Table of Contents - e rave, e Strong _ Adventures of the Faithful Five ... and his...

Table of Contents Primary Teacher Guide – January 2018

Transcript of Table of Contents - e rave, e Strong _ Adventures of the Faithful Five ... and his...

Table of Contents

Primary Teacher Guide – January 2018

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Lesson Warm Up Story Activity Page

January 7 – Stand Firm (based on Daniel 1: 8-21)

Play “Pick Quick” Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 6: More Fruits and Veggies Please

Make a healthy plate


January 14 – Be Bold (based on Daniel 3)

Sing “Be Brave, Be Strong”

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 7: “Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers”

Make a diorama of the fiery furnace


January 21 – Being Obedient (based on Daniel 9: 4-8, 15-19)

Sing “It’s Me Standing in the Need of Prayer”

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 8: Tori’s Quiet Time with God

Make a Prayer Wall


January 28 – Be Strong! (based on Daniel 10: 10-19)

Sing “All Night, All Day Angels Watching Over Me”

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 9: Mister Fear Strikes Again

Make a collage 11

Appendices Title Page

Appendix A Pick Quick Names 13

Appendix B Healthy Plate Template 14

Appendix C Fiery Furnace Pattern 15

Appendix D Lesson 9 Key Verse Stickers 16

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Lesson 6 – January 7, 2018 | Daniel 1: 8-21

Stand Firm

Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity – Play the Pick Quick Game.

Draw a large version of the table below on a chalkboard, poster board or flip chart paper.


Cut out the names in Appendix A and put them in a paper bag. Shake up the bag and select students to

draw each name. Ask the student to tape the name in the appropriate column on the table. Each

Hebrew name will have a matching Babylonian name.

(Correct Hebrew-Babylonian matches: Daniel-Belteshazzar, Hananiah-Shadrach, Mishael-Meshach,


Scripture Summary

Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were captured and brought to King Nebuchadnezzar because

they were young men who were healthy, handsome and smart. The chief official of Babylon gave them

new names to try to get them to forget God and traditions of their land and live accustomed to the ways

and gods of Babylon. Daniel refused to do that. He was determined that he would not defile himself by

eating the king’s food or drinking his wine so he asked for a vegan diet. The guard agreed to let Daniel

and his friends eat vegetables and drink water for ten days as a test. At the end of the ten days they

looked better and healthier than all the others who had been eating from the royal menu so he let them

continue with their diet. King Nebuchadnezzar found that none of the other young men were as good as

Daniel and his friends.

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Key Verse Exercise

Read the verse to remember


Among them all, no one was

found to compare with Daniel,

Hananiah, Mishael, and

Azariah. (Daniel 1:19)

Tell students to find your way to the center of the maze by following the phrases in the verse to remember.

Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the

Faithful Five: Episode 6 aloud.

Review key words.

Adventures of the Faithful Five

– Episode 6: More Fruits and

Veggies Please

The Faithful Five have been

busy fighting evil all day. They

were finally returning to

Akeem’s house when Tori said

to Aaliyah “I’m starving!”

Aaliyah said, “Me too. I can’t wait to get back and dive into the cereal box.” Israel laughed loudly,

“Cereal! I have been thinking about my ice cream sandwiches since this morning and boy they are going

to be delicious.” Akeem was walking quietly with not much to say but with a slight grin on his face as he

was listening to the others. Taj looked over and said, “What’s so funny Akeem?” Akeem replied, “Oh

nothing. I’m just glad that I ate a healthy breakfast this morning with plenty of fruits and vegetables.”

Aaliyah said to Akeem, “I could tell that something was different

during our last evil crime stop because you seemed to be moving

quicker than usual.” Tori quickly responded, “Yeah, I noticed it too

but I thought maybe it was because he was trying to show off a bit.”

Akeem laughed loudly and said, “No! Guys I’ve been eating a vegan

diet because fruits and vegetables make you bigger and stronger!”

When the Faithful Five finally arrived at Akeem’s house they all got

plates and bowls filled with fruits, vegetables and tall glasses of

water. Taj told Tori, “I have to say that this is a delicious meal, but

every now and then a bowl of cereal would be nice!” They all agreed

and laughed together.

key words


free from disease or pain

vegan diet

a diet that does not

include meat, eggs, dairy

and all other animal-

derived ingredients

Among them all

and Azariah.







to compare

no one was found


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Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined.

Why did the king change the names of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah? He changed their names

because he wanted them to forget about their Hebrew culture and do what the Babylonians did.

How did Daniel stand firm in what he believed? He refused to eat the king’s menu or drink the wine.

How can you stand firm in what you believe? (Answers will vary.)

Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Tell students the Faithful Five are setting up a concession stand at their school fair. They want to

encourage their school mates to eat healthy. Help them plan a healthy menu of foods they could serve

at their concession stand. Write your suggestions on the sign in your bifold.

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – Make a Healthy Plate.

Materials needed: Copies of healthy plate template in Appendix B, 10-inch paper plates (one for each

student), various colors of construction paper, various colors of tissue paper, scissors, glue

Instructions: Give each student a copy of the healthy plate template and a paper plate. Tell students to

cut along the dotted line and glue the healthy plate template to the paper plate. Give students various

colors of construction paper and tissue paper to make healthy foods in each food group listed on the

template. (Optional: Provide pictures of healthy food for students to use as a model.) Glue the foods to

the plate and allow to dry.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Dear God, thank you for the power to stand firm in what I believe. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Lesson 7 – January 14, 2018 | Daniel 3: 16-23, 26-28

Be Bold

Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity – Sing Be Brave, Be Strong.

Allow students to sing and dance to the Be Brave, Be Strong YouTube video


Scripture Summary

King Nebuchadnezzar required everyone to bow down and worship the nine-foot statue he made.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship the statue and break God’s law. This made King

Nebuchadnezzar very angry so he had them thrown into the fiery furnace and ordered it to be turned up

seven times hotter than usual. After a restless night, King Nebuchadnezzar jumped up to check on the

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three Hebrew boys and saw a fourth man in the furnace. He went to the door and called for Shadrach,

Meshach, and Abednego to come out. They walked out of the fire with not even the smell of fire on

them! Then King Nebuchadnezzar respect the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Key Verse Exercise

Read the verse to remember aloud.

Be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods. (Daniel 3:18)

Tell students to circle the correct word to complete the verse to remember.

Be it known/unknown to you, O king, that we will/will not serve your gods/God.

Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the Faithful Five: Episode 7 aloud. Review key words.

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 7: Finders Keepers, Losers


After a great day of school, the Faithful Five were on their way home and

the bus began to empty. All the kids were laughing and playing having a

blast! Tori said to one of the kids sitting in the seat beside her, “Kami, I did

very well on my spelling test and I just can’t wait to get home and tell my

parents!” Kami’s face changed from laughter to sadness. “What's wrong?”

said Tori. “I didn’t do that well on my test. How did you pass your test Tori?”

said Kami. “I studied hard and I prayed for God to help me remember my

answers.” said Tori. At that time, Israel was eavesdropping and chimed

in, “Yeah that's how I pass all of my tests! I study and pray!” Kami said,

“Wow I never thought about praying too!”

The bus pulled in front of the Kami’s house and she rushed off the bus

telling them that she was going to pray right then! When she got up from her seat, her tablet fell from

her bag she did not notice because she was in a hurry. One of the other kids saw her tablet fall and

yelled, “Ha! Finders keepers, losers weepers!” Akeem was looking out the window on the bus

when he saw the letter ‘E’ on a bumper sticker. His superpowers were activated and he would not stand

for it. Akeem, very wise, told the boy that he would return it because it's the right thing to do! All the

kids began to call Akeem a goody two shoes and a tattle-tale because he turned the tablet into the bus

driver. Israel, Taj, Tori and Aaliyah all gathered around Akeem and told him he represented God very

well because he was bold enough to stand up for what he believed. The Faithful Five were walked

away proud that they had done the right thing.

key words


secretly listen to a


finders keepers, losers


a saying that claims

whoever finds something

has the right to keep


confident and courageous

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Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined.

What was the punishment for anyone who chose not to worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s gods? Thrown into fiery furnace

Who did not bow down to the statue? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

How much hotter did the king command the furnace to be? 7 times

Why was it a miracle that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego survived? Only God could rescue them from the flames

Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Tell students Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to break God’s commandment about

worshipping other gods even though they were in a life or death situation. Talk about some of the

excuses the three Hebrew boys could have offered to save themselves from the fiery furnace. If you

were one of the Faithful Five, what you would have done if you were facing King Nebuchadnezzar.

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – Make a Fiery Furnace.

Materials needed: Copies of Fiery Furnace Pattern in Appendix C, shoe box, construction paper (yellow

and orange), scissors, glue, markers or crayons

Instructions: Tell students to cut out the pieces in the Fiery Furnace Pattern. Make the flames with the

yellow and orange construction paper. Color Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and the angel. Glue

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and the angel in the middle of the shoebox. Then glue the flames all

around them.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Lord, give us bold courage to take a stand just like the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace when

others around us disobey you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Lesson 8 – January 21, 2018 | Daniel 9: 4-8, 15-19

Being Obedient

Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity – Sing “It’s Me Standing in the Need of Prayer.”

Teach students the lyrics to the song if necessary. (Optional: Sing additional verses by letting the

students choose a person it is not like “my friend,” “my teacher,” “my pastor.”)

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord

Standing in the need of prayer

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord

Standing in the need of prayer

Not my brother, not my sister, but it’s me oh Lord

Standing in the need of prayer

Not my father, not my mother, but it’s me of Lord

Standing in the need of prayer

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord

Standing in the need of prayer

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord

Standing in the need of prayer

Scripture Summary

When Daniel learned from Jeremiah’s writings that Jerusalem would be an empty desert for 70 years he

prayed to God and asked God for help. He did not eat any food. He wore sackcloth to show he was sad.

And he confessed his sins, as well as the sins of the Jewish people. Daniel wanted God to show mercy

and forgive the people even though they had been disobedient.

Key Verse Exercise

Read the verses to remember aloud.

O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. (Daniel


Ask students to draw a line to connect the words in the verse to remember.

O fasting Daniel love

people Lord and about saw listen O Lord

angels. were heel forgive.

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Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the Faithful Five: Episode 8 aloud. Review key


Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 8: Tori’s Quiet Time with


Tori overheard her mother talking to her father about doing a Daniel

fast for the next 21 days. The whole family has been learning about

Daniel in church school but Tori could not figure out what a Daniel

fast was. She knows children are not supposed to eavesdrop on

“grown folks’ conversations,” however Tori was bursting with

curiosity so she approached her mother and said, “Mom, what is a

Daniel fast?” “That’s a pretty random question Tori. What inspired

you to ask?” replied Tori’s mom. Tori reluctantly answered, “I

accidentally heard you and daddy talking about it.”

Tori’s mother looked at her and smiled. “You already know what I

would say about having these kind of accidents, but I will answer

your question. Fasting is a way for Christians to grow and get closer

to God. The Daniel fast is based on the fasting experience of the

prophet Daniel. When you fast, you generally go without food and drink for a certain period of time

each day. During that period, you pray and study the bible to spend quiet time with God. You also stay

away from distractions. There’s no TV or cellphone or anything else that might pull your attention

from God. Daddy and I are doing the Daniel fast because we want to make our relationship with each

other and our relationship with God stronger.”

Tori listened carefully to everything her mother told her. She wanted to grow closer to God too so she

asked her mother, “Mom, can I do the fast too?” Her mother replied, “You are too young to fast from

food and drink but you can give up a distraction. What do you think distracts you the most from

spending time with God?” Tori thought for a moment and said, “The Disney Channel.” “Well, why don’t

you turn the television off at 6:00pm for the next 21 days and read your bible devotion book instead,”

Tori’s mother suggested. Tori responded in agreement. “I like that suggestion mom. It will be my quiet

time with God.”

Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined.

Share something you have done that you regretted later. (Answers will vary. Limit discussion to 2


Why do you think some children will follow their wants even when they know the consequences?

(Answers will vary. Limit discussion to 2 minutes.)

key words


in an unwilling or hesitant



to limit one’s food

especially as a religious



a thing that prevents

someone from giving full

attention to something


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Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Tell students the Faithful Five want to make a prayer closet. They are using the Five Finger Prayer model

to get it started. Help them fill the prayer closet by writing five short prayers of your own. The first

prayer should be for family or friends. The second prayer should be for a leader or teacher. The third

prayer should be for someone in government or authority (like the president or a police officer). The

fourth prayer should be for someone who is sick. The last prayer should be for yourself.

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – Make a Prayer Wall.

Materials needed: Large foam board, index cards, tiny clothespins (from any craft store), yarn, writing

instrument (pencil, pen or fine tip marker)

Instructions: Position the foam board in landscape position. Write “PRAYER CHANGES THINGS” across

the top edge. Cut five strands of yarn that are slightly longer than the width of the foam board. Poke

holes on the left and right sides of the poster board to tie the yarn on each side. (See diagram below.)

Ask students to write the prayers from the Superhero Challenge on the index cards in their best

handwriting. Clip the prayers to the yarn with the clothespins.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Lord, thank you for hearing me when I pray. Amen.

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Lesson 9 – January 28, 2018 | Daniel 10: 10-19

Be Strong!

Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity – Sing “All Night, All Day, Angels Watching Over


Teach students the lyrics to the song if necessary.

All night, all day Angels watching over me my Lord All night, all day Angels watching over me Now I lay me down to sleep Angels watching over me my Lord I pray the Lord my soul to keep Angels watching over me All night, all day Angels watching over me my Lord All night, all day Angels watching over me

Scripture Summary

Daniel passed out when a messenger of God spoke to him for the first time. The message was about

what would happen to the Israelites in the future. The messenger calmed Daniel’s fears. He told Daniel

to stand up and be brave because God loves him very much.

Key Verse Exercise

Read the verse to remember aloud.

“Be and courageous!” (Daniel 10:19)

Tell students to use the lesson stickers to fill in the blanks for the verse to remember. (The stickers are in Appendix D. You can either print them on sticker paper or allow the students to use glue sticks.)

Be and .


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Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the Faithful Five: Episode 9 aloud. Review key words.

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 9: Mister Fear Strikes Again

Mister Fear did not like how he was defeated by the Faithful Five when

they last met. He was determined to make more powerful energy

beams with extra large amounts of negative energy after that loss. And

he did. Mister Fear did not think the last battle he had with the Faithful

Five was fair because it was five against one. This time he planned to

attack one of the Faithful Five boys so the battle could be one on one.

He chose Akeem because his superpower made him wise and insightful.

Akeem went to bed a little early so he could be well rested for his big

day tomorrow. He had to say the “I Have a Dream” speech delivered by

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963. Akeem’s school was kicking off their

celebration of African American history and selected Akeem because he

was an excellent reader and orator. Mister Fear thought if he zapped

Akeem with a negative energy beam while he was sleeping, he could cause Akeem to have a bad dream

and make him get so much stage fright he would not have the confidence to speak before an audience.

Mister Fear released a negative energy beam from his finger tips and was successful in messing up

Akeem’s dream. Akeem woke up very frightened and nervous. Mister Fear started doing a victory dance

because he thought he won the battle. But it turned out the battle was not over. Akeem knew he could

talk to God anytime so he got out of bed and got on his knees to pray. “God, I know I can do all things

through Christ who gives me strength. I feel very nervous about tomorrow. Please give me confidence

again. I know I can do the speech with your help. Thank you for always listening to me. I’m going back to

be now. Amen.” The prayer worked! Akeem felt calm again. Mister Fear could not believe it. He lost the

battle again. Maybe one day he will finally learn strong faith conquers fear.

Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined.

How did Akeem win the battle against Mister Fear? He prayed to God for strength.

What do you do when you are nervous about doing something? (Answers will vary. Limit discussion to 2


Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Ask students to help the Faithful Five learn more about strong faith by sharing how God helps them

through difficult times.

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – Make a collage

Materials needed: Old magazines, blank paper, scissors, glue

Instructions: Allow students to find and cut-out five pictures in the magazines that show how God

gives them strength and courage. Glue the pictures to the blank paper.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Lord, help me to try even when what I am learning is hard for me to do. Amen.

key words


a public speaker


strong belief in God


be afraid of someone or


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Appendix A | Pick Quick Game Names













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Appendix B | Healthy Plate Template

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Appendix C | Fiery Furnace Pattern

yellow flame pattern orange flame pattern

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and angel cut-out

fold and apply glue here

fold and apply glue here

fold and apply glue here

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Appendix D | Lesson 9 Key Verse Stickers