Table of Contents...What is your favorite sports movie of all time? Why? In the scripture above, we...


Transcript of Table of Contents...What is your favorite sports movie of all time? Why? In the scripture above, we...

Page 1: Table of Contents...What is your favorite sports movie of all time? Why? In the scripture above, we are reminded of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem, knowing He was on His way
Page 2: Table of Contents...What is your favorite sports movie of all time? Why? In the scripture above, we are reminded of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem, knowing He was on His way

Table of Contents

Week 1 — Jesus’ Name

The Name On The Jersey That Matters Most Weekly Description 3 Nov 29 A Name to Remember 4 Nov 30 Hope Is Found In His Name 6 Dec 1 A Name Worth Celebrating 8 Dec 2 A Name to Worship 10 Dec 3 A Name to Trust 12 Dec 4 A Name That Changes Your Position 14 Dec 5 A Name That Walks the Walk 16 Weekly Workout Log + How Did You Grow In Your Faith? 18

Week 2 — Praying In His Name

Building Chemistry With The Best Teammate You Will Ever Have Weekly Description 19 Dec 6 The Size of Your Prayers 20 Dec 7 The Motive of Your Prayers 22 Dec 8 The Necessity of Your Prayers 24 Dec 9 The Effect of Your Prayers 26 Dec 10 A Teammate Who Will Advocate For You 28 Dec 11 The Offering of Your Praise 30 Dec 12 The Gratitude in Your Prayers 32 Weekly Workout Log + How Did You Grow In Your Faith? 34

Week 3 — Resting In His Name

Remembering What Team You’re On Weekly Description 35 Dec 13 Some Will Hate Us 36 Dec 14 You’re Going to Be Okay 38 Dec 15 It’s Going to Get Ugly 40 Dec 16 Keep the Team United 42 Dec 17 The Victory is Coming 44 Dec 18 The Victory is Eternal: Pondering Our Destiny 46 Dec 19 The Honor of Suffering 48 Weekly Workout Log + How Did You Grow In Your Faith? 50

Week 4 — Acting In His Name

Living Out the Faith Alive in You Weekly Description 51 Dec 20 Don’t Talk About It, Be About It 52 Dec 21 Relationships Are Better Between Teammates 54 Dec 22 Don’t Let the Victories Go to Your Head 56 Dec 23 What’s the Win? 58 Dec 24 Who Does Winning Glorify? 60 Dec 25 What Does Winning Look Like? Unity In His Name 62 Weekly Workout Log + How Did You Grow In Your Faith? 64


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Week 1 — Jesus’ Name

The Name On The Jersey That Matters Most

Advent is the four weeks leading up to Christmas when Christians prayerfully prepare for our celebration of the first coming of Jesus Christ and look forward to the second coming of Jesus promised in the scriptures where He will make all things right.

Today we live in the time in between. Jesus has already come into this world to save those who would believe in Him and He will come again to complete His work and bring justice to all who long for the shalom, the Hebrew word for peace, that only He can offer.

This devotional is for all of us, coaches and athletes, that are in the in between. All throughout the New Testament, we discover truths about the name of Jesus and we are

challenged to live “In His Name” during this time in between the first and second coming of Jesus Christ. Over the next four weeks, our desire is to help you focus your time on

prayerfully considering what it means to live In His Name.

As you journey through this season, you will be encouraged to read, pray, journal, and workout. Our desire is to help you continue to create habits that make you stronger spiritually, emotionally, and physically. And as with most things in life and sport, teamwork is critical to success so think about who you want to share this advent season with now and make sure they have a copy of this devotional too.

Let’s get started and let’s stay focused. You can share your insights with others by posting on Instagram (tag @MarylandFCA) and Facebook (Maryland FCA). Use #InHisName2020 when you share. We can’t wait to see how God uses this study in your life!

Week 1 is all about Him. Whose name is it that matters most and why?


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A Name to Remember November 29

God’s Word

She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 NASB

Read Matthew 1:21-25 NASB & Luke 1:31 ESV

Taylor Rollo, Area Representative, Montgomery County

When my husband and I found out we were expecting our daughter and a few years later our son, I remember us putting so much effort into finding just the right name. We were both athletes, so of course each name we contemplated we would try out in our best announcer voice to see what it would sound like when our future children took to the court/field. Then we would jokingly wonder if the parents of famous athletes, whose names are remembered around the world, stressed about what to name their children.

Most of the time we remember a name because of a notable accomplishment or a personal experience with that person. If you are a sports fan, you know names like Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, and Michael Phelps. You know these names because of the amazing feats and accomplishments attached to their names. When they were born, their parents might have used their best announcers voice like we did, but they had no real concept of who or what their newborn would grow up to be.

Which famous athlete is most memorable to you and why?

This is what is so unique about the name of Jesus, His name was worth remembering before He was even born. Mary and Joseph did not know all the details, but they knew their son was truly going to be unlike anyone else to walk the face of the earth. Matthew 1:21, “…and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save the people from their sins.” Jesus is the ultimate draft pick who comes in with promises of what He will deliver, and then goes above and


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beyond anything anyone could have possibly imagined. Jesus, Immanuel, God with us, “Sent to save the people from their sins.” A name that was long awaited and a name that still represents hope and deliverance for all.

Jesus, the name that will never be irrelevant and always be remembered. Take time this season to reflect on the many names used to describe Jesus throughout scripture. Let the 1

fullness of what His name means wash over you and embrace a heart of gratitude for who Jesus is, what He has done, and what then we must do in our own lives to live in obedience to Him.

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What is one name used to describe Jesus that you love?

Jesus came to save the world from their sins. What is something in your life that you know Jesus is asking you to walk away from or surrender to Him that you are still clinging to?

Choose 2-3 names of Jesus from the footnotes below that stand out to you. What about the names you chose speak to you? What do those attributes of Christ reveal to you about His character?

Names of Jesus Advocate (1 John 2:1), Author and Perfecter of Our Faith (Hebrews 12:2), Bread of Life (John 6:35), Beloved 1

Son of God (Matthew 3:17), Deliverer (1 Thessalonians 1:10), Faithful and True (Revelation 19:11), Good Shepherd (John 10:11), Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14), Holy Servant (Acts 4:29-30), I Am (John 8:58), Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14), Indescribable Gift (2 Corinthians 9:15), Judge (Acts 10:42), King of Kings (Revelation 17:14), Lamb of God (John 1:29), Light of the World (John 8:12), Lord of All (Philippians 2:9-11), Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5), Messiah (John 1:41), One Who Sets Free (John 8:36), Our Hope (1 Timothy 1:1), Peace (Ephesians 2:14), Redeemer (Job 19:25), Sacrifice for Our Sins (1 John 4:10), Savior (Luke 2:11), Supreme Creator Over All (Colossians 1:16-17), The Door (John 10:9), The Way (John 14:6), The Word (John 1:1), Truth (John 8:32), Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6).


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Hope Is Found In His Name November 30

God’s Word

And In His Name the nations will put their hope. Matthew 12:21 NIV

Read Matthew 12:15-21 NIV

Shaun Smithson, Maryland State Director

As coaches and athletes, we have all lived through tryouts ahead of a new season, the air full of energy and uncertainty. Many of us can recall the feeling when  “that athlete” walks in. There is a swagger of confidence about her, a certain stride that announces his arrival, a skill that they’re above the rest. The possibility of his dominating presence on our team is enough to bring hope for a transcendent season of obliterating opponents... and the news that she committed elsewhere is enough to take that hope away.  

In the twelfth chapter of Matthew, the clashes between Jesus and the religious leaders have intensified. It feels like the preseason has come to an end, and the real games are about to begin. Among the people, Jesus’ presence brought hope on a national scale. Matthew reaches back to the first of the prophet Isaiah’s “Suffering Servant Songs” to capture the moment (Isaiah 42:1-7). This man of immense power does not loudly proclaim his presence. He does not walk with a swagger as if to say, “Look at me” or, “I will destroy you.” And he certainly did not arrive to ensure that lesser players were cut from the team. But he carried the hope of the entire world, that justice would ultimately win. And He could do it without harming His teammates or the opposition. Jesus is a light to the nations and it is “In His Name” that we have hope, as we await His return.

How does it make you feel knowing that God sent His son not to crush the weak, but to provide hope for all? 

Write down the names of a few people that you know who could use hope.


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Jesus, thank you for walking onto our field as a servant. Thank you for not looking at us and deciding to go to a different club. Thank you for putting Your name on our jersey and providing hope. Help me to share that hope with the world so that they might have the opportunity to be called Your friends and join the team.

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God?

By God’s grace, how will you obey?

What does today’s passage say about people?

Who will you share this with?


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A Name Worth Celebrating December 1

God’s Word

Those who went in front and those who followed were shouting: “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Mark 11:9 NASB

Read Matthew 21:9 NIV

Frank Kelly, FCA National Board of Trustees

I love sports movies and two of my all-time favorites would have to be “Rocky” and “Rudy.” In both, we watch the unknown underdog overcome all odds to rise to greatness. They go from “no names” to having thousands all around them chanting their names; “Rocky, Rocky, Rocky” and “Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.” Even today, every time I watch, my heart beats fast and I am inspired to shout their names with the thousands of others.

What is your favorite sports movie of all time? Why?

In the scripture above, we are reminded of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem, knowing He was on His way to a brutal death. As He makes His way along the road, people begin to lay down palm branches and even their jackets on the dusty road in front of Him. And those who were ahead of Him, and those behind Him all shouted His name; “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

I often wonder if I were there when Jesus made His way into Jerusalem, whether I would have recognized who He was and been willing to shout His name and the truth about who He was. It is so easy to be tentative, or hesitant, to use Jesus’ name as we make our way through life and our crazy culture. In Philippians, we read that God gave Jesus the name that is above every name, and that at His name, every knee should bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Christ the Lord to the glory of God the Father. We should be ready to share and celebrate His name every chance we get.


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If you were there when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, do you think you would have shouted His name, and the truth about Him? Why or why not?

A number of years ago, I was greatly challenged, encouraged and inspired by a song by James Ward called “Ain’t No Rock.” The lyrics go on to say, “Ain’t no rock gonna cry in my place, as long as I’m alive, I’ll glorify His holy name.” Whenever I am in a situation where I am tentative about proclaiming or celebrating Jesus and his name, I often hear a voice in the back of my mind say, “Speak up. Don’t miss this opportunity to proclaim Jesus and His name.” I certainly don’t want any rock to cry or sing in my place to bring honor to the greatest name of all time, the name above all names, a name worth celebrating – “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!”

Who is someone you know and respect who proclaims and celebrates the name of Jesus by both words and deeds?

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God? Who will you share this with?


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A Name to Worship December 2

God’s Word

For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth…

Philippians 2:9-10 NASB

Luke Ridgely, Area Representative, Carroll County

Webster defines worship as “extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem.” From the day we are born until the day we breathe our last, we decide what we will worship. The object of worship could be different every day, but every day there is something that we worship. The question then becomes, “What is it you’re worshipping?”

Who or what do you find it easy to worship?

If the answer to that question is anything other than God, it’s called idolatry. That’s an old-school Christian word that means you love someone or something more than you love God. It takes a daily commitment and recommitment to deny your own personal wants and come to Jesus with your hands open.

Before I came to know Jesus personally and fully, I was so stuck in pride and wanting to do everything my own way and under my own power. I hid my pride behind this false nobility that God has more important things to worry about than me. If I would take care of the things in my life, I would really be doing God a favor and give Him room to work on the “bigger” things in the world. But that was not my job! When I held control from God, all I was doing was keeping Him from using me in the way that He desired to. I placed myself above God; I was more important to me than God was.

Make good use of today and take inventory of your relationship with God. Is He on the throne of your heart, or are you? Jesus did what none of us could do; in His perfect life, in faultless death, and subsequent resurrection Jesus made the path for all who would believe Him


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to be reconciled to God. That is what this passage from Philippians is all about, “Therefore, [in light of the work Jesus did and continues to do] God exalted him…” and because of this Jesus is worthy of our praise, our admiration, and our worship. He is worthy of us living In His Name.

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God?

What does today’s passage say about people?

Who will you share this with?

Pray and ask God to show you anything in you that is offensive to Him, and give that weight over to Jesus. That is what He died for!


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A Name to Trust December 3

God’s Word

Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed In His Name. John 2:23 NIV

Read John 10:25 NIV

Sabrina McClain, Administrative Assistant, Maryland State

The Bible is full of stories of men and women who wrestled with trusting God: Adam & Eve, Abraham & Sarah, Moses, Gideon, Zechariah, Mary, Peter, Thomas, and so many others. 2

Jesus knew He would encounter doubt when He walked the earth. He knew that even when He cured diseases that had no cure, reversed lifetimes of sin struggles and physical maladies, and raised people from the dead, people still wouldn't trust that He was the promised Messiah. We 3

see in John 10:24 that even when He did impossible things, people still asked for further proof that they should believe In His Name.

It may be easy to say, “But if I had seen all of those miracles, I would have believed!” But seeing isn’t always believing. John 20:29 states that those who don’t see Him but still believe are blessed. We may not witness someone being resurrected from the dead, but God still works today in big and small ways.

When did God meet you and do something that seemed impossible in your own life?

Men and Women in the Bible Who Struggle to Trust God Genesis 3:1-16; Gen. 16:2; Gen. 19:26; Gen. 27:9-13; Exodus 3:11; Ex. 3:13; Ex. 4:1; Ex. 4:10; Ex. 4:13; Judges 2

6:13; Jud. 6:15; Jud. 6:36-40; Esther 5:11; Job 2:9; Job 3:3-26; Job 6:2-30; Job 7:1-21; Job 10:8-12; Job 10:18-22; Job 16:6-22; Job 19:21-22; Job 23:1-17; Job 27:2-6; Job 30:20-23; Luke 1:18; Luke 1:34; Matthew 14:31; John 20:24-29.

People Struggling with Trust the Promised Messiah Matthew 9:1-3; Matt 9:1-8; Matt. 9:18-33; Matt. 12:10-13; Matt. 12:22; Matt. 14:15-28; Matt. 20:30-34; John 2:11; 3

Mark 1:29-34; Mark 1:40-45; Mark 5:25-34; Mark 7:31-37; Mark 8:22-26; Luke 7:1-17; Luke 14:1-4; Luke 13:10-17; Luke 17:11-19; John 4:1-26; John 8:1-11; John 4:53; John 5:1-9; John 9:1-38, John 11:1-46


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It’s hard to trust sometimes. We live with instant gratification and are always busy. It’s difficult to see that help is coming and instead we just trust ourselves. But Jesus is coming and God does hear you. We will all have moments of doubt, but Jesus is a name we can trust in. He has already done the most impossible of the impossible in defying death, in substituting Himself in our place as the target of all God's wrath for our deep sin. Miracles are His everyday language. Remember that Jesus is for you and that you can trust In His Name.

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God? What does today’s passage say about people?

Take a look at the verses referenced in footnote 3. Can you imagine witnessing miracles like this today?

What is something you’ve experienced personally in 2020 that would have seemed impossible in 2019? How was God involved?

What is one practical way you can prompt yourself to remember all Jesus has done for you and fuel your trust in Him?


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A Name that Changes Your Position December 4

God’s Word

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe In His Name… John 1:12 NASB

Read John 5:43 & 1 John 3:23 NASB

Britton Hastings, Area Representative, Carroll County

You can tell a lot from a person’s name, nickname, or title: Ivan the Terrible, Alexander the Great, Mr. October, Prime Time, The Rock, The Wall. I’m sure the list could go on and on.

Names can change depending on the situation. To an opposing team or some people, your name might strike fear, frustration, or anger; but, to your teammates, friends, and family your name might bring happiness and fond memories. Take a minute and think of some of your names through the years. What did they mean to other people?

Mom of us never pick our names. A nickname or birth name, your name is something that is given or earned and changes as you grow and as your relationships change. Self-proclaimed nicknames often convey arrogance rather than creativity. I have been called many names, nicknames, and titles through my first 26 years of life. Some I can repeat, and others might be better left unsaid. I was also a teammate, brother, son, friend, and many more. My biggest name change came when I married my wife. Becoming a husband changed my role, responsibility, and my priorities more than any other “name change” I earned my entire life. Names mold us and change us, we must be careful which names we start to identify with.

If I identified with the names I had in high school, I would be living a very different lifestyle. If I only identified with son, I might be mooching off of mom and dad forever. If I only identified with teammate, I would be trying to hold so tight to playing sports that my relationships would crumble. I think you get the point. Names are powerful and we must be aware of which ones we press into and which ones are false.

What is most important is that the God of the universe sent His son into our broken world to give us a chance — not at a good life or to be a good person — but a chance to be adopted into His family to be called a child of God!


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A child has belonging in his or her family. A child is dependent on his or her parents. A child is a descendent of their mother and father. A child is an heir to the family name. A child represents the family. A child is a name-bearer for the next generation.

We are children of God! Our name has been written in His book of life. It’s In His Name that we believe and because of Him, we can live!

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What names have you been called that you need to ignore today?

What names have you been given that you need to strengthen?

How do you feel knowing that God sees you as His child? Do you see Him as a good father?

Do you believe that a name can change everything? If yes, what gives you that confidence? If no, what is holding you back?

How would embracing the title of “child of God” as your central identification impact all your other names?


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A Name that Walks the Walk December 5

God’s Word

For we do not have a high priest who is cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time

of need. Hebrews 4:15-16 NASB

Patricia Hollowell, Collegiate Director, University of Maryland

Teddy Roosevelt’s famous Man in the Arena quote begins like this:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood…”

This quote is often used in athletic contexts, to remind the athlete that although everyone

may have an opinion, those on the sidelines lack the perspective to really understand what they

are going through. It is not until someone has walked the same path with early morning wake up

calls, grueling workouts, sore muscles, roadblocks and setbacks, that they can truly understand

the athlete’s journey.

The same is true in our spiritual life. Jesus left the beauty and perfection of Heaven to

come to earth, become human and face all the same things that we face. He dealt with all the

same emotions that we have: hunger, frustration, sadness, anger, loneliness. By becoming one of

us, He stepped into our arena, giving Him the complete human experience.

Does knowing that Jesus can relate to our emotions and earthly struggles make it easier for you to talk to Him? How?


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Not only did God become man and step into our world, He chose to suffer and die a

horrible death in order to pay our way to Heaven. Romans 5:6-8 says, “You see, at just the right

time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a

righteous man though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God

demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” In His

Name, we can have eternal life.

How does the weight of His sacrifice impact your daily life?

How can humbly living In His Name empower you in the various “arenas” of your life?

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

Who did you share with yesterday?

By God’s grace, how will you obey?

Who will you share this with?


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Workout LOG: How did you grow in your FITNESS this week?

How did you grow in your FAITH this week?




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Week 2 — Praying In His Name

Building Chemistry With The Best Teammate You Will Ever Have

As we begin the second week of Advent, our hope is that you have a firm grasp on the focus of this devotional. It is not the name of FCA. It is not the small names at the top of the

page. It is “In His Name.” The name of Jesus is the name that has given each one of the writers of this devotional life, hope, and a reason to write. Jesus is the hope of the world and for that reason, we look forward to the celebration of His birth in a few short weeks and to His second coming set forth at a time that only the Father in Heaven knows.

For those of us in the living between these two comings of Christ, we are thankful that we are not alone in figuring out how to make it through this time. God has promised and even commanded that we come to Him with our requests and our needs.

Where do you turn when you need help with a new skill or with something you need to accomplish? Most often, we turn to trusted sources that have been there for us in the past.

Our desire is that your faith in God as a trusted source will continue to increase as you pray In His Name!


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The Size of Your Prayers December 6

God’s Word

And I will do whatever you ask In My Name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything In My Name, and I will do it. John 14:13-14 NIV

Brian Hamson, Area Director, Cecil County

“God, please help our team rally from behind and win!”

“Please God don’t let me fail this test!”

How many prayers of desperation have you thrown up as a last-ditch effort for some supernatural intervention? Or perhaps you have prayed conditions to God as if you were the one calling the shots.

“God if you get me out of this jam, I promise I’ll [insert what you WILL do or WILL STOP doing].”

God is not a genie in a bottle or a good luck charm. To see Him as such is limiting what He is capable of doing. The Lord created us and the world we live in to bring glory to His name.

Imagine taking the field early, and trying to get the team to start warmups or conditioning drills, and no one does a thing. However, when those same instructions are given with the words, “Coach says we ought to start stretched and warmups, he’ll be out in 15 minutes” at the beginning, everyone makes sure to get it done. Why? Because the authority of the coach was invoked.

In the same way, when we pray, “In His Name,” we are calling upon God’s authority and God’s will, not our own. We are asking of our Lord because His Will and His Ways are greater than our desires and His power and authority opens up possibilities beyond our imagination!

So the next time you pray to God, acknowledge that even if the answer is no, wait or not what we originally wanted, the Lord will bring about all things for our good (Romans 8:28) and His glory (Colossians 1:27, 2 Corinthians 4:15).


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

Recount a time in your life where God surprised you by answering your prayer differently than you expected. How did it turn out?

Is there an area in your life that needs prayer right now?

How will you trust God with the result even if it looks differently than you expected?

Take time to acknowledge prayers that were answered throughout some major milestones in your life.


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The Motive of Your Prayers December 7

God’s Word

Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father In My Name, He will give it to you. Until now, you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

John 16:23b-24 ESV Read John 16:23-26 and James 4:2-3 ESV

Larry Moody, Board Member, Maryland State

Yesterday, we dispelled the notion of, “If I ask for anything in Jesus’ name, then God has to give it to me like He is some Cosmic Genie.” Jesus Himself adds qualifiers to prayers being said “In Jesus Name, Amen.” Jesus stipulates that to ask “In Jesus Name” is to align ourselves with His desires for our life. One chapter later than yesterday’s devotion (John 14) is this: “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7).

As Jesus demonstrated in the Garden of Gethsemane, He yielded his own will in obedience to his Heavenly Father, “Please take this cup of suffering away from me, Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” (Luke 22:42 NLT). We need to align our will with God’s will and not just ask Him to put His stamp of approval on our desires.

In today’s verses, John 16:23-24, it says we can ask In Jesus’ Name and we will receive it so that our joy may be full. But that is with the understanding that we want what God wants, to be more like Jesus today than yesterday. Our passage in James goes on to say that sometimes God does not answer our prayers because we have asked with wrong motives.

It is ok to ask God for whatever is on your heart, as long as we are willing to leave it in God’s hands how best to answer our request.

I have encouraged athletes and coaches for years not to pray for wins, but to pray for the ability to play their best that day, to ask for wisdom and insight as they seek to perform well. May our motives be to honor God with our life and our lips and as we pray seek God’s help to be the best we can be.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God? By God’s grace, how will you obey?

Have there ever been times when you prayed and God did not give you what you asked for?

Sometimes a different answer actually leads to a better outcome. Has that ever happened to you?

Sometimes the answer is no because your motives were not right. Has that ever happened as well?

Remember, God always gives another chance to get it right, strive to be more like Him, His mercies are new every morning. Do not get discouraged if you feel as thought you did not pray “correctly” today. God is more concerned with the condition of our heart than the “perfect prayer.”


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The Necessity of Your Prayers December 8

God’s Word

And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:21 NASB

Read Romans 10:9-13 NASB

Matt Tyner, Baseball Head Coach, Towson University

Nothing ever came easy for me. As a high school, then collegiate and professional baseball player, I was never considered the “can’t miss” prospect; so, I always had to outwork my teammates and the competition. There were many players better than me in high school, and during my pro career I was told I wasn’t projectable. I always felt I had to prove myself, and then re-prove myself to stay on the team. I left baseball and got into the grind of the real world and found that the same principles applied.

I realized that I was still proving and re-proving myself to the wrong team. My mantra was “Work hard and everything would work out.” But I felt like I was on a hamster wheel and couldn’t get off. I had reached the point in my life where I was tired of feeling empty and knew there had to be more. I wanted joy, grace and peace. I wanted love and hope.

I shared my struggles with friends who assured me that all I needed was faith. Belief that I could ask God through prayer for forgiveness, and to accept Jesus Christ as my loving Savior, with all my heart, all my soul, and all of my strength. I didn’t need to run an extra mile, do extra push-ups, or stay at work later than everyone else. I simply had to open up and pray with faith.

Could it be that easy? I surrendered and through prayer asked God for forgiveness and accepted Jesus Christ as my loving Savior. I was saved and placed on the right team because of His work on the cross and not my own merit.

Don’t get me wrong, I still work hard. Alongside miles and push-ups, I added devotional reading, study and faithful prayer to my everyday routine. I am living and praying In Jesus’ Name to bring my best to His team instead of trying to make the cut.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God?

What does today’s passage say about people?

By God’s grace, how will you obey?

Who will you share this with?

What does faith look like to you? What does your faith look like?

When was a time in your life that your faith was tested? Describe the circumstances and the outcome.

How will you pray In His Name today?


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The Effect of Your Prayers December 9

God’s Word

Peter replied, “Repent and each of you be baptized In The Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 NASB

Sirena Alford, Metro Director, Baltimore City

Years ago, I remember standing in front of an altar weeping after a sermon. My life was not going in the right direction of peace and joy, but heartache and despair. I felt helpless and disappointed about the decisions that I was making in my life.

I put aside my own understanding of who I thought Christ was. Instead I put Him first and began to trust in Him drawing me to Himself and began to repent In His Name.

What do you think repent means? Why do we repent In His Name and not another name?

Repent is a word that is sometimes greatly misunderstood. Some people think repentance means that you feel sorry for what you have done. You may feel remorse, but this is not necessary. Repent means to change your mindset, to change your thinking.

The word of God says in Acts 4:12, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

During this Advent time, will you run to a loving Savior who is asking you to repent In His Name? Revelation 3:20 says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Jesus also says in Luke 15:10, “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” The angels are rejoicing not because of a new car, a house, a new job, or a newborn precious baby, but over YOU making the decision to repent In His Name!

For those that may have already repented In His Name & have received Christ, the Bible says in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” and in 1 John


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1:8-9 “If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Father, forgive all of us for our sins and thank you for bringing us to the place of

repentance and faith, in your Name.

Have you repented In His Name? If you have not, share your feelings with God and/or a person you trust. Don’t hold back. He can handle your emotions.

If you have repented In His Name, write down how it happened and how your relationship with the Lord is going now.

What stands out to you from the following thought: “The Lord loves me.”

Spend time thanking God for the gift of repentance In His Name. Write out your prayer.


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A Teammate Who Will Advocate For You December 10

God’s Word

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send In My Name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 NIV

Amanda Ganger, Administrative Assistant, Maryland State

When I was in labor with my son, Kaedin, literally nothing went the way I had planned. It was chaotic, scary, 37 hours long, and ended with me almost dying. Thankfully, God orchestrated specific hospital staff to be there who were exceptionally skilled and they sprung into action to save my life.

When I was in (unmedicated) labor with my second child, Violet, the second most athletic endeavor I have ever been through, I was incapable of advocating for myself to hospital staff due to the intense, singular focus it required of me. That is why I had a midwife. She knew my history, acted as a go-between, spoke for me when I couldn’t speak for myself, was on my team no matter what, and would not bail no matter how chaotic the circumstances became. Without my midwife, my daughter’s delivery would have turned out very differently. But because of her steady and calm presence, both my daughter and myself made it through healthily and without unnecessary medical interventions (16 hours later).

The same is true of the Holy Spirit. God, the Father, loves us so much that He didn’t leave us alone. He sent the best teammate to advocate for us when we couldn’t advocate for ourselves. The Holy Spirit’s role is to teach and remind us (testify) of all the things Jesus has said and done. I, in my own strength, am inadequate to live this Christian life. But He is adequate in every way, giving us the same power that raised Jesus from the grave (Romans 8:11 NIV), to live life to the full here and now — In His Name (John 10:10 NIV)

Prayer doesn't have to be this eloquent soliloquy. Romans 8:26 says “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words.” Even when we don’t have the ability to pray “as we should,” we can lean on the Spirit to advocate to the Father on our behalf. In His Name, we have direct access to the limitless God who loves and desires us so much that He sent His son to be born completely human, live a sinless life, die a sinner’s death, and rise again to


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reconcile us back to Himself. Thank you God, that you didn’t leave us alone. You provided a helper for us here and a way to be with You eternally.

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God?

Think of a simple prayer that can become part of your daily routine. (Example: “Jesus, help.”)

Are you willing to receive feedback from the Holy Spirit? What is one area you think He may be nudging you to take a next step in?

What stands out to you from the following thought: “Do I really believe I have the power and wisdom of God living inside me? If so, worry is a useless emotion.”


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The Offering of Your Praise December 11

God’s Word

Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the

fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15 NASB

Frank Kelly, FCA National Board of Trustees

In the 1980’s, I was blessed to play two years of football and four years of lacrosse at Cornell University. By the time I got on campus as a freshman, football and lacrosse had gone from being “games” to being “gods” for me. It started in middle school, got worse in high school, and by the time I got to college, sports were full blown idols in my life. And I can tell you football and lacrosse, like other sports, are great games and terrible gods.

My first two years of college, I was consumed by fear of failure and my performance on the field. My success or failure determined my attitude and disposition off the field. I was miserable as I held on tighter and tighter to my fleshly need for worldly success, recognition, and affirmation.

My sophomore year, God used some injuries, failures, and the witness of other athletes to bring me to the point of surrender and steps of faith to invite Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior. As I began to grow in this new personal relationship, I experienced a new peace, despite difficult circumstances.

I was then challenged by my parents and other believers and followers of Jesus, to begin praising God every possible minute. I was encouraged to praise and thank Jesus at all times. The worse the situation, the more I should praise Him. I wasn’t called to praise God “for” every circumstance and situation, but to praise God “in” every circumstance and situation.

In the book of Psalms, we are told that God inhabits the praise of His people (Psalm 22:3). When we praise Jesus, we are expressing faith, and we are actually inviting Jesus into our situation, whatever it is. What is great about offering praise is we can do it in our heart and mind, anywhere at any time – as we make our way to work or class, when we exercise, and even when we compete. Whenever possible, it is a blessing and honor to give our Lord public praise for who He is and what He has done.

Let us praise and honor our Lord, every day, in every way, all for the Glory of His Name.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What is or was your favorite sport to play? Why?

Do you offer God a sacrifice of praise: continually, time-to-time, or never? Why?

Do you feel comfortable openly professing the name of Jesus Christ? Why or why not?


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The Gratitude in Your Prayers December 12

God’s Word

Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, In The Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 NIV

Brandon Johnson, Multi-Area Director, Central Maryland

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Gratitude comes from perspective.

The busyness of life and the day-to-day can keep us focused on things that are right in front of us. My days, oftentimes, consist of waking up, a brief quiet time, hopping right into the workday, then spending time with my family…and before I know it, the day is over. All of that without taking much, if any time, to cultivate any sense of gratitude. I have found that gratitude is something that we need to really fight for, through reflection, time, thought, and of course, prayer.

As we dive into the scripture we read, “Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Two key words that jump out to me are, ALWAYS and EVERYTHING. As mentioned before, gratitude comes from perspective. When we lose perspective, we rely on our own human nature; which we know is self-centered and critical. Daily, we need to step back and gain an eternal, biblical perspective, where there is a world of things to be grateful for.

As a starting place for gratitude, let’s begin with the Gospel. The Gospel is the story of how Jesus did something for us that we couldn’t do for ourselves. We have redemption for the broken nature that we find ourselves living in. There is nothing that we can do to make ourselves right. Only by grace through faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That’s it. No amount of being a good person or doing good things will get us any closer to heaven. Only through faith in Him.

With that in mind, I think we have a great starting point for a new, refreshing perspective and gratitude in our prayers. We can ‘always give thanks to God In His Name. In His Name, we find overwhelming kindness. In His Name, He sacrificed of His life to give us true life. In His Name, we have a peace while our lives are filled with ups and downs. Thank you, Jesus.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

How can you create space in your day to cultivate gratitude for the things Jesus has done for you?

Take 5 minutes and list EVERYTHING you are thankful for in life. (It may take more than 5 minutes).

Who can you ‘return kindness’ to today as a sign of gratitude?


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Workout LOG: How did you grow in your FITNESS this week?

How did you grow in your FAITH this week?




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Week 3 — Resting In His Name

Remembering What Team You’re On

While studying Acts 17 in a recent Huddle, one participant shared the observation that it seemed like Paul’s life has gotten harder, instead of easier, since he began to follow Jesus. A simple reading of the book of Acts confirms this to be true for the apostles and many other followers of Jesus. Contrary to the popular belief at the time, Jesus did not come to overthrow the Roman authorities and fully restore the Kingdom of God at His first coming. He came to offer His life as a sacrifice for all so that through our belief in Him we may have certainty of eternal life, hope for the future, and the Spirit of God living inside of us. None of

these take away the challenges that we face every day living in between the first and second coming of Jesus. In fact, our knowledge of Jesus and the mission that he left us with oftentimes intensifies the challenges. But we can rest in the midst of the challenges.

As you read these weeks scriptures and devotionals, picture a track coach or the instructor in a spin class encouraging you to settle in and find your rhythm, but don’t back off. As you live In His Name during this time in between, settle in, find the rhythm that comes from His truth, and don’t back down.


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Some Will Hate Us December 13

God’s Word

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 1 Peter 4:14 NIV

Read Matthew 10:22 & Acts 21:13

Jeff Hunt, Multi-Area Director, Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties

While I was coaching my son’s U-10 rec soccer team, I was given their new uniforms to distribute for the season. I opened the box and the uniforms were hot pink. This presented challenges not only for the boys, but I also got some complaints from the parents. We were laughed at because of the way we appeared. As we gelled as a team, our confidence grew and the wins started to pile up. The level of animosity towards the boys increased even more because we had become a threat.

When we initially begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, people may ridicule us for our new uniform. It looks different and even inappropriate to some. As this relationship with God grows, the transformation of our lives deepens. The way we see the world, our relationships with other people, and our life choices all begin to change to reflect His priorities. This change can feel threatening to those around us. They will not completely understand why we operate the way that we do, and they may reject or even hate us.

As God works in our hearts, we are able to step onto the field and love our enemies with the assurance that our identity is anchored in Jesus Christ and His love for us and for others. This confidence can change how we carry ourselves in difficult circumstances, and this can cause outsiders to be drawn to us despite initial skepticism

When you are hearing God’s Word and following His calling, there will be individuals who do not like you and they will try to derail you from the road that God has set before you. Take courage and seize that opportunity to show people an uncanny response to their hatred by loving them to life.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

Can you remember a time when you did not like another team because of the way they looked, the way they acted, or how well they performed on the field? What was it about them that you did not like?

Has there been a time when you were not liked, even hated, by another teammate, team, or person in your life? What do you think the root of their dislike was?

How does God call us to respond to those who do not like us or treat us well?

Ask God for the strength, empowering, and courage In His Name to love those around you - especially those who do not treat you well because of His name.


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You’re Going to Be Okay December 14

God’s Word

I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of His Name. 1 John 2:12 NIV

Read 1 John 2:12-14 NIV

Mark Stephens, International Advancement Coordinator

Are you overwhelmed and discouraged? Has the situation of this world caused you to lose hope? Embrace His Word. It is going to be okay. 

Take comfort from His word. As we navigate the ups and downs of this season, we can rest on our firm foundation — He who was here from the beginning. We are not alone. He is with us, and in us. That alone should give us the ability to find peace amidst the chaos. 

There is something that happens when we speak and affirm truths out loud. If you are struggling, consider making a list of some truths and reading them out loud daily to become more like the person God wants you to be.

John breathes life into us with a truth, “You are strong,” (1 John 2:14).

Say that out loud. Say, “I AM STRONG.”

Next, John tells us, “The Word of God abides in us.” God’s holy and inspired Word is in us. We need to embrace that, believe it, and live it out. I gain great comfort that the Designer of this world has given us His Word to read. His heart’s desire is that we would write it on our hearts. That means memorizing scripture, so it is fresh in us every day.

Finally, John tells us, “We have overcome the Evil One.” Each day we see the battle the Evil One wages in our minds, our hearts and our lives. It is imperative to hold onto John’s words.

Do you believe that we have overcome the Evil One? It is true.


Let that sink into your hearts.

John’s words bring us hope and encouragement in troubling times. Don’t lose heart. We must turn to God’s Word which will bring us comfort, hope and joy in times of discouragement during this time in between.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God?

What does today’s passage say about people?

What is holding you back from believing the truths proclaimed in God’s Word?

Consider creating a list of truths to read out loud daily. What truths should be on your list?

What is one action step you can take today based on this devotion?


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It’s Going to Get Ugly December 15

God’s Word

Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all

nations because of My Name. Matthew 24:9 NASB

Chris Sturdivant, Area Representative, Carroll County

When I was playing football as an adult for a semi-pro team, I had one goal in mind. I wanted to win a championship. I was told my whole life that I was too small, slow, and simply not good enough to be any good at the sport I loved; and, for a time, I let that define me. At 28 years old, I tried out for a local team and began a journey that took seven seasons to finish. My journey consisted of many obstacles: I suffered an ACL injury, a broken ankle, two broken thumbs, two broken ribs, and an off-field cancer battle with my late wife. Any of these obstacles could have justified my quitting, but I had a vision and a goal. I was going to do everything within my power to reach the finish line. In 2012, I accomplished my goal and won a football championship. It got ugly along the way, but my endurance and commitment paid off in the end.

Imagine now, being a disciple and listening to Jesus as he explained all of the persecution

that they would face and the obstacles that they would have to endure as they lived a life for

Jesus. Imagine being Paul, “Five different times the Jewish leaders gave me thirty-nine lashes.

Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. Once I

spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea. I have traveled on many long journeys. I have faced

danger from rivers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well

as from the Gentiles. I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the seas. And I have

faced danger from men who claim to be believers, but are not,” (2 Corinthians 11:24-26 NLT).

Just like the Twelve, Paul could have quit. They could have quit. They could have run to

the hills never to be heard from again. But they chose to stay in the game In His Name. They

knew it was going to get ugly, but He told them that their endurance would be rewarded. They

would be delivered. We can face all of the challenges that life presents with confidence and

endurance because we know that this world is only temporary. James 1:2-4 says “Consider it pure

joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the

testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish it spark so that you may be

mature and complete, not lacking anything.” We know that our story doesn’t end here. We can do


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this confidently because we know that Jesus has defeated death and our story ends with an

eternity with Him!

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What challenges are you currently facing?

Have you been tempted to quit? What keeps you motivated to push through?

How has God delivered you through some obstacles that you have faced?

Are your sights set on where you are or where you’re headed?


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Keep the Team United December 16

God’s Word

Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands

condemned already because they have not believed In The Name of God’s one and only Son.

John 3:18 NIV

Collin McClain, Former Virginia Tech Rugby Player

2020 has not been an easy year. It has seen people physically separated at work, school, and even with family in response to COVID-19. We have also seen our country divided over political differences, economic disparity, and increased racial tensions. Christianity is also one of these divisive topics (as explained in John 15:18). As people seek inclusivity and acceptance, the Bible declares there is only one way; and, that’s upsetting to some. While John 3:18 clearly states that without Jesus, we are condemned, I propose that there is something else that lends itself to inclusion, something that you don’t get in just one verse — and that’s love.

Just two verses earlier, John writes that God loved the whole world so much that He was willing to let His Son die. Jesus was willing because He loved you. John 15 reminds us of this, that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend. Paul reiterates this love at the end of Romans 8, declaring that nothing “Will be able to separate us from the love of God.” Because of this love, we have been offered a gift —a free gift — eternal life, if we just believe (Ephesians 2:8).

If we accept this gift, then what? Once we accept the gift, we are invited into God’s family (Rom. 8:15-17) and are one body through Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12) and we need to act like it through love and unity. It’s no accident that Paul lists love as the first fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and claims that of faith, hope, and love, love is the greatest (1 Corinthians 13:13). 1 Corinthians 13:2 says that we may have faith, but without love, we have nothing. So when Galatians 3:28 states that in Jesus there is “Neither Jew nor Greek…no male and female… [just] one in Christ,” we know this principle can extend to anything that divides us today. Because we are united In His Name, there is nothing that can divide us. We are different, but what matters is how we respond to these differences. If we just showed a little more Jesus by loving others as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31), John 3:18 will feel less like an ultimatum and more like an invitation to experience Jesus for the first time.


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If you have ever shared the Gospel with someone, how has it gone? Did you share John 3:18 with them?

Read John 3:16-21. Does reading this set of verses give more context to John 3:18? Does your understanding of John 3:18 change when reading it in context, rather than just reading the single verse?

How have you loved your fellow believers this year? How have you loved non-believers this year? Is there a difference?

Do you love like Jesus would with those who may believe different things than you? Both in the body of Christ and not?

How can John 3:18 impact your faith?

Pause to pray for someone in your life who doesn’t know Jesus and wisdom on how to share the love of Christ with them.


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The Victory is Coming December 17

God’s Word

Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were

justified In The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11 NASB

Read Luke 10:30 NASB

Joshua Moody, Board Chairman, Maryland State FCA

Do you remember the end-of-season pizza party? After the last whistle blew and the last trophy awarded, the caravan of minivans headed to the pizza joint. For us it was Pizza Hut, tables pushed together, pan pizza on a platter, and giant red plastic cups of endless soda. Maybe we changed out of our cleats, but we all showed up in our team uniforms, covered in grass or dirt or sweat. Objectively, we were adorable. By high school, that tradition fell by the wayside. Adult bodies coming off the field are in no condition to pack together in an enclosed space with non-participants. We stink. More than pizza, we need a shower and a change of clothes in order to be acceptable company in a public space.

The residue of athletic competition can be rinsed off with soap and water. But some marks go deeper than that. In the chapters surrounding this verse in his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul has been calling out the people for engaging in activities that hurt others, reflect poorly on Jesus, and leave scars deep in our hearts. He’s called them out for careless and destructive sexual activities, and he’s called them out on their financial greed as they sue each other in public courts over private grievances. He warns that those behaviors mark the lives of people unacceptable to the kingdom of God. And he reminds them that these were exactly the habits and patterns that Jesus frees them from.

In the middle of his criticism of destructive behavior and encouragement to make the right choices, Paul injects 1 Corinthians 6:11 like the classic sports movie halftime speech, “This isn’t us. This isn’t how we play! (Even though the scoreboard says otherwise.) Let’s get out there and show them who we are!” In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been washed—the stains of our sins have been removed. In His Name we are acceptable to stand before God (justified) and by the work of the Spirit we should be living it out better day by day. 


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

In this Advent season, we are celebrating Jesus’ first coming but still awaiting His return. His first coming led to our “washing” and “justification,’ but we won’t be free of the temptations and habits of wrong choices until His second coming. How can this idea be encouraging to you? How is it discouraging?

As Christians, we are accustomed to living in tensions between two things: living in the world, but not becoming like the world, being citizens of heaven but called to finish our work on earth, living with the resurrection power of Christ in us but bound by our earthly desires. What is the current tension that you find yourself in?

Look up one or two scriptures that can help preach truth to yourself in moments of tension or temptation. List them below.

Who can you encourage to live out the reality of the faith they have proclaimed?


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The Victory is Eternal: December 18 Pondering Our Destiny

God’s Word

I write these things to you who believe In The Name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:13 ESV

Steve Medinger, Multi-Area Director, Northern Maryland

In my early twenties, I would occasionally go to public places to engage people in conversation about their beliefs. Wow, did I get a wide variety of answers — including a lot of great questions about what I believed. On one occasion, I was in a college cafeteria and decided to go sit with someone who was by himself. As I tried to draw him out about his beliefs or lack thereof, he clearly said he did not think there is a God, and that he didn’t even really care. He didn’t even think it was worth the effort of investigating. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe – he just didn’t care.

Feeling a little discouraged, I was about to walk away. I stood up and an unusual boldness came over me, and I said to him, “Look, if you are right and I am wrong about God, there is not much of a negative impact on my life, but if I am right and you are wrong, there are eternal implications for you. This is too important to not even think about.”

He was a little startled by my directness, and although I would not agree that it is always the best approach, in this circumstance it caused him to open up and helped lead us into a great conversation.

Even as believers, it is important for us to think about eternity. It should shape our life. In

1 John 5:13, we are told that if you have put your hope and trust in Jesus Christ, Heaven will be your eternal destination. Think about this as you start your day. Knowing there is more to life than this world that is in front of us changes everything! Thank God for sacrificing His Son on your behalf. Pray regularly for your friends, family, and neighbors that do not know Jesus and ask how God might want to use you to share that same hope that you have, which leads to eternal security. Believing, or not believing, In His Name will make an eternal difference for you, your community, and all others around you.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

How sure are you that you are going to Heaven? If you are unsure, please reach out to one of our FCA staff.

What does it mean to have eternal perspective?

How would an increased eternal perspective change your day-to-day life?

Who are 5 (or more) people that do not know Jesus that you need to start praying for?


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The Honor of Suffering December 19

God’s Word

So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had

been considered worthy to suffer shame For His Name. Acts 5:41 NASB

Read Matthew 19:29 & Acts 5:1-41 NASB

Sara Mostafa Wolf, Area Representative, Anne Arundel County

22s. 22s are a series of sprints on the basketball court where you run baseline to baseline twice, then run to half court, and back to the baseline in under 22 seconds. In order to ‘pass’ pre-season conditioning, we needed to complete 10 of these. Being a 6’5 center at George Washington University, sprinting was not my strong suit. I remember my lungs burning like they were filled with fire and my legs feeling like they were being stung by 1,000 bees. When I look back on my life, this was some of the worst physical suffering I’ve ever experienced. 

Acts 5 shares about the Apostles who, after they were given the Holy Spirit, taught that Jesus was the Messiah, healed the sick, and did miraculous signs and wonders In His Name. The religious leaders were furious about this and wanted to kill the Apostles. However, one of the religious leaders, Gamaliel,  convinced the other leaders not to kill the Apostles. Instead, they were beaten, flogged and whipped; which may have been even more painful than execution. Then as they were leaving, probably still bleeding and limping from their beatings, they rejoiced, celebrated, and were overjoyed by the fact that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for His Name. They considered it an honor to suffer in the name of Jesus because Jesus suffered for them. They knew two things: their suffering was temporary and that in eternity, there would be no pain, suffering or sadness. Their hope was in heaven.  

There is a line in FCA’s Competitors Creed that says, "My sweat is an offering to my Master; My soreness is a sacrifice to my Savior.” As athletes, we can actually rejoice in the physical suffering of hard workouts because Jesus suffered for us. He suffered a painful death so that His atoning sacrifice could restore our broken relationship with God and give us access to eternity in Heaven with Him. Because Jesus suffered for us, we can give it our all in hard workouts, and when the promised difficult seasons of life come, and consider it an honor to suffer In His Name. 


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What goes through your head when you’re in the middle of an intense workout?

How can you rejoice in suffering today? Name your specific suffering.

Meditate on this sentence during your next time of suffering. “Pain is my friend; I rejoice in suffering because Christ suffered for me.”


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Workout LOG: How did you grow in your FITNESS this week?

How did you grow in your FAITH this week?




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Week 4 — Acting In His Name

Living Out the Faith Alive in You

As we enter into the final week and are just days away from celebrating Christmas, let us not forget the reason that we celebrate. This holiday is a celebration of the first coming of Jesus Christ. What difference does the birth of Jesus make to you? Your faith should not only

be a part of your life, it should be the core of your life that shapes every other area. In this final week, the challenge is to not only read but to reflect back on what God has taught you during this advent season. What will you do next?

Is there some core knowledge about Jesus or the Bible that you need to pursue?

Is prayer something that you want to grow deeper in?

Do you need encouragement, love, and coaching through a time when things are harder than you planned for?

Do you need an opportunity to exercise your faith through leadership?

Whatever the need, your FCA staff are here to help and would love to hear your answer to the question, “What do I need to do now?”


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Don’t Talk About It, Be About It December 20

God’s Word

So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 1:12, 31 NIV

Jason Scott, Area Director, Howard County

I remember the night before the first day of three-a-days, siting at the dinner table with my family, thinking about what I was getting ready to endure early the next morning. Training hard in the summer with “mandatory” weightlifting and conditioning gave me assurance that I had prepared well and was ready to start the season strong. As I sat there, I silently experienced sudden moments of fear and anxiety. That evening, I laid out my clothes for the following morning and made sure my gym bag was packed with water, cleats, and gloves, and tried to get to bed early. I laid in my bed for hours asking myself, “Am I ready for this?” “Am I really ready or am I lying to myself? Will I last the next 7 - 10 days?” Now all that mattered was whether or not I had correctly prepared for the trial ahead.

The title of this devotional parallels the sentiment of these verses. Paul is driving home a single point. On the day that you and I meet Him, no flattery, no talk, no good works, or even miraculous works will save us. We may call ourselves Christians and lead Huddles and do great and miraculous things In His Name, but on the day we meet Him, none of that will matter.

Boxing legend Joe Frazier has been quoted as saying, “You can map out a fight plan or a life plan, but when the action starts, it may not go the way you planned, and you're down to your reflexes - that means your [preparation:]. That's where your roadwork shows. If you cheated on that in the dark of the morning, well, you're going to get found out now, under the bright lights.” Frazier’s words echo Luke 12:2-3 which says, “What you have said [and done] in the dark will be heard in the daylight…”

We can’t hide anything from God. He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. When we prepare for an upcoming physical challenge, a school or work presentation, or for a life goal, we know that slacking off will only hurt ourselves. We can lie to ourselves and say, “I did my best,” but we know what the truth really is.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

Is there an area in your life where you have not been giving 100%? Ask God to bring something to mind, if nothing immediately jumps out.

Have there been times in your life where your actions may appear “Christian” (In His Name), but your motives or heart were in the wrong place? Describe what happened.

Read Luke 12:2-3 in its entirety. How does it make you feel knowing that nothing can be hidden from Christ? Does that affect some of your habits, actions, words, or thoughts?

Renew your commitment to excellence and allegiance to His Name today. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing. In His Name, and because of His actions on our behalf, we can trust His words, know that He will not leave us, and that He has won the ultimate battle for our soul. He deserves nothing less than our ultimate effort.


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Relationships Are Better Between Teammates December 21

God’s Word

They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:21 NIV

Read John 15:16-27 NIV

Mike McMahon, Multi-Area Director, Bay Area MD

Nearly 45 years ago, I met a kid named Scott in my neighborhood. We clicked like peanut butter and jelly. Sports were everything to me and Scott was an athlete to his core. Being a few years younger than me, we never played on the same team, but he was big enough, strong enough and fast enough to play sandlot football and basketball with the older guys so he fit right in with us. When I got to high school and started drinking beer, I would take Scott along with me to party. We were inseparable on weekends.

After graduation our lives went down different paths, but we still stayed in touch. I was in the Marine Corps and he was playing football for Towson University. I continued on with alcohol, but my friend graduated to drugs. During my tour, I got into some trouble which forced me to take a hard look at my life. With help, I was able to stop drinking completely. As my life started to move in a better direction, I still felt a nagging emptiness that I couldn’t fill. Fortunately, God used the circumstances in my life to reveal his love for me and I eventually surrendered my life to Jesus. As a new Christian, a change in my lifestyle took some time. I still loved sports, fishing, and hunting with the boys. But the guys I was hanging out with and had previously partied with, slowly stopped returning my calls.

My friend Scott was one of the friends who distanced himself from me. But something kept drawing him to stop by to check-in with me. He would ask me questions about God, and he was curious about how I surrendered my life to Jesus. By this time, he was using drugs daily. As God was in the midst of changing my life, my old friends got more and more uncomfortable being around me. My love for them only increased. Scott was on the top of my prayer list and the Lord heard from me daily about him.

On June 17, 1994, four years after I gave my life to Jesus, I had the incredible privilege of leading my friend Scott to the Lord! What neither of us saw during those years was the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. I didn’t understand why my friends had abandoned me. Scott was


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wondering why he felt so uncomfortable every time he was around me, yet something kept drawing him to my house… the Holy Spirit.

“For all who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s children.” Romans 8:14 NIV.

As young kids in the neighborhood, Scott and I bonded through athletics. Although we still share a love for sports, we are now both on the winning team and are bonded as brothers In His Name.

Have you ever written out your testimony? It can be a valuable tool to help you invite others to join the winning team. If you have, do the exercise below and see what has changed since the last time. If not, think about what your life was before you met Jesus, the circumstances that led you to Him, and how your life is different now. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic convicted felon-to-pastor story. God uses all kinds of people and stories for His glory. Write out your story below.

Before Jesus:

Circumstances that led me to Him:


Is there anyone (or more than one person) in your life that you need to begin praying for daily, by name? Ask God to bring someone to mind and begin today.


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Don’t Let the Victories Go to Your Head December 22

God’s Word

Whoever welcomes this little child In My Name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.

Luke 9:48 NIV Read Matthew 18:5 & Mark 9:37 NIV

Andrew Patterson, Area Representative, Harford County

Senior year…preseason football state championship hopefuls, all county/all state caliber athletes, and an easy road ahead (or so we thought)…

My senior year, we were going into a season that was almost marked for success, and during our interviews for camp we did not hold back on how good we truly thought we were. Typically, the goal is to be humble, talk about the hard work we will endure to come together as a team in hopes we will go all the way in hoisting up a state title trophy. Instead, we expressed our excitement in pure domination.

Game 1, Friday night at 7pm, we controlled the whole game, just as we said. Game 2 went the same way and so did game 3; we were feeling it by showing the world what we were made of! Week 4, finally a game that was supposed to be “easy.” We started off with our foot on the gas and we didn’t let up as we went up by 2 touchdowns. Once the 3rd quarter began, there was an opening touchdown from the opponent; and this began shifting momentum their way. By the end of the game we had lost by 1 touchdown.

We fell apart…losing the next 4 games, but won the last two, and this left us with a dismal record of 5-5. We were arrogant, undisciplined, and concluded a season that was supposed to end as state champs, but instead, ended as just another team.

This wasn’t a story that ended well, but it was a story in which a lot of lessons were learned. God isn’t worried about the wins and losses of games, but more concerned with a couple of other things:

1. We are in a winning relationship with Christ and claiming the victory In His Name. 2. We are humbling ourselves in victory or defeat, not placing blame, but taking

ownership for our actions. 56

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We have this opportunity to live a life that exemplifies a humble nature through the actions that we take. When you are on top of the world based on what man says, it’s very easy to become proud and be catapulted onto a pedestal that is lacking in a structured foundation.

Without Christ, the fall will be much faster then the climb was.

In victory, there is opportunity to grow closer to God, humble yourself, and teach valuable lessons to those around you. As a coach, parent, and athlete, there are eyes all around waiting to see if you will stay “the least” among every one by staying consistent in where God has called us to be.

Do not let victories go to your head because there is a much greater plan God has for our lives. His plan is to disciple others, be a reflection of Christ, and have a daily relationship with The Father!

What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What lesson did you learn when you let a victory go to your head?

In what ways did Jesus show what it meant to live a humble life?

How do you stay humble in victory?

What is your mindset with Christ and sports?


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What’s the Win? December 23

God’s Word

He told them, “This is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the

third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached In His Name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.

Luke 24:46-48 NIV

Brian Fish, Collegiate Representative, United States Naval Academy

Determining a winner in the world of athletics is easy. Simply look at the scoreboard at the end of the competition where the win is clearly defined.

Though He did not leave a scoreboard, Jesus did give plain instructions as He left the earth that define the win for us. Each of the synoptic Gospels ends with a form of His simple, clear instruction to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. “Go…make disciples of all nations, baptizing…and teaching…” (Matt 28:18-20). “Proclaim the gospel to the whole creation…” (Mark 16:15-16) and the simple statement in Luke 24:48, “You are witnesses of these things.”

As we view the broader context of these passages, we see with clarity the things which Jesus instructed His disciples to be witnesses of and it is these things by which modern day disciples define the win: 1) faithfully teaching scripture, and 2) fearlessly proclaiming salvation through Jesus Christ alone.

We see in Luke 24:15, that the disciples had their minds opened to the scriptures which testify all about Christ. It was this which they were to pass on. Paul echoed the simplicity of the faithful witness and the great commission when he instructed Timothy to entrust what he had been taught by Paul to other believers who could also teach others. (2 Tim 2:2, 15)

In Acts, Peter exemplified being a fearless witness when he exhorted those who had recently crucified Christ to repent, proclaiming to them salvation and forgiveness of sins through one name only, Jesus Christ (Acts, 2:23, 38; 4:12).

Let’s keep our win always in the forefront of our minds and let it dictate our daily actions: faithfully teach the Word of God and fearlessly proclaim salvation only through Jesus’ name.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God?

By God’s grace, how will you obey?

What does today’s passage say about people?

Who will you share this with?

What will your scoreboard say? Are you faithful with the Word?

How do you fearlessly proclaim repentance and forgiveness through Jesus Christ alone?


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Who Does Winning Glorify? December 24

God’s Word

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all In The Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17 NASB

Read 1 Thessalonians 1:12 NASB

Rick Wilson, Area Representative, Harford County

We all have our heroes. We find our heroes in sports, business, government, etc. These heroes are generally admired for their financial success, popularity and influence. I certainly admire people from the arenas, such as Tony Dungy, NFL coach and broadcaster and S. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-Fil-A.

Who is your hero? What about them makes you want to emulate them?

Then there is Orton Mills, a representative of the Lord Jesus. I admire him because the name of the Lord Jesus Christ was glorified in him. From the time I was 10 years old until I could drive myself, Orton showed up every Sunday morning in his station wagon to take me and my brother and several other neighborhood kids to Sunday School. As I grew up, Orton was a constant source of support, encouragement and accountability. He never really talked much about his career or hobbies. I thought he was a full time Christian and worked in his spare time. Orton is a big reason I accepted Christ in my teens.

His influence on me continues. When I encounter those who have not yet been introduced to Christ, I remember Orton, and hope I can display Christ’s love as he did in my life.

Orton Mills’ life glorifies God because whatever he did in word and deed, he did in the name of Jesus Christ. Orton never intended to be my hero. His desire was that I would follow Jesus Christ. His example shows that the way you live your life may be the only exposure someone has to Christ, His love, and His promises. We should all follow his example and strive to glorify God by living In Jesus’ Name.


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

What does today’s passage say about God?

By God’s grace, how will you obey?

What does today’s passage say about people?

Who will you share this with?

What are some character traits from those you admire that you hope to be true of yourself?

We become like those we surround ourselves with (Proverbs 13:20). What traits (positive and negative) do you see in those you’ve surrounded yourself with. What kind of influence do “they” have on you. What is your influence on them?


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What’s Does Winning Look Like? December 25 Unity In His Name

God’s Word

I appeal to you, brothers, By The Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.

1 Corinthians 1:10 ESV Read John 17:6-26 NIV

Frankie Hourigan, Area Director, Frederick County

I got my love for sports from my dad. He taught me to love competition. I remember watching sports with him and asking him a thousand questions. Who do you want to win? Why did they do that? Why was that a penalty?

Out in the backyard my dad taught me the fundamentals of his favorite sports: football, and basketball. He even coached me in several seasons of rec sports. From then on, my love of sports would only grow as I explored my abilities.

Ironically, I ended up taking up the sport of distance running, which has very few rules, but I still love to learn new sports. I enjoy knowing and following the rules of the game, even the made-up neighborhood games we played as kids where rules were created as we went. Many of the fundamentals I learned from my dad transfer so well across many different sports; spacing, athletic stance, balance, acceleration, and focus are needed in basically every sport.

Just like there is unity across many of the fundamentals in sports, God wants His church to be unified. My pastor recently preached about unity and he said we should “major in the majors and minor in the minors.” You can see what happens when athletes get it backwards when pro athletes are so focused on learning to hit fadeaway jumpers that they miss layups and free throws.

When the church gets it backwards you see quarrels, division and people leaving the church. Paul encourages us to be “united in thought and purpose.” Focus on the fundamentals of our faith and don’t let different interpretations of less important issues or different styles of worship divide us as a body of believers.

In John 17, Speaking to His Father, Jesus asks God to protect His believers by the power of

His name “so that they will be unified” (verse 11). Jesus also prayed that we can know how we can have eternal life, “to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.” (verse 13).


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What are you thankful for?

What are you struggling with?

How did you obey yesterday?

Who did you share with yesterday?

Who was instrumental in teaching you the fundamentals of your favorite sport? Who taught you about the fundamentals of your faith?

What “minor” do you need to focus less on so that you can “major on the majors?”

As athletes and coaches, when we forget the fundamentals we get beat or we miss layups. What is the danger of forgetting the fundamentals of our faith (Matthew 22:37-40) for believers? When the church gets it backwards what effect does that have on people who are not yet a part of a church?

Have you been coached through The Core by an FCA leader? If not, be sure to reach out and ask. The discipleship journey is a lifelong, yet fully rewarding adventure. FCA is committed to run alongside you as you train your heart, mind and soul to become more like Jesus Christ. No matter where you are at in your journey, FCA will help you grow in your faith. But just like any great competitor will tell you, success starts at The CORE. When you strengthen your CORE, everything else benefits. The same is true in your spiritual life. Read rear cover of this devotional for more info.


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Workout LOG: How did you grow in your FITNESS this week?

How did you grow in your FAITH this week?




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When you make a decision to follow Jesus, you are beginning the journey of a lifetime — a discipleship journey. This journey is a lifelong pursuit of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ, or what we call, a disciple.

A disciple is someone who is in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. The CORE gives you eight essentials on how to do just that. The CORE will help you be engaged in God’s Word, equipped on the basics of the faith, and empowered to help others grow in Jesus Christ. When you strengthen your CORE everything else benefits.

If you want to take the next step, contact your fca staff member and go through the CORE.