t9HW#H.-«inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-02-26/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · Advertisements...

Advertisements SfEOUS—WANTED -Girl loi general house perences required, Mi.* [Bowen,' 727 West Cen. H 1 *.v at-Pttb : MFz&f&f tmgSn, Peterj' KM mile ujpB^feRiclge' fortif of; < Fmmr, Shuts. f 3 at "l^toofc shaip 20 fees, lu'Wevr Yoric State rerms Cash Delivered I Jtesbitt 2UC& •nscaetijojEous FOR SAXJB « POil SALE—-Pan mitehedWrse^, 7*and 8'yeais bid ' C D lie-Van 26t29 Brown & PhiHrpson's plaflin| /mil at HorneU wis partially' d& ^trojedMiy flr^t,wrtb. a loss' 1 ; 6t t§5,000 , j Miss Meinotte L Chapman of Ovul has been elected supermteni dent of schools fort he first super "wsoiy district of Seneca County Hon Specialists tFAflipffiffltEKERS, jaCtJSB/ANDS* arid WIVEb. one of yourlfosrediones are 311 you ciaU a doctor—and es you a,pr«^ciiption-^nd you wartb it filled vS a,s; the bait Wave- to>te&e it to^Rochester- pr- ' « £ Bata'vfcv <B'ECA.lFS^- r i|^t *here in $ [own town there! is a drug Store that specialises on pre- |ons—that JS adequately equipped for any emergency— tiey have a stock of drugs, chemical?, biologecnles<and es that is not surpassed in many stores in the cities. itgrestanptlon yfill be filled by licensed pharmacists who (lied hundreds) of prescriptions in leading dnJggtcttfrQa? [ Vtark State, ysteludmg Stew "Stork CSty and Buffalo, and why wie are prescription specialists* ' .' bo ycajjT guide anal rule when you> want JUST ight & Ross Drug Store Prescription Specialists J Phone "We Deliver' ,J{JPPDINA:, N> Y. 1 __ The Medina I)aiIy t Jouy^l Fi'M^^byaaiy 26,1032 *— 1 n m w l o tj t ^ ' i ».* •bMtM^*»MM*ttMMll*Hta PERSONALS-~~) ^MJss Agnes. 0 Connell is in Bttfr ?fsilo today "Mrs jTsfrWei is.pending tlte day ^ Bjuta.tr , ,; N Miss Helen \\ lute o£ Batavia is ia town foi the vieek end Mis Georgt Bell of East Shelby is the sues of Iter cousin. Mis rioience Oilfield Mrs A«le'U Bnncey Sif'jRai&lft, is visiting Vt and ifrs A* IL WW lett of South \ venue. Mr. and AIr 0 E F Purcell of Bufcalo weie guests of Mr. and Mrs Cnailet. A Ingetsoll the hist of the week Mis Trancis E Couley left Thursday to srend a few days with >ier motltei Mis Helen Citfcan la Scranton, Pa j Mr? Howard Hoffmnter and dajnghteis, Hele-iUJpana and Mam amte, spent rrida\ w.tjt Mis* Helen R Wlute m Bata\U. Mr and Mrs Beiuaid Schoiick and daughter have returned to Chicago after brje*hdft»g the ueek erfd with mai Stfelby relati\fcip J fMr. and Mrs Max Edgett' aW' daughters Dorothy of Buffalo call ed on hsi grandmothei, Mrs Vesta Post ihe fust of the week ^ B.oJsJfiatt "Suakft Farm" i t a l i c - restitute BB|antjtn, Sdo raffik BwEtlt i«§iAatly ^VnSwn $s ^jrai^'Siialie ffijito," theUe ars'srinlsea from all sections of that <-ountiy. Page 5' P^^-ivrntsSa \fiomer«/.- Luther Dies at Los Angeles Home 9i tViUlnur F Q'Oradj ahd nls a!s sad allKaefettpjl sttfae'iiiithj' •ftw%omer J«tom* Rafter* one HtX\m IftiWtuiou ha Ntfsjnjsmt $t Benefit Party safitlzatma; held a $ 6 $ $ ^ Wnrfa* home or Via AlotWo A\at*fB> ^?*fet Cenier stieet Eight tables tsere iU ulay, the prfsea hemg awaraed to "Vlrs Er^in BO'Aeii and to. C N Eudtl ^natloinl law^reqniTOS t pujpne to i plpso' llo Hffe%e e fa¥M Sfofe ( tile ^\ce ,4 ot I HY iuu capWre alt venomous snakes and itew species of rjomcaiomtms ones, grpjt eaiuc%ie£B t nftd not Tfie,'de)ft}lj "$tff$&Ko% r siKitfeS wlUi not eat In cnp'tlvlty und soon die. 'io-replenish the supply fo» cermn. tO^sodfecS arrive Oatly, tKin^ported free hv tho railroads 'Iho %rm was CrsWarted 1 as a hobhy byttA. Vital Braaa, who lives npar IUO do .Twiel- tot'j Besides mnhufactui'lug scrum, tho institute breeds the nwrtflrnmn. tho enemj of ftiir deadly sual?#, tho jararnen. Jts bite Is not deadlj to man, and: u lives ou othqr snaiw ^ref^ninff poisonous etnea. Irtow Palnt«y 3Preduc»J, T h a t " ^ o t t ^ l u ! B*w4*" * *An»oh«i otlter y^pefrte^ jf—* ^f >°i ^bo^Wntfi 1 , ha!S^ paj jfef L*''lft''pr<igsia«^Wte of art Jnst beeauso they think U*s tho moper UUOB t* Ofr Atta; ho ui e\- $ r m d ^ ^ t to sWwlug th«m W J&« Qw^J*aimS«B^nt.,wheH' In tijicstueilo trne aav was* jottA* fitT» \Mm s|3an«a ft iiseadd B0phls fi'amoii which illpd the Sp»«i*ru m.q he w\m<i p^rtl}- jtoeqicUtaij* to dejlnto lieu JO. cilmo wh^lt_iw sat do«nt«'th6 piano witlt •his t«ck ilho gieatcv to. the Uiair 4n \$.Wch she was t*K» ' 'tig ho? ea;o irAd^btfan to produc* t onl^utfiiits^unynt, •vvnj.'jrttiio"" siis th r tied, r l OiiU't trnow jou could play thA Ad ndthtui*/but coAthlu«a perfo-intiig runs ntd trills ttJth ft II Medina's prc>m}«<mt nten died *t Jfe Us A«»*les, Ctttiternia, ham. TSWstlay owning iwfdnifcr tt« in- 1r6iituaUo«t r*c*h*4 ^Ithit to«' day sent by^$r.9* Siisiktirta XAttWr, his. *fe -• - ^(iife % Mttfteir 1XM iRpeut the swtoer part'of Willtet^ne^u Me* dlna ftud ttaa heW dhrlh^>hft sh!U< ftrer months dt each ye<i^ his health ustu dentftndea a nifttleif' «it- mate dttrthg; the winter aso&on nn.8 tor wany j'e*ti* he had spent the, winter Wbrttiij In hm Angotee, *bout to«p s*»rt sstp aha hftVt uet been a.cUv« hi Its ttfrnirs to? se.v- er*l yiartira* •flati (leiefisea WaiTln*fHea t*iee, Jli& QM *lf6 being Miss Whedlcv . « Attfe A*Dm* f Mlcl»Ht«ft, SiJiti9tH«o Htior^eirfieath-1h6 nMKtltqtt Mite Slt*»Un« JttcCnutey ot WmsvulB, ]ft}*, *lta survives Mm 3?uft uec^aseii whs A protttfnaint MusuHf. He »»e\onStSd. to- Jfodtea- £«dirtt 3ft A A. M. aWl wa* tdv •many y»ats tio«am«i> ol ihla body. He was »lso a member of Madina, whme hfi h*C»n estaWt«h«d mU Chaui^ Rv A. M. mtt} Alpl^ Otn6«a (leuco aiMt "Mutfigejfc Hi the invest «t«dt t ^t&t(qAwk * S « ' ? Mr. J I.ut1»K.was( ?3 yostrs of &&& mtjtifo $<$* at faiatyWartUo, tl^ son ut th6 ibit* Ita, |i«:lher» TW *i flaasmd Yfss'aautsuwa in thfe E4sU e?rt BualtiBS9i XfoJles*,*!. Fongh. *B#P»IR ^nKte V>*R» <tf age Ja cants tu^HtlW* Wid^ was wt> nloyea at thfe UUitw Bank In fthfeh institution he was tnteiested oil of %U Jifo and. fof a<s\ernl j-oitril was vice (nfeMenfc dud a dftectot 1 , 3?mt of jus atoqk lit Bnthm* Fmt Metfmg ' Dae to 'Hone Book Find Units vt Underfill, Julio," thottrt applauded again after n'few plfu+ Lsci, "Whtt Is that plodi" called^ iheeii',"1ie replied, allowing tt\» 8ln„ ii S 6trli?gs to lapse j{t$ »Hc»tit "is called t*to 'Otnige Boll.' i/tit, " Aiui he stood up to atugg, be-r that he Imu merely b«n MlWitJi n couple of Oftuigc 1 '! Imck and fwrJU etross Ui» kejbDirdJ — Chlrtii Post Read tbu Wanrs, ".O »jt » K-* . 4 .«;t»7 f f Two t »« ! «9tht»^ wt» 41 yiati ol« •nd tUt bthec 4S» r#»tn«y m»t fei, tUt JSat time. After the >•«*$«*: bto^hfr. .whjt» •topping jtt * bot«l in K«vr York City, by «om» oil. twfct o< laclc, cd&fiiltod tix* *rt>ni tolspMonBr directory. •TOkeoh ^tusner.' tut youagtn 4 bank Borvlc* wKn, of Ohicogo, tad; W1H*» tiWiMUr, tit* m*t>* cloth* tor wnn U K*K«rk, tt*d «9«n( ttt« lmtt o,u»rt<ir.c«ntBrr tugutely con* •clou* of tikch other'* «tUt»»s«, jostph »memb«ri4 for example that wotn *»» «. chll& la Cab ago, wn«f» h* wk« born, Wt f»th»r tola him Offal* brotbar. left in Viln% with hi* irftpdfttber. Wlllim, who $.A #pen,tjir%^tfty«t»/ft »»»teru«* ^^IOI'J. 0y|i5? m.C»* *S3J '••P. '•*•: W b'JfJfsHilB «• o 93f>B t9HW#H.-«i -hit andp«r«nts tell of s>oHi*r who had^. {alhef,jt«l j6ft*t«o»5^n>!!ir(cifc when he w«t #; »** '«m«H« $» fls* 7 ^:j&W*ir;S«t i^»rtiiii«afitli t?« tad oftrntios. fc W « a ^ " S i g S K * S ^ r t S ««IiS--««r>S»ottot th* t.t«nh««I«*. e * t J, * , * e «'*' <,I «* P .»»* JW «iiw V«fkb«fo*«. SoiQ»t»*do{con- ? tfi I > * X- •:Jr *LV*iBh^ II*"-' ^"•Si^iMrrtwwr***'***:- 'T4E t £ P HO N I cto fess »>i ":.i .*» Q .ii ttflfe «bor& i n s t a t e flf^Wjfi, rtrange ««fe*rnidiyottr heart aNfer^i^ •#• 4 '* i •>n f^fegftofe'' ^-^i«t^wi|«i^<3ta^ iu«d «wn*« ~IM»«M»> *l*.' 1 f-l' -«g| .*»» ytmr •«&«* greater con w>m*«« #S^T^'; toy errrp%« ^ai^-ililcyouj order. H^- JW< Tf NY, Cfouuclt K, A S. M,ftUot Medina. Jfiio fttts » member «E Qenessse Cimtnaudmy Kttishtjt Templnv of 3Citrcl«poU f Batt«it> Consistory and IshmalU* Temple A, A 0. K M. 1 ^. of Btttt«tO. tie Was s membto' ot the commute* who served dHiin^ tho *rectioa or thtt Maaante 'Wttv pla ou West Atentte and had at ( 1»ay* in»tnt*Mft mi invest J(n tlt& affairs of tho craft, , %t\\ iittthei* >ya» a communicant of St. Joiin'f BpJsf oi>al cinuok »uil' senior wwdeii of the \eatu. Jte uad nlway b,oeu nu activo chtuMt tvml^er Mi hM\ maintained his intmosit to church activity tUl^ ing hl» entire life time Among lifa several club* afflltft. tioitj? he maUitnlhod hut otto local ly aiul that wa» the Alott Club, » Jfun,orli ( l seijvirsiiwiH be held mt MondVaiid mutni wilt bo at Glendnlo comotcry nt l-o« Ait^elcs l*»M*>MHM 4^M^NH(MWK«*fi Dash of News •NMMtMMIMMMlMll 3 - —Old fashioned supper M. 13 Clturch Saturtlny Fob a? t S o'ciock. Piompt *or\!cO, Tickets —St. AKW3 Qulld m«ot* Moiidny e\eninj? with tim Agnca IMriifttu of Cnsin street. —Tho Indies Aid of thct BttpMat Church met with Mr*. Kilwtffd ±Tiakof of glUnbOth dtro€t thl* M\ f*CrftotS««" f,; « THE FUNDAMENT* t, 60SPBL ^ TABBBNAtll.^ (Flfttcher Chupel) Rfev.'j»n><» O. Smith <5lnist appeare.a In tM eua ot tho age <rf ltj\v to put, away sin by the Sacrifice U^HliWMnt N Je3tta Oteiat la uow at 6od v s tight hand: to savfe from the po\^ei* of sln> Tho tord Jesus Chilst is^ coming a^aln to savp hfis own from the proseaeo. $f slu. *hia is tho dcisimt ** preach f tor we t.ovd Jesus SRW, "Oo pleach the. qp&pcl," $un4ay iOtift A. T& Cltiytou Kel< deihouso o? Buffalo; ylll piieach. il!45 BIW0 School , ' $o oveuingf lie^vice on necoaht orBtWo Coht^rentSQ at Elba, Thuisday tAO I» Mr. Bftfcr Sin Eouwni clmptef XI, Mareii* pi also Service, ""^'i v We cordmily invito y«w 1«HM*j| thos^ s«nflc.es^ ^^ • Lilf i |..K, »Ji'| , i |MIW,'1I I |1 I i I Hi iff Remnant Sale N o w Goingr On| REMNANTS * One-Half Price J f LANODAXJER'S" ^\^*A%hy««M*«M i l!) Infill—J 6*b|i 4*4-t|*t»f A« a»iru h* bta i:. »i^|t^ ; iire^'^n«rif^crt** : t^^^ s f'W^I^I^e'iMialil&laajtterr .ort tracTt *i.ch ether. *ben Wile th« bretlw bi£ »t«i> tttr^nw eailuiMaid math ««•. ^v^pnao.tofKnlf, fitnnml, tb» dtrdeptucnt »f t*W* "piwu)&tti.m- **pm.ium-tm** AlthoMh «Mp»f*«V(riy r#c«nt M otnir *t«f^ fy toe> t f * « t f •*!' **r f It protud Id be th« rJjtht oat «a4 tie m«»U»# of tit* o n U»f» VM jil'O'JMi llgltt Ar# lTr^t|fjrtt«dl Due *v -toPolititfateitftnrM. "mm &mwm 1» 'te<A<A(b»ti«r **r* broojht etgh: elmo*« la atj&t* jBitfejmfapttoiw; {ltr»» During tk# # » f pr*bawg,/«itet-#V' of tw»««jr '^mf"tki>ia AmaaiBHtdor <3Nf«K# I W « r ^ m » « j i * iiutfittr jTt«!lHf. ^ * r ^ , »iefctn«Hie Mlfllsrtr Adrt** HeriiK*. «lcarMmt8 Mtatoier J«a* K, »«««« #jf P»r*tu*ya» ditfg* #Uir«tr*ji Bitbi6''!rwtoia l»r« ta*-, *lt»tf Jb* ?)»5ltienl tttf. ««wai# •**BJ^» «r-tt« .fisnt igr.'*«gtfc*,. » • Anttntin* telj*»y, aft«i o* Ike witiiefet m ubiUmme m tw* tm* *Brta# tli* Irlifoyw pr«i| ««cr, t * * c« 'lew {if* with tMti » * wr«Ia««v, -4f*!t(BMi fsMiiwj' *U*«tW t»* tTflltrf lt«t*( tartii •§a*Bef*! espesrt, (*Kiis pike*; lf - r . 3f#. Kne*«t *WM*»* itt» e»bio*t mert iim I* efcteg* <rf * «bo*« ' etftu* attt^ JitUkmin oam. •L ©*«•• •«< r«t*«Wrf Pf, JIJgB* :VteaiitjlTijiiii M riiti 1 ^'* tf~i Mil»ii'«MA ilti" fciiiiit..' W#-'if »tf*f»i *»Ith*«: fW* BVlltM rrtiff« MtoJit* IWwirtt . >m m »r«JiM *wi »*« «# ft««« ss» MI* -#. jititt, *m>- Set*,, wlw 'If iw^rtiKg * t t S « t p«y«. » . tSrfM t * ( « f» y«>»ii>»i; IMIMM Br. ,fr»W!t»«ft A. XMW M M M K of El S»f*«Ar, H* 1^1 »fk» ttctaii) f«*ft*4 tt^l, *»«#«, elKKMo «Hjrilt:o# MJNNW tM» rmi*wt H. »*ti«i^'l9r,IJ»-' 'mm mi «m#* long periea «H» (S»ftJ«* tt*Ut With •ftem Sa iptit 6wt w »hoe A fcaift ..-? g»hi^jp%i)#ifc mteft «j m<& em tiliaft' c*rtiM «Wt>»t» ! * poeK« mutt W;:w«r«r * iiryt portloo cf fond *er» iMtrvw Ww, W> *iW Jt wttb titi* kW/« »IM1 the** trtsrwr* ft tit p*koUlei*,,-' .••.-• T»* *T«it»»t tdfliKe ill tbt t«H* *rtff* t»eJc plxc* nfttr the IMfi'M* tteiitii r*flt*ry, whes th# (mptcijje** beennm pfifinhtr in Ba*l*«d. jitef. fUelu developed »* out of th*t gtmi- mt cutlery maiittfuetBrfde ceftlef* ()»the *W)d end h«* refftified to th* erftiyfit *ty t>* pr6t*d i!t(« without Th*wew*r*P«f » yettr coMffS"' 'l»'t*'.i«, ' «MfeM aitotf* r* ****io ™m& * Mtnrtr * iWUleey *rt<i i"> *»1«W* e»Ml HMM dt* fi»«n* »*ltr ^ip«em.| ; <Se*5*t»»«aeg of * m*tlc* «f «to iHgltwar fr<M KtMto t* f ** ttlMit ft*' *il*t,.**«»'«iK KMta )* fLftiiw* Hi Ail Added Tcucliof Smartnc3e ^ r«« mum . , WAR0JIO*^5 r ttem*«' forget, Jew* -e^ff.'isf %«« ui *{*• p«f<rt fteeifetl 'tor tt.wplete.nB Sp*f»g e s s e .i*'4'l.».*. • lik* «W«^;|!tesij; for- ifW^.v iSitfe* ^bt«# *t«' $«att- abfe ic**i' '.'-WWrt. •*e(ir' '.JttfptK J»- l»rk#. £****« your }«w#ffy; *ein>erlr« ^*eJ*-' 'ifim' 1M» Satm MCPHERSON .Nyat Cdld Capsules .„,—,..,«,„ k ., Nya^ptus* the Golden Cougrh Syru-p 3^<5 Honey an«l Horehonnd . w « w « * Sftc White Pine a^nd tar 25c *nd S0| Pure Cod Liver 0iL,l ^...,.L,plnl^i J | g Wam^*>le$ Cod l^iver OU.«,—, *M& Antiseptic Solntionitfor a srar^le..).-*,^ Milk of MagTic^ia ..,;*.. ^^L-^pJnww Rubbing Alcohol .... ^~ v ^ pfntai.JB : SBVES ' , I. I. '...I ••••• Ainerkafli Oil .,..,* ^^..— a«as|t< Keirt^ ibr th0 cough ^^^^tSfcJa/* Thoociite^ 33e*SSe*»1 Dr. Wests Tooth Bnishes _, s Collates Tooth Paste.«.«, *? tatjes, Nydenta Tooth Paste ... „.,.„..*-,.,.. Nyal Hoskeys for that tickling in * the Throat „*« ».*>< ,..^^ Phone 245 We De!iv«r^ ,j. rv. .,.-...»...n Regofar .$|Jt- SjSft - , ^jy^W»Mfajgtf.M''f--H*JM*'^*fc*' $3.00- SWBATERS—411 shad^ -••;' 'i?'*! Slfgbilf «?It«f^ White Uwy lo»t. A f*w« C1lllrf««** Sweaier* itro tfifi.idsif. $2.#and $2.ae MOUSI »»iSiM" S^iiriife fc*' ftfiJei ^ear» tftd ,»»Bjy)liWBW»%vAft>HWl<^, *•** Bratu' «** 0r<«c» -.fb*> "i»{c»t ityte- Ail th* rtrw* icefcrf »«tf ojrttisrMji. Slee»' I * to sfv KeguMr MM r»lwe*« Better D.r«»i**'#-.«aiu«*'"«p i»" * f -efe - SlM»—«fw ttyie*.,-«ew- i t i s i * - . * *P. new tHMtettKle, f^teef SjMfiif*; ttr^wefr.->^«6|t**- ' .' ^ j . -Prfiitt,. W&fe -i« all' - ^ . "S tttjttlng Spi'lrig -^ofe^ff J t •**«#?; ';. ,-,;•:' *»ifi«ty. WiriwHw*.**? * -M**^ >»• HATS :.t- ' '• ; oew SSprlitir .rtr«t»i rsitfttr,. i % ct7»(*lHM» **<* «h« .lilt with . tktir ttmi fou*hf* tiling »«ff««» l|Ji*||i FDttL Cit A««Ci §F Qlimi A»" oikr'etMTs .w*t .*«*« lueiKriefii.f*,'.," ^ IgrCSS I fl.011 tillII "M0C C II a

Transcript of t9HW#H.-«inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066521/1932-02-26/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · Advertisements...

Advertisements SfEOUS—WANTED

-Girl loi general house perences required, Mi.* [Bowen,' 727 West Cen.

H 1 *.v

at-Pttb: MFz&f&f tmgSn, Peterj' KM mile ujpB^feRiclge' fortif of;<Fmmr, Shuts. f 3 at "l^toofc shaip 20 fees, lu'Wevr Yoric State rerms Cash Delivered I Jtesbitt 2UC&

•nscaetijojEous FOR SAXJB «

POil SALE—-Pan mitehedWrse^, 7*and 8'yeais bid ' C D lie-Van


Brown & PhiHrpson's plaflin| /mil at HorneU wis partially' d& ^trojedMiy flr^t,wrtb. a loss'1; 6t t§5,000 , j

Miss Meinotte L Chapman of Ovul has been elected supermteni dent of schools fort he first super "wsoiy district of Seneca County

Hon Specialists tFAflipffiffltEKERS, jaCtJSB/ANDS* arid WIVEb.

one of yourl fosredi ones are 311 you ciaU a doctor—and es you a,pr«^ciiption-^nd you wartb it filled vSa,s; the

bait Wave- to>te&e it to^Rochester- pr-' « £ Bata'vfcv <B'ECA.lFS^-ri|^t *here in $

[own town there! is a drug Store that specialises on pre-|ons—that JS adequately equipped for any emergency— tiey have a stock of drugs, chemical?, biologecnles<and es that is not surpassed in many stores in the cities.

itgrestanptlon yfill be filled by licensed pharmacists who (lied hundreds) of prescriptions in leading dnJggtcttfrQa? [ Vtark State, ysteludmg Stew "Stork CSty and Buffalo, and why wie are prescription specialists* '

.' bo ycajjT guide anal rule when you> want JUST

ight & Ross Drug Store Prescription Specialists J

Phone "We Deliver' , J {JPPDINA: , N> Y . 1

__ The Medina I )a i Iy t Jouy^l F i ' M ^ ^ b y a a i y 26,1032 *— — 1 n m w l o tj t ^ ' i ».*


PERSONALS-~~) ^MJss Agnes. 0 Connell is in Bttfr

?fsilo today "Mrs jTsfrWei is.pending tlte day ^ Bjuta.tr , ,; N

Miss Helen \\ lute o£ Batavia is ia town foi the vieek end

Mis Georgt Bell of East Shelby is the sues of Iter cousin. Mis rioience Oilfield

Mrs A«le'U Bnncey Sif'jRai&lft, is visiting Vt and ifrs A* IL WW lett of South \ venue.

Mr. and AIr0 E F Purcell of Bufcalo weie guests of Mr. and Mrs Cnailet. A Ingetsoll the hist of the week

Mis Trancis E Couley left Thursday to srend a few days with >ier motltei Mis Helen Citfcan la Scranton, Pa


Mr? Howard Hoffmnter and dajnghteis, Hele-iUJpana and Mam amte, spent rrida\ w.tjt Mis* Helen R Wlute m Bata\U.

Mr and Mrs Beiuaid Schoiick and daughter have returned to Chicago after brje*hdft»g the ueek erfd with mai Stfelby relati\fcip J fMr. and Mrs Max Edgett' aW' daughters Dorothy of Buffalo call ed on hsi grandmothei, Mrs Vesta Post ihe fust of the week

^ B.oJsJfiatt "Suakft Farm" i t a l i c - restitute BB|antjtn, Sdo

raffik BwEtlt iǤiAatly ^VnSwn $s ^jrai^'Siialie ffijito," theUe ars'srinlsea from all sections of that <-ountiy.

Page 5'

P -ivrntsSa \fiomer«/.- Luther Dies at Los Angeles Home


tViUlnur F Q'Oradj ahd nls a!s

sad allKaefettpjl sttfae'iiiithj' •ftw%omer J«tom* Rafter* one HtX\m IftiWtuiou ha Ntfsjnjsmt $t

Benefit Party

safitlzatma; held a $ 6 $ $ ^ Wnrfa*

home or Via AlotWo A\at*fB> ?*fet Cenier stieet Eight tables tsere iU ulay, the prfsea hemg awaraed to "Vlrs Er^in BO'Aeii and to. C N Eudtl

^natloinl law reqniTOS tpujpne to i plpso' llo Hffe%eefa¥M Sfofe( tile \ce , 4ot I H Y i u u

capWre alt venomous snakes and itew species of rjomcaiomtms ones, grpjt eaiuc%ie£B tnftd not Tfie,'de)ft}lj "$tff$&Ko%rsiKitfeS wlUi not eat In cnp'tlvlty und soon die. 'io-replenish the supply fo» cermn. tO sodfecS arrive Oatly, tKin^ported free hv tho railroads 'Iho %rm was CrsWarted1 as a hobhy byttA. Vital Braaa, who lives npar IUO do .Twiel-tot'j Besides mnhufactui'lug scrum, tho institute breeds the nwrtflrnmn. tho enemj of ftiir deadly sual?#, tho jararnen. Jts bite Is not deadlj to man, and: u lives ou othqr snaiw ^ref^ninff poisonous etnea.

Irtow Palnt«y 3Preduc»J, T h a t " ^ o t t ^ l u ! B*w4*"

* *An»oh«i otlter y^pefrte^ j f — * ^ f >°i bo^Wntfi1, ha!S^ paj j f e f L*''lft''pr<igsia«^Wte

of art Jnst beeauso they think U*s tho moper UUOB t* Ofr Atta; ho u i e\- $ r m d ^ ^ t to sWwlug th«m W J&« Qw^J*aimS«B^nt.,wheH'

In tijicstueilo trne aav was* jottA* fitT» \Mm s|3an«a ft iiseadd B0phls fi'amoii which illpd the Sp»«i*ru m.q he w\m<i p ^ r t l } - jtoeqicUtaij* to dejlnto lieu JO. cilmo wh lt_iw sat do«nt«'th6 piano witlt •his t«ck i lho gieatcv to. the Uiair 4n \$.Wch she was t*K» ' 'tig ho? ea;o irAd^btfan to produc* t onl^utfiiits^unynt,

•vvnj.'jrttiio"" siis th r tied, r l OiiU't trnow jou could play thA

Ad ndthtui*/but coAthlu«a perfo-intiig runs ntd trills ttJth

ft II

Medina's prc>m}«<mt nten died *t Jfe Us A«»*les, Ctttiternia, ham. TSWstlay owning iwfdnifcr tt« in-1r6iituaUo«t r*c*h*4 f» ^ I t h i t to«' day sent by^$r.9* Siisiktirta XAttWr, his. * f e -• -

^(iife % Mttfteir 1XM iRpeut the swtoer part'of Willtet^ne^u Me* dlna ftud ttaa heW dhrlh^>hft sh!U< ftrer months dt each ye<i^ his health ustu dentftndea a nifttleif' «it-mate dttrthg; the winter aso&on nn.8 tor wany j'e*ti* he had spent the, winter Wbrttiij In hm Angotee,

*bout to«p s*»rt sstp aha hftVt uet been a.cUv« hi Its ttfrnirs to? se.v-er*l yiartira*

•flati (leiefisea WaiTln*fHea t*iee, Jli& QM *lf6 being Miss Whedlcv . « Attfe A*Dm*f Mlcl»Ht«ft, SiJiti9tH«o Htior^eirfieath-1h6 nMKtltqtt Mite Slt*»Un« JttcCnutey ot WmsvulB, ]ft}*, *lta survives Mm

3?uft uec^aseii whs A protttfnaint MusuHf. He »»e\onStSd. to- Jfodtea-£«dirtt 3ft A A. M. aWl wa* tdv •many y»ats tio«am«i> ol ihla body. He was »lso a member of Madina,

whme hfi h*C»n estaWt«h«d mU Chaui^ Rv A. M. mtt} Alpl^ Otn6«a (leuco aiMt "Mutfigejfc Hi the invest «t«dtt t&t(qAwk * S « ' ?

Mr.JI.ut1»K.was( ?3 yostrs of &&& mtjtifo $<$* at faiatyWartUo, t l^ son ut th6 ibit* Ita, |i«:lher» TW * i flaasmd Yfss'aautsuwa in thfe E4sU e?rt BualtiBS9i XfoJles*,*!. Fongh.

*B#P»IR ^ n K t e V > * R » <tf age J a cants tu^HtlW* Wid was wt> nloyea at thfe UUitw Bank In fthfeh institution he was tnteiested oil of %U Jifo and. fof a<s\ernl j-oitril was vice (nfeMenfc dud a dftectot1,

3?mt of jus atoqk lit

Bnthm* Fmt Metfmg ' Dae to 'Hone Book Find

Units vt Underfill, Julio," thottrt applauded again after n'few plfu+ Lsci, "Whtt Is that plodi" called^

iheeii',"1ie replied, allowing tt\» 8ln„ iiS 6trli?gs to lapse j{t$ »Hc»tit "is called t*to 'Otnige Boll.' i/tit,

" Aiui he stood up to atugg, be-r that he Imu merely b«n MlWitJi n couple of Oftuigc1'! Imck and fwrJU etross Ui» kejbDirdJ — Chlrtii Post

Read tbu Wanrs,

".O »jt » K-* . 4 i« . « ; t » 7 ff

Twot»«!«9tht»^ wt» 41 yiati ol« •nd tUt bthec 4S» r#»tn«y m»t fei, tUt JSat time. After the >•«*$«*: bto^hfr. .whjt» •topping jtt * bot«l in K«vr York City, by «om» oil. twfct o< laclc, cd&fiiltod tix* *rt>ni tolspMonBr directory.

•TOkeoh tusner.' tut youagtn 4 bank Borvlc* wKn, of Ohicogo, tad; W1H*» tiWiMUr, tit* m*t>* cloth* tor wnn U K*K«rk, tt*d «9«n( ttt« lmtt o,u»rt<ir.c«ntBrr tugutely con* •clou* of tikch other'* «tUt»»s«, jostph »memb«ri4 for example that wotn h» *»» «. chll& la Cab ago, wn«f» h* wk« born, Wt f»th»r tola him Offal* brotbar. left in Viln% with hi* irftpdfttber. Wlllim, who

$.A #pen,tjir%^tfty«t»/ft »»»teru«*

^^IOI'J. 0y|i5? m.C»* *S3J

'••P. ' • * • : W b'JfJfsHilB «• o



-hit andp«r«nts tell of s>oHi*r who had^. {alhef,jt«l

j6ft*t«o»5 n>!!ir(cifc when he w«t #;

»** '«m«H« $» fls*

7 ^:j&W*ir;S«t i^»rtii i i«afitli

t ? « tad oftrnt ios . fc W « a ^ " S i g S K * S ^ r t S ««IiS--««r>S»ottot th* t.t«nh««I«*.e* t*»J ,* ,*e«'*' <,I«*P .»»* JW

«iiw V«fkb«fo*«. SoiQ»t»*do{con-



I > *

X- •:Jr *LV*iBh^



'T4E t £ P HO N I c t o fess


":.i . * »


. i i

ttflfe «bor& i n s t a t e M » flf^Wjfi,

rtrange ««fe* rnidi yottr heart aNfer^i^ •#•

4'* i

•>n f^fegftofe' ' ^ - ^ i « t ^w i | « i ^<3 ta^

iu«d «wn*« ~IM»«M»> *l*.'



- « g | . * » » ytmr •«&«*

grea ter con w>m*««

# S ^ T ^ ' ; t o y errrp%« ^ a i ^ - i l i l c y o u j order.


JW< T f NY,

Cfouuclt K, A S. M, ftU ot Medina. Jfiio fttts » member «E Qenessse Cimtnaudmy Kttishtjt Templnv of 3Citrcl«poUf Batt«it> Consistory and IshmalU* Temple A, A 0. K M.1^. of Btttt«tO. tie Was s membto' ot the commute* who served dHiin^ tho *rectioa or thtt Maaante 'Wttv pla ou West Atentte and had a t (1»ay* in»tnt*Mft mi inves t J(n tlt& affairs of tho craft, , %t\\ iittthei* >ya» a communicant of St. Joiin'f BpJsf oi>al cinuok »uil' senior wwdeii of the \eatu. Jte uad nlway b,oeu nu activo chtuMt tvml^er Mi hM\ maintained his intmosit to church activity tUl ing hl» entire life time

Among lifa several club* afflltft. tioitj? he maUitnlhod hut otto local ly aiul that wa» the Alott Club, » Jfun,orli(l seijvirsiiwiH be held mt MondVaiid mutni wilt bo at Glendnlo comotcry nt l-o« Ait^elcs

l * » M * > M H M 4^M^NH(MWK«*fi

Dash of News •NMMtMMIMMMlMll 3

- —Old fashioned supper M. 13 Clturch Saturtlny Fob a?t S o'ciock. Piompt *or\!cO, Tickets

—St. AKW3 Qulld m«ot* Moiidny e\eninj? with tim Agnca IMriifttu of Cnsin street.

—Tho Indies Aid of thct BttpMat Church met with Mr*. Kilwtffd

±Tiakof of glUnbOth dtro€t thl* M\ f*CrftotS««"f,; «


(Flfttcher Chupel) Rfev.'j»n><» O. Smith

<5lnist appeare.a In tM eua ot tho age <rf ltj\v to put, away sin by the Sacrifice U^HliWMnt NJe3tta Oteiat la uow at 6odvs tight hand: to savfe from the po\ ei* of sln> Tho tord Jesus Chilst is coming a^aln to savp hfis own from the proseaeo. $f slu. *hia is tho dcisimt * * preach f tor we t.ovd Jesus SRW, "Oo pleach the. qp&pcl,"

$un4ay iOtift A. T& Cltiytou Kel< deihouso o? Buffalo; ylll piieach. il!45 BIW0 School , ' $o oveuingf lie^vice on necoaht orBtWo Coht rentSQ at Elba,

Thuisday tAO I» Mr. Bftfcr Sin Eouwni clmptef XI, Mareii* pi also Service, " " ^ ' i

v We cordmily invito y«w 1«HM*j| thos^ s«nflc.es^ ^ ^ • L i l f i i« | . . K , » J i ' | , i |MIW,'1I

I |1 I i I H i iff

Remnant Sale Now Goingr O n | REMNANTS *

One-Half Price J

f LANODAXJER'S" ^\^*A%hy««M*«M i l!) I n f i l l — J

6*b|i 4*4-t|*t»f A« a»iru h* bta i : . » i^ | t^ ; i i re^ '^n«r i f^cr t** : t^^^ s

f 'W^I^I^e ' iMia l i l&laa j t te r r .ort tracTt 6» *i.ch ether. *ben Wile

th« bretlw bi£ »t«i> tt tr^nw eailuiMaid math ««•.

^ v ^ p n a o . t o f K n l f ,

fitnnml, tb» dtrdeptucnt »f t*W* • "piwu)&tti.m- **pm. ium-tm**

AlthoMh «Mp»f*«V(riy r#c«nt M

otnir *t«f^ fy toe> tf*«tf •*!'

**rf It protud Id be th« rJjtht oat «a4 t ie m«»U»# of tit* on U»f» V M jil'O'JMi •

llgltt Ar# lTr^t|fjrtt«dl Due *v -toPolititfateitftnrM.

"mm &mwm 1» 'te<A<A(b»ti«r **r* broojht etgh: elmo*« la atj&t* jBitfejmfapttoiw; {ltr»» During tk# #»f pr*bawg,/«itet-#V' of tw»««jr

'^mf"tki>ia AmaaiBHtdor <3Nf«K# I W « r ^ m » « j i * iiutfittr jTt«!lHf. ^ * r ^ , »iefctn«Hie Mlfllsrtr Adrt** HeriiK*. «lcarMmt8 Mtatoier J«a* K, »«««« #jf P»r*tu*ya» ditfg* #Uir«tr*ji Bitbi6''!rwtoia l»r« ta*-, *lt»tf Jb* ?)»5ltienl tttf. ««wai# •**BJ^» «r-tt« .fisnt igr.'*«gtfc*,. •

» • Anttntin* telj*»y, aft«i o* Ike witiiefet m ubiUmme m tw* tm* *Brta# tli* Irlifoyw p r « i | ««c r , t * * c« 'lew {if* with tMti

» * wr«Ia««v, -4f*!t(BMi fsMiiwj' *U*«tW t»* tTflltrf l t« t* ( tartii

•§a*Bef*! espesrt, (*Kiis S« pike*;lf-r

. 3f#. Kne*«t *WM*»* t« itt» e»bio*t

mert iim I* efcteg* <rf * «bo*«

' etftu* attt^ JitUkmin oam. •L ©*«•• •«< r«t*«Wrf Pf, JIJgB*

:VteaiitjlTijiiii M • riiti1^'* tf~i Mil»ii'«MA i l t i " fciiiiit..'

W#-'if »tf*f»i *»Ith*«: fW* BVlltM rrtiff« MtoJit* IWwirtt . >m m »r«JiM *wi »*« J« «# ft««« ss» MI* -#. jititt, u» *m>-

Set*,, wlw 'If iw rtiKg *t tS«t p«y«.

» . tSrfM t * ( « f» y«>»ii>»i; IMIMM Br. ,fr»W!t»«ft A. XMW

M M M K of El S»f*«Ar, H* 1^1

»fk» ttctaii) f«*ft*4 tt^l,

*»«#« , elKKMo «Hjrilt:o# MJNNW tM» rm i *w t H. »*ti«i^'l9r,IJ»-'

'mm mi «m#*

long periea «H» (S»ftJ«* tt*Ut With •ftem Sa iptit 6wt w »hoe A fcaift ..-? g»hi^jp%i)#ifc mteft «j m<& em tiliaft' c*rtiM «Wt>»t»! * poeK« mutt W;:w«r«r * iiryt portloo cf fond *er» iMtrvw Ww, W> *iW Jt wttb titi* kW/« »IM1 the** trtsrwr* ft tit p*koUlei*,,-' . • • . -•

T»* *T«it»»t tdfliKe ill tbt t«H* *rtff* t»eJc plxc* nfttr the IMfi'M* tteiitii r*flt*ry, whes th# (mptcijje** beennm pfifinhtr in Ba*l*«d. jitef. fUelu developed »* out of th*t gtmi-mt cutlery maiittfuetBrfde ceftlef* ()»the *W)d end h«* refftified to th* erftiyfit *ty t>* pr6t*d i!t(« without

Th*wew*r*P«f » yettr coMffS"' 'l»'t*'.i«, '


aitotf* r* ****io ™m& * Mtnrtr * iWUleey *rt<i i"> *»1«W* e»Ml HMM dt* fi»«n* »*ltr ip«em.|

; <Se*5*t»»«aeg of * m*tlc* «f «to iHgltwar f r<M KtMto t*

f ** ttlMit ft*' *il*t,.**«»'«iK KMta )* fLftiiw* Hi

Ail Added Tcucliof Smartnc3e ^ r«« mum

. , WAR0JIO*^5 r

ttem*«' forget, Jew* -e^ff.'isf %«« ui *{*• p«f<rt i» fteeifetl 'tor

tt.wplete.nB Sp*f»g e s s e .i*'4'l.».*.

• lik* «W«^;|!tesij; for- ifW^.v iSitfe* ^ b t « # *t«' $«att-abfe ic**i ' '.'-WWrt.

•*e(ir' '.JttfptK J»-l»rk#. £****« your }«w#ffy; *ein>erlr« ^*eJ*-' 'ifim' 1M»


MCPHERSON .Nyat Cdld Capsules .„,—,..,«,„k., Nya^ptus* the Golden Cougrh Syru-p 3 <5 Honey an«l Horehonnd . w « w « * Sftc White Pine a nd t a r 25c *nd S 0 | Pure Cod Liver 0 i L , l ^...,.L,plnl^i J | g Wam^*>le$ Cod l^iver OU.«,—, *M& Antiseptic Solntionitfor a srar^le..).-*,^ Milk of MagTic^ia ..,;*.. ^^L-^pJnww Rubbing Alcohol .... ^~v^ pfntai.JB

: SBVES ' , I . I. ' . . . I • • • • •

Ainerkafli Oil .,..,* ^ ..— a«as|t< Keirt^ ibr th0 cough ^^^^tSfcJa/* Thoociite^ 33e*SSe*»1 Dr. Wests Tooth Bnishes _,s

Collates Tooth Paste.«.«, *? tatjes, Nydenta Tooth Paste ... „.,.„..*-,.,.. Nyal Hoskeys for that tickling in *

the Throat „*« ».*>< ,.. ^ Phone 245 We De!iv«r^

,j .rv. .,.-...»...n

Regofar .$|Jt- SjSft -, ^jy^W»Mfajgtf.M''f--H*JM*'^*fc*'

$3.00- SWBATERS—411 s h a d ^ -••;' 'i?'*!

Slfgbilf «?It«f^ White Uwy lo»t. A f*w« C1lllrf««** Sweaier* itro tfifi.idsif.

$2.#and $2.ae MOUSI »»iSiM" S^iiriife fc*' ftfiJei ^ear» tftd

, » » B j y ) l i W B W » % v A f t > H W l < ^ , * • * *

Bratu' «** 0r<«c» -.fb*> "i»{c»t ityte- Ail th* rtrw* icefcrf »«tf ojrttisrMji. Slee»' I * to sfv

KeguMr MM r»lwe*«

Better D.r«»i**'#-.«aiu«*'"«p i»" * f -efe-

SlM»—«fw ttyie*.,-«ew- i t isi*-. * * P . new tHMtettKle,

f^teef SjMfiif*; ttr^wefr.->^«6|t**- ' .' ^ j . -Prfiitt,. W&fe - i« all' - ^ . " S tttjttlng Spi'lrig - ofe ff J t •**«#?; ';. ,-,;•:' *»ifi«ty.

WiriwHw*.**? * - M * * ^ >»•

HATS :.t- ' '•

A»; oew SSprlitir .rtr«t»i rsitfttr,. i % ct7»(*lHM» **<* «h« .lilt with

. tktir ttmi fou*hf* tiling »«ff««» l|Ji*||i

FDttL Cit A « « C i §F Qlimi A»" oikr'etMTs .w*t .*«*« lueiKriefii.f*,'.," ^

IgrCSS I fl.011 tillII "M0C C

