TAIPEI EUROPEAN SCHOOL · ECA bus service is available for Friday as normal for children who use...


Transcript of TAIPEI EUROPEAN SCHOOL · ECA bus service is available for Friday as normal for children who use...



Contents Pages

ECA Overview Schedule

11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ffrroomm DDiirreeccttoorr ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn SSeerrvviicceess ................................................................... 4

22.. AAnnnnuuaall EECCAA SScchheedduullee 22001188--22001199 ............................................................................................... 5

33.. YYeeaarr GGrroouupp EEqquuiivvaalleennccyy CChhaarrtt .................................................................................................... 6

44.. IInnffaanntt aafftteerr--sscchhooooll EECCAA DDaaiillyy SScchheedduullee 22001188//1199..................................................................... 7

55.. JJuunniioorr aafftteerr--sscchhooooll EECCAA DDaaiillyy SScchheedduullee 22001188//1199 .................................................................... 9

66.. SSppeecciiaalliisstt IInnssttrruuccttoorr rruunn EECCAA –– ccllaassss ddeessccrriippttiioonnss ................................................................. 13

6a. Martial Arts ................................................................................................................................... 13

Taekwondo / Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

6b. Dance ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Ballet Dance / Jazz Dance / Hip-Hop Dance / Mjkids Hip-Hop

6c. Music .............................................................................................................................................. 19


6d. Arts & Crafts ................................................................................................................................. 20

Kreative Arts / Clay Creations / Painting Parties / Fashion Design / Art and Artists

6e. Technology and Academic Clubs ............................................................................................... 23

LASY / Unplugged Coding / Science Club / Mental Abacus / Computer Coding / Lego /

Young Inventors Club / Harry Potter - Build your own wand / Maker Kids

6f. Hobbies .......................................................................................................................................... 28

Kidchen Club / Magic / Chess

6g. Languages ...................................................................................................................................... 32

Chinese Phonetics / English Drama

6h. Sports ............................................................................................................................................. 33

Football / Badminton / Rhythmic Gymnastics / Parkour / Basketball / Yoga for Kids /

Team Strategy Games Club


7. Faculty run ECA – class descriptions ........................................................................................ 37

7a. Supervised Homework Club ....................................................................................................... 37

7b. Dance ............................................................................................................................................. 38

Tap Dance

7c. Music .............................................................................................................................................. 39

Primary Orchestra / Lower Primary Choir / Jazz band /

Upper Primary Choir / Flute Ensemble / Irish Harp Ensemble / Beginner Band

7d. Arts and Crafts .............................................................................................................................. 40

Zentangle Art Club

7e. Technology and Academic Clubs ............................................................................................... 41

Maker Space Club / Adventure Story Writing Club / World Scholar’s Cup Team

7f. Hobbies .......................................................................................................................................... 43

Board Games / Puzzlers Club

7g. Chinese Language ........................................................................................................................ 43

Chinese Storybook Club (Infant) / Chinese Homework Club

7h. Sports ............................................................................................................................................. 44

FOBISIA / TISSA Swimming / TISSA School Basketball / Hockey Club / Tee Ball /

Real PE / Pétanque

7i. Section Specific Homework Clubs ............................................................................................. 47

German / French / Dutch

8. PPeerriippaatteettiicc MMuussiicc EECCAA –– ccllaassss ddeessccrriippttiioonnss............................................................................. 48

9. PPeerriippaatteettiicc LLaanngguuaaggee EECCAA –– ccllaassss ddeessccrriippttiioonnss ...................................................................... 49

1100.. FFOOBBIISSIIAA PPrriimmaarryy GGaammeess ((eexxttrraaccttss ffrroomm FFOOBBIISSIIAA BBrroocchhuurree)) ................................................. 50


1. Introduction from Director of Education Services Dear Parents,

We are nearing the end of our first ECA semester and we hope your children have enjoyed their activities so far. The ECA programme, Semester 2, starts in January following our Christmas break, so please check the Semester 2 calendar to see the schedule. Having run through the TESmile enrolment process this semester we trust all parents are familiar with the system. However, for new parents to TES and parents that like to remind themselves of how it works, there are a couple of ways to understand the process: 1. TESmile - easy to use enrolment interface 2. Demonstration Video - Choose your ECAs on TESmile - walk through enrolment steps (on your

TESmile page) 3. Annual ECA Schedule - ECA day / time schedule + activity descriptions (this document) 4. ECA Charter - full procedures and rules of the programme

All these information documents are located:

Thumbnail overview of the important items related to enrolment:

The ECA enrolment is via a “preference ranking system” whereby parents will have a 8 day window to input their child’s ECA preferences. The preference ranking system is designed so that parents have more time to discuss with their children what ECAs they like best and then rank them in their preferred order, with the goal that children will be able to participate in a number of ECAs they will enjoy. The AOS payment system has been integrated into the TESmile system, allowing payment to be made automatically from parent’s AOS accounts. When ECAs are chosen on TESmile, parents are authorizing the automatic payment to be made from their AOS account. The only thing parents will still need to do is make sure they have put sufficient monies in their Family AOS account. Enrolment schedule :

November 27th (Tue) 8:30am- December 4th (Tue) 11:59pm

TESmile - ECA preference selection submission (1st Round enrolment) (Please note you will only see the TESmile interface when it opens on 27th November)

December 5th (Wed)- 6th (Thu) ECA allocation processing. (by ECA department / computer selection) December 7th (Fri) 6:00pm ECA allocation complete, student personal ECA timetable viewable on

student’s TESmile accounts. December 10th(Mon) 8:30am- December 11th (Tue) 4:00pm

2nd Round enrolment - Manual system. (Please come to ECA office for the 1st come 1st serve enrolment of seats remaining following computer allocation process)

December 12th(Wed)- 13th(Thu) Manual registrations allocation process. (by ECA department) December 14th (Fri) 6:00pm All enrolment is completed for Semester 2, the updated student personal

ECA timetable viewable on student’s TESmile accounts. January 14th (Mon) ECAs start.

Best regards, Mr. Kerry Nockolds Director of Educational Services


22.. AAnnnnuuaall EECCAA SScchheedduullee 22001188--22001199

Please Note:

• Peripatetic music and language lessons are based around 12 weeks per ECA Semester with make-up lesson weeks scheduled throughout the term, see Peripatetic Music and Peripatetic Language - class descriptions for full calendar.

• BPS Parent/Teacher Meetings : 6th September, 13th December 2018 and 2nd April 2019 • French Section students are not in school on 15th and 16th November 2018. • If there's any question, please feel free to contact EPC ECA Supervisor, Joyce Chen #1820,

[email protected]


33.. YYeeaarr GGrroouupp EEqquuiivvaalleennccyy CChhaarrtt Throughout this “Annual ECA Schedule” brochure, the year groups will be referred to in the British system year groups, as the Faculty run ECAs are organised and run by the British section teachers, however below is a simple equivalency to assist the French and German section parents equate this to their children’s year groups. Please Note: ECAs are not available to Nursery / PS / Kiga A age group students.

Age British Section French Section German Section

4-5 Reception MS Kiga B

5-6 Y1 GS Flex-Ein 0

6-7 Y2 CP KL1

7-8 Y3 CE1 KL2

8-9 Y4 CE2 KL3

9-10 Y5 CM1 KL4

10-11 Y6 CM2


Specialist Instructor run ECA

Faculty run ECA

Peripatetic Music ECA

Peripatetic Language ECA

44.. IInnffaanntt aafftteerr--sscchhooooll EECCAA DDaaiillyy SScchheedduullee 22001188//1199

After school ECAs are 3:10pm - 4:10pm unless otherwise indicated. Special notations: ^^ = non-standard time slot, ** = progressive skill criteria, ## = year-long ECA Please read full description in Special notes (page 13.)

Year Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Recep-tion MS

Kiga B (Age4+)

• Kreative Arts • Unplugged Coding

• Kreative Arts • LASY - Children


• Ballet – Beginner **

• Kindermusik - Move and Groove

• Football Club

• Kreative Arts • LASY - Children


• German Homework ̂ ̂ • Dutch Homework ̂ ̂ • German Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• German Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

Yr 1 GS

Flex Ø

• Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu**

• Clay Creations • Lego -

ESM** • Magic Club

• Jazz Dance- Beginner**

• Kindermusik - Young child 1

• Clay Creations • Unplugged Coding • Science Club • Mental Abacus • Chinese Phonetics • Football Club**

• Kreative Arts • Lego -

ESM** • Kidchen Club -

Little Einstein Chef • Chess Club-

Othello** • Chess Club-

Pre-basic Chess**

• Taekwondo- Beginner 1**

• Kidchen Club - Yummy Story Time

• Magic Club • Football Club** • Computer Coding

– ScratchJr: Tinker with Code

• Ballet - Pre-Primary**

• Kreative Arts • Clay Creations • Science Club • Mental Abacus • Lego -

ESM** • English Drama

• German Homework ̂ ̂ • Chinese

Storytelling Club • Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• German Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• German Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

Yr 2 CP KL1

• Taekwondo- Beginner 2**

• Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu**

• Mjkids Hip-Hop^^ • Clay Creations • Science Club • CIO School -

Maker Kids • Magic Club • Rhythmic


• Ballet - Primary** • Jazz Dance -

Grade 1 ^^** • Kindermusik -

Young child 1 • Clay Creations • Mental Abacus • Chinese Phonetics • Football Club** • Badminton Club

• Kreative Arts • Painting Parties: Acrylic Pigments • Fashion Design-

Made by me ^^ • Science Club • Lego-

SPM (Basic) ** • Kidchen Club -

Little Einstein Chef • Chess Club-

Othello** • Chess Club-

Pre-basic Chess** • Parkour

• Taekwondo- Beginner 1**

• Hip-Hop - Dance to the beat**

• Fashion Design-Mix and Match

• Fashion Design- Made by me^^

• Computer Coding – ScratchJr: Tinker with Code

• Kidchen Club - Yummy Story Time

• Magic Club • Football Club**

• Kreative Arts • Clay Creations • Mental Abacus • Lego -

SPM (Basic) ** • CIO School -Maker

Kids • English Drama


Yr 2 CP KL1

• Supervised Homework Club

• German Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Chinese Storytelling Club

• French Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Lower Choir ## • German Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• German Homework ̂ ̂• French Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Voice ^^ • Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Guitar ^^

• Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Drum ^^

• Violin ^^ • Piano ^^ • Drum ^^ • Cello ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^

Special Notes: • Faculty run ECAs alternate each semester; Specialist Instructor and Peripatetic Music ECAs will

continue on the same schedule for the whole year. Peripatetic Language ECAs may alter in Semester 2 based on teacher schedules. Please see “ECA Charter” for details on enrolment for all types of ECAs.

• This schedule is for reference only, it may be subject to change. The final enrolment schedule will be viewable on TESmile when the enrolment opens.

• German / French homework club enrolment will be done via the Section and not on TESmile, it is on the annual ECA schedule for the convenience of parents to schedule with other ECAs.


Specialist Instructor run ECA

Faculty run ECA

Peripatetic Music ECA

Peripatetic Language ECA

55.. JJuunniioorr aafftteerr--sscchhooooll EECCAA DDaaiillyy SScchheedduullee 22001188//1199

After school ECAs are 3:10pm - 4:10pm unless otherwise indicated. Special notations: ^^ = non-standard time slot, ** = progressive skill criteria, ## = year-long ECA Please read full description in Special notes (page 13.)

Year Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Yr 3 CE1 KL2

• Taekwondo- Beginner 2**

• Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu**

• CIO School - Maker Kids

• Football Club** • Rhythmic

Gymnastics** • Club

• Hip-Hop -Beginner**

• Mjkids Hip-Hop ^^ • Art and Artists • Mental Abacus • Kidchen Club-

The Supper Club • Magic Club • Chess Club-

Junior Basic** • Badminton Club • Basketball Club • Yoga for Kids

• Jazz Dance- Grade 2**

• Painting Parties: Acrylic Pigments

• Fashion Design- Made by me ^^

• Art and Artists • Computer Coding:

Virtual Reality with CoSpaces: Animate your own VR world

• Lego- SPM (Basic) **

• Parkour

• Taekwondo- Beginner 1**

• Ballet - Grade 1** • Clay Creations • Fashion Design-

Mix and Match • Fashion Design-

Made by me^^ • Kidchen Club -

Recipe for Life • Chess Club-

Novice Chess (Beginner) **

• Mental Abacus • Lego -

SPM (Basic) ** • CIO School -

Maker Kids • English Drama • Football Club** • Basketball Club

• Supervised Homework Club

• Beginner Band^^ • German Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Pétanque • Chinese homework • Flute Ensemble^^ • French Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• TISSA Basketball U9 • Real PE • Tap Dance • Board Games • Lower Choir ## • German Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Zentangle • Maker Space • German Homework ̂ ̂• French Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Voice ^^ • Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Double bass ^^ • Trombone ^^ • Flute ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Trumpet ^^ • French Horn^^

• Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Cello ^^ • Oboe ^^(Lunchtime) • Saxophone ^^ • Trumpet ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Drum ^^ • Flute ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • French Horn ^^ • Music Theory ^^

• Violin ^^ • Piano ^^ • Drum ^^ • Cello ^^ • Harp ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Saxophone ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^


Year Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Yr 4 CE2 KL3

• Taekwondo- Beginner 2**

• Hip-Hop - Level 1**

• Lego - Robot (Advanced) **

• Skyrock - Young Inventors Club

• Chess Club- Intermediate**

• Football Club** • Rhythmic

Gymnastics ^^**

• Art and Artists • Mental Abacus • Kidchen Club-

The Supper Club • Magic Club • Chess Club-

Junior Basic** • Badminton ^^ • Basketball Club • Team Strategy

Games Club • Yoga for Kids

• Taekwondo-Intermediate**

• Mjkids Hip-Hop ^^ • Painting Parties:

Acrylic Pigments • Fashion Design-Mini

Me & Me • Fashion Design-

Made by me ^^ • Art and Artists • Computer Coding:

Virtual Reality with CoSpaces: Animate your own VR world

• Lego - SPM (Basic) **

• Skyrock - Young Inventors Club

• Parkour

• Jazz Dance - Grade 3 **

• Clay Creations • Fashion Design-

Mix and Match • Fashion Design-

Made by me^^ • Skyrock -

Harry Potter - Build your own wand

• Kidchen Club - Recipe for Life

• Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Juniors**

• Ballet- Grade 2 ^^**

• Mental Abacus • Lego –

SPM (Basic) ** • Lego - Robot

(Advanced) ** • Chess Club-

Advanced** • English Drama ^^ • Football Club** • Basketball Club

• Supervised Homework Club

• Beginner Band^^ • German Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• TISSA Swimming • Pétanque • Chinese homework • Primary Orchestra ## • Flute Ensemble^^ • French Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• TISSA Basketball U9 • Real PE • Tap Dance • Board Games • Jazz Band ## • German Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Zentangle • Maker Space • Upper Choir ## • German Homework ̂ ̂• French Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• Harp Ensemble^^

• Voice ^^ • Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Double bass ^^ • Trombone ^^ • Flute ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Trumpet ^^ • French Horn^^

• Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Cello ^^ • Oboe ^^(Lunchtime) • Saxophone ^^ • Trumpet ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Drum ^^ • Flute ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • French Horn ^^ • Music Theory ^^

• Violin ^^ • Piano ^^ • Drum ^^ • Cello ^^ • Harp ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Saxophone ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^


Year Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Yr 5 CM1 KL4

• Jazz Dance - Grade 4**

• Lego - Robot (Advanced) **

• Skyrock - Young Inventors Club

• Chess Club- Intermediate**

• Football Club** • Rhythmic

Gymnastics ^^**

• Art and Artists • Computer Coding:

Programming with Python

• Kidchen Club- The Supper Club

• Magic Club • Chess Club-

Junior Basic** • Badminton ^^ • Basketball Club • Team Strategy

Games Club • Yoga for Kids

• Taekwondo-Intermediate**

• Painting Parties: Acrylic Pigments

• Fashion Design-Mini Me & Me

• Fashion Design- Made by me ^^

• Art and Artists • Computer Coding:

Virtual Reality with CoSpaces: Animate your own VR world

• Skyrock - Young Inventors Club

• Parkour

• Ballet – Grade 3 ^^**

• Mjkids Hip-Hop ^^ • Clay Creations • Fashion Design-

Mix and Match • Skyrock -

Harry Potter - Build your own wand

• Kidchen Club - Recipe for Life

• Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Juniors**

• Hip-Hop - Level 2**

• Lego - Robot (Advanced) **

• Chess Club- Advanced**

• English Drama ^^ • Football Club** • Basketball Club

• Supervised Homework Club

• German Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• TISSA Swimming • Hockey Club • Adventure Story

Writing Club • Chinese homework • Primary Orchestra ## • Flute Ensemble^^ • French Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• TISSA Basketball U11 • Tee Ball • Tap Dance • World Scholar's Cup • Board Games • Puzzlers Club • Jazz Band ## • German Homework ̂ ̂• FOBISIA ^^

• Supervised Homework Club

• Zentangle • Maker Space • Upper Choir ## • German Homework ̂ ̂• French Homework ̂ ̂• FOBISIA ^^

• Supervised Homework Club

• Harp Ensemble^^ • FOBISIA ^^

• Voice ^^ • Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Double bass ^^ • Trombone ^^ • Flute ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Trumpet ^^ • French Horn^^

• Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Cello ^^ • Oboe ^^(Lunchtime) • Saxophone ^^ • Trumpet ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Drum ^^ • Flute ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • French Horn ^^ • Music Theory ^^

• Violin ^^ • Piano ^^ • Drum ^^ • Cello ^^ • Harp ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Saxophone ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^


Yr 6 CM2

• Hip-Hop - Level 3 ^^**

• Lego - Robot (Advanced) **

• Skyrock - Young Inventors Club

• Chess Club- Intermediate**

• Football Club** • Rhythmic

Gymnastics ^^**

• Ballet - Grade 4 ^^**

• Art and Artists • Computer Coding:

Programming with Python

• Kidchen Club- The Supper Club

• Magic Club • Badminton ^^ • Basketball Club • Team Strategy

Games Club • Yoga for Kids

• Taekwondo-Intermediate**

• Fashion Design-Mini Me & Me

• Fashion Design- Made by me ^^

• Art and Artists • Skyrock - Young

Inventors Club • Parkour

• Jazz Dance - Grade 5 ^^**

• Clay Creations • Fashion Design-

Mix and Match • Skyrock -

Harry Potter - Build your own wand

• Kidchen Club - Recipe for Life

• Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Juniors**

• Mjkids Hip-Hop ^^

• Lego - Robot (Advanced) **

• Chess Club- Advanced**

• English Drama ^^ • Football Club** • Basketball Club

• Supervised Homework Club

• German Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• TISSA Swimming • Hockey Club • Adventure Story

Writing Club • Chinese homework • Primary Orchestra ## • Flute Ensemble^^ • French Homework ̂ ̂• Dutch Homework ̂ ̂

• Supervised Homework Club

• TISSA Basketball U11 • Tee Ball • Tap Dance • World Scholar's Cup • Board Games • Puzzlers Club • Jazz Band ## • German Homework ̂ ̂• FOBISIA ^^

• Supervised Homework Club

• Zentangle • Maker Space • Upper Choir ## • German Homework ̂ ̂• French Homework ̂ ̂• FOBISIA ^^

• Supervised Homework Club

• Harp Ensemble^^ • FOBISIA ^^

• Voice ^^ • Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Double bass ^^ • Trombone ^^ • Flute ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Trumpet ^^ • French Horn^^

• Piano ^^ • Guitar ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Cello ^^ • Oboe ^^(Lunchtime) • Saxophone ^^ • Trumpet ^^

• Violin ^^ • Cello ^^ • Drum ^^ • Flute ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • French Horn ^^ • Music Theory ^^

• Violin ^^ • Piano ^^ • Drum ^^ • Cello ^^ • Harp ^^ • Clarinet ^^ • Saxophone ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • German^^ • Spanish ^^

• English^^ • French^^ • Spanish ^^

Special Notes: • Faculty run ECAs change each semester; Specialist Instructor and Peripatetic Music ECAs will

continue on the same schedule for the whole year. Peripatetic Language ECAs may alter in Semester 2 based on teacher schedules. Please see “ECA Charter” for details on enrolment for all types of ECAs.

• This schedule is for reference only, it may be subject to change. The final enrolment schedule will be viewable on TESmile when the enrolment opens.

• German / French homework club enrolment will be done via the Section and not on TESmile, it is on the annual ECA schedule for the convenience of parents to schedule with other ECAs.

•• For details on FOBISIA please read through the FOBISIA brochure - (basic information from the brochure is covered on pages 50-51 of this document).


66.. SSppeecciiaalliisstt IInnssttrruuccttoorr rruunn EECCAA –– ccllaassss ddeessccrriippttiioonnss (Tuitions based on Semester 1 calendar 2018-19)

6a. Martial Arts - Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

Taekwondo- Beginner 1: Yr 1 - 3 / GS - CE1 / Flex Ø - KL2

The study of Taekwondo can get your child in great physical shape and teach the needed skills to enable children to defend themselves. But it also offers much more… it can help the student who needs to improve focus and self-control. In this class, students begin by practicing basic patterns and forms, board breaking, kicking and blocking. These fundamental skills increase your child's physical coordination, flexibility, balance, and mental acumen. Discipline and respect for martial arts are also emphasized.

Thursday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Boys and Girls are welcome! Dress code: All students are expected to wear a Taekwondo uniform. A set of uniform can be bought through the instructor and costs NT$1,200 (for 2 uniforms - winter and summer-). Students can get their winter uniform within 2 weeks after Taekwondo class starts; summer uniform will be available later. Belt exam: Students who mastered the requirements (skills but also discipline and respect) for next belt level will be invited to attend the exam by their instructor Ms Hu and will do their promotions in class. The fee for testing and belt is not include in the activity fee and will be notified to you before the exam.

Taekwondo- Beginner 2: Yr 2 - 4 / CP - CE2 / KL1 - KL3

Monday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Taekwondo- Intermediate: Yr 4-6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Wednesday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Yr 1 - 3 / GS - CE1 / Flex Ø - KL2

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art, combat sport system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting (there is no striking). 100% of all altercations start standing but 99% of them end up on the ground. BJJ promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger, heavier assailant by using proper technique, leverage, and most notably, taking the fight to the ground, and then neutralizing the opponent. The BJJ infants program involves a lot of full body physical movement not found in other martial arts, crawling, rolling, bending, running, etc. Through games and lots of laughter, kids learn how to strengthen and utilize their body for future self defense needs.

Monday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Boys and girls are welcome! We do not have regular testing or grading for promotions. Promotions are based on key importance such as attendance, attitude, integrity, technique utilization, competition, and heart. Dress code: Students have to wear a BJJ kimono or gi (similar to a Judo gi) and a white belt to begin. The BJJ is specifically designed and manufactured for kids. It is of 100% pre-shrunk cotton made to last for years. It has reinforcements around areas that other Gis may easily rip. The uniform can be bought through the instructor, Coach Jean-Pierre Bidegain. The cost of the BJJ Gi is NT$ 2000. .

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Juniors: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Friday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)


6b. Dance - Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Mjkids

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

Ballet - Beginner: Reception / MS / Kiga B

Ms. Grace Wong, our Ballet instructor will introduce some very basic dance movements through a reative method to improve the child's body co-ordination and musicality. In the second semester students will also have an opportunity to participate in the TES ECA Dance show.

Wednesday (3.15-4:00pm) NT$3,000 (12 weeks)

*No class on 16th January

*No class on the following days: 15th -18th January (Ms. Wong will attend a dance course.) Dress code & hair: Hair MUST be out of the eyes & face and off the neck. Dancers must have their hair clipped or tied up into a ponytail or bun. Please ensure your child is properly attired for each lesson. All uniforms/costumes can be ordered through our dance instructors. Supervision and Pick up: Parents are responsible for supervising their children who attend Ballet classes, including that your child is brought promptly to their lesson and collected promptly afterwards, and for any waiting time in school before or after the class. For late starting dance lessons: Parents can enrol their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start. For Grade 1-4: Enrolment is subject to teacher approval.

Ballet - Pre-Primary: Yr 1 / GS / Flex Ø

Our instructor, Miss Grace Wong uses the Royal Academy of Dance method & syllabus and will prepare students for exams if they are interested in this option (and can attend extra classes). Students will also produce a dance performance at the end of the school year in which pupils will have an opportunity to participate.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 3,960 (12 weeks)

*No class on 18th January

Ballet - Primary: Yr 2 / CP / KL1

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks) *No class on 15th January

Ballet - Grade 1: Yr 3/ CE1 / KL2

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 3,960 (12 weeks) *No class on 17th January

Ballet - Grade 2: Yr 4/ CE2 / KL3

Friday (4.15-5.15pm) NT$ 3,960 (12 weeks) *No class on 18th January

Ballet - Grade 3: Yr 5 / CM1 / KL4

Thursday (4.20-5.20pm) NT$ 3,960 (12 weeks) *No class on 17th January

Ballet - Grade 4: Yr 6 / CM2

Tuesday (4.20-5.35pm) NT$ 5,365 (13 weeks) *No class on 15th January


Jazz Dance- Beginner: Yr 1 / GS/ Flex Ø

Our instructor, Miss Jill Lin uses the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance method & syllabus for strength and flexibility, then introduce a range of dance styles such as jazz, musical theatre etc to develop style & broad dance exposure. Students will also produce a dance performance at the end of the school year in which pupils will have an opportunity to participate.

Tuesday (3.25-4.10pm) NT$ 3,500 (14 weeks)

Dress code & hair: Hair MUST be out of the eyes & face and off the neck. Dancers must have their hair clipped or tied up into a ponytail or bun. Please ensure your child is properly attired for each lesson. All uniforms/costumes can be ordered through our dance instructors. Supervision and Pick up: Parents are responsible for supervising their children who attend Jazz classes, including that your child is brought promptly to their lesson and collected promptly afterwards, and for any waiting time in school before or after the class. For late starting dance lessons: Parents can enrol their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start. For Grade 2-5: Enrolment is subject to teacher approval.

Jazz Dance-Grade 1: Yr2 /CP / KL1

Tuesday (4.30-5.15pm) NT$ 3,500 (14 weeks)

Jazz Dance- Grade 2: Yr 3 / CE1 / KL2

Wednesday (3.25-4.25pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Jazz Dance- Grade 3: Yr 4 / CE2 / KL3

Thursday (3.25-4.25pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Jazz Dance- Grade 4: Yr 5 / CM1 / KL4

Monday (3.25-4.25pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Jazz Dance- Grade 5: Yr 6 / CM2 & up

Thursday (4.30-5.30pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)


Hip-Hop Dance - Dance to the beat: Yr 2 / CP / KL1

With “Dance to the beat!” children will learn fundamentals of street dance. This class is exciting with a focus on developing the young dancer's self-confidence. Students will learn to listen and feel the music tempo and to develop a dance routine. If you are interested in funky dancing, let our dance instructor Rory Liu, show you all the moves to get you started dancing! And, if you are not afraid to move, you surely will love this funky class! As per above description.

Thursday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Boys and girls are welcome! Dress code: All students are expected to wear a pair of sport pants or shorts, a t-shirt and sport shoes for the activity.

Hip-Hop Dance -Beginner: Yr 3 / CE1 / KL2

Our new Hip-Hop Dance instructor, Ms. Rory Liu has a master degree in Dance and is very experienced at teaching children how to dance. Hip-Hop classes are designed to develop Hip-Hop Dance technique and style incorporating a variety of old and new urban dance styles. Our progressive system teaches students to dance naturally by developing a core dance repertoire by internalizing steps through drills and repetition. Dancers also get the chance to improvise, create their own dance style by producing solo dances. Hip Hop fluid comes from within the individual and we strive to pull it out of them to allow their confidence to take over! Let our experimented Hip-Hop Dance instructor, Ms. Rory Liu show you all the moves to be a “hip” kid!

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Boys and girls are welcome! Students will produce a dance performance at the end of the school year. Dress Code: Students have to wear a pair of sport pants or shorts, a tee-shirt and sport shoes for the activity. Prerequisite: Hip-Hop Dance Beginner : No prerequisite Hip-Hop Dance 1: At least one year of dance training (any modern dance style) Hip-Hop Dance 2 & 3: At least 2 years of dance training (any modern dance style) Supervision and pick up for classes that starts after 4pm: Parents are responsible for supervising their children who attend a class, including that your child is brought promptly to their lesson and collected promptly afterwards, and for any waiting time in school before or after the class. For late starting dance lessons: Parents can enrol their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start.

Hip-Hop Dance -Level 1: Yr 4 / CE2 / KL3

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Hip-Hop Dance -Level 2: Yr 5 / CM1 / KL4

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks) *No class on 24th May

Hip-Hop Dance -Level 3: Yr 6 / CM2 & up

Monday (4.20-5.20pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)


Mjkids Hip-Hop: CP

Our dance instructor Sabrina offers opportunities for kids who want to learn dance in a positive atmosphere at lunchtime break so that they feel part of a group and enjoy themselves! They develop self-expression while having fun in Hip hop dance using creative, expressive and complex movements. This class is an artistic, musical, physical and visual mode of communication that kids use to open a door to express their personality. It supports children's experimentation while building their self- esteem. They have fun, develop their creative expression and gain more confidence in themselves!

Monday CP (12.00-12.40pm) NT$ 3,700 (15 weeks)

Due to this ECA being available during French Section lunchtime, it would be for French section only. Boys and girls are welcome! Dress code: All students are expected to wear pants or short pants with comfortable shoes. *Fee includes the T-shirt and accessories for the show (NT$400).

Mjkids Hip-Hop: CE1

Tuesday (12.00-12.40pm) NT$ 3,700 (15 weeks)

Mjkids Hip-Hop: CE2

Wednesday (12.00-12.40pm) NT$ 3,480 (14 weeks)

Mjkids Hip-Hop: CM1

Thursday (12.00-12.40pm) NT$ 3,480 (14 weeks)

Mjkids Hip-Hop: CM2

Friday (12.00-12.40pm) NT$ 3,700 (15 weeks)


6c. Music - Kindermusik

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

Kindermusik - Move and Groove: Reception / MS / Kiga B

Kindermusik Move & Groove engages children with music and movement activities that also promote language, social and emotional skills, early math, literacy, physical coordination, and more. Children will also learn basic music vocabulary and concepts as they sing, move and explore percussion instruments together. Move & Groove is recommended for English Language Learners or for a child's first music class.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 8,150 (13 weeks)

NEW ECA! *Fee includes all Kindermusik materials which are for home-use as well as class-use.

(Material fee for Move & Groove will be NT$1,650.)

Kindermusik - Young child 1 programme: Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP/ Flex Ø - KL1

Kindermusik for the Young Child 1 bridge between the music play of early childhood and the formal lessons and traditional music reading of the middle childhood years. Children will learn the concepts, language, notation and vocabulary of music and some of its greatest composers. Children will learn to play the glockenspiel in semesters 1 and 2.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,500 (14 weeks)

NEW ECA! *Fee includes all Kindermusik materials and instrument.

(Material fee for Young Child 1 will be NT2500.)


6d. Arts & Crafts - Kreative arts, Clay Creations, Painting Parties, Fashion Design, Art and Artists

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

Kreative Arts: Reception / MS / Kiga B

Children at this age are developing fine motor skills and strengthening their muscles through various activities such as cutting and pasting. In Kreative Art, the children will have the opportunity to be exposed to different materials and ways to create their own artwork. At the same time, they are encouraged to use their observations and imagination in order to foster their aesthetic development. Before starting a new project, we will use stories or real objects to inspire and to motivate the children to make their own creations and have fun in the process of making the art project too.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$4,900 (14 weeks)

Dress code: Don’t forget to bring an apron or old shirt! Please only register for 1 day a week (Monday, Tuesday OR Thursday).

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$4,900 (14 weeks) Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$4,550 (13 weeks)

Kreative Arts - Primary: Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP/ Flex Ø - KL1

In the Kreative art class, pupils will use different materials (paint, clay, cardboard, bubble wrap…) to work on fun art projects. They will learn the basic foundation of art by learning how to observe and draw. Coloring skills are also introduced in the class.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$4,550 (13 weeks)

Dress code: Bring an apron or old shirt, you will need it! Please only register for 1 day a week (Wednesday OR Friday).

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$4,900 (14 weeks)

Clay Creations:

Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP / Flex Ø – KL1

Clay modeling is an excellent way to develop fine motor skills in young children. The stimulating creative thought process will improve the children's visual observation skills. Class projects include funny magnets, key ring, pencil shaper, candle holders, frame, animals, and characters. All the materials and tools are provided and each child will bring home their own clay creation.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,180 (14 weeks)

Only new projects, new and returning students are welcome. Please only register for 1 day a week (Monday, Tuesday OR Friday).

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,180 (14 weeks)

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,180 (14 weeks)


Clay Creations:

Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

Clay modeling is an excellent way to develop creative thinking and to improve children's visual observation skills. This semester students will use colorful non-toxic resin clay but will also have the opportunity to create some objects using Air-Dry Clay. Air-Dry Clay is a natural earth clay which air-dries to a hard solid. Then, it can be carved and painted. All the materials and tools are provided and each child will bring home their own clay creations.

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,810 (13 weeks)

Painting Parties: Acrylic Pigments Yr 2-5 / CP - CM1 / KL1 - KL3

It's a new program provided by our Clay instructor, Ms Tsai. In the Painting Parties, pupils will work on fun art projects with the variety of materials, such as acrylic pigments, canvas, wood, clothes, paper, water-based crayons, and crayon…etc. They will learn the art skills of drawing by learning how to observe and draw.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,810 (13 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA!

Fashion Design Workshop – Mini Me & Me: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Draw, design and sew your own ideas into T-shirts and Mini Mannequins like a Fashion Designer! Petite Mode provides extra support, so you can learn how to use thread needles and develop your sewing skill. We also encourage a healthy attitude towards fashion and allow your natural diverse talents and tastes to flourish by discussing your projects and creative thinking.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 8,840 (13 classes)

Fashion Design Workshop – Made by me: Yr 2 - 6 / CP-CM2 / EKL1 – KL4

From Sketch to Fabrics, in this curriculum we encourage children to design their own T-shirts / making accessories with their own style and discover the fun of up-cycle fashion as well. We help them dream big and explore that world of Fashion Design in a fun, playful environment. We also encourage a healthy attitude towards fashion and allow your natural diverse talents and tastes to flourish by discussing your projects and creative thinking.

Wednesday (4.20-5.20pm) NT$ 8,840 (13 classes)

For late starting ECA lessons: Parents can enroll their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start.


Fashion Design Workshop – Mix and Match: Yr 2 - 6 / CP-CM2 / EKL1 – KL4

Draw, design and sew your own ideas into T-shirts and accessories like a Fashion Designer! Petite Mode provides extra support, so you can learn how to use thread needles and develop your sewing skill. We also encourage a healthy attitude towards fashion and allow your natural diverse talents and tastes to flourish by discussing your projects and creative thinking.

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 8,840 (13 classes)

Fashion Design Workshop – Made by me: Yr 2 - 4 / CP-CE2 / EKL1 – KL3

From Sketch to Fabrics, in this curriculum we encourage children to design their own T-shirts / making accessories with their own style and discover the fun of up-cycle fashion as well. We help them dream big and explore that world of Fashion Design in a fun, playful environment. We also encourage a healthy attitude towards fashion and allow your natural diverse talents and tastes to flourish by discussing your projects and creative thinking.

Thursday (4.20-5.20pm) NT$ 8,840 (13 classes)

For late starting ECA lessons: Parents can enroll their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start.

Art and Artists: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 -CM2 / KL2 - KL4

Art education inspires students to develop their own sense, feelings of experience, and thinking ideas, to express themselves in painting. In this course, the professional art teacher will introduce the painting skills from the famous artists, such as Botero, Monet, Max Ernst, Niki, Picasso Cubism, Wu Bing and Yen Shui Long.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,600 (14 weeks)

Only new projects! New and returning students are welcome. This ECA will be run in English and Chinese Language; students who are interested in learning Art skills are welcome to join! The semester cost includes the cost of materials.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,200 (13 weeks)


6e. Technology and Academic Clubs - LASY, Unplugged Coding, Science, Mental Abacus, Computer Coding, Lego, Young Inventors Club, Harry Potter – Build your own wand, Maker Kids

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

LASY - Children Engineering: Reception / MS / Kiga B

LASY Children Engineering Program (for preschool children) is aimed at developing innovative children who understand various basic design and engineering concepts, and how to implement them using LASY special bricks. Hand-on, mind-on experiments stimulate a child’s emotional and psychological attitude and abilities. This helps children build the foundation for lifelong self-confidence, perseverance and problem solving skill to overcome real life situations.

Tuesday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 6,300 (14 weeks)

This ECA will be run in Chinese and supplemented by English Language.

Thursday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 5,850 (13 weeks)

This ECA will be run in Chinese Language; students of all Chinese language levels are welcome to join!

Unplugged Coding: Reception / MS / Kiga B

ACTC Unplugged Programming Activity" for children. The courses do not use computers at all. Children learn programming logic by fun and simple activities, games, cards, teaching aids, drawing, floor creativity, spatial dimensions, and spoken instructions in order to lay solid foundation of programming in the future. It also helps children to cultivate ability of problem solving.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 6,300 (14 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA!

Unplugged Coding: Yr 1 / GS/ Flex Ø

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 6,300 (14 weeks)


Science Club Yr 1 / GS/ Flex Ø

Sciences experiences can be such fun! Scientists learn about the world we live in by carrying out all sorts of scientific experiments and investigations. They will start by learning what is the scientific method, as well as the vocabulary used in sciences class, then, through hands-on activity, children will explore their five senses and a wide range of topics

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

The sciences Club is a 2-semester course. There are different activities in each semester.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)


Science Club Yr 2 / CP/ KL1

(biology, chemistry, physics…) via sciences projects.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Mental Abacus Yr 1 - 4 / GS - CE2 / Flex Ø - KL3

Learning mental abacus not only increases the speed of response and calculation, but more importantly, it enhances mental capability, memorizing ability and concentration. With integrations of primary school mathematic courses in our mental abacus curriculum, children can lay solid foundations in math.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

This ECA will be run in Chinese Language; students of all Chinese language levels are welcome to join! *Fee includes all materials.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Computer Coding - Programming with Python Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - CM2 / KL4

Designed for any student curious about the power of computers and technology, this course introduces the basics of Python and computer science by programming a series of fun games and rewarding code challenges. In addition to Python syntax and computer science concepts, students also learn to think about problems logically and solve them systematically. The course also introduces Python libraries to students, laying a solid foundation towards many more powerful applications of Python at higher levels.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,800 (14 classes)

NEW Course! English speaking, writing and listening abilities required and able to type 10 words per minute. The students need to remember their own Email Address and Password.

Computer Coding - Virtual Reality with CoSpaces: Animate your own VR world Yr 3 - 5 / CE1 – CM1 / KL2 - KL4

In this course, students will build and animate advanced 3D spaces using the tool CoSpaces. We learn how to design more elaborate 3D environments, understand modeling and how it can be achieved using primitive shapes, as well as exploring and playing in the animated 3D space they created. We will focus on learning how to create interactions and movements in our worlds using blocks-based programming. Throughout this course, students will extend on their proficiency in using 3D models and creating 3D

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,100 (13 classes)

NEW Course! English speaking and listening abilities required


environments and spaces. In addition, they will get to experience how their spaces can come alive by coding and programming using blocks. WIth it, they will be introduced to programming three dimensional objects and creating functional games and interactive projects. With VR capabilities of CoSpaces, Students can experience the 3D spaces they created through VR.

Computer Coding – ScratchJr: Tinker with Code Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP / Flex Ø - KL1

The ScratchJr course introduces coding fundamentals and concepts to young imaginative minds. Sometimes referred to as the post-iPad generation, young children born in this generation have gained proficiency and comfort in smartphones and tablets at an early age. ScratchJr is an innovative, new iPad app that teaches blocks-based programming, developed in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab. Students start with basic commands including moving sprites forward and turning left/right, then building their own fun stories and characters through sequences, loops, conditionals. Students are encouraged to construct creative games and detail the steps to bring their imagination to reality.

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,100 (13 classes)

English speaking and listening abilities required.

Lego – ESM: Early Simple Powered Machines Yr 1 / GS / Flex Ø

The Early Machines program is ideal for introducing youngsters to the basic skills in building mechanical machines they see in their daily lives. Children can explore many creative ways to meet their early childhood development needs. This will be achieved through a wide range of play-based, hands-on activities. We will use gears, levers, pulleys, wheels and axles, as well as plastic punch-out with eyes, sails, scales and wings.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 6,720 (14 weeks)

The Lego ESM is a 2 semesters course.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 6,240 (13 weeks) Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 6,720 (14 weeks)


Lego – SPM (Basic): ** Simple Powered Machines Yr 2 - 4 / CP - CE2 / KL1 - KL3

Lego® Simple Machines sets are used in this course where students will be able to create simple mechanisms found in their daily lives (i.e. seesaws, eggbeaters, etc.). From gears to motors, students follow guided instructions to create simple machines. They will be able to observe the transmission of force and variation of speed. Through these and many other activities, their interest and passion for science will be fostered.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 6,890 (13 weeks)

The Lego SPM Basic is a 4 semesters course. The motor fee is included.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 7,420 (14 weeks)

Lego – Robot (Advanced): Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

LEGO® Technology Base Set, Power Add-on Set and Pneumatics Set are added in this course. For the advanced SPM, we add the LEGO WeDo robotics. They can explore mechanical design and motion through the projects. Students program the robot by using iPad with the graphical software. It benefits the students to develop logical, critical and computational thinking skills.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 7,980 (14 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA! Brand new course. New and returning students are welcome. Prerequisite For Yr 4 / CE2 / KL3: Students must have followed at least 2 semesters of the Lego- SPM Basic program. Please register only for one Lego – Robot advanced class per semester. The motor fee is included.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 7,980 (14 weeks)

Skyrock - Young Inventors Club: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

The Young Inventors Club will challenge kids to use Little Bits technology kits to transform any boring old objects into awesome, touch-activated inventions to control their stuff. The Little Bits technology kits are fun and infinitely creative. They are composed of electronic building blocks that are color-coded, magnetic, and make complex technology simple. We will learn how to prank mom, create games from scratch and defend our rooms from intruders – all with the power of electronics, the materials around us and the magic of computer code. The goal of the program: to give kids the creative confidence and curiosity to reinvent the world around them. They'll have so much fun, they won't even realize they're gaining coding and STEAM skills for the future!

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,950 (14 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA!

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,240 (13 weeks)

NEW Time slot!


Skyrock – Harry Potter - Build your own wand: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

The new Wizards and Witches will build a wand and code it so that it responds to your movements. They will learn about loops, logic, and variables. Wave your coding wand and see instant effects on screen. Make fire flow, pumpkins grow, feathers fly, goblets multiply, paint pictures, compose music, and more. Join Skyrock Projects at Taipei European School for this brand new and exciting course!

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,240 (13 weeks)

2018-19 (Sem. 2) NEW ECA!

CIO School -Maker Kids: Yr 2 - 3 / CP - CE1 / KL1 - KL2

Give students an opportunity to experience the fun of doing hands-on activities and enable them to develop knowledge and skills in electric circuits and programming. In the course, students will learn how to create interactive and fun toys with electronic components and various materials. Through programming, students gain a better understanding of how to customize their toys. It inspires students the ability to solve problems and learn by playing.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,240 (14 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA!

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,240 (14 weeks)

NEW Time slot!


6f. Hobbies - Kidchen Club, Magic, Chess

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

Kidchen Club – Little Einstein Chef: Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP / Flex Ø - KL1

Fun with science in the kitchen! Children are born curious and kitchen is a perfect place to nurture our budding scientists. All recipes work because of science and the process of cooking resembles a scientific project: Observation, categorization, prediction, experimentation and problem solving. Each workshop has its own scientific cooking theme. A scientific food experiment is followed by a cooking session. Through the process of cooking, children will observe how food changes in form and shape (i.e., hot/cold, sink /float, hard/soft, dissolving and melting) while starting to understand the nature of food and develop a good relationship with food in a fun and fascinating way.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,100 (13 weeks)

*The workshop is a year-round program, new recipe every week throughout the year. New and returning students are welcome. *Fee includes all material *Minimum 10 students

Kidchen Club – Yummy Story Time: Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP / Flex Ø – KL1

Let’s cook up a dish inspired from the story we read! When story time is combined with cooking, your little one would agree that books have never tasted this good! Our yummy story time is an exciting and fun way to engage little kids in learning about new food, basic nutrition, where food come from, social skills and most importantly, basic cooking skills and healthy eating. Each session begins with story time e.g. Charlie and the chocolate factory -chocolate pop; then a quick discussion about the food-related elements from the covered book before cooking up the recipe from the story.

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,100 (13 weeks)

*The workshop is a year-round program, new recipe every week throughout the year. New and returning students are welcome. *Fee includes all material *Minimum 10 students

Kidchen Club – Recipe for Life: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

‘Recipe for Life’ is Kidchen Club’s signature culinary program that aims to equip children with the essential life skills through cooking and food knowledge. In the workshop each week, children will get to cook one Chef’s Special Recipe as well as learning a daily living skill such as nutrition, meal planning, grocery shopping and dining etiquette. The combination of cooking and life skills allows children to cook their way to a

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,100 (13 weeks)

*The workshop is a year-round program, new recipe every week throughout the year. New and returning students are welcome. *Fee includes all material *Minimum 10 students


happy, healthy and savvy living life. Some of our weekly theme includes: Theme: No food at home, are you sure? Cooking Recipe: Homemade Ramen Noodle Soup Key living skill: Preparing food from scratch from mommy’s pantry stable shelf.

Kidchen Club- The Supper Club Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4 For kids to make and eat their own supper / snack after school. Learn to cook and know what they put into their mouth. Conduct in English.

After school, kids are always exhausted and hungry! The ‘Supper Club’ is a win-win solution for us parents and children! Not only your child will feel a great sense of ownership and accomplishment from making and eating their own food and be reenergized after the long day at school, they will also get to learn important things and life skills through cooking. Besides food knowledge and preparation techniques, cooking allows children to work on their math, critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork skill and time management! What a true, full and fueled, learningful play time in the kitchen after school!

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 9,800 (14 weeks)

*The workshop is a year-round program, new recipe every week throughout the year. New and returning students are welcome. *Fee includes all material *Minimum 10 students

Magic Club: Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP / Flex Ø - KL1

Interested in learning fun magic tricks? If you would like to learn how to make a coin disappear from your palm, to escape from a tied rope or to change the colors of a poker card, this club is for you! Falcon, our super magician will come to our school to share his secrets with you! Come to the “Magic Club” and you will be able to amaze your friends with tricks that only magicians can do.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,000 (14 weeks)

Only new magic tricks. New and returning students are welcome. *Fee includes all materials: 3 items per lesson

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,650 (13 weeks)

Magic Club: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

Interested in learning fun magic tricks? If you would like to learn how to make a coin disappear from your palm, to escape from a tied rope or to change the colors of a poker card, this club is for you! Falcon, our super magician will come to our school to share his secrets with you! Amaze your friends with tricks that only magicians can do.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,000 (14 weeks)

New and returning students are welcome. *Fee includes all materials: 3 items per lesson


Chess Club ** Othello Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP / Flex Ø - KL1

Othello is a two-player strategy game with the winner having more pieces on the board at the end. Othello is challenging enough that students need to find good moves and learn to plan ahead. These skills will lay a good foundation for learning chess in the future.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,550 (13 weeks)

Chess Club ** Pre-basic Yr 1 - 2 / GS - CP / Flex Ø - KL1

For the NEW pre-basic chess, our coach will deliver the skills for Y1 & Y2 students to start from scratch !

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,550 (13 weeks)

Chess Club ** Novice Chess (Beginner): Yr 3 / CE1 / KL2

Chess is a great game that offers a fun and competitive way to develop children’s minds, focus, imagination, and a number of other useful ways to develop the brain. Girls and boys love the game around the world and this is the perfect introduction for you to do it as well.

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,550 (13 weeks)

Prior knowledge of chess is helpful but not required. Student can be totally NEW to chess but must be keen to learn. They will be instructed on how to move the chess pieces and how to set up the chessboard. They will also learn about king safety and back-rank checkmates.

Chess Club ** Junior Basic: Yr 3 - 5 / CE1 - CM1 / KL2 - KL4

The Basic chess class is for children who understand the rules of the game but want to learn strategies to be able to play games more effectively.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,900 (14 weeks)

Prerequisite: Junior Basic Chess: Students can already make use of simple checkmate patterns and are capable of playing a FULL game of chess. They must be able to listen to strategic instruction for 10-minutes at the start of each class. They are able to keep their queen safe, and not give away pieces for free too often. They can also defend against back-rank checkmates.


Chess Club ** Intermediate: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4 (teacher consent is required)

The Intermediate chess class is for pupils who are beyond the experienced beginner level and/or have followed our Basic Chess ECA course last year.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,900 (14 weeks)

Prerequisite: Intermediate Chess : Students here are beyond the junior basic level, and must demonstrate basic strategic understanding. They quickly castle to ensure king safety, and control the central squares in the opening, and finish their development. Students in this class will learn reliable openings. They should be able to make logical decisions.

Chess Club ** Advanced : Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4 (teacher consent is required)

The advanced chess class is for pupils who are more experienced players and want to play in the monthly competitions around Taipei. Tony Lee, who will teach those classes, is a senior chess coach who has played at a high level in chess competitions around the world. He will teach the children a wide range of strategies to help them improve their chess ability.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,900 (14 weeks)

Prerequisite: Advanced Chess: Students in this class should be able to use their rooks and queen effectively and can defend well. Practice will be geared towards getting ready to represent TES in team tournaments. They must be able to use a reliable chess opening to compete effectively. They will be encouraged to gain experience in high-level or national-level tournaments.


6g. Languages - Chinese Phonetics, English Drama

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

Chinese Phonetics Yr 1-2/ GS - CP / Flex Ø - KL1

This Chinese Phonetics ECA will introduce ㄅㄆㄇ mainly used in Taiwan. Kids will learn how to write, read and combine phonetics step by step. The aim of this ECA is to make kids familiar with ㄅㄆㄇ and to prepare for them to be able to read Chinese characters in the next phase. The program this semester is for totally beginners and there will be a consecutive intermediate program next semester.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

This ECA will be run in Chinese Language and it's a two - semester program. *Fee includes 2 activity books.

English Drama Yr 1 - 3 / GS - CE1 / Flex Ø - KL2

Take part in theatre games, learn improvisation, stage fighting, mime and masks, give speeches - and so much more! Build confidence, perfect pronunciation, intonation and stress, and expand your personal library of gesture and body language as you take part in specially created skits and scenes, and even workshop and write your own! DrammarTM (an imprint of Oxford English Masters' Ltd.) was created by Matthew Townend, of Oxford University and the National Youth Theatre of the UK. Matt has written several plays and musicals including the internationally acclaimed 'Plague: the Musical!'. He is a passionate believer in the transformative power of theatre and story, and that creativity and problem-solving are the two most important skills for today and tomorrow's world.

Friday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 7,000 (14 weeks)

English Drama: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Friday (4.20-5.20pm) NT$ 7,000 (14 weeks)

For late starting ECA lessons: Parents can enroll their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start.


6h. Sports - Football, Badminton, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Parkour, Basketball, Yoga for Kids, Team Strategy Games Club

ECA Description Tuition Special notes

Football Club: Reception / MS / Kiga B (Age 4)

Football is the most popular sport in Europe! This reception football course, led by Master Football Academy, is ideal for introducing youngsters to the basic skills of the game as well as a number of simple English sentences related to football. The players will learn passing and receiving the ball, running with the ball and football related running activities.

Wednesday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Boys and Girls are welcome! This class is for beginner players. Materials: Players must wear shin guards for the practice. Dress code: Sport clothes and sneakers. In case of Air pollution, class will be cancelled.

Football Club - Infant: Yr 1 / GS / Flex Ø (Age 5)

Football is the most popular sport in Europe! This beginner football course, lead by Master Football Academy is ideal for introducing youngsters to the basic skills of the game as well as a number of simple English sentences related to football. For the first semester of training, the players will learn passing and receiving the ball, running with the ball and conditioning. There will be 2 classroom based sessions each semester for each football group, this will be to review and expand the children’s football understanding so they have a better context for what they have been practicing.

Tuesday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Boys and Girls are welcome! This class is for beginner players and children who have played before and want to improve their skills. Materials: Players must wear shin guards for the practice. Dress code: Sport clothes and sneakers. In case of Air pollution all groups will do the classroom based session.

Thursday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Football Club - Infant: Yr 2 / CP / KL1

Tuesday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Thursday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,290 (13 weeks)

Football Club - Junior: Yr 3 - 4 / CE1 - CE2 / KL2 - KL3

Football is the most popular sport in Europe! This football course, led by Master Football Academy is ideal for introducing helping to develop your technical skills and also tactical skills. Improve your ability in skills like passing, dribbling, shooting, tackling and heading….to name but a few. There will be 2 classroom based sessions each semester for each football group, this will be to review and expand the children’s football understanding so they have a better context for what they have been practicing.

Monday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Boys and Girls are welcome! This class is for beginner players and children who have played before and want to improve their skills. The 3 MFA coaches will split students into groups based on comparable skill levels. Materials: Players must wear shin guards for the practice. Dress code: Sport clothes and sneakers. In case of Air pollution all groups will do the classroom based session.

Friday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Football Club - Junior: Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - M2 / KL4

Monday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks) Friday (3.15-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)


Badminton Club: Yr 2 - 3 / CP - CE1 / KL1 - KL2

Develop your technical, tactical and physical skills with a professional local badminton coach with Chinese Taipei Badminton Association –Coach Certificate. You can learn about the basic knowledge and rules of badminton, the basic racket action and competition skills (drive, serve, high clears, etc.) as well as developing a lifelong exercise habit which provides physical movement and improves fitness generally.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

This ECA will be run in Chinese Language; students of all Chinese language levels are welcome to join! Children need to change into sports kits. For late starting ECA lessons: Parents can enroll their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start.

Badminton Club: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Tuesday (4.20-5.20pm) NT$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Rhythmic Gymnastics: Yr 2 - 3 / CP - CE1 / KL1 - KL2

Rhythmic Gymnastics is a sport that bursts with glamour, blurring the boundaries between sport and art. Coach KUO had participated in 2002 Pacific Rim Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships and 2004 European School Sports Game with the 5th place in the individual event and the 3rd place in group competition, respectively. The purpose of this ETC is to train children's strength, balance, coordination, agility and flexibility combined with music and apparatus (such as hoop, ball, rope, ribbon and so on). Hope you will have fun exploring rhythmic gymnastics world.

Monday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 7,000 (14 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA! Dress Code: 1. hair tied in a ponytail or bun 2. wearing sports tank and legging Apparatus price: They can be bought through the instructor. Rope: NT$550 Ball (small): NT$650 Hoop: NT$450 Competition Information: If your child is interested in participating in Rhythmic gymnasts competition, please let Coach Kuo know at the first lesson and ECA office will help you to enrol your child to two classes, Mon. 3:10-4:10 and 4:20-5:20pm. For late starting ECA lessons: Parents can enroll their child for that day’s “Supervised Homework Club” if they are unable to supervise their child prior to the lesson start.

Rhythmic Gymnastics: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Monday (4.20-5.20pm) NT$ 7,000 (14 weeks)


Parkour Yr 2 - 3 / CP - CE1 / KL1 - KL2

At its basic level, Parkour is a fascinating discipline, to train your body to be able to get over obstacles in your path: balancing, jumping, landing, rolling, vaulting, spinning, and more. Later, students can apply these foundations to develop skills in all kinds of freestyle sports. Our instructors use the school’s gym equipment to create obstacle courses for exercises that are carried out in the safest and most fun environment!

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,460 (13 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA! Boys and Girls are welcome! Children must wear sports shoes for the activity.

Parkour Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL 4

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,460 (13 weeks)

Basketball Club: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

Develop your technical, tactical and physical skills with qualified overseas basketball coach. The essential ball handling skills of dribbling, passing, receiving and shooting will be worked during the semester as well as the teamwork and game play strategies needed to manage in a competition type situation.

Tuesday (3.15-4.10pm) N$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Children need to change into sports kit and trainers for this activity.

Friday (3.15-4.10pm) N$ 4,620 (14 weeks)

Yoga for Kids: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

Children today are overstimulated as they strive to keep up with the fast –paced demands of our society. Practicing simple yoga posture is the ideal way for kids to naturally unwind and get physical activity at the same time. Yoga nourish the mind, body and spirit. There are many benefits for children to practice yoga, including strengthening fine and gross motor coordination, building on their flexibility and physical strength, toning glands and organs, increasing focus and concentration, promoting calmness. Children who practice yoga will not only become more balanced physically and mentally, but they will be more focused academically. The objective of this class is to teach children to calm themselves down by focusing on breathing, to do simple yoga postures by themselves so they

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 3,960 (12 weeks) *No class on 22nd and 29th January

2018-19 NEW ECA! Students have to wear sport pants or shorts for the activity.


can stretch their body and balance their mood and energy level any time anywhere. At the end of this class, children will feel good about themselves and become more confident.

Team Strategy Games Club: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Imagines’ international activity leaders run a variety of games designed specifically for learning to work in teams, e.g. strategic team challenges, such as blindfolded navigation, orienteering, pioneering, etc… Participants are encouraged to use teamwork, leadership, communication and strategic skills, and a debrief is given to enable participants to consider what they have learned from the experience.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$ 5,880 (14 weeks)

2018-19 NEW ECA!


7. Faculty run ECA – class descriptions

7a. Supervised Homework Club

Supervision ECA

Description Day Special Notes

Supervised Homework Club Sem 1: Yr 2 - 6 / CP – CM2 / KL1- KL4 Sem 2: Yr 2 - 6 / CP – CM2 / KL1- KL4

The supervised homework club is a designed as a service to parents that have children taking part in late starting ECAs and are unable to supervise their children from the end of school until the start of their late starting ECA. (Peripatetic music, Peripatetic language, late dance, late FOBISIA, various other late starting ECAs). Additionally, where space available (see Special Notes), this service can be used by parents that have siblings that are waiting for their brother/sister who have an ECA at the time that they do not, parents can then pick up both children following the sibling’s ECA at 4:20pm. An ECA assistant will provide supervision for the students whilst they undertake their homework. The students are expected to use this supervised time to either complete homework or to read quietly. (please make sure your child has prepared some quiet study on days they attend this ECA) Registration of NT$600 will be managed separately via AOS (not as part of the automated payment via TESmile). Please remember: If your child is not in an ECA then they must be supervised by an adult, NO CHILD IS ALLOWED TO BE UNATTENDED ON CAMPUS.

Monday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$600 / sem Tuesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$600 / sem Wednesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$600 / sem Thursday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$600 / sem Friday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$600 / sem

Supervised Homework Club enrolled at the 2nd Round Enrolment when Manual system opens. The enrolment of this ECA will be done on a first come-first serve basis. However, the allocation will be prioritized : 1. Children who have a late

ECA on a given day. 2. Siblings who are waiting

for their brother/sister to finish an ECA.

Registration will open following the ECA timetables being allocated. Contact Ms. Alice Liu in the ES office to register. [email protected] 02-8145-9007 ext. 1801 EPC CRA building Rm. C105B


7b. Dance Dance ECAs Description Day Special Notes Tap Dance Sem 2: Yr 3 – 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

Learn how to tap dance! This is a fun, beginner tap dancing class for any students wanting to learn. It is a great way to develop rhythm and coordination! We will be starting from the basics, so please only students who have no previous tap dancing experience. Students will need to purchase tap shoes for this class, and wear comfortable, clothing that doesn't restrict leg movement.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$800 /sem.

This is for complete beginners, not experienced tap dancers. The cost of tap shoes is additional to the ECA cost, we have a company that can provide shoes, NT$2,000-2,300. Please contact and purchase directly with the company.


7c. Music Music ECAs

Description Day Special Notes

Primary Orchestra Sem1&2: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Orchestra players with at least 2 years of instrument experience or ABRSM Grade 1 level are required. Children will be split into groups for various chamber rehearsals. Wednesday lunch time may be assigned for ensemble practices when needed.

Tuesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$400/sem.

This is a year-long ECA from Yr 4 - 6, enrolment is in semester 1 and there is no need to re-enrol in Semester 2, it will automatically go onto your TESmile enrolment page.

Lower Primary Choir Sem 1&2: Yr 2 - 3 / CP & CE1 / KL1 - KL2

Y2-3 students with the interest in singing. The choir aims to develop further each student’s singing voice, pitch awareness, and most importantly, listening skills. Also fostered are team work, discipline and organisation, which all enhance their performance and stage presence.

Wednesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$400/sem.

This is a year-long ECA, enrolment is in semester 1 and there is no need to re-enrol in Semester 2 it will automatically go onto your TESmile enrolment page.

Jazz Band Sem 1 & 2: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 - CM2 / KL3 - KL4

2 years of instrument experience or ABRSM Grade 1 level are required.The Jazz band has been expanding in recent years and is now an after-school ECA. Want to play something more modern and up tempo, this is the perfect complement to your peripatetic lessons or Orchestra.

Wednesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$4200/sem.

Yr 4 – 6 children with keyboard, flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, drum, guitar, bass backgrounds are required. This is a year-long ECA, enrolment is in semester 1 and there is no need to re-enrol in Semester 2, it will automatically go onto your TESmile enrolment page.

Upper Primary Choir Sem 1 & 2: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 -CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Y4-6 students with the interest in singing. The choir aims to develop further each student’s singing voice, pitch awareness, and most importantly, listening skills. Also fostered are team work, discipline and organisation, which all enhance their performance and stage presence.

Thursday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$400/sem.

This is a year-long ECA, enrolment is in semester 1 and there is no need to re-enrol in Semester 2, it will automatically go onto your TESmile enrolment page.

Flute Ensemble Sem 1 & 2: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

The ECAs below will be held at lunchtime. Students will be split based on lunch sittings in the cafeteria.

Tuesday Y4 + 6 12:40-1:10pm Y3 + 5 1:10-1:40pm NT$3200/sem

Flute players with at least 1 year of experiences or more.

Irish Harp Ensemble Sem 1 & 2: Yr 4 - 6 / CE2 -CM2 / KL3 - KL4

Require Y4 - 6 children with 2 years of piano background as at least level. Participants will need to switch their lunchtime on their own arrangement in order to fit to the scheduled time from 1 - 1:40 every Friday.

Friday Y4 - 6 1:00-1:40pm NT$3200/sem

Require Y4 - 6 children with 2 years of piano background as at least level. 6 Irish harps are provided during the group sessions. Participants will need to switch their lunchtime on their own if needed.


Music ECAs

Description Day Special Notes

Beginner Band

Sem1&2: Yr 3 - 4 / CE1 - CE2 / KL 1 -KL 2

Students explores the trombone and trumpet instruments to start as a beginner. Students will be using school P-bone and P-trumpet. It is required students to purchase the plastic mouthpiece at the start of the lessons.

Monday 12:40 – 1:10pm (Yr 4) 1:10 – 1:40pm (Yr 3) NT$3200/sem

This is one semester ECA from Yr 3 & 4. The goal of the Beginner Band is to play as a group band by the end of the term. Students pursue forward to the individual instrument learning in the coming semester.

7d. Arts and Crafts Arts & Crafts ECAs

Description Day Special Notes

Zentangle Art Club Sem 2: Yr 3-6 / CE1-CM2 / KL2-KL4

Zentangle is a method to help you relax in fun way and to create your own art images by drawing different patterns. It is easy to start and no drawing skills needed. All you have to do is enjoy the moment you draw and relieve your stress and inspire your design talent at the same time.

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$800 /sem.

This ECA will be run in Chinese Language; students of all Chinese language levels are welcome to join! The semester cost includes the cost of materials.


7e. Technology and Academic Clubs Technology + Academics Club ECAs

Description Day Special Notes

Maker Space Club Sem 2: Yr 3 – 6 / CE1 – CM2 / KL2 - KL4

Have a brilliant idea but not sure how you can turn it into reality? Favourite toy broken but not sure how to fix it? That is what Maker Space is for. A place where you can come and use tools and equipment you might not have at home to build or repair anything. You might need to work on some electronics, build something out of wood or design and construct something accurately using the 3D Printers or the milling machine. The only limitation is your imagination.

Thursday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$900 /sem

The semester cost includes the cost of specialist tools and materials

Adventure Story Writing Club Sem 2: Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - CM2 / KL4

A ‘Choose your own adventure’ story is a story that changes as the reader makes choices. Do you drink the mysterious bottle labelled ‘Drink me’, or decide to leave it well alone and move on? Based on the popular series of ‘Fighting Fantasy’ novels, written by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone back in the 90s, CYOA stories allow authors to create multi-dimensional adventures. During the sessions, children will be able to create their own stories using several online web programmes which allow authors to create and branch storylines into various directions. The stories created are interactive and allow creative thinking and strategic planning. If you are passionate about writing stories in a cool, fun way, this could be the ECA for you! Children should be comfortable writing in the medium of English and enjoy the creative process of story writing.

Tuesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$600

Please note: This ECA requires the ability to write confidently at paragraph level to be able to undertake the level of story writing required. Enrol your child only if they will be able to cope with this expectation. The semester cost includes the cost of specialist tools and materials


World Scholar’s Cup Team Sem 2: Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - CM2 / KL4

The World Scholar’s Cup is a Celebration of Learning!

It brings together many subjects, around an exciting theme. The World Scholar’s Cup ECA will focus on preparing teams of 3 (with a maximum of 5 teams) to participate in the regional (Taiwan) and then, hopefully later on in the global round. We’ll research, discuss and debate issues related to the next year’s theme. For example, last year’s theme was An Entangled World How it works The World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) is an international initiative. Every year, WSC releases its theme. Each theme is explored through various learning areas. In 2018, for example, the theme was and explored the following:

• Special Area – Human Relationships • Science & Technology – The Science of Memory. • History – The History of Diplomacy • Literature - Voices of the Inseparable • Art & Music – Braving the Distance • Social Studies – Black Markets

WSC provides guideline materials for exploring these learning areas in order to bring the theme alive. Participation centres around four team events: Team debate; Scholar’s Bowl; Collaborative Writing and

Scholar’s Challenge.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$900 /sem

All those wanting to participate in the ECA must have an acceptable level of English. The cost of travelling to and participating in the regional and global rounds will be borne by participating children. (TBC in Semester 2) For more information, please visit: Teams of 3 explore these materials and then prepare to participate in a regional (Taiwan) round against other schools in Taiwan. This is usually held in Kaohsiung in March every year. Most international schools in Taiwan participate in this. Depending on our success, we may then be invited to a Global Round in the South East Asia area, usually taking place from around mid June to 1st July, for 5 days. There is a SENIOR and a JUNIOR division. The junior division includes students up to 14 years old; though there is no bottom cut-off, most participants are at least 10.

(The students were pre-selected by Mr. Norris in October 2018.)


7f. Hobbies Hobby ECAs

Descriptions Day Special Notes

Board Games Sem 2: Yr 3 – 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL2 - KL4

In this club, children will have fun playing a variety of board games whilst at the same time learning about fair play, teamwork, cooperation and strategy.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$600 /sem.

The semester cost includes the cost of materials.

Puzzlers Club Sem 2: Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - CM2 / KL4

If you enjoy solving fiendish and difficult puzzles such as Sudoku, Wordsearches or Crosswords then come and join this ECA. Each week we will look at different styles of puzzle, some individual and some involving team work.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$600 /sem.

The semester cost includes the cost of materials.

7g. Chinese Language Chinese Language ECAs

Descriptions Day Special Notes

Chinese Storybook Club (Infant) Sem 2: Yr 1- 2 / GS - CP / Flex0 -KL1

Kids will have an opportunity to explore Chinese in a fun way. Different activities (drawing, paper cutting, art and craft, etc.) will be extended from a story.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$650 /sem.

This ECA will be run in Chinese Language; students of all Chinese language levels are welcome to join, but there is no translation to other languages so please bear this in mind! The semester cost includes the cost of materials.

Chinese Homework Club Sem 2: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 - CM2 / KL4

This ECA mainly provides help with the children’s writing of Chinese homework. The teacher will provide students support and advice in completing the work from the child’s Chinese class.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$800 /sem.

Student need to bring their Chinese homework to class. This is not designed as a remedial programme, but a supporting one for children’s efforts in Chinese.


7h. Sports Sport ECAs

Description Day Special Notes

FOBISIA Squad training Sem2: Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - CM2 / KL4

FOBISIA squad training starts - November 9 (ECA wk 11) Wed/Thurs/Fri Full squad training. Wed/Thurs/Fri Full squad training. Training continues into Semester 2 on the same days preparing for: FOBISIA PRIMARY GAMES: 30 May - 3 June 2019. The Thanyapura Health & Sports Resort, Phuket, Thailand.

Wednesday (4:15-5:15/ 30pm) Thursday (3:00-4:15/ 30pm) Friday (3:00-4:15/ 30pm)

For full details on the FOBISIA programme, please see the FOBISIA Parents’ Information brochure (page 50) or speak to Mr. Milner (FOBISIA coordinator) [email protected] Please note: if you try out for FOBISIA you will not be able to enrol on Friday ECAs at the 3:10-4:10 pm time.

Primary TISSA Swimming Sem 2: Y4-6 / CE1-CM2 / K4-5

Become a TES TITAN! Represent your School Swim team with pride. TES is a member of TISSA (Taiwan International School Sports Association) and will compete in the TISSA Primary Swim meet 26th April 2019, hosted at Kaoshiung American School. The training sessions for this will take place after regular ECAs have finished, and so this activity will not be enrolled via the ECA system. This is because it is only open to students who are already swimming competitively in local swim meets or are competent swimmers in 3 strokes and are having private swimming lessons. The first 2 sessions will be trial sessions to determine the children's suitability for the swim meet, if following the trial sessions a student has not shown the required level for competition then they will not be able to continue with the training. Mrs. Kyle, [email protected] BPS PE teacher, is organising the swim team and will be sending out a letter to all parents of the correct year groups, to provide further information and collect names of students wishing to try out.

Tuesday (4:15-5:30) (waiting to be confirmed on bus costs) Training Days: 15th January to 23rd April every Tuesday (this is not as per the main ECA schedule - it is every Tuesday until the Swim meet)

Costs for the Swim meet are approx. 3,000NT$ for travel to and from Kaoushiung Cost of TISSA Titans TES Swimming Costume: NT700/Swimming Cap NT150 Transportation is arranged to take students from EPC at 4:15pm to Ke-Qiang Swimming Pool (Tuesdays) Parents to pick up from Ke-Qiang Swimming Pool at 5:30pm. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Kyle directly, [email protected]. This is not being organised via the ECA office


TISSA School Basketball team U9 Sem 2: Yr 3 - 4 / CE1 - CE2 / KL2 - KL3

Become a TES TITAN! Represent your School Basketball team with pride. TES is a member of TISSA (Taiwan International School Sports Association) and will compete in their Basketball competition. Teams are mixed, so boys and girls are equally welcome to join up. Children will train as a team in preparation for a 1-day tournament, Saturday 30th March 2019. Training will continue on a normal ECA schedule following the competition. The game format is 3 v 3 and there will be 2 squads of 5 students at U9. The roster is limited to 10 players at this age group so please only enrol if you know how to play Basketball and have some competitive level of ability. This is not a beginner class, so if you wish to learn basketball please register for the regular Basketball ECA (Tuesday/Friday)

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$500 /sem.

The Saturday tournament is from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm @EPC. TEAM KITS (shorts and vest NT$1000) will be bought by players personalized with their names. The coach will organize this with the team players.

TISSA School Basketball team U11 Sem 2: Yr 5 -6/ CM1 - CM2 / KL4

Become a TES TITAN! Represent your School Basketball team with pride. TES is a member of TISSA (Taiwan International School Sports Association) and will compete in their Basketball competition. Teams are mixed, so boys and girls are equally welcome to join up. Children will train as a team in preparation for a 1-day tournament, Saturday 30th March 2019. Training will continue on a normal ECA schedule following the competition. The game format is 3 v 3 and there will be 2 squads of 5 students at U11. The roster is limited to 10 players at this age group so please only enrol if you know how to play Basketball and have some competitive level of ability.

Wednesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$500 /sem.

The Saturday tournament is from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm @EPC. TEAM KITS (shorts and vest NT$1000) will be bought by players personalized with their names. The coach will organize this with the team players.


This is not a beginner class, so if you wish to learn basketball please register for the regular Basketball ECA (Tuesday/Friday)

Hockey Club Sem2: Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - CM2 / KL4

Children will develop key skills including dribbling, passing, shooting, as well as developing their teamwork and decision-making. Sessions will involve a mix of skills-based practice and small games, with a focus on participation and enjoyment.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$500 /sem.

Children need to change into sports kit. Shin-guards are compulsory. Gum shields are advised.

Tee Ball Sem 2: Yr 5 - 6 / CM1 - CM2 / KL4

This sport is open for both boys and girls, and is the beginner version of baseball. The children will develop the key basic skills of throwing, catching, hitting and the fun of playing the game.

Wednesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$400 /sem.

Children only need to change into their trainers.

Real PE Sem 2: Yr 3 - 4 / CE1 - CE2 / KL2 - KL3

Real PE is about physical education and is focused on the development of agility, balance, coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning through playing. Real PE combines role-playing and general fitness. This semester children will be practicing static/dynamic balance and coordination as well as their social skills.

Wednesday (3:10-4:10pm) NT$400 /sem.

Children need to change into sports kit.

Pétanque Sem 2: Yr 3 - 4 / CE1 - CE2 / KL2 - KL3

Pétanque - pronounced "pay-tank", sometimes called boules, is a French outdoor game played by two opposing teams trying to throw boules (balls the size of an orange) as close as possible to a but (little wooden sphere the size of a plastic bottle cork). It is perfect as a low impact exercise involving throwing, bending and walking. However it also requires team play, concentration, tactics and strategy. People of all ages and gender can compete on an equal basis.

Tuesday (3.10-4.10pm) NT$600 /sem.


7i. Section Specific Homework Clubs Section Homework

Descriptions Day Special Notes

German Sem: 1 & 2 Section allocated (enrolment via Section)

The students will work on their homework or on their weekly planners in a small group setting. A German native speaker will provide assistance as required.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (3:05-4:25pm)

Students can attend a maximum of 2 afternoons. The section will allocate places based on academic needs, with priority for non-native speakers. Enrolment is with the section and not part of the TESmile process.

French Sem: 1 & 2 CP / CE1-2 / CM1-2 (enrolment via Section)

There are homework groups at each level CP / CE1 / CE2 / CM1-2. A maximum of 12 students per group. The children will be supported in their homework in the French language instruction.

Tuesday, Thursday (3:10-4:10pm)

The section will make final decision on student places if oversubscribed. Enrolment is with the section and not part of the TESmile process.

Dutch Sem: 1 & 2 all year groups (enrolment via Section)

The "Nederlandse School Taipei" provides language and culture lessons for the Dutch-speaking students at TES. Together we talk, practice and play with our language. This way our students can keep up with their Dutch language skills and cultural activities as if they would be in Belgium or the Netherlands!

Groep 1/2 (Reception, Yr 1): Tuesday till Friday 2:00 - 3:00pm Groep 3/4 (Yr 2-3): Wednesday & Thursday 3:00 - 4:30pm Groep 5-8 (Yr 4-6): Tuesday 3:00 – 6:00pm

After a first meeting between the teacher, parents and student will be decided which level is best for the student. With 35 weeks of class we have a slightly different schedule than the regular ECAs. For more information Visit: The class is managed separately from the ECA enrolment system, please connect with the Dutch School for full details. Please contact Ms. Claudia Degen by email: [email protected]


8. PPeerriippaatteettiicc MMuussiicc EECCAA –– ccllaassss ddeessccrriippttiioonnss

The time slots available for each instrument and peripatetic music teacher are based around the core schedule below; final class availability is dependent on instructor’s schedule availability and will be posted on the TESmile system. The tutoring fee is NT$10,200 for 12 lessons.

Time slots Special Notes 12:00pm - 12:40pm French Section students only CE1 – CM2 12:40pm - 1:10pm Open to all sections: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 – CM2 / Flex 02 – KL4 1:10pm - 1:40pm Open to all sections: Yr 3 - 6 / CE1 – CM2 / Flex 02 – KL4 3:00pm - 3:40pm Open to all section: Yr 2 - 6 / CP – CM2 / Flex 01- KL4 3:40pm - 4:20pm Open to all section: Yr 2 - 6 / CP – CM2 / Flex 01- KL4 4:20pm - 5:00pm Open to all section: Yr 2 - 6 / CP – CM2 / Flex 01- KL4 5:00pm - 5:40pm Open to all section: Yr 2 - 6 / CP – CM2 / Flex 01- KL4

There are 12 peripatetic music lessons in an ECA semester, with 2 Make-up lessons available to provide flexibility, see below schedule.

Please Note:

• “M” denotes make-up lesson weeks. Individual student schedules will be organised with the peripatetic music teacher based around this schedule. Changes scheduled with a teacher requiring make-up lessons on a non-ECA week are not supported with the bus service, parents will need to make other transportation arrangements.

• The procedures for peripatetic lessons are outlined clearly in the “ECA charter” (pages 12-15) • Students must be punctual and bring their Peripatetic diary book, weekly music homework and



9. PPeerriippaatteettiicc LLaanngguuaaggee EECCAA –– ccllaassss ddeessccrriippttiioonnss The time slots available for peripatetic languages are based around the core schedule below; final class availability is dependent on instructor’s schedule availability and will be posted on the TESmile system. The tutoring fee is NT$13,500 for 12 lessons.

Time slots Special Notes 3:30pm - 4:15pm Availability is from Yr 1 / GS / Flex-Ein 00 onward 4:15pm - 5:00pm Availability is from Yr 1 / GS / Flex-Ein 00 onward

Please note that some German, Spanish and English lessons start earlier depends on the teachers' availability.

There are 12 peripatetic language lessons in an ECA semester, with 2 Make-up lessons available to provide flexibility, see below schedule.

Please Note:

• “M” denotes make-up lesson weeks. Individual student schedules will be organised with the peripatetic language teacher based around this schedule. Changes scheduled with a teacher requiring make-up lessons on a non-ECA week are not supported with the bus service, parents will need to make other transportation arrangements.

• The procedures for peripatetic language lessons are outlined clearly in the “ECA charter” (pages 16-17).

• Students must be punctual and bring their Peripatetic diary book, weekly homework and any course material stated.


1100.. FFOOBBIISSIIAA PPrriimmaarryy GGaammeess ((eexxttrraaccttss ffrroomm FFOOBBIISSIIAA BBrroocchhuurree))

For the FOBISIA Primary Games this year our group is hosted by: Sports Camps Australia (SCA), The Thanyapura Health and Sports Resort, Phuket, Thailand, 30th May - 3rd June 2019. The Games comprises 4 sports areas:

• Football: Girls 7-a-side and Boys 7-a-side. (A-team & B-team) • Athletics: Separate events for Yr5/6 boys/girls – running/jumping/throwing/relays • Swimming: Separate events forYr5/6 boys/girls – 50/25m races of all 4 strokes/relays • Tee-Ball: Team of boys/girls – batting/throwing/catching/fielding (A/B/C/D Teams)

New Format: A new format has been introduced by FOBISIA and is now entitled: UNDER 11s (U11). This means that initially ONLY Yrs 5 & 6 will take part in trials Please Note: At the present time Year 4 will not try-out! Children from all 3 Sections may Try-out for the FOBISIA Squad:

• YR5 team comprises: 10 girls + 10 boys (must be under the age of 10 on 1st August) • YR6 team comprises: 10 girls + 10 boys (must be under the age of 11 on 1st July)

Children too old in Yr 6 unfortunately, may not compete. NOTE: Substitutes: 1 girl and 1 boy (only to travel if place becomes available). ECA bus service is available for Friday as normal for children who use the service, however Wednesday night training is a late start so parents will need to organise alternate provisions for collection. Also for Extra Swimming session, (during non-ECA weeks) bus service doesn’t run after 3:30pm and parents will need to organize alternate provisions for collection. Any child who does not have an ECA after school on Wednesday (3:10-4:10pm) will need to be supervised by their parent/guardian until FOBISIA training starts 4:15pm. Alternately they can be enrolled to the “Supervised Homework Club” (for details see page. 36 Faculty - run ECA class descriptions) Please Note: If your child enrols for the FOBISIA Try-outs but is not selected for the FOBISIA Squad, they are not able to enrol on alternative ECAs mid-semester. Trip Costs: Estimated NT$35,000-40,000. (This includes hotel, flights, food, transport, venue, gala night, various sports kits) Full details for the FOBISIA Primary Games please see:

• the “FOBISIA Parent Information” brochure (located: TES homepage-Admissions-Primary ECAs-Primary ECA for FOBISIA)

• or join the FOBISIA Information Session: Thursday August 23rd 8:00-8:30pm (after the British Primary Parents’’ Curriculum Meeting).

Any questions please contact Mr. Steven Milner, [email protected].






Sports kit required! Change after 3:00 pm


Football boots/shin pads

If possible for try-outs!























training From WED 14

NOV follows ECA calendar + EXTRA SWIMMING

(+ swim 14 DEC) (+ swim 11 JAN) (+ swim 15 FEB) (+ swim 26 APR)



THURSDAY 3:00 – 4:15

FRIDAY 3:00 – 4:30