T - Salem Ohio Public Libraryhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory/Quaker... · presentation Friday...

T.HE _Vol. XXXVIII No. 15 · Salem High ·School, Salem, Ohio Feb. 13 Price -10 cents Malice Towards ,. None' HAVE YOU ·Bought Your Ticket · To The Faculty- Varsity 1Game? Junior Class Pla y To Be How Co uld You?' "Professor, n ow Could You ?" is the title of the pl ay chosen by the of ficer s a nd 1advi ser of the junior class for presentation Friday and Satu rday, March 20 a nd 21, in the Salem hi gh s ch ool auditorium. The three - act c o m e d y, written by Anne Coul ters Martin, has .a cast of six boys ·a nd six girls. The enti re story . takes p lace within the .walls of a college wher .e Lewis, a young , han ds ome, and single cheer- profess or is t he talk of t he campus. leaders wlhen t he varsity meets a team comp os-ed Olf memb ers of the His deci sion t o acce<pt a positi on Sal em city faculty Feb 21. as d ean of t h e c·o ll eg ·e is c ompli- Tl!_es e t each ers , a11 fr om SHS, cated by his fe eling that a m an rwill -l ead c heers fo r t he "Old who hopes to gain pr estige around Pros" when 1fuey go t-0 battle t he school should, by a ll . means, at approx imately 9 P: m. have a wife. H is sear ch among t he nig:h t . female st udents of the coll ege pro - Lewis, !KcCready , Hanna, Kelley To L ead Cheers For F aculty Miss Mar tha McGready, Mi1ss Carol Kell ey, Mr s. Bessie and Ada Hanna have consented to app ear as faculty 20 On S laff With Quak er Annual production well under way, t he business staf f has also b egun work p reparing the adv• r ti s ing s ecti on of th e 1953 yearbook. John Litty, who is t he busines ·s man ag.er, u nd er the gu idance of R. W. Hi.lgendorf, adviser, has sele ct- ed a staff -0f 20 students . Those who ar·e aiding in the production of the annual are: Johi anna Ki effer , Sa lly The Qu aker r eserves will . play vides many hilarious moments, again st a class B all - star team but the . fin al e li mination process at 7:30. is the highlight of the p resenta- Ward Zell er, man ager of t he tion. · L incoln was a l ong man. Knew his clothes · a nd knew his Mayhew, Bob Stewart, Mary Dun- Memori al buildin g, chose the team Tryouts for the play, which will fr6m the h igh &:hoo'l boys who be dire cted by Miss I rene Weeks, play class B ball. They are : are being held 'af ter school Feb. Nels on Mellinger, J oh n Ba ker, 12 through 16 in the school .audi- J-0 e Hrovati c, Ed Mozina, To m torium. T ry ou ts can be iarrange d Ehrhart, J oe Carme1o, Bob Kup- dur ing class hoars for those who ka, Bill Ward, J im Minamyer, cannot · a ttend the aft er - hours Mervin' Thomas , a nd Geor ge Ma'n- sessions. The cast will be a n- He liked out of doors. house. lap, Ruth Mountz , Mar y Sweeney, 1le liked t he wind blowi ng 1 "Th 't' h' · ff ' h e Audr ey Vaugh an, Richard Or iole, a s · • is o 1ce , er . · ; - . J a ne Myers , Barbara Smit h, Doris · And t he talk in country st ores. Blame good lawyer, on t he whole, MocNamee, Gail H anna, Margie ning. nounced next rweek. He liked telling stories, He liked te lling. jokes. "A be's · quit e a character ," Said qu it ·e a lot of folks. · Though he's sort of queer. Ha nnay Carol Jo Byr ns Jacque- line Brelih, Y".onne Brea uit, Bonni e " Musical Four " Lots of folks in S p:dngfield Saw him every day, Wa lking d own t he st r eet In h is gaun t, long way. Shawl around hi s shoulders . Lette·rs in h is hat. _ " That 's Abe Lincol n." t houg ht no more than th at. "Sure, he went to Congress, once. But he didn't s tay. Can't exp ect us a ll t -0 be Smart as Henry Cl ay. "Need a man for troubled times? We ll, I guess we do: Wonder who w e'll ever fi nd ? Y·es- I wonder who." Zimmerman, F aye Lippiatt, a nd C b" T } t · Jim Barcus. Om Ille a en S Three Pe tit ion . For Board Seats Four members -0f the Robed choir A "'h · ,. t t · · d h · · t . f c ree- way conues or wo Senior s T9 ChoOS (j h ave combme t eir voices 0 orm se· ats on the Salem Board of Edu- a vocal qua rtet. - ca tion was assured after the can- AnllOl! llCemen ts, are : soprano, didates' d eadline for f iling was ha ra Cameron, alto, Pat Sch midt, h d W d d F ,__ 4 N C d . reac e e nes · ay, e u. . ame ar S tenor, Joel Greems en; and bass, C d 'd t f th b d k an i a es or e oar are Dick Coppoc . . · 1Senior ca rds a nd commen cemen t Th f d t' th Robert H. Heddlest on, Dr. Donald · e g roup was .orme a e · · announcements w ere sel ected when . . f th h 1 d Lease, · and E. S. Dawson, a mem- . · begm nmg o ·e sc oo year •an . . , the stationery committee met Tues- 1 t' h b h ld her of this yea·r s board. Rob er t . re gu ar prac ices ave een e · . h day after school. .h. t t d t t d "t Campbell, whose term on t e . T is qu ar e emons ra e 1 s . Knew that he was honest. Guessed that he was odd. Knew he had a cross wife T hough she w as a T'odd. ·· . Th e selections were lat er shown 1 t 1 t t 1 f th board ex'.Pires at the end of the That is how they met and' tal ked, t o t he homer ooms and are now on I abends .o sevh .era h o l 'd serd-. year, is not ,s· eeking r .e -election. · · · vice c u s ur mg t e o 1 a ys an .. Knowmg and unkn owmg. display on e ach homeroom b ull etin 1 t M th d" t the c andidates have a l- Knew he had th ree little boys Who liked to shout a nd play, Knew he had a lot of debts It to ok him years to pay. Lincoln w as ·the gr een pine. Lincoln kept on growing. From 'A Book of Amer icans' By Rosemari e and Stephen Vincent Ben et recent y sang a a e o is . . . boar d. Ch h . 1 · · r ea dy filed, v otmg W111 not t ake . . urc soc1a . 1 ·1 N 3 Orders W111 be taken durmg tke · Th . . t' t h P ac,e unt1 ov. . · ·e·se musicians epresen · ree n ext two . , of the classes in SHS, since committee consists of Rose Pat is a senior, Barbara and J oel Mane C11awford, Mary Dunlap, . . d D'ck 1 ·s a fresh · . . are Juniors, an , i - Nancy. :s;owell, ·Pat Schmidt, W1l- ma n. Pat a nd B'ar b a ra are both ma Stip1c, Gre tc hen Bodendorf.er, ,__ · f +h S 1 Juni ' or Mu mem1 uers o v e ·a em ·' - Vocations D ay Held Feb. 11 Mervin Thomas , and Dick Gle ckier. . 1 b · The . St ude .n t' Council and Hi -Tr " SlC C U . . - · , - __________ ____ __:_ _ _ __________ ___ __ _ __ ---''-------- -- ---- - - - ------- have once · again brou ght Vocati ons day to t he high school. Thann ua Stu dent Co uncil Prexy Help Someone To See . the Light By Nancy Bailey Do you own an old wrist watch " Even though !llY pr ofession will th at is beyond yet you don't be eleme ntar y.teac hing , I hope that want to throw it away ? Does y our d I 'll be r eat and . ,.,_n ·. . - some ay w1 a g iw - mother own some danglmg ear- - rings th at ar ·e out of date, yet high est Democratic politi cian." in val ue? Still storing that out- These words were spoken by Sa- grown pair of glasses you . wore lem high's Student Council prexy, in gvade school ? If you're wonder - · . · . , h t + d 'th th 't · Helen Dora Copacia. The blonde- 1ng w a oo o w1 · ·ese i ·ems, · . l ook ' no f urthe r. haired, blue- eye <;! senior is the first "New ·· Eyes f or the Needy ," an g ir l in Salem high 's hi story to hold organi zati on in · Sh or t H ills, N ew t hi s office. Aft er having this duty J ers ey, has begun work to for over a h alf _ y ear Hel en ex- those people . a ll over the Umted 1 . " It' ·h · d f · 1 t b States who . a r e in n eed of optical P ams, · s · ar or a g ir 0 e care but who can 't meet the ter- president of the council, but it's rific, expen ses that go with it. good trainh1g.''. In 1952 the or ganiza tion helped H elen Is Busy Gal · event t ook pl(!ce F eb. 11, wh en 45 people from · a ll wal ks · of life le . di scus sion group s for student H elen loves to s it down to a meal interested in their fields. · of h e\I'.' m ot h er's roast chicken, Original.J y ther ·e· were to be mashed pot atoes a n d gr , avy, · and discussion groups, but Louis Ma- salad, topped off with a great big nieri, Wiho .. was to be in cha rge o 1 - f 'lk retail selling, could not be pr esent. g ass o mi . . , Wilham Spons,e ll er, . chosen to Although she knows ther_e isn 't speak on brickl aying a nd ma sonryl any s uch animal, her i deal male is was involved in an ' auto · . . · · ·. Wedriesday 1 a nd also could not at - n eat, p.ohte, qme t, a nd possess·es tend the event. a pl easing pers ona lity; He must .al- A general census of t he highes so particip ate in athl etics, esp eci- number of student s to att end one . a ll w · footba ll, tennis and swim- gr ·oup disclosed' that college, the aiii mi ng and must da nce well . force, modeling, and airline · ' \ . r eceived the greatest i ntere st from 1 Since sh e is a lover of jazz, it st udents. isn 't any w onder that H elen top s . h er musioal list with Stan Kenton. SHS Enrolls 100% 9,000 people, a nd . this y.ear the Her most :n oment g roup int e nds. to do more . occurred wh 'en Millie Maier a n- She thinks Sa l em is " th e best." 1 Jt h as been a nnou nced by thE ILen se l ess fr a mes a nd gl asses are nounc ed that she was t o be F-0o;t- "Oth er ' schools don 't h ave wh at our officers of the . Salem Junior sent to d istr ibution cent ers, whil e ball Girl of ' 52 a nd '53. !IChool has ," states Helen. Cross that Salem high school ii all gold a n d s ilver _collected is · . · e nrolled 100 per cent in the Amer · melted d own and sold. The money Dur ing her f our years in hi gh ·One of Salem high's best-hked i ' can Jun; ·or Red Cross . Helen Dora Copacia earned from these sal es is used school Helen h as been ·a member of persona lities confes ses, "I!ve act:.. In J' anu ary repr ese ntatives f ille io keep the organi;i;at ion working. the G. A. A., Salemasqu ers, T hes- Being one of Salem hig h's m a- ed rather crazy sometimes, ·but in gift boxes to be sent t o coun 'tri e, If you can obtain any of the men- pians, band and Latin cl ub . She al- jorettes. no doubt somethlng to my h eart I wili- never forget my oversea _ s. -:uast year a gift ch es t ioned articles and wish to he lp the . . . . . . . was sent to Iran and in the fa c ause, ma il your contributions to: so port ray ed Emily Kimbrough m do m akmg test fn e nds and h ave of th is school th at countri "New Ey es for the Nee dy," Short the senior play, "Our H ear ts . a mb 1t1on that of bemg a ma1orett .e ma de my days m Salem high the r eturned to SHS a "t ha IJk you Hills, New Jersey. Were Young and Gay.'' in co ll ege. most unforgett aibLe of my life.'' gift box.

Transcript of T - Salem Ohio Public Libraryhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory/Quaker... · presentation Friday...

Page 1: T - Salem Ohio Public Libraryhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory/Quaker... · presentation Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21, in the Salem high s chool auditorium. The three -

T.HE _Vol. XXXVIII No. 15 · Salem High· School, Salem, Ohio Feb. 13 Price -10 cents

~With Malice Towards ,. None' HAVE YOU ·Bought Your Ticket ·

To The Faculty-Varsity 1Game?

Junior Class Play To Be ~Professor, How Could You?'

"Professor, n ow Could You ?" is the t itle of t he play chosen by t he officers and 1adviser of the junior class for presentation F r iday and Saturday, March 20 and 21, in the Salem high s chool auditorium.

The three - act c o m e d y, wr itten by Anne Coulters Martin, has .a cast of six boys ·and six girls.

The ent ire story .takes place within the .walls of a college wher.e

Lewis, a young, h andsome, and single cheer- professor is the talk of the campus.

leaders wlhen t he varsity meets a team compos-ed Olf members of the His decision t o acce<pt a position Salem city facult y Feb 21. as dean of the c·olleg·e is compli-

Tl!_ese t eachers, a11 from SHS, cated by his feeling that a man rwill -lead cheers for the "Old who h opes t o gain pr est ige around Pros" when 1fuey go t-0 battle the school should, by all . means, at approximately 9 P: m . th~t have a wife. His sear ch among the nig:h t . female st udents of the college pro-

Lewis, !KcCready , Hanna, Kelley To Lead Cheers For Faculty

Miss Martha McGready, Mi1ss Carol Kelley, Mrs. Bessie and Mis~ Ada Hanna have consented to appear as faculty

20 On Slaff With Quaker Annual production

well under way, the business staff has also begun work preparing the adv•e·r tising section of th e 1953 yearbook.

John Litty, who is the busines·s manag.er, under t he guidance of R. W. Hi.lgendorf, adviser, has select­ed a staff -0f 20 students. Those who ar·e aiding in the production of the annual are: Johianna Kieffer, Sally

The Quaker r eserves will. play vides many hilarious moments, against a class B all-star t eam but the .final elimination process at 7 :30. is the highligh t of the presenta-

Ward Zeller, manager of the tion.

· L incoln was a long man. Knew his clothes · and knew his Mayhew, Bob Stewart , Mary Dun-

Memorial building, chose the t eam Tryouts for the play, which will fr6m the high &:hoo'l boys wh o be directed by Miss Irene Weeks, play class B ball. They are: are being h eld 'after school Feb. Nelson Mellinger, J ohn Baker, 12 t hrough 16 in the school .audi­J-0e Hr ovatic, Ed Mozina, Tom torium. T ryouts can be iarranged Ehrhart, J oe Carme1o, Bob Kup- dur ing class hoars for those who ka, Bill Ward, J im Minamyer, cannot · attend the aft er -hours Mervin' Thomas, and George Ma'n- sessions. The cast will be an-

He liked out of doors. house. lap, Ruth Mountz, Mary Sweeney,

1le liked t he wind blowing 1 "Th 't' h' ·ff ' h e Audr ey Vaughan, Richard Or iole, a s · • is o 1ce, er . · ; - .

Ja ne Myers, Barbara Smith, Doris · And the talk in country st ores. Blame good lawyer, on t he whole, MocNamee, Gail Hanna, Mar gie ning . nounced next rweek.

H e liked telling stories, He liked telling. jokes. " Abe's · quite a character ," Said quit·e a lot of folks. ·

Though he's sort of queer. Hannay Carol Jo Byr ns Jacque­line Brelih, Y".onne Bre auit, Bonnie "Musical Four"

Lots of folks in S p:dngfield S aw him ever y day, Walking down t he street In h is gaunt, long way.

Shawl around his shoulders. Lette·rs in his hat. _ " Tha t's Abe Lincoln." Th~y thought no more than th at.

"S ure, he went to Congr ess, once.

But he didn't stay.

Can't expect us all t -0 be

Smart as H enry Clay.

"Need a man for troubled t imes?

Well, I guess we do:

Wonder who we'll ever f ind ?

Y·es- I wonder who."

Zimmerman, Faye Lippiatt, and C b" T } t · Jim Barcus. Om Ille a en S

Three P etition . For Board Seats

Four members -0f the Robed choir A "'h ·,. t f· t · · d h · · t . f c ree-way conues or wo Seniors T9 ChoOS(j have combme t eir voices 0 orm se·ats on the Salem Board of E du-

a vocal quartet. - cation was assur ed after the can-AnllOl!llCemen ts, Th~· member~ are: sopr ano, B.ar~ didates' deadline for f iling was

hara Cameron , alto, Pat Schmidt, h d W d d F ,__ 4 N C d . r eac e e nes ·ay, e u. . a me ar S tenor, Joel Greemsen; an d bass, C d'd t f th b d k an i a es or e oar are

Dick Coppoc . . · 1Sen ior cards and commencement Th f d t ' t h Robert H. H eddlest on, Dr . Donald · e g roup was .orme a e · ·

announcements were selected when . . f th h 1 d Lease, ·and E . S. Dawson, a mem-. · begmnmg o ·e sc oo year •an . . , the stationery committee met Tues- 1 t' h b h ld her of this yea·r s board. Rober t . r egu ar prac ices ave een e · . h day aft er school. .h . t t d t t d "t Campbell, whose term on t e . T is quar e emons ra e 1 s .

Knew that he was honest. G uessed that he was odd. Knew he had a cross wife T hough she was a T'odd. ·· .

The selections were lat er shown 1 t 1 t t 1 f th board ex'.Pires at the end of the That is how they met and' talked, t o t he h omer ooms and ar e now on v~ca I abends .o sevh.erah ol'd ~ serd-. year, is not ,s·eeking r.e-election.

· · · vice c u s urmg t e o 1 ays an . . Knowmg and unknowmg. display on each homer oom bulletin 1 t M th d" t ~!though t h e candidates have al-

Knew he had three little boys Who liked to shout and play, Knew h e had a lot of d ebts It took him year s to pay.

Lincoln was ·the g r een pine.

Lincoln kept on growing.

From 'A Book of Amer icans'

By Rosemarie and

Stephen Vincent Benet

r ecent y sang a a e o is . . . board . Ch h . 1 · · ready filed, votmg W111 not t ake

. . urc soc1a . 1 ·1 N 3 Orders W111 be taken durmg tke ·Th . . t' th P ac,e unt 1 ov. . · ·e·se musicians r ·epresen · ree next two wee~s: . , of the fou~ classes in SHS, since T~e committee consists of Rose Pat is a senior , Barbara and J oel

Mane C11awford, Mary Dunlap, . . d D'ck 1·s a fresh · . . ar e Juniors, an , i -Nancy . :s;owell, ·Pat Schmidt, W1l- man. P at and B'arbara are both ma Stip1c, Gre tchen Bodendorf.er, ,__ · f +h S 1 Juni' or Mu mem1uers o v e ·a em ·' -

Vocations Day Held Feb. 11

Mervin Thomas, and Dick Gleckier. . 1 b · The. St ude.nt' Council and Hi-Tr" SlC C U • . . - · , -

__________ ____ __:_ _ _ __________ ___ _ _ _ __ ---''--------------- - - ------- have once ·again brought Vocations day to t he high school. The· annua

Stu dent Council Prexy Help Someone To See. the Light By Nancy Bailey

Do you own an old wrist watch " Even though !llY pr ofession will t hat is beyond rep~ir, yet you don' t be elementar y.teaching , I hope that want to throw it away ? Does your d I ' ll be r eat and .,.,_n ·. . - some ay w1 a g iw -mother own some danglmg ear- -rings that ar·e out of date, yet high est Democratic politician ."

in value? Still storing that out- These words were spoken by Sa­grown pair of g lasses you . wore lem high's Student Council prexy, in gvade school ? If you'r e wonder - · . · . , • h t + d 'th th 't · H elen Dora Copacia. The blonde-1ng w a oo o w1 · ·ese i ·ems, · . l ook ' no f urther. haired, blue-eye<;! senior is the first

"New·· Eyes for the Needy," an girl in Salem high's history to hold organization in · Sh or t Hills, New this office. Aft er having this duty J ersey, has begun work to ~elp for over a half _ year Helen ex-those people . all over the Umted 1 . "It' ·h · d f · 1 t b States who . a r e in n eed of optical P a ms, · s · ar or a gir 0 e care but wh o can't meet the ter - pr esident of the council, but it's rific, expenses that g o with it. good trainh1g.''.

In 1952 the organization helped

Helen I s Busy Gal · event t ook pl(!ce F eb. 11, when 45 people from · all walks· of life le

. discussion groups for student H elen loves to sit down to a meal interested in their fields.

· of h e\I'.' mother's roast chicken, Original.Jy ther·e· were t o be 4~ mashed potatoes a n d gr,avy, ·and discussion groups, but Louis Ma­salad, topped off with a great big nieri, Wiho .. was to be in charge o

1- f 'lk retail selling, could not be pr esent. g ass o mi • . . , Wilham Spons,eller, . chosen to

Although she knows ther_e isn't speak on bricklaying and masonryl any such animal, her ideal male is was involved in an 'auto acciden~

· . . · · ·. Wedriesday1 and also could not at-neat, p.ohte, qmet, and possess·es ten d the event .

a pleasing personality; He must .al - A general census of t he highes so participate in athletics, especi- number of student s to att end one

. allw · football, tennis and swim- gr·oup disclosed' that college, the aiii ming and must dance well. force, modeling , and airline wor~

· ' \ . r eceived the greatest interest from

1Since she is a lover of jazz, it students.

isn't any wonder that Helen tops .

her musioal list with Stan Kenton. SHS Enrolls 100% 9,000 people, and . this y.ear t he H er most unfor~e~table :noment

g roup intends. to do more. occurred wh'en Millie Maier an- She thinks Salem is "the best." 1Jt has been announced by t h E ILenseless frames and glasses are nounced that she was t o be F-0o;t- "Other 'schools don't have what our officers of the . Sa lem Junior Re~

s ent to d istribution center s, while ball Girl of '52 and '53. !IChool has ," states Helen. Cross that Salem high school ii all g old a n d silver _collected is · . · enrolled 100 per c ent in the Amer · melted down and sold. The money Dur ing her f our years in high ·One of Salem high's best-hked i'can Jun;·or Red Cross . . · Helen Dora Copacia ~ earned from t hese sales is used school Helen has been ·a member of personalities confesses, "I!ve act:.. In J 'anuary r epresentat ives f ille io k eep the organi;i;ation working. t he G. A. A., Salemasquers, Thes- Being one of Salem high's ma- ed rather crazy sometimes, ·but in gift boxes t o be sent t o coun'tr ie,

If you can obtain any of the men- pians, band and Latin club. She a l- jorettes. no doubt h~s somethln g t o my heart I wili- never forget my oversea_s. -:uast year a gift ches t ioned articles and wish to help the . . . . . . . was sent t o Ir an and in the f a cause, mail your contributions to: so portrayed Emily Kimbrough m do ~~th makm g ~elen's ~ea test fn ends and t~chers tha~ have of this school te~, t hat countri "New Eyes for t he Needy," Short the senior play, "Our Hearts. amb1t1on that of bemg a ma1orett.e made my days m Salem high the r eturned t o SHS a "thaIJk you Hills, New J er sey. Wer e Young and Gay.'' in college. most unforget t aibLe of my life.'' g ift box .

Page 2: T - Salem Ohio Public Libraryhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory/Quaker... · presentation Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21, in the Salem high s chool auditorium. The three -

Page 2 THE QUAKER Feb. 13 1953 .· . ~- -

.C:oµ_rage-, Stro~g· Will _- ~id _M~d S<(ie~tis~ - - ·---.. ·As'. He Finds Secret .of t~e "'rhing"'" · · ·

~ ·--·-~~ ........... ,... ...... _ .. - ~iiii-~iii-iii"iii---· ···-·· ··---··· -........ iii<iiiliiiillllii[iiiil!lil!jjiiii-.... ---~lili<S

hesi{ of!f · the cob · by Jackie WeilS:h - the big chair. · Now,. safely . through the


It·was dark now and all seemed quiet. At · living room, I crept past the dining room last I was going .to find out what I'd Wiant- windows and opened the door. ed to know for so long. I had planned it rI'here in front of me it . stood, cold and

Helen Dora Oopacia fell head-first down We'd like to thank eve·ryone for the won- for alm-0st a week, and if the stairs didn't hard just as always. I touched it and a a flight of stairs-termed in some quarters derful response we received on our swim- squeak all would be fine~ , iray of light Shot at me. Quickly I hit it stationary escalators--and was forced to ming pool column two weeks ago. It's I opened the door very softly and' peered · and the lighrt was gone. l stood gazing at cons11It .a docl-0r to see whether anything gratifying to see th.at SHIS students have so out. Everything seemed to . be in order . . . it for a long time . . Once more the same was fractured. However, everything on the much public spirit. The Faculty-Varsity no one was awake. r.a.y of light hit the floor. I l-0oked for inside was all right. Seems some people game is a g-0od ·step in the rig,ht direction. The distance f!rom my room to the main a way to get rid of it-"'l\h.:re must be a never get the breaks. We hope to see all the students there to see hall seemed an awfully long way. 111~ way,'; I thought frantically.

• • • the teachers in a new role---rolling them in black night surrounded me as I made my Finally in thil side of the big monster '!'.hose in the know report that SHS is the aisl~s. Let's make this game a big way ~o the ~airs. . _ _ I .found the ans\Ver. f pressed the button "

n<Yt actually located on a hill. It just looks splash for the pool. ~metl~, very. quietly, . I ~ade mr way and the light· Cllsappeared. . that way because so inuch of the surround- . * • • to the fI~st sta~r and . tiptoed . down and '~I can go to sleeI> now,;' I thought as ing terra'.in is situated so low. Contributed by Tim Kennedy: My answer down until at last I reac~~ t.h~ bo_ttom. I chuckled to myself, "because at last I

f • • to our swimming pool is Curt LOOP I had to go through the hviztg room; but found the ansWeT. The light does go off spelled backward. all I had to remember was E ot to tnp over when yo~ . cl<!se the ice-box d-0or."

sa1eiii •has been in dire neea of some new * * * ai:iJ original basi{etbii.11 war cfies f-0r quite J . , J H , t' h f d · · I

, .. . . . , 1 'th umpm oe rova ic as oun 1a s1mp e some time. Someone fmal y came up WI +"- d . f ki' La t k , . . , · · mevuo o ma ng eaisry m-0ney. s wee a loud,, if n?t new, che~r last week ~t he bagged three foxes, coUecting a hand- The students of Saleni high are consi9eration of others to .cooperate t~de dst.eutbentville gat~e. The roloteters, t dli- some 'bounty -0n each one. A pretty foxy q· uite forgetful. Whert a campi:tiign . in whatever program :might be set v1 e m o wo sec ions, ,roar a rna e y, . h "We shall fight, and we shall win," which sc •eme. was started to eliminat~ gum chew.: l!lp for the improvement of the school.

A Memo To· The Ahs~nt-Minded

is predsely what we did. Maybe that's * * * . ing in ·the school; the entire student · This drive is not temporary; it what the team has needed all along. "Gonna be tough sled~irig t'oday." . body cooperated fo, the limit. Gum was . started wjth the plan in mind

* • * "No snow?" disappeareii frorri . hall floors, stair- of continuing the effort until the pro-"No sleet:" way railings, and most of all stu- blem ~as .completely wiped out. Orchids to SH:S's most loyal cheerleader,

Doris MacNamee. She is the only varsity cheerleader to attend ev·ery game so far. Too bad we don't have more fans like her.

* * • . Russian success story: ~agisi to rags ..

* * * dents' mouths. This week's driving hint: Always drive It's only human nature to forget,

without lighits. The glare is bad for your and to rest on one's laurels: '.Dhe un-pardonable error occurs when, after

* * * . l . . having been remmded of the fau t,


Every year there is someone wlho · is the person does not correct it. " . , * * . * . ,, trying to jump the, fun and •beat the crowd. However, as soon as the students But I wasn t giamblmg, lamented Pete Happy "J'()1ar" Harrigan and Harold · d f th · k th

THE QUAKER Published weekly during the school year by the students of Salem high school, Salem, .Ohio .

B. G. Ludwig, principal

Printed by the Lyle Printing and Pub-Menegos when Miss Cope found him play- "Bear" Garloch went for a pleasant, relax- lwere pttr"at1~de otr e1dr word t; h e carde-. l't · d d h' st th • · . ess a I u e re urne , an e wor s lishing Co. mg so I a1re an ma e im ·op , ·e game. ing dip in the Country Club lake onelfrigid f · . · . · "Th t rt" p · t' "' . . o praise were in va1n. Subscription rate, $2.00 per year th tel wors pa. , mt ·o~~s · anaJo is, is night in January,, dodgmg ice· bergs . all Although many students fail to

a was wmnmg, oo. the .way Wonder if they used gira1dual im- 1. th · t f th fi t · • • • , · · rea ize e impor ance o e ac , mersion? h · * * * carelessly discarded c ewmg gum

Flash: Next week 'we will interview t~nds to spread germs. During this some freshmen to see w:hat they think . . This is National Tango week. It takes season when flu and colds can reach or do they? two to.

··SENIOR . SPOTl.IGBT ·by Sally Scullion·

"Fill 'er up," is a fam~liar p·hrase to

Playing the "piano and singing ar,e t 'he hobbies of MA,RLENE YUNK, while at­tending a concert with Bruce and reading

epidemic proportion~ it is impera-tive that every person have eno.ugh



Entered as second-class mail December 21, 1921, at the 'postoffice at Salem, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

To subscribe, mail name and address, with remittance to Manager of The Quaker; Salem High School, Salem, Ohio.

Liz ing ~ BILL KELLY, w:ho spends most odl ihis historical novels provide enjoyable mo­time at Kelly's Sohio station. When he is ments for her. Marlene.'s "like's" include BY ANDY AND LIZ

not working, you might find him at home chili and stenography. A four-year member. . 1. t · t "H Id M Th '11 M K' Greetmgs, .guys and ,giggles . .. As is enmg o ,o e, n e, iss .of the chorus, her- future plan is secre~ . ·Me" byi Karen Chand.Jer or eating little farial work. . 1 _,,, 1 usual the stimuli of the warm'. ~pnngy

· · • k . · t ·. weather and go.od old St. Valentme s Day, p1g saus·ages. Dad s ey presentation ° · A perfect example of yioung manhood's ·, . ld the "Red Rage" was his most memoraible , . . . the hearts of young men and women shou · , . , , .--.,.. likes has been expressed by KEN MOUNTZ. once 'again turn to thoughts of love and experience. B1U s future plans are undecrn~ Says lhe when asked the vital questfons . . d b t h h . d t b 'ld · ' · ' stuff . .. Boy, what a break!! e u e opes some ay 0 m a "Wood industries, Clifton Webb, and pie."

"hot rod.'' His hobby is playi.hg cards. Ken plans to STRIGT'L Y ~OR THE BIRDS

. President of the Youth Council, JOYCE go ihto industrial work. Here's news kids . . . Lowell Phillis, COSGROVIE:, claims that he-r biggest mo- BARBARA DeRIENZO is an ardant fan SHS's boy aviator, is preparing his "fly­ment occurred when she. was asked to ,be of Lou . ·Boudreau and Marilyn Monroe. ing machine" for 1an excursion to S.e,attle, in the foc_>tball queen's court. A craver of Dancing and eating sou1thern fried chicken Washington, during spring vacation. Seems ste31k and french fries ,,-this lass can't help satisfy her <ie·sire for pleasant moments. to ibe 'tihat this junior lad and his co-pilot, likin' J-0ni James'1Sl version of "Why Don't She has a dislike for conceited girls. Phil Bishop, are !really in the clouds about You Believe Me" and Dale Roibertson. Barbara is a member of the G. A. A. and their coming flight ... Ca~'t say we blame JoycEl is a librarian, a membe~ of the Hi- Salemasquers and plans to be a telephone them, especially when they are looking for­T1ri, Thespians, and Formaldeaides. op.erator. ward to picking up a tfew "stratosphere

~I'll J,ust Die,' Cries Party-Goer In Thr0es of · Getting A Date


S1ay, boys, if by chance you run into the "Little 1Wlhite Cloud Tbat Cried," doh't forget to offeT .him a Kleenex, and if you meet any respectable Mars men, who are

. out of this world, here are two gals that by Curtice LOOp :'Whlat if_ s01yebody e~oo has already asked would be only to ghid to obtain their ad-

Parents have often wished to ' be young ~Im? Th?n ~ ~l see llum at the party and dresses! again. "Jusit to be back hi high school," Ul f•eel so silly. Oh, why does anybody .. , they dream. But if they would look bAck hatre p.arties at all? I wish I were dead, and HAVE Y.OU SE!EN to some of the dire emergencies that faced h~ were dead, arid I know the pairty's· going •Bob DeCrow's white tul['tleneck sweat-them when they were teen-agers, they to be dead. er . . .

might decide things are · pretty_ tough all "If he says ye.s, wh~t will I wear? I Mary · Ann Horstmah's red cbrdui'oy OV'eT. Take, for instance, the case of this could wear my red dress, but if Jane wears "middy" trimmed Witli raibbit fur . . . poor girl who has to ask a boy to a party. her red 9ress, I'd .jus~ die. I wonder if John Baker's new shell-rimmed glass-She is, at this moment, in great agony. they'll wea•r hose. I hbpe ' not. They itch es . . .

"I've got t ·o do it! The party's Saiturday me something terrible. Wouldn't he think Gene Bergman and Wendell Hamilton's night and it's already Friday. I've · just I was awful if I went around scratching tinted tresses ••• got to get it over with! all th'e time? Jim Gow's purple umbr€Ua . ~ .

"What if he isn't home and I have to "But maybe he won't go. He'isl got to. If COUPLE . OF TH.E WEEK talk to his mother. Or maybe even .his he dO:esn't, I'll just die! I couldn't ask any- M k' b t'f 1· " . t ·th

, . . a mg eau I u music oge · er are 'father! Olh, I'll just die! I just kn-0w I will! ,one else. Everybody ·S gomg, Just every- t 11 · M· 1 y' k d B

, . . , wo ;swe seniors, ar ene· un an · · ruee They'll ask who's calling, and I'll have body. I thmk she said there 11 be seven S d W dd. t 1. t f

· . . ny er . . . e a o our is -0 woosome to tell them my · name, and then they'll couples. Why did ·she hav·e to have this t wosomes. think I'm chasing him, and ooooh, I'll just doggone party anyiway? ·

die! "' "I've got to get it over with. I'll just do FOUND "Oh, glory! What if he is home and says it, tha;t's all. I can always hang up, I .can In the vicinity of Salem high school: One

no? Oh, I- kno'W he will. I'm sur·e· of it. al!Ways hang up, I can always hang up~ One slightly dilapidated bonal'd Duck toy c:Om-iHe'll think I'm crazy about him, 1 and he'll - two - three - " . I pJete With a bell that rings when the toy laugh, ahd he'll say no and I'll just die! Sh'e lifts the receiver. · is pulled. Now in the cus.tody of Don

Abe . . . -0wner may ob'tain it by giving the patent number.


Thanks go to all those who helped make Vocations day a success ...

ll'he students of Salem high who attended the Youth Council dance at the ME- last Friday wish to . e:irpress their •apprecia­tion for a swell time . . .

Mr. Olloman's 3<rd period ·biology class wishes' .to dedicate a song to their beloved pedagogue . . , "Heart and •Lungs."


Sally Kirkbride-To attend U. C. L. A. Janet Patterson-'-to be a · forest ranger. Melissa Layton-to be ISK>meone im-

po<rtant. ·

Jerry Cosgrove-to be a man.

Boib Rea--to unde.rstand people.

Ted Hiirt-tcl oe a sifocessful business mah.

Sally RiSb~ck__::to ·lie a nurse and inarry a d-0etor.


Last we~k found the halls of ou; Alma "'\ '• ·• . l l)

Mater ri.nging with strains of "llfo.ppy Bfrthday." After a bit of sleuthing we. le'arned :that the'se good tidings were en­joyed by a number of seniors wlio now have . only 48 years to go until they can collect th.eir · old age pensions! Among the "old tim·e~s" are Jack Ference, Inkie Ny­berg, Denny Herron, and Joyce "Cosgrove.

Incidenta'lly J•oyce celebrated 1Jhe annual occasion by entertaining a group of friends at he·r · home, and from all reports, these ki'ds really 'had a ' whopper of a .time doing a few things out of the ordinary . . . For instance, we hear R-0sie Crawford and Pat Schmidt monopolized the evening by lift., ing weights and 'dumbbells. Well, g1als, that's one way .to build U:p· muscles arid bre\ik bones at the same time! ·

Page 3: T - Salem Ohio Public Libraryhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory/Quaker... · presentation Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21, in the Salem high s chool auditorium. The three -

_eh. 13, 1953 THE QUAKER Page ~ .

I ., Th T. . ·A , . · ' · : ts·-,·· at ' 1me, gain-. ."- · · .Hartis .Organh~es l Creative i Writer:s , 1


For The


Cage Game Are _

Now On Sale

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Regular & Heavy Duty Bike Tires

· TRe second meeting of tiie Cre­

atH:e W~ti~g clu~ w~~ hel~ ~~b· J

9 to be·gm work m the orgamza..: , By Aly Jo .and Mary tion. David Freshly was appointed Tliis week we are dedicating -0ur column solely to the stU:des temporaty chairman of the meet- of Salem high'.. · We have asked kids from all c1a,:ises1 to tell 'ing and .Slifrley Werner, tempor- 1 us what their fav-0rite recordin~s are and why. Some of these , aiy se<:retary. Tll~ :Purpose aiid a~e. f~any ,"crazy." fuime of the club were a'iscussea'. FChor .. kmsJtance:l"k C• "Wh D 't y B· 1· · - M ?' c' • , uc ones i es y on ou e ieve . e . ' beeause says he, Rosie Sulea, Curtice Loop, and "Well, I just like it. We Wonder! Car-01 McQ.uilkin were appointed Eileen Jackson prefers "Any wliere I Wander" because Julius to the name committee while Me- La Rosa sings it. Do y<>u belong to Iiis !fan club; Eile~n? · lissa Layt<>n was put in charge Frank Stoerkel likes "Don't Let 1ilie Strum Get Iii Your Eyes" be­of pu•blicity. cinis·e it's a gay and happy tooe, filiat ni'akes you nappier just

Officers will be elected; at the to listen t-0 it. It's better when som~rle's with yoii,eh, Frank? next meeting to be held Feb. 16. :Martha Arkenburg favors "Have You HEia~d" heeauAe slhe heard Anyone interested in creative writ- it in a certain . city. Are you S1Ure it's because of the city'! Mar:ty? ing is urged to attend. · Never can tell.

Party Planned By Latin Club .

Joe Hrovatic goes for "Lady of Spain'; jusi becahsf:l. Gould this' remind you of anyone, Joe ? ' Sandra Bailey likes "Tell Me You're Mine" because ·of the Spanish in it. Lowell Fldscher likes "Till I Waitz Again With You" because

A valentine party was the inairi it sends him. T-0 where, Lowell? We;a'. 'like to know. topic of discussion at the meet- Grace Brown .thinks "Cross My Heart" is :tops because that's what ing -Of . the Latin club Friday, Feb. she doing. F-0r whom, Grace? 6 . . The members wete told of a Cha;rles Nickolson likes "Tell Me You're Mine". If you've ever

Eighf Boys Join special surprise which will be pre- seen his tablet, maybe there lies the .reason for his wishes.

V • S sented by Miss Helen Redinger at Larry Dusenbe.rry rates "Blue Violins." He eisrpecially likes . this , arSI ty . the party. . because a certain s-0meone eise likes it also. La·rry, does she Eight new letter Winne·rs were In the future members will · be go to Salem high? ,_

recently initiated i:i:itb Varsity S required to give a password in or- Betty Foreman likes "I'm Never .Satisfied." Her •reas·on is, says in the high school gym. Club ad- der to attend meetings and will Betty, Tony. viSer John Cabas and officers Don answer roll oall with the name of BiM Huffman suggests "Because You're Mine". "I like it-tihat's Mc'Cormick, John Baker, and Tom a famous Roman. all." says he. Can't kid us, Bill. Johnston welcomed these new oan- .A committee composed of Shar- Jackie Houts says "Keep It a Secret" because slhe wants it to be didates into the group ·Feb. 2. Re- lene Sarilo, Mary Ellen -Reed, Don kept a secret. freshments wer·e served after the Harsh, and Kenny Letzkus was ap- I Uon Kuntzman likes "Mr. Tap Toe". He ihas no special reason. "_I initiation: pointed to plan the future me·et-1 just like it," he adds, sh~ugging his shoulders. _

Those boys taken into the clu ings and activities of the group. I Jackie W£·lsh likes "Why Don't You Believe Me" becau:s1e she won-are: Bill Megert, Bill Lipp, Stan ders why he won't believe lher. More supense .. Cosky, Charlie· Harris, Bob Met- ArnoW Nye like~ "I Dlreain af Jeanie With 'Tlhe Light Bro'Wn Hair." calf, Pudgie Allison, Ray Hertel, Bowling, Contest His reisponse ·w:hen asked why was, "Mmmm, w-0uldn't you like and Dick Cope. Keep G. A. A. Girls Busy to know?" Yes, we w-0ul<l-.

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Th G Bev Durr is nuts about "Keep It a Secret." She likes the words . e · .A. A: square ~ance held and she heard it for the first time with a ·certain 1SJomeone.

Friday mght m the high school M'k F .ll l"k "'T"ll I W It A · W"th y " M'k "It • • 1 e i er i es i a z gain i ou. i e says, gym was enJoyed by approximately/ h d t d d rf I 'w d " 55 S•HJS students. Donald Stelts as . a goo u_ne an won e u . . or s. . .

11 d th d Betty Moore likes "Hold Me, Thlrall Me, Kiss Me" 1because it sen&; ca e e ances. 1 . . . . .

Th · G A A · 1 h b ' her mto ·wishful thmkmg. e . . . gir s ave egun · • h f b 1. t t• . T . Ronald Jones prefers "How High 'I1he Moon' because e o ten won-ow mg as an ex r·a ac ivity ues-day nights. Glenna Whinnery was dered how hig1h tihe m~on was . . ;i'ha~ fi~~Hres1d. M K' M Tlh ·11 th h . h h th 1 b iViki Paparodis a.nd Peggy Martm hke o e, iss e, n e ig sc.orer w en e c u · · bowled ~eb. 3. • Me." Just because.

The annual ping-pong tourna- {Geneva AlexandeP likes "Yes, I Know", the answer to "I Don't ment is still in ~rogress with the Know." What is it that you know, Gen? club president, Connie Gillett, in Jane Everett, Dot Alek, and Melissa Layton also like "Till I Waltz

-------------" charge. - - Again With Y-0u'', jusit becaus·e it's pretty. The foul shooting contest got Kay Hamilton asks, "Have You Heard?" She says, "It's pretty."

underway Thursday, Feb. 5. The· Is this .really Kay's reas-0n?

············-·.-.·.-.·.·························· !'!"'"~~~~~~~~~~~-'! T .H E

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379 E. State St. /

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Salem Lumber Co. Inc.

winner of thi contest will be de- . Shirle~e Bowman is anoth~r one for "Till I Waltz Agaiin Witih termined by •elimination. You" because she likes to sing it to J)m.

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Page 4: T - Salem Ohio Public Libraryhistory.salem.lib.oh.us/SalemHistory/Quaker... · presentation Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21, in the Salem high s chool auditorium. The three -

Pa:ge 4 THE QtrAKER

Feb. 27 G.A.A. square dance ,.. .... ·.···················--··············-·.-. =-------------- ---~----------! ' ' I ""'"'s";.~~;ien ''• I I Appliance Co. I

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"~E SHALL FIGH T AND W E SHALL IWIN!" That's how the new Quaker cry goes and that's how the game went last week. Led by their captain, Eddie Votaw, the Quakers won t heir d'ourth game of the 1~ason against 11 se tbacks. Again they proved that the young er boys 'On t he Quaker .squad a r e coming along and tha t next year and for several yea rs to ·come Sa lem sh ould pro­duce goofi basketbaU teams.

~unior J ack Gottschling was out af action la st week because~ of a very ·bad- cold and Bill Buckman, al1Jhough he started -the contest, didn't play very much •of the game. With two. freshmen, two s·ophomor es and a ~one senior in moSlt of the t ime the Quakers held up ext remely well. Frosh Ridha rd Hunter and sophomore Dale Middeker saw a lot of action last &aturday night: It was Middeker's f irst big varsi ty game of tlie year and he looked very good. - Stan Cosky and Larry Stofrfer also saw s·ome action for .t he Quakers. RESERVES

Like t heir big - brotJhers, the varisdty, the Quaker jayvees scored over 70 markers last Saturday night. Kenny Bosu again led the 1reserves, hooping 16 points for the n ight. Al'! of the members of the team got iilito the game and everyone scored at least one · p-oint. Even Jim Fife, Mat t Klein, and Roger Jones, 1who just re-,_ cently joined t he team got into the act. Klein is _only a freshman while Jones and Fife are sophomores. Ray Hertel 1sitarted the · game in p lace of H arry Baird, a regular 1reserve starter, wfho entered the varsity contest. The "Little Quakers" have a season's record of nine wins and five losses. Coached hy Karl Zellers, the bo;ys have come a long way 1slince the start of the season. ENTHUSED

A lot of Quaker fans we;e very muclh excited and enthused over th e Quakers' play last Saturday, but none so much as Mrs. Zeller, wife of ME director, Ward Zeller. Mrs Zeller stood up more than once to applaud a successful play or to cheer the Quakers on. We haven't_ seen any.one 1sK> e:iccited over ·a game ·in tJhe Salem gym in a long time. Mo·re p.ower to Mrs-; 'Zeller, and ·we wish that we had. 1,000 more fans like her. ·

3113 Phones 3433


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Day and Night Ser vice ' The Farmers

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Sheaff er or Parker Fountain Pens and Pencils

$3.00 to $10.00

BROADWAY LEASE DRUG-State and Broadway

Phone 8727 Salem, Ohio -

:. -----------------------------------~ ___________________________ .....