Tacoma times (Tacoma, Wash. : 1903) (Seattle, Wash) 1916 ... · ,burs4ay, Dec. 14,1919. THE TACOMA...

,burs4ay, Dec. 14,1919. THE TACOMA TIMES. FJICM^H Male 12 Has Been the Means of SeDMrag a Great Deal for a Great Maflj TIMES WANT ADS CLASSLFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 cent word each invert! on—S times for the price of a. 1 month, per Hoe per month > f 1.00 t months, per line per month 95 6 months, per line per month SO 12 months, per line per caon th 71 Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advance No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. PHONE MAIN 12 TUB TIMES IS TACOMA'B _^-jSSn*Bi«Si-. WE RECEIVE ADS BY ONLY INDEPENDENT afqb^SfiSQtgiD PHONE. OUR NUMBER NEWSPAPER . iq m ajn v BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE commonwealth""title trust CO.. Th« Competent. Tel. Main 101. 109 So. 10th St. TACOMA TITLUJ CO.—Oround floor yiaaiity P. ldg: _Rl"'.". -}?* -. AMBULANCES AUTOMOBILE ambulance. Only one in citl. Main 43. CARPET BEATING & CLEANING. TACOMA IIUQ FACTORY Our method of cleaning carpets with comprised air and Bteam makes a pel Ctct Job. Absolutely no wear on carpets or rugs. Laying, refit- ting. 1110 O._ _Maln 7784. ** CARPET^CI JEAN INQ H. L. HOUCK—Carpet beating, re- fitting and laying; feather reno- vating and upholstering. 2812 tiln ay. Main 126. COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIES BKPTIO tanks, country water sup- plies. Coffee Plumbing Co.. 1013 A St. Main 670. ~~~~w%. DRAYAGK Commercial Truck &. Storage Co.— Furniture moved, packed and \u25a0tored. Team and auto vans. Fire- proof warehouse. Heat corps of trained men In city. Main 706. "^ "TJATT^OKAi^r^EIT^ PETERBON~BROd., 1003 So. X st. Main 831. ,~~~~. CARBOITnKUM and Cre-Sol for chicken lice. Carco Vegetable sprny, water Klaus. Standard Chemical Co. Main 54 <!6. JUNK DEALERS FOR SALE—B hordes, very cheap. Wallln & Sons, 1328 Commerce st. Tel. Main 6059. M^mTEIMEL7r^ATH3^~^ MOOREFIELD UATH9 FOR Rheumatism Kidney Diseases, La Grippe. Open il \u25a0\u25a0. and night. 702H Pacific ay. Main 5254. M^J^TtoToanT" to~T% ON IMPROVED property. Loans (or building a specialty. Also make loans payable In small monthly Installments. L. R. MANNING * CO. Tel. Main 18. Equitable Bldg. REAL ESTATE L< > AMB, I<rm or monthly payments. March Mc- Candless. Room 200. National Realty Bids;. OUR own money to loan. W. N. Doub A Co.. Inc., 604 Cal. nidg Main 2188. PRIVATE money to loan, $50 to $1000; no commission. Payments to suit. Call 5318 So. Fife. Fallx Dubols. 7 PER CENT moneyi >4 eommtxilon. 8611 So. 54tn, So. Tacoma, Wn. LOW RATE money; no deliiy 1 B. O'Malley. 729 Tacoma Bldy. $5000 to loan M 7 and 8 per cent. Other money at 6 per cent. In- quire of J. I* Snapp. mi Fidelity Blrig. Main 4994. LOANS Short or lon* term, any amount. 418 California Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Amounts from $200 up; city or farm; lowest rates. NORTON & CO,. 210 Berlin. LOANS for home building or to pay off old mortgages. Lowest rates, special privileges to bor- rowers—l to 8 years. Money al- ways on hand -no delay. H. J. BCHWINN A CO, Inc. 118-1» Tacoma Blclg. SATA^Y^A^D^IiX?rarLOANB LOANS PROMPTLY~MADB ON~ SALARIES FURNITURE PIANOS AND STORAGE RECEITTS At rates you can afford to pay. Money buys cheaper than credit. Our service has pleased many othars and will please you. Let us tell ynu nil about It. COAST FINANCE COMPANY 210 Bankers^ Trust _ niilg. ~ DR. WARREN BROWN~^~niseaei>s of women and genlto-urinary anij skin diseases. 1103 Commerce at. DR. F~ H.~~BCTI ROB DER SKTN AND GENITO-liHJNARY DIB- EASKS. FKRNCII BLDO., 1158 PACIFIC. MAIN 1735. DR. LA (IASA -T Surgeon^ X^Ra7. diseases of wotn«ri, genlto-urln- ary. Realty BldK. DR. X IRKWboh- -NatifonaPßeai ty Hldg. Main 769. Res., Mad. 101 J-3 DH. C E. CASE Diseases of Women. 1010 So. injj. Mnln R9s DR ToNEZ^SIJBpEON"" Dlseaiies of women. Fidelity Bldg. DrTbT ELIZABKThIjRAKE, Phys- ician and Surgeon. 1016 Fidelity Bids;. Mala 234; Proctor 648. Mad- ison 117 R-l. DR. pirEftHEN-DANA, 220 Berlin Bids;. B<fcnrlinaH»n Am. Bank). Office, Mlin 887«TreB., Main KT7. DK"Tf'feEMA*S| SUROBON ipanjters Tr,»t B1 dg. DR. YOCuJg NatM Realty PMg. Da) , Maljj^ BOO;' ht. I'rao. 1 iCI, popA.ai3musio RAGTIME and popular music taught Injifrom io to 20 lessons. Call at 14 Tempi* of Uuslo, Broadway. Main 1251, Res. Proo- tor »12«. BLUE PRINTS, MAPS," * hCITY and county surveys, tide-lands, Nicholson Kng. Co., 606 sssssssssss»L y: -M*l" _4- 7- 4: bon bon nt Muehlenbruch. BAI fcJ DEPOSIT VAULTB Fidelity trust co.s sake db- PUMIT VAULTS. Ground floor. RKHUILT TYPEWnT'TKIts'^' SEE the new Wooil»tock typewrit- er that speaks for Itself. Both prico and quality. 11. I>. Baker * Co.. 1007 A st. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES $4.00 per year, fire and burglar proof. People' Safety Di-puslt Co., 117 So. 11th. Berlin Uldg. Main 2013. RAZORS SHARPENED WK shirpen safety razor blade*. All work «uanuitoed. McMillan Bros., am Broadway. ~^ScXvEN(?RRS^ AMERICAN GARBAOECO. Re- moving gnrbage & refuse of all kliuls^ne Puy. ay. M. 742. H.. 7535. OSTEOPATHS DR. lIUDS()N. 2:5 Provident Bids. Main 14»6. Kei. phone. Main 4431 WINDOW CLEANINcT^ CITY W^ovTcfcanini Co., vacuum cleaning. Main 4633. UNDERTAKERS C. O. LYNN CO., Fnnernl~fTFectors! 910 Tucoma Eiv. Mnln 77 IG. BUCKLeV-KINO CO.—Professional Funeral Directors. 730-32 St. __Helens. Phone Main lit CAISEDT, ALLEN & McCONNELL CO.—Funeral directors. XllO So. 12th. Main 8151. SO. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS, 5433 Union ay. Main 1083. Goo. W. Piper. PATENT ATTORNEYS R. I. KI-L.IbTT.T7o2 ~NatT"~Realty BldK. Mech. Eng. Patents, it. 677». OLOK BULL. 27 yean In Tacoma. Studio, Tempi* of Music, Broad- way^ COSTUMES SWITCHES, »av*i, wigs, hair goods. Thomvn'v, »l»% Broadway. Mala 87(5. RENT- BASEMENT QOOD basement rent cheap, fine for storage m auto dus. Silver House, 16111 Tn.him ay. BUNGALOW, North End, to eit- chanffe for lms. Hertelson, 208 Bank Calofimla BUlg. SWAP—Cow, frosh in March, an<T~a lired JiHf»r, for a fio»h cow. 902 No. Verde. S"~PASSENGER CAR. will BELL~OT TRADE for SMALL, car. See Ze- linaky, 1186 Tacoma ay. For SALE—I9IS Ford touring car, looks like new, $275; 1916 Saxon 4 roadster, $3-5; new 2-cyllnder Indian motorcycle, very reasona- ble. I'alge and Hnxon dealers. 12th A sta. Miiin 2419. hot ELJT" HOTEL MERIT Reputation Established. Reasonable rates. 3 1.-.'.. Market st. Court and Market ' BHABTA H OTISL—Modern outside rooms. $2, $2.60 and $3 per Week up. 50c nlttht up. 1316 Market. HOTEL HIHOSh7ma~YA. Cor. Mar- ket and lGth: modern; SOc. 75c. 11. r 7\ nd LAND LOIIUED-OFF land, close to Taeo- ma. $16 nn acre and up. E. F. iii'iMv Co., 2nd Floor National Realty nidg. IN Southwest Washington to set- tlers only $6 04 per acre and up. Ti ii yts.rn to pay, Interest at t%. WEYERHARUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma Bid* Tacoma, Wash. IC-a. tracts $25 acre, nr So. Prairie. Terms. It I California Hid*. FURNI SHED"" ROOMS' NTCRLY furnished rooms, every- thing flrst-clais; also one house- keeping room. (16 So. Q st. ~~WANTEDTO BUY^ WANTBD TO BUY—Two heavy fresh mllrh cowk. Madison 1802. WANT S to 7 Improved acres on or near Puyallup valley paved road. Owners only. 418 California Bldg. WANTED—Furniture and stoves. J. O. Purkey, Main 6819. WANTED—Puralture of all kind* Immediately; pay good prices. Lewis Fur. Co.. 1904 Tacoma ay. Main 1111. STOCKS AND BONDB~ BELL 50 Todd ship yard, 25 Paclflo Alaska Navigation Co. J. E. Mc- Farland, 114 Equitable Bldg. FOR mlnTna; business or mining In- formation, enquire A. M. P. Cc 120-381 ~f™ v Blrig.. Tacoma. "^m^J^ON^MALE^ STEAM engineer wants position. ClHO'l lii !\u25a0;,• man. H. M. L., 604 So 13th st. / j Doings of the Duffs The Clerk Merel^ Su^osts- By Allman FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS^ roll SALE —Heavy team, wagon ajid harness. Madison alO-J. WHITfID Aasmra rabbits for sale, lirlze Htock. Call Main 1631. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, DEC. 15, AT 10=:JO A. M. AT OUR SALESROOM, NO. 102 SOUTH 12TH SSTUIOKT, OF THE FOLLOWING: LBATHKIt MORRIS CHAIR, LKATIIKH KASY ROCKBR, LKATIIKIICHAIRS AND ROCK- ERS DINING TABLES, B-PIECE PARLOR SPITE, MUSIC CABIN- ET, 2 VEHNEHS MAItTIN lIKUS, BUCK <JAS RANGE, PHONO- GRAPH AND UO RECORD*. DHCP HEAD HEWING MACHINE. ("OIL SPRINGS COTTON MATTRESSES, SANITARY COUCH, PICTURE* AND I'ICTURE FRAMES, KUOS. CARPETS, UNIVERSAL- BTKEL RANO-&, FOLDING BEDS. OIL CIiOTH, COOKING UTENSILS, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, AND NVMFItorS OTHER ATUMCT.E3. WM. FITZ-HfiNRY AACTION R ER. FitE-Henry'a Special! D. S. JOHNSTON I'PRIGHT MA- HOGANY PIANO $95 ("ASH MONEY; MUST MOVE AT ONCE. 102 SOUTH 12TH STREET. MOSLER STEKLCHEAT BURGLAR PROOF SAFE. WM. TITZ-HENRY 103 SOUTH 12TH STREET. SMALL SAFE JUST COME IN. WM. FITZ-HENRY, 102 SOUTH 12TH STREET. fOB SALE —Drop head Sinner sew- InK machine, good condition, all attachments. No reasonable offer refused. Call 3"-j>^o-_K_st; TOR BAISv-One nice Durham- Guenrsey cow and a heifer calf; fresh two weeks. Spanaway car to Lincoln ay., east 3 blocks to A 'St., north 1 block. A. Looker FOR PALK—Thoroughbred Splti puppies, 3 weeks old; also young German roller, tit right age to teach. Call Main 4821 •venlngs 1 _ FOR Kale very reasonable, f jrnlture of 4-room flat, almost new, down- town. Phone Main 19^^ > WE HAVEIT ALL kinds dry wood and coal. Main 8740. TO good oil shade*, 10 gas ranges and a good Jewel, St. Claire, Quick Meal rauge, at Tac. aye. Furni- ture. Exchange. 913 Tac. aye. Main _ji;j67. IT^JEWEL Hamflton watch, large sise, $7.10. fSS Tacoma ay. RARE old books at Ye Olde Book Shop, 9014 Pacific^ STOVES rellned and rebuilt. M. H. Ulvln, 1527 Broadway. Main 6144. cr\ n WATCHES cleaned or main '"" springs, 100. guaranteed, mi Pacific ay. WANTED—Hogs, cattle, Teal, hides, poultry. Will call for same. Pay highest market price. Taooma Meat Co. Main 1400; after bus- iness hours Main Sill. CASH PAID KOH USED FURNIT- URE AND OTHER MUUCIIAN- DISB. WM. FITZ-HENRY 101 SOUTH 11TH STREET. MAHAKFAY insuros. «0« Fidelity Bldg. Main 1717. PIANO expert, tuning and repair- ing. T. T. Richmond. ISif 80. llth. Pbone Main 1414. RENT—HOUSES IirMTQXTSI iFur. A Unfurnished. nUUOrjB Klu & f,,., Main 4g«3 202 and 204 iro. racoma aye. This Is a double house of seven and eight rooms suitable for two families of friends or can be rent- ed together as a rooming house On car line, near Stadium high school. Low rent to proper par- ties. L. R. MANNING * CO. Tel. Main 2«. Equitable Bid*. FLATS and houses for rent. Jesse H. Read. 6L'9 Provident Bldg. 715 So. Oakes. 5-r. and bath ..SIO.OO G219 So. Pine. 6r $ 7.00 211 R. 27th, 5-r. and bath $11.00 1218 So. J. r, rms. and hath $18.00 2332 So. Yaklma, 6 rms 112.00 H. J. BCHWINN * CO., INC. Tacoma Bldg. Main 14 LONG DISTANCE Moving—Get Our Prices McLean, main mo. MAIN 3009 k 0,,?.n acn. dM lin"g. Storage. Nights and Sundays, MAIN I*ol City Moving & Storage Co FIREPROOF storage, fit Tao. ay. AUTO DELIVERY CO. TEAM and auto trucks. Local and ling dlstanoe moving Main 1401. Nta:lit service, ill Commero* BUSINESS COLLEGES SJ sU^^^^sl If yo" ar* tlnt _^ir\sr~^#_f^H prepared for rQt c°mrneroial f^"r *_«»i work, how can ull»iuos*!v '"" hold a pusiNEaokr^^Vn" k; I \S% MtM A (nee ot what '• APARTMENTS 10 KOOM APARTMENT BUITADLK for a or 3 families, walking distance to business cen- ter, $17.50 a month. E. F. OKKUOItY CO. 2nd Floor Nutlonal liealty Hldg. M. HILL, from Columbus, Montana, now stopping at Merchants Hotel, wishes Tom Gouff to call for his mall at Tacoma postofflce. WknShe^housF" keeping rooms IF you do not find the desired rooms advertised here, lusert an ad under "Wanted—Housekeeping Rooms." For rates see first ool- umn. this page. 2-ROOM furnished* suites, $6 to $8. 1102 So. I at. Call at 1108 So. I »t. FINK liskpg. rms. 12 wk. up. 709 hi Pac. ay.. Eau Claire Apts. IMPERIAL— Fine hskpg. rms., $8 mo. up; walking distance. So. 10th and Yaklma, the" CLAYTON. 1814 M So. Tacoma ay.; new management; all outside rooms; light, phone, laundry. TIIUEK nicely furnlshad housekeep- ing rooms, private bath, walking distance. t«9 80. Yaklma, BAY VIEW APTa"Special rate* to bachelors. IS2IM Tacoma av.^ MEN wanted to cut cord wood, $1.00 per cord. I. A. Garrison, Dupont, Wn. YOUNG man Just out of high sohool of good appearance and address. Will receive an unusual business opportunity for advancement by communicating with Whltaker, Times office. BOYS "wANTE~D~after"school to sell Times. Every newsboy has a bank account, have you? Htart selling tonight, cum your Xmas money. Apply Times office. and oefice help COLUMN IF you need such help place an ad under this Heading. If you want a position place an ad here—this column Is devoted to su"h needs. It words 8 times for 30a. Kn., Family washing. Mala HIS « utj Tacoma Wet Wash. FOUND—Saturday night, a gold bell shaped pin with 12 pearls ami diamond In center. The engraving on back Is "L. K. L." Tliu ownxr may have same by paying for nd. Drop mo a oard and I w'U mall It to The Times office for you. Mrs. W. B, Itatcllffe, Stellacoom, Wash., Box 72. WELL DIGGER WELL DIGGER. B T. Birch, Park- land. Wash. FLESH REDUCTION GROW THIN NATURALLY. A Modern Method. No Drugs, Fast- Ing, Massage or enervating exer- cises. PKRMANBNT REDUC- TION CURTAIN, also correction of many Ills incident to excess flesh. Class or Private. Founder of the System here now. Information Free. Call or Write, Natural Sys- tem. 427 Provident Bldff. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGED PROPERTY WANT- KD.—IO acres good lami near Ta- coma to trade for your euulty Address Q-8. Times. 8-ROOM house, bath, pink of condl- tlon, modern, 50-foot corner; Lin- coln hlgn district; no mortgage; $1400. about $200 cash, balance monthly. Bon H-8, Times. Bung-allow AND 2% acres at Woodland station, on the Puyallup car line. PRICE $800 On easy terms. Soil good; a fin* well, and located In a growing, thrifty district. JESSE O. THOMAS, JR. 320 Tacoma Bldgr. QUICK returns; list your property with Bertelson A Co., 809 Bank of California Bids;. COZY HOME A BARGAIN for you, S-r. house, I lots. S blocks to Pacific ay. and So. 37th. Prloe $700, terms to suit you. GEORGE LAWLER 61T National Realty Bldg. 5-Aere Ranch—slso IT'S NO JOKE! A nlee level ranch, fine for poultry, garden stufi[ wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, etc, Near Tacoma and close to mar- ket. Terms one-half cash. Buy It for a nest-egg. RICE-WEBB CO. Main 1248. 1107 A St. No. Pac Shop Diatiirt $1000 —5-ROOM COTTAGE! and two fine lots, only H block from car and pavement; small payment down and balance In payments. JAS. A. MASON Main 2175. 101 Equitable Bide REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ~A FEW^oF OUR SNA PS CUT THIS AD OUT AND COME TO OUR OFKICK TOR FUHTHEU PARTICULAHS. X 0ACHE.S Oood land, about one mile from cur line. This Is most all A No. 1 land, with a fair set of buildings, some fruit trees, etc. II you warn a x <"i pleo* of land that you can grow most any kind ol a crop on, convenient to car line and market, let us xhov- you thla pluce. $J>uO cash down will handle It, and the balance on eftsjr term* WATCH TACOMA GROW BUNGALOW HN A PS /-R. BUNOAT/OW, 2 full lots, on oar line and paved street; close to rium- mar school and Lincoln high; all Improv im'nts In and paid. This la a very good buy; $1750; terms arranged to suit. 5-R. BUNGALOW, new; West End; H block from ear line; full cement basement, laundry trays; a dandy fireplace; all built-in features; kitchen white enameled. This place U modern and must be seen to appreciated; $2000; a small payment down and balance like rent. /-R. MODERN bungalow, practically new; 1 block eJH Bth aye. car line; all built-in (natures; porcelain plumbing; a very »lfty home, and you oan't beat the price, $1,600, and terms to suit you like rent. ."•ALL us up. It In a pleasure for us to show sucli as these. T5-ACRB FARM—About six miles from elty limits, about m miles from paved mountain road; partly cleared, balance timber; fair house, good well, partly ftneed, lots of standing timber. Owner will sell this place at a bargain or consider trade for city property uf equal value. If you are looking; for a real bnrgaln, see this place. *0 ACKBS—And one of the best dairy farms In PUree county. Fine lo- cation; fair set of buildings; 50 auree of bottom land In cultivation; It head of flrst-clas* SOWS and heifers, good team, mower, rak», oream separator, plows, harrows, oultlvaiors, gas engine, *n»l ...••« outter, and 100-ton silo, plenty of h*y In tht barn to feed the cattle till next crop, and there him be some left. If yuu are Interested in one of our ' ..\u25a0 i dairy farms, dont fall to have a look at this one. The owner will consider two-thirds In exuhanKe, tor your property If It Is good. Coma In and get more particulars If you ara Interested. I*o ACRBJS—AII good soil, free from rocks, ennd or gravel, JO acres In cultivation, about 80 aures more easy to cl>a,r, lots of running water, good well and. orchard, good house and good barn; faces on a Rood county road, IVi milas from town; milk, mall, cream and telephone route passes the door. Price 18000. Will consider part trade. •0 ACRKB—One-half in cultivation, and the very b«st of soil; 10 head »f oattle, good team, quod set of building*, \u25ba,\u25a0\u25a0'"! orchard, lots of tools and Implements; located on a good county r< ml, close to town, school ami neighbors; milk and oream route. Owner will coimlder trade for •üburban property. 140-AORI DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH—4O acres In cultivation, balance pasture; good house, fine barn; If head of stock, team and all kinds •f farm implements, and all kinds of feed. This la an exceptionally good place, and raises fine crops. Will consider sor.ie trade, soivm •ash, mortgage back on easy terms. Look this up. It will bays to be •een to be appreolated. 1U ACREMS PUYALLUP V A LLJ3I'- -All A No. 1 soil; fine set of buildings; arteslon well; a dandy location, and a fine valley ranch. The place Is located close to Puyallup, near the paved road. Price $$880, part cash, balanco terms. $1 ACHES PUYALLUP VALLEY—About 1% miles this side of Puyallup, part in berries, balance has been oroppfd to (train, potatoes, etc. Oood set of buildings. This Is all A-l land In a dandy location. Owner will consider one-half or more in trade, balance terms. 18 A.CRISH—WeII located, within two miles of the city limits. I aores un- der cultivation and the very beat of soil, with a flrst-cliiM set of now buildings on the place, oonslstlag of a 6-room bungalow, good new barn, wood house and sbed, granary and lots of chicken bouses. Plenty of running water, a large spring that oould be piped to Irrl- fate the entire plage at a very low coet. Two tint milch cows, i alters and a fine youag team, with plenty of tools and Implements to run the place. Also about 100 chickens. This is positively one of the best layouts for one that cares to raise poultry and keep a few oowi that there Is In Pierce county. The prloe is $4600, and the owner Will consider a small part In trade. If you want something really np-to-date, let us show you this plao*. . I Acuics CLOSBI IN—About 5 blocks from car line, all fine garden soil; -room house, root house, barn, small barn full of hay, about 20 ri nit tr«ea, and a good family oow goas with the place. Will sell this place at a bargain or consider trade for a modern house, if you want a dandy little ranch right In the olty. oome In and get particulars. Will take Jus* a/ew minutes to show you the place. Wn can advertise just a few of our many listings. Remember we hav< farms with cows, hor*ee and all neceesary lmploumnti la Pleroe, Tlvurston and Lewis counties. We have some exceptional good tradei and buys In farms In the above eountles ranging from 40, 80 to ISO acres, with the beat kind of soil, and prices that are right, and aan take some elty property or oloss-In acreage as part payment We al- eo have mon choloe alfalfa and wheat farms east of the mountains, places that are really money makers, that naa be bought right. Bf \u25a0ure and save this ad, then ovum In and see us. we will please you. | UO-ACRB DAIRY RANCH—With 80 aores of good bottom land. Mod set of buildings, In good location, lots of running water piped to hous« _ and barn, and other outbuildings! lots of shed room. Most all of the land either In cultivation or good pasture. This farm would maki Mint one a first olass dairy proposition. The owner will conslit^i trade. If you have some good property to exchange thn s.un* wi; i be considered at Its actual value. This Is an Ideal stork and dairy proposition and can be traded for right, or bought on smsy h nus. HOLST & PHILLIPS CO, »U5-«-7-8 Provident Hl.lg. FOIt SAI-K 153 ucres of land, with road throuKh place; small or- chard, about 22 acres slashed, SU miles west of Morton. For full particulars write J. U. Little, Mor- ton, Wash. Price, $17 per acre. BIG HOME " ' YOU can get possession of this s- room house and 2 acres with Hmall payment of $1!1T.; price $1225. Call at office and take contract from owner. O. N. JOHNS 200 Nat'l Bank of Tacoma Bldg. IN 10 DAYS I $1200 must be raised by owner of No. 1004) North Oakes St., 9-room house, modern conveniences, 1 lots 50x100; on paved street; fine locality. Place cost double the above amount asked. \u25a0 Havelock 0. Boyle & Co. ' 111 California Bldg. Main 22. j For Trade ONE ACRB AT GIQ HARBOR, about 100 ft from proposed new ship yard. Has dandy 4-room bungalow with porches full length * on two sides; has running spring water and fine view of entire har- bor. Prlee fISOO. Will trad* for r clear Tacoma residence property. \u25a0"RANK ABBOTT \u25a0 S2O California Bldg. Main 141. t . IN 10 DAYS \u25a0 $1200 —Must be raised by owner of No. 1006 North Oakes St., l-room house, modern conveniences, on i paved street; fine locality. Place cost double the above amount t asked. Haveloek C. Boyle & 00. 211 California nidg. Main 21. I RAILROAD MAN LEAVING CITY HAH a 5-room house, 3 full lots, al cleared, streets graded, cemen walks, city water and electrli lights: half block to Hismarck on and store; bnarlng fruit trees, ap pies and pears. This property Ii at tilth st. near Ulxmarck. Yoi cannot duplicate It for less thai $l? 00. MR. BAROAIN IH'NTKR, this 1 your opportunity. You can get 1 for $«50. If you want It you wll have to hurry. GREGORY, "THE LAND SHARK" 201-208 NATIONAL REALTY BUILDING nHKKHKNrK. any of the thousand! of people with whom we havi done business in Tacoma durlni the last 12 years. ICAHAITAY Insures, lot Fidelity nidg. Ham itst. LEGALi NOtJCE9 NOTICE Is hereby given that at i o'olook p. m., December llth, HIS I will- sell at public sale at the Cen tral Pound In the City of Tacoma Wash., 1 rorrel horse, blaze on face white right hind foot, about II yean old, welKht about too lbs., brand oi left ham. The same having beei taken up on the streets of Tacoma Wash., on December Ist, 1916, ant advertised as an estray, and Is soli according to law. W. H. NELSON, Poundmaater. Dee. 14-11. lIH, SIT. A 1,F.1) PROPOSALS will be re celved at the office of the Com mlssloner of Public Works, Clt; Hall, City of Tacoma, between th> hours of IIM and I P. M on the lßtl day of December, 1916. for furnish Ing labor and material for construct Ing sanitary sewers in the alley be. tween Tacoma Avenue and "X' Maintaining that they were . i uncle and nieeo, and that they 1 .were "hMt'Bg tliHr way" tr> I'ort- \.\:u\ from ;./!iUlo bcc.ni-(> tliey I had no funds to pay railioal fare, Uporge Bell, me 24, und .Mrp. Anna Me! oni'd, age I'U. wen- lak- -1 t'i Iro ma h » car in thn Nortliorn | I'uclfic y;«r,i i u t \u25a0tdalgltt lut ;' H';;H and are held In tti3 city 111), Tin yountj i\cn,an, a rmi sli|. 1; en from a box car in the Northern 'j flashes! I I 4 1 iill<*it I'rcvH : fuaed Wire.) \u25a0 BAKKHSFIKI.D—A »MM of policemen today shot and killed! \u25a0 K. Xotoli, Ituljan .sought lor 18 i hours for murder of Mrs. U. \ ilenidini, boarding house keeper. 1 WASHINGTON, D. o.—Senator ; U'illard SauUlmry, Dulaw.ir.', was I . elected preHident pro-tein of the j ( senate today, siicceodius the late James P. Clarke. ' TO LAY KEEL FOR . TACOMA SCHOONER The ways from which the Sia- . horn, first vfißsel completed iiy I the Seaborn Shipbuilding Co., was ( ; launched Tuesday, are being pro- i : pared for the laying of the keel '\u25a0of a 260-foot five-masted lumber | schooner for ('apt. H. Chrisiophor | llanaen of Porsgrund, Norway. i will probably be finished in the j spring. The second boat begun t by the company will be launched jin January, it is expected. TACOMADR. | IS PINCHED "One half ounce In warm water I throe or rour times a day," is ono I 1 of at least five alleged ilb\L':il pre- ' scrlptions for booze which result- | ed in the arrest of Dr. Warren J. Hough of Old Town Thursday on a warrant issued by Deputy I'rose- | cutor Thompson. ' , The state claims to have infor- > mation that the Issuing of unlaw- -1 fill prescriptions by Dr. Hough to persons who did not need Intoxi- * cants as medicine has extended J over a period of several weeks. I Dr. Hough lives at 2420 North » 30th street. J WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 14. -The immigration bill with liter- acy test attached was passed by ' the senate by a vote of 64 to 7 * j today. \u25a0 I The president once vetoed the f j bill because of the literacy clause. ' I»ECrAIT"NbTICi!.B Street from .South 45th Street to Suith 4Sth Htifct, In I-ocnt Improve- ment District No. 1131 according to plans and specifications on file in " the office of the Commissioner of Public Works Amount of bond required will be tho same as contract price. .. Proposals must bn made on prlnt- '\u25a0 <>d form furnished l.y said Coitimli- * aloner and uciDinpnnled by certified J check for five per cent of thn nmuunt of proposal, made payable to th« or- ' |der of the nerk of the Commissioner 8 I of Public Works. " Work to be commenced within 10 " diiya after signing iiintract. Work to be completed within 30 ,J <In>H after slkhlhk contract, but If , said work be not completed within 30 days after RlKning of conduct, said contract shall become void as per specifications. , The successful bidder shall agree to accept, nt par, In payment of snM supplies and work, an) nn,l a || \u0084r tin- bonds Issued in pursuance of Or- dinance No. «BOS and shall have no claim whatever on account thereof a najaliiHt the City of Tacoma except c solely upon such bonds and solely X from the special assessment mad* and special fund by said Ordlnano* . created. t The Commissioner reserves the rlKht to reject any and all of th* bids. CHAB. D. ATKINB. Commissioner of Public Works Deo. 11-12-18.14-15. 191*. I LOCAL Improvement District No. >• lit. —Notice Is hereby given that - In pursuance of Ordinance No 567S '. of the City of Tacnnta, a roll has >. been placed In my hands for the nol- \u25a0 leotlon of the third annual Install- ' ment of tin nDsessment levied for n laying cement concrete sidewalks '\u25a0 five (S) feet In width on Hherldan 5 Avenue from South l»th Street to II North Street. Provided that where cement walks have already been constructed and conform to line and grade, they . shall not be Included In this Im- ,. provement. i- Bald Installment may be paid on y or before January 7th, I*l7. but c If not paid on or before said date, h added Interest, penalty and costs will i- cttaon. :- JAMES C. DRAKE, City Treasurer. Dec. t, 14, tl, 111*. wm wearing & P«tr of overall! and a lint of !!• M s when Railroad Policeman Burnett discovered them in the car. Charges of trespass were tiled by the rail- road. Tlie couple Mine to Tacoma on a lain Inlerurliati train. Nlio Hi'ii- Oyitiillk. Mrs. .McDonald wore a blue \u25a0area suit and white waist on the trip to Tnconia, but as soon as the yfound a conveniently emptjr box car donned Hell's overalls. Tlie railrond policeman thought he had arrest' tl a couple of mile hoboes until ho had reached police hrad'iuartera. Mrs. McDonald told Detective ('apt. Smith thai she was a wait- ress and that Bell, hnr uncle, was a mill man. Bhe Mid that she had boen Mparated from her husband three months, after marrying him on a Hingle <i,-.v'h acquaintance. "Inclr" I'iclidKiis? Throuuh thn Seattle police, however, ('apt. Smith learned that the girl's mother believed she had "made up" with her lnia»- linnd again and was traveling with him. The mother intimated that the story of Hell being an "uncle" was fictitious. Capt. Smith offered to Rend the couple back to Mrs. McDonald'* mother If the mothnr wanted them, but when the Seat- tle woman declined the responsi- bility, formal criminal c.hargos of trespass were sworn out. Wiin iiTi»JUm»JHJMb«I_Jm Steamers Tacoma and Indianapolis for Seattle I-> " « linn .:i ai Dock. Taoo- aia. 7 15. I:UO. 11:00 a in. I 01 I 00, 6:00. 7:00. COO p. m. 1.1-tm Colmnn Dock. Brallla, : oo 100. 11:00 a. m.; 1:110.1:01, I 1 00. HI. p. 18. I 9Mi.i in,, i !\u25a0 uj-«t flteamera I li.lil Rnund Trips liallj. S. S. J'imv Ac**t. Offir.i Municipal Poo. H 1411 CENTRAL BUS STATION I IT. SO. KITH ST. TF.I.. MAIN 9C4 I.ii in Ii Ilimn In I mm.•ll.in Schedule Auto St. ik" A Freight Service. t'aKKugu Clucked. ( nrl ail,i— \\ llkf...n—Tm-oua isniiiii 11. i.i.-.i < an) Leave. A.M. P. It rarlM.nndo 7:20 1:0* Wllkison 7:30 1:11 Burnatt 7:40 l:lf South ITairle 7:50 1 31 Arrive. Tacoma 9:00 •_• <i Connect witli Seattle Inter urban. Leave. Tacoma 10:00 4:lf Puyallup 1..0: SO K:Of '••'in:; ..10 &S 6:11 South Ir ili le 11:20 .. Hum -it 11:30 •; v.i 1., --n 11:40 ill Arrive. Carbonado 11:50 « RITKLGV—TArOHA I.v. Taronia 10 a. in.; 1:19, Ip.m. I^v. Bucklty Ba. m.; 11:10, «p. m. (iaturduy and Sunrlav—l,v. Tacoma 10 a. in., 8:20, 11:10 p. m. ni'POXT—T ATOMA L». Tii.onia—6:oo, 10:00, 11:80 a. m.; .1:00. 4 ..'!<). 11:10 p. m. Lv. Dtipont—B:oo, »:00, 10:00, 11:08 a. m.; 1^.30, fi:ls, 6:46 p. m. Sundny Sjfolal—»:00, 10:00, 11:00 a, m. and 12:00 m. NOKTHKAST T.tCOHA Iljirbu* < i«i-k nn.i Iliticu* Bai Vmvtotr Lv. Taroma—6:S«, 7:SO. 10:S0 a. m.: 1, 1:11, 4. 5 and 10:15 p. in Lv. N. K. Tac—7, 11am.; 1:10. 1:1* p. m. MINF.HAI. TACOMA Klbr, Aldrr, l.n lirnnd* Lv. Mineral li.il, Lv. Tnconiu 3 p. m. \u25a0 •nil m .—TACOMA Lv. Taroma—7:Jo. »:00, 11:0* a. na.; 1:00. 8:S0 p. m. AIHKORO—TACOMA Lv. Aalifnrd —8 a. m. and 2:41 p. m. Lv. Tacoma—B a. m. and I p. m. Mini ion—TACOHA Lv. Tacoma—B:oo a. m. Lv. Morton—l:46 p. m. RtaK*a for Roy, Yalm, Kapowila, Ornham, Ortlng. KATOWII.I.R- KAPOWIIR— TACOMA »IH) ITAOBI 11th "<•. Oiipo.H, P..(offir*. Lv. Eatonvllla dally I «. m.; I p. ra, 8: so p. an. Sunday, 8 a. in., i aad T p. m. Lv. Tacnma dually S a. en., 1 p. SB, 4 p. m. Sunday 8 a. m., 4 and (ill p. SHttinlay DvcninK special—L*av« Eatonvlll* 7 p. m.; liirt Tacoma, >:lt p. m. MOOBBB AVTO •TAfW \u25a0 land— t rntt ll.url. 1819 Pmrttlr \u25a0« - Tacoma and Y»lm, Lakavlew. Hllt- lnirit. Greendale, Koy. McKtnn*. M. T. HUM. Lv. Taroma—ll:o* a. m. and 4:10 m. m.; Runday 8 a. m. and *:l* p. a. Lv. Yfilm—7: 1* a. m. and 1:80 p. nvi flnttirday al«ht *:*0 and Btinda* 4:90 r m. GIRL OONS OVERALLS; HAS POLICE GUESSING

Transcript of Tacoma times (Tacoma, Wash. : 1903) (Seattle, Wash) 1916 ... · ,burs4ay, Dec. 14,1919. THE TACOMA...

Page 1: Tacoma times (Tacoma, Wash. : 1903) (Seattle, Wash) 1916 ... · ,burs4ay, Dec. 14,1919. THE TACOMA TIMES. FJICM^H Male 12 Has Been the Means ofSeDMrag a Great Deal for a Great Maflj

,burs4ay, Dec. 14,1919. THE TACOMA TIMES. FJICM^HMale 12 Has Been the Means of SeDMrag a Great Deal for a Great Maflj


1 cent • word each invert! on—S times for the price of a.1 month, per Hoe per month > f 1.00t months, per line per month 956 months, per line per month SO12 months, per line per caon th 71Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advanceNo Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents.





commonwealth""title trustCO.. Th« Competent. Tel. Main 101.109 So. 10th St.

TACOMA TITLUJ CO.—Oround flooryiaaiity P.ldg: _Rl"'.". -}?*-.


in citl. Main 43.


method of cleaning carpets withcomprised air and Bteam makesa pel Ctct Job. Absolutely no wearon carpets or rugs. Laying, refit-ting. 1110 O._ _Maln 7784.


H. L. HOUCK—Carpet beating, re-fitting and laying; feather reno-vating and upholstering. 2812 tilnay. Main 126.


BKPTIO tanks, country water sup-plies. Coffee Plumbing Co.. 1013A St. Main 670.


DRAYAGKCommercial Truck &. Storage Co.—

Furniture moved, packed and\u25a0tored. Team and auto vans. Fire-proof warehouse. Heat corps oftrained men In city. Main 706.

"^ "TJATT^OKAi^r^EIT^PETERBON~BROd., 1003 So. X st.

Main 831.,~~~~.

CARBOITnKUM and Cre-Sol forchicken lice. Carco Vegetablesprny, water Klaus. StandardChemical Co. Main 54 <!6.

JUNK DEALERSFOR SALE—B hordes, very cheap.

Wallln & Sons, 1328 Commerce st.Tel. Main 6059.


FOR Rheumatism Kidney Diseases,La Grippe. Open il\u25a0\u25a0. and night.702H Pacific ay. Main 5254.

M^J^TtoToanT"l» to~T%

ON IMPROVED property. Loans(or building a specialty. Alsomake loans payable In smallmonthly Installments.

L. R. MANNING * CO.Tel. Main 18. Equitable Bldg.

REAL ESTATE L< > AMB, I<rm ormonthly payments. March Mc-Candless. Room 200. NationalRealty Bids;.

OUR own money to loan. W. N.Doub A Co.. Inc., 604 Cal. nidgMain 2188.

PRIVATE money to loan, $50 to$1000; no commission. Paymentsto suit. Call 5318 So. Fife. FallxDubols.

7 PER CENT moneyi >4 eommtxilon.8611 So. 54tn, So. Tacoma, Wn.

LOW RATE money; no deliiy 1B. O'Malley. 729 Tacoma Bldy.

$5000 to loan M 7 and 8 per cent.Other money at 6 per cent. In-quire of J. I* Snapp. mi FidelityBlrig. Main 4994.

LOANS — Short or lon* term, anyamount. 418 California Bldg.

MORTGAGE LOANS. Amounts from$200 up; city or farm; lowestrates. NORTON & CO,. 210 Berlin.

LOANS for home building or topay off old mortgages. Lowestrates, special privileges to bor-rowers—l to 8 years. Money al-ways on hand -no delay.

H. J. BCHWINN A CO, Inc.118-1» Tacoma Blclg.




At rates you can afford to pay.Money buys cheaper than credit.Our service has pleased manyothars and will please you. Let ustell ynu nil about It.

COAST FINANCE COMPANY210 Bankers^ Trust _ niilg.

~DR. WARREN BROWN~^~niseaei>s

of women and genlto-urinary anijskin diseases. 1103 Commerce at.


DR. LA (IASA -T Surgeon^ X^Ra7.diseases of wotn«ri, genlto-urln-ary. Realty BldK.

DR. X IRKWboh- -NatifonaPßeai tyHldg. Main 769. Res., Mad. 101 J-3

DH. C E. CASEDiseases of Women.

1010 So. injj. Mnln R9sDR ToNEZ^SIJBpEON""

Dlseaiies of women. Fidelity Bldg.

DrTbT ELIZABKThIjRAKE, Phys-ician and Surgeon. 1016 FidelityBids;. Mala 234; Proctor 648. Mad-ison 117 R-l.

DR. pirEftHEN-DANA, 220 BerlinBids;. B<fcnrlinaH»n Am. Bank).Office, Mlin 887«TreB., Main KT7.

DK"Tf'feEMA*S| SUROBONipanjters Tr,»t B1 dg.

DR. YOCuJg NatM Realty PMg.Da) , Maljj^BOO;' ht. I'rao. 1 iCI,

popA.ai3musioRAGTIME and popular music

taught Injifrom io to 20 lessons.Call at 14 Tempi* of Uuslo,Broadway. Main 1251, Res. Proo-tor »12«.


hCITY and county surveys, tide-lands,Nicholson Kng. Co., 606

sssssssssss»L y: -M*l"_4-7-4:

bon bonnt Muehlenbruch.

BAI fcJ DEPOSIT VAULTBFidelity trust co.s sake db-

PUMIT VAULTS. Ground floor.

RKHUILT TYPEWnT'TKIts'^'SEE the new Wooil»tock typewrit-

er that speaks for Itself. Bothprico and quality. 11. I>. Baker *Co.. 1007 A st.

SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES$4.00 per year, fire and burglar

proof. People' Safety Di-pusltCo., 117 So. 11th. Berlin Uldg.Main 2013.

RAZORS SHARPENEDWK shirpen safety razor blade*.

All work «uanuitoed. McMillanBros., am Broadway.


moving gnrbage & refuse of allkliuls^ne Puy. ay. M. 742. H.. 7535.

OSTEOPATHSDR. lIUDS()N. 2:5 Provident Bids.

Main 14»6. Kei. phone. Main 4431


Co., vacuum cleaning.Main 4633.

UNDERTAKERSC. O. LYNN CO., Fnnernl~fTFectors!

910 Tucoma Eiv. Mnln 77 IG.BUCKLeV-KINO CO.—Professional

Funeral Directors. 730-32 St.__Helens. Phone Main litCAISEDT, ALLEN & McCONNELL

CO.—Funeral directors. XllO So.12th. Main 8151.

SO. TACOMA FUNERAL PARLORS,5433 Union ay. Main 1083. Goo.W. Piper.


BldK. Mech. Eng. Patents, it. 677».

OLOK BULL. 27 yean In Tacoma.Studio, Tempi* of Music, Broad-way^

COSTUMESSWITCHES, »av*i, wigs, hair goods.

Thomvn'v, »l»% Broadway. Mala87(5.

RENT- BASEMENTQOOD basement rent cheap, fine

for storage m auto dus. SilverHouse, 16111 Tn.him ay.

BUNGALOW, North End, to eit-chanffe for lms. Hertelson, 208Bank Calofimla BUlg.

SWAP—Cow, frosh in March, an<T~alired JiHf»r, for a fio»h cow. 902No. Verde.

S"~PASSENGER CAR. will BELL~OTTRADE for SMALL, car. See Ze-linaky, 1186 Tacoma ay.

For SALE—I9IS Ford touring car,looks like new, $275; 1916 Saxon4 roadster, $3-5; new 2-cyllnderIndian motorcycle, very reasona-ble. I'alge and Hnxon dealers. 12thA sta. Miiin 2419.


Reputation Established. Reasonablerates. 3 1.-.'.. Market st. Court andMarket '

BHABTA HOTISL—Modern outsiderooms. $2, $2.60 and $3 per Weekup. 50c nlttht up. 1316 Market.

HOTEL HIHOSh7ma~YA. Cor. Mar-ket and lGth: modern; SOc. 75c. 11.

r 7\ ndLAND

LOIIUED-OFF land, close to Taeo-ma. $16 nn acre and up. E. F.iii'iMvCo., 2nd Floor NationalRealty nidg.

IN Southwest Washington to set-tlers only $6 04 per acre and up.

Ti ii yts.rn to pay, Interest at t%.WEYERHARUSER TIMBER CO.

Tacoma Bid* Tacoma, Wash.IC-a. tracts $25 acre, nr So. Prairie.

Terms. ItI California Hid*.

FURNI SHED""ROOMS'NTCRLY furnished rooms, every-

thing flrst-clais; also one house-keeping room. (16 So. Q st.


fresh mllrh cowk. Madison 1802.WANT S to 7 Improved acres on or

near Puyallup valley paved road.Owners only. 418 California Bldg.

WANTED—Furniture and stoves. J.O. Purkey, Main 6819.

WANTED—Puralture of all kind*Immediately; pay good prices.Lewis Fur. Co.. 1904 Tacoma ay.Main 1111.

STOCKS AND BONDB~BELL 50 Todd ship yard, 25 Paclflo

Alaska Navigation Co. J. E. Mc-Farland, 114 Equitable Bldg.

FOR mlnTna; business or mining In-formation, enquire A. M. P. Cc120-381 ~f™v Blrig.. Tacoma.

"^m^J^ON^MALE^STEAM engineer wants position.

ClHO'l lii!\u25a0;,• man. H. M. L., 604So 13th st. / j

Doings of the Duffs The Clerk Merel^ Su^osts- By Allman


roll SALE—Heavy team, wagonajid harness. Madison alO-J.

WHITfID Aasmra rabbits for sale,lirlze Htock. Call Main 1631.






FitE-Henry'a Special!D. S. JOHNSTON I'PRIGHT MA-






102 SOUTH 12TH STREET.fOB SALE—Drop head Sinner sew-

InK machine, good condition, allattachments. No reasonable offerrefused. Call 3"-j>^o-_K_st;

TOR BAISv-One nice Durham-Guenrsey cow and a heifer calf;fresh two weeks. Spanaway carto Lincoln ay., east 3 blocks to A

'St., north 1 block. A. LookerFOR PALK—Thoroughbred Splti

puppies, 3 weeks old; also youngGerman roller, tit right age toteach. Call Main 4821 •venlngs 1

_FOR Kale very reasonable, f jrnlture

of 4-room flat, almost new, down-town. Phone Main 19^^ >

WE HAVEITALL kinds dry wood and coal. Main

8740.TO good oil shade*, 10 gas ranges

and a good Jewel, St. Claire, QuickMeal rauge, at Tac. aye. Furni-ture. Exchange. 913 Tac. aye. Main

_ji;j67.IT^JEWEL Hamflton watch, large

sise, $7.10. fSS Tacoma ay.

RARE old books at Ye Olde BookShop, 9014 Pacific^

STOVES rellned and rebuilt. M. H.Ulvln, 1527 Broadway. Main 6144.

cr\n WATCHES cleaned or main

'"" springs, 100. guaranteed, miPacific ay.

WANTED—Hogs, cattle, Teal, hides,poultry. Will call for same. Payhighest market price. TaoomaMeat Co. Main 1400; after bus-iness hours Main Sill.



MAHAKFAY insuros. «0« FidelityBldg. Main 1717.

PIANO expert, tuning and repair-ing. T. T. Richmond. ISif 80.llth. Pbone Main 1414.

RENT—HOUSESIirMTQXTSI iFur. A Unfurnished.nUUOrjB Klu & f,,., Main 4g«3

202 and 204 iro. racoma aye. ThisIs a double house of seven andeight rooms suitable for twofamilies of friends or can be rent-ed together as a rooming houseOn car line, near Stadium highschool. Low rent to proper par-ties.

L. R. MANNING * CO.Tel. Main 2«. Equitable Bid*.

FLATS and houses for rent. JesseH. Read. 6L'9 Provident Bldg.

715 So. Oakes. 5-r. and bath ..SIO.OOG219 So. Pine. 6r $ 7.00211 R. 27th, 5-r. and bath $11.001218 So. J. r, rms. and hath $18.002332 So. Yaklma, 6 rms 112.00

H. J. BCHWINN * CO., INC.Tacoma Bldg. Main 14

LONG DISTANCEMoving—Get Our Prices

McLean, main mo.MAIN 3009 k0,,?.n acn. dMI£lin"g.

Storage. Nights and Sundays,MAIN I*ol

City Moving & Storage CoFIREPROOF storage, fit Tao. ay.

AUTO DELIVERY CO.TEAM and auto trucks. Local and

ling dlstanoe moving Main 1401.Nta:lit service, ill Commero*


sU^^^^sl If yo" ar* tlnt_^ir\sr~^#_f^H prepared forrQt c°mrneroialf^"r *_«»i work, how canull»iuos*!v '"" hold a

pusiNEaokr^^Vn" k;I\S% MtM A (nee ot what '•


BUITADLK for a or 3 families,walking distance to business cen-ter, $17.50 a month.

E. F. OKKUOItY CO.2nd Floor Nutlonal liealty Hldg.

M. HILL, from Columbus, Montana,now stopping at Merchants Hotel,wishes Tom Gouff to call for hismall at Tacoma postofflce.

WknShe^housF"keeping rooms

IF you do not find the desiredrooms advertised here, lusert anad under "Wanted—HousekeepingRooms." For rates see first ool-umn. this page.

2-ROOM furnished* suites, $6 to $8.1102 So. I at. Call at 1108 So. I »t.

FINK liskpg. rms. 12 wk. up. 709 hiPac. ay.. Eau Claire Apts.

IMPERIAL—Fine hskpg. rms., $8mo. up; walking distance. So. 10thand Yaklma,

the" CLAYTON. 1814 M So. Tacomaay.; new management; all outsiderooms; light, phone, laundry.

TIIUEK nicely furnlshad housekeep-ing rooms, private bath, walkingdistance. t«9 80. Yaklma,

BAY VIEW APTa"Special rate* tobachelors. IS2IM Tacoma av.^

MEN wanted to cut cord wood, $1.00per cord. I. A. Garrison, Dupont,Wn.

YOUNG man Just out of high sohoolof good appearance and address.Will receive an unusual businessopportunity for advancement bycommunicating with Whltaker,Times office.

BOYS "wANTE~D~after"school to sellTimes. Every newsboy has a bankaccount, have you? Htart sellingtonight, cum your Xmas money.Apply Times office.

and oefice helpCOLUMN

IF you need such help place an adunder this Heading. If you wanta position place an ad here—thiscolumn Is devoted to su"h needs.It words 8 times for 30a.

Kn., Family washing. Mala HIS«utj Tacoma Wet Wash.

FOUND—Saturday night, a gold bellshaped pin with 12 pearls amidiamond In center. The engravingon back Is "L. K. L." Tliu ownxrmay have same by paying for nd.Drop mo a oard and I w'U mallIt to The Times office for you.Mrs. W. B, Itatcllffe, Stellacoom,Wash., Box 72.


land. Wash.


Modern Method. No Drugs, Fast-Ing, Massage or enervating exer-cises. PKRMANBNT REDUC-TION CURTAIN, also correction ofmany Ills incident to excess flesh.Class or Private. Founder of theSystem here now. InformationFree. Call or Write, Natural Sys-tem. 427 Provident Bldff.


KD.—IO acres good lami near Ta-coma to trade for your euultyAddress Q-8. Times.

8-ROOM house, bath, pink of condl-tlon, modern, 50-foot corner; Lin-coln hlgn district; no mortgage;$1400. about $200 cash, balancemonthly. Bon H-8, Times.

Bung-allowAND 2% acres at Woodland station,

on the Puyallup car line.PRICE $800

On easy terms. Soil good; a fin*well, and located In a growing,thrifty district.

JESSE O. THOMAS, JR.320 Tacoma Bldgr.

QUICK returns; list your propertywith Bertelson A Co., 809 Bank ofCalifornia Bids;.

COZY HOMEA BARGAIN for you, S-r. house, I

lots. S blocks to Pacific ay. andSo. 37th. Prloe $700, terms to suityou.

GEORGE LAWLER61T National Realty Bldg.

5-Aere Ranch—slsoIT'S NO JOKE! A nlee level ranch,

fine for poultry, garden stufi[wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, etc,Near Tacoma and close to mar-ket. Terms one-half cash. BuyIt for a nest-egg.

RICE-WEBB CO.Main 1248. 1107 A St.

No. Pac Shop Diatiirt$1000 —5-ROOM COTTAGE! and two

fine lots, only H block from carand pavement; small paymentdown and balance In payments.

JAS. A. MASONMain 2175. 101 Equitable Bide



X0ACHE.S Oood land, about one mile from cur line. This Is most allA No. 1 land, with a fair set of buildings, some fruit trees, etc. IIyou warn a x <"i pleo* of land that you can grow most any kind ola crop on, convenient to car line and market, let us xhov- you thlapluce. $J>uO cash down will handle It, and the balance on eftsjr term*


/-R. BUNOAT/OW, 2 full lots, on oar line and paved street; close to rium-mar school and Lincoln high; all Improv im'nts In and paid. This laa very good buy; $1750; terms arranged to suit.

5-R. BUNGALOW, new; West End; H block from ear line; full cementbasement, laundry trays; a dandy fireplace; all built-in features;kitchen white enameled. This place U modern and must be seen tob« appreciated; $2000; a small payment down and balance like rent.

/-R. MODERN bungalow, practically new; 1 block eJH Bth aye. car line;all built-in (natures; porcelain plumbing; a very »lfty home, and youoan't beat the price, $1,600, and terms to suit you like rent.

."•ALL us up. It In a pleasure for us to show sucli as these.

T5-ACRB FARM—About six miles from elty limits, about m miles frompaved mountain road; partly cleared, balance timber; fair house, goodwell, partly ftneed, lots of standing timber. Owner will sell thisplace at a bargain or consider trade for city property uf equal value.If you are looking; for a real bnrgaln, see this place.

*0 ACKBS—And one of the best dairy farms In PUree county. Fine lo-cation; fair set of buildings; 50 auree of bottom land In cultivation;It head of flrst-clas* SOWS and heifers, good team, mower, rak»,oream separator, plows, harrows, oultlvaiors, gas engine, *n»l ...••«outter, and 100-ton silo, plenty of h*y In tht barn to feed the cattletill next crop, and there him be some left. If yuu are Interested inone of our ' ..\u25a0 i dairy farms, dont fall to have a look at this one.The owner will consider two-thirds In exuhanKe, tor your propertyIf It Is good. Coma In and get more particulars If you ara Interested.

I*o ACRBJS—AII good soil, free from rocks, ennd or gravel, JO acres Incultivation, about 80 aures more easy to cl>a,r, lots of running water,good well and. orchard, good house and good barn; faces on a Roodcounty road, IVi milas from town; milk, mall, cream and telephoneroute passes the door. Price 18000. Will consider part trade.

•0 ACRKB—One-half in cultivation, and the very b«st of soil; 10 head »foattle, good team, quod set of building*, \u25ba,\u25a0\u25a0'"! orchard, lots of toolsand Implements; located on a good county r< ml, close to town, schoolami neighbors; milk and oream route. Owner will coimlder trade for•üburban property.

140-AORI DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH—4O acres In cultivation, balancepasture; good house, fine barn; If head of stock, team and all kinds•f farm implements, and all kinds of feed. This la an exceptionallygood place, and raises fine crops. Will consider sor.ie trade, soivm•ash, mortgage back on easy terms. Look this up. It will bays to be•een to be appreolated.

1U ACREMS PUYALLUP VALLJ3I'- -All A No. 1 soil; fine set of buildings;arteslon well; a dandy location, and a fine valley ranch. The placeIs located close to Puyallup, near the paved road. Price $$880, partcash, balanco terms.

$1 ACHES PUYALLUP VALLEY—About 1% miles this side of Puyallup,part in berries, balance has been oroppfd to (train, potatoes, etc. Ooodset of buildings. This Is all A-l land In a dandy location. Ownerwill consider one-half or more in trade, balance terms.

18 A.CRISH—WeII located, within two miles of the city limits. I aores un-der cultivation and the very beat of soil, with a flrst-cliiM set of nowbuildings on the place, oonslstlag of a 6-room bungalow, good newbarn, wood house and sbed, granary and lots of chicken bouses.Plenty of running water, a large spring that oould be piped to Irrl-

fate the entire plage at a very low coet. Two tint milch cows, ialters and a fine youag team, with plenty of tools and Implements

to run the place. Also about 100 chickens. This is positively one ofthe best layouts for one that cares to raise poultry and keep a fewoowi that there Is In Pierce county. The prloe is $4600, and the ownerWill consider a small part In trade. If you want something reallynp-to-date, let us show you this plao*.

. I Acuics CLOSBI IN—About 5 blocks from car line, all fine garden soil;• -room house, root house, barn, small barn full of hay, about 20 ri nittr«ea, and a good family oow goas with the place. Will sell this placeat a bargain or consider trade for a modern house, if you want adandy little ranch right In the olty. oome In and get particulars. Willtake Jus* a/ew minutes to show you the place.

Wn can advertise just a few of our many listings. Remember we hav<farms with cows, hor*ee and all neceesary lmploumnti la Pleroe,Tlvurston and Lewis counties. We have some exceptional good tradeiand buys In farms In the above eountles ranging from 40, 80 to ISOacres, with the beat kind of soil, and prices that are right, and aantake some elty property or oloss-In acreage as part payment We al-eo have mon choloe alfalfa and wheat farms east of the mountains,places that are really money makers, that naa be bought right. Bf\u25a0ure and save this ad, then ovum In and see us. we will please you.

| UO-ACRB DAIRY RANCH—With 80 aores of good bottom land. Mod setof buildings, In good location, lots of running water piped to hous«_and barn, and other outbuildings! lots of shed room. Most all of theland either In cultivation or good pasture. This farm would makiMint one a first olass dairy proposition. The owner will conslit^itrade. If you have some good property to exchange thn s.un* wi;

i be considered at Its actual value. This Is an Ideal stork and dairyproposition and can be traded for right, or bought on smsy h nus.

HOLST & PHILLIPS CO,»U5-«-7-8 Provident Hl.lg.

FOIt SAI-K— 153 ucres of land, withroad throuKh place; small or-chard, about 22 acres slashed, SUmiles west of Morton. For fullparticulars write J. U. Little, Mor-ton, Wash. Price, $17 per acre.


' YOU can get possession of this s-room house and 2 acres withHmall payment of $1!1T.; price $1225.Call at office and take contractfrom owner.

O. N. JOHNS200 Nat'l Bank of Tacoma Bldg.

IN 10 DAYSI $1200 must be raised by owner of

No. 1004) North Oakes St., 9-roomhouse, modern conveniences, 1lots 50x100; on paved street; finelocality. Place cost double theabove amount asked.

\u25a0 Havelock 0. Boyle & Co.' 111 California Bldg. Main 22.


about 100 ft from proposed newship yard. Has dandy 4-roombungalow with porches full length

* on two sides; has running springwater and fine view of entire har-bor. Prlee fISOO. Will trad* for

r clear Tacoma residence property.\u25a0"RANK ABBOTT

\u25a0 S2O California Bldg. Main 141.t .

IN 10 DAYS\u25a0 $1200 —Must be raised by owner of

No. 1006 North Oakes St., l-roomhouse, modern conveniences, on

i paved street; fine locality. Placecost double the above amount

t asked.Haveloek C. Boyle & 00.

211 California nidg. Main 21. I


HAH a 5-room house, 3 full lots, alcleared, streets graded, cemenwalks, city water and electrlilights: half block to Hismarck onand store; bnarlng fruit trees, appies and pears. This property Iiat tilth st. near Ulxmarck. Yoicannot duplicate It for less thai$l?00.

MR. BAROAIN IH'NTKR, this 1your opportunity. You can get 1for $«50. If you want It you wllhave to hurry.



nHKKHKNrK. any of the thousand!of people with whom we havidone business in Tacoma durlnithe last 12 years.

ICAHAITAY Insures, lot Fidelitynidg. Ham itst.

LEGALi NOtJCE9NOTICE Is hereby given that at i

o'olook p. m., December llth, HISI will- sell at public sale at the Central Pound In the City of TacomaWash., 1 rorrel horse, blaze on facewhite right hind foot, about IIyeanold, welKht about too lbs., brand oileft ham. The same having beeitaken up on the streets of TacomaWash., on December Ist, 1916, antadvertised as an estray, and Is soliaccording to law.

W. H. NELSON,Poundmaater.

Dee. 14-11. lIH,

SIT. A 1,F.1) PROPOSALS will be recelved at the office of the Com

mlssloner of Public Works, Clt;Hall, City of Tacoma, between th>hours of IIM and I P. M on the lßtlday of December, 1916. for furnishIng labor and material for constructIng sanitary sewers in the alley be.tween Tacoma Avenue and "X'

Maintaining that they were .i uncle and nieeo, and that they1 .were "hMt'Bg tliHr way" tr> I'ort-

\.\:u\ from ;./!iUlo bcc.ni-(> tlieyI had no funds to pay railioal fare,Uporge Bell, me 24, und .Mrp.Anna Me! oni'd, age I'U. wen- lak-

-1 t'i Iro ma h » car in thn Nortliorn| I'uclfic y;«r,i i u t \u25a0tdalgltt lut

;' H';;H and are held In tti3 city 111),Tin yountj i\cn,an, a rmi sli|.

1; en from a box car in the Northern

'jflashes!I I 4 1 iill<*it I'rcvH : fuaed Wire.)\u25a0 BAKKHSFIKI.D—A »MM of

policemen today shot and killed!\u25a0 K. Xotoli, Ituljan .sought lor 18i hours for murder of Mrs. U.\ ilenidini, boarding house keeper.

1 WASHINGTON, D. o.—Senator; U'illard SauUlmry, Dulaw.ir.', was I. elected preHident pro-tein of the j(

senate today, siicceodius the lateJames P. Clarke.

' TO LAY KEEL FOR. TACOMA SCHOONERThe ways from which the Sia-. horn, first vfißsel completed iiy

I the Seaborn Shipbuilding Co., was( ; launched Tuesday, are being pro-i : pared for the laying of the keel'\u25a0of a 260-foot five-masted lumber| schooner for ('apt. H. Chrisiophor

| llanaen of Porsgrund, Norway.i will probably be finished in the

j spring. The second boat begunt by the company will be launchedjin January, it is expected.


"One half ounce In warm waterI throe or rour times a day," is onoI 1 of at least five alleged ilb\L':ilpre-

' scrlptions for booze which result-| ed in the arrest of Dr. Warren J.

Hough of Old Town Thursday ona warrant issued by Deputy I'rose-

| cutor Thompson. ', The state claims to have infor-> mation that the Issuing of unlaw--1 fill prescriptions by Dr. Hough to

persons who did not need Intoxi-

* cants as medicine has extendedJ over a period of several weeks.I Dr. Hough lives at 2420 North» 30th street.

J WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 14.-The immigration bill with liter-

acy test attached was passed by

' the senate by a vote of 64 to 7* j today.

\u25a0 I The president once vetoed thef j bill because of the literacy clause.

' I»ECrAIT"NbTICi!.BStreet from .South 45th Street toSuith 4Sth Htifct, In I-ocnt Improve-ment District No. 1131 according toplans and specifications on file in

" the office of the Commissioner ofPublic Works

Amount of bond required will betho same as contract price... Proposals must bn made on prlnt-

'\u25a0 <>d form furnished l.y said Coitimli-* aloner and uciDinpnnled by certifiedJ check for five per cent of thn nmuunt

of proposal, made payable to th« or-' |der of the nerk of the Commissioner8 I of Public Works.

" Work to be commenced within 10" diiya after signing iiintract.Work to be completed within 30,J <In>H after slkhlhk contract, but If, said work be not completed within

30 days after RlKning of conduct,said contract shall become void asper specifications., The successful bidder shall agreeto accept, nt par, In payment of snMsupplies and work, an) nn,l a || \u0084rtin- bonds Issued in pursuance of Or-dinance No. «BOS and shall have noclaim whatever on account thereof

a najaliiHt the City of Tacoma exceptc solely upon such bonds and solelyX from the special assessment mad*

and special fund by said Ordlnano*. created.t The Commissioner reserves the

rlKht to reject any and all of th*bids.

CHAB. D. ATKINB.Commissioner of Public Works

Deo. 11-12-18.14-15. 191*.I LOCAL Improvement District No.>• lit.—Notice Is hereby given that- In pursuance of Ordinance No 567S'. of the City of Tacnnta, a roll has>. been placed In my hands for the nol-\u25a0 leotlon of the third annual Install-' ment of tin nDsessment levied forn laying cement concrete sidewalks'\u25a0 five (S) feet In width on Hherldan5 Avenue from South l»th Street toII North Street.

Provided that where cement walkshave already been constructed andconform to line and grade, they. shall not be Included In this Im-,. provement.

i- Bald Installment may be paid ony or before January 7th, I*l7. butc If not paid on or before said date,h added Interest, penalty and costs willi- cttaon.:- JAMES C. DRAKE,

• City Treasurer.Dec. t, 14, tl, 111*.

wm wearing & P«tr of overall!and a lint of !!• M s when RailroadPoliceman Burnett discoveredthem in the car. Charges oftrespass were tiled by the rail-road.

Tlie couple Mine to Tacoma ona lain Inlerurliati train.

Nlio Hi'ii- Oyitiillk.Mrs. .McDonald wore a blue

\u25a0area suit and white waist on thetrip to Tnconia, but as soon asthe yfound a conveniently emptjrbox car donned Hell's overalls.Tlie railrond policeman thoughthe had arrest' tl a couple of milehoboes until ho had reached policehrad'iuartera.

Mrs. McDonald told Detective('apt. Smith thai she was a wait-ress and that Bell, hnr uncle, wasa mill man. Bhe Mid that she hadboen Mparated from her husbandthree months, after marrying himon a Hingle <i,-.v'h acquaintance.

"Inclr" I'iclidKiis?Throuuh thn Seattle police,

however, ('apt. Smith learnedthat the girl's mother believedshe had "made up" with her lnia»-linnd again and was traveling withhim.

The mother intimated that thestory of Hell being an "uncle" wasfictitious. Capt. Smith offeredto Rend the couple back to Mrs.McDonald'* mother If the mothnrwanted them, but when the Seat-tle woman declined the responsi-bility, formal criminal c.hargos oftrespass were sworn out.

Wiin iiTi»JUm»JHJMb«I_Jm

Steamers Tacoma and

Indianapolis for SeattleI-> " « linn .:i ai Dock. Taoo-

aia. 7 15. I:UO. 11:00 a in. I 01I 00, 6:00. 7:00. COO p. m.

1.1-tm Colmnn Dock. Brallla,: oo 100. 11:00 a. m.; 1:110.1:01,I 1 00. HI. p. 18.

I 9Mi.i in,, i !\u25a0 uj-«t flteameraI li.lil Rnund Trips liallj.

S. S. J'imv Ac**t.Offir.i Municipal Poo. H 1411


I IT. SO. KITH ST. TF.I.. MAIN 9C4I.iiin Ii Ilimn In I mm.•ll.in

Schedule Auto St. ik" A FreightService. t'aKKugu Clucked.

( nrl ail,i— \\ llkf...n—Tm-ouaisniiiii 11. i.i.-.i < an)

Leave. A.M. P. ItrarlM.nndo 7:20 1:0*Wllkison 7:30 1:11Burnatt 7:40 l:lfSouth ITairle 7:50 1 31Arrive.Tacoma 9:00 •_• <i

Connect witli Seattle Inter urban.Leave.Tacoma 10:00 4:lfPuyallup 1..0: SO K:Of'••'in:; ..10 &S 6:11South Ir ilile 11:20 .. 5»Hum -it 11:30 •; 0«v.i 1., --n 11:40 illArrive.Carbonado 11:50 « 1«

RITKLGV—TArOHAI.v. Taronia 10 a. in.; 1:19, Ip.m.I^v. Bucklty Ba. m.; 11:10, «p. m.(iaturduy and Sunrlav—l,v. Tacoma

10 a. in., 8:20, 11:10 p. m.

ni'POXT—TATOMAL». Tii.onia—6:oo, 10:00, 11:80 a. m.;

.1:00. 4 ..'!<). 11:10 p. m.Lv. Dtipont—B:oo, »:00, 10:00, 11:08 a.

m.; 1^.30, fi:ls, 6:46 p. m.Sundny Sjfolal—»:00, 10:00, 11:00 a,

m. and 12:00 m.

NOKTHKAST T.tCOHAIljirbu*< i«i-k nn.i Iliticu* Bai

VmvtotrLv. Taroma—6:S«, 7:SO. 10:S0 a. m.:

1, 1:11, 4. 5 and 10:15 p. inLv. N. K. Tac—7, 11am.; 1:10. 1:1*


Klbr, Aldrr, l.n lirnnd*Lv. Mineral li.il,Lv. Tnconiu 3 p. m.

\u25a0 •nilm .—TACOMALv. Taroma—7:Jo. »:00, 11:0* a. na.;

1:00. 8:S0 p. m.

AIHKORO—TACOMALv. Aalifnrd—8 a. m. and 2:41 p. m.Lv. Tacoma—B a. m. and I p. m.

Mini ion—TACOHALv. Tacoma—B:oo a. m.Lv. Morton—l:46 p. m.

RtaK*a for Roy, Yalm, Kapowila,Ornham, Ortlng.


11th "<•. Oiipo.H, P..(offir*.Lv. Eatonvllla dally I «. m.; I p. ra,

8: so p. an. Sunday, 8 a. in., i aad Tp. m.

Lv. Tacnma dually S a. en., 1 p. SB,4 p. m. Sunday 8 a. m., 4 and (illp. i»

SHttinlay DvcninK special—L*av«Eatonvlll* 7 p. m.; liirt Tacoma,>:lt p. m.

MOOBBB AVTO •TAfW\u25a0 land— t rntt ll.url. 1819 Pmrttlr \u25a0« -Tacoma and Y»lm, Lakavlew. Hllt-

lnirit. Greendale, Koy. McKtnn*.M. T. HUM.

Lv. Taroma—ll:o* a. m. and 4:10 m.m.; Runday 8 a. m. and *:l*p. a.

Lv. Yfilm—7: 1* a. m. and 1:80 p. nviflnttirday al«ht *:*0 and Btinda*4:90 r m.