takaful of dubai islamic bank

Presenter Siffat Elahi

Transcript of takaful of dubai islamic bank

Presenter Siffat Elahi

TakafulTakaful is a system based on the principle of Ta’awun (mutual assistance) and Tabarru (voluntary contribution), where risk is shared collectively by a group of participants, who by paying contributions to a common fund, agree to jointly guarantee themselves against loss or damage to any one of them as defined in the pact

How does Takaful work?Takaful offers two benefits – Savings and Protection. In a Takaful plan, a portion of your contribution (Tabarru’at) that you wish to save goes into a solidarity fund. Contributors to the fund agree to share defined financial losses to be paid out of defined financial resources

offers•    A college education for your child from a prestigious university •    A dream wedding for your beloved daughter •    Your spiritual journey to perform Hajj •    A comfortable retired life with enough savings to take care of you and your loved ones •    Any other financial objectives you may want to achieve 

If you are going to invest 100000 for 12 years you may receive the following cash value.6% growth p.a = Rs. 1,459,6278% growth p.a = Rs. 1,655,25810% growth p.a = Rs. 1,879,113

What is Al-Islami Savings & Takaful Plan?

o Contributions can be paid monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. You can start with a minimum monthly contribution of Rs.5000 only

o Select the membership duration according to your specific objective in mind.

o You can choose an investment profile according to your risk appetite based on the Cash and/or Equity strategies.

Cont.o Whenever you have excess funds available you can make a

lump sum payment and increase the cash valueo On the other hand if you find yourself in a tight situation

you have the option to decrease the Regular Contribution amount anytime during the  membership tenure.

o You are also allowed partial withdrawals at any time before maturity.

o In case you want to temporarily suspend regular contributions there is an option of a Contribution holiday (an interval) for up to 12 months

o Freedom to appoint up to 4 beneficiaries (with an option to alter beneficiary(ies)throughout the term)