Table of Out U… ·  · 2015-04-24Testing...


Transcript of Table of Out U… ·  · 2015-04-24Testing...

Page 1: Table of Out U… ·  · 2015-04-24Testing Your Faraday Cage ... TIPS AND TRICKS WHICH ARE ONLY RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE AUTHOR.


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Table of Contents

DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................................................... 3

What EMP Means .................................................................................................................. 4

Where the Danger Comes From .......................................................................................... 9

How to Protect Your Devices from an EMP Attack ...........................................................14

You Energy Supply ............................................................................................................14

The Faraday Container ......................................................................................................20

Grounding ..........................................................................................................................24

DIY Faraday Cage .............................................................................................................26

Testing Your Faraday Cage ...............................................................................................32

Solving the Communication Problem .................................................................................34

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The EMP Survival Course

Thank you for subscribing to the EMP survival course.

This is a brief introduction I want to give you. To understand what you face, you have to

understand who your enemy is. An EMP is one of the most diabolical weapons systems ever

devised by mankind. Part of the problem we have is that there is not a lot of information – there

has never been a large-scale EMP attack on large population centers that we know of. We are

aware of some testing that was done, and we will explain that to you as we get further in the


An EMP attack is basically an electromagnetic weapon that disrupts everything electrical. It

virtually has no effects on people, unless people rely upon electrical systems. For example,

there’s some question about EMP attacks on medical devices – heart-lung machines, breathing

apparatuses – anything that relies upon electricity is a problem.

What EMP Means

Before we get into those details, let’s talk about an EMP. It’s a very complex electromagnetic

pulse that is a complex of many pulses. Now, we have the International Electromechanical

Commission, and they have categorized three major components of an EMP, and those are E1,

E2 and E3. Each one of those is kind of worse than the last one, and in conjunction they’re


The attack that we foresee, the weapons systems we know the Russians have developed, have

heightened the effects of the E1 pulse more than anything else. The E1 pulse is the most rapid

discharging pulse, an EMP pulse of E1 is over and done within 21 nanoseconds. That means

that there is no device capable of shorting to ground, or attenuating it.

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Let me explain. A circuit breaker is basically a device that is an electricity interruption

mechanism – when it senses a source to ground, it shuts off electricity. There are many other

devices that are supposed to stop high-voltage spikes from going down the electrical system – a

good one are the lightning arrestors. We have tested everything in the marketplace, and the

fastest device we found is in actuality 500 nanoseconds, which means it’s not fast enough to

stop an EM pulse.

That means that any device anyone wants to sell you that will protect your home, your

electronics, your devices, from an EMP weapon of E1 emission that is supposed to arrest it is

false, bogus, it’s bad medicine, it doesn’t work. There’s nothing available in the marketplace that

stops the E1 pulse. There’s a lot of equipment that stops the E2 and 3 pulses, but that’s going to

be too late for your equipment.

The E1 pulse is absolutely diabolical. It is extremely high-voltage that travels at about 90% of

the speed of light. An EMP attack from start to finish is done in 5 seconds. Once the device is

ignited, all the damage is done in less than 5 seconds. The E1 pulse is reported to be in the new

systems as high as 500 KW, that’s kilovolts per square meter. Any testing on components that

has been done – and we have all the reports on them – have been done on 50 to 100 KW.

Now, General Electric was hired by the government to test every known semiconductor material

– they’ve tested resistors, diodes, capacitors, coils, integrated circuits – and, as you’ve seen by

these pictures here, every one of them fried. No device survived the full attack, nothing. So that

means that anything you have that’s hooked up to the grid, is fried. By the way, here’s some

more bad news for you, it also affects your solar panels. The E1 travels so quickly that it

produces this huge electrical current, and it covers extremely wide areas. The problem we have

is that there is no known deterrent – we have no device that stops this E1 pulse.

In a minute I’m going to explain to you that it doesn’t make a difference whether your devices

are plugged in or not. In other words, it’s in the air – it’s this high flow of electrons, and these

electrons are such huge power, that everything burns out. That means that whether your

cellphone is on or off, it’s fried, the circuits are gone.

Let me explain. The antenna in your cellphone is basically an electromagnetic amplifying device

– the weak radio signals are amplified by your antenna. That antenna is hooked up to what is

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known as the RF package in your cellphone, which is a bunch of transistors and circuits that

amplify the signal – both receiving and transmitting. The problem is that they’re not off, the

antenna is not disconnected. So a cellphone laying on a table, whether it has a battery in it or

out, is fried. The same thing with all your electrical circuits.

Let me explain to you what’s happening. The EMP information, the reason why it’s so bad and

bogus, is based on tests done in the ‘60s and ‘70s. There is no declassified information on the

modern systems. But it’s worse than that. The problem with these E1 emissions is that they

burn and destroys everything in sight – all your electronics. We’ve gone to a wonderful world of

the integrated circuit. The integrated circuit is getting smaller and smaller and smaller – they’re

actually microscopic amplifiers and microscopic pathways. The wires that connect the devices

are internal, and they’re a fraction of the size of a human hair.

As you know about wires, the smaller the wire, the more damage voltage does. The higher the

voltage, the more damage it does. The problem with this is that it’s so high that every single

integrated circuit in every device – shielded or not – is gone. So you’ll have to pause and give

rise to the fact that no electronics will survive, unless in a very special condition. It’s even uglier

than that, because after you go through the first pulse, which is extremely fast, extremely high-

power, you are now subject to the second pulse.

The E1 pulse is the one that damages electronics. We’re looking at 50.000 volts per meter, as a

minimum number.

Remember, with the super-EMP weapons, they are easily over the 50.000 volts per meter -

we’re hearing numbers of 1.000.000 volts. If you want to get an example of that, and how easy it

is to generate – a stun gun will be a million to two million volts. A stun gun will not kill you, but if

you put a stun gun on any electronic circuits – they’re gone, they’re fried, they’re done.

So these super-weapons were attuned to our present-day modern electrical devices, and at a

high enough voltage that everything is fried. Doesn’t make any difference if the device is on or

off. In fact, let me tell you the horror of it: it’s so ugly that the power cords, like for example the

battery charger hooked up to your computer, or if your computer is hooked up to the wall, that

wire that comes out of it acts like an antenna, and allows this extremely high-voltage electricity

to flow into the device, destroying everything along the way.

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Power grids are designed to handle very large voltages in the distribution line – 100.000 volts

running down those high-voltage wires. In most cities we’re doing the distribution on the primary

circuits at 12.000 volts. The problem is that there are transformers all along the way that step

down the voltage. Extremely long-distance electric transmission lines are very high voltage.

The reason why, is that the wires are smaller, they’re more efficient, less energy is lost so it can

travel longer distances. So along the way are these step-down transformers, and what they do

is, as we get closer to the city areas and closer to the distribution, the voltage drops down. The

problem is that all those transformers are an electromagnetic device – a transformer basically

uses magnetism to reduce the power. It’s a design that’s been around for 100 years with

virtually no changes.

What makes these systems even more vulnerable is the fact that they are controlled by low-

voltage switching and recording devices? So in other words, normal transformers and normal

switches are hooked up to a computer, and that computer uses a very low-voltage line that’s

very vulnerable.

There’s no shielding – one of the great myths that is being portrayed on the public is that

Faraday cages and isolating devices and grounding conductors and shielding around wires will

protect them, when the reality is they won’t. The voltages are so high, and the spikes are so fast

in time, that there is no chance of anything clamping or bringing it to earth, which means no

device, unless it’s in completely insulated, sealed Faraday cages, will survive. We have ways

that we’re going to show you as we get further into this, about how you protect yourself, but I

want you to understand these pulses.

The E2 pulse is what is known as the intermediate time pulse, and this lasts from 1 microsecond

to 1 second. Now, this component has many similarities to lightning, but the situation is that

these are larger and more widely spread. A lightning strike basically hits one spot on the ground

– these devices produce lightning-like voltages that are far, far, far dispersed throughout the


Now, these kinds of voltages, the E2, can be switched – they can be protected against, but the

problem is this, and here’s the thing that’s really ugly, in an EMP Commissions Executive

Report in 2004 they said: “In general it would not be an issue for critical infrastructure systems

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since they have existing protective measures for defense against occasional lightning strikes.

The most significant risk is because the E2 component follows a small fraction of a second after

the first component, which has the ability to impair or destroy many protective and control

features. The energy associated with the second component thus may be allowed to pass and

damage systems.”

Every device has a monitoring circuit for these protections, these arrestors, and they operate on

a low voltage. The problem is that the E1 attack affects low-voltage devices. We’re not so

concerned about the E1 voltage affecting huge wires, thick wires and thick switches that are

designed by nature to handle high voltages.

The problem is that after the E1 disabled all the protective devices, all computer controls, all

software, then comes the E2, which means that although the E2 is more like lightning – and by

the way, the arrestors we tested will work against E2 – the pulse is slow enough that they can

pick it up and sense it, but the problem is that all the sensor circuits are dead. So that means

that the E1 pulse, which by the way these systems are designed to put out the high-power first,

and faster, attuned to the proper frequencies to do the most damage and travel the greatest

distances. The E2 attack which normally we can protect against, is dead.

What they’re not telling you is that most people that are selling you equipment are basically

getting lightning protection equipment and selling it against a nuclear attack. What they’re not

revealing to you is that the E1 strike is so fast – 25 nanoseconds – that there’s no device known

to man to switch it to react in time, and that means that all the control circuits, all the sensing

equipment that’s in sensors that would work for the E2 attack are fried – this was the major


The E3 component is much different from the other 2. It’s a very slow pulse – let’s say almost 1

second or more. This is basically distorted by the magnetic field of the earth, and it’s more like a

geometric storm caused by Sunspots. It produces currents in long electrical conductors.

Let me explain about that one. Basically an EMP of E1 type, or the E2 type, when you get to

about a kilometer – a little bit less than a mile – the power grids don’t act as an antenna,

because of the frequency. The problem is that the E3 attack is extremely dangerous because

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what happens is it travels down the horizontal distribution cables, all the electrical cables and

the voltage goes higher and higher and higher as it collects more energy.

And that my friends is the entire danger – it’s the 1-2-3 punch – the E1 which knocks down all

the low-voltage circuits, all the control circuits. The E1 is basically gauged towards our modern

electrical systems, modern electrical devices. An E1 device will knock out your cellphone, it’s

going to knock out the cellphone tower –no protection. A cellphone tower again has those

antennas that are up there which are known as the RF package. The E1 knocks it out. On the

towers they have lightning protection above the antenna levels, and that is for more like an E2


The problem is that there’s no shielding of any of the RF packages up there – nothing – they’re

fried, they’re gone. We do a lot of microwave work, and we’ve done a lot with the 1, 2, 3 and 4

GB systems – nothing we’ve worked with can survive the lower voltages that we generate,

nothing. What I’m trying to explain to you is that everything is fried, everything is dead on arrival

– all cellphones, all internet, all your routers, all your switches, your ADSL line.

Where the Danger Comes From

Let me explain about your ADSL line. Most systems in America are using various modems like

the ADSL and cable modem. The ADSL was developed by Bell Labs and the various next

generations after that, to send internet data down a copper wire pair – that is the original

systems that dates back from Ma Bell days.

What it does – it’s a very clever device – what it does is it says listen, we’re going to just use this

as a device to send radio signals down, and what we’re going to do before we do that is we’re

going to have a computer analyze what the TV frequencies are, where the local police, anything

that has a transmitter, and we’re going to negate that, we’re going to say that that someone’s


And what we’re going to do is we’re going to find all that other bandwidth and we’re going to use

it to send the signals down this copper wire pair – it basically is a stop-gap system to allow them

to send computer data down an old telephone cable pair that was never designed for it. The

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problem is that that long cable pair acts as an antenna – and I can tell you that we have not had

any DSL boxes that can survive even a small voltage of the E1 variety – nothing.

It gets uglier than that. A lot of you have gone to fiber optics. We’ve put fiber optic hubs

throughout the cities and we wire them to the home – but the problem is amplifying the signal.

See, that’s basically laser light that’s pulsed down a plastic tube. EMP has no effect on fiber

optic cables, nothing, it doesn’t distort them in any way, it doesn’t change the pattern of the light

travelling down these wonderful, wonderful little strands that are smaller than a human hair.

The problem is the amplifiers. See, there’s only so far that that laser can travel down that wire.

Let me tell you what it does – it knocks out the lasers. The lasers that are used in a fiber optic

cable are laser diodes – there are about 4 or 5 different frequencies that the lasers use – and I

don’t want to get into all the complications but it is a marvelous technology – again from Bell

Labs. The problem is that that laser diode is a diode, ok? And it is among the most susceptible

attack devices known to man.

Laser diodes operate on very small voltages – 1, 2, 3 and 4 volts DC. They’re very sensitive to

the Amp load they’re allowed – they control them by how many Amps they deliver to them. The

problem is if the Amperes go high, or the voltage goes high, off of these very, very strict

conditions, the laser diode is gone in a second.

Now, I’ve worked a lot with laser diodes and I can tell you that those little buggers are easy to

kill. In fact, when you see people working on integrated circuits and on laser diodes, the

packages they come in are foiled so that they protect them from static electricity.

When you handle the devices you have a wristband that’s connecting you by a wire and it

grounds you just from the electrostatic emissions that exist on the Earth – static electricity

everyone has. A small static electrical discharge will fry them. There’s no way to shield them.

Again, the problem is that all the shielding you’re talking about, all the Faraday cages you’re

talking about, were with the lower voltage, slower-pulsed systems.

Let me tell you how ugly it is. After General Electric and other companies did electric testing,

and you’re going to see some pictures of the fried circuits go by, they really discovered in

confidential, classified documents that there’s no protection.

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Let me tell you what the Navy did. The Navy stopped its EMP program. In a memo privately

circulated it said listen, to protect our missile systems, our warships, all our rockets, all our

smart bombs, all our control systems, our radars, our communication devices, we are not going

to require them to meet any EMP standards, and the reason why – and listen to this, you’re

going to love this – is that it’s too expensive, and to put the EMP protection on there, which is

questionable, will add to the development time of our modern systems. They’re not even

shielding them.

Let’s talk about more information we have. You’ve heard about the Minute Man missile systems.

They are our first-line nuclear deterrents, ok? Those puppy-dogs are very, very old systems,

they’ve redone time and time again but no money has been spent in developing new systems.

Now, they are now undergoing, in a contract with Boeing, an upgrade to all the Minute Man

systems, including brand-new electronics. By the way, they’re still using a 64-bit processor. The

problem is, they’re not EMP-hardened, nothing, no shielding - it was thought to be too


Let me talk to you about the Minute Man missile bases. I have a chart here that’s coming up that

will show you the communications systems. You might notice that those are telephone poles

and they’re using plain old telephone lines for communications. You see those various satellite

dishes? None of them are EMP-hardened.

By nature you can’t harden a satellite uplink or downlink station, because they transmit at the

exact frequencies that are most vulnerable to that first EMP pulse, the E1 pulse. Which means

that our scenarios, everything we’ve modeled, absolutely positively say that our missile silos

and our weapons systems and our bases, VLF or whatever systems they’re using – we’ve

analyzed all of them – will be knocked out of commission.

That means that it’s lights out Pentagon – the control rooms you see with all those screens and

all those control panels and satellites and unmanned vehicles and the whole complex of the

modern technological world we live in – it’s lights out. They won’t even get a radar return.

Let me tell you how ugly it is. When Russia launches the EMP attack, with this super high-

powered weapon, coordinated with 4 of them, we won’t even know what happened, because

there will be no returns of radar, we won’t know exactly who attacked us and we will never know

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what hit us, and in 5 seconds life as you know it comes to an end. I’m going to repeat this: there

is no way to defend against the system unless your devices are shielded. I’m going to go into

that in a second here, and explain to you how absolutely unbelievable it is.

Now, you’ve got our submarines, and the submarines are the last leg of the triad, which is

mutual assured destruction, MAD for short. The problem with that systems is one that no one

talks to you about, and that is that because of concerns about a rogue submarine commander

going crazy – we’ve seen a couple of movies on that nonsense – Washington now controls all

the launches. In other words, those guys sitting in those missile silos, the Minute Man silos, the

aging ones that are rotting away, and there are many reports about the problems with them, use

old antique computer communications.

By the way, do you know how they load the launch coordinates into one of those missiles?

Tape. Yes, old tape-drive systems. They’re not more reliable by the way, they just don’t have

the budget to upgrade them, and that’s why they’re using 64-bit processors, they don’t have the

budget, so it’s been patching together and patching together and patching together.

Guess what? Unless they get the launch command, and it’s verified by the 2 guys sitting in a

room, you see the console there, you can see the racks of antiquated equipment, they can’t

launch. They will never know we’ve been attacked and they will never know we’re supposed to

launch. Remember, those guys are sealed underground.

As you can see in the picture here, the support center is above. All communications will be out,

no one will know what happened, no one will know what to do. Command and control will fail.

There will be no communications with the planes no communications with the ships, no

communications between the Pentagon, the commanders, the bases – we don’t even have

airplanes that can start their engines and fly.

We’ve done something that Russia has not done, and we have made everything computer-

controlled. Everything, all our launch, all our weapons systems, all our smart bombs, all have

embedded computers that are not shielded sufficiently. The command and control structure is

not sufficiently shielded because the Pentagon in its wisdom never regarded this as a great


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The new weapons systems and the new potential with such extremely high voltages and such

fast cut-off frequencies defy all our shielding systems.

We are sitting ducks guys, that’s all there is to it, and the reports have done, if you read the

EMP reports, if you read the Commission reports, if you read the studies, if you read some of

the documents that we’ve been able to get a hold of under Freedom of Information that were

being declassified, and by the way, a lot of the documents they blocked out for us demonstrate

over and over again that we are not prepared for an EMP attack and our leaders do not regard it

as a problem.

I can tell you that reading the published papers by the Russian scientists – and by the way,

when it comes to beam weaponry, the Russians are far ahead of the United States and have

been for years, and they’ve put a fortune into this.

Why? It’s a non-lethal weapon system. You can attack your enemy, bring him to his knees, he

never knows what hit him, he can’t retaliate and the rest of the world is not going to be upset

because you can say: “maybe it was Sunspots, I don’t know what happened, there’s no

radiation, it certainly wasn’t a nuclear attack, you can’t retaliate”.

Russia walked in and took the Crimea peninsula – they’re putting nuclear weapons there right

now. The Russian Tupolev bombers are flying missions on our airspace, around our borders.

And guess what? Let me tell you about those planes, they look like they’re old, they’ve got

propellers. Well, let me tell you something: they have state-of-the-art electronics on them but

they don’t need any of them. They even have a port where the navigator uses a sextant, like

Cristopher Columbus, to find his position, and they rely upon nothing.

By the way, a lot of our guidance in our smart weapons systems use level 2, level 3, level 4

GPS, which will be shut down in a New York second – not even a minute – a New York second.

We have no protections.

Now that I’ve sufficiently scared you and told you what we face – it’s like a cancer diagnosis –

there is a cure. Now, let’s go into it.

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How to Protect Your Devices from an EMP Attack

This section is dealing with the electricity, electronics and all the sub-communication systems –

your cellphone, your TV, your internet, news – bye-bye. Any device, any computer, any

cellphone, any router, any ADSL device, any satellite system, any system you have, that is not

sealed in a Faraday cage – and I mean sealed – is gone, bye, adios amigo, fried, you might as

well just throw it into the pile.

Your automobile, all your computers and especially the ECM, the electronic control module,

that’s the one that delivers the spark, fires off the injectors in your car and basically runs your

engine, is gone – gone. The injector coils are gone. All of the ignition coils are gone. They’ve

done a very high voltage ignition coil where you had one in a car, now it’s very common to have

one for each cylinder – gone. All the sensors, the knock sensors, the position sensors – gone.

Every electronic device in the car will be fried.

Now, the good news is that nothing mechanical will be affected. When we’re going to get to the

transportation section we’re going to do a little bit more with that, but this folds over into the

electronics section because let me tell you what you simply do: you can make an EMP Faraday

shield that will protect against these higher voltages.

The principle is very simple: what you want is a metal cam – by the way copper is the best but

galvanized garbage bins will work fine, to a point, and I’ll explain that in a minute. Guys,

everything is a trade-off in this. Here’s how you protect your devices: they’ve got to be shielded.

Anything that’s not shielded is gone. For example, your air conditioning unit will probably fry,

anything that’s plugged in – whether it’s plugged into your solar system or plugged into your grid

is gone.

You Energy Supply

Let me start from the power in the house, then we’ll get into the Faraday boxes, and that’s what

I want to cover in this first section. The electric grid will shut down, but before it does, it will put a

high-voltage pulse down your electric wire, that shorts your transformers and kills everything,

whether they’re turned on or not.

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One of the techniques used by spy agencies is to make a short between the primary distribution

system and the secondary. Let me explain: those very high wires on your pole are the primary

distribution system, those are the high-voltage feeds that come in from the very-very high

voltage lines that run across the country to what’s known as the street distribution system. They

are usually between 10 and 15.000 volts. That big can you see there is this transformer known

as a step-down transformer, and its job is to lower the voltage to 110 or 220, depending whether

you’re in America or Europe, that the electrical system runs on.

Well, in demonstration where they want to knock people off the internet and get people without

communications and without lights, it’s very common to get a chain, and get what’s known as a

hot-stick – that’s a fiberglass stick that’s high to the ground – you’ve seen them, they’re normally

orange-colored. And what you do is wrap that chain around the primary wire – that high-voltage

line, and you go to the output of the transformer – the output of the transformer is the thicker line

that comes out – because remember, the higher the voltage, the thinner a wire can be.

So what you do is you short the primary and secondary, so you’re shooting 10.000-15.000 volts

down that secondary distribution line, and the circuit breakers cannot pick it up in time – even

that little attack, the circuit breakers cannot pick it up in time and everything in your house fries.

Now, let me tell you what makes it ugly: we could see voltages going down the secondary

distribution section where there were 110 volts, or 220, being 30, 40, 50.000 volts. Now, the

reason why is that your electrical distribution system on a high-voltage side, with the capacitors

and the shunt circuits, or arrestors more precisely, will see that high-voltage energy.

What’s happened in many, many brown-outs is that massive ball of energy that’s travelling

down those wires, it becomes more intense as the wires act as energy-gathering devices it

becomes higher and higher, and they’re able to jump over all of the protective circuits.

You’ve seen many brown-outs, in fact the biggest brown-out in the world that happened in India

affected 800 million people. And that was, at the first stage no one explained what happened,

and we believe it was an EMP. The second stage of that was all of the protection devices were

fried and the power just went down the wires. There was nothing to stop it. And your little

switches in the wall, like you say, well my toaster shut off and my lights are shut off, but guess

what? The air gap is the distance between the connectors, ok? The principle of electricity is, as

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the voltage goes higher, the air gap, the space between the points that make the contact and

allow the electricity to go through, have to become bigger.

Now, some systems use exotic gasses because air is a reasonable conductor of electricity –

that’s why you see the lightning strikes through the sky – it’s actually forming a plasma ball as

the air is heated up and the voltage potential goes higher. So that means that in your house,

everything that you have, that is connected – whether it’s on or off will be fried by the second


See, the first pulse comes and takes all your smaller voltage circuits. In this day and age

unfortunately even your stove uses low-voltage control systems, if you have an electric stove. If

you have a gas stove, a lot of them use igniters and thermostatic modules now that are what?

You’ve got it, they are computer-controlled. Your microwave has a complicated computer circuit

in there. Guess what? The E1 pulse that comes down in the air filters through – everything’s

fried. That means your hot water system, your heating systems, all go down, which means that,

and part of what we want to teach you is to go back to systems that are non-electrical in nature.

For example, we have a gas stove – and we light it with a match. We have an oven, like

everyone else – well that oven uses a gas control valve that’s mechanical, that senses

temperature. If it’s got a wire on it it’s electrical – it’s going to be gone. Same thing with your hot

water heater, the same thing with your air conditioning system, your refrigeration system.

Anything that’s got wires is gone.

Now, the problem is that you can’t insulate yourself from this high-voltage potential of the E2

and E3. Let me tell you why. Let’s look at the solar system – I’m on solar – I’ve been on it for

decades. Your solar panels are basically a diode. You know the light-emitting diodes? Well

basically it’s a light-emitting diode that works backwards. The way a LED works is you apply

electric current to a diode, and that excites it and that gives off light.

Well, the opposite is basically a solar panel is a diode gate running backwards – you apply light

to it and it produces electricity down the other end. There is no way to shield a solar panel – I’ve

seen the crap they sell with the wire meshes and the nets. Guys? Worthless, it’s worse than

worthless. The only way you can protect your solar panels is that you’ve got to have a stash of

them, and they’re so cheap now, at less than 50 cents a watt, that you just get enough panels to

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keep you going, and you put them in a Faraday cage. A Faraday cage is any steel-enclosed

device that has no gaps. We’ll explain that as we go further on, but let’s say this: you can

defend yourself by spares and back-ups.

Oh, by the way, your generator? Any generator system you have you can throw it away. Let me

tell you why. They have the new inverter generator systems, and what they do is they’re

basically computer-controlled modules that control the voltage no matter what the speed of the

unit is, so that will allow for the generator to run at a slower speed when you want less power,

it’s also a lot cheaper to work because it requires less copper which is a very expensive metal

with the commodities manipulation.

So they’re about 2, 3, 4 times the price, depending on what you buy. Now, generators, we used

to have really great generators and a lot of good options, and you know, Kawasaki made a great

generator with that beautiful motorcycle engine of theirs, and an all-copper back-end, but they

stopped. It’s all gone to China and the stuff they manufacture is a load of crap. Older generators

are better, but the problem is that you’ve got 2 circuits in there – you’ve got the exciter, and

you’ve got the diodes, then you’ve got the voltage regulator – that’s on an older-style system,

very simple.

The ignition system, the magneto should survive, but a spare magneto will cost you nothing –

talk to a little lawn mower shop guy and get yourself a spare magneto for your generator –

everyone should have a 5-6.000 volt generator. They’re cheap, they’re really reliable and they’re

a great back-up tool.

The way you want to protect it is you want to have a spare magneto, spare diodes and a spare

inductor ring, ok? You talk to the shop, you can buy the parts for 10$-15$ buys everything you

need, and you put them in your Faraday box. The way you solve the problem is that that

generator you may have to refit the electronic package on it, which is very easy to do – the

magneto, the diode bridge and the exciter circuit – very easy to do, very simple, you’re up and


Now, you can count on the fact that your circuit breaker, your fuse box, your switches in your

wall will probably be fried, in fact you may, depending on how close you are to a primary

distribution system and how close you are to the TAC, will probably be fried. So that means that

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you should have spare circuit breakers and spare switches, and those do not need to be

installed in any kind of Faraday cage – as long as they’re offline, they’re protected. It’s very

cheap. All your light bulbs, all your fixtures, all your transformers, all your LEDs are gone. That

means you’ve got to have spare light bulbs and that kind of thing.

Our approach is this, we basically have a rule of 3: whatever we have in the house we want to

do it 3 ways. For example: we can heat with heat pumps that work off of our solar system.

That’s electrical, it’s dangerous.

We can also heat with LPG gas, we have a large LPG tank, and we also convert our sewer

water into gas – we use it for cooking, we use it for heating. We also can run our generators by

the way, we have 2 types: we have a Diesel generator because that can burn all kinds of bio-

fuel – cooking oil, used French fry oil, and it’s very easy to set up, we’ll explain that. We also

have a system where we can use gasoline because it’s a readily available supply and gasoline

generators are readily adaptable to LPG or natural gas, or stove gas – in fact the kids call it fart

gas, and that’s the sewer gas that produces all those beautiful, beautiful, beautiful hydrocarbons

that you can burn, ok? It’s just a question of adjusting the metering, and that’s easy to do.

So, all our systems are, we can heat with wood, we can heat with Diesel fuel, we can heat with

stove gas, LPG gas, propane, natural gas, and it’s very easy to have systems that are tri-

systems. The same thing with our power generation. We can generate power from the Sun, we

can generate power from the wind, we can generate power from the generator, and we make

sure that they’re all very versatile.

So everything you look is for lightning. We have all-LED fixtures – we have some incandescent,

we have some fluorescent, we also have old-time kerosene lanterns, and we also have candles,

so we have many, many ways to light. The idea is that you want to be able to have as much

versatility in your life as possible.

So, the solar panels, we have to back up now, let’s talk the solar panel systems, ok? I’m a big

believer in being self-sufficient, and the cheapest way to buy electricity is from the grid, it’s

about 15 cents a kilowatt-hour from the electric company. Of course, that ties you to the electric

company. I’m not interested in this sharing power, sell power back and all that nonsense

because that’s got somebody with his nose up my butt and in my business, and I just don’t like

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that as a principle. So we have a strict rule, off the grid, but if you’ve got the grid and if you’ve

got these systems that sell back power because you thought it was economical, a money maker

and all that, good luck, but you have many components there that will fail.

The first thing is the charge controller. Your solar panel arrays always run at about 150 volts, so

we use an Outback charge controller because they make a really high-voltage one now, a

wonderful system. You can count on that being in the toilet bowl when it’s done. Basically that

gets the power from the solar system and charges the batteries.

Now, we use lead-acid batteries and no other material, because they have proven to be EMP-

resistant, and the other batteries that we have tested, especially lithium, because of the problem

with the plates and the distances and the internal components, will fry every time when we

subject them to large voltages – gone, they don’t survive. Those old, heavy-plate, wetted acid

batteries are the best. We’ve tried optimal batteries, all the ones that are gel, and basically the

plain old flooded, leaded battery is the best, and you’ll want to use Trojans.

Now, the problem with batteries is that those suckers like to die on you, they don’t like dirty

water, they don’t like to be discharged all the way down, they don’t like to be left without a

charge, so battery management is critical, and otherwise you’ll be buying batteries every couple

of years. By the way, I can’t keep a battery for more than 6 or 7 years doing everything right –

we’re talking about de-ionized, distilled water, and not the junk they sell in the department stores

either. So you can count on your batteries if they are not connected to the system to survive.

Here’s the problem: when that EMP pulse comes down your solar panels – and your solar

panels act as a great voltage collector – they’re going to spike down there, and whatever your

charge controller is, is going to go tapioca fried dead meat. Now here’s the other thing – they

normally short closed, which means that the horror we’ve discovered is that the vast majority of

electronics, when subject to high voltage, short open or closed.

Open means that they burn out and they don’t make an electrical connection, and that would be

good, because that big pulse of energy would not go through there, but unfortunately we have

found that when you get up to these higher voltages they almost always short closed, which

means they pass the power down the wire, which means that from the solar panels, through

your charge controller, directly into your batteries – you’re going to lose your batteries.

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The Faraday Container

Now, we are big believers in keeping spare batteries, and they’re not that expensive – I mean

they’re expensive but not that expensive – and they’re a great sink and a way to store energy.

So what you want to do is have a number of batteries, you can have your primary system, your

major system, and depending on your budget, you can just put a 1500 watt system or

something bigger. We basically build to a 6000 watt system, and we run a large household on

6000 watt systems and our energy draw is normally a couple of thousand watts, ok?

Now, we’ve done things like we don’t have blown-driers because they are power-hungry ape-

shit crazy devices and they ruin your hair, curling irons aren’t allowed, we don’t have a tea

kettle, basically anytime we use a heating element, an electrically-heated heating element to

make heat, it sucks away the power.

Do you know that one tea kettle, a nice big Walmart-style China-made tea kettle draws more

power than our entire house, including air conditioning and refrigeration? Get rid of it. If you can

get rid of the heating coils, and your hot water heater – if it’s electric it’s a heating coil – that

means that the amount of solar panels you have to build for, the amount of batteries you have to

have, the amount you have to have on your wind generators goes down dramatically – I’m

talking a modern lifestyle. We don’t live like hobos in a cave with a lantern and a bear rug, we

live a modern, high-tech, TV, satellite, internet, computers, iPads, iPods, the whole kit and

caboodle, but what we do is we stay away from heating elements on the electrical system that

make your demand go crazy.

The solar panels, we’re not going to get into this, we’re going to go further about the storage.

You’re going to go ahead and get a 20-foot container, a shipping container, and what you’re

going to do is you’re going to weld shut every hole that’s in the thing except for the door. Those

great big doors in there are a problem because they’re gasketed.

What you want to do is take the gaskets out and weld them shut and make a small – maybe 3

foot high by 3 foot high opening – just the size that you need to get your solar panels and your

generators and that kind of thing. What you want to do in an ideal world is, that unit becomes a

Faraday cage.

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Now the only way a Faraday cage – I’ve told you, Faraday cages are junk if you’re trying to

leave things hooked up to them. Those Faraday cages that have cable couplings going into

them, be it electrical or low-voltage switching circuits, internet, don’t work, we have not been

able to stop the power from going in there and frying everything inside with the kind of voltages

we’re generating – forget it, it’s not going to happen, and the weapons systems they use will

burn out every Faraday cage design we know of, unless it’s fiber optic coupled, but that’s

another story and not in the realm of what you’re going to do.

So what you want to do is, the best device we’ve found is a shipping container, it’s core-10

steel, which is a nice anti-magnetic properties in the steel. You’ve got to make sure it’s got a

steel floor in it, and then you’ve got to go over in there and go over all the welds and make sure

there’s no gap in the welding. We’ve got a guy Sparky out here that can repair a container for us

in about 2-3 hours, then we make a special door that has copper contact points all around it,

and the door closes tightly – in fact what we’ve got is hinges on it but then we just screw it, and

then we have no leakage of any kind of energy.

Now, if you really want to do this right what you should do is get that container and bury it in the

ground. If you don’t want to bury these Faraday containers for your solar panels – by the way,

we keep a couple of motorcycles in there, we keep solar panels in there, we keep a couple of

spare generators, spare batteries, a refrigerator, stove.

By the way, we’re not stupid, we buy this stuff smart, and in other words you buy this stuff used

for next to nothing, ok? We try to buy refrigerators – the women don’t like the frost, they want

the frost-free models and they have a more complicated circuit in there to control the defrosting

thing. I’m not adverse to shutting it off and scooping out the water and that kind of thing.

So we have a couple of different systems there. Same thing with air conditioning compressors.

By the way, when you buy a compressor for your air conditioner get a scroll model. All the back-

up electronics, ok? Your refrigeration – let me explain something your J-valve will be fine, your

condenser and your evaporator will be fine, the fans are probably iffy in your air conditioning –

you’ve got the fan on the condenser and you’ve got the fan on the evaporator, so a couple of

spare fan motors would be nice to have.

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So you can keep your central – by the way I like my air conditioning – you can keep your central

air conditioning unit but understand that all the electronics that are associated with it, you’ve got

back-ups that go into the Faraday container.

We don’t use a 20-foot, we use a 40-foot container but we keep – we keep spare injectors for

the cars, the coils in them, we keep the ECM, electronic control module in there. When we get

into – by the way we’re going to jump around because some of the parts are electronic and

some are transportation, when we get into the transportation systems, we’ll describe the make

and model of cars that have no ECM units problems.

Say this about a car, what you want to do is basically have a spare battery, if it’s the older model

car which I’ll get to in the transportation section, you’ll want a spare ignition coil, wouldn’t be a

bad idea to have a set of spark plug wires, that’s not essential, starters and solenoids, we

haven’t been able to wreck them, they seem to hold up, starter coils seem to hold up, we’ve put

a spare starter away. The alternators are a problem, generators not – it’s very interesting. The

old cars that we’ve got around – we buy them for next to nothing by the way – use an old

generator. They don’t have a diode bridge in there and they hold up really well, they’ve got

really heavy carbon contact points on the armature, the armature wires are really thick and you

can’t hurt them.

Now, they’ve got the old-style voltage regulators, the old voltage regulators, those are the cars

that used to have the 3 relays in them and the big heavy box, those guys seem to be good, ok?

The contact points, if they do take an arc, you can file them off in 5 seconds and screw the lid

back on, you can get an old voltage regulator for 5$ and just put it away, so the old vehicles,

you want to do the back-up.

On your new vehicles, and this again, I’m going to tell you more in the car section but this first

section is your electronics and your Faraday cage, I suggest, and by the way, let me tell you

about injectors and electronic control modules and that kind of things, let me tell you something.

Manufacturers are going broke in the car business and they basically standardized so they use

a lot of things that they share against many platforms. If you know what you’re doing you can go

to the junkyard and pick them off there for next to nothing, ok? They’ll laugh at you – yeah I’m

going to take the window control module, alternator starter, you’re going to take ignition coils,

sparkplug wires, the ECM unit –you don’t have to worry about the wires that go to it. Fuel pump

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– that fuel pump in the tank by the way, we keep them around although they look like they’re

going to hold up.

So what you want to do is anything that’s got a wire on your car, go to the junkyard, or if you

want go to your parts store and spec it out and just jump in there in a big pile and you’ve got it,


Think about it, I want you to think about something, you’ve got this perfectly wonderful good

automobiles that are going to have low-mileage engines and transmissions on them in perfect

shape, and the airbag module is going to be gone, the braking module’s going to be gone, the

anti-lock braking module is going to be gone, the damn module that controls the windows will be

gone, you’ve got 100 computers in those things, in fact you can get a service book from your

dealer, it’s called a shop manual, and they have a whole section that just shows you where they

hide all those little computer systems in your car. And the nice thing is that when you make a list

of them you can decide what you want or don’t want and put them back on.

Your friends and neighbors are going to need this stuff. What are they going to pay you when

they’ve got a 25.000$ F150 pick-up truck that they can’t start and can’t run? Think about it. Well,

I can help you out, no problem, OK? So what I’m telling you is that in this Faraday container –

by the way, in many parts of America you can get a container for next to free, 1.000-2.000$

delivers them, you can make a deal and get one in there, bring it down there, weld it up and now

you’ve got yourself this gigantic Faraday cage, you can even put a car in if you want.

The secret is, I’m going to get back to this Faraday cage, we’ve been talking back and forth

between this beautiful Faraday cage out of containers and what you put in it, ok.

So what you want to do is anything that’s electrical, thermostats, control devices, switches,

ballast transformers, anything you can think of, just throw it in there. A few rolls of wire, I put in

like the CAT cable that runs our LAN network, we throw it in there. I have the ADSL box in

there, I’ve got our router in there, I’ve got our satellite equipment in there – I’ll talk to you about

that in a second. So basically you want to make this completely sealed device.

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Now, grounding. Grounding is critical in whatever you do. That means you want to get all this

high-voltage potential energy and you want to put it to the Earth – the Earth sucks it up, makes it

go bye-bye.

Grounding is the secret to any kind of protection system you can think of. Any EMP system, any

lightning strike, and any high-voltage you want to dissipate in the ground. The way we were

taught was to put a grounding rod, which was a rod, hopefully shiny, that you drove into the

ground, you drove it down there on a vertical access. We have found it doesn’t do squat.

What we do is we buy – although it’s kind of expensive – we buy copper pipe. We get that pipe

and we put it in a circle around the house and around the containers. What this is, we dig a ditch

in the ground, we put water in – you want to make sure the soil has got a good conductor, ok?

You can do it with an ohm-meter. And what you want to do is you bury a pipe in a circle. You

like to go below the frost line, so 30-40 inches in most cases will easily get you deep enough.

You make a big ring, and then you use pipe, pipe, in 3-4 places to go and ground your ground

circuits. This circle device we’re talking about dissipates tens of thousands and hundreds of

thousands of volts.

If you really want to do this you can get solid copper rod which we use, we use a large hollow

copper tube all the way around, and then we silver-solder, silver-solder – better conductor – to it

solid copper rods, we bring in copper rods and ground everything.

So if you’ve got this container under the ground you’re still going to put a ring around it. What

you can do is go through the roof to it – and by the way you can do a steel circular staircase

down to it – we like to use those culvert tubings – any country boy knows it. Those culvert

tubings you get them basically 36 inches, and you weld it all up there and you get a door in it

and you’ve got a double seal and a lock.

Make sure you do whatever size you decide that everything you put in it can go out through it – I

know it sounds stupid, I made the mistake. We use what we call a window slot for the solar

panels and the thin stuff. But that container - which is really cheap – remember it’s all steel, all

the vent holes in it, the vent holes on the side, you’ve got to weld them all up and now you’ve

got yourself a Faraday cage, world-class. By the way, they get 50-60.000$ for those suckers,

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OK? And like I said, a couple of thousand dollars, if you want to do it retail and pay someone to

do the work for you, gets you this fantastic box.

Now, if you’re in the urban environment you’re not going to be able to do that, so we’ve got a

solution for you, and that is that you can buy sheets of copper foil. Not the mesh stuff, the solid

stuff. What you can do is get a room and completely cover it in this and that will work. Let me tell

you something that’s very important about all these Faraday devices we’re describing: the inside

of them has got to be insulated.

In other words, if you put in there your generator and your other objects, whatever they may be,

and it touches the walls, they’re fried, they’re gone – so you’ve got to insulate them. You can

insulate with sheets of rubber, Styrofoam, any non-conducting agent.

Again, take out that ohm-meter, look at the resistance, if it passes the Ohm test you’re good, so

we want to go ahead and make the inside of all our Faraday cages, whether they’re a foot

square or a 40 foot shipping container, and we want to electrically insulate them from the rest of

the world. They live in their own little universe, not touching any metal. That is a very important

key fact. In fact, that’s why your car will do so well. Those rubber tires on your car actually do a

great insulator. In fact many people survive high-voltage power lines and stuff like that dropping

on them because they’re insulated. The problem is electronics are not, so that means that the

car is going to survive really well, but all the electronics in it are going to be subject to it and

spark off, so you just want to make sure you’ve got them covered.

Don’t forget things like the wiper motor and the controls for your heater fans – I’m telling you

guys, it’s a big mess – you can do it but you’re going to have to have back-up because, by the

way, even the dashboard, I’ll tell you what, the dashboard in the car, those things have little,

that’s where the speedometer is and your gauges and all that, let me tell you, that puppy-dog, it

takes nothing to reduce it to a pile of ash, in fact all the connectors in there just burn and smell

and make all kinds of gooey colors, they go easy. So that dashboard panel is something – a lot

of people supply them by the way, because they’re made so flimsy that very often people end

up having to replace them.

So what you’re going to have to do is anything electrical is going to have to be kept away in a

steel enclosure. Your best material is copper, then I like aluminum which works really well – in

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fact let me give you an idea about this: as the copper price went from 80 cents a pound to 7$ a

pound, manufacturers got away from using copper, so a lot of motors that you see have

aluminum wires that are copper plated, and what we’ve discovered is that in these devices the

electrons flow through the outer copper ring. So that means that what you can do is, whatever

you make, you can make out of a metal – remember you have this magnetism problem – and

what you want to do is basically line it with copper side.

DIY Faraday Cage

Let’s get into your home-made Faraday cage, 20$. Go to your local Walmart, Sam’s Club,

whatever store you can – you could go to your local hardware store but they’ve been pretty

much put out of business by the major marketers – and get yourself those galvanized steel

garbage pales. They cost nothing.

You bring that puppy-dog home and what you want to do is you want to get – they make this

rubber masking material, it’s kind of like a rubber wallpaper, and what you want to do is you

want to line the whole inside of it with this insulating material, because whatever you want in

there, you don’t want it to come in contact with the metal can.

Now, the lid is a problem, and we’ve worked out a lot of systems on the lid, and what we found

out is, bronze wool, steel wool – you know, the stuff you use to scrub your pots? What you want

to do is you want to put a layer of that on the lid, and you want to attach it with electrical

conducting glue – they make a lot of that stuff – or just put it there. What’s going to happen is –

you want to get a piece of sandpaper, you want to sand it, make sure you’ve got a good

electrical seal, when you put that lid down there we’ve found that making this steel wool –

copper wool by the way is best – bronze wool works out, steel wool is the least – and I’ll tell you

what the problem is – we’ve discovered that after a time it starts to rust, and when steel oxidizes

it’s not as good a conductor.

Now, when you buy the garbage pail you’ve got to make sure you’re buying a truly hot-dipped

galvanized pail. The Chinese have gotten really good at fooling us – I’ve bought a lot of Chinese

shit that looked good and wasn’t shit, you know, that kind of thing? Plastic Chinese dog shit.

The problem you’ve got with the Chinese stuff and those pails is that they’re not hot-galvanized,

they use a galvanized paint, so you’ve got to be careful about that. What you can do is just get

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out your old pocket knife and scratch it and see if it comes off like a paint or it’s metallic. You

want a hot-dipped galvanized steel tank, container, garbage pail.

The reason why I said tank and all that is that if you use your brain any kind of steel container –

for example we have one Faraday cage that used an old oil tank – we’ve got this old oil tank

and it just had a couple of little holes on the side, we welded them – it had a lid on top, we got

that lid, we took the gasket out, then we ground it down and we made sure it was a 100%

perfect seal with lots of bolts around, and that baby just seals tight.

That means that the Faraday container you make has got to have a good seal on it – the

garbage pail is there. The garbage pail is a cheap, fast and dirty way to do it. By the way, we’re

in the process of making really super-duty heavy Faraday cages, and I’m going to explain a

couple of things on this that you need to understand. Let me bring you down the road here.

A lot of people, a lot of wealthy people and a lot of wealthy companies realize that the

information on EMP is bogus. The information on these Russian weapons systems that the

Iranian and the Chinese, the North Koreans are drooling to get their hands on, they really work,

they produce an incredible amount of voltage using discharge capacitors and those of you that

understand high-voltage electricity understand that once you charge that capacitor up, she

keeps that voltage in there for a long time, and with the new capacitor materials – like I said

those of you who are engineers understand – they hold a lot more voltage in a lot smaller space

and they are doing fantastic, especially with the capacitors that have exotic gasses and stuff in

there, I mean they’re going a long way from the polyester film stuff. These new materials are

just unbelievable, and the switching circuits are very fast in them so that they can build up the

potential and the way it goes, you’ve got a huge, it’s like the power of the Sun.

We’ve got to defend against that, and that means that we have got to make sure that we’re

completely insulated. That Faraday garbage pail I really like, I have a stack of them, we keep

them insulated from each other, we keep them on wood platforms in a dry place, and we put

electronics in them.

You talk about, I can’t buy electronics- yeah you can. I’ve got an iPhone 3, 4, 5, now I’ve gone

to 6, and I’ve got iPads, I’ve got every version of iPad, and I’ve got the Samsung, OK? So what I

do is, I find I’m obsoleting my equipment every 6 months to a year, OK? I’m sure you’ve got

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some old laptops laying around there, so what you do is get your equipment up to speed, make

sure it’s in good working order, get your old cellphones – unfortunately what I don’t like about

the iPhones you can’t, they don’t have removable batteries.

On the other ones I’ve removed the batteries, I’ve charged the batteries up and I put a couple of

spare ones, you buy them cheap. So I’ve got my cellphone, I’ve got my satellite transceiver –

we’ll get into that in a minute but you want to do your satellites and your LMBs, and your buck,

which is a component of the transmitter and the satellite receiver – by the way this stuff has

gotten dirt, dirt, dirt cheap, and they’re really, really good. So you want to get all the electronics

you can think of – circuit breakers, the parts for your cars, all the electronic add-on devices, and

we’ve got them inside these garbage pales, OK? That’s just the poor man’s way of doing it, but

if you’re on a budget…

And the other thing is Western Digital makes fantastic backup disks, they plug into the USB.

What you want to do is get all your data on your current computer and put it inside these

Western Digital devices, or whatever backup you want to use. They’re very small, and they’re

very, very cheap. The reason why I like Western Digital is that they’ve come up with the

Passport series, and they’ve gone with a metal can on them. Yeah, they did it half way, there’s a

metal can on one side but the other side’s plastic, so that’s a start. When you get your devices

that you’re going to put into your Faraday cages, you’ve got to prepare them. Let me describe


You want to use plastic bags. I’ve found that heavy zip-lock bags really make a good non-

electrical conductor, so you put the device inside of it. Now you wrap it with high-quality

aluminum foil. If you really want to spend the money you get copper foil, which I use, but if you

don’t want to spend aluminum foil works good you put aluminum foil, you make sure there’s no

seams and you fold it over, you’re going to do a proper job, tape it shut, and now what you want

to do again is put another insulating material over it. Again, I like the plastic bags, the zip-lock

bags, but you can use anything you want to use, as long as it’s plastic.

Some people I know use wooden boxes – I’ve got a guy down the road here, he makes

mailboxes and bird cages for a living, sells them on the internet, and he makes them out of good

old oak, and he basically built wood cases to put things in. So what you want to do is do layers

of tin foil and insulating material – plastic or wood, non-conductive to electricity, and wrap them

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in 3-4 layers. Then you place them inside the Faraday cage you’re making – the closed,

insulated Faraday cage – and you want to make sure there’s no metal contact inside there. I put

a final layer of plastic and I lay everything in it nicely.

The batteries I put in a separate container and I’ll tell you why, and the battery chargers – don’t

forget the battery chargers and power supplies, they’re very important to you – because you

want to go in there – I basically date them, I go in there every 3 months and recharge the

batteries because those lithium-ion pieces of shit, and the electric car fallacy dream is never

going to work – I’ll get into that later – they discharge. I put in there a cordless drill.

If you think about it, you can put anything electrical you want, OK? Like I said, you buy this stuff

cheap, you buy it used, when you obsolete one to go to the next better, latest, greatest model,

into the Faraday cage it goes. Properly wrapped up and sealed and tucked away, and you’re

going to have it. You’re going to do that with your telephones, you’re going to do that with your

computers, you’re going to do that especially with your satellite equipment, any of your routers,

any of your WiFi systems, because remember, WiFi, when you set your AP you can use WiFi, in

fact around here we use a 5 GB WiFi signal so we have our own little network and you know,

don’t have to involve anyone else, so when everyone else goes lights out, we’re still going, and

I’ll explain more of that as we get further in.

What you are doing is this, Faraday boxes are very critical. You see, the guys that don’t have,

they live in a smaller footprint, you’re not going to put a 40 foot container in the back yard

probably, so what you’re going to do is you’re going to put in your apartment these Faraday

devices. Now when we get into the home we’ll get more into that, ok?

So what you want is a back-up of everything electrical you use, light bulbs, any kind of device

you want, and also for grid repair equipment. I really, really urge you, no matter how you live, to

have a generator.

Like I said, they make these things at 15.000 watts, and for the average situation 5-6.000 watts

works, especially since you’re going to go back to a system where you’re going to generate

power with the generator and charge your batteries. When the batteries are fully charged you

shut off the generator, so you don’t need that big of a unit, and then you’re going to have the


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Let me tell you about inverters. Inverters have gotten really, really cheap, a lot of companies

make them and they’re really, really good, and you’ve really, really got to have them, so you

need an inverter, and what an inverter does is it takes that 12 volt battery power – by the way, I

urge you to use 12 volt, although 24, 36 may be more tempting – unless you really know what

you’re doing stick with a 12 volt because there’s a lot of stuff available very cheap since all the

cars and most trucks work on 12 volt. If you’ve got to go to 24 do it reluctantly but don’t go any

higher than that, for a lot of reasons I don’t want to get into now.

So anyway, you’ve got those batteries, you put them in that Faraday container, you’re going to

have the inverters, and those precious things will put you back into the 21st century very quickly

and run your devices. Like I said, we try to match our inverters and our batteries.

Another thing is you can’t have too many batteries. Be sure to stock car batteries. We’ve got a

debate around here on how the battery is going to do in the car. I’m of the opinion that it should

be ok but they’re not that expensive for a spare car battery, you have a rotation, you know what

I’m saying? Put a brand new battery in your Faraday box, when the one in your car goes out

you’ve got the battery, put it in, and buy another one, so you’re rotating stock. I’m a big believer

in rotating stock. When you get the new cellphone put the old one in there, so you’ve got this

whole supply of all your devices that are in these Faraday containers.

This is the key strategy. Do not waste your money on anyone that is selling you devices that

they tell you will survive, we found nothing that will at the high voltages, nothing, nothing, ok?

It’s not worth taking the risk.

I’ll tell you the really good news, I’ll start to get into it: a lot of very wealthy people are hip to the

EMP problem, and they are building Faraday cages, and I know a man who anonymously builds

nuclear bomb rooms for people, and includes a Faraday package in it, and you’d be surprised at

the names he supplies these systems to. He makes a lot of money, let me tell you, he blows

them away – you don’t have to do that, OK?

So, here is the reason: many, many components that are hanging in the air will be dead, all your

3G, all of your internet connection stuff, all your cellphones are gone, TV broadcast, cable TV

networks especially will die. And what’s happening is that those guys consume a lot of products

ok? And what they’re doing now is you’re typically you’re putting them in these kinds of steel

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insulated containers. They say it’s better storage, in fact they go through the trouble of packing

them in nitrogen from what I’ve seen – and you don’t have to go through all that, but what I’m

saying is that you’d be amazed at people who are in there, control the world’s scenario, and you

know, a billionaire wants to stay a billionaire, are doing a system where they are packing all of

the electronics that work for the cellphone tower, the transmitters, the RF packages, the

controls, all the routers and all that, and they’re putting them in these containers that are sealed

in Faraday cages.

And that means that there’s going to be a race to see who comes back up first, ok? All the radio

transmitters, all of the RF packages, all the electronics, all the routers, switches, all the junk that

makes the world work here is going to be gone. We’re going back to 1850 in about 5 minutes.

That means that if you’ve got a storehouse of electronics that hasn’t been fried, you’re king. Let

me explain about the beauty in something that’s a must-do part of your strategy: you’re saying

what good is it to have a cellphone when no one else has a cellphone or a computer when no

one else does and all these things you want me to stash?

It’s pretty obvious that with a refrigerator working, generators working, inverters, batteries,

charge controllers for the solar panels, you’re up and running very quickly. But there’s another

side to this. We see a very interesting situation that America’s enemies are taking and that is

that they want to kill the great Satan – that’s us, OK? And they fear that America can do

whatever they want. America has been the big deterrent in spite of Obama, and when you get

rid of America the world turns really ugly, very quickly. The EMP pulse is going to affect, in our

opinion, the continental United States and Canada, it may spill over to Mexico, but not much

further than that.

And by the way, satellites will not be affected because these bursts are ground-concentrated.

We do not see the satellite belt damage. Satellites rely upon an uplink and a downlink. You’re

normally the downlink, the uplink is these great big dishes with great big satellites. I’ve been

involved with a lot of them, I know a lot about it and I’m going to tell you right here and right now

none of them have any EMP protection, they barely have lightning protection, and I mean

barely, OK? They’re all gone, but guess what? There are a lot of satellite uplink systems that

are in Europe, that are in the Pacific, that are around the world and they can swing these dishes

and pick up our satellites, which means that in no time after that, with your satellite system and

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a good satellite guide and the proper equipment, you will be up and running and operating. A lot

of these guys are putting back-up uplinks in remote locations off the grid and out of the way of

the continental United States which means that blessed satellite, with your satellite receiver,

nice digital receiver in there and your CBMA satellite receiver means you’ll have internet, you’ll

have communications, VOIP phone calls, and you will be up and running. It is a beautiful

solution to the problem.

So on your electrics, I’m going to summarize: anything you can think of that’s electrical, even

stuff like your pocket watch, anything that’s electrical, put it in a Faraday cage. The cage I’m

describing out of a garbage pail is a good solution, they take little room, and they will work.

Testing Your Faraday Cage

Now, let me tell you how to test the Faraday cage – this is something very important: after you

make your Faraday cage, remember you’ve made it, you’ve got that bronze wool gasket that’s

electrically connected to the lid, and you sanded it off, and you’ve got a good connection, every

part of the thing seals. Inside you’ve got it insulated with a rubber, plastic.

In fact, one way we did one was – by the way we’ve made hundreds of them just to experiment

so we can tell you – we just bought a garbage pail and then we bought a plastic liner, we found

this plastic bucket that was small enough to fit inside, so what we did is we got the garbage pail,

put this other plastic one in there with a lid, and then all our electronics went into the plastic, so

it was basically plastic-lined without us having to do anything OK? Quick, fast solution. Go to the

Walmart store, find a garbage pail, remember hot-dipped galvanized is best – buy yourself

some bronze wool and get your plastic bags and your tin foil, wrap everything like I’ve told you,

in it goes, OK?

We want to test it, we want to know if there’s any signals getting in there. Basically, not to make

a long story short, basically we want to go to the short-wave to the 500-600 megacycle

frequencies. That’s really easy to do, and here’s what you do: get a shortwave radio – you buy

them for 10$ you know? The old AM shortwave radio, you put it in there to a nice, strong station,

and you drop it inside your Faraday cage – make sure the antenna’s not touching. Close it up,

and you shouldn’t hear anything.

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If you don’t hear anything that means you’ve made the cage good, problem solved. Now what

you do is you put in there an AM radio – remember short wave, then AM, do the same thing –

nice, power station, goes dead - you’ve made it. Open up. Now put in an FM radio, put in your

favorite oldies station and if it still works you’ve got to go back through and make sure

everything is insulated, and you check that frequency. Then you put in your cellphone and you

call it. If it plays your favorite tune as it rings then you know you ain’t got it solved and you’ve got

to get back at it again. And then what you do is basically go up the radio spectrum.

By the time you get up there to the 900 to 1200 megs, CDMA, 3G or whatever you’ve got on the

phone, you know you’ve got the problem solved, ok? If all those devices don’t work you’ve got a

strong signal. If you really want to go crazy you can go by the local FM radio transmitter, locate

yourself about 100 yards away so that you’re a little bit out of the grounding at the base of the

antenna, go by the radio station with your Faraday cage and drop your FM radio in there and if

that close to the signal it doesn’t work, you’ve got yourself a good system.

The same thing, when we do the containers, we lock ourselves in there and just turn on every

kind of RF- energy emitting device because, by the way this stuff acts more like, for you guys

more technically, the pulse is deadly the E1 pulse, I mean I hate it, by the way it travels down


Guys, if you want to talk, when you get your spectrum analyzer, your oscilloscope, it’s hard to

kill that bugger, I mean, and we’re doing very low power compared to what those weapons are, I

mean we’re doing a lot of high-voltage 100.000 volt kind of stuff, but basically what happens is,

it’s hard to kill, so you’ve got to make sure you’ve got any. We had one, in one of the containers,

this is the story, we got a signal in there, I couldn’t believe it, it was like the container from hell,

Hellboy, Jason, I couldn’t kill him, and it had a broken weld in a corner – it had an I-beam in

there, the big, heavy beam, and it was painted over, so we got out the grinder and found it, I put

5 beads of weld on there to keep that thing shut.

What I’m telling you is that even the slightest opening will, now we tried all the screening shit

and mesh and all that stuff. Bottom line is, it doesn’t work for a lot of reasons. It’s hard to get

good connections on the edges. We tried the mesh over the solar panels that people are selling

– doesn’t work. The message I’ve got for, this is gold, listen to me, I’d love to have a device to

sell you, this is the magic thing, solar panel protection kit and all that stuff – it doesn’t work.

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Basically the conclusion we came to, and we found that you can do it very cheap, for a few

hundred dollars, really, get as much of the electronics that’s in your life that you want and stick it

in there. Just stick it in the container, do the radio test I’m telling you about. By the way, those of

you who are more sophisticated get out your spectrum analyzer and have at it, make sure you

know, you have no attenuation of the thing, set it as sensitive as it goes and make sure you’ve

got nothing. By the way, it’s amazing. We’ve got a pretty expensive German-made spectrum

analyzer here and let me tell you, you go in these things, it’s dead, you don’t even have a static

line, it’s unbelievable, and the only thing you get is the noise inside the equipment. It is a really

reasonable thing to do.

By the way, if you’re really handy you can get high-grade steel and weld yourself a box together.

There’s a lot of things you can do, but the bottom line is that for electronics and electrical the E1

pulse, I’ve put up some graphs and some demonstrations – guys, you can’t stop it. I mean, it’s a

wet dream. When they do the EMP test like on Air Force One and all that stuff, you ought to see

the joke systems they use, I mean, you know? No one wants to do a legitimate test. Any

legitimate tests are highly classified that we’ve heard about, it’s the best I can describe it to you,

and the answer is insulated Faraday cages with no connections of any kind – nothing in, nothing

out, so steel-sealed enclosures ok?

Now, by the way, in the 20 foot containers and the 40 foot containers we also electrically

insulate. The ideal situation is put the electronic in their little magic garbage pail, ok, with the

plastic liner with the layers of conductive and non-conductive material, stick it in there, put it in,

and it’s safe. If you want to do it you can, you know, those of you who are sophisticated enough

you can go ahead and fill them with nitrogen. You can put drying, absorbent situations in there,

but the idea is that you want to electrically insulate it and have it floating free. If you do that and

you get your satellite equipment.

Solving the Communication Problem

Let me tell you, the satellite situation I’ve talked to you about. We have found that, you know,

the satellite systems will be knocked down, you’ve got to wait for the static electricity and the

electrical potential in the air to go down, but it doesn’t take long before it all recovers, it’s all

back up and running, in other words, you’re going to be up and running and you’re going to

have communication because the beauty about the satellites are, there are a lot of them, they’re

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very easy to find with a little satellite meter. In fact we have a nice app, Satellite Finder that’s on

the iPhone, you turn on the GPS of your unit and it tells you what compass heading to go to and

what your elevation is and let me tell you, you’re spot on. You can buy on EBay a satellite meter

for 50-70$, satellite finders.

You’ve got to be able to find these various satellite networks. We like, there are 3 satellite

providers of satellite systems in America for your internet. We’re talking to them and we’re trying

to find out about what provisions they’ve taken, because let me tell you, in that business

everybody wants to back up their uplink, and a lot of these guys are becoming hip to the

problem, OK? It’s not going to be in the nightly news. Because remember, we just don’t face an

EMP attack.

NASA will spend a fortune, by the way, you can also get an app for your Sunspots and your

electric solar activity for your iPhone or your iPad or your smartphone or whichever one you

want to use, Android, and they will show you when the electric activity comes, there’s some

warning, ok? Because if worrying about a Russian, Chinese or North Korean attack with these

very sophisticated, very high-power EMP weapons, especially coordinated, isn’t a nightmare

scenario, Mother Nature might just bring it down, OK?

So a lot of attention is being – if you’re not a conspiracy theory person there’s enough science

and enough – by the way they’re spending a lot of money launching satellites and equipment

just to monitor it, because you can have an EMP, what looks like an EMP weapon from Solar

activity, and you’re just as screwed. So a lot of companies are preparing for, hardening systems,

looking at their systems, looking at the situation. A lot of smart people, a lot of smart RF

engineers are starting to figure out hey, you know, 50 KW a meter that’s one thing, how about


As the numbers get higher, the scenarios get very scary. Insulate, insulate, insulate, contain,

contain, contain, backup, backup, backup is your solution to the problem – if you do that, you’ll

be running. The satellites, by the way the satellite dish, satellite dishes, they come, I personally

use an 8-foot dish, I have an older, old Ma Bell 25-foot dish, but I mean the 8-foot dishes are

nice, a lot of companies make them. The dish is fine, we found that the dish doesn’t degrade in

any way.

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By the way, keep the spare wire, there is some question of the wire even though it’s a shielded

cable – buy a high-quality shielded cable, throw a roll in your Faraday cage, it costs nothing, be

smart. The LMBs, gone with the wind, they don’t last long, but the feeder wires last, the

receivers are gone, have the cable spare and then have the buck package, it’s always nice, and

the polar rotor, all that, for horizontal, vertical, keep that in there. The jacks that move your dish

are very cheap, and the control, so just get, just get a whole generation and put it away. You

should be on a satellite dish anyway. A lot of TV up there, subscriptions are cheap, you’ve got

Hot Bird out of Europe that in some places in the United States with a big enough dish you can

get your sweaty palms on it, and that system is going to work.

So what I am saying to you is that a lot of the satellites that are in orbit above the equator will

not be affected. So the earth stations will, but remember there are a lot of people with earth

stations and a lot of people that want to rent earth station services that will bring back the

satellites very quickly. If every earth station in America is gone, in a matter of a week or two

those guys will swing those dishes in Europe and in other places and on the islands and bring it

right back online. Remember, the Hawaiian stations will survive.

By the way, a lot of earth stations are located in Hawaii, I just thought I’d mention that to you so

you know. It’s the domestic stuff, it’s stuff in the good old continental United States that’s going

to be tapioca rice cake fried chicken, crispy critter crunchy burned out.

As you can see, this first section with electronics, backup, backup, backup, insulation,

insulation, insulation, that’s your key. The beauty is that things have gotten so inexpensive, the

problem is they’re very fragile.

By the way, little stashes of electric motors and little pumps and water pumps and pumps for

your hydroponic gardens and spare lights for the systems and all that make a lot of sense. So

anything that’s electrical.

Why play the lottery? Maybe a ballast transformer will survive, some say yes, some say no, LED

lights are gone, the old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs are a pretty sturdy breed.

We had talked about recommending that you get radios and appliances with old tubes in it, CRT

computer screens and that kind of stuff – you decide, but the Faraday cage is robust enough to

save this stuff. Now the basic rule is, if it’s got vacuum tubes and it’s a hardwired chassis

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without all this modern integrated circuits and transistors, it will stand a much better chance. The

Russian military, and I know what I’m talking about, still uses vacuum tubes. Their bombers can

run with no electronics whatsoever. Our jet planes need fly-by-wire and controls on the jet

engines and everything else, they will not even be able to take off from the ground.

The Russians – let me tell you something, for 50 years the Russians were preparing for an EMP

attack and all their systems are hardened and everything is a mechanical-hydraulic device.

They do not rely upon all electronics for their submarines and many other systems. And we

used to laugh at them because they’re primitive, and I’ve been onboard their submarines and

I’ve been into their electronics, and there’s nothing primitive about it. They are hardened

systems that will last.

By the way, we buy electric circuits and transistors from the damned Chinese ok? So protect,

protect, protect, harden, harden, harden, the Faraday cage and you now know how to test it. By

the way, we can give you much more complicated ways of doing things, but you don’t need

complicated, you need something that’s cheap, efficient and rock-solid and works.

Anyway, my pleasure.