T u r k e y S h o o tnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1954-10-15/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · Mr....

There Are No Spooks in This \yatch Lineup Longines - Wittnauer - Bennis - Bulova .- Elgin Several Stjies tat Various Price Raages tai Stock for Yoor laspeeOon Ronson Lighters Sheaffer “Snorkel” Pens Rope N^ecklaces from $1 to $3.95 A Complete Line of Men’s & Ladies’ Leather Wallets SHAFER’S JEWEIJIY STORE MAIN STREET PHOXS OOSl MARGARFTVTT.T.K Opening on November 1st IN MARGARETVILLE (MaSn Street) JUANA MANORSKA SCHOOL OF DANCE T u rk ey Shoot Craft’s Flat, Fleischmanns OCTOBER 17 RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS 30-30 WinchestenGiven Sponsored by V. F. W., Fleischmanns CABLE’S CAITLE MARKET Roxbury, N. Y. COMMISSION AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY Friday, Oct. 22, 1954 12 NOON—Selling produce, poultry, pigs, etc. 1 :30 P. M.—^SdUing D a ^ Cows. " ' We wilTfiave dcxS^ed By'various awbers go5d fresh cows, springers, firstncalf heifers, yearlings, serv- ice bulls, beef cows, bulls, veals, and bob calves. We had a large crowd of people at our last sale and a good run of cattle in all departments. You, too, can profit by sending your cattle to the auction. For the finest in auction service ship to Cable’s. There are always trucks available to pick up ytmr cattle. Just let us know by phone or mail. M. C. CABLE Terms: Cash Roxbury 3601 FENE H n J . By BIrs. Helen Merwtai Pine HiH N. Y„ Oct 12 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Funk and sons of Blocanfidd, N. J., spent the weekend with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. France and daughters spent fnan Friday until Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dunsmore at Philips- port, Pa. Harcdd Wright of Qovesville took care off the oil deliveries during EdcUe’s absence. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ldebowitz of Englewood, N.»J., spent last Sat- urday night with the Sanchis’ at Lakeside lodge and attended the picnic at Belleayre Sunday. Mrs. Harry Allen and Jeffrey spent ffrom We&iesday until Sun- day with relatives iJi New York. Harry spent Thursday and Sunday there. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krebs and Joan of New York spent Satur- day with Mrs. Emma Peck. They closed their home for the winter. Services will be lield in the Presbyterian church at 9:30 Sim- day, Oct. 17, for one Sunday only. Mr. and\ Mrs. Arthur Richards and son of New York were week- end guests at the Pine Hill Arms. Mr. Richards is manager of the/ Madison Square Garden club. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols, formerly of Honolulu, who spent since June with Mrs. Nichols’ sis- ter, Mrs. C. R. Shaw, and family, have arrived I in San Francisco, Calif., where they plan to make their home. Like Catskills, Plan Hmne Mr. and Mrs. Angelo D’Errico spent from August imtil October in the Shaw cabin. They have re- turned to the Bronx for the win- ter. They were so delighted with our Catskill mountains that they h t^ to make their home here in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. I. Horshkowitz of Brooklyn spent the weekend here and closed their home for the win- ter. Max Carr of New York city weis a guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Kantzian, for a few days. John Lasher of Yonkers returned home Friday, iiaving spent part of his vacation with his sister, Mrs. Obed Cure, and feunily. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tannen- baum spent Thursday with their son and daughter-in-law at Al- bany. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Dammann and Lydia attended the wedding of Mrs. Dammann’s cousin, Alfred Jacob Jr., and Miss Barbara Busch at Harmon, N. Y., on Sat- urday. The young couple is /pend- ing a honeymoon at the Pine Hill Arms, tiiis village. ' Mr. and'M rs. Joseph Eddy of ^ ------- ------ S 6 (^ , Osione Ftek, Hewr vYoric State D ^w rt- children have spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ScOdder. Cheryl Bertrand of Colonie ^ n t from Wednesday until Sun- der with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bertrand. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bertrand spent Sunday with his parents and took their dauj^ter home. Has MtauH* Operation Bruce Scudder entered the Benedictine hospital Monday where he iiad a minor throat op- eiration. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richards and falnily of Kew Gardens, L. I., spent the weekend at their home on Acad«ny street. Miss Adelaide W. Hill left Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Paul- ine Schaedle, at Flushing. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Maben of Plainfield, N. J., are spending a few days at their home on Birch Creek road. Mrs. Leo WhispeU has returned home from the Benedictine hos- pital and is recovering nicdy. Her father, Conrad Smith, tiiis vil- lage, is spending some time with her and her family. Joan and Ann Smith spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrd. J. Dug£m, and family in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Wicks of Ronkonkamo,* L. I., were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Spicer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Leys of Yonkers and Maine were guests of Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Reisser for the weekend. Mrs. Alice Benaiy, who has spent several months at the Reis- ser home, returned to New York Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Malefyt nt Waldwick, N. J. Ray and Rudy were buddies in the Army. Mr. Md Mrs. G. Ribstein, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murray spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ribstein at Teaneck, N. J. James Smith Jr., who is em- ployed by the Conservation de- partment, is working for a month at the Beaverldll campsite, near Livingston Manor. Party H^d for Pastor A community get-together and dinner party was held in the church hall Monday evening to welcome and get acquainted with the new pastor and his wife. Rev. and Mrs. Toombs H. Kay. About 55 were present. Will Fete Sports Council A cocktail party for the Win- ter Sports councU, given by the Pine Hill Chamber off Commerce, will be held at Hotel Tyrol Friday evening, Oct. 15. The first show- ing of.jski pictures- will be given Dry Brook, N. Y.. O ct 12 The annual church suptper which was held mi Thursday eve- ning of last weds at the Commu- nity hall, cleared $137.84. Thanks to everyone who helped to make it a success. Mrs. Lawrence Zellers under- went a major (^ration on Mon- day. Her address is» New York Hospital, 68 York Ave., New York a ty , Roran H621. Reg Todd and Ratie Todd were Sunday guests of and Mrs. Atwood Crook at Hamden. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Haynes called at the Crook hcHne Sunday after- noon. Mrs. Joseph Borka and two chUd^n of Lincoln P£u:k, N. J., and Mrs. Joseph Kuryllo and son of Singas, N. J.j, spent the week with Mrs. Borka’s parents, Mr. and Mr6. Louie Scalza. Weekend guests of the Scalzas were Rich- ard. Giella, Joseph Kuryllo, Jo se ^ Borka, Mrs. Ann Carroll and Mrs. Margaret Stahl. Mrs. Scalza left on Sunday to see her brother, who is very ill in Jersey City. Mrs. Evan Todd is in New York city with her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Zel- ler. Mr. Zeller is recovering from a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller called on Mrs. Jessie Cantwell Monday. Mrs. Cantwell is much improved. Sunday |^ests of Mf. and Mrs. Orson Haynes were Mr. and Mrs. Olin Kittle and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Buchanan, son, Bobby, all of Kingston, also Harry Finch of Arkville. Mr. and Mrs. John' Asher, son, Jon, also Mrs. Gwen Crumling spent Sunday at Beacon, shopping at Hyde Park and sight seeing. Mrs. Gus Stewart spent Sun- day at Delhi with her grandchil- dren, Diane and Stewart Rosa. Mrs. William McCumber took her son. Butch, to Kingston on Tuesday to have treatments to his eyes by Dr. Martin. Mrs. Kingdon Gould of Wash- ington, D. C., was in this place Sunday. Ballet - Acrobatics - Modem Intdpretive Dancing for Children (4 Yrs. and up) and Teenagers Exercise Classes for WcHnen For Information, Call Margaretville 1522 the weekend at their hofne here. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Parsekian and family of Long Island city spent from Saturday until Tues- day at their home 3n Main street. Mr. and Mrs. John Pfenning and famOy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Roth- man and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidian have closed their homes in the village and returned to the city for the winter. John McFall of Rumson, N. J., spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillsride and family of Poughkeepsie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peet. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rowlett and her brother, Hewitt Walker, of Tampa, Fla., were guests at the Pine Hill Arms a couple of days last week and called on fri^ds. Mrs. T. G. Remick and Betty are spending some time at their home in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Elmen^ dorf of Albany were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cure. Attended G(dden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clsirence How- land spent several days last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Becker at Ridgewood, N. J. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Howland accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Becker to Brooklyn and attended the golden wedding^ anniversary re- ception of Dr. and Mrs. Hubert A. Newton. Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Howland were the only two guests present that had attended the Newton’s wedding 50 years ago. Mrs. John Morck, her three children, Charles and Frank Ryan of iprooklyn spent from Saturday until Tuesday at their “Rock Cliff Manor.” Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oster- houdt of Schenectady, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shultis of Margaretville, Robert Cartwright of Denver and James Van of Halcott attended the stock car races at Langhome, Pa., on Sunday. IVIr. and Mrs. A1 Thurston of Newburgh spent from Friday until Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Stanley Osterhoudt, and family. Diane Faye Cure celebrated her second birthday on Monday. Ten diildren spent the afternoon with her and sliared the two birthday cakes. Several relatives .spent the evening &t the Cure home and presented Diane with another birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rieff, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dali of Kingston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Obed Cure. Mrs. Dali mained for the week. Misses Mabel Karlson and Mar- garet Tomosico of New York are spending several days at* their h(Hne here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore of Syrafuse spent Monday at the Ostertioudt hmne. Mrs. Alvem Butler and three sons, are leaving on Saturday to join Mr. Butler at their nev hcone in Rochester. Mrs. Butler and ment of Cranmerce. ~ Clbnb Overioob Mountain Monday Timothy Remick and Bob and Robert Schaedle enjoyed a hike up Overlook mountain. They went to the top of the moun- tain tower where they saw seven states in the far distance."* Fol- lowing a forest trail they came out to a New York state camp on Sugar Loaf mountain. The trail ended at Platte Clove nfear West Saugerties. They .carried their lunch and ate on the trail. The hike covered about eight miles. Partied and tin ted Frank Sanchis Jr. celebrated liis 11th birthday, Wednesday eve- ning, Oct. 6, with a party in the recreation hall. Refreshments in- cluded a birthday cake. Follow- ing the party the first art' class of the winter season was held. All adults and diildren are wel- come to come and paint each Wednesday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. David Silverman and Stuart left on Saturday for a month’s vacation at Miami Beach. Mrs. Ralph Thompson is in charge of the store during their absence. Josephine Steiner 0 i Woodmere, L. L, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Rinne and baby son, Arvid Peter, spent Sat- urday and Sunday with relatives at Floyd, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carner of Elmhurst, L. L, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooperman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoffmem and children. Dr. £tnd Mrs. Murray Me JiI, all of Brooklyn, spent last weekend with the Erank Sanchis. Tells Public Cigarettes Bring Lung Cancer The Public Health Cancer asso- ciation of this state voted Monday to advise the public to stop smok- ing cigarettes in order tQ reduce lung cancer. The resolution said there is now sufficient evidoice of a relation- ship between smoking cigarettes and limg cancer. It urged American youth to “ponder well the^ question of whether the risk involved (in cig- arette smoking) is worth the pleasure gained.’’ Names <rf Local Trial . Jurors Made Public Local trial jurors drawn for the October term of county court Oct 25. Vienna Bouton, Andes _ Helen Brannen, Fleischmanns Mabel Condon, Andes Bui^etta Estus, Andes Arthur QJadstone, Andes E3s\ GrochoU, KeUy Comers ■John Kelly, Roxbury Herman T. Lukow, Margaretville Wesley Raym,, Margaretville Robert S^nsgue, DownsviOe Hattie Weber. AriEvfUe - : -i k- . . DRY mOOK Bfrs. XSlea VaaSteoilNirg P l e a ^ t Valley, O ct 12 Andrew Dowie has been Iiaving a pond bulldozed the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liddle and daughter, Shiiley, and Mr. and Mrs. John Haynes were at Kingston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shaver fbd two children, Russell and Susan, visited her sister at Middletown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fowler were at Oneonta Thursday. Mrs. Maud Pasque of Bingham- ton is a guest of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bacon visited her father at Albany Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Joim Eckert of Cabin Hill were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Firment Russell Shaver was a guest of Gaxy £ind Dale Atkin at Dunraven Saturday. Frank VanDeusen of Beech H ill; visited Mrs. Lu Shaver Monday. Mrs. Donald Elwood and daugh- ter, Marybelle, and Philip Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mayer a t Lexington Sunday, and visited the Catskill game farm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrnes and two daughters, Patty and Mary- ann, of New York dty were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Firment. ^ "Spick” Tuttle is building an addition to his milk house. Miss Frances Einsause of Medi- cal Center, Jersey Qty, N; J., and a friend spent the jtreekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Einhause. They all attended Communion breakfast at Arkville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rontdd Herring and two children and Jack Dunn of Poughkeepsie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ein- hause. Mr. and Mrs. John Elwood were at Newburgh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laughmann and son of Altoona, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Bender of Brooklyn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoch- holzer over the weekend. PHOENICIA By Mrs. MathUde Smith Phoenicia, N. Y., Oct. 12 On Tuesday evening* O ct 12, the American Legion Auxiliary met at the Town hall in Shan- daken for the regular monthly meeting. Officers installed for the ensuing year are: President Leon Conklin; first vice-president Lena Lorenz; second vice-presi- dent, Elsie Dibbell; secretary, Elizabeth Hanel; treaisurer, Eliza- beth S«nmervai&^~. Mr. and Mrs. Heni^ Gaede and two children have 'moved fnnn Woodland to a flat on Chichester road. Mrs. Effie Wright is in Kings- ton City hospital recovering from a heart attack. Sympathy is extended to Otto Drescher of M t Tremper in his bereavement. Mrs. Drescher passed away very suddenly last week in Ossining. ^presenting Phoenicia at the third annual Berkstiire art show is an oil painting by Mrs. Char- lotte Jacobsen of Woodland Val- ley. The exhibition, open to the public at the Berkshire' museum, Pittsfield, Mass., until Oct. 20, was praised for the high level of pictures submitted by Emily Gan- auer, art critic of the New York Herald Tribune, and a member of the jury for the show. Mrs. Jacobsen’s painting, titled “Deep Pool,” won an honorable mention award. Attending the opening re- ception last Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen and Mrs. C. B. Newman of Woodland Valley. Delaware in Third Place Delaware county, despite a de- cline of nine million pounds from its record production of milk in June by St. Lawrence county, still remains in third place for the production of milk in July among the ten leading counties in the milkshed; The following are the state fig- ures. Jefferson Delaware SHAVERTOWN By Leland Titch Shavertown, Oct. 12 Leland Titch attended the Oc- tober meeting''of Otsego Presby- tery in Hobart last Tuesday eis delegate from the Shavertown Presbyterian church. Mrs. Edna Butler and Mrs. Olive Butler attended the October meet- ing of the Shavertown Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. Doris Smith in Andes Wednesday. TTie Novem- ber meeting wUl be held at “Drydens” near Walton Nov. 3. It will b6 the annual Thanksgiv- ing get-together. Turkey will be served. A bevy of foreign-made sport cars, about eight of them, met on Beech hill for a picnic this week- end—^no doubt some of the ones that got lost up this way last week and raved over the beauty the scenery and imcooperative high- way markings. George Hoag tore down the old bam on the Gene Knan> farm this week and made extensive repairs to'the bam on the ol4 Levi Shaver farm, and tidied up the place gen- erally. Mrs. Katie Morey of Briardiff Manor, N. Y., was a guest at the L. n t d i h(»ne Sunday. She was accompanied by two of her late husband’s sisters of Stcme Ridge. Services will be at the usual evening hour at the Shavertown church. Sunday school at 11:30 in the numiing, Oct. 17. Freak Calf Bom On Liddle Fann Pleasant Valley, O ct 12.—A six- legged calf was bram this week on the Tbomas Liddle farm. I PLEASANT VALLEY Especially ' For Youus,. . A HAT CREATED IN THE . WEA-ANN . HAT SHOP Mrs. R. C. VanKeuren New Kingstcm Hl^iway' Margaretville nione 0674 Value 50,412,820 $ 1,870,315.62 35,158,911 1,304,395.60 Lewis ............. Madison 29,699,991 28,993,551 24,674,788 20,909,830 20,756,332 20,549,627 20,526,360 1,101,869.67 1,075,660.74 915,434.63 775,754.69 770,059.92 762,391.16 761,527.96 700,555.29 Otsego ......... .. 18382,892 Total ............. 270,565,102 $10,037,965.28 We Are Noted for Both Quality and Quantity A table heaped wifh tqp qoaltty foods to one of tlie things wbleh keeps bringtaic: customers back here time after time. No OM goes away hongiy from a meal here. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT OiAS. B. YORK AND m s ORCHESTRA KASSINN On Boate SO, Betweoi Margaretville f ^ ' BtodNuy THE BEST IN LUNCHES AND DINNERS AT ALL TIMES SOCIALIZING IN ALL SEA FOOD NO COVER NO MDnMUH All L ^ a l Beverages ^ TELEPHONE MARGARETVILLE 1311 HUNTING SEASON OPENS MONDAY Clothing - Boots - Vests Coats - Shell Belts Guns - Ammunition FOOTBALLS PULL SIZE, BIG CAPACITY ^ GfNUfNf I CIRCULATING OIL HEATERI H mH s ptonlyl ffigciywcityoa beiMicvitfagefmin«Dao>Thetm bMdaseffidencrl H m M bwutifuliyl Superb new ■triiac, rich brown finish, bras* door poll! HMrts cIm bI SxclnsiT* Ooal Chandwr Botner is ctesa bonip ' lag on or low fin satdnc ■a d lives fliote heat Ctom cvcfT dtepofoiL fa iK iv to o fBalMWt Aatomsric Draft Minder. . . Waste Stop- 9 «c. . . Coocdiaated Contrala. HOUSECUIANING NEEDS Elec^c Floor Polisher Floor and Furniture Wax and Polish Brooms - Pails Brushes ARCHERY EQUIMffiNT' Hunting Bows - Arrows Bow Stings ^ Arm Guards Glove Tabs - Arrow P<mts , ' Nocks Furnace Pipe ami Elbows Stove Boards Dampers - Stove Twining Electric Room Heaters PAINT Try Qu|: NEW Line of Moore’s Npn-Yellowing Alki Sani-Flat WALLPAPER for Every Need GLASS and PUTTY Single or DouUe Thick ROOFING ROOF COATING PhimlMng Needs Copper Pipe and,Fittings Galvanized P i p e and Fittings T(^et Tank'Parts Phone 0201 MargarctnBe Hardware, he. Phone 0201 N I

Transcript of T u r k e y S h o o tnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1954-10-15/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · Mr....

Page 1: T u r k e y S h o o tnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1954-10-15/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tannen- ... Mr. and Mrs. Claus Dammann and Lydia attended the wedding

There Are No

Spooks in This

\yatch LineupLongines - Wittnauer - Bennis - Bulova .- Elgin

Several Stjies tat Various Price Raages tai Stock for Yoor laspeeOon

Ronson Lighters Sheaffer “Snorkel” Pens

Rope N ecklaces from $1 to $3.95

A Complete Line of Men’s & Ladies’ Leather Wallets


Opening on November 1stIN MARGARETVILLE

(MaSn Street)


T u r k e y S h o o t

Craft’s Flat, Fleischmanns

O C T O B E R 1 7


30-30 WinchestenGiven

Sponsored by V. F. W., Fleischmanns



Friday, Oct. 22, 195412 NOON—Selling produce, poultry, pigs, etc.1:30 P. M.—SdUing D a ^ Cows.

" ' We wilTfiave dcxS^ed By'various awbers go5d fresh cows, springers, firstncalf heifers, yearlings, serv­ice bulls, beef cows, bulls, veals, and bob calves.

We had a large crowd of people at our last sale and a good run of cattle in all departments.

You, too, can profit by sending your cattle to the auction. For the finest in auction service ship to Cable’s.

There are always trucks available to pick up ytmr cattle. Just let us know by phone or mail.

M. C. CABLETerms: Cash Roxbury 3601


By BIrs. Helen Merwtai

Pine HiH N. Y„ Oct 12Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Funk

and sons of Blocanfidd, N. J., spent the weekend with his par­ents.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. France and daughters spent fnan Friday until Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dunsmore a t Philips- port, Pa. Harcdd Wright of Qovesville took care off the oil deliveries during EdcUe’s absence.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ldebowitz of Englewood, N.»J., spent last Sat­urday night with the Sanchis’ at Lakeside lodge and attended the picnic at Belleayre Sunday.

Mrs. Harry Allen and Jeffrey spent ffrom We&iesday until Sun­day with relatives iJi New York. Harry spent Thursday and Sunday there.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krebs and Joan of New York spent Satur­day with Mrs. Emma Peck. They closed their home for the winter.

Services will be lield in the Presbyterian church a t 9:30 Sim- day, Oct. 17, for one Sunday only.

Mr. and\ Mrs. Arthur Richards and son of New York were week­end guests at the Pine Hill Arms. Mr. Richards is manager of the/ Madison Square Garden club.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols, formerly of Honolulu, who spent since June with Mrs. Nichols’ sis­ter, Mrs. C. R. Shaw, and family, have arrived I in San Francisco, Calif., where they plan to maketheir home.

Like Catskills, Plan HmneMr. and Mrs. Angelo D’Errico

spent from August imtil October in the Shaw cabin. They have re­turned to the Bronx for the win­ter. They were so delighted with our Catskill mountains that they h t ^ to make their home here in the near future.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Horshkowitz of Brooklyn spent the weekend here and closed their home for the win­ter.

Max Carr of New York city weis a guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Kantzian, for a few days.

John Lasher of Yonkers returned home Friday, iiaving spent part of his vacation with his sister, Mrs. Obed Cure, and feunily.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tannen- baum spent Thursday with their son and daughter-in-law at Al­bany.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus Dammann and Lydia attended the wedding of Mrs. Dammann’s cousin, Alfred Jacob Jr., and Miss Barbara Busch at Harmon, N. Y., on Sat­urday. The young couple is /pend- ing a honeymoon at the Pine HillArms, tiiis village.' Mr. and'M rs. Joseph Eddy of ------- ------S 6 (^ , Osione Ftek, Hewr vYoric State D^wrt-

children have spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ScOdder.

Cheryl Bertrand of Colonie ^ n t from Wednesday until Sun­der with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bertrand. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bertrand spent Sunday with his parents and took their dauj^ter home.

Has MtauH* OperationBruce Scudder entered the

Benedictine hospital M o n d a y where he iiad a minor throat op- eiration.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richards and falnily of Kew Gardens, L. I., spent the weekend a t their home on Acad«ny street.

Miss Adelaide W. Hill left Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Paul­ine Schaedle, at Flushing.

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Maben of Plainfield, N. J., are spending a few days at their home on Birch Creek road.

Mrs. Leo WhispeU has returned home from the Benedictine hos­pital and is recovering nicdy. Her father, Conrad Smith, tiiis vil­lage, is spending some time with her and her family.

Joan and Ann Smith spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrd. J. Dug£m, and family in Kingston.

Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Wicks of Ronkonkamo,* L. I., were week­end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ward Spicer and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Leys of Yonkers and Maine were guests of Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Reisser for the weekend.

Mrs. Alice Benaiy, who has spent several months at the Reis­ser home, returned to New York Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Malefyt nt Waldwick, N. J. Ray and Rudy were buddies in the Army.

Mr. Md Mrs. G. Ribstein, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murray spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ribstein at Teaneck, N. J.

James Smith Jr., who is em­ployed by the Conservation de­partment, is working for a month at the Beaverldll campsite, near Livingston Manor.

Party H^d for PastorA community get-together and

dinner party was held in the church hall Monday evening to welcome and get acquainted with the new pastor and his wife. Rev. and Mrs. Toombs H. Kay. About 55 were present.

Will Fete Sports CouncilA cocktail party for the Win­

ter Sports councU, given by the Pine Hill Chamber off Commerce, will be held at Hotel Tyrol Friday evening, Oct. 15. The first show­ing of.jski pictures- will be given

Dry Brook, N. Y.. O ct 12The annual church suptper

which was held mi Thursday eve­ning of last weds a t the Commu­nity hall, cleared $137.84. Thanks to everyone who helped to make it a success.

Mrs. Lawrence Zellers under­went a major (^ra tion on Mon­day. Her address is» New York Hospital, 68 York Ave., New York a ty , Roran H621.

Reg Todd and Ratie Todd were Sunday guests of and Mrs. Atwood Crook at Hamden. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Haynes called at the Crook hcHne Sunday after­noon.

Mrs. Joseph Borka and two chUd^n of Lincoln P£u:k, N. J., and Mrs. Joseph Kuryllo and son of Singas, N. J.j, spent the week with Mrs. Borka’s parents, Mr. and Mr6. Louie Scalza. Weekend guests of the Scalzas were Rich­ard. Giella, Joseph Kuryllo, Jo se^ Borka, Mrs. Ann Carroll and Mrs. Margaret Stahl. Mrs. Scalza left on Sunday to see her brother, who is very ill in Jersey City.

Mrs. Evan Todd is in New York city with her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Zel­ler. Mr. Zeller is recovering from a major operation.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller called on Mrs. Jessie Cantwell Monday. Mrs. Cantwell is much improved.

Sunday |^ests of Mf. and Mrs. Orson Haynes were Mr. and Mrs. Olin Kittle and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Buchanan, son, Bobby, all of Kingston, also Harry Finch of Arkville.

Mr. and Mrs. John' Asher, son, Jon, also Mrs. Gwen Crumling spent Sunday at Beacon, shopping at Hyde Park and sight seeing.

Mrs. Gus Stewart spent Sun­day at Delhi with her grandchil­dren, Diane and Stewart Rosa.

Mrs. William McCumber took her son. Butch, to Kingston on Tuesday to have treatments to his eyes by Dr. Martin.

Mrs. Kingdon Gould of Wash­ington, D. C., was in this place Sunday.

Ballet - Acrobatics - Modem Intdpretive Dancing for Children (4 Yrs. and up) and Teenagers

Exercise Classes for WcHnen

For Information, Call Margaretville 1522

the weekend at their hofne here.Mr. and Mrs. Mack Parsekian

and family of Long Island city spent from Saturday until Tues­day at their home 3n Main street.

Mr. and Mrs. John Pfenning and famOy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Roth- man and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidian have closed their homes in the village and returned to the city for the winter.

John McFall of Rumson, N. J., spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillsride and family of Poughkeepsie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peet.

Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rowlett and her brother, Hewitt Walker, of Tampa, Fla., were guests at the Pine Hill Arms a couple of days last week and called on fri^ds.

Mrs. T. G. Remick and Betty are spending some time at their home in Kingston.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Elmen dorf of Albany were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cure.

Attended G(dden WeddingMr. and Mrs. Clsirence How­

land spent several days last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Becker at Ridgewood, N. J. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Howland accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Becker to Brooklyn and attended the golden wedding anniversary re­ception of Dr. and Mrs. Hubert A. Newton. Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Howland were the only two guests present that had attended the Newton’s wedding 50 years ago.

Mrs. John Morck, her three children, Charles and Frank Ryan of iprooklyn spent from Saturday until Tuesday at their “Rock Cliff Manor.”

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oster- houdt of Schenectady, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shultis of Margaretville, Robert Cartwright of Denver and James Van of Halcott attended the stock car races at Langhome, Pa., on Sunday.

IVIr. and Mrs. A1 Thurston of Newburgh spent from Friday until Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Stanley Osterhoudt, and family.

Diane Faye Cure celebrated her second birthday on Monday. Ten diildren spent the afternoon with her and sliared the two birthday cakes. Several relatives .spent the evening &t the Cure home and presented Diane with another birthday cake.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rieff, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dali of Kingston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Obed Cure. Mrs. Dali mained for the week.

Misses Mabel Karlson and Mar­garet Tomosico of New York are spending several days at* their h(Hne here.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore of Syrafuse spent Monday a t the Ostertioudt hmne.

Mrs. Alvem Butler and three sons, are leaving on Saturday to join Mr. Butler a t their nev hcone in Rochester. Mrs. Butler and

ment of Cranmerce.~ Clbnb Overioob MountainMonday Timothy Remick and

Bob and Robert Schaedle enjoyed a hike up Overlook mountain. They went to the top of the moun­tain tower where they saw seven states in the far distance."* Fol­lowing a forest trail they came out to a New York state camp on Sugar Loaf mountain. The trail ended at Platte Clove nfear West Saugerties. They .carried their lunch and ate on the trail. The hike covered about eight miles.

Partied and tin te dFrank Sanchis Jr. celebrated

liis 11th birthday, Wednesday eve­ning, Oct. 6, with a party in the recreation hall. Refreshments in­cluded a birthday cake. Follow­ing the party the first art' class of the winter season was held. All adults and diildren are wel­come to come and paint each Wednesday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. David Silverman

and Stuart left on Saturday for a month’s vacation a t Miami Beach. Mrs. Ralph Thompson is in charge of the store during their absence.

Josephine Steiner 0 i Woodmere, L. L, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schwartz.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Rinne and baby son, Arvid Peter, spent Sat­urday and Sunday with relatives at Floyd, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carner of Elmhurst, L. L, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooperman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoffmem and children. Dr. £tnd Mrs. Murray MeJiI, all of Brooklyn, spent last weekend with the Erank Sanchis.

Tells Public Cigarettes Bring Lung Cancer

The Public Health Cancer asso­ciation of this state voted Monday to advise the public to stop smok­ing cigarettes in order tQ reduce lung cancer.

The resolution said there is now sufficient evidoice of a relation­ship between smoking cigarettes and limg cancer.

It urged American youth to “ponder well the^ question of whether the risk involved (in cig­arette smoking) is worth the pleasure gained.’’

Names <rf Local Trial . Jurors Made Public

Local trial jurors drawn for the October term of county court Oct 25.Vienna Bouton, Andes _Helen Brannen, Fleischmanns Mabel Condon, Andes Bui^etta Estus, Andes Arthur QJadstone, Andes E3s\ GrochoU, KeUy Comers ■John Kelly, Roxbury Herman T. Lukow, Margaretville Wesley Raym,, Margaretville Robert S^nsgue, DownsviOe Hattie Weber. AriEvfUe

- : -i k- . .


Bfrs. XSlea V aaSteoilN irg

P le a ^ t Valley, Oct 12Andrew Dowie has been Iiaving

a pond bulldozed the past week.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liddle

and daughter, Shiiley, and Mr. and Mrs. John Haynes were at Kingston Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shaver fbd two children, Russell and Susan, visited her sister at Middletown Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fowler were a t Oneonta Thursday.

Mrs. Maud Pasque of Bingham­ton is a guest of her sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bacon visited her father at Albany Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Joim Eckert of Cabin Hill were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Firment

Russell Shaver was a guest of Gaxy £ind Dale Atkin a t Dunraven Saturday.

Frank VanDeusen of Beech H ill; visited Mrs. Lu Shaver Monday.

Mrs. Donald Elwood and daugh­ter, Marybelle, and Philip Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mayer a t Lexington Sunday, and visited the Catskill game farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrnes and two daughters, Patty and Mary­ann, of New York dty were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Firment. ^

"Spick” Tuttle is building an addition to his milk house.

Miss Frances Einsause of Medi­cal Center, Jersey Qty, N; J., and a friend spent the jtreekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Einhause. They all attended Communion breakfast at Arkville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rontdd Herring and two children and Jack Dunn of Poughkeepsie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ein- hause.

Mr. and Mrs. John Elwood were at Newburgh Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Laughmann and son of Altoona, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Bender of Brooklyn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoch- holzer over the weekend.


By Mrs. MathUde Smith

Phoenicia, N. Y., Oct. 12 On Tuesday evening* Oct 12,

the American Legion Auxiliary met at the Town hall in Shan- daken for the regular monthly meeting. Officers installed for the ensuing year are: President Leon Conklin; first vice-president Lena Lorenz; second vice-presi- dent, Elsie Dibbell; secretary, Elizabeth Hanel; treaisurer, Eliza­beth S«nmervai&^~.

Mr. and Mrs. Heni^ Gaede and two children have 'moved fnnn Woodland to a flat on Chichester road.

Mrs. Effie Wright is in Kings­ton City hospital recovering from a heart attack.

Sympathy is extended to Otto Drescher of M t Tremper in his bereavement. Mrs. Drescher passed away very suddenly last week in Ossining.

^presenting Phoenicia a t the third annual Berkstiire art show is an oil painting by Mrs. Char­lotte Jacobsen of Woodland Val­ley. The exhibition, open to the public at the Berkshire' museum, Pittsfield, Mass., until Oct. 20, was praised for the high level of pictures submitted by Emily Gan- auer, a rt critic of the New York Herald Tribune, and a member of the jury for the show. Mrs. Jacobsen’s painting, titled “Deep Pool,” won an honorable mention award. Attending the opening re­ception last Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen and Mrs. C. B. Newman of Woodland Valley.

Delaware in Third PlaceDelaware county, despite a de­

cline of nine million pounds from its record production of milk in June by St. Lawrence county, still remains in third place for the production of milk in July among the ten leading counties in the milkshed;

The following are the state fig­ures.



By Leland Titch

Shavertown, Oct. 12Leland Titch attended the Oc­

tober meeting''of Otsego Presby­tery in Hobart last Tuesday eis delegate from the Shavertown Presbyterian church.

Mrs. Edna Butler and Mrs. Olive Butler attended the October meet­ing of the Shavertown Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. Doris Smith in Andes Wednesday. TTie Novem­ber meeting wUl be held at “Drydens” near Walton Nov. 3. It will b6 the annual Thanksgiv­ing get-together. Turkey will be served.

A bevy of foreign-made sport cars, about eight of them, met on Beech hill for a picnic this week­end— no doubt some of the ones that got lost up this way last week and raved over the beauty the scenery and imcooperative high­way markings.

George Hoag tore down the old bam on the Gene Knan> farm this week and made extensive repairs to'the bam on the ol4 Levi Shaver farm, and tidied up the place gen­erally.

Mrs. Katie Morey of Briardiff Manor, N. Y., was a guest a t the L. n td i h(»ne Sunday. She was accompanied by two of her late husband’s sisters of Stcme Ridge.

Services will be at the usualevening hour at the Shavertown church. Sunday school at 11:30 in the numiing, Oct. 17.

Freak Calf Bom On Liddle Fann

Pleasant Valley, O ct 12.—A six­legged calf was bram this week on the Tbomas Liddle farm.


P L E A S A N T V A L L E Y Especially 'For Youus, . .




Mrs. R. C. VanKeurenNew Kingstcm H l^iw ay'

Margaretvillenione 0674

Value50,412,820 $ 1,870,315.62 35,158,911 1,304,395.60

Lewis .............Madison



915,434.63775,754.69770,059.92762,391.16761,527.96700,555.29O tsego ......... .. 18382,892

T otal ............. 270,565,102 $10,037,965.28

We Are Noted for BothQuality and Quantity

A table heaped wifh tqp qoaltty foods to one of tlie things wbleh keeps bringtaic: customers back here time after time. No OM goes away hongiy from a meal here.


OiAS. B. YORKA N D m s O R C H E S T R A

KASSINNOn Boate SO, Betweoi Margaretville f ^ ' BtodNuy





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