Tackling Problems of Unemployment in BiH

Tackling problems of unemployment in BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country, where possible becomes impossible, and the country where the logic stops. This is the sentence I often use to describe today’s situation and relations in everyday life of Bosnian people . It is just unbelievable that one such beautiful and perspective country as it is, can be place of constant arguments and stagnation, where every of three nations feel the exact same consequences of those problems. So many problems are included in a poor blood count of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but there is one problem that has presence in it, and it has nothing to do with the vital national interests or with any other “sensitive” problem. It is much deeper problem that can separate many families and homes and that was cause of starting revolutions or even wars in which people have lost their countries, homes and everything they have dreamed of. It is problem called unemployment. This problem stretches out through the entire 20 years of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is one of the main causes we fail to move on. But for me, this problem is relatively easy to solve, and this is my opinion of how easily economic recovery of our country can be done . It is important that we recognize the real problems of unemployment and its factors that have caused this situation, just to be able to fight against them. I have figured out that there are only two most important factors which have caused this situation. I will start from the “lowest” cause of this problem. You may be surprised by my opinion, but I think that one of the causes of unemployment are people themselves. People are the cause of unemployment ? Yes, it may sound strange but it is really simple to understand this problem. People in Bosnia and Herzegovina are very hard to get used to work. It sounds funny, but here is an example, in my class 99 % of the students, including myself, would like to work in some offices, and to be the


My opinion of problems of unemployment and my opinions of how to solve these.

Transcript of Tackling Problems of Unemployment in BiH

  • Tackling problems of unemployment in BiH

    Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country, where possible becomes impossible, and the country

    where the logic stops. This is the sentence I often use to describe todays situation and relations

    in everyday life of Bosnian people . It is just unbelievable that one such beautiful and

    perspective country as it is, can be place of constant arguments and stagnation, where every of

    three nations feel the exact same consequences of those problems. So many problems are

    included in a poor blood count of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but there is one problem that has

    presence in it, and it has nothing to do with the vital national interests or with any other

    sensitive problem. It is much deeper problem that can separate many families and homes and

    that was cause of starting revolutions or even wars in which people have lost their countries,

    homes and everything they have dreamed of. It is problem called unemployment. This problem

    stretches out through the entire 20 years of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is one of the

    main causes we fail to move on. But for me, this problem is relatively easy to solve, and this is

    my opinion of how easily economic recovery of our country can be done .

    It is important that we recognize the real problems of unemployment and its factors that have

    caused this situation, just to be able to fight against them. I have figured out that there are only

    two most important factors which have caused this situation. I will start from the lowest cause

    of this problem. You may be surprised by my opinion, but I think that one of the causes of

    unemployment are people themselves. People are the cause of unemployment ? Yes, it may

    sound strange but it is really simple to understand this problem. People in Bosnia and

    Herzegovina are very hard to get used to work. It sounds funny, but here is an example, in my

    class 99 % of the students, including myself, would like to work in some offices, and to be the

  • boss to everyone, and to deal with the paper work and just to sit and to basically do nothing in

    comparison to the other workers. I think it is the wrong way of thinking and it is just an excuse to

    escape from the work and the real perspective of this country. But what is the real perspective of

    this country, where there is no work anywhere? Yes, there is work, and work is there where

    everyone is escaping from. The real perspective of this country is in agriculture, forestry and

    tourism, and strangely enough, none of my schoolmates wont study any of these. There is just

    little interest in these because of the wrong system of values and the rank of these jobs in our

    country. For me it is shallow way of thinking and it is normal for one eighteen year old teenager,

    but it isnt normal and mature way of thinking for the elderly. If we just try to imagine the

    future, where all problems of this country would be solved and where everything would be

    perfect, what do you think where would all investments go to? I think they will go to the area

    where the Bosnia has more power than the others, and those are these three areas. These three

    areas will be foundation for the other industries and activities like a heavy metal industry, wood

    industry, economy and many others. To fix this problem we need to change the way of thinking

    about these areas and we have to approach them differently. First we have to free ourselves from

    the horrible prejudice about them. Those prejudice are very common in our country and they are

    very bad for us because they are moving us away from the benefits of, specifically these jobs. If

    we could change that,we would be one step closer to solve this huge problem of unemployment

    and we would only have one more problem left. Now, lets move to the other problem that I

    think is second important factor. This problem is the problem that we can often hear and read

    about. We talk about it a lot, and we blame it for everything bad and terrible which happens in

    our society. It is called politics. Politics are huge breaks which are slowing down our country

    towards its progress. Politics in this country are very complex and intricate and it is not

  • surprising that it is like that. As we all know this country is multinational country of three

    constituent nations:Bosnians, Serbs and Croats. When something important needs to be decided

    in our country all three Political sides need to find compromise, and in many cases it is long and

    hard- laboring process. Sometimes many crucial laws that directly affect problems of

    unemployment need to be passed and they arent, because of politics. I dont really understand

    politics and relations inside of it, but I just cant see any reasons why some people directly or

    indirectly block investments in our country. Only thing they have to do is to pass set of laws

    which would insure safety for investments inside of our country. And that is it, simple as that.

    Inside of those laws wont be any words about nations, or vital and national interest and those

    laws will bring benefits to all people. But clearly, I dont really get politics. In my head it is such

    a simple thing, but in reality it is so dirty and awful, especially in my country. But surely, there is

    one thing I am sure about politics and one of its features which are called elections. And again

    we come back to people. People are the ones who have rights to choose or to be chosen. For the

    last 20 years we had several chances to choose different government and different political party.

    Im sorry, those were not we. Our parents had several chances to choose better future for us and

    everyone else. They had a chance to choose best economic program that will, allegedly ,change

    our future. But I think their nation was somehow, more important. In the one hand I understand

    them. They are afraid of war and changes and they are afraid to lose this precious country,

    whatever it is like. But they dont understand that it is the only way to progress and to insure

    better life and jobs for us. I think that future will show that they were wrong, and that they could

    have better and happier life themselves. But who knows.

    This topic about unemployment is really common in papers and Medias but no one gives an

    exact solution to this problem. I have tried my best to present causes and solutions to this

  • enormous problem and I have figured some conclusions about it. The biggest conclusion is that it

    all depends on us, people. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a democratic country which allows us to

    change things. It may pass one year or five years or twenty years, but I believe that things will

    change and people will get jobs. I think people will become aware of the real values of this

    country and I think they will appreciate more what we have. I also think that three nations will

    find way to solve disagreements which are the biggest cause of all problems in the country.

    Personally, I am an optimist, and I believe that one day we will all live in peace and harmony

    with great jobs in disadvantaged areas I was talking about. I really love this country and I believe

    that one day it will become the country that will announce invitation for other workers from

    other countries to work here, just because every single citizen of this state is employed. That is

    the country I would like to live and work in, and I say again, it all depends on us.