Table Popin in Webdynpro

Table popin in webdynpro Posted by Muhammed Riyas in Web Dynpro ABAP on Apr 9, 2012 7:19:56 AM inShare Created By : MUHAMMED RIYAS V A Subject : TABLE POPIN Date : 05/04/2012 Area : ABAP WEBDYNPRO Purpose : In this application user can display a space below the each row of the table by selecting that particular row. Desired Output :

Transcript of Table Popin in Webdynpro

Page 1: Table Popin in Webdynpro

Table popin in webdynproPosted by Muhammed Riyas in Web Dynpro ABAP on Apr 9, 2012 7:19:56 AM inShare  

                      Created By        : MUHAMMED RIYAS V A


                           Subject         : TABLE POPIN


                               Date          :     05/04/2012


                             Area            :    ABAP WEBDYNPRO



Purpose : 

In this application user can  display a space below the each row of the table by selecting that  particular row.Desired Output :   


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          Steps : 

Here I am displaying Sales Document: Header Data (VBAK) in the main table and Sales Document: Item Data (VBAP ) as table popin.


Step 1 :

Create a WebDynpro component with window ( Default )  and View ( Main )’ as shown below.


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Step 2 : 

         Create a node (VBAK) in the main  with cardinality 0: n. In the node add attributes from the table VBAK and add 2 extra fields of type ‘STRING’ and ‘WDY_BOOLEAN’. Here extra fields are TABLEPOPIN and FLAG .


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Step 3 : 

Similarly create one more node (VBAP) with attributes of VBAP table.

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Step 4 : 

   In layout of the Main view insert a ‘Table’ UI element.




Step 5 : 

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    In the table insert one column as shown below.



Step 6 : 

              Insert cell variant in the first column of the table by right clicking on the column. The figure shows the details.


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Step 7 :

           In properties of cell_variant give a name to variant key. Here I am giving it as ‘KEY’.



Step 8 :

          In properties of the column1, give the variant key name in the row selectedCellVariant.(the same name of the variant key)


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Step 9 :

              Then go to the properties of the UI element table (VBAK) and bind the data source with VBAK node and selected popin with TABLEPOPIN attribute in VBAK node.


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Step 10 :

           Insert  one more column to the table and insert cell editor to that column. Bind the text of cell editor with the attribute ‘VBELN’.


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Step 11 :

            Similarly create columns for all the attributes of the VBAK node  except  ‘flag’ and ‘tablepopin’ attribute. And bind the text with appropriate attributes from vbak node.


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Step 12 :

           Insert table popin to the table (VBAK_TABLE) as shown below.

Step 13 :

              In table popin insert content of type ‘TRANSPARENT CONTAINER’ as shown below.


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Step 14 :

In that container insert one table UI element and bind that table with VBAP node.            

Step 15 :

In the properties of cell_varient ( in first column of VBAK ) create one event for ‘Ontoggle’ as shown below.


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Step 16 :

Write the below code in the method ‘WDDOINIT’.

method WDDOINIT .

DATA lo_nd_vbak TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.DATA lt_vbak TYPE wd_this->elements_vbak.lo_nd_vbak = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_vbak ).

SELECT * from vbak into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_vbak UP TO 10 rows.

lo_nd_vbak->bind_table( new_items = lt_vbak set_initial_elements = abap_true ).


Step 17 :

          Write the below code in method ‘ONACTIONTOGGLE’.

METHOD onactiontoggle .

DATA lo_nd_vbak TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.DATA lo_nd_vbap TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.DATA lt_vbak TYPE wd_this->elements_vbak.DATA ls_vbak TYPE wd_this->element_vbak.DATA lt_vbap TYPE wd_this->elements_vbap.DATA v_tabix TYPE sy-tabix.

lo_nd_vbak = wd_context->get_child_node(name = wd_this->wdctx_vbak ).lo_nd_vbap = wd_context->get_child_node(name = wd_this->wdctx_vbap ).

lo_nd_vbak->get_static_attributes_table(IMPORTING table = lt_vbak ).

READ TABLE lt_vbak INTO ls_vbakWITH KEY tablepopin = 'TABLEPOPIN'flag = 'X'.

IF sy-subrc EQ 0.v_tabix = sy-tabix.CLEAR: ls_vbak-flag,

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ls_vbak-tablepopin.MODIFY lt_vbak FROM ls_vbakINDEX v_tabix.CLEAR v_tabix.


READ TABLE lt_vbak INTO ls_vbakWITH KEY tablepopin = 'TABLEPOPIN'.

IF sy-subrc EQ 0.

v_tabix = sy-tabix.ls_vbak-flag = 'X'.MODIFY lt_vbak FROM ls_vbakINDEX v_tabix.CLEAR v_tabix.


lo_nd_vbap->bind_table( new_items =lt_vbap set_initial_elements = abap_true ).


lo_nd_vbak->bind_table( new_items =lt_vbak set_initial_elements = abap_true ).


Step 17 :

          Create web application component and execute.