TABLE OF CONTENTS - Ask Astrologydefine your zodiac sign. 3 DESCRIPTION OF GEMINI Were you born...


Transcript of TABLE OF CONTENTS - Ask Astrologydefine your zodiac sign. 3 DESCRIPTION OF GEMINI Were you born...

Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Ask Astrologydefine your zodiac sign. 3 DESCRIPTION OF GEMINI Were you born between May 21st and June 20th? You are a Gemini. The sign of Gemini is the first air




Gemini: User Guide

Gemini And The World Around Them

If Gemini Were…




What Jobs For Gemini?

Gemini And Compatibility With Other Signs


Gemini In A Male Natal Chart

Gemini In A Female Natal Chart


Gemini Men In Love

Gemini Women In Love
















NoTE: Your zodiac sign is based on the Sun’s position at the time of your birth and the dates in this eBook are used as a guide! For example, if you were born between the 19th and 23rd of a month, you must check an ephemeris to see exactly where the Sun was at the time of your birth to define your zodiac sign.

Page 3: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Ask Astrologydefine your zodiac sign. 3 DESCRIPTION OF GEMINI Were you born between May 21st and June 20th? You are a Gemini. The sign of Gemini is the first air



Were you born between May 21st and June 20th? You are a Gemini. The sign of Gemini is the first air sign with the signs of Aquarius and Libra. Governed by Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, Gemini are in perpetual evolution. They are very agile and adapt easily.

Gemini are intelligent, communicative and sociable. Johnny Depp, Naomi Campbell, Angelina Jolie, J.F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe are all celebrities born under the sign of Gemini. The numbers that bring them luck are 5 and 9.

Gemini: User GuideThe aforementioned agility and adaptability are qualities that many appreciate in Gemini people. It is a sign that is able to communicate easily, to foster relations and exchanges. Gemini draw these qualities from the Third House. It is a house of air that greatly influences this third astrological sign (Gemini). It is a house that symbolizes ease of adaptation and relationships with close people.

Green and silver are the favorite colors of Gemini people. These are signs that control the arms, the thorax, but also the lungs. Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini people, is about 36 million miles away from our star. A very variable distance depending on the orbit of the planet. It goes around the sun in about 88 days.

The element of Mercury is Earth. It is a dry and cold planet. It obviously governs the sign of Gemini, but also Virgo. It is known as the planet of exchanges and intellectual activities. In Egyptian mythology, Mercury is associated with Set and Horus. Indeed, the Egyptians believed that they were two different planets. One appeared in the morning and the other in

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the evening, when in fact it was the same planet Mercury.

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the son of Maia, the nymph and wife of Jupiter. Maia is none other than the daughter of Atlas. Mercury is quick and lively. With his winged helmet, his two wings at his feet, he is known as the messenger of the Gods. This is where part of Mercury’s duality comes from, which is why he is so suited for being Gemini’s ruling planet. It symbolizes knowledge, intelligence, travel, communication, etc.

Gemini And The World Around ThemWhat kind of friend is Gemini? Well, they are sociable by nature. It’s almost innate for them. Gemini are curious and eager for new encounters. People who meet them appreciate them just as naturally. They like to communicate, discuss and interact with others. Friendships are born without forcing them and through real sympathy.

The signs of Leo and Aries are Gemini’s best friends. Leo people have the same expectations as Gemini in terms of friendship. Both are dynamic and love to share adventures together. This is a genuine connection, a loyal friendship and filled with good times.

Aries and Gemini will have a rock-solid friendship, safe from the vagaries of life or distance. They will be perfectly loyal and above all complementary.

At work, Gemini people are nice colleagues. They will be very comfortable with Fire sign colleagues: Len, Aries and Sagittarius. They will have rather dynamic and enriching relationships with them. The Air signs will also be very good colleagues for Gemini people, including Libra and Aquarius. Their connection will generate very good ideas, both creative and innovative.

Gemini people are versatile. Employers appreciate the Gemini for their ability to adapt to a new environment or a new situation with a lively and imaginative mind. They are efficient and are able to always succeed in anything they undertake.

Gemini are eager to learn. That is why they are not a good fit for jobs where there is no prospect of evolution. They enjoy progressing while learning

Page 5: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Ask Astrologydefine your zodiac sign. 3 DESCRIPTION OF GEMINI Were you born between May 21st and June 20th? You are a Gemini. The sign of Gemini is the first air


new techniques or knowledge. As a team, Gemini people can almost be seen as the driving force behind the group. They can socialize and energize the team. They like to gossip, a little too much maybe, but are very much appreciated by the group in which they find themselves.

As regards family, Gemini are the source of most of the joy of living. Since relationships and communication are precious for them, they won’t really get along with people who are withdrawn. However, aware of this difference, they will try to bring their good humor and joy to the family wherever they go.

Gemini mum or dad, a Gemini parent will always try to get closer to their children. They are like teenagers who want to be their children’s best friends rather than an adult who scolds or reprimands them. A Gemini parent will have a hard time in the beginning when their children are born. However, once they start communicating, Gemini mums and dads will know exactly what to do to please their child.

If Gemini Were…


Honeysuckle, verbena or mint are quite characteristic of Gemini people. However, if you wish to offer flowers, you should prefer flowers with changing colors. Gemini worship calathea and caladium leaves. Plants like cumin and anise are reputed to be the protectors of Gemini people. The intoxicating fragrance of gardenia or lavender is also very much appreciated by Gemini.

However, to really please Gemini-born people, offer them roses. They can express so many feelings and messages. Symbol of love and good company, roses are in tune with the main characteristics of Gemini people


If they were an animal, they would rather be a fox, a monkey or a parrot. Animals that fit them well in relation to their various aspects. Gemini like to gossip and have a wide vocabulary just like a parrot.

With a noted intelligence, Gemini people are tricky as a fox. They like to make jokes, laugh and have fun just like monkeys. Butterflies, birds, and

Page 6: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Ask Astrologydefine your zodiac sign. 3 DESCRIPTION OF GEMINI Were you born between May 21st and June 20th? You are a Gemini. The sign of Gemini is the first air


the gossipy and thieving magpie are also animals that are a good reflection for the sign of Gemini.


If Gemini people were a mineral, they would obviously be a rock crystal, amber, aquamarine or citrine. However, the stones that will reinforce their traits of character are numerous. Imperial topaz, for example, will strengthen their quick-wit and intellectual side. The tiger’s eye promotes creativity and stimulates Gemini’s willpower. Moreover, it is a stone with protective elements for this sign of the zodiac.

Chalcedony promotes balance. It is especially in harmony with Gemini people who can sometimes emotionally let themselves go. They are known to be slightly nervous. Chalcedony brings peace and calm to Gemini people.

What Jobs For Gemini?

For their unconditional love of communication, Gemini would fit in perfectly as commercial people or salespeople, journalists, technicians, lawyers... However, Gemini-born people can also have great imagination and creativity. This is why it is not surprising to see them performing as actors or comedians.

The professions that involve the media are a passion for Gemini people: television anchor, author, radio host, etc. Gemini love to travel and will try to find a job that will indulge this hobby. It would not be surprising to see a Gemini flourish as a tourist guide or high-level negotiator.

Gemini And Compatibility With Other Signs

Generally of a cheerful temperament and always a source of good humor, Gemini are not always compatible with certain signs of the zodiac. The sense of humor of Gemini is very much appreciated by Aries people. They could become BFFs.

On the other hand, Gemini will be drawn to Taurus people, hoping they might offer them stability. However, it is a relationship that is likely to be a failure.

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Gemini are always on the move, driven to travel and go on an adventure. Taurus would rather remain anchored and are not at all interested in traveling.

Among themselves, Gemini will feel better as friends rather than lovers. Like two teenagers, they will play, have fun, laugh and why not, travel. They will get along very well.

With people born under Cancer, Gemini tend to be spiritual guides or mentors. They are driven to offer some advice and help Cancer take charge of their own life. The understanding between these two signs is fascinating.

The relationship between Gemini and Leo will not always be good. Leo like to boast and see themselves as the best. Gemini will always let them know that they are not fooled and that they see everything that is going on. Friction is often inevitable, although sometimes Gemini can have fun using flattery on Leo people.

Between Virgo and Gemini, there is very little chance they get along well. Gemini natives love freedom while Virgo people cling to structured and organized life goals.

Libra and Gemini are both Air signs and can get along really well. Gemini can use the wisdom of Libra, which also exercise some control over them. As for Libra, they will enjoy the humor and constant good mood of Gemini people.

They love to laugh together and enjoy life. Gemini and Scorpio get along very well. However, no serious relationship can arise between them. On the other hand, they will be good lovers.

If there is indeed a sign of the zodiac that wishes to be with a Gemini, it is Sagittarius. And it goes both ways. They get along wonderfully and are drawn to each other. It is an ideal Partner for Gemini natives.

The perfect business partner for Gemini is a Capricorn. Together, they can wreak havoc in business and be extremely successful. This should be the limit of such a relationship however, because a romantic relationship would be catastrophic unless one of them is ready to compromise.

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The craving for freedom that can be found in Gemini is something they will share with Aquarius people. For them, it will be much more marked and this is what pleases Gemini who will like them as a friend.

Pisces natives with their complex and sometimes elusive nature will not get along with Gemini who have trouble understanding them. Whether for a friendly or loving relationship, these two signs are not made to get along.

Page 9: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Ask Astrologydefine your zodiac sign. 3 DESCRIPTION OF GEMINI Were you born between May 21st and June 20th? You are a Gemini. The sign of Gemini is the first air



Gemini In A Male Natal ChartGemini men are versatile, the king of tricks and resourcefulness. They impress their entourage and people lucky enough to rub shoulders with them with their communication skills. They enjoy traveling and are naturally gifted for language learning. They are very sociable and above all open-minded and free.

A Gemini man is a very intelligent person. He is curious about everything. He is an eternal student who wants to learn everything. He is elusive like Mercury, his planet and also the Roman God who, thanks to his wings on his feet, goes as fast as the wind.

A Gemini man is a fine negotiator. Convincing and persuading are among his most remarkable qualities. As they say, you should never confront a Gemini man or even debate with him. He will surely win, for using and playing with words is quite natural for him. With his intelligence, his innate charm and his capacity to impose himself, Gemini are formidable businessmen.

Despite these undeniable qualities, Gemini tend to have more than one iron in the fire. At the end of the day, they do not get to the bottom of their businesses. They never go deep, they tease, brush, and flirt without making any real commitment. It is their superficial side that shows itself. When things get complicated, they get out of the game and move on to something else.

The Gemini man is known for his nervousness. It is someone easily offended in spite of his innate talent for communication. This is one of his faults that can be annoying for his loved ones. Moreover, he is incapable of deciding something and going through with this decision. Intelligent, he makes a

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mental list of all possible options and chooses the best solution(s). Then he changes his mind, every five minutes. Gemini men are rather unstable, especially in the professional field.

Gemini In A Female Natal ChartQueen of social media, communicative, curious and intelligent above all, the Gemini woman always needs motion. She needs new things and to talk to other people. She wants to dialogue, communicate and build successful relationships. Sociable and sympathetic by nature, her loved ones genuinely like her.

A Gemini woman always wants to learn and store data, information she deems useful for later. She tends to not know how to rest, which can be a sore spot for her health. She is prone to stress and various health problems.

Just like the Gemini man, the Gemini woman loves to travel. She has an incredible talent for language learning and she does not hesitate to cross borders to discover new horizons. If she had could choose a trade, anything related to tourism would be a perfect fit.

The woman Gemini with her sympathy, her joie de vivre and her good humor is always given a call where there is a party. With her innate talent for communication, she always finds something to revive any discussion and put people in the right mood.

A Gemini woman has this ability to find solutions to any problem. She lists the pros and cons and picks out the best options or the best decision to make. But do not count on her to actually make that decision.

Gemini women have numerous flaws, however. Although intelligent and quick-witted, it can be hard for them to express their emotions and feelings. It is a flaw that can be seen once you get close enough.

Known to be equally unstable on the professional level, wanting to run behind several projects at once, the Gemini woman may also look superficial. Her nervousness and hard time making any sort of decision are also part of her flaws.

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Gemini Men In LoveRenowned to be unfaithful and fickle, Gemini men avoid commitment or complete transparency at all costs. This is a fear of being trapped and disappointed above all, but also because they hold their cherished freedom dear. Living as a couple with a Gemini might not be so fun. However, he is an intellectual and if his partner knows how to play on this aspect (mind, intellect) he or she has a chance to make their relationship last.

Despite everything else, even if a Gemini man may not want to fall in love for fear of loving, he is a very generous being who does not hesitate to give quite sincerely. In seduction mode, he first seeks to understand how the other person’s mind works. He thus bypasses natural and primal things like attraction and desire. A Gemini man needs a strong woman to be happy.

Fire and Air signs are compatible in love with a Gemini man. He can thus get along well and build a relationship with a Leo or Aries woman. On the other hand, perfect love may be possible with a Libra or Aquarius woman.

Gemini Women In LoveThe Gemini woman tends to neglect this part of her life. She is not really interested in anything that is emotional, including love. If she seeks her soul mate, it will be someone with whom intellect comes first. To seduce a Gemini woman, one must therefore forget all heart and feelings and replace them with word games and mind games.

A Gemini is an independent woman. It is very important for her. When she is

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in a couple, her partner must preserve this independence. The worst thing she feels as a couple is when she lacks her own space. Forget any idea of jealousy or possessiveness.

It should be noted, however, that a romantic relationship with a Gemini woman is always fragile because of its unstable nature. On the other hand, she will appreciate anything that can stimulate her intellect and her curiosity. This is what will make her happy and she expects her partner to be creative about it.

Aries men, intelligent and born leaders, are most compatible with Gemini women. They understand each other and get on with each other perfectly. Routine is their worst enemy, they both love being in motion, moving and traveling. The Aries man, a charming person who loves intellectual games, the Gemini woman, calculating, methodical and full of strategy.

However, a love story can also arise between a Gemini woman and a Libra man. An Air sign like her, who will certainly appreciate her company. Similarly, the Aquarius man will also make a perfect companion for a Gemini woman. Another Fire sign, Leo is also compatible with Gemini women.

You discovered in this e-book the brilliant (and changing) personalities of people who were born as Gemini. However, you certainly have other questions that are left unanswered.