THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JUNE 8, 2007 721 PART I/PARTIE I TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIÈRES PART I/PARTIE I The Saskatchewan Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN’S PRINTER/PUBLIÉE CHAQUE SEMAINE SOUS L’AUTORITÉ DE L’IMPRIMEUR DE LA REINE SPECIAL DAYS/JOURS SPÉCIAUX .............................. 722 APPOINTMENTS/NOMINATIONS ................................ 722 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED/ LOIS NON ENCORE PROCLAMÉES ......................... 722 ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR SUR SANCTION .............. 724 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC DATES/LOIS EN VIGUEUR À DES DATES PRÉCISES ................ 725 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC EVENTS/ LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR À DES OCCURRENCES PARTICULIÈRES ................. 725 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2007) ..... 726 ORDER IN COUNCIL/DÉCRET ...................................... 726 The Forest Resources Management Act ................................ 726 BOARD ORDERS/ORDONNANCES DES CONSEILS, COMMISSIONS, RÉGIES ....................... 731 The Assessment Management Agency Act ............................ 731 MINISTER’S ORDERS/ARRÊTÉS MINISTÉRIEL ..... 734 The Municipalities Act .......................................................... 734 Volume 103 REGINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2007/REGINA, VENDREDI, 8 JUIN 2007 No. 23/nº 23 CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES/AVIS DE LA DIRECTION DES CORPORATIONS ............ 735 The Business Corporations Act ............................................. 735 The Business Names Registration Act ................................. 741 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/ Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ................... 745 PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ............................... 745 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997/ Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard ....................................... 745 The Change of Name Act, 1995/ Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom ............................. 745 Highway Traffic Board .......................................................... 746 The Municipalities Act .......................................................... 747 The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ........................................ 747 RULES OF COURT/RÈGLES DE PROCÉDURE ......... 748 Court of Queen’s Bench (Chamber Sittings) ....................... 748 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN/ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA SASKATCHEWAN ................. 749 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/ AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS ............................................ 749 THIS ISSUE HAS NO PART III (REGULATIONS)/CE NUMÉRO NE CONTIENT PAS DE PARTIE III (RÈGLEMENTS) PART II/PARTIE II SR 41/2007 The Parks Amendment Regulations, 2007 ........................................................................................................................ 271 SR 42/2007 The Adoption Amendment Regulations, 2007 ................................................................................................................... 282


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SPECIAL DAYS/JOURS SPÉCIAUX .............................. 722

APPOINTMENTS/NOMINATIONS ................................ 722






ORDER IN COUNCIL/DÉCRET ...................................... 726

The Forest Resources Management Act ................................ 726


The Assessment Management Agency Act ............................ 731


The Municipalities Act .......................................................... 734

Volume 103 REGINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2007/REGINA, VENDREDI, 8 JUIN 2007 No. 23/nº 23


The Business Corporations Act ............................................. 735

The Business Names Registration Act ................................. 741

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ................... 745

PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ............................... 745The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997/

Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissonsalcoolisées et des jeux de hasard ....................................... 745

The Change of Name Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom............................. 745

Highway Traffic Board .......................................................... 746

The Municipalities Act .......................................................... 747

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ........................................ 747


Court of Queen’s Bench (Chamber Sittings) ....................... 748


NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS ............................................ 749




SR 41/2007 The Parks Amendment Regulations, 2007 ........................................................................................................................ 271

SR 42/2007 The Adoption Amendment Regulations, 2007 ................................................................................................................... 282

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Title/ Chapter/Titre: Chapitre:

The Alcohol and Gaming RegulationAmendment Act, 2005, S.S 2005/Loi de 2005modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation desboissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2005Assented to May 27, 2005, portions of clause 3(a),clause 3(b), sections 4, 15 to 22, clauses 24(a), (b)and (d), sections 26 and 27 not yet proclaimed 3

The Assessment Management AgencyAmendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 19

The Certified Management Accountants Act, S.S. 2000Assented to June 21, 2000 C-4.111

The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003,S.S. 2003Assented to June 27, 2003 17

The Cities Amendment Act, 2007Assented to May 17, 2007, sections 5and 17 to 26 not yet proclaimed 20

The Class Actions Amendment Act, 2007/Loi de 2007 modifiant la Loi sur lesrecours collectifs, S.S. 2007Assented May 17, 2007 21

The Community Cablecasters Act, R.S.S. 1978Assented to May 10, 1977 C-17

The Consumer Protection Amendment Act, 2006Assented to May 19, 2006 15

The Court Security Act, S.S. 2007Assented to March 21, 2007 C-43.11

The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v)and (aaa), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VIand XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), andsubsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed C-45.2

The Crown Minerals Amendment Act, 2007,S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 23

The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act,S.S. 1998/ Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécutionde jugements, L.S. 1998Assented to June 11, 1998 E-9.13

The Film and Video ClassificationAmendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006Assented to May 19, 2006 20

The Forest Resource ManagementAmendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003Assented to June 27, 2003

The Freehold Oil and Gas ProductionAmendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 26

The Gunshot and Stab WoundsMandatory Reporting Act, S.S. 2007Assented to March 21, 2007 G-9.1

The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2)and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed H-0.021

The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13,subsections 37(8) and (9) not yet proclaimed H-3.01

The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002,S.S. 2002Assented to June 20, 2002 20


The following week has been designated by the Minister of Healthas:

“National Blood Donor Week” in Saskatchewan, June 11to 16, 2007.




The following Designation of Qualified Technician notice,published in the May 18, 2007 issue of The SaskatchewanGazette, is hereby republished in its corrected format:

I, Doug Moen, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General, pursuantto subsection 254(1) of the Criminal Code (Canada), herebydesignate as being qualified to operate an approved instrument, theIntoxilyzer 5000C, and therefore “qualified technician” in respect ofbreath samples, the following person:

Saskatoon Police Service —

Lynette Marie Parenteau________

I, Doug Moen, Q.C., Deputy Attorney General, pursuantto subsection 254(1) of the Criminal Code (Canada), herebydesignate as being qualified to operate an approved instrument, theIntoxilyzer 5000C, and therefore “qualified technician” in respect ofbreath samples, the following person:

R.C.M. Police —

Kristy Marie Fines

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, May 23, 2007.


Doug Moen, Q.C.,Deputy Minister of Justice and

Deputy Attorney General for theProvince of Saskatchewan.




Title/ Chapter/Titre: Chapitre:

The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act,S.S. 1995Assented to May 18, 1995 A-1.1

The Alcohol and Gaming RegulationAmendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002Assented to July 10, 2002, sections 3, 4, 7 and 8,subsection 13(1) and sections 14 to 23not yet proclaimed 41

The Alcohol and Gaming RegulationAmendment Act, 2002 (No. 2), S.S. 2002 /Loi de 2002 (n°2) modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur laréglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeuxde hasard, L.S. 2002Assented to July 10, 2002, sections 3, 4, 7, 22to 27 and clauses 28(g) and (l) not yet proclaimed 42

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Title/ Chapter/Titre: Chapitre:

The International Interests in Mobile AircraftEquipment Act, S.S. 2007/Loi sur les garantiesinternationales portant sur des matérielsd’équipement aéronautiques mobiles, L.S. 2007Assented to March 21, 2007 I-10.201

The International Protection of Adults(Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Hayesur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005Assented to May 27, 2005 I-10.21

The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IVand VII not yet proclaimed L-4.1

The Land Titles Act, 2000, S.S. 2000Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 51 and 151 andsubsection 167(2) not yet proclaimed L-5.1

The Medical Radiation Technologists Act, 2006, S.S. 2006Assented to May 19, 2006 M-10.3

The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to 7(5),sections 8 to 10, sections 18 to 43, section 47 and 49not yet proclaimed M-14.1

The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (RegulatoryReform) Act, 2004, S.S. 2004Assented to November 30, 2004, section 3not yet proclaimed 61

The Mortgage Brokerages and MortgageAdministrators Act, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 M-20.1

The Occupational Health and Safety(Harassment Prevention)Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 34

The Oil and Gas Conservation AmendmentAct, 2001, S.S. 2001Assented to June 28, 2001, sections 1 to 5, 7to 9, 11, 13 and 15 to 17 not yet proclaimed 26

The Paramedics ActAssented to May 17, 2007, sections 1 to 53,and 55 to 57 not yet proclaimed P-0.1

The Payday Loans Act, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 P-4.3

The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o)not yet proclaimed P-14.1

The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15not yet proclaimed 30

The Powers of Attorney AmendmentAct, 2004, S.S. 2004/Loi de 2004 modifiant laLoi de 2002 sur les procurations, L.S. 2004Assented to June 10, 2004. That portion of section 14which enacts clauses 16(1)(b) and (c) of The Powersof Attorney Act, 2002 not yet proclaimed 21

The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4not yet proclaimed 22

The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994Assented to June 2, 1994,subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed P-37.1

Title/ Chapter/Titre: Chapitre:

The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7not yet proclaimed 46

The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001Assented to June 28, 2001, section 18 andsubsections 22(3), (8), (9) and (11) to (14)not yet proclaimed 33

The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002Assented to July 10, 2002, subsections 3(4)and (5), 65(1) and (3), clause 77(2)(f), section 88,clauses 95(b) and 97(3)(b), subsections 99(1) and (4),section 105, subsections 114(1), (5) and (7),sections 115, 120 and 123 not yet proclaimed R-8.2

The Regional Health ServicesAmendment Act, 2006 (No. 2)Assented to May 17, 2007 36

The Respiratory Therapists Act, S.S. 2006Assented to May 19, 2006 R-22.0002

The Saskatchewan Gaming CorporationAmendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 38

The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003,S.S. 2003Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c)and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repealsclauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff),(kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The SaskatchewanInsurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4,subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39,clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c)which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The SaskatchewanInsurance Act not yet proclaimed 38

The Saskatchewan Natural Resources TransferAgreement (Treaty Land Entitlement)Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001Assented to June 28, 2001 41

The Securities AmendmentAct, 2006 (No. 2), S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 41

The Securities Transfer Act, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 S-42.3

The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004Assented to June 17, 2004, clauses 8(1)(a)and 8(2)(a) not yet proclaimed 51

The Tobacco Damages and Health CareCosts Recovery Act, S.S. 2007Assented to April 26, 2007 T-14.2

The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006Assented to April 27, 2006, clauses 4(a)and 6(a) not yet proclaimed 9

The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997, sections 35 to 40,clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed T-22.2

The Trust and Loan Corporations Amendment Act, 1996,S.S. 1996Assented to June 25, 1996 66

The Vehicle AdministrationAmendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002Assented to June 20, 2002, sections 8and 11 not yet proclaimed 25

The Vehicle AdministrationAmendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004Assented to June 10, 2004, sections 11, 16 and 24not yet proclaimed 32

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Title/ Bill/ Chapter/Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Film Employment Tax CreditAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to March 21, 2007) 27 3

The Fuel Tax Accountability Act(Assented to April 26, 2007) 3 F-23.01

The Graduate Tax Exemption Act(Assented to May 17, 2007retroactive and deemed in forceon and from January 1, 2007) 64 G-5.2

The Hotels Association ofSaskatchewan Amendment Act(Assented to April 26, 2007) 302 01

The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007sections 3 to 7 retroactive toJanuary 1, 2007. Sections 8 to 9retroactive to January 1, 2006.Sections 10 and 11 retroactiveto April 7, 2006) 65 27

The Labour StandardsAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to April 26, 2007) 54 14

The Land Surveyors and ProfessionalSurveyors Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to March 21, 2007) 30 4

The Legal ProfessionAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to March 21, 2007) 22 5

The Legislative Assembly andExecutive Council Act, 2007/Loide 2007 sur l’Assemblée législativeet le Conseil exécutif(Assented to March 21, 2007) 25 L-11.3

The LimitationsAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007) 10 28

The Martensville ConstituencyBy-election Act(Assented to March 7, 2007) 42 1

The Miscellaneous EnvironmentStatutes (Inspections andInvestigations)Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007) 53 29

The Miscellaneous Statutes(Municipal Collection ofOther Taxes) Amendment Act, 2006(Assented to May 17, 2007,subsection 2(4), section 3,subsections 5(3) to (5), (7)and (8), and subsections 6(3),(4) and 6 retroactive toJanuary 1, 2008) 17 30

The Municipal Employees’ PensionAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007) 50 31

The Municipal FinancingCorporation Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to April 26, 2007) 15 15

Title/ Chapter/Titre: Chapitre:

The Vital Statistics Act, 2007, S.S. 2007Assented to May 17, 2007 V-7.2

The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 1998,S.S. 1998/ Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur lesservices de l’état civil, L.S. 1998Assented to June 11, 1998 44

Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is notcomprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tablesof Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Pleaserefer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additionalinformation regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Forcedates for the Statutes listed above. / Le présent tableau a pour butde faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonctionavec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Tables of SaskatchewanStatutes) publié par l’Imprimeur de la Reine. Veuillez vous référeraux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amplesrenseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée envigueur des lois susmentionnées.




Title/ Bill/ Chapter/Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Agricultural SocietiesRepeal Act(Assented to May 17, 2007) 45 17

The Alcohol and Gaming RegulationAmendment Act, 2007/Loi de 2007modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur laréglementation des boissonsalcoolisées et des jeux de hasard(Assented to March 27, 2007) 24 10

The Appropriation Act, 2007 (No. 1)(Assented to March 21, 2007) 55 2

The Appropriation Act, 2007 (No. 2)(Assented to April 26, 2007) 67 12

The Appropriation Act, 2007 (No. 3)(Assented May 17, 2007) 69 18

The Cities Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007,sections 1 to 4, 6 to 16and 27 to 34) 28 20

The Court of AppealAmendment Act, 2006/Loi de 2006 modifiant la Loide 2000 sur la Cour d’appel(Assented May 17, 2007) 37 22

The Environmental Management andProtection Amendment Act, 2007(Assented April 26, 2007) 14 13

The Eston College (Full Gospel BibleInstitute Amendment) Act(Assented May 17, 2007) 301 02

The Evidence Amendment Act, 2007/Loi de 2007 modifiant la Loisur la preuve(Assented May 17, 2007) 21 24

The Fatal AccidentsAmendment Act, 2007(Assented May 17, 2007) 47 25

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Title/ Bill/ Chapter/Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Municipal Revenue SharingAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007,retroactive and is deemed tohave been in force on andfrom April 7, 2007) 58 33

The MunicipalitiesAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007,sections 11, 12 and 26retroactive to January 1, 2007) 56 32

The Paramedics Act(Assented to May 17, 2007,section 54) 8 P-0.1

The Planning andDevelopment Act, 2007(Assented to March 21, 2007) 12 P-13.2

The Public Employees Pension PlanAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007) 51 35

The Public HealthAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to March 21, 2007) 7 8

The Revenue and Financial ServicesAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007,sections 1 to 3, 6 to 9) 60 37

The Royal Saskatchewan Museum Act(Assented to May 17, 2007) 63 R-23.01

The Saskatchewan Institute of AppliedScience and TechnologyAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to March 21, 2007) 33 9

The SaskEnergy Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007) 13 40

The Superannuation (SupplementaryProvisions) Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to March 27, 2007) 32 11

The Wildlife Amendment Act, 2007/Loi de 2007 modifiant la Loide 1998 sur la faune(Assented to May 17, 2007) 52 43

The Wildlife Habitat ProtectionAmendment Act, 2007 (No. 2)(Assented to May 17, 2007) 38 44

The Youth Drug Detoxification andStabilization Amendment Act, 2007(Assented to April 26, 2007) 6 16




Title/ Bill/ Chapter/Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Assessment Management AgencyAmendment Act, 2006(Assented to April 27, 2006)(Specific Date: subsections 6(1),7(1) and 7(2), effectiveJanuary 1, 2009) 4 2

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre:

The Cities Amendment Act, 2006(Assented to April 27, 2006)(Specific Date: clause 3(a),sections 13 and 14,subsections 15(1), (2), (4) and (7),sections 16, 17 and 19, clause 31(b),sections 38 and 39, subsection 40(2)and sections 42 and 50, effectiveJanuary 1, 2009) 5 4

The Miscellaneous Statutes(Municipal Collection ofOther Taxes) Amendment Act, 2006(Assented to May 17, 2007)(Specific Date: subsection 2(4),section 3, subsections 5(3) to (5),(7) and (8), and subsections 6(3),(4) and 6 effectiveJanuary 1, 2008) 17 30

The MunicipalitiesAmendment Act, 2006(Assented to April 27, 2006)(Specific Date: clauses 3(a)and 15(a) and (c), section 16,subsections 17(1), (3) and (6),sections 18, 19, 21, 30, 36 and 37,and subsections 38(2) and 40(2),effective January 1, 2009) 6 7

The Revenue and Financial ServicesAmendment Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007)(Specific Date: sections 4 and 5 ofthis act come into force onJuly 1, 2007) 60 37

The Saskatchewan Human RightsCode Amendment Act, 2006(Assented to May 17, 2007)(Specific Date: November 17, 2007) 9 39




Title/ Chapter/Titre: Chapitre:

The Oil and Gas Conservation Amendment Act, 2006(Assented to March 21, 2007)(Specific Event: on the coming into force ofsection 13 of The Oil and Gas ConservationAmendment Act, 2001) 7

The Vital Statistics ConsequentialAmendment Act, 2007 / Loi de 2007portant modifications corrélatives à la loiintitulée The Vital Statistics Act, 2007(Assented to May 17, 2007)(Specific Event: on the coming into forceof section 1 of The Vital Statistics Act, 2007) 42

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The following proclamations have been issued that are effective onor after January 1, 2007:

The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act, 1999, S.S. 1999, cB-5.1.Proclaimed in force January 1, 2007.

The Cancer Agency Act, S.S. 2006, cC-1.1. Proclaimed in forceJanuary 2, 2007.

The Labour Market Commission Act, S.S. 2006, cL-0.11.Proclaimed in force February 7, 2007.

The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999, cM-14.1. Sections 1 to 6,subsection 7(1), sections 11 to 17, sections 44 to 46, section 48 andsections 50 to 52 proclaimed in force February 23, 2007.

The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003, cP-14.1. All portions, exceptclauses 14(2)(n) and (o) proclaimed in force February 2, 2007.

The Reclaimed Industrial Sites Act, S.S. 2006, cR-4.21.Proclaimed in force March 1, 2007.

The Regional Health Services Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006,c32. Proclaimed in force January 2, 2007.

The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, S.S. 2006, cR-22.0001.Proclaimed in force March 1, 2007.

*Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first timeis indicated in bold print. / Une loi proclamée qui figure pour lapremière fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras.



The Forest Resources Management Act________

[O.C. 382/2007]30 MAY 2007

TO THE HONOURABLETHE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCILThe undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Subsection 4(5) of The Crown Resource Lands Regulationsprovides as follows:

4(5) Not withstanding any other provision in theseregulations, for the purposes of satisfying or discharging anyobligation or undertaking of the Government of Saskatchewanpursuant to a Framework Agreement as defined in The TreatyLand Entitlement Implementation Act, the minister may sellCrown resource land on those terms and conditions that theminister considers necessary.

2 Section 3 of The Forest Resources Management Regulationsprovides, in part, as follows:

3(2) The minister may withdraw land from a provincialforest with the written approval of the Lieutenant Governor inCouncil.

(3) Where land is withdrawn from a provincial forest by theminister:

(a) the written approval of the Lieutenant Governor inCouncil and the reasons for withdrawing the land are to bepublished in the Gazette; and

(b) the areas described in Part III are deemed to beamended accordingly.

3 The land to be removed from a provincial forest has been soldto Entitlement Bands within the meaning of the FrameworkAgreement or Cabinet has approved the exchange of land.

4 It is desirable and in the public interest to authorize theMinister of Environment, on behalf of the Government ofSaskatchewan, to withdraw the land identified in Schedule “A”,from a provincial forest as the land is no longer under theadministration of the Province of Saskatchewan.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend thatYour Honour’s Order do issue, pursuant to section 4 of The CrownResource Lands Regulations and section 3 of The Forest ResourcesManagement Regulations, authorizing the Minister of Environment,on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, to withdraw the landidentified in Schedule “A”, from a provincial forest as the land is nolonger under the administration of the Province of Saskatchewan.


John T. Nilson,Minister of Environment.


John T. Nilson,Acting President of the Executive Council.


Gordon Barnhart,Lieutenant Governor.

REGINA, Saskatchewan.________

SCHEDULE “A”to OC 382/2007

PROVINCIAL FOREST LAND WITHDRAWALThe following land is hereby removed from Part III of the Appendix

under The Forest Resources Management Regulations:

First NationTLE Number Land Description

Lac La Ronge Surface Parcels 153828636, 153828647700.016 and 153828625, being the whole of the

respective Parcels E, F and G respectively,shown on the Plan of Survey of record in theCanada Lands Surveys Records asNo. 89470 and of record in the SaskatchewanLand Surveys Directory as No. 101851343,together containing 130.51 hectares(322.5 acres), more or less.

Birch Narrows Surface Parcels 153958887 and 153958898,700.020 being the whole of the respective Parcels A

and B shown on a Plan of Survey of record inthe Canada Lands Surveys Records asNo. 89655 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 101851332,containing in Parcel A 107.54 hectares(265.73 acres) more or less and in Parcel B101.30 hectares (250.31 acres) more or less.

Saulteaux In Township 53, in Range 16, West of the824.011 Third Meridian, in the Province of

Saskatchewan, Dominion of Canada:

FIRSTLY, in Section 4

Surface Parcels No. 128711325, 128690354,128690310 and 128690332 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South East and South West Quarters, eachcontaining 64.750 hectares (160 acres) moreor less.

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First NationTLE Number Land Description

SECONDLY, in Section 5

Surface Parcels No. 128690411, 128690398,128690376 and 128644982 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South West Quarters and that portion of theSouth East Quarter that lies to the North ofthe Northern limit of the road right of wayshown on the Plan of Survey of record in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 101060299 (01B11966), containing in eachof the North East, North West andSouth West Quarters 64.750 hectares(160 acres) more or less and in the portion ofthe South East Quarter 62.074 hectares(153.39 acres) more or less.

THIRDLY, in Section 6

Surface Parcels No. 128690488, 128690455,128690433 and 128711347 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South West Quarters and that portion of theSouth East Quarter that lies outside thelimits of the Public Improvement shown onthe Plan of Survey of record in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100342279 (67B00519), containing in eachof the North East, North West andSouth West Quarters 64.750 hectares(160 acres) more or less andin the portion of the South East Quarter61.626 hectares (152.28 acres) more or less.

FOURTHLY, in Section 7

Surface Parcels No. 128690545, 128690501,128690523 and 128711370 being the whole ofthe respective North East and South EastQuarters and those portions of theNorth West and South West Quarters that lieto the East of the Eastern limit of the roadright of way shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100349153 (76B11968),containing in each of the North East, andSouth East Quarters 64.750 hectares(160 acres) more or less, in the portion of theNorth West Quarter 62.929 hectares(155.5 acres) more or less and in the portionof the South West Quarter 63.924 hectares(157.96 acres) more or less.

FIFTHLY, in Section 8

Surface Parcels No. 128690613, 128690590,128690567 and 128711392 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South East and South West Quarters, eachcontaining 64.750 hectares (160 acres) moreor less. FYI: Parcel 128690590 is beingretained by the province but is being removedfrom the forest due to the isolation of thatquarter section from the rest of the forest.The land has already been removed from theFMA.

First NationTLE Number Land Description

SIXTHLY, in Section 9

Surface Parcels No. 128690679, 128690657,128690635 and 128711415 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South East and South West Quarters, eachcontaining 64.750 hectares (160 acres) moreor less.

SEVENTHLY, in Section 16

Surface Parcels No. 128711572, 128691063,128691030 and 128691052 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South East and South West Quarters, eachcontaining 64.750 hectares (160 acres) moreor less.

EIGHTHLY, in Section 17

Surface Parcels No. 128711594, 128691119,128691085 and 128691096 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South East and South West Quarters, eachcontaining 64.750 hectares (160 acres) moreor less.

NINTHLY, in Section 18

Surface Parcels No. 128691164, 128691120,128691142 and 128691131 being the whole ofthe respective North East and South EastQuarters, and those portions of theNorth West and South West Quarters that lieto the East of the Eastern limit of the roadright of way shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100349153 (76B11968),containing in each of the North East andSouth East Quarters 64.750 hectares(160 acres) more or less and in the portion ofthe North West Quarter 62.905 hectares(155.44 acres) more or less and in the portionof the South West Quarter 62.925 hectares(155.49 acres) more or less.

TENTHLY, in Section 19

Surface Parcels No. 128691232, 128711617,128691209 and 128691186 being the whole ofthe respective North East and South EastQuarters and those portions of theNorth West and South West Quarters that lieto the East of the Eastern limit of the roadright of way shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100349153 (76B11968),containing in each of the North East andSouth East Quarters 64.750 hectares(160 acres) more or less and in the portion ofthe North West Quarter 62.913 hectares(155.46 acres) more or less and in the portionof the South West Quarter 62.905 hectares(155.44 acres) more or less.

ELEVENTHLY, in Section 20

Surface Parcels No. 128691298, 128691276,128711639 and 128691254 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South East and South West Quarters, eachcontaining 64.750 hectares (160 acres) moreor less.

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First NationTLE Number Land Description

TWELFTHLY, in Section 21

Surface Parcels No. 128711145, 128688115,128711651 and 128691311 being the whole ofthe respective North East, North West,South East and South West Quarters, eachcontaining 64.750 hectares (160 acres) moreor less.

Canoe Lake Surface Parcels 150502407, 152845869,801.010.2 152845881, 152845870 and 150502429

adjacent to Keeley Lake, Saskatchewan, atapproximate Latitude 54º54' and Longitude108º13', being the whole of the respectiveParcels A, B and C, shown on thePlan of Survey of record in the Canada LandsSurveys Records, as No. 79713 and of recordin the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100239768 (Plan 97B03863),containing in parcel A 2,190.361 hectares(5,412.5 acres) more or less, in Parcel B3,134.222 hectares (7,744.83 acres) more orless, in Parcel D 68.481 hectares (170.11 acres)more or less.

Canoe Lake Surface Parcel No. 131681493 near Kyle Lake,801.010.5 Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude

55º11'56" and Longitude 108º04'40" inprojected Township 97, being the whole ofParcel A, shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Canada Lands Surveys Recordsas No. 85571 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 100279223(99B18894), containing 1,503 hectares(3,714 acres) more or less.

English River Surface Parcel No. 129294344 at Cree Lake,802.011.2 Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude

57º24' and Longitude 107º03' in projectedTownship 97, in Ranges 7 and 8, West of theThird Meridian, being the whole of Parcel A,shown on the Plan of Survey of record in theCanada Lands Surveys Records as No. 66387and in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100527599 (79B17157 asamended by Master of Titles OrderNo. 96B15553), containing 1,607.4 hectares(3,972.0 acres) more or less.

English River Surface Parcel No. 129186197 being an802.013 island in Porter Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 56º20'03" andLongitude 107º19'54", being the whole ofParcel A, shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Canada Lands Surveys Recordsas No. 79157 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 100233324(96B13442), containing 42.93 hectares(106.0 acres) more or less.

English River Surface Parcel No. 134952509 at Knee Lake,802.014 Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude

55º52'50" and Longitude 106º45'17", beingthe whole of Parcel A, shown on the Plan ofSurvey of record in the Canada LandsSurveys Records as No. 80996 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100244472 (97PA19246), containing1,254.52 hectares (3,099.99 acres) more orless.

First NationTLE Number Land Description

English River Surface Parcel No. 129204974 at Knee Lake,802.015 Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude

55º52'00" and Longitude 107º01'40", beingthe whole of Parcel B, shown on the Plan ofSurvey of record in the Canada LandsSurveys Records as No. 81036 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100244483 (97B17964), containing386.54 hectares (955.16 acres) more or less

English River Surface Parcel No. 129204985 at Dipper802.016 Rapids at Dipper Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 55º54'59" andLongitude 107º23'14", being the whole ofParcel C, shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Canada Lands Surveys Recordsas No. 80997 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 100244494(97B17963), containing 753.62 hectares(1,862.24 acres) more or less.

English River Surface Parcel No. 129205009 at Shagwenaw802.017 Lake, Saskatchewan, at approximate

Latitude 55º56'06" and Longitude 107º44'17",being the whole of Parcel D, shown on thePlan of Survey of record in the Canada LandsSurveys Records as No. 80995 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100244506 (97B17965), containing1,580.18 hectares (3,904.71 acres) more orless.

English River Surface Parcels 129294265 and 129294287 at802.018 Cree Lake, Saskatchewan, at approximate802.021 Latitude 57º21' and Longitude 107º07', being

the whole of the respective Parcels B and C,shown on the Plan of Survey of record in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100356948 (71B03027), containing inParcel B 29.46 hectares (72.8 acres) more orless and in Parcel C 385.355 hectares(952.2 acres) more or less.

Surface Parcels 153975965, 153975976 and149648743 at Cree Lake, Saskatchewan, atapproximate Latitude 57º21' and Longitude107º07', being the whole of the respectiveParcels E and F, shown on the Plan of Surveyof record in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 101445342, containing inParcel E 1,071.69 hectares (2,648.11 acres)more or less and in Parcel F .19 hectares (.47acres) more or less.

English River Surface Parcel No. 153757345, on the shore of802.023 Barkwell Bay on Cree Lake, Saskatchewan,

at approximate Latitude 57º36' andLongitude 106º04', being the whole ofParcel A, shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Canada Lands Surveys Recordsas No. 90580 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 101846291,containing 2,344.0 hectares (5,792 acres)more or less.

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First NationTLE Number Land Description

English River Surface Parcels 153448544 and 153448522,802.024 on the West and East shores of

Flatstone Lake, Saskatchewan, atapproximate Latitude 56º15' and Longitude107º41', being the whole of the respectiveParcels A and B, shown on the Plan of Surveyof record in the Canada Lands SurveysRecords as No. 90578 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 101844457, containing in Parcel A120.6 hectares (298.0 acres) more or less andin Parcel B 109.9 hectares (271.6 acres) moreor less.

English River Surface Parcel No. 153739637, on the shore of802.025 Haultain Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 56º49'15" andLongitude 106º17'45", being the whole ofParcel A, shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Canada Lands Surveys Recordsas No. 90579 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 101844479,containing 201.2 hectares (497.2 acres)more or less.

Pelican Lake Surface Parcels No. 147300410 and819.008 147300881, being the whole of the respective819.011 Parcels A and B in Projected Townships 56819.014 and 57, in Range 12, West of the Third819.047 Meridian, Saskatchewan, shown on the Plan

of Survey of record in the Canada LandsSurveys Records as No. 85961 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100271719, containing in Parcel A,899.23 hectares (2,222.05 acres) more or lessand in Parcel B, 2,244.20 hectares(5,545.54 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 148042302 and 148042313820.031.9 near Deep Bay on Reindeer Lake,

Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude56º22' and Longitude 103º09', being the wholeof the respective Parcels A and B, shown onthe Plan of Survey of record in the CanadaLands Surveys Records as No. 82074 and inthe Saskatchewan Land Surveys Directoryas No. 100257982 (98PA14998), containing inParcel A 4,004.2 hectares (9,894.59 acres)more or less and in Parcel B 10.2 hectares(25.21 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 152331847 and 152331858820.033.2 near Clark’s Point, Deschambault Lake,

Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude54º43' and Longitude 103º28', being the wholeof the respective Parcels A and B, shown onthe Plan of Survey of record in the CanadaLands Surveys Records as No. 81126 and inthe Saskatchewan Land Surveys Directoryas No. 100233829 (96PA17347), containing inParcel A 2,590 hectares (6,400 acres) more orless and in Parcel B 286 hectares (707 acres)more or less.

First NationTLE Number Land Description

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 148046328, near820.033.9 Ballantyne Bay on Deschambault Lake,

Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude54º40' and Longitude 103º42', being the wholeof Parcel A, shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Canada Lands Surveys Recordsas No. 84503 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 100279155(99PA22285), containing 2,606.31 hectares(6,440.33 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 135550414 and 135550425820.033.11 adjacent to Amisk Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 54º26'15" andLongitude 102º10'27", being the whole of therespective Parcels AA and AB, shown on thePlan of Survey of record in the Canada LandsSurveys Records as No. 84086 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100233829 (96PA17531), containing inParcel AA 403.5 hectares (997.07 acres) moreor less and in Parcel AB 17.3 hectares(42.75 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 147781299, 147781301 and820.034 147781312 adjacent to Reindeer Lake and

near Southend, Saskatchewan, atapproximate Latitude 56º19'30" andLongitude 103º15'06", being the whole of therespective Parcels D, E and F, shown on thePlan of Survey of record in the SaskatchewanLand Surveys Directory as No. 100280731,containing in Parcel D 37.42 hectares(92.46 acres) more or less, in Parcel E31.00 hectares (76.60 acres) more or less andin Parcel F 200.56 hectares (495.58 acres)more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 150190343, near820.035.1 Pelican Narrows, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 55º08'46" andLongitude 102º55'47", being the whole ofParcel AM, shown on the Plan of Survey ofrecord in the Canada Lands Surveys Recordsas No. 81127 and in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 100239533(97PA04599), containing 1,678.2 hectares(4,146.92 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 134992187, 134994291 and820.040 134994280 adjacent to Deschambault Lake,

Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude54º54'29" and Longitude 103º22'06", beingthe whole of the respective Parcels X, Y and Z,shown on the Plan of Survey of record in theCanada Lands Surveys Records as No. 81128and in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100235236 (96PA21299),containing in Parcel X 680.0 hectares(1,680.3 acres) more or less, in Parcel Y81.5 hectares (201.4 acres) more or less and inParcel Z 1.5 hectares (3.7 acres) more or less.

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First NationTLE Number Land Description

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 149117104 and 149117115 at820.042 Pelican Junction, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 54º49' and Longitude102º47', being the whole of the respectiveParcels A and B, shown on the Plan of Surveyof record in the Canada Lands SurveysRecords as No. 84610 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100290563 (00PA16116), containing inParcel A 217.57 hectares (537.63 acres) moreor less and in Parcel B 39.97 hectares(98.77 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 148915817, on the shore of820.045 Sokatisewin Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 55º25' and Longitude102º28'30", being the whole of Parcel A2,shown on the Plan of Survey of record in theCanada Lands Surveys Records as No. 84274and in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100278952 (99PA22557),containing 22.87 hectares (56.51 acres)more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 148042155, on the shore of820.048 Tocher Lake, Saskatchewan, at approximate

Latitude 55º21' and Longitude 102º17', beingthe whole of Parcel K, shown on the Plan ofSurvey of record in the Canada LandsSurveys Records as No. 84273 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100277096 (99PA18883), containing 92.99hectares (229.78 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 153339611, 153339633,820.058 153339644 and 153339622 adjacent to

Deep Bay at Reindeer Lake, Saskatchewan,at approximate Latitude 56º21' andLongitude 102º55', being the whole of therespective Parcels C, D, E and F, shown onthe Plan of Survey of record in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 101834883, containing in Parcel C2,222.6 hectares (5,491.97 acres) more or less,in Parcel D 70.70 hectares (174.70 acres)more or less, in Parcel E .30 hectares(.74 acres) more or less and in Parcel F25.40 hectares (62.76 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 135463664, on the shore of820.065 Deschambault Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 54º55' and Longitude103º22'30", being the whole of Parcel W, shownon the Plan of Survey of record in the CanadaLands Surveys Records as No. 77757 and inthe Saskatchewan Land Surveys Directoryas No. 100220724 (95PA15329), containing3.334 hectares (8.24 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 148042021, on the shore of820.066 Kipahigan Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 55º29' and Longitude102º11', being the whole of Parcel A, shown onthe Plan of Survey of record in the CanadaLands Surveys Records as No. 84276 and inthe Saskatchewan Land Surveys Directoryas No. 100277085 (99PA18881), containing2,123.75 hectares (5,247.90 acres) more orless.

First NationTLE Number Land Description

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 151570245, on the shore820.070 of Oskotim Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 55º21' and Longitude102º28', being the whole of Parcel A, shown onthe Plan of Survey of record in the CanadaLands Surveys Records as No. 84275 and inthe Saskatchewan Land Surveys Directoryas No. 100277108 (99PA18882), containing871.47 hectares (2,153.45 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 148915806, on the shore of820.074 Sokatisewin Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 55º25' and Longitude102º28'30", being the whole of Parcel A, shownon the Plan of Survey of record in the CanadaLands Surveys Records as No. 84274 and inthe Saskatchewan Land Surveys Directoryas No. 100278952 (99PA22557), containing383.55 hectares (947.77 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 144844331 and 144844353 at820.093 Wood Lake, Saskatchewan, at approximate

Latitude 55º21' and Longitude 103º23', beingthe whole of the respective Parcels A and B,shown on the Plan of Survey of record in theCanada Lands Surveys Records as No. 85528and in the Saskatchewan Land SurveysDirectory as No. 100290530 (00PA16114),containing in Parcel A 80.61 hectares(199.19 acres) more or less and in Parcel B35.49 hectares (87.70 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 147048284 and 147048307820.096 at Birch Portage, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 54º50' and Longitude102º36', being the whole of the respectiveParcels A and B, shown on the Plan of Surveyof record in the Canada Lands SurveysRecords as No. 85783 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100290529 (00PA16102), containing inParcel A 755.31 hectares (1,866.41 acres)more or less and in Parcel B 626.47 hectares(1,548.04 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 146122613 and 146122635 at820.097 Medicine Rapids, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 55º13' and Longitude103º03', being the whole of the respectiveParcels A and B, shown on the Plan of Surveyof record in the Canada Lands SurveysRecords as No. 85782 and in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 100290541 (00PA16115), containing inParcel A 103.10 hectares (254.77 acres) moreor less and in Parcel B 77.44 hectares(191.36 acres) more or less.

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcels 153468063, 153468096 and820.100 153468041 at the junction of Highways 2 and820.115 165, Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude

54º45' and Longitude 105º38', being the wholeof the respective Parcels A, B and C, shown onthe Plan of Survey of record in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 101838438, containing in Parcel A17.79 hectares (43.96 acres) more or less, inParcel B 16.83 hectares (41.58 acres) more orless and in Parcel C 1,326.68 hectares(3,278.18 acres) more or less.

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First NationTLE Number Land Description

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel 152415312 on the shore of820.108 Reindeer Lake, Saskatchewan, at

approximate Latitude 57º05' and Longitude102º01', being the whole of the Parcel F shownon the Plan of Survey of record in theSaskatchewan Land Surveys Directory asNo. 101076083 (02PA02625), containing330.42 hectares (816.46 acres) more or less.

That portion of Surface Parcel 152415334north of the village limits of Kinoosao,Saskatchewan, at approximate Latitude57º05' and Longitude 102º01', being thenorthern half of Parcel H, shown on the Planof Survey of record in the SaskatchewanLand Surveys Directory as No. 101076083(02PA02625), containing 2.0 hectares(4.94 acres) more or less.

First NationTLE Number Land Description

Peter Ballantyne Surface Parcel No. 153309090, on the shore of820.117 Amisk Lake, Saskatchewan, at approximate

Latitude 54º38' and Longitude 102º04', beingthe whole of Parcel AR, shown on the Plan ofSurvey of record in the Saskatchewan LandSurveys Directory as No. 101833084,containing 18.95 hectares (46.82 acres)more or less.



The Assessment Management Agency Act[clause 12(1)(p)]


CERTIFICATE OF CONFIRMATION FOR THE 2005 ASSESSMENT ROLL OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIESThe Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency hereby orders that the 2005 assessment rolls of the

municipalities listed in Schedule 1 are confirmed pursuant to section 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act andsection 327(2) of The Rural Municipality Act,1989, and the Board hereby authorizes and directs the issuance of a certificate of confirmationwith respect to each of the said assessment rolls.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 25th day of May, 2007.

Craig Melvin, Chairman,Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency.

Irwin Blank, Board Secretary.__________

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CERTIFICATE OF CONFIRMATION FOR THE 2006 ASSESSMENT ROLL OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIESThe Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency hereby orders that the 2006 assessment rolls of the

municipalities listed in Schedule 1 are confirmed pursuant to section 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act andsection 258(2) of The Municipalities Act, and the Board hereby authorizes and directs the issuance of a certificate of confirmation with respectto each of the said assessment rolls.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 25th day of May, 2007.

Craig Melvin, Chairman,Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency.

Irwin Blank, Board Secretary.__________



CERTIFICATE OF CONFIRMATION FOR THE 2007 ASSESSMENT ROLL OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIESThe Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency hereby orders that the 2007 assessment rolls of the

municipalities listed in Schedule 1 are confirmed pursuant to section 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act andsection 228(2) of The Cities Act, and the Board hereby authorizes and directs the issuance of a certificate of confirmation with respect to eachof the said assessment rolls.

The Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency hereby orders that the 2007 assessment rolls of themunicipalities listed in Schedule 2 are confirmed pursuant to section 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act andsection 224(4) of The Northern Municipalities Act, and the Board hereby authorizes and directs the issuance of a certificate of confirmationwith respect to each of the said assessment rolls.

The Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency hereby orders that the 2007 assessment rolls of themunicipalities listed in Schedule 3 are confirmed pursuant to section 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act andsection 258(2) of The Municipalities Act, and the Board hereby authorizes and directs the issuance of a certificate of confirmation with respectto each of the said assessment rolls.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 25th day of May, 2007.

Craig Melvin, Chairman,Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency.

Irwin Blank, Board Secretary.__________

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The Municipalities Act[sections 53, 61, subsection 63(4) and section 66]


DISSOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF MANTARIO1 Pursuant to section 53 of The Municipalities Act, the Village of

Mantario has applied to dissolve into the Rural Municipality ofChesterfield No. 261.

2 It is deemed appropriate and in the public interest to dissolvethe Village of Mantario at this time. The undersigned, thereforeissues an Order pursuant to section 61 of The Municipalities Act to:

(a) dissolve the Village of Mantario and include its areawithin the Rural Municipality of Chesterfield No. 261;

(b) designate this area as a “special service area” for thepurpose of assigning different tax rates, applying different taxtools and providing different service levels within the RuralMunicipality of Chesterfield No. 261;

(c) confirm the designated “special service area” as beingwithin the boundaries of the former Village of Mantario;

(d) confirm any additional terms and conditions of therestructuring agreement entered into by the Village of Mantarioand the Rural Municipality of Chesterfield No. 261 as follows:

(i) a municipal council consisting of a Reeve and sevencouncillors will continue to govern the Rural Municipalityof Chesterfield No. 261, with the Village of Mantario beingdesignated a special service area for the purposes ofassigning different tax rates, applying different tax toolsto the tax levy and providing different service levels;

(ii) the designated service area being within theboundaries of the former Village of Mantario;

(iii) this agreement may only be amended by the Councilof the Rural Municipality of ChesterfieldNo. 261 under the following conditions and for the followingreasons:

(A) in the best interests of the ratepayers of thehamlet of Mantario and the Rural Municipality ofChesterfield No. 261;

(iv) the assets and liabilities of the Village of Mantarioshall become the assets and liabilities of the RuralMunicipality of Chesterfield No. 261 upon dissolution ofthe Village of Mantario;

(v) the RM of Chesterfield No. 261 will maintain servicessuch as street lights and may be changed or adjusted asrequired, with provision for input by the residents of thehamlet of Mantario;

(vi) equipment used to supply current services such asstreet maintenance and mowing will be maintained asprovided by tax revenue generated by the proposed hamletof Mantario and may be changed or adjusted as requiredby the RM of Chesterfield No. 261. Such equipment includesa 1715 Ford Tractor, 620 Farm King Mower, 72" southeastblade, 48" rototiller, which shall remain in the hamlet ofMantario;

(vii) the RM of Chesterfield will give consideration tolocal preferences when contracting services such as mowingwithin the proposed hamlet of Mantario;

(viii) well water is currently available and will bemaintained on a revenue neutral basis and may be changedor adjusted as required by the RM of Chesterfield No. 261.Currently no adjustments are required or planned;

(ix) fire service will be supplied by the RM of ChesterfieldNo. 261 and the former village ratepayers will be madeaware of their responsibility to carry sufficient individualinsurance for fire protection;

(x) the landfill currently operated by the Village ofMantario on NW 29-26-27 W3M will continue to bemaintained by the RM of Chesterfield No. 261;

(xi) all conditional and unconditional grants currentlyreceived by the Village of Mantario will be allocated to theRural Municipality of Chesterfield No. 261;

(xii) the Rural Municipality may impose special leviesfor the following purposes if required:

• renewing municipal infrastructure;

• remedying and reclaiming contaminated sites;

• settling any liabilities;

(xiii) this agreement will come into effect on the date ofdissolution as set out in the Minister’s Order;

(e) authorize the imposition of special levies on affectedproperties for a period not greater than 10 years or in the caseof retiring a debt of the municipality not greater than the termof the debt, for the following purposes:

• renewing municipal infrastructure;

• remedying and reclaiming contaminated sites;

• settling any liabilities;

(f) confirm that the dissolution shall take effect onJune 30, 2007;

(g) appoint Beverly Dahl to adjust and settle the assets andliabilities of the Village of Mantario including:

(i) the sale of, the disposition of and the conversion intomoney of sufficient assets to satisfy the liabilities of thevillage and pay the remuneration of the person appointedby this order;

(ii) the allocation of any grants, surplus funds andreserves; and

(iii) the manner of dealing with the liabilities;

AND pursuant to subsection 63(4) of The Municipalities Act,if there are insufficient realizable assets to satisfy the liabilitiesof the municipality to: assess, levy, collect and enforce paymentof any amount that may be required to satisfy the liabilities ofthe municipality and all associated expenses and pay theremuneration of the person appointed pursuant to this order;

(h) determine the remuneration payable to Beverly Dahl tobe $25.00 per hour of work, and $0.3888 per travelled kilometreand reimbursement of related miscellaneous expenses.

Dated at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan,this 24th day of May, 2007.

Maryellen Carlson,Assistant Deputy Minister, for and

on behalf of the Minister of Government Relations.

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1 Pursuant to section 66 of The Municipalities Act, the Councilof the Village of Etters Beach has submitted a request to theMinister of Government Relations to have its name changed fromthe “Village of Etters Beach” to the “Resort Village of Etters Beach”.

2 Pursuant to the authority conferred upon me by section 66 ofThe Municipalities Act, I hereby:

(a) declare the area known as the “Village of Etters Beach”to hereafter be assigned the name of the “Resort Village ofEtters Beach”.

3 Confirm that the name change shall take effect on and fromthe date this Order is signed.

Dated at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan,the 30th day of May, 2007.

Maryellen Carlson,Assistant Deputy Minister, for and

on behalf of the Minister of Government Relations.




The Business Corporations Act________


Name: 101101801 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1500-1881 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101802 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1500-1881 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101803 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1500-1881 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101804 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1500-1881 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101806 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1500-1881 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101808 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1500-1881 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101809 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 2000-1874 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: real estate investments

Name: 101101810 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101814 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1335B-2nd Ave. W, Prince AlbertMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101816 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1335B-2nd Ave. W, Prince AlbertMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101817 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 1335B-2nd Ave. W, Prince AlbertMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101827 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 800, 230-22nd St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101829 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: Box 96, CochinMain Type of Business: design engineering


Name: 101101859 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 220-1808 Smith St., ReginaMain Type of Business: film and video production


Name: 101101874 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1327, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101876 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 638, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: food services


Name: 101101877 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 600, UnityMain Type of Business: contract oilfield services


Name: 101101925 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 204, 2102-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: residential and commercial

construction and renovations________

Name: 101101961 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 223-6th St. NE, WeyburnMain Type of Business: investment holding company

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Name: 101101970 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: Box 760, TisdaleMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101978 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 2042 Cornwall St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101984 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1010, LloydminsterMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101993 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 43-15 Hanbidge Cres., ReginaMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: 101101995 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101998 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101101999 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101102020 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1138-3rd St., EstevanMain Type of Business: oilfield repairs and

maintenance services________

Name: 101102022 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 7, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1010, LloydminsterMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101102030 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1983, NipawinMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101102034 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1983, NipawinMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101102057 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 300, 1133-4th St., EstevanMain Type of Business: hotel

Name: 101102058 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 355 Costigan Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: electrical


Name: 101102070 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 33 Blue Sage Dr., Moose JawMain Type of Business: sign rentals


Name: 101102074 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: property development and

holding company________

Name: 101102076 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 7, 2007Mailing Address: 505, 333-3rd Ave. N, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101102078 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 7, 2007Mailing Address: 505, 333-3rd Ave. N, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101102081 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 7, 2007Mailing Address: 505, 333-3rd Ave. N, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 101102088 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 231-1061 Saskatchewan Dr., Prince AlbertMain Type of Business: retail sales


Name: Aetbeg Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Avatex Land CorporationDate of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 106, 4207-98th St., Edmonton ABMain Type of Business: land holding company


Name: Bobcat Capital Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1901, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding publicly traded securities


Name: Brigden Welding Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 300, 1133-4th St., EstevanMain Type of Business: welding services


Name: Caged Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: Box 8, BurstallMain Type of Business: farming

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Name: Canglobal Advantage Importing Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 303-47th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: import and sell industrial parts


Name: CH Construction Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 828 Broadway Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: general construction


Name: Command Concrete & Excavating Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 1250-1st Ave. E, Prince AlbertMain Type of Business: skid loader services, cement finishing

and preparation________

Name: Crocus Junction Developments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1413, WeyburnMain Type of Business: real estate development, build houses


Name: D.A. Ooms, Chartered Accountant, Prof. Corp.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 4162 Wascana Ridge, ReginaMain Type of Business: chartered accountant


Name: Deborah Ooms, C.A., Prof. Corp.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 4162 Wascana Ridge, ReginaMain Type of Business: chartered accountant


Name: Fox Brothers Enterprises Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: Box 500, LloydminsterMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: G Four Developments Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 204, 2102-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: commercial and residential construction


Name: Greenwood Construction Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1608, EstevanMain Type of Business: building construction


Name: J.R. Contracting Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1900, UnityMain Type of Business: oilfield services


Name: K & E Exteriors Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: 1016A-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: exterior finishing and repairs to

residential properties________

Name: KDM Oilfield Services Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 382, WeyburnMain Type of Business: oilfield services, haul water and

transport equipment

Name: Kyannco Environmental Services Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1174, Hudson BayMain Type of Business: oilfield consultation and contractor


Name: Lucyk Building Movers Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 17, 2007Mailing Address: Box 414, MilestoneMain Type of Business: move buildings


Name: Mertes Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Miller Solutions Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1901, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: develop and sell products

for infants and children________

Name: Nertet Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type Of Business: investment company


Name: Oerteu Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Onslaught Welding Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1671, LloydminsterMain Type of Business: welding


Name: Pertev Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: investment company


Name: Qertew Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Queen City Auto Auction Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 2600 Victoria Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: automobile auction services


Name: Rertex Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: investment company


Name: Ronald Brown C.A. Prof. Corp.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 800, 230-22nd St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: chartered accountant

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Name: Sertey Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Sky West Capital Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 1500, 410-22nd St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: real estate investment and

holding company________

Name: Stevens Psychological Services – Prof. Corp.Date of Incorporation: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: Box 99H, R.R. 3, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: psychological services


Name: Sunrise Sustainable Living Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 410-25th St. W, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: sustainable property and

resource development________

Name: Tertez Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: investment company


Name: TRL Recovery Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 609, Medicine Hat ABMain Type of Business: environmental cleaning of

produced oil sand in the petroleum industry________

Name: Twenty Eleven Visions Corp.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 303 Coben Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: property development


Name: Uertea Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Urban Edge Event Design Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 203B, 2925-14th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: event design, promotion

and management________

Name: Verteb Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: investment company


Name: Wayne B. Paproski C.A. Prof. Corp.Date of Incorporation: May 15, 2007Mailing Address: 1630 Schmidt Pl., ReginaMain Type of Business: accounting services


Name: Wayne B. Paproski Chartered Accountant P.C. Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 15, 2007Mailing Address: 1630 Schmidt Pl., ReginaMain Type of Business: accounting services

Name: Wertec Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Whisper Ridge Developments Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 7, 2007Mailing Address: Box 353, HepburnMain Type of Business: sell real estate


Name: WJ Storage Depot Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 7, 2007Mailing Address: 2510-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: storage depot


Name: Xerted Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: investment company


Name: Yertee Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Zertef Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: investment company



Name: 1184323 Alberta Ltd.Date of Registration: May 18, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 132 Reichert Dr., Beaumont ABMain Type of Business: cleaning and maintenance services


Name: 1220224 Alberta Ltd.Date of Registration: May 23, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 11420-85th St., Edmonton ABMain Type of Business: property management and development


Name: 1271024 Alberta Ltd.Date of Registration: May 8, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 300, 10020-101A Ave., Edmonton ABMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 1323897 Alberta Ltd.Date of Registration: May 25, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 4807-51st St., Cold Lake ABMain Type of Business: real estate holding company


Name: 605512 Alberta Ltd.Date of Registration: May 18, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 5024-51st Ave., Ponoka ABMain Type of Business: holding company

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Name: Aitec Inc.Date of Registration: May 24, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 389 Davis Rd., Oakville ONMain Type of Business: non-destructive testing and

inspection services to major industries________

Name: Big Guns Perforating and Logging Inc.Date of Registration: May 25, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 500, 640-8th Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: oil and gas cased hole electric wire

line services________

Name: Canadian Dewatering (2006) Ltd.Date of Registration: May 23, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 1600, 333-11th Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: general partner for limited partnership


Name: Citadel Mechanical Ltd.Date of Registration: May 4, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 5105-49th St., Lloydminster SKMain Type of Business: heating, ventilation and

air-conditioning mechanic________

Name: CNOR Inc.Date of Registration: May 22, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: QuebecHead or Registered Office: 2750-800 Rene-Levesque W,

Montreal QCMain Type of Business: financial management firm

with agricultural activities________

Name: Coface Collections Canada CompanyDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: Nova ScotiaHead or Registered Office: 900-1959 Upper Water St.,

Halifax NSMain Type of Business: commercial (non-consumer)

debt collections________

Name: Coface Services Canada CompanyDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: Nova ScotiaHead or Registered Office: 900-1959 Upper Water St.,

Halifax NSMain Type of Business: information services on

commercial entities________

Name: GK Jim Farms Ltd.Date of Registration: May 24, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 106-14 Crystalridge Dr., Okotoks ABMain Type of Business: farming, cattle pasture grazing


Name: Jacqueline Granville Holdings Inc.Date of Registration: May 22, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 1419 Klondike Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: holding company

Name: Jena Properties Inc.Date of Registration: May 24, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 1400, 10025-102A Ave., Edmonton ABMain Type of Business: own and rent property


Name: John Crane Canada Inc.Date of Registration: May 7, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 423 Green Rd., Stoney Creek ONMain Type of Business: warehouse and distribute

oilfield products________

Name: K & A Investments Inc.Date of Registration: May 24, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: Box 662, Lloydminster SKMain Type of Business: property investment company


Name: Kerwood Properties Inc.Date of Registration: May 25, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 201, 735-12th Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: property development


Name: Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc.Date of Registration: May 18, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 1220 Heritage Rd., Burlington ONMain Type of Business: real estate


Name: Nature Adventure Ranching Inc.Date of Registration: May 16, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 1600, 205-5th Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: game farm


Name: Pat & Ron’s Painting Ltd.Date of Registration: Apr. 25, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 5619-51st St., Lloydminster ABMain Type of Business: painting houses


Name: R G B Furniture Manufacturing Inc.Date of Registration: May 4, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 200, 10328-81st Ave., Edmonton ABMain Type of Business: manufacture furniture


Name: Samoth Oilfield Inc.Date of Registration: May 7, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 1000, 400-3rd Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: energy services


Name: Transport National, LLCDate of Registration: May 15, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: Wisconsin USAHead or Registered Office: 2500 West South Branch Blvd.,

Oak Creek, WI USAMain Type of Business: transportation

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Name: Weldsonix Inc.Date of Registration: May 24, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: Delaware USAHead or Registered Office: 700-3422 Old Capitol Trail,

Wilmington, DE USAMain Type of Business: non-destructive testing and

inspection services to major industries________

Name: Willow Creek Organic Grain Company Inc.Date of Registration: May 11, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 313 Main St. NW, Watson SKMain Type of Business: organic grain company


Name: Yoga College of Calgary Inc.Date of Registration: May 22, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 95 Edgeland Rd. NW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: holding company and

yoga instruction school________


Name: 605237 Saskatchewan Ltd.Names: 605237 Saskatchewan Ltd.; 624931 Saskatchewan Ltd.;

Stewart Creek Outfitters Ltd.Date of Amalgamation: May 22, 2007Registered Office: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Bakken Enterprises Ltd.Names: Bakken Enterprises Ltd.; Brian Bakken Holdings Ltd.Date of Amalgamation: May 24, 2007Registered Office: 319 Souris Ave. NE, WeyburnMain Type of Business: fast-food restaurant


Name: Lake Boyz R.V. Sales Ltd.Names: Lake Boyz R.V. Rentals Ltd.; Lake Boyz R.V. Sales Ltd.Date of Amalgamation: May 4, 2007Registered Office: 1335B-2nd Ave. W, Prince AlbertMain Type of Business: sell recreational vehicles



Name: 101101987 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Continuance: May 24, 2007Precontinuance Jurisdiction: ManitobaMailing Address: 13th flr., 2121 Saskatchewan Dr., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company



Name: 101067837 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 8, 2007Amendment: changed name to River Valley Machine & Auto Ltd.


Name: 101084192 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 23, 2007Amendment: changed name to Sharawell Holdings Ltd.


Name: 101092537 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 25, 2007Amendment: changed name to Twisted Directional

Consulting Inc.

Name: 101094212 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 23, 2007Amendment: changed name to Will-O-Hi Farms Ltd.


Name: 101094787 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 25, 2007Amendment: changed name to MCL Ventures Ltd.


Name: 101099878 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 22, 2007Amendment: changed name to Joke Holdings Ltd.


Name: 101101659 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 25, 2007Amendment: changed name to Airey Welding Ltd.


Name: Joke Holdings Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 25, 2007Amendment: changed name to Joke Investments Inc.


Name: Langenburg Veterinary Services P.C. Ltd.Date of Amendment: May 8, 2007Amendment: changed name to R. J. Gervin, DVM P.C. Ltd.


CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT(Extra-provincial Corporations)

Name: All West Surveys General Partner CorporationIncorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaDate of Amendment: May 17, 2007Amendment: changed name to Altus Geomatics General

Partner Corporation________

Name: Argo Sales Ltd.Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaDate of Amendment: Apr. 1, 2007Amendment: amalgamated into Argo Sales Ltd.


Name: Best Access Systems Co.Alternate Language Name: Corporation de Solutions de

Securité Stanley CanadaIncorporating Jurisdiction: Nova ScotiaDate of Amendment: Apr. 9, 2007Amendment: changed name to Stanley Security Solutions

Canada Corp.________

Name: Rampart Ventures Ltd.Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaDate of Amendment: Feb. 23, 2007Amendment: changed name to RPT Uranium Corp.


Name: Twilight Oilfield Hauling Ltd.Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaDate of Amendment: Mar. 21, 2007Amendment: changed name to 376849 Alberta Ltd.



NewName: Date: Juris.:ASM Services Ltd. Apr. 25 ON

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Name: Date:592270 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 4Delta Sheet Metal Limited May 3Hooper Computer Services Inc. Apr. 19Lloydminster Bootery Ltd. May 7Lobo Farms Ltd. May 7



Name: Date: Juris.:622419 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 2 SKCan-West Agencies Ltd. May 22 SKCRS Super Products Inc. May 24 SKKlassen Autobody Ltd. May 24 SKPandora Entertainment Ltd. May 4 SKStien Industries Ltd. May 4 SKX-L Enterprises Inc. May 8 SK


Philip J. Flory,Director.


The Business Names Registration Act________


Place ofName: Date: Business:Chez Jule Bed and Breakfast May 4 HumboldtCommand Concrete & Excavating May 24 Prince AlbertGoodwood Boarding Goods May 4 ReginaHarradence, Logue,

Holash Law Office May 15 Prince AlbertK & E Exteriors May 24 SaskatoonLucyk Building Movers May 17 ReginaMayview General Merchants May 4 MayviewRiver Valley Machine and Auto May 8 OxbowWill-0-Hi Farms May 23 Foam LakeWillow Creek

Organic Grain Company May 11 BuchananWJ Storage Depot May 7 Yorkton


Name: AA RecordsDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 714 Athlone Dr., ReginaMain Type of Business: music distribution


Name: Aqua Terra DevelopmentsDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 218 Braeshire Lane, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: real estate development


Name: Asian GardenDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 505, 333-3rd Ave. N, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: restaurant

Name: Aulin Consulting Co.Date of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 50 Anderson Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: home-based consulting regarding

application of new biotechnology products for farmers________

Name: Best Access SystemsDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: 1, 6600-100 King St. W, Toronto ONMain Type of Business: sell and distribute Masterkeyed

locking systems________

Name: Bitspin TechnologiesDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 2932 Grant Rd., ReginaMain Type of Business: software development and

computer consulting________

Name: Bodnarus AuctioneeringDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 205B, 4040-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: auction services


Name: Body In Mind Personal TrainingDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 1223-4th Ave. NW, Moose JawMain Type of Business: personal training, health and fitness

training programs________

Name: Braico ConstructionDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 47-809 Kristjanson Rd., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: residential renovations, framing,

general contracting________

Name: C & S EnterprizesDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 201, EdenwoldMain Type of Business: contract satellite dish installations

and related services________

Name: Chad’s Custom ClassicsDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1403, CanoraMain Type of Business: autobody restorations, repairs and sales


Name: Chung Wah Chinese GroceryDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 219-20th St. W, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: Chinese grocery store


Name: Clean-ItDate of Registration: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 123 MacLean Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: cleaning and maintenance services


Name: Consumer World MarketingDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: Box 606, La LocheMain Type of Business: Internet retail

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Name: Counselling by JudyDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1239 Caribou St. W, Moose JawMain Type of Business: psychological counselling


Name: Darlene South ConsultingDate of Registration: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 121 Chisholm Rd., ReginaMain Type of Business: human resources consulting,

placement, event planning and coordination________

Name: Dawn Hornsby Massage TherapyDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 884, BattlefordMain Type of Business: massage therapy


Name: Dixon Does It! Machining Welding MillwrightingDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 840-5th Ave. NE, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: agricultural, oilfield, manufacturing

industries general repairs________

Name: Engel ConstructionDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 115 Dunsmore Dr., ReginaMain Type of Business: residential construction


Name: Essential Aromatherapy by ElanaDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 4117 Regina Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: aromatherapy massage


Name: Evil Gnome TruckingDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 732, LanghamMain Type of Business: haul gravel


Name: Fabulous Forties Lingerie ModellingDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 14, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: mature modelling


Name: Flat Mountain RanchDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: Box 35A, R.R. 1, ReginaMain Type of Business: horse boarding facility


Name: Godsons General ContractingDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 866, OxbowMain Type of Business: home renovations, oilfield

truck and trailer rigging________

Name: Goodwood Boarding GoodsDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: 4515 Rochdale Blvd., ReginaMain Type of Business: retail snowboarding, skateboarding

and wakeboarding store________

Name: J. Rusnack/Sales & ConstructionDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 376, ClavetMain Type of Business: buy and sell used trucks

Name: Judson Unix Services & TechnologyDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 813 Valley St., EstevanMain Type of Business: computer consulting


Name: Justin GraphicsDate of Registration: May 21, 2007Mailing Address: 5327 McKinley Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: graphic design


Name: JWG EnterprisesDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1, BankendMain Type of Business: online sales


Name: K.D. Myers Oil Field ServiceDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: 1026 Caribou St. E, Moose JawMain Type of Business: mud vac mechanical repairs,

equipment operator________

Name: L. Rusnack EnterprisesDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 376, ClavetMain Type of Business: haul gravel and asphalt


Name: Langenburg Veterinary ServicesDate of Registration: May 8, 2007Mailing Address: Box 607, Russell MBMain Type of Business: veterinary services


Name: Madman CreationsDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 232, OslerMain Type of Business: custom metal fabrication


Name: Memories by MandyDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 1501 Park Ave., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: photography


Name: MLTX SolutionsDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 3486 Keohan Cres., ReginaMain Type of Business: website development and maintenance


Name: NS InteriorsDate of Registration: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 431 Ave. F S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: drywall, mudding, taping


Name: Nehiyaw ConsultingDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 323 Stacey Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: First Nations language instruction,

learning, methodologies and assessment consulting services________

Name: Pat Windrum Basement Construction andHouse Relocation

Date of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 183, Regina BeachMain Type of Business: construction

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Name: Personal Best Apparel & Costume SupplyDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 3271, HumboldtMain Type of Business: dance wear, shoes, costume rentals

and supplies________

Name: Phillips RoofingDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1256 Grace St., Moose JawMain Type of Business: residential roofing, soffits, fascia

and siding________

Name: Planet Hollywood RestaurantDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1111, ReginaMain Type of Business: restaurant, dining, dancing,


Name: Priority Client MarketingDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 1332 McNiven Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: business greeting card

referrals and marketing services________

Name: Purrs and Paws Pet ServicesDate of Registration: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 152 Smith St., ReginaMain Type of Business: dog walking, pet sitting and

pet waste removal________

Name: R.A. Merasty & Assoc. ConsultingDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 131 Bentham Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: consulting services


Name: Rite-Way Auto SalesDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1534 McAra St., ReginaMain Type of Business: sell used cars, trucks and

recreational vehicles________

Name: Running-F RentalsDate of Registration: May 26, 2007Mailing Address: Box 76, Glen EwenMain Type of Business: rental properties, laundromat,

office management________

Name: S.S. Moore WeldingDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 1492-106th St., North BattlefordMain Type of Business: mobile fabrication and welding


Name: Sally Ferrara ConsultingDate of Registration: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 7155 Bright Bay, ReginaMain Type of Business: consulting


Name: Sandwich AlleyDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 157, CoronachMain Type of Business: restaurant

Name: Saskatoon Geothermal Eco Tech SolutionsDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 1115 Ave. L N, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: geothermal systems, solar arrays,

composting toilets________

Name: South Sask Bait CompanyDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 1619 Fleet St., ReginaMain Type of Business: sell fishing equipment and

related supplies________

Name: South Sask Steam and CleanDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: 323-8th Ave. SE, WeyburnMain Type of Business: contract carpet and upholstery cleaning


Name: Strogal Construction/PlumbingDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 31, Pilot ButteMain Type of Business: home construction, plumbing, heating


Name: T. Wild ContractingDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 1028 Henleaze Ave., Moose JawMain Type of Business: railway contracting


Name: The Broadview ExpressDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 3315-1 Place Ville Marie, Montreal QCMain Type of Business: newspaper


Name: The Grade MasterDate of Registration: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: Box 341, WolseleyMain Type of Business: Bobcat services


Name: The Grenfell SunDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 3315-1 Place Ville Marie, Montreal QCMain Type of Business: newspaper


Name: The Lil’ Belizean Cook Shack & BarDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 18 Yingst Bay, ReginaMain Type of Business: restaurant and bar


Name: Toes To Go!Date of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 237 Broad St. N, ReginaMain Type of Business: foot spa, massage and

pedicure treatments________

Name: Tri-West Custom FencingDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: Box 93, Stewart ValleyMain Type of Business: corral and fence construction,

repair and demolition________

Name: Tyco Flow ControlDate of Registration: May 10, 2007Mailing Address: 1500-1874 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: manufacture electrical level controls

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Name: Tyler TechnologiesDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 5, 1009-9th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: computer service, repair, support,

consulting, information technology________

Name: Walter’s Home Repair & MaintenanceDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: Box 294, RadissonMain Type of Business: general home repairs, minor

construction, Bobcat services, gravel and soil delivery________

Name: Woods by KarlDate of Registration: May 2, 2007Mailing Address: 2 Great Plains Industrial Dr., Emerald ParkMain Type of Business: build furniture


Name: Yogamici Yoga CentreDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: 307 Avon Dr., ReginaMain Type of Business: yoga studio



Name: B.R. First Stop GrocersDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 14, InvermayMain Type of Business: fine foods grocery store


Name: Birdies for LifeDate of Registration: May 22, 2007Mailing Address: 2129 Albert St., ReginaMain Type of Business: annual fund-raising golf tournament


Name: Body by DesignDate of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: Box 335, EdamMain Type of Business: aesthetic services


Name: Chameleon ProductionsDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 70 Turner Cres., ReginaMain Type of Business: event production, promotions

and planning________

Name: Farm WorldDate of Registration: May 14, 2007Mailing Address: Box 490, KinistinoMain Type of Business: farm equipment dealership


Name: Gold FXDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1167 Lindsay St., ReginaMain Type of Business: gold plating of vehicle parts and tools


Name: H.J.R. Asphalt PartnershipDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: asphalt plant construction

Name: Holash, Logue Law OfficeDate of Registration: May 15, 2007Mailing Address: 1102-1st Ave. W, Prince AlbertMain Type of Business: law office


Name: Hygienitech of ReginaDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1167 Lindsay St., ReginaMain Type of Business: mattress cleaning


Name: JCD RentalsDate of Registration: May 24, 2007Mailing Address: 223-6th St. NE, WeyburnMain Type of Business: oilfield equipment rentals


Name: Kelliher AgenciesDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 236, KelliherMain Type of Business: general insurance, motor vehicle

licence issuer________

Name: KG AdvertisingDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1039-7th St., HumboldtMain Type of Business: advertising and marketing consulting


Name: Long Lake ConstructionDate of Registration: May 20, 2007Mailing Address: Box 170, SiltonMain Type of Business: construction, trenching, Bobcat services


Name: McFadden EnterprisesDate of Registration: May 25, 2007Mailing Address: 1167 Lindsay St., ReginaMain Type of Business: mattress cleaning and gold plating


Name: Sevenstone ResourcesDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 1564, EstevanMain Type of Business: renewable and non-renewable resources,

produce electricity________

Name: TAS TentsDate of Registration: May 2, 2007Mailing Address: Box 582, EstevanMain Type of Business: rent tents


Name: Three Creek RanchDate of Registration: May 4, 2007Mailing Address: Box 82, PaddockwoodMain Type of Business: livestock and grain farming



Name: Canadian Dewatering L.P.Date of Registration: May 23, 2007Mailing Address: 1600, 333-11th Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: industrial dewatering, pump and related

equipment rental services

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CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT(Extra-provincial Limited Partnership)

Name: All West Surveys Limited PartnershipDate of Amendment: May 23, 2007Originating Jurisdiction: AlbertaAmendment: changed name to Altus Geomatics

Limited Partnership________


Name: Date:Lakeview Farm Equipment May 18


Philip J. Flory,Registrar.


The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif



Name: Community Aided Settlement Agency Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 3, 2007Mailing Address: 2413 Irvine Ave., SaskatoonMain Type of Activities: settlement support services


Name: Cougar Men’s Hockey Alumni Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 8, 2007Mailing Address: 208-2208 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Activities: annual alumni golf tournament


Name: Prairie Apple Producers Inc.Date of Incorporation: May 18, 2007Mailing Address: Box 69, MelfortMain Type of Activities: promote the apple growing and

production industry on the prairies________


Name: “Nanaksar Gurdwara” – “Gursikh Temple”Date of Registration: May 9, 2007Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: 18691 Westminster High,

Richmond BCMain Type of Activities: religious temple



Name: McCleary-Marleau Sports Foundation Inc.Date of Amendment: May 3, 2007Amendment: changed name to McCleary-Marleau-Moen

Sports Foundation Inc.________


Name: Date:Namagan Canada Church Inc. May 7


Name: Date: Juris.:Dieppe Home and

School Incorporated May 24 SK________

Philip J. Flory,Director.



The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons

alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard[section 49]



You are advised that Dora Culbertson has applied to the Liquorand Gaming Authority for a Restaurant Permit to sell beveragealcohol in premises located in Halbrite, Saskatchewan.

The following is the correct legal description of the premises:

Lots 23-24-25, Block 3, Plan No. 49546.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 29th day of May, 2007.



You are advised that Kerry Knutson and Brenda Knutson haveapplied to the Liquor and Gaming Authority for a Tavern Permitwith an off-sale endorsement to sell beverage alcohol in premiseslocated in Pennant, Saskatchewan.

The following is the correct legal description of the premises:

Lots 21-27, Block 2, Plan M4179 Ext 0.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 29th day of May, 2007.


Barry C. Lacey,President & CEO,

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority.____________________________________________________________

The Change of Name Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom


The following changes of name are registered under theprovisions of The Change of Name Act, 1995/Les changements denom ci-après sont enregistrés en exécution de la Loi de 1995 surle changement de nom:

Names of Children/Noms des enfants:Former Name/Ancien nom: Kaylee Dawn TROMBLEYName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Kaylee Dawn

TROMBLEY-HEALEYDate of Birth/Date de naissance: June 4, 1996Former Name/Ancien nom: Kaiden Andy-James TROMBLEYName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Kaiden Andy-James

TROMBLEY-HEALEYDate of Birth/Date de naissance: December 14, 1997

Dated May 18, 2007.

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Names of Children/Noms des enfants:Former Name/Ancien nom: Meagan Zelia Dawn FRAYLINGName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Meagan Zelia Dawn BAGLEYDate of Birth/Date de naissance: February 14, 1994Former Name/Ancien nom: Talaryn Steven Issac FRAYLINGName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Talaryn Steven Issac

BAGLEYDate of Birth/Date de naissance: April 5, 2000

Dated May 23, 2007.________

Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant:Former Name/Ancien nom: Maynard Dewayne DUSTYHORNName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Maynard Dewayne

ASSINIBOINEDate of Birth/Date de naissance: November 18, 1990

Dated May 23, 2007.________

Former Name/Ancien nom: Brett Andrew FERNQUISTAddress/Adresse: Saskatoon, SaskatchewanDate of Birth/Date de naissance: February 5, 1984Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Brett Andrew GARLANDDated May 23, 2007.


Former Name/Ancien nom: Ton Fall WONGAddress/Adresse: Regina, SaskatchewanDate of Birth/Date de naissance: July 28, 1939Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Fern Ton Fall WONGFormer Name of Spouse/Ancien nom du conjoint ou de la conjoint:

Fong Sin WONGDate of Birth/Date de naissance: July 3, 1948Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Cindy Fong Sin WONGDated May 23, 2007.


Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant:Former Name/Ancien nom: Casey James BRYANTName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Casey James OLNEYDate of Birth/Date de naissance: March 21, 2007

Dated May 23, 2007.________

Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant:Former Name/Ancien nom: Tyler James ACORNName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Tyler James ZIMMERMANNDate of Birth/Date de naissance: August 22, 2002

Dated May 23, 2007.________

Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant:Former Name/Ancien nom: Christopher Gary VAN OSName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Christopher Gary

VAN OS-SHAWDate of Birth/Date de naissance: May 20, 1997

Dated May 24, 2007.________

Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant:Former Name/Ancien nom: Mariah Mary BEARSEARSName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Mariah Mary NICOTINEDate of Birth/Date de naissance: March 29, 2001

Dated May 24, 2007.

Former Name/Ancien nom: Shaun Paul MONSSONAddress/Adresse: Regina, SaskatchewanDate of Birth/Date de naissance: May 17, 1976Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Shaun Paul TOLENTINODated May 24, 2007.


Former Name/Ancien nom: Barry Joseph PORSNUKAddress/Adresse: Saskatoon, SaskatchewanDate of Birth/Date de naissance: October 4, 1972Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Phoenix HUNTERDated May 24, 2007.


Former Name/Ancien nom: Theresa Kathleen HARMSAddress/Adresse: Saskatoon, SaskatchewanDate of Birth/Date de naissance: October 13, 1962Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Victoria Kathleen CAMERONDated May 24, 2007.


Former Name/Ancien nom: Dorothy Florence BUGLERAddress/Adresse: Saskatoon, SaskatchewanDate of Birth/Date de naissance: December 14, 1975Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Dorothy Hilda WOLFEDated May 24, 2007.


Name of Child/Nom de l’enfant:Former Name/Ancien nom: Eunice LUBINGAName Changed To/Nouveau nom: Eunice NALUYIMA LUBINGADate of Birth/Date de naissance: May 19, 2006

Dated May 24, 2007.________

Former Name/Ancien nom: Katherine Anne KARYAddress/Adresse: Saskatoon, SaskatchewanDate of Birth/Date de naissance: August 13, 1942Name Changed To/Nouveau nom: Catherine Ann KARYDated May 25, 2007.


Given under my hand at/fait sous ma signature à Regina,Saskatchewan.

Ronn Wallace,Director of Vital Statistics/

Directeur des Services de l’état Civil.____________________________________________________________

Highway Traffic Board________

NOTICE OF APPLICATION1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of receipt of the following

application.2 Any party wishing to oppose an application must complete and

file a Statement of Objection on or before July 3, 2007. Pleasereference the file number when filing opposition.

3 Where opposition is filed to any application, a public hearing willbe scheduled. All hearing participants will be advised of the hearingdate. Any interested party may contact the Board at (306) 775-6672to obtain information respecting hearing dates and locations.

Marian Ross,HTB Administrator,

Highway Traffic Board.

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Applicant: 101035873 SASKATCHEWAN LTD.Address: 311B Main Street N, Moose Jaw SK S6H 0W4File: B/07/10Application: For an Operating Authority Certificate as follows:


Commodity Description — passengers and their baggageOrigin — Moose JawDestination — points in Saskatchewan and vice-versaConditions — see below

Restricted as follows:

(a) charter operations only;

(b) limousine service only (maximum 17 passengers);

(c) all trips must be pre-booked by two hours or more —Operator cannot accept calls in any manner in which a taxi isdispatched and cannot cruise the streets for the purpose ofpicking up passengers;

(d) vehicles must be chauffeur driven;

(e) vehicles cannot be equipped with a taxi-meter; and

(f) this authority is valid only for vehicles which, prior toeach trip, are stored, repaired, maintained and dispatchedfrom the office, storage, repair and maintenance facilitiesmaintained by the certificate holder in Moose Jaw,Saskatchewan.


The Municipalities Act[section 217]



R.M. of Kinistino No. 459Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of

Kinistino No. 459 for the year 2007 has been prepared and is open toinspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., on thefollowing days: Monday to Friday, June 8 to July 9, 2007.

A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has beenpassed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment isrequired to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M.of Kinistino No. 459, Box 310, Kinistino SK S0J 1H0, by the 9th dayof July, 2007.

Dated this 8th day of June, 2007.

Larry W. Edeen,Assessor.


R.M. of Norton No. 69Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of

Norton No. 69 for the year 2007 has been prepared and is open toinspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on thefollowing days: Monday to Friday, June 1 to July 2, 2007.

A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has beenpassed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment isrequired to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M.of Norton No. 69, Box 189, Pangman SK S0C 2C0, by the 2nd dayof July, 2007.

Dated this 8th day of June, 2007.

W. Lozinsky,Assessor.


Village of PangmanNotice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of

Pangman for the year 2007 has been prepared and is open toinspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on thefollowing days: Monday to Friday, June 1 to July 2, 2007.

A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has beenpassed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessmentis required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor,Village of Pangman, Box 189, Pangman SK S0C 2C0, by the 2nd dayof July, 2007.

Dated this 8th day of June, 2007.

W. Lozinsky,Assessor.


Village of SmeatonNotice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village

of Smeaton for the year 2007 has been prepared and is opento inspection in the office of the assessor from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., on thefollowing days: Wednesdays, May 30 to July 4, 2007.

A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has beenpassed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessmentis required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor,Village of Smeaton, Box 70, Smeaton SK S0J 2J0, by the 4th dayof July, 2007.

Dated this 8th day of June, 2007.

Diana Jensen,Assessor.


Town of WapellaNotice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town

of Wapella for the year 2007 has been prepared and is opento inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noonand 1 to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Tuesday to Friday, June 4to July 6, 2007.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessmentis required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor,Town of Wapella, Box 189, Wapella SK S0G 4Z0, by the 6th dayof July, 2007.

Dated this 8th day of June, 2007.

Nancy Campbell,Assessor.


The Saskatchewan Insurance Act________

NOTICES OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAMENotice is hereby given that RBC Travel Insurance Company/

Compagnie d’Assurance Voyage RBC changed its corporate name toRBC Insurance Company of Canada/Compagnie d’Assurance RBCdu Canada, with Canadian Head Office at 6880 Financial Drive,West Tower in the City of Mississauga, in the Province of Ontario.

And take notice that the effective date of the corporate namechange of the said company was May 30, 2007.

Dated at Toronto, Ontario this 9th day of April, 2007.

Merrilee Kiernander,Assistant Corporate Secretary,

RBC Travel Insurance Company.1/8

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Notice is hereby given that Anglo Canada General InsuranceCompany changed its corporate name to AXA General Insurance,with Canadian Head Office at 1400-5700 Yonge Street, in the City ofToronto, in the Province of Ontario.

And take notice that the effective date of the corporate namechange of the said company was December 31, 2006.

Dated at Montreal, Quebec, this 17th day of April, 2007.

Sylvain Hétu,VP, General Counsel and Secretary,

AXA General Insurance.8/15


NOTICE OF AMALGAMATION OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given that AXA General Insurance and Insurance

Corporation of Newfoundland (The) have amalgamatd their respectivebusinesses of insurance and the combined business of insurance,assests and liabilites will be continued under the name of AXAGeneral Insurance, with Canadian Head Office at 1400-5700 YongeStreet, in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario.

And take notice that the effective date of the amalgamation of thesaid companies was January 1, 2007.

Dated at Montreal, Quebec, this 18th day of April, 2007.

Sylvain Hétu,VP, General Counsel and Secretary,

AXA General Insurance.8/15


NOTICE OF TRANSFER AND ASSUMPTIONNotice is hereby given that, pursuant to an agreement between

ACE INA Life Insurance and CIGNA Life Insurance Company ofCanada that ACE INA Life Insurance has assumed the liabilities andrights of CIGNA Life Insurance Company of Canada in respect of allof the risks issued under the single premium creditors group lifeaccident and sickness and loss of employment insurance policies ofCIGNA Life Insurance Company of Canada and all present andfuture obligations under such policies.

The Canadian Head Office of ACE INA Life Insurnace is locatedat 1200-130 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A6.

And take notice that the effective date of the said transfer andassumption was March 30, 2007.

Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 25th day of April, 2007.

Crawford W. Spratt,Director,

ACE INA Life Insurance.8/15



The following Chamber Sittings notice for the Court ofQueen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, published in theJune 1, 2007 issue of The Saskatchewan Gazette, is herebyrepublished in its corrected format:

COURT OF QUEEN’S BENCH(Chamber Sittings)


Chambers sittings for Her Majesty’s Court of Queen’s Bench forSaskatchewan for the period commencing July 2, 2007, to August31, 2007, are set out below:

Battleford10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9, 16, 23

and 30.

Estevan1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9 and August 13.

Humboldt10:00 a.m on Thursday, July 12 and August 9.

Melfort1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9 and Tuesday, August 7.

Moose Jaw1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9, 23, Tuesday, August 7 and

Monday, August 20.

Prince AlbertFamily Services at 2:00 p.m.:

Monday , July 9, 16, 23, 30 and August 13, 20and 27.

Chambers:10:00 a.m. every Tuesday, Except 1:30 p.m. on July 3 and

August 7.

ReginaRegular Chambers:

10:00 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday,Except 1:30 p.m.on July 3 and August 7.

Family Chambers:10:00 a.m. every Wednesday and Friday, Except

August 3.

Maintenance Enforcement Applications or Provisional/Confirmation Hearings:

1:30 p.m. Monday, July 9, 23 and August 13 and 27.

Child Protection Hearings:10:00 a.m. every Tuesday.

SaskatoonRegular Chambers:

10:00 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday, Except 1:30 p.m.on July 3 and August 7.

Family Chambers:10:00 a.m. every Wednesday and Friday, Except

August 3.

Maintenance Enforcement Applications or Provisional/Confirmation Hearings:

1:30 p.m. Monday, July 16, 30 and August 20.

Child Protection Hearings:10:00 a.m. every Tuesday.

Swift Current2:00 p.m. on Monday, July 16 and August 20.

Weyburn11:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 12 and August 16.

Wynyard1:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 12 and Wednesday, August 8.

Yorkton1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9, 23 and Tuesday, August 7

(REMOS @ 10:00 Thursday, August 9), and Monday, August 20.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, May 23, 2007.

Edna M. Brewster,for R.D. Laing, Chief Justice,

Court of Queen’s Bench.8/15

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Rules Relating to Petitions and Private BillsThe Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filing

Petitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other mattersrelating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, byvisiting the Legislative Assembly website or on application to:

Gregory A. PutzClerk of the Legislative Assembly

Room 239, Legislative BuildingRegina SK S4S 0B3

Telephone: (306)787-2377E-mail: [email protected]

* For further information regarding the Private BillsCommittee, visit the Committees pages of the LegislativeAssembly Website at


Règlements relatifs aux pétitions et aux projetsde loi d’intérêt privé

Les règlements de l’Assemblée législative relatifs aux délaisprescrits pour le dépôt de pétitions et de projets de loi d’intérêtprivé, ainsi que d’autres renseignements à ce sujet sont disponiblesen tout temps au site Web de l’Assemblée législative ou auprès dela greffière en s’adressant à:

Gregory A. PutzGreffièr de l’Assemblée législative

Bureau 239, Palais législatifRegina SK S4S 0B3

Téléphone: (306) 787-2377Courriel: [email protected]

* D’autres renseignements au sujet du Comité des projetsde loi d’intérêt privé sont disponibles sous le titre «Committees » au site Web de l’Assemblée législativeau :



PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions toThe Saskatchewan Gazette is noon on the Thursdayprevious to the week of publication. If a holiday occurswithin the week of publication, the deadline is set back tonoon of the previous Wednesday. Please allow yourself atleast one full week to ensure mail delivery of Gazettesubmissions. Publication of any material received late willbe delayed until the following week’s issue.All material for publication in The Saskatchewan Gazettemust be submitted electronically (WordPerfect or Word)accompanied by a signed hard copy to the Office ofthe Queen’sPrinter, Saskatchewan Justice, B19-3085Albert St., Regina SK S4S 0B1, tel. (306) 787-2367, or byE-mail: [email protected] document or disk must be complete in the form requiredfor publication and must be separate from the covering letter.Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearlyprinted immediately below the written signatures.

Prepayment is required for ALL notices placed in TheSaskatchewan Gazette by non-government clients. Cheques ormoney orders must be made payable to the Queen’s Printer RevolvingFund. Please include the GST in addition to regular charges at therate of 7% each for those items listed below under “GST Payable”.

The minimum charge for publication of notices notspecified below is $16.00 for each notice, which sum shallaccompany the material when forwarded for publication.

The following are minimum rates for advertising inThe Saskatchewan Gazette:

GST PayableNotices under The Saskatchewan Insurance Act

Two issues ..................................................................... $35.00Notice of Intention to Apply for a Private Bill

Two issues ..................................................................... 40.00Notice of Sale and Auction

One issue ....................................................................... 20.00Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments

One issue ....................................................................... 20.00Notices under The Tax Enforcement Act

Five parcels or less, for a minimum charge of ............ 20.00Additional parcels are $0.75 each; metes and bounds descriptions

are $3.50 each.

GST ExemptNotices under The Companies Winding Up Act

Two issues ..................................................................... $35.00Notices under The Highway Traffic Act* (Vehicle Auctions)

One issue ....................................................................... 20.00*Please note that Auctioneers acting pursuant to The Highway

Traffic Act must be licensed under The Auctioneers Act.

Notices re: Assessment Rolls (Municipal)One issue ....................................................................... 30.00

One copy of your submission as it appeared in The SaskatchewanGazette is mailed to government advertisers who are invoiced. Withprepayment, a copy of your submission is available on request fromthe Office of the Queen’s Printer.

SubscriptionsYearly subscription rate to The Saskatchewan Gazette (Paper Copy):

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SACHEZ QUE: La date de tombée pour les soumissions à laGazette de la Saskatchewan est le jeudi à midi, la semaineprécédant la parution. En cas de jour férié à l’intérieur de lasemaine de parution, la date de tombée sera remise un jouravant, soit le mercredi à midi. Pour les envois de soumissions àla Gazette par la poste, veuillez prévoir une semaine au complet.La parution de tout matériel reçu en retard sera remise aunuméro de la semaine suivante.Tous les documents qui paraîtront dans la Gazette dela Saskatchewan doivent être soumis électroniquement(WordPerfect ou Word) et accompagnés d’une copie papiersignée et envoyée au bureau de l’Imprimeur de la Reine,ministère de la Justice de la Saskatchewan, B19-3085, rueAlbert, Regina SK S4S 0B1, tél. 306-787-2367, ou par courriel:[email protected] document ou disquette doit être complet, conformémentaux normes de parution, et doit être séparé de la lettred’accompagnement. Les signatures sur les documents doiventêtre dactylographiées ou écrites lisiblement en lettres mouléeset doivent apparaître immédiatement en dessous de la signatureécrite.

Page 30: TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIÈRES · TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIÈRES ... “National Blood Donor Week” in Saskatchewan, ... The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994



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