Take the next step to living your best life.

Take the next step to living your best life. 706 Stevenson Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068 www.opluxwellness.com 706 Stevenson Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068 www.optiluxwellness.com

Transcript of Take the next step to living your best life.

Page 1: Take the next step to living your best life.

Take the next step to

living your best life.

706 Stevenson Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068


706 Stevenson Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068


Page 2: Take the next step to living your best life.


Your life is being put on hold. The arthritis you have… the chronic

pain from an old injury… the effects of a previous surgery… simply

aging ... whether you’re dealing with just one of these or all of these

you’re slowing down. You’re not able to do what you used to with-

out struggle.

It doesn’t have to be that way though. With Regenerative Medicine

you can help your body heal and feel like the lively twenty-year-old

you used to be. If you are ready to live at full speed, then the infor-

mation in this packet is paramount to your quality of life.


Page 3: Take the next step to living your best life.

Thus far, we’ve seen

many unexpected

side effects from

people getting regen-

erative cellular thera-

py here in our office.

Personally, I have

had chronic knee

and shoulder injuries

spontaneously resolve in the first month after treatment.

Additionally, and unexpectedly, I wake up completely re-

freshed and pain free. I am able to literally jump out of bed

like a 10 year old on Christmas. It is so strange that I found it

hard to believe for the first 3 months, but now very grateful-

ly accept it. One day, I was taking a large load of laundry

down our stairwell in the dark and found myself comfortably

galloping down the steps. I quickly caught myself and

stopped, knowing, that being over 50 years old, this could

end badly. Despite my age, I decided to take the stairs two at

a time on the way back up. I must say, although I was wind-

ed, I was quite pleased upon reaching the top. I do this reg-

ularly now, just for kicks.

Another pleasant side effect: my frequent, uncomfortable

4:00am wake up time now shifted to

6:30am. When I Google searched, “what causes me to wake

up at 4:00am,” I found that this was the time of night our

lungs typically cleanse and heal themselves. It was described,

if an individual finds themselves regularly waking around this

time, they may suffer from a pulmonary issue. My father

died of lung disease at 63, as did his father at the early age of

58. Needless to say, I am grateful to overcome waking up at

4:00am, for more than one reason.

The least of my side effects, for some folks, could be the

most important: the funky toenail on my big toe ran-

domly fell off one day. This was 3 months after the

treatment. It grew back perfectly normal. I had this ugly

toenail for over 10 years. I hurt it playing tennis and it

got infected with a fungus. We tried everything, topical

and internal treatments, to get rid of it. Nothing

worked. It had been 2 years since any treatment and

one day it just dried up and fell off. It was awesome,

and I will say if that was all I got out of my stem cells, I’d

be happy.

Well, that was just part of my story. Because they

worked so well in my body, 2 months later I decided to

put them into my brain. Why? I’ve been learning about

how well they were working with Alzheimer’s patients

and I had a very inconvenient habit of losing things and

being terribly scatter-brained, or more currently termed


Several weeks after my nasal inhalation of 1 mL of the

finest stem cells, I started having some frequent ‘ah-ha’

moments. It’s nice to have these revelations occasional-

ly but I was getting them daily and profoundly. If some-

thing slips my mind now, I have a much easier time re-

membering what it was. I don’t have to write down my

shower thoughts before being able to act on them. I

feel much more focused and have only lost my keys

twice since then.

I can definitely say I got my money’s worth; I don’t think

I could afford the real value of this treatment. I love my

side effects!!

My “Side Effects” of Stem Cell Therapy

By Dr. Ronald Festa


Page 4: Take the next step to living your best life.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Blood is a liquid (plasma) that contains red and white blood

cells, and platelets. Platelets help clot blood and also con-

tain hundreds of proteins called growth factors important in

the healing of injuries.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has 5 to 10 times more platelets

than what is typically found in blood. The concentration of

platelets–and growth factors– has important implications in

healing, and can potentially regenerate tissue and cartilage.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With PRP?

(ACL) tears and injuries, tennis elbow, rotator cuff injuries,

osteoarthritis, wrist/ankle sprains, and many More!

How Does It Work?

What You Should Know

The risks associated with PRP

therapy are minimal: There may

be increased pain at the injec-

tion site, but the incidence of

other problems appears to be no

different from that associated

with cortisone injections.

PRP is done with stem cell treat-

ments, but it can also be done

as a stand alone treatment.

Considering PRP treatment? Be

sure to check with us here at


Blood is drawn from a patient into a test tube,

and then placed in a centrifuge for a “spin.”

Low gravitational force spins the plasma and

platelets from the white and red blood cells.

The increased concentration of platelets is

then combined with the remaining blood.

PRP can be carefully injected into the injured

area or inflamed tissue, or by preparing the

PRP in a way that allows it to be stitched into

torn tissues.

706 Stevenson Blvd.

New Kensington, PA 15068


Page 5: Take the next step to living your best life.

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are healing cells in the body that can

turn into any type of cell that the body needs.

What Conditions can be treated with Stem

Cell Therapy

Stem cells can treat orthopedic issues such as knee

and shoulder injuries. Systemic issues can be treat-

ed such as damaged heart or lung tissues. Autoim-

mune and neurological diseases can be treated

though stem cells as well.

How Do Stem Cells Work ?

Stem cells naturally know what other cells

and tissues in the body need to be repaired.

However, the body only produces stem cells

up through the first twenty years or so of

life. After that whatever stem cells the body

has left is all that it has left. The left over

stem cells eventually wear down and are no

longer able to repair other cells as well as

they once could.

With stem cell therapy, the body is given

brand new, young stem cells . New stem

cells come from umbilical cord donors

through planned C-Sections. Once the stem

cells are taken from the umbilical cord, they

are frozen and sent to doctors and patients

who will use them . Through injection, pa-

tients can receive new stem cells and the

stem cells will not only heal cells and tissues

at the injection site, but they will also travel

through out the body to heal other cells and

tissues that need repaired. Within just a few

weeks, the body will feel brand new.

What You Should Know

The side effects of receiving stem cell therapy are

slim to none. There is no blood product within our

clinic’s stem cells and the genetic material is re-

moved. Your immune-system will not perceive these

new cells as foreign, thus no rejection. Side effects

can include some soreness or irritation at the injec-

tion site. Infection can happen at the injection site,

but very rarely as long as your doctor is working in a

clean environment.

The benefits of stem cell therapy blow the side

effects out of the water. Receiving new stem cells

can even prevent a patient from needing surgery!


Page 6: Take the next step to living your best life.

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report:

“Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” Tae Kim

Published 3:15 PM ET Wed, 11 April 2018

Goldman Sachs analysts attempted to address a touchy subject for biotech companies, especially

those involved in the pioneering

"gene therapy" treatment: cures

could be bad for business in the

long run. "Is curing patients a

sustainable business model?"

"The potential to deliver 'one

shot cures' is one of the most

attractive aspects of gene thera-

py, genetically-engineered cell

therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to

recurring revenue versus chronic therapies," analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note to clients

Tuesday. "While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could repre-

sent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow."

Richter cited treatments for hepatitis C, which achieved cure rates of more than 90 percent. Hepati-

tis C treatments peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, but have been falling ever since. Goldman esti-

mates the U.S. sales for these treatments will be less than $4 billion this year, according to a table in

the report. "GILD is a case in point, where the success of its hepatitis C franchise has gradually

exhausted the available pool of treatable patients," the analyst wrote. "In the case of infectious dis-

eases such as hepatitis C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to

transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines … Where an incident pool

remains stable (eg, in cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a fran-





Page 7: Take the next step to living your best life.


What is Regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine where the

healing potential of one’s own body is harnessed and

applied. Stem cells, platelets, growth factors and exo-

somes are responsible for producing, maintaining and

repairing tissue when damaged. As we grow older, the

number of these products decrease in the body. Optilux

regenerative therapy gives you a new supply of these

cells and tissues to give you a new lease on life.

What are the benefits of Regenerative medicine?

Regenerative or stem cell therapy is designed to heal the

source of the problem, instead of masking the symptoms.

This is why many alternative healthcare providers are

embracing this type of care in their practices. This cellular

therapy has the ability to produce new tissue and regen-

erate damaged tissue. This not only leads to long-term

relief of symptoms and restoration of function, but also

eliminates the need for drugs or surgery.

How is this Regenerative medicine performed?

We provide care with minimal discomfort because we

use the most viable, healthy form of stem cells: cells de-

rived from umbilical cord tissue. No “harvesting” from

the patient is necessary; therefore, the procedure is sim-

ple and comfortable. After a thorough examination and

assessment of each individual, the actual procedure takes

mere minutes. Additional treatment enhancing options

can include, PRP injections, weight distribution braces,

spinal alignment, rehabilitation exercises, and/or nutri-

tional evaluation/ instruction depending on different pa-

tient requirements.

How long will it take to recover from this


Typically 10-15 minutes of rest is all that is necessary before

the patient leaves our facility. It is recommended that each

patient rest for 48-72 hours before light to moderate activity

is resumed. There are minimal restrictions in resuming nor-

mal activity. Some patients may experience soreness for a

couple days post-procedure. Benefits have been seen in as

little as the next day. Most often 2-4 weeks is the typical

time frame for the first results to be seen and benefits can

continue for up to 6 months.

Stem cells? Are those from a fetus?

We do not perform any procedures or undertake any re-

search using embryonic stem cells.

As mentioned previously, our procedure utilizes umbilical

cord tissue from healthy births in the US that have been

thoroughly tested and approved. These procedures have all

the necessary tissue matrix/materials to help the body heal.

(Stem cells that are derived from parts of one’s own body

come isolated from their healing environment, like vitamin C

comes isolated from an orange. Umbilical cord tissue is like

using the whole orange.)

Umbilical cord tissue contains approximately 1-30 million

(depending on which company you use) healthy, new, live

stem cells with many growth factors necessary for optimal

function. Fat or marrow stem cells come isolated from

growth factors and do not include the benefits of new, um-

bilical tissue. These other cell types often do not live as long

as umbilical cord stem cells. They replicate as quickly and

are not nearly as active as old fat and adipose tissue derived

stem cells.


Page 8: Take the next step to living your best life.

Are there side effects to regenerative medicine?

Side effects are extremely rare. Even when they are experi-

enced, they are minimal. Potential side effects may include

minor pain, irritation, redness, and infection or soreness at

the injection site. There of course are the anecdotal horror

stories of blood clots in Indonesian plastic IV centers, infec-

tions from dirty blood products from Liveyon, mast cell acti-

vation with hyper allergenic patients, all typically from infu-

sion. The vast majority of them, greater than 99%, especial-

ly when done in clean U.S. offices, no complications are


Who is a candidate for regenerative medicine?

Practically anyone is eligible for stem cell therapy. It is likely

that everyone has some form of degeneration somewhere

in their body. Particularly patients facing surgery or dealing

with a condition/disease that requires lifelong attention,

tend to benefit the most from this therapy. There are cur-

rently over 8,000 clinical studies underway. See

www.clinicaltrials.gov for a list of who and what is currently

being helped by these groundbreaking studies. When it

comes to our patients, our medical staff determines who

would be a good candidate, and what type of treatment is

best for each individual.

What makes this clinic special? At Optilux we utilize the best product available: stem cells

derived from umbilical cord tissue. *This is the most benefi-

cial source of new, adaptable stem cells. We also have an

experienced team. Our medical doctor has been stem cell

certified for 7 years, and an anesthesiologist for over 30

years. He is an expert in precise needle placement. This

eliminates the need for expensive and unnecessary medical

equipment, reducing cost for the patient.

At Optilux we keep it simple. Stem cells are highly efficient

in finding and regenerating locations of the body in greatest

need, all by themselves. We aid in and support this natural

process. Chiropractic, massage, and nutritional consultation

make for an ideal complementary team to regenerative cel-

lular therapy. This combination allows for the quality and

effectiveness of each procedure to be most beneficial.

Who will provide the treatment?

At our clinic, we have regenerative medicine experts Dr.

Raj Kotekal, M.D., and Katelyn DeMoura, CRNP. Dr. Ken

Eldredge, M.D., of Sphenocath, LLC. has trained our staff

on the neurological delivery of regenerative products.

This method is able to pass the blood-brain barrier with a

safe, nonintrusive and proprietary delivery system. Now,

varying conditions of the brain are able to be addressed.

This is one of the most recent developments in regenera-

tive medicine and we are happy to be able to provide this

procedure at our clinic. We have also been trained by

Joseph Greco, MD, Daniel Greenwald, Gabriel Helperin

and R. Lance Johansen at the New Life Regenerative

Medicine facilities in Lutz, Fl.

How long will my regenerative therapy results last?

Regenerative cellular therapy taps into your body’s own

healing ability, therefore, the results can be very long

lasting. Initial improvements can be evident within the

first few weeks. Improvements can continue throughout

the healing process, for up to 6 months. There after, pa-

tients maintain the benefits they’ve received up to that

point until they wear out that part again. With proper

alignment and nutrition the stem cell benefits can be pro-

longed. How long do you think it took to wear it out in


Page 9: Take the next step to living your best life.

Umbilical Cord Tissue Offers Greatest Number of Harvestable Mesenchymal Stem Cells:

A Literature Review of Different Harvest Sites

PURPOSE: Recent years have seen dramatic increases in the techniques used to harvest and isolate human mesenchymal stem cells. As the poten-

tial therapeutic aspects of these cells further develop, informative data on the differences in yields between tissue harvest sites and methods will become increasingly valuable.

METHODS: The PubMed and Medline databases were searched for articles relating to the harvest, isolation, and quantification of human mesenchymal stem cells. Se-lected articles were analyzed for relevant data, which were categorized according to tissue site and, if pos-sible, standardized to facilitate comparison between sites.

RESULTS: Human mesenchymal stem cell levels in tissue varied widely according to tissue site and harvest method. Yields for adipose tissue ranged from 4,737 cells/mL of tissue to 1,550,000 cells/mL of tissue. Yields for bone marrow ranged from 1 to 30 cells/mL to 317,400 cells/mL. Yields for umbili-cal cord tissue ranged from 10,000 cells/mL to 4,700,000 cells/cm of umbilical cord. Secondary

tissue harvest sites such as placental tissue and synovium yielded results ranging from 1,000 cells/mL to 30,000 cells/mL.

The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery

September 2015. Volume 31, Issue 9, Pages 1836-1843


Page 10: Take the next step to living your best life.

1. You want more stem cells. You don’t get any more

simply by moving them around from one place to an-

other. We are born with a certain number of stem

cells. An estimated ratio of 1:100,000 stem cells to

normal cells at day one dwindles to 1:2,000,000 by

age 70. At the ripe old age of 18, we have spent about

80% of our bank account of stem cells.

I am not sure that I would want to dip into this limited

pool of resources. There is a much better, younger,

faster, stronger and more highly functional source of

stem cells available at a lower risk and cost to you.

2. Umbilical cord tissue stem cells are young, one day

old. Yours are old. We already know the older you get

the less stem cells you have to help you repair your-

self from injuries and illnesses – so you heal slower!

This is how it works: initially our cells (stem cells and

other cells) replicated (replaced) themselves every 24

hours. At age 65 this rate drops to every 60 hours.

This means that an old cell can become 200 cells in 30

days. A one day old cell can become 1,000,000,000

cells in 30 days. Just imagine the graph for these num-

bers. If this wasn’t reason enough, here are 2 more

significant differences in the ages of stem cells you


A) The “telomere” length on the end of each of our

chromosomes is an indicator of cell viability and lon-

gevity. Telomeres are like the wicks in a candle. They

get shorter throughout life and when they run out,

you die. Young stem cells have long telomeres and

will last longer than the older and shorter telomeres

in your stem cells.

B) Old stem cells can only stimulate the re-

lease of approximately 100 different types of proteins

and healing agents whereas the younger stem cells

activate over 300 differ types of healing properties.

3. When using stem cells from umbilical cord tissue,

there is very minimal risk of rejection or infection( al-

most 0%.) The genetic material is stripped from the

umbilical tissue and there is no blood content. There-

fore, your immune system will not perceive the new

cells as foreign, negating the chance of rejection.

These cells are what is known as “immune-privileged”

which means they can co-exist with your body’s im-

mune system harmoniously.

4. When you use your own, you inevitably lose some

in the process. The best and more efficient methods

of stem cell extraction do not have a 100% transfer

efficiency. I wonder what it actually is. Old school

bone marrow and adipose harvesting and processing

equipment is expensive and somewhat inefficient.

These expensive machines usually come with lease-to

-own equipment plans. The doctors who are stuck

with these machines feel obligated to use them. This

is not your least expensive or your most efficient op-


7 Reasons Why Umbilical Cord Tissue Provides the

Best Source of Stem Cells


Page 11: Take the next step to living your best life.

5. When you use your own stem cells, some return

to the site they were harvested from to heal the

newest injury site in the body. How many? We don’t

know. The Mayo Clinic did a study showing both

knees benefitted after only one of them was inject-

ed with stem cells. Another study showed radio ac-

tively tagged stem cells injected in the knee can end

up in the brain. This shows us that stem cells don’t

stay where you put them.

This brings up guided imaging. Another expensive,

soon becoming obsolete machine. The users of

these machines tell you that after just a few times of

use, they are a bit unnecessary. Not only does the

clinician develop a feel for the procedure through

practice, the added technologies only bring an inevi-

table technical glitch potential at any given time.

This is another cumbersome and often unnecessarily

added, costly procedure.

6. Your stem cells are not the best. Umbilical Cord

Tissue Offers the Greatest Number of Harvestable

Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Yields for umbilical cord

tissue ranged from 10,000 cells/mL to 4,700,000

cells/cm of umbilical cord, more than 3 times the

next highest yielded amount from other sources.

Arthroscopy. 2015 Sep;31(9):1836-43. doi: 10.1016/


7. Your stem cells are the most expensive. All of

those extra procedures and stems add to the cost.

None of the methods of regenerative medicine are

covered by insurance, yet. So it may sound expen-

sive at first glance. But when you start to weigh the

options; out of pocket medical expenses like huge

deductibles, PT co-pays, lost work time, vacation

time, chance of complication or failed surgical out-

comes, etc. – it starts to sound a lot less expensive.

How much is your knee or shoulder worth to you?

How about your lungs, heart or brain? You will end

up paying less when you go with stem cells than

you would otherwise even if the surgery was com-

pletely successful.

I hope this information helps clear up some things

about where to get your stem cells, who and how to

have them delivered. They will all work; however,

some work better than others. Don’t wait until it’s

too late, find a regenerative medicine center that

cares today.

706 Stevenson Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068



Page 12: Take the next step to living your best life.

Stem cell therapies now offer alternatives to many surgical procedures.

With more and more athletes exploring these types of treatments, they

play an increasingly important role in the future of sports injuries at both

the amateur and professional level.



Hines Ward

Peyton Manning

Dara Torres

Daisuke Matzuaka

Alex Rodriguez

Jack Nicklaus

Rafael Nadal

Steph Curry

Page 13: Take the next step to living your best life.

FARGO — After a year-long study, the Food and Drug Administration has approved the safety of ongoing stem cell treatment.

It's a medical advance that could eventually change the lives of millions living with partial rotator cuff tear issues, a condition affecting muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. The treat-ment's developers say it's one of the most common ortho-pedic impairments in the United States and other de-veloped countries.

The stem cells are injected to help repair partially torn rotator cuff injuries that impact more than a mil-lion people nationwide every year.

By Kevin Wallevand / Forum News Service on Jan 5, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.

Stem cell treatment for rotator cuff injuries gets safety approval from FDA.


Page 14: Take the next step to living your best life.

Mayo Clinic uses stem cell therapy to treat both knees by injecting only one. Researchers at Mayo Clinic's campus in Florida have conducted the world's first prospective, blinded and placebo-controlled clinical study to test the benefit of using stem cells to re-duce arthritic pain and disability in knees. It is the first time that the belief that stem cells can provide substantial and possible regenerative relief in an ailing joint has been put to the test in such a rigorous fashion. The researchers say such testing is needed because there are at least 600 stem cell clin-ics in the U.S. offering one form of stem cell therapy or another to an estimated 100,000-plus patients, who pay thousands of dollars, out of pocket, for the treatment, which has not undergone demanding clinical study. The findings in The American Journal of Sports Medicine represent another first —patients not only had a dramatic improvement in the knee that received stem cells, but also in their other knee, which also had painful arthritis but received only a saline control injection. Each of the 25 patients enrolled in the study had two bad knees, but did not know which knee re-ceived the stem cells.

706 Stevenson Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068


Proof That Guided Imaging Injections are



Page 15: Take the next step to living your best life.

Dr. Nagaraj Kotekal,

Kaetlyn DeMoura, CNRP Dr. Zachary Petrak, D.C Dr. Ronald Festa, D.C

Mention This Packet

30 Minute

Consultation with one of our stem cell physicians

No Obligation No Charge

