Taking Action in Italian

Taking Action in Italian Using Regular ARE Verbs


Taking Action in Italian. Using Regular ARE Verbs. What are Infinitives?. In English, infinitives are the words To + a verb, such as: to play to read to study. What is conjugation?. Conjugation is the act of changing an infinitive to a verb used with a subject. For example: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Taking Action in Italian

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Taking Action in Italian

Using Regular ARE Verbs

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What are Infinitives?

In English, infinitives are the wordsTo + a verb, such as:

to play

to read

to study

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What is conjugation?

Conjugation is the act of changing an infinitive to a verb used with a subject.

For example:

To speak We speak

Parlare Noi parliamo

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Conjugating Italian Verbs

Step 1:

Find the stem of the verb, using the following formula:

Infinitive – ARE = Stem

Parlare – ARE = Parl

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Conjugating Italian Verbs

Step 2:

Bring down the stem to each pronoun.

io parl noi parl

tu parl voi parl

lui, lei, Lei parl loro, Loro parl

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Conjugating Italian Verbs

Step 3:

Add the correct endings to the stems

io parlo noi parliamo

tu parli voi parlate

lui, lei, Lei parla loro, Loro parlano

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Important points to remember

• Do NOT translate the word do in Italian verbs it’s already understood:

tu parli- you speak, you do speak,

you are speaking

• When making sentences negative, put the word non directly in front of the verb:

tu non parli- you don’t speak, you are not speaking

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Important Points to Remember

• When writing questions, the verb comes before the subject:

Parli tu l’italiano?

Do you speak Italian?

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Un po’ di prattica!

Translate the following in your notes!

We study French.

I travel a lot.

He explains the lesson.

They speak German.

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-ERE Verbs

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Examples of –ERE InfinitivesPerdere – to loseVivere – to livePrendere – to takeVedere- to seeConoscere – to knowRicevere – to receiveRispondere – to respond

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Step 1: Find the STEM Remove the –ERE from the

INFINITIVE to isolate the STEMExamples: leggere legg prendere prend scrivere scriv

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Step 2: Add a new ending Add a new ending to

the STEM, depending on WHO is doing the action:

Singular Plural

(I) Io -o (we) noi -iamo

(you - informal) tu -i

(you all - informal) voi -ete

(he/she) lui/lei -e

(they) loro -ono

(you-informal) Lei -e

(You all- formal) -ono

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LEGGERE – To read

1. What is the STEM?LEGG

2. What are the different forms of LEGGERE?

Io leggo noi leggiamo

tu leggi voi leggete lui/lei/Lei legge

loro/Loro leggono

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-IRE Verbs

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Verbi -ire

• What are the –ire endings?-o -iamo

-i -ite

-e -ono What do you notice about –ire and –ere

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Paragoniamo (Let’s compare!)

• Vediamo (Let’s see): -ere vs. –

ire -o -iamo -o


-i -ete -i –ite

-e -ono -e -ono

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Sono simili! (They’re similar!)• -ere and –ire endings are almost all the same EXCEPT in the “voi” form.

–ere verbs have –ete

–ire verbs have –ite

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Not so fast!

Some –ire verbs add an –isc before the ending we are used to adding on.

For example : pulisco, pulisce, finisco, finisci, capisci, preferiscono…

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-isc with -ire

• These are sometimes called “boot verbs” because the –isc is added into all the forms except “noi” and “voi”.

Esempio: capire – to understand

Capisco Capiamo

Capisci Capite

Capisce Capiscono

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5 letter test

• Look at the –ire verb in its infinitive form. Let’s take “pulire” – “to clean”.

Start at the END of the word, on the “e”. Count back 5 letters. Do we land on a vowel?

1:e , 2:r, 3:i, 4:l, 5:u


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5 letter test

• Since we landed on a vowel, we know to add in “isc” for all our forms EXCEPT noi and voi.

Pulisco Puliamo

Pulisci Pulite

Pulisce Puliscono

We still have to add our normal endings, too!