TABLE OF CONTENTS - Online Shia Islamic Articles, …Surah Al-Alaq), Allahazwj would Write for him...

Tafseer Hub-e-Ali asws 1 out of 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 96 .................................................................................................................. 2 AL-ALAQ ....................................................................................................................... 2 (19 VERSES) .................................................................................................................. 2 VERSES 1- 19 ................................................................................................................. 2 MERITS ......................................................................................................................... 2 Revelation Sequence ..................................................................................................... 3 VERSES 1 - 5 .................................................................................................................. 3 The first Revelation ....................................................................................................... 4 Teaching by the Pen (Amir Al-Momineen asws ) ................................................................ 5 The Pen......................................................................................................................... 6 VERSES 6 - 8 .................................................................................................................. 7 A miracle by Amir-Al-Momineen asws .............................................................................. 8 VERSES 9 & 10 ............................................................................................................. 10 VERSES 11 - 18 ............................................................................................................ 11 VERSE 19 ..................................................................................................................... 13

Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS - Online Shia Islamic Articles, …Surah Al-Alaq), Allahazwj would Write for him...

Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

1 out of 15


CHAPTER 96 .................................................................................................................. 2 AL-ALAQ ....................................................................................................................... 2 (19 VERSES) .................................................................................................................. 2 VERSES 1- 19 ................................................................................................................. 2 MERITS ......................................................................................................................... 2

Revelation Sequence ..................................................................................................... 3

VERSES 1 - 5 .................................................................................................................. 3

The first Revelation ....................................................................................................... 4

Teaching by the Pen (Amir Al-Momineenasws) ................................................................ 5

The Pen ......................................................................................................................... 6

VERSES 6 - 8 .................................................................................................................. 7

A miracle by Amir-Al-Momineenasws .............................................................................. 8

VERSES 9 & 10 ............................................................................................................. 10

VERSES 11 - 18 ............................................................................................................ 11

VERSE 19 ..................................................................................................................... 13

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VERSES 1- 19

ن الرحيم بسم الله الرحم


من قرأ يف يومه أو ليلته: اق رأ باسم ربك مث »ابن بابويه: بإسناده، عن سليمان بن خالد، عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: ب بسيفه يف سبيل اهلل تعاىل مع مات يف يومه أو يف ليلته، مات شهيدا، و بعثه اهلل شهيدا، و أحياه شهيدا، و كان كمن ضر

«.رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(

Ibn Babuwayh, by his chain from Suleyman Bin Khalid,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘The one who recites: Read in the Name of your Lord Who Created! [96:1] (Surah Al-Alaq) during his day or his night, then dies during his day or during his night, would have died as a martyr, and Allahazwj would Resurrect him as a martyr, and Revive him as a martyr, and he would be as if he had struck by his sword in the Way of Allahazwj along with the Rasool-Allahsaww’.1

من قرأ هذه السورة، كتب اهلل له من األجر كمثل ثواب »و من )خواص القرآن(: روي عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(، أنه قال: من قرأ جزء املفصل ، و كأجر من شهر سيفه يف سبيل اهلل تعاىل،

And from Khawas Al-Quran –

It has been reported from the Prophetsaww having said: ‘One who recites this Chapter (Surah Al-Alaq), Allahazwj would Write for him the Recompense similar to the Rewards of the one who has recited a part of Al-Mufassal (Chapters 47 & 50 & 110), and like the Rewards of the one who brandishes his sword in the Way of Allahazwj.

«.و من قرأها و هو راكب البحر سلمه اهلل تعاىل من الغرق

And the one who recites it while sailing in the sea, Allahazwj would Keep him safe from the drowning’.2

1 ( .124ثواب األعمال: )

2 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 11748

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أن رخر ما فيه من قرأها على باب خمزن، سلمه اهلل تعاىل من كل آفة و سارق إىل»و قال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(: «.مالكه

And Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘One who recites it upon the door of the storage, Allahazwj the Exalted would Keep it safe from every affliction and thief until its owner takes out whatever is in it’.3

أها و هو متوجه يف سفره كفي شره، من قر »و قال الصادق )عليه السالم(:

And Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘One who recites, and is heading for a journey it would suffice him from its evil.

«.و من قرأها و هو راكب البحر سلم من أمله بقدرة اهلل تعاىل

And the one who recites it while he is sailing in the sea, he would be safe by the Power of Allahazwj the Exalted’.4

Revelation Sequence

ة من أصحابنا عن أحد بن محمد و سهل بن زياد عن منصحور بن العباس عن محمد بن السن السري عن عمه علي بن عدسم الله الرحن الرحيم اق رأ السري عن أيب عبد الله ) عليه السالم ( قال أولح ما ن زل على رسحول الله ) صلى اهلل عليه وآله ( ب

باسم ربك و آخرحهح إذا جاء نصرح الله .

A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, and Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Mansour Bin Al Abbas, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Sarriy, from his uncle Ali Bin Al Sariy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘The first of what was Revealed upon Rasool-Allahsaww was In the Name of Allahazwj the Beneficent, the Merciful, Read in the name of your Lord Who Created [96:1] and the last of it (Chapter Revealed) was When there comes the help of Allah and the victory’ [110:1].5

VERSES 1 - 5

{1اق رأ باسم ربك الذي خلق }Read in the Name of your Lord Who Created! [96:1]

3 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 11749

4 ( «.نحوه» 14خواص القرآن: )

5 Al Kafi V 2 – The Book Of Merits of the Quran CH 14 H 5

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نسان خلق {2} علق من الHe Created the human being from a clot [96:2]

{3} األكرمح وربك اق رأ Read, by your Lord, the most Benevolent [96:3]

{4} بالقلم علم الذيWho Taught by the Pen [96:4]

نسان علم {5} ي علم ل ما الTaught the human being what he did not know [96:5]

The first Revelation

و أجلها، و أطوعها و أخشعها و أخضعها، إىل ق لبه ف وجدهح أفضل القحلحوب ف لما استكمل أربعني سنة ]و[ نظر اللهح عز و جل ها، و أذن للمالئكة ف ن زلحوا و محمد م، ص ي نظحرح إليه أذن ألب واب السماء ف فحتحت، و محمد ص ي نظحرح إلي

(Imam Hassan Al-Askariasws said: ‘So when hesaww (Rasool-Allahsaww) was of complete forty years, and Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Looked at hissaww heart, Heazwj Found it to be the most superior of the hearts, and its most sublime, and its most obedient, and its most humble, and its most submissive, Heazwj Permitted the gateways of the sky, so they opened up, and Muhammadsaww looked at them. And Heazwj Permitted the Angels, so they descended and Muhammadsaww looked at them.

وق بالنور، طاوحس أحنزلت عليه من لدحن ساق العرش إىل رأس محمد و غمرتهح، و نظر إىل جب رئيل الروح األ و أمر بالرحة ف مني المح اق رأ. قال: و ما أق رأح يا محمدح و هزهح و قال: المالئكة هبط إليه، و أخذ بضبعه

And Heazwj Commanded with the Mercy so it descended from the base of the Throne unto the head of Muhammadsaww and deluged himsaww. And hesaww looked at Jibraeelas the Trustworthy Spirit encircled with the light, peacock of the Angels descending unto himsaww, and heas grabbed hissaww forearms and shook (them) and said, ‘O Muhammadsaww! Read!’ Hesaww said: ‘And what shall Isaww read?’

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نسان من علق -قال: يا محمدح اق رأ باسم ربك الذي خلق [ ما أوحى إليه ربهح عز و مثح أوحى ]إليه ما ل ي علم ىل ق وله إ خلق ال أنه ما ركبهح به و قد غشيهح من ت عظيم جالل الله، و ورد عليه من كبري ش -البل جل، مثح صعد إىل العحلو، و ن زل محمد ص من

. الحمى و النافضح

Heas said: ‘O Muhammadsaww! Read in the name of your Lord Who Created [96:1] He created the human being from a clot [96:2] – up to Hisazwj Words - what he did not know [96:5]. Then heas revealed unto himsaww what hissaww Lordazwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed, then heas ascended to the heights, and Muhammadsaww descended from the mountain – and hesaww had been overwhelmed from revering the Majesty of Allahazwj, then there came upon himsaww from the importance of hissaww occupation, hesaww was affected by the fever and the chills.

و كان من أول [ ي عتيه شيان من تكذيب ق حريش يف خبه، و نسبتهم إياهح إىل الحنحون، ]و أنهح -ي قحولح و قد اشتد عليه ما رخافحهح غضح األشياء إليه الشيانح و أف عالح المجانني و أق والححم.أمره أعقلح خليقة الله، و أكرمح ب راياهح و أب

Hesaww was saying, and it had intensified upon himsaww what hesaww feared upon from the belying of the Quraysh regarding hissaww news, and their linking himsaww to the insanity and that hesaww was influenced by Satanla, and hesaww was from the first time (beginning), an intellectual creature of Allahazwj, and most honourable of their righteous ones, and the most hated of the things to himsaww was the Satanla, and the deeds of the insane and their speeches’.6

Teaching by the Pen (Amir Al-Momineenasws)

حدثنا إسحاق بن ممد، قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم، قال: حدثنا أحد بن ممد الشيباين، قال: حدثنا ممد بن أحد، قال:نزل جبئيل على »ممد بن علي، قال: حدثنا عثمان بن يوسف، عن عبد اهلل بن كيسان، عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(، قال:

ا ممد، اقرأ، قال: و ما أقرأ؟ ممد )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(، فقال: ي

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘It was narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Shaybani, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Is’gaq Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Usman Bin Yusuf, from Abdullah Bin Kaysan,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws having said: ‘Jibraeelas descended unto Muhammadsaww and heas said: ‘O Muhammadsaww! Read!’ Hesaww said: ‘And what shall Isaww read?’

قال: اق رأ باسم ربك الذي خلق يعين خلق نورك األقدم قبل األشياء

Heas said: ‘Read in the name of your Lord Who Created [96:1] – meaning Created yoursaww Light, the most ancient, before the (Creation of) the things.

نسان من علق يعين خلقك من نفة، و شق منك عليا، خلق ال 6 Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askari

asws – S 78 (Extract)

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He created the human being from a clot [96:2] – from a seed, and Derived Aliasws from yousaww.

اق رأ و ربك األكرمح الذي علم بالقلم يعين علم علي بن أيب طالب

Read, by your Lord, the most Benevolent [96:3] Who Taught by the Pen [96:4] – Taught by Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws.

نسان علم عليا من الكتابة لك م «. ا ل ي علم قبل ذلكعلم ال

Taught the human being - knowledge of Aliasws from the writing for yousaww, what he did not know [96:5], what he (the human being) did not know before that’’.7

The Pen

أيب السن موسى )عليه السالم(، قال: سألته عن قول اهلل عز السن بن أيب السن الديلمي: بإسناده إىل ممد بن الفضيل، عن حرحون: «.فالنون اسم لرسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(، و القلم اسم ألمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(»و جل: ن و القلم و ما يس

Al-Hassan Bin Abu Al-Hassan Al-Daylami, by his chain going up to Muhammad Bin Al-Fazeyl, who has narrated the following:

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Musaasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Noon and the Pen, and what they will be writing! [68:1], heasws said: ‘So the (letter) Noon is a name of the Rasool-Allahsaww, and the Pen is a name of Amir-Al-Momineenasws’.8

ابن بابويه، قال: أخبنا أبو السن ممد بن هارون الزجناين، فيما كتب إىل على يدي علي بن أحد البغدادي الوراق، قال: حدثنا مع اذ ب ن املث ع العن بي، ق ال: ح دثنا عب د اهلل ب ن أح اء، ق ال: ح دثنا جويري ة، ع ن س فيان ب ن س عيد الث وري، ع ن الص ادق )علي ه

و أم ا الن ون فه و جل ر يف الن ة، ق ال اهلل ع ز و ج ل: ا د فجم د، فص ار »ف املقع ة يف الق رآن، ق ال: الس الم(، يف تفس ري ال رو مدادا،

Ibn Babuwayh said, ‘Abu Al-Hassan Muhammad Bin Haroun Al-Zanjany narrated to us, regarding what he wrote to the hands of Ali Bin Ahmad Al-Baghdady Al-Waraq, from Ma’az Bin Al-Masny Al-Anbary, from Abdullah Bin Asma, from Juweiriya, from Sufyan Bin Saeed Al-Sowry, who has said:

‘Al-Sadiqasws, regarding the interpretation of the Abbreviated Letters in the Quran, having said: ‘And as for the (Letter) Noon, so it is a river in the Paradise. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “Freeze!” So it froze becoming ink.

مث قال عز و جل للقلم: اكتب فسر القلم يف اللوح احملفوظ ما كان و ما هو كائن إىل يوم القيامة،

7.430: 2تفسير القمي

8 ( .1/ 710: 2تأويل اآليات )

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Then the Mighty and Majestic Said to the Pen: “Write!” So the pen wrote in the Guarded Tablet, whatever had transpired and whatever would be transpiring up to the Day of Judgement.

«.فاملداد مداد من نور، و القلم قلم من نور، و اللوح لوح من نور

The Ink was the Ink of Light, and the Pen was a Pen of Light, and the Tablet was a Tablet of Light’.

فصل بيان، و علمين مما علمك اهلل؟ [ أمر اللوح و القلم و املداد قال سفيان: فقلت له: يا بن رسول اهلل، بني ]يل

Sufyan said, ‘So I said to himasws, ‘O sonasws of Rasool-Allahsaww! Can youasws explain to me the matter of the Tablet, and the Pen, and the Ink, in a detailed explanation, and teach me from what Allahazwj has Taught youasws?’

يا بن سعيد، لو ال أنك أهل للجواب ما أجبتك، فنون ملك يؤدي إىل القلم و هو ملك، و القلم يؤدي إىل اللوح و هو »فقال: ملك، و اللوح ي ؤدي إىل إس رافيل، و إس رافيل ي ؤدي إىل ميكائي ل، و ميكائي ل ي ؤدي إىل جبئي ل، و جبئي ل ي ؤدي إىل األنبي اء و

(«. الرسل )صلوات اهلل عليهم

So heasws said: ‘O Bin Saeed! Had you not been deserving of the answer, Iasws would not have answered you. An Angel leads to the Pen, and it is an Angel. And the Pen leads to the Tablet and it is an Angel. And the Tablet leads to Israfeelas and Israfeelas leads to Mikaeelas, and Mikaeelas leads to Jibraeelas, and Jibraeelas leads to the Prophetsas and the Rasoolsas’.

«.فال نأمن عليك -يا سفيان -قم[: » قال: مث قال ]يل

He (the narrator) said, ‘Then heasws said: ‘Arise O Sufyan! Weasws cannot entrust it to you (any more than this much)’’.9

VERSES 6 - 8

نسان إن كال غى ال {6} ليNever! Surely the human being is inordinate [96:6]

{7} است غع رآهح أن Because he sees himself as needless [96:7]

9 ( 1: 23معاني األخبار: )

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{8} الرجعى ربك إىل إن Surely to your Lord is the return [96:8]

A miracle by Amir-Al-Momineenasws

ف قال و قد غص ملسحهح بأهله، مثح قال رسحولح الله ص: فأيكحمح الي وم ن فع باهه أخاهح المحؤمن -و لقد أصبح رسحولح الله ص ي وما يف ثالثني درها كانت لهح عليه ف قال عمار: مررتح بعمار بن ياسر و قد الزمهح ب عضح الي هحود علي ع: أنا. قال: صن عت ما ذا قال:

ت، فخلصين منهح باهك. يا أخا رسحول الله ص هذا يحالزمينح و ال يحريدح إال أذاي و إذاليل لمحبت لكحم أهل الب ي

One day Rasool-Allahsaww came and hissaww gathering had crammed with its people, then Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘So which of you today benefitted by his virtue, his Momin brother?’ So Aliasws said: ‘Iasws did’. Hesaww said: ‘What is that which youasws did?’ Heasws said: ‘Iasws passed by Ammar Bin Yasseras and one of the Jews was pressing him regarding thirty Dirhams which were for him upon him. So Ammar said, ‘O brotherasws of Rasool-Allahsaww! This one is pressing me and is not intending except to harm me and humiliate me due to my love for youasws, the Peopleasws of the Household. Therefore finish me off from himasws by yourasws virtue’.

لكافر و لكن اشفع يل لذا ا من أن أبذحلك -ف قال: يا أخا رسحول الله إنك أجل يف ق ليب و عيين فأردتح أن أحكلم لهح الي هحودي.يع جوانب العال [ فاسألهح أن يحعينين على أداء دينه، أن يحصي رها كأطراف السفرة ]لفعل -إىل من ال ي رحدك عن طلبة، و لو أردت

نة.و ي حغنيين عن االستدا

So Iasws intended to speak to the Jew for him, and he (Ammar) said, ‘O brotherasws of Rasool-Allahsaww! Youasws are more majestic in my heart and my eyes than that I should exert youasws for this Kafir, but intercede for me to the One Whoazwj would not Return youasws from yourasws seeking; and if youasws were to intend the entire sides of the world to become like the sides of the yellow (gold), Heazwj would Do so. So ask Himazwj to Assist me upon the paying off of my debts, and make me needless from the borrowing’.

: اللهحم اف عل ذلك به، مثح ق حلتح لهح: اضرب بيدك إىل ما ب ني يديك من شي فإن الله ي حقلبحهح لك ذهبا إبريزا « حجر أو مدر » ء ف قحلتح يف يده ذهبا.ف تحول فضرب يدهح، ف ت ناول حجرا فيه أمنان

So Iasws said: ‘O Allahazwj! Do that for him!’ Then Iasws said to him: ‘Strike with your hand upon whatever is in front of you, from anything from a stone or mud, so Allahazwj would Transform it for you as pure gold ‘. So he struck his hand and grabbed a stone which was ‘Amnaan’ (Two Ratls – 812gms.), and it transformed into his hand as gold.

دنانري. ف قال: كم قيمت حها من الذهب قال: ثالثةح مثح أق بل على الي هحودي ف قال: و كم دي نحك قال: ثالثحون درها.

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Then he turned towards the Jews and he said, ‘And how much is your debt?’ He said, ‘Thirty Dirhams’. So he said, ‘How much is its value in gold?’ He said, ‘Three Dinars’.

يل هذا الذهب ألفصل قدر حقه. فأالنهح اللهح عز و جل لهح، ق لبت هذا ال -قال عمار: اللهحم باه من باهه جر ذهبا، لني ف فصل لهح ثالثة مثاقيل، و أعاهح.

Ammar said, ‘O Allahazwj! By the virtue of the oneasws by whose virtue, Youazwj Transformed this rock into gold, Soften this gold for me so I can break a (piece of the) measurement of his right’. So Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Softened it for him, and he broke of this three Misqals (6.2 gms x 3) and gave it to him.

عتحك ت قحولح مثح جعل ي نظحرح إليه و غى قال: اللهحم إين ح نسان لي غيين. أن رآهح است غع كال إن ال اللهحم فأعد هذا و ال أحريدح غع يحن يا و الخرة محواالت باه من جعلتهح ذهبا ب عد أن كان حجرا. ف عاد حجرا -الذهب حجرا ف رماهح من يده، و قال: حسيب من الد

يا أخا رسحول الله ص. -لك

Then he went on looking at him, and he said, ‘O Allahazwj! I heard Youazwj Saying: Never! Surely the human being is inordinate [96:6] Because he sees himself as needless [96:7], and I do not want riches making me transgress. O Allahazwj! Return this gold as a rock, by the virtue of the oneasws whom Youazwj Made it to be as gold after it having been a rock’. So it returned to be as a rock, and he threw it from his hand and said, ‘It suffices me from the world and the Hereafter, my friendship for youasws – O brotherasws of Rasool-Allahsaww!’

إىل الله ت عاىل بالث ناء عليه، فصلواتح الله من ت ]ف قال رسحولح الله ص:[ ف ت عجبت مالئكةح السماوات و األرض من فعله، و عج ف وق عرشه ت ت واىل عليه.

So Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The Angels of the sky and the earth were astounded from his deed, and they raised their voices to Allahazwj the Exalted with the praise upon him. So Allahazwj Sent Salawat from above Hisazwj Throne to come upon him.

ته، ت قت حلحك الفئةح ن المقتحولني يف مب قال ص: فأبشر يا أبا الي قظان فإنك أخحو علي يف ديانته، و من أفاضل أهل واليته و م ن يا ضياح . و ت لحقح رحوححك بأرواح محمد و آله الفاضلني، فأنت من خيار شيعت من لب الباغيةح، و آخرح زادك من الد

Hesaww said: ‘Receive glad tidings, O Abu Al-Yaqzan, for you are a brother of Aliasws in hisasws Religion, and from the meritorious ones of hisasws Wilayah, and from the ones to be killed in hisasws love. The rebellious group would kill you, and the last of your provision from the world would be a Sa’a of milk, and your soul would join with the souls of Muhammadsaww and hissaww superior Progenyasws, for you are from the best of mysaww Shias’.10


Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askariasws

– S 44

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VERSES 9 & 10

هى الذي أرأيت {9} ي ن Have you seen the one who forbids [96:9]

{10} صلى إذا عبداA servant when he prays Salat? [96:10]

مر »ممد بن يعقوب: عن ممد بن حيىي، عن ممد بن إحاعيل القمي، عن علي بن الكم، عن سيف بن عمرية، رفعه، قال: أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( برجل يصلي الضحى يف مسجد الكوفة، فغمز جنبه بالدرة، و قال: حنرت صالة األوابني حنرك اهلل.

«.فقال: أ رأيت الذي ي نهى عبدا إذا صلى -قال -قال: فأتركها؟

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Qummy, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Sayf Bin Ameyra, raising it, said,

‘Amir-Al-Momineenasws by a man who was praying the forenoon Salat in Masjid Al-Kufa. So heasws pressed his side with the whip and said: ‘You slaughtered the Salat of: the penitent [17:25], may Allahazwj Slaughter you!’ He said, ‘So, shall I leave it?’ Heasws said: ‘Have you seen the one who forbids [96:9] A servant when he prays Salat? [96:10]’.

«. و كفى بإنكار علي )عليه السالم( جليا»فقال أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(:

So Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘And it suffices by the denial of Aliasws for its forbiddance’’.11

؟ املؤمنني أمري يا ادعها: قال ؟ الصلوة هذه ما السالم عليه على فقال يصليها، وهو جلر على مر السالم عليه عليا ان: وقال .؟ صلى إذا عبدا اجلى اكون: السالم عليه على فقال

And said, ‘Aliasws passed by a man whilst he was Praying, so Aliasws said: ‘What is this Salat?’ He said, ‘Shall I leave it, O Amir-al-Momineenasws?’ Aliasws said: ‘And should Iasws become the one who prevented a servant from praying Salat?’12

عليه اهلل صلى اهلل نىب شهدنا قد الناس أيها يا: فقال يصلون أناسا فرأى عيد يوم يف خر انه السالم عليه على عن روى وقد - النيب قال أو - العيد قبل يصلى أحد يكن لمف اليوم هذا مثل يف وآله

And it has been reported from Aliasws that heasws went out on the Day of Eid, and heasws saw a person praying Salat. Heasws said: ‘O you people! We have witnessed


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Rasool Allahsaww on a day like this, not a single person prayed before the Eid – or (before) the Prophetsaww said’ -

؟ االمام خرو قبل يصلوا ان تنهى اال املؤمنني أمري يا: رجل فقال

So the man said, ‘O Amir-al-Momineenasws! Are youasws preventing me from praying before the coming of the prayer leader?’

.قال كما أو النيب من شهدنا مبا حندثهم ولكنا صلى، إذا عبدا اجلى ان اريد ال: فقال

Heasws said: ‘Iasws do not want to prevent a servant from praying Salat, but Iasws am narrating to them what we have witnessed from the Prophetsaww, or what hesaww had said’.13

لناس عن علي بن إبراهيم، يف معع السورة، قوله: قوله: أ رأيت الذي ي نهى عبدا إذا صلى، قال: كان الوليد بن املغرية ينهى ا الصالة، و أن ياع اهلل و رسوله، فقال اهلل: أ رأيت الذي ي نهى عبدا إذا صلى.

Ali Bin Ibrahim, regarding the meaning of the Chapter –

Hisazwj Words: Have you seen the one who forbids [96:9] A servant when he prays Salat? [96:10], he said: ‘Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira used to prevent the people from praying Salat and obeying Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww. So Allahazwj Said: Have you seen the one who forbids [96:9] A servant when he prays Salat? [96:10]’.14

الة الضحى؟ المح قال: سألتحهح عن ص يف من ال حيضحرحهح الفقيهح روى عبدح الواحد بنح المحختار األنصاري عن أيب جعفر عليه الس ها ق ومحك، إن هحم كانحوا من الغافلني ف يحصلون ها و ل يحصلها رسحولح الل ه.ف قال: أولح من صال

In (the book) Man La Yahzar Al Faqih – ‘It is reported by Abdul Wahid Bin Al Mukhtar Al Ansary,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws, he (the narrator) said, ‘I asked himasws about Salat Al-Zoha (Forenoon Salat), so heasws said: ‘The first one to pray it are your people. They were from the heedless ones, so they prayed it, and Rasool-Allahsaww did not pray it’’.15

VERSES 11 - 18

{11} الحدى على كان إن أرأيت Have you considered if he was upon the Guidance [96:11]


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{12} بالت قوى أمر أو Or enjoined the piety? [96:12]

{13} وت وىل كذب إن أرأيت Have you considered if he lies and turns back? [96:13]

{14} ي رى الله بأن ي علم أل Does he not know that Allah Sees? [96:14]

{15} بالناصية لنسفعا ي نته ل لئن كال Never! If he does not desist, We would Smite his forehead [96:15]

{16} خاطئة كاذبة ناصية Being a forehead of a lying sinner [96:16]

{17} ناديهح ف ليدعح So let him call a calling [96:17]

{18} الزبانية سندعح We would be Calling the Angels of Hell [96:18]

يا اتنتهرىن: جهل أبو فقال وآله عليه اهلل لىص اهلل رسول انتهره وآله عليه اهلل صلى اهلل رسول جهل أبو اتى ملا عباس ابن قال .ناديه فليدع سبحانه اهلل فأنزل مع ناديا اكثر احد هبا ما علمت لقد فواهلل ممد

Ibn Abbas said,

‘When Abu Jahl came to Rasool-Allahsaww, Rasool-Allahsaww scolded him. So Abu Jahl said, ‘Yousaww are scolding me, O Muhammadsaww! By Allahazwj, yousaww know that there is no one who can call upon more (soldiers) than I can’. So Allahazwj the Glorious Revealed: So let him call a calling [96:17]’.16


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علي بن إبراهيم، يف معع السورة، قوله:

Ali Bin Ibrahim, regarding the meaning of the Chapter –

ان قوله: ف ليدعح ناديهح قال: ملا مات أبو طالب، نادى أبو جهل و الوليد عليهما لعائن اهلل: هلموا فاقتلوا ممدا، فقد مات الذي ك ليه و آله(، حنن أيضا ندعو الزبانية.ينصره، فقال اهلل: ف ليدعح ناديهح سندعح الزبانية، قال: كما دعا إىل قتل رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل ع

Hisazwj Words: So let him call a calling [96:17], heasws said: ‘When Abu Talibasws passed away, Abu Jahl and Al-Waleed, may Curses of Allahazwj be upon them both, called out, ‘Come and kill Muhammadsaww, for the oneasws who used to help himsaww has died!’

So Allahazwj said: So let him call a calling [96:17] We would be Calling the Angels of Hell [96:18]. He said: ‘So if he calls for the killing of Rasool-Allahsaww, Weazwj would also Call the Angels of Hell’.17


عهح ال ال ك {19} واق تب واسجحد تحNever! Do not heed him, and do Sajdah and draw closer [96:19]

جل و هحو ساجد و دح من الله عز و علي بنح محمد عن سهل بن زياد عن الوشاء قال حعتح الرضا ي قحولح أق ربح ما يكحونح العب ذلك ق ولحهح عز و جل و اسجحد و اق تب .

Ali Bin Muhammad, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Al Washha who said,

‘I heard Al-Rezaasws saying: ‘The servant cannot happen to be (any) closer to Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic than when he is performing Sajdah, and these are the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: and do Sajdah and draw closer [96:19]’.18

: سجوده يف فقال وآله عليه اهلل صلى النيب سجد" واقتب واسجدوا: " تعاىل قوله نزل ملا انه الديث يف وروى اللئاىل غواىل يف .نفسك على اثنيت كما انت عليك ثناء أحصى ال حىت منك بك واعوذ عقوبتك من فاتك ومبا سخك من برضاك باهلل اعوذ

In (the book) Gawaaly Al-La’aly,

And it has been reported in the Hadeeth that when the Words of the Exalted were Revealed: and do Sajdah and draw closer [96:19], the Prophetsaww did Sajdah and said in hissaww Sajdah: ‘Isaww seek refuge with Allahazwj by Yourazwj Pleasure, from Yourazwj Anger, by what has been forgotten from Yourazwj Punishment. And Isaww seek


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refuge with Youazwj, from Youazwj to the extent that Isaww have no count of Yourazwj Praise. Youazwj are as Youazwj have Praised Yourselfazwj to be’.19

د الله ) عليه ه بن سنان عن أيب عب اعة عن أحد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسني بن سعيد عن النضر بن سحويد عن عبد الل كب رح حني ت رفعح رأسك السالم ( قال إذا ق رأت شيئا من العزائم الت يحسجدح فيها فال تحكب ر ق بل سحجحودك و لكن تح

A group, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Whenever you recite anything from the determined (Verses) in which there is a Sajdah, (to be performed), so do not exclaim Takbeer before your Sajdah, but, exclaim Takbeer when you raise your head.

و العزائمح أربع حم السجدةح و ت نزيل و النجمح و اق رأ باسم ربك .

And the determined (Verses of Sajdah) are four – Ha Meem Sajdah (Chapter 32:15), and Tanzeel (Chapter 41:38), and Al-Najm (Chapter 53:62), and Iqra Bi Ism Rabbik (Chapter 96:19)’.20

بن أيب حزة عن أيب بصري قال قال إذا محمدح بنح حيىي عن أحد بن محمد عن الحسني بن سعيد عن القاسم بن محمد عن علي انت المرأةح ال تحصلي و سائرح ء من العزائم األربع فسمعت ها فاسجحد و إن كحنت على غري وحضحوء و إن كحنت جحنحبا و إن ك ي قحرئ ش

. القحرآن أنت فيه باليار إن شئت سجدت و إن شئت ل تسجحد

Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Heasws said: ‘When something from the four determined Verses (32:15, or 41:38, or 53:62 or 96:19) is recited, so perform Sajdah, and even though you might be without an ablution, and even if you were with a sexual impurity, and even if you were a woman not praying Salat (due to menstruation etc.); and the rest of the Quran, you are with the choice therein, if you so desire to, you perform Sajdah, and if you so desire to, you do not perform Sajdah’.21

عن أيب بصري بن عحثمان عن حاعة أحدح بنح إدريس عن أحد بن محمد عن الحسني بن سعيد عن فضالة بن أيوب عن الحسني مامح اق رأ باسم ربك الذ ي خلق أو شيئا من العزائم و ف رغ من عن أيب عبد الله ) عليه السالم ( قال إن صليت مع ق وم ف قرأ ال

ئضح تسجحدح إذا حعت السجدة .قراءته و ل يسجحد فأوم إمياء و الا

Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Al Husayn Bin Usman, from Sama’at, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘If you are praying Salāt with a group of people and the prayer leader recites: Read in the Name of your


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Lord Who Created! [96:1] (Surah Al Alaq), or something from the Determined Verses and is free from reciting it, and did not perform Sajdah, so indicate (a Sajdah) with a gesture; and the menstruating woman should perform Sajdah when she hears the Sajdah (Verse)’.22


Al Kafi V 3 – The Book of Salāt CH 22 H 4