
*t -waiBia-BBiBilS -a-_ at a-. rt wm frw the tV-**t- AaBBara f, « vew aiata-at t-_r- aanll a ..a**, Oa* ike .»8-r «-*_*' I i 8aa-t ta irwlf _fe,.-. Ibe *ar.k ltr« 8la_. te tb. rtatoto. that « aaiti) »n i_f.b.c_»tioul_li.-re-_a, d_iitii._. -i-rk_rf*>, erntfoet j , 0 peiMiu'.'j ..l.tljatioi.. au- be ee-t/-_ded Uai tbli eatry did not , Ba^i'M^'f I Im> oa'.y frand tifauyi totamikted, wu ap-ti Wiii. J. _-_». ar.. tbe eat. bataf aiade to et'a-riib a eradit to fe-Dj. and not lodeltodaat, wbofet lathei aloae became ratponn _-. frt tbo BO D- J obtei&eH. Mr _._-_¦ r..-'l..e- bj n,-n.ittlug lha folluva.4 poiiita fer Bae Jnif to charfe upcn; >W>r. Iutrii»<aae ihe Jqry may not lejUly proenine tbe ln- rtt u -efi.ud aolery ft' m tae hlaa. eutry, avea if the; ualieve toBehi.hi botvmo 1 Ibe inten*. to detrai.d m.rt b. prove4 to tbe (atlaiao- taaa ef tbe Jury ra..- II B....I ae pmvoi a. Uid ta tbe tadlctnient, vi.: " Aa -Bteul 4-. _eti_ua* it.eOank." FottriA 1 TV eatry allefej to be falae ia not eo* wliick, ia Baw, and wil'.ln tbe roeann. ar tbe .tat-te, 1.ia*»d, dl*ptiar|ed, Biiu-uiibed, tb. ieae-d, er lu auy u.-nuer a ty pe.-aUry «t iratiop, BBataa, or credit. nor did it p.rport to do elt'.-r. >V-* If if.«- tjm .'ioii tn- left to the Jury to aay whether tha aa-ry iii m did not oi-ate, di.M_t_.fe, B.ait-iab increaae, or la aay .aai_»r afle-'t »Jiy peeuniary obifaiuu. daloi. or o.edit. ar ShMl-ar_iypu-p_rt«.«U-a ao fc-ect*. by .och entry, theo ey a__et be *-'.i«t.rd ao thi. point beyo-d all r»_aon_b> dmbt Ba orJei bt eaevi't AioiK- If theJjrv b.Uevel!«thed-/and»Bt laWnied by tha fchwenury tocou. eal or covor up eoo* fraud or oruue already .._-VU.J .w V..' .«. V. \w._. . ... ..... .. .- aaauulWid, aaB not to eBert a preaent fra.d ot MM by *t .aehoatiy. ho e.tmaot bo c-nv .etod aa-*r ibe Lodk t«i-t>t. Koototh Iftti* Jury taeliev. that thr pilllBBI rnadr the .-Jm mmUo vrHh the lataat to defrmud Vv aa. J. Laae, _ . in *.«> _U-al ajaoae-iy, then the priMner oa.aot be convieto- uud-x tne -.Bti&di-t. Attpmtt lh-ee-iDoaviieaeeiatbi. 00m that the Bank wa. ta^way dvlra.Uvd by tbe eutry proved .n tw. caae, whieh ix. a_»8a4i*_w_H. aliVr.-to be fei-e. - . ___ MaaiA li, pi-vcarr t. eiaati-a to be ae* _t_-,*.«»".*». WltTbm^l^tbt^mtj no\"ol-. »___»«« -l-«->a ». al^^a^r^pe-wW-awlalhei^iB. a^r -j, TiTe__rv-ii>8e" W -etel.«, c.ldaot iu -oi.tom- *)__1_r^ ialVr-S tb^oan- or leaa to lt. hou.* J- .-.ide-, ."i-T^l'-'eloTrv fekiwed. an-. Inalloalm to tha ib-rty-alaa In- ^,tita.aiinrt tbe priwuer, drfendod hi_o_elf Irom aay 3__rtl%ef-.jiii_lowar_tbepn»..nrr He o-cl..re4 bui-tea. Nfc^ony e-rryiDdlelrneutui.lil oltalned « c/>i,vl't.o.i oa ¦Wo fthe-_._--w1.-iit-aloouvictlon.hoaU oe ob__ne_, aad or 4e-e- proDO-tv-d. and the pri.oner ou Ua way to .ufier that aa-aoaca be »be.ld -han-ori th- oUora. He aobmittwl the fol- WiBcpolDUe theb_r!» of _i.»r_uu_-f. L ioproverhe exUieu^e of tha Corporalion of the K-ton * 1'rhehea.pinioftl* book by that eorporation in wUBB th« *a__ltt-l M_AtT W_J __**ll'. a ^Tlhe eotrv hy whicl. tbe cUirr. on the bank w_.n_de- and 4. Thr _-a__-| auch vntry wl-b intent to def.aid. Me UaaarocVded to i-i-e that proot of iIb«^J_ «ha eoip..ranonaad of the heopinso: tha- .ookreferr-d to by the wr. perfectly clear, a. wm alao tho xn-kin* ot tbe eu- 8n bv th. pi.aoner, while ov.ry .urroaadii-lscUcuii.ataii-ealiow- Jfthli-t-r.t to -Jfraad.-nd the jury .hould lufer that mteut B«a>iui-U ae-*, (aat aa If th»y aaw a man throw aiton-a. a B-a- ,_!. u. tWwai. Ji«y would h-BW-^a-aaa-» .ag Sra, earh aa that heinlrnriad to try how atrou* lt wm. kc tt-_t Bauito-deabv lhat ktto hreak tho window. .»_.»__, W.., the DUUiVt Atto.u-y c«_c!-d<-d h ,.rii.n..D-, Mr. R *> _tIUI jI iVf-Mllll- -.efoUowuxi addi-loual point on Ba_B- ^ifibe ..._¦_£. *"T i-aaon-ble doubt. in vtew of the evidenee Ji^» B-kU-8 t.ct.: Th_t tb-dofoi.dujl a>_d- thr entry art foilh ln tbe i.,ai.tmeut with the mteutto r«ra,lMr 'uJtonBank: that tbe entry of .«.«'/ dia-...rred, .3_»»n-hrd. iuorajaaed. or crraled a «*i»«.ar» oblig-ljou, clabn. StTe-t or pu-veite- to ereate one of au.n or tne entrv waar ,_de bijorelbt. fraod wa. r-rpetrate-, ai.d not aHeritari, vrkh a view to rover ,.p previ.u. oef.khiio.i- or w.11. any otner «wrw of that chaj-tter, .uch doubt. are the property of tlie pri.- .oor. and Uenju.t beacqaitled. «.« J uilue procerd-d lo charae the .luiy t-y remarkiuK th.t il wm not ofte-.i lhat the dut.e. of . Court and a Jory wrre pleaa- aat aa^ u,auy c-«e. c*n.e bolora them WBtefc were de.-,deJly aat >a«aut, »nd tne preaent, fom the po..tS.n and toarn'ter of _- parvToi, trial. vimouv. WLUe the Co'.rt and tbe Jury f-it *M* tbey abcold not le-. their interfere witl. JaaBaa. fSaJudJ.-then rrad tothe Jury lhe atat-te under wiuch M arwrier wa.iDdieted. Tne oBen»e ondw that law tbe Jury _^ making the entry ai-.h the lnt.-ut of d-fr.udm* Ihr » ulton Bank To prdva t-M *f7en»e, it wm neeeafary for M'. nro.eruti-n toprove: l lhat the >rtry trot by tho pnaoaor. 8. 1 Lat Uie vutry ww falao. , t That it wm iu a book oi aaeousU fcept by fc tuooeyed tor- __i»tioi! aaithiu lhe btate. , 1 Tbat it ctontri, u_.|orU»d lo ereate, or lu _i} B-_a_er BJ- tmnOi » P*1uu.ry ooligauou. *. Th.tthe.ulertwMU)-e-T»udtho-orTK)r-Oori. . IU Honor tben wout over the to.ti_uoBy, ahowln- that tbo 4.. propoaitim »m r.v.d, aaJthtttbe »^M;^?*- aaa -awo bj the pariie. puipori-H to -Tmv it and wm di.wn VtSm of apwaoWwh. -io uol««_ Tueea f*. f .hoiiid b* ewaidortd _Ttoi->a.toth*i^oo-<l e..*-iu»ion t,- q *t,. lo _. v.irvi-ered a. - aiatler of he were theu thr fouitb aud hfth ae-->ooiiioo.,*-cl.b,. Honorleli VotboJory He oonii-lered Baa u-akinr fc a__a a-HJ '" » '*"* ¦*_ b? tb" bu- for lL'" >lJr" »..e..f_i-i-*..i.l. waaanoflVn*. On Mi. B--.l.'a fitat poiut tl_" J-'dret-artodthr Jnry fmvorabiv, re-axkiuc that 'juloa. whet oit t..'.M,.,er tLe ri.:. j aa UBoadad lo -i-f,u.,d, h«. aa«U uo) br louud .l.illy but thr q'.r.iiou -f uilere.! w«. eullrely ror trat lwy, *bo ahoulJ ,ud»e trouu fcll the aurroundi-r. droaa.taaoaa, wl»u tbe entry waa made. b-it-fierwara. lfmeywere ahid tb»t tte -tant to defr»ud did not e.i«t. they would a.- 1 tho prUo-er aud rwe rmu. wiih reaaid to tue Jud«r a third Dt thi. Jury ahould he Mliannd that the en _y waa tntended to «M«U or afleci a petumary o- lijtti-.n. If tne r.try wm intendea ** delra-d any peraon otnet than tho hanB, tben. m tbe tm na*' Ior tbe pnaoner auueaod, be wm aot ,i«i!e lt aaa aot ner«Maiy fur tbtu. le kuow wbelher _,_ue wa. ot wm pmx Indebied lo the bank. The q-eoi-on wm .loiply M U> tha kHrat of U»e prUouer U.* Hunu. rrierr-- 10 U.e aaaoaaaaaa ^l|_V-0-'i eonte-aiou, bul thu to Mon-gnar 2_H.t.«-- w ¦ »._ o^v":! bT __f^_ZS__4h t__~U Ihru ll .l.-ul.l e.'lud-l. If r.e-yn.dv.|....t-..,3 _a__^' however, ther. the Ju., .honld .:ve ,1 the attention ti rathltwMeuiltUd, -ud, i.'tbe, lialll lat. co-.ulrr»uo. -_hry oad th. additlou-J fart thal thr notoWM rnadr P'TttJ-'V . ¦vthu-lpe-on. Ho wm a.ked to chargr t-at ,'ibr p-ra« _aa.-_.dlo defr.udhi. fatn.r and not the bank, heanouldrx aeaiuiMed. Hal...,.al.«.'. . ln r.Bar.inp. aeo. ..di..|.v. y. Jwr wr.-kl, therefore taae all tkeaa cirrumalaa.-ea into ..aaid «rau-rj. _:.d. 11 they ware .ati.bed that the protwution Bal .ot n_ade out their cmc awordiug ta the point. «a.;ned by him, _b«a thoy ahould aoqo.t, c.therwi-e tboy woold oonviet. 81 r tl.- Jud_a U. cha_rM: lhat lhe act under whicb it i. a_»_-»r_ lhat the Fulton Bank _.. becoine _n orn_ii-ed i^rroration re^oiro. that -ho-aawa. .£!_ VLt?"',** of .11 tbe .haieooldor. .-*.! be .t*f_ ln tb. artl- ^___7to_!^»t«a. the ..aaw. of ,erulo Tmatreo, Midlha alJawh-rftte.* Ja.prrtivelv beld, or purpoit-d to noli, are ^._____r_s»i^iS_Sjf?i^city °f ^mmotm\mmmSr^^ Thoni^o- the attoruey, i. uot ,i»en, 6K aharea be'.nf trb d.wn *". ^Tb.Uh'tbo al*e...'« of IheM eleroeuU. tbe .**.¦>> are void, nmi ib,r. " to- ES itmtto view ot law a b-l, o. au la-M-tian .aaaWe of-eluade'-rmdrd. _..._¦ BlM'b.l. -hawfirre, tbe defrtdant *>-ouldbe aoqulttji The J-d.. aaid tbat lt wm a uew humUou auout tbe l-fcuk. wakh wm rtitt i by tht otber parta of tia charge, and ratuaod to ^TiTj'-Ty'r'l.tUrdat 21 o'clo-h. and MBBBSi- 3:10, be_g out Maus-tea, with a verdL't ofOii.ty. __.____, MTHolineairava n-ti«- that the oooiiatl foi the pri.oner wouJ4 aJJe ra. . mw trial, aaal Hr. -«d| «vt not-oe that oa -T-M-radBT tbe w-aecutton wonld f.r. udan.ent- ^Bcw-T--aa_|aWa^ tojionday. »t ta ovioc*. HUPIU-M^ CX)l 'BT.OaaiBB__ T»K¥.Faa. n-Kafora Jov -uaao aiTiBiiaa*. Bovaav aai-iMiim. . j__.18Ui.NS. Yttor A. moTiiaii aft St. Jobii't Church of Yon- k.ra. lhe otder of a-firiuaufe ia thi. eui waa Lrre|i.larly en- tafod aad ua.ft be aet Mide. Mcri.u p,.--uted without coau. Oarret D Haabrouok agt. David Hyan.- The order dated Mareb U. 1888, revomoi, and au order .raated that Ihe j..f»'*i.i ... t..a.oli<.n be Ojieu-J, an.) d_ie_.ia-<t p«ri_.itt-il lu r*n.* ia fcj__.-tf.n_. Jun.ea Uir'ow agt. David Kyan..Tna bJIowuj--. to ¦lauiiUO .a t_I. fc< tion mnr. oe re.l .ted to bve cer eent en tbe aruo.r.t-.0 alm »t tbe t_iu» of tha reuiIitioL 01 thojuds-oeat. Order Mroidi-tiy Hoim-u r__(__ agt. taje__nan ana Crc-ime..Order nt BperifcjTet-.J-odified pur..'.it 10 opiuiun, wiihoal coat*; to ba .««.-:. ontvo d.y.'_..i,~- fcobmaou &. I'araoua ag'. F.dwm t. Blo_a__.Order -1* Mpe ai '1'erm dated Nov. -¦-, l»S->, vac*ti_f ».t*ca_.eBt, ro veiatd, wlU-flBicrt. top!fc_"l- t_.i_BBki-ir__J. IT -_r».-oiv JBrtioa ..T_8e-_J,)» Eltaa Alorru! ag:. Hina Morrw..Keport of referoa ravjBrmo-. and >3d|m«nt ot dworeo frasted. fhUlp Lovy tar iiliiuti-. L'tfe___Bt cid uot at'pe- ilefere JaMBM I" "»»¦!. Oliver Charhck agt. Xhtt -.aaB-BB E_.Lro_d Com- pauy, Jo.apL U AUan et al.- __.*_on danlod, witb 8 lt) osata ta xv.00__«.-:. VI _u___j« aad-nia-l. --.,., w _, LtcuriiU!" Kdgertou ataJ. agt. Wm. heak..Motion aaaiod. with 8lu ootU to plainnf.. i-af-je .aetioa LaoB-BB. J-ary *--_. Vi la.ij, ty, -c, aj\. John U. WUaon.. I)aJe...d_nt u p.y the jua'ntii *.« ^ar wael tli! tl.e f.nhor ordn. .ftao Conrt. and 8*1 lo ouabie /.e* '.o dofead. Aa/ou lat----) at al. a*.. ttuul-s A. SeicLe at al.. bti-Coa denmi. ...... . Jaiu-a M. kiitnm at al. agt. John V. Krenuan alaL. 1 tbia. tne w4_.«m wm acut-ao l«a. -a et*ki com. u? ho aetu&Jp attouuad iu e__h aaaa No 8S8BJ eu ib:. m.lioa «-. -llaw.d 10 wi-bor party. Oa-vKB..- T_t_Jl. K*!M. 18.Belore J.a'.ice. .Si ii,b_l..m.. li" >.-.*. .... LfcO*A*U. T)U BIBB 1 I I A.-r.. Hin___o rt al. a_t. Ktom et a!. Tbere waa _x ina-x.r-iy in our rajxirt of thia caae ^.pai-."-'' >.).¦)'. Taa fhe*. re thatthau, lontodla- _,,..;.,,.. .uJ lltojamlu r. (_,..!' froia u. ooavey 'I.. Lm hou..-. Iu .ult to th.l 110 app 4) could be aoeeo-rt-B| p.-ou.-d iaa iu Iaa JaifaMBt CaiB-ru* -Yer. ]'¦'. .l.iatle. krrHaa.,BBB. Inre'J'it-. ilawr, 4tc, rc-laive to the openinirof ...-.t -trert.'--i'rfc>er ol netU-*a rrtuited. -hd kxma rt aa-d f.itil-uaj.p-jlutoilCo--- .a.a. B«f_r. J..-l«U- hjjjt. David Ana'ui, Jr., "' 11]..Judg- nrt,.-.:. t*.:r;vo:.u.uM.a;tu. dru-u.-r;¦-. .¦ii- Av... < uai <>ii 1 om- u- '¦- He trivaioaaaoa at taa _*.- .[*j.'.-jg )-nd K>:^ the Bawary.. 'ito^-.: -M-farpejaieat of «, orduieJ LVlTtD S*i'AT. - ' . H«lao Jud«r Hr- I ¦r- lim of , ,:..¦,' .a. '<i«r 1'.--. Havaaa |o ,'.-. -.:>. J*'- '¦* ....'.'.' i_,L"''d ..'»* t!..y *..'" i>..-' >-d ai '1 _. ,'| .,.,.» » ' i'r". I'l..- ;..v'.1 *»./ -. of U.e ...... -., 17 r ' * )_vorj- >ar way ia_Bl-_a paat 18IaSflBjaa, laajBBi ojv»» buu u*<u« Waa. -d taw-** _. s bark M <*£ & *£j(&|3d -e..t th« *4ay*ia *och a ...».»..'» to r»ja. ruin to .. aid (.11 tato tbe water The Sr.t atata **. .££" .Jrsim- imt (he thia veaa have to, aad lhe a»n w.i droaniu. *- inati.i. will br beld in afcw dayi. rttutra. ow^rftE^nSSSS^ M-Befc,"i ihe J .iiti.e* -nK<'"^,,,'^rUl .-Jiidgiaent ft.umel P. KiB*a_ ngt. J»-Un H. K*»ii«rt8. artrnied. »ith cott*. « ..u »««h*'an. impleaded, tte V'm Kiernat, agt- J08-H.h "ut v, ith tie verdict. -Jodguieat for platniltl, to _!??_.S*t>» Uafpie J.atlce ^"ttrin«g..N«W tnt* 4»- Ilrnry T. Haavll kgt. Ja*. C WiUe*. ntod. witn 01 eflitfl to aUtadaat . ^^ Vhllip O. K-lward .1. i^«tB»^S^V7S,|l-«l»_ Vo..,l,t.-N.wt»iilae...*-}v...l. +1'"ll t f |^ Beujamin Sbarwood. r/u^.t ^"'aiMMid t> dftoaa* t^oe, wUhoi, co*4* '^' w...a 1 by him Ordfll BC- __^P',:°! Socoet* -f he ^ent motlou to either pt.ty. tion de.ied, with 9' corti to pl Jatltl. OOUBT CaLENUAB.tatis D*T. H .* iXsrm-i Coi hi.J»ry raiittis. Bv'racaa Coikt-Gsmkai. TiHM.-Tbe ner.-enn- .,..,,n\ il.-l'dtl V. II! t"1 C"l|'.if-ed. , torKBBiB Couar.Ciki hit..Part I.-Oyer uud T-t-mer. Put ll.-Noi la Ul, HO, _ 4, IB, Ni, IBB, 81T. SmiM 852, MO, 369, 144, »8, 3»1, 81V »», >< «. _ fcrrr.KioH Coikv..Part I..Noa. H, ».'. *_j t n l * 501, M1.M>7, H7, 591, 593. 599, 601, jn.jajfL MK Put 11 -Not. 2-6. 161, 412. 5.*, 10J8, 19S, 484, 406, 460, lii, 310, |JB 488,848, 188,888,18,4-1 Cocai or Coaaoa Pr bas.Bo«b i>artfl are a.lptiroefl .or tke iflTu.. or. NEW-JER8EY ITEM& .-m-' ttr. Heit-y C. Vail gava ¦ lectnre in Perth Ataboy __a tlie advuucemcnt of halBB-J iu that place. The eideei ' jKiit ol _try" in New-Jersey ta-taiua ito rrytil-t'.k'ti by Ita appeaj-anee ol atre and mastirity.; The oyiter trttde. lm* w^arly fciled '.here, and it ia tle firal.le to iuaugnrata a cbange of but-cw which ahall brinj.- graataf profit and prosperity withia her b.rdata. m ftaoroaas Fait af Watek Faeiw.DsBtafca- iR.» or tir-r. 1.IB.BI1I fwaMaffafHl einustneat uitd in-gnatiou haa aiiiwa amoag .iti.ens of Ka.Bon Ctainty, espsciitlly in t»eney C-ity nri Commttnipaw, from the fact that B bii hfli beeu introducrd ui the liciiate of NfcwJersey. and passed to the thiTd raad ._g, pav.-d_g tor tbe eal- oi "r:rtain lands uader wator, Ijiug between Jereey ( ily and Conr-ble'fl Point, in Hii-.ison Coruirv, »nd tha improvwr*!.it of lha flat* 60W Ondaf winxr iu front of '.'no pro|wty of cor- Utiii ehorecffners." ._A Tke biM /irovi-ec for tho appcKitmeut. *>f throe Cora- maaonerairwhoHee.nty tt shall be ro lar o<" und survey alllnri'ls, Iiolongir-Ui lhe Sarti of MaW-Ianay, uaw tindtrrMralor, lytrif: 00 tho wesVjrly and nurlheriy 8Bt- of New-York Bav and Ot.Himu-.iyaw Ooio, bc'.wai- Yaa V-ift sU-ed'.,' m Jeteey Cuy, ani Conrtaoie s Paiut, the sutue to bi- eo!d ut ancticn, in lots and T"i" property propoaed to be <no*_. it is etated. iMBanta to nai J,<hhi i<>-< wbicb, at .fiw a lot. a aid mm'si^ to th.-^angsum ..'.-.f K.!i,imk.., aaa-tanthuf whkh mm tothe CoBiiiiTaaioaiaa. aadftba ttfaaea totaaatfla Treaanry. ' , Tb.> dersey City C'.trmon Couni.l hebl a Hi* mmmmt on _>a'uroay night tor tire jvurpoeo of_vrou-ai- iag tinusibt the paaea*/o of this WL Aid. Ttenreton acied as chairman. Aid. Ilard^nbergh etr.-e.) that hc had beon inron»?il brReiia^.rWe«ti<.U ^hatUris bill waa aboul to paaa, .snd it wiu? only by tbo >(i*aU-»t t_* rt tliat tiual BBltoa w-a* postponed nntil U-'*nliiceday next, iu order liui» *Ue ..iti/.uiiM oi iliiilnoti County coaW raiee their voico -t iIks mvariono: tbe privat. nghts of owier_> or fcuid njKni tht; hhort»:>f Commv-t-*; uw Bay, lhe d-otruc- tiiiii ol l*y iiehetios. Aid. Tutien ipoke in t*trong t-erms against laafawagB ofthe bill, when rbs following resoiorions, otferod by Aid. Ilardenbergfe, were adoptad nnanimoasly: Uteolvd, Tbat w.«.*>e Miyor aad Common Conaril o:' .l.n-y City reice.-tfu-h bai t*iu«--i.iy pi.-t-at lailMl tht p --t/e ol tn^ Bbovc aacmioned blH, belleviui tkal uie- ictlua orU be aa la- f«iiet.viriil of tne Br.'ni.ipal riibtt and lnui.-.hl-ci of UWflom- B,"alu wbich we raprnri.t, aad wi:l .itntr wholly d pnve s.:ndryoi our Bomtk.fiiti of vtlaablr nxbu to wai-ti tliey ire «._*yi, in vtrtw ef*laa,ir et> iier***^ <.. p..r..u..« ..f tl.e .l.-.r* *.r Cata^».-i.u«>* I'.av 4.1 aab'ec.t tb* iu to tedlot* *-xtl *^peu«lve Utl»*l^..»-_.totoainRlhe'ieBie te ihe Conn* ot uai HeerJrrtl, Tlal. oeyal,- Ol H.*-ae BMOllltiBM h- flira'tlBSd to the !<*.,»?... ri..; l!.-pr..».B,.Atlv** fratri H .d*m.. and tletthry ner.- nnealod tr. pre-tn". th.' l^iBr ir. th«r rqaf.oUva lioos. a, and aavocale thoviaw* tuiO opuuout I'lereiu coMlaiueJ. A teatlotk. wai also adopted to hr.ld a inpsameotinn BV Comnieiciftl Ro'tl, tbia tavntiini;, nnai u I'ninttmuje warai'poititeri*o«t_e thea_'.tei iu charg-- ^ jnaallng ndmt*m *lw wwe pica-uc '.vashelo*lat] aTer lhe adjonrnment of t_ I'-oard. oi iheaamaj eul'jeoU _ Hi moi Oaaan Caaaaa. Wt Cr__ial Tet_oi tbe Hnda..n 1'ntnKy Conrt w«» tenr.lnated en S-tarJ.y. Th. Jurylu tbefitt! o." John lir.-kao-r ol PlUlad-Jpai^ MBf|8^ wlib iwuidlinx X- X>*e»»ii 4 <.'". outrtl gooda ralned tt nearlj Ol.OOC rcudt-n*- a M-rdict o.'nui!ty. a-1'*' t r^.<M-_i-ii«iiatl»ou Iv lhe lentrii.e* -le to be pa'^ed on T,.e*dty next. B-.1LHUA-0 C»i.i.iaiox..A coliieiou wcturred on Thtir..:..v onthe Camden an- Anibov R:.i!rotd. ut-ar I'almyra. htawt-cri'tw*. frirlght irains. Bo:h l.ieonioti.* and dve batiafc car* *** rr iinastted up, un! three pet- .ii- iiij .I*-!, oae m wnoiu l^dhi- !"grlrt 'ur^J, aud w-.a tal*-n to tfce Kbilid. Ipl.ia liot Tne HMi-rvstcK M'. UKWra.- Tl.e 1:11 before the ir« .,, rt-r * (..¦n.ptr.y lor drauung Mie gr*»t ll~l eiiat'ii. 51t.adi.wi. vaat poitponetl foi tl..ton, '.. 'n*e.|.ituce ofthe. ppoattioti of Brrt-n Coutty itruiert t.j Ifefl preja. l, ..u w aunt ot tb.. littnliiy tney would be uuder tu tlier P..LU lor th*- work. DIED. AL'EE.Ou Sat.irdav evnior, Feb. 18. Jmnett Oray, only dtiifliter at CkmAtt T. ai.d Mary U. Adee, MeJ 4 veart aud 6 BMBHS . , Tiietelatlv'i and Mer.di ofthe family are irailadno mlend th« fuooral ol Tueiday uext tl 1 p. ... DMB ttie tcildeuue oiher jiejeiiti, No 'A Weit Kortv ttifnid ttre*.t_ ALLiN.ln tbia. city, on Kr,,1»y Keb. 17, at tbe retldence of hl* ¦on, in Ulla* npoict, CLtrle* T. Allen, t:»-d ti2 jeui aud «' mouth*. Bi i i.rit.InJBrooklyn, r.n Stturday morninir. Feb. 16, Authouy T.,lnf_iit tl.'.id of Aiiilrew Y. and l.ttl_iurine U..i.. r ag.-d 8 montlii acd 3 dayt. IiKL.MBY .la Erooklvn, on Th rsJay morninz, Feb. 16, Cbn. Liwley Bnimby. inf.110a ol tbr Iale Chulet Bi uu.b; a^ed 2 nir.nihi. BIJ-CHOFF.Ia ildi rity, <>n Tl...r..l*y, F-l.. in, tfu-ra l....t illi.e**. Kli.tbetb BUchotl, daugnter ot Mary bitci.oa. aged I l month* and t> day*. C-RAW'FO-RD-In tbe fuil aakmrntmemet bfl) Cfll.H* i«;ili, <>u Fiida> e\eiii.|t l"''b. II, of rotigeatlon ofthe liui^t, Mrt. Jani-, widow ol tbe l*(e Utller (rtwl.rd, *4fd t.{ yeeta, Tiu- IfltoHlfll aud frlenda vl tbe fau.ily aie lrvll-d io atteod her funerai tt late tetkkmea, Ht, BB Katt Kroadwtj oi. Mo. . dty uiorui.ig at 1'' "'. BM * CABTOM . In thi" citv, on Fntnrdty, Ffb. li. Jnim Jotrph ('.rt.!.. aaly «.in ..( Thotxuu H. BM Tereesa C'arltn, aged 2 yi-wt, 7 inouthi aiid b dijr*. t'OON;'.In Brt.o_yo.wi Satardafi teh.Tk, Iliarlslla, lafcal d»u«).tei of ri.liip A. J Sartli M. < ooui, s^ed a u.-jutl.. i___d 11 day*. ln MHAlf- Saddflaayoa Snnd»y, Fei.. ir-, mi Ne.ll I Irnaraflt, A C. I>aaJ.aiu ajedikyeara. ll<- wta dtrier :.,.- lhe New- 1, ., Ilen d nd H""' JomubI Jii- nel.:;....:;¦ ftert.c. n at 2 o'rlor.k, Iiu-^l.i. iat^ i. aiu. ... 'J II lallim 1118 fll»B<t Blll IBlJIIinl fnlly r*K|..ett-'d Uiatt*-nd wiihoi.t uct.n-. 1.' :e.:.j.u* wiii bfl laien toMreeafl.1 (-. .... lor btl rmi-nt. , |pi ;>. rt fil(-iu_e copy. DISMOND.lalldai .' '. - ">»:..'-nd, _j.i d. iu Um il iu jeal uf rOBJ>.Al I'- tay. Flb- '". c'"!- N4lI^"'''^i.,1 Ford, form'r'y of I.orcbetter, Al*.*., lu tl.e * n*e (, 1:1.- ". 11 i.i uu ftturday aittruoou, F> b. 11, HALLIB1 I'.'IUN.In Brookivi..on Tllflll4fly, F-b. 16. ln tbfl rearef l..' .#*, Mary rfltflffl,flMBBl dtunLiai ci thelite Jsiu ". Fon* .ai tanUl ut tlir i.4nid* of her tunt, Mn Bowne, No. gtoa Btreet, .-.lurr of Ulflb atraet, Brool aotb inat., at 8J o'elocfc p. Tb "¦.r.t. ..- la*..lly are re.jueawu tu atl-ud witii NB firtu.i ixivi:stiflflu iir lili/.lt- M.dd.: iy, 011 lllBBBJ. -Tflh. 19, MtTJ I Brtf 0: Herder. ' The relat.v*. ai.d nr.- :i-ap<*-tfuily 11.. it.-d t'. Itend tii* iur..-r-u ..ii.. Iiaafclyn, oo Tuetday, 21*' "*». tkk Hy. "i. l..'1-y, Fel,. 17, .'*-; Lt Vi iuw ,\ ( . 1. .'. ... liri - ED j .u Aaa liuru, mr 91 9** 9 Vuun'Z'mnimttili,1*** tj*?* oa Monday, at 11 a'cloeB u *,. 'iht ftii-lidtofth* fiarile, ind t!»..'.f .!.»,.I I uJ p 11, 1 r 1} mviiad te allmid. Tb* ri-miin* tvlll -*. tak*-n (o Budiex.oit, CflBu i.l.aM.i-Uu loBaay .....inini,/.»'. wiA££j*. '' .',''"''?¦' j0, Uf. .1 ... :¦-.' r o! Jt.-eu and Cltb-ruw b. Luuly, aied»,Vear..6uioulla»Ui.l Ibdiyt uud !.;..;.-. ul ib* <i- A *.'.".'' 't«d ./> .«*>»« '" r fw-eni Bt th* ruldt nu of I>». Liu_*y. Nfl -*" UlayeUe ptoea, ix. .un M-udtj, MI BBBl II'/TSLI.At lloi.uliei.. IvJ-, ".¦ BaadaJ -tfl ¦':,, l,""l JJbuauiu'dJull. K.i.itt,l;..i.d4>oW.. iti 1,1.... paa*, 1 ''|J ¦liv Keb I" I ... '-'* U*4km " " .... . si 1.1. iv ¦. -.Miae, I'atrl l M Vttmtm as n- ul i . -. af e .C tt-ox -. *.iA/. ... y. | try ll-llphiua, - j ,.v llillphioe V ..¦ .4 .... .¦' BM 8fB BTFVFNS-ltrihlaclly.on Satnrd-J. Keb. 18, at 8:50 a'etook in tb. i.i»i»l>'« I""''11* J**' fite-irmo, .-d II yaar., k month. ¦^UV-W- I" IL.. ttty, on Bakar-ay, *>». ''». Mr. -_w-rrd __JwntoIk-O-i -atur-ay, Tom 1«. 1 .flfi. Maria Aoja-la, tk* belo'ved wifa nt fcarlea V.lM.tlne, an.l tlnt J .1* .irhter of Jbd*. I) Melfaaa, ***., ..rihn liiima. ved 2t veara. ¦_.,..,, Iwa ui f;l...ilaoi the tbmWjarareajaaalMtofkomt the f.ti.ral, without furthrl Invit-tlnii. from u.-r l.iti' raMBMBj No.J-'i 81-th nvenilB, f-rner Klfleenth .treot, tnla a.tornooa atl.'eJook. li. r .Ui..l-.,. will be lakei. f> Oree.iwood. VKl.A/.-ll r./ im Snnd.y Keb. 19, Maitan. VaUujner do_» Urtrr.a tn thr BM y.fc' «< hl. ty. f_» relatiaea BB- QtI-bIi "1 lhe fatr.Uy, -'*" Ihna* nf hl. a"i-1r.- kaVT-TlarVAa-j aa. Aa K..y ,,rc._l,,.,ir.i. CaOafB aro ______ .1, |H in-lt.-.' turther, to att.-nd the tTTTa! r. .' st. I'.tt.'k'a Cath-dral, oa Tne.dny taom Uf llie Slat. at Bl a'aloeJ- Y>N WVKK--AtVl.hklll.on -fctnrdry mon>ln«, Feb. IMBbb Sally Van Wytt, daurhter ol tl.e Uie -o'neiie* C. Vau V, vk« WORAM -A» the reaiWc of tho Bev. Mr. fltryker. «___ R. W i wa, widow of the late Wm. Woraui, ln the Ttth yoar tt keraf.'. ^^m___________, OOMMERCIAL MATTERS. tmbto ai tae Utack __x.Baj_f«....F_B. 18. 1-iaai T.nne.^ Go, 90.811 H Marine Bank.t« .8000 do. ..' 400 N. Y. ten. RR.oP| Tlj jg'urij do.bBOBBiSUO do.c.11 .MaaiMUroun .tale.b. ... M-ilO.) do.b80 H| a,ra.i do .b38_M _.'>¦» do.leV, Ti .[((.IN. T.e>en. BdB,l.T:i..l«i |UW do.aM Ul Kaa_*rlaMUt|. Bd..-.x. <*U m *<>.h32V,} Ifl.KrleMl. Mtr«. Hd... 41 WI 4m........*)7'l l-OOHud. Biv l.tMtre.l.r.l l.i Kna Railr ad...... i'l 1 000 RR-l.t Mt--. .la .V> Hui.on River RR._____. l.l-a Oa). 4t Chic. l.tMt.o. 901 1,000 Uai. A Chic 2dMt.e. HJ 8,1X0 (l.-v. AT.-.IS.K. H 1 Ain.ricaii fcieb_n«o Bk. 9«i »Ba^v«B-__._......_ ** fc:::::::::::ffia 1.V1 do.¦l0-_!_. X, do.aflo.HB* lial do.alil.UOl 50 do..I0.18-I 818 li-flliiaoU Central RR.S-_ 50 (ifcUa. and ('hi.. H...15 ¦ 800 do.-80 .W 20H do._» 5B 4U0 io.c M| 200 do.6,~*Bi M) do.«l 50 Mi .-.-: .¦£..-.#¦¦ t Rock I. HR. 8.1 SM do.6.1 ino do.-Wd'l 100 do.6-1 '. NowJerwy Cen UR...10. 17 do.10-i ion llul-u. RR Pref... .MU -H 50H Ke-ii.r; Railroad.. .-08 CH KviMMi. i'in. Ra_Md 8B 300 Pt-uua Railroad...W>).1»4 TB Wetiopolitan Bank.1W HiW.rket Hii.k.1»> W Coutiueulbl I'.ank.V 88 Merrhar.t.' Bajik.10M iaora<-.lti. MaUH. C... -2 1k* do. M 488 do.b-O.lJ 10 do.aWI rK, io.aBOll ana do..*>''i 50* do.a309li 486 do. ¦ 800 do. 91* 118 do .a#fB MO do.81- W0 do.1591 |»0 do. ..10 91* 108 io.tB09l do.911 78 do.Bl| .BCOVD BOAB». 8.000 Inlted State. 5a. 'e.. 9V 20 Caiton Co...1 z.iv., i nnea oiain ^w, v-. ... 5,0111 Miaaouri.State 6..... VH as,m:n dc.»30 :m| I.OiiO N.Y. 4>u Hda. '7U... 99. 8.0,., (.O'hen Br'h Bd..... 5- JON-li.-i.:.! Hank.I"3J 50Pacilie MaiiS. 8. C-... 91 ¦ di-.ttorn tm d<.*>. auo d-. ¦ 880 do.*_ 20 M .h. Ontral R. R-3«, lOOMk-h. S.AN.I.O.rk.-8l 14} 800N. Y.CeutrallL. R.711 1000 do..30 Tll 300 d<"..0K> 711 50 do.1*0 7lj 150 do.opg 71| ...H-rlem R R. 91 |na_u_u__M R. R.bbi io 150 (Id. k Chic R. R.i'l lATtMBT, Feh. 18.r. -. The niove-o-nla in Paciik- Mitil -tock la Blill lha ab- BUlMllg fcatare r,f tlie ____%__, aml ita rapi.l imd very tccaatrfc laetaBtkBBBaaf aeaaaleBB-iBaBTar oi c_ ciuraacat d i; b Bariaaa het thal thu alreaaBBBBaaa <>f thr BllB-BUBB- BBtA ment in N'nvrmSer litsr und thorn of tha BBBatBttfaBBBIB?BTJBBBC-I iMike. Than, ;w now, it wee Batboritathralj ar.nonnce'l that BB*. whole rna>- ter wa» tli-iiuiti-lv aleBBB, aitd th. detaila ti the ar- laBfliBBBBl wt-re glTBB i" f')!J- Tlien, BB now, the BBB8H VM I U'l 10 have beeu signed. and inetructiona weie aee-*. out to the l'_<itic. Then, aa now, aome conditioaa were made by Oa-modore Vand«r',.iit, wl.i.h rt-i|rt'ie.l l're.-li <.n Aa p»ri olthe PBcifa Hb_ OasBpaaj, lat aaB-BBBaaaiaa BaaaataaBBB even th<»n 'jnitc aa strong in tha completion of the act- tleiii.-nt «a now. The ««ck a<lvan<eil in the parnc ex- citinj; .:iy, and tonch. d about the ftame. n^nres, bnforc Um Br-flta iilliiir i'.U;__>^«-il und rliriink l.:nk to foiiuer pr-porti'iiia. H ii)COWg<<ncrally lifllieBT-d thal tliaaat- ileiijcnt ie a lact accomi'li-h-d, and the evidenreg aracer- lainly -Irotij. euo-tfli t- Avanttut such a ('.uclaaiou, hut BBBJ ssil! bt -BaB-BBJ to di.trti-t il, until the fmft B-BBBi. and the. BBBBBBBBa are. fully r.implie.1 with. Tl.e .*->in|.let_ a-ljiietnia-nl <i! 4»«.* i...po,;»»it iiitarejtt. |g not the work of h day, and a .li>*ht dili'erenca mirrht briBi'thi! nefjotiiitionr to au abruft -iiuclutiioi-. The Rtnek (.(Hjiiirl thin muriiiiiK at _-, bnt tull nffquicUj -8 ..,|,irom wiii.-l. point it impm^ed a lirtle, nntil the Seennd Boairl, when it wiia cold down Ui K__, im.l fnr a time ee-ni-d rathar haavy. After th. Boaid it mos B-B8BBBB BBBBB, *trd theal.-k tinally .."^a-l * '.' 1 I "1. T4te D-BBB-BBf l«" P88_ia Kafl 0* wera iu --*.,..., _-il iatein tbehXleiuwu, Oj-i-'iseaU'., .1 i. tm-¦¦ ¦..I, miiuM p(.in~ ol 8ii*b-r-nvr. Tr>e regnlt nf Jh.t haa not traD.r.tfed. Both linee bave advarued v:c rate. of fare to-day.lhe Mh.H"<>. to |lft<J, «ji<t), ajid $;.r), and the Vajxierbik lino 88 #1-0, M and :*tj... The rate ior freight i.- umluanged, imd we .understftnd that it ia agreed tluit uo <:!ianj_;..' ahall take pl_co within twclve monfh.". J\'ew-Yurk 0-BBB- IBBB oaiie lirm during -BB b'irr. Hoard, wii.liou: ¦BBBB-I :i:-;.vitv. l!ibdu_9._> m Li-ia- hilne url.oii ou tbe l'ro Kata _J)d Toii Llll* W88 BBB Hidercii i'uvorablc lor tiic bulia. The cjieratioua in 1'nnamii wer< trntW large, BMa-t-Bg h a 888-88 8- t* <*nt. Tha Parila Mail BattfaaaBBti :f BeaBalaBa., wii! be adviintn.'.'e.wia to ibe Paoaraa Knad, aiu[>ly .-cauip: n- aatiufr f..r a _.i.'.!er_,te lurm iu paaacug-x bueiu.'-b by a BBBJB iiiert-a.-. "f l'ri-ii.'!ii,auilI 0v lhe n.'lriiinie (»..;|Kiue- meut ol the ltopeiuiif.' ot tLe Kk_B-gBB Transit r-'ite. b'l'.a.lin,,' haa l.t-n oue of tlie Hruir»t -toka i>n lhe liat durini/tbe day, 1ml waa not prntnineii! iu thadaabBBB^ TheWe.tern cimref \v. re gencrally (fljst, and .xr-pt iu lialt-iia uud Kock lalaud there were but amall Lran- euetiond. The formcr waa atuady in lhe ¦Qraiag, hal climcd a frartit.n lower iu tha iiftenrioii, the trullij l_- tiirn of tlie sacoud we^k r.f K. Iiruary riuiKiuK BOBBB dia appointrntnt. State etocke were in better dem .cd, l.ut tl.e ..j^rationa were priniipally in TennaKaeo^ ar.d MidM.iirip. Tho latter were in deniand at the Kirrt llohrd at m*r% bnt nold a frartion lower at the BB8BBB. The afiuraoou bu-ineni! waa uol i_iportaut, BBB8|4 BB Paiifu Mail and New-York Ccutral. The market haa r.'.i'4'ivi'il :i dn ".led l-BBBBB -tafiag the week by lhe ex- citiug UuctuttiiouB Lu 1 _cilic Mail, aud there i_ a ft,. .,). i .li-jM+ition t^i Bj^rnlat^ for the rhsc in ato. ka i-ineiully, thau for home tiuiu paot. New-York '.Vu- tral, aome "| tl.e W.-Mern ehure- have been I ovcrtch! by the bt.irr, and the abort intereat is't :a,j_e one, l.ut the fear oi legialathm i.dverec to lha (' BB lha 0B8 haii'l, aud llie B88B.BBBBB8 of BBBBtiafh '"iy baajaeaaal thaWaal bb bhaathar, Baabla -haa the liiitikt-t ,iinl-r piitlUU. oiiti"! ..t ppaBBBB. T-B dcall g pricafl W88B1 N'irF.iiiii 6a, 8-|8>Wj Mineotiri -.. - ¦« ( ;,;,;.:( BBBBBBJ, lt..,. 17: Ctin:!.:r'ai.'l (,'..;ti, ;. |. i.1 iv.itir MaB_ ":.¦ '". Kaw-York <'ei.*nii Erla Bafifaa-, ". Wi H li'iv.r li.. .1,1". ;i ll.tilem lUilroad, '.'j _.'i, iiwria tu I1,-. farrcii, 81*! --haj Battraad, i" » K M.i-vii-:.i. Cbbb-bI BaBfaaa. a:, _;i.; __h ui^-ji BoBthanaBd -feathin Ibb__a Balibbb. I 'i;., d<>. Qaaiaataad, n I ¦'.. t-a-BBBB.Jkaaa, I3f,.i.i<; CfTiiml RaQl._d,-f>j u ___; Galena and Cuica^o Kailroad, '¦¦'¦ '. .' I '. v ,.fii B_i Toledo l.ilro_d, ).'..; aad Rai k b____i Raiha8B\ --{ /'. >'..Sir<e the forev'oiii^' WB8 wiilten, we have vi- .. - .f tha part iaa to ihe t hatwaea tha Pad-k Hall bbIObbbi I ..ud.r- i __nat therefore eondnda tlu. aaaah amtt ;,n tmri jr cittli'il, tinlewt Hiirce frt-idi coiupU. atiou n i .iiriitic ..nt tha <i< taih 4 tha Behajaa, which ;:.!!_. ., «. '...'. .. |] aad] ttated it. Tbere ia not-iiag of iBrpott.obb _an_ iu Konei.u B_Qa,and-ha qaotatkoB fcra mwmif', Steiliim, in-.... ftoi.i.i, To i. ¦¦¦'¦ 8,-iOUlBi Path at 4a.,- 1,901 bojtcaCl. i,i ,'v 100tcB. Baatf m la. To l.iver- j ....I, I IJb iuna lloiivy i.'i.o.i.anpiivai. t-'iii.*.. ToH-aTri, W balaa ;t j Qlaagoir, 30,000 Btaraa, par itaaamr, oa prtvata -bb-bbj J S00 ('ara. i^-r bbbbsbb*, ut |d. ,<>,i. To Bottardam, I0_ balea CoupraaBedCaftaaal ro Jli.ii.iu, -00 Ubla. lioeil. and im, * J'efr* .' I BB8 Wo h1 u: lOa. 4* tun; aad IS0 b ib i ( oltoi .-t |< . i . : rasi I'c-elpla, I *l''l, i I .1. . I The Cbieago and Roek Ialand Koad earned the >>a_gond week m Febntary 1MB. BIS."*! 1SS9. .. U,0*4 Increiie.f _!**"'. f'..Bt The Ci'y of Washington took P^fJl \n speecie. The expor's of tbe week are: »*b IB-Hehtvaner Kai* Weatoo, Rto OrrjUa: doid..¦-..-._..aaaaaa Fab. 14-Biif *.mroa, Ponee, F. B.: AnieiWn (lold. 1,880 Ameri<_ ailver.«.. 888 Feb. 15-Bark U*wa. Bueaefl Ajffl*i DoubWoni. 4,»78 Feb Ar\a Mverpaol: "*¦ ' CalifoTVii. Oold Bin. 408.888 Oold ( uln. 2,extt Meiiean Dollar*. 40,800 Yah. H SUimer City of Wuhlngton, Liverpool: Mia*. llart.. 78,000 SUvflf.'____¦ Tha Iwmoaea of the ClaaritHt-Hooaa to-d»y waa MB2G3M* Tha total excbangea for tho west Ste co-day wera $1*»M«*. S_L»*f a-eraaetrf *«.<*¦,K»l ,4 B«ai-t P»»*M»*W ,tl for tba week aao-aj on Saturday UbI. Ir. money MMtl thcrr.isno ch._tpe whatnver to note. Tha snppiy ifl abatrdf nt at b., f, 9 c*ot on call, and (, m 7 f cent on finft, tkta j>S4>er. The Sub-Treasnry hae a bai ince to- day aaaaad.aj -fri.otii) ooo an IbbnbM of 9JK*AfA dnring tbe week, which with the shipme.ata to Europe makee ne&rly a million lost by the lianks. Tho aver¬ age on last Alunday, however, wae a rising one, aad the drein to Liverpool coanta but half the week in lhe sverage, so that the reserve in the Monday (ftatiTrunt will DOt ptavbably ahow tnnch change frr*i last week. There bave as yet beeu no draflfl received from Waabington Ln rei.barsement d( PoBt-flrfire Cert-.tioitei, althouirh the Presilent signed 158 nppropria:ion bill on Weduesdty, aud a large amonnt of tiie Ccrtifieatei had been sent to tho Tronsnry prevvm^ly. The Cir .iirnloc.aiion-OUiie evidenrly nuinof be biirried. How Not IB dn lt is still tbe earnei-t etulyof Mr. Clayton and Mr. Cobb. We beur, by the way, that Mr. Sec.ret_-y Cobb has ad- mif^d, be.foro the Senate Committee on ihe petilion of Metsrs. KitUiihouae, Kaut dt Co., IftH mOOM .4 the right, wiuili it claimed, to d.-poeit the BaWMfl Bl itabid for (4overnment be of Ifl4 *n San Francisco, bat deleuds his ftmmm to receiw the tber*- on somo other pettilogging point. The Committee have voted niiaiiiinously to report in favor of retnrning Meuflrs. Kittenhonse, Kant k Co. tbeir deposit of 1 ¥ eeui, aud refer tbem for damages to tbe Court of Cl.ums. We annex a comparative stav-ment of the Inv pi.rta ft Foreign Dry Gooda and General M.r- ehandis* at the {mrt, of New-York for the week aud is_9 |Sao d-ow, .*i.8«.i'M aw».»t» .*.**?.._ Total for th^ w-.V.. 1'ieviuutly reported.. IMnre Jan. 1.B13,?_,t/70 B3Ua0,. a34,S40,71H Mes-rs. Thompson llrothers say: Land Warrants riiitiii'iellriiiiiud lu.idera.-ly active, coo-ideriag the Homeetead bill now before Conuress. \\ e auole au ud \ anco of 1 cent Ir acre to-day, viz: * liuviUB. Bvilla9 tioiire Wan-ntt, par aere..*1 9 Bl 9 arkaoie VVtrraott. 1»1 acre WartaaU. 'Jl HKVaere m 76 S. Draper'H eemi-monthly circular can tm oBMBBai at his 0_aa, No. .«*) P.8 street. It con-ains the Utest Stock and liond 'jnotatione together with other matter? of financial int-erest. Measra. Kajnor k Bin-kwell bave sold four lota soutli-ei-t lorner of *T_ st. and Od-av., ttflt 9iA foel In.i.t and rear, by H>0 lett in depth for $!,-.>» 9 lot. Alen sevtn lots on the rear, fioutnig i'.'th-st., each'.'5x lii-.'.Mt., 9 91,9m i' lot; U lots in aU for $12,000. Tliey alrni rejorl ibe uale of four lots svulli lide ti -'A »t., ibO tl. west of 3d-av., each J-'ulfHl at $l,l"»<» teVm. At a late meeting of the English f.'eogrupbijal fcafa ty, a uuuiber oi diuiiuguiehed HtarBfy and scientillc men being in attendance, a paper wa* read froui Mr. Wm. Wbtebight, an, who hua been for a loug time engaged in bnilding railroads in South Amer- Ica, in wliich be exprcseefl lhe opinion Uiat the Auiea ini>'bt bo ..rcmed by a railroad, ihua makiog a line from the 1\\< Ma to Roenrio. via Cordova, a dintant. of l.HW miica. The n-'.te has been carelnlly expiored, thp e!c »r. ni- ;ixe<". by baromt'iical measnreraeat, aud the Paaa of San Kiancnteo aaeartaina-d nove.r to Iw hloc.ked by laow, tiavelers croflein^ it at all aaaaons. Tha mi- ..hor is of opiri-jn that the coastrnetioo of Btich a raii- wav, tbotjgh diftirult, is practicabie, aud Uieadvaa- ¦gai tbhl woiild MtrBB hy op«»n;ng np Hh Isall Am. r'. ht\ |Maa t.i commeroa*, tiie Kiu de la i'iAta 0e- mt navivable I*. tbe '"ix.t of Ko_*.u:o ior vesiela draw- ir.g l'J feet of wu'er, would be iiumeuse. The South AaariaBB Siates are bo luJIy n'ive to tbe advanuigeii tbey «ill derive from the exemtion of this projact that the Anr'ntiiie Keptblic haa r-tl'ared a ftem gmut ot land, five mi'es in breadth, on eithur si.le of tbe rail- way. Adrr.iral Fitrrov aml othera expresaed iheir nanMaaaa in .Mr. Wbeelwri^ht, and believei tue project practical.le. Mr. Wheelwiigiit, in constrncting!* in S.mth Auiern'B, has -sed gradiams of 152 and SH feet jver mlle, and ctrrte.i 1mm* 9 an eievaiiou of f'.GOn fe«rt above the levH of the sea. Tbe Ara!.iu brings daUsto the ith inat. W.ti. regnrd to Am* ri* .m km^0*9 Satlerlbwaile sAj'S: .. Mi.r« onr Ittt we have htd a tigtit time for monoy. Tbe l.tnk l.aa .ala*-d iti r»t- ot dit-v.iint 10 4 f^ r.-uu Thit pnimp*. t.tlcii on tlie pait ofllif hank haa tend«d lo i.npan oiorc ,nn- denci: in tbe Btocfc Ktciianp- aud I'ou-Kila, i.til .i^- llned tn ''4, h w in prov. i to 94J- ; hoth for mot.^y d flcooaat. 8'or A,,,^,;,,,, »^,.|jti^. ¦n<.:wiih*ttiidlEg tlie enhaoced valne of i, OOoy,.'... IflMda very .tationr.r)'. AlUongh ihcreill Ueiei ed diaiflBd. tb. r*-1., at ttio un.*' t^me, u ahtenjr ol pre. ti,r*< ..t ai..rk for tiie. It it uLiinritood that tbe .init c:'aiu on iilinon thtret bat beeu paid .'. tbe "llice I'ere on *b*ui l.w.OOO aiiaiea tl i-*ie« lln^*- |.ni.l ii. f .11." liarin,' Rnithera i»y: " ..ii*-.; Statea S* rie.idtare offere.l t( 'rt. M-*t*rhat«tti !* Steiiinn tt 110}; Maryland do. lt %. K.i.M.ity 6t w«.t.d at PttiBtylvani* Honda at '**: luaaii|.ilo_-, .'. \ llf iul* IlilVil tt ... .'il Ko *> i....veti.«iH tlu* ttri.k."' Tm BtVOOttin of fhe Ith rem.rks: " lt ia rtrnly thtt ao *uddcn u cb.utir Un occurred iu lhe n ii. ; | ... .*i. dnring the pteaent 44 .. > Baftrefl W WM*MH la OUT laat ttpelt t* tbe (rewtnf l«npre*a.ot. a o*.n«i...ia'.ee ..I tii" iinilioL ditin .auae t n*e ii. tl.e llank Btfl oi -lt _r...,. ¦., 4. { .. If aot t.-vi.u'. iuri:.^ tlut prei.tnt week. IM . rtm. intt". I.! M tlBirkenii_is."lt.r:.tiBeit tr ai'tiv*.- n e»»r; for tn addiuonto Jfia'.OOO » irun. the Kauk ou 'i'li-iiaday, aiid '»« waa with<rr«wn on Hlllirdlt r.'-l-i thete |. .-di»t< i.tvii..-.- In tr.r rtte waa j. ...-;..¦,: to tm .... Mi.uiie, and ea Moaaaj a Uet-idetl prct bi || t. :i «B. Tii.- I«nkt and 11 Mab, fr,r.-*. elm laipeodini atrii ...... ..rii-u, .< ... .. ujlui. tl call Ul ttlai: :o Iflfld ,-.tllfl pol v.i Ifl Ih pfli ld bj -ifil '..nt ft'r a I*'.'- -aaaiafac. flimodalion. .. o|i -tdar,lao, .¦*dl -i u.4r totbetHoek . .. tli~ ha.,-. r.l t-.nj.lti,.: ani other bant.ra tbrowiag itrr.- tot Uev-ruiin-tii Mcorttiet upoi. tl.r mvtet ttt diate delivery, Tl..- pree. ..t t1 .. .- .uuI dt> (>r,,ii-.l Ibat it. u-.non Ita part at tne taflk, fllblflh Uad. ;<-r- :.<n air. t_y too lonn a.ltycd. At elevuu o'clo-ja. on 'i uet.:. n uuiitnaTday for turh in tuuiouu-.-^-uei.t.. the Umik Knf.and aollhed tb. t tba tail m..:u had been raiied . to 4 I'. eni. 1 bit vifo'n... atej. wa* riwairfld mjktkmmm- rr.,1 it>. r, tai a*pt daJuy a. il !t heli*ved that. tbould tlie I rr.t. .-.i.i.i n! tb* bt.lllon deu.aii-i ..illuioi.- etriu<ri.> .".4*1 ,-a, taoywwaldbfl td.iptnd witli.,ut tbfl .liiut*'*t heaitation ite i.i.u.... .'...:.. I i.cwttliel.'.*, Wt* s jreit, oniy t-ui- por.ry t^italien, '11 lii- J.. BM lt* .. 11.. poaitl aofaifain ou *'aa: dty wu .!'.....:vui t«in.ieii. It wu only by a kuiJ of ltvor tbat, in ii....t of Ib* Dtdiaary baaaa >. bllli could ba -..¦...>tl*ted. Ib. I niiilnlil iliaal iIIbbbiiiiI hiumt irin tparina f< 1 tk* i- liba deuituidi <l Ih^.r iapflflBMtB 'I |*»-*ra.J BrlUtbeld aot iuiu.udtlIoii« lllafflttar, *ieepl teieantai clieola in tl. .1,'iy, wi.o*.. intt.r..ta luljbt ta MfVflflaty duipruu.ii.d l.y ita : "At it v.**, Buaicrout parcei* mt bflbwereretaraflitatta ¦rai... e*. K.i|*r, b* w.-vei rnod. hivluit nmr t.ali Iti.'«-- to r. u, BflfljU a.u.rly lind uivit I'M ytfliaalfl ita money tt ¦Vndneiilij. eounqueotly, ittilnad a defra* oi tn- 1.1. -\j v. bt.-li h,« (,t :.., ., wu...-* ,e.i 1..1 mauy lui.uili.. Netily tbe wt,. .11. y biaii.. . .1! Ita flMrtat WBS ti.rurj upon thfl i.uuk. '11.1 .. a...; i.iiwaii.i'i ie demaad w. panly dteiaadby n I. ti tl ai 11'riali' ;n tb.- uai.k'i tuiuit uii;iit be deeidefl npon on'1 bu. ) 1. lud tta ippHctnti oofli1fla»fl .¦r tareaty ;.. Ibey BVflBad praaably i.»v.i bi.ughl utioul tne rrtl ./.tt.ou oltne.r apprebeatioi ietu i.\. ind lu .lflj. tham hfli hiafl ¦ atflrtfld »,.F- ..1. i. . nf tht ... ..._, A conlid.'ur.- in tbe .tabiilty ol tbe aeimtal rouii *-i lal pvaillon *.i lhe .nintry ha* rtnted tn 11... ,r....t. i'i.i're it now, lu ill .Jmr- leri 11.. i.- ..I.i,.- Iiett to lalid. Neverttal***, .... .illla are taleu i..-i,i n..i.,ii,iini, ind ubm dhn.iiiflliiinii ilin so I* I.. im.i to 11-1, :.. tbat they deiotad inare ttafl t p .Mi!. Tbe ..ti.., .1 ..¦ of foi.r tud aix ombiJii I'tper it t I. .r- aUickJoneratet t* tba Mfioaa ,m ... rtrade, -l oped tbe i.nrket »lt l.rrrmr tfltlai tll. r to Umirow It'.e Itll). 'x I.. mt tta w.-.-k. .i.U1 f iieon ,-r.itily IU il..1 4.1.1 I, ln ...... VVith tl rb o| toi I'.diy 1 , .at ll II ...a ute, 1 matter bow | -i betbaa .... Blt.| 'Ik.t... 1 i ... 1 sni. uini ... ib ,1 tu .1.. drali TB. Indoa, vrhicl. wUl leavo for jLfBBBwtrla to-n.otrow baaBHr r\9 ln ap-Ha, of whlr.h £»£*. ». toid tne) bm ro* all- -ar. Tba to'.l bf tha two piovioo. 8»-h«t» waa, r-ap"-Uv<"y. ._«_\fWt I'.nH 488^888." | I-- f. t.irn from the Bunk of 1".n;ri__d for th*; weu- errdinr the M.of l^biijary, 0888 -M lollowiii* l*> aulta whaB corapartrd with fhe fiBVlOM week:*A"__-__|.!_______!..'i'u'rw Otfer ii. pt«. \*,*ni,tW. «.".¦¦.. .M H^... . 8.8M.4T9.liatreea.. -»,'?* On thr. orlu aide of the account Note. ,u.a-.pU.,«l. 8,848.818... _»~r~~_¦...; * VJ> Thnnmount of notci. in cimihinnn ia i.31,><.«> ¦>¦'». being an iiitrea-e of £-79,460, and the B_B8B of bulli M in boLh departrnentB £ 11,-1 -..VW, "howin, ? a8B8T8B ~ of£6it>,59| when compared with tho prcccling re¬ turn. Tbe follow ing tablc wiU ahow lhe lluctoations in Couaoln aince the 4»h inat.: ,-For Monry,-..e.. .«-foi A'roanl.-.¦.*- .mi. I.ow'.t. Hi^h'rt. CloVr. LoWai. Kifb'at i'o.i-. Bat, BI.u4| !»4J «4) B4{ H4. BU ?_£, B).!M 941 9*1 B N N uaa. _!.... 9H -«_ .'« N Wf *>U 941 911 ,1, 0i> .!-, Feb. 9ii »>< VVed.. 1.WI fMl Ml Tbur., 2.94) 9.1 94* MI Frti I.N 94} 94| 94| llie movarneut of the Anthr.icite Coal tnule for the weak cndiBR Keb. II haa been aa followa: IMiO. I*"_J». _ SamtvfRoad. We. k. Waefc. Inr-rraw- Dtefpt. Phil«4.«,dRe_d_gR.R.21,'ni II I8IAWH ...... 1,2.-1 ttl l-,_..h V alloy R K.14..07 12 ..,0. 8T 1,181 0- ...... Del.L-rk._.\V.R.R.(N). 2,36-10 4..-B .¦» _...;. 88 DoL,L_ck.ltW.R.R.(S...12,'j7ei_ U.84-u» UBIM . Iha-B. Val.-tPotU. R.R. 1,4-8 08 8ua 01 18881 . Htmt.kB.'rVipMouB. R.N. 108) M*_j Mg Q" . X.t^._b,.nr la tn.-M iu li.r.i,«, .:,,*> !'- Nftmrreaae. MM '* Thf Chicago Prrx* *ayt: We nUtad yeaterday tha; tho TVink f'ommiiwioneraof Illinoia had re.-uir-d tho_e bauka who-e iaauc« were baaed on Miaaouri atocks to put np aiditional see mtiea, orwh-t would bothc --.ino thiurf, witluL-uw a .orrea- poDiUnir amonnt of their circul-tiou. The fullowiruj m theliet of the banka ou which the call w_a m_de, and the amonnt reqnired of each bank l Amerlran K.rh.nire Bank. *.-*¦' tlauk of Aurora... '~ Bank of Naperville..-. JafJJ li-i k ofthe C-u._ouw-.ith. ».«*.. Il.nkof lii-K-y. .'..= | rt.nk of P.I-isI,. "_» Il.nk of Southern lllltioi.. !_._« Coinr'.irh.oror'ailB.. MJJ Vptmonf aud TraderV. jf'J OiauJPralrioBaiik. .»«- Oravville Hank. >| MrLe.n County aank.l. ',.*« Jvterer.anta'arMl llrovera' Kai-t. ' 4+4 Mou-iiCo-uty Wauk. 2'jM Pr-irie State Bank. M" Kailroad Bank. l "^ .--outborn bankr.f tiravvUlo.g State bank of Iliinoi.. 'J.8a8 Total.*." QOLB BB-BIB8 QVABTI IB H-VM _CBB8BTT8^. Tke Xnrth Adam* Xnr* flatt«ra itgelf that ^old-hearing anartz ran be dug in thai region. the editor publishing lhe following .tateuient of facta: (.apt. bad/er of that place, had in hia poesesaion when he died feserai rpecimenti of qnartz rock which were rirhly UapaSBJ* ua'.ed with gold, which be Bahl were ob.aiued in nujlit of the village, vthere tbere were l_r«e deponit.-, but the whereaboiiUol which he leluaedto tell auy one iiulerB they wonld l'aniiah him wi'h Biiffi.ieiit t|, to hny the land on which tha veins wrre lornt.d. Sevcr'al partien have been endeuvoring t<> find theae upei inienri fljthin a few 8-JB, who saw them when Capt. BadgeFwa-i lifing, but bave uot aucceoded aa ^ _.- (AdvertlM.iaat.| New-York Statf. UU of lr?T7, Nb«-Yobk Htaib Si-a. of 13*>, Umitbu 8t_.t*» Ibs< kibbc Fiva. of 1IT4, r*tvaaof 1814, lu atooonU to auk, by _,-__. -_ Taoapi-ix Brothb*», No. 3 vV aB-ot. IvfarBeta-CiaaBTi-T Rbfortbd bob Tbb N. T. Taiauaa SaTCKPar, Fob. la, 1*0. ASHKS.A fair demand prev-lLa _t *5 25 for Pota. and *5 43| for Prart.; aale* ofiou bbi» both .nrta. ((I'ritJN.The, market 1. ato-dj .aie. ofl.MJO bale., luelud- i.,; N»J lu ttaiiaitu. We ,] iote. a»a-v.MB tL»Minc*Ti«.ir. Upiand-. Jflorirta. BlobtiV M. 0. k Taa. Ordtoary. 81 Bl *\ Mlddllri.11. IU Ji U* Mlddllnr PBir.Ll 11 12. J* Falr....".Ui MI 13 H COFKKF.. Java li.a beeu a-tive, Wh bere eui ti Ho.toa, partly ou .uerulalion: .aie. or -,U-0 aaat.' -...I ">Ki»t Bo.- ton, the latttr at U'c. Rio i. ateady; to\et ot you b... at 1-. PHa. KI.OUR AND MKAI.-Th«re.'eipl. of VVe.iernC.iia) Flo ir are light au J tha iuquiiv fali. bat b j.iue.« ha. u.-eu reairntrd by tbo Leavy anB-r-.torm. Pilre.are a aha-e hetrer. Tlie ~_1«. ar« 4,TW bbl.. (partly for Ib. >*e-ith, luit ObMlj tot lo--l uee) at C-ltraC*. .0 tcr auperBne State; *5 -i,_r*51.for .aUado., #5 ..« * 596 for thippl-8 in.ido ro-m^ hoopruira OhfS i i$a Yr, tia lor trade br.n.t. do,, and 8_> W»8" 'w !4t. Louia aoti Hon- e*e.c 1'irr.a. ta_-d'_n r :our li hettnr, .vnd ia fooei denaai eO Bv.-'.-lly tor the better fiadea; MVc. of 5ou bbl.i. a-. mo 11.; » 1 u-.r So-ithcr- Ho-ria wiihouf f!h._aat;th.«.ivvJ. a.i Hght, .ika ot .tun nbla. »t ikiitatfii .- tor ..inomrio llai-mo/e, .v. ,.iA f!> nni" for thf botUr _ra.1e_. Itye I. tl**Ay 11^ dfair: tmbm ot 188 ho:.. at f*01*940% UoraMaalai | i.1 40 for Jervey, and «4 184 *4 IS lor B.-i'dywlae. Il.akaaheat Flour lt ln at t-l H2. *81 "S 4? MO ffi. (ill.MN .Wheat lair deman- the re.-eipt. are li«ht, ind tha Uju-iivm uf holilrr. ch«cka L..-uie.a, Malca of l.J.'O h.'h Wl.ite Kentii.-ky at *l 45. Rje U In fair reow-.r oai oimoAj; uie. cf 2,'.'. tl boali. at 87aK.o. Barley i. quite tirm. __d in I»U requeat; aalea of9,I00baah at Mc. forfour-rowed *-_u« :r.»tc:. .nd C-nada F.ut on pilvmte terui.. Oata are bicae.t, esp_ci.:ly Btate, _n.l ln apeculntlv* raqa.Hj tbe arrlv.l. \r« lim'Wd, .aie. of hnah. at 44r*46<'.. tor t^nidian, \t\d ti\ t.ti>. i,.- 8t_4*; efcoiri of tn.' latter* ara a yir.-a. ( om t. Iiarrlly «o hr .i tl.e ,1-- ra.-dti woderate, owlng to tbe inciement '.v.'-icer: tL.'aupply ia aninle: lalri ..f I) <H«i laok. ". Ml f." ..ea» H'e.tem Mize-1 TMtr.Qe. for .loraey ard Montaarn Valloar and BTfeata I'AV.The mark-t I. rjalta ru., but la >_>ilet; axlea of WO b_ka.,al 98o.»Bl W" rr. l'la ialea. _nl_iat«_, but U tirmly )i.l.!att-e^ujeiit. LEaTHKR.There i-au.o.ler.t« <!-.uai.,l f..r L-otli H.ralo-h acl Oak. Pr-ce. are ui...'b_ii|t-d B10LASSK«.Tbe «r._e ia very au.all; aalea ofti-i bbla. New Ollf-O. at 4a_*48c. Forelfu 1. -j jlet. NaVAL fcToRES.inar.Uvity i. tl,.'prvdominant fe.tnre in tbia breiich of bwiieia. owlnrto « eanttenal «to'm ot auow, aud ralu diiiiig tbe day. parcela ol" Spirita at whaif tiierei-r.' have been tnmtj effered -t lower ntte., wtiho.t Snala. b'-yon. The onry trsnaa.llon we rnnli) leam nf wh 3 aal.1 ofJW bbla. Stiain-d Roalu at f 1 W p* -I'j 10, la y«rJ. 01L9 aie.-xtretnelT il't .. but pri-e. fecer.'Iv are malnUinrd; .Ball aale. ol f.inie.eo, at tfld)mte., |il,l__a fb Tallow Oil, au 10 bbl*. <>l We.ten. l-u-.l OU, at <C .,. _>U. OIL. CAKK.Tbe .i.^rket I. .|.ilet, ti.- ...pply aaB l.r/e .a'-. of 100 t :n» TLLo Oblou. City, iu baaa, at 844 W; Tlai. C.'intry i. ntr.iir.i_ at *-lfl'831 50; and Thir. ..-ari-a- »r #¦_. f- tan. I'ltO". 1MON-. The Poik aarket ,- <) .11* ...!.. e aud ia rather tbe .leiuainl fo. lhe futu'e ia -. ,1ve aelea H M90 b'o\i. at ? 14 .".x.Bl'* kir uew Weat. n I'lim- *I5 .5 ,,.. IU y I'.Li.e; f 17 50 I... Old Mea., 8)11 M for ne* Maia; *.\i U lot old rrtoa. Iii. l..ded ln lhe iBla._rc508 bbl(.u.iw 81.... mBB8*I Op tion all Mart'h, at4id IBsBBB b'.'-i. Mevi, wller'a opti^- :Vo:a lSb March to tbo lfrtti of Apill, at *1» 75; 600 bbU. We.teai I'riine, .leliverahl* on tho 15th ot', hnyer t.. :. ... .'.- i-hoico of icpector, and .,!«.. r>M». >le»a. aelier'a optloa, for July, at B1-. The i>over_t:ient coDtrarj -or l,i*w hl.l.. I'ork and l.iBW bhl«. Beef wa- a.ard^d U d*y, r t tba terma ara uot made public A <u-n ot :m ;..«. I'ork au madrt *.-'. Beel i. tirtner. aad in ro.d dniruud; aale. of ill bbU at i$ 2:-wi>i >> lor Cou:.-ry Mcaj ij !'.<.' 610 for R.'facked Me-a, aud <10:^-»..' :jr Ex-.ra. ..firue MeMi.d-ll-i *17 50./819 5". ludia Mm-ia iu rro/.rat. at iibciii 40. beet Ii__.a are bcttor aud ln .-od Jeo.-j.J, li. pnit r.,r aale, of«:i at *I4 liJi\6 f... 'AV.;. ara ladadad iu tba <aioa are -w bbu H.-aB't, to arnve on tne opeulug o! Canal, at * 16 *.'. bj.'on i. urm aud iu fair domaui: mimt o. inobm-»We.teii. !..¦> j. BIBh.8MU-lia. I..I... (ity I lear ti. p.ivnte le.tu. Cut 81 nal. -j.- .i.i..' i.i... nn.l ln di mand aalea ot *i7 hhd.. ai.d Iaa. at o| 3 ;<-¦ tor .-.-louldera, . d -)l_. lor .aai»; in tha <_in« ue ii* tu. .l.y ¦ait.-d _h.ulderaat 7a. l._rd ia brui aud iu laii d.u.-.a foi the t'.de nd lhe future uie. o/BBI bbia. aud t.-«. atl-.aH'.' in- ided in the aale. are500 bbla. Fri-ua VV_»t.'rn. for .Mar.-i. ile m.rv, at i 11, .. aud 2W koaa, ou tuo .pot at 1-ic. Dr. aara lio.'a Bll ll.ilI'l Blld III -IBaBllll. aiBa. i'"i aad >. ..<¦ ,.,r i-y I'.. ,t.-rl. ln Mlr il.-iiiil.dat ll« 14.-. t,.rt)l,,|. . !oi Jtate. ilici.:.- du BtXOtftae. ( be,-..- i- .,.,> biui aud iu de- ai.nri.t !'l_)|ll<.. and Ki.liah dvlr. at 11- Iil( K MlecatlB-IBBaa "' ?imirha LBLOAKS'- fb-ra-i a ino-uiala demand; aala. ol .5" Uiiua. 3.... at 7Jr., :nd T5 hl.da. Cuba at 7J B7|a B.EI'.8 Tl.e aartet ." a'eady, I...1 ia .(..let fur (":¦.. er Se-.J ; aalea of 48 *t *'-*-)*. Tliut.i l.y See- ia b-itt-r, auil ia waui.xl; aale. ..! 14* bualiela at l?;t '."'-*:< ¦." f bmbkol Ut raapaiL Itou.h iu. feei I. nonjlii-I,at il .'.-.-*.i 60 f i> .' Baaha) of N m TALLOW-The maiket ia Oruier for Weatern, the d-ruand falr;nle. ot 40,000B). r.t 10|Bli'l partdf-1vorablo Baataraea. » Aa.ociUlOU 1. beld at llc. RoU|tll hat la .;._dy, al ..'. raab. WHIBK1 The muket ia eaaier, tuid ia dull; the i::\'p\y i* lair; aalea of -0t> Ibla. .t ineiltoe. -? !i_arbel...Reporttd by TelegrapA. Narw-Oai k »>-. tnm. IX.Canoa: ailea to day i-.^oobaie- at II Cllc. 1-f Middllaf. Tl .i «.U» .il ti..-aa.M-k ad 1 np ,i,,»ai hala.. Baalaat 0 481 ... tb. «r« in Ia.t ye«i. Tlie r.porl. T Traltt. atrfl tBt T~Tll exp..tla t- daU. aipta «t th,. part aliea.I of laat veai ri.l.ii al a.l :.«. .uien. |»..tK .-l,n,KI baJna. DlocB874.8.8ba_aa. Faauean-Ua-tly a_va_M-e. Cotton lo Idvwp«.l '.>-vH. Ki- < .. i- .,1IOB UoNDOB I" i' 108 with bilk .1 lilin.. aul » ih.inf, ; 1 ii .< laOB o.n Naw-¥..ail Bt aiity il.ya l|« .', [h-i rei.t .li.. ..i.iit. .ml ,a ...lilal p.r lo '; per i'.-i t p.ei hnn, at Bl -U foi BuMiBaa. UOfBaa >t. nly al l{.i \t*A llie aale. of lhe %. eek I....I BB 1,888 pmPM i tL.- linpolt. -. tl.e BM8 tubi ip ;,,,,. h-ja, aud the total iuupotta lo dato Zli,'*"', atoitk Naw-OHira^a, K.I.. 18. C-fTBBi aalaata_WBy_BBbah . i* ¦aeBanivd Btwaa at *.(.. ti >-¦¦ f-Btia,aB8a, _iKi>.. i'|o. raaiaaTaaa.l Biinaaaa i.ii.liaii^.d. ll.nini.HB, Feb. IR. .1'i.ot k d_H. Wiii.t f.r......iiinl. i i.k.n advani'..'.! I.rlj.-.; Whlta, ..'..". 1 el- io* .ou aeifkL Poaa u,m, Aaaa, a-i; l\ m.-*,, Ha. Pini i'iiii. 1... II 1-Hiii.i.t. V\ iD.Ti. :.».-, lUd, Bl .. .r + ,'.. i i.k.s ..!. li___i<« J. FBO \S III.hl l.ill ..IIJI'.I. I l*i iah.1l, r.-h. IK li.oi k dull at +5 >0_ *f. r«, for aupair- Haa Wai k. ... I.a to.). M.'.a I'.n.a OU ~.J, bulk Sliou dara, M.ii.ii i;. Keh. 17..4-TVua ¦--». to-.l.y rt.Oaai bado* ut l>i_.,' I!pfa of Uie., M-»*» -B.-M' baloa l «. ¦-' MOllLI ui.Ki ,f COMJ-UU [AI ITATEIBICT M .BU P \ v| ...ta tm (I.e I'*"t i. .-.'... i af.atioila ior tae ua-tui ..lh. ¦. iis.i.-.u Iaa. 18. ......I..I. ¦'. uu te-ld -ii- I ,, ,.. I. r-.t. 11 r>ll * '.-"I. f ,. -u'd' 9k***kmtn t JPraaaea. TtertL »t *»* 8BBJ B..»Taa.Feb. la, IBBn-'^a bb. *Var j K.ido foiti Ifeal; -50 du. Provlalou*; 18 do. Loti, *M do. * n»tky- Tmrnerrngtirm ^aitaat /,. tttfimilip CUftf tY,ittiteVtim fur (i,n*^n*UnmmMd t.tttr- ,_..* Dcu.-uliii,^q, U,ot0 tlid uo, John NUot, . .Madsei*. J<>«|po(*and child, T. Armorettl, P. 1-. .. B fa-Mlo Uvt-.nrtnd T-nr*njrre, Menry rairfax, »,. ,.,|. ii..: -*t P.yrai, l*«..,rge Wlfceo, W. H. llaleher aad lady J. ..I. aenreyro, lirael Walter, J. A. t, V. Htnghteo! Ar.ll.oay B»*in, Kamnel I'.rowa, Abdiew TaUii, aud UO U Uw> g-jMIBf*. Total, 144. t_M|W arrlraaf. ia ift4*i**»/) A.eahta, from l.r*rpeel.MT. and Mw. Cebee lir. 'iowntend ',«.id.|*rt tnd ltdy ( <il ti'itenden, H. Crop ^* lady. twoiil-jdrrnandeervaiiti Mn Midwinttrr, Min !>._££'*. K/pr,rh, H. J !»iootion, K. rbe», Ftutdi, Y. H. VfiEe, CaiUu.'- Cooptjr, r aa/tgue. W. il. UilL-ere. J. C. W _A(..w_.-_, J U B»t,helder, M. M. Rutr. 0. flaailey, Bo", VAtwmB V R l»if»**>tt T '.-:.;;,.'J. Ml*r«mlmni, F.Cai-pb*- . ihwiod, W. B. H. B«aden. B. L Ham, Ka_we, Mn. .,&.,, w. HIU, C.rWri, ftheppird. Dowey, Kot, Mmont. £_ E cdwflxat, U. MtOo.ngb. J. R Bettett, A Y. (iat-tnao. Total, 4A ln t(ra«tA(> Uorvir.a., ffrex Harn'^f.. umi goulAampttn. Jtr.ob MfLdel. H. Wendl, A. Bot'jM, f. YWhrop, C Votv, W. Duttiimeebei and lady, A. .^dna«e, J. LoarhWiar, A. Bebrendt, M. Airhei, II. 0. Btin.her*t, 6. Rndeiph, M O. Werull tr.d ftmily, VV. rit.rettnt, K. Helntberi, T. Oleuberwr. 1( h. u. I' -. -I U>d*, J. A Pv.bT, A. M. Ileui. d. Hda. C. Ocbl- »...(... *»4 My, I. fetiar^w, 8. Iltrtwl*. C. Onuttdek, C. Orbhtrdt, J. WV.derta, B. Herk J. Mnller. tfoaker Ctty, frim Hoeana..Mt. M. liehaati, Krtncitco l>nc, A. Ovtlaudet, T bomat Currier, Prucii Fiorae, D. MrRot_en, P. OalHn, T. Morri.on, P P Oeoffry, lot* MeHit, I-' A.I.-1 Wi.,.H, A!*< Mi.lbler l.,i a IW-vru Wlllitin Wlnl....¦!¦*, Huth Yauni. Min W. F.drytton. Miti L.v.rt Handston, Vr. Jobn ZOlea and lady. J.C. Ketdail. P. de U Rivida,W. H. Batrd, Mn K. R*~.flBflk Ml»* Blan--i. Koon.tou, Mi*t Mary Reblaaou, Mr. Mtr.aei Ctrbahtl, daughter »r.i 8ve terranta. LaiiBalaat, Mrt. Mary Holano, Mr. M. Caueilln* ind ltdy, Mr. (i J. U,y. mii, Mlu Anna (I'lleiliy, Mr. A. B. Mrtpiar, Jo*. Milliken, Mr. (i. Hal'aeta, Jo»#ph Murphy, .Itinea .Sosltli, R. M*-Pher*oo, M Kinnl, M. «m MijU'l. I. h. I*tj>d, II. A. .Ia~'lo, J..%n Mr.c.nt and lady, H. Madiiilo_t«, Klchard Anderton, Edii^i A.l.ri.t.ToUIST le lU.imihip I)e Soto, frnm \rv>.flrl*iiet nnA Haaamo.Me. tnd Mra. Y Mtllard, Mr. an«l Mr*. Ito.e* And*r*on, Mt. aal Mr*. \V. Mlbeuiath and ton, Mr. llarUtorn, Mr*. W alter*. t^pl. W. H. Doaii. Mrt. B. Gtin, Mr-<. Pynebon. Mr*. CtpC Morte an 1 ton, Thrmai Watkim, Mr. fit h. Mr. Sbeldon, J. Aochln-lo-n, Indy and ton ; V. Y. ( ltrke, A. D. Crai», Ed. Oarde, B. Oolder- a**iiH. Kroi.i Havaiia. luan t'aatennde. Vgnaelo J. AreHftO, Bar- ntrd Breed, J. Mti-toth, J- Oikbam liriy, Juae Ifeniaiidei. BiaiATi ax xutxnAC. Snn-Riir...... «:4. |B*t_.>:411 M*e> Bt***... ( a m.'im wtTxa ran i.ti. Sandy Hook... 1:01 Oot. Itland... T:-I ' HaU-OaU.Htl* -:.-.-_r MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OK NEW-YORK.Fbb. U. I'toareti. Htetiutbip»-Yorktown, Pirrith, Norfolk, Lndlam A Heinrk- en ( oinmbia, Berry, Charleiton, SpoSord I UflflUfll 4 ' -. A .- tutta, Woodlmli, fiavtanah, 8. L. .MiA-bliJ klion, Mott* Tiylor, (l.ill.i., 1 iavai.a aud N**vv-(li:..»..*, M. 0. RoUrt*. Sbipa-Mtfnet, King, Hon* Knnt, CtxykCe.; MoW Cattle, Kr-owlet, Apalachkela, .1. W. Klwell 4. (..). BtMke TanaBa Brand, ludiaiio;«.a*rteUe,t'ole,New-<Jr!eani. iv Nelaen i. Bi., , .. . . Briit.M. SUple*, Huple*. Apaiachi.ola, Oakley A Keatlni; A. D. Oain.^e(ltr ), Ellla, Aaa I'aye*, WU*oo k Baute. J. H . Harrlt, Rathlun, Maila, D. R. Dewolf; O. Doe-n-a, Iianean, 9k, Pierre, Metralf * Dnncan 14. ITlagg, Rrimball, Matanxat, Smita, J*.r.e» U . o. Kmpire. Mi.'ier, Utlveaton, W*kem»n, Ui.ou Ia. t .. 1 U Sa.yb..tii, Niuke!*, Mol.ile. Laytln k Hurlbut. . Scbconert--3ouUierB B*Ue, Smith, Charle*ton, D. C Morray; RedKajle. Brown, Savannah, l>. C. Mamy; Alva, Anderton, Bavtrinah; Empire^ Howril, Norfolk; A. itlker/erj, Itoj-.., Ilirbmond, C. M. P'^rye, C. T, Stronn Llt.-um, Baltimore, M«i.- irr, L'nJ k Uuer^au; Elale, Ptceuilre, Fbiladelpb^, Jaaew Hand. Meamer.Artliaa, Eotter Boutl. Amboj. a Arrireel. Steairn.hip Itomult (Hau.h. BBBflWJL Trautina.i; Haubarx Fev 1, aud Stiutiiimiitoii 8th, iud*e aud Ij«i put to Ruuhardt k Co. Keb 10, iat. 40 A, lou. 32 31. patred a s-rew ttrainaiiip. tjppoted the Teutonia. bound E. Tbe R~:**1n experlenrod very heavr wetterly (ttlet witb a heavy taa ib*- rirat port of tbe paita«e. t.-.d during tbe latter part alrouj K.utb.-rly tnu.*, wita ituiw tqaaila and very beavr wa. ste»n.*hif. Xraaia(Br.), Btoae, I..**rp..-.i Peb. 4, mdae. tai 4fipta«. t.. K Conard. t.-b b, ¦ n-a-t or s,.,>h St*. t, ¦Bfll tteanitliip K..i--,i ttom liottou .d Halifat. aud tteaoehip Jart, bflflfl»| 17lh, Ba. n*., ltt. -M), l'.'i. TO, paned tta.utuip city of Man bflfltflf, aaaaa. Att. uit Cur llallery tt 8 a ui. Buk Omega. Mvr«e,-ftleiuio Uec. 10, paaaed OibraHar Jaa. '.; fi-it to Chaniberltun. Phelpt k Cn. Dec. 88, olf Cap<» Paloa, tif- naUd hri< B^.nito 'of piew-York|, bound E t Ju. 10, Luiber R. Fovaeri, o. Otriagtoii, Me.. leaiuau. died; Keb. 11, lal. 37, lon. li, ptuted ¦ tcrr.'t mait. wiih boom uid isili tttacBed, tontrerttj DiH i ihcrt time in the water. l'hn Omert ht* been'_» day* Vt. of Bcrmnda. with .-ontujaal N. &nd W. ftiet, bad tery o*^4 wettber on tbe cout tnd a food deai of isow. Biig Tl.ittrr (of Baogoi), Ealou, Tr'uldad 18 dayi. tugar, I;.-., to nuttcr. Peb. 4, oa t. ipe A.itonlo, ipoke brig Aie* ba-llt, ftom A.pmwtM for New-Vnrk, B...ili.e. Mttwell, Alexaadria 85 dayi- Keb. 1\ wMIe hrtn? ro In a b«*vy N. VV. /tle, tbipped a aea arbleh iweji*. tbe giijey ..verboard, tberiwl ooal from the dariu, anJ e.rry tuevabl* tbinx Cicui tbe deck, aitd tpiit itilt. .-. t.r. fiaar. W. Hnghei, Irrland,'Newbeni, N. C, * diya, naval ttorei to intiter. Schr. Howard. Laarrrnce, Newbero, N. C, 3 dayi, oevii itoreat to 1HW.I' *. i>..u-.e. Brh.- Ornton, WiUiaic*, Wtthington, N. C, 7 day*, uavtl itoret aci netwn to natter. Ifcjkr, 1. S. .ireer, liutt-orougb, Kraderka, llel., 2 dayi, cvtm, tmX.P. K ii WIL .t. ln. N.i.- Sttr, Fy.I", hr Buci.port. ;'. .*o.'-1i., 'ont, M'.ltou. Del t daya. *-S. VA rjvrwa, Me*'!*, Bi-ivma Del.ldaya 8ebr. Alsoaiua Itvlu. Smvrua, Del , 1 daya. 8. hr. Pred Htll, Rutee.L Predenoa. Uei.. t dayt. Schc. Caroiiue Hall, Orahaia. ."¦ redertea, Del Str-aaer Deltflr^ Copai, Phtladelphiit and lape Miv, ir.dae. r.rd rais. tn Y. Perkini. Sleaiuer Otpray, Retiaey, Provldence, oidae. to ltaa*'. Odell. m ArrlvetJ.St..tDAr, Feb. Wk St* tm«hip Qnaker (Ity, Shufridt, Havana Peb. 15, at 5 p. m , mdae. ar.d 47 paia. to llargon. Baaa S'eb. 16, lat. 8b 58 N., Ica. '.b :C VV ., aiajuaied 'aik tuivii, buuud N. ; alao a largn *hlp, *u a sta allow «ii',, elgual letten L. D. oa t * tite fro-inj aod dux .'d^r fore ind ml/reu topitiUaut yar-Ji down; aoppoted to na loadad tailJ. oito.i r*tca_cifc:p i)e fcoto, Builocu,Ncw-Otlria* 1'ab. 12, vii llaa.oa 14th, ludtetud lo Uviaptoe, Cruciioroa k Co. .-teauitliip Nttu.UIe, Muxtay, Charletton, mdflfl. and paia. ta Sj-offord, TUeiton k Co. Eteaiuthip Mount lernoii, Smith, Norfolk, niie. and p**l. to H. B. (.romwall A Co. bteami.pMonigsi-icry, Br.rrr, -Stvannah, mdte. and paia. te 11. B. CrcniTveTLt Ce. Rrig Monntain Earir (of Trrnnnnti. Biantaem. Cmdenm Peb. 5, in-gar Ac.. to i i. K. J. Petera. Haa had very beeay trealhti g be«B lUdayiN. .*f ilaltert*, wlh .m.Uut/tiee; W foratopgal- Itul oiatl aud latin gail, wat towed up by tteamtag Dtidnrwriter, CflBt Anthony. flahr. horwrt Ptlrnar, Weltnn, ApaJtehicela 1? daya, ooltotuid I.idet to tiakley k a.-iimi. Hai aeeu 8 daya IS. ef Uatteia., v. iiii beavy N. ta N. W. gairt lott fon'tail, itove head raili, kc .s.-hr. Relit. Hall, Dough*>rty, Vir*l.,it, wood Auchvred ou Htturdoy nixbt iaUravrieud Bay. aad tbe tail* be.-oming froxen, wai towed tu Jeney City by tteaui'.oe Jacab BeiL Sclix. titu-ut (of s«i'jau), Tboatpten, AUtkapa* 1.) dayi, lugar ti.d flaatflaaai to Mnrgo* k Co. He* bad heavy w-eether. 0chr. r--.koai.ik-, lltrrli, W aahingtoti, N. C , 4 dayt, aaval .toret and cotton to J. ti. Wflliam*. MBa Dan Soiith, Milton, New-Havea 2 dayi, in b.diait, tor Virg.ta. Schr. Elcxuor B. Coovell (it Provineetown), Laar, Or-nd Ca, L'.an Feb. lt, mdie. 'o matter. BF.1.0W-.vhip Cambria (Br. of iireetwx-k), ttmn (l.'aagow; wa* botnicd Peb. 16, u milea e. B. ot s-nttv Heok. by pilot beat C. V. Bl.ut (No. 11). >bip Kdith Roae, H-aciai, Boo Chow r'eat, 38, aai I brigt.. (hy pilot tx-at VV».bt*.kton (!*¦¦ 4) Alao, 1 lierin brtgln towof tbe tteaiat'ig Wm. Fonli 3. ofthe llifhltn.laat a.Kiaea. rtAII.I- II..Meatuahip* City of Waabiaeton, Uverpool; Ceitun- bit. Cburlettan, Augottt, N. vtnntb Y .irktown, Norlolk, Ae. WIKD- -Sumet, N. W.. ttt aa. lear aad.olJ. CoRkH. ri.iv..ln the ..r th- btlg^ A.iJr.var p.iblialta-.! U BatattBtJ * .ii.!. », .L.i.jl.l io vr- «... bfl xtie tlu- wa* in wai from Y.. .S. Y.., witl. tnow uid i.ot froai N. E. She a :»ig> valmd..t »mi:,i-i*i. Dbtimhix..Thf itetnithipi City of VVtthinrton. ior Liver- p.K>l: Columhla, fer ("h_.rle*t..n; A.gnata, (»r Savannah. tiid V ,Htti-.-li, l.r .Norloik atill remain tt thrir doi/k*, aud will tail a. .4.4M* «a ll.e |L K. aUnui I. 0>et. e Ry Trlruraph. SANDY hOOK, Krb. li>, lunaeC-.Stetui. rt t ity o VV itnlna- tnti, lor I iverpool cletred tbe Kar at I:IB A m. Vork*,o»- Norfolk. tt 9:19¦ m t ..I'.uil-i*. lur Cliaiietton. tt 11 a tu.. i J -4:..r. for Havana aud N.-w Orleana at 11:4.1... tn. No taaaaa u. tu:.t Barad m. VV n..l bBBB the N. VV waatiwi .:.-».. mOBLAITDS, Feb, 19, leaafli Two tl.Ipt In lhe Offlag in- ward bo. rd, alto rt hrl; ort Lotug I'm:. h in tow: iltxt iteauiihii* Qoekat ( i'v from Havana. od laflflflj Branch. VV'lad heavy trom N. W.;wm.ber clear. BAi.'1'..VioKE, P.b. i9.-Arr. *r«an:«r CUy of UoHolk, fr«_ PHlLAl/KLPHIA, Keb. li».- Arr. tteamt-r titate of Oeorgi*. _-'*4».m*l:. Sckr. Jbbmi N. ;--on, bound lo Taantou, it aab.>re tt t'tp* tt Plan, from Bmyn* DA, for 9*****. hM r.t':r:.. J ta tha Breakwater tor repaifA haviag latt**^* iu the .-¦net. .. be Btate ol Grorgit paMe.l tle jam.-t Adge*'0.n ___, .SAVANNAH. ... ,t.-au.ibpisur *»r tae Aoutb ttt. * "*¦,. e v _. Tbo ttre-n »t.-tm»hip PaBaaM-, ol Ottmmat . bo*. Iton. .Ne» - York. arr on ThuradflJ. laBiaBflrflB. -_ a . - . Nl.vv ORLF v:v->. K.-b. i. -in.thlm Oaaaa B*Ua. Pa.- nc. tad In.-l. ftom K. wY..ik Jamxt E May*, md bark V. ,>,-.. .Iiii. _ |»i.«.(..« Ar. T 'owini ii l rorreet repott reiitive to tbe oell.aUn of tlie ,,h; B. >. Ji.uu.ou.ud ,ng li*trle. ^fout fpb> ^ xm0m Met.n J.«*v - Hu-**.>«. New-York.-..*.»(. Capt. Look- » ,T -!. B 8 ¦,|,hed,-....!«t..'in. dtatatei' and «* re«lwMed me to .u'orin you at tbe parUoular-. IgUtiat. tt 10 o'cleek. blwJatait^Na***. vrry tlii.k duk -nd raining ibe Mt] Cntrlet Milier. »««««"». iron. 1.4i4ln,k* unh augar and iiiolaaaet. bonud Ijryour port. ttn «!, tbe H V baaoa.1 itrUiug her u-tween lha ttn and B*B_ rlgglug; the fl t. tl thit time « ,. tbout mile. >. ,.',v.'.;;:';.,, u!.. in ,,..r v, .... pnupt ba.e gou. 1T0..1 ...iattllll [»J ttpti!.. lt. u.,u, .,s. ,,..i..,v dpokewi N.*- ¦. .Mlate .' wi. « k,'_.'hr._Mra .... day. i: ^ m.. bnx s.ral. r^»{^^ ._«:..« adailtiO.U lOt.!«<"¦* ...tuuxiipt >a . atlra

Transcript of ·...

Page 1: · *t -waiBia-BBiBilS -a-_ at a-. rt wmfrw thetV-**t- AaBBara f, « vew aiata-at t-_r-

*t -waiBia-BBiBilS -a-_ at a-. rt wm frw the tV-**t- AaBBara f,« vew aiata-at t-_r- aanll a ..a**, Oa* ike .»8-r .» «-*_*' Ii 8aa-t ta irwlf _fe,.-. Ibe *ar.k ltr« 8la_. te tb. rtatoto. that« aaiti) »n i_f.b.c_»tioul_li.-re-_a, d_iitii._. -i-rk_rf*>, erntfoet j, 0 peiMiu'.'j ..l.tljatioi.. au- be ee-t/-_ded Uai tbli eatry did not, Ba^i'M^'f I Im> oa'.y frand tifauyi totamikted, wu ap-ti

Wiii. J. _-_». ar.. tbe eat. bataf aiade to et'a-riib a eradit tofe-Dj. and not lodeltodaat, wbofet lathei aloae became ratponn_-. frt tbo BO D- J obtei&eH.Mr _._-_¦ r..-'l..e- bj n,-n.ittlug lha folluva.4 poiiita fer

Bae Jnif to charfe upcn;>W>r. Iutrii»<aae ihe Jqry may not lejUly proenine tbe ln-

rtt u -efi.ud aolery ft' m tae hlaa. eutry, avea if the; ualievetoBehi.hibotvmo 1 Ibe inten*. to detrai.d m.rt b. prove4 to tbe (atlaiao-

taaa ef tbe Juryra..- II B....I ae pmvoi a. Uid ta tbe tadlctnient, vi.: " Aa

-Bteul 4-. _eti_ua* it.eOank."FottriA 1 TV eatry allefej to be falae ia not eo* wliick, ia

Baw, and wil'.ln tbe roeann. ar tbe .tat-te, 1.ia*»d, dl*ptiar|ed,Biiu-uiibed, tb. ieae-d, er lu auy u.-nuer a ty pe.-aUry«t iratiop, BBataa, or credit. nor did it p.rport to do elt'.-r.>V-* If if.«- tjm .'ioii tn- left to the Jury to aay whether tha

aa-ry iii m did not oi-ate, di.M_t_.fe, B.ait-iab increaae, or laaay .aai_»r afle-'t »Jiy peeuniary obifaiuu. daloi. or o.edit. ar

ShMl-ar_iypu-p_rt«.«U-a ao fc-ect*. by .och entry, theoey a__et be *-'.i«t.rd ao thi. point beyo-d all r»_aon_b> dmbt

Ba orJei bt eaevi'tAioiK- If theJjrv b.Uevel!«thed-/and»Bt laWnied by tha

fchwenury tocou. eal or covor up eoo* fraud or oruue already.._-VU.J .w V..' .«. V. \w._. . ... ..... .. .-

aaauulWid, aaB not to eBert a preaent fra.d otMM by '«

*t .aehoatiy. ho e.tmaot bo c-nv .etod aa-*r ibe Lodk t«i-t>t.Koototh Iftti* Jury taeliev. that thr pilllBBI rnadr the .-Jm

mmUo vrHh the lataat to defrmud Vv aa. J. Laae, _ . in -« *.«>_U-al ajaoae-iy, then the priMner oa.aot be convieto- uud-x tne

-.Bti&di-t.Attpmtt lh-ee-iDoaviieaeeiatbi. 00m that the Bank wa.

ta^way dvlra.Uvd by tbe eutry proved .n tw. caae, whieh ix.

a_»8a4i*_w_H. aliVr.-to be fei-e. - . ___

MaaiA li, pi-vcarr t. eiaati-a to be ae* _t_-,*.«»".*».

WltTbm^l^tbt^mtj no\"ol-. »___»«« -l-«->a ».

al^^a^r^pe-wW-awlalhei^iB.a^r -j, TiTe__rv-ii>8e" W -etel.«, c.ldaot iu -oi.tom-

*)__1_r^ ialVr-S tb^oan- or leaa to lt. hou.* J- .-.ide-,

."i-T^l'-'eloTrv fekiwed. an-. Inalloalm to tha ib-rty-alaa In-^,tita.aiinrt tbe priwuer, drfendod hi_o_elf Irom aay3__rtl%ef-.jiii_lowar_tbepn»..nrr He o-cl..re4 bui-tea.

Nfc^ony e-rryiDdlelrneutui.lil h« oltalned « c/>i,vl't.o.i oa

¦Wo fthe-_._--w1.-iit-aloouvictlon.hoaU oe ob__ne_, aador 4e-e- proDO-tv-d. and the pri.oner ou Ua way to .ufier that

aa-aoaca be »be.ld -han-ori th- oUora. He aobmittwl the fol-WiBcpolDUe theb_r!» of _i.»r_uu_-f.L ioproverhe exUieu^e of tha Corporalion of the K-ton


1'rhehea.pinioftl* book by that eorporation in wUBB th«*a__ltt-l M_AtT W_J __**ll'. a^Tlhe eotrv hy whicl. tbe cUirr. on the bank w_.n_de- and

4. Thr _-a__-| auch vntry wl-b intent to def.aid.Me UaaarocVded to i-i-e that proot of iIb«^J_

«ha eoip..ranonaad of the heopinso: tha- .ookreferr-d to by wr. perfectly clear, a. wm alao tho xn-kin* ot tbe eu-

8n bv th. pi.aoner, while ov.ry .urroaadii-lscUcuii.ataii-ealiow-Jfthli-t-r.t to -Jfraad.-nd the jury .hould lufer that mteutB«a>iui-U ae-*, (aat aa If th»y aaw a man throw aiton-a. a

B-a- ,_!. u. tWwai. Ji«y would h-BW-^a-aaa-» .agSra, earh aa that heinlrnriad to try how atrou* lt wm. kc tt-_t

Bauito-deabv lhat ktto hreak tho window. .»_.»__,W.., the DUUiVt Atto.u-y c«_c!-d<-d h ,.rii.n..D-, Mr. R *>

_tIUI jI iVf-Mllll- -.efoUowuxi addi-loual point on Ba_B-

^ifibe ..._¦_£. *"T i-aaon-ble doubt. in vtew of the evideneeJi^» B-kU-8 t.ct.: Th_t tb-dofoi.dujla>_d- thr entry art foilh ln tbe i.,ai.tmeut with the mteutto

r«ra,lMr 'uJtonBank: that tbe entry of .«.«'/ dia-...rred,.3_»»n-hrd. iuorajaaed. or crraled a «*i»«.ar» oblig-ljou, clabn.StTe-t or pu-veite- to ereate one of au.n or tne entrv

waar ,_de bijorelbt. fraod wa. r-rpetrate-, ai.d not aHeritari,vrkh a view to rover ,.p previ.u. oef.khiio.i- or w.11. any otner

«wrw of that chaj-tter, .uch doubt. are the property of tlie pri.-.oor. and Uenju.t beacqaitled.«.« J uilue procerd-d lo charae the .luiy t-y remarkiuK th.t il

wm not ofte-.i lhat the dut.e. of . Court and a Jory wrre pleaa-aat aa^ u,auy c-«e. c*n.e bolora them WBtefc were de.-,deJlyaat >a«aut, »nd tne preaent, fom the po..tS.n and toarn'ter of_- parvToi, trial. vimouv. WLUe the Co'.rt and tbe Jury f-it

*M* tbey abcold not le-. their interfere witl. JaaBaa.fSaJudJ.-then rrad tothe Jury lhe atat-te under wiuch Marwrier wa.iDdieted. Tne oBen»e ondw that law tbe Jury_^ making the entry ai-.h the lnt.-ut of d-fr.udm*Ihr » ulton Bank To prdva t-M *f7en»e, it wm neeeafary forM'. nro.eruti-n toprove:

l lhat the >rtry trot by tho pnaoaor.8. 1 Lat Uie vutry ww falao. ,

t That it wm iu a book oi aaeousU fcept by fc tuooeyed tor-

__i»tioi! aaithiu lhe btate. ,

1 Tbat it ctontri, u_.|orU»d lo ereate, or lu _i} B-_a_er BJ-

tmnOi » P*1uu.ry ooligauou.*. Th.tthe.ulertwMU)-e-T»udtho-orTK)r-Oori. .

IU Honor tben wout over the to.ti_uoBy, ahowln- that tbo

4.. propoaitim »m r.v.d, aaJthtttbe »^M;^?*-aaa -awo bj the pariie. puipori-H to -Tmv it and wm di.wn

VtSm of apwaoWwh. -io uol««_ Tueea f*.f .hoiiid b*ewaidortd _Ttoi->a.toth*i^oo-<l e..*-iu»ion t,- q *t,. lo

_. v.irvi-ered a. - aiatler of he were theu thr fouitb aud hfth

ae-->ooiiioo.,*-cl.b,. Honorleli VotboJory He oonii-leredBaa u-akinr fc a__a a-HJ '" » '*"* ¦*_ b? tb" bu- for lL'" >lJr"»..e..f_i-i-*..i.l. waaanoflVn*. On Mi. B--.l.'a fitat poiut tl_"

J-'dret-artodthr Jnry fmvorabiv, re-axkiuc that 'juloa. whetoit t..'.M,.,er tLe ri.:. j aa UBoadad lo -i-f,u.,d, h«. aa«U uo)br louud .l.illy but thr q'.r.iiou -f uilere.! w«. eullrely ror trat

lwy, *bo ahoulJ ,ud»e trouu fcll the aurroundi-r. droaa.taaoaa, wl»u tbe entry waa made. b-it-fierwara. lfmeywereahid tb»t tte -tant to defr»ud did not e.i«t. they would a.-

1 tho prUo-er aud rwe rmu. wiih reaaid to tue Jud«r a thirdDt thi. Jury ahould he Mliannd that the en _y waa tntended to

«M«U or afleci a petumary o- lijtti-.n. If tne r.trywm intendea** delra-d any peraon otnet than tho hanB, tben. m tbe

tm na*' Ior tbe pnaoner auueaod, be wm aot ,i«i!e lt

aaa aot ner«Maiy fur tbtu. le kuow wbelher _,_ue wa. ot wm

pmx Indebied lo the bank. The q-eoi-on wm .loiply M U> thakHrat of U»e prUouer U.* Hunu. rrierr-- 10 U.e aaaoaaaaaa^l|_V-0-'i eonte-aiou, bul thu to Mon-gnar2_H.t.«-- w ¦ »._ o^v":! bT __f^_ZS__4ht__~U Ihru ll .l.-ul.l t» e.'lud-l. If r.e-yn.dv.|....t-..,3_a__^' however, ther. the Ju., .honld .:ve ,1 the attention ti

rathltwMeuiltUd, -ud, i.'tbe, lialll lat. co-.ulrr»uo.-_hry oad th. additlou-J fart thal thr notoWM rnadr P'TttJ-'V. ¦vthu-lpe-on. Ho wm a.ked to chargr t-at ,'ibr p-ra«_aa.-_.dlo defr.udhi. fatn.r and not the bank, heanouldrxaeaiuiMed. Hal...,.al.«.'. . ln r.Bar.inp. aeo. ..di..|.v. y.

Jwr wr.-kl, therefore taae all tkeaa cirrumalaa.-ea into ..aaid

«rau-rj. _:.d. 11 they ware .ati.bed that the protwution Bal.ot n_ade out their cmc awordiug ta the point. «a.;ned by him,_b«a thoy ahould aoqo.t, c.therwi-e tboy woold oonviet.

81 r tl.- Jud_a U. cha_rM:lhat lhe act under whicb it i. a_»_-»r_ lhat the Fulton Bank

_.. becoine _n orn_ii-ed i^rroration re^oiro. that -ho-aawa..£!_ VLt?"',** of .11 tbe .haieooldor. .-*.! be .t*f_ ln tb. artl-

^___7to_!^»t«a. the ..aaw. of ,erulo Tmatreo, Midlha

alJawh-rftte.* Ja.prrtivelv beld, or purpoit-d to noli, are

^._____r_s»i^iS_Sjf?i^city °f

^mmotm\mmmSr^^Thoni^o- the attoruey, i. uot ,i»en, 6K aharea be'.nf trb d.wn

*".^Tb.Uh'tbo al*e...'« of IheM eleroeuU. tbe .**.¦>> are void,nmi ib,r. "

to- ES itmtto view ot law a b-l, o. au la-M-tian.aaaWe of-eluade'-rmdrd. _..._¦

BlM'b.l. -hawfirre, tbe defrtdant *>-ouldbe aoqulttjiThe J-d.. aaid tbat lt wm a uew humUou auout tbe l-fcuk.

wakh wm rtitt i by tht otber parta of tia charge, and ratuaod to

^TiTj'-Ty'r'l.tUrdat 21 o'clo-h. and MBBBSi- 3:10, be_g out

Maus-tea, with a verdL't ofOii.ty. __.____,

MTHolineairava n-ti«- that the oooiiatl foi the pri.oner wouJ4aJJe ra. . mw trial, aaal Hr. -«d| «vt not-oe that oa

-T-M-radBT tbe w-aecutton wonld f.r. udan.ent-^Bcw-T--aa_|aWa^ tojionday. »t ta ovioc*.

HUPIU-M^ CX)l 'BT.OaaiBB__ T»K¥.Faa. n-Kafora Jov-uaao aiTiBiiaa*. Bovaav aai-iMiim.

. j__.18Ui.NS.Yttor A. moTiiaii aft St. Jobii't Church of Yon-

k.ra. lhe otder of a-firiuaufe ia thi. eui waa Lrre|i.larly en-

tafod aad ua.ft be aet Mide. Mcri.u p,.--uted without coau.

Oarret D Haabrouok agt. David Hyan.- The orderdated Mareb U. 1888, revomoi, and au order .raated that Ihej..f»'*i.i ... t..a.oli<.n be Ojieu-J, an.) d_ie_.ia-<t p«ri_.itt-il lu

r*n.* ia fcj__.-tf.n_.Jun.ea Uir'ow agt. David Kyan..Tna bJIowuj--. to

¦lauiiUO .a t_I. fc< tion mnr. oe re.l .ted to bve cer eent en tbearuo.r.t-.0 alm »t tbe t_iu» of tha reuiIitioL 01 thojuds-oeat.Order Mroidi-tiyHoim-u r__(__ agt. taje__nan ana Crc-ime..Order nt

BperifcjTet-.J-odified pur..'.it 10 opiuiun, wiihoal coat*; to

ba .««.-:. ontvo d.y.'_..i,~-fcobmaou &. I'araoua ag'. F.dwm t. Blo_a__.Order

-1* Mpe ai '1'erm dated Nov. -¦-, l»S->, vac*ti_f ».t*ca_.eBt, ro

veiatd, wlU-flBicrt. top!fc_"l-t_.i_BBki-ir__J. IT -_r».-oiv JBrtioa ..T_8e-_J,)»

Eltaa Alorru! ag:. Hina Morrw..Keport of referoaravjBrmo-. and >3d|m«nt ot dworeo frasted. fhUlp Lovy tariiliiuti-. L'tfe___Bt cid uot at'pe-

ilefere JaMBM I" "»»¦!.Oliver Charhck agt. Xhtt -.aaB-BB E_.Lro_d Com-

pauy, Jo.apL U AUan et al.- __.*_on danlod, witb 8 lt) osata ta

xv.00__«.-:. VI _u___j« aad-nia-l.--.,., w _,LtcuriiU!" Kdgertou ataJ. agt. Wm. heak..Motion

aaaiod. with 8lu ootU to plainnf..i-af-je .aetioa LaoB-BB.

J-ary *--_. Vi la.ij, ty, -c, aj\. John U. WUaon..I)aJe...d_nt u p.y the jua'ntii *.« ^ar wael tli! tl.e f.nhor ordn..ftao Conrt. and 8*1 lo ouabie /.e* '.o dofead.Aa/ou lat----) at al. a*.. ttuul-s A. SeicLe at al..

bti-Coa denmi. .......

Jaiu-a M. kiitnm at al. agt. John V. Krenuan alaL.1 tbia. tne w4_.«mwm acut-ao u» l«a. -a et*ki com. u? ho aetu&Jpattouuad iu e__h aaaa No 8S8BJ eu ib:. m.lioa «-. -llaw.d 10

wi-bor party.Oa-vKB..- T_t_Jl. K*!M. 18.Belore J.a'.ice. .Si ii,b_l..m..

li" >.-.*. .... LfcO*A*U.T)U BIBB 1 I I A.-r..

Hin___o rt al. a_t. Ktom et a!.Tbere waa _x ina-x.r-iy in our rajxirt of thia caae

^.pai-."-'' >.).¦)'. Taa fhe*. re thatthau, lontodla-_,,..;.,,.. .uJ lltojamlu r. (_,..!' froia

u. ooavey 'I.. Lm hou..-. Iu .ult toth.l 110 app 4) could be

aoeeo-rt-B| p.-ou.-d iaa iu Iaa JaifaMBtCaiB-ru* -Yer. ]'¦'. .l.iatle. krrHaa.,BBB.

Inre'J'it-. ilawr, 4tc, rc-laive to the openinirof...-.t -trert.'--i'rfc>er ol netU-*a rrtuited. -hd kxma

rtaa-d f.itil-uaj.p-jlutoilCo---.a.a.

B«f_r. J..-l«U-hjjjt. David Ana'ui, Jr., "' 11]..Judg-

nrt,.-.:. t*.:r;vo:.u.uM.a;tu. dru-u.-r;¦-..¦ii- Av... < uai <>ii 1 om-

u- '¦- He trivaioaaaoa at taa _*.-

.[*j.'.-jg )-nd K>:^ the Bawary..'ito^-.: -M-farpejaieat of «, orduieJ

LVlTtD S*i'AT. - ' .

H«lao Jud«r Hr-I

¦r- lim of, ,:..¦,' .a. '<i«r 1'.--. Havaaa |o ,'.-. -.:>.

J*'- '¦* ....'.'.' i_,L"''d ..'»* t!..y *..'" i>..-' >-d

ai'1_. ,'| .,.,.» » .» ' i'r". I'l..- ;..v'.1 *»./

-. of U.e...... -.,

17 r ' *


>ar way ia_Bl-_a paat 18IaSflBjaa, laajBBi h» ojv»» buu u*<u«

Waa. -d taw-**_. s barkM<*£& *£j(&|3d-e..t th« *4ay*ia *och a ...».»..'» *« to r»ja. ruin to ..

aid (.11 tato tbe water The Sr.t atata **. .££" .Jrsim-imt (he thia veaa have to, aad lhe a»n w.i droaniu. *-

inati.i. will br beld in afcw dayi.

rttutra. ow^rftE^nSSSS^ M-Befc,"iihe J .iiti.e* -nK<'"^,,,'^rUl .-Jiidgiaent

ft.umel P. KiB*a_ ngt. J»-Un H. K*»ii«rt8.artrnied. »ith cott*.

« ..u »««h*'an. impleaded, tteV'm Kiernat, agt- J08-H.h "ut v, ith tie verdict.

-Jodguieat for platniltl, to _!??_.S*t>»Uafpie J.atlce ^"ttrin«g..N«W tnt* 4»-Ilrnry T. Haavll kgt. Ja*. C WiUe*.

ntod. witn 01 eflitfl to aUtadaat . ^^ Vhllip O.K-lward .1. i^«tB»^S^V7S,|l-«l»_Vo..,l,t.-N.wt»iilae...*-}v...l. +1'"ll t f |^Beujamin Sbarwood. r/u^.t ^"'aiMMid t> dftoaa*

t^oe, wUhoi, co*4* '^' w...a 1 by him Ordfll BC-

__^P',:°! Socoet* -f he ^ent motlou to either pt.ty.

tion de.ied, with 9' corti to pl Jatltl.

OOUBT CaLENUAB.tatis D*T.H .* iXsrm-i Coi hi.J»ry raiittis.

Bv'racaa Coikt-Gsmkai. TiHM.-Tbe ner.-enn-.,..,,n\ il.-l'dtl V. II! t"1 C"l|'.if-ed.,torKBBiB Couar.Ciki hit..Part I.-Oyer uud

T-t-mer. Put ll.-Noi la Ul, HO,_

4, IB, Ni, IBB, 81T.SmiM 852, MO, 369, 144, »8, 3»1, 81V »», >< «. _

fcrrr.KioH Coikv..Part I..Noa. H, ».'. *_j tn l * 501, M1.M>7, H7, 591, 593. 599, 601, jn.jajfL MKPut 11 -Not. 2-6. 161, 412. 5.*, 10J8, 19S, 484, 406, 460, lii, 310,|JB 488,848, 188,888,18,4-1Cocai or Coaaoa Pr bas.Bo«b i>artfl are a.lptiroefl

.or tke iflTu..



ttr. Heit-y C. Vail gava ¦ lectnre in Perth Ataboy__a tlie advuucemcnt of halBB-J iu that place. The

eideei ' jKiit ol _try" in New-Jersey ta-taiua ito

rrytil-t'.k'ti by Ita appeaj-anee ol atre and mastirity.;The oyiter trttde. lm* w^arly fciled '.here, and it ia tle

firal.le to iuaugnrata a cbange of but-cw which ahall

brinj.- graataf profit and prosperity withia her b.rdata.m

ftaoroaas Fait af Watek Faeiw.DsBtafca-iR.» or tir-r. 1.IB.BI1I fwaMaffafHl einustneat

uitd in-gnatiou haa aiiiwa amoag .iti.ens of Ka.Bon

Ctainty, espsciitlly in t»eney C-ity nri Commttnipaw,from the fact that B bii hfli beeu introducrd ui the

liciiate of NfcwJersey. and passed to the thiTd raad

._g, pav.-d_g tor tbe eal- oi "r:rtain lands uader

wator, Ijiug between Jereey ( ily and Conr-ble'flPoint, in Hii-.ison Coruirv, »nd tha improvwr*!.it of lhaflat* 60W Ondaf winxr iu front of '.'no pro|wty of cor-

Utiii ehorecffners." ._ATke biM /irovi-ec for tho appcKitmeut. *>f throe Cora-

maaonerairwhoHee.nty tt shall be ro lar o<" und surveyalllnri'ls, Iiolongir-Ui lhe Sarti of MaW-Ianay, uaw

tindtrrMralor, lytrif: 00 tho wesVjrly and nurlheriy 8Bt-of New-York Bav and Ot.Himu-.iyaw Ooio, bc'.wai-Yaa V-ift sU-ed'.,' m Jeteey Cuy, ani Conrtaoie s

Paiut, the sutue to bi- eo!d ut ancticn, in lots and

T"i" property propoaed to be <no*_. it is etated.iMBanta to nai J,<hhi i<>-< wbicb, at .fiw a lot. a aidmm'si^ to th.-^angsum ..'.-.f K.!i,imk.., aaa-tanthuf whkhmm tothe CoBiiiiTaaioaiaa. aadftba ttfaaea totaaatflaTreaanry. '

,Tb.> dersey City C'.trmon Couni.l hebl a Hi*

mmmmt on _>a'uroay night tor tire jvurpoeo of_vrou-ai-iag tinusibt the paaea*/o of this WL Aid. Ttenretonacied as chairman.

Aid. Ilard^nbergh etr.-e.) that hc had beon inron»?ilbrReiia^.rWe«ti<.U ^hatUris bill waa aboul to paaa,.snd it wiu? only by tbo >(i*aU-»t t_* rt tliat tiual BBltoaw-a* postponed nntil U-'*nliiceday next, iu order liui» *Ue..iti/.uiiM oi iliiilnoti County coaW raiee their voico

-t iIks mvariono: tbe privat. nghts of owier_> or

fcuid njKni tht; hhort»:>f Commv-t-*; uw Bay, lhe d-otruc-tiiiii ol l*y iiehetios.

Aid. Tutien ipoke in t*trong t-erms against laafawagBofthe bill, when rbs following resoiorions, otferod byAid. Ilardenbergfe, were adoptad nnanimoasly:

Uteolvd, Tbat w.«.*>e Miyor aad Common Conaril o:' .l.n-yCity reice.-tfu-h bai t*iu«--i.iy pi.-t-at lailMl tht p --t/e ol tn^

Bbovc aacmioned blH, belleviui tkal uie- ictlua orU be aa la-f«iiet.viriil of tne Br.'ni.ipal riibtt and lnui.-.hl-ci of UWflom-B,"alu wbich we raprnri.t, aad wi:l .itntr wholly d pnves.:ndryoi our Bomtk.fiiti of vtlaablr nxbu to wai-ti tliey ire

«._*yi, in vtrtw ef*laa,ir et> iier***^ <.. p..r..u..« ..f tl.e .l.-.r* *.r

Cata^».-i.u«>* I'.av 4.1 aab'ec.t tb* iu to tedlot* *-xtl *^peu«lveUtl»*l^..»-_.totoainRlhe'ieBie te ihe Conn* ot uai

HeerJrrtl, Tlal. oeyal,- Ol H.*-ae BMOllltiBM h- flira'tlBSd to the!<*.,»?... ri..; l!.-pr..».B,.Atlv** fratri H .d*m.. and tletthry ner.-

nnealod tr. pre-tn". th.' l^iBr ir. th«r rqaf.oUva lioos. a, andaavocale thoviaw* tuiO opuuout I'lereiu coMlaiueJ.A teatlotk. wai also adopted to hr.ld a inpsameotinn

BV Comnieiciftl Ro'tl, tbia tavntiini;, nnai u I'ninttmuje

warai'poititeri*o«t_e thea_'.tei iu charg--^ jnaallng ndmt*m *lw wwe pica-uc '.vashelo*lat] aTer lhe adjonrnment of t_ I'-oard. oi

iheaamaj eul'jeoU_

Hi moi Oaaan Caaaaa. Wt Cr__ial Tet_oitbe Hnda..n 1'ntnKy Conrt w«» tenr.lnated en S-tarJ.y. Th.

Jurylu tbefitt! o." John lir.-kao-r ol PlUlad-Jpai^ MBf|8^wlib iwuidlinx X- X>*e»»ii 4 <.'". outrtl gooda ralned tt nearljOl.OOC rcudt-n*- a M-rdict o.'nui!ty. a-1'*' t r^.<M-_i-ii«iiatl»ou Iv

lhe lentrii.e* -le to be pa'^ed on T,.e*dty next.

B-.1LHUA-0 C»i.i.iaiox..A coliieiou wcturred onThtir..:..v onthe Camden an- Anibov R:.i!rotd. ut-ar I'almyra.htawt-cri'tw*. frirlght irains. Bo:h l.ieonioti.* and dve batiafccar* *** rr iinastted up, un! three pet- .ii- iiij .I*-!, oae m wnoiul^dhi- !"grlrt 'ur^J, aud w-.a tal*-n to tfce Kbilid. Ipl.ia liot

Tne HMi-rvstcK M'. UKWra.- Tl.e 1:11 before their« .,, rt-r * (..¦n.ptr.y lor drauung Mie gr*»t ll~l

eiiat'ii. 51t.adi.wi. vaat poitponetl foi tl..ton, '.. 'n*e.|.ituceofthe. ppoattioti of Brrt-n Coutty itruiert t.j Ifefl preja. l, ..u

w aunt ot tb.. littnliiy tney would be uuder tu tlierP..LU lor th*- work.

DIED.AL'EE.Ou Sat.irdav evnior, Feb. 18. Jmnett Oray, only

dtiifliter at CkmAtt T. ai.d Mary U. Adee, MeJ 4 veart aud 6BMBHS . ,

Tiietelatlv'i and Mer.di ofthe family are irailadno mlend th«fuooral ol Tueiday uext tl 1 p. ... DMB ttie tcildeuue oiherjiejeiiti, No 'A Weit Kortv ttifnid ttre*.t_

ALLiN.ln tbia. city, on Kr,,1»y Keb. 17, at tbe retldence of hl*¦on, in Ulla* npoict, CLtrle* T. Allen, t:»-d ti2 jeui aud «'mouth*.

Bi i i.rit.InJBrooklyn, r.n Stturday morninir. Feb. 16, AuthouyT.,lnf_iit tl.'.id of Aiiilrew Y. and l.ttl_iurine U..i.. r ag.-d 8montlii acd 3 dayt.

IiKL.MBY .la Erooklvn, on Th rsJay morninz, Feb. 16, Cbn.Liwley Bnimby. inf.110a ol tbr Iale Chulet Bi uu.b; a^ed2 nir.nihi.

BIJ-CHOFF.Ia ildi rity, <>n Tl...r..l*y, F-l.. in, tfu-ra l....tilli.e**. Kli.tbetb BUchotl, daugnter ot Mary bitci.oa. aged I

l month* and t> day*.C-RAW'FO-RD-In tbe fuil aakmrntmemet bfl) Cfll.H* i«;ili, <>u

Fiida> e\eiii.|t l"''b. II, of rotigeatlon ofthe liui^t, Mrt. Jani-,widow ol tbe l*(e Utller (rtwl.rd, *4fd t.{ yeeta,

Tiu- IfltoHlfll aud frlenda vl tbe fau.ily aie lrvll-d io atteod herfunerai tt late tetkkmea, Ht, BB Katt Kroadwtj oi. Mo. .

dty uiorui.ig at 1'' "'. BM *

CABTOM . In thi" citv, on Fntnrdty, Ffb. li. Jnim Jotrph('.rt.!.. aaly «.in ..( Thotxuu H. BM Tereesa C'arltn, aged 2yi-wt, 7 inouthi aiid b dijr*.

t'OON;'.In Brt.o_yo.wi Satardafi teh.Tk, Iliarlslla, lafcald»u«).tei of ri.liip A. J Sartli M. < ooui, s^ed a u.-jutl.. i___d11 day*.

ln MHAlf- Saddflaayoa Snnd»y, Fei.. ir-, mi Ne.ll I Irnaraflt,A C. I>aaJ.aiu ajedikyeara. ll<- wta dtrier :.,.- lhe New-1, ., Ilen d nd H""' JomubI

Jii- nel.:;....:;¦ ftert.c. n at 2 o'rlor.k,Iiu-^l.i. iat^ i. aiu. ... 'J II lallim 1118 fll»B<t Blll IBlJIIinlfnlly r*K|..ett-'d Uiatt*-nd wiihoi.t uct.n-. 1.' :e.:.j.u*

wiii bfl laien toMreeafl.1 (-. .... lor btl rmi-nt., |pi ;>. rt fil(-iu_e copy.

DISMOND.lalldai .' '. - ">»:..'-nd,_j.i d. iu Um il iu jeal uf

rOBJ>.Al I'- tay. Flb- '". c'"!- N4lI^"'''^i.,1 Ford,form'r'y of I.orcbetter, Al*.*., lu tl.e *


(, 1:1.- ". 11 i.i uu ftturday aittruoou, F> b. 11,

HALLIB1 I'.'IUN.In Brookivi..on Tllflll4fly, F-b. 16. ln tbflrearef l..' .#*, Mary rfltflffl,flMBBl dtunLiai ci thelite

Jsiu ".Fon* .ai tanUl ut tlir i.4nid* of her tunt, Mn Bowne, No.

gtoa Btreet, .-.lurr of Ulflb atraet, Broolaotb inat., at 8J o'elocfc p. Tb "¦.r.t.

..- la*..lly are re.jueawu tu atl-ud witii NB firtu.iixivi:stiflflu

iir lili/.lt- M.dd.: iy, 011 lllBBBJ. -Tflh. 19, MtTJ I Brtf 0:


The relat.v*. ai.d nr.- :i-ap<*-tfuily 11.. it.-d t'. Itend tii*iur..-r-u ..ii.. Iiaafclyn,oo Tuetday, 21*' "*». tkk Hy. "i. l..'1-y, Fel,. 17, .'*-;

Lt Viiuw ,\ ( . 1. .'. ... liri - .¦ E Dj .u Aaa liuru, mr 91 9** 9

Vuun'Z'mnimttili,1*** tj*?* oa Monday, at 11 a'cloeBu *,. 'iht ftii-lidtofth* fiarile, ind t!»..'.f .!.»,.I I

uJ p 11, 1 r 1} mviiad te allmid.Tb* ri-miin* tvlll -*. tak*-n (o Budiex.oit, CflBu

i.l.aM.i-Uu loBaay .....inini,/.»'. wiA££j*. '' .',''"''?¦'j0, Uf. .1 ... :¦-.' r o! Jt.-eu and Cltb-ruw b. Luuly,

aied»,Vear..6uioulla»Ui.l uud !.;..;.-. ul ib* <i-A *.'.".'' 't«d ./> .«*>»« '" r

fw-eni Bt th* ruldt nu of I>». Liu_*y. Nfl -*" UlayeUe ptoea, ix..un M-udtj, MI BBBl

II'/TSLI.At lloi.uliei.. IvJ-, ".¦ BaadaJ -tfl¦':,, l,""l JJbuauiu'dJull. K.i.itt,l;..i.d4>oW..

iti 1,1.... paa*, R« 1''|J

¦liv Keb I" I... '-'*

U*4km " "

..... si 1.1. iv ¦.

-.Miae, I'atrl l M Vttmtm as n- ul i. -. afe

.C tt-ox -.

*.iA/. ... y. | try ll-llphiua,-

j ,.v llillphioeV


.4 .... .¦'

BM 8fB

BTFVFNS-ltrihlaclly.on Satnrd-J. Keb. 18, at 8:50 a'etook

in tb. i.i»i»l>'« I""''11* J**' fite-irmo, .-d II yaar., k month.

¦^UV-W- I" IL.. ttty, on Bakar-ay, *>». ''». Mr. -_w-rrd

__JwntoIk-O-i -atur-ay, Tom 1«. 1 .flfi. Maria Aoja-la, tk*belo'ved wifa nt fcarlea V.lM.tlne, an.l tlnt J .1* .irhter of Jbd*.I) Melfaaa, ***., ..rihn liiima. ved 2t veara.

¦_.,..,, Iwa ui f;l...ilaoi the tbmWjarareajaaalMtofkomtthe f.ti.ral, without furthrl Invit-tlnii. from u.-r l.iti' raMBMBjNo.J-'i 81-th nvenilB, f-rner Klfleenth .treot, tnla a.tornooaatl.'eJook. li. r .Ui..l-.,. will be lakei. f> Oree.iwood.

VKl.A/.-ll r./ im Snnd.y Keb. 19, Maitan. VaUujner do_»Urtrr.a tn thr BM y.fc' «< hl. ty.f_» relatiaea BB- QtI-bIi "1 lhe fatr.Uy, -'*" Ihna* nf hl. a"i-1r.-kaVT-TlarVAa-j aa. Aa K..y ,,rc._l,,.,ir.i. CaOafB aro

______ .1, |H in-lt.-.' turther, to att.-nd thetTTTa! r. .' st. I'.tt.'k'a Cath-dral, oa Tne.dny taom

Uf llie Slat. at Bl a'aloeJ-Y>N WVKK--AtVl.hklll.on -fctnrdry mon>ln«, Feb. IMBbb

Sally Van Wytt, daurhter ol tl.e Uie -o'neiie* C. Vau V, vk«WORAM -A» the reaiWc of tho Bev. Mr. fltryker. «___ R.W i wa, widow of the late Wm. Woraui, ln the Ttth yoar ttkeraf.'. ^^m___________,


tmbto ai tae Utack __x.Baj_f«....F_B. 18.1-iaai T.nne.^ Go, 90.811 H Marine Bank.t«.8000 do. ..' 400 N. Y. ten. RR.oP| Tljjg'urij do.bBOBBiSUO do.c.11.MaaiMUroun .tale.b. ... M-ilO.) do.b80 H|a,ra.i do .b38_M _.'>¦» do.leV, Ti

.[((.IN. T.e>en. BdB,l.T:i..l«i |UW do.aM UlKaa_*rlaMUt|. Bd..-.x. <*U m *<>.h32V,}Ifl.KrleMl. Mtr«. Hd... 41 WI 4m........*)7'll-OOHud. Biv l.tMtre.l.r.l l.i Kna Railr ad...... i'l1 000 RR-l.t Mt--. .la .V> Hui.on River RR._____.l.l-a Oa). 4t Chic. l.tMt.o. 9011,000 Uai. A Chic 2dMt.e. HJ8,1X0 (l.-v. AT.-.IS.K. H1 Ain.ricaii fcieb_n«o Bk. 9«i»Ba^v«B-__._......_ ** fc:::::::::::ffia

1.V1 do.¦l0-_!_.X, do.aflo.HB*

lial do.alil.UOl50do..I0.18-I

818 Central RR.S-_50 (ifcUa. and ('hi.. H...15 ¦800 do.-80 .W20H do._» 5B4U0 io.c M|200 do.6,~*BiM) do.«l50 Mi

.-.-: .¦£..-.#¦¦ t Rock I. HR. 8.1SM do.6.1ino do.-Wd'l100 do.6-1

'. NowJerwy Cen UR...10.17 do.10-i

ion llul-u. RR Pref... .MU -H50H Ke-ii.r; Railroad.. .-08 CHKviMMi. i'in. Ra_Md 8B300 Pt-uua Railroad...W>).1»4

TB Wetiopolitan Bank.1WHiW.rket Hii.k.1»>W Coutiueulbl I'.ank.V88 Merrhar.t.' Bajik.10Miaora<-.lti. MaUH. -¦ C... -21k* do. M488 do.b-O.lJ10 do.aWI rK,1» io.aBOllana do..*>''i50* do.a309li

486 do. ¦800 do. 91*118 do .a#fBMO do.81-W0 do.1591|»0 do. ..10 91*108 io.tB09l1« do.91178 do.Bl|

.BCOVD BOAB».8.000 Inlted State. 5a. 'e.. 9V 20 Caiton Co...1z.iv., i nnea oiain ^w, v-. ...

5,0111 Miaaouri.State 6..... VHas,m:n dc.»30 :m|I.OiiO N.Y. 4>u Hda. '7U... 99.8.0,., (.O'hen Br'h Bd..... 5-JON-li.-i.:.! Hank.I"3J50Pacilie MaiiS. 8. C-... 91¦ di-.ttorntm d<.*>.auo d-. ¦880 do.*_

20 M .h. Ontral R. R-3«,lOOMk-h. S.AN.I.O.rk.-8l 14}800N. Y.CeutrallL. R.7111000 do..30 Tll300 d<"..0K> 71150 do.1*0 7lj150 do.opg 71|...H-rlem R R. 91|na_u_u__M R. R.bbi io150 (Id. k Chic R. R.i'l

lATtMBT, Feh. 18.r. -.

The niove-o-nla in Paciik- Mitil -tock la Blill lha ab-

BUlMllg fcatare r,f tlie ____%__, aml ita rapi.l imd verytccaatrfc laetaBtkBBBaaf aeaaaleBB-iBaBTar oi c_

ciuraacat d i; b Bariaaa het thal thu alreaaBBBBaaa <>f

thr BllB-BUBB- BBtA ment in N'nvrmSer litsr und thorn of

tha BBBatBttfaBBBIB?BTJBBBC-I iMike. Than, ;w now,it wee Batboritathralj ar.nonnce'l that BB*. whole rna>-

ter wa» tli-iiuiti-lv aleBBB, aitd th. detaila ti the ar-

laBfliBBBBl wt-re glTBB i" f')!J- Tlien, BB now, the

BBB8H VM I U'l 10 have beeu signed. and inetructionaweie aee-*. out to the l'_<itic. Then, aa now, aome

conditioaa were made by Oa-modore Vand«r',.iit,wl.i.h rt-i|rt'ie.l l're.-li <.n Aa p»ri olthe

PBcifa Hb_ OasBpaaj, lat aaB-BBBaaaiaa BaaaataaBBBeven th<»n 'jnitc aa strong in tha completion of the act-

tleiii.-nt «a now. The ««ck a<lvan<eil in the parnc ex-

citinj; .:iy, and tonch. d about the ftame. n^nres, bnforc

Um Br-flta iilliiir i'.U;__>^«-il und rliriink l.:nk to foiiuer

pr-porti'iiia. H ii)COWg<<ncrally lifllieBT-d thal tliaaat-ileiijcnt ie a lact accomi'li-h-d, and the evidenreg aracer-

lainly -Irotij. euo-tfli t- Avanttut such a ('.uclaaiou, hut

BBBJ ssil! bt -BaB-BBJ to di.trti-t il, until the fmftB-BBBi. and the. BBBBBBBBa are. fully r.implie.1 with.Tl.e .*->in|.let_ a-ljiietnia-nl <i! 4»«.* i...po,;»»it iiitarejtt. |gnot the work of h day, and a .li>*ht dili'erenca mirrhtbriBi'thi! nefjotiiitionr to au abruft -iiuclutiioi-. TheRtnek (.(Hjiiirl thin muriiiiiK at _-, bnt tull nffquicUj -8

..,|,irom wiii.-l. point it impm^ed a lirtle, nntil theSeennd Boairl, when it wiia cold down Ui K__, im.l fnra time ee-ni-d rathar haavy. After th. Boaid it mos

B-B8BBBB BBBBB, *trd theal.-k tinally .."^a-l * '.' 1 I "1.T4te D-BBB-BBf l«" P88_ia Kafl 0* wera iu --*.,...,_-il iatein tbehXleiuwu, Oj-i-'iseaU'., .1 i. tm-¦¦¦..I,miiuM p(.in~ ol 8ii*b-r-nvr. Tr>e regnlt nf Jh.thaa not traD.r.tfed. Both linee bave advarued v:c

rate. of fare to-day.lhe Mh.H"<>. to |lft<J, «ji<t), ajid$;.r), and the Vajxierbik lino 88 #1-0, M and:*tj... The rate ior freight i.- umluanged, imd we

.understftnd that it ia agreed tluit uo <:!ianj_;..'ahall take pl_co within twclve monfh.".J\'ew-Yurk 0-BBB- IBBB oaiie lirm during -BB b'irr.

Hoard, wii.liou: ¦BBBB-I :i:-;.vitv. l!ibdu_9._> m Li-ia-hilne url.oii ou tbe l'ro Kata _J)d Toii Llll* W88 BBBHidercii i'uvorablc lor tiic bulia. The cjieratioua in1'nnamii wer< trntW large, BMa-t-Bg h a 888-88 8- t*<*nt. Tha Parila Mail BattfaaaBBti :f BeaBalaBa., wii!be adviintn.'.'e.wia to ibe Paoaraa Knad, aiu[>ly .-cauip: n-

aatiufr f..r a _.i.'.!er_,te lurm iu paaacug-x bueiu.'-b by a

BBBJB iiiert-a.-. "f l'ri-ii.'!ii,auilI 0v lhe n.'lriiinie (»..;|Kiue-meut ol the ltopeiuiif.' ot tLe Kk_B-gBB Transit r-'ite.

b'l'.a.lin,,' haa l.t-n oue of tlie Hruir»t -toka i>n lhe liatdurini/tbe day, 1ml waa not prntnineii! iu thadaabBBB^TheWe.tern cimref \v. re gencrally (fljst, and .xr-ptiu lialt-iia uud Kock lalaud there were but amall Lran-euetiond. The formcr waa atuady in lhe ¦Qraiag, halclimcd a frartit.n lower iu tha iiftenrioii, the trullij l_-

tiirn of tlie sacoud we^k r.f K. Iiruary riuiKiuK BOBBB dia

appointrntnt. State etocke were in better dem .cd,l.ut tl.e ..j^rationa were priniipally in TennaKaeo^ar.d MidM.iirip. Tho latter were in deniand at the Kirrtllohrd at m*r% bnt nold a frartion lower at the BB8BBB.The afiuraoou bu-ineni! waa uol i_iportaut, BBB8|4 BBPaiifu Mail and New-York Ccutral. The market haar.'.i'4'ivi'il :i dn ".led l-BBBBB -tafiag the week by lhe ex-

citiug UuctuttiiouB Lu 1 _cilic Mail, aud there i_ a

ft,. .,). i .li-jM+ition t^i Bj^rnlat^ for the rhsc in ato. kai-ineiully, thau for home tiuiu paot. New-York '.Vu-tral, aome "| tl.e W.-Mern ehure- have been Iovcrtch! by the bt.irr, and the abort intereat is't :a,j_eone, l.ut the fear oi legialathm i.dverec to lha ('BB lha 0B8 haii'l, aud llie B88B.BBBBB8 of BBBBtiafh '"iybaajaeaaal thaWaal bb bhaathar, Baabla -haathe liiitikt-t ,iinl-r piitlUU. oiiti"! ..t ppaBBBB. T-B dcall gpricafl W88B1 N'irF.iiiii 6a, 8-|8>Wj Mineotiri -.. -


( ;,;,;.:( BBBBBBJ, lt..,. 17: Ctin:!.:r'ai.'l (,'..;ti,;. |. i.1 iv.itir MaB_ ":.¦ '". Kaw-York <'ei.*nii

Erla Bafifaa-, ". Wi Hli'iv.r li.. .1,1". ;i ll.tilem lUilroad, '.'j _.'i,iiwria tu I1,-. farrcii, 81*! --haj Battraad, i" »

K M.i-vii-:.i. Cbbb-bI BaBfaaa. a:, _;i.; __h ui^-jiBoBthanaBd -feathin Ibb__a Balibbb. I 'i;., d<>.Qaaiaataad, n I ¦'.. t-a-BBBB.Jkaaa, I3f,.i.i<;

CfTiiml RaQl._d,-f>j u ___; Galena and Cuica^oKailroad, '¦¦'¦ '. .' I '. v ,.fii B_i Toledo l.ilro_d,).'..; aad Rai k b____i Raiha8B\ --{

/'. >'..Sir<e the forev'oiii^' WB8 wiilten, we havevi- _¦ .. - .f tha partiaa to ihe

t hatwaea tha Pad-k Hall bbIObbbi I ..ud.r-i __nat therefore eondnda tlu. aaaah amtt

;,n tmri jr cittli'il, tinlewt Hiirce frt-idi coiupU. atioun i .iiriitic ..nt tha <i< taih 4 tha Behajaa, which

;:.!!_. ., «. '...'. .. |] aad] ttated it.

Tbere ia not-iiag of iBrpott.obb _an_ iu Konei.uB_Qa,and-ha qaotatkoB fcra mwmif', Steiliim, in-....

ftoi.i.i, To i. ¦¦¦'¦ 8,-iOUlBi Path at 4a.,- 1,901bojtcaCl. i,i ,'v 100tcB. Baatf m la. To l.iver-

j ....I, I IJb iuna lloiivyi.'i.o.i.anpiivai. t-'iii.*.. ToH-aTri, W balaa;t j Qlaagoir, 30,000 Btaraa, par itaaamr, oa

prtvata -bb-bbj J S00 ('ara. i^-r bbbbsbb*, ut |d.,<>,i. To Bottardam, I0_ balea CoupraaBedCaftaaal

ro Jli.ii.iu, -00 Ubla. lioeil. and im, *

J'efr* .' I BB8 Wo h1 u: lOa. 4* tun;aad IS0 b ib i ( oltoi .-t |< .

i . : rasi I'c-elpla,I *l''l,

i I .1.

. I

The Cbieago and Roek Ialand Koad earned the >>a_gondweek m Febntary

1MB. BIS."*!1SS9. .. U,0*4

Increiie.f _!**"'. f'..BtThe Ci'y of Washington took P^fJl \n speecie.

The expor's of tbe week are:

»*b IB-Hehtvaner Kai* Weatoo, Rto OrrjUa:doid..¦-..-._..aaaaaa

Fab. 14-Biif *.mroa, Ponee, F. B.:AnieiWn (lold. 1,880Ameri<_ ailver.«..888

Feb. 15-Bark U*wa. Bueaefl Ajffl*iDoubWoni. 4,»78

Feb Ar\a Mverpaol:"*¦ 'CalifoTVii. Oold Bin. Oold ( uln. 2,exttMeiiean Dollar*. 40,800

Yah. H SUimer City of Wuhlngton, Liverpool:Mia*. llart.. 78,000SUvflf.'____¦ Iwmoaea of the ClaaritHt-Hooaa to-d»y waa

MB2G3M* Tha total excbangea for tho west

Ste co-day wera $1*»M«*. S_L»*fa-eraaetrf *«.<*¦,K»l ,4 B«ai-t P»»*M»*W ,tl for

tba week aao-aj on Saturday UbI. Ir. money MMtlthcrr.isno ch._tpe whatnver to note. Tha snppiy ifl

abatrdf nt at b., f, 9 c*ot on call, and (, m 7 f cent on

finft, tkta j>S4>er. The Sub-Treasnry hae a bai ince to-

day aaaaad.aj -fri.otii) ooo an IbbnbM of 9JK*AfAdnring tbe week, which with the shipme.ata to Europemakee ne&rly a million lost by the lianks. Tho aver¬

age on last Alunday, however, wae a rising one, aadthe drein to Liverpool coanta but half the week in

lhe sverage, so that the reserve in the Monday(ftatiTrunt will DOt ptavbably ahow tnnch changefrr*i last week. There bave as yet beeu no draflflreceived from Waabington Ln rei.barsementd( PoBt-flrfire Cert-.tioitei, althouirh the Presilent

signed 158 nppropria:ion bill on Weduesdty, aud a

large amonnt of tiie Ccrtifieatei had been sent to tho

Tronsnry prevvm^ly. The Cir .iirnloc.aiion-OUiieevidenrly nuinof be biirried. How Not IB dn lt is stilltbe earnei-t etulyof Mr. Clayton and Mr. Cobb. Webeur, by the way, that Mr. Sec.ret_-y Cobb has ad-

mif^d, be.foro the Senate Committee on ihe petilion of

Metsrs. KitUiihouae, Kaut dt Co., IftH mOOM .4the right, wiuili it claimed, to d.-poeit the BaWMfl Blitabid for (4overnment be of Ifl4 *n San Francisco, bat

deleuds his ftmmm to receiw the tber*- on somo

other pettilogging point. The Committee have voted

niiaiiiinously to report in favor of retnrning Meuflrs.

Kittenhonse, Kant k Co. tbeir deposit of 1 ¥ eeui, aud

refer tbem for damages to tbe Court of Cl.ums.We annex a comparative stav-ment of the Inv

pi.rta ft Foreign Dry Gooda and General M.r-

ehandis* at the {mrt, of New-York for the week aud

is_9 |Saod-ow, .*i.8«.i'M aw».»t» .*.**?.._

Total for th^ w-.V..1'ieviuutly reported..IMnre Jan. 1.B13,?_,t/70 B3Ua0,. a34,S40,71HMes-rs. Thompson llrothers say: Land Warrants

riiitiii'iellriiiiiud lu.idera.-ly active, coo-ideriag theHomeetead bill now before Conuress.

\\ e auole au ud \ anco of 1 cent Ir acre to-day, viz:* liuviUB. Bvilla9

tioiire Wan-ntt, par aere..*1 9 Bl 9arkaoie VVtrraott.1»1 acre WartaaU. _» 'JlHKVaere m76

S. Draper'H eemi-monthly circular can tm oBMBBai at

his 0_aa, No. .«*) P.8 street. It con-ains the UtestStock and liond 'jnotatione together with other matter?

of financial int-erest.Measra. Kajnor k Bin-kwell bave sold four lota

soutli-ei-t lorner of *T_ st. and Od-av., ttflt 9iA foelIn.i.t and rear, by H>0 lett in depth for $!,-.>» 9 lot.Alen sevtn lots on the rear, fioutnig i'.'th-st., each'.'5xlii-.'.Mt., 9 91,9m i' lot; U lots in aU for $12,000.Tliey alrni rejorl ibe uale of four lots svulli lide ti -'A

»t., ibO tl. west of 3d-av., each J-'ulfHl at $l,l"»<» teVm.

At a late meeting of the English f.'eogrupbijal fcafaty, a uuuiber oi diuiiuguiehed HtarBfy and scientillcmen being in attendance, a paper wa* read froui Mr.Wm. Wbtebight, an, who hua been for a

loug time engaged in bnilding railroads in South Amer-Ica, in wliich be exprcseefl lhe opinion Uiat the Auieaini>'bt bo ..rcmed by a railroad, ihua makiog a line fromthe 1\\< Ma to Roenrio. via Cordova, a dintant. of l.HWmiica. The n-'.te has been carelnlly expiored, thpe!c »r. ni- ;ixe<". by baromt'iical measnreraeat, aud the

Paaa of San Kiancnteo aaeartaina-d nove.r to Iw hloc.kedby laow, tiavelers croflein^ it at all aaaaons. Tha mi-

..hor is of opiri-jn that the coastrnetioo of Btich a raii-wav, tbotjgh diftirult, is practicabie, aud Uieadvaa-

¦gai tbhl woiild MtrBB hy op«»n;ng np Hh IsallAm. r'. ht\ |Maa t.i commeroa*, tiie Kiu de la i'iAta 0e-

mt navivable I*. tbe '"ix.t of Ko_*.u:o ior vesiela draw-ir.g l'J feet of wu'er, would be iiumeuse. The SouthAaariaBB Siates are bo luJIy n'ive to tbe advanuigeiitbey «ill derive from the exemtion of this projact thatthe Anr'ntiiie Keptblic haa r-tl'ared a ftem gmut otland, five mi'es in breadth, on eithur si.le of tbe rail-

way. Adrr.iral Fitrrov aml othera expresaed iheirnanMaaaa in .Mr. Wbeelwri^ht, and believei tue

project practical.le. Mr. Wheelwiigiit, in!* in S.mth Auiern'B, has -sed gradiams of 152and SH feet jver mlle, and ctrrte.i 1mm* 9 an eievaiiouof f'.GOn fe«rt above the levH of the sea.

Tbe Ara!.iu brings daUsto the ith inat. W.ti. regnrdto Am* ri* .m km^0*9 Satlerlbwaile sAj'S:

.. Mi.r« onr Ittt we have htd a tigtit time for monoy. Tbel.tnk l.aa .ala*-d iti r»t- ot dit-v.iint 10 4 f^ r.-uu Thit pnimp*.t.tlcii on tlie pait ofllif hank haa tend«d lo i.npan oiorc ,nn-

denci: in tbe Btocfc Ktciianp- aud I'ou-Kila, i.til .i^- llnedtn ''4, h w in prov. i to 94J- ; hoth for mot.^y d flcooaat. 8'orA,,,^,;,,,, »^,.|jti^. ¦n<.:wiih*ttiidlEg tlie enhaoced valne ofi, OOoy,.'... IflMda very .tationr.r)'. AlUongh ihcreillUeiei ed diaiflBd. tb. r*-1., at ttio un.*' t^me, u ahtenjr ol pre.ti,r*< ..t ai..rk for tiie. It it uLiinritood that tbe .init c:'aiu oniilinon thtret bat beeu paid .'. tbe "llice I'ere on *b*ui l.w.OOOaiiaiea tl i-*ie« lln^*- |.ni.l ii. f .11."

liarin,' Rnithera i»y:" ..ii*-.; Statea S* rie.idtare offere.l t( 'rt. M-*t*rhat«tti !*

Steiiinn tt 110}; Maryland do. lt %. K.i.M.ity 6t w«.t.d atPttiBtylvani* Honda at '**: luaaii|.ilo_-, .'.

\ llf iul* IlilVil tt ... .'il Ko *> i....veti.«iH tlu*ttri.k."'Tm BtVOOttin of fhe Ith rem.rks:" lt ia rtrnly thtt ao *uddcn u cb.utir Un occurred iu lhe

n ii. ; | ... .*i. dnring the pteaent 44 .. > Baftrefl WWM*MHla OUT laat ttpelt t* tbe (rewtnf l«npre*a.ot. a o*.n«i...ia'.ee..I tii" iinilioL ditin .auae t n*e ii. tl.e llank Btfl oi -lt

_r...,. ¦., 4. { .. If aot t.-vi.u'. iuri:.^ tlut prei.tnt week. IM. rtm. intt". I.! M tlBirkenii_is."lt.r:.tiBeit tr ai'tiv*.- n e»»r; for tnaddiuonto Jfia'.OOO » irun. the Kauk ou 'i'li-iiaday, aiid

'»« waa with<rr«wn on Hlllirdltr.'-l-i thete |. .-di»t< i.tvii..-.- In tr.r rtte

waa j. ...-;..¦,: to tm .... Mi.uiie, and ea Moaaaj a Uet-idetl prctbi || t. .¦ :i «B. Tii.- I«nkt and

11 Mab, fr,r.-*. elm laipeodini atrii...... ..rii-u, .< ... .. ujlui. tl call Ul ttlai: :o Iflfld

,-.tllfl pol v.i Ifl Ih pfli ld bj -ifil'..nt ft'r a I*'.'- -aaaiafac. flimodalion.

.. o|i -tdar,lao, .¦*dl -i u.4r totbetHoek. .. tli~ ha.,-. r.l t-.nj.lti,.: ani other bant.ra tbrowiag

itrr.- tot Uev-ruiin-tii Mcorttiet upoi. tl.r mvtet tttdiate delivery, Tl..- pree. ..t t1 .. .- .uuI dt>

(>r,,ii-.l Ibat it. u-.non Ita part at tne taflk, fllblflh Uad. ;<-r-:.<n air. t_y too lonn a.ltycd. At elevuu o'clo-ja. on

'i uet.:. n uuiitnaTday for turh in tuuiouu-.-^-uei.t..the Umik Knf.and aollhed tb. t tba tail m..:u had been . to 4 I'. eni. 1 bit vifo'n... atej. wa* riwairfld mjktkmmm-rr.,1 it>. r, tai a*pt daJuy a. il !t heli*ved that. tbould tlieI rr.t. .-.i.i.i n! tb* bt.lllon deu.aii-i ..illuioi.- etriu<ri.> .".4*1 ,-a,taoywwaldbfl td.iptnd witli.,ut tbfl .liiut*'*t heaitation itei.i.u.... .'...:.. I i.cwttliel.'.*, Wt* s jreit, oniy t-ui-por.ry t^italien, '11 lii- J.. BM lt*

.. 11.. poaitl aofaifain ou *'aa: dty wu.!'.....:vui t«in.ieii. It wu only by a kuiJ of ltvor

tbat, in ii....t of Ib* Dtdiaary baaaa >. bllli could ba -..¦...>tl*ted.Ib. I niiilnlil iliaal iIIbbbiiiiI hiumt irin tparinaf< 1 tk* i- liba deuituidi <l Ih^.r iapflflBMtB 'I |*»-*ra.JBrlUtbeld aot iuiu.udtlIoii« lllafflttar, *ieepl teieantai clieolain tl. .1,'iy, wi.o*.. intt.r..ta luljbt ta MfVflflaty duipruu.ii.dl.y ita :"At it v.**, Buaicrout parcei* mt bflbwereretaraflitatta

¦rai... e*. K.i|*r, b* w.-vei rnod. hivluit nmr t.ali Iti.'«--to r. u, BflfljU a.u.rly lind uivit I'M ytfliaalfl ita money tt

¦Vndneiilij. eounqueotly, ittilnad a defra* oi tn-1.1. -\j v. bt.-li h,« (,t :.., ., wu...-* ,e.i 1..1 mauy lui.uili.. Netilytbe wt,. .« .11. y biaii.. . .1! Ita flMrtat WBS ti.rurj upon thfli.uuk. '11.1 .. a...; i.iiwaii.i'i ie demaad w. panly dteiaadbyn I. ti tl ai 11'riali' ;n tb.- uai.k'i tuiuit uii;iit be deeideflnpon on'1 bu. ) 1. lud tta ippHctnti oofli1fla»fl

.¦r tareaty ;..Ibey BVflBad praaably i.»v.i bi.ughl utioul tne rrtl ./.tt.ou oltne.rapprebeatioi ietu i.\. ind lu .lflj. tham hfli hiafl ¦ atflrtfld»,.F- ..1. i. . nf tht ... ..._, A conlid.'ur.- in tbe.tabiilty ol tbe aeimtal rouii *-i lal pvaillon *.i lhe .nintry ha*rtnted tn 11... ,r....t. i'i.i're it now, lu ill .Jmr-leri 11.. i.- ..I.i,.- Iiett to lalid. Neverttal***, .... .illla are taleu

i..-i,i n..i.,ii,iini, ind ubm dhn.iiiflliiinii ilin so I*I.. im.i to 11-1, :.. tbat they deiotad inare ttaflt p .Mi!. Tbe ..ti.., .1 ..¦ of foi.r tud aix ombiJii I'tper it

t I. .r- aUickJoneratet t* tba Mfioaa ,m ...

rtrade, -l oped tbe i.nrket»lt l.rrrmr tfltlai tll. r to Umirow It'.e Itll).

'x tta w.-.-k. .i.U1f iieon ,-r.itily

IU il..1 4.1.1 I, ln

...... VVith tl rb o|toi I'.diy 1

, .at ll II ...a

ute, 1 matter bow | -i betbaa.... Blt.|

'Ik.t... 1 i

... 1 sni. uini ... ib

,1 tu .1.. drali

TB. Indoa, vrhicl. wUl leavo for jLfBBBwtrla to-n.otrowbaaBHr r\9 ln ap-Ha, of whlr.h £»£*. ». toid tne) bm ro* all--ar. Tba to'.l bf tha two piovioo. 8»-h«t» waa, r-ap"-Uv<"y.._«_\fWt I'.nH 488^888."

| I-- f. t.irn from the Bunk of 1".n;ri__d for th*; weu-

errdinr the M.of l^biijary, 0888 -M lollowiii* l*>

aulta whaB corapartrd with fhe fiBVlOM*A"__-__|.!_______!..'i'u'rwOtfer ii. pt«. \*,*ni,tW. «.".¦¦.. .M

H^... . 8.8M.4T9.liatreea.. -»,'?*

On thr. orlu aide of the account

Note. ,u.a-.pU.,«l. 8,848.818... _»~r~~_¦...;*VJ>Thnnmount of notci. in cimihinnn ia i.31,><.«> ¦>¦'».

being an iiitrea-e of £-79,460, and the B_B8B of bulliMin boLh departrnentB i« £ 11,-1 -..VW, "howin, ? a8B8T8B ~

of£6it>,59| when compared with tho prcccling re¬

turn.Tbe follow ing tablc wiU ahow lhe lluctoations in

Couaoln aince the 4»h inat.:,-For Monry,-..e.. .«-foi A'roanl.-.¦.*-

.mi. I.ow'.t. Hi^h'rt. CloVr. LoWai. Kifb'at i'o.i-.Bat, BI.u4| !»4J «4) B4{ H4.BU

?_£, B).!M 941 9*1 BNNuaa. _!.... 9H -«_ .'« .«NWf

*>U 941 911 ,1,0i> .!-,


9ii »><VVed.. 1.WI fMl MlTbur., 2.94) 9.1 94* MIFrti I.N 94} 94| 94|

llie movarneut of the Anthr.icite Coal tnule for theweak cndiBR Keb. II haa been aa followa:

IMiO. I*"_J». _

SamtvfRoad. We. k. Waefc. Inr-rraw- Dtefpt.Phil«4.«,dRe_d_gR.R.21,'ni II I8IAWH ...... 1,2.-1 ttl

l-,_..h V alloy R K.14..07 12 ..,0. 8T 1,181 0- ......

Del.L-rk._.\V.R.R.(N). 2,36-10 4..-B .¦» _...;. M» 88DoL,L_ck.ltW.R.R.(S...12,'j7ei_ U.84-u» UBIM .Iha-B. Val.-tPotU. R.R. 1,4-8 08 8ua 01 18881 .Htmt.kB.'rVipMouB. R.N. 108) M*_j Mg Q" .

X.t^._b,.nr la tn.-M iu li.r.i,«, .:,,*> !'-Nftmrreaae. MM '*

Thf Chicago Prrx* *ayt:We nUtad yeaterday tha; tho TVink f'ommiiwioneraof

Illinoia had re.-uir-d tho_e bauka who-e iaauc« were

baaed on Miaaouri atocks to put np aiditional see mtiea,orwh-t would bothc --.ino thiurf, witluL-uw a .orrea-

poDiUnir amonnt of their circul-tiou. The fullowiruj mtheliet of the banka ou which the call w_a m_de, andthe amonnt reqnired of each bank l

Amerlran K.rh.nire Bank. *.-*¦'tlauk of Aurora... '« '~

Bank of Naperville..-.JafJJli-i k ofthe C-u._ouw-.ith. ».«*..Il.nkof lii-K-y. .'..= |rt.nk of P.I-isI,. "_»Il.nk of Southern lllltioi.. !_._«Coinr'.irh.oror'ailB.. MJJVptmonf aud TraderV. jf'JOiauJPralrioBaiik. .»«-Oravville Hank. >|MrLe.n County aank.l.',.*«Jvterer.anta'arMl llrovera' Kai-t. ' 4+4

Mou-iiCo-uty Wauk. 2'jMPr-irie State Bank. M"Kailroad Bank. l "^.--outborn bankr.f tiravvUlo.gState bank of Iliinoi.. 'J.8a8


Xnrth Adam* Xnr* flatt«ra itgelf that ^old-hearinganartz ran be dug in thai region. the editor publishinglhe following .tateuient of facta: (.apt. bad/er ofthat place, had in hia poesesaion when he died feserairpecimenti of qnartz rock which were rirhly UapaSBJ*ua'.ed with gold, which be Bahl were ob.aiued in nujlitof the village, vthere tbere were l_r«e deponit.-, butthe whereaboiiUol which he leluaedto tell auy one

iiulerB they wonld l'aniiah him wi'h Biiffi.ieiit t|,it.ilto hny the land on which tha veins wrre lornt.d.Sevcr'al partien have been endeuvoring t<> find theaeupei inienri fljthin a few 8-JB, who saw them whenCapt. BadgeFwa-i lifing, but bave uot aucceoded aa

^ _.-(AdvertlM.iaat.|

New-York Statf. UU of lr?T7,Nb«-Yobk Htaib Si-a. of 13*>,

Umitbu 8t_.t*» Ibs< kibbc Fiva. of 1IT4, r*tvaaof 1814,

lu atooonU to auk, by _,-__. -_Taoapi-ix Brothb*», No. 3 vV aB-ot.

IvfarBeta-CiaaBTi-T Rbfortbd bob Tbb N. T. TaiauaaSaTCKPar, Fob. la, 1*0.

ASHKS.A fair demand prev-lLa _t *5 25 for Pota. and *5 43|for Prart.; aale* ofiou bbi» both .nrta.((I'ritJN.The, market 1. ato-dj .aie. ofl.MJO bale., luelud-

i.,; N»J lu ttaiiaitu. We ,] iote.a»a-v.MB tL»Minc*Ti«.ir.

Upiand-. Jflorirta. BlobtiV M. 0. k Taa.Ordtoary. t» 81 Bl*\Mlddllri.11. IU JiU*Mlddllnr PBir.Ll 11 12.J*Falr....".Ui MI13H

COFKKF.. Java li.a beeu a-tive, Wh bere eui ti Ho.toa,partly ou .uerulalion: .aie. or -,U-0 aaat.' -...I ">Ki»t Bo.-ton, the latttr at U'c. Rio i. ateady; to\et ot you b... at 1-.PHa.KI.OUR AND MKAI.-Th«re.'eipl. of VVe.iernC.iia) Flo ir

are light au J tha iuquiiv fali. bat b j.iue.« ha. u.-eu reairntrd bytbo Leavy anB-r-.torm. Pilre.are a aha-e hetrer. Tlie ~_1«. ar«

4,TW bbl.. (partly for Ib. >*e-ith, luit ObMlj tot lo--l uee) atC-ltraC*. .0 tcr auperBne State; *5 -i,_r*51.for .aUado.,#5 ..« * 596 for thippl-8 in.ido ro-m^ hoopruira OhfS i i$aYr, tia lor trade br.n.t. do,, and 8_> W»8" 'w !4t. Louia aoti Hon-e*e.c 1'irr.a. ta_-d'_n r :our li hettnr, .vnd ia fooei denaai eOBv.-'.-lly tor the better fiadea; MVc. of 5ou bbl.i. a-. mo 11.; » 1 So-ithcr- Ho-ria wiihouf f!h._aat;th.«.ivvJ. a.i Hght,.ika ot .tun nbla. »t ikiitatfii .- tor ..inomrio llai-mo/e, .v.,.iA f!> nni" for thf botUr _ra.1e_. Itye I. tl**Ay 11^

dfair: tmbm ot 188 ho:.. at f*01*940% UoraMaalai| i.1 40 for Jervey, and «4 184 *4 IS lor B.-i'dywlae.

Il.akaaheat Flour lt ln at t-l H2. *81 "S 4? MO ffi.(ill.MN .Wheat lair deman- the re.-eipt. are li«ht, ind

tha Uju-iivm uf holilrr. ch«cka L..-uie.a, Malca of l.J.'O h.'hWl.ite Kentii.-ky at *l 45. Rje U In fair reow-.r oai oimoAj;uie. cf 2,'.'. tl boali. at 87aK.o. Barley i. quite tirm. __d in I»Urequeat; aalea of9,I00baah at Mc. forfour-rowed *-_u« :r.»tc:..nd C-nada F.ut on pilvmte terui.. Oata are bicae.t, esp_ci.:lyBtate, _n.l ln apeculntlv* raqa.Hj tbe arrlv.l. \r« lim'Wd, .aie.of hnah. at 44r*46<'.. tor t^nidian, \t\d ti\ t.ti>. i,.- 8t_4*;efcoiri of tn.' latter* ara a yir.-a. ( om t. Iiarrlly «o hr .i tl.e ,1--ra.-dti woderate, owlng to tbe inciement '.v.'-icer: tL.'aupplyia aninle: lalri ..f I) <H«i laok. ". Ml f." ..ea» H'e.tem Mize-1TMtr.Qe. for .loraey ard Montaarn Valloar and BTfeataI'AV.The mark-t I. rjalta ru., but la >_>ilet; axlea of WO

b_ka.,al 98o.»Bl l» W" l'la ialea. _nl_iat«_, but U tirmly )i.l.!att-e^ujeiit.LEaTHKR.There i-au.o.ler.t« <!-.uai.,l f..r L-otli H.ralo-h

acl Oak. Pr-ce. are ui...'b_ii|t-dB10LASSK«.Tbe «r._e ia very au.all; aalea ofti-i bbla. New

Ollf-O. at 4a_*48c. Forelfu 1. -j jlet.NaVAL fcToRES.inar.Uvity i. tl,.'prvdominant fe.tnre in

tbia breiich of bwiieia. owlnrto « eanttenal «to'm ot auow, a.ilaud ralu diiiiig tbe day. parcela ol" Spirita at whaif tiierei-r.'have been tnmtj effered -t lower ntte., wtiho.t Snala. b'-yon.The onry trsnaa.llon we rnnli) leam nf wh 3 aal.1 ofJW bbla.Stiain-d Roalu at f 1 W p* -I'j 10, la y«rJ.01L9 aie.-xtretnelT il't .. but pri-e. fecer.'Iv are malnUinrd;

.Ball aale. ol f.inie.eo, at tfld)mte., |il,l__a fb Tallow Oil,au 10 bbl*. <>l We.ten. l-u-.l OU, at <C .,. _>U.OIL. CAKK.Tbe .i.^rket I. .|.ilet, ti.- ...pply aaB l.r/e .a'-.

of 100 t :n» TLLo Oblou. City, iu baaa, at 844 W; Tlai. C.'intryi. ntr.iir.i_ at *-lfl'831 50; and Thir. ..-ari-a- »r #¦_. f- tan.

I'ltO". 1MON-. The Poik aarket ,- <) .11* ...!.. e aud ia tbe .leiuainl fo. lhe futu'e ia -. ,1ve aelea H M90 b'o\i. at? 14 .".x.Bl'* kir uew Weat. n I'lim- *I5 .5 ,,.. IU y I'.Li.e;f 17 50 I... Old Mea., 8)11 M for ne* Maia; *.\i U lot oldrrtoa. Iii. l..ded ln lhe iBla._rc508 bbl(.u.iw 81.... mBB8*I Option all Mart'h, at4id IBsBBB b'.'-i. Mevi, wller'a opti^- :Vo:alSb March to tbo lfrtti of Apill, at *1» 75; 600 bbU. We.teaiI'riine, .leliverahl* on tho 15th ot', hnyer t.. :. ... .'.-i-hoico of icpector, and .,!«.. r>M». >le»a. aelier'a optloa,for July, at B1-. The i>over_t:ient coDtrarj -or l,i*whl.l.. I'ork and l.iBW bhl«. Beef wa- a.ard^d U d*y, r ttba terma ara uot made public A <u-n ot :m ;..«.

I'ork au madrt *.-'. Beel i. tirtner. aad in ro.d dniruud;aale. of ill bbU at i$ 2:-wi>i >> lor Cou:.-ry Mcajij !'.<.' 610 for R.'facked Me-a, aud <10:^-»..' :jr Ex-.ra...firue MeMi.d-ll-i *17 50./819 5". ludia Mm-ia iu rro/ iibciii 40. beet Ii__.a are bcttor aud ln .-od Jeo.-j.J,li. pnit r.,r aale, of«:i at *I4 liJi\6 f... 'AV.;.ara ladadad iu tba <aioa are -w bbu H.-aB't, to arnve on tneopeulug o! Canal, at * 16 *.'. bj.'on i. urm aud iu fair domaui:mimt o. inobm-»We.teii. !..¦> j. BIBh.8MU-lia.I..I... (ity I lear ti. p.ivnte le.tu. Cut 81 nal. -j.- .i.i..' i.i... nn.lln di mand aalea ot *i7 hhd.. ai.d Iaa. at o| 3 ;<-¦ tor .-.-louldera,. d -)l_. lor .aai»; in tha <_in« ue ii* tu. .l.y¦ait.-d _h.ulderaat 7a. l._rd ia brui aud iu laii d.u.-.a foi thet'.de nd lhe future uie. o/BBI bbia. aud t.-«. atl-.aH'.' in-

ided in the aale. are500 bbla. Fri-ua VV_»t.'rn. for .Mar.-i. ilem.rv, at i 11, .. aud 2W koaa, ou tuo .pot at 1-ic. Dr. aara lio.'aBll ll.ilI'l Blld III -IBaBllll. aiBa. i'"i aad >. ..<¦ ,.,r

i-y I'.. ,t.-rl. ln Mlr il.-iiiil.dat ll« 14.-. t,.rt)l,,|. .

!oi Jtate. ilici.:.- du BtXOtftae. ( be,-..- i- .,.,> biui aud iu de-ai.nri.t !'l_)|ll<.. and Ki.liah dvlr. at 11-

Iil( K MlecatlB-IBBaa "' ?imirhaLBLOAKS'- fb-ra-i a ino-uiala demand; aala. ol .5" Uiiua.3.... at 7Jr., :nd T5 hl.da. Cuba at 7J B7|aB.EI'.8 Tl.e aartet ." a'eady, I...1 ia .(..let fur (":¦.. er Se-.J ;

aalea of 48 *t *'-*-)*. Tliut.i l.y See- ia b-itt-r, auil ia waui.xl;aale. ..! 14* bualiela at l?;t '."'-*:< ¦." f bmbkol Ut raapaiLItou.h iu. feei I. nonjlii-I,at il .'.-.-*.i 60 f i> .' Baaha) ofN mTALLOW-The maiket ia Oruier for Weatern, the d-ruand

falr;nle. ot 40,000B). r.t 10|Bli'l partdf-1vorablo Baataraea.» Aa.ociUlOU 1. beld at llc. RoU|tll hat la .;._dy, al ..'.

raab.WHIBK1 The muket ia eaaier, tuid ia dull; the i::\'p\y i*

lair; aalea of -0t> Ibla. .t ineiltoe.-?

!i_arbel...Reporttd by TelegrapA.Narw-Oai k »>-. tnm. IX.Canoa: ailea to day i-.^oobaie- at

II Cllc. 1-f Middllaf. Tl .i «.U» .il ti..-aa.M-k ad 1 np ,i,,»aihala.. Baalaat 0 481 ... tb. «r« in Ia.t ye«i. Tlie r.porl.

T Traltt. atrfl tBt T~Tll exp..tla t- daU.aipta «t th,. part aliea.I of laat veai

ri.l.ii al a.l :.«. .uien. |»..tK .-l,n,KI baJna. DlocB874.8.8ba_aa.Faauean-Ua-tly a_va_M-e. Cotton lo Idvwp«.l '.>-vH. Ki-< .. i- .,1IOB UoNDOB I" i' 108 with bilk .1 lilin.. aul » ih.inf,

; 1 ii .< laOB o.n Naw-¥..ail Bt aiity il.ya l|« .', [h-irei.t .li.. ..i.iit. .ml ,a ...lilal p.r lo '; per i'.-i t p.eihnn, at Bl -U foi BuMiBaa. UOfBaa >t. nly al l{.i \t*A llieaale. of lhe %. eek I....I BB 1,888 pmPM i tL.- linpolt. -. tl.e BM8tubi ip ;,,,,. h-ja, aud the total iuupotta lo dato Zli,'*"', atoitk

Naw-OHira^a, K.I.. 18. C-fTBBi aalaata_WBy_BBbah . i*

¦aeBanivd Btwaa at *.(.. ti >-¦¦

f-Btia,aB8a, _iKi>.. i'|o. raaiaaTaaa.l Biinaaaai.ii.liaii^.d.ll.nini.HB, Feb. IR. .1'i.ot k d_H. Wiii.t

f.r......iiinl. i i.k.n advani'..'.! I.rlj.-.; Whlta, ..'..". 1 el-io* .ou aeifkL Poaa u,m, Aaaa, a-i; l\ m.-*,, Ha.Pini i'iiii. 1... II 1-Hiii.i.t. V\ iD.Ti. :.».-, lUd,

Bl .. .r + ,'.. i i.k.s ..!. li___i<« J. FBO\S III.hl l.ill ..IIJI'.I.

I l*i iah.1l, r.-h. IK li.oi k dull at +5 >0_ *f. r«, for aupair-Haa Wai k. ... I.a to.). M.'.a I'.n.a OU ~.J, bulk Sliou dara,

M.ii.ii i;. Keh. 17..4-TVua ¦--». to-.l.y rt.Oaai bado* ut l>i_.,'I!pfa of

Uie., M-»*» -B.-M' baloa l «. ¦-'


\ v| ...ta tm (I.e I'*"t i. .-.'...

i af.atioila ior tae ua-tui ..lh.


iis.i.-.u Iaa. 18. ......I..I. ¦'. uu te-ld -ii-

I ,, ,.. I. r-.t. 11 r>ll * '.-"I.

f ,. -u'd'

9k***kmtnt JPraaaea.TtertL »t *»* 8BBJ B..»Taa.Feb. la, IBBn-'^a bb. *Var j

K.ido foiti Ifeal; -50 du. Provlalou*; 18 do. Loti, *M do.* n»tky-

Tmrnerrngtirm ^aitaat/,. tttfimilip CUftf tY,ittiteVtim fur (i,n*^n*UnmmMd t.tttr-

,_..* Dcu.-uliii,^q, U,ot0 tlid uo, John NUot,. .Madsei*. J<>«|po(*and child, T. Armorettl, P.

1-. .. B fa-Mlo Uvt-.nrtnd T-nr*njrre, Menry rairfax,»,. ,.,|. ii..: -*t P.yrai, l*«..,rge Wlfceo, W. H. llaleher aad ladyJ. ..I. aenreyro, lirael Walter, J. A. t, V. Htnghteo!Ar.ll.oay B»*in, Kamnel I'.rowa, Abdiew TaUii, aud UO U Uw>g-jMIBf*. Total, 144.

t_M|W arrlraaf.ia ift4*i**»/) A.eahta, from l.r*rpeel.MT. and Mw. Cebee

lir. 'iowntend ',«.id.|*rt tnd ltdy ( <il ti'itenden, H. Crop ^*lady. twoiil-jdrrnandeervaiiti Mn Midwinttrr, Min !>._££'*. K/pr,rh, H. J !»iootion, K. rbe», Ftutdi, Y. H. VfiEe,CaiUu.'- Cooptjr, r aa/tgue. W. il. UilL-ere. J. C. W _A(..w_.-_,J U B»t,helder, M. M. Rutr. 0. flaailey, Bo", VAtwmB V Rl»if»**>tt T '.-:.;;,.'J. Ml*r«mlmni, F.Cai-pb*- . ihwiod, W.B. H. B«aden. B. L Ham, Ka_we, Mn. .,&.,, w. HIU,C.rWri, ftheppird. Dowey, Kot, Mmont. £_ E cdwflxat, U.MtOo.ngb. J. R Bettett, A Y. (iat-tnao. Total, 4A

ln t(ra«tA(> Uorvir.a., ffrex Harn'^f.. umi goulAampttn.Jtr.ob MfLdel. H. Wendl, A. Bot'jM, f. YWhrop, C Votv,W. Duttiimeebei and lady, A. .^dna«e, J. LoarhWiar, A.Bebrendt, M. Airhei, II. 0. Btin.her*t, 6. Rndeiph, M O.Werull tr.d ftmily, VV. rit.rettnt, K. Helntberi, T. Oleuberwr.1( h. u. I' -. -I U>d*, J. A Pv.bT, A. M. Ileui. d. Hda. C. Ocbl-»...(... *»4 My, I. fetiar^w, 8. Iltrtwl*. C. Onuttdek, C.Orbhtrdt, J. WV.derta, B. Herk J. Mnller. tfoaker Ctty, frim Hoeana..Mt. M. liehaati,Krtncitco l>nc, A. Ovtlaudet, T bomat Currier, Prucii Fiorae, D.MrRot_en, P. OalHn, T. Morri.on, P P Oeoffry, lot* MeHit,I-' A.I.-1 Wi.,.H, A!*< Mi.lbler l.,i a IW-vru Wlllitin Wlnl....¦!¦*,Huth Yauni. Min W. F.drytton. Miti L.v.rt Handston, Vr.Jobn ZOlea and lady. J.C. Ketdail. P. de U Rivida,W. H. Batrd,Mn K. R*~.flBflk Ml»* Blan--i. Koon.tou, Mi*t Mary Reblaaou,Mr. Mtr.aei Ctrbahtl, daughter »r.i 8ve terranta. LaiiBalaat,Mrt. Mary Holano, Mr. M. Caueilln* ind ltdy, Mr. (i J. U,y.mii, Mlu Anna (I'lleiliy, Mr. A. B. Mrtpiar, Jo*. Milliken,Mr. (i. Hal'aeta, Jo»#ph Murphy, .Itinea .Sosltli, R. M*-Pher*oo,M Kinnl, M. «m MijU'l. I. h. I*tj>d, II. A. .Ia~'lo, J..%nMr.c.nt and lady, H. Madiiilo_t«, Klchard Anderton, Edii^iA.l.ri.t.ToUIST

le lU.imihip I)e Soto, frnm \rv>.flrl*iiet nnA Haaamo.Me.tnd Mra. Y Mtllard, Mr. an«l Mr*. Ito.e* And*r*on, Mt. aal Mr*.\V. Mlbeuiath and ton, Mr. llarUtorn, Mr*. W alter*. t^pl. W.H. Doaii. Mrt. B. Gtin, Mr-<. Pynebon. Mr*. CtpC Morte an 1ton, Thrmai Watkim, Mr. fit h. Mr. Sbeldon, J. Aochln-lo-n,Indy and ton ; V. Y. ( ltrke, A. D. Crai», Ed. Oarde, B. Oolder-a**iiH. Kroi.i Havaiia. luan t'aatennde. Vgnaelo J. AreHftO, Bar-ntrd Breed, J. Mti-toth, J- Oikbam liriy, Juae Ifeniaiidei.

BiaiATi ax xutxnAC.Snn-Riir...... «:4. |B*t_.>:411 M*e> Bt***... ( a

m.'im wtTxa ran i.ti.

Sandy Hook... 1:01 Oot. Itland... T:-I ' HaU-OaU.Htl*-:.-.-_r


I'toareti.Htetiutbip»-Yorktown, Pirrith, Norfolk, Lndlam A Heinrk-

en ( oinmbia, Berry, Charleiton, SpoSord I UflflUfll 4 ' -. A .-

tutta, Woodlmli, fiavtanah, 8. L. .MiA-bliJ klion, Mott* Tiylor,(l.ill.i., 1 iavai.a aud N**vv-(li:..»..*, M. 0. RoUrt*.Sbipa-Mtfnet, King, Hon* Knnt, CtxykCe.; MoW Cattle,

Kr-owlet, Apalachkela, .1. W. Klwell 4. (..).BtMke TanaBa Brand, ludiaiio;«.a*rteUe,t'ole,New-<Jr!eani.

iv Nelaen i. Bi., , .. . .

Briit.M. SUple*, Huple*. Apaiachi.ola, Oakley A Keatlni;A. D. Oain.^e(ltr ), Ellla, Aaa I'aye*, WU*oo k Baute. J. H .

Harrlt, Rathlun, Maila, D. R. Dewolf; O. Doe-n-a, Iianean, 9k,Pierre, Metralf * Dnncan 14. ITlagg, Rrimball, Matanxat, Smita,J*.r.e» U . o. Kmpire. Mi.'ier, Utlveaton, W*kem»n, Ui.ou Ia.t .. 1 U Sa.yb..tii, Niuke!*, Mol.ile. Laytln k Hurlbut. .

Scbconert--3ouUierB B*Ue, Smith, Charle*ton, D. C Morray;RedKajle. Brown, Savannah, l>. C. Mamy; Alva, Anderton,Bavtrinah; Empire^ Howril, Norfolk; A. itlker/erj, Itoj-..,Ilirbmond, C. M. P'^rye, C. T, Stronn Llt.-um, Baltimore, M«i.-irr, L'nJ k Uuer^au; Elale, Ptceuilre, Fbiladelpb^, JaaewHand.Meamer.Artliaa, Eotter Boutl. Amboj.


Steairn.hip Itomult (Hau.h. BBBflWJL Trautina.i; Haubarx Fev1, aud Stiutiiimiitoii 8th, iud*e aud Ij«i put to Ruuhardt k Co.Keb 10, iat. 40 A, lou. 32 31. patred a s-rew ttrainaiiip. tjppotedthe Teutonia. bound E. Tbe R~:**1n experlenrod very heavrwetterly (ttlet witb a heavy taa ib*- rirat port of tbe paita«e. t.-.dduring tbe latter part alrouj K.utb.-rly tnu.*, wita ituiw tqaailaand very beavr wa.

ste»n.*hif. Xraaia(Br.), Btoae, I..**rp..-.i Peb. 4, mdae. tai4fipta«. t.. K Conard. t.-b b, ¦ n-a-t or s,.,>h St*. t, ¦Bflltteanitliip K..i--,i ttom liottou .d Halifat. aud tteaoehip Jart,bflflfl»| 17lh, Ba. n*., ltt. -M), l'.'i. TO, paned tta.utuip city ofMan bflfltflf, aaaaa. Att. uit Cur llallery tt 8 a ui.

Buk Omega. Mvr«e,-ftleiuio Uec. 10, paaaed OibraHar Jaa. '.;fi-it to Chaniberltun. Phelpt k Cn. Dec. 88, olf Cap<» Paloa, tif-naUd hri< B^.nito 'of piew-York|, bound E t Ju. 10, Luiber R.Fovaeri, o. Otriagtoii, Me.. leaiuau. died; Keb. 11, lal. 37, lon. li,ptuted ¦ tcrr.'t mait. wiih boom uid isili tttacBed, tontrerttjDiH i ihcrt time in the water. l'hn Omert ht* been'_» day* Vt.of Bcrmnda. with .-ontujaal N. &nd W. ftiet, bad tery o*^4wettber on tbe cout tnd a food deai of isow.Biig Tl.ittrr (of Baogoi), Ealou, Tr'uldad 18 dayi.

tugar, I;.-., to nuttcr. Peb. 4, oa t. ipe A.itonlo, ipoke brig Aie*ba-llt, ftom A.pmwtM for New-Vnrk, B...ili.e. Mttwell, Alexaadria 85 dayi- Keb. 1\wMIe hrtn? ro In a b«*vy N. VV. /tle, tbipped a aea arbleh iweji*.tbe giijey ..verboard, tberiwl ooal from the dariu, anJ e.rrytuevabl* tbinx Cicui tbe deck, aitd tpiit itilt.

.-. t.r. fiaar. W. Hnghei, Irrland,'Newbeni, N. C, * diya, navalttorei to intiter.Schr. Howard. Laarrrnce, Newbero, N. C, 3 dayi, oevii itoreat

to 1HW.I' *. i>..u-.e.Brh.- Ornton, WiUiaic*, Wtthington, N. C, 7 day*, uavtl

itoret aci netwn to natter.Ifcjkr, 1. S. .ireer, liutt-orougb, Kraderka, llel., 2 dayi, cvtm,

tmX.P. K ii WIL.t. ln. N.i.- Sttr, Fy.I", hr Buci.port.

;'. .*o.'-1i., 'ont, M'.ltou. Del t daya.*-S. VA rjvrwa, Me*'!*, Bi-ivma Del.ldaya8ebr. Alsoaiua Itvlu. Smvrua, Del , 1 daya.8. hr. Pred Htll, Rutee.L Predenoa. Uei.. t dayt.Schc. Caroiiue Hall, Orahaia. ."¦ redertea, DelStr-aaer Deltflr^ Copai, Phtladelphiit and lape Miv, ir.dae.

r.rd rais. tn Y. Perkini.Sleaiuer Otpray, Retiaey, Provldence, oidae. to ltaa*'. Odell.


ArrlvetJ.St..tDAr, Feb. WkSt* tm«hip Qnaker (Ity, Shufridt, Havana Peb. 15, at 5 p. m ,

mdae. ar.d 47 paia. to llargon. Baaa S'eb. 16, lat. 8b 58 N., Ica.'.b :C VV ., aiajuaied 'aik tuivii, buuud N. ; alao a largn *hlp, *ua sta allow «ii',, elgual letten L. D. oa t * tite fro-inj aod dux.'d^r fore ind ml/reu topitiUaut yar-Ji down; aoppoted to na

loadad tailJ.*tca_cifc:p i)e fcoto, Builocu,Ncw-Otlria* 1'ab. 12, vii llaa.oa

14th, ludtetud lo Uviaptoe, Cruciioroa k Co..-teauitliip Nttu.UIe, Muxtay, Charletton, mdflfl. and paia. ta

Sj-offord, TUeiton k Co.Eteaiuthip Mount lernoii, Smith, Norfolk, niie. and p**l.

to H. B. (.romwall A Co.bteami.pMonigsi-icry, Br.rrr, -Stvannah, mdte. and paia. te 11.

B. CrcniTveTLt Ce.Rrig Monntain Earir (of Trrnnnnti. Biantaem. Cmdenm Peb.

5, in-gar Ac.. to i i. K. J. Petera. Haa had very beeay trealhti gbe«B lUdayiN. .*f ilaltert*, wlh .m.Uut/tiee; W foratopgal-Itul oiatl aud latin gail, wat towed up by tteamtag Dtidnrwriter,CflBt Anthony.flahr. horwrt Ptlrnar, Weltnn, ApaJtehicela 1? daya, ooltotuidI.idet to tiakley k a.-iimi. Hai aeeu 8 daya IS. ef Uatteia.,v. iiii beavy N. ta N. W. gairt lott fon'tail, itove head raili, kc

.s.-hr. Relit. Hall, Dough*>rty, Vir*l.,it, wood Auchvred ouHtturdoy nixbt iaUravrieud Bay. aad tbe tail* be.-oming froxen,wai towed tu Jeney City by tteaui'.oe Jacab BeiL

Sclix. titu-ut (of s«i'jau), Tboatpten, AUtkapa* 1.) dayi, lugarti.d flaatflaaai to Mnrgo* k Co. He* bad heavy w-eether.

0chr. r--.koai.ik-, lltrrli, W aahingtoti, N. C , 4 dayt, aaval.toret and cotton to J. ti. Wflliam*.MBa Dan Soiith, Milton, New-Havea 2 dayi, in b.diait, tor

Virg.ta.Schr. Elcxuor B. Coovell (it Provineetown), Laar, Or-nd

Ca, L'.an Feb. lt, mdie. 'o matter.

BF.1.0W-.vhip Cambria (Br. of iireetwx-k), ttmn (l.'aagow;wa* botnicd Peb. 16, u milea e. B. ot s-nttv Heok. by pilot beatC. V. Bl.ut (No. 11).>bip Kdith Roae, H-aciai, Boo Chow r'eat, 38, aai I brigt..

(hy pilot tx-at VV».bt*.kton (!*¦¦ 4)Alao, 1 lierin brtgln towof tbe tteaiat'ig Wm. Fonli 3. ofthe

llifhltn.laat a.Kiaea.rtAII.I- II..Meatuahip* City of Waabiaeton, Uverpool; Ceitun-

bit. Cburlettan, Augottt, N. vtnntb Y .irktown, Norlolk, Ae.WIKD- -Sumet, N. W.. ttt aa. lear aad.olJ.

CoRkH. ri.iv..ln the ..r th- btlg^ A.iJr.var p.iblialta-.! UBatattBtJ * .ii.!. », .L.i.jl.l io vr- «... bfl xtie tlu- wa* in waifrom Y.. .S. Y.., witl. tnow uid i.ot froai N. E. She a :»ig>valmd..t »mi:,i-i*i.Dbtimhix..Thf itetnithipi City of VVtthinrton. ior Liver-

p.K>l: Columhla, fer ("h_.rle*t..n; A.gnata, (»r Savannah. tiidV ,Htti-.-li, l.r .Norloik atill remain tt thrir doi/k*, aud will taila. .4.4M* «a ll.e |L K. aUnui I. 0>et.


Ry Trlruraph.SANDY hOOK, Krb. li>, lunaeC-.Stetui. rt t ity o VV itnlna-

tnti, lor I iverpool cletred tbe Kar at I:IB A m. Vork*,o»-Norfolk. tt 9:19¦ m t ..I'.uil-i*. lur Cliaiietton. tt 11 a tu.. i J

-4:..r. for Havana aud N.-w Orleana at 11:4.1... tn. Notaaaaa u. tu:.t Barad m. VV n..l bBBB the N. VV waatiwi.:.-»..mOBLAITDS, Feb, 19, leaafli Two tl.Ipt In lhe Offlag in-

ward bo. rd, alto rt hrl; ort Lotug I'm:. h in tow: iltxt iteauiihii*Qoekat ( i'v from Havana. od laflflflj Branch. VV'lad heavy tromN. W.;wm.ber clear.

BAi.'1'..VioKE, P.b. i9.-Arr. *r«an:«r CUy of UoHolk, fr«_

PHlLAl/KLPHIA, Keb. li».- Arr. tteamt-r titate of Oeorgi*._-'*4».m*l:.

Sckr. Jbbmi N. ;--on, bound lo Taantou, it aab.>re tt t'tp*

tt Plan, from Bmyn* DA, for 9*****. hMr.t':r:.. J ta tha Breakwater tor repaifA haviag latt**^* iu the

.-¦net. ..

be Btate ol Grorgit paMe.l tle jam.-t Adge*'0.n ___,.SAVANNAH. ... ,t.-au.ibpisur *»r tae Aoutb ttt.

*"*¦,. e v _.

Tbo ttre-n »t.-tm»hip PaBaaM-, ol Ottmmat . bo*. Iton. .Ne» -

York. arr on ThuradflJ. laBiaBflrflB. -_ a . - .

Nl.vv ORLF v:v->. K.-b. i. -in.thlm Oaaaa B*Ua. Pa.- nc.

tad In.-l. ftom K. wY..ik Jamxt E May*, md bark V. ,>,-..


|»i.«.(..« Ar.T 'owini ii l rorreet repott reiitive to tbe oell.aUn of tlie

,,h; B. >. Ji.uu.ou.ud ,ng li*trle. ^fout fpb> ^ xm0mMet.n J.«*v - Hu-**.>«. New-York.-..*.»(. Capt. Look-

» ,T -!. B 8 ¦,|,hed,-....!«t..'in.dtatatei' and «* re«lwMed me to .u'orin you at tbe parUoular-.

IgUtiat. tt 10 o'cleek. blwJatait^Na***.vrry tlii.k duk -nd raining ibe Mt] Cntrlet Milier. »««««"».iron. 1.4i4ln,k* unh augar and iiiolaaaet. bonud Ijryour port. ttn

«!, tbe H V baaoa.1 itrUiug her u-tween lha ttn and B*B_rlgglug; the fl t. tl thit time « ,. tbout 4« mile. >.

,.',v.'.;;:';.,, u!,,..r v, .... pnupt ba.e gou. 1T0..1

...iattllll [»J

ttpti!.. lt.

u.,u, .,s. ,,..i..,v dpokewiN.*- ¦. .Mlate

.'wi. « k,'_.'hr._Mra.... day. i: ^ m.. bnx s.ral. r^»{^^._«:..« adailtiO.U lOt.!«<"¦*

...tuuxiipt >a . atlra