TABLE OF CONTENTS - · Core worlds, like Coruscant, and the Southern Mid Rim,...


Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS - · Core worlds, like Coruscant, and the Southern Mid Rim,...



Letter from the Coordinating Crisis Director 4

Letter from the Chair 5

A Brief History of Star Wars 6

A Note on the Canon of this Committee 11

Knights of the Old Republic: Is it Important? 12

Jedi High Council: The Basics 15

Jedi High Council: The Structure 16

Jedi High Council: The Objectives 17

Jedi High Council: Need-to-Know Organizations and Locations 18

Jedi High Council: Characters 26

Aulauni, of the Rift Alliance 26

Barsen’thor, Warden of the Order 27

Dorian Janarus, Supreme Chancellor 28

Gaul Panteer of Alderaan 29

Gray Star of the Balmorran Resistance 30

House Ulgo 31

Jace Malcom of the Havoc Squad 32

Jaric Kaedan, The Order’s Watchmen of the Jedi High Council 33

Lama Be of the Ruling Council of Kamino 34

Marcus “The Director” Trant of the Strategic Information Service 35

Mitrael, Governor of the Ord Mantell Central Authority 36

Orgus “Plain Jedi” Din, Warrior of the Jedi High Council 37

Oric Traless, Combat Advisor of the Jedi High Council 38

Satele Shan, Grand Master of the Jedi Order 39

Suuddaa Nem’ro of the Hutt Cartel 40

Syo Bakarn, Healer of the Jedi High Council 41

Ukabi of the Exchange 42


Know Your Enemy - Sith Council: Characters 43

Chlodwig, Trade Leader of the Tion Hegemony 43

Darth Acharon, Sphere of Biotic Science 44

Darth Arctis, Sphere of Ancient Knowledge 45

Darth Aruk, Sphere of Sith Philosophy 46

Darth Decimus, Sphere of Military Strategy 47

Darth Jadus, Sphere of Imperial Intelligence 48

Darth Marr, Sphere of Defense of the Empire 49

Darth Mekhis, Sphere of Technology 50

Darth Mortis, Sphere of Laws and Justice 51

Darth Ravage, Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy 52

Darth Rictus, Sphere of Mysteries 53

Darth Vengean, Sphere of Military Offense 54

Darth Vowrawn, Sphere of Production and Logistics 55

Godoba the Hutt of the Shadow Syndicate 56

House Nuruodo 57

House Thul 58

Mandalore the Vindicated 59

Additional Notes and Information: 60

Should I research on top of reading the background guide? 60

The importance of transportation and hyperspace lanes 60

How will character powers be implemented? 61

What’s the dress code? 61

Battle Strategy 61

The Technology of Star Wars 62

Ships 62

Ground Troops 68

Other (Armored Vehicles, Heavy Artillery, Lightsabers, etc.) 75

Maps of The Star Wars Universe 80

Additional Research 82


Letter from the Coordinating Crisis Director

*queues up the Star Wars Music* (Imagine the text scroll for the first paragraph)

Welcome to the Star Wars Joint Crisis Committee!

The year is 3653 BBY. It has only been a year since the Treaty of Coruscant was signed,

drastically altering the galaxy forevermore. Through the Great Galactic Civil War, the Sith Empire has

established dominance throughout the northern half of the galaxy. However, tensions still run high in the

core worlds. Millions of denizens mutter in the shadows about the true intent of the government, whether

it be the Republic or the Empire. Nonetheless, the duty lies with you to carry on the situation left before

you, restoring the might of the Republic or creating crushing domination of the galaxy under your rule.

The challenges you’ll have to endure will prove to be complex, intriguing, unpredictable, and inspiring.

Economic, educational, cultural, military, and technological progress must be sustained, if not surpassed.

All the while, the enemy remains looming and imposing. The only deciding factor is… you.

Hello delegates, my name is Nathan Chong and I will be your coordinating crisis director for this

committee. I’m an IB student at WCHS, who is interested in history, international relations, and video

game/book lore. This will be my second year within the MUN programme, and I’m very excited about

merging my interests into something that can be enjoyed by everyone from a master tactician to some guy

who wants to hit others with a plastic lightsaber.

As your CCD for Star Wars JCC, I am looking forward to encountering delegates who are

informed in military and political maneuvering who can apply their knowledge to insane sci-fi

circumstances; delegates which can incorporate their knowledge of Star Wars into creative and detailed

directives, in addition to productive, worthwhile, and progressive debate. Considering the nature of this

committee, there will be passionate, powerful, bright, and ‘memey’ character personalities, which

delegates are expected to represent accordingly. As a delegate, your role is not to bring about the demise

of the other committee; your job is to expertly utilize your special abilities to flourish in your respective

councils. That may mean killing fellow delegates to cement power or bringing about the stability of the

Republic through bravery and intellect – the means are left up to you. Will the fragile alliance of the

Republic be destroyed through political blunder? Or will excessive murder undo the progress of the

Galactic Empire? – it’s all up to you!

With all this being said, it is still my expectation that all delegates maintain a positive attitude,

treat each other with respect, and play their part in making our committee the best it can possibly be. If at

any time during our conference you have concerns over how the committee is being run, or questions

about procedure or certain decisions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!


Nathan Chong

(contacts: [email protected] or [email protected])


Letter from the Chair

Hello there! (Couldn’t resist)

My name is Kevin Yang, and on behalf of all the chairs, welcome to WCHSMUN 2018,

and in particular the Star Wars: The Old Republic joint crisis committee! I hope that you are as

excited to immerse yourselves in this universe as we are. As chairs for this committee, we aim to

provide a fun, energetic, and compelling committee that will also prove to be a valuable learning


In line with our duties as chairs, we promise to encourage the flow of debate and

maintain order. Although we will take any opportunity to incorporate fresh perspectives and

new speakers, we also intend to showcase and encourage exemplary speakers as well. In short,

we wish to choose speakers on an impartial basis as to allow every delegate to engage in debate.

We will also be diligent in observing unmoderated caucuses for leadership and logical

thinking. In terms of awards consideration, your performance in committee must be further

supplemented by strong directives and unique, well-thought out crisis notes.

After working closely with my fellow co-chairs, as well as the crisis staff, I am confident

that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a committee to remember. We are proud to present

such an engaging and nostalgic universe to you, and we hope to see thoughtful debate and clever

crisis management take this committee into new levels of depth and immersion. Above all

however, we hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself; we’ve created this committee with fun and

novelty in mind.

In terms of this guide, do not be alarmed by its length; we have designed it so that you

need not look outside of it for information. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to


Good luck, godspeed, and may the force be with you.


Kevin Yang

Sith Chair, Star Wars: The Old Republic


A Brief History of Star Wars

In accordance with our wish for a successful committee, we are obligated to provide the

information necessary to participate in the Star Wars JCC. However, the situation at hand is

rooted in all facets of the Star Wars Legends Timeline, so allow us to supply a brief explanation.

**BBY= Before Battle of Yavin (the destruction of the Death Star in episode IV)

13,000,000,000 BBY

The Star Wars galaxy is created when an

immense cloud of dust and gas collapse in

on itself due to gravity, and transforms into

a revolving disc.

5,000,000,000 BBY

The first sentient lifeforms start to emerge

around the galaxy. They first appear in the

Core worlds, like Coruscant, and the

Southern Mid Rim, like Goroth Prime. (see


100,000 BBY

A mysterious race, known as the Celestials,

have control over wide portions of the

galaxy through the usage of highly advanced

technology like satellite based colonies.

With their machines, they create entire

worlds, including the Corellian system.

After the Celestials achieved galactic

dominance, they took slaves to work

machines and hard labour galaxy-wide.

35,000 BBY

Celestial slaves known as the Rakata

develop a connection to the Force -

specifically the Dark side. They use this

connection to create new Force-based

technologies that surpass the Celestials.

With an immense increase in power, the

Rakata use their newfound machines to

overthrow the Celestials and create their

own Empire called the Infinite Empire. The

Infinite Empire continues to expand by

taking slaves and using them to power and

create Force-based machines.

27,500 BBY

The civilizations of Coruscant reach a

technological boom, which rapidly improves

the planet. They begin to send out sub-light

speed colony worlds, which colonize the

nearby planets. However, after colonizing

only the northern sections of the Core,

Coruscant is enslaved by the Infinite



25,783 BBY

Scholars and philosophers are gathered on

the planet Tython, eventually becoming the

wise Je’daii, studying the ways of the

Balanced Force. Fearsome conflicts known

as the Force Wars erupt between the Je’daii,

resulting in a tremendous Force Cataclysm

that devastates the planet. From the ashes of

the Force Wars, the survivors form the Jedi

Order. The Jedi leave Tython, and flourish

on the distant world of Ossus.

25,200 BBY

The Rakatans find Ossus and begin to

combat with the Jedi Order. However, the

Rakatans are suddenly overcome with a

mysterious plague that destroys their

connection to the force. Their Force

technology now useless, including light

sabers, the Rakatans are defeated by the Jedi

Order while slave revolts begin galaxy-wide.

25,100 BBY

Ravaged by millennia of enslavement by the

Infinite Empire, the Core Worlds rebuild

and unite to form the Republic. The Galactic

Constitution is signed on the planet of

Coruscant to officially lay down the

foundation of Republic democracy.

Hyperdrive technology, reverse-engineered

from the Republic’s former Rakatan

overlords, allows scouts to explore the Jedi

meet the government and pledge their

support as defenders of the Republic.

24,500 BBY

The Jedi Order experiences the First Great

Schism when a group of Jedi request to

make an academy for the purpose of

studying the Dark Side of the Force. When

their requests are denied, the group forms

the Legions of Lettow who then call upon

other Jedi to join them. The Jedi Order

declares war on the group and destroys


22,800 BBY

A Jedi follows the call of the Force to the

Unknown Regions (see map) where he finds

the planet Ilium. The planet becomes a

sacred site to the Jedi Order, and the main

source of Khyber crystals and other force

sensitive materials.

20,000 BBY

Peace and prosperity grace the Republic as it

grows and charts the Expansion Region. (see

maps) But the 3,000 years of good fortune

cease when internal strife erupts within the

Republic’s borders. As the planet Alsakan

challenges Coruscant for the right to be

capital of the galaxy, the Alsakan Conflicts

officially end the peaceful Great Manifest

Period. The conflicts escalate into a civil

war, with Coruscant and the Core world

emerging victorious.


11,965 BBY

The Republic and the Hutts finally meet, and

the Hutts attempt to forcefully remove

Republic scouts from Hutt space. The act

sparks multiple Republic crusades against

the Hutts, known as the Pius Dea Crusades,

but none are successful. Eventually, the

Republic accepts the Hutts as foreign


10,000 BBY

Ryloth, a section of the southern Mid Rim,

officially joins the Republic. This marks the

Republic’s control of most of the inhabited

galaxy, excluding Hutt Space and the

Southern Outer Rim. (see map)

7,000 BBY

The Jedi Order splits asunder as members of

its ranks begin to practise the dark side of

the Force. These Jedi use their dark powers

to twist life itself and create horrific

mutations. Exiled for their abominable art,

the Dark Jedi create a monstrous army to

assault the Jedi Order. This attack begins the

Hundred-Year Darkness, a relentless

conflict that ends with the banishment of the

Dark Jedi survivors.

6,900 BBY

The Jedi exiles who survived the Hundred-

Year Darkness discover the world of

Korriban and its ancient inhabitants: the

Sith. Powerful, Force-sensitive, and

malleable, the Sith worship the Dark Jedi

and serve them as willing slaves. The Jedi

exiles forge a new Sith civilization and

begin to interbreed with the powerful

species, sowing the seeds of the Sith


5,500 BBY

The Republic finally colonizes the

remaining sections of the Southern galaxy.

The sole sections of the galaxy are now Hutt

Space, Republic Space, Sith Space, and the

Unknown Regions to the West of the Core.

5,113 BBY

The child who will come to be known as the

Sith Emperor is born. Black-eyed, heartless,

and supremely strong in the dark side of the

Force, the boy seizes control of his home

world by the age of 13 and earns the title

Lord Vitiate. He amasses an army of Sith

followers and turns his back on Imperial

politics to hone his skills in the dark side.


5,000 BBY

The first war ignites between the Sith

Empire and the Galactic Republic as

unwitting hyperspace explorers lead the

vengeful Sith to the Republic that exiled

their ancestors. Under the banner of the

Dark Lord Naga Sadow, the Empire

launches an attack on Republic space. The

conflict rages across entire worlds and

threatens to consume Coruscant, but strong

defences, and deceit within the Sith ranks,

force them to retreat. The Republic gives

chase, wins the war, and attempts to

decimate all remnants of the Sith Empire,

but several survivors escape.

4,980 BBY

After two decades spent scouring deep

space, the Sith Empire discovers the

forgotten jungle world of Dromund Kaas.

The Emperor reveals his vision to forge a

new Imperial civilization unified by one

vengeful goal: the complete annihilation of

the Republic. In anticipation of this day, the

Empire builds its capital on Dromund Kaas,

trains its military in the hostile jungles, and

begins construction of the Imperial armada.

3,976 BBY

Fearsome, proud, and battle-hungry

warriors, the legendary Mandalorian clans

unite under Mandalore the Ultimate to attack

the fringes of Republic Space. The

Republic’s aversion to another violent war

allows the Mandalorian crusade to rage

unchecked for a decade. Rogue Jedi led by

Jedi Knights Revan and Malak defy the

Republic’s wishes and fight to drive back

the Mandalorian invasion. Under Revan’s

command, these Jedi ultimately defeat

Mandalore the Ultimate, disarm his Neo-

Crusaders, and win the Mandalorian Wars

for the Republic.

3,960 BBY

Heroes of the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi

Knights Revan and Malak explore the

Unknown Regions and discover the hidden

Sith Empire on Dromund Kaas. The

Emperor turns Revan and Malak to the dark

side and bids them to strengthen the Empire.

Revan then betrays the Emperor to create his

own Sith Empire.

3,959 BBY

Former Jedi turned Sith, Darth Revan and

Darth Malak invade the Republic and seek

to conquer the people they once defended.

Revan nearly defeats the Republic, but he is

betrayed and left for dead by his ally, Darth

Malak. The Jedi Order rescues Revan and

reprograms his mind to make him believe

that he actually serves the Republic. Revan

later rediscovers his dark past, strikes down

Darth Malak, and brings an end to the Jedi

Civil War.


3,955 BBY

The death of Darth Malak nearly destroys

his Empire – until a triumvirate of Sith rises

to restore order. Unaware of the Sith Empire

gathering strength on Dromund Kaas, Darth

Sion, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Traya begin

a brutal campaign that nearly wipes out he

Jedi Order. The Jedi are saved from

extinction when an exiled Jedi named

Meetra Surik rises from obscurity to destroy

the Sith Triumvirate and paves the way for

the Republic’s recovery.

3,950 BBY

Haunted by visions of the Emperor who

once corrupted him, Revan hunts for

remnants of the hidden Sith Empire. His

search ends in disaster when Sith capture

Revan and imprison him on Dromund Kaas.

He escapes captivity thanks to a daring

rescue by Meetra Surik and Sith Lord

Scourge. Revan and Scourge attempt to

assassinate the Emperor, but the ruler’s

power overwhelms them. Scourge betrays

Revan and is rewarded with the title of the

Emperor’s Wrath. Revan is imprisoned

while the Sith prepare for war.

3,681 BBY

The Sith Empire returns from exile to launch

a devastating and bitter war against the

Republic. The cunning genius of the

Emperor orchestrates the surprise onslaught,

inciting terror and despair in the Republic as

Imperial fleets dominate battles, old allies

side with the Empire, and Republic

politicians panic and turn against each other.

Hope finally returns to the Republic when

the Battle of Bothawui ends in a stalemate.

The Empire’s hope for a quick, decisive

victory descends into three decades of

violent warfare. In a surprise move, the

Empire offers a chance to negotiate a truce.

But as the galaxy’s attention turns to the

peace talks on Alderaan, the Empire

launches a surprise assault on the Republic’s

capital world, Coruscant. The Sacking of

Coruscant leaves the Republic capital in

ruins and gives the Empire leverage it needs

to demand the terms of peace.

3,653 BBY (Present Day):

The Treaty of Coruscant ends the Great War

in Sith victory and an uneasy truce. Tensions

replace open warfare as the Republic is

forced to cease fire and withdraw from

battle fields across the galaxy. The Sith

Empire absorbs abandoned worlds and

consolidates its power. The Republic

rebuilds, and the Jedi Order relocates to its

ancient home world of Tython.


A Note on the Canon of this Committee Any hardcore Star Wars fan is probably a bit miffed at this point, considering the amount of

information changed or totally disregarded in the timeline. However, this was actually quite intentional,

as the Crisis Team decided to change Canon to better fit the flow of debate and balance of power. The

major changes follow as such:

General Timeline:

For the most part, both committees will be following the Legends Timeline; for anyone who

doesn’t know, this was the official Canon of the Star Wars Universe based on comics, novels and concept

art prior to the Disney acquisition of the Star Wars creative rights. So, this basically accounts for any of

the broad strokes in the Universe: what species exist, what planets exist, the major universe changing

events, who is in power, etc.

Disregarded information:

Now, the largest discontinuities in our time is the lack of technologies - like Center Point Station,

and certain Civilizations - like the Lost Tribe of the Sith. This was done for two different reasons. Firstly,

some of this stuff is so mind-bendingly overpowered or problematic that if it existed, it would totally

destroy the balance of committees. This means that, for the most part, we have eliminated ancient

technologies and timeless super-beings. Secondly, there’s a lot of jargon in the Star Wars Legends

Timeline that essentially adds nothing in the eyes of the Crisis Team. However, none of the civilizations,

planets, or technologies would tilt the favour of combat drastically to one committee. Therefore, if a

delegate was to travel to Korriban and acquire a Sith artifact, even though Crisis/the Background Guide

had not mentioned it, it would still be a totally acceptable action. Since we have these two ways of

looking at any information not provided, its best to send a note to Crisis questioning the possibility, as we

are more than happy to clarify what exists and what does not.

Time shifts:

If any delegates have looked at the character lists for the two committees, it becomes clear that

there are a lot of direct equivalents in terms of committee roles. This was in no way just a lucky miracle,

quite a few of the characters had to be taken from other times and moved to 3653 BBY. The most notable

changes are the inclusion of Lama Be and Chlodwig. For the most part, this is just a shift in when the

character existed; their backstory, experience, and roles are exactly the same. However, we have done a

total time shift for the planet of Kamino and all its inhabitants. The role played by the Kaminoans is that

of genetic engineers, but they only gained this ability after their planet completely flooded and

endangered the entire Kaminoan species. So, to preserve this role, act as if Kamino has only recently

finished flooding, rather than expecting the flood to happen later in the future.

Minor conflicts:

As a note, there were a myriad of small-scale civil wars along the lines created by the Treaty of

Coruscant; however, trying to manage so many conflicts would be near impossible for the number of

delegates we have. So, these minor conflicts only exist if explicitly mentioned by the Chairs or Crisis.


Knights of the Old Republic: Is It Important?

As you can probably tell from the Background Guide cover, there is a pretty big emphasis

on the ‘Old Republic’ theme. There are a couple reasons for this: the committee is based on the

time period when the old republic was most active, and a lot of our information comes from the

Old Republic. Star Wars: KOTOR, Star Wars: KOTOR 2, and Star Wars: The Old Republic

cover the years 3,960 BBY-3,640BBY in excruciating detail, much more than any other source

like comic books. Just based off this one would assume we follow the games closely.

However, all three games are MMORPGs. (massively multiplayer online role-playing

games) This means that the games focus on lots on side quests, repetitive activities, and a ramp

in difficulty from beginners to benders of fate. Obviously over the course of a two-day period

nobody could replicate this sense of progression, so we have decided to forgo the actual events

of the games despite being set in the same time period. That means no quests, stories, and

multiplayer events will be taken from the game; there is no need to play or know about them.

(that being said KOTOR is on the app store for like 8 bucks and its totally worth it)

As we were going through and deciding this, a few of the Crisis Directors were a bit miffed

about the whole no-video game thing. Therefore, we have decided to gamify the committee in a

way the would befit the game. This was done in a couple of ways:

1. Dice based Crisis

We know, we know, this type of thing can go real south real fast, but here us out. There are a lot

of actions that any one delegate can take, considering we’re using an entire universe as a theatre,

so we split the types of crisis notes and directives into different sections. Since it would be

counter intuitive to tell everyone how it works, we’ll only describe the gamified ones. The first

one is combat. The outcome of any such tactical maneuver, space or ground, is decided by dice

roll with the required role set based on how difficult the action is. This requirement can then be

lowered by the detail of the Crisis note: things like numbers, times, actual tactical strategy,

equipment, explanation of weaknesses etc. The die is then rolled once, and the decision is final.

The other time die roles are used is for blockades of major trade routes. As described much later

on in this guide, trade routes are ultra-important for travel, making blockades a smart move.

However, blocking hyperspace is kind of an impossible task to deal with, so the required role is

set very high. Thus, these types of Crisis notes require extreme detail (down to the class of ship

and how they’re fueled) to actually have a reasonable role requirement. With the exception of

those two things, Crisis will function as it would in any other joint-crisis committee. (for the

most part)


2. Character Classes

If you didn’t already know, MMORPGs are class based, meaning you choose a character with

special abilities at the start of the game. Since classes and skill trees are one of our favourite

things in video games (especially the class system for Borderlands), there’s no way we couldn’t

add them in. So, here’s the list of all the types of classes; to see which your character is, look at

the top of the character page. (listed below allegiance)


Fighters are any character who depend mostly on conflict to complete their tasks and

objectives, which may include ground combat, strategizing, or space warfare. As such, fighters

have the advantage when it comes to combat. They get additives to their combat rolls (+d6) as

well as Bonus Benefit. Bonus Benefit triggers when a roll is made above the requirement set by

the Crisis Directors; depending on how high over the requirement the roll is, their character will

go above and beyond the specified task. For example, if the objective was to take a stronghold

and Bonus Benefit was activated, the character would take the stronghold and also deal a

crippling blow to the retreating defenders, making the defense of whichever location they retreat

to weak.


Traders are the backbone of the Republic, Empire, and multiple affiliate groups that have

managed to maintain a separate identity. With this in mind, they also have their fingers in many

pies strewn across the galaxy; any trader wishing to leverage these strengths will find it easier to

make galactic deals, move supplies and block trade routes than other characters. In addition,

trade is of upmost importance to any who wants to stay in power in any part of the galaxy, so

priority will be given to trade directives and action orders with the ability Trade Ties. (This

works as a simple trade pile and non-trade pile in the Crisis room, meaning directives of non-

trade characters will still be processed at the same time.)


Whether it be with a charismatic smile, feigning legitimate interest, a backroom deal, or

direct and decimating force, politicians in the galaxy are the ones who make cooperation happen,

whether everyone likes it or not. As such, politicians have advantage in any given situation that

requires the agreements of the galactic senate or the Sith council through the ability Golden

Tongue. Golden Tongue lowers the quorum of room for any piece of legislature voted on by the

committee, so long as the politician is a sponsor of the paper. (from 13 to 9) However, Golden

Tongue can be ‘deactivated’ for any one character by sending a request to the Dias.



“Power resides where men believe it resides. It’s a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a

very small man can cast a very large shadow.”

What holds true to fantasy holds true to sci-fi, from the supposeds who claim power to

those who puppeteer from the darkness. Spies form the majority of the later group, using

complex webs of informants and trickery to gain information required for blackmail, trading, and

combat. Through this web, Spies gain the ability Little Birds; in addition to receiving occasional

updates previously made connections, Spies will also find it simple to set up informants on other

characters, the going-ons of the Republic and Empire, and the long-forgotten mysteries of the



Engineers, doctors, physicist, demolition man, battleship architect. Every trade in the

galaxy has a Specialist, someone who knows what needs to happen to get the job done. For most

specialists, this comes from years of experience, allowing them to form a Trick of the Trade

ability. The most prominent of those in the galaxy include:

Biotics Specialist

Cruel, heartless, and unflinching, the Biotic Specialist holds no remorse for the

patient, only hoping to extract information on the inner workings of organic

beings. And the work pays of too. Biotic Specialists are able to expertly and

cleanly add cybernetic upgrades to beings, improve the natural states of all types

or organic life, and even alter DNA, thanks to a huge boost in skill and

understanding from their Trick of the Trade.

Technology Specialist

Like any good mad scientist, the Technology Specialist is passionately devoted to

work, improving every aspect of any piece of technology lucky enough to hit their

workbench. Literal years of trial and error has lead the Technology Specialist to

their Trick of the Trade, allowing them to easily modify and improve armour,

weapons, starships, cyber security and of course lightsabers, given adequate time

and materials as a balance to the immense range of boosting capabilities.

Force Specialist

Decades of balancing the mind and soul have left of Force Specialist with the

rarest Trick of the Trade, the ability to commune the Force at will. However, the

Force is all powerful and extremely difficult to control, restricting the Force

Specialist to the aiding of others. Force Specialist will find themselves able to use

abilities such as Force healing, Force sense, Battle meditation, and Force

Strengthening to assist allies in multiple ways.


Jedi High Council: The Basics

To start off, the name of this council is a bit of a misnomer. While many of the characters are part

of the Jedi High Council, there are also representatives from the Republic Senate, the Republic Military,

Splintering groups, and powerful orbiting organizations. Its really a grab bag of everyone, and this reflects

the Republic as a whole. At its inception, the Republic was founded purely based off the want to expand

and better the galaxy, something stays true till today. However, thanks to the myriad of opinions,

positions, and similar powers, this council is much more of a political battle than the Dark Council. With

the near unanimous agreement that the council should work together to achieve its goals, allocation of

troops and resources becomes a major problem. And even if one person makes major progress, at least

one other person is unable to complete their task. This boils down the council to a very intricate game of

push and shove, where careful cooperation can slowly move the Republic into an advantageous position.

However, there are other factors to consider. At the starting of this committee, the Republic and

its affiliates are at an disadvantage. The Great War blew horrible longstanding blows to all parts of the

Republic: troops and ship numbers are low, the Empire has control of most hyperspace lanes, there are

rumours of Sith spies in Republic power, and the Sacking of Coruscant has left the Republic without a

functioning capital. The situation the Republic has been left in is not a good one, and very few options

going forward exist. The probability of restarting a full-blown war against the Empire is slim to none, as

both sides of the Great War have been left in weak condition. That being said, the Empire cannot be left

to itself. In the Treaty of Coruscant many of the core worlds were handed over to the Empire; these

worlds were the first to form the Republic and thus are easily the most industrialized and important

worlds along the border.

This situation has left many of the council to totally change the way that characters interact.

When the council meets on Tython, as Coruscant is now in ruins, tensions will most definitely be high.

For the most part, Republic and Jedi political leaders want to focus on preventing war and consolidating

power, but their focus has been mainly drawn towards splinter groups who feel that they would be better

off as separate entities instead of a part of the Republic. Republic military forces have tried to act

aggressively on this and face the encroaching Empire, much to the dismay of much of the Jedi Order. At

the same time, more of the rogue intelligence groups complete whatever task they set for themselves,

which has brought up a variance of allies and rivalries depending on the situation. This has been further

compounded by more detached characters picking and choosing advantageous positions to support, which

might help them, but it messes with the balance of power at the same time.

All in all, the situation is a dire one. The mish-mashing of groups within the Republic has caused

an extremely complex political environment, while the end of the Great War has set a ticking time bomb

that the council must deal with.


Jedi High Council: Structure

In terms of actual structure, the council meets and acts in the same way as the Galactic

Senate. Wielding both legislative and executive powers the Senate is comprised of Senators and

representatives from across the galaxy. Normally these senators only hold power over a planet;

however, since the council is comprised a small number of members and is focused on large-

scale external and integral affairs, characters often represent multiple planets and areas of the

galaxy. (ex. Ord Mantell Central authority, the Rift alliance) Normally, the supreme chancellor

would oversee the senate and guide the Republic’s political vison. Unfortunately, as the Senate

tower on Coruscant has been destroyed, along with many of the Senators, the supreme chancellor

will act as any other delegate, with a focus on representing the concerns of Senators who could

not be present.

In addition, the Senate has also been home to many third-party observers not officially

part of Republic government. This includes groups, like the Jedi, the Ruling Council of Kamino,

and (covertly) sleazier organizations like the Exchange. These organizations and personnel

operate like any Senator in the room; each can speak, act, and vote on any subject matter. The

one way that they do differ, is in the application of legislature. If there is any direct call to action

from the Republic, whether it be resource usage or troop movement, all forces within the

Republic are required to obey. On the other hand, third parties have no such obligations and can

choose to ignore certain orders or even go back on previous arrangements. However, this power

does not apply when a group is specifically named in legislature. If that piece of legislature

passes, than by-law the third parties must full-fill their obligations, whatever that may mean.

(going against would prove to cause some issues between third parties and the Republic)

So, to finally get to how the council does things, the focus is on Military Strategy, trade

regulations, diplomacy, and collective action. What happens is someone brings a concern to

light, or one happens to fall into the lap of the council, and it dealt with in each of the sections

mentioned above. Through discussion, everyone comes to an ultimatum on how they want to

deal with the issue, then it is put into legislature. Between the time that the decisions are made

and voting begins things often change, sparking another set of discussions to finely tune the

document before a final vote is completed. Basically, it follows normal MUN structure, but

clauses are normally categorized.

The one major change from a normal Senate meeting in this council is the inclusion of

Military and Intelligence officials. These are trying time and most of the resolutions will include

some sort of military operation or undercover mission, so it was deemed a requirement that these

officials partake under the same rules as Senators.


Jedi High Council: Objectives

1. Consolidation

As of now the Republic is in a broken and bitter state. Bickering is common, there is

serious reason for most character not to work together, planets are still ravaged by war,

and the Republic doesn’t have the means to protect itself. The only way that these

problems can be solved, is if serious personnel and collective action can be taken to

improve conditions. Things like rebuilding destroyed worlds, improving industrialization,

and attempting to unify leadership are of upmost importance. At the same time, the

Republic cannot drop its external affairs and simply focus on internal issues, the Empire

is still a huge and unpredictable threat. So, there is also issue in the allocation of

resources, to who, at what time, for what objective. Unlike the Sith, the Republic has no

set leadership for production and logistics, so cooperation on this front should be priority

number one.

2. The Core Worlds

After the embarrassing Treaty of Coruscant, the galaxy was split in half, with the

majority of close border planets falling the Core region. The Core worlds were the ones

that founded the Galactic Republic, and since its founding have seen no subjugation.

However, the Treaty of Coruscant split the Core worlds into Republic and Empire

governed sections. For denizens of these planets, the change of leadership was

unwelcomed and extremely disliked, leading to revolts and civil wars along the border.

While some planets as far out as the Expansion Region have been able to regain Republic

control and support (Ord Mantell), for the most part these worlds are serving no side and

acting as a resource drain on both the Republic and Empire. Fixing this current state of

affairs is of great importance, as some of these planets serve as manufacturing, political,

or intellectual hubs when fully operational. Should worlds like Alderaan, Corellia, Duto,

or Castell fall firmly into the hands of the Empire, it is no doubt that their outputs could

become the undoing of the Republic.

3. The Empire

The Empire were the ones to win the Great War, and they still have that advantage. In

terms of efficiency, scope of power, and availability to start war, the Empire easily

outclasses the Republic. Should they be left to their own devices, it is only a matter of

time before they rekindle the war. However, the Republic is in no state to re-enter total

war, so the covert undermining of the Empire is the go-to course of action. Whether its in

terms of intel, force, production, or trade, beating the Empire should be a focus.


Jedi High Council: Need-to-Know Organizations and


Republic Special Forces

The Republic Army’s special forces

division, or “SpecForce”, is wholly different

from any other military organization. The

rest of the military focuses on a grand scale,

while SpecForce has small teams of elite

solders to outmaneuver the enemy and strike

where they are most vulnerable. The most

prominent of these forces is the Havoc

Squad, which has been known to turn the

tide of entire planetary battles. With their

advanced equipment, extensive training, and

high degree of operational flexibility, even a

single SpecForce soldier is a force to be

reckoned with.

Ord Mantell Central Authority

The Ord Mantell Central Authority controls

Ord Mantell and the planets surrounding it.

Following the Great Galactic War, Ord

Mantell sought to remain within the

Republic. However, the popularity of the

Central Authority and their sleazier trade

undermines the efforts to form closer bonds

with the Republic. Corruption plays a key

role in the Central Authority’s decision-

making progress, choosing to normal side

with the most lucrative deal.

Balmorran Resistance

After the Treaty of Coruscant, Balmorra was

granted to the Sith Empire. Due to this, all

Republic forces still on the planet from the

Great War were supposed to leave, but some

managed to stay behind. These soldiers

banded together with Balmorran citizens to

form the Balmorran Resistance, whose main

goal is to end the Empire’s occupation of

Balmorra and other Core world planets. The

resistance is carried out through stealing of

arms and guerrilla warfare carried out by

regular citizens. This makes it quite difficult

for the Empire to attack the root of the weed.

Rift Alliance

The Rift alliance is a collection of extremely

important trade leaders in the Republic,

attempting to vouch for better conditions

and treatment of sections of the galaxy.

Individually, the members of the alliance

only control small amounts or trade, but

collectively they are vital to the Republic.

The alliance is primarily focused with

mutual protection and are not outwardly

hating of the Republic. However, it is the

lack of action and assistance from the

Republic government that the alliance

attempts to change through leveraging their

economic, and military power.


Strategic Information Service

The SIS is the Republic’s first truly

successful espionage and intelligence

agency. Although smaller than its rival

organization, Imperial Intelligence, the SIS

has more than held its own in the war for

secrets. SIS agents focus on “pure”

intelligence work, such as gathering accurate

data, spreading misinformation, and

uncovering enemy plots. When direct

intervention is unavoidable, the organization

employs trained agents to carry out

sabotages, abductions, or any other action

required. It is usually preferable to have the

Republic Military of the Jedi act on any

intelligence gathered, however, rather than

risking covert agents in the field.

Jedi Order

For over 20,000 years, members of the Jedi

Order have served as guardians of peace and

justice in the Galactic Republic. A society of

teacher, scientists, philosophers, and

warriors, the Jedi Order is dedicated to the

study and understanding of the Force, an

ever-present energy that surrounds and binds

together all life in the galaxy. Though the

Force can be manipulated to serve many

purposes, the Jedi Order follows the

compassionate, merciful, and benevolent

path of the Light Side.

The Exchange

The Exchange is a criminal organization

allied with the Republic that deals in spice

refinement, smuggling, extortion, weapon

trafficking, slave trading, and bounty

hunting. The organization is active on many

planets, but for the most part is focused in

the Outer Rim. The Exchange is run by a

selection of crime bosses operating on their

own planet; however, the newest kingpin has

solidified command to be more in line.

Generally speaking, the organization uses

extortion to complete the most lucrative

tasks, but the deny and hate the Empire with

a burning passion.

Hutt Cartels

The early Hutts were brilliant military

strategists and unparalleled conquerors.

They amassed a sprawling and decadent

empire comprised of a hundred star systems

and billions of slaves. However, as so often

happens with empires, the Hutts were

eventually brought low by their own

complacency. The Hutts who remained in

power found that lasting wealth and

influence would be achieved only through

cunning bargains and skillful manipulation.

They discovered that the best slaves were

those who submitted of their own free will.

Over centuries, Hutt leaders mastered the art

of cultivating exploitative relationships with

the poor, greedy, and desperate. Criminal

enterprises provided a tremendous return on

investment, allowing the Hutts to forge a

new type of empire through economic trade,

illicit deals, and a mix of gang and

legitimate businesses.


Sith Spheres

Each member of the Dark Council, the

leaders of the Sith, oversees and controls

one aspect of the Empire. From military

strategy and Imperial logistics to

Intelligence and Sith philosophy, each

sphere of influence is served by countless

citizens and Sith lords who answer to the

Dark Council member atop the hierarchy

pyramid. The 12 spheres occasionally

overlap, sparking disagreement and conflict

between Sith who refuse to cooperate. But

ultimately, each Dark Council member is

responsible for ensuring the success of their

spheres. To fail is to incur the displeasure of

the Sith Emperor himself.

The Shadow Syndicate

The Shadow Syndicate is a criminal

organization allied with the Empire that

deals in spice refinement, smuggling,

extortion, weapon trafficking, slave trading,

and bounty hunting. The shadow Syndicate

is currently in an all out war against the

Exchange, after their leader refused to join

the Syndicate at its inception. The

organization is active on many planets, but

for the most part is focused in the Outer Rim

and specifically Nar Shaddaa. The Syndicate

is run by a selection of crime bosses in

different business fields throughout Hutt

Space. As of now, the organization is

extremely loyal to the Sith and are willing to

use extortion to complete most of the

Empires task, but they are also looking to

profit from their arrangements.

Tion Hegemony

The Tion Hegemony is a collection of

system under one governing body with at

focus on trade. Both the Perlemian and Tion

Trade Route border the Hegemony, leading

to an extreme amount of business in the

region. The economics of the area have lead

to great prosperity in a section of the

Hegemony called the Livien Worlds with

wealthy systems who hold trade power and

lavish lifestyles. However, the Hegemony is

also home to the Back Spiral, one of the

poorest regions in the galaxy. This drastic

difference in income is due to the

exploitation of work to provide services at

the cheapest prices. This has allowed the

Hegemony to continually maintain trade

dominance, at the cost of the lowest rungs of


Green Jedi of Corellia

The Green Jedi are a reclusive sect of the

Jedi Order serving the Corellian sector.

Known for their distinctive customs and

practices, the Corellian Jedi are highly

independent and separate from the Order’s

central governing body, the Jedi High

Council. Holding the well-being of Corellia

over that of the Galactic Republic, the

Corellian Jedi often butted heads with their

traditional counterparts within the Order

over how certain situations should be

handled and where their duty lay. The Green

Jedi are willing to use drastic force to

protect the Corellian system, which the

Council does not condone, but up until this

point there has been no outward aggression

between the Jedi Order and Corellian Jedi.


The Black Sun

The most recent criminal gang to rise in the

Republic literally exploded onto the scene

with a series of horrific bombings and

brazen murders of Republic peace officers

on Coruscant. Although the gang is

nominally involved in spice dealing,

kidnapping, and weapons trafficking, these

appear to be “recreational” business pursuits

that permit Black Sun’s members to pursue

their true joy: causing wanton destruction

and sowing terror. Some Republic

authorities speculate that Black Sun may be

an Imperial terrorist cell left behind after the

Sacking of Coruscant, while others fear

these vicious thugs are simply a warning of

where the galaxy is headed.


Tython is the home of the Jedi Council and

birthplace of the Jedi Order. Thousands of

years before the founding of the Republic,

Tython was home to an ancient society of

Force-sensitive beings known as the Je’daii.

Over the next thousand years, this

civilization would rise, fall, and finally

evolve to become the Jedi Order. In time,

the Jedi would leave Tython and spread

across the galaxy. When the Jedi Temple

was destroyed in the Sacking of Coruscant,

the Jedi returned to their ancestral home to

seek guidance from the Force and reclaim

the ancient knowledge and wisdom that had

been left by their ancestors. A new Jedi

Temple was raised on the ruins of an ancient

temple, and it now serves as the base of the

Jedi High Council.


Ord Mantell

Located at the heart of the Bright Jewel

Cluster of the Mid Rim, Ord Mantell is a

world of stunning natural beauty marred by

crime and civil war. After being colonized

over 8,000 years ago as a military depot, the

planet fell into obscurity, and corruption

gripped the local government. Smuggling

and vice became the planet’s primary

industries. Plagued by a corrupt government

and a Republic that refused to intervene, the

people of Ord Mantell grew restless and

angry. When the Great War ended, a

separatist movement emerged on Ord

Mantell and fought for their independence

from Empire and Republic. Republic

military forces have managed to suppress

the fighting, but bitterness is ingrained in the

people and local government.


Covered in vast cities that stretch beyond all

horizons and located at the center of the

galaxy, Coruscant has been the heart of the

Republic since its most ancient beginnings.

Many experts believe Coruscant to be the

original home world of the human species.

Today, beings from the most remote

stretches of the Outer Rim known

Coruscant’s name by heart, and many could

describe its towering spires and seemingly

bottomless urban canyons. Scars are still

fresh from the Sacking of Coruscant at the

end of the Great War. And for every

beautiful garden or magnificent plaza, there

is a squalid apartment block or blood-

splattered back alley somewhere below.


Dromund Kaas

Endless night, deadly jungles, and violent

electrical storms enshroud the hostile world

of Dromund Kaas. After suffering a crushing

defeat against the Republic in the Great

Hyperspace War, Dromund Kaas became

the capital of the Empire. For centuries, the

world grew in step with the Empire’s

resurgence. Sith orchestrated the

construction, fueled by slaves and dedicated

Imperial citizens. Dromund Kaas remains

the seat of the Empire to this day. Political

machinations, Sith power games, and rule of

the Emperor emanate from the planet in the

wake of the recent Great War against the



Balmorra is a world based on a single

dominant industry: arms manufacturing.

From infantry weapons to vehicle cannons

to combat droids, the planet has vast factory

complexes to produce them all. The

Republic military has always been the top

client of Balmorra’s manufacturers;

unfortunately, fierce fighting in the Great

War lead to Balmorra’s occupation by

Imperial forces to stop arms deals. The

factories that survived have now been turned

wholly toward supporting the Imperial war

effort – or secretly supplying the planet’s

vast resistance movement.


Nar Shaddaa

The moon named Nar Shaddaa was first

settled by impoverished Evocii refugees,

who had been pushed off their own home

world by the rapacious Hutt Cartel. Once the

Hutts had thoroughly exploited and polluted

their capital world, they turned to the bright

globe that orbited their decaying planet.

With obscene wealth obtained from their

illicit activities, the Hutts transformed Nar

Shaddaa into the galaxy’s glitziest and most

desirable hotspot. When the Empire returned

from exile to battle the Republic, both sides

found welcome refuge with the dissolute

Hutts ruling Nar Shaddaa. People gamble

their fortunes, reputations, and lives amid

the opulent towers. The only limits to

indulging one’s appetites are economics and



Alderaan is a planet of stark contrasts. To

most, it is a progressive society of peace-

lovers who protect their natural environment

and foster a refined culture renowned by the

Republic it helped build. Those who truly

understand Alderaan’s history know it is

also a world mired in strife between

competing noble houses. For every diplomat

passionately advocating harmony, an

assassin waits to strike from the shadows.

Only recently has Alderaan known strife,

with burning cities, razed meadows, and

enormous engines of war. Proud royal

families have been reduced to desperate

refugees, and majestic monuments that stood

for millennia lie in ruin.



The Rakata infinite empire, one of the most

powerful civilizations to ever dominate the

galaxy, constructed an elaborate prison on

Belsavis over 20,000 years ago. The

Rakata’s goal was to contain threats to their

superiority, so elaborate impregnable vaults

were built across the planet to store

dangerous devices and house prisoners. The

Republic eventually used Belsacis to house

its own prisoners, including thousands of

Imperials and Sith captured during the Great

War. When the Empire finally discovered

Belsavis, orchestrated a prison break that left

the planet surprisingly empty.


Both famous and infamous, Corellia has

long been a world where profit and

ingenuity reign. The world is home to

shipyards, factories, corporations, and

artisans, but its most noted export is its own

people. Corellians are renowned for their

love of space travel and can be found

serving on starships in every corner of the

galaxy. This has made them a major fixture

in commerce, exploration, and warfare since

before the foundation of the Republic itself.

However, Corellia has long struggled with

high crime rates among its population.

Violent crimes are comparatively rare, but

theft, smuggling, extortion, and bribery are

common elements in Corellian life.

Recently, this endemic corruption almost

lead to revolt due to corrupted government.


Jedi High Council: Characters

Aulauni, of the Rift Alliance

Allegiance: The Rift Worlds

Class: Trader

Title: Leader of the Rift Alliance

Alauni is a Twi’lek Senator within the Rift Alliance who

represents the planet of Saleucami. The Rift Alliance plays a

major role in the success and survival of the Republic, having

control over critical resources, armies, and trade centers. This

makes Alauni’s role within the conference one of utmost

importance. The planet that Alauni represents, Saleucami, is the

Republic’s most powerful trade hub in the outer rim, resulting in

Alauni’s rise to power within the Alliance. Her opinion and stern personality reign supreme

within the group, which leads the Alliance to outwardly express that the Republic is incompetent

at best. This results in Alauni making decisions that are detrimental to the Republic should it

damage the Rift Worlds. In order to fight against the Republic

(in a relatively non-militaristic way, which was greatly

appreciated) Alauni and her fellow Rift members (such as Tai

Cordan and Senator Tobas Grell) staged formal protests and

trade embargoes against the Republic. While the Republic

didn’t exactly like this, they were in no position to do

anything about it, because the Rift Alliance was such a

crucial part of the Republic’s economy that if any one of the planets were to drop out, it would

be catastrophic. Alauni has direct control over the economies of Saleucami, Aeten II, Manaan,

and Erigorm. Between them Alauni has control over fleet construction, trade, the administration

of Republic finances, healing supplies in all med kits, and assortments of raw resources. These

resources are essential to Republic military and civilian life, giving Alauni major sway in the

Republic. In order to utilize this power, Alauni has in the past created trade embargoes,

blockades, and even sold occasionally to the Empire. (which she still does) As Alauni you must

make decisions for the Rift Alliance to focus on the economic success of Rift Worlds, no matter

what that means to the Republic. While you will most likely criticize the decisions of the

Republic, you have enough power to change some of those decisions. Some potential interests of

the Alliance would most definitely be expanding the alliance and your economy, and with that

your power. Make yourself indispensable. You, as an alliance, hold the Republic’s economic

hubs, produce some of the most valuable resources in the construction of Republic fleets, and

produce a fantastic amount of profit. Because of this, it would be beneficial to have the Republic

on your side, but don’t let them push you around. You are stern, forward, and you don’t wield

threats idlily. Remember: power is with those with money, with that the galaxy can shift.

“Get on Representative Alauni’s

good side. Though between us, I’m

not certain she has one.”

- Supreme Chancellor

Dorian Janarus


Barsen’thor, Warden of the Order

Allegiance: The Jedi Order

Class: Politician

Title: Guardian of the Jedi Order

Barsen’thor is titled bestowed upon only the most distinguished

and venerated members of the Jedi Order, and the current

Barsen’thor is only the third individual in the Jedi Order’s

thousands of years of history to have acquired this elusive title.

At a young age, the Barsen’thor was trained as a Jedi Consular in

the Jedi Order, and she was trained under the tutelage of Jedi

Master Yuon Par. As a young Padawan, she would prove herself

to be crucial in the discovery of the Fount of Rajivari, an ancient

Jedi archive abundant with knowledge; she would also prevent

the destruction of Forge, a valuable Jedi artefact, capable of

producing lightsabers. After she became a Jedi Knight, the

Barsen’thor successfully prevented the outbreak of a Force-

based Dark Plague, a Force-based illness which drove several

Jedi Masters across the galaxy insane. However, nowadays the

Barsen’thor acts as the Jedi Order’s most prized diplomats,

shown by her successful negotiation with the Rift Alliance,

which stopped them from leaving the Republic. Trained as a

Jedi Consular, the Barsen’thor has the ability to detect lies using the Force, make other negotiators more

lenient, and using immensely strong telekinesis. With exception of the later ability, the Barsen’thor rarely

uses the Force to complete her missions, instead her amazing charisma and ability to understand both

sides of a situation allow her to prevail in diplomatic missions. These abilities have made the Barsen’thor

a major boon to the Republic and Jedi alike, but it has also placed a large target on her head. Criminal

organizations, Sith wising to claim greatness, and even Dark lords like Darth Mekhis and Darth Marr all

wish to see the Barsen’thor dead. The Barsen’thor is known as the calmest of all the Jedi Masters, with

not even a single Jedi or Padawan claiming to have issue with her. However, this is partly due to the fact

that the Barsen’thor must strictly and solely represent the Jedi Code, leaving her options somewhat

limited in terms of operational objectives. As the Barsen’thor, you seek to promote peace and harmony

across the Republic, and you wish to resolve the lack of unification in the Committee. Diplomacy is your

favoured tool for addressing conflicts, however you understand the necessity of utilizing force as a last

resort. Compassionate and considerate towards the plight of those who are suffering, as the Barsen’thor,

you will always choose to provide assistance to those that need it, rather than denying anyone aid. At your

heart, kindness and an innate desire for peace guide your desires, and you always adhere to your strong

sense of ethics and morals provided by the Jedi Code. The galaxy is a tumultuous place that has been

embroiled in conflict for decades, so perpetuating this turmoil with further violence will never resolve the

galaxy’s conflicts.

“There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.”


Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus

Allegiance: The Republic

Class: Politician

Title: Spokesperson of the Republic Senate

Prior to his election as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic,

Dorian Janarus faithfully served the Galactic Republic as the

Senator of Coruscant. After the surprise Sith invasion of

Coruscant, referred to as the Sacking of Coruscant, Janarus was

unanimously elected by his colleagues as the replacement to the

interim Supreme Chancellor Paran Am-Ris. After the Sacking of

Coruscant, when several of the Republic’s worlds threatened to

splinter away from the Republic and form the Rift Alliance,

Janarus requested the Jedi Council to send a skilled diplomat,

capable of resolving this crisis. This Jedi diplomat was successful

and ever since, Janarus has fostered a good relationship with the Jedi Order, for his willingness

to seek their aid and counsel. However, the situation in the senate is not a nice one. Janarus

refuses to ignite another war, which has caused great outcry from Senators and close advisors

alike. This has lead to major shifts in the political climate that divides nearly all sections of the

Republic. Ironically, the only reason even the smallest amount of cooperation exists is due to

Janarus. As mentioned beforehand, Janarus has connections with almost every major member of

the Jedi Order, making discussion easier even if they share different stances on the necessity of

war. In addition, near all the politicians, traders, and third parties have some sort of tie to

Janarus, which allows him to sway many of the decisions made in the galaxy. However, the one

group in which Janarus has very little say is the most dangerous of all: the pro-war faction. After

years of devastation during the Great War, planets on the frontier lost everything. Fueled by this

hatred for the Empire and desire to help their home worlds, the senators of the pro-war faction

grow by the month. While Janarus has attempted to make headway with such groups,

stubbornness from both sides has only served to alienate allies. As Janarus, you wish to avoid a

direct military confrontation with the Sith Empire, as you believe that the Republic has not fully

recovered and stabilized from the previous war to facilitate another conflict with the Sith. Your

primary goal is to prevent the more militaristic delegates from taking any drastic actions. With

them stabilized, it is also important to strengthen the Republic in terms of both economics and

defense. However, these goals obviously cannot be achieved on your own. Instead you must

leverage your great knack for leadership and uniting people for a common cause, if you ever

want to achieve anything. Your relationship with the Jedi and senators in the committee is

positive, and you’re willing to listen and cooperate. That being said, you are also not opposed to

cooperating with the military, pro-war faction, or the third parties. You represent a beacon of

hope for the Republic: a symbol of benevolence as well as prosperity. Actions that go against

this pre-existing expectation would be sure to limit your power in committee. Despite this, the

betterment of the Republic always come first and your willing to lay down your life for it.

“This isn’t about me. It’s

about the truth. A republic

cannot be based on deception,

especially on matters of war.”


Gaul Panteer of Alderaan

Allegiance: Alderaan

Class: Politician

Title: Crown Prince and Senator of Alderaan

Crown Prince Gaul Panteer is a human male who is the heir to the

Alderaanian Throne and the planet’s designated Senator. Gaul

Panteer is a voice of military action within the Senate and Republic,

which is quite in contrast with the historical peacefulness of his

peoples. Also, quite contrary to the opinions of the people of

Alderaan is Gaul’s belief that their home world should completely

exit the Republic. This opinion is held by a lot of Alderaanians,

though of course there are still many who strongly disagree and voice their opinions on the subject at a

regular frequency. Gaul is the son of Queen Silara Panteer, who is the rightful Queen of Alderaan, and it

generally quite loved throughout the planet and the Senate. Gaul focuses his time on voting to solve

galactic crises and problems, and often feels that his opinion should be held high above those of the

others. This attitude often gets him into some form of trouble, as arrogance is not always the best attribute

to have. Gaul is always very headstrong and passionate about what he believes is right. If there is

something that he believes should be done within the galaxy, he will most likely get it done. That being

said, it is your job within this conference to push the agenda that will best benefit Alderaan as not only a

planet, but a home. As a beloved senator and crown prince, Gaul holds both political and military power.

The Houses of Alderaan, who have access to armadas and a large number of ground forces, are

subservient to your demands. However, the majority of Gaul’s power comes from his political sway.

Rivalled only by Dorian Janarus, Gaul is well known in pretty much every political circle in the galaxy,

even in the Empire. His ability to broker for both sides has lead to both harm and peace in the past, but

doubtless to say his connections make him extremely important to any galaxy wide talks. As Gaul

Panteer, your methods are sometimes slightly radical, but you only want what is best for your people,

despite your arrogant character. You won’t be pushed around if it means that Alderaan will be impacted

in a negative way. You also believe that, in order to protect your planet, further advancement with the

Republic and the Empire is a must. You believe that if the Republic does not make forward military

movements, then the Sith Order will, and once they have the upper hand, the war is over. Convince those

who disagree with you of the direness of the situation, and why immediate action is the only way for the

Republic to win this war. Gaul also has access to the military of Alderaan if needed, though it is not

exactly the most powerful force in the galaxy. As Gaul, your main task, as stated before, will of course be

to provide safety and a solid future for your peoples, and will stop at nothing to do that; the best way to do

this is most likely leveraging your political power. Your job is to make sure this war ends, whether that be

through peace or conflict, but you know very well that the latter is the only option. So fight for it. Make

them understand why it is important to push forward, to get the upper hand on the Sith Order. If you fail

in this, who knows what may become of the Republic, and of Alderaan.


Gray Star of the Balmorran Resistance

Allegiance: The Balmorran people

Class: Spy

Title: Leader of the Balmorran Resistance

Near the resolution of the Great Galactic War, the factory

world of Balmorra was transferred to the Sith

Empire. Already stationed Republic forces were ordered to

evacuate, but a handful managed to remain, choosing to work

with civilian populations to resist and disrupt the Empire’s

hegemony of Balmorra. Thus, the Balmorran Resistance was

born, with Gray Star at the helm as one of the first leaders.

Gray Star himself is a Gran, a species native to the planet

Kinyen but with colonies spread throughout the galaxy. He is

willing to organize ‘terror cell’ operations involving guerilla

warfare in order to defy the Empire; he is also willing to go to

great lengths to conceal the resistance’s operations from its intruders. The Balmorran resistance, is

strongly aligned under a hatred of the Empire, albeit localized to the Empire’s presence on Balmorra. That

being said, they are indifferent to the Republic, which abandoned them in the Great Galactic War. Grey

Star reflects this attitude; he fights for independence, not for any particular side. Regardless, there is an

mass of resistance fighters devoted to the cause that look up to Gray Star to lead them towards a liberated

future. Over the years of fighting, Gray Star became wise and much more careful. What started out as

occasional factory attacks has become a wide net of co-conspirators that assassinate key targets in the

Core Worlds. However, this strategy has kept the Resistance waiting for ample opportunity to finally

strike the blow to Empire that will force them to leave Balmorra for good. The Balmorran Resistance

operates in an convoluted manner, using secrecy and cooperation to their advantage. Arms and goods

required to arm agents are stolen from factories across Balmorra; those who do so are factory workers,

who don’t know the weapons use. The arms are then distributed with objectives to co-conspiring citizens

across the galaxy. These agents normally deal with assassination, but occasionally participate in guerilla

warfare. Assassination targets range from Imperial officers, to couriers with documents calling for a shift

in factory on Balmorra. However, no matter the hit, its end goal is to weaken the Empire’s grip on the

Core Worlds. Often, agents for the resistance are caught by the Empire, but such little information is

provided to agents (who are essentially just citizens) that it is nearly impossible for data leaks. As Gray

Star, you are looking out for the good of your people and no one else. The years have made you wise and

patient, with secrecy and careful selection of targets being the only reason that you have survived this

long. Your goal is to finally break the Empire’s grip on the Core Worlds, no matter what this means.

Targeting Empire officials and trying to influence the tactical decisions of the Empire are equally as

concerning as the inner workings of the Republic. Either course may lead to freedom, so both must be

considered in your thought process. The present is ominous Gray Star, but so was the past. Through

patience, wisdom, and calculation, we will have our freedom.

“I am Gray Star, leader of this

‘terror cell.’ Trapped by my own



House Ulgo

Allegiance: The Republic

Class: Fighter

Title: Republic Loyalists

House Ulgo is an Alderaanian noble family with an

illustrious and prestigious history and is capable of

tracing its lineage back to the early formation of

Alderaan as an independent state. For hundreds of

years House Ulgo has faithfully served the Republic,

with every member of the House joining the Republic

to serve in the military and producing

generations of distinguished military

officers. House Ulgo disdains the traditional

pampered lifestyle that the vast majority of aristocratic families enjoy and have forsaken such

practices in favour of valuing the principles of honour, disciple, duty and family above all. House

Ulgo comes from a distinguished line of soldiers that have faithfully served the Republic; 300

years prior to the modern era, the Republic Navy ensign Trask Ulgo was killed by Darth Bandon;

Ensign Trask sacrificed himself to ensure that Revan, hero of the Republic, could safely escape

from Bandon, and live to fight another day. To this day, Trask Ulgo is revered as a martyr of the

Republic, by the people of Alderaan. The current representative of House Ulgo in the Republic is

General Bouris Ulgo, a man who quickly rose through the ranks of the Republic’s military to

become General. Bouris Ulgo single-handedly won the Battle of Rordak by personally boarding

the ship of Moff Ceptor and defeating him in combat. Currently House Ulgo extremely angry

with House Thul, which has been allowed to live on Alderaan despite being quite publicly back

by the Empire. This growing resentment has lead to House Ulgo consolidating much of its

military prowess on Alderaan, rather than dispersing it through the Republic military. This power

includes battle droids, scores of soldiers, armoured vehicles, advanced weaponry, and immense

funds. As the representative for House Ulgo, your primary goal is to prevent any of the Houses

aligned with the Sith Empire from gaining control of Alderaan, at any cost; the Sith embody

everything you hate in the galaxy, and you have a near single-minded focus to completely

eliminate the Sith, or Sith-affiliated groups. In order to preserve the stability of Alderaan, you are

willing to employ brutal means to prevent House Thul from gaining control over the planet.

However, maintaining dignity and honour through these proceedings is an absolute must. On a

more galactic scale, protecting the Republic’s front from possible Sith invasion and civil war is

an absolute requirement of House Ulgo. You are fervently devoted to serving the Republic, and

willing to approach most problems with military force; the politics and bureaucracy that plague

the Republic disgust you, as you wish to direct confront the root of the problem in an efficient

manner. You seek to unify the other Republic-aligned noble houses of Alderaan in order to

strengthen the Republic, and you believe that the remainder of the Republic should follow suit,

otherwise the growing strength of the Sith will overwhelm the galaxy.

“I’ll be dammed if I let House Thul stay on this planet.”

- Bouris Ulgo


Jace Malcom of the Havoc Squad

Allegiance: The Republic

Class: Fighter

Title: Commander of the Havoc Squad

Jace Malcom is a highly respected war hero of the Republic,

having served with his squad during The Battle of Alderaan, in

which he personally defeated two Sith Warriors and fought in

hand-to-hand combat with Darth Malgus to save Satele Shan.

Malcom is an exceptional soldier and has been involved in

numerous battles, such as the Sith Assault on Republic-

Occupied Korriban, in which he escaped alongside Grand

Master Satele Shan, whom he became very close with

romantically and then had a very major falling-out with.

After proving his skill in numerous battles, Malcom was

granted complete control of Infantry Squad 326, or “The

Havoc Squad.” The Havoc Squad was an elite squadron of

commandos, who succeeded against all odds in numerous

operations in which they found

themselves outmanned and

outgunned. The Havoc Squad specializes in covert operations, such as

extractions of targets, assassinations, and general attacks/operations

behind enemy lines; they operate independently under Malcom’s

command, but the Senate (pictured left) can also issue them orders. Malcom wears Republic

Trooper battle armour, even when out of combat, and in combat he tends to lean towards heavy

weaponry, like chainguns and rocket launchers. He also serves often as a military advisor to the

Republic, however he often attends meetings over hologram, as he is typically preoccupied

leading the Havoc Squad. As Commander Jace Malcom you are a brave and proud soldier, who

stands stoically in the face of almost certain death. You’ve fought tooth and nail to keep the

Republic safe, and you’ve got the scars to prove it. Your military experience has also left you

rather stubborn, and you aren't afraid to call someone out if they’re being a moron (basically, you

can be a bit abrasive sometimes). You’ve got a stinging personal relationship with Satele Shan,

but in general you are a fan of the Jedi order. In terms of powers, you will be directly leading an

elite and battle-proven squadron of special forces soldiers, who can be used for anything from

assassinations to sabotage, and pretty much anything else you can think of that requires a little

extra blaster fire.

"With every battle, there are fewer

of us to keep up the fight. Those who remain pay a heavy price. But

we know the Force is with us. We will never surrender, and we are

not alone. The long night is finally



Jaric Kaedan, Watchman of the Jedi High Council

Allegiance: The Jedi Order

Class: Fighter

Title: Jedi Master of the High Council

Jaric Kaedan was born on the Outer Rim territories as a force sensitive

child before being taken in by Ngani Zho to begin training as a Jedi at

the age of 12. Becoming a Jedi Knight, Kaedan led a team of troopers

from the Republic Special Forces Division to infiltrate a Sith

Dreadnought, capturing 6 ancient sith masters known as the “Dread

Masters”, resisting their powerful battle meditation in the process. Many

considered him a living weapon, wielded by the force itself. Towards the

end of the war, he fought in the Battle of Rhen Var, being appointed to the

Jedi High Council shortly afterwards. Kaedan firmly believes that peace in the galaxy can not be achieved

while the resurgent Sith Empire continues to exist, and isn’t able to bluntly state his opinion. Though he is

quick to judge and criticize, Kaedan also knows when he is wrong will admit when he is wrong. Stern,

uncompromising, and strong in the Force, Kaedan is the Jedi Council’s undisputed expert on defensive

warfare against the Sith. His peers often refer to him as “the Order’s Watchman” for his grim

guardianship of Padawans and Masters alike. The stronger the colleague or opponent, the more they spark

Kaedan’s scrutiny; he has been known to send his Padawan’s or Jedi under him back to their Masters for

additional training in Jedi philosophy. Perhaps the greatest difference between Kaedan and his fellow

Council members is that he does not believe in redemption for the Sith. In his mind, those former enemies

who abandon the Sith Code to follow the Jedi path are fooling themselves as much as others. Kaedan and

Syo Bakran have been known to occupy the Council chamber for hours, quietly but intensely debating

their clashing philosophies while the other Masters retire to meditate. When the Great War started to

affect of the Republic people on the world of Ilum, Kaedan was the first to answer the call for help. He

lead his fellow Jedi guardians to protect people, temples, and the Republic way of life, despite their

drastically low numbers. Kaedan commands the Guardians of the Jedi Order, a group of Jedi devoted to

protection and service. While most of the hundred or so Guardians are protecting Jedi temples or holy

sights, when on the battle field they adopt the stance of ‘immovable object.’ Their extremely heavy

armour and mental fortitude allows them to take heavy blows without falling, all while continuing to draw

enemies away from other less protected soldiers. Kaedan often personally embarks on missions he sets for

his Guardians, believing that it is his utter and sole responsibility to protect as many people as he can. As

Master Jaric Kaedan, you take on the same role as your Guardians, stern, unmoving, and dedicated to

defending the Republic. Your focus should be the more militaristic side of humanitarian, responding to

crises by protecting the people. However, you are not one to back away from your beliefs, and you are

willing to try to make others follow this same ideal set. This personal code of conduct is your everything,

and it is imperative that the Order and Republic act in accordance with it. Remember that only those on

the righteous path are truly on your side, and may the Force be with you!

“Rest assured, this war

can only end one way.”


Lama Be of the Ruling Council of Kamino

Allegiance: The Republic

Class: Biotic Specialist

Title: Prime Minister of the Ruling Council

Around 19,000 BBY, dramatic climate shifts began to melt the

extensive glaciers of Kamino. This quickly killed off the native

Kaminoans, with only a handful surviving. Thanks to

resourceful adaptation, the surviving Kaminoans were able to

construct cities above the now flooded planet. However, their

lives were altered forever. In order to keep disputes to a

minimum, since each of the 100 Kaminoans were of major

importance, the race biotically shifted themselves so they feel no

emotion and will only act to further themselves. In addition

extreme cloning initiatives were started to repopulate the planet. Now the Kaminoans are

plentiful and no longer in danger, but the species is unfeeling, extremely prejudiced, and seeking

to improve themselves through genetic modification. For the vast majority of the galaxy’s history

Kamino has maintained an isolationist approach to interacting with the rest of the galaxy, and

Lama Be’s efforts to expand Kamino’s influence beyond its own borders is highly unusual.

Proud of his species’ accomplishments, Lama Be has made it his responsibility to expand and

spread Kamino’s influence. Beyond their cloning technology, Kamino is sole source of kyber

darts, a weapon notorious for its proliferous usage by bounty hunters and assassins across the

galaxy. As the Prime Minister of the Ruling Council Kamino, Lama Be’s ascent to power was

unique in that once he became a High Councillor of the Ruling Council, he created dozens of

new government positions and appointed several incompetent individuals to these roles. Over the

course of 2 decades, through the sheer increase of bureaucracy and inefficiency several of his

fellow rivals in the Ruling Council resigned from their positions, leaving Lama Be as the de

facto leader of Kamino. The majority of Lama Be’s power on the galactic stage come from his

control over genetic modifications. Both the Republic and Bounty Hunters are willing to pay an

extreme amount for even the slightest changes, which has proven to be an extremely profitable

business venture. In addition, the ability to produce clones en mass proves to be extremely

useful, through Lama Be has yet to extend this power to non-Kaminoans. As Lama Be your

participation in this galactic conflict is solely for the purposes of business transactions and

furthering the wealth of Kamino. Your allegiance with the Republic is only maintained by their

desire to enter a financial partnership with the government of Kamino, and you wish to ensure

the Republic remains committed to this investment; you don’t have any sentimental feelings for

the Republic. Despite your desire to advertise Kamino’s cloning technology and advocate for the

Republic to increase military aggression against the Sith Empire, you do not want Kamino

directly involved in any conflicts; unnecessarily involving Kamino in a war is the last thing you

have in mind. You have no qualms ignoring ethics and morality to resolve a crisis and utilizing

the most indirect method to approach these issues is your preferred modus operandi.


Marcus “The Director” Trant, of the SIS

Allegiance: The Republic

Class: Spy

Title: Director of the Strategic Information Service

Marcus Trant is the director of the SIS, the primary covert intelligence agency of

the Republic. Trant began as a decryption analyst in the SIS, back when it was

still a branch of the Senate Library. Over the years, with need of more advanced

intelligence systems, the SIS transitioned to an advanced galactic clandestine

intelligence agency (as most libraries do). During the Great War Trant

became Bureau Chief (in charge of an ‘operation zone’ sizing from city to

planet), and eventually head-honcho. The SIS gathers most of its intel

through hacking, signal interception, and spies in the Empire’s orbiting

organizations, just like when the SIS was part of the Senate Library.

However, since the Treaty of Coruscant it has become easier for spies to

infiltrate into ranks of Imperial military, though very few agents are in the field. Recently, Trant

introduced faked “secret broadcasts” due to sneaking suspicion that the Empire is becoming more active

in terms of spying. Trant is a utilitarian, willing to sacrifice lives for the greater good. Trant isn’t afraid of

getting the hands of the SIS dirty, and in his mind the SIS’s duty is to do what others are too afraid to do

for the Republic, no matter the cost… or the legality (he’s the sort of guy who would plan the Iran-Contra

operation or Watergate… a little shady at times…). Trant is often in conflict with the senate and the

bureaucratic wings of the Republic, as they seem to constantly want more information about his covert

operations, which he cannot share. Because of this secrecy he finds himself fighting to keep the SIS

funded, despite the incredible feats they accomplish under the table. Trant oversees providing intelligence

on crime syndicates, Sith history, and various Republic organizations on top of his usual duties (in this

way he’s like a super space librarian). Aside from this, Trant’s leadership over the SIS grants him power

over informants and spies across the galaxy, experts at operating behind enemy lines, and blending in

with the crowd, Trant’s operatives differ from those of say, Jace Malcom, as they prefer to see an

operation conclude with minimal blasters fired. Because of this, you may find yourself butting heads with

Malcom over whose men should be deployed, but know that whenever you need an undetected operation,

your men are the go-to. As Trant you will be tasked with running complex networks of spies, recovering

intel from enemy sources, and sabotaging enemy plans. You are a bit ornery, and very defensive of the

SIS; people who question the SIS question you, and you’re not afraid to give some choice words (let’s

hear your best galactic insults you dirty nerf-herder!). You will be managing most information the

republic has access to, and as such will need to give this out to those who need it, but give it sparingly, as

you aren’t sure everyone can be trusted. For you, all that matters is republic victory, no matter the cost;

the ends always justify the means, and this may cause you to butt heads with arms of the Republic

leadership. As questionable as your methods are, you stand between the Sith and control of the entire

galaxy, and some of your operations may be the only things that keep the Republic alive. Good luck

commander, and remember, no one can be trusted.

"I don't have to explain

things! I'm the boss,

remember!? I give you

an order and you follow



Governor Mitrael of the Ord Mantell Central


Allegiance: The Republic

Class: Trader

Title: Leader of the Central Authority

Ord Mantell is a world of contrasts. On one hand, the stunning

natural beauty of the planet; on the other, the crime riddled

world leaves very little to be desired by the outside world.

However, its locational contrast, sitting directly between the

Expansion Region and Outer Rim Territories, has made Ord

Mantell the financial hub and trading post of the Bright Jewel,

Dohu, and Qiilura Sectors. While this itself was a great boon to

the planet, it was Governor Mitrael who made Ord Mantell

relevant on a galactic scale. Rather than attempting to fix the

issues of the planet, Mitrael doubled down on them by

encouraging syndicated crime and bounty hunting. When this was combined with the addition of new

trade routes which connected Ord Mantell to the rest of the galaxy, Or Mantell became the hub for

smugglers, bounty hunters, and illegal purchases of arms/ships. This has been an extremely useful

business venture for Mitrael, but it has caused problems for his people. Due to the corrupt governance, a

separatist movement began on Ord Mantell, which Mitrael has refused to acknowledge. This has lead to

drastic concerns from the politicians in the Republic. Both Dorian Janarus and Gaul Panteer have publicly

denounced Mitrael on the Senate floor. However, this has done nothing to quell Mitrael’s self-centred

behaviour. Instead of dealing with issues from an ethical standpoint, Mitrael deals with issues through

smugglers and bounty hunters. Through them, he is able to attack enemies and require more resources, all

of which is usually used to increase Ord Mantell’s weapon industry or shipyards. This sound investment

has lead to Mitrael being incredibly useful to the Republic, despite being despised. The only circle Mitrael

is admired in is the underground crime syndicates. Groups like the Exchange, the Shadow Syndicate, and

the various Bounty Hunter Guilds all respect Mitrael for creating a safe haven for their practices. Mitrael

has struck deals with them before, even terrorist groups like the Black Sun, which has made alliances with

these groups quite easy. As Governor Mitrael, you seek only to better yourself. Moral and ethics or no

matter, only what will become the best deal for you. To achieve this goal, you have the collective trade

dominance of Ord Mantell, but more importantly access to smugglers and bounty hunters to complete

your objectives. A good balance between public deals and back-handed undermining is sure to make you

go far. However, noting can be achieved alone. While you have one of the most diverse power sets, you

lack numbers. Alliances with the more morally ambiguous members of the council will be important to

ensure your powers are used to the fullest possible extent. At the same time, it is important to be wary of

the political leaders of the republic. Neither the military nor the senators support your action, and they

will likely try to stop you. Be careful, be calculating, and be precise Governor Mitrael…

"Dignity? What of dignity? A job

done is a job done, no matter the

means of completing it!”


Orgus “Plain Jedi” Din, Warrior of the Jedi High


Allegiance: The Jedi Order

Class: Fighter

Title: Jedi Master of the High Council

Member of the Jedi Council and famous hero of the Great War, Master

Orgus Din spent more time serving among Republic soldiers than

anyone else in the Order. It was during this period that Master Orgus

and Lieutenant Harron Tavus of the Havoc Squad became friends.

Together they led a series of highly successful commando raids against

Imperial forces. Unfourtuentely, Tavus died near the end of the war;

unwilling to let this taint his relationship with the Republic military, Din

has made serious bonds with Jace Malcom, the new leader of the Havoc

Squad. Din upholds other Republic relations extremely, holding strong

bonds with military commanders, strategists, and regular soldiers he served

with. This has given Din sway within Republic ranks, due to the respect he

commands. However, the same respect that allowed him to excel in the military has created issues within

the political aspects of the Republic. Din prefers direct and decisive action over long deliberations and

debate. His refusal of orders single-handily saved the SpecForce division on Karideph, but his rash and

often un-empathizing personality has caused conflict with the more careful Jedi Masters, such as Syo

Bakarn. While the two are respectful of each other, Din believes that the solution is often straightforward,

so rather than waste time talking, he deals with a problem before it exacerbates. Either way, Din has

earned the nickname “the Plain Jedi” due to his lack of political tact. But, what Din lacks in the intricacies

of the political world, he more than makes up on the battlefield. Din has extensive experience in leading

smaller squadrons of men, telekinetic abilities, lightsaber dueling, dealing with foes equipped with anti-

jedi weaponry (flame throwers and current day bullets), as well as an array of Force powers such as Force

whirlwind, Force stun, and Force suppression. In addition, Orgus is the leader of the couple hundred Jedi

Knights in the Jedi Order. Unlike Sentinels or Guardians, Knights see frequent deployment for lone

reconnaissance, enemy stronghold assaults, point defense, rallying forces, Anti-artillery strikes, and

Starship command, all at the whim of Din. However, this is not a responsibility Din takes lightly, as every

single Jedi deployed is an extremely skilled and irreplaceable warrior, whose loss would greatly affect the

stance of the Jedi Order. This has resulted in Din seldom sending out groups no more than 11 or 12 Jedi

apiece, despite having more available for deployment. As Master Orgus Din, politics are not your forte,

nor should it be your primary concern. Instead, your focus should be the betterment and safety of those

you swore to protect, no matter what your colleagues say. However, you are not one to disrespect the

council or your peers, so finding the right balance between acting and humoring others is the primary

concern. In addition, your ties to the Republic Military haven’t led you astray, and it doesn’t look like that

will change in the future. You must take command of one of the galaxy’s most skilled and legendary

militaries, defend your people from harm, all while adhering to the Jedi Code and keeping ties with the

Republic. The light of the Order will guide your path Orgus Din, and may the Force be with you!

“Damn those council

meetings. I’d die of old

age before my colleagues

ran out of things to say.”


Oric Traless, Combat Advisor of the Jedi High


Allegiance: The Jedi Order

Class: Fighter

Title: Jedi Master of the High Council

As a decorated, compelling, and undefeated strategist and general

in the Jedi Order, Master Oric Traless is an expert in the art of war.

As the chief combat advisor for the Order, he has instructed

hundreds of Jedi in lightsaber combat, while many more have

studied his battle journals. Oric warns that the Treaty of Coruscant is a

sham created to destroy the Republic, and is preparing for the inevitable

return to war in the only way he knows how. As both combat advisor

and Jedi Master, Oric has a surprising amount of influence in political

circles; he even has a personal friendship with Supreme Chancellor Janarus. He has used this accord to

push for Janarus to break the peace and attack the Sith. If asked, Oric can calmly cite extracts of the Jedi

Code that support his actions, but in actuality destroying the Sith has become a personal obsession of his.

Armoured by his certainty, political power, and skill, Oric makes a formidable opponent to any Sith plot.

As chief combat advisor, Traless has a variety of abilities at his disposal, one of which is obviously his

influence over the Republic’s military. However, this control is not absolute, Traless must remain a

convincing leader; he is only an advisor after all. Diplomacy and unity within the Jedi Order is crucial in

order to allow the combat advisor to exert the full extent of his influence. That being said, Traless

maintains such a high standing among his fellow Jedi warriors that internal strife should not be the

highest concern on his mind. Instead, the battle plan is everything to Traless. The time Traless spends

crafting the most comprehensive and resource-efficient battle plan possible is perhaps his greatest asset

for it convinces his peers to have faith in his plan and ensures that the Sith forever operate within his

strategic game, and play into his hand. The fact that Traless is an advisor actually plays to his advantage;

he can propose strategy that utilizes nearly the full force of the Republic’s military, provided that he can

convince the rest of the high council to follow his lead. In addition, Traless also has control over the Jedi

War Room, where information on the Jedi’s war efforts are received and then distributed. Traless is not

one to conceal the information he gains, but has a high affinity to presenting the information that best fits

his position when the opportunity arises. As Oric Traless, your sole objective is bringing about an end to

the Sith. However, this is not a goal you can achieve on your own, in fact you are dependant on your

peers to provide the means by which to exact your plans. The difficulty comes in convincing those you

already have ties with, always showing the best of your plans, and maneuvering around those who

disagree with your position. You have the heart of a warrior Oric Traless, and let nothing suppress it. May

the Force be with you…

“This is the Jedi Temple. You

are not welcome. Leave this

sacred place – now. You’ll not

get a second warning.”


Satele Shan, Grand Master of the Jedi Order

Allegiance: The Jedi Order

Class: Politician

Title: Grand Master and Council Spokesperson

Satele Shan, descendant of Revan, became a Padawan of the Jedi order

at a young age, inheriting her family’s legendary force sensitivity.

Satele witnessed the Sith recapture of Korriban as she escaped from it

with Jace Malcom, with whom she would later have a romantic

relationship, and eventually a child. She later broke off these relations

with him, fearing darkness in his heart, and left their son Theron under

the watch of the Jedi order. In terms of abilities, Shan serves as a jack

of all trades, thanks to her number of Jedi Masters she served under.

She has been trained in the ancient wisdom and knowledge, forgotten

combat, and most recently in political strategy and diplomacy. Despite

her extremely impressive combat abilities, it was this final skill set that

garners so much respect from friend and foe alike. In the later years of

the Great War, Shan learned under the tutelage of Master Dar’Nala, the diplomat of the Jedi Order at the

time. Under her, Shan learned much about the political system of Republic, including splitting factions

that still respect her till this day. However, it was in Chancellor Janarus and the Republic military that

Shan found her greatest allies, and these connections allow Shan to serve well as the Grand Master.

Unfourtuentely, when learning under Dar’Nala Shan adopted her impatience and occasional lack of

foresight. After the Treaty of Corusucant, Shan took up a pilgrimage across the galaxy, during which she

rediscovered the Jedi home world of Tython. This discovery prompted the Jedi Council to appoint her to

the role of Grand Master, and grant her leadership of the entire Jedi Order. Satele Shan was extremely

involved in the Great Galactic War, and her role in battles have left her hardened, and stronger than

almost any foe. Satele’s exploits have earned her respect across the Galaxy, as even those skeptical of her

plans hold great admiration for her. Satele attempts to uphold the highest ideals, however her own

emotions can sometimes draw her away from the order’s ancient teachings (you know like, having a kid

with a guy and then abandoning that kid and divorcing that guy is frowned upon on a lot of levels by the

Jedi code). As Satele Shan you will act as an immensely respected and experienced Jedi Master, but you

will have heavy responsibilities on your shoulders. You must learn to contain your feelings and emotions,

as powerful as they may be, while still operating with compassion for those you are sworn to protect.

Further, you technically guide the Order to do what you want, however, keep in mind that these are trying

times, and should you overstep your leadership, less faithful members of the Order may start to question

you… or worse… lose faith in the order and seek new guidance under the teachings of the Sith. Tread

lightly, as although your respect and command are rightfully earned, these challenging times can make

even the most devoted Jedi waiver. Will you be the light that guides your order, and the whole galaxy

through the darkness of the Sith, or will your followers stray from your light, falling to the tempting and

attractively indulgent teachings of the dark side. Good luck Satele, and may the force be with you…

"These are the moments we

strive for: when the hope of

victory becomes real. When we

can see peace on the horizon."


Suuddaa Nem’ro

Allegiance: Hutt Cartel

Class: Trader

Title: Nem’ro the Tenacious

Suudaa Nem’ro, respectfully known by his Cartel

peers as Nem’ro the Tenacious, controls Hutt’a

spaceport in the dangerous city of Jiguuna.

Controlling this major trade hub on the Cartel’s

home world allows Nem’ro to dip his greedy

fingers in anything attractive that passes within

his reach. Having fought his way up from

nothing to become one of the most powerful beings on the planet, Nem’ro makes certain he

always gets a taste of the action. Guards and servants always get a share in his wealth, for

Nem’ro has long understood that a lasting rule requires a foundation of stratified supporters.

Those who do not number among Nem’ro’s entourage face a far different experience. He is

notably tight-fisted in his dealings with would-be business partners and famously slow to

acknowledge friendship. Anyone who persists through Nem’ro’s high-handed dismissals to

impress him will eventually bask in his generosity. Recent rumours suggesting that Nem’ro has

retreated into seclusion due to illness have been met with concern by his supporters and joy from

his rivals, specifically the Exchange and the Shadow Syndicate. However, the Great Galactic

War has forced Nem’ro to seek strange bedfellows, leading to him pursuing an alliance with the

Republic, in order to prevent his nephew Godoba the Hutt from gaining too much control over

Nar Shaddaa. The encroaching influences of both the Sith Empire and the rival criminal

organizations have proven to be highly dangerous threats to Nem’ro’s reign. Despite this,

Nem’ro’s control over the legal side of Hutt trade has given him massive power. He has control

over massive oil and gas reserves, manufacturing plants, mining operations (adrenals and

tibanna), construction, and even the filing of papers necessary to travel through Hutt Space. As

Nem’ro, your preliminary concern is the prevention of any foreign parties from interfering with

your control over Hutt Space; maintaining your iron grip on power and ensuring that you remain

wealthy and influential is your sole focus. You trust no one in the Republic, and you have

possess access to a vast network of criminals and bounty hunters, and always crush your

opposition with brutal force; no one else is reliable or trustworthy enough in your eyes, not even

your fellow Cartel members. The Sith Empire’s attempts at subterfuge and infiltration through

criminal organizations are extremely dangerous and must be rooted out and eliminated

immediately. Despite your alliance with the Republic, business opportunities are rife across the

galaxy, and you are willing to expand your influence, regardless of anyone’s affiliations.

However, your primary tool of expanding your power is through business deals and contracts;

controlling the flow of commerce in your favour is the ultimate form of control, and your wish to

leverage your alliance with the Republic to foster new business opportunities. Your loyalty to

your Hutt clan is tenuous at best, and your ultimate loyalty is towards yourself.

“You stand in the court of Nem’ro. All you see in

Jiguuna is under my authority. Welcome.”


Syo Bakarn, Healer of the High Jedi Council

Allegiance: The Jedi Order

Class: Force Specialist

Title: Jedi Master of the High Council

Syo Bakarn, the Healer of the High Jedi Council, is a member of the Bakarn

family, a once noble Corellian family known as the Bakvalens. When he

was just a child Bakarn was abducted from his parents but mysteriously he

returned, with no memories of the weeks for which he had been missing.

Eventually Bakarn’s force sensitivity was discovered, and he became a

Padawan of the Jedi order. As a Padawan, Bakarn gained respect after

saving his master’s life from a Mandalorian Jedi Hunter, and he eventually

gained the rank of Jedi Knight, when he began to focus on his healing skills.

During the Great Galactic war Bakarn served on the front line and displayed

impressive combat skills. Despite his skill, Bakarn disliked violence and

fighting, and instead wished to focus on healing and rebuilding battle sites,

and preformed actions like distributing medicine in the alleyways of Corellia to earn him the names “The

Wise Son of Corellia” and “The Quiet Healer”. Bakarn continued his service as a Knight into the final

years of the war, and after the treaty of Coruscant he was promoted to Jedi Master, and gained a seat on

the council. The first thing Bakarn did with this power was found the Jedi Restoration Concord

organization, which centered around rebuilding Republic planets through agriculture, engineering, and

construction. Its is this act of selflessness and utter devotion to the Republic that makes Bakarn easily one

of the most well-known and popular Jedi in the Republic. In terms of military influence, Bakarn uses rare

force powers to assist his allies. While Force healing and Force senses is used predominately when he is

near an actual battlefield, it is Battle Meditation and Force Strengthening that get the job done. Battle

Meditation is used to control hundreds of lifeforms to unify their action and strengthen them. (like ants!)

However, as Bakarn is a Light-Side Jedi, he does not control others, instead simply increasing

coordination and skills. Due to his distaste for war, the only instances in which Bakarn has used Battle

Meditation is in the defense of neutral planets under attack, and to increase crop yield as part of the Jedi

Restoration Concord. In contrast, Bakarn has willingly used Force Strengthening (an extreme boost to

strength, reaction time, and Force sensitivity) on allies heading into battle, but only to other members of

the Jedi High Council. In addition, Bakarn has influence over the Circle of Jedi Healers and the Medical

Corps, organizations centered around study and practice of Jedi healing techniques. This influence will be

needed to treat the injured after battles, and to handle outbreaks of disease or viruses among both

Republic forces and friendly populations. Knowing the shady science of the Sith, it is likely that you will

encounter biological weaponry that these organizations may need to combat for the health and safety of

all of the Republic. As Syo Bakarn you are a proud and noble (maybe a little bit annoyingly so)

descendant of galactic royalty, a kind, compassionate healer, tasked with the health of all of the republic.

May the force be with you, Syo Bakarn.

"Yes, I remember…my

father and I, walking

Axial Park. He said, ‘Syo,

we were…once…’"


Ukabi, of the Exchange

Allegiance: Himself (Republic?)

Class: Spy

Title: Leader of the Exchange

Ukabi is a human cyborg from Nar Shadda, a ruthless crime boss

and skilled leader, Ukabi has refused to work with the Sith

Empire, a decision which has made him a primary target of Sith

assassins. The Exchange itself was a long standing criminal

organization, which was destroyed by the Sith some years ago.

After fighting for the remnants of the operations with the Hutt

Cartel, Ukabi has finally gained control and major power after

the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. This is due to the fact

that Ukabi runs the Exchange as sleeker and hungrier versions

of other operations. Risky ship-based operations, along with

field operations most others would never take, are the basis of

the Exchange’s main operations. The Exchange has become the

go-to seller of illicit weapons to anyone but the Empire, and as such has to keep a complex web

fully operation, including constant covert ship raids, investment in technology research, and lots

and lots of fighters and operatives. Ukabi was to be united with other crime lords under the

Shadow Syndicate, however he refused to join the group and work under the Empire. Ukabi’s

skillful leadership has turned his crime organization from a nuisance to a full-on army in the face

of the empire, and his merciless iron-fisted leadership strikes fear into the hearts of those who

challenge him, in every corner of the Galaxy. Ukabi is a no-nonsense leader, who can stand his

own in hand to hand combat. Ukabi’s several cybernetic enhancements grant him an edge in

combat, and enhance his survival capabilities. As Ukabi you will take command over a small

army, one large enough to pose a decent threat to the Empire, yet frail enough to be annihilated

without reliance on covert operations and business. The management of underground operations

through your criminal networks throughout the galaxy should be the main concern, as it is truly

the tool that keeps the Exchange in the game. In addition, a lot of your operations should be

focused in the Outer Rim, as the Exchange’s web of crime lords already have the means to

complete cover jobs and support more aggressive action. You and your gang don’t take

command from anybody, and you don’t have to cooperate with the Republic unless they provide

you with enough incentive to make it worth your time (Don’t let the Republic be jerks… if they

are, maybe kidnap one of their kids or something, just remind them that you’re pretty badass). At

the same time, cooperation with the Empire is absolutely not an option, and you face a bounty on

your head open to any Sith willing to bring your head to the Emperor. You must constantly

watch your back, as there are plenty of Sith, and potentially Republic knives ready to stab you in

it. Can you convince the Republic to make your cooperation worth your time, or will your

relationship be an alliance of convenience and nothing more? Good luck Ukabi, and remember:

the place for those who do not respect you is underneath your iron boot.

"Look upon my body. Cortosis

skin grafts. Intravenous kolto

injection system. Holographic

targetting array. You are only

mortal, I will always prevail."


Know Your Enemy – Sith Council: Characters

Chlodwig of the Tion Hegemony

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Trader

Title: Trade Leader of the Tion Hegemony

Chlodwig is the trade leader of and the Empire’s representative from

the Tion Hegemony. The Tion Hegemony represents a large sector

within the Tion Cluster of planets, encompassing a total of twenty-

seven star systems. The Hegemony is a sector filled with proud and

ambitious economically powerful planets, which finds itself on one of

the edges of the arms of the galaxy, but also around several strategically crucial trade routes, specifically

the Perlemain Trade Route (the busiest route in the galaxy), used for transporting both goods and

weapons across the galaxy. This positioning allowed for ambitious merchant leaders to profit greatly,

however poor management and miscalculations have left this sector “a poorly administered backwater”

(in the kind words of the wiki), several times in the past. One such time the Hegemony found itself in

such dire straits that it declared war on the Empire in its formative years, attempting to gain power and

wealth, and restore themselves to former glory. The Tionese wars were eventually lost by the Hegemony,

but years have since passed, and there is little grudge still held between the two factions, as the

Hegemony found themselves economically satisfied with the Empire in power. As such, their alliance

with the Empire remains a questionable one, as their actions in the past suggest they are willing to turn to

whoever is willing to offer the most coin. Chlodwig is extremely prideful, and looks out for both his name

and titles, of which he is extremely proud, which he often chooses to list all of whenever he is speaking

about himself, often using the royal third person. He is pragmatic and at the end of the day is always

looking out for his own pockets, and the pockets of the Tionese he represents. Chlodwig’s powers include

control of all of the economic dealings of the Hegemony, including shipment information, fund transfer

and management, trade route security, export/import tariffs, and various other methods of managing the

economy of the sector. While these are normal requirements of any regional leader in office, Chlodwig is

special due to his control over the Perlemain Trade Route. The Tion Hegemony is the first stop on the

route exiting the Core Worlds, meaning that Chlodwig has control over who and what enters and exists

Empire space. This type of control, if used properly, give Chlodwig even footing with trade juggernauts

like Darth Vowrawn and Darth Mortis. However, the Tion Hegemony has a non-existent military

presence, meaning they are reliant on others to adhere to route rules and such. As Chlodwig, you are the

latest in a long line of merchant nobility, who built their empire from the ground up thousands of years

ago using only your economic genius (and extremely shifty dealings legally speaking). Your goal is to

increase the power of the Tion Hegemony, whether it hurts the Empire or not. To do so, it will be required

to use the Perlemain trade route to your advantage, shaping commerce in the Empire. Unfourtuentely, this

will undoubtedly lead to other attempting to squash your advances, meaning that military alliances with

those in the Ministry of War are necessary to survive. God luck Chlodwig, and glory to the Hegemony!


Darth Acharon, Sphere of Biotic Science

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Biotic Specialist

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Biotic Science

Darth Acharon is a human Sith Lord

and leader of the Sphere of Biotic

Science of the Dark Council. As head

of the Sphere of Biotic Science,

Acharon deals with medical science,

cybernetic augmentation, and physical enhancement, often

utilizing Sith magic and alchemy. Acharon is notorious and

despised universally by the Imperial Military for his intolerance

of incompetence (seriously, almost every picture of him is of

him force-choking random people). Over his career he has

executed over 200 soldiers, for doing anything from failing missions, to wearing uniforms

incorrectly (basically, he’s a huge jerk, imagine the officer in a war movie who everyone hates).

Archaron also hates yes-men and kiss-ups with a burning passion (study those pictures on the

right, if you ever force choke someone I want to see perfect form and stance). In terms of

position, Acharon focuses mainly on enhancement, plagues and Sithspwan. The public is aware

of Acharon’s biotic enhancements, as seen in the moster-like appearnce of many Sith leaders

over the age of 100. Aside from lengthening age, these body enhancements usually better the

abilites of the Sith in terms of power and ability, but there have been rare occasions of Force

conduits in Kyber crystals being implanted. The results of these expiriments have been…Mixed.

What the public doesn’t know about is Sith plagues. Acharon excels in Force created plagues,

which range from weakening troops, to full-blown madness, or even a fall to the Dark side. For

the most part, Acharon likes to ‘spray’ the plagues directly before or during combat (which

creates tensions with the Imperial Military), or place them in Force-sensitive beasts on Repbulic

planents. On rare occasions, Sith Alchemy has also been used to make Sithspawn, monstrous

beasts that attack others out of pure hate. Such creatures are extremely powerful, yet difficult to

control. As Darth Acharon you control research and production of medical, cyber, and genetic

technologies, which can be used for anything from insane genetic and cyber enhancements of

soldiers, to bio weapons designed to devastate rebelious populations, to massive war beasts

created with Sith Alchemy (the sky is really the limit on this one, you could do pretty much

anything. Maybe look into like Korriban zombies and especially Sith Alchemy, you’ve got some

crazy potential to create some awesome monsters and warriors there). You must play the role of

an unyielding Sith Lord, with absolutely no patience for failure in Imperial Ranks. Don’t be

afraid to get-up in everyone’s faces for their failures, as when you’re doing your job you are a

necessity to multiple fields of the Empire. However, should your mouth run while your work

results in nothing, your fate may be…. precarious. May the force be with you Darth Acharon,

and remember, failure will not be tolerated.

(Darth Acharon Force-Chokes Someone)

(Darth Acharon Force-Chokes Someone Else)

"Soldiers are often more

trouble than they're

worth. You deserve better

from your opponents."


Darth Arctis, Sphere of Ancient Knowledge

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Politician

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge

Darth Arctis is a Zabrak, and an active member of the Dark Council. He

is the leader of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge and is tasked with the

protection and expansion of Sith knowledge. Arctis leads the Sphere with

a firm hand, holding the mystical knowledge and secrets of the Sith order

above all else. Arctis’ branching knowledge of Sith mythologies and

ancient works were rooted in his frequent visits to the libraries of the Sith

Academy (he must have some sort of library card or something). While

his understanding of intricate Sith histories was profound, so too was his

lust for greater power (as any Sith should possess) and the continued

expansion of his personal knowledge base. This lust developed a hatred

towards others that led to hostile relations between him and other Sith

leaders, but also instilled fear within his enemies. As the leader of the

Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, Arctis’ main priority is always to expand

and protect the knowledge base of the Sith order. In order to do so, Arctis

has full control of the Sphere’s database of ancient knowledge (of course), and holds ruling power over all

members of the Sphere (examples would be Darth Zash, and Darth Achelon [of which generally subscribe

to the same beliefs as Arctis himself]). Arctis also works alongside the Imperial Reclamation Service,

which is tasked with the discovery and retrieval of ancient Sith artifacts such as: Sith holocrons,

knowledge of the Jed’aii Order (plus other ancient civilizations), and forgotten force techniques. Arctis as

an individual is driven by, as stated before, his desire for true knowledge and a complete understanding of

the ancient ways of the Dark Side. While his knowledge base is truly superior to a majority of other Sith,

his lust continues to fester in his mind with each passing day; slowly consuming him, destroying him,

empowering him. This should have lead to his elimination by other Sith Lords, but Arctis’ knowledge

also spreads to that of the political world. His massive background of blackmail, political skill, and

understanding of others positions have lead him to political power both inside and outside the Empire.

However, to keep up this stream of information Arctis has had to take many personal journeys through

un-conventional means, so danger is a big part of his life. As Darth Arctis, your primary concern is the

growth of your own knowledgebase. However, anything that can and will benefit the perseveration and

expansion of Ancient Knowledge for your Sphere will most definitely be in your best interest. Remember

that any form of shrine, ancient artifact, or ancient text is extremely important to Arctis, so fight for the

protection of those. Always emphasize the importance of learning from Sith history, and leverage that to

your political advantage; rather through the mastery of the Dark Side. Push for what you desire. Fight for

what you may learn. Master what you may know. And kick some ass while you do it. Darth Arctis would

never let anyone show him up, so proceed to out-nerd everyone.

“We do a more conceptual

sort of soldiering. We fight

the dark army of forgetting

that threatens our history”

- Talos Drellik, IRS


Darth Aruk, Sphere of Sith Philosophy

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Politician

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Sith Philosophy

Darth Aruk is a Sith lord of the Sith Empire and serves

as the councillor of the Sphere of Sith Philosophy in his

seat on the Dark Council. Darth Aruk is in charge of

managing the galactic propaganda efforts of the entire

Empire, a very important role in a time like the Cold

War, when major victories, and potentially the fate of

the entire galaxy, rests on the allegiances of planets to

the faction that needs them the most. In a time of proxy

wars, counter-intelligence, and espionage, you must

ensure that the Sith Code is upheld above all else. You should familiarize yourself with the code,

which is summed up quite nicely in the basic code verses that Sith are taught; the primary tenants

of Sith philosophy is not about evil, as the Jedi might state, no, they are about strength, and

victory, and above all: passion. Furthermore, Darth Aruk controls the Inquisitors, a small Sith

organization who correct ‘misinformation’. These Inquisitors act as a force Darth Aruk uses to

either act diplomatically and protect Sith diplomats, to spread the teachings of the one true

Empire, or as covert operatives, hunting down blasphemers, or integrating themselves into the

community, searching for those who speak out against the Empire, and bringing them to justice.

In addition, Darth Aruk has access to the Outreach Bureau. On the surface, this organization

spreads news and information throughout the Empire, keeping citizens up to date. But in reality,

the Bureau functions as a propaganda machine, boosting the Imperial citizenry with exaggerated

optimism while waging psychological warfare on its enemies. Disinformation and Imperial

indoctrination are but a few methods of propaganda that the Empire has unleashed on contested

worlds, inciting rebellious populations to revolt against the Republic and push the galaxy ever

closer to the next conflict. As Darth Aruk, you are one of the proudest followers of the doctrines

of the Sith, and you are firm in both your adherence to them and your belief that to uphold the

Sith code is to uphold the greatest truth in the galaxy. You cannot tolerate naysayers in Sith

controlled populations, and much less anywhere near the Dark Council. As councillor of the

Sphere of Sith Philosophy, you must ensure that the entire galaxy is to understand this, how the

Sith are not some evil Empire set on creating death throughout the galaxy, and rather, are acting

as liberators for those planets so lucky to be touched by them, finally allowing them to develop

their own strength, and indulge in their inner feelings. And don’t forget how corrupt and

hypocritical members of the Republic have been in the past, there is plenty of information about

their former oppressors that the newly-liberated people of the Sith Planets deserve to know. You

must manage both the Inquisitors and the entire propaganda and public-relations sector of the

entirety of the Sith Empire. This will be no small task, but it is one that you accept with open

arms and great pride, as you finally have been granted your opportunity to ensure that the Sith

Empire maintains the glory and the truth of the one true philosophy: The Sith Code.

“Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.”


Darth Decimus, Sphere of Military Strategy

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Fighter

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Military Strategy

Darth Decimus is a ‘human’ Sith Lord, and leader of the Sith

Sphere of Military Strategy of the Dark Council. In a broader

sense, Decimus is also one of the leaders of the Ministry of

War. As such, his strategical talents reach everything from the

Imperial Armada to number of deployed ground troops.

However, Decimus is a firm believer in the delegation of tasks

in the Empire and Sith Council, so he readily chooses to stay

of Korriban where he exclusively focuses on preparing battle

strategies and managing war logistics. In terms of his actual

job, Decimus excels at and enjoys ‘capture and consolidation’ strategy. This involves overtaking

an entire planet, followed by armada defense until control of the planet can be consolidated and

then changed into an Empire outpost or production planet. Decimus gained his seat on the

Council in the Great Galactic War, after a Jedi Strike Team killed the previous Councillor Darth

Azamin in his hidden stronghold. There are whispers that Decimus himself sold the Jedi

information on Azamin’s location to ensure his death and usurp his position on the council,

however these rumours remain unproven (but I mean… your actions aren’t exactly doing too

much to dispel these rumours…). Following his appointment on the Council, Decimus was

tasked with planning the invasion of Corellia, which under his lead went almost effortlessly, and

much of the Green Jedi were eliminated. Decimus is well known for his exceptional strategic

skills, and his ability to exploit almost any situation for his own benefit. Decimus is incredibly

loyal to the Sith Emperor and holds the well-being of the Empire as his highest priority. In

addition, Decimus takes a personal disliking to the inner politics of the Sith, specifically in the

case of Darth Mekhis who has stolen valuable ships from the military effort, and has been able to

keep them since she has support from Darth Vowrawn. (which doesn’t make much sense,

because Decimus could just kill her… but he is pretty against that stuff) As Darth Decimus you

will have practically the entire Imperial Fleet at your disposal in planning strategies for your

assaults. These assaults cannot be personal escapades, as the waning and waxing the strength of

Empire military in different sections of the galaxy can be more than enough to turn other Sith

against you. You must take this responsibility extremely seriously, as the fate of the entire

Empire rests strongly on its military might. Further, should you fail to succeed in your missions,

another ambitious Sith Lord may decide to take it upon themselves to see to it that you are

quickly removed from your seat on the Council (and then probably shot into space, or maybe

decapitated and fed to a Sarlaac. Who knows? There are really a lot of interesting ways you Sith

could kill each other, so get creative!). You must bring your strategic brilliance and willingness

to… “bend”… the law to the Empire if the Sith are to take their rightful place as rulers of all life

in the galaxy. May the force be with you Darth Decimus, and let’s make some skulls roll…

"The Republic is on its knees. I

intend to see it fall."


Darth Jadus, Sphere of Imperial Intelligence

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Spy

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence

Shrouded in secrecy, the brilliant and enigmatic Darth Jadus

controls the Imperial Intelligence from his seat on the Dark

Council. Beneath his cold mast lies a face no living being has

seen, and the words spoken through his vocalizer bear no trace of

humanity. Records of Jadus’ history, his former Sith master, and

even his true identity have been wiped from all Imperial

databases. A prominent yet enigmatic figure among the Sith,

Jadus is known for showing more self-restraint than his fellow

Lords, rarely succumbing to the passions and emotions that power the dark side of the Force. By the end

of the Great War, Jadus had completely withdrawn from the power struggles of the Dark Council. Instead,

he devotes his full attention to the operation of Imperial Intelligence, which he controls through

intermediaries. Distrustful of Sith, Jadus’ power base is composed solely of Imperial citizens who

worship the Dark Council member with the fervor of religious zealots. Little is known as to if Jadus takes

part in his own operations or even has been in combat. Yet every member of the Sith Empire knows and

respects Darth Jadus’s power. Immensely powerful with the dark side of the Force, Jadus is capable of

utilizing his high Force-sensitivity to conceal himself (Force stealth), choke and electrocute his enemies

(Force choke and lightning) and heal himself. He is also extremely talented with his single-bladed

lightsaber. However, more impressive than his personal abilities is his crowing achievement: Imperial

Intelligence. Unlike Darth Rictus, who focuses on assassination, Jadus completes the other tasks of the

Ministry of Intelligence, including: information gathering, propaganda, analysis, recruitment, and

propaganda. The type of work Jadus prefers to take on usually involves agent infiltration of multiple

bodies. For the most part, these entails enemy factions in the Sith Empire, enemies of the Empire, and all

those who oppose Imperial Intelligence. However, Jadus has also focused on dispersing agents into the

public, a sort of secret police that has yet to take aggressive action. What Jadus does with the knowledge

he gains or the equipment he steals varies greatly. There have been times where he immediately brings

issues before the Dark Council to be discussed, but for each time he does this, he also conceals important

Republic data. In either situation, his motives are unknown, which makes most Dark Council members

uneasy; especially Darth Rictus, who Jadus has a rivalry with. (murderous intent included!) As Darth

Jadus your ambitions are unknown, making the decision really up to you. However, what is clear is your

devotion to how Imperial Intelligence normally conducts business, along with your disinterest in the Dark

Council power struggles. While your mysterious demeanor has somewhat alienated a few of your allies,

the power you hold both in knowledge and, mostly likely, blackmail establishes you as a force to be

reckoned with in the Empire. However, not as is good, as clearly there are those on the Council who seek

to eliminate you. Tread carefully and carve your own path Darth Jadus. It’s time for your move.

“Everything that has transpired has

been at my command. My will is the

destiny of lesser men.”


Darth Marr, Sphere of Defense of the Empire

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Fighter

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Defense of the Empire

Warlord and master of the dark side, few know how Marr rose to

power, and none speak of the man before he became a Lord of the

Sith. Despite Marr’s harsh warning against internal strife, he fellow

Sith continue to plot against each other for power and influence. To

Marr, such deadly games riddle the Empire’s Pyramidal power with

hairline fractures in a time when they must stand united against the

Republic threat. As the Great Galactic War continued, Darth Marr

attained a fearsome reputation among both the Republic and the

Empire, defending the Empire’s conquests against Republic

counterattacks with fearless determination. In the Great War, Marr

drove back a Republic offensive against the planet Korriban and

the Republic attempt to strike at Ziost. In recent years, Marr has tightened his grip on the Empire’s

domain. But beneath Marr’s armour lies a mind and body transformed by decades of immersion in the

dark side. Stripped of emotions and most of his humanity, Marr recognizes that his death is approaching.

As his final legacy, Marr vows to ensure that the Empire is strong enough to survive long into the future.

To do this, Marr believes understands that the Empire needs to evolve to survive, and he is frustrated by

his fellow Councillors’ bigotry and the way that they cling to the old anti-alien philosophies. In addition,

Marr is different from most Sith, who view the Jedi with contempt. Instead he respects them as warriors

and Force Wielders, even viewing Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan as worthy of being his equal. In terms

of power, Marr is a remarkably powerful practitioner of the dark side. One of his most devastating

abilities is Force lightning, which he uses to devastating effect to those who oppose him. However,

Marr’s greatest tool is his command of the Sphere of Defense of the Empire, where he shares joint control

of the military with the Spheres of Military Offense and Military Strategy. Consensus with the respective

leaders of these spheres will often be required to initiate large-scale military operations; but Marr has

personal control of a large amount of the Imperial Navy. He choses to place these ships along the

Empire’s galactic border, to maximize efficiency and reduce warp time in the case of an incident. In

addition, Marr is a firm believer in respondance efficiency, and has the majority of his ground forces

constantly prepped for shock trooper deployment to protect ground objectives. As Darth Marr, your eyes

are on the Empire itself, trying to build a long-lasting legacy and eternal super power. Time is not your

friend, as you are nearing your death, so trying to solve the divisions in the Dark Council is an immediate

and top priority. On top of this, you are one of the few who truly understand the threat of the Republic, so

dealing with them is also a focus. However, the military and political sides of the Empire have little

agreeance on how to deal with this issue. Division is the enemy, and you let now enemy stand. In your

words, “Life is the enemy. Death is solace. Glory to the Empire.”

“My ‘vision’ is of an Empire ready

to fight across the battlefield of life.

That is all I require.”


Darth Mekhis, Sphere of Technology

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Technology Specialist

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Technology

A scientist and Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Mekhis serves on

the Dark Council of the Sith Empire, and is responsible for the

scientific advancement of the Empire. Mekhis is responsible for

the creation of the Sith Knights, a legion of mechanical slaves,

created from captured Jedi and corrupted by Mekhis’

technology. As the Dark Councillor responsible for the Sphere of

Technology in the Sith Empire, Mekhis is responsible for the

latest military technology, cybernetics, superweapons, and other

power weapons created for the Empire. Thanks to the Empire’s

control of resource rich planets and slave labour, Mekhis has

essentially no limits to resources, instead only being restricted by

commitment and time. Before her rise to the head of the Sphere

of Technology, Mekhis created the Fury-class Imperial

Interceptor, a powerful starship used by the Sith throughout the

Cold War. During her tenure as head of the Sphere of

Technology, Mekhis created the Sun Razer, space stations

capable of leeching energy from stars to create destructive superweapons for the Sith. Due to her

efforts in improving the technology and weaponry of the Sith, Mekhis was rewarded with the

title of Darth. Mekhis is a being fueled with rage, and has very little in terms of other emotions.

During the Great War she encountered, and was defeated by Grand Master Satele Shan. The

experience left her lacking the majority of her body, but it was replaced with cybernetics. Since

then, Mekhis has had no other goal then to see to it the Satele Shan has a painful death. In the

case of literally everyone else, she has an extremely robotic air and lack of personal connection,

alienating her from her colleagues. In terms of her work, Mekhis prefers to focus on grandiose

projects rather than the whims of any one individual. The majority of her work has been centered

around Dreadnoughts and Space Stations, normally changing them into weapons well beyond the

scope of the normal Imperial military. However, Mekhis is also extremely adept with cybernetic

implants and poison. (sometimes both at the same time) As Darth Mekhis, you are an ambitious,

curious scientist, and angry Sith Lord driven to advance the technology and weaponry of the Sith

Empire. Your aim, beyond killing Satele Shan, is to continue producing weapons with even

greater destructive potential. You have little personal connections to the rest of the members of

the Dark Council, and you don’t share a close relationship to anyone else. However, that does

not mean you cannot forge alliances, as your talents are in great demand. Your goal is to ensure

your own survival, amidst the treachery and deceit within the Dark Council, and maintain your

position as leader of the Sphere of Technology. Anything that brings you closer to your goals is

worth looking into, and be sure to keep a cold robotic approach to any agreements you find

yourself in. This galaxy is sick Darth Mekhis, and only technology will purge sickness.

“These worlds, lush like fruit.

Crushed in our hands, juice

bleeding down our wrists- this

is the Empire as it should be.”


Darth Mortis, Sphere of Laws and Justice

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Politician

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Laws and Justice

Darth Mortis is the Dark

Councillor in charge of the

Sith Sphere of Laws and

Justice; a man concerned with

one thing and one thing only: the

law. Mortis’s strong adherence to official Sith Law above all

else has brought him both respect and ridicule from other members of the Empire, regardless, he

stands as a staunch defender of the Laws of the Sith. Most notably being the Treaty of Coruscant;

as the high tensions of the cold war bring the peace treaty into question, Mortis has made it his

primary goal to keep the fragile peace between the Empire and the Republic, something which

has become increasingly difficult as the cold war drags on and diplomacy continues to fail at

relieving the tensions felt by either side. While strictly adherent to modern Sith Laws, Mortis is

also notable for his concerns with ancient Sith tradition, seeing them as out-dated and antiquated

rules that should serve as guidelines, if that. These two personality traits have brought Darth

Mortis into direct conflict with many on the Dark Council, such as: Darth Aruk, Darth Rictus,

and Darth Decimus. While tensions remain high in the Dark Council, Darth Mortis asserts total

control in his domain in the Ministry of Logistics, thanks to his extremly rigid structure of

governance. While Darth Vowrawn focuses on the war related aspects of the ministry, Darth

Mortis oversees the Factories and Mega corporations that create the goods of the Empire, the

scheduling of port cities, agriculture, and the Empire’s massive slave population. Through these

facilities Darth Mortis has taken to appeasment strategies in the Dark Council, making alliances

where nessecary to keep conflict and war against the Republic on the far horizon. However,

thanks to the ever changing nature of the Dark Council these alliances are very short-lived. In

addition, Mortis’s position on the Dark Council means he holds the most sway in judicial matters

of the Sith Empire, and in a way acts as a one-man supreme court, dealing with some of the

largest crimes facing the empire. As part of this, Darth Mortis is normally the Dark Council

member who deals with third parties like the Shadow Syndicate and the Mandalorians, making

partnerships with these groups appealing and easy. As Darth Mortis you will find yourself in the

position of judge, jury, and executioner for some of the most notable criminals in the entire

empire. Your primary goal should be stopping conflict and the warmongering delegates in

committee; finding allies to do so will be key. This can chiefly be done through the resources

you control and allocating them to your supporters and allies. You must however always act true

to the laws of the Empire, as you know in your heart that they are the truest laws in the entire

galaxy. This rings true when dealing with those both inside and outside the Empire. Sacrificing

these moral standards is unacceptable. Good luck Darth Mortis, and remember: Sith law must be

upheld at all costs, lest the entire Empire join the graveyard of so many grand empires before it.

Darth Mortis, pictured here after just

being told his armour looks stupid.

"If you had lived as long

as I have, Thanaton, you

would not revere the past

so unquestioningly."


Darth Ravage, Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Politician

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy

Darth Ravage is a human Dark Lord of the Sith and the leader of

the Sphere of Expansion & Diplomacy. His roles on the Dark

Council include strategizing the expansion of the Sith Order,

dealing with diplomatic relations, and to participate in the general

decisions made by the council (obviously). Ravage, as an

individual however, is quite mysterious and hateful. He despises

Darth Arctis to an extent that is rarely found, even among the ranks of the Sith Order, but does so

from the back of the room. He often discusses his hatred with the higher ups of the Dark Council,

and often pushes for a say in who can and cannot be promoted to a Councillor. Because of his

nature, Ravage has also been known to organize the betrayal of his enemies alongside some of

his likeminded allies. His hatred often builds to a point where the only option for him is to

eliminate those who oppose him, but in an environment like the Dark Council, the only effective

way to that is by organizing in the shadows. As part of his role leading the Sphere of Expansion

and Diplomacy, Ravage is in charge of the Imperial Diplomatic Service. They are the delegates

who meet with the Republic, coordinative with Empire allies, and deal with any internal strife

between planets. This gives Ravage an extreme amount of power, as he chooses what the

objective are for the diplomats sent out. For example, it was Ravage and a group of his allies that

drafted and negotiated the Treaty of Coruscant. When Ravage is using his power a Sphere leader,

the focus is the expansion of borders in areas that personally benefit him. At no point during the

Great War did Ravage ever attempt to find peace, it was only the possibility of acquiring Core

Worlds like Balmorra that drove him to try and end the war. As Darth Ravage, your primary job

will be expanding into new regions of the Galaxy. Focus on regions that will grant you more

military power, economic power, and culture. But, at the same time, work towards others goals

within the Dark Council. Work towards your goals in the shadows. If you hate somebody, take

them out. Find people who will support you, and challenge those who will not. Do not be afraid

to intervene in the decisions of the Council, as you have your own agenda as well. Just know that

Darth Arctis cannot be trusted. Your hatred for him motivates your every decision, so the sooner

he is taken out, the better. But do not let this get in your way of your job. While you may still

focus on your own, personal agenda, Ravage still focuses heavily on his diplomatic work. Darth

Ravage, however, is merciless, so try to go along with that mentality. If he wants somebody

gone, they will, at some point in time, be gone. This is the attitude you must adapt in order to

play the role of Darth Ravage. You always showed more emotion than your fellow Councillors,

which makes you all that much more dangerous. That being said, do what you must do in order

to get your way. Push your will, expand your empire, plot from the dark, conspire, plan,

strategize. Darth Ravage is a force to be reckoned with, so you must be as well.

Darth Rictus, Sphere of Mysteries

“The Kaggath is a playground

game. Murder has no rules.”


Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Spy

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Mysteries

"Are you scared of her?" [to Darth Marr about Darth Karrid, an alien Sith Lord]

Darth Rictus is a human Sith Lord and leader of the Sphere of Mysteries on the Dark Council. Darth

Rictus is incredibly secretive, and little is known about him or his past (seriously, spend 5 minutes on

google and there’s pretty slim pickings [thankfully we have a Star Wars Encyclopedia!]). As part of his

job, the less information about him, the better. Empire text has effectively blocked out anything but his

name and position to maintain the upmost secrecy. The only thing known about Rictus to the public is

that he strongly believes that aliens do not belong on the Dark Council, and also that he is the oldest

member of the Dark Council (which garners respect among the other Dark Counselors). Officially

speaking, the Sphere of Mysteries is a subsect of the Ministry of Logistics; this means that the Sphere

should be finding artifacts and searching for wisdom, then making the information widely available to the

Sith Empire. However, the Sphere of Mysteries is secretly part of the Ministry of Intelligence, dealing

specifically with the dirtier side of operations. Under Rictus’ 300+ year leadership, the Sphere has

focused on protection for imperial secrets and lore, creation and rediscovery of Dark Side Force

techniques, searching for holocrons, and serving as the central operations center for Sith assassins, being

dubbed the “Assassin’s Pyramid” due to its bloody operations. Unlike other similar underground

organizations, the Sphere of Mysteries seems to have an endless supply of highly trained Imperial Agents

at their disposal. Skill sets of said agents predominantly include extremely strong one-on-one combat,

impressive manipulation, and of course assassination. It has been suspected that Rictus’ planning has been

the reason for the Sacking of Coruscant and the largest prison break of all time, however nothing has been

confirmed or acted upon. It is on this platform of uncertainty that Rictus’ flourishes, as his opponents lack

of knowledge regarding his methods allows him to strike at any place, at any time. There have been times

when the Sphere of Mysteries necessity has been called into question from within the Empire, on account

of how little the Sphere seems to do. These voices for the most part have been silenced. Despite this, in

these trying times the Dark Council has become more hostile towards Rictus, specifically those in the

Ministry of War. This has lead to subtle and slow moving fights over budget during the Great War, and

the sentiments continue to this day. As Darth Rictus you will be a very secretive and secluded Sith lord,

with some of the most skilled assassins in all of the galaxy at your disposal, to be used to eliminate high

value targets in the Republic… or perhaps those in the Empire who make the mistake of getting in your

way… (How high do you think you could get your kill count before people realize it’s you killing

everyone?). As you… Dispose… of obstacles in your way, the biggest task will be maintaining secrecy

and concealing your methods. Otherwise you are nothing. To Darth Rictus, a true Sith protects none but

himself, and is willing to strike down anyone who gets in his way, especially other Sith lords. May the

force be with you Darth Rictus, and remember… there is no foe above death… not even an Emperor…

(No Photograph



Darth Vengean, Sphere of Military Offense

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Fighter

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Military Offense

Darth Vengean is a humanoid Sith Lord within the Sith Empire,

and a member of the Dark Council. Being the Council’s Head of

the Sphere of Military Offense, Vengean is a radical warmonger

seeking to re-ignite war between the Republic and the Sith Order

to finally attain revenge for the Sith’s exile a millennium ago.

Because of this, Vengean was outraged when the peace accord

known as “The Treaty of Coruscant” was signed, calling for an

end to the Great Galactic War and the Sith Empire’s occupation of

Coruscant. This outrage led Vengean and his apprentice, Darth Baras, to begin plotting the

reignition of the war and the disintegration of the peace treaty. Darth Vengean, as an individual,

is highly obsessed with the prospect of war. Combined with his hatred for the Jedi Order and the

Republic, these traits combined to form a dangerously aggressive foe; one with a sense of anger

about him that would frighten even the most powerful of creatures, and with the skills and

strategies to tear down the entirety of an empire with the push of a button. Unlike the Spheres of

Defense and Military Strategy, whose roles are extremely solidified, the Sphere of Military

Offense operates in variety of ways depending on the situation. Vengean has been direct in the

path, using almost total control of ground forces to complete the tasks he hope to achieve;

however, nearing the end of the Great War, Vengean spent much of his time preparing joint’s

operations with other member of the Ministry of War. While this did lead to great results,

Vengean prefers total and absolute power, opting to normally work as a sole leader for the most

part. To do so, Vengean has been known to manipulate others from the shadows. Bribery and

intimidation are a large part of how Vengean has magically gotten control of larger armies,

classified information, and Jedi prisoners. But Vengean takes no obvious part in this, instead

using his apprentice Darth Baras or other less influential figures to achieve his tasks. As Darth

Vengean, your goal in this committee will be to will crumble the Republic beneath your

oppressive shoes… even if you must do it on your own. You are a warmonger; the deliverer of

hate and deviser of doom. With such power and devotion, you fear none. Your main goal is, of

course, to re-ignite war between the Republic and the Empire, and to ultimately destroy the Jedi.

You are highly proficient in ground combat, and are personally adept at utilizing the Dark Side

of the Force. You have contacts and the ability to cover up any actions you may choose. Do what

you will with this (but I swear, it’d better be fricking good. This man is a beast, and if you don’t

do some cool s**t I’m going to be very disappointed. You have potential. Do something with it).

You also have close relations with your apprentice, Darth Baras, and may send him orders and

tasks that you wish him to perform. You also, naturally, have very low levels of respect for

anybody who sympathizes with the Republic, and are disgusted by individuals who support the

Treaty of Coruscant, or just the idea of “peace” between the two powers in the slightest. Make

them pay, Darth Vengean.

“Such an advantage will prod

the rest of the Council out of

passivity. They will see war is

the only answer.”


Darth Vowrawn, Sphere of Production and Logistics

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Trader

Title: Leader of the Sphere of Production and Logistics

The sophisticated Darth Vowrawn bring charm and wit to the

severe proceedings of the Dark Council. As an elder statesman

and pureblood Sith, Vowrawn commands respect for holding his

Dark Council seat for decades, a rare feat in the world of

backstabbing and treachery that define Sith politics. Vowrawn

survived largely due to his reputation as a master gamesman;

fueled by his enthusiastic passion for power grabs and well-

played deception, Vowrawn has orchestrated the rise and fall of

many a Dark Council member. And when his opponents retire –

often in death- Vowrawn is always the first to politely bid them a

regretful and peaceful passing. A man of refinement, Darth

Vowrawn owns estates on every major Sith world. He often

operates from these extravagant fortresses, curtailing favours,

indulging in hedonistic pleasures, and ensnaring allies in grandiose promises of wealth and

dominance. It was during one such meeting that Vowrawn conspired to win Darth Decimus a

seat on the Dark Council. As payment, the savvy Darth Vowrawn received a fully crewed

Dreadnought as his personal army. Originally, Vowrawn was never destined for the Dark

Council, and was trained as a Sith Inquisitor. But age has crippled his physical form, leaving his

combat days well behind him. His strength lies in his intellect. Vowrawn is very good with

numbers, and realizing that the republic have more soldiers and firepower than the empire,

criticizes the empire’s anti-alien policies and recognizes the importance of conquering new

planets to build up the empire’s numbers and resources - political stances also held by Darth

Marr. Vowrawn is able to continue this intellectual game of allies and enemies due to his

position as leader of the Sphere of Production and Logistics. Though not the most prestigious of

spheres, it is vital to the day to day running of the empire, as well as to waging war. The

authority of the Ministry encompasses logistics of war (eg. transportation, food, shelter, etc.),

finances, transportation, and food networks. More importantly, Vowrawn has a large amount of

say over when and were these services are provided, making him a major player to all other

Darths. However, his situation is somewhat precarious. Vowrawn doesn’t have the physical

ability nor the army size required to protect himself from others. Instead, it is his political ties

and trades that grant him protection and strength. As Darth Vowrawn, your primary concern is

asserting your dominance on the Council. This mainly involves using trade and logistic ties to

maneuver into positions to make allies and eliminate enemies. However, merely picking a side

isn’t an option. If you do you will certainty be killed. Instead the focus is on helping everyone,

all the while preparing a situation in which un-desirables can be eliminated in one fell swoop.

Your story will be one filled with deceit, Darth Vowrawn; may the games begin!

“Is that coming from you or

from the Emperor, Baras? It’s

hard to tell the difference.”

-Darth Vowrawn mocking

others in front of the Dark



Godoba the Hutt, of the Shadow Syndicate

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Trader

Title: Leader of the Shadow Syndicate

The ambitious leader of the Shadow Syndicate, based

on Nar Shaddaa, Godoba serves as a crime lord for

the Hutt Cartel. Breaking away from the traditional

Hutt stance of neutrality in any galactic conflict,

Godoba sought an alliance with the Sith to prevent

the growing influence of a rival criminal

organization, the Exchange, from spreading its

control to Nar Shaddaa. On the surface, Godoba owns

five city sectors on Nar Shaddaa, which he uses for

warehouses, casinos, and other business. However, in

reality it serves as the base of operations for the Shadow

Syndicate acting on behalf of the Empire. The Shadow Syndicate is a criminal organization, led

by Godoba the Hutt is allied to the Sith Empire. The Cho’mash Vaarko Tiyai and droid DX-TX

have partnered together with Godoba to consolidate their power on the planet of Nar Shaddaa

and combat the growing influence of the rival criminal organization, the Exchange. Nar Shaddaa

is the hub of the galaxy-spanning conflict between the Exchange and the Hutt Cartel, and the

creation of the Shadow Syndicate led to a conflict between Godoba the Hutt, and Ukabi, one the

Exchange’s crime lords. This rivalry has always been a focus of Godoba’s, which in his mind

dwarfs even direct orders from the Empire. The reason for this is his lust for power; control over

Nar Shaddaa would allow Godoba to completely control the economics of the underground,

giving him immense power and influence all across the galaxy. Personally, Godoba is a shrewd

and cold-blooded leader, who see things only through the terms of economic gain. This has

allowed Godoba to make vast amounts of money, purchase numerous ships, have effects on

business galaxy wide, and manipulate others with no show of remorse. However, this attitude has

made it near impossible to attract any allies. In fact, in Hutt circles he is considered an outcast

and looked down upon. The few allies Godoba has been able to make, Darth Ravage and Darth

Marr, only see him as a way to achieve their goals. Regardless, Godoba’s criminal presence on

nearly all planets makes it extremely easy to flex his power through resource bans, cutting

funding, or even using bruisers to temporarily shut down competitors. As Godoba your objective

is the complete destruction of the rival criminal organization, the Exchange; you hold a vicious

hatred of the Exchange and the consequences of its expansion across the galaxy. The destruction

of the Exchange will allow you to further and expand your influence across Nar Shaddaa and

allow you to regain control of Nar Shaddaa for the Cartel. Greed consumes your thoughts and

allying with the Sith was a convenient path to power and control. Your alliance with the Sith is

tentative, but you’re willing to do anything to maintain your power and control over Nar

Shaddaa, and anything that can further your malicious desires and cement your position in this

galactic conflict is valuable to your agenda.

“Raise an army? Bah! If you cannot

afford mercenaries, trick your

enemies into fighting each other!”


House Nuruodo

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Fighter

Title: Sith Loyalists

The Nuruodo Family, or House Nuruodo acts as a ruling family of the

Chiss Ascendancy, the only race of beings truly loyal to the Sith. As

opposed to other races, who typically served the Sith as slaves or

begrudgingly out of fear, the Chiss fully accepted cooperation with

the Sith, and often work as agents in the Empire. House Nuruodo is

responsible for military, foreign policy and commands the Chiss

Expansionary Defense Force or CEDF (I would like to highlight

the oxymoron of “Expansionary Defense”) and the Chiss

Phalanxes, elite paramilitary units. Other than their home world

Csilla, the only planet to host Chiss and their government is

Alderaan, thanks to Gaul Panteer’s openness to all in an attempt to

reduce tensions. However, Alderaan does not host any sections of

the CEDF (that is done in a multitude of Empire hangers in the Outer Core), instead Alderaan

hosts ground troops and Chiss officials. While on Alderaan, House Nuruodo has expressed

distaste for both House Ulgo and House Organa in a multitude of minor political stand-offs. The

biggest of this, between House Nuruodo and House Ulgo, resulted in Nuruodo’s loss of a

personal hangar, which still irritates them to this day. House Nuruodo has a reputation to uphold

for all of the Chiss as a proud, intelligent, and powerful species; they have never been

subjugated, and this pride bleeds into the conduct of the Chiss and House Nuruodo especially.

The Chiss are often considered by outsiders to be arrogant and self-absorbed, but the Chiss don’t

really care too much about these conceptions, and typically would rather keep to themselves.

Each of the 28 Chiss colonies are protected by a phalanx, essentially the garrison of a planet, and

Chiss space is patrolled by the CEDF. In the wider scope of the galaxy, House Nuruodo oversees

the use of the CEDF when the Empire requests while also serving as military planners in a

myriad of positions. For the most part, the CEDF completes missions without the assistance of

other Empire military groups, instead choosing to reach objectives solely through the force of the

CEDF and a small amount of diplomacy here and there. However, this itself has created issues as

the CEDF is not a large armada in the grand scheme of things. So, instead of relying on pure

force to achieve tasks, like much of the Empire, the Chiss must fall back upon their intelligence

and ingenuity in maneuver. Should this intelligence fade, the Chiss and House Nuruodo would

be nothing but another pawn of the Empire. As the representative from the Nuruodo family, you

must assert your house, and further, your species’ reputation as powerful and intelligent

conquerors. You must take command of one of the galaxy’s strongest militaries, and defend your

proud people from threats, both external and internal, as mismanagement of the Chiss could

prompt other families to attempt to usurp your place in Chiss society, or Sith circles. Good luck

House Nuruodo, and remember, the Chiss will not be disrespected!


"As an officer of the

Expansionary Defense

Force, I believe it is my duty

to ensure the safety and

security of the Chiss realm.

That directive, as you are

well aware, supersedes all



House Thul

Allegiance: The Empire

Class: Trader

Title: Sith Loyalists

The House of Thul is one of the most ancient organizations of their

native planet Alderaan, founded almost 4,000 years before even the

Galactic Empire. House Thul are descendants of a wealthy merchant

who bought his way into nobility, something which the bartering and

business-savvy house Thul takes great pride in. Around 3700 BBY

House Thul was exiled by the Alderaanian Parliament after

attempting to take power over the planet by switching an Organa child with a Thul baby, which

was eventually exposed by a young Jedi (I really don’t know what they hoped to accomplish by

doing this, like I’m pretty sure they just would have kicked the guy out when they did finally

realize he wasn’t an Organa, so it’s not like you could’ve said “Hey, that guy’s not an Organa!

We get the throne now!). It’s pretty clear to see that House Organa and House Thul are not

friends. Before the beginning of the Cold War, House Thul became backed by the Sith Empire,

trained and protected off of Alderaan, in preparation for them to reclaim their position of power

on the planet. Alderaan itself is actually an extremely advantageous position, as it is near the rest

of the core worlds, well developed, and directly beside three of the galaxy’s largest and most

important Hyperspace Trade Routes. In recent times, House Thul has been investigating the Dark

Side of the Force. Multiple force sensitive members of the Thul family have been integrated into

the Sphere of Biotic Science to learn Sith Alchemy. This has turned into a lucrative trading

resources, in which House Thul deals. (exclusively to Empire affiliates or through the

underworld) In fact, most of House Thul’s power comes from its economic power. Through

Empire backing and underworld economics, House Thul has the means to hire mercenaries,

preform blockades, bribe, and mass produce equipment. However, a lot of the funding is

controlled by the Sphere of Production and Logistics, which Darth Vowrawn leads. (basically,

keep him happy [candy works well in my experience] and produce economic benefits) As the

representative from House Thul, you will be tasked with organizing the Sith efforts to take back

what is yours through military and economic means. You have everything from trained Thul

soldiers, to Sith Alchemy, to Embargo methods under your direct control, and it is up to you to

ensure the Empire continues to fund your claim to power in the core worlds. But remember, you

are not a combat driven House, and mix of politics, economics, and combat strategy will be the

only was to assure victory. While protecting your ancient pride, be sure to make it clear that you

are worthy of the Empire’s support, lest they deem you unnecessary, and decide to leave you for

dead at the hands of others who wish to take the throne of Alderaan. Good luck House Thul and

remember your past.

(Elana Thul, Lady of House Thul)


Mandalore the Vindicated

Allegiance: The Empire?

Class: Fighter

Title: Space Dictator of the Mandalorians

Artus Lok or “Mandalore the Vindicated” is a Mandalorian

warrior or Clan Lok, who eventually claimed the title of

Mandalore after killing Mandalore the Lesser in a duel on

Geonosis following his success as Grand Champion of the

Great Hunt. In the Great War, the Mandalorians first major

move was to blockade the Hydian Way Trade Route in

support of the Empire, a strong military move. However,

the Mandalorians were duped into breaking their own

blockade, which resulted in a spiral of losses for the

Mandalorian military. As combat is literally the end all be

all in Mandalorian society, it wasn’t long before Lok

challenged the previous Mandalore. In his climb to power he put down several rebellions of Mandalorians

who wished to support the republic and ensured that the Mandalorians would remain allies of the Sith

Empire during the cold war. Since his predecessor’s appointment as Mandalore, the Mandalorian clans

have acted as pawns for the Sith empire, and although their allegiance has not changed under Mandalore

the Vindicated, Lok seems more hesitant to pronounce unwavering loyalty to the Sith. He ensures the

Mandalorians remain well-paid albeit cautious allies of the Empire. Some around Mandalore suggest that

he is unhappy under the rule of the Sith, and potentially has other ambitions for his people (maybe that

involves killing off a few Sith Lords). As Mandalore, Lok has been very cautious in only accepting tasks

from the Empire surrounding small targets, rather than large-scale operations. Some view this once again

as lack of loyalty to the Sith, but it is also possible that Lok is simply trying to take a different tactical

approach than the previous Mandalore. Despite this, Mandalorians are experts in all types of large-scale

combat. Their particular ruthlessness and disregard for preservation in space combat and one-on-one

fights have made the species known galaxy wide as the best and most successful fighters. However, not

all clans choose to take up the missions provided by Lok, limiting an otherwise unstoppable force due to

numbers. As Mandalore the Vindicated you must take command over dozens of divided clans of

extremely skilled warrior Mandalorians, each with their own ideas for the future of your peoples. You

must walk the line between cooperation and subordination with the Sith. Can the Mandalorians truly

become the great conquers they are destined to be under the thumb of the Sith? Will you continue your

predecessor’s practice of blind fidelity to the Empire, or will you challenge the Empire’s command over

your people and craft the fate of your strong people with your own two hands? Good luck Mandalore, and

remember, a warrior is more than his armour. (and let me be straight with you, it’d be dope if you called a

Great Hunt. Search it up.)

"Mandalore was slain recently and his killer,

the new Mandalore, has taken his place.

Whether or not he's another Imperial puppet

remains to be seen but we must watch him



Additional Notes and Information

Should I research on top of reading the background guide?

I’m going to say it right now, we have very little expectation for additional research

outside of the background guide, simply because we tried to include everything necessary for the

committee. However, if there’s one thing missing from the guide it would be additional

technologies and more of the basics of the Star Wars Universe. While knowing a little bit about

this would most definitely improve speaking and crisis notes, a strong delegate could easily do

without. The one thing we ask that you stay away from is trying to look at characters. The

majority of them come from Star Wars: The Old Republic, meaning some defining moments for

characters are listed, even though they haven’t happened in our committee. (and probably never

will) So, to sum up, if you research just look at technology and world building; the research

guide at the end should help.

The importance of transportation and hyperspace lanes

Here’s a quick little note on Star Wars history. When hyperspace travel was invented it

went…poorly. Basically, ships flew into objects at speeds faster than light; even a tiny pebble

could destroy a ship and then kill the entire crew. So, the solution to this was two-fold. One:

travel in the areas of space that are a void of nothingness and clear the path to connect these

places. Two: create in ship monitoring system to notify pilots of the appropriate changes needed

to be made to avoid dying. (usually involves jumping out of hyperspace) The end result was the

creation of hyperspace lanes and the ability to very slowly travel through parts of the galaxy

without the lanes. Just for a frame of reference, it would take about two weeks to go from

Bonadan to Alderaan using the Hydian Way hyperspace lanes, and the same trip could take over

half a year without it. So, hyperspace lanes are super important to get around the galaxy, but it is

not the only way.

In addition, neither the Empire or the Republic have standing armies. Instead, masses of

troops live on dreadnought class star-ships, which then meet en mass at a location near (or

directly above) a battle. But, the only thing that allows this to happen is proper scheduling of

time-tables and ensuring the most efficient transportation. This means that hyperspace lanes, the

most efficient way to get around, tend to be used a lot. It also happens that control of the

hyperspace lanes belong to most of the trader classes in committee; this is where those characters

gain their powers, whereas other classes gain their power through more obvious means.


How will character powers be implemented?

One of the tools at the disposal of every character is their actual physical ability when

taking direct action. So, things like a Kaggath, or fight between two characters, is pretty much

guaranteed to happen. At the same time, we can’t really have two delegates stand up and actually

duke it out. We’re a conference based on politics, not athletic ability. Instead, if a character

power is used directly on another it is described through crisis notes before the action occurs. If

the powers are being used by two people to fight each other, situational advantage, specificity of

notes, actual combat tactics, and a dice roll will determine the victor.

With that being said, at the chairs discretion, the end result of the battle can be played out

if all the delegates really want it to happen. (We hope that everyone tries to make this happen in

a Kaggath, that’d be pretty dope)

What’s the dress code?

For any politician in the real world, a suit is like battle armour. It’s what they where

before their fights, it gives the confidence they need, it is a symbol of the role they play in that

society. So, logically speaking, if we are a conference trying to simulate politics, we should also

allow the ability to wear this battle armour. If this politician happens to be Oric Traless or some

other warrior who wears literal battle armour, that is also in some way his metaphorical armour.

To take that away would be stopping something we’re trying to promote.

So, without any memeing, we’ll allow suits or Star Wars Costumes. Appropriate

Costumes. None of that Slave Leia or Ben Swolo rubbish.

Battle Strategy

As you can imagine, everyone who’s running Star Wars JCC is pretty nerdy. (except for

Salma, she hasn’t seen any of the movies ☹) That means that we’ve also looked into other

nerdy things, like history and major battles. From this we’ve gathered a decently strong grasp on

good military moves vs stupid ones. This distinction between good and bad moves is going to be

very evident in the way that we mark crisis notes and directives, so try and use good battle

strategy if you want your actions to be more effective.

Battle Strategy also applies to the battles of traders and technology/biology specialists.

Understanding the intricacies of sound economic investment or what materials are used to make

ships in the Star Wars Universe would help crisis notes and directives. Information that would

help with all of this can be found in the researching section at the end of the background guide.


The Technology of Star Wars


Thranta-Class Corvette

No ship class in the Republic fleet is more recognizable than the

venerable Thranta-class corvette. Various iterations of the Thranta have

been in service fore decades, and its flexible, modular design ensures

its continued use for years to come. Although it cannot match the

firepower of its imperial counterparts, the Thranta compensates with

higher overall speed and a greater operational range, allowing it to conduct hit-and-run attacks

and effectively scout the way for larger vessels. Engineering crews aboard Thrantas often

compete to make their ships the fastest in their assigned sectors, through no officer captaining

one of these vessels will admit to actually racing them.

Liberator-Class Starfighter

Fast, nimble, and deadly, the

Liberator is a true multi-

mode starfighter design, able

to serve as an escort,

interceptor, or precision air-

to-ground attack craft with

equal prowess. Liberators

can even make attack runs on

enemy capital ships or space

stations if dedicated bombers are unavailable. Swivel-mounted wings

allow the Liberator to be stored aboard larder vessels with impressive

efficiency, often catching enemy forces by surprise when multiple squadrons are deployed from

a single starship. A new and highly advanced Liberator variant, known as the Striker, is

gradually being introduced into Republic starfighter squadrons. Due to its enhanced capabilities

and complex controls, the Striker is reserved only for the most experienced combat pilots.

Crew Complement:


Troop Capacity:


Starfighter Capacity:


Additional Craft:

3 bombers, 4 shuttles

Standard Armament:

Twin-mounted turbolaser

cannons, laser turrets, ion

cannon, concussion

missile launchers

Crew Complement:


Max. Mission Time:

37 Hours

Max. Life Support Time:

150 Hours (approx..)

Standard Cargo:

Field survival kit, medpac,

blaster pistol

Standard Armament:

Laser cannons, concussion

missile launcher


Valor-Class Cruiser

The largest and most heavily armed warships in Republic use, Valor-class cruisers generally

serve as the flagships for their assigned fleets. Like the Thranta, the Valor is unusually quick for

its size, though the design’s extremely high production cost has resulted in these valuable ships

being resigned largely to defense operations. Due to their relative rarity and strategic importance,

Valor-class cruisers are manned almost exclusively be veteran crews with many years of combat

experience. Many joke that being assigned to one of these ships is a sure sign of advancing age.

Defender-Class Corvette

When the Great War

broke out, the Jedi

Order recognized the

need for a starship

custom-designed to

suit their specialised

requirements. They

envisioned the


corvette as a fast,

maneuverable, and

well-armed base of operations for Jedi on assignment. The vessel they produced for the Jedi

Order achieved exactly that. Modeled after the Republic’s larger Thranta-class corvettes, the

Defender’s twin turbo laser turrets, heavy shields, and powerful thruster engines gave the Jedi all

the armaments they needed to carry out their missions and defend the Republic across the galaxy.

Crew Complement:


Troop Capacity:


Starfighter Capacity:


Additional Craft:

40 bombers, 25 shuttles

Standard Armament:

Turbolaser cannons, quad

laser turrets, ion cannons,

proton torpedo tubes,

concussion missile



Light Corvette


Rendili Vehicle



71 x 94 x 29m


Meditation chamber,

diplomatic amenities

Standard Armament:

Twin laser cannons,



BT-7 Thunderclap

The ability to quickly

deploy troops into combat

scenarios is a key

advantage in any military

engagement and was the

primary design goal for

the BT-7 Thunderclap.

Realizing a need for

deployment craft with

greater operational

flexibility than standard troop shuttles, Republic Command contracted

Rendili Hyperworks to develop an all-new type of combat vessel. The

company’s eccentric lead designer, Ryden Pollad, delivered a radically advanced design

featuring durable armor plating, state-of-the-art shields, and a full array of heavy weaponry.

Larger and faster than any military shuttle in production, the Thunderclap can operate for

extended periods without fleet support, easily outmaneuver enemy capital ships, and hold its own

in battle against even the nimblest starfighters.

Harrower-Class Dreadnought

Thefmainstay of the Imperial navy and active symbol of the Empire’s power, Harrower-class

dreadnoughts are among the most powerful and deadly starships ever designed. The ship’s

wedge-shaped hull allows virtually all of its firepower to be concentrated directly forward, while

also helping to minimize the ship’s massive profile and deflect damage from head-on-fire. Most

servicemen consider the Harrower to be the high standard against which all other Imperial ships

are judged, and these ships’ crews often conduct themselves accordingly, offering only token

respect for anyone who serves on a “lesser” vessel.


Rapid assault/deployment



Rendili Hyperworks


96 x 61 x 80m

Special Features:

Command briefing room,

on board armory, medical


Standard Armament:

Heavy laser cannons,


Crew Complement:


Troop Capacity:


Starfighter Capacity:


Additional Craft:

32 bombers, 35 shuttles

Standard Armament:

Turbolaser cannons, quad

laser turrets, ion cannons,

proton torpedo tubes,

concussion missile



Terminus-Class Destroyer

Unlike the Empire’s other ship designs, the Terminus-class destroyer is built for speed over

firepower, although it still outguns most Republic ships of similar size. Like the Harrower

dreadnought, the Terminus also relies on a wedge-like shape to minimize its forward profile

while maximizing forward firepower. Coupled with the ship’s powerful engines, the Terminus is

the perfect design for interdiction and pursuit missions. Service on a Terminus destroyer is often

the first capital ship assignment for new naval officers and crewmen, giving them an opportunity

to prove their mettle before transitioning to larger ship classes like the Harrower.

Mark VI Supremacy-Class Starfighter

Imperial naval doctrine states

that individual starfighters

aren’t a deciding factor in the

outcomes of starship

engagements. Designs like the

Supremacy-class are tailored

to that belief. These

starfighters are specially built

for mass group maneuvers,

attacking enemy forces in bulk

and overwhelming them with more targets that they can successfully engage. Each Supremacy is

equipped with rapid-fire laser cannons and powerful engines to aid swarm tactics. Their

shielding is minimal, and the starfighters aren’t equipped with heavier weapons like concussion

missile launchers or proton torpedoes. Supremacy pilots accept these limitations as a point of

pride, drilling constantly to carry out their complex group maneuvers with absolute precision.

Crew Complement:


Troop Capacity:


Starfighter Capacity:


Additional Craft:

2 bombers, 3 shuttles

Standard Armament:

Turbolaser cannons, laser

turrets, ion cannon,

concussion missile


Crew Complement:


Max. Mission Time:

6 hours

Max. Life Support Time:

36 hours

Standard Cargo:

Field survival kit, blaster


Standard Armament:

Laser cannons


X-70B Phantom

The phantom is one of the most sophisticated starship designs ever

developed. Specially created for use by the most elite Imperial Intelligence agents, the Phantom-

class prototype uses ultra-compact components to fit extensive power and computing capabilities

into a sleek design that easily passes for a civilian luxury shuttle. All of its military-grade

components are shielded from detection by enemy sensors, while the Phantom’s sophisticated

sensor array is able to track and scan the interiors of other ships over tremendous distances. All

of these advanced elements come at a cost: the design of the Phantom is too complex for current

mass-production methods.

Fury-Class Interceptor

Imposing, Heavily

Shielded, and a viscous

instrument of

destruction, the Fury-

class Imperial

interceptor was forged

to serve the vengeful

spirit of the Sith. In the

years leading up to the Great War, Sith Lord Darth Mekhis

personally oversaw the Fury’s evolution from a military interceptor

to the ruthless Sith attack vessel that would lead the Empire’s

charge against the Republic. The Fury’s ultimate purpose:

attack with sudden ferocity, decimate Republic fleets, and pursue the crippled enemy to their

grave. Darth Mekhis called the completed Fury “the hammer that would shatter the rib cage of

the Republic.” A symbol of the destructive might of the Sith, the Fury continues to strike fear

into the hearts of Republic pilots across the galaxy.


Prototype covert

operations craft




80 x 94 x 18m


Stealth hull plating, high-

power sensor array,

capacity for limited-use

cloaking device

Standard Armament:

Heavy laser cannons,




Design Consultants:

Darth Mekhis, Grand Moff



100 x 88 x 33m

Special Features:

“Strike foils” for increased

close-range mobility,

interrogation chambers

Standard Armament:

Precisions laser cannons,



XS Stock Light Freighter

In response to heavy demand for better cargo vessels, Corellian

shipwrights unveiled their most advanced design yet; the XS stock

light Freighter. Equal parts merchant ship, sport racer, gunboat, and

mobile home, the XS was quickly adopted by independent space captains and commercial fleets

alike. Rumors that the Hutt Cartel had purchased the entire first manufacturing run of these

starships accelerated demand for the XS – Corellia’s shipyards could barely keep pace with the

flood of orders.

D5-Mantis Patrol Craft


deadly, and

outfitted for

battle, the D5-

Mantis patrol

craft is a bounty

hunter’s dream.

This stellar

marauder bristles

with heavy weaponry designed for capital ships. Retracting its weapon

foils reduces an already minimal profile, allowing the ship to pursue

most vessels without fear of detection. Its powerful engines easily

outclass every stock freighter on the galactic market. Designed to be an all-in-one patrol ship, the

initial production run of the Mantis was priced far too high for the Republic navy. The ship was

quickly snapped up by individuals and organizations eager to harness its potential for mayhem.

For this reason, the Mantis found dubious service with a variety of bounty hunter guilds,

smugglers, and crime lords. The Mantis remains in high demand, but the ship’s rarity means

replacement parts are expensive and difficult to come by.


Light Freighter


Bravis Halcyon, Corellian

Engineering Corporation


88 x 101 x 27m

Special Features:

Easy-to-customize cargo holds

and numerous undocumented

“maintenance compartments”

hidden throughout the ship’s


Standard Armament:

Heavy laser turrets, multiple

missile batteries


Patrol Class


Kuat Drive Yards


68 x 74 x 58m

Special Features:

Compact frame, force

cage, long-range capability

Standard Armament:

Three retractable,

independently powered

weapon foils


Ground Troops:

Republic trooper

Standard Weapons: Rifle, sidearm, grenades

Carried Provisions: 4 days of rations

Gear Weight: 18-40kg (40-88lb)

Service Period: 5 years per enlistment

Operational Specializations:

Forward Assault, Search-and-Destroy,

Advanced Reconnaissance, Hostage Rescue,

Starship Combat. Additional specializations

can include Heavy Escort, Field Medicine,

and Guerrilla Warfare

Weapon Certifications:

Blaster Rifles; Blaster Pistols (Close-

Quarters Combat Emphasis); Combat

Vibroknives, Integrated Multipurpose

Munition Launchers (multiple varieties);

Grenades; Demolition Charges; Shoulder-

Launched Missiles (Anti Personnel and

Antivehicle); Fixed-Emplacement Cannons.

Certification for Assault Cannons (Rotary

and Fixed-Barrel) requires additional

advanced training

The Republic Army enlists more new

recruits per year than most of the other

branches of the armed forces combined, with

the overwhelming majority serving in

infantry units. Basic training for new recruits

is a grueling 18-week barrage of drills, tests,

and exercises, with additional training

programs that can last up to 12 months

depending on the recruit’s assigned

specialization. Graduates are then organized

into new units under the command of

experienced officers or divided and assigned

to fill gaps in existing units as required.

Percentage-wise, infantry units do the bulk

of the fighting on the war’s front lines. More

than 80 percent of engagements against the

Sith Empire involve some degree of infantry



Republic Vanguards

Vanguards are renowned as the heaviest

infantry forces in galactic warfare. Their

armor and shielding capabilities are

unmatched, allowing Vanguards to

effectively protect valuable assets and

personnel even in the midst of battle.

Republic Commandos

Commandos focus on the self-reliance

necessary for extended assault missions in

enemy territory. This training program

equips soldiers with the most devastative=ng

infantry weapons available, as well as

advanced medical training and equipment to

keep them in the fight even after suffering

sever injuries.

Jedi Knight

Battlefield Duties:

Lone Reconnaissance, Enemy Stronghold

Assaults, Point Defense, Rallying Forces,

Anti-Artillery Strikes, Starship Combat

Primary Weapon:

Jedi Knight’s lightsabers are deadly energy

swords that can also deflect and redirect

incoming blaster fire as a potent defense

Code of Conduct:

All Jedi are trained to act only in self-

defence. These does not mean they must

wait for enemies to attack first. Knights

entering a battlefield are permitted to attack

enemies at will until the fight is won.

Few enemies can match the raw power of a

trained Jedi Knight in combat. These brave

champions or light spend their entire lives

mastering the Force and testing themselves

against all manner of challenges and

opponents. By the time they are ready to

pass their final trials to become Jedi

Knights, young Jedi Padawans have already

spent more time in battle than the average

veteran soldier. It is tempting to think of Jedi

Knights as lone warriors standing firm

against waves of enemies, but the way of the

Jedi teaches cooperation and leadership. The

most successful Knights are those who can

rally others around them to battle as one.

Jedi Sentinels

Sentinels seek flaws in enemy defenses and

quickly deliver crippling strikes to send their

foes reeling. Knights who pursue this path

favour lighter armour that allows them to

move quickly across a battle zone and take

the fight with them. These Knights often

wield two lightsabers at once, creating a

vortex of destruction most opponents are

powerless to escape.


Jedi Guardians

Guardians adopt the stance of “immovable

object” on the battlefield, drawing enemies

to them and decisively striking foes to end

their lives quickly and without suffering.

These Knights learn how to fight effectively

in the heaviest armour, making them ideal

leaders for Republic soldiers on the war’s

front lines. A trained guardian can shrug off

blows that would disable lesser Jedi.

Jedi Consular

Masters of the force and scholars of its many

mysteries, Jedi Consular serve the order as

diplomats and teachers of the ancient past.

Drawing on years of strenuous training,

Consular’s hone their minds and bodies to

seek forgotten knowledge, deepen their

understanding of the Force, and work for the

good of both the Jedi and the Republic.

Whether it is a lie spoken by a smiling

negotiator or the subtle feint of a deadly

enemy, a Consular is always a master at

uncovering the truth.

Jedi Sages

Sages immerse themselves entirely in the

deepest mysteries of the Force. Insightful

advisors and skilled healers, Sages apply

their hard-earned wisdom to aid their allies,

overcome any obstacle, and shape the flow

of galaxy.

Jedi Shadows

Shadows harness the Force to conceal

themselves from the perceptions of others.

As a result, these Jedi can move unobserved

among their enemies, and use their dual-

bladed lightsabers to strike only where they


Imperial Infantry

Standard Weapons: Rifle, sidearm, grenades

Carried Provisions: 5 days of rations

Gear weight: 45kg

Service Period: 25-30 years

Organizational units: Assault Group

(40,000+), Division (20,000-40,000), Brigade

(5,000-7,500), Battalion (700-1,500), Company

(100-300), Platoon (50-100), Squad (5-10), Fire

Team (2-3)

The armies of the Sith Empire are a

masterpiece of military ingenuity. Their

training is as effective as it is efficient. Their

equipment is second to none. But most of

all, their dedication to serving the Empire

process that there is more to Imperial society

than following the commands of Sith Lords

out of fear, as some would argue. These elite

soldiers truly believe in the superiority and

power of their culture, readily laying down

their lives to achieve the Emperor’s goals.


Imperial War Droids

Primary Weapons: Heavy blaster cannons

Secondary weapons: Repeating blaster

cannons, grenade launchers, or micro-

missile launchers

Weight: 152kg

Maximum speed: 47km/h

Putting the Empire’s massive industrial base

to use, the Imperial military relies heavily on

combat-specialized war droids to

supplement its infantry and armoured forces.

Designed primarily to act as shock troops

and mobile heavy weapon platforms, these

droids also frequently serve in patrol and

escort duties where long hours of constant

vigilance are required. Integrated

communications systems ensure that the

droids obey and cooperate with their human

counterparts, through their tactual

intelligence is limited when left without


Imperial Agents

Operational specializations: surveillance,

Infiltration, Assassination, Espionage

Equipment certifications: concealed

surveillance devices, holo-disguise suites,

scanning drones

Imperial intelligence employs many

informants, saboteurs, and assassins to carry

out necessary tasks in the field. But only

those who prove themselves to be truly

ingenious and resourceful in their work and

are elevated to the designation Cipher,

reserved for the most elite of Imperial

agents. These men and women are masters

of the spy trade, infiltrating guarded

facilities and insular organizations with

equal ease. Their missions require fast

thinking and deadly skill, with absolutely no

room for hesitation or doubt. All Imperial

agents must be willing to do anything and

everything to ensure the security and

ultimate victory of the Sith Empire.


Imperial Operatives

Operatives focus on close-quarters combat.

These agents are masters with a vibroblade

and know how to maximize the use of their

stealth field generators to get within striking

distance of their targets or avoid enemy

patrols. First aid training is also key for

operatives, given the higher injury rates of

point-blank combat.

Imperial Snipers

Snipers prefer to do heir work from the

maximum distance possible. These elite

marksmen train in the use of high-powered,

highly accurate rifles to quickly and

precisely eliminate individual enemies. To

protect from retaliatory fire, snipers employ

the latest in portable cover shielding

technology, making them very difficult to

drive back once they have taken position.

Sith Warriors

Battle duties: Intimidation, commanding

armies, assaults, breaking enemy defenses

Primary weapons: lightsaber, Force

Lightsaber forms: Shii-Cho, Juyo, Soresu,


Millions strive to become Sith, but many

prove too weak to earn the honor. Among

the powerful survivors, only the most

stalwart and aggressive warriors possess the

relentless tenacity to lead the forefront of the

Empire’s war. Charging in to the fray with

fearsome battle cries and deadly lightsabers,

Sith warriors break their enemies with sheer

dominating will and crush any foe who

doesn’t flee from their unforgiving march.

The most triumphant warriors inspire

legions of allies with fear and reverence.

Under Sith command, bolstered armies fight

with roused passion and pride, often

decimating superior numbers with their

indomitable assaults. Whether striking for

the Empire’s glory or for personal renown,

there is no more dominating force than that

of the Sith warrior.

Sith Juggernauts

Juggernauts charge into battle wielding

fearsome strength while breaking enemy

lines with unrelenting attacks. Ravaging

their foes with a single lightsaber,

Juggernauts direct the full force of their

might behind each staggering blow. Heavy

armour and unassailable rage help

Juggernauts shrug off attacks that would fell

a lesser Sith.

Sith Marauders

Marauders cut down their enemies with two

lightsabers, their strikes fueled by raw

aggression and directed by a warrior’s eye

for weakness. Lighter armour gives

marauders the freedom to deal swift

violence and dominate the battle field.


Sith Assassins

Assassins cloak themselves in darkness and

manipulate the minds of their enemies to

disappear from view. When concealment

must be abandoned, Sith assassins emerge

from the shadows. They bolster their

defenses with the dark side while striking

with cold efficiency and vicious dual-bladed


Sith Sorcerers

Sorcerers wield the power of the dark side to

lay waste to their enemies. By bending the

Force to their will, sorcerers also use the

dark side to mend wounds and shield worthy

allies. Whether cutting down a foe with a

lightsaber or dominating them with a storm

of Force lightning, a Sith sorcerer displays

terrifying power on and off the battlefield.


Tools of the trade: Portable “cover point”

projectors, flash grenades, stealth field

generators, and modified blaster pistols

In times of war, steely nerved starship

captains risk everything in the name of

freedom, victory, and riches. These

smugglers transport cargo and passengers

through hostile space, often illegally. Some

smugglers use their talents to aid the

Republic, while others forge criminal

empires and only look out for themselves.

Whether they are drawn to do good, evil, or

are simply indifferent to moral concerns,

smugglers achieve their victories with

unmatched style. Competition is fierce

among these mercenaries, and double-

crosses are as plentiful as stars in the night



Gunslingers overwhelm the opposition with

a barrage of blaster fire, shooting two pistols

at once for maximum intimidation. They are

also quick to take cover and can sabotage

the enemy with explosives and other

distractions. Thanks to their lightning

reflexes, precise aim and coolness under

fire, gunslingers can stand their ground and

keep blasting until there’s no one left to

shoot back.


Scoundrels are the tricksters of the

battlefield, using deception and cleverness to

evade a fight until they can sneak up and

undermine the enemy from behind. They

make heavy use of stealth tactics to get up

close and dispatch goes with high-impact

attacks. Rather than fighting prolonged

shootouts, Scoundrels prefer a single

devastating blast from a scattergun to end a

disagreement quickly.


Bounty Hunters

Bounty hunting guilds: Ragnar Syndicate,

Vengeance Factory, Blood for Credits,

Aggression Management, Spikefist Runners,

The Simple Truth, Killsisters’ Continuum,

Retribution, Galactic Retrieval Specialists,

Sung-Tarr Corporation, We Feed Your

Bounty To Our Rancor (aka “Rancofodder”)

Reckless thrill seekers, vicious blasters-for-

hire, or self-made manhunters: a bounty

hunter doesn’t care what the galaxy thinks,

as long as the credits keep flowing. Bounty

hunters often pour these credits back into the

tools of their trade, be it weapons, armour,

or starships. Others spend their riches on a

network of contacts who can point them

toward a bounty – or warn them when a rival

is after the same target. Though bounty

hunters work as independent professionals,

they find the most lucrative and rewarding

business with the Empire. As Imperial

contracts pit them against the Republic and

other dangerous opponents, bounty hunters

rake in the credits and live a free, if risky,

life on the deadly galactic frontier.


Powertechs sacrifice long-range firepower

for cutting edge technology. Advanced

shielding lets these mobile blockades get up

close and personal with their targets. High-

powered flamethrowers and other

technological tricks lock enemies in place

while the Powertech stays mobile.


Mercenaries rely on overwhelming

firepower to destroy anything keeping them

from their targets. These walking arsenals

know their success relates to the quality of

their equipment, which is why they bring

everything with them. Dual blasters, heat-

seeking missiles, ad emergency medical

equipment are always within reach.



Armoured Vehicles

Crew: 1 driver, 1-3 gunners

Passenger Capacity: 16

Weight: 108 tonnes

Max. Speed: 52 km/h (32 miles/h)

Combat walkers, tanks, and the pilots and

crewmen who operate them make up the

Republic Army’s armored vehicle units.

These units take on a variety of tasks, from

punching holes through enemy lines to

transporting infantry squads into areas where

shuttles cannot risk landing. Their heavy

armor and weaponry allows them to make

quick work of most Imperial infantry forces.

Common military parlance generally

shortens “armored vehicle unit” to the

simpler “armored unit”. This often confuses

civilian reporters and other laymen, who

mistakenly use the latter term to describe

any infantry unit whose soldiers wear armor.


Main Cannon Range: 27 km (16.7 miles)

Secondary Cannon Range: 8 km (5 miles)

Standard Munition: Superheated Plasma

Crew: 1-4, depending on beam settings

“Cannon Wranglers,” as the members of

artillery units are often called, operate all

long-range weaponry that isn’t mounted on

vehicles, from simple mortars to massive

planetary defense cannon. Advanced

targeting computers process the calculations

required by such long-distance firing. This

automated element frees the artillery

crewmen to focus on the weapons’ operation

and munitions selection, ensuring that the

right type of projectile or blaster dispersal

pattern is used for any given circumstance.

Like most other servicemen, artillery

specialists tend to be highly competitive,

often nicknaming one another based on the

explosive yield or power rating of the largest

weapon an individual has operated in




Although grenade launching systems are

integrated into all military-grade rifles and

assault cannons, hand-thrown grenades are

still a mainstay in Republic arsenals.

Specialized explosive payloads provide a

variety of combat options, from total plasma

incineration to cryogenic flash-freezing to

traditional high explosive detonations. One

grenade type, the infamous “sticky grenade”,

uses a combination of electromagnetic

clamps and high-friction gel dispensers to

cling relentlessly to any surface it impacts.

The technology was originally cobbled

together as a method of gauging trainees’

throwing accuracy, and was only later

applied to live munitions once its military

application had been realized.

Assault Cannons

Manufacturers: BlasTech Industries,

Balmorran Arms, Taim Corporation

Shot capacity: 2000-5000 rounds

Additional features: micro-repulsorlift

system, integrated grenade launcher,

adaptable-munition power system

The most powerful infantry blaster weapons

ever designed, assault cannons combine the

firepower of an entire squad and put it in the

hands of a single soldier. Intensive training

it required to handle and fire these

devastating weapons effectively, as their

components can be damaged by overheating

if not handled properly. Most assault

cannons are equipped with their own super

coolant system to help compensate for this

issue, with some sporting additional barrels

mounted on rotating or reciprocating

mechanisms to further decrease heat


Blaster Rifles

Manufacturers: BlasTech Industries, Core

World Arms, Merr-Sonn Munitions

Shot capacity: 200-400 rounds

Additional features: Integrated grenade

launcher, adaptable munition power system,

durable modular design

The primary weapon of most Republic

infantry forces is the blaster rifle. The longer

barrels of military blasters allow the particle

beams generated by these weapons to be

more tightly focused, resulting in greater

range and higher accuracy. Military blaster

rifles are equipped with grenade launcher

systems, wither integrated into the barrel or

attached to the rifle’s frame. Despite

numerous attempts by Senate subcommittees

and Command personnel, there is no single

universal “standard-issue” rifle for the

Republic military. Supply line limitations,

competing manufacturers, and opinionated

field commanders have led to different

weapons being issued in different parts of

the galaxy.


Jedi Lightsabers

Average weight: 1.8kg

Blade length: 1m

Primary components: Power cell, blade

emitter, focusing crystals

Both a symbol of peace and an instrument of

battle, the lightsaber is eternally associated

with the Jedi Order. Second only to the

Force, a lightsaber is the Jedi’s chosen

weapon, consisting of a hilt that emits a

plasma beam capable of cutting through

nearly any substance with ease. The energy

blade is amplified by crystals in the hilt that

focus and alter the beam. Some of these

crystals also give the lightsaber’s blade its

familiar blue or green hues.

Jedi build their first lightsaber near the end

of their apprenticeship as a Padawan. Many

complete a pilgrimage to the crystal-rich

planet of Ilum where they seek out the

crystal to be used in their lightsaber.

Padawans then enter a deep meditation,

forging a personal bond with their weapon

as they use the Force to assemble its many

components. Once completed, a Jedi’s

lightsaber is a personal and precious

instrument, carried at all times to aid a Jedi’s

defense of the galaxy.

Sith Lightsabers

Average weight: 1.8kg

Blade length: 1m

Primary components: Power cell, blade

emitter, focusing crystals

Elegant and supremely deadly, lightsabers

are the weapon of choice for Sith across the

galaxy. Composed of a hilt that emits a

beam of plasma energy, lightsabers can

cleave through nearly any material –

cauterizing flesh and melting durasteel.

Originally, a weapon of the Jedi, ancient

Sith refined and perfected lightsabers to

forge the ultimate weapons of battle that are

still wielded to this day.

Unlike the Jedi, who construct their first

lightsabers as part of their training, Sith

must earn their blades – either through

conquest or as a reward for incredible deeds.

Later in life, many Sith construct their own

lightsabers to match their skills and tastes

for combat. Within a lightsaber’s hilt, self-

replenishing power cells fuel the energy

blade while focusing crystals augment the

blade’s strength and provide a red colour.

The menacing crimson hue of a Sith

lightsaber is an iconic symbol respected

within the Empire and feared by its enemies.


Sniper Rifles

Manufacturers: BlasTech Industries, Czerka

Corporation, Sporting Arms Limited

Shot capacity: 80-100 rounds

Additional features: Multi-zoom optical

scope, enhanced targeting system, variable

beam emitter

The ability to target and eliminate hostile

personnel from a distance is ideal for agents

wishing to strike while remaining

undetected. Rifles designed especially for

long-range marksmanship are therefore

highly popular among Imperial Intelligence

personnel, who often take pride in tweaking

them for maximum power and accuracy.

Such agents also make sure to have cover

stories involving a love of game hunting or

competitive shooting to mask their reasons

for possessing such weapons.

Blaster Pistols

Weight: 0.975kg

Ammo capacity: 300 rounds

Effective range: 50-90m

It is in the nature of underworld business

that deals seem to go bad at lightning speed,

which is why most mercenaries carry a

quick-draw weapon that packs maximum

firepower into minimal space. Just as there

is no such thing as a “stock” freighter,

blaster pistols are usually heavily modified

by their owners after purchase. Barrels are

lengthened to increase accuracy, cooling

units are replaced to triple firing rates, and

scopes normally reserved for sniper rifles

are attached to give a weapon’s owner a

decisive edge in any shootout.


Weight: 2.7kg

Ammo capacity: 50 plasma shells

Effective range: 10m

For those times when a pistol is insufficient

to discourage problems, short-barreled

“scattergun” rifles have become increasingly

popular among discriminating smugglers.

These weapons combine the best aspects of

pistols and rifles to produce a unique

weapon that requires great skill to use

effectively. Foes who take a point-blank shot

from a fully charged scattergun usually sped

a fair amount of time knocked down on the

ground – assuming they ever stand up again.

Showdowns rarely start by drawing

scatterguns, but these formidable weapons

are often the last ones to be holstered.


Manufacturers: Czerka Corporation, Merr-

Sonn Munitions, various custom designers

Fuel type: Compressed incendiary liquid or


Max firing time: 40 sec-6min per fuel

canister, depending on settings

Optimum Range: 10-15m

Few weapons can match the psychological

impact of the flamethrower. These deadly

devices, often built into wrist-mounted

gauntlets with their own liquid or gas fuel

reserves, give bounty hunters a tremendous

advantage in close-quarters fighting. Entire

rooms full of opponents can often be cleared

with a single flame burst, and even well-

trained Jedi and Sith are commonly laid low

by the overwhelming viciousness of this



Jet Packs

Max altitude: 30m

Flight range: 400m

Lifting capacity: 180kg

Max speed: 60km/h

Bounty hunting is all about the chase, so

anything that can increase a hunter’s

mobility is highly desirable. Few

technologies can match the jet pack in this

regard, allowing the user to vault over

obstacles and rain fiery death on their

opponents from above. However, for all of

their advantages, jet packs lacking proper

armour can become a bounty hunter’s

greatest weakness, giving their enemies a

bulky and highly explosive target to aim for.

Wrist Rockets

Manufacturers: Merr-Sonn Munitions,

Kelvarek Industries, Balmorran Arms

Range: 20-40m

Warhead types: High explosive, armour

piercing, tracking probe

Lock-on time: 0.5-3.2 seconds depending on

target size and speed

One of the most popular weapons in a

bounty hunter’s arsenal, wrist rockets

provide unmatched stopping power in a

highly compact design. The capabilities of

these rockets can vary greatly, from simple

unguided models to highly advanced

versions with internal guidance systems and

maneuvering fins for maximum accuracy.

Few targets can withstand a hit from even

one of these weapons, and most hunters

carry dozens of them at any time.


Maps of the Star Wars universe (Larger and Clearer)

As a note to all delegates, we will also have large (poster-size) maps in the

committee rooms themselves for continual reference throughout sessions.


Below: The planet Alderaan and its major port


Additional research

As stated beforehand, the focus of research should be on technology and getting to know the Star

Wars universe. With that being said, we will not be providing any links to character specific


So, to start us off, how could we not mention Wookieepedia?

Wookieepedia is the one stop shop to find information on blasters, blorgons, botany, betrayers,

beneficiaries, and bashful buddies of the Star Wars universe. Plus some other stuff too I guess.

But in all seriousness, Wookieepedia is great for finding information on literally anything within

the Star Wars anthology, whether it be Cannon or Legends. As a note for using the site, always

make sure you click the Legends tab at the top of articles, since it will have for information

almost 100% of time. Also, look for citations to the comics, novels, or video games as they tend

to have the lore down pat in comparison to the Disney owned content like Star Wars Rebels.

Even though Wookieepedia is great it requires an enormous amount of reading. Reading is

boring. Reading is for nerds. (Yes I do see the extreme irony in this statement) So instead, like

the hip and spry millennials we are, lets use YouTube instead. The best place to start is most

likely Star Wars Explained.


This channel was probably the biggest influence on our own research besides Wookieepedia. The

best place to start off is probably the video showing the complete legends timeline here. Between

this video, which describes literally everything that’s ever happened in Star Wars, and the

character sections of the background guide, every delegate should have enough information to go

into the conference and stay active. However, for the go-getters and people with too much time

on their hands, Star Wars Explained also has some great gems. The Knights of the Old Republic

Lore Play is great since it covers stories of planets and people within the same period of time as

this committee. But if this is a little too time intensive, check out the Star Wars History Playlist,

which consists of minute long videos that explain parts of the Star Wars universe.

The one thing that Star Wars Explained does wrong is mapping; in all of their videos, there is a

ridiculous lack of scale for any of the actions described. Thankfully, Vologda Mapping fixes this


This video is super short, about six minutes, but its great for understanding the relative power of

each faction in the Star Wars universe. By seeing the peaks and decent of groups like the Old

Republic or the Coalition of Independent Systems, you can get a sense of relative strength. In

addition, about half-way through the video Vologda shows the Star Wars galaxy immediately

after the Treaty of Coruscant. This is the starting point for our committee, so we highly suggest

that you take a picture of those few frames.

Now these sources are great and all, but they all have a fatal flaw. Each and every source only

looks at what has happened, not what COULD happen. As we are a crisis committee, and the

events of each session are determined by the delegates, its clear that what happens in our

universe is going to stray from all these sources. So that begs the question: How can we prepare

for theoretical situations? Well, a good amount of that is to be decided by the crisis directors (and

that’s all hush-hush), but we can provide the reasoning behind their decisions. This comes from

the YouTube channel Star Wars Theory.


Two series really make this channel standout. The Fanfiction Playlist is the first of the two. Even

just watching one of the videos from the playlist, you can get the idea of how stupid and geeky

this guy’s ideas are on how certain events would take place. But, for the most part, this is how

the crisis directors think as well. So, if you want a foray into how exactly crisis thinks, and how

story will progress, this is the place to go. If your looking for something to actually improve your

in committee performance, we would suggest the Why Did They Lose Playlist. These videos

break down lightsaber fights and whatnot from the Star Wars movies, explaining what tactics or

cool tricks let one Jedi defeat another. This is the type of psychoanalytic breakdown that all crisis

directors do in all committees. Therefore, the types of things pointed out in the video are also

things your crisis team is looking for in notes. Unfortunately, these videos only focus on

lightsabre duels, so for our non-force sensitive delegates try looking at Knights of the Old

Republic Cinematics, or surfing Wookieepedia for space fighting tactics.

Last, but certainty not least, we have the penultimate channel for finding information on obscure

technology and individuals in the Star Wars Universe: The Lore Master.

Have you ever thought about what Palpatine did in his free time? Or why Jar Jar’s father tried to

kill himself? No? Too Bad! The Lore Master’s videos are a beautiful garbage dump of literally

useless Star Wars information. Thankfully, the situation at hand calls for a wide array of rare

knowledge, all of which can be found on this channel. Though any one of the videos is

interesting, but not necessarily useful, we suggest the VS series, the all types of [INSERT

TECHNOLOGY] series, and how the Galactic Civil War ended.