t T BREATIIITTCOUNTY TI · 2017-12-13 · rr rV k i< Aj w e w TI T t I jtw 4 BREATIIITTCOUNTY NEWS...

rr rV k i < Aj w e w TI T t I jtw 4 BREATIIITTCOUNTY NEWS N L I JlVi8K UAOINB Editor and Publisher A NuwflPAiKK DEVOTED 10 tilE INTERESTS OK EASTERN ICENrUOKY ONK DOLLAR PER YBAU IN ADVAWOB jf I = = 4 1- U aVoltinie IV Jackson Kentucky Friday January 20 1905 Number 14 Wo will accept lid fJrtisollionts on a guaranty that our paper tIlLS snore than iwico the circulation in Breathitt Countyof any paper published Our paper goes to OVa Countyt gotiln Owaloy Wolfe and Knott Counties If you want to reach the moan ¬ S tain tnulo try an ad in the 1iILIATIL ITT COUHTV NKWS couet KingsNew I I FOR cONSUMPTION w Price GOctSIOO Fret Trill urea and Quickest Curo for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES or MONEY BACK L W11 Dean Contractor for Brick anti Stone Work Lime anti Cement for sale Give him a call vhun needing nnythin in his lino JACKSON KY tl ore You Purchail Any Other Write THE KIW ONE 8EWIRQ MACHINE I9MPANT- ORAKOC MACI NUll 5wnf Machln art tnads to lell regard httolqiulXTbutth Xew Home It made to WMr Our Eiunntf never tune out WI mVt S winj Macidnee to lult all conditions etlhttrsd The Yr w llomr ituidlttlh bead or all MlsjlisrHilr funTIf twine machines Mold l > jrnulliorl tlilculcr only row CALC y James M Richardson Co Genoml Agents Kltetrte Ilde OLUVIJLAXl 0 S n Wanted rOUA Tliouiand Men and Wuinen to past the Clrll Service Kxaminatton fur the following United Htatea Govtrn nunt paillloni NAMEOFPOSITIC- N1epaztnicnt UnUlch Ago Until UO and over Clerk Male or Female Slenographar Mall or Female 8leniiKraiherand Typewriter M nlo- in Female Hookkfopor Male or Femalo Railway Mall Olerk AGO 18 to 30 Tagger SO and over Ctmtoiii IIoiiMu Itrnnch Ago TJinltJo andover fly Inspector- Clerk Mhto or Feinnlo AnUtant WolKher Mttiienger Sampler lutoriinl Ituvitnnu llrnutli CS Ago I lnilt lil said over Olerk C1auier Storekeeper Pout Olllou JUixneli Clerk Male or emalo 18 to ID Clerk OarrUr For Information at to rcqulremtiili AddrouO Box C Lexington Ky It habit tin uiig STEVENS I briDllDId lucl Sri embodied la our funoui Cue ol Blf US qI SHOTGUNS How eta STEVENS you htlp tilling Ibe su ihootUx a you dMk > > nj l M> cut l oJuct > K ua4 d ula be 1 Ik icItl Irn WI 111k propel4 Ulp dl KM4 naU VaMti fuf < v itorcrilllutlrfttrO SrUVUNStuokidt hrH t eotlrft outiJiatlll 1 CbS4ICStgltby datlluiil hlou oa obouI I ITCAM lill UONluthaIdU1 Doubtful Reward Residents of Lad low Kentucky are deriving much amusement from an offer ofa reward posted on tho bulletin board of the postI ollico The notico was posted by permission of tile postmaster by an honest Dutch farmer named llama Bogwlio lives a few tnilea out of town Hero it isccRolllI ft vayOno Ifyl Vito Calf mit its to behind 1cgvas plnck he vita a Sho Calf Alloy potty dot prings Dot Calf homo pave mo life Tol larllane Bog tree mile Behind do pridgo Pleasant Hun Creek Aged Knott County Woman Dies Aunt Margaret Combs nged 80 died at tho residence of her son inawSquiro Wlnttaker on Rock house creoK in Knott county last week death resulting from old ago and injury in a fall suffered sonic time ago She was married three tunes and survived nil her husbands She was tho mother of fourteen children and had probably moro than 200 living descendants at tho time of her death Sho waa the mother of state senator John Combs and G P Combs excounty superintendent of Perry county Missionary Well Known Here The following ie a copy of a part of a letter which appeared in the Lexington Herald written to Mayor Thomas A Combs of Lox ¬ ington by Rev S It linger who was raised in this town but is now n missionary to Japan lie has many icliilivea and friends in this county who will bo glad to hoar of his success It will be seen that it was written nearlya month ngo so that the length of time it takes to reach the United States from Japan may readIly1w seep The letter follows uNo 5 Kita 10 Oho Yo Chomc Kobe Japan December 10 1004 returned to Japan in Septum her 1003 1 canto on to myold place in the cityof Hiroshima In June 1004 Mr B 0 Waters tho presiding older of tho Hiro ¬ shima district returned on a fur lough to America and Bishop Galloway appointed mo to succeed him Our annual conference met in this city from August 25 to 80 last nnd Bishop Galloway thou appointed mo presiding older of tho Kobo district and professor in tho Theological Department in the Kwansei Gaknin which is our col Iegoforb9ys uVo have three districts with a total membership of 1212 Christians nndof this numlor 575 are in lilY district Tho tluee largo cities are Kyoto with a popu lation of 815000 Osaka with 1200000 and Kobe with 240 000 Those are occupied byus und wo have flourishing congrega ¬ tions in each Osaka is tho com morcial center of the empire and tho second largest city Wo will soon purchase n lot for tho erection of a now church in the western portion of tho city I am also trying to buy a lot on which to builda church in Hiroshima That city has a population of IBO 000 and it is tho headquarters of tho army From February to September this year I saw 100000 soldiers pass through this city to tho war Wo have one of the fin est schools in tho empire at lUre shima and a congregation of 150 people Very cordially yours S E HAQKK Send your name and address on a istlll card to the Now York Tribune Farmer New York City for a free sample copy After reading it forward SI to TIlE NEWS and wo will send both pa pors for a full year WANTEDAn uplodale traveling salesman tu call on country merchant for a Wholesale Notion house For further Information call on or address SIMON ADES 41O4I2Yl1aft Breet- Lexington i Ky GOBBESPOlxTDENGE nOZgy W II PuUry wag In town Saturday on builneii John Sewvll of Frozen Greek visited his Uler Eve at Jack uti lust week Miss Margaret Murphy returned to ichuul at Jackson Moniluy from a visit to her homo at Frozen Creek Mln Eva Sewel returned to ichoo it Jaukiun Aloiujay Sho lint been vlilllnir her mother Mr Nathan Pel try of Frozen Creek LOSI CHEEK 0 J Noble it very busy gathering Ice J D Noble has bn killing hogs this week Thorns T Cope nf Jackson was here on business Monday Jerry Noble of this place In visiting tliw Lug College this week v Lewis Fugata has lirlght fires In Strlngtown thus cold weather Ulchard Collie pyea are Improving very fast fur the tact few daya Hiram Watts has succeeded in dis ponesslng A D Noble in their law- suIt William Campbell has beet very busy the vast weeU painting life dwell ¬ big house Jsmei Noble and deputy sheriff S II Mclntoth of Clay Hole were here ou bushiest Monday of this week Turn Davidson Mart Henion W U Collie and Taylor Gambill sillof the Meriday Hotel were pleasant visitors at the home of HIram Watte the past weekHarrison While tirretl White V- II FiiRatt Q OFugitv 4iuis and II S Walts and Mines Caulti Watts Cora and CallieNoblu ull t f title place are attending thus Log hull ege at Buck horn Perry county FIXCASTLK DfUyedJ Frank Kincaid told his farm to Stepr n FraUy Johnnie Cable left Monday for Berea to attend school Mud Klncatd visited Mrs T S ShackwUord Sunday Lula halley visited her cousins Ilusa and Cora Klncald Sunday Thomas Shackelford wvnt to Hontly vllle Saturday on builnes- Fiyette Smyth of Radical visited Juts aunt at this place tail week Mrs Mary Smith of Sinking was visiting in this neighborhood lat week Elijah Williams and and Laura Hays were married on tha > 1th of December Mrs L Shsckelford ot Lee City visited her relative at this place dur ¬ ing tho holidays Mrs 1 S Shachelford gave to her frlendlalldrelallYela flue Xmat din- ner ¬ All present enjoyed themselves very much Miss Ada Shackelford who is teach ¬ ing school at llopewell visited her homo last week to see a sister before she started to school Mist Mallssa Shackflfonl closed her school lucre Friday December 10th During tIme Until she took a small hay aged eUven jears through Kays 3rd part arithmetic and lie had nevur been through division before Who can beat thatTItOUBLESOM E Miss Mlnta Stacy daughter of LevI Stacy is very low with pneumonia Samuel Terry of Ilobblna is at this place again shaking hands with hfs many friends especially time girls A J Dubjoc of thus place Is making t success fox hunting lie has caught three the past week wllh the aid of Coly Hudson cud hla dog Miss lUchkl Owens of lwarft line returned from Nashville Tenn end hu resumed the teaching of her school at the mouth of Turns 15 ton oh near tills 1llIce Old UncleJiihn T Williams of this place the olduit and best citizen In this part is on the sluk list this week Uncle John I 73 years ot age and is the father of twelve children J G Munoy nOd E fIlfolllday were at this place on the lath Inat luoklng after thu Inloton uf tho Ken ¬ tuck Cok tk Coal Co They are pay Ing three dollars for the mineral and for land they are paying five dollar E Whltaker of this plate lute Juat recently learned to catch opposquois lie went to hisimokuhouie and to bEe surprise ho found two large opposiumt rubbIng hU hens neat They had got Into a barrel and could not get out and he wants the buys tu have the ben- efit of his experience INow is tliOjtirao to subscribe for newspapers and majn dner We can save you monoj on any you wish to take I the SPORTING WORLD Jiickry Illldebrnuilii Great Itecoril- Eugiiie Illldehrnud the California rider broke the world record rot win ¬ ning muuntM during last uenitou and will command hula own price fur 1005 The record prior to 100J wan 11W vie ¬ tories by C HillT suit WUM made lu 181MJ HlldibrnndB total for thin year Is 20S winning mountrf At the OakS lend track Inut winter lie rode flfty cvcii wlnncm Then be went to the Los AugeKif tracft and redo fortyfour winners When he traveled east he began riding at Aqueduct Now York Bud followed lu till tho eanteru tracks KCQEXB miaiEllRASD AMEHICJL8 LEADING JOCKE1T during tho reason When be wcut to the Pacific coast In November he led the list with liz whining mounts On thy California track this winter bo rudy two winners at Oakland and fin bhcd Uieyear by riding thirtytwo win uen at Lois Angeles thus bringing Ills total winning mouuU to 208 This imonhea all records ever attempted be fore by A Jockey In thoUultcd Stutcn Cornell Itnnheri Mar Go Abrtmd A popular movement Is being agitat ¬ ed among the students of Cornell unl ror tty to promote an International cross country meet between Oxford awl Cambridge anti an American team representing either the Intercollegiate Cross Country iute4ekmtlon or Cornell alone Tho former plan would be pref ¬ erable as the American team would then be representative ot all the eastern universities and not Just one college but In either Instance Inasmuch as four Cornell runners have been In the first five to finish at the Intercollegiate cross country meet In tho last two llrs thoU team selected would be essentially a Cornell team The English distance ruuueiti have the reputation of being thl best In tho world and a few year ago It would have been Impossible to select an American team that would not be out ¬ classed by them Tho rapid advance made lu American colleges especially Cornell during tho last five years In dlotanco and cros country running cnuscij ninny experts who hove follow ¬ ed closely tho meets of recent years to predict that tho American team not only could hold Us own but would prob- ably ¬ win if such a meet were arranged now Ban Johnson Pear Ban Johnson is wrought UI because tho National league line voted to play a 104 game schedule which will neces ¬ shinto the American doing tho same tiling although tho latter had previous ¬ ly decided to cut to 140 games The American league president fears that there will not be time after the close of the Benson and before contracts expire on Oct 10 to play a post BCUSOU championship scries but he has tIme remedy In his own hands In conjunction with Messrs Pulllum Iud Herrmann Tho schedules of the two leagues which their respective presidents lire authorized to draw up can easily be made n trifle more compact than they were last season when for every club there were breaks of from one to say eral days without games Time regular season eau be made to close a few days before Oct 8 say on time 4th or 5th giving ten days or more for playing off the series for the worlds championship and any others that may ho mutually arranged Max Transfer Senator Negotiations are under way for tim transfer of the Washington franchise lu the American league to Baltimore A difference of 27000 now stands lu the way of tho consummation of the dealThe HaulonFruuk Interests which now own tho Baltimore club in the Eastern league have offered 49000 while President Dan Johusou demands 75000 for tho Washington franchise Delmont Store Tho second division of August Del rnonta racing stable the string that will represent the chairman of the Jockey club at Bennlngs Washington and the early meeting around the Now York tracker has been shipped to Gur ¬ net 8 0 for tho winter The string Included about at dozen head and was shipped from Babylon N Y In care of John Whulcn Hoajenaen Want Another Ilnce William Hogousen the Chicago sprinter Is anxious to get ou n match race with Lawson llobertsno tlQ na tlonal hundred yard champion Ilogen ecu claims that he lost tho title nt St Louis last Juno ou a rank decisIon by one of the finish judges 1 FOR THE CHILDREN Every DOT Need a Trade Few boys take to tasks that requlr thought and persistent effort Yet skilled work In the only employment li demand Ilodinirrlcrs nod common laborer glut the markets everywhere 1he tradesmen and urtimuis are time wu1 that get time easiest Jobs nnd the IIIOilt motley The others are always huutlii work Should they ncctdcntdly stumble up- on a Job they cannot hold It A super tidal knowledge will not do It Ul1ltI be thorough Boyd learn a trade while young Art er you are twenty years old few will be found who will take time uuil trouble to teach you one When yoi are that old you will want a mans pay If you dont know anything you dOIlt get It Know nothings work at odd jobs and arc paid the lowest scale Gem ilental Arithmetic A very pleasing way to arrive at an arithmetical sum without the use l either a slate or pencil Is totuk aver son to think of u llgure then to doubl It then to add ascertain figure to t to halve the whole sum and flnall to subtract from that time figure flh thought of You are then to tell tin thinker tho remainder The key to time lock of these figitrft la that half of whatever sum you re quest to be added during time workitlj of the sum is tile remainder lint you munt tell tho thinker to thlrtl of an even number or you will bat fractions to add Here Is an exambib Think of i J Double U I Add clffht to It U Halve ItI 8 Subtract the first number thought of 2 Remainder half of sum added Prop the Handkerchief A ring Is formed by the players Joliv log hands while one child who Is to drop the handkerchief 1i left outside Uo walks round the touching rocb one with the handkerchief saying Ito following words I vrota n Utter to mloe Hut on my way I dropped It A llttla MUd picked It up And put It In hla pocket It wasnt you It wasnt you It wasnt you but It waa you When ho says It was you he rnus drop the hnndkcrchluf behind one ot the players who picks It up and chase him round time ring outside and nude the Joined hands until he can toucl him with the handkerchief As naomi ai this happens the first player Joins be ring while It Is now the turn oto second to drop tho handkerchief non the flail Sent the children In n large circle It email circle two feet In diameter U ei- ther drawn in time center or laid out With string Each child In turn trie to roll the ball Into tho center am saute ono keeps count of how many oro Buccciwful This emphasized necuriicj careful Judgment of distance procislot courtesy for others and kindness Th arms and eyes aro tralneil awl rhyliiu can be Introduced by rolling to music This game Hroll tho ball MU bo varied by having the children lAnd and throw the ball Into the ring or into a basket Geographical Pugale In the following ate to bo found Jbe name of n continent the name bt I country In that continent and time minim of the capital of that country Utha Mcrl Is n slim Austrian girl wi > came to this country with her parent about six mouthx ago A few days ah cr her arrival she wits sent to 1I I Jot and In three months was able to Hp nl English quite well and could read a newspaper using n dictionary ol course from time to time Now sfi e can rend almost anything so Uthi Men can certainly bQ called a prodigy Conundrum How do you punctuttto a fire to iriaki It bum Put a colon coal on Why is a dictionary like a ballroom Because It Is full of syllables slly bellesWhy is the letter D like a sailor Because It follows the O sea What English word ot one syllable becomes shorter by adding a Byllubia Short Time Letter at School One day the letters went to school And tried to teach Neb other They got no mixed two really hard To pl k one from the other A wont In first and Z went last Thh rest were all between them K L and M and N O P I wish you could have seen them DC D E and J K L Soon jostled well their better Q R S Tl grIeve to say Were very naughty letters Of course ere long they came to words What else could be expectedt Till B made D J C andT Decidedly dejected f Now through It all the consonant Were rudest and uncouthest When all the pretty vowel etrls Were certainly the smoothest And nimble U kept far from Q With taco demure and moral Because she aatdewe are wo two So apt to start a quarrel Dut spiteful P said Toon for UI Which made her feet quite bitter And calling O U B to kelp pole lie reallY tried to hit her Cried ANow B and C come hers If both will aid a minute Good P will join In maklnK pescei J Or else the mischief In Itt And smlllnsr K tim ready sprite Bald yea and count me double This done sweet peace shone oer tht oena And gono wa nll thq troublel Meanwhile wh nUan4P molevxip The constiants looked about And kissed the voWelo for you ace They couldnt do wUhout them 1 5 1 THROWN AWAY i = By BARRY PAIN 1 have been having a sort of row with manuua again said my cousin Elsa VfheII I said you ought to be ashamed of yourself as usual And you wont be also us usual I happen to thlllksuld Elsa with rather more dignity than Ibo possesses that In this Luau mamma was quite unjuBtlilcU Of course you titLe her side anti of course you think you arc tu the rllht You always do Quito BO said I Well sob out your sud story What Is the entangle ment who Is tho man No on second thoughts dont toll me As I observed to you nt bridge last night I dont like your weak heart declarations So you think youre always lu tIme right do OUr said Elsa with bitter triumph You Wgln by being all In the wrong anyhow There Is uo muii iu the question In fact I have collie to think now that I shall never marry There I said I am entirely with youFrankly I dont know a man who Is worthy of me I would sooner put It that I dont know if man who deserves you though I know many men who are tar froui perfect Well If It was not n man what was tho subject of your trouble 4It was dress boxes What on earth do you mean I wonder If there is anything about which you know anything said EUa reflectively Dresa boxes are as the name Implies boxen which bold dress cs The box Iu wblcli your dress Is soul home Is a dross box JDo you think you cull understand that now Yes my child I said What I can not understand Is how you or any oth ¬ er sane person can madhge to have any kind of dispute with a mother or with anybody else about a rotten dress box Dress boxes are not rotten I hate that word I hate almost all the words < you use That limits me I observed Dress boxes are very good boxes very strougly and neatly mantle of cord hoard aria frightfully useful You noT cr know when you may want one I didnt know that urgent necessity was hanging over me But Ill take your word for It Proceed You have often called me careless and extravagant and so has mamma You are always In the rigid arent you As It happens this proves wheth ¬ er you are or not I always keep my dress boxes and I always have done since I came to years of discretion Years of discretion Try to bo quiet and listen I lllled up the box room with dress boxes anti I lied a lot mote In the spare room wardrobe In fact I had them prettj well everywhere There were 242 ol thorn altogether They were all got boxes that might have been used agan Last week Iw SaturdaytoMonday lag with Mrs Bauqucst the boy ruthei believes be Is lu lovo with tutu but 1 dont think he Is really While I was away mamma got An awful fit of ener gy and went about the house saying sho wouldnt have anything any longer Among other things elm said sho would not havo my Insane coliOcUoli of dress 1boxcs Those wero the very words which she used to my mold end I dont think It was right But what I really complain of Is that sue has had them all turned out every one of them I dont know where they are and maUl ¬ ma says site doesnt kpow eIther but she Is thankful to say therafO not In her house any more It means the work of years undone Suppose I wanted n dress box tomorrow- To start with you will not want a dress box tomorrow and you know It Secondly If you did you would tele phone to yqur dressmaker to scud you one and all would end happily Your mother was right HItS so easy to say that 1erhaps you will tell mo why If you can Certainly Dress boxes como In the category of things which to mean weak vacillating minds seem to bo too good to be thrown away I should like to work out the cubic space occupied by time lost 242 and calculate for you what rent per annum your mother was paying to accommodate the rubbish You must remember that dress boxes are not like tho 1000 port Really What a lot of things you do notice Ive uqvcr tasted n dress hoi myself Do not be silly Elsa I give you words of wisdom Time 1000 port lam proves with keeping and Increases In value It helps to pay Its rent Now tho dress box as you know If yoi would not palter with your conscience distinctly deteriorates In keeping It gets dustier and dustier The cornci which Is broken there Is always one gets broken worse By peoplo with clear practical sensible minds dress boxes are Invariably thrown away It Is a sign of mental Inferiority to keer that which Is worthless And leavl that box clone plcaso Elsa had Just opened a brass box on my writing table It was full of small pieces of triumg Why do you keep all these- I sometimes want string Youve got a whole ball of It In n special case there Dont you know It Is a sign of mental Inferiority to keep things that are worthless Those bits of string ought to be thrown away ns your advice will be And I say 1 tout mamma you would take me to lunch1 Sphere hard on Them HlcksrIsnlt it awful the way Dura Icy brags of his ancestors Wicks Yes it excites my sincere pity Illcks Plty Nonsense the chump Uocautdwtervoany pity WlckfHOb I ddntplty him but his ancestors Catholic Stall1dardI1l1d Times uL 1 WIle Ui rgthn I SEWING MACHINE ROLLER BEARING HIGH GRADE 1 j > y buying reliable h thisI high grade jnr mochincr STRONGEST GUARANTEE > National Scving Machine Co Tnrnp IlLiN- OISSomething New Valuable Tours TO FLORIDA Via 5outl ni > EJailuay And Queen Crescent Route Go Quo VayllcturiiAnother Winter tourist tickets poml going via AsheVille through the Land of the Sky and bbauilful sapphire country and returning via Atlanta and Chatta noncnnr vice yerSaarUuotv onullla LOW HATES The Florida Limited Drawinghitium with Dining Car service leaves Lexing ¬ ton every mm nine via QI1 e1 c Cres ¬ cent Route running through without change Jacksonville via Chattanooga and Southern Hallway Time Chicago and Florida Spect ginning January Ofli ciinsisltrig ot Drawing Room Sleepers jObsorvatlon Cars etc will heave Clnnliinati oer dveniiiR except SUndarlrunnlnl through solid la St via Chattanooga arid Koutliorn Railway with Dlnine Car service enrouto iliroiicli Ililliniin Sleepers to Jack ¬ sonville from Cincinnati every evening via Knoxville Adheville and Savanah From Louisville connection with all of tlie above trnliu la made at Lexing ¬ tort by trains of the Southern Itallway For Land of the Sky book Win- ter ¬ Homes older rateft schedules or other information GJAMEVi 0 Pi ddrf18t A JtrSt 1 W C IttNBABSOX G1QCltUute J Cincinnati 0 PROCURED AND DEFENDED lD0401 dnwliut orphotgorsprt web UK tnt Mfort frfo p tnt trad DM copyright eta IN ALL COUNTKICS JJulxtn Jlrtct with WatUngton leVis timt i Gild i t faint ljfWrit 6U Watt heist w WASHINGTON DC Blamel No One But Yourself if You Dont Get Well When Sick AH we can do Is give advice Of course thatS easy J But our advice is really worth ft little more to you than most peoples for We offer to gIve you the first botUe of out medicine free If It tails to help you 4 UnleMlour on tho wrong i put it merchant prince lp the poor house Dr Mills Nervine however as years of experience have proved 11110 medi ¬ i cine that cures the sick rhoa whom It cannot benefit les than one In ten thousandwe prefer to refund their money All We aslc of you Is to try Dr Mile Restorative N n lne fort your complaint If you suffer from sleeplessness nervou exhaustion dizziness headache mus- cular ¬ twltchlngs melancholy loss of memory weak stomach poor blood bilious troubles epilepsy St Vitu Dance etc we will guarantee to benefit you or refund your money You are the doctor Bon Bert when In his ITth year become nubjcct to attacks of enilepsy- so verlou that we wero compelled to take him out of sehook After several physicians had tailed to relieve him we gave Dr Miles Nervine a trlaL Ten month treatment wltn Nirvlna and Liver Pills restored our to prft health4li JOt CWnSON Deputy Co l IFRE Write tin and yi will 81111 you a Free Trial Paakaz Dr Mites AntiPaIfl Piiis tile Sclol1UQo Itsmedy for PIn q I torn for out SpecialiSt tCiclk NawJ your case Alld What Is an1 how toirlRht AblloluteJy Attdrcu DR MtL1oJt MEDICAL CO JA1J01T01t1El 1 anlt 4 tuS 4 V S

Transcript of t T BREATIIITTCOUNTY TI · 2017-12-13 · rr rV k i< Aj w e w TI T t I jtw 4 BREATIIITTCOUNTY NEWS...

Page 1: t T BREATIIITTCOUNTY TI · 2017-12-13 · rr rV k i< Aj w e w TI T t I jtw 4 BREATIIITTCOUNTY NEWS N L I jfJlVi8K UAOINB Editor and Publisher A NuwflPAiKK DEVOTED 10 tilE INTERESTS

rr rV k i <Aj

w e

w TITt I jtw




aVoltinie IV Jackson Kentucky Friday January 20 1905 Number 14

Wo will accept lid fJrtisolliontson a guaranty that our paper tIlLS

snore than iwico the circulation inBreathitt Countyof any paperpublished Our paper goes to OVaCountytgotiln Owaloy Wolfe and KnottCounties

If you want to reach the moan ¬S

tain tnulo try an ad in the 1iILIATIL





GOctSIOOFret Trill

urea and Quickest Curo for allTHROAT and LUNG TROUBLES or MONEY BACK

L W11 DeanContractor for Brick antiStone Work Lime antiCement for sale Givehim a call vhun needingnnythin in his lino


tlore You Purchail Any Other WriteTHE KIW ONE 8EWIRQ MACHINE I9MPANT-

ORAKOC MACINUll 5wnf Machln art tnads to lell regard

httolqiulXTbutth Xew Home It madeto WMr Our Eiunntf never tune out

WI mVt S winj Macidnee to lult all conditionsetlhttrsd The Yrw llomr ituidlttlhbead or all MlsjlisrHilr funTIf twine machines

Mold l>jrnulliorl tlilculcr onlyrow CALC y

James M Richardson CoGenoml Agents

Kltetrte Ilde OLUVIJLAXl 0S


WantedrOUA Tliouiand Men and Wuinen to

past the Clrll Service Kxaminatton furthe following United Htatea Govtrnnunt paillloni

NAMEOFPOSITIC-N1epaztnicnt UnUlch

Ago Until UO and overClerk Male or FemaleSlenographar Mall or Female8leniiKraiherand Typewriter M nlo-

in FemaleHookkfopor Male or FemaloRailway Mall Olerk AGO 18 to 30

Tagger SO and overCtmtoiii IIoiiMu Itrnnch

Ago TJinltJo andoverfly Inspector-Clerk Mhto or FeinnloAnUtant WolKherMttiiengerSampler

lutoriinl Ituvitnnu llrnutliCS Ago I lnilt lil said over


Pout Olllou JUixneliClerk Male or emalo 18 to ID

Clerk OarrUrFor Information at to rcqulremtiili

AddrouO Box C Lexington Ky

It habit tin uiig STEVENS

I briDllDIdlucl Sri embodied la our funoui Cue olBlf US qI SHOTGUNS How eta

STEVENSyou htlp tilling Ibe su ihootUx a

you dMk > > nj lM > cut l oJuct > K

ua4 d ula be1 IkicItlIrn



Ulp dl

KM4 naU VaMti fuf< v itorcrilllutlrfttrO

SrUVUNStuokidthrH t eotlrft outiJiatlll 1

CbS4ICStgltbydatlluiil hlou oa obouI




Doubtful RewardResidents of Lad low Kentucky

are deriving much amusementfrom an offer ofa reward postedon tho bulletin board of the postIollico The notico was posted bypermission of tile postmaster byan honest Dutch farmer namedllama Bogwlio lives a few tnileaout of town Hero it isccRolllIft vayOno Ifyl Vito Calf mit itsto behind 1cgvas plnck he vita a

Sho Calf Alloy potty dot pringsDot Calf homo pave mo life Tol

larllane Bog tree mile Behinddo pridgo Pleasant Hun Creek

Aged Knott County Woman DiesAunt Margaret Combs nged 80

died at tho residence of her son

inawSquiro Wlnttaker on Rockhouse creoK in Knott county lastweek death resulting from old

ago and injury in a fall suffered

sonic time ago She was marriedthree tunes and survived nil herhusbands She was tho mother offourteen children and had probablymoro than 200 living descendants

at tho time of her death Showaa the mother of state senatorJohn Combs and G P Combs

excounty superintendent of Perrycounty

Missionary Well Known HereThe following ie a copy of a part

of a letter which appeared in theLexington Herald written toMayor Thomas A Combs of Lox ¬

ington by Rev S It linger whowas raised in this town but is nown missionary to Japan lie has

many icliilivea and friends in this

county who will bo glad to hoar ofhis success It will be seen thatit was written nearlya month ngoso that the length of time it takesto reach the United States fromJapan may readIly1w seep Theletter follows

uNo 5 Kita 10 Oho Yo ChomcKobe Japan December 10 1004

returned to Japan in Septumher 1003 1 canto on to myoldplace in the cityof Hiroshima InJune 1004 Mr B 0 Waterstho presiding older of tho Hiro ¬

shima district returned on a furlough to America and BishopGalloway appointed mo to succeedhim

Our annual conference met in

this city from August 25 to 80

last nnd Bishop Galloway thou

appointed mo presiding older of

tho Kobo district and professor in

tho Theological Department in theKwansei Gaknin which is our col

Iegoforb9ysuVo have three districts with

a total membership of 1212Christians nndof this numlor575 are in lilY district Tho tlueelargo cities are Kyoto with a population of 815000 Osaka with1200000 and Kobe with 240

000 Those are occupied byusund wo have flourishing congrega ¬

tions in each Osaka is tho com

morcial center of the empire and

tho second largest city Wo will

soon purchase n lot for tho erection

of a now church in the western

portion of tho city I am also

trying to buy a lot on which to

builda church in HiroshimaThat city has a population of IBO

000 and it is tho headquarters of

tho army From February to

September this year I saw 100000soldiers pass through this city to

tho war Wo have one of the fin

est schools in tho empire at lUreshima and a congregation of 150

people Very cordially yoursS E HAQKK

Send your name and address on

a istlll card to the Now YorkTribune Farmer New York Cityfor a free sample copy Afterreading it forward SI to TIlE

NEWS and wo will send both papors for a full year

WANTEDAn uplodale traveling

salesman tu call on country merchantfor a Wholesale Notion house Forfurther Information call on or address

SIMON ADES41O4I2Yl1aft Breet-

Lexingtoni Ky


W II PuUry wag In town Saturdayon builneii

John Sewvll of Frozen Greek visitedhis Uler Eve at Jack uti lust week

Miss Margaret Murphy returned toichuul at Jackson Moniluy from a visitto her homo at Frozen Creek

Mln Eva Sewel returned to ichooit Jaukiun Aloiujay Sho lint beenvlilllnir her mother Mr Nathan Peltry of Frozen Creek


0 J Noble it very busy gatheringIce

J D Noble has bn killing hogs this


Thorns T Cope nf Jackson washere on business Monday

Jerry Noble of this place In visitingtliw Lug College this week v

Lewis Fugata has lirlght fires InStrlngtown thus cold weather

Ulchard Collie pyea are Improvingvery fast fur the tact few daya

Hiram Watts has succeeded in disponesslng A D Noble in their law-


William Campbell has beet verybusy the vast weeU painting life dwell ¬

big house

Jsmei Noble and deputy sheriff S IIMclntoth of Clay Hole were here oubushiest Monday of this week

Turn Davidson Mart Henion W U

Collie and Taylor Gambill sillof theMeriday Hotel were pleasant visitorsat the home of HIram Watte the past

weekHarrisonWhile tirretl White V-

II FiiRatt Q OFugitv 4iuis and IIS Walts and Mines Caulti WattsCora and CallieNoblu ull t f title placeare attending thus Log hull ege at Buckhorn Perry county



Frank Kincaid told his farm toStepr n FraUy

Johnnie Cable left Monday for Bereato attend school

Mud Klncatd visited Mrs T SShackwUord Sunday

Lula halley visited her cousins Ilusaand Cora Klncald Sunday

Thomas Shackelford wvnt to Hontlyvllle Saturday on builnes-

Fiyette Smyth of Radical visitedJuts aunt at this place tail week

Mrs Mary Smith of Sinking wasvisiting in this neighborhood lat week

Elijah Williams and and Laura Hayswere married on tha > 1th of December

Mrs L Shsckelford ot Lee Cityvisited her relative at this place dur ¬

ing tho holidays

Mrs 1 S Shachelford gave to herfrlendlalldrelallYela flue Xmat din-ner


All present enjoyed themselvesvery much

Miss Ada Shackelford who is teach ¬

ing school at llopewell visited herhomo last week to see a sister beforeshe started to school

Mist Mallssa Shackflfonl closed herschool lucre Friday December 10thDuring tIme Until she took a small hayaged eUven jears through Kays 3rdpart arithmetic and lie had nevur beenthrough division before Who canbeat


Miss Mlnta Stacy daughter of LevIStacy is very low with pneumonia

Samuel Terry of Ilobblna is at thisplace again shaking hands with hfsmany friends especially time girls

A J Dubjoc of thus place Is makingt success fox hunting lie has caughtthree the past week wllh the aid ofColy Hudson cud hla dog

Miss lUchkl Owens of lwarft linereturned from Nashville Tenn endhu resumed the teaching of her schoolat the mouth of Turns 15 ton oh neartills 1llIce

Old UncleJiihn T Williams of thisplace the olduit and best citizen Inthis part is on the sluk list this weekUncle John I 73 years ot age and isthe father of twelve children

J G Munoy nOd E fIlfollldaywere at this place on the lath Inatluoklng after thu Inloton uf tho Ken ¬

tuck Cok tk Coal Co They are payIng three dollars for the mineral andfor land they are paying five dollar

E Whltaker of this plate lute Juatrecently learned to catch opposquoislie went to hisimokuhouie and to bEe

surprise ho found two large opposiumtrubbIng hU hens neat They had gotInto a barrel and could not get outand he wants the buys tu have the ben-

efit of his experience

INow is tliOjtirao to subscribefor newspapers and majn dnerWe can save you monoj on anyyou wish to take



Jiickry Illldebrnuilii Great Itecoril-Eugiiie Illldehrnud the California

rider broke the world record rot win ¬

ning muuntM during last uenitou andwill command hula own price fur 1005The record prior to 100J wan 11W vie ¬

tories by C HillT suit WUM made lu181MJ HlldibrnndB total for thin yearIs 20S winning mountrf At the OakSlend track Inut winter lie rode flftycvcii wlnncm Then be went to theLos AugeKif tracft and redo fortyfourwinners When he traveled east hebegan riding at Aqueduct Now YorkBud followed lu till tho eanteru tracks


during tho reason When be wcut tothe Pacific coast In November he ledthe list with liz whining mounts Onthy California track this winter borudy two winners at Oakland and finbhcd Uieyear by riding thirtytwo winuen at Lois Angeles thus bringing Illstotal winning mouuU to 208 Thisimonhea all records ever attempted before by A Jockey In thoUultcd Stutcn

Cornell Itnnheri Mar Go AbrtmdA popular movement Is being agitat ¬

ed among the students of Cornell unlror tty to promote an Internationalcross country meet between Oxfordawl Cambridge anti an American teamrepresenting either the IntercollegiateCross Country iute4ekmtlon or Cornellalone Tho former plan would be pref ¬

erable as the American team wouldthen be representative ot all the easternuniversities and not Just one collegebut In either Instance Inasmuch as fourCornell runners have been In the firstfive to finish at the Intercollegiate crosscountry meet In tho last two llrsthoU team selected would be essentiallya Cornell team

The English distance ruuueiti havethe reputation of being thl best In thoworld and a few year ago It wouldhave been Impossible to select anAmerican team that would not be out ¬

classed by them Tho rapid advancemade lu American colleges especiallyCornell during tho last five years Indlotanco and cros country runningcnuscij ninny experts who hove follow ¬

ed closely tho meets of recent years topredict that tho American team notonly could hold Us own but would prob-


win if such a meet were arrangednow

Ban Johnson PearBan Johnson is wrought UI because

tho National league line voted to playa 104 game schedule which will neces¬

shinto the American doing tho sametiling although tho latter had previous ¬

ly decided to cut to 140 gamesThe American league president fears

that there will not be time after theclose of the Benson and before contractsexpire on Oct 10 to play a post BCUSOU

championship scries but he has tIme

remedy In his own hands In conjunctionwith Messrs Pulllum Iud Herrmann

Tho schedules of the two leagueswhich their respective presidents lireauthorized to draw up can easily bemade n trifle more compact than theywere last season when for every clubthere were breaks of from one to sayeral days without games

Time regular season eau be made toclose a few days before Oct 8 say ontime 4th or 5th giving ten days or morefor playing off the series for theworlds championship and any othersthat may ho mutually arranged

Max Transfer SenatorNegotiations are under way for tim

transfer of the Washington franchiselu the American league to BaltimoreA difference of 27000 now stands luthe way of tho consummation of the

dealTheHaulonFruuk Interests which

now own tho Baltimore club in theEastern league have offered 49000while President Dan Johusou demands75000 for tho Washington franchise

Delmont StoreTho second division of August Del

rnonta racing stable the string thatwill represent the chairman of theJockey club at Bennlngs Washingtonand the early meeting around the NowYork tracker has been shipped to Gur ¬

net 8 0 for tho winter The stringIncluded about at dozen head and wasshipped from Babylon N Y In careof John Whulcn

Hoajenaen Want Another IlnceWilliam Hogousen the Chicago

sprinter Is anxious to get ou n matchrace with Lawson llobertsno tlQ natlonal hundred yard champion Ilogenecu claims that he lost tho title nt StLouis last Juno ou a rank decisIonby one of the finish judges



Few boys take to tasks that requlrthought and persistent effort Yetskilled work In the only employment lidemand

Ilodinirrlcrs nod common laborerglut the markets everywhere 1hetradesmen and urtimuis are time wu1that get time easiest Jobs nnd the IIIOiltmotley The others are always huutliiwork

Should they ncctdcntdly stumble up-

on a Job they cannot hold It A supertidal knowledge will not do It Ul1ltIbe thorough

Boyd learn a trade while young Arter you are twenty years old few willbe found who will take time uuiltrouble to teach you one When yoiare that old you will want a mans payIf you dont know anything you dOIltget It Know nothings work at oddjobs and arc paid the lowest scaleGem

ilental ArithmeticA very pleasing way to arrive at an

arithmetical sum without the use leither a slate or pencil Is totuk averson to think of u llgure then to doublIt then to add ascertain figure to tto halve the whole sum and flnallto subtract from that time figure flhthought of You are then to tell tinthinker tho remainder

The key to time lock of these figitrftla that half of whatever sum you request to be added during time workitljof the sum is tile remainder

lint you munt tell tho thinker to thlrtlof an even number or you will batfractions to add Here Is an exambibThink of i JDouble U I

Add clffht to It UHalveItI8

Subtract the first number thought of 2Remainder half of sum added

Prop the HandkerchiefA ring Is formed by the players Joliv

log hands while one child who Is todrop the handkerchief 1i left outsideUo walks round the touching rocbone with the handkerchief saying Itofollowing words

I vrota n Utter to mloeHut on my way I dropped It

A llttla MUd picked It upAnd put It In hla pocket

It wasnt you It wasnt youIt wasnt you but It waa you

When ho says It was you he rnusdrop the hnndkcrchluf behind one otthe players who picks It up and chasehim round time ring outside and nudethe Joined hands until he can touclhim with the handkerchief As naomi aithis happens the first player Joins bering while It Is now the turn otosecond to drop tho handkerchief

non the flailSent the children In n large circle It

email circle two feet In diameter U ei-

ther drawn in time center or laid outWith string Each child In turn trieto roll the ball Into tho center amsaute ono keeps count of how many oroBuccciwful This emphasized necuriicjcareful Judgment of distance procislotcourtesy for others and kindness Tharms and eyes aro tralneil awl rhyliiucan be Introduced by rolling to music

This game Hroll tho ball MU bovaried by having the children lAndand throw the ball Into the ring or intoa basket

Geographical PugaleIn the following ate to bo found Jbe

name of n continent the name bt Icountry In that continent and time minim

of the capital of that countryUtha Mcrl Is n slim Austrian girl wi>

came to this country with her parentabout six mouthx ago A few days ahcr her arrival she wits sent to 1I IJotand In three months was able to Hp nlEnglish quite well and could read anewspaper using n dictionary ol

course from time to time Now sfiecan rend almost anything so UthiMen can certainly bQ called a prodigy

ConundrumHow do you punctuttto a fire to iriaki

It bum Put a colon coal onWhy is a dictionary like a ballroom

Because It Is full of syllables sllybellesWhy

is the letter D like a sailorBecause It follows the O sea

What English word ot one syllablebecomes shorter by adding a Byllubia


Time Letter at SchoolOne day the letters went to school

And tried to teach Neb otherThey got no mixed two really hard

To pl k one from the other

A wont In first and Z went lastThh rest were all between them

K L and M and N O PI wish you could have seen them

DC D E and J K LSoon jostled well their better

Q R S Tl grIeve to sayWere very naughty letters

Of course ere long they came to wordsWhat else could be expectedt

Till B made D J C andTDecidedly dejected f

Now through It all the consonantWere rudest and uncouthest

When all the pretty vowel etrlsWere certainly the smoothest

And nimble U kept far from QWith taco demure and moralBecause she aatdewe are wo twoSo apt to start a quarrel

Dut spiteful P said Toon for UIWhich made her feet quite bitter

And calling O U B to kelp polelie reallY tried to hit her

Cried ANow B and C come hersIf both will aid a minute

Good P will join In maklnK pescei J

Or else the mischief In Itt

And smlllnsr K tim ready spriteBald yea and count me double

This done sweet peace shone oer thtoena

And gono wa nll thq troublel

Meanwhile wh nUan4P molevxipThe constiants looked about

And kissed the voWelo for you aceThey couldnt do wUhout them

1 5 1



1 have been having a sort of rowwith manuua again said my cousinElsa

VfheII I said you ought to beashamed of yourself as usual Andyou wont be also us usual

I happen to thlllksuld Elsa withrather more dignity than Ibo possessesthat In this Luau mamma was quite

unjuBtlilcU Of course you titLe herside anti of course you think you arctu the rllht You always do

Quito BO said I Well sob outyour sud story What Is the entanglement who Is tho man No on secondthoughts dont toll me As I observedto you nt bridge last night I dontlike your weak heart declarations

So you think youre always lu tIme

right do OUr said Elsa with bittertriumph You Wgln by being all Inthe wrong anyhow There Is uo muiiiu the question In fact I have collieto think now that I shall never marry

There I said I am entirely with

youFrankly I dont know a man who Is

worthy of meI would sooner put It that I dont

know if man who deserves you thoughI know many men who are tar frouiperfect Well If It was not n manwhat was tho subject of your trouble

4It was dress boxesWhat on earth do you mean

I wonder If there is anything aboutwhich you know anything said EUareflectively Dresa boxes are as thename Implies boxen which bold dresscs The box Iu wblcli your dress Is soulhome Is a dross box JDo you think you

cull understand that nowYes my child I said What I can

not understand Is how you or any oth ¬

er sane person can madhge to have anykind of dispute with a mother or withanybody else about a rotten dress box

Dress boxes are not rotten I hatethat word I hate almost all the words

<you useThat limits me I observedDress boxes are very good boxes

very strougly and neatly mantle of cordhoard aria frightfully useful You noTcr know when you may want one

I didnt know that urgent necessitywas hanging over me But Ill takeyour word for It Proceed

You have often called me carelessand extravagant and so has mammaYou are always In the rigid arentyou As It happens this proves wheth ¬

er you are or not I always keep mydress boxes and I always have donesince I came to years of discretion

Years of discretionTry to bo quiet and listen I lllled

up the box room with dress boxes antiI lied a lot mote In the spare roomwardrobe In fact I had them prettjwell everywhere There were 242 ol

thorn altogether They were all gotboxes that might have been used aganLast week I w SaturdaytoMondaylag with Mrs Bauqucst the boy rutheibelieves be Is lu lovo with tutu but 1

dont think he Is really While I wasaway mamma got An awful fit of energy and went about the house sayingsho wouldnt have anything any longerAmong other things elm said sho wouldnot havo my Insane coliOcUoli of dress

1boxcs Those wero the very wordswhich she used to my mold end I dontthink It was right But what I reallycomplain of Is that sue has had themall turned out every one of them I

dont know where they are and maUl ¬

ma says site doesnt kpow eIther butshe Is thankful to say therafO not Inher house any more It means the workof years undone Suppose I wanted ndress box tomorrow-

To start with you will not want adress box tomorrow and you know ItSecondly If you did you would telephone to yqur dressmaker to scud youone and all would end happily Yourmother was right

HItS so easy to say that 1erhapsyou will tell mo why If you can

Certainly Dress boxes como In thecategory of things which to meanweak vacillating minds seem to bo toogood to be thrown away I should liketo work out the cubic space occupiedby time lost 242 and calculate for you

what rent per annum your mother waspaying to accommodate the rubbishYou must remember that dress boxesare not like tho 1000 port

Really What a lot of things youdo notice Ive uqvcr tasted n dress hoimyself

Do not be silly Elsa I give youwords of wisdom Time 1000 port lam

proves with keeping and Increases Invalue It helps to pay Its rent Nowtho dress box as you know If yoiwould not palter with your consciencedistinctly deteriorates In keeping Itgets dustier and dustier The cornciwhich Is broken there Is always onegets broken worse By peoplo withclear practical sensible minds dressboxes are Invariably thrown away ItIs a sign of mental Inferiority to keerthat which Is worthless And leavlthat box clone plcaso

Elsa had Just opened a brass box on

my writing table It was full of smallpieces of triumg

Why do you keep all these-I sometimes want stringYouve got a whole ball of It In n

special case there Dont you know It

Is a sign of mental Inferiority to keepthings that are worthless Those bitsof string ought to be thrown away nsyour advice will be And I say 1 toutmamma you would take me to lunch1


hard on ThemHlcksrIsnlt it awful the way Dura

Icy brags of his ancestorsWicks Yes it excites my sincere

pityIllcks Plty Nonsense the chump

Uocautdwtervoany pityWlckfHOb I ddntplty him but his

ancestors Catholic Stall1dardI1l1dTimes uL 1



j> y buyingreliable h thisIhigh gradejnr mochincr


National Scving Machine CoTnrnp IlLiN-

OISSomething New

Valuable ToursTO


5outl ni> EJailuayAnd

Queen Crescent Route

Go Quo VayllcturiiAnotherWinter tourist tickets poml going

via AsheVille through the Land of theSky and bbauilful sapphire countryand returning via Atlanta and Chattanoncnnr vice yerSaarUuotv onulllaLOW HATES

The Florida Limited

Drawinghitiumwith Dining Car service leaves Lexing ¬

ton every mm nine via QI1 e1 c Cres ¬cent Route running through withoutchange Jacksonville via Chattanoogaand Southern Hallway

Time Chicago and Florida Spectginning January Ofli ciinsisltrig otDrawing Room Sleepers jObsorvatlonCars etc will heave Clnnliinati oerdveniiiR except SUndarlrunnlnlthrough solid la St viaChattanooga arid Koutliorn Railwaywith Dlnine Car service enrouto

iliroiicli Ililliniin Sleepers to Jack ¬

sonville from Cincinnati every eveningvia Knoxville Adheville and Savanah

From Louisville connection with allof tlie above trnliu la made at Lexing ¬

tort by trains of the Southern ItallwayFor Land of the Sky book Win-


Homes older rateft schedules orother informationGJAMEVi 0 Piddrf18tAJtrSt 1


G1QCltUute J

Cincinnati 0


dnwliut orphotgorsprt web UK tnt Mfortfrfo p tnt trad DMcopyright eta IN ALL COUNTKICSJJulxtn Jlrtct with WatUngton leVis timt i

Gild i t faintljfWrit6U Watt heist wWASHINGTON DC

BlamelNo One But Yourselfif You Dont GetWell When Sick

AH we can do Is give adviceOf course thatS easy J

But our advice is really worth ft littlemore to you than most peoples for Weoffer to gIve you the first botUe of outmedicine free If It tails to help you 4

UnleMlouron tho wrong i

put it merchant prince lp the poor houseDr Mills Nervine however as years

of experience have proved 11110 medi¬icine that cures the sick

rhoa whom It cannot benefit lesthan one In ten thousandwe prefer torefund their money

All We aslc of you Is to try Dr MileRestorative N n lne fort your complaintIf you suffer from sleeplessness nervouexhaustion dizziness headache mus-cular


twltchlngs melancholy loss ofmemory weak stomach poor blood

bilious troubles epilepsy St VituDance etc we will guarantee to benefityou or refund your money

You are the doctorBon Bert when In his ITth year

become nubjcct to attacks of enilepsy-so verlou that we wero compelled totake him out of sehook After severalphysicians had tailed to relieve him wegave Dr Miles Nervine a trlaL Tenmonth treatment wltn Nirvlna andLiver Pills restored our to prfthealth4li JOt CWnSONDeputy Co l

IFRE Write tin and yi will 81111you a Free Trial PaakazDr Mites AntiPaIfl Piiis tileSclol1UQo Itsmedy for PIn qI torn for out SpecialiSt tCiclkNawJyour case Alld What Isan1 how toirlRht AblloluteJyAttdrcu DR MtL1oJt MEDICAL COJA1J01T01t1El 1 anlt

4tuS4 V