Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF TACOMA Devoted to the Courts, Real Estate, Finance, Industrial Activities, and Publication of Legal Notices Visit our Web site at www.tacomadailyindex.com 402 Tacoma Avenue S., Suite 200 TACOMA, WA 98402 PHONE (253) 627-4853 FAX (253) 627-2253 INSIDE: LEGAL NOTICES BANKRUPTCIES LIENS ORDERS FEDERAL COURT AUDITORS OFFICE NEW BUSINESSES [email protected] Published Since 1890 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF TACOMA Devoted to the Courts, Real Estate, Finance, Industrial Activities, and Publication of Legal Notices Visit our Web site at www.tacomadailyindex.com 402 Tacoma Avenue S., Suite 200 TACOMA, WA 98402 PHONE (253) 627-4853 FAX (253) 627-2253 INSIDE: LEGAL NOTICES BANKRUPTCIES LIENS ORDERS FEDERAL COURT AUDITORS OFFICE NEW BUSINESSES [email protected] Published Since 1890 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013 Vol. CXXIV, No. 95 Photo Courtesy Washington Trust for His- toric Preservation Washington Trust for Historic Preservation of- ficials announced Wednesday they have included a 100-year-old Pierce County church on its annual list of Most Endangered Historic Properties in Wash- ington state. The St. Nicholas Church (pictured), located at 3510 Rosedale Street NW in Gig Harbor, was found- ed by early Croatian settlers who pooled together $300 and donations for construction from the com- munity's canneries and fishermen's supply houses to purchase a half-acre of land and build a Roman Catholic Church. By Easter Sunday 1914, St. Nick's celebrated its first Mass. Situated on the hillside overlooking the harbor, St. Nick's is the only intact historic church left in Gig Harbor. In 1958, the parish expanded significantly in or- der to accommodate the growing community, adding a new church building, administrative offices, and other parish facilities. Presently, plans are under consideration to ex- pand and/or upgrade the 1958 complex and it is an- ticipated additional parking on site will be required. With the 1914 church building presently boarded up due to health concerns stemming from mold, parish- ioners and community members have expressed a deep concern for its future. Several members recall efforts in the 1970s to save the church. Facing similar uncertainty at the time, parishioners passed the hat and collected the needed funds to engage in restoration work. Follow- ing completion of the project, in 1981 the Peninsula Historical Society moved into the structure, utiliz- ing the basement for its archives until 1998. In the absence of clear communication about the fate of the historic church, there is fear that demo- lition is being considered as a possible course of action. But several parishioners and community members have formed the Friends of St. Nick's and are committed to rehabilitating the church, hopeful that history does indeed repeat itself. The remaining historic properties being named to this year's are the 1913 Electric Building in Ab- erdeen; the 1937 Digester Building in Bellingham; the 1866 Colonel Granville Haller House in Coupe- ville; the late-1960s the Battelle/Talaris Campus in Seattle's Laurelhurst neighborhood; the 1927 B.D. Mukai House and Garden; and the 1860s-era Colville Indian Agency log cabin in Stevens County. Since 1992, the independent, non-profit Wash- ington Trust for Historic Preservation has used its Most Endangered Historic Properties List to bring attention to over 100 threatened sites nominated by concerned citizens and organizations across the state. The Washington Trust assists advocates for these resources in developing strategies aimed at removing these threats, taking advantage of oppor- tunities where they exist, and finding positive pres- ervation solutions for listed resources. According to information on the Washington Trust's Web site, the list has included historic prop- erties in Tacoma and Pierce County, such as Pacific National Bank Building / Luzon Building (Tacoma) — listed in 1992, demolished in 2009; Japanese Language School (Tacoma) — listed in 1993, de- molished in 2004; Elks Building (Tacoma) — listed in 2003; First United Methodist Church (Tacoma) — listed in 2006, demolished in 2007; Murray Mor- gan Bridge (Tacoma) — listed in 2008; Kelley Farm (Bonney Lake) — listed in 2006; Historic Commer- cial Fishing Net Sheds (Gig Harbor) — listed in 2008; Fort Steilacoom (Lakewood) — listed in 2006; Sunrise Lodge (Mount Rainier National Park) — listed in 1992, saved in 1996; Balch House (Steila- coom) — listed in 1993, saved in 1994; Nathaniel Orr House (Steilacoom) — listed in 1996, saved in 1999; Fleischmann's Yeast Plant (Sumner) — listed in 2007, demolished in 2010; Curran House (Univer- sity Place) — listed in 2009; Old City Hall (Tacoma) — listed in 2011; McMillin Bridge (Orting / Pierce County) — listed in 2011; and McNeil Island Prison (Pierce County) — listed in 2011. More information is available online at wa-trust. org. By Todd Matthews, Editor Tacoma City Council voted Tuesday to approve a resolution to formally accept 16 grants totaling just over $31 million to pay for a variety of infrastruc- ture projects ranging from roadways, bridges, trails, bikeways and a public esplanade. Among the 12 projects to receive big-dollar grants: nearly $20 million to replace a large section of the Puyallup River Bridge; $3 million to repair the bridge deck on the Union Avenue Viaduct; $1.88 million to repair the Schuster Parkway Bridge; $1.5 million to upgrade the city's infrastructure for cy- clists and pedestrians; and nearly $1.3 million to upgrade signs and pavement markings at traffic signals at various intersections citywide. "The City has aggressively applied for grants for numerous infrastructure projects," wrote Tacoma Public Works engineer Chris Larson in an April 19 memo. "The projects are scheduled for design and construction during the next few years." The complete list of projects includes Puyal- lup River Bridge ($19,150,000); Union Ave Viaduct ($3,000,000); Schuster Parkway ($1,880,000); Top 4 Bikeways ($1,500,000); Citywide Safety Improve- ments ($1,294,950); South Mildred Street improve- ments between South 12th Street and South 19th Street ($942,792); Pacific Avenue Streetscape Proj- ect ($800,000); Milwaukee Way / Lincoln Avenue to Marshall Street ($750,000); Historic Water Ditch Trail Phase Three and Four ($600,000); Thea Foss Waterway sites 10 and 11 ($550,000); South 72nd Street and Hosmer Street at the Interstate-5 on- ramp ($340,000); and South 25th Street Corridor signal improvements ($251,097). "The $31 million on the list tonight will be added to existing project funding for a total of $61.5 mil- lion for the 12 projects," Larson told councilmem- bers during the meeting Tuesday. "Of this total, $58 million is in grant funding, and $7.2 million is in city funds. So this represents a significant leverage of city funds. Other 2013 projects include another $42 million in projects that are not on this list that includes projects such as Stadium Way, Tacoma Av- enue Bridge, and other trail and road projects." Councilmembers David Boe and Marty Campbell commended staff on their success in securing grant funding. "Thank you for your hard work on pursuing these grants and writing grants in such a way that we're awarded them," said Campbell. City Council OKs accepting 16 grants, $31M for 12 Tacoma road projects Century-old historic Gig Harbor church deemed endangered


May 16, 2013 edition of the Tacoma Daily Index

Transcript of Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

Page 1: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013


Devoted to the Courts,Real Estate, Finance,Industrial Activities,and Publication ofLegal Notices

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[email protected] Since 1890


Devoted to the Courts,Real Estate, Finance,Industrial Activities,and Publication ofLegal Notices

Visit our Web site atwww.tacomadailyindex.com

402 Tacoma Avenue S., Suite 200TACOMA, WA 98402PHONE (253) 627-4853FAX (253) 627-2253




[email protected] Since 1890

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013 Vol. CXXIV, No. 95

Photo Courtesy Washington Trust for His-toric Preservation

Washington Trust for Historic Preservation of-� cials announced Wednesday they have included a 100-year-old Pierce County church on its annual list of Most Endangered Historic Properties in Wash-ington state.

The St. Nicholas Church (pictured), located at 3510 Rosedale Street NW in Gig Harbor, was found-ed by early Croatian settlers who pooled together $300 and donations for construction from the com-munity's canneries and � shermen's supply houses to purchase a half-acre of land and build a Roman Catholic Church. By Easter Sunday 1914, St. Nick's celebrated its � rst Mass. Situated on the hillside overlooking the harbor, St. Nick's is the only intact historic church left in Gig Harbor.

In 1958, the parish expanded signi� cantly in or-der to accommodate the growing community, adding a new church building, administrative of� ces, and other parish facilities.

Presently, plans are under consideration to ex-pand and/or upgrade the 1958 complex and it is an-ticipated additional parking on site will be required. With the 1914 church building presently boarded up due to health concerns stemming from mold, parish-ioners and community members have expressed a deep concern for its future.

Several members recall efforts in the 1970s to save the church. Facing similar uncertainty at the time, parishioners passed the hat and collected the needed funds to engage in restoration work. Follow-ing completion of the project, in 1981 the Peninsula Historical Society moved into the structure, utiliz-ing the basement for its archives until 1998.

In the absence of clear communication about the fate of the historic church, there is fear that demo-lition is being considered as a possible course of action. But several parishioners and community members have formed the Friends of St. Nick's and are committed to rehabilitating the church, hopeful that history does indeed repeat itself.

The remaining historic properties being named to this year's are the 1913 Electric Building in Ab-erdeen; the 1937 Digester Building in Bellingham; the 1866 Colonel Granville Haller House in Coupe-ville; the late-1960s the Battelle/Talaris Campus in Seattle's Laurelhurst neighborhood; the 1927 B.D. Mukai House and Garden; and the 1860s-era Colville Indian Agency log cabin in Stevens County.

Since 1992, the independent, non-pro� t Wash-ington Trust for Historic Preservation has used its Most Endangered Historic Properties List to bring attention to over 100 threatened sites nominated by concerned citizens and organizations across the

state. The Washington Trust assists advocates for these resources in developing strategies aimed at removing these threats, taking advantage of oppor-tunities where they exist, and � nding positive pres-ervation solutions for listed resources.

According to information on the Washington

Trust's Web site, the list has included historic prop-erties in Tacoma and Pierce County, such as Paci� c National Bank Building / Luzon Building (Tacoma) — listed in 1992, demolished in 2009; Japanese Language School (Tacoma) — listed in 1993, de-molished in 2004; Elks Building (Tacoma) — listed in 2003; First United Methodist Church (Tacoma) — listed in 2006, demolished in 2007; Murray Mor-gan Bridge (Tacoma) — listed in 2008; Kelley Farm (Bonney Lake) — listed in 2006; Historic Commer-cial Fishing Net Sheds (Gig Harbor) — listed in 2008; Fort Steilacoom (Lakewood) — listed in 2006; Sunrise Lodge (Mount Rainier National Park) — listed in 1992, saved in 1996; Balch House (Steila-coom) — listed in 1993, saved in 1994; Nathaniel Orr House (Steilacoom) — listed in 1996, saved in 1999; Fleischmann's Yeast Plant (Sumner) — listed in 2007, demolished in 2010; Curran House (Univer-sity Place) — listed in 2009; Old City Hall (Tacoma) — listed in 2011; McMillin Bridge (Orting / Pierce County) — listed in 2011; and McNeil Island Prison (Pierce County) — listed in 2011.

More information is available online at wa-trust.org.

By Todd Matthews, EditorTacoma City Council voted Tuesday to approve a

resolution to formally accept 16 grants totaling just over $31 million to pay for a variety of infrastruc-ture projects ranging from roadways, bridges, trails, bikeways and a public esplanade.

Among the 12 projects to receive big-dollar grants: nearly $20 million to replace a large section of the Puyallup River Bridge; $3 million to repair the bridge deck on the Union Avenue Viaduct; $1.88 million to repair the Schuster Parkway Bridge; $1.5 million to upgrade the city's infrastructure for cy-clists and pedestrians; and nearly $1.3 million to upgrade signs and pavement markings at traf� c signals at various intersections citywide.

"The City has aggressively applied for grants for numerous infrastructure projects," wrote Tacoma Public Works engineer Chris Larson in an April 19 memo. "The projects are scheduled for design and construction during the next few years."

The complete list of projects includes Puyal-lup River Bridge ($19,150,000); Union Ave Viaduct ($3,000,000); Schuster Parkway ($1,880,000); Top 4 Bikeways ($1,500,000); Citywide Safety Improve-ments ($1,294,950); South Mildred Street improve-

ments between South 12th Street and South 19th Street ($942,792); Paci� c Avenue Streetscape Proj-ect ($800,000); Milwaukee Way / Lincoln Avenue to Marshall Street ($750,000); Historic Water Ditch Trail Phase Three and Four ($600,000); Thea Foss Waterway sites 10 and 11 ($550,000); South 72nd Street and Hosmer Street at the Interstate-5 on-ramp ($340,000); and South 25th Street Corridor signal improvements ($251,097).

"The $31 million on the list tonight will be added to existing project funding for a total of $61.5 mil-lion for the 12 projects," Larson told councilmem-bers during the meeting Tuesday. "Of this total, $58 million is in grant funding, and $7.2 million is in city funds. So this represents a signi� cant leverage of city funds. Other 2013 projects include another $42 million in projects that are not on this list that includes projects such as Stadium Way, Tacoma Av-enue Bridge, and other trail and road projects."

Councilmembers David Boe and Marty Campbell commended staff on their success in securing grant funding.

"Thank you for your hard work on pursuing these grants and writing grants in such a way that we're awarded them," said Campbell.

City Council OKs accepting 16 grants, $31M for 12 Tacoma road projects

Century-old historic Gig Harbor church deemed endangered

Page 2: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

13-1-01922-3 05/13/2013 Eludepolveh

Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Reed, Christopher

Keith Atp01 Macejunas, John G13-1-01923-1 05/13/2013

Assault2harm Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Rosario, David Atp01 Sorensen, Philip Karl13-1-01924-0 05/13/2013

Idtheft2 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Bufalini, Paul

Samuel Atp01 Hyer, Brent J13-1-01925-8 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Chambers, David

Lee Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01926-6 05/13/2013

Asslt3lawofc Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Kim, Anne Sue Atp01 Birgenheier, Hugh

Kirk13-1-01927-4 05/13/2013

Burglary1asl Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Phillip, Steven K Cod01 Henry, Fatima Cod02 Pretrick, Swingly Atp01 Hammond, Patrick

Joseph13-1-01928-2 05/13/2013

Burglary1asl Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Henry, Fatima Cod01 Phillip, Steven Kalen Cod02 Pretrick, Swingly Atp01 Hammond, Patrick


13-1-01929-1 05/13/2013 Burglary1asl

Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Pretrick, Swingly Cod01 Phillip, Steven Kalen Cod02 Henry, Fatima Atp01 Hammond, Patrick

Joseph13-1-01930-4 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Harris, Calvin

Deshawn Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01931-2 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Callaghan, Michael

V Atp01 Goodman, Maureen

C13-1-01932-1 05/13/2013

Firearmposs1 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Mulitauaopele,

Reginald L Atp01 Yu, Robert E.13-1-01933-9 05/13/2013

Escapefirstd Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Swan, Shatell Marie Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01934-7 05/13/2013

Idtheft2 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Borrelli, Jodi Dawn Atp01 Hyer, Brent J13-1-01935-5 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Clark, Devin Michael Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01936-3

05/13/2013 Si/Ii/Iiipen Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Ausborn, Jerry Lee Atp01 Goodman, Maureen

C13-1-01937-1 05/13/2013

Assault2weap Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Clark, Tony Anthony Atp01 Sorensen, Philip Karl13-1-01938-0 05/13/2013

Fugitivewarr Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Phelps, Frank Todd Atp01 Penner, Stephen

Michael13-1-01939-8 05/13/2013

Theftvehicle Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Davis, Jeramy David Atp01 Oliver, Kathleen13-1-01940-1 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Stoudmire, Brian

Keith Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01941-0 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Ward, Gregory James Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01942-8 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Rittenhouse, Kyle

Wayne Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01943-6 05/13/2013

Residburglar Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Beaman, Richard

Eugene Cod01 Butterfield,

Christopher Allen Atp01 Lewis, Timothy Ryan13-1-01944-4 05/13/2013

Residburglar Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Butterfield,

Christopher A Cod01 Beaman, Richard

Eugene Atp01 Lewis, Timothy Ryan13-1-01945-2 05/13/2013

Fugitivewarr Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Bickle, Kenneth

Edward Atp01 Penner, Stephen

Michael13-1-01946-1 05/13/2013

Idtheft2 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Veenhuizen, Megan

Leann Atp01 Oliver, Kathleen13-1-01947-9 05/13/2013

Possvehicle Pla01 State Of Washington

Def01 Armstrong, Chad Emery

Atp01 Hammond, Patrick Joseph

13-1-01948-7 05/13/2013 Robbsecdegre

Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Gregory, Sarah

Rachel W Atp01 Miller, Marcus Jay13-1-01949-5 05/13/2013

Eludepolveh Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Rogers, Ronell

Raymond Atp01 Birgenheier, Hugh

Kirk13-1-01950-9 05/13/2013

Idtheft2 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Kramer, Jennifer Atp01 Lewis, Timothy Ryan13-1-01951-7 05/13/2013

Robbsecdegre Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Schaffer, Gregory M Cod01 Salais, Ryan Scott Atp01 Cooper, Patrick

Russell13-1-01952-5 05/13/2013

Minorpossliq Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Salais, Ryan Scott Cod01 Schaffer, Gregory

Michael Atp01 Cooper, Patrick

Russell13-1-01953-3 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Tompkins, James

Clinton Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01954-1 05/13/2013

Asslt3lawofc Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Oberg, Jason Robert Atp01 Birgenheier, Hugh

Kirk13-1-01955-0 05/13/2013

Burglary-2 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Austin, Phillip Scott Atp01 Hammond, Patrick

Joseph13-1-01956-8 05/13/2013

Assault2weap Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Paulsen, Arthur

Robert Atp01 Cooper, Patrick

Russell13-1-01957-6 05/13/2013

Consubnopres Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Swan, Shatell Marie Atp01 Hurney, William J.13-1-01958-4 05/13/2013

Protordvifel Pla01 State Of Washington

Def01 Truesdell, Jordanlee Miles

Atp01 De Maine, Heather K.

13-1-01959-2 05/13/2013 Assault2weap

Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Delgado, Joaquin

James Atp01 Cooper, Patrick

Russell13-1-01960-6 05/13/2013

Assault2weap Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Stephens, Tyrell

Lashawn Atp01 De Maine, Heather

K.13-1-01961-4 05/13/2013

Assault2weap Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Teregeyo, Jose

Tilipao Atp01 De Maine, Heather

K.13-1-01962-2 05/13/2013

Theft2 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Coach, Laron Jordon Atd01 Frank, Angela May Atd02 Gregory, Martin

Dean Atp01 Lewis, Timothy Ryan13-1-01963-1 05/13/2013

Theft2>$750 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Frank, Angela M Cod01 Coach, Laron Jordon Cod02 Gregory, Martin

Dean Atp01 Lewis, Timothy Ryan13-1-01964-9 05/13/2013

Theft2>$750 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Gregory, Martin

Dean Cod01 Coach, Laron Jordon Cod02 Frank, Angela May Atp01 Lewis, Timothy Ryan

13-2-01640-6 05/13/2013 Dom Violence

Pet01 Seletstewa, Robyn Caye

Rsp01 Estrada, Alex13-2-01641-4 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Music, Brianna Janel Rsp01 Music, Chaise

Michael George13-2-01642-2 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Thompson, Sandra

Elaine Rsp01 Music, Chaise

Michael George13-2-01644-9 05/13/2013

Dom Violence











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Page 3: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

Pet01 Ingle, Micheala Lee Rsp01 Ingle, George David13-2-01645-7 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Ignacio, Swain Rsp01 Blas, Karen Barcey13-2-01646-5 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Ignacio, Swain Rsp01 Salas, Everett J13-2-01647-3 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Ignacio, Swain Rsp01 Quitugua, Trever B13-2-01648-1 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Marshall, Cassandra

Renee Rsp01 Marshall, James

Alfred13-2-01649-0 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Ignacio, Swain Rsp01 Salas, Lee Everett13-2-01650-3 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Kreischer, Amy Lynn Rsp01 Kreischer, Brian Paul13-2-01651-1 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Ignacio, Swain Rsp01 Quitugua, Brent

Thomas Blas13-2-01652-0 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 White, Lisa Anita Rsp01 Calloway, Travis

Irvin13-2-01653-8 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Seek, Luanne J Rsp01 Borton, Tracy Lynn13-2-01654-6 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Goodson, Michele

Yvette Rsp01 Anderson, Gregory13-2-01655-4 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Hugh, Latoya Rsp01 Armstrong, Keegan13-2-01656-2 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Brady, James J Rsp01 Oberg, Jason Robert13-2-01657-1 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Gonzalez, Victor Rsp01 Ramos Ramos,

Rosangel13-2-01658-9 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Williams, Shenelle Rsp01 Shepherd, Daniel

Jacob13-2-01659-7 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Lovelace,

Mychalbrianne Alexa Rsp01 Mcgranaghan,

Brennan Michael J13-2-01660-1 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Postell, Jaylyn C Rsp01 Clardy, Isaiah Jamal13-2-01661-9 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Buell, Shealee Rsp01 Andrade, Luke Joel13-2-01662-7 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Burris, Matthew A Rsp01 Hobbs, Chelsea Jean Pet02 Brandt, Mary Ann13-2-01663-5 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Delozier, Peggy Sue Rsp01 Vicknair, David A13-2-01664-3 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Bernstein, Tammy I.

maria Rsp01 Wisenbaugh, Jamie

Lee Jr Pet02 Bernstein, Jeff Martin13-2-01664-3 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Bernstein, Tammy I.

maria Rsp01 Wisenbaugh, Jamie

Lee Jr Pet02 Bernstein, Jeff Martin13-2-01665-1 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Theriault, Cayla Lynn Rsp01 Theriault, Troy A13-2-01666-0 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Hubbard, Joshua

James Rsp01 Juminez, Silver13-2-01667-8 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Walker, Natrice

Essence Rsp01 Scott, Henry Lemuel

4th13-2-01668-6 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Theriault, Cayla Lynn Rsp01 Theriault, Troy A13-2-01669-4 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 David, Erin Elizabeth Rsp01 David, Christopher

Michael13-2-01670-8 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Bennett-paisley,

Hanna Rsp01 Paisley, Clark13-2-01671-6 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Nohrenberg, Cindi K Rsp01 Doland, Casey

Lynette13-2-01672-4 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Davis, Hope Anne Rsp01 Michael, Jeremy Jay

13-2-01673-2 05/13/2013 Dom Violence

Pet01 Goggins, Candra Lashawn

Rsp01 Goggans, Lacresia Renee

13-2-01674-1 05/13/2013 Dom Violence

Pet01 Boss, Rachel Rsp01 Schultz, Jason

Michael13-2-01675-9 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Wascher, Tiffany

Violet Rsp01 Melton, Mark

Anthony13-2-01676-7 05/13/2013

Dom Violence Pet01 Jenks, Elizabeth

Nicole Rsp01 Thompson, Jordan T13-2-09094-1 05/10/2013

Pers Injury Pla01 Anderson, Derrick Mnr01 Anderson, Deshriana Def01 Puget Sound

Educational Service #121 Atp01 Martin, Thaddeus

Phillip Iv13-2-09095-9 05/10/2013

Misc Pla01 Anderson, Janet Def01 Anderson, Kim Atp01 Hoefel, Richard L.13-2-09096-7 05/10/2013

Commercial Pla01 Mobility Concepts

Inc Def01 Arrow Construction

& Excavation Inc Def02 United States

Insurance Company Atp01 Von Kallenbach,

Dean Gordon13-2-09097-5 05/10/2013

Unlaw Detain Pla01 Burgett, Susie Pla02 Green, Nancy A Def01 Daniels, Wayne Atp01 Knight, Russell

Andrew13-2-09098-3 05/10/2013

Quiet Title Pla01 Stewart, Aaron Def01 Clifford, Vernon C Def02 Deines, Sarah J Def03 Sparks, Paul H Def04 Ricks, Earnest L Def05 Sparks, Kelly Def06 Sparks, Timmy Def07 Cook, Vernon Def08 Mcdonald, Rita M Def09 Sparks, Leland Atp01 Johns, Michael

Wayne13-2-09099-1 05/10/2013

Trans Judgmt Pla01 Egp Investments Llc Def01 Lewis, Sandra D

Def02 Lewis, Levern L Atp01 Sealby, Robert

William13-2-09100-9 05/10/2013

Trans Judgmt Pla01 Egp Investments Llc Def01 Ramirez, Bladimir Def02 Ramirez, Claudia J Atp01 Sealby, Robert

William13-2-09101-7 05/10/2013

Collection Pla01 Columbia Recovery

Group Llc Def01 Martinez, Esteban Def02 Martinez, Jane Doe Atp01 Schneider, Peter

Michael13-2-09102-5 05/10/2013

Trans Judgmt Pla01 Egp Investments Llc Def01 Lamphiear, Kathleen

A Def02 Lamphiear, John Doe Atp01 Sealby, Robert

William13-2-09103-3 05/10/2013

Collection Pla01 Columbia Recovery

Group Llc Def01 Williams, Robert Jr Def02 Williams, Jane Doe Def03 Gowland, Dylan Def04 Gowland, Jane Doe Atp01 Schneider, Peter

Michael13-2-09104-1 05/10/2013

Collection Pla01 Columbia Recpvery

Group Llc Def01 Williamson, Lori Def02 Williamson, John

Doe Atp01 Schneider, Peter

Michael13-2-09106-8 05/10/2013

Minr Settlmt Mnr01 Bowen-moore,

Tavian Gal01 Counsell, Charles Aty01 Wilson, Rogers Jr13-2-09107-6 05/10/2013

Commercial Pla01 Barbour, Shane Def01 Avery, Donald Def02 Bcentric Inc Atp01 Shillito, Charles

Tyler Atp02 Gonzalez, Emily

Rose13-2-09108-4 05/13/2013

Collection Pla01 Capital One Bank

Usa Na Def01 Ahmed, Shakil Atp01 Filer, Nicholas R

13-3-01732-5 05/08/2013 Custody

Pet01 Avellaneda, Demetria Rsp01 Romero, Luciano Jr Rsp02 Hyder, Ashley

Patrice Mnr01 Romero, Kaylianna

Christina Mnr02 Romero, Lilly

Harmony Psp01 Avellaneda, Demetria13-3-01783-0 05/10/2013

Modification Pet01 Riddall, Jennifer Ruth Rsp01 Riddall, Thomas

Blaine Mnr01 Riddall, Thomas J Mnr02 Riddall, Ryan T Inv01 Dcs Atp01 Ford, Jerry Russell13-3-01783-0 05/10/2013

Modification Pet01 Riddall, Jennifer Ruth Rsp01 Riddall, Thomas

Blaine Mnr01 Riddall, Thomas J Mnr02 Riddall, Ryan T Inv01 Dcs Atp01 Ford, Jerry Russell13-3-01784-8 05/10/2013

Dis No Child Pet01 Morgan, Tracy Rsp01 Morgan, Larence D Atp01 Urena, Norma Linda13-3-01785-6 05/10/2013

Dis W/Child Pet01 Mcarthur, Julie Anne Rsp01 Mcarthur, Allen

Harvey Mnr01 Mcarthur, Ian A Atp01 Meikle, Brian L.13-3-01786-4 05/10/2013

Parenting Pl Pet01 Brown, Charles

David Rsp01 Anderson, Kristi

Marie Mnr01 Anderson, Mckaylah

Marie Psp01 Brown, Charles13-3-01787-2 05/10/2013

Dis No Child Pet01 Lannoye, Randy Jay Rsp01 Lannoye, Rhonda

Lee Canty Atp01 Robertson, Laurie

Gail13-3-01788-1 05/10/2013

Dis No Child Pet01 Dominguez, Tiffany Rsp01 Montemayor, Raul E Atp01 Scholl, Michael

Henry13-3-01789-9 05/10/2013

Dis No Child Pet01 Forks, Taryn S Rsp01 Jacobs, Rahkeam W Psp01 Forks, Taryn13-3-01790-2 05/10/2013

Dis W/Child Pet01 Swayze, Camille


Rsp01 Swayze, Colin Christian

Mnr01 Swayze, Connor L Mnr02 Swayze, Colton Atp01 Webley, Gregory

Stephen13-3-01791-1 05/10/2013

Dis No Child Pet01 Wilson, Kyndall A Rsp01 Wilson, Rian H Psp01 Wilson, Kyndall13-3-01792-9 05/10/2013

Dis W/Child Pet01 Kinlow, David

Jeremy Rsp01 Kinlow, Sarah

Ashley Mnr01 Kinlow, Amazing

Joy Psp01 Kinlow, David13-3-01793-7 05/10/2013

Dis No Child Pet01 Pineda, Kelsey N Rsp01 Pineda, Alexander A Psp01 Pineda, Kelsey13-3-01794-5 05/13/2013

Dis W/Child Pet01 Mauldin, William

Cleo Rsp01 Mauldin, Patricia

Betty Mnr01 Mauldin, Linkoln

James Mnr02 Mauldin, Kiara Ruth Psp01 Mauldin, William13-3-01795-3 05/13/2013

Dis No Child Pet01 Jordan, Vanessa C Rsp01 Childs, Robert Jr Psp01 Jordan, Vanessa13-3-01796-1 05/13/2013

Dis W/Child Pet01 Henderson, Jessica

Marie Rsp01 Hamilton, David K Mnr01 Henderson, Natalie

L Atp01 Carlsen, Laura Anne13-3-01797-0 05/13/2013

Dis W/Child Pet01 Lindstrom, Kevin

Ryan Rsp01 Lindstrom, Teri Lynn Mnr01 Lindstrom, Kali

Ryan Atp01 Di Re, Maryann

13-4-00762-5 05/10/2013 Estate

Pet01 Hubbard, Winfield Stuart

Dec01 Hubbard, Henry Winfield

Aty01 Lysne, Linda Nelson13-4-00763-3 05/10/2013

Estate Pet01 Stanley, E John Dec01 Stanley, Edwin

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Aty01 Callson, Steven James

13-4-00764-1 05/10/2013 Estate

Pet01 Kennedy, John Francis

Dec01 Kloze, Nila S Aty01 Krueger, James A.13-4-00765-0 05/10/2013

Will Only Inv01 Langley, Thelma R Inv02 Hamling, Veronica Psp01 Hamling, Veronica13-4-00766-8 05/13/2013

Estate Pet01 Painter, Susan C Dec01 Erlien, Dorothy L Aty01 Chappel, Ernest B.13-4-00767-6 05/13/2013

Estate Pet01 Stahl, Brittany Dec01 Stahl, Dale Rex Aty01 Roberts, Nathan Paul13-4-00768-4 05/13/2013

Estate Rep01 Huling, Tyron K Dec01 Huling, Deryl

Thorne Aty01 Kremer, Lisa Ann13-4-00769-2 05/13/2013

Will Only Inv01 Drew, Alice M Aip01 Gabrielson, M Owen13-4-00770-6 05/13/2013

Estate Pet01 Lavigne, Ronald Dec01 Mccarthy, Vincent J Aty01 Geiersbach, Hal Jay13-4-00771-4 05/13/2013

Estate Pet01 Larchey, Mary

Catherine Dec01 Larchey, Richard Aty01 Pagano, Amy


13-8-00503-1 05/13/2013 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Corliss, Garrett John13-8-00505-8 05/13/2013 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Williams, Quinzy

Ezekiel13-8-00506-6 05/13/2013 Pla01 State Of Washington Def01 Hughes, Steven


4-00742 Est Kenneth Stevens, will probated, Patricia Stevens apptd pers rep, C J Sinnitt atty

4-00750 Est Malvin D White, will probated, Lynda Thomas apptd pers rep, ord of solv, Lynda Thomas pro se

4-00756 Est Evelyn R Mills,

will probated, Stephen E Mills apptd pers rep, ord of solv, E S Peterson atty

4-00757 Est Norman R Alfors Sr, will probated, Susan T Hall apptd pers rep, ord of solv, G S Webley atty

4-00758 Est Paul D Pierce, Judy Stenlund apptd pers rep, ord of solv, C A Johnson atty

4-00759 Est Mary L Olsen, will probated, Diana Lock apptd pers rep, ord of solv, C L Powers atty

4-00763 Est Edwin Stanley, will probated, E John Stanley apptd pers rep, ord of solv, S J Callson atty

4-00764 Est Nila S Kloze, will probated, John F Kennedy & Michael R Barnhart apptd co pers reps, J A Krueger atty

4-00768 Est Deryl T Huling, will probated, Tyron K Huling apptd pers rep, ord of solv, Lisa Kremer atty

4-00684 Est Fay C Swanson, will probated, Randall Swanson apptd pers rep, ord of solv

4-01357 Grdnshp Joyce O’Brien, ord approve annual report

4-01472 Grdnshp Edith J T Carroll, ord approve annual report

4-01552 Grdnshp James A Kasinger, ord approve grdns report

4-00823 Grdnshp Lillian C Foss, ord authorize sale prop-erty

4-00469 Grdnshp Danika Blanusa, ord approve grdns report

4-00471 Grdnshp Jack Blanusa, ord approve grdns report

4-01200 Grdnshp Casey McBride, ord approve annual report

4-01364 Grdnshp Michelle Devettori, inventory

4-00604 Est Joy Squyres, hear-ing to dismiss set for June 7

4-01354 Grdnshp Vivienne M Swanes, ord approve grdns report

4-00607 Grdnshp Norman Redfueld, ord approve grdns report

4-00885 Grdnshp Dashawn L Burrell, amend ord approve grdns report

4-01221 Grdnshp Gordon Drahota, ord approve grdns report

4-00427 Grdnshp Jame A R Washington, ord approve grdns report

4-91279 Grdnshp Gregory J Paul, ord approve grdns report

4-00184 Grdnshp Richard S Shaw, ord approve annual report

4-00851 Grdnshp Jaime G Ayers, ord approve grdns report

4-00589 Est Rosemarie Hagel, ord revoke letters

4-00375 Grdnshp Melvin Fisher, dismissal

Marriages dissolved3-02626 Mailee A Cershaw &

Meltis C Rios3-00704 Kathleen A Smith &

Raymond W Smith3-00397 Jesse L Stockard &

Vanessa G Stockard3-01877 Andrea M Peterson &

Thomas A Peterson3-03831 Ok S Martin &

Christopher H Martin3-00440 Brandon Hadnot &

Heather Hadnot3-04099 Carmen M Rojas &

Radames X Jimenez Jr2-07847 Resi Whole Loan IV

LLC vs Michael K Glad et al, pltf recovers as to real property

2-08720 Jeff Lockemy et al vs Kirt Earney et al, pltf recov-ers jdgmt of $3,520

2-09082 Equity Residential Properties vs Freeman Foley et al, pltf recovers jdgmt of $1,988 plus costs & fees

2-08920 Discover Bk vs Byrd Smith et al, pltf recovers jdgmt of $17,455

2-08237 Capital One Bk USA NA vs Anjae Luoma, pltf recovers jdgmt of $4,093

2-06683 Lake Chalet Park LLC vs Allison Hammond et al, pltf recovers jdgmt of $1,711 plus costs & fees

2-07961 Joseph Rae et al vs Terra Penick et al, pltfs recover jdgmt for costs & fees

2-06462 American Express Bk FSB vs Christina Palmer et al, pltf recovers jdgmt of $3,204 plus costs

Bankruptcy information may be obtained in an electronic format for an additional cost. Please contact Ken Spurrell at 253-627-4853 for details.

Apr 26

Lance Allen Beleele, xxx-xx-6429; Christi Marie Beleele, xxx-xx-2078, PO Box 463, Shelton, WA 98584, Ch 7, file # 13-42793

Stephanie K Nelson, xxx-xx-9883, 40 E Crows Nest Ct, Shelton, WA 98584, Ch 7, file # 13-42794

William D Shipp, xxx-xx-5148, 4609 66th Court East, Tacoma, WA 98443-1948, Ch 7, file # 13-42795

Kevin L Morrow, xxx-xx-0041; Linda K Morrow, xxx-xx-5731, 6704 238th St E, Graham, WA 98338, Ch 7, file # 13-42796

Phillip E Richards, xxx-xx-5464, 12820 Military Rd E, Puyallup, WA 98374, Ch 7, file # 13-42797

Deborah J Shockey, xxx-xx-8227, 207C Ramsaur Rd, Centralia, WA 98531, Ch 13, file # 13-42798

Teresa Lynn Alexander, xxx-xx-0411, 4004 NE 134th Court, Vancouver, WA 98682, Ch 7, file # 13-42799

Chris Hoff, xxx-xx-9372, 17906 58th St. Ct. KPS, Longbranch, WA 98351, Ch 13, file # 13-42800

Jorge Gabriel Romero, xxx-xx-0238; Catherine Bernice Brown, xxx-xx-0308, 1825 Langdon St, Sumner, WA 98390, Ch 7, file # 13-42801

Eli Antosh, xxx-xx-5125, 16218 NE 13th St, Vancouver, WA 98684, Ch 13, file # 13-42802

Huy Thanh Le, xxx-xx-7587; Kathy Janet Le, xxx-xx-8095, 8513 Lawndale Ave. SW, Lakewood, WA 98498, Ch 7, file # 13-42803

Shannon Jean Caseri, xxx-xx-5247, 1016 NE 86th Street Apt 20, Vancouver, WA 98665, Ch 7, file # 13-42804

Matthew M Nicholson, xxx-xx-6112, 6208 S Mason Ave, Tacoma, WA 98409, Ch 13, file # 13-42805

Leona R Boling, xxx-xx-1817, 2323 9th Ave SW 19-202, Olympia, WA 98502, Ch 7, file # 13-42806

Eric L Hetrick, xxx-xx-3147; Amy R Hetrick, xxx-xx-7634, 2003 104th St S Apt W102, Tacoma, WA 98444, Ch 7, file # 13-42807

Rebecca J VanOrman, xxx-xx-1646; Danny E

VanOrman, xxx-xx-9750, PO BOX 982, Malone, WA 98559, Ch 7, file # 13-42808

Debra A Hunt, xxx-xx-1645, 11014 180th Ave Ct E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391, Ch 7, file # 13-42809

James D Duggins, xxx-xx-3649; Veronica C Duggins, xxx-xx-3066, 5210 S Asotin St, Tacoma, WA 98408, Ch 7, file # 13-42810

Jennifer M Gaylord, xxx-xx-1551, 1410 Rainier Dr Apt 10, Tacoma, WA 98466, Ch 7, file # 13-42811

Richard Layburn, xxx-xx-6054; Elizabeth A Layburn, xxx-xx-9253, 610 Marion St, Centralia, WA 98531, Ch 7, file # 13-42812

Vladislav P Taranov, xxx-xx-6938, 1603 SW 2nd Avenue, Battle Ground, WA 98604, Ch 7, file # 13-42813

Aaron K Dobesh, xxx-xx-6570; Jackie G Dobesh, xxx-xx-2527, 233 Farallone Ave, Tacoma, WA 98466, Ch 7, file # 13-42814

Brenda J Keirnan, xxx-xx-8598, PO Box 863, Brush Prairie, WA 98606, Ch 7, file # 13-42815

Nathaniel L Bailey, xxx-xx-0673; Robin E Bailey, xxx-xx-4047, 3827 Mint Pl. #A 15, Longview, WA 98632, Ch 7, file # 13-42816

Michael L Payseno, xxx-xx-6525; Tarinna A Payseno, xxx-xx-4671, 2304 108th Ave E, Edgewood, WA 98372, Ch 7, file # 13-42817

Joseph Taylor, xxx-xx-7810; Allison Taylor, xxx-xx-4198, 3418 Columba Heights, Longview, WA 98632, Ch 7, file # 13-42818

Leslie J Smith, Jr, xxx-xx-7837, 3005 270th St, Ocean Park, WA 98640, Ch 7, file # 13-42819

Debbie A Cooke, xxx-xx-6959, 4231 Ocean beach Hwy #14, Longview, WA 98632, Ch 7, file # 13-42820

Krystin M Brindle, xxx-xx-6357, 3310 161st Street E, Tacoma, WA 98446, Ch 7, file # 13-42821

Gene A Sprague, xxx-xx-1769; Leslie E. Sprague, xxx-xx-3147, 400 Fallert Rd, Kalama, WA 98625, Ch 7, file # 13-42822

Bianca Lachelle Summers, xxx-xx-7254, 7115 146th Street SW, Tacoma, WA 98439, Ch 7, file # 13-42823

Robert S Phed, xxx-xx-4693; Chantel R Phed, xxx-xx-4254, 3420 NE 98th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98662, Ch 13, file # 13-42824

Sean James Laib, xxx-xx-9866; Kathleen Ann Laib, xxx-xx-2864, 5923 NE 62nd St., Vancouver, WA 98661, Ch 7, file # 13-42825

William Thomas Davis, xxx-xx-1737; Judith Kay Davis, xxx-xx-3452, 5620 128th Street East, Puyallup, WA 98373-5160, Ch 7, file # 13-42826

Ryan Jay Brown, xxx-xx-0726; Jennifer Nicole Brown, xxx-xx-0587, 9717 NW 19th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98665, Ch 7, file # 13-42827

Janice Kay Ferriss, xxx-xx-3915, 22113 48th Avenue East, Spanaway, WA 98387-6064, Ch 7, file # 13-42828

Lucretia K Luczki, xxx-xx-0271, 13502 118th Avenue Ct E, Puyallup, WA 98374-4601, Ch 7, file # 13-42829

Michael Leon Rayborn, xxx-xx-8214; Aimee Jo Rayborn, xxx-xx-2877, 8017 132nd Street Ct E, Puyallup, WA 98373-2513, Ch 7, file # 13-42830

Tyler Allen Basballe, xxx-xx-8239, 8215 192nd St E, Spanaway, WA 98387-5009, Ch 7, file # 13-42831

Gail Meyer, xxx-xx-6084, 1990 NE Bear Creek-Dewatto Rd, Belfair, WA 98528, Ch 7, file # 13-42832

Christie Marie Christie, xxx-xx-3408, 7812 NE 125th Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98682, Ch 7, file # 13-42833

Mckean Morford, xxx-xx-5470, 1414 Brandt RD Apt 9, Vancouver, WA 98661-5886, Ch 7, file # 13-42834

Sonny Papalii, xxx-xx-7340; Patricia Liane Papalii, xxx-xx-4829, 60126 A Magnolia Blvd #A, JBLM, WA 98433, Ch 7, file # 13-42835

Jenerfer Harbison, xxx-xx-5164, 5542 34th Street LP NE, Tacoma, WA 98422, Ch 7, file # 13-42836

James Owen Fulp, xxx-xx-2062; Colette Kathryn Wong Fulp, xxx-xx-2820, 5203 S Orchard St #B, University Place, WA 98467, Ch 7, file # 13-42837

Cecil Austin Baker, xxx-xx-3381; Talia Baker, xxx-

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Page 5: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

xx-6926, 1209 Crystal Ct NW, Yelm, WA 98597, Ch 13, file # 13-42838

Jon M Clayton, Jr, xxx-xx-9118; Erika L Clayton, xxx-xx-2649, 15820 104th Ave SE, Yelm, WA 98597, Ch 13, file # 13-42839

Gordon Charles Webster, xxx-xx-2720, 580 SE Crescent Drive, Shelton, WA 98584, Ch 13, file # 13-42840

Srey Mach Brewer, xxx-xx-9219, 425 East 66th Street, Tacoma, WA 98404, Ch 7, file # 13-42841

Shari J Gylling, xxx-xx-5947, 12117 107th Ave CT E, Puyallup, WA 98374, Ch 7, file # 13-42842

Seohwan Park, xxx-xx-7768, 7110 Zircon Court SW, Lakewood, WA 98498, Ch 7, file # 13-42843

David Randall Tuminello, Sr, xxx-xx-0046; Glenda S Tuminello, xxx-xx-2936, 726 Ryan Avenue, Sumner, WA 98390, Ch 7, file # 13-42844

Walter Lloyd Moore, jr, xxx-xx-5258; Joni Susan Moore, xxx-xx-0259, 2622 NE 87th Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662, Ch 13, file # 13-42845

Crystal Emily Marr, xxx-xx-8514, 4619 NE 112th Avenue Apt H205, Vancouver, WA 98682, Ch 13, file # 13-42846

Shaun Micheil Martin, xxx-xx-5069; Patricia Maureen McCarthy, xxx-xx-7495, 1510 SE 3rd Avenue, Battle Ground, WA 98604, Ch 13, file # 13-42847

Lawrence A Quindica, Jr, xxx-xx-4881, 6814 S Thompson Ave, Tacoma, WA 98408, Ch 7, file # 13-42848

Apr 29

Thomas Lee Marley, xxx-xx-0514, 5710 38th Ct SE, Lacey, WA 98503, Ch 7, file # 13-42849

Robert James Lansingh, xxx-xx-4652; Barbara Jean Lansingh, xxx-xx-9951, 1941 E. Mason Lake Drive W., Grapeview, WA 98546, Ch 13, file # 13-42850

Rochelle Taguiam Anderson, xxx-xx-6435, 10046A Night Hawk Ave, JBLM, WA 98433, Ch 7, file # 13-42851

Richard R Cheever, xxx-xx-1000; Phyllis M Cheever, xxx-xx-1105, 10215 216th

Ave E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391, Ch 13, file # 13-42852

Timothy Thomas Tworzydlo, xxx-xx-4147; Constance Maryann Tworzydlo, xxx-xx-3677, 13916 134th Street KPN, Gig Harbor, WA 98329, Ch 7, file # 13-42853

Kimberly M Mackay, xxx-xx-0801, 2707 192nd St, Tacoma, WA 98445, Ch 7, file # 13-42854

Tina Lynn De La Torre, xxx-xx-4459, 16931 - 158th Ave SE, Yelm, WA 98597, Ch 13, file # 13-42855

Guy Arthur Francis, xxx-xx-3827, 930 127th ST Ct E, Tacoma, WA 98445, Ch 7, file # 13-42856

Kellie Carol Mann, xxx-xx-8926, 5315 Edgewood Dr E, Edgewood, WA 98372, Ch 7, file # 13-42857

Valery Kartashev, xxx-xx-3800; Anne Kartashev, xxx-xx-3782, 925 West Bamboo Lane, Washougal, WA 98671, Ch 7, file # 13-42858

Christopher Lee Gill, xxx-xx-4473, 5420 S Cedar St, Tacoma, WA 98409, Ch 7, file # 13-42859

Arlen Richard Hall, xxx-xx-9013; Karen Lynn Hall, xxx-xx-3389, 41 NE Harpoon Drive, Belfair, WA 98528, Ch 7, file # 13-42860

Sara Jean Nastri, xxx-xx-3896, 403 SW 24th Avenue, Battle Ground, WA 98604, Ch 7, file # 13-42861

Robin John Mattson, xxx-xx-7927; Cheri Kaye Mattson, xxx-xx-4011, PO Box 555, Yacolt, WA 98675, Ch 7, file # 13-42862

Andrew A Whitney, xxx-xx-5168; Michelle A Whitney, xxx-xx-2635, 876. S. 86th St., Tacoma, WA 98444, Ch 13, file # 13-42863

Stephanie D Papke, xxx-xx-6274, 29005 Military Road S, Federal Way, WA 98003, Ch 13, file # 13-42864

Christopher Michael Evans, xxx-xx-9604, 2315 NE 149th St., Vancouver, WA 98686, Ch 7, file # 13-42865

Ron R Steve, xxx-xx-4691, 4302 S/ Thompson St., Tacoma, WA 98418, Ch 7, file # 13-42866

Brian A Hay, xxx-xx-9102; Julie B Hay, xxx-xx-7716,

5212 South Warner Street, Tacoma, WA 98409, Ch 7, file # 13-42867

JoAnna M Crockett, xxx-xx-6010, 25506 34th Ave East, Spanaway, WA 98387, Ch 7, file # 13-42868

Tamarah LeeAnne Kramer, xxx-xx-4294, 10415 7th St E, Edgewood, WA 98732, Ch 7, file # 13-42869

Michell LeRoy Gillispie, xxx-xx-1123, 11701 94th ave E, Puyallup, WA 98373, Ch 7, file # 13-42870

Nicole Janine Chase, xxx-xx-5506, 4922 NE 55th St., Vancouver, WA 98661, Ch 7, file # 13-42871

Gale Lloyd Braaten, xxx-xx-8833, 12305 NE 16th St, Vancouver, WA 98684, Ch 7, file # 13-42872

Robert Orion Foust, xxx-xx-9344; Holly Kristine Foust, xxx-xx-6161, 6114 NE 49th Court, Vancouver, WA 98661, Ch 7, file # 13-42873

Benjamin Lance Losee, xxx-xx-5507; Gloria Marie Losee, xxx-xx-9077, 2507 NE 147 Circle, Vancouver, WA 98686, Ch 7, file # 13-42874

Auditors office information may be obtained in an elec-tronic format for an addi-tional cost. Please contact Ken Spurrell at 253-627-4853 for details.

201305030001 Kenneth & Gaylene Cray to Rebecca Cypher L8 Bay Ridge Est Tax # 3000560080

049 James Tolland to Anne Tolland Ls 1 & 2 B7 Grandins Ad Tax # 410000200

057 Ron & Suk Schreck to Ron & Sukcha Schreck L14 Sunset Place Tax #

066 Neil Paquin to Neil J Paquin Tr in Sec 11-21-1 Tax # 21114016 & 4038

068 Mark & Tina Litzenberger to Dongxia Wang Tr in Sec 33-19-3 Tax # 319331038

069 Kerry Granlund to Jeffrey Granlund Tr in Sec 14-21-00 Tax # 21141050

070 Jess & Kim Davis to Kim L Davis Tr in Sec 27-22-00 Tax # 22277002

072 Eleanor Hammeken to Eleanor Hammeken Ls 5 & 6 B5 Mt Tahoma Meadows Tax # 6150000430

075 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to FREO Washington LLC & Eastside Funding LLC L112 Classic View Est Tax # 5000901120

076 Eastside Funding LLC to FREO Washington LLC L112 Classic View Est Tax # 5000901120

078 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to James Perry & Eastside Funding LLC pt B22 Amd 1st Skl Land Ad Tax # 7470012500

079 Eastside Funding LLC to James Perry pt B22 Amd 1st Skl Land Ad Tax # 7470012500

107 Neil Paquin, Trustee to Neil J Paquin Tr in Sec 11-21-1 Tax # 21114016 & 4038

109 Kenneth & Elizabeth Oakes to Tamara Stanaland L11 Sea Cliff Est Tax # 7500200110

110 Jack & Tamara Stanaland to Tamara Stanaland L11 Sea Cliff Est Tax # 7500200110

111 Cody Miller Jr to Michael & Janenne Ogden Tr D Survey 9909035004 Tax # 318341009

112 Laura Bartenhagen to Laura & Kenneth Bartenhagen Ls 10 & 11 Block A Forest Canyon Tax #

132 Kareen Staley to Kareen Staley, Trustee 5104 23rd Ave NW, Gig Harbor Tax #

144 Glen & Barbara Welsh to Nicholas & Stephanie Lautt L114 The Buttes Tax # 7001431140

157 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn Ls 32-34 B28 Pleasantville Tax # 6905004551

158 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn L9 Quail Run Tax # 7089000090

159 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn Tr in Sec 2-19-3 Tax # 319022055

160 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn Tr in Sec 26-20-3 Tax # 320264046

161 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn Ls 12-15 B2, Ls 12-15 B3 Midland Tax # 5805000060

162 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn

L1 Short Pl 200706205014 Tax # 220095074

163 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn Ls 8-10 B106 University Place Tax # 9180200440

164 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn L6 Survey 1585 Tax # 619151014

165 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn L6 Marabou Tax # 7000900060

166 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn L7 McDowell 2nd Ad Tax # 5642200070

167 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn pt B75 Amd1st Skl Land Ad Tax # 7470022350

171 Douglas Knight rep June Huseby to Charles Roosa Ls 8 & 9 B9 El Dorado Ad Tax # 3665000760

175 Gary & Karen Davies, Gerald & Shelley Guttormsen, Ronald & Kathy Guttormsen, Kyle & Terry Molgard to Virginia Lasich Tr in Sec 14-21-1 Tax # 21143037

177 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank Ls 13-16 B8842 TLC 6th Ad Tax # 8935021012

178 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L99 Joemma Beach Tax # 2100050990

179 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank Ls 17-19 B26 University Place Tax # 9180001960

180 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Federal National Mtg Assn L88 Cedarview Tax # 2947200990

181 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Bank of America Unit 506 Reverie at Marcato Tax # 900693075

182 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L2 Thorson Ridge Tax # 9066000020

183 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank Ls 11 & 12 B9 McMillans Ad Tax # 5690000410

184 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to JPMorgan Chase Bank L11 Woodcreek Landing Tax # 6024680110

185 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo

Bank L55 Hansons Est Tax # 6024870550

186 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank Tr in Sec 3-19-5 Tax # 519034035

187 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank Unit H-3 Bldg H Cherry Orchard Tax # 9006430240

188 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L101 Clarks Bluff Tax # 6023011010

189 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L2 Short Pl 8404170255 Tax # 520036056

190 Northwest Trustee Ser Inc to Federal National Mtg Assn L4 Keystone Ridge Tax # 6022330040

223 Wolfstone, Panchot & Bloch Inc to Blackbird Wolf Point LLC Tr in Secs 15 & 16-20-4 Tax # 420161107, 4085, 4093 & 4094

224 Wolfstone, Panchot & Bloch Inc to Blackbird Wolf Point LLC Tr in Sec 16-20-4 Tax # 420165030

225 Kathleen Swan rep Wm Swan to Ernie & Diana Heide L1 Canyon Ridge Tax # 2829150010

227 Thomas Faught rep Joyce Harrington to Walt & Sherri Stevens L8 B2 Nelsons 1st Ad Tax # 6280000250

230 Bishop White Marshall & Weibel to Federal National Mtg Assn Lot B Short Pl 75-122 Tax # 120125006

231 Cal Western Reconveyance Corp to Citimortgage Inc L10 Creekridge Glen Tax # 7001130100

232 Cal Western Reconveyance Corp to Citimortgage Inc L7 B2 O R Tuckers 2nd Ad Tax # 9130200150

242 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L30 Cedar Ridge Tax # 7000090300

243 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L115 Timber Ridge Est Tax # 7000231150

244 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L58 Cobblestone Tax # 6023340580

245 Quality Loan Ser Corp of Washington to Wells Fargo Bank L7 B3 Cottam Ad Tax

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Page 6: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

# 3235000360251 Brian Herth to Brian &

Shanan Herth Ls 15 & 16 B25 Oakes Ad Tax # 6440001660

263 Marcelino Nerida Jr to Francisca Hooks Tr in Sec 29-22-1 Tax # 122292029

299 Mary Montgomery to Linda Lanier Tr in Sec 25-20-4 Tax # 7107000790

319 Dexter Atkins to Dexter Atkins, Trustee pt B136 Amd 2nd Skl Land Ad Tax # 7475025110

324 Fidelity National Title Ins

Co to Deutsche Bank Loc 20415 Countrywide Est Tax # 3263000060

334 USA Dept of Housing & Urban Devel to Wells Fargo Bank Ls 9-11 B29 Orchards Sub Ad Tax # 6550250220

404 Aleksandr & Elvera Golod to Federal National Mtg Assn L82 Woodfield Est Tax # 6023370820

405 Federal National Mtg Assn to Ryan & Amber Drexler L6 Rosehill Est Tax # 6021170060

407 Lori & Charles Marsh to

Harley & Karen Robertson L66 Forest Green Tax # 3921020660

409 Flagstar Bank to USA Dept of Housing & Urban Devel Ls 13 & 14 B29 Oakes Ad Tax # 6440001901

410 JPMorgan Chase Bank to Secretary of Veteran Affairs L2 Short Pl 80-227 Tax # 317227006

414 Federal National Mtg Assn to Timothy Schumacher L31 Evans Est Tax # 6024250310

415 Brenda Schumacher to

Timothy Schumacher L31 Evans Est Tax # 6024250310

417 Mark Waldron to Thomas & Frances Knowlden L3 Short Pl 8502010073 Tax # 122218015

427 Saeed Saber to Saeed Sharifi Saber L14 Wauna Shores Tax # 9386000140

433 James & Karen Williams to Robert Serpa L13 Country Est Tax # 3256540130

434 Tisha Serpa to Robert Serpa L13 Country Est Tax # 3256540130

456 Angelica Ramirez to

Ashley Howard & Brittany Grogan L119 Southwood Est Tax # 6024611190

458 Richmond American Homes of Washington Inc to Benjamin & Stephanie Weber L8 Columbia Vista Tax # 7002330080

460 Skyler & Kristie Moe to American Homes 4 Rent Properties L25 Caitlin Park Tax # 6025510250

464 Horizon View Homes LLC to Leslie Gerking Ls 6 & 7 B101 Oaks Ad Tax # 6440005240

476 US Bank to Alex Zarutin L6 Harbor Est Tax # 4000640060

477 PPR II LLC to PPR III LLC 5025 S Steel St, Tacoma Tax #

478 PPR II LLC to PPR VIII LLC 4908 S Fife, Tacoma Tax #

479 PPR II LLC to PPR X LLC 10307 Kendrick St SW, Lakewood Tax #

480 Daniel & Chandra Laskowski to Adam Billdt L54 Lagrande Station Tax # 6025520540

483 Beverly Whitaker to Jim Lake Unit B-26 North Firs Tax # 6366500260

484 Bear Valley Ent LLC to Kelsey & Kaitlin Clason Ls 37-39 B3 Sunnydale Ad Tax # 8000010230

486 Danny & Nancy Jones to Scott & Denise Gervais L12 B7 Cedarview Tax # 2947002160

487 Richard & Betty Heffernan to James & Patricia Roberts Ls 1-6 B7 The Home Ad Tax # 4595000131

490 T & L Adventures LLC to Ron & Tracy Brett L17 The Pointe at Woodbrook Tax # 6023900170

506 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp to Richard Mortensen Ls 5 & 6 B4530 S Side Ad Tax # 7785001790

508 US Bank to James Murphy L74 Calistoga Place Tax # 7000500740

539 International Funding Grp LLC to Newton Fund I LLC L36 Summer Meadows Tax # 6021470360

558 Alice Montgomery to Paul Qualey L26 Prairie Ridge Tax # 6995200260

580 Freestone Grand Firs to Ian & Melissa Maxwell L287 Grand Firs Tax # 6025822870

583 Carl Teitge Inv Inc to Michelle Waters Ls 7 & 8 B12 Fletcher Hts Tax # 3900001880

591 Maria Rabisa, Trustee to Anne & Cori Van Allman Ls 18,19,6 & 7 B19 Lk Steilacoom Park Tax # 5030002631

594 Richard Marcelle to Crystal Saulvester & Alan Cameron Tr 95 Half Dollar Berry Trs Tax # 4320000900

596 Sudeep & Meena Diwan to IH2 Property Washington L37 Centennial Park Tax # 295550370

597 USA Dept of Housing & Urban Devel to Levi Belber Ls 7 & 8 B14 McKinley Park Tax # 5670001480

600 Dawn Erickson to Patricia Thomas Ls 11-13 B7 Hosmers Ad Tax # 4645200530

602 Margaret Barrett to Rebecca Beatte Ls 1 & 2 B46 Chapmans Tax # 2990002094

606 Michael & Melissa Williams to MMWilliams LLC Ls 8-10 B32 Pacific Ad Tax # 6610001750

607 Robert & Maria Macho to Margaret Cowan & Andrew O’Neill L45 Sky Island Tax # 7001150450

612 Susan Berreth rep Bonnie Dellen to Stanley Hayes Unit 7 Narrows Place Tax # 5243010070

614 Michael & Stephanie Murphy to In Kim & Hannah Pak L10 Campus Creek Est Tax # 4002360100

616 Carriage House Devel Inc to Brian Blessing & Kornkanok Rungrojwararag L398 Prairie Ridge Tax # 6995323980

617 Sound Financial Ent LLC to Adam & Ryna Britto L2 Short Pl 8612100243 Tax # 121265052

619 Brooke & Shane Scott to Franc Noblezada L6 Hidden Ridge Tax # 4462200060

621 Eric Thompson to Matthew & Melissa Quijano L141 Harbor Ridge Tax # 5002021410

627 Elizabeth Watkinson to Alice & Samuel Watkinson Tr in Sec 13-20-1 Tax # 20134004

630 Bernadine Pohan to Duane & Diane Waldrup L4 Parkside S Tax # 7000150040

632 Jacob & Hilary Coons to

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Barbara Parkins L22 Village II Tax # 3000870220

635 Jim & Gayann Braunschweig to James Smith & Pamela Edmonds L3 Short Pl 8304290325 Tax # 418215027

637 Leo & Shirley Fulton to Trey & Jennifer Chadick pt B176 Amd 2nd Skl Land Ad Tax #

639 Gary Holt to Tyler & Jenni Bartlett L3 Hidden Glen Tax # 4000770030

642 Jason Bartlett & Jenni Brennan to Michael & Rebecca Waller Ls 31-33 B36 Regents Park Tax # 7160006130

644 Beverly & Erika Ginnis to Roger Penwick Ls 7 & 8 B6 Holme & Millers 1st Ad Tax # 4570000290

645 Stephen Baker to Alexandra Jones Ls 14 & 15 B4 Glendale Ad Tax # 4130000110

647 Jamie Smelcer to Jim Currier Tr in Sec 25-20-3 Tax # 320352041

648 Audrea Currier to Jim Currier Tr in Sec 25-20-3 Tax # 320352041

651 JDR Property Inv LLC to Isaac Scribner L5 Crestlake Ad Tax # 3317000050

653 Ruth Arnold to James & Gayann Braunschweig pt B18 Puyallup Gardens Tax # 7070001460

655 Jean Lyon to Andru & Brianna Martin L8 B8 Palmer Lake Tax # 6661001930

658 Grace Ramirez to McMillan Park Condo LLC L23 McMillan Park Tax # 9007500230

659 Wany Son to Quyen Tran Ls 5 & 6 B71 Oakes Ad Tax # 6440004264

662 Novotny Inv LLC to A & A Property Holdings LLC Ls 8-12 B8501 TLC 1st Ad Tax # 2085010011

663 Svend Ronning to Rod Collen Unit 1 Bldg 5 Huntington Hill Tax # 9002850010

664 Frederic & Jeannine Quinn to Paul Sayre L8 Regatta Tax # 4000520080

667 Priced Right Home Consultants LLC to Edward & Michelle Breining L3 Short Pl 8305270294 Tax # 7580000447

671 Seattle Pacific Homes Inc to Jason Douvier & Cassandra Jolley L26

Country Hts Tax # 6026330260

674 Glenn Evans rep Patrice Roberts to South Sound Remodelers LLC pt B17 Amd 2nd Skl Land Ad Tax # 7475011040

676 Stellar Remodel & Const to Darick Gill L8 Maplewood Ad Tax # 5505300630

679 Fred Skusek to Michael Auvigne Unit F Bldg 1 Firbrook Tax # 3857000060

680 Xianghongzhang Wilc to Michael Auvigne Unit F Bldg 1 Firbrook Tax # 3857000060

686 USA Dept of Housing & Urban Devel to Timothy Pope L17 Village Crest Tax # 7001770170

687 Kristie Pope to Timothy Pope L17 Village Crest Tax # 7001770170

691 Andrew & Christine McAfee to Lance Hall Tr in Sec 20-20-4 Tax # 420204084

693 Fratellis LLC to Mathtew & Lorry Fortier L100 Mission Hills Tax # 5003551000

695 Bailey Lavergne to Kim Lavergne L9 Block B Midland Acre Trs Tax # 5810000150

696 Ira Funding LLC to Kim Lavergne L9 Block B Midland Acre Trs Tax # 5810000150

699 Benjamin Ryan Communities LLC to George & Refika Samson L6 Limerick Park Tax # 5004780060

701 People of Color Against Aids Network to Real Est Funding LLC Ls 10-12 B819 Tacoma Tax # 2008190060

707 Kevin Breiner rep Wm Breiner to Rita Patten L6 B9 Cedarview Ad Tax # 2947002420

708 Anthony Nichols to Anthony & Joanne Nicholas 520 E 72nd St, Tacoma Tax #

201305030002 Rebecca Cypher to Sterling Savings Bank 7814 108th St NW, Gig Harbor WA 98332 562250

080 James Perry to Eastside Funding LLC 4338 East F St, Tacoma WA 98404 54973

145 Nicholas & Stephanie Lautt to Network Funding 19806 207th St Ct E, Orting WA 98360 178571

172 Charles Roosa to Legacy Grp Lending Inc 7617 Fawcett Ave, Tacoma WA 98408 99661

226 Ernie & Diana Heide to Centralbanc Mtg Corp 6722-6724 51st Ave E, Tacoma WA 98443 138500

228 Walt & Sherri Stevens to Boeing Employees Cr Union 2633 N Bennett St, Tacoma WA 98407 141600

406 Ryan & Amber Drexler to Pinnacle Capital Mtg Corp 12009 140th St Ct E, Puyallup WA 98374 196377

408 Harley & Karen Robertson to Boeing Employees Cr Union 3007 Greenwood Ct S, Puyallup WA 98374 206600

416 Timothy Schumacher to CMG Mtg Inc 20709 81st Ave Ct E, Spanaway WA 98387 194085

418 Thomas & Frances Knowlden to Windermere Mtg Ser 10520 131st St Ct NW, Gig Harbor WA 98329 144000

435 Robert Serpa to Wells Fargo Bank 15708 18th Ave Ct E, Tacoma WA 98445 147200

457 Ashley Howard & Brittany Grogan to Mid America Mtg Inc 17218 134th Ave Ct E, Puyallup WA 98374 327139

459 Benjamin & Stephanie Weber to Homeamerican Mtg Corp 14419 Parkview Ct E, Bonney Lake WA 98391 376933

465 Leslie Gerking to Universal American Mtg Co 1511 S 47th St, Tacoma WA 98408 121718

466 Leslie Gerking to Northwest Mtg Alliance LLC 1511 S 47th St, Tacoma WA 98408 4785

481 Adam Billdt to Plaza Home Mtg Inc 2404 Chateau Dr, Puyallup WA 98373 220924

485 Kelsey & Kaitlin Clason to Mtg Research Mtg Co 16822 6th Ave E, Spanaway WA 98387 136881

488 James & Patricia Roberts to Republic Mtg Home Loans LLC 804 15th Ave SW, Puyallup WA 98371 202268

489 James & Patricia Roberts to Republic Mtg Home Loans LLC 804 15th Ave SW, Puyallup WA 98371 7951

491 Ron & Tracy Brett to

CMG Mtg Inc 8113 148th St Ct E, Puyallup WA 98375 256205

507 Richard Mortensen to Cobalt Mtg Inc 4810 South M St, Tacoma WA 98408 116353

509 James Murphy to Universal American Mtg Co 505 Skinner Way SW, Orting WA 98360 139194

540 Newton Fund I LLC to International Funding Grp LLC 19621 70th Ave Ct E, Spanaway WA 98387 169675

581 Ian & Melissa Maxwell to Guild Mtg Co 23620 79th Ave Ct E, Graham WA 98338 309103

584 Michelle Waters to Legacy Grp Lending Inc 4816 6th Ave, Tacoma WA 98406 195106

592 Anne & Cori Van Allman to Cobalt Mtg Inc 16 Ponce De Leon Creek SW, Lakewood WA 98499 195940

593 Anne & Cori Van Allman to Cobalt Mtg Inc 16 Ponce De Leon Creek SW, Lakewood WA 98499 7837

595 Crystal Saulvester & Alan Cameron to Mtg Master Ser Corp 11722 100th Ave Ct E, Puyallup WA 98373 225834

598 Levi Belber to Sterling Savings Bank 3614 East K St, Tacoma WA 98404 83460

601 Patricia Thomas to Wells Fargo Bank 1424 S 57th St, Tacoma WA 98408 96000

603 Rebecca Beatte to Franklin American Mtg Co 706 2nd St, Steilacoom WA 98388 329944

608 Margaret Cowan & Andrew O’Neill to Northwest Mtg Grp LLC 18112 98th St E, Bonney Lake WA 98391 260000

613 Stanley Hayes to Guaranteed Rate Inc 2536 N Narrows Dr Apt 7, Tacoma WA 98406 128000

615 In Kim & Hannah Pak to Guild Mtg Co 4817 69th Ave Ct W, University Place WA 98467 493152

616 Adam & Ryna Britto to Leaderone Financial Co 2910 71st Ave NW, Gig Harbor WA 98335 396597

620 Franc Noblezada to Bay Equity LLC 3312 72nd Ave Ct NW, Gig Harbor WA 98335 219942

622 Matthew & Melissa Quijano to Mtg Master Ser Corp 31224 Maplewood

Circle NE, Tacoma WA 98422 279000

631 Duane & Diane Waldrup to USAA Federal Savings Bank 7822 197th Ave E, Bonney Lake WA 98391 173478

633 Barbara Parkins to USAA Federal Savings Bank 2285 Bobs Hollow Lane, Dupont WA 98327 265000

636 James Smith & Pamela Edmonds to American Financial Ser Resources Inc 9604 247th St E, Graham WA 98338 294516

638 Trey & Jennifer Chadick to Twinstar Cr Union 3910 N 14th St, Tacoma WA 98406 204250

640 Tyler & Jenni Bartlett to Landover Mtg LLC 3805 16th Ave Ct NW, Gig Harbor WA 98335 215000

643 Michael & Rebecca Waller to Primary Residential Mtg Inc 519 Harvard Ave, Fircrest WA 98466 260200

646 Alexandra Jones to M & T Bank 3837 N 7th St, Tacoma WA 98406 157102

649 Jim Currier to Evergreen Moneysource Mtg Co 6921 Vickery Ave E, Tacoma WA 98443 112917

650 Jim Currier to Pierce County Community Devel Corp 6921 Vickery Ave E, Tacoma WA 98443 4025

652 Isaac Scribner to Cobalt Mtg Inc 10319 102nd St SW, Lakewood WA 98498 175093

654 James & Gayann Braunschweig to Wells Fargo Bank 2107 Tacoma Road, Puyallup WA 98371 234900

656 Andru & Brianna Martin to Sterling Savings Bank 2014 Lake Dr KPS, Lakebay WA 98349 130099

657 Andru & Brianna Martin to Sterling Savings Bank 2014 Lake Dr KPS, Lakebay WA 98349 5203

660 Quyen Tran to Sierra Pacific Mtg Co Inc 1760 S 45th St, Tacoma WA 98418 108000

665 Paul Sayre to Wells Fargo Bank 3993 Regatta Crt, Gig Harbor WA 98335 450686

668 Edward & Michelle Breining to Legacy Grp Lending Inc 2319 56th St NW, Gig Harbor WA 98335 506000

669 Edward & Michelle Breining to TCF National Bank 2319 56th St NW, Gig

Harbor WA 98335 110400 672 Jason Douvier &

Cassandra Jolley to Mtg Master Ser Corp 6728 206th St Ct E, Spanaway WA 98387 214234

675 South Sound Remodelers LLC to Eastside Funding LLC 4906 N 27th St, Tacoma WA 98407 162069

677 Darick Gill to Homestreet Bank 1419 7th Ave SW, Puyallup WA 98371 314225

681 Michael Auvigne to Rain City Capital LLC 7612 37th St W, University Place WA 98466 110925

688 Timothy & Kristie Pope to Sound Mtg Inc 201 Lawson Ct NE, Orting WA 98360 186558

689 Timothy & Kristie Pope to Sound Mtg Inc 201 Lawson Ct NE, Orting WA 98360 10000

692 Lance Hall to Windermere Mtg Ser 1210 20th St NW, Puyallup WA 98371 170445

694 Mathtew & Lorry Fortier to Wells Fargo Bank 16412 23rd Ave Ct E, Tacoma WA 98445 188052

697 Kim Lavergne to Evergreen Moneysource Mtg Co 11324 Waller Rd E, Tacoma WA 98446 137414

201304290028 etc Washington State Dept of Social & Health Ser vs Clifton Stickler assist 1328

vs Amanda Daily assist 1446 vs Anthony Mendiola assist

5785 vs Clayton Davis assist

28216 vs Duston Rodgers assist

4256 vs Maura Layne assist 4485 vs Juan Vargas Garcia assist

2741 vs Sean Givens assist 13543 vs Brian Boston assist 2705 vs Edgar De La Paz Ramirez

assist 2764 vs Roger Williams assist

28100 vs Curtis Dean assist 2180 vs Louis Turner assist 923 vs Graham Christian assist

3417 vs Damion Jackson assist

3644 vs Ferdinando Williams assist

2914 vs Darrick Yarbrough assist

2398 vs Paul Hollingworth assist


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Page 8: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

vs Megan Chapman assist 978

vs James Lokose assist 3541 vs Edwar Reyes assist 1016 vs Steven Hulse assist 29158 vs John Raney assist 7441 vs Travis McFadden assist

10482 vs Carlton Donnelly assist

1061 vs Justin Coleman assist 1861 vs Jason Fleming assist 786 vs Per Westling assist 10398 vs Gregory Bratz assist 510 vs Gary Marple assist 1357 vs Shawn Timu assist 7555 vs Daniel Hawkins assist

13445 vs Dan Kondratyuk assist

2499 vs Nicholas Harrison assist

2641 vs Craig Fischer assist 976 vs Jeffrey Allen assist 4221 vs Samantha Reynolds assist

860 vs Jose Machado assist 1295 vs Sara Hales assist 5817 vs Mark Vigil assist 1387 vs Joshua Mason assist 3556 vs Tonya Payne assist 4489 vs Linda Nguyen assist 205 vs Natasha Tovoli assist 514 vs Irene Crosby assist 2531 vs Michael Ware assist 13938 vs Ulumua Malo assist 7514 vs Taishawnna Espino assist

2899 vs David Buckler assist 2847 vs Rick Bell assist 29281 vs Wesley Berry med lien vs Jason Witherell assist 756 vs Lorenzo McConnell assist

450 vs Aaron Kennedy assist

32213 vs Michael Marcinko assist

15842 vs Wm Shinker assist 34102 vs Richard Nicholas assist

6792 049 etc Valley Water District

vs Katy Quillen utility chgs 212 8108 147th Ave Ct E Puyallup

vs Mike Cassat utility chgs 63 19116 206th St E Orting

vs Clayton Krietzman utility chgs 63 19120 206th St E Orting

vs Janice Monaco utility chgs 63 19214 206th St E Orting

vs Chad Shula utility chgs 63 19216 206th St E Orting

vs Rebecca Keiser utility chgs 63 19524 207th St Ct E Orting

vs David Tacheny utility chgs 63 20615 197th Ave E Orting

vs Ian Fleming utility chgs 63 20410 197th Ave E Orting

vs Jim Foster utility chgs 63 19005 206th St E Orting

vs Jason Clemmer utility chgs 63 20605 193rd Ave E Orting

072 etc Associated North Crestcent Lake Est HO Assn vs Abigail Bushley assess 6212 L10 North Crescent Lake Est

vs Tae & Sook Oh assess 9684 L36 N Crescent Lake

Est 194 etc USA Dept of Treasury

IRS vs David Parker taxes 94754

vs John Brown taxes 12054 vs Kenmore General Medical

Clinic taxes 16782 vs RPM Trucking LLC taxes

20932 vs Cascade Hills Trucking

Inc taxes 17415 vs DC & SH Inc taxes 10550 vs S & A Electric Inc taxes

7929 vs Back to Basics Maint

taxes 92065 vs Milaque Corp taxes 4891 vs Flying Boots Inc taxes

4671 vs Jeremy Weaver taxes 3230 vs Robert Diamond taxes

106427 vs Seamount Const Inc taxes

3520 vs Jennie Nash taxes 11026 vs Gene Harvey taxes 49894 vs Kimberly Harper taxes

3401 vs Michaels Roofing LLC

taxes 3845 vs M & F Const Inc taxes

6055 vs Team Orting Inc taxes

11277 vs JN Inv Grp Inc taxes 3654 vs Steve Baek taxes 199369 vs Robbin Yount taxes 33046 vs Gene Harvey taxes 660 vs Pamela Harris taxes 37308 vs Gregory Christie taxes

30368 vs Carl Alexander taxes

43659 vs Caseys Trans Plant Inc

taxes 22284 vs Harbor Siding LLC taxes

19086 vs Pets R Precious Inc taxes

10990 vs Paradise Inc taxes 3485 vs Stephen Sandner taxes

42493 vs Puyallup Dental Lab Inc

taxes 23489 vs Lew Gustafson taxes 6296 vs Frank Galvadon taxes

27127 vs Mark Chapman taxes

135625 311 etc Cliff Street Lotfs

Owners Assn vs Metlife Home Loans assess 723 Apt 201 Cliff Street Lofts

vs Frank Vincenzo assess 939 Apt 308 Cliff Street Lofts

316 etc Daniel Anderson vs Peggy Booth med lien

vs Rizalito Knight med lien vs Staci Reece med lien vs Karen May med lien 405 etc Edward West vs

Verlinda Carldwll med lien vs Sheryle Jaschke med lien 461 Crestview Village HO

Assn vs Eugene Steward assess 944 11015 36th Ave Ct E Tacoma

484 etc Hansons Est HO Assn vs David Dion assess 699 L163 Hansons Est

vs Puohua Biggs assess 431 L137 Hansons Est

vs Christopher Shelly assess

427 L92 Hansons Est vs Migdalia Summerville

assess 365 L106 Hansons Est vs Michelle Colpitts assess

512 L196 Hansons Est vs Natalie Madrid assess 427

L155 Hansons Est vs Steven Babcock assess

427 L160 Hansons Est vs Jimmy Cruza assess 427

L98 Hansons Est vs Lawnedia McAllister

assess 427 L162 Hansons Est vs Vanessa Cristofono assess

825 L169 Hansons Est vs Tarry McCormick assess

2562 L77 Hansons Est vs Nathan Aynes assess 938

L165 Hansons Est vs Darci Samad assess 427

L69 Hansons Est vs Jona Spears assess 699

L172 Hansons Est vs Chiengthong Kongkham

assess 427 L119 Hansons Est vs Dennis Zanotelli assess

2192 L67 Hansons Est vs Henry Williams assess 427

L130 Hansons Est vs Bruce Stier assess 427

L144 Hansons Est 1175 etc Falcon Creek HO

Assn vs Craig Denton assess 1535 19210 78th Ave Ct E Spanaway

vs Joel Goldner assess 1354 7910 194th St Ct E Spanaway

vs Nycole Able assess 1214 7815 192nd St Ct E Spanaway

201305030118 SABR Mtg Loan 2008-1 REO Sub 1 LLC vs Hugh & Mary Hendrickson, West Tapps Maint Co, USA Dept of Treasury IRS L4 Short Pl 77-517

Auditors office information may be obtained in an elec-tronic format for an addi-tional cost. Please contact Ken Spurrell at 253-627-4853 for details.

201305030053 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Randy & Nancy Reed 171 4th St N Buckley WA 98321 Princ. 104643

054 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Jose Gonzalez Avila 3312 S 43rd St Tacoma WA 98409 Princ. 232162

062 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Fenn George 12608 146th St E Puyallup WA 98374 Princ. 197641

094 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Gregory & Corazon Hogue Tr in Sec 18-18-4 Princ. 235354

098 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Bryan & Tina Smith Ls 41 & 42 Linwood Hts Princ. 132334

191 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Matthew & Nicole Owens 19516 105th Ave Ct E Graham WA 98338 Princ. 157083

411 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Tyrone & Sharon Spencer 9111 Fawnlilly Circle W University Place WA 98467 Princ. 205847

413 Trustee Sale 8/2/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Parkland Partners LLC 406 112th St E Tacoma WA 98444 Princ. 458001

424 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Edmund & Jennifer Doss 10117 83rd Ave Ct E Puyallup WA 98373 Princ. 311196

425 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Jonah Kirangi 4714 Fairwood Blvd NE Unit 1304 Tacoma WA 98422 Princ. 206436

426 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Jason Rohrback 19911 Island Parkway E Sumner WA 98391 Princ. 260879

432 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Ronald & Shana Schmolke 21003 77th Ave Ct E Spanaway WA 98387 Princ. 218431

436 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse John & Louise Emery 5401 S 11th St Tacoma WA 98465 Princ. 124568

438 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Maureen Keyter 7917 71st Ave NW Gig Harbor WA 98335 Princ. 214854

442 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Michael Wahl & Judi Brankline 30121 92nd Ave E Graham WA 98338 Princ. 207719

444 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Bill & Karen Hunt 9011 171st St Ct E Puyallup WA 98375 Princ. 184541

447 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013

10:00am Crt Hse David Wilson 6568 Discovery St E Fife WA 98424 Princ. 250651

448 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Shawn & Veronica Gilbert 13416 96th Ave E Puyallup WA 98373 Princ. 218733

449 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Christine & Matthew McIalwain 14702

48th Ave NW Gig Harbor WA 98332 Princ. 282634

560 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse John & Debra McArthur 14915 29th Ave Ct E Tacoma WA 98445 Princ. 186497

563 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Alexander Perry 5911 45th Ave Ct E Tacoma WA 98443 Princ. 240000

625 Trustee Sale 9/6/2013 10:00am Crt Hse Dana & Jason Aldrich 7418 S Fife St Tacoma WA 98409 Princ. 197923

201304290035 etc Washington State Dept of Social & Health Ser to TV Hinton Jr rel lien filed 4-1-13

To Athena Zirnheld rel lien filed 7-23-09

To Terry Milus rel lien filed 11-5-12

To Britten Engels rel lien filed 5-24-12

To Chad Hampshire rel lien filed 5-20-10

To Kirk Moore rel lien filed 9-7-99

To Albert Noa rel lien no file date

To James Harmon rel lien filed 7-26-95

To Troy Darling rel lien filed 4-20-98

To Aaron Powers rel lien filed 12-21-99

To Ronald Cox Jr rel lien filed 6-14-12

To Jared Isaacson rel lien filed 10-20-11

To Juan Deborjas Rosas rel lien filed 4-22-11

To Steven Schmidt rel lien filed 12-11-08

To Elhadjin Mbengue rel lien filed 9-12-11

To Ronnie Palstring rel lien

filed 5-30-03To Peter Borgman rel lien filed

10-25-05To David Calhoun rel lien filed

10-28-10To Kareem Petersen rel lien

filed 12-1-03To Cory Watson rel lien filed

3-29-05To Kyle Schindler rel lien filed

2-29-12To Aaron Johnson rel lien filed

7-20-11To Cory Watson rel lien filed

8-22-00To Jeremiah Serrano rel lien

filed 6-24-08To Wm Villemaire rel lien

filed 10-9-12To Tiffany Bothell rel lien

filed 3-11-11To Logo Lilomaiava rel lien

filed 12-30-11To Rose Runningwater rel lien

filed 6-12-90To Scott Lakin rel lien filed

2-28-11To Phillip Johnston rel lien

filed 10-25-12To Thomas Templeman rel lien

filed 12-21-11To Angelica Keister rel lien

filed 7-19-12To Ed Jagodensky rel lien filed

5-5-10To Erik Burke rel lien filed

6-15-12To Joshua Thomas rel lien

filed 12-11-08To Donnie Reynolds rel lien

filed 1-14-13To Ryan Smolic rel lien filed

10-20-07To Hosea Burnette rel lien

filed 7-12-12To Ronald Archer rel lien filed

12-17-10To Terry Hamilton rel liens

filed 6-13-94, 7-25-95To Tony Looney rel lien filed

2-23-12To Richard Owen rel lien filed

8-18-97To Barbara League rel lien

filed 5-2-12063 etc Country Road Maint to

Assoc Partners LLC rel liens no file date

074 North Crescent Lake Est HO Assn to Bob Gollaher rel lien filed 10-10-12

229 etc USA Dept of Treasury IRS to Donna Fritts rel lien filed 11-17-04

To Vernon Chambers rel lien

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Page 9: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

filed 9-11-06To Brian Medina rel lien filed

8-28-07To Vernon Chambers rel lien

filed 4-15-08To Arthur Hall rel lien filed

7-29-08To Alisa Dennis rel lien filed

3-8-10To Galina Valeriy rel lien filed

4-26-10To American Postal Workers

Union rel lien filed 4-1-11To Patricia Larson rel lien filed

10-19-11To Alisa Dennis rel lien filed

2-15-12To Bite Me Inc rel lien filed

8-6-12To Allan & Betty Overland rel

lien filed 8-10-12To Bead Factory Inc rel lien

filed 10-24-12To George Saxton rel lien filed

1-24-13To David Merritt, Herbs

Towing rel lien filed 2-11-13To Meridian Plumbing rel lien

filed 3-12-13257 etc Rhododendron Park

Maint Co to James Bartlett rel lien filed 7-13-10

To Kim Heremann rel lien filed 1-8-13

268 USA Dept of Justice to Nigel Ducharme rel lien filed 9-12-03

344 Skyview Condo Assn to Andrew Larson rel lien filed 2-14-06

686 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Keith & Dena Pelzel to MERS Inc L4 Short Pl 9204030636 filed 6-23-12

687 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Demetrius Murray to MERS Inc L2 B1 Briggs 2nd Ad filed 4-15-13

699 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Margaret & John Collins to MERS Inc 10807 Seaview Dr, Anderson Island filed 2-27-13

743 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Randall & Janice Porcher to MERS Inc 4304 77th Ave Ct NW, Gig Harbor filed 1-31-13

744 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Nicole & Usbaldo Lamas to MERS Inc 205 NW Burr St, Orting filed 6-4-12

921 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Kurt & Nicole Hatch to MERS Inc L4 Carolwood

filed 4-18-13922 Discontinuance of Trustee

Sale James Eustace to Wells Fargo L4 Block D Millers Skyline Terrace filed 1-11-13

923 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Roger & Holli Morris to Long Beach Mtg Co L9 Casa Del Prado filed 9-5-12

924 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Mark Pyle to MERS Inc L21 Caitlin Park filed 9-13-12

944 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Rodger McLean to Linear Financial L34 Hoffman Hill filed 4-9-13

945 Discontinuance of Trustee Sale Christopher & Jazzmine Martinez to MERS Inc L18 Fairway at Classic Golf & Country Club filed 12-25-12

Add dormer, remodel, 2409 N Union Ave, owner/contr, Eric M & Catherine G Feeney, $40,000

Interior remodel, 8305 Yakima Ave, owner, Lars & Jeanette O Schoenbrunn, contr, David K Hess Const LLC, 253-961-976, $14,500

Res, 7042 Ea B St, owner, DIRV Prop LLC, contr, Kissler Mgmt Inc, 253-851-9121, $173,904

7 fixtures, 2409 N Union Ave, Catherine G Feeney

Water heater, 2801 N narrows Dr, Washington Water

Replace waterline, 1508 S Woodlawn St, Robert E Fazio

Storage shed, 3509 S Cedar St James K O’Toole

Water heater, 5414 N 46th St, Compass Plbg & Drain

Water heater, 4116 N 25th St, Washington Energy

A/C unit, 5232 Bay Pl NE, Bennan htg & A/C

3 exhaust fans, 2409 N Union Ave, Catherine G Feeney

Gas furnace, 815 No M St, Kliemann Bros Htg & A/C

IncElec furnace & heat pump,

5006 McBrie St, Black Hills Inc

Split system, duct work, 1201 So L St, Aire Pro Inc

Patio cover, 14024 172nd St Ct E, owner/contr, Raymond E & Theresa M Sawyer, 360-434-4072, $4,248

Storage bldg, 26409 86th Ave E, owner/contr, Marcus & Erin Buhaly, 253-875-3371, $51,840

Res, 6019 90th St NW, owner/contr, Kenneth Matthews, 253-851-4586, $419,247

Res, 9509 134th St E, owner/contr, Lennar NW Inc, 253-590-2205, $246,728

Res, 17509 26th Ave E, owner/contr, Suncrest Bldrs Inc, 253-535-9800, $283,313

Detached pole garage, 22701 146th St E, owner/contr, Scott R & Nancy Rose, 253-431-2124, $98,880

Res, 10116 40th Ave E, owner, Carlo E & Julia Rizzo, contr, Benjamin Ryan Communities LLC, 253-486-8622, $291,345

Addn/remodel, 16817 223rd Ave E, owner, Ken & Rena Long, contr, Prairie Dog Const, 253-312-8483, $67,813

Res, 11108 Shawnee Rd E, owner/contr, Oakridge Homes II Ltd, 253-514-3443, $436,073

Res, 13520 118th Ave NW, owner/contr, Bryan Anderson, 253-223-3266, $394,939

Owner Green Collar Club, 10422 Pacific Ave S Unit B, Tacoma, Wa 98444

Granby, Owner Green Jr Frederick A & Sandra L, 18219 96th Ave E, Puyallup, Wa 98375

Owner Green Tie Enterprises Inc, Po Box 398, Sumner, Wa 98390

P & C Motors, Owner Greene Perry, 16822 Pacific Ave S, Spanaway, Wa 98387

Owner Gregory Enterprises Llc, 702 23rd St Nw, Puyallup, Wa 98371

J G Construction, Owner Griesbach Jason G, 4601 216th Street Ct E, Spanaway, Wa 98387

Alll Nations Media Productions, Owner Griese Frank M, 4514 N Vassault St, Tacoma, Wa 98407

Brinik Llc, Owner Griffin Shawn E, 11421 191st Ave E, Bonney Lake, Wa 98391

Owner Grit City Grindhouse Llc, 311 S 7th St, Tacoma, Wa 98402

Jeffry G Guenther, Owner Guenther Jeffry G & Joelle D, 3015 76th Ave Nw, Gig Harbor, Wa 98335

Little Frank Construction, Owner Guillen Francisco A, 235 197th Street Ct E # 222, Spanaway, Wa 98387

Siding Doctor, Owner Gumeson John H, 8316 189th Ave E, Bonney Lake, Wa 98391

Kristina Renee Gunder, Owner Gunder Kristina R, 2102 N Huson St, Tacoma, Wa 98406

Sonido Kzador, Owner Gutierrez-Serrano Agustin, 920 112th St S, Tacoma, Wa 98444

Owner Gutz Jason M, 8027 A St, Tacoma, Wa 98408

Daniel Hahn, Owner Hahn Daniel J, 525 11th St Nw Apt C3, Puyallup, Wa 98371

Spartan Awards & Recognition, Owner Haines Jordan, 14718 Union Ave Sw, Lakewood, Wa 98498

Gig Harbor Taxi, Owner Haines Kenneth M & Gloria M, 3202 96th St Nw, Gig Harbor, Wa 98332

The Blue Door Upscale Resale, Owner Hamilton Laurie A, 2168 Palisade Blvd, Dupont, Wa 98327

Owner Handy Andy Llc, 7117 35th St W, University Place, Wa 98466

Metanaut Designs, Owner Hanrahan Timothy, 1020 8th Avenue Ct, Fox Island, Wa 98333

Owner Harbor Mobile Foods Llc, 3625 68th Avenue Ct Nw, Gig Harbor, Wa 98335

Owner Harmon Brewing Co L L C, 1202 26th Ave Nw, Gig Harbor, Wa 98335

Pure Elegance By Krystlyn Davis, Owner Harrison-Davis Krystlyn J, 414 Judson Ave S, Parkland, Wa 98444

Jayseas Smoked Salmon,

Owner Clark Jonathan D &

Maribel P, 20427 1st Pl S,

Des Moines, Wa 98198

Owner Clearvision

Investments Incorporated,

1123 Maple Ave Sw Ste 110,

Renton, Wa 98057

Owner Cloud9 Network

Consulting Llc, 17602 161st

Ave Se, Renton, Wa 98058

Owner Cocktail Candy

Kitchen Llc, 1156 Aberdeen

Ave Ne, Renton, Wa 98056

Everlast Gutters, Owner

Coghill Justin V & Bartley G

Wohlhueter, Po Box 204,

Auburn, Wa 98071

Owner Cole Street Brewery

Llc, 2551 Cole St Ste Q,

Enumclaw, Wa 98022

Coleman Trucking, Owner

Coleman Darlene M &

Ewell, Po Box 24583,

Federal Way, Wa 98093

Lil Feet Vending Machine,

Owner Collins Mary Ann T,

612 Shattuck Ave S Apt 2,

Renton, Wa 98057

Maria And Pals Your Friendly

Dog Walking Ser, Owner

Cone Maria R, 21413 131st

Ct Se, Kent, Wa 98031

Owner Connect West Llc,

12932 Se 257th St, Kent, Wa


Owner Connelly Brandon,

4527 S 256th Pl, Kent, Wa


Owner Connelly Roofing &

Construction Llc, 35094 41st

Pl S, Auburn, Wa 98001

Rocking Horse Ranch Stables,

Owner Coons Gary D &

Debbie R, 17615 Se 214th

St, Renton, Wa 98058

Blue Star Tubs And Showers,

Owner Coppi Dino A, 2223

Benson Rd S Apt E-102,

Renton, Wa 98055

Chae K Cordray, Owner

Cordray Chae K, 32142 46th

Pl Sw Apt M-9, Federal Way,

Wa 98023

Body Barrage, Owner Cox

Wesley C, 30663 34th Pl S,

Auburn, Wa 98001

Owner Craftsman Consulting

Inc, 120 4th Ave S, Algona,

Wa 98001

T Mari Design, Owner Cram

Teresa M, 23419 120th Ave

Se, Kent, Wa 98031

Crepes & Son, Owner Crepeau

Gloria L, 2733 Ne 24th St,

Renton, Wa 98056

Heather, Owner Cress Heather

M, 11245 26th Ave Sw,

Burien, Wa 98146

Owner Custom Sewing For

The Design Trade Llc, 13449

Occidental Ave S, Burien,

Wa 98168

Owner D & D Construction

Llc, 4430 S 292nd St,

Auburn, Wa 98001

On The Dot Studio, Owner Da

Luz Mendez K, Apt B102,

23003 Marine Vies Dr S, Des

Moines, Wa 98198

Owner Dakila Inc, 18416 Se

195th Pl, Renton, Wa 98058

Owner Daniel Guan Insurance

Agency Inc, 18230 E Valley

Hwy Ste 177, Kent, Wa


Daric Properties, Owner Daric

Properties Llc, 16707 Se

Green Valley Rd, Auburn,

Wa 98092

Owner Darling Diva Day Spa

Llp, 1400 Lake Tapps Pkwy

Se # A102, Auburn, Wa


Owner Dns Cm Inc, 10529

Lundeen Rd Sw, Rochester,

Wa 98579

Owner Dns Pc Inc, 10529

Lundeen Rd Sw, Rochester,

Wa 98579

Tk’s Tile Grout And Carpet

Cleaning, Owner Domini

Todd A & Kimberly A, 6610

Sierra Ct Se, Lacey, Wa


Big Sky Construction, Owner

Doublerunner Paul A, 3621

Thursday, May 16, 2013 ● Tacoma Daily Index Page 9










Page 10: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

Apollo St Se, Lacey, Wa


Owner Doyle Bros

Construction Inc, Po Box

1492, Elma, Wa 98541

Vo Landscaping, Owner

Duong Vo, 7916 13th Way

Ne, Lacey, Wa 98516

Owner Edden Deborah K, 319

Foote St Nw, Olympia, Wa


Painted Rock Aussies, Owner

Edwards Donna R, 15743

127th Ln Se, Yelm, Wa


Hawks Prairie Pediatric

Dentistry, Owner

Ehrmantrout & Davidson

Pllc, 6542 36th Ln Se, Lacey,

Wa 98503

Owner Erlang Solutions Inc,

Ste 120, 505 Union Ave Se,

Olympia, Wa 98501

Erpelo Adult Family Home,

Owner Erpelo Ramon M,

1421 Laredo Dr Se, Olympia,

Wa 98513

Owner Ewg Llc, 14341 Bald

Hill Rd Se, Yelm, Wa 98597

Custom Home Theater Design,

Owner Farstad Erik K, 4316

Cashmere Dr Ne, Lacey, Wa


Alex A Flores, Owner Flores

Alex A, 410 Jefferson St Se

Apt 6, Olympia, Wa 98501

Tech 4 Mobile, Owner

Garrington Shelton S, 414

Dutterow Rd Se, Olympia,

Wa 98513

D&D Insurance, Owner

Gearhart Deanna C, 5005

Division St Nw # 46,

Olympia, Wa 98502

Earth Care Landscape

Maintenance Services,




The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any per- son having a claim against the dece- dent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail-

ing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the personal repre- sentative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the no- tice. If the claim is not presented with- in this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.DATE OF FILING COPY OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS with the Clerk of Court: May 7, 2013DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: May 9, 2013

/s/TIMOTHY ALENTIEVPersonal Representative of the Estate of Yukiko HowellJAMES F. CHRISTNACHTWSBA 14726TROUP, CHRISTNACHT, LADEN- BURG, McKASY, DURKIN & SPEIR, INC., P.S.6602 - 19th Street WestTacoma, WA 98466-6193(253) 564-2111

May 9, 16, 23


(RCW 11.40.030)



IN PROBATEEstate of JOHN H. GEIER, Deceased,The personal representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limita- tions, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative, or the personal repre- sentative’s attorney at the address stated below, a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceed- ings were commenced.The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, ex- cept as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate assets and non- probate assets.DATE of first publication: May 16, 2013

Mitzi Galus, Personal Representative

Court of Probate Proceedings:King County Superior CourtCause No.: 13-4-07293-6SEA

Attorney for Personal Represent- ative: GARVEY SCHUBERT BARERBy: Teresa R. Byers, WSBA #34388Address for Mailing or Service:Teresa R. ByersGARVEY SCHUBERT BARER1191 Second Avenue, Suite 1800Seattle, Washington 98101- 2939(206) 464-3939

May 16, 23, 30



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal representative named below has been appointed as personal rep- resentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney, NICOLE C.B. HANCOCK, at the ad- dress stated below, a copy of the

claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Repre- sentative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the no- tice. If the claim is not presented with- in this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets.

DATED this 29 day of April, 2013./s/HEATHER CAMPBELLPersonal Representativec/o FAUBION, REEDER, FRALEY & COOK, P.S.5920 100th Street S.W., Suite 25Lakewood, WA 98499(253) 581-0660

Date of Filing Notice to Creditors: 4/ 29/13Date of First Publication: 5/2/13Date of Mailing to Creditors: 4/30/13

May 2, 9, 16


R.C.W. 11.40.030



IN RE THE ESTATE OF DORIS MAE CONNER, Deceased.The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any per- son having a claim against the dece- dent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the pro- bate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, ex- cept as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.DATE OF FILING COPY OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS with Clerk of Court: DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: May 2, 2013

The Estate of DORIS MAE CON- NER5028 105th Ave Ct NWGig Harbor, WA 98335CONNIE LYNN ALSTEAD, ALT/ ExPRPresented by:John M. Torres, Jr., WSBA #26287Attorney for the ALT/ExPRCONNIE LYNN ALSTEADTORRES LAW OFFICES220 1ST Street NEAuburn, WA 98002253-288-8015 (ph)

May 2, 9, 16



In re the estate of: BARBARA AH- RENS, Decedent, Deceased.

The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this Estate. Any per- son having a claim against the dece- dent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attor- ney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Rep- resentative served or mailed the no- tice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the

notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is for- ever barred, except as otherwise pro- vided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and non-probate assets.

Date of First Publication: 5-2-2013Personal Representative:MERIDEE J. MATHEWSAttorney for the Personal Repre- sentative:MERIDEE J. MATHEWSWSBA # 27025Address for Mailing or Service:6108 South M StreetTacoma, WA 98408253-473-9500/s/MERIDEE J. MATHEWSWSBA 27025Attorney for Estate

May 2, 9, 16


(RCW 11.40.010)



In the Estate of DORIS HOSFORD, De- ceased.

The Personal Representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent that arose before the Decedent’s death must, be- fore the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, serve their claim on the Personal Administrator or the attorneys of record at the address stated below and file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of this Court within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice or within four months after the date of the filing of the copy of this Notice with the Clerk of the Court, whichever is later or, except under those provisions in- cluded in RCW 11.40.011 or 11.40.013, the claim will be forever barred.

This bar is effective as to claims against both the probate assets and non-probate assets of the decedent.

Date of First Publication: May 2, 2013

Personal Representative:THOMAS N. WILSON22 818 SE 268th PlaceMaple Valley, WA 98038Attorney for Personal Represent- ative:LEVI E. LILJENQUISTAddress for Mailing or Service:1312 North Monroe StreetSpokane, WA 99201

DATED this day of , 2013.LILJENQUIST LAW, PLLC By: Levi E. Liljenquist, WSBA #36959Attorney for Estate

May 2, 9, 16




In re the Estate of: OPAL MESSIER, Deceased.

The Personal Representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of this estate. Persons having claims against decedent must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, serve their claims on the Personal Representative or the attor- neys of record at the address stated below and file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of this Court within four months after the date of first pub- lication of this Notice or within four months after the date of the filing of the copy of this Notice with the Clerk of this Court, whichever is later or, ex- cept under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011 and RCW 11.40.013, the claim will be forever barred. This bar is effective as to claims against both the probate as- sets and nonprobate assets of the de- cedent.

Date of filing copy of Notice to Cred- itors:

Date of first publication: 05/16/13MARK WEGNERPersonal Representativec/o 7282 Stinson AveSuite AGig Harbor, WA 98335

JOHN A. ROREMAttorney for the Estate7282 Stinson AveSuite AGig Harbor, WA 98335252-858-5358

May 16, 23, 30


RCW 11.40.030(NTCRD)


Estate of: GENE GEORGE HOR- MAN, Deceased.

The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any per- son having a claim against the dece- dent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s Attor- ney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court in which the probate proceedings were com- menced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, ex- cept as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and non-probate assets.Date of First Publication: May 2, 2013

Personal Representative:/s/BOB HOLMANAttorney for the Personal Repre- sentative:DAVID C. HAMMERMASTERAddress for Mailing or Service:HAMMERMASTER LAW OFFICES PLLC1207 Main StreetSumner, WA 98390253-863-5115Pierce County Superior Court Cause Number:13-4-00633-5Attorney for Personal Represent- ative:HAMMERMASTER LAW OFFICES, PLLC/s/David C. Hammermaster1207 Main StreetSumner, WA 98390253-863-5115

May 2, 9, 16


(RCW 11.40.030)


In Re Estate of IRENE E. FREIDHOFF, Deceased.

The undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal repre- sentative of the estate of the above- named deceased. Persons having claims against the deceased must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present their claims in the manner as provided by RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the personal representative or the attorneys of record at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original claim with the Clerk of this Court. The claim must be pre- sented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the Notice to Credi- to rs as p rov ided by RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as oth- erwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 or 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both probate assets and nonprobate assets of the dece- dent.

First publication date: May 16, 2013/s/PAMELA S. LARKINSPersonal Rep.5939 West Friendly Ave.Apt 45JGreensboro, NC 27410/s/ERNEST B. CHAPPELWSBA # 13451Attorney for Personal Represent- ative


Continued on Page 11

Page 10 Thursday, May 16, 2013 ● Tacoma Daily Index



Owner Gibler Wayne E, 9549

Glory Dr Se, Olympia, Wa


Nella Creations, Owner Gilbert

Lynn L, Po Box 2505, Yelm,

Wa 98597

Speed Equity Real Estate,

Owner Gill Harj, 1319

Starlite Ct Se, Lacey, Wa


Omg, Owner Gilmore Jeff, 234

140th Ave Sw, Tenino, Wa


Gleason Enterprises, Owner

Gleason Richard M, 3425

Yorkshire Dr Se, Olympia,

Wa 98513

Denise Goin Counseling

Services, Owner Goin

Denise, 320 Logger Ct Se,

Olympia, Wa 98503

Open Road Productions,

Owner Gordon Andrew M,

1704 5th Ave Se, Olympia,

Wa 98501

Mg Lawn And Land, Owner

Gray Mark A, 10922 Yelm

Hwy Se, Olympia, Wa 98513

Olympia Recyclers, Owner

Greer Kyle W, 5533 Verna St

Se, Olympia, Wa 98513

Lmg Cleaning & Staging

Services, Owner Griffith

Leanna M, 1616 Springfield

Ct Ne, Olympia, Wa 98506

Page 11: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

6109 93rd St SWLakewood, WA 98499253-983-1181

May 16, 23, 30



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal representative named below has been appointed as personal rep- resentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney, THOMAS K. FAUBION, at the address stated below, a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the Dece- dent’s probate and non-probate as- sets.

DATED this 29 day of April, 2013./s/JOHN R. JEFFREYSPersonal Representativec/o FAUBION, REEDER, FRALEY & COOK, P.S.5920 100th Street S.W., Suite 25Lakewood, WA 98499(253) 581-0660

Date of Filing Notice to Creditors: 4/ 29/13Date of First Publication: 5/2/13Date of Mailing to Creditors: 4/30/13

May 2, 9, 16


(RCW 11.40.030)


In Re Estate of ELEANOR L. MANZA, Deceased.

The undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal repre- sentative of the estate of the above- named deceased. Persons having claims against the deceased must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present their claims in the manner as provided by RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the personal representative or the attorneys of record at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original claim with the Clerk of this Court. The claim must be pre- sented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the Notice to Credi- to rs as p rov ided by RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as oth- erwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 or 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both probate assets and nonprobate assets of the dece- dent.

First publication date: May 2, 2013/s/THOMAS J. MANZAPersonal Rep.610 Pacific StreetSteilacoom, WA 98388/s/ERNEST B. CHAPPELWSBA # 13451Attorney for Personal Represent- ative6109 93rd St SWLakewood, WA 98499253-983-1181

May 2, 9, 16


RCW 11.40.030


The Personal Representative named

below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any per- son having a claim against the Dece- dent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attor- ney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court in which the proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the lat- er of: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first pub- lication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as oth- erwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is ef- fective as to claims against both the Decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Decedent’s date of birth is September 1, 1949.

/s/ARMIN MILLERPersonal RepresentativeGORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL LLPPO BOX 1157Tacoma, WA 98401-1157(253) 620-6500Attorneys for Personal Repre- sentativeBy:/s/ALAN D. MACPHERSONWSBA No. 07046


May 2, 9, 16




The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any per- son having a claim against the dece- dent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attor- ney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court in which the probate proceedings were com- menced. The claim must be presented within the latter of: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as p r o v i d e d u n d e r R C W 11.440.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is for- ever barred, except as otherwise pro- vided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.


/s/MARY CATHERINE LARCHEY, Personal RepresentativeAttorneys for Personal Repre- sentative/s/AMY E. PAGANOWSBA No. 41892HARLOWE & FALK LLPAddress for Mailing or Service:One Tacoma Avenue NorthSuite 300Tacoma, WA 98403253-284-4410

May 16, 23, 30



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the personal representative named below has been appointed as personal rep- resentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney, THOMAS K. FAUBION, at the address stated below, a copy of the claim and

filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the Dece- dent’s probate and non-probate as- sets.

DATED this 29 day of April, 2013./s/RANDI ELLEN SLATTENPersonal Representativec/o FAUBION, REEDER, FRALEY & COOK, P.S.5920 100th Street S.W., Suite 25Lakewood, WA 98499(253) 581-0660

Date of Filing Notice to Creditors: 4/ 29/13Date of First Publication: 5/2/13Date of Mailing to Creditors: 4/30/13

May 2, 9, 16




PIERCEIn Re the Estate of Louis A. Bernhardi, Deceased.

The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any per- son having a claim against the dece- dent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statue of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Repre- sentative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is for- ever barred, except as otherwise pro- vided in section 11 of this act and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the dece- dent’s probate and non-probate as- sets.


PERSONAL REPRESENTIVEMargaret A. SchroeterAddress: 4714 Fairwood Blvd. NE, #70Tacoma, WA ATTORNEY OF RECORD FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVEJohn Stephan Moceri, WSBA#10765The Law Offices ofMANZA & MOCERI, p.s.2928 S. Union AveTacoma, Washington 98409(253) 473-2771ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SER- VICE:The Law Offices of MANZA & MO- CERI, P.S.2928 S. Union AveTacoma, Washington 98409

May 16, 23, 30


(RCW 11.40.030)


In Re Estate of DOROTHY L. ERLIEN, Deceased.

The undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal repre- sentative of the estate of the above- named deceased. Persons having claims against the deceased must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present their claims in the manner as provided by RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the personal representative or the attorneys of record at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original claim with the Clerk of this Court. The claim must be pre- sented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative

served or mailed the Notice to Credi- to rs as p rov ided by RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as oth- erwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 or 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both probate assets and nonprobate assets of the dece- dent.

First publication date: May 16, 2013/s/SUSAN C. PAINTERPersonal Rep.25224 - 52nd Avenue EastGraham, WA 98338/s/ERNEST B. CHAPPELWSBA # 13451Attorney for Personal Represent- ative6109 93rd St SWLakewood, WA 98499253-983-1181

May 16, 23, 30





EMIL M. AUGUSTINE, an individual; LIL- IAN F. SILAA, an individual; DECISION ONE MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, a foreign business entity; NORTHWEST DECISION ONE 2006 CORPORATE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SE- RIES 2006; NORTHWEST SECURITY PASSTHROUGH, LLC, a foreign busi- ness entity; FEDERAL NATIONAL SER- VICES, LLC., a foreign business entity; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS, INC., a foreign corpo- ration; DOES 1 through 100; and all persons claiming right title and inter- est in the subject property.


THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, to said defendants, Decision One Mortgage Company, LLC; Northwest Decision One 2006 Corporate Pass-Through Certificates Series 2006; Northwest Security Passthrough, LLC; Federal National Services, LLC; and all per- sons claiming right title and interest in the subject property:

You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this sum- mons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days af- ter the 25th day of April, 2013, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of Plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for Plaintiff, at the of- fice below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be ren- dered against you according to the de- mand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of the said action and the relief sought to be obtained therein is fully set forth in said Complaint, and is briefly stated as follows: Plaintiff seeks entry of a judgment (1) declaring void the Assignment of Deed of Trust re- corded on January 20, 2011 purport- ing to transfer Augustine’s interest into the so-called “2755 Diamond Loop #D Trust;” (2) declaring void the Appoint- ment of Successor Trustee recorded on January 20, 2011; (3) quieting title in favor of Plaintiff; (4) cancelling the fraudulently created and executed As- signments of Deed of Trust recorded on March 29, 2012 and April 16, 2012, respectively; (5) cancelling the fraudulently created and executed Ap- pointment of Successor Trustee re- corded on April 16, 2012; (6) rescind- ing the fraudulently executed and re- corded Deed of Full Reconveyance re- corded on May 8, 2012; (7) reinstat- ing Plaintiff’s Deed of Trust to its first priority lien position and declaring that the right and interest of all defendants and of anyone taking by, through or under them in the Property is inferior to and subject to Plaintiff’s lien; and (8) cancelling the Corporation Assignment of Deed of Trust recorded on July 10,

2012./s/ Ryan M. CarsonRyan M. CarsonRobinson Tait, P.S.Attorneys for Plaintiff710 Second AvenueSuite 710Seattle, WA 98104206-676-9640

April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Re: Nybo, Jerry & Susan



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Successor Trustee or its designated representative will on the 24th day of May, 2013, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the second floor entry plaza outside the Pierce County Court- house, 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Tacoma, Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, that real property situated in Pierce County, State of Washington, and legally de- scribed to wit:


together with all existing or subse- quently erected or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all ease- ments, rights of way, and appurte- nances; all water, water rights and ditch rights (including stock in utilities with ditch or irrigation rights); all other rights, royalties, and profits relating to the real property, including without lim- itation all minerals, oil, gas, geother- mal and similar matters; and all other Personal Property described in the Deed of Trust;all of which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust (the “Deed of Trust”) dat- ed as of March 27, 2008, and record- ed April 1, 2008 in the Official Records of Pierce County, Washington u n d e r i n s t r u m e n t n u m b e r 200804011235, from Jerry L. Nybo and Susan E. Nybo, husband and wife, as Grantors under said Deed of Trust (“Grantors”), to Westward Finan-cial Services Corporation, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Hori- zon Bank, as Beneficiary. The Deed of Trust and the obligation secured there- by were assigned to Washington Fed- eral f/k/a Washington Federal Savings & Loan Association by the Federal De- posit Insurance Corporation receiver- ship of Horizon Bank, as memorialized by an Assignment of Deed of Trust, Mortgages, and Other Loan Docu- ments dated as of March 29, 2010, and recorded March 31, 2010 in the Official Records of Pierce County, Washington under instrument number 201003310180. An Appointment of Successor Trustee appointing LPSL Corporate Services, Inc. as Successor Trustee was recorded February 8, 2013, in the Official Records of Pierce County, Washington under instrument number 201302080978.

II.No action commenced by the Benefi- ciary of the Deed of Trust is now pend- ing to seek satisfaction of the obliga- tion in any Court by reason of the Bor- rower or Grantors’ default on the obli- gation secured by the Deed of Trust.

III.The defaults for which this foreclosure is made are as follows:Failure to pay when due the following amounts:Obligations Amount Outstanding1.Unpaid matured principal obligation $5,418,053.272. Unpaid interest through February 19, 2013 $857,309.37In addition to the amounts in arrears specified above, you are or may be ob- ligated to pay the following estimated

charges, costs and fees:(a) Title report $719.42(b) Attorneys’ fees $6,000.00(c) Service/Posting/Publishing/Notices of Default, Sale & Foreclosure $2,500.00(d) Postage and copying expenses $100.00(e) Recording fees $100.00Subtotal: $9,419.42TOTAL: $6,284,782.06

IV.The sum owing on the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust and subject to this foreclosure is: the unpaid prin- cipal balance of $5,418,053.27, to- gether with interest from October 14, 2011, as provided in the Promissory Note, and such other advances, costs and fees as are due and will come due under the Promissory Note or other in- strument, and as provided by statute.

V.The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expenses of sale and the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warran- ty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrance on the 24th day of May, 2013. The sale may be terminated any time before the time of sale on the 24th day of May, 2013 (the sale date) by Borrower, Grantors, Grantors’ successor in inter- est, any Guarantor, or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance, paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the ob- ligation, including, but not limited to, the Promissory Note and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults.

VI.A written Notice of Default was trans- mitted by the Beneficiary to the Bor- rower and Grantors at the following addresses:

Borrower:Meadows Properties, L.L.C.2102 E. Main Street, Suite 201Puyallup, WA 98372Borrower:Meadows Properties, L.L.C.P.O. Box 1455Puyallup, WA 98371Borrower:Meadows Properties, L.L.C.c/o Jerry Nybo, Registered Agent7420 320th Street EEatonville, WA 98328Grantors:Jerry L. NyboSusan E. NyboP.O. Box 1455Puyallup, WA 98371Grantors:Jerry L. NyboSusan E. Nybo2102 E Main, Suite 201Puyallup, WA 98372-3205Grantors:Jerry L. NyboSusan E. Nybo32201 71st Avenue Ct E Eatonville, WA 98328Grantors:Jerry L. NyboSusan E. Nyboc/o James SantucciThe Lanz Firm PS1200 Westlake Ave N, Ste 809Seattle, WA 98109-3590

by both first-class and certified mail on January 7, 2013, proof of which is in the possession of the Successor Trus- tee; and the written Notice of Default was posted on the above-described property on January 9, 2013, proof of which is also in the possession of the Successor Trustee.

VII.The Successor Trustee, whose name and address are set forth below, will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale.

VIII.The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantors and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantors of all their interest in the above-described property.

IX.Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s sale.

Special Notice to Guarantor


Continued on Page 12

Thursday, May 16, 2013 ● Tacoma Daily Index Page 11



Page 12: Tacoma Daily Index, May 16, 2013

Pursuant to RCW 61.24.042, each Guarantor is hereby notified that: (1) each Guarantor may be liable for a de- ficiency judgment to the extent the sale price obtained at the Trustee’s sale is less than the debt secured by the Deed of Trust; (2) each Guarantor has the same rights to pay the debt, cure the default, or repay the debt as is given to the Borrower and Grantors in order to avoid the Trustee’s sale; (3) each Guarantor will have no right to re- deem the property after the Trustee’s sale; (4) subject to such longer peri- ods as are provided in the Washington Deed of Trust Act, Chapter 61.24 RCW, any action brought to enforce a guaranty must be commenced within one year after the Trustee’s sale, or the last Trustee’s sale under any deed of trust granted to secure the same debt; and (5) in any action for a defi- ciency, each Guarantor will have the right to establish the fair value of the subject property as of the date of the trustee’s sale, less prior liens and en- cumbrances, and to limit each Guar- antor’s liability for a deficiency to the difference between the debt and the greater of such fair value or the sale price paid at the Trustee’s sale, plus interest and costs.THIS NOTICE IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY IN- FORMATON OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.DATED: February 21st, 2013.

LPSL Corporate Services, Inc.Successor TrusteeBy: /s/ Gregory R. FoxGregory R. Fox, its Vice PresidentAddress:LPSL Corporate Services, Inc.1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4100Seattle, Washington 98101- 2338Phone: (206) 223-7000

April 25, May 16


In accordance with the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 46.55.130) the below named will sell to the highest bidder for each vehicle described be- low.Auction Number: 5/21/13wSale to be held: 5/21/2013 at 11:00Inspection to be held starting: 10:00Sale Location:Western Towing10011 South Tacoma WayLakewood, WA 98498253-589-5389

May 16



PIERCE TRANSIT is a municipal cor- poration with administrative offices lo- cated at 3701 96th Street SW, Lake- wood, Washington 98499-4431. Pro- posals are being solicited for leasing trolleys. Copies of the Request for Pro- posals may be obtained by contacting Pierce Transit, 3701 96th Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-4431. Specifications may also be requested on the purchasing page of our web site at www.piercetransit.org.

Proposals will be accepted by Pierce Transit until 4:00 p.m. May 22, 2013, and must be addressed to Robin So- pher, Purchasing Coordinator, Pierce Transit, 3701 96th Street SW, Lake- wood, Washington 98499-4431; or P.O. Box 99070, Lakewood, Washing- ton 98496-0070.

PIERCE TRANSITRobin SopherPurchasing Coordinator

ADVERTISED: Tacoma Daily IndexDaily Journal of Commerce

May 16





Project SummaryCost Range: $750,000 to

$1,500,000Working Days: 60Hardcopy or CD of the plans and

specifications may be purchased by mail by sending a check in the amount of $20.00 ($15.00 contract cost plus $5.00 mailing cost) for hard copy or $16.00 ($15.00 CD plus $1.00 mail- ing cost) for CD to:

Pierce County Public Works and Utilities2702 South 42nd Street, Suite 201Tacoma, WA 98409Phone: (253) 798-7250

To view or purchase plans and spec- ifications in person on or after May 15, 2013, go to:

Pierce County Public Works and Utilities2401 South 35th Street, Room 150Tacoma, WA 98409-7485

Bidders that obtain paper copies are encouraged to “Register” on-line at bxwa.com, in order to receive auto- matic addenda notification by email and to appear on the “Bidders List” if they so desire.

Informational copies of plans and specifications are available for viewing on-line at: www.piercecountywa.org/ crp .

Plans, specifications, addenda, bid- ders list, and plan holders list for this project are also available through Builders Exchange of Washington. Free-of-charge access is provided by going to http://bxwa.com and clicking on: Posted Projects, Public Works, Pierce County, and Projects Bidding. Bidders are encouraged to “Register” in order to receive automatic email no- tification of future addenda and to place themselves on the self regis- tered “Bidders List”.

Bid Opening Time and Date: 1:00 P.M., FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2013

Only original, paper bids will be accepted.

Bids received after 1:00 p.m. on this date will not be considered.

Deliver original paper Bids to:930 Tacoma Avenue SouthCounty-City Building, Rainier Room, 7th FloorTacoma, WA 98402-2176

State Sales Tax—Rule 171The Contractor shall include Wash-

ington State Retail Sales Tax in the various unit bid item prices or other contract amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or sup- plies used or consumed in doing the work.

Description of Work:Group 1—122nd Street East

(Sewer and Traffic Operations Fa- cility Frontage / Access Road)

This work provides for the construc- tion of approximately 800-feet of new roadway for 122nd Street East from 94th Avenue East to 800-feet west of 94th Avenue East. This work includes, but is not limited to, crushed surfacing base course, hot mix asphalt, porous HMA, storm drainage system, cement concrete traffic curb and gutter, ce-

ment concrete sidewalks, traffic signal system,

Group 2—Pedestrian Trail (122nd Street East to 126th Street East)

This work provides for the place- ment of storage aggregate and paving of approximately 1,534 feet of new porous asphalt trail from 122nd Street East to 126th Street East. This work includes, but is not limited to, porous HMA, coarse crushed rock, washed gravel shoulder rock,

Group 3—Traffic Signal Inter- connect (112th Street East to 122nd Street East)

This work provides for the installa- tion of aerial and underground fiber op- tic interconnect cable from the 112th Street East/86th Avenue East Inter- section to the 122nd Street East/94th Avenue East Intersection. This work in- cludes but is not limited to, 72-strand fiber optic cable, conduit, tree trim- ming, and other work in accordance with and as described in the Plans and Specifications.


Pierce County hereby notifies all bid- ders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pur- suant to this advertisement, Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on

the grounds of race, color, national or-

igin, or sex in consideration for an


Pierce County Public

Works and Utilities

Brian D. Stacy, P.E.,

County Engineer

May 16









TER MAY 15, 2013

Project Summary

Cost Range: $400,000 to


DBE: 0% (zero percent)

Working Days: 30 and Utility Reloca-

tion Window Days: N/A

Hardcopy or CD of the plans and

specifications may be purchased by

mail by sending a check in the amount

of $20.00 ($15.00 contract cost plus

$5.00 mailing cost) for hard copy or

$16.00 ($15.00 CD plus $1.00 mail-

ing cost) for CD to:

Pierce County Public

Works and Utilities

2702 South 42nd Street,

Suite 201

Tacoma, WA 98409

Phone: (253) 798-7250

To view or purchase plans and spec-

ifications in person on or after May

15, 2013, go to:

Pierce County Public

Works and Utilities

2401 South 35th Street,

Room 150

Tacoma, WA 98409-7485

Bidders that obtain paper copies are

encouraged to “Register” on-line at

bxwa.com, in order to receive auto-

matic addenda notification by email

and to appear on the “Bidders List” if

they so desire.

Plans, specifications, addenda, bid-

ders list, and plan holders list for this

project are also available through

Builders Exchange of Washington.

Free-of-charge access is provided by

going to http://bxwa.com and clicking

on: Posted Projects, Public Works,

Pierce County, and Projects Bidding. Bidders are encouraged to “Register” in order to receive automatic email no- tification of future addenda and to place themselves on the self regis- tered “Bidders List”.

Bid Opening Time and Date: 1:00 P.M., FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2013

Only original, paper bids will be accepted.

Bids received after 1:00 p.m. on this date will not be considered.

Deliver original paper Bids to:

930 Tacoma Avenue SouthCounty-City Building, Rainer Room, 7th FloorTacoma, WA 98402-2176

State Sales Tax—Rule 171The Contractor shall include Wash-

ington State Retail Sales Tax in the various unit bid item prices or other contract amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or sup- plies used or consumed in doing the work.

Description of Work:This contract provides the improve-

ment of the Steilacoom Ferry Landing by repairing one dolphin, replacing an emergency back-up power system, re- placement of the transfer span main lift hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic power unit, and other work in accord- ance with and as described in the Plans and Specifications.

The project includes, but is not limit- ed to, the following items of work:LUMP SUM LS Dolphin RepairLUMP SUM LS Cleaning and PaintingLUMP SUM LS Hydraulic SystemLUMP SUM LS Ventilator RepairLUMP SUM LS Generator


Pierce County, in accordance with Ti- tle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S. C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transpor- tation, subtitle A, Office of the Secre- tary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in fed- erally assisted programs of the De- partment of Transportation issued pur- suant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pur- suant to this advertisement, disadvan- taged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be dis-

criminated against on the grounds of

race, color, national origin, or sex in

consideration for an award.

Brian J. Ziegler,

P.E., Director

Pierce County Public

Works and Utilities

May 16


Page 12 Thursday, May 16, 2013 ● Tacoma Daily Index


Bid # Closing Summary Formal/ Date Of Bid Informal


Bid # Closing Summary Formal/ Date Of Bid Informal

City Of taCOma – Daily Call fOR BiDS SummaRy

Call for Bids…

NOTE: All formal and informal bids may be downloaded from the City of Tacoma Purchasing Web Site at www.TacomaPurchasing.org