bsis the cuent unici-pl tx duplictin lw is i t uniciplnd nn-unicipl esidents lie ndshuld be intined.

    T ed the oLo rept, g t http://bit.ly/15uZW. T cntct the mntgeyCunty Cuncil, eil [email protected]. Cuncil Pes-ident Nncy Nv is chi the Gv-enent opetins Cittee. Cuncil-ebes Vleie Evin nd Hns rieee the the ebes the cittee.

    For more inormation, please contact Su-zanne Ludlow, deputy city manager, at [email protected] or 301-891-7229.

    Fll l collcionprogrm

    Lse le cllectin will be pvided

    by the City Nv. 18 thugh Dec.

    20. residents cn e leves t the cub

    t thei cnvenience duing the ve-wee

    peid. mst steets d nt hve n s-

    signed cllectin dy. Le cllectin

    is dependent n the wethe nd in

    eezing cnditins cn slw cllectin.

    Thee e ve steets tht eceive cl-

    lectin dys n scheduled dys. These

    steets e Stte Highwy utes nd hve

    hevy vlue tc.

    Cll avenue, (7000 t 7800 blc),

    Ethn allen avenue nd Phildelphi

    avenue, the 7900 t 8600 blc,

    will hve cllectin n Study, Nv. 23

    nd Study, Dec. 14.

    Piney Bnch rd nd Flwe avenue

    (7900 t 8600 blc) will hve cllectin

    n mndy, Nv. 25 nd Fidy, Dec. 13.

    Thee will be n cllectin n the

    Thnsgiving hlidy which is bseved

    n Thusdy nd Fidy, Nv. 28 nd 29.

    als n the steets will eceive cllec-

    tin n the dtes when the psted steetse cllected (Nv. 23 nd 25 nd Dec.

    13 nd 14).

    Duing the cllectin in Nvebe,

    the cews will cncentte n picing up

    lge piles leves. In Decebe, when

    the cews e ing the lst cllectin

    n ech steet, they will thughly cl-

    lect ll eining lse leves the

    gutte nd gssy stip lng the cub.

    The Public Ws Deptent wel-

    ces yu cents nd suggestins

    but the sevice we e pviding. Plese

    cntct Public Ws by phne: 301-891-

    7633. Yu cn ls cll the le cllec-

    tin htline t 301-891-7626 t ntiy us

    when yu leves hve been ed ut.ou gl is t cllect le piles epted

    n the htline within 10 dys the cll.

    Pl follow guidlin:

    1. re leves int pile t the edge

    the cub. D nt e leves int the

    steet. Le piles cn cete tc hz-


    2. D nt p yu c in nt le

    pile nd when ing plese ty t

    vid piling leves whee cs e lie-

    ly t be ped.

    3. The vcuu le cllectin is leves

    nly. D nt include bnches, bush,

    vines, cs debis. These ites cn

    seiusly dge equipent nd delycllectin.

    4. D nt pile leves ne st din in-

    lets. Leves cn blc the dins nd

    cuse fding pbles.

    The City ls pvides weely mn-

    dy cllectin bgged gss, leves,

    bnches nd bush ll ye lng. The

    mndy cllectin equies leves nd

    lse yd teils t be in ppe bgs,

    tsh cns sti-sided cntines. Pls-

    tic bgs cnnt be used yd teil

    becuse these ites e cpsted nd

    the plstic inteees with the cpst-

    ing pcess. Bnches ust be less thn 4

    eet lng nd less thn 3 inches in die-

    te nd tied int sll bundles stcedin tsh cn.

    Wondr w wrd our in inc rdiricing in ci?

    Check the map and street directory

    Quir confrmr n qul dirio d tom Pr ud rid?

    Vea el mapa y directorio de calles en la pgina web:


  • 7/27/2019 Takoma Park Newsletter - October 2013


    Pg 12 n Takoma Park News October 2013

    oCToBEr13Do ou v n im or Ci clndr?

    Do you have an item or the city calendar? Let us know i you have a non-prot event that would be o interest to City o Takoma Park residents, andwell consider it or inclusion in the calendar. Deadline or the November issue is Oct. 14, and the newsletter will be distributed beginning Oct. 25.

    To submit calendar items, email [email protected] Community Center is the Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park.

    All addresses are in Takoma Park unless otherwise noted.


    PLANT A TREEDiscount Trees Available to Beautify Yards, Replace the CanopyThe season is right to plant trees, and in Takoma Park that means residents can helpreplenish the aging tree canopy in the city. As last year, there is an added incentiveo the city paying $100 towards the cost o the frst tree purchased (unless it is areplacement tree required as part o a Tree Removal permit). Residents can add atree to their yards or just $95 plus 6 percent sales tax, a total o $100.70. Add asecond tree and the bill is still only $307.40, planted and guaranteed or one year.

    Established discounts still apply as well, through the citys annual bulk buy tree sale.As a purchasing agent with Arbor Landscapers, the city is making fve species avail-able at wholesale prices. White Oak, Willow Oak, Black Gum, American Linden andSycamoreall native shade trees that usually retail or about $350are available toresidents at $195, installed. Each has a 2-inch diameter.

    Sal ats un though Nov. 1

    Order FOrm

    Please include check, including tax, written to the City o TakomaPark and be sure to draw a map o the property and locations or installation(see order orm). Submit to Todd Bolton, Takoma Park Department o Public Works,31 Oswego Ave., Silver Spring, Md., 20910 by close o business Oct. 17.

    Someone will be in touch regarding installation dates.

    Name ___________________________________________________


    Phone ____________________________________________________

    Please include a map of property/tree installation locations.

    ___ White Oak ___ $195 Willow Oak $195 ___ Black Gum $195 ___

    American Linden $195 ____ Sycamore $195 ____

    + 6% sales tax

    Total ________________________________

    seRVICe Dayn From page 9

    PUBLIC MeetINGs / OF NOte

    Ci CouncilMonday, Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m.

    Monday, Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m.

    Monday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m.

    Monday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m.

    TPCC Auditorium

    For agendas, see takomaparkmd.gov

    tom Pr mrgnc food pnrFirst Saturdays, 11 a.m. 2 p.m.

    Grace United Methodist Church, 7001 NewHampshire Ave.

    Bi-weekly and monthly ood supplements orneedy amilies

    240-450-2092 or [email protected]


    COMMUNIty aCtIVItIesCrorod Frmr MrWednesdays, 11 a.m. 3 p.m. through Nov. 20

    7676 New Hampshire Ave.

    New lunchtime hours, new vendors

    Produce, meats, cheeses, eggs, baked goods,prepared oods

    tom Pr Frmr MrEvery Sunday, 10 a.m. 2 p.m. year round

    Laurel and Carroll avenues in Old Town

    Locally grown produce, baked goods, meats,cheeses

    MrV hrv produc ndEvery Saturday, noon to 3 p.m. through Nov. 23

    7777 Maple Ave.

    Local, sustainably grown produce

    Food truc Frid5 8 p.m.Takoma Junction, next to TPSS Co-op, 201 EthanAllen Ave.

    Trohv, 232 Carroll Street, NW

    Various ood vendors

    Frid Fi FridOct. 11, 6 p.m.

    7500 Maple Ave.

    Food and ellowship with the RecreationDepartment and Project MOVE


    aRts aND LIteRatURe

    Jzz JmOpen mic or jazz musicians

    Tuesdays, 7 10 p.m.

    Takoma Station, 6914 4th St. N.W.

    tom spr hou JmWednesdays ater 8 p.m., ongoing

    7206 Carroll Ave. across rom the rehouseBring an instrument or sit back and listen

    Corl CnigChoral music rom Latin America kid riendly!

    Saturday, Oct. 5, 2 p.m.

    Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium



    tom Pr sr FivlSunday, Oct. 6, 10 5 p.m.

    18 bands on three stages, arts and tasty eats



    hr Rd Fr FilmScreened in partnership with Docs in Progress,discussion to ollow

    Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m.

    Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium



    acouic BluPhil Wiggins, Rick Franklin and Eleanor Ellis

    Friday, Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m.

    Carroll Ca, Seekers Church276 Carroll Street NW

    $16 in advance, $20 at door


    Clic VoicLisa Moscatiello, Barbara Tresidder Ryan andLoralyn ColesBenet or the American Parkinsons DiseaseAssociation

    Wednesday, Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m.

    Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

    $20/ $24 door; students $16/$20 door


    3rd turd Por

    Featuring Dan Gutstein, Mary Beth Hatem, JudithMcCombs, Rosanne Singer

    Thursday, Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m.

    Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium



    tom enmblDebut perormance o proessional ensemble, ledby Victoria Gau

    Saturday, Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.

    Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

    Suggested donation, $20


    Md in tom PrFeaturing Karen Abromaitis, Lindsay Abromaitis-Smith, Sheila Blake, John Guernsey

    Exhibit runs through Nov. 3

    Galleries at the Takoma Park Community CenterFree



    Ages 55 and older

    sugrlof Crf Fivl, Girburg, Md.Friday, Oct. 11, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

    Includes transportation

    See page 7 or more more ino

    Crroll Communi Collg ar Gllri,Wminr, Md.Thursday, Oct. 17, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

    Galleries plus lunch and Farmers Market

    Includes transportation

    See page 7 or more ino

    I.D. cing cn prvn

    Plice will siultneusly hst V.I.N. etching event, in ptne-ship with the mylnd autbileInsunce Fund (maIF). The V.I.N.(Vehicle Identictin Nube) cnbe penently etched int ll theglss pnes vehicle s pven

    vehicle-thet deteent. Ciinlstend t vid vehicles tht hve beenetched, s the nubes e it hde chp shps t e pt. Fe n V.I.N., see www.i.net.residents ttending the event cn lsenll in the Wtch Yu C pgnd ieditely eceive pg de-cls thei vehicles. The decls iden-tiy vehicles by dive, s i cessee vehicle being diven by n unu-thized dive they cn investigte.Decls ls seve s cie deteents.Bth V.I.N. nd Wtch Yu C se-vices e ee.

    Vor rgirion ndmrgnc prp

    City st will ptne with pliceduing the se event t pvidevte egisttin nd intin the upcing city electins n Nv.5. Electin vluntees will be n hndt egiste vtes nd nswe ques-tins. Intin will be vilble nely vting, electin dy vting ndvting by il, nd but chnges tthe citys electin lw. Thse chngesextended the ight t vte in city elec-tins t 16- nd 17-ye-ld esidentsnd t esidents wh hve been cn-victed elny but hve cpletedseving ny cut-deed sentence the cnvictin. residents T- P wh e nt United Sttescitizens hve been eligible t egistend vte in City electins since 1993.

    The Eegency PepednessCittee will hve tble set upwith sety/eegency intin.Thee will ls be epesenttivest e sue childens c setse secued ppely in esidentsvehicles.

    F questins but ny thesectivities, cntct Ctheine Plevyt 301-891-7142 [email protected].

    tir-scond annul tom Pr sr Fivl

    Sunday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m. 5 p.m.

    Old Takoma

    Carroll Avenue in Takoma Park,Md. to Carroll Street, NW inTakoma, D.C.

    Three stages, 18 local bands

    Indie olk, rock, blues, country, reggae andeverything in between

    More than 150 artisans

    Paintings, photographs, pottery,silk-screening, soaps, stainedglass, jewelry, wood-working,textiles, ceramics, kids items andmuch, much more

    Community groups, childrensactivities, infatables, ood vendors and greencompanies

    Admission is Free
