Tajweed for dummies by learn quran kids

http://learn-quran-kids.com 1 Online Quran learning made easy! Tajweed for Dummies By 'Learn Quran Kids' Tajweed تجويدrefers to the rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the Qur’an. Tajweed means to make well, make better, improve. Tajweed is a religious duty when reciting the Qur’an. If Qur’an is not read with Tajweed then the meaning of the words can change which if done intentionally is ‘Haram’ and if done un-intentionally is a sin. Hence it is very important for a Muslim to read Quran in the correct way. Below are some of the basics of the Tajweed. When you join ‘Learn Quran Kids’ then you will learn all of these rules Inshallah!


Reading Quran following Tajweed is always seen as a challenging task. Through this publication, we wanted to create a very basic Tajweed introduction covering different Makharij and some of the Arabic letters. Learning Quran with Tajweed should become easy from the first read.

Transcript of Tajweed for dummies by learn quran kids

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Tajweed for Dummies


'Learn Quran Kids'

Tajweed تجويد refers to the rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the

Qur’an. Tajweed means to make well, make better, improve. Tajweed is a

religious duty when reciting the Qur’an. If Qur’an is not read with Tajweed then

the meaning of the words can change which if done intentionally is ‘Haram’ and if

done un-intentionally is a sin. Hence it is very important for a Muslim to read

Quran in the correct way. Below are some of the basics of the Tajweed. When

you join ‘Learn Quran Kids’ then you will learn all of these rules Inshallah!

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Table of Contents

1. Alphabets حروف

2. Makhārij (مخارج Emission) points

3. Types of letters

4. Shamsīyah شمسية & Qamarīyah قمرية letters

5. Rumūz al-awqāf رموز االوقاف (Stop signs)

6. Arabic diacritics

7. Maddah letters (حروف مدة)

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Alphabets حروف

Just like when you started reading English, the first thing your teacher told you

was to know the alphabets of English. Later he explained how to pronounce them.

Similarly the first lesson is to understand the alphabets of the language in which

Quran was revealed. As Quran was revealed in Arabic hence the first lesson is to

know what are the alphabets of Arabic. The Arabic alphabet has 29 basic letters.

These are:



























































Makhārij (مخارج Emission) points

For those of you who have prior knowledge of Urdu, Punjabi, Persian they would

easily identify most of the common alphabets easily.

There are 17 emission points (makhārij al-ḥurūf), located in various regions of the

throat, tongue, lips, nose, and the mouth.

Below shows a preview of the Makharij and Articulation points from where the

the 29 Arabic letters are produced. In our course we explain these to our students.

We ensure that they understand them fully thus helping in reading Quran in the

correct way.

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Makharij # 1, 2, 3


Sound produced from the End of Throat –أ ة

Sound produced from the Middle of Throat –ع ح

Sound produced from the Start of Throat – غ خ

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Makharij # 4, 5


Base of Tongue which is near Uvula touching the mouth roof -ق

Portion of Tongue near its base touching the roof of mouth -ك

Makharij # 6, 7

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Tongue touching the center of the mouth roof – ج ش ى

-ض One side of the tongue touching the molar teeth

Makharij # 8, 9, 10


Rounded tip of the tongue touching the base of the frontal 8 teeth – ل

-ن Rounded tip of the tongue touching the base of the frontal 6 teeth

Rounded tip of the tongue and some portion near it touching the base of the – ر

frontal 4 teeth

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Makharij # 11


-ط د ت Tip of the tongue touching the base of the front 2 teeth

Makharij # 12


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-ظ ذ ث Tip of the tongue touching the tip of the frontal 2 teeth

Makharij # 13

-ص ر س Tip of the tongue comes between the front top and bottom teeth

Makharij #14


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-م ن While pronouncing the ending sound of م or ن, bring the vibration to the


Makharij # 15, 16

-ف Tip of the two upper jaw teeth touches the inner part of the lower lip

-ب Inner part of the both lips touch each other,

,Outer part of both lips touch each other –م

Rounding both lips and not closing the mouth -و

Makharij # 17

Mouth empty space while speaking words like با بو بى

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Types of letters

‘Letters of the throat‘ which originate from the throat:

ء ه ع ح غ خ

‘Soft letters‘ which are pronounced softly:

ظ ذ ث

‘Whistling letters‘ which sounds like whistle:

ص ز س

‘Qalqalah‘ is the addition of a slight “bounce” or reduced vowel sound to

the consonant whose vowel sound is otherwise cancelled. These letters are:

ق ط ب ج د

An example verse of Quran where Qalqalah is done is:

ٱلفلققل أعوذ برب

“Heavy letters” which are pronounced with a heavy accent:

خ ص ض ط ظ غ ق

The remaining letters have a “light accent” as they are pronounced


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‘Same sound letters‘ these are in six groups:

o ت ط

o ث س ص

o ه ح

o ض ظ

o ذ ز

o ق ك

Shamsīyah شمسية & Qamarīyah قمرية letters

The Arabic word for the English word “the” is “al” (ال) (i.e. the letter alif (ا)

followed by lām ( ).ل The ل in ال is pronounced if the letter after it is “qamarīyah”

(“lunar”), but if the letter after it is “shamsīyah” (“solar”), the lām (ل) after it

becomes part of the following letter (is joined). e.g.

The list of shamsīyah letters are:

س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ن ت ث د ذ ر ز

The list of qamarīyah letters are:

ء ب ج ح خ ع غ ف ق ك م ه و ي

is NOT pronounced ألشمس in ل is read as ash-shams and not al-shams – the ألشمس

is pronounced ألقمر in ل is read as al-qamar and not aqmar – the ألقمر

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Rumūz al-awqāf رموز االوقاف (Stop signs)

Stop signs (rumūz al-awqāf) are symbols used in Quran to guide when to stop and

when not to. The importance of this can be understood in the following example:

In English if some one says:

‘Let us eat, baba’. You are telling your father to eat together

‘Let us eat baba’. You are saying to eat baba – yikes!


Maryam finds inspiration in cooking, her family and her cat

Maryam finds inspiration in cooking her family and her cat – Looks like

Maryam is cooking her cat

Just like comma is guiding where to stop, similarly the rumūz al-awqāf guides in

Quran so that the meanings don’t change. Some of these are:

.compulsory stop مـ .1

.stopping advised قلي .2

.stop permitted if desired ج .3

.stopping not advised صلي .4

.do not stop ال .5

Arabic diacritics

Diacritics are symbols applied on the alphabets which change how to pronounced

the alphabet e.g. د is pronounced as /dal/ where as د is pronounced as /da/. Some

of the main diacritics is explained here. Normally diacritics is not used in English

with exceptions of: café, résumé etc. These diacritics are:

1. Fatḥah ـ

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2. Kasrah ـ

3. Ḍammah ـ

4. Maddah ـ

5. Dagger alif ــ

6. Alif waslah ٱ

7. Sukun ـ ـ

ـ ـ ـ تنوين .8

9. Shaddah ـ ـ

These are further explained as below.

Fatḥah ـ

The fatḥah فتحة is a small diagonal line placed above a letter, and represents a

short /a/. e.g.


Ḍammah ـ

The ḍammah ة is a small curl-like diacritic placed above a letter to represent a ضم

short /u/. Example:


Maddah ـ

The maddah مدة is a tilde-like diacritic (~) which can appear only on top of an alif

and indicates a glottal stop followed by a long /a/ e.g:

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Dagger alif ـ ـ

The superscript (or dagger) alif ية is written as short ,(alif khanjarīyah) أل ف خنجر

vertical stroke on top of a consonant. It indicates a long /aː/ (play) sound where

alif is normally not written, e.g:


ن رحم

Alif waslah ٱ

Looks like a small letter ṣād on top of an alif ٱ (also indicated by an alif ا without a

hamzah). It means that the alif is not pronounced, e.g.

في اليمن or في ٱليمن

Sukun ــ

The sukūn سكون is a circle-shaped diacritic placed above a letter. It indicates that

the consonant to which it is attached is not followed by a vowel; this is a

necessary symbol for writing consonant-vowel-consonant syllables, which are

very common in Arabic. Example:


ـ ـ ـ تنو ين

The three vowel diacritics may be doubled at the end of a word to indicate that

the vowel is followed by the consonant ‘n’. These may or may not be considered

ḥarakāt, and are known as tanwīn.

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Shaddah ــ

The shadda or shaddah شدة, or tashdid يد is a diacritic shaped like a ,(tashdīd) تشد

small written Latin “w”. It is used to indicate gemination (consonant doubling or

extra length). It is written above the consonant which is to be doubled. Example:


Comparing how to speak without shaddah and with shaddah:

madrasah مدرسة (‘school’) vs mudarrisah سة مدر

(‘teacher’, female)

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Maddah letters (حروف مدة) These are: alif (,)ا yāʼ(ي) or wāw(و)

1. If there is fathah before alif letter then it is called alif -maddah

2. If there is dammah before wāw sakin then it is called as wāw-maddah

3. If there is kasrah before yā then it is called yā-maddah.

In all of the above cases, these letters are pronounced as one alif. e.g.

ب vs با

ب vs ب ى

ب vs بوا

Closing Remarks The above just some basic concepts of tajweed and as you can see that these are not difficult to

understand. With some practice these are easily memorized.

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Introduction of Learn Quran Kids Learn Quran Kids is a online Quran education service. Its aim is to teach you and your kids

the “correct way of reading Quran" called 'Tajweed' over the internet. We train ages of all at

any time, any place. Our expert tutors conduct 1 to 1 on-line session to get the best results.

Benefits include:

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- Focus is on Tajweed

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- Female teachers also available

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