t , RIOB & PUMDY'S. 21/Cortland NY... · 2013-08-24 · E. C. CURTIS, and 8. P. BACON, of Cortland,...

CORTLAND STANDARD Cortland, Tuesday, ^ov. 10,1868. l.OC.-l I, DIRECTORY —r Cortland Post 1 Offloe. i arvi, X»ll 1 AIIKH HufTalo, Albany, Syracuao and Narttwm Way, at . ' . . I - (troton, at i. - . . \ • • (iliac*, at . . . . ' . - . J - Norwich nmi IMtcher. Monday.' Wed- nesday ami Krlday, at i_ ' Norwich and Piteher, Tu**day, Thaw- day and Saturday, at - -i Now York, Boston anil Southern, Way, at '.,«,' Syracuse, through mall, at -, !>:.•«) A. M. 8:*> " 4:00 P. M. • AIM CLO»l through Hall North, at - southern Way, and N*w York ana Boa- ton, at - - i-i- '• Ithaca, at i - (iroton, at L • Norwich aud_Pltcher, Monday, Wed- &0O P. M. 6:00 " »:10 1*00 A, I,:» neadM and Friday, at NotrWteft and Pitcher, Tueeday. thur*. day and Saturday, at Virgil, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Syracuse Way Mali it Office op*afromv.i ay.rromlilf.tol* fcJ» •' Hi'. " u I-, " W " tio r. M. m " Oal KiltfW P. M W4 tJiwfta, P, u. - Time Table. 7Vul/w JMM tfcrfaaaal WoMon a* follows; 1**4*111 rVel l»:M A. M. sLfc 7:«0 P. M. B:*» ll:»A. •soger, moving south, Ight, i '• Paaaanaar, " north, Freight, " » l\tutnger train* on the Sri* Hallway leave Ring- hmmton as follow*'; P " f T - r ^ ItaaTWARP-At 8:40 A. M.,7:01 A. »t, »4» P. M., 8sW P. at, 10:18 P. M. W-aarwamD—At 8:01 A, M\,*:W Aj M., 6:11 A. If., ]fc I0>, M., 1:» P. V., 4:» P. M„8lsTP. M. Pattnger trains on the Sei» Yet* antral Railway Itaot Syracuse asfvttowe : KAHTWABI. At 1:03 A M, 4:W A. M., 7: IS A. M., 10:» A. M.,fcBOP.If.-, 4:00 P. M., 8 r * P . M. W«tTWAm> -Direct Road-At 1 * * A. M.,B:10 A. *., p^iofeoW' *" fcW P •' *"* ' : Ansnra »»l At *4S A. Mi, li«t) P. M,, ":*1 P. M. Sunday morulas-, at 0:IS A. H. Takes effect Mon|ay, Sept. W, liM. t -.' Churohoa. 1-ns-mv IIHUK -. ,V. tr. Baton. Pastor south corner of church and Railroad streets. Harrlaaa e»«rT 8u«- day at It A, M. and TV P. M Itirmt .1. )f«**•», Paator—-north corner of Churth and Hallroad •treat*, Serrleoa uvory Sunday at II ! INir mo.JU.IBT J.'M. Atutin, I'Mtor corner of Chnn-h Services on ttrw second and A. kf. and 1H T. 'IMUt, and Kim streets. ear fourth Holidays ICrisoorai, VMI> each month. "Or!', street, a raw steps east of Mnlu street tl> aid* of Court strMt. ftervlces Msr on church street. ...... .—. u .. ..rlrkChurch Surf Icea arery Sanday at 11 A. M. and Vi,t.M. I'ITIIIIUO A T. MeljtugM". Pastor onu mil* east of Main street, on tho road from'Mill street to Port Watson street. Serf lc«* every olliur wmik, . , Hotels. 'J SrxHMT'a Korai. ft J. 8ptrry} Pmprliitur. Adjoin- ing Court House, Court atr*et. Msssasniaa llqiiM- : )fM. S. (toptimtj, Proprietor. .strvets. •oprletor. Oruer Corner of Mala and Port Wats CoRTumo Hooan-^. DautUr, of Main and OortUnd. atreeta. -|«<S4 r-aacMM . 1 raj ';' | * laodges. I '..HTI.I.NOVIU.« Lonia, No. 470, P. and A. M. Meet Ings on thl 1st, »d. and 8th Tuesdays uf oavh mouth, frfHlga room oppoidtu Cortland H*use. Coimaim Rorat Atatm Caatraa. No. I'M, F. and A. M. Meetings . u the *l and 1th Wedne ' each month, todg* room opposll I.INOOLN l.i.iHia, No. 110, t. O. Of O Friday evening of each weak. iVgruo moot lugs on th» Wednesday evening ftjllowlnglhe last meet- ing la each month. Initiations every week. Lodga room over J. 9- Squlrce' storo. VIIIIMO ataw'a O M M u a AsaooiaTjoH.- Meeting* on Monday efenlng of every week, In the rooms occu-. pled by the. I.lncoiii Lodsa Oooi Tamplara, oyer Miliilru-i 1 slur*. HOMKB Awoptt.-The Winter term of Cortland Academy, Homer, N. Y., will opon on December 1*1,1888. u..' OHIO. OR KJIADFPRD^M. D., Pres, HKMAN H. HANFOHO, A, H.. Principal. LIBWHIA AND SAXT RivuR.—The Cortlahct Tktnotrat la cXceaglvoly chagrftiod at tho re- mit of tlie election; It don't like the Repub- lican gains In this county*; but endeavors to ronocal lis bad humor, and to claim consola- tion t'nim burlesque merry-making. Luit woek's Issue contalucd an account Uluslritted liy cuts, of a voyage supposed, to be mado by the Radicals of this county to Liberia. So far as wo know, tho Republican. party has prayed that Its destination mlttbt be any- where if itf Its journey or voyage It could he aocompanled by Grant, peabe ami Kberiy— provided, always, that said dostlnatlon was *»*t "Salt River.'.' According to the Democrat the Republicans fcave gone to "Liberia," but' iirnimpitnliid by lovn, light and liberty ; nod According to the STANDARD, the Dcmocrnts have gone up "Salt River," in, the company of sin, selfishness and slavery. I s 4» itoAttii ot OaatVAseaRS.—The Board of Supervisors of Cortland county met at ilm County Clerk's oftlco to-day as a Board of Canvassers, and organised by electing M. V A N H O M B N Chairman, the County Cterk acting as Clerk ol Urn Board. The.town of Virgil not having elected a Supervisor—the vote belntf a tie—the Board seleoWd U. M. PHIOK to act as'such. The followrng getttlemen compose the Hoard;— /' ' - (SiiftnruthUr-Monroo E. Smith. CuHUtiutnUf'-8simiel K. Welch. '•'« ;//.•)•• A U).Y,A!l(l<!|- I t l l l l l l - . AV«/o»n~-Hlram ITAII. Harford— Samuel H. Stool. Ihmtr— George W. Phillips. 1/ipeer—Dann C. Squires. VanUAon—-Charles A. Ronton. f'r*4*»-xM»tthias Von Hoeson. Xeott—Isaac H. Bellows. ..Sofort—Johnson Wheeler. TbjsisVs-Oramel V. Fdrbes. I" r ''''' Trujcton—Joel McCall. Ktryfl— Ro«w«U M. Price. WUiett—Kllsha F. Nichols. *'*>».,..—* Cortlandvlll* Academy. 'The Winter term of this Institution will «:otasaonoe on Monday, Nov. B8d, and con- tinue the usual term, of thirteen weeks. . Missi CORTis and Mbs CbwtJsN having' re- signed, their places will be supplied by com- petent and experienced teachers. The following are thti names of the teach- ers and their respective departments for the term :-r Prof. J. J. PKASK, A. M., Principal. Miss 11 vrriB L. PORTBB, Preceptress. , l'rof. J. B. UARKRBSA, Assistant Principal. - Mis* MAoets UtiNTKii, M Preteptross. H MAsTTsts, Hbrs, Intermediate Dep't ". KI.I.KN DAT, Primary " " MAHIANNA RATRS, Inst'l Muslf. Miss DAY has bad large and successful ex- perience in teaching in some of our best schools, and needs but to be known to be ap- pi'wi*l«M *n<l lon-il by all. All tho other teaohors are so well and fa- vorably known that they need no word of commendation from me. f Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit Its continuance and increase, until our anticipated transfer to the Normal School building shall lake place, whteh will proba- bly be at the opening of the Spring term. We design to rosko a special effort to fit our students for desirable positions In the new building. •niirioM PKR TERM: I'rlmary Department, 9400 Intermediate " J 00 (\ni\mou English,,, ....... > .... -.• <•• 000 Higher Blwlles, (mcluding Com. Kng.). 8 00 Hook-Keeping, Ancient <K Modern Lan- e, any one, (including Com. Eng. ] .' 100 .19 00 Board in private famlHea, $9.90 to $4.60. J. J. Pauaav Teas, Coffees and Groceries, Wooden Ware, Oils, Ac,, at Cost, for the nejet Tbirty Days I The subscribers offer their entire Ktock of Goods, at Wholesale and ReUll, at Cost and under for tim m-xt thirty days, ak' they Intend removing, to Blnghainton. Deal- era, and tip public generally are Invited to call and examine, as our Steckj must be. sold to save the cost of removal. Also for sale fixtures, consulting of Coun- ters, Tea-Boxes, Scales, Weighte, Ac., rela- ting to a Tea Store. v.W)'**r1 irW-: •" <»» i DiAXns POM 1889.—Dealers supplied at New York Price, at MAMAM'a. U>w4 au^lgher.SttidiesJ Kach additional one ». instrumental Music, (extra,) •.. Sunday School Tenohera' Inatltuta. The thi«l Annual Meeting of tho Sunday School Institute for Southern Central New York, onibraclug ,t,hlrteeu counties, will bo held at Cortland, in tho new brick CburcM, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of n ?*f w r#* I^v 8 - T\- H. UgBCKmt and,C. Z. CASB, of Elmtra, are the conductor*, and Prof. DANIEL CI.AB*, of Roch«8t<>r, leader of Music. OUAH. HOPKINS, Norwich, C. N. WOODWARD, Homer, and Revs. A. WILKINS, E. C. CURTIS, and 8. P. BACON, of Cortland, form, the committee pf arrangcinents, and Dr. f.A PoiiKSftT.'a 'k. HiLi.'ahd A. 1 ii. C01.B, the reception committee. All neces- sary arrangements for tho accommodation of those attending from abroad, have been made, and everything except tho wenther promises to favor an extremely interesting session. The following is the programme for the en- tire session:— , ' TUESDAY, 17th. [HDMAM s EVKNINO.—Singing, Blblo reading and prayer. 7:00 to 7:1*0; Address of Welcome, Rev. K. C. Curtis, [M. K. | Cortland, 7:80 to 7:80; Reply, Rev. Edward Taylor, [Cong.] Blnghamton, 7:80 to7:40; Singing, 7:40 to 7:48; Address; Rev. Dr. Nlles, [Pres.] Cor- ning, N. Y., 7i4oto8:V!| Singing, ftlS to 8:30; Preliminary Instruction, Messrs. Case and Beechor, 8:30 to 8:00. WEDNESDAY, 18th. MORNING.—Devotional Exercises, 9:00 to 930 ;•' Essay, Relation Of Pastor and Snitday School, Rev. J. N. Folwell, [Bap.] Ithaca, 0:20 to 9:50; Discussion and Criticism; 9:80 to 10:06 ; Kiri-ss ami Singing, 10:05 to 10:18; Kmuty—1*eaelieix' Meetings, Mr. Boecher, 10:18 to 10:85 ; Questions and Remarks, 10:85 to 10:50; Essay—How to get hold of young Q )le in Sunday School, Rev. Geo. Porter, iford, 10.00 to 11:15; Review, by* Mr. Case, 11:15 to 11:40; Question Box, Mr. Beeclicr, 11:40 to 12:00. ASTERNOON.—Singing and Prayer, 2:00 to %10; Model Lesson for Bible Class—John IV. 46413,2:10 to &0O; Reoess and Singing; 8:00 to 8:10; Essay, Rev. Dr. Holbronk, [Cong.] Homer, 8:10 to 8:80; Crlttolsm, 8:80 to 8:40; Keview and Question Box, 8:40 to 4:00.. EVENING.—Singing and Prayer, 7:00 to 7:10; Short talk to Teachers, H D. Plnney, [Bai>.l Owogo, 7:10 to 7:20; Recent Travel in Holy Laud, Roy, Edward Tajrlor, 7:80 to 7:90;' rJimrfng, T:S0 to fttJOf^XPafelrl^ Class, Mr. Case, 8:00 to 8:80? Questions and Criticisms, 8:80 to 8t40s Revlow, by Mr. Bcccher. » ' THVRSDAY, 19th. * sfoRNilrii.-i-Prayer Meeting, IftOOto^BOl Essay, Rev. Dr. Bonrdmaii, [Pres.] Bingliam- ton, 9:80 to 10:00; Discussion and Criticism, 10:00 to 10;15; Recess and Singing < MbtTol Lesson for Sunday School, Mark Iv, 28-29, 10:15 to 10:45; CriUclsm and Questions, 10:45 to 11:00: Blackboard Exercises, C. N. Wood- ward, Homer, 11:00 to 11:20; Review and Question Box, 11:80 to 18:00. AFTERNOON.—Records arid Dlscipllno of Sunday Schools, Mr. Beechor, 8:00 to''8:80; Questions and General Conversation, 2:80 to. 2:45 ; Recess and Singing, 2:45 to 2:50; Es- say, Rev, A. M. Lake, [M. E,] Honicr, 3!«0 to 8:90; Orttlclsms, 8:80 to 8:80; Sunday School Prayor, Mr. Bcccher, 8:80 to 8:40; Elections and Miscellaneous Business, 8:40. EVENING.—Singing and Prayer, 7:00 to 7:10; Conference of Partners, Mr. Caso, 7:10 to 7:40; Singing; Wlmt havo you gained t Kverybody rrom ovctywhero tell, 7:40 to 8:00: Five Minute Speeches, 8:00 to 8:80; Resolutions, 8:80 to8:40; Revlew,Mr. Bcech- er, 8:40 to 9:00. OPEN SESSION.—On Friday evening next, Nov. 13th, at 1% o'clock, Mrs. 8. M. T. HEN- RY will read a poom entitled "Tho Two Cups," before the members of Lincoln Lodge No. 119,1. O. of G. T., of Cortland. All are cordially invited to attend, whether members of the Order or not. T. E. POMBRPX, W. S. - « « > « 1 . I. O. OK G. T.—At a regular session of Lin- coln Lodge No. 119,1. O. of G. T , held Fri- day evening, Nov. 6th, tho Lodge Deputy, J. W. Si'now mi 1 in IK, installed the following officers for the quarter ending January 31stp 1869, vl* :— W. C. T.- J T. Pratt. W. V. T.—Hannah Barnes. W. g.—T. E Pomeroy. W. A. S.—Mary Bradford W. T.—Minnie Brewer. W. F. 8.—Wallace Kelley. W, M.T-M. F. Cleary. \ W. G.~Rose Copeland. W. Sent.—John J, Krebs. ' W. Chap.- -N. 8. Hubbard. U .11. s. AcliMiih Gazlay. L. H. S.-—Sarah E. Collins. P. W. C. T . - G . L. Waters. HKARTII AND HOME.—Tho well known firm of PETTBNGILL & Co., advertising agents, New York, are to issue on or before January noxt, the first number of a Rural and Family Paper-'to be published thereaf- ter Weekly, and to be devoted to all that per- tains to Country Llfo In its broadest sonse.' It will not bo partisan or sectarian. It will be called "Hearth and Home," and will be under the general Editorial charge of Mr. DONALD G. MITCHELI,; while Its Homo and Fireside Departments will bo subject to tho supervision of Mrs. HARRIET BEBCHBH S row K, who will alto contribute regularly to ev- ery nutnber. A large corps of associate Editors, of high reputation in their special departments, has been enlisted In support of this enterprise 1 and no labor or expense will bo spared to make our paper in subject matter as Well illustration- 1 —worthy of a place m every household in the land. sfjSs*-, , surrogated Court. met OHM A. p. SMITH, MultimoA IK. COT. 80.—In the matter of the estate of Hiram Botts, of Homer, deceased. Petition of executor for final settlement filed and ci- tations Issued returnable Nov. Kith, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. ,*<| In the matter of the estate of Edgar R. Stcdman,. of Freetown,, deceased. Petition for lettera.of administration, ana bond and' oath of office filed, and letters issued to Fran- ces W. Stcilniun, of Freetown, unit I,union Bishop, of. CgrtlandvlUe. . ., • Nov. 4.—fn the niatter of" the 1 'estate of Li- nus Cogswell, of Homer, deceased. Petition for letters of administration, and. bond and oath of office Hied, and letters Issued to Eli- za T. Cogswell, of Homer. ' '/,•' Nov. 5.—In the matter of the last will and testament of Hannah Halt, or Cortlandvilto, deceased. Testimony taken three'days on tho question of sanity of the testatrix, and! adjourned until Dec. 10, at 10 A. M. In the matter of the guardianship of Min- nie M. Alger, Mittlo II. Alger and Hatlle Al- ger, of Cortlandvllle, minors. Petitions, bonds and oaths of office tiled, and letters of guardianship issued to Annette A. Alger, of Cortlandvllle: In the matter of the estate of Bnrrill B. Locke, of Homer, deceased. Pet I lion of Ju- Ha E Locke, with bond ' and' oath of office tiled., and letters of administration issued to ^.Whitman A. Locke, of Otsejlc. In the matter of the estate of James Cam, of Freetown, deceased. Petition of Sarah Cain, with bond and oath of office filed, and letters of administration igg,,^ to philander Underwood, of Freetown. t 8& .Jfov.6.—In the matter of the estate of Ja- cob B. Alvord, of Homer, deceased. Inven- tory flterV " : I AiU)A n i Ititl i;n| Nov. 7.—In the matter of guardlanahlp of Albert W. Bowdish and AUnli t». Bowdish, minors. Bonds of guardian filed, and. letters of guardianship issued to Rev. A. C. Bow- dish, of Marathon. i) , /, ••I.H..I' »*»sll W— SKI.I.ING o»F AT COW.—To make room for holiday goods we now offer our stock of drugs, terMiy paper, envelope*, and general stationery, toys arid fancy goods at cost. Call at Apothecary's Half and examine for yourselves, .. 18 T. O. POMMBOY. 8 ' * i B I <>• ^»i THOSE beautiful Black Alpacas, are well worthy yourattenUon.^TAHNMB BBQJHKBS ln«,eMoor*Blook.. ••'• 18 The Messenger Bank ruptoy Caflio In the last week's STANDARD IS an artlclo under this head, containing'some very ap- propriate remarks. The figures are substan- tially as reported by the officers having tho matter In charge, but the writer appears to speak somewhat Ironically in alluding to the financial condition of tho sous. They may be dolbg " a flourishing business;" but thoao win; are acquainted With their business qual- ifications may well Judge as to tho probabili- ty of tholr havjug acquired much capital. Had MESSENGER, Immediately upon his failure, said to his friends, " I have been un- fortunate ; I have wronged you, and am no longer worthv of your confidence; lake what I have, «s tho law prescribes, and con- fide its disposition to men of your own selec- tion, without regard to my cholco," arid had bis subsequent conduct accorded with this proposition, he might have come out with a comparatively clear record. Tbereare some facts in.the case Which It behooves those who are most interested to in- vestigate. It Is shown that he lias, within the last two years, received not less than 9600,000 or 9706,000, in deposits and in bonds, for the purpose of conversion or eafe keeping; he has each year reported a very large income aye I and made oath to the same; he has voluntarily asserted, up to tho time of the failure, that he Wits prospering finely; and he has, subsequently to that ovent, publicly declared that ho had not sunk money in stocks, or made hazardous invest- ments ; and though this declaration, without corroborative testimony, is entitled to Httlo credit, it shows, at least, that lie had not then In mind these.worthless assets which if In existence, were as palpably worthless then as now—many of them not worth the paper upon which they wore executed. It Is for us to Judge whether In making these and tho additional statement that he " could more than meet his liabilities," lie, In tho confusion of the moment, spoke what ho believed to bo true; or whether ho intend- ed to deceive in order to allay the tumult and stave off legal'proceedings until ho could perfect his arrangements. ; 1 Although his hooks may bavo boon kept, us is reported, unlike those of an experienced banker, It clearly appears that he has received much more than ho has, (o us/ satisfactorily accounted for. As philosophers we do not believe in tho annihilation pf matter. These large amounts have boon placed In his hands,and have been either legitimately invested, or foolishly squandered, or lost, or are yot somewhere, and it would seem that the books, if •tcctirate ly kept, should show at what dates these sev- oral banks woro denuded of deposits, when those bonds woro converted ; and also when, how, and at what dates all this money was appropriated. Now tins is what wo have a right to cm quire after—what we havo a right to know,; and It Is tho duty of tho assignees, in looking after the Interest of tho creditors, to ascertain these facts, and to satisfy us, If possible, whether our funds were invested In this val- ueless paper, or whether a largo portion of these assets cost little or nothing, and now only appear to satisfy tho inquisitivcncss of tho law. Wo harbor no malice toward MESSENGER—we car© nothing about him farther than that Justice bo dono his creditors so tar as there exists the wherewith to ac- complish it, and also that unqualified Justice bo meted to him. However interest may prompt mon to speak or to retrain from speaking, there can be no differenco of opinion as to tho appro- priation of tho bonds—that it was a flagrant wrong—a violation of law and equity. Tho poor follow who commits a petit lar- ceny is hunted down by the beagles of Jus- tice—Cn's DENNETT and Tin SMITH wero " sent up," and that Justly, for crimes of which they woro convicted—and if MESSEN- GER has also committed crimes, it is but Just that they bo ferreted out, that his tracks be uncovered, and that he, without fear or favor, ho made to share the fate of other criminals. Nothing moro la demanded—nothing less should satisfy right-minded mon who regard tho supremacy of those laws of which wo boast, as doing equal Justice between man and man, and showing no respect ol persons. CREDITOR. The Mothotllst Sheds. MB. KINNEY :—As you havo In your paper referred to and condemned the location of the sheds ot the M. E. Church, I think the citi- zens to whom you refer should understand the reasons why the trustees of tho Church havo located them where they are. When the Society hought.Mr. CARMICIIAUI.'H house for the use of the Minister, they decided to arrange and improve tho sheds as they aro now doing. Subsequently ono or two of the citizens, with tho trustees of tho Corporation, pro- posed to give the Society land in the rear of tho Normal School building for the uso of the sheds.' Tho trustees of, tho Church, and the Socloty, woro willing to have them re- moved, but upon examination It was evident there was not room for them, unless a small strip of land could be secured from Mr. MURPHY'S and Judge STEPHENS' lots. Mr. M. refused to sell any land, arid the Judge asked 9600, which was more than the trus- tees were willing to pay. 1 was appointed by the trustees of tho Church to carry out the plan proposed by them and the trustees of the Corporation. I have done all, and the best I could to ac- complish the desired object, and having tailed, ih9 trustees of the Society decided to carry out their original plan, believing it to be the very, best thing that could he done for tho improvement of the Church parsonage and premises generally ; and Wo think that the present arrangement will be a'decided Improvement upon' the ..original location when the sheds are clapboardod, painted and fixed up In good style. Mr. W a c o x , the State architect, after looking the ground all over with mo, advised me to locate them where we have, unless ground could be secured In the rear of the Normal School building. Tho Methodist Society are as anxious as any of our citizens to have tho sheds located in the right place, and everything about tho premises' corres- pond with their beautiful Church, and I am confident when wo complete our improve- ments, that the citizens of Cortland will con- clude that there are greater nuisances In our beautiful village than the Methodist sheds. ARNOLD STANFORD. MuaicAJU—Instruction given on tho piano and guitar by Miss J. E. SHKUWOOD, who, as graduate of the New York Conservatory' of Music, and pupil of tho well.known com- poser and teaohor, I. N. PATTJSON, oilers ad- vantages seldom enjoyed by those desiring a knowledge of music. Enquire at MAIIAN'S bopk and mnsj^ store..., I ; ,, ! ! • ii, Ww8 >»>*•»— •• _••• ..... NEW GOODSOKHAP !• -8TURI-HVANT, TIOUD & Co. are daily receiving large quantities of dry goods just purchased in New York for rath at the recent VfeetYho in price*. They would especially call the attention of cash buyers to their Immense stock of cloths, cas- *lmere*, and goods for gentlemen's wear. Also ladles* dress goods, among which are black aud fancy dress silks, merinos, Em- press cloths, and many novelties In the way of fashionable and seasonable dress goods and^ dress trimming*, shawls, carpets, oil c.olhs, nilrrors curtain goods, Ac. Good 4-4 brown shootings 18}^ cents pe* yd., and many Other goods In proportion. Small profits and quick returns; one price and no deviation; ;••', . .. •. ••»« i- Try a pair of Harris Seamless Kid Gloves. You will like them. Item* Solomon advises the sluggard to go to" thn ant; but the shiftless In our day generally go to their " uncle." ri;r 1:111.1.1 M 1 V. NA8BY will lecture before the Young Men's Debating Club of Cortland, at Mcssonger Hall, on tho 14th of December next. Subject—" Cussed be Cauaan." LYMAN E. WARREN, Esq., has formed a law co-partnership with GEO. B, JONES, Esq. —office oyer DICKINSON & MOGRAW'S Shoo Storo. Willett, tho only town from which wo had not-hoard at the time of last week's Issue, gives a Democratic, majority of 18—making the Republican majority in tho county 1,981. Mr. T. EDWABDS has lately refitted bis Daguerrenn rooms in a handsome maimer— ro papering and generally rejuvenating them; and ho proposes to execute work in all branches of Photographing in as' handsome and satisfactory a manner. ' ' A friend ot ours, who, by the way, Is an Irishman, informs ItB of a fact, which he con- siders so unusual and wonderful as to be worthy of publication, which"Is this: 'i'Mt in ono field h> recently saw Jive Irishmen at work, all of whom he knows to be mei of tho Cortland Lodge of Good and therefore total abstinence men Messrs. S. BREWER and WH. WINTER are making arrangements to build a skating rink at some convenient location, for the en- joyment of our Citizens during the coming winter; In Case they meet with proper en- couragement, and we loam they are receive Ing it, the rink will bo built. A number Of children from tho HowaM Mission of Now York city, under the charge of Rev.. J. D. FOOTS, wero at the Baptist Church In this village on Sunday last, tor the purpose of obtaining homes, for the children, ami contributions for that Institution. Mr. P00TB expjaljned the object, and tho result was about 970 In money, and a large num- ber ol barrels and boxes of potatoes, apples, and other eatables, and cloths, clothing, &C-, which wore forwordod to Now York. Mossrs. JAS. SUGGBTT, H. SPENCEN, B. T. RiaiDiw and C. N. WOODWARD, oaon adopted a child, all of them being bright and intelligent. . A General Torm of tho Supreme Court commences at Blnghamton noxt Tuesday. The adjourned term of the September County Court and Court of Sessions com- menced yesterday at tho Court House. Wo should judge by the great amount of rain which has fallen during tho week past, that Hie equinoctial storm has made a mis- take in the month, ' Correspondence. WILLETT, Nov. 7,1868, EDITOR STANDARD :—Dear Str:—In com- pliance with your request "that I should In- form you from week to week of the current news and doings of the people in Willett and. vicinity," I have to say that the Hon. Aii'rmm HOLMES addressed a Republican meeting In this town on Monday evening, November 2, in which the political Issues of the day wore discussed in a manner highly oroditablo to the speaker and at the same time entirely satisfactory to nil Republican hearers. In fact it was the best speech we havo listened to during the campaign. Tho election pass- ed off very quietly with us, resulting in a majority of twelve or thirteen for SEYMOPR and HopfrMAN—that being about tho usual Democratic majority in tliis town. Undoubt- edly this majority would have been reduced woro it not a fact that tho Democrats are so well whipped into the traces that they duro not bolt. On Wednesday evening, Nov. 4th, Rev. A. F. BROWN united in tho bonds of holy wedlock CHAIU.K8 D. FIAN and IRENE COB, of this town. There woro between fortj»ftud fifty'invited guests at the wedding, which passed olf In groat eelnt, and all unite lu say- ing they had a good time. Long may the happy couplo live m tho enjoyment of per- fect domestic felicity, and may the shadow of tho UUiputuiH bride never bo less. May she lie blessed with Finns sufficient to enable her to atom' any and v all of llfo's currents. God bless CHARLEY and his bride, and may others follow tho worthy c.xamplQ thus set until old maids aro as scarce in Wlllolt as truly repentant robels ore in Dixie. «t On Friday, Nov. 6th, JOBIIUA P. BLISS and EDWARD HARVEY, residents of tills town, met before PETER EATON, Jr., Esq., for tho purpose of adjusting, by a suit at lawv a mat- ter in difference which had arisen between thorn. The counsel in the caso were M. E, liURMNGAME, of this town, for the plaintiff, and AI.VIHUS FRY, Esor, for the defendant By a persistent and determined effort on the part of the counsel, tho parties canto to a set- tlement, tho defendant paying to the plain- tiff the sum of %\f>. The Misses DREW, Into of Smyrna, Che- nango county, havo just opened 11 milliner shop over the storo of DYER & Niciioi-a, and without doubt tho ladies of Willott and vi- cinity can obtain all articles in the line of millinery goods at a liberal discount compar- ed with the prices in other towjis.. They havo a fine assortment of all qualities of (foods in their lino, therefore nil can be suited. In somo future letter 1 will endeavor to glvo you a bettor description of Willett and Its inhabitants than you can obtain of office seekers and mercantile drummers. In the meantime, will keep you posted in regard to all tho newsworthy of repetition. In conclusion I would observe, Hnrrnh for GRANT and COLPAX. Yours, truly, , B, Tun largest and licst assortment of custom- made boots and shoes can bo found at nl6w4 FITZGERALD, RIOB & PUMDY'S. t ''— ..*»».».!•:—- '-jB LY—At MILLS & WAIIRRN'S, receiving the best assorted d winter goods ever offered to tho public in this place. Do. not bo do- colvcd, but go there boforo making winter purchases. 17 . » • » " ' — THE plana for Empress Cloths, Merinos, Alpacas, Poplin Alpacas, and all kinds ol dress goods, is at MILLS <& WABBKN'S. 17 RESIDENTS VOR SALS.—A desirable House and Lot for sale, situated on Mill street. In Cortland Vfltago. Inquire of the under- signed , )n the promises. 018 HAKVBY SPKNCBR. KENT & SPERRY have a full line of Over- coats, very cheap. •:• iii nil FARM KOR ISALB.—Situated two miles from Cortland Villago, and one mile from Port Watson, containing, ono hundred acres, formerly owned by Ellsha Salisbury. For fur I her particulars, ini[ 11 in :ol'l he owner 011 tho premises. , F. C. Ciunv 1:1.1.. nl5-8t Wmw 1 16w4 ,-.SM I slippers at . ** *».•*••• ZORUAM>,HtCK&PlllU>Y'rl. DON'T fail to secure thoso bargains In Irish Poplin and Black Silks, at TANNER BROTH- ERS, in tho Moo/o Block. 18 FOR SAtsl.—Wouse and lot on North Church street, finely located, buildings new, twelve bearing fruit trees, &c„ Ac For fui^ titer Information inquire onUhe premises of nlM CHAS. H. JONKB. SHIRTS and Drawers, Gloves and Mittens, at MILLS ^^WARREN'S. 17 EvERYTirttro in the line of leather, tools, and findings, can he found at 16w4 FITZOKHAT.D, RICE & PURDY'S. ' *4£ YHLVETS, satins, and ribbons, of tho most fashtonablo Styles, tit Mrs. L. BENEDICT'S. FORTY Bone Corsets, and best Hoop Skirts at TANNER BROTHERS, in the Moore Block. THOSB NWe Tricots, in Blacks, Dahlias, Blues and Browns, at TANNER BROTHER'S, aro tho cheaipest goods In market. Call and see them, inihe Moore Blook, " ' 18 Harris Seamless glovo now in use. them. III I g*B DIED. Kid Glovo is the best Mil|s & Warren have STFLSON—In this villa cej of consumption, on the 98rd tilt., Mr. E IWAIGI SIII.SON, aged 29 years. Ho was greatly esteemed. , . New Advertisements. FEACE, PEACE. ': in ISM ;, P EACE I* now declared, lint It Is not all uiilot at tho Mlltliujry establishment «f H €LK4UWOO» 6c 4.UUVKK Located In tlio Helicrmorhoi 11 Block, (over Mills A Warren'*,) They are prepared to aeU goods of every variety and quality, by the lartfo or small piece. > BONN-ETS Ot the most exquisite little atoms, or those of large magnitude, aoeordtng to tlm wishes of customers. Their stock la compTeto, oimslsllug of All the latest NOtBLTIESinfllUPEor SHADE, I^ELVETS* LATINS, tfM RII*»<*JtM to match In 1 M MRS. h. BlniEDICT, at Iter millinery rooms in tho Schertncrhom Blook, has added the business of dress making, and having pro- cured competent and skillful assistance, is prepared to do work In "V manner hot to bo excelled by any establishment in Central NowTdrk.'-.VSho is fully supplied with cloak, sacque, and Indies' and children's dress pat- terns, of any desired style. In short, aiming to please customers, all Work will bo execu- ted thoroughly and satisfactorily. REMBMUBM that TANNER BROTHERS have removed to the Mooro Block, on the west side of Main St., where you oan find tho best assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods over before bfoucht Into-this market/ 18 ...—»••«,»-,, - FURS I Pens. 11—STURTRVANT, DOWD & Co. have Just, received a largo assortment.of ladles' and gentlemen's turs, of all qualities, from common to very fine, all of which thoy propose to sill for cimh, a little less than the sumo quality run be had in this or adjoining counties. Please give us a call. 16tf GRAND OPPORTUNITY—For persons wish- ing to buy Cloths, Cassimere's, Beavers, Doo- skins, is new preseuted at MILLS & WAR- REN'S, and any one looking to their own in- terest will not pass them by when looking for these goods. 17 -at MILLS & 17 GAY PLAIDS—a largo varloty- WAURBN'S. GREAT REVOLUTION IN PRICES !—DANZI- GEU & Buo. sell overcoats cheaper than any other clothing house, in Cortland county. ('all at their storo located on Main street, flmt door north of Masonic Hall, Cortland village. •« 14tf . «••'« ' .• 8nKKTiNOS h Shirtings, Bleached Goods, Tickings, Denims, Prints, Delaines, Bate, Ac, at MILLS & WARREN'S. 17 THOSE woven Tuck Skirts at MILLS & WARREN'S, are getting a largo reputation. 17 GLOVE-FITTING Corsets ot MILLS & WAR- REN'S. 17 If you Vfhnt anything .portaining to tho dry goods trade at tho lowest cash price, just call o,» Hi.AKvicii & SUMNKK'S, where you will find a ftill assortment and more daily. In such varieties they are iiulewrllwlile. oy aro Call and examine f&r yoqraeWc pleased, ' ' >' ' Nov. 9,1888.; •'. vou oro dure to be QUPRKME COURT-.©OUKM} pjr OOOTUHD.-WIU p Ham It. Hkldiiiiire v*. Manna Jmio Skldmor*. summon* for relief. To Marti* Jan*ttkldraoro,de- viant:—You are hereby summoned to aiiswor tho ddq Mco or; . »eri ndVUlagel Cortland County, " '* of this si -.>y auiampi. complaint of Wlllism ii. Hkhlmohi, plaint Iff, 98, ., your answor 011 tlio subscribers at tholr olllcu. In Cortland Village, Cortland County, N. complaint or William II. Hkldmore. plaintiff, a copy of which was plod In tlio office of tlio Clerk of Cort- land county, on tho llh day of November, 1888, and to sorvo a copy of your answer on tho subscribers V., within" twenty dayi after tlie te rvlce •-- • • "**•- day of service, ot Ttheijellof demanded it WATERS A WATKHH. sun 1111 in», uM-.liislvo of tlio day of service, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court forth!)irelief demanded hi the ltt-w7 U ' rUuntlo"* Attorneys, Cortland, N. V. A Book of Surpassing Interest. 5.O0O SOLD IN (TWENTY DAYS. AGWT8 WAHTKD. HORACE 'QBimEY'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. " Beoolleotions of a Busy Life." A N elegant octavo volume.* superb specimen of typography. Illustrated with tho bcsl stoel por- trait of Mr. Oreeloy ever published, and with various Ka Tli arriving n8 if you want any of the genuine Harris Cassimcres, call at SLAFTBR « SUMMER'S. 8 Tun Grecian lkiul Skirt can at Mm.i.H & WARREN'S. now be had 17 When the PLANTATION BITTERS were first made known to the American people some seren yean ago, it was supposed they were an entirely new thing, and had never boforo been used. 80 far as their gonoral use in the United States is concerned, this may bo true. It is also trim that tho sumo Bitters wore made and sold In tho Island of St. Thomas, over forty years ago, as auy old planter, mer- chant or sea captain doing business with the Went Indie* will tell you. It is distinctly within my recollection that on the return Of my father (who was a sea captain, and doing an extensive trade in tho tropics,) he would Invariably have the Bitters among the ship's stores, and our family sideboard was never without them. Kor any sickness, It matters not.how severe or trifling, the decanter of these Bitters, by a different name, was also resorted to as a sovereign remedy. MAGNOLIA WATKR.—Superlor to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half tho price. nlliyl CLAIRVOYANT .EXAMINATIONS F B B B I—Dr. BUTTBRMELD has visited Cortland for the last four years and has treated successfully over a thousand coses of chronic dlseoso. His success is based on a knowledge of the causes of disease by clairvoyant sight, on 11 life-long study of the constitution of man, the philosophy of tlie various forms of dis- ease and treatment on natural and physio- logical principles. This course of treatment will cure any chronic disease of long stand- ing, If the disease has not already sapped tlie vital organs. Wo rarely meet with a failure In disease of tho Brain, Weak Spines, Rheu- matism, Internal Ulcers, Suppressed Menses, Dropsy, Falling of the Womb, Sexual Weak- ness, Weak Lungs, Loss of voice, 8t Vitus Danco, Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Diseased Liver, Stricture, Ulceration of Bowels, Piles, Hu- mors ot the Blood, Stiff Joints, &c, &c. Dr. BUTTERFIBLD is at the Sperry House, Cortland, three days, once In two weeks. Will be there Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, Sopt 17,18 and ». - - * - i FOB BALK.—The undersigned wishes to sell his carriage and blacksmith shop, with the tools used in tho business, and also his dwelling house, located opposite the factory. All will be Bold together, or either soparate. For further particulars enquire on the prem- ises of Gw>.«OTTUtiJaAM.,,,..,, i; -.-.-., ,,ietf,, , "'' j' '•• • ,11 'I! «.,,,.•.•*• ' ' • •',' 1 HOODS, Knit Shawls, Nubias, Scarfs, te fantees. Mits, Wrfstiels, Zephyrs, at MILLS & Look at thoso splendid leather Traveling Bags at KENT & SPERRY'S. nil RuuuER goods of every description, at 10w4 FITZGERALD, RICE & PURDY'S. HARRIS' Seamless Kid Gloves at MILLS & WARREN'S. 17 Don't fall to look at tho Improved Howe Sewing Machine at KENT & SPERRY'S. Tho best Is tho cheapest. 11U If you want any now styles of watered Poplins, cull at SLAFTER & SUMNER'S. n8 It Is an established fact that DANZIGER BROS, can't be beaten in soiling ready .made clothing and gents' furnishing goods. See their advertisement. 14tf ' Fon SALE.—A very desirable house and lot, in Cortland village. Tlio lot contains % acre land—-the buildings aro now, commodi- ous, and woll finished. Will bo sold cheap and on easy terms. Fmpulre of FREDERICK IVES, Ksq. 12tf •n »•« THE "NEW HOWE" MACHINE. What lias' Caused this great commotion, Like the rocking of the ocean I Why so like a bitter potion seems "The Howe" beside the rest f Only this I becauso they find It Far ahead, the rest behind it; All their caution "novor mind it" only Droves It still tho best. Beautiful In ov'ry feature. Working like a human creature— Rcasou nccrfs no other teacher only sight and common souse; Conio andaoe.tho new Invention, Causing now the wild dissension— Give it but its due attention—that shall be our recompense. ART is traced upon the treasure, GENIUS gives it life and measure, BEAUTY speaks from ov'ry portion—win- ning praises from the fair: Come, ana welcome, all who uoubt It, And we'tiahow y«u all about It, While we prove you that ^The Howe" can't .•' be beaten anywhere. 'ijhoso wishing to see this superior machine can do so by calling at KENT & SPBURY'S, n (lie Messenger Hall Block. Huy-lio other Glovo but thojlarris seam- Ladies got your Quilling and Fluting done 8d door cast Of the Cortland House, Cort- land, N. Y. r Mrs. R. M. CONNELLY. Ask for the Harris 8oomlos8 Glove. The boot assortment of Shirts, Wrappers and Drawers ever brought to Cortland, at KENT & SPBMIY'S. nil beautiful wood ongravliu/s, A book to be read with Interest by Business Mon, 'aruiers, Literary Mon, YounjfMou, Student* of the 'hues, the Women of America, Politician*, Men of tlm South, Northern Loyalists, INTKI.I.KIKN I- THINK KIW or ALL CLASSES. Extra cloth, »8W; Sheep, MOO; Half Morocco, $5; Hah* calf, to. Send for Oiroular, Exolualve Territory Olvou, SINOLR COI'IKS sont free by mall on receipt of price. J. B. FORD A CO., 104 NASSAU STRUT, iildwl Printlug-ltouae Square, New York. , __ 1 , , Photographs for the Million! MR. D. BARNUM Is prepared to take LIKENESSES In bis line style, AS CHEAP AB ANY First Class Artist. A ny Produce the Farmer has to spare Mr. Illinium will tako IN EXCHANGE FOR PICTURES. |3*~ Remember we aro up only ono (light of slalrs, in the MsiMoiii*:* 1.111.II 1 3 1 o c l t , I7w4 PORTLAND, N. Y. ARMY CLOTHING. 20 Dozen Infantry Pants, 6 " <fe Cavalry Over- ooats, 6 " Oavalry Jackets, 6 " Blouses. Also, Frook Coats, Rubber and Woolen Blankers, Together with a good assortmont of all goods usually kept In a country store, for sale on reasonable terms by tho subscriber, at his storo at Blodgett's Mills. 3. 6. TANNEIl Oct. 40.1888. Mm« Dr. Russell J. White, Analytical Physician, BK CONSULTED follows:— C AN SYRA CVSJO-KSTPIBE 88th of November, Monday, and Saturday, tho 80th of January. AT ms OFFICE AS HOUSE Saturday, the the asth of December, TVllY-PETKHH of Docombor. OORTIAND-MESSENOER day, the 80th of December. 42V *$tABA-, 81st of 1 Incumber. THON- Tuosday, tho S-.llh HOVSE-Yfeinet- VA~ RtEY //tfWmS-Tliursday, the RItfOHA»lTON~EXCIIANQEHOTEIr-VM».y, tho let of January. AVRVRft-NATIONAl Ht?7*JW^-Frtday, the 30th of January. BhSttlo—Principal Offloe, No. Ml Franklin street, t doors abovo Allen street. Those alfectod with dlaei of the Liver or Kidneys, Inflammations, Drops; Khonmatlsui, Asthma, Short nose of Bi "ty llublllty, Fit*, ST.' Vitus Appetite, Constipation, PerangOmeDtl of tho Htom Those affected with diseases of the Lungs, diseases I Liver or Kidneys, Iuflaii tnos* la, Weakness or Nervous cutty of Breathing, Dyapopsi lability, Fits, St. Vitus Di .ppetltc, Constipation, Perangtjrocnt* en, Bilious Afl'ccllons, (imvol, Scrofula, Fovur. Horns until or fill icsa or Norvir unco, Reatloness, Los* of (ten, 01IIUUB AUWUUIIB, UISTDI, nerOfnm, CUYUI. nuittn, Abscesses, Ulcers, Kunnlng from tlie Ears, Inflnniina- tlon of the Eyes, and all form* of Cataarh or any chronic or No charge I to diseases tun nyes, ana an tonus 01 i.aisarn or any or lingering complaint, are Invited to call. rgo for consultation. Especial attention paid isos of women and children. Our system of treatmont Is entirely our own, and our remedies are prepared by ourselves. n«yl X In a word, are tho best In the world, and moro widely known than any other. At wholesale by THOMSON, LANODON * Co., 881 Broadway, nttraS , j-. W«w fork. THE SATUBDAYTBVE'NO POST. This has Enlarged and Beautified. 'oldest and best of the Literary Weeklies," It 1* Gloves at Mills & War- TUIMMINUS, ornaments, ilowors and feath- ers, of all varieties, at Mrs. L. BENEDICT'S. BONNETS, hats, jockeyB, In endless profu- sion, at Mrs. Ifc.BENBDiCT's. _ COB'B Coimii BALSAM, the great popular Remedy tor Coughs, Colds, Croiip, yVliwp- Ing Cough and Consumption. Both BI*08-^ ordinary 4 03., also mammoth family bottles - for Hah* by nil druggists and dealers in medicines. Nri family should be over night without it In tho house. 4«y 1 3* tA CUBE wlH immediately . ormanently cure the most nggra vated case of ^Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Tsoui COS'S l>Yi relive and peKj "eney, Hour Btoiiiovii, v;iiiiHtiiia(ton, ana an diseases of the stomach and bowels. Physicians, cler- gymen, and all who use It, Join "> unbounded praise it» great virtues. Sold by Drug- gists OYorywlwiB. Price, $1.00. «yl -.*»~— ' ' ii(A| • 1 1 r—*— 1—•. • • . 1' HOME GYMNASIUM.—The best thifig ol tho kind In existence la BACON'S home gymnasi- um. Cheap, quickly arranged, durable, orn- amental as well as useful, it Is an article that many ought to 'possess, especially those fol- lowing sedontary occupations. By calling at this office, dm 1 can be seen and the manner of using explained. OLD ladies' caps at Mrs. T*. BENEDICT'S! recently KNI.AUOKH AMD santimD. weokly embellished With Engraving*—and Its Nov KI.KTS, STOBICS, SKBTCHBS, AC, are not surpassed. It has Just commenced two splendid Novelets— '"I'IIK QUKEM or -nut SAVAMNAII/' by Ouatave Aim-, ard; and "8T. Oaonoa AND TUB DnaooH," a Novol ot Society, by Kllaabeth Prescott, tho author of "How a -Toman Had Her Way," *c. , New Novolots will continually »uccoed each other. Atnoni "TM* FAT'K,""by"Amanda M. Douglas. TUB POST alioglvea the Oafu or run KKOLISU MAUAKIHKS. .J_ I •- A copy of thoLawoniid IlKAiiTit-ui. PiiKimiN KTKIU. ••'-'•" -^Uoa* AT 8BA V .by Woman Had tew Novo] long those already on band, or In progress, are, UK MvsTKitr ov TH« Baars," a poworftil atory by 9. Hosmvr; and "CUT ADHisfr, or, Tafc Tina or Ion K AT B»k"—engraved txmitdyfor our readers, AT A ooax roa TUB KNOKA- VINO AfcONB OP NHAiejf $1000—will be lent (post-paid) to every full (tS.80) subscriber, anS to every person sending on a club I This Is a truly boantlful engrav aw 8uB»oiB»Biw.—XAM I—New subscribers for 18(1!) will have their subscriptions dated back to Iho paper Of September 1Mb, unlll tho Urge extra edition of that date la exhausted. In that paper we commonccd two Novelet*—" Tnpi UUBBK O* Tka. SA- VANNAS," and "8T. (iXOHUX ANllTHK IIIIAUON." Tills lug! will be rirrBBN l-AVKiis In addition to the regular weekly number* tat 1890—or nearly SIXTBBN mouthr InalTl When oar extra edition^.I* *xn*»*ted, tti< name* now BiiliscrlberHftir1800 wll on our list the very week'tlnty aro received. those who tend in their name* IMearlUst berHfiirl •..axtaMM. Ill be el s entered ! ' course get the this of tr terms. TERMS. copy, (and tho large Premium Engraving) $ 2 .BO " (andouogratU) 8.00 _ ," ,...(*M on* greau) la.OO One copy each of POST and LVDY'S Km KNII, and PBB»IUMKNOIIAVIK» ......... .7...J...4.00 Tlioeelteruporaclub will alWays rocclvq* copy of tlm l'liKMiuM KNUIIAVIN.I. Mciiibnis of a cldb wishing tho Premium Engraving, must ronilt On* fjrSpccliuon coploa tent grade. , H. PETEBSON «VBO., Address, an. 3 1 f* WALNUT street, PbUi 4*1; 0R0WK rmleg far l,ltMne»s k FA1.L OAMPAI»N Revolution In Dry C6ods I AT THE ONE-PRICE : NEW CASH 8TO [IE ft ••• - >^ or B.- iVu JOiEIN-BCr'N, MASONIC HALL BLODKi, W EST BIDE MAIN 8TRKBT, COBTLA> D, N. T., where he Is dally receiving lot* of Fall and Winter G<J>ods for Ladles', Mtssea', Man and Boys' wear. All good* at hi* store will bo 80LDA8 CHEAP A8 AT ANY STORK IN OBN. TRAX, NEW YORK. The public are invitedtocall and C. ••«; ttmvn, ^NKNS. TOWK S. AND AWWadsof WHITB OPCDS,, Just received M JOJUiUON'B KKW j TORE. ShawK Cttoakings, I iM.',l.'. l- : t(!l l> (l-ITfl _ Water-Prooft, EmpreBs OlothB, , POPLINS. ALPACAS, N(HITCH PI DELAINES, &c, Jusl received at v " '' ' JOMTBIMPBHxiW CLOTHS,, CAB§I T VIEB.);s, COATj K1I8, Tailors' Trimmlngb, a roll stock JUHI received, at _. ' jomraora HBW jm*& Black and Fanoy Bilks and Sating; iBgaa, Buttons, Lao**, Traveling Bags and - Also a large lot JOHHSOH'B >BW BT0RK. PJf THR Hoop Skirt and Corset MANUFACTORY OP AARON & DUBLIN, SYRACUSE. . fllHK nndeialgned woold respectfully Inform tho la- JL die* of Hom,er and Cortland, and also vicinity, that they have opened a .) • i New Store in Homer Village, Lobkted on MAIN ST., NO. *BARBBR BLOCK, ren- ovated and rertttod the store In etagant and apleadtd style, superior to any other store In CIIIIIBIUI count v, where they will keep on band a splendid v*ri«ty of HOOP SKIRTS, of tluilr own manufacture, and the mast elegant as- sortmont of a French Ooi'setM, which will be sold at Lower jvMcei than any other Establish- ment in Central New York! They would also announcetothe ladle* of Cortland county that they have secured the services of a lady who thoroughly understands the HOOP SJvTRT BUSINESS and will wait with pleasure on their cuatonters. Every Skirt Warranted to Last Twlqo as Long as any other In Market. If any Skirt purchased at their store JBREAK8 WITHIN ONK YEAR, THEY'LL BE CHEERFULLY REPAIRED, arid NO CHARGES MADE. HOOPTKIRTS MADE TO ORDER, FITTED, and SA TISFA CTION U UAR- ANTEED. Old Skirts Repaired, Altered, as New, and tar REMEMBER THE PLAOB,- IVo. « B a r b e r I31«i>ck;. AARON * DCtBLfN. Homer, October 88. 1868. nl6m6 Great Reduction in Prices! IIHE WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE OF DANZIGER BROS., SYRACUSE, Would respectfully Inform the people of CORTLAND COUNTY AND VI- CINITY, That they have o|i«ned a Branch Stor« Located First door north of the Masonio Hall, Main Street, Where thoy offer for sale a good assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING! And a line selection of GENTS' Furnishing Croods, AT LOWER PRICES Th/tn any otf^erlSlitfMttthment in the Coyintyf All their friend*, and th6 public generally, are W vltadtoeall at their *lor* *nd *xamlaa th*Hr •look before parchaalug eltewhere, Mid •, be convinced. '•.!; inivkiq nftt .|. ,U.) ««»,IH s«i,i Retail at Wb*>le- rf.'f sale Frlce*. OortUnd, Oct.«, 18M. DANZIGBR * BROS, liaat v *>t."« jiiL AND. TO ALt WAJTOG FABM& ; NEW SBTTLKMBNT^o^ V1NELAND. A Rare Opportunity in the best MarM and mottd. HoAf/W and heathy OUmatein the ffnSmToSL TMrly MUeeSoulh of Philadelphia, on a RlnlroaX> Mnga Rich NuUanahighlylwottuctiv* BTtaa/Xand' among the best in the OOraen State of New Jersey. ' It consist* of B0 «qu*r« ratio* Of GOOD land, divi- ded Into n,r„„ 0 f ,Hffor<-ill SIKUS to tnit tho purchaser —ruoa so Acnirs AND urwaitDS. tmdtf ANDTBRM8. Tim land is sold at the rate of **S ' r ai-ro lor the farm bud payable onofourth cash, andtbe lialauec by half.yeariy Installments, with legal Inftrtist, within upwSds year *' u p 0 n flU ' a " , ^ * ">"* M<1 by one liundroiUud nfiy feet doop, at f ISOto$»00- tho balance wilhln a year. twenty acre*, «r mora, that Ji 10 iruM etl ? c C,!'[ ,n ''*.»>"<* ft°«» on the rail- «f«. '•W* out with (In* and spsclotis avenue*, with pavable one-half cash and II It Is only upon farm* ortw. four year*' lime Is given. * town la the cantor. liiHttiK It*! - v THE 8qiL . -it.rr a Rtm.Ci.aY LOAM, suitable for /W<ito*»-H|lso a dark and rich *•»- -corn; swoet potatoo*, tobaooo, com; swoet potatoo*, crfpi . - _cn *s urabes, I to iho^iidolphla^Sid'lJew York nd< be no mistake, aivtsttonican examine both. and«onu -~ • • » • a s i ~ m n v | a* i • " • " ' i r v«*l( ' a'lliuill' IMJIII, n u l l l l l ' l i v as* cjpoctod to buy before so doing, aadlndlna the** •tatomebts correct—under those clrcunutaoo**, ««• test these statement* were correct there uouU be no vet ... statement* vmrconvct there voulst be no vte in their being made. It I* considered Tun BUST Km IT Son. IN IIIK tl rSee Reports of Solon Roblntori, Bag., of the Wow ctrk Yribuns. end of Dr. Oh**, ?• Jackson, StAto ((eulogist of Mass., which will lie finnMuil Inqotrer*.] Yorl THE MARKETS. i(5w in tht I •'«(/)», andliss ill n New York and Philadelphia By looking over the mi_ that It enjoys the best man rectcommunication-with 1... ticlce a day, being only thirty tieo miles from tho lat- tar. I'ntiluee Inl!ils market brings double the price that tt'dooa In locations distant from the elites. In this location It can bo put Into market tho sauio day It Is gathered, and for what the farmer sells be get* the highest pneo; whilst groceries and other article* he purchases he gets at Iho lOwost prlco, In Iho Wost, what he sells brings htm a pittance, but for what he buys ho pays two prices. In locating hero the tattler haa many other ''N' 1 •• i v-"^- He ADVANTAOKH. la within a fow hours,, by railroad, groat cities of New Rnatland and the Middle I all tho . States, near his old friends and associate*. Ho has schools for his children, dlviue service, and ail the advantage* of civilization, and. he Is near a larg* city. THE CLIMATE . / . ; i delightful; tho winters bolng salubrious and opea, hllst tho auminora arena wanner than In tho North, 'he location Is upon the line ot latitude with North- ru Virginia. / , ( T III J' .--u Ps-RSONS WANTlNd A ClIANOK OV Cl.lMATB FOR IKAI.TH, would lie much Itenentted In Viuolaml. The mlldnes*. of the climate and ils bracing Infiuonco flow*, dyemfr-' make It excellent for all pulmonary affet Ha, and general tlebilily. Visitors will notice a enco In a few day*. I Chills atldferenare unknown OoHVBNiBMoaa AT HAVO. Building material Is plenty. Fish and Oysters are plentiful and cheap. WHY ran Paormfr HAS HOTIIKKVHSTTI.SU llxrona. 'I'lils question the reader itsl trails **ka. II It be- cause It lias been hold In largo tract* by families not disposed to sell, and being without railroad facilities, tbey had few InducojneiiTs. The railroad haa boon -tllm opened through the property but* abort tin for In thorough Investigation, Visitors aro slmwn over lite land lu a carrii of expens*, ami afforded Hunt and opporta age, flrco mity for Those vho come with a rtdw to settle, should bring money to secure their purchases, as location* art not hHd upon refusal. POPULATION! In the Autumn of 1H01, the population of Vim-land consisted ol" lour ranitltce. It now (t«r») consists of ten thousand thriving and Industrious people. The town plot In the cantor ha* a population of three thousand iieopl* Vlnolahdwtllns people by 1878. Improvement* aro going on In all d roctlons. Now buildings, stores and mamifactorio. aro bolng erected, and now farms aud orchards clear- ed and planted. |( PRB8BNT 1MPKOVEMRNT8. pi e a population of twonty thonraud Improvement* aro going no In all di- Upon the Vlnoland tract aro eighteen public schools and three prlvato seminaries. Tlie Methodist Confer- ence t* I HI IM" ding at I he prosentilrooone of tho largest seminaries lu the United Ruttcs. The building will lie 14* that long, 6fl feet wide, and four stories high. There aro CHURCHES, eonslslldgol Methodist. ProsbyUtrlan, Baptist, Epis- copal. Unitarian and other denominations —Masonic and Oddfellow ordors. a Lyceum, Public Library, and various socletlos for Intellectual Improvement. PUBLIC ADORNMENTS. . . i the flrst place in the world i oral system of public adornment has beeu adop All tlie roads are planted with shade tree*, and roadsldos seeded to grass. Th* houses sot luck from ,,,.,. ,,..., ..... ---(king lied. Vlnoland ulii-udy one of the the country i beautiful placet in MEASWRES TO INSURE TnR PUBLIC WEL KAHK. Vlneland Is the first settlement In the world where decided inoasures have been adopted to **curo the Intorost* of tho actual settler against the speculator. Nit piopiuiv sold but iipnii ilm oxpres«ooudltloii the neighboring property. enco Is oo-operatlvo In Its character.' irovlslon overy |iart of the country Is Improved. T#e inprovomeut of one property enliaucos the value of ••-''• rn this respect the liiflu. iracter. Tblt provlt- lon acooiint*. to a great extent, for the remarkable succoss of Vlnitlsnu, and Iho prosjKirit.v ot the place. THE TEMPERANCE PRINCIPLE. Ernry year It laiiibtultMd to a vote of the pcoplo whuiher any tavern slull lie licensed to sell liquor. The llconse hat nevet boon carried, and no liquor is sold In Vluitltiiiil. At the last election tliere w*t not one vole cast In favor of liquor rolling, a thing that haa never probably occurred bo/ore. This IK a great protection to families, and to the Industrious habits of the new settler. TO »lAM.»-A|.«.|.|iHK The town affords a nno ojieiilng for various raanu> fiietmlug businesses, being near 1'hlladelphltj and the surrounding country has a laive population which affords a good market This settlement I* now one of tho most beautiful places In the country, and moat agreeable for a rati- donee. It it Intended to make It a OTUUT AND VIN* growing country, as this culture is- the mott proflta bio and tho best adapted to tho mar" Itl pros; The hard times throughout thocounir; arket. Kvory ad- eiici- fur aeltlors will be Introdu- (try will be an ml pels poopletoro- •ile and the best adapted to II.e .. igo and convenlei... ced which wilt Insure the prosiiorlly of the place. o iHtm vantage to the settlemonl. as II com sort to agriculture for a living, In settling In this locality tlio settlor ItlllV Hie si-lllff liliSH-lfi-s 11ll- advantage of lieing noiir his fHcm|t and old assocla- tlnns, Instead of going thousands of miles Into a far- off wilderness. Into which the necessaries of clvlll/a- ilini have not been InfrtHluced, and where, In case of slckuett »hd mlsfiii Hunt, It It almost lmposslhl* to obtain tho assistance of friends. This Is within a few hour* of New England and tlie Middle Hlfiien. At any moment a dav or inoro can be spent in Now York, Boston, Philadelphia or vicinity, In the traiw- action of business or visiting friends, at but Httlo ex- pense, and without neglect of biislnea*. It Is In a ttlod country, whore no danger or rlBk Is incurred, liero Is no great expenditure* of money required before II can be made to pay, as Is usually the case. Another Important consideration Is It* HEALTH. Tho tattler here incurs no danger of losing Ins f«ui liy by those dreadful fever* whTcli, In tome places, sel 'I'll are at regular nml periodical as the aeatona, and rears to become what Is tormod eccll. jeuerally atn loss. of<one-lhlrd,of a family tillllcll, HUH.II] which requlro years to become what Is tormod eccll- S auti-ally atn loss, orone-lhlrd of a family 10 women and children. (Irion hosltb Is an essi-ii'tlnl thing Ip die pioiiiuitie cultivation of a him, and tlicricnest soil In 1)ie world may yield very poor- ly If the ft i Her I* unable to expend spoil It hit labor on account of his shivering with the aguo, or if com- pelled to take trade at a heavy charge for Ills grain, lit ic all the evidences of refinement and cultivation are at band. It la not necessary to ride fifty inllet lo li, or«r a rough road aud through a wilder nest i-oimiiy i norato tlie wlntorttmid- -tneyar**h«/t and open. The seasons coumvonce veiy i »t|v. In April the plowing Is tlnlthcd (n-equenliycamnieii< in March) and the seed is In. eneltig o flour mill, or«r a ruugli road aud through ye* WHAT VISITORS WILL SEE. The visitor will tee a* good crops growing In Vine- see anywhere I* (he rulon, noi tj.vpi Ing the West, lite soil It highly productive. land as he will see any where I dreds of farmt are uuder cultivation, hundreds of orchard* aud vineyards In bearing. not oxAVipu llt/t. Ilu Ho will a lli- cai be driven through a bundled utiles of farmt, or rat upon the Vlneland tract, and beauty aud Improvement not excell- The undersigned furnishes cartla- chards and vlnoy behold a scene of od In the Union. get to those who come to look on the laud, free of *x,- penso. A tpade alway t accompshlos the carriage aud overy opportunity Is given for examination. The now land Is easily cleared, and theflrstCrop of swept potatoes will pay for the cost and the clear! "opt( doiii whoat and grass. What has boon dono can In- done. All the beautiful hornet In Vlneland havo been taken nW <-et potatoes will pay for the cost and the clearing of tho land, after which It will produce large crops of t boeo dono can be •inelionl havo been in tlie new land by tile hand of Industry and pa- tience. There aro hundreds of settlers In Vlneland, who camq thcr* with from two to Ave hundred dol- lars, that are now worth thousands. These men, however, are not Idlor* Or »pocnl*tor*, but men of industry. Intelligence, patience and nerve. . Large numbers of people are purcliatlng, and ueo pic who desire the heat location should visit the placo III •nice. , Improved land It also for sale. TIM11KR LAND can be koagbt. with or without timber- the timber at market valuation. THE TITLE. The tldoU Indisputable. Warrantee dooda given, cloar of all Incumbrances, when the money Is paid. Boarding conveniences at hand.. Letters promptly answered, and Reports of Solon Robinson sud Dr. Chas. T, Jackson t*nt, togother with tho "Vlneland Rural.". Persons before VIsitlngtAe plao* had better write, us full infoimillion will lie s«M relative to the route, end i.i her p.nllctilaiv, which will bo found In the pa- pers tent. Address, CHA8. K. 1/ANHIS, Proprietor, i,If, Vlneland P. O.. Now Jersoy. fcimrns «fc Van Buskirk, House Painters, ORAIWER8, ArohiteoturQ) i ,:,. i i.Ooiorists. I »JIini. mixed. ^t<> :, ^r JPerton* u>(*hmg ontuTNB Jin*iclEfi i* the line of color* *»» depend oh our ewperiencex. Shop'iii May- 6f, Spen<Mey' 8 &****• nM Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of t , RIOB & PUMDY'S. 21/Cortland NY... · 2013-08-24 · E. C. CURTIS, and 8. P. BACON, of Cortland,...

Page 1: t , RIOB & PUMDY'S. 21/Cortland NY... · 2013-08-24 · E. C. CURTIS, and 8. P. BACON, of Cortland, form, the committee pf arrangcinents, and Dr. f.A PoiiKSftT.'a'k. HiLi.'ahd A.1

CORTLAND STANDARD Cortland, Tuesday, ^ov. 10,1868.

l.OC.-l I, D I R E C T O R Y —r

Cortland Post1 Offloe. • i

arvi, X » l l 1 AIIKH HufTalo, Albany, Syracuao and Narttwm

Way, at . ' . . I -(troton, at i. - . . \ • • (iliac*, at . . . . ' . - . J -Norwich nmi IMtcher. Monday.' Wed­

nesday ami Krlday, at i_ ' Norwich and Piteher, Tu**day, Thaw-

day and Saturday, at - • -i Now York, Boston anil Southern, Way,

at ' . , « , ' Syracuse, through mall, at • -, • • •

!>:.•«) A. M. 8:*> " 4:00 P. M.

• A I M CLO»l

through Hall North, at - • southern Way, and N*w York ana Boa-

ton, at • - - i - i - ' • Ithaca, at i -(iroton, at L • Norwich aud_Pltcher, Monday, Wed-

&0O P. M.

6:00 "


1*00 A,


neadM and Friday, at NotrWteft and Pitcher, Tueeday. thur*.

day and Saturday, at Virgil, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,

Syracuse Way Mali i t Office op*a from v.i

a y . r r o m l i l f . t o l *

fcJ» •' H i ' . " u I-, "

W " t i o r. M. m "

Oal KiltfW P. M

W4 tJiwfta, P, u. - •

Time Table. 7Vul/w JMM tfcrfaaaal WoMon a* follows;


rVel l»:M A. M.

sLfc 7:«0 P. M.

B:*» l l : » A .

•soger, moving south, Ight, i '•

Paaaanaar, " north, Freight, " »

l\tutnger train* on the Sri* Hallway leave Ring-hmmton as follow*'; P " f T - r ^ ItaaTWARP-At 8:40 A. M.,7:01 A. »t , » 4 » P. M., 8sW

P. at, 10:18 P. M. W-aarwamD—At 8:01 A, M\,*:W Aj M., 6:11 A. If., ]fc

I0>, M., 1:» P. V., 4:» P. M„8lsTP. M. Pattnger trains on the Sei» Yet* antral Railway

Itaot Syracuse asfvttowe : KAHTWABI. At 1:03 A M, 4:W A. M., 7: IS A. M., 10:»

A. M., fcBOP. If.-, 4:00 P. M., 8r*P. M. W«tTWAm> -Direct Road-At 1 * * A. M.,B:10 A. * . ,

p^iofeoW' • *" fcW P • •' *"* ' :

Ansnra » » l At *4S A. Mi, li«t) P. M,, ":*1 P. M. Sunday morulas-, at 0:IS A. H. Takes effect Mon|ay, Sept. W, liM.

t • - . ' •

Churohoa. 1-ns-mv IIHUK -. ,V. tr. Baton. Pastor south corner of

church and Railroad streets. Harrlaaa e»«rT 8u«-day at It A, M. and TV P. M

I t i r m t .1. )f«**•», Paator—-north corner of Churth and Hallroad •treat*, Serrleoa uvory Sunday at II

! INir mo.JU.IBT J.'M. Atutin, I'Mtor corner of Chnn-h Services on ttrw second and

A. kf. and 1H T. 'IMUt,

and Kim streets. ear fourth Holidays

ICrisoorai, VMI> each month.

"Or!', street, a raw steps east of Mnlu street

tl> aid* of Court strMt. ftervlces

Msr on church street.

. . . . . . .—.u . . ™ ..rlrkChurch Surf Icea arery Sanday at 11 A. M. and Vi,t.M.

I'ITIIIIUO A T. MeljtugM". Pastor onu mil* east of Main street, on tho road from'Mill street to Port Watson street. Serf lc«* every olliur wmik, . ,

Hotels. 'J SrxHMT'a Korai. ft J. 8ptrry} Pmprliitur. Adjoin­

ing Court House, Court atr*et. Msssasniaa llqiiM- :)fM. S. (toptimtj, Proprietor.

.strvets. •oprletor. Oruer

Corner of Mala and Port Wats CoRTumo Hooan-^. DautUr,

of Main and OortUnd. atreeta. -|«<S4 r-aacMM . 1 raj ';' | *

laodges. I '..HTI.I.NOVIU.« Lonia, No. 470, P. and A. M. Meet

Ings on thl 1st, »d. and 8th Tuesdays uf oavh mouth, frfHlga room oppoidtu Cortland H*use. Coimaim Rorat Atatm Caatraa. No. I'M, F. and A. M. Meetings . u the *l and 1th Wedne ' each month, todg* room opposll

I.INOOLN l.i.iHia, No. 110, t. O. Of O Friday evening of each weak. iVgruo moot lugs on th» Wednesday evening ftjllowlnglhe last meet­ing la each month. Initiations every week. Lodga room over J. 9- Squlrce' storo.

VIIIIMO ataw'a O M M u a AsaooiaTjoH.- Meeting* on Monday efenlng of every week, In the rooms occu-. pled by the. I.lncoiii Lodsa Oooi Tamplara, oyer Miliilru-i1 slur*.

HOMKB A w o p t t . - T h e Winter term of Cortland Academy, Homer, N. Y., will opon on December 1*1,1888. u..'


LIBWHIA A N D S A X T RivuR.—The Cortlahct Tktnotrat la cXceaglvoly chagrftiod at tho re­mit of tlie election; It don't like the Repub­lican gains In this county*; but endeavors to

ronocal lis bad humor, and to claim consola­tion t'nim burlesque merry-making. Luit woek's Issue contalucd an account Uluslritted liy cuts, of a voyage supposed, to be mado by the Radicals of this county to Liberia. So far as wo know, tho Republican. party has prayed that Its destination mlttbt be any­where if itf Its journey or voyage It could he aocompanled by Grant, peabe ami Kberiy— provided, always, that said dostlnatlon was *»*t "Salt River.'.' According to the Democrat the Republicans fcave gone to "Liberia," but' iirnimpitnliid by lovn, light and liberty ; nod According to the S T A N D A R D , the Dcmocrnts have gone up "Salt River," in, the company of sin, selfishness and slavery.

• I s 4» itoAttii o t OaatVAseaRS.—The Board of

Supervisors of Cortland county met at ilm County Clerk's oftlco to-day as a Board of Canvassers, and organised by electing M. V A N H O M B N Chairman, the County Cterk acting as Clerk ol Urn Board.

The.town of Virgil not having elected a Supervisor—the vote belntf a tie—the Board seleoWd U. M. PHIOK to act as'such.

The followrng getttlemen compose the

Hoard;— / ' ' -(SiiftnruthUr-Monroo E. Smith. CuHUtiutnUf'-8simiel K. Welch. '•'« ;//.•)•• A U).Y,A!l(l<!|- I t l l l l l l - . AV«/o»n~-Hlram ITAII. Harford— Samuel H. Stool. Ihmtr— George W. Phillips. 1/ipeer—Dann C. Squires. VanUAon—-Charles A. Ronton. f'r*4*»-xM»tthias Von Hoeson. Xeott—Isaac H. Bellows.

..Sofort—Johnson Wheeler. TbjsisVs-Oramel V. Fdrbes. I " r ' ' ' ' ' Trujcton—Joel McCall. Ktryfl— Ro«w«U M. Price. WUiett— Kllsha F. Nichols.

*'*>».,..—* Cort landvl l l* A c a d e m y .

'The Winter term of this Institution will «:otasaonoe on Monday, Nov. B8d, and con­tinue the usual term, of thirteen weeks. .

Missi CORTis and Mbs CbwtJsN having' re­signed, their places will be supplied by com­petent and experienced teachers.

The following are thti names of the teach­ers and their respective departments for the term :-r

Prof. J. J. PKASK, A. M., Principal. Miss 11 vrriB L. PORTBB, Preceptress. , l'rof. J. B. UARKRBSA, Assistant Principal.

- Mis* MAoets UtiNTKii, • M Preteptross. H MAsTTsts, Hbrs, Intermediate D e p ' t ". KI.I.KN D A T , Primary " " MAHIANNA RATRS, Inst'l Muslf.

Miss D A Y has bad large and successful ex­perience in teaching in some of our best schools, and needs but to be known to be ap-pi'wi*l«M *n<l lon-il by all.

A l l tho other teaohors are so well and fa­vorably known that they need no word of commendation from me. f

Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit Its continuance and increase, until our anticipated transfer to the Normal School building shall lake place, whteh will proba­bly be at the opening of the Spring term.

„ W e design to rosko a special effort to fit our students for desirable positions In the new building.

• n i i r i o M PKR T E R M : I'rlmary Department, 9400 Intermediate " J 00

• (\ni\mou English,,, . . . . . . . > . . . . - . • <•• • 000 Higher Blwlles, (mcluding Com. Kng.). 8 00 Hook-Keeping, Ancient <K Modern Lan-

e, any one, (including Com. Eng. ]

.' 100

.19 00 Board in private famlHea, $9.90 to $4.60.

J. J. Pauaav

Teas, Coffees and Groceries, Wooden Ware, Oils, Ac,, at Cost, for the nejet Tbirty Days I The subscribers offer their entire Ktock of Goods, at Wholesale and ReUll, at Cost and under for tim m-xt thirty days, ak' they Intend removing, to Blnghainton. Deal-era, and tip public generally are Invited to call and examine, as our Steckj must be. sold to save the cost of removal.

Also for sale fixtures, consulting of Coun­ters, Tea-Boxes, Scales, Weighte, Ac., rela­ting to a Tea Store. v.W)'**r1 irW-:

• " < » » i

DiAXns POM 1889.—Dealers supplied at New York Price, at MAMAM'a. U>w4

au^lgher.SttidiesJ Kach additional one ». instrumental Music, (extra,)

•.. •

S u n d a y S c h o o l Tenohera ' Inat l tuta . The thi«l Annual Meeting of tho Sunday

School Institute for Southern Central New York, onibraclug ,t,hlrteeu counties, will bo held at Cortland, in tho new brick CburcM, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of n?*f w r # * I^v8- T\- H. UgBCKmt and,C. Z. CASB, of Elmtra, are the conductor*, and Prof. DANIEL CI.AB*, of Roch«8t<>r, leader of Music. OUAH. HOPKINS, Norwich, C. N. WOODWARD, Homer, and Revs. A. WILKINS, E. C. CURTIS, and 8. P. BACON, of Cortland, form, the committee pf arrangcinents, and Dr. f.A PoiiKSftT.'a'k. HiLi.'ahd A.1 ii. C01.B, the reception committee. All neces­sary arrangements for tho accommodation of those attending from abroad, have been made, and everything except tho wenther promises to favor an extremely interesting session. The following is the programme for the en­tire session:— , '

TUESDAY, 17th. [HDMAM s EVKNINO.—Singing, Blblo reading and

prayer. 7:00 to 7:1*0; Address of Welcome, Rev. K. C. Curtis, [M. K. | Cortland, 7:80 to 7:80; Reply, Rev. Edward Taylor, [Cong.] Blnghamton, 7:80 to7:40; Singing, 7:40 to 7:48; Address; Rev. Dr. Nlles, [Pres.] Cor­ning, N. Y., 7i4oto8:V!| Singing, ftlS to 8:30; Preliminary Instruction, Messrs. Case and Beechor, 8:30 to 8:00.

WEDNESDAY, 18th. MORNING.—Devotional Exercises, 9:00 to

930 ;•' Essay, Relation Of Pastor and Snitday School, Rev. J. N. Folwell, [Bap.] Ithaca, 0:20 to 9:50; Discussion and Criticism; 9:80 to 10:06 ; Kiri-ss ami Singing, 10:05 to 10:18; Kmuty—1*eaelieix' Meetings, Mr. Boecher, 10:18 to 10:85 ; Questions and Remarks, 10:85 to 10:50; Essay—How to get hold of young

Q)le in Sunday School, Rev. Geo. Porter, iford, 10.00 to 11:15; Review, by* Mr.

Case, 11:15 to 11:40; Question Box, Mr. Beeclicr, 11:40 to 12:00.

ASTERNOON.—Singing and Prayer, 2:00 to %10; Model Lesson for Bible Class—John IV. 46413,2:10 to &0O; Reoess and Singing; 8:00 to 8:10; Essay, Rev. Dr. Holbronk, [Cong.] Homer, 8:10 to 8:80; Crlttolsm, 8:80 to 8:40; Keview and Question Box, 8:40 to 4:00..

EVENING.—Singing and Prayer, 7:00 to 7:10; Short talk to Teachers, H D. Plnney, [Bai>.l Owogo, 7:10 to 7:20; Recent Travel in Holy Laud, Roy, Edward Tajrlor, 7:80 to 7:90;' rJimrfng, T:S0 to fttJOf^XPafelrl^ Class, Mr. Case, 8:00 to 8:80? Questions and Criticisms, 8:80 to 8t40s Revlow, by Mr. Bcccher. » ' THVRSDAY, 19th. * sfoRNilrii.-i-Prayer Meeting, IftOOto^BOl

Essay, Rev. Dr. Bonrdmaii, [Pres.] Bingliam-ton, 9:80 to 10:00; Discussion and Criticism, 10:00 to 10;15; Recess and Singing < MbtTol Lesson for Sunday School, Mark Iv, 28-29, 10:15 to 10:45; CriUclsm and Questions, 10:45 to 11:00: Blackboard Exercises, C. N. Wood­ward, Homer, 11:00 to 11:20; Review and Question Box, 11:80 to 18:00.

AFTERNOON.—Records arid Dlscipllno of Sunday Schools, Mr. Beechor, 8:00 to''8:80; Questions and General Conversation, 2:80 to. 2:45 ; Recess and Singing, 2:45 to 2:50; Es­say, Rev, A. M. Lake, [M. E,] Honicr, 3!«0 to 8:90; Orttlclsms, 8:80 to 8:80; Sunday School Prayor, Mr. Bcccher, 8:80 to 8:40; Elections and Miscellaneous Business, 8:40.

EVENING.—Singing and Prayer, 7:00 to 7:10; Conference of Partners, Mr. Caso, 7:10 to 7:40; Singing; Wlmt havo you gained t Kverybody rrom ovctywhero tell, 7:40 to 8:00: Five Minute Speeches, 8:00 to 8:80; Resolutions, 8:80 to8:40; Revlew,Mr. Bcech-er, 8:40 to 9:00.

OPEN SESSION.—On Friday evening next, Nov. 13th, at 1% o'clock, Mrs. 8. M. T. HEN­RY will read a poom entitled "Tho Two Cups," before the members of Lincoln Lodge No. 119,1. O. of G. T., of Cortland. All are cordially invited to attend, whether members of the Order or not.

T. E. POMBRPX, W. S. - « • « > « — 1 — .

I. O. OK G. T.—At a regular session of Lin­coln Lodge No. 119,1. O. of G. T , held Fri­day evening, Nov. 6th, tho Lodge Deputy, J. W. Si'now mi 1 in IK, installed the following officers for the quarter ending January 31stp 1869, vl* :—

W. C. T.- J T. Pratt. W. V. T.—Hannah Barnes. W. g.—T. E Pomeroy. W. A. S.—Mary Bradford W. T.—Minnie Brewer. W. F. 8.—Wallace Kelley. W, M . T - M . F. Cleary. \ W. G.~Rose Copeland. W. Sent.—John J, Krebs. ' W. Chap.- -N. 8. Hubbard. U .11. s. AcliMiih Gazlay. L. H. S.-—Sarah E. Collins. P. W. C. T . - G . L. Waters.

HKARTII AND HOME.—Tho well known firm of PETTBNGILL & Co., advertising agents, New York, are to issue on or before January noxt, the first number of a Rural and Family Paper-'to be published thereaf­ter Weekly, and to be devoted to all that per­tains to Country Llfo In its broadest sonse.'

It will not bo partisan or sectarian. It will be called "Hearth and Home," and

will be under the general Editorial charge of Mr. DONALD G. MITCHELI,; while Its Homo and Fireside Departments will bo subject to tho supervision of Mrs. HARRIET BEBCHBH S row K, who will alto contribute regularly to ev­ery nutnber.

A large corps of associate Editors, of high reputation in their special departments, has been enlisted In support of this enterprise 1 and no labor or expense will bo spared to make our paper in subject matter as Well f» illustration-1—worthy of a place m every household in the land.

sfjSs*-, , s u r r o g a t e d C o u r t .

met OHM A. p. SMITH, M ultimo A IK. COT. 80.—In the matter of the estate of

Hiram Botts, of Homer, deceased. Petition of executor for final settlement filed and ci­tations Issued returnable Nov. Kith, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. , * < |

In the matter of the estate of Edgar R. Stcdman,. of Freetown,, deceased. Petition for lettera.of administration, ana bond and' oath of office filed, and letters issued to Fran­ces W. Stcilniun, of Freetown, unit I,union Bishop, of. CgrtlandvlUe. . ., •

Nov. 4.—fn the niatter of" the1'estate of Li­nus Cogswell, of Homer, deceased. Petition for letters of administration, and. bond and oath of office Hied, and letters Issued to Eli­za T. Cogswell, of Homer. ' '/,•'

Nov. 5.—In the matter of the last will and testament of Hannah Halt, or Cortlandvilto, deceased. Testimony taken three'days on tho question of sanity of the testatrix, and! adjourned until Dec. 10, at 10 A. M.

In the matter of the guardianship of Min­nie M. Alger, Mittlo II. Alger and Hatlle Al­ger, of Cortlandvllle, minors. Petitions, bonds and oaths of office tiled, and letters of guardianship issued to Annette A. Alger, of Cortlandvllle:

In the matter of the estate of Bnrrill B. Locke, of Homer, deceased. Pet I lion of Ju-Ha E Locke, with bond ' and' oath of office tiled., and letters of administration issued to

^.Whitman A. Locke, of Otsejlc. In the matter of the estate of James Cam,

of Freetown, deceased. Petition of Sarah Cain, with bond and oath of office filed, and letters of administration igg,,^ to philander Underwood, of Freetown. t 8&

.Jfov.6.—In the matter of the estate of Ja­cob B. Alvord, of Homer, deceased. Inven­tory flterV " : I AiU)A n i Ititl i ; n |

Nov. 7.—In the matter of guardlanahlp of Albert W. Bowdish and AUnli t». Bowdish, minors. Bonds of guardian filed, and. letters of guardianship issued to Rev. A. C. Bow­dish, of Marathon.

i) , /, ••I.H..I' » * » s l l W—

SKI.I.ING o»F A T COW.—To make room for holiday goods w e n o w offer our stock o f drugs, terMiy paper, envelope*, and general stationery, toys arid fancy goods at cost.

Call at Apothecary's Half and examine for yourselves, . . 18 T. O. POMMBOY.

• 8 ' * i B I <>• »i THOSE beautiful Black Alpacas, are well

worthy yourattenUon.^TAHNMB BBQJHKBS ln«,eMoor*Blook.. ••'• 18

T h e M e s s e n g e r B a n k ruptoy Caflio In the last week's STANDARD IS an artlclo

under this head, containing'some very ap­propriate remarks. The figures are substan­tially as reported by the officers having tho matter In charge, but the writer appears to speak somewhat Ironically in alluding to the financial condition of tho sous. They may be dolbg " a flourishing business;" but thoao win; are acquainted With their business qual­ifications may well Judge as to tho probabili­ty of tholr havjug acquired much capital.

Had MESSENGER, Immediately upon his failure, said to his friends, " I have been un­fortunate ; I have wronged you, and am no longer worthv of your confidence; lake what I have, «s tho law prescribes, and con­fide its disposition to men of your own selec­tion, without regard to my cholco," arid had bis subsequent conduct accorded with this proposition, he might have come out with a comparatively clear record.

Tbereare some facts in.the case Which It behooves those who are most interested to in­vestigate. It Is shown that he lias, within the last two years, received not less than 9600,000 or 9706,000, in deposits and in bonds, for the purpose of conversion or eafe keeping; he has each year reported a very large income aye I and made oath to the same; he has voluntarily asserted, up to tho time of the failure, that he Wits prospering finely; and he has, subsequently to that ovent, publicly declared that ho had not sunk money in stocks, or made hazardous invest­ments ; and though this declaration, without corroborative testimony, is entitled to Httlo credit, it shows, at least, that lie had not then In mind these.worthless assets which if In existence, were as palpably worthless then as now—many of them not worth the paper upon which they wore executed.

It Is for us to Judge whether In making these and tho additional statement that he " could more than meet his liabilities," lie, In tho confusion of the moment, spoke what ho believed to bo true; or whether ho intend­ed to deceive in order to allay the tumult and stave off legal'proceedings until ho could perfect his arrangements. ; 1

Although his hooks may bavo boon kept, us is reported, unlike those of an experienced banker, It clearly appears that he has received much more than ho has, (o us/ satisfactorily accounted for.

As philosophers we do not believe in tho annihilation pf matter. These large amounts have boon placed In his hands,and have been either legitimately invested, or foolishly squandered, or lost, or are yot somewhere, and it would seem that the books, if •tcctirate ly kept, should show at what dates these sev-oral banks woro denuded of deposits, when those bonds woro converted ; and also when, how, and at what dates all this money was appropriated.

Now tins is what wo have a right to cm quire after—what we havo a right to know,; and It Is tho duty of tho assignees, in looking after the Interest of tho creditors, to ascertain these facts, and to satisfy us, If possible, whether our funds were invested In this val­ueless paper, or whether a largo portion of these assets cost little or nothing, and now only appear to satisfy tho inquisitivcncss of tho law. Wo harbor no malice toward MESSENGER—we car© nothing about him farther than that Justice bo dono his creditors so tar as there exists the wherewith to ac­complish it, and also that unqualified Justice bo meted to him.

However interest may prompt mon to speak or to retrain from speaking, there can be no differenco of opinion as to tho appro­priation of tho bonds—that it was a flagrant wrong—a violation of law and equity.

Tho poor follow who commits a petit lar­ceny is hunted down by the beagles of Jus­tice— Cn's DENNETT and Tin SMITH wero " sent up," and that Justly, for crimes of which they woro convicted—and if MESSEN­GER has also committed crimes, it is but Just that they bo ferreted out, that his tracks be uncovered, and that he, without fear or favor, ho made to share the fate of other criminals. Nothing moro la demanded—nothing less should satisfy right-minded mon who regard tho supremacy of those laws of which wo boast, as doing equal Justice between man and man, and showing no respect ol persons.


T h e Mothot l l s t S h e d s . MB. KINNEY :—As you havo In your paper

referred to and condemned the location of the sheds ot the M. E. Church, I think the citi­zens to whom you refer should understand the reasons why the trustees of tho Church havo located them where they are. When the Society hought.Mr. CARMICIIAUI.'H house for the use of the Minister, they decided to arrange and improve tho sheds as they aro now doing.

Subsequently ono or two of the citizens, with tho trustees of tho Corporation, pro­posed to give the Society land in the rear of tho Normal School building for the uso of the sheds.' Tho trustees of, tho Church, and the Socloty, woro willing to have them re­moved, but upon examination It was evident there was not room for them, unless a small strip of land could be secured from Mr. MURPHY'S and Judge STEPHENS' lots. Mr. M. refused to sell any land, arid the Judge asked 9600, which was more than the trus­tees were willing to pay.

1 was appointed by the trustees of tho Church to carry out the plan proposed by them and the trustees of the Corporation. I have done all, and the best I could to ac­complish the desired object, and having tailed, ih9 trustees of the Society decided to carry out their original plan, believing it to be the very, best thing that could he done for tho improvement of the Church parsonage and premises generally ; and Wo think that the present arrangement will be a'decided Improvement upon' the ..original location when the sheds are clapboardod, painted and fixed up In good style.

Mr. W a c o x , the State architect, after looking the ground all over with mo, advised me to locate them where we have, unless ground could be secured In the rear of the Normal School building. Tho Methodist Society are as anxious as any of our citizens to have tho sheds located in the right place, and everything about tho premises' corres­pond with their beautiful Church, and I am confident when wo complete our improve­ments, that the citizens of Cortland will con­clude that there are greater nuisances In our beautiful village than the Methodist sheds.


MuaicAJU—Instruction given on tho piano and guitar by Miss J. E. SHKUWOOD, who, as graduate of the New York Conservatory' of Music, and pupil of tho well.known com­poser and teaohor, I. N. PATTJSON, oilers ad­vantages seldom enjoyed by those desiring a knowledge of music. Enquire at MAIIAN'S bopk and mnsj store..., I ; ,,!! • ii, Ww8

> » > * • » — •• _••• . . . . .

N E W G O O D S O K H A P !• -8TURI-HVANT, TIOUD & Co. are daily receiving large quantities of dry goods just purchased in N e w York for rath at the recent VfeetYho in price*. They would especially call the attention of cash buyers to their Immense stock of cloths, cas-*lmere*, and goods for gentlemen's wear. Also ladles* dress goods, among which are black aud fancy dress silks, merinos, Em­press cloths, and many novelties In the way of fashionable and seasonable dress goods and^ dress trimming*, shawls, carpets, oil c.olhs, nilrrors curtain goods, Ac. Good 4-4 brown shootings 18}^ cents pe* yd., and many Other goods In proportion. Small profits and quick returns; one price and no deviation; ;••',

. . . • . • • » « i - •

Try a pair of Harris Seamless Kid Gloves. You will like them.

I t e m * Solomon advises the sluggard to go to" thn

ant; but the • shiftless In our day generally go to their " uncle."

ri;r 1:111.1.1 M 1 V. NA8BY will lecture before the Young Men's Debating Club of Cortland, at Mcssonger Hall, on tho 14th of December next. Subject—" Cussed be Cauaan."

LYMAN E. WARREN, Esq., has formed a law co-partnership with GEO. B, JONES, Esq. —office oyer DICKINSON & MOGRAW'S Shoo Storo.

Willett, tho only town from which wo had not-hoard at the time of last week's Issue, gives a Democratic, majority of 18—making the Republican majority in tho county 1,981.

Mr. T. EDWABDS has lately refitted bis Daguerrenn rooms in a handsome maimer— ro papering and generally rejuvenating them; and ho proposes to execute work in all branches of Photographing in as' handsome and satisfactory a manner. '

' A friend ot ours, who, by the way, Is an Irishman, informs ItB of a fact, which he con­siders so unusual and wonderful as to be worthy of publication, which"Is this: 'i'Mt in ono field h> recently saw Jive Irishmen at work, all of whom he knows to be mei of tho Cortland Lodge of Good and therefore total abstinence men

Messrs. S. BREWER and W H . WINTER are making arrangements to build a skating rink at some convenient location, for the en­joyment of our Citizens during the coming winter; In Case they meet with proper en­couragement, and we loam they are receive Ing it, the rink will bo built.

A number Of children from tho HowaM Mission of Now York city, under the charge of Rev.. J. D. FOOTS, wero at the Baptist Church In this village on Sunday last, tor the purpose of obtaining homes, for the children, ami contributions for that Institution. Mr. P00TB expjaljned the object, and tho result was about 970 In money, and a large num­ber ol barrels and boxes of potatoes, apples, and other eatables, and cloths, clothing, &C-, which wore forwordod to Now York. Mossrs. JAS. SUGGBTT, H. SPENCEN, B. T. RiaiDiw and C. N. WOODWARD, oaon adopted a child, all of them being bright and intelligent. .

A General Torm of tho Supreme Court commences at Blnghamton noxt Tuesday.

The adjourned term of the September County Court and Court of Sessions com­menced yesterday at tho Court House.

Wo should judge by the great amount of rain which has fallen during tho week past, that Hie equinoctial storm has made a mis­take in the month,

' C o r r e s p o n d e n c e .

W I L L E T T , Nov. 7,1868, E D I T O R S T A N D A R D :—Dear Str:—In com­

pliance with your request "that I should In­form you from week to week of the current news and doings of the people in Willett and. vicinity," I have to say that the Hon. Aii'rmm HOLMES addressed a Republican meeting In this town on Monday evening, November 2, in which the political Issues of the day wore discussed in a manner highly oroditablo to the speaker and at the same time entirely satisfactory to nil Republican hearers. In fact it was the best speech we havo listened to during the campaign. Tho election pass­ed off very quietly with us, resulting in a majority of twelve or thirteen for SEYMOPR and HopfrMAN—that being about tho usual Democratic majority in tliis town. Undoubt­edly this majority would have been reduced woro it not a fact that tho Democrats are so well whipped into the traces that they duro not bolt.

On Wednesday evening, Nov. 4th, Rev. A. F. B R O W N united in tho bonds of holy wedlock CHAIU.K8 D. F I A N and I R E N E COB, of this town. There woro between fortj»ftud fifty'invited guests at the wedding, which passed olf In groat eelnt, and all unite lu say­ing they had a good time. Long may the happy couplo live m tho enjoyment of per­fect domestic felicity, and may the shadow of tho UUiputuiH bride never bo less. May she lie blessed with Finns sufficient to enable her to atom' any andv all of llfo's currents. God bless CHARLEY and his bride, and may others follow tho worthy c.xamplQ thus set until old maids aro as scarce in Wlllolt as truly repentant robels ore in Dixie. «t

On Friday, Nov. 6th, JOBIIUA P. BLISS and E D W A R D H A R V E Y , residents of tills town, met before P E T E R EATON, Jr., Esq., for tho purpose of adjusting, by a suit at lawv a mat­ter in difference which had arisen between thorn. The counsel in the caso were M. E, liURMNGAME, of this town, for the plaintiff, and AI .VIHUS F R Y , Esor, for the defendant By a persistent and determined effort on the part of the counsel, tho parties canto to a set-tlement, tho defendant paying to the plain­tiff the sum of %\f>.

The Misses D R E W , Into of Smyrna, Che­nango county, havo just opened 11 milliner shop over the storo of D Y E R & Niciioi-a, and without doubt tho ladies of Willott and vi­cinity can obtain all articles in the line of millinery goods at a liberal discount compar­ed with the prices in other towjis.. They havo a fine assortment of all qualities of (foods in their lino, therefore nil can be suited.

In somo future letter 1 will endeavor to glvo you a bettor description of Willett and Its inhabitants than you can obtain of office seekers and mercantile drummers. In the meantime, will keep you posted in regard to all tho newsworthy of repetition.

In conclusion I would observe, Hnrrnh for G R A N T and COLPAX.

Yours, truly, , B,

Tun largest and licst assortment of custom-made boots and shoes can bo found at n l 6 w 4 FITZGERALD, R I O B & PUMDY'S.

t''— . . * » » . » . ! • : — - ' - j B

LY—At M I L L S & WAIIRRN'S , receiving the best assorted

d winter goods ever offered to tho public in this place. Do. not bo do-colvcd, but g o there boforo making winter purchases. 17

. » • » " ' — T H E plana for Empress Cloths, Merinos,

Alpacas, Poplin Alpacas, and all kinds ol dress goods, is at M I L L S <& W A B B K N ' S . 17

R E S I D E N T S VOR S A L S . — A desirable House and Lot for sale, situated on Mill street. In Cortland Vfltago. Inquire o f the under­signed , ) n the promises.

0 1 8 H A K V B Y SPKNCBR.

K E N T & S P E R R Y have a full line of Over­coats, very cheap.

•:• • i i i

n i l

FARM KOR ISALB.—Situated two miles from Cortland Villago, and one mile from Port Watson, containing, ono hundred acres, formerly owned by Ellsha Salisbury. For fur I her particulars, ini[ 11 in :ol'l he owner 011 tho premises. , F. C. Ciunv 1:1.1..


W m w 1 16w4


I slippers at . ** *». •*• •• ZORUAM>,HtCK&Pll lU>Y'rl .

D O N ' T fail to secure thoso bargains In Irish Poplin and Black Silks, at T A N N E R BROTH­ERS, in tho Moo/o Block. 18

F O R SAtsl.—Wouse and lot on North Church street, finely located, buildings new, twelve bearing fruit trees, &c„ A c For fui^ titer Information inquire onUhe premises of


SHIRTS and Drawers, Gloves and Mittens, at MILLS ^^WARREN'S. 17

EvERYTirttro in the line of leather, tools, and findings, can he found at 16w4 FITZOKHAT.D, RICE & PURDY'S.

' * 4 £ YHLVETS, satins, and ribbons, of tho most

fashtonablo Styles, tit Mrs. L. BENEDICT'S.

FORTY Bone Corsets, and best Hoop Skirts at TANNER BROTHERS, in the Moore Block.

THOSB NWe Tricots, in Blacks, Dahlias, Blues and Browns, at TANNER BROTHER'S, aro tho cheaipest goods In market. Call and see them, inihe Moore Blook, " ' 18

Harris Seamless glovo now in use. them. •


Kid Glovo is the best Mil|s & Warren have

STFLSON—In this villa cej of consumption, on the 98rd tilt., Mr. E IWAIGI SIII.SON, aged 29 years. Ho was greatly esteemed. , .

N e w Adver t i s ements .

FEACE, PEACE. ': in ISM ;,

PEACE I* now declared, lint It Is not all uiilot at tho Mlltliujry establishment «f H

€ L K 4 U W O O » 6c 4.UUVKK Located In tlio Helicrmorhoi 11 Block, (over Mills A Warren'*,) They are prepared to aeU goods of every variety and quality, by the lartfo or small piece.

> B O N N - E T S Ot the most exquisite little atoms, or those of large magnitude, aoeordtng to tlm wishes of customers. Their stock la compTeto, oimslsllug of All the latest



to match In 1


MRS. h. BlniEDICT, at Iter millinery rooms in tho Schertncrhom Blook, has added the business of dress making, and having pro­cured competent and skillful assistance, is prepared to do work In "V manner hot to bo excelled by any establishment in Central NowTdrk.'-.VSho is fully supplied with cloak, sacque, and Indies' and children's dress pat­terns, of any desired style. In short, aiming to please customers, all Work will bo execu­ted thoroughly and satisfactorily.

REMBMUBM that T A N N E R BROTHERS have removed to the Mooro Block, on the west side of Main St., where you oan find tho best assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods over before bfoucht Into-this market/ 18

. . . — » • • « , » - , , - —

F U R S I Pens. 11—STURTRVANT, DOWD & Co. have Just, received a largo assortment.of ladles' and gentlemen's turs, of all qualities, from common to very fine, all of which thoy propose to si l l for cimh, a little less than the sumo quality run be had in this or adjoining counties. Please give us a call. 16tf

G R A N D OPPORTUNITY—For persons wish­ing to buy Cloths, Cassimere's, Beavers, Doo-skins, is new preseuted at M I L L S & W A R ­REN'S, and any one looking to their own in­terest will not pass them by when looking for these goods. 17

-at MILLS & 17

GAY P L A I D S — a largo varloty-WAURBN'S .

G R E A T REVOLUTION IN P R I C E S ! — D A N Z I -GEU & Buo. sell overcoats cheaper than any other clothing house, in Cortland county. ('all at their storo located on Main street, flmt door north of Masonic Hall, Cortland village. •« 14tf

. «••'« ' • .• 8nKKTiNOSh Shirtings, Bleached Goods,

Tickings, Denims, Prints, Delaines, Bate, A c , at M I L L S & W A R R E N ' S . 17

THOSE woven Tuck Skirts at M I L L S & W A R R E N ' S , are getting a largo reputation. 17

GLOVE-FITTING Corsets ot M I L L S & W A R ­REN'S. 17

If you Vfhnt anything .portaining to tho dry goods trade at tho lowest cash price, just call o,» Hi.AKvicii & SUMNKK'S, where you will find a ftill assortment and more daily.

In such varieties they are iiulewrllwlile. oy aro Call and examine f&r yoqraeWc

pleased, ' ' >' ' Nov. 9,1888.; •'.

vou oro dure to be

QUPRKME COURT-.©OUKM} pjr OOOTUHD.-WIU p Ham It. Hkldiiiiire v*. Manna Jmio Skldmor*. summon* for relief. To Marti* Jan* ttkldraoro, de­

viant:—You are hereby summoned to aiiswor tho ddq Mco or;

. »eri ndVUlagel Cortland County,

" '* of this si

-.>y auiampi. complaint of Wlllism ii. Hkhlmohi, plaint Iff,

98, ., your answor 011 tlio subscribers at

tholr olllcu. In Cortland Village, Cortland County, N.

complaint or William II. Hkldmore. plaintiff, a copy of which was plod In tlio office of tlio Clerk of Cort­land county, on tho llh day of November, 1888, and to sorvo a copy of your answer on tho subscribers

V., within" twenty dayi after tlie te rvlce •-- • • "**•- day of service, ot

Ttheijellof demanded it WATERS A WATKHH.

sun 1111 in», uM-.liislvo of tlio day of service, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court forth!)irelief demanded hi the

ltt-w7U ' rUuntlo"* Attorneys, Cortland, N. V.

A Book of Surpassing Interest. 5.O0O SOLD IN (TWENTY D A Y S .



" Beoolleotions of a Busy Life."

AN elegant octavo volume.* superb specimen of typography. Illustrated with tho bcsl stoel por­

trait of Mr. Oreeloy ever published, and with various

Ka Tl i

arriving n8

i f you want any of the genuine Harris Cassimcres, call at S L A F T B R « SUMMER'S. 8

Tun Grecian lkiul Skirt can at Mm.i.H & WARREN'S.

now be had 17

When the PLANTATION BITTERS were first made known to the American people some seren yean ago, it was supposed they were an entirely new thing, and had never boforo been used. 80 far as their gonoral use in the United States is concerned, this may bo true. It is also trim that tho sumo Bitters wore made and sold In tho Island of St. Thomas, over forty years ago, as auy old planter, mer­chant or sea captain doing business with the Went Indie* will tell you. It is distinctly

within my recollection that on the return Of my father (who was a sea captain, and doing an extensive trade in tho tropics,) he would Invariably have the Bitters among the ship's stores, and our family sideboard was never without them. Kor any sickness, It matters not.how severe or trifling, the decanter of these Bitters, by a different name, was also resorted to as a sovereign remedy.

MAGNOLIA WATKR.—Superlor to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half tho price. nlliyl

CLAIRVOYANT .EXAMINATIONS F B B B I—Dr. BUTTBRMELD has visited Cortland for the last four years and has treated successfully over a thousand coses of chronic dlseoso. His success is based on a knowledge of the causes of disease by clairvoyant sight, on 11 life-long study of the constitution of man, the philosophy of tlie various forms of dis­ease and treatment on natural and physio­logical principles. This course of treatment will cure any chronic disease of long stand­ing, If the disease has not already sapped tlie vital organs. Wo rarely meet with a failure In disease of tho Brain, Weak Spines, Rheu­matism, Internal Ulcers, Suppressed Menses, Dropsy, Falling of the Womb, Sexual Weak­ness, Weak Lungs, Loss of voice, 8 t Vitus Danco, Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Diseased Liver, Stricture, Ulceration of Bowels, Piles, Hu­mors ot the Blood, Stiff Joints, &c, &c.

Dr. BUTTERFIBLD is at the Sperry House, Cortland, three days, once In two weeks. Will be there Thursday, Friday and Satur­day, Sopt 17,18 and » .

- • - * - • — i —

F O B BALK.—The undersigned wishes to sell his carriage and blacksmith shop, with the tools used in tho business, and also his dwelling house, located opposite the factory. Al l will be Bold together, or either soparate. For further particulars enquire on the prem­ises of Gw>.«OTTUtiJaAM.,,,..,,i;-.-.-., ,,ietf,,

, "' ' j ' ' • • • ,11 ' I ! «.,,,.•.•*• ' ' • •',' 1 HOODS, Knit Shawls, Nubias, Scarfs, te

fantees. Mits, Wrfstiels, Zephyrs, at MILLS &

Look at thoso splendid leather Traveling Bags at KENT & SPERRY'S. ni l

RuuuER goods of every description, at 10w4 FITZGERALD, RICE & PURDY'S.

HARRIS' Seamless Kid Gloves at MILLS & WARREN'S. 17

Don't fall to look at tho Improved Howe Sewing Machine at KENT & SPERRY'S. Tho best Is tho cheapest. 11U

If you want any now styles of watered Poplins, cull at SLAFTER & SUMNER'S. n8

It Is an established fact that DANZIGER BROS, can't be beaten in soiling ready .made clothing and gents' furnishing goods. See their advertisement. 14tf

' Fon SALE.—A very desirable house and lot, in Cortland village. Tlio lot contains % acre land—-the buildings aro now, commodi­ous, and woll finished. Will bo sold cheap and on easy terms. Fmpulre of FREDERICK IVES, Ksq. 12tf

•n • » • «

T H E " N E W H O W E " M A C H I N E . What lias' Caused this great commotion, Like the rocking of the ocean I

Why so like a bitter potion seems "The Howe" beside the rest f

Only this I becauso they find It Far ahead, the rest behind i t ;

All their caution "novor mind it" only Droves It still tho best. •

Beautiful In ov'ry feature. Working like a human creature—

Rcasou nccrfs no other teacher only sight and common souse;

Conio andaoe.tho new Invention, Causing now the wild dissension—

Give it but its due attention—that shall be our recompense.

ART is traced upon the treasure, GENIUS gives it life and measure,

B E A U T Y speaks from ov'ry portion—win­ning praises from the fair:

Come, ana welcome, all w h o uoubt It, And we'tiahow y«u all about It,

While we prove you that ^The Howe" can't .•' be beaten anywhere.

'ijhoso wishing to see this superior machine can do so by calling at K E N T & SPBURY'S , n (lie Messenger Hall Block.

Huy-lio other Glovo but thojlarris seam-

Ladies got your Quilling and Fluting done 8d door cast Of the Cortland House, Cort­land, N. Y. r Mrs. R. M. CONNELLY.

Ask for the Harris 8oomlos8 Glove.

The boot assortment of Shirts, Wrappers and Drawers ever brought to Cortland, at KENT & SPBMIY'S. n i l

beautiful wood ongravliu/s, A book to be read with Interest by Business Mon,

'aruiers, Literary Mon, YounjfMou, Student* of the 'hues, the Women of America, Politician*, Men of

tlm South, Northern Loyalists, INTKI.I.KIKN I- THINK KIW or ALL CLASSES.

Extra cloth, »8W; Sheep, MOO; Half Morocco, $5; Hah* calf, to.

Send for Oiroular, Exolualve Territory Olvou, SINOLR COI'IKS sont free by mall on receipt of price.


iildwl Printlug-ltouae Square, New York.

, __1 , ,

Photographs for the Million!

M R . D. B A R N U M Is prepared to take

L I K E N E S S E S In bis line style,


F i r s t C l a s s A r t i s t .

A ny Produce the Farmer has to spare

Mr. Illinium will tako IN EXCHANGE FOR PICTURES.

|3*~ Remember we aro up only ono (light of slalrs, in the

MsiMoi i i* :* 1.111.II 1 3 1 o c l t ,


ARMY CLOTHING. 20 Dozen Infantry Pants, 6 " <fe Cavalry Over-

ooats, 6 " Oavalry Jackets, 6 " Blouses.

Also, Frook Coats, Rubber and Woolen

Blankers, Together with a good assortmont of all goods usually kept In a country store, for sale on reasonable terms by tho subscriber, at his storo at Blodgett's Mills.

3. 6 . TANNEIl Oct. 40.1888. Mm«

Dr. Russell J. White, Analyt ica l Phys ic ian , BK CONSULTED

follows:— C A N

SYRA CVSJO-KSTPIBE 88th of November, Monday, and Saturday, tho 80th of January.


HOUSE Saturday, the the asth of December,

TVllY-PETKHH of Docombor.

OORTIAND-MESSENOER day, the 80th of December.

42V *$tABA-, 81st of 1 Incumber.


Tuosday, tho S-.llh


VA~ RtEY //tfWmS-Tliursday, the

RItfOHA»lTON~EXCIIANQEHOTEIr-VM».y, tho let of January.

AVRVRft-NATIONAl Ht?7*JW^-Frtday, the 30th of January.

BhSttlo—Principal Offloe, No. Ml Franklin street, t doors abovo Allen street.

Those alfectod with dlaei of the Liver or Kidneys, Inflammations, Drops; Khonmatlsui, Asthma, Short nose of Bi

"ty llublllty, Fit*, ST.' Vitus Appetite, Constipation, PerangOmeDtl of tho Htom

Those affected with diseases of the Lungs, diseases I Liver or Kidneys, Iuflaii

tnos* la, Weakness or Nervous cutty of Breathing, Dyapopsi

lability, Fits, St. Vitus Di .ppetltc, Constipation, Perangtjrocnt* en, Bilious Afl'ccllons, (imvol, Scrofula, Fovur. Horns

• until or fill icsa or Norvir

unco, Reatloness, Los* of

(ten, 01IIUUB AUWUUIIB, UISTDI, nerOfnm, C U Y U I . nuittn, Abscesses, Ulcers, Kunnlng from tlie Ears, Inflnniina-tlon of the Eyes, and all form* of Cataarh or any chronic or No charge I to diseases

tun nyes, ana an tonus 01 i.aisarn or any or lingering complaint, are Invited to call.

rgo for consultation. Especial attention paid isos of women and children. Our system of

treatmont Is entirely our own, and our remedies are prepared by ourselves. n « y l

X In a word, are tho best In the world, and moro widely known than any other.

At wholesale by THOMSON, LANODON * Co.,

881 Broadway, nttraS , j - . W«w fork.


This has

Enlarged a n d B e a u t i f i e d . 'oldest and best of the Literary Weeklies,"

It 1*

Gloves at Mills & War-

TUIMMINUS, ornaments, ilowors and feath­ers, of all varieties, at Mrs. L. BENEDICT'S.

BONNETS, hats, jockeyB, In endless profu­sion, at Mrs. Ifc.BENBDiCT's. _

COB'B Coimii BALSAM, the great popular Remedy tor Coughs, Colds, Croiip, yVliwp-Ing Cough and Consumption. Both BI*08-^ ordinary 4 03., also mammoth family bottles - for Hah* by nil druggists and dealers in medicines. Nri family should be over night without it In tho house. 4«y 1

3* tA CUBE wlH immediately

. ormanently cure the most nggra vated case of ^Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Tsoui

COS'S l>Yi relive and peKj

"eney, Hour Btoiiiovii, v;iiiiHtiiia(ton, ana an diseases of the stomach and bowels. Physicians, cler­gymen, and all who use It, Join "> unbounded praise o» it» great virtues. Sold by Drug­gists OYorywlwiB. Price, $1.00. « y l - . * » ~ — ' • ' i i ( A | • 1 1 r — * — 1—•. • • . 1 '

H O M E GYMNASIUM.—The best thifig ol tho kind In existence la BACON'S home gymnasi­um. Cheap, quickly arranged, durable, orn­amental as well as useful, it Is an article that many ought to 'possess, especially those fol­lowing sedontary occupations. By calling at this office, dm 1 can be seen and the manner of using explained.

O L D ladies' caps at Mrs. T*. BENEDICT'S!

recently KNI.AUOKH AMD s a n t i m D . weokly embellished With Engraving*—and Its Nov KI.KTS, STOBICS, SKBTCHBS, A C , are not surpassed.

It has Just commenced two splendid Novelets— '"I'IIK QUKEM o r -nut SAVAMNAII / ' by Ouatave Aim-, ard; and " 8 T . Oaonoa A N D T U B DnaooH," a Novol ot Society, by Kllaabeth Prescott, tho author of "How a -Toman Had Her Way," * c . ,

New Novolots will continually »uccoed each other. Atnoni " T M *

FAT'K,""by"Amanda M. Douglas. T U B POST a l iog lvea the Oafu o r run KKOLISU

MAUAKIHKS. . J _ I • -A copy of thoLawoniid IlKAiiTit-ui. PiiKimiN KTKIU.

• • ' - ' • " - ^ U o a * AT 8 B A V

. b y Woman Had

tew Novo] long those already on band, or In progress, are, UK MvsTKitr ov TH« Baars," a poworftil atory by 9. Hosmvr; and "CUT ADHisfr, or, Tafc Tina or

Ion K AT B»k"—engraved txmitdyfor our readers, AT A ooax roa TUB KNOKA-VINO AfcONB OP NHAiejf $1000—will be lent (post-paid) to every full (tS.80) subscriber, anS to every person sending on a club I This Is a truly boantlful engrav

aw 8uB»oiB»Biw.—XAM I—New subscribers for 18(1!) will have their subscriptions dated back to Iho paper Of September 1Mb, unlll tho Urge extra edition of that date la exhausted. In that paper we commonccd two Novelet*—" Tnpi UUBBK O* Tka. SA­VANNAS," and "8T. (iXOHUX ANllTHK IIIIAUON." Tills

l u g !

will be rirrBBN l-AVKiis In addition to the regular weekly number* tat 1890—or nearly SIXTBBN mouthr InalTl When oar extra edition^.I* *xn*»*ted, tti< name* now BiiliscrlberH ftir 1800 wll on our list the very week'tlnty aro received. those who tend in their name* IMearlUst

b e r H f i i r l •..axtaMM.

Ill be el s

entered !' course get the

this of tr terms.

T E R M S . copy, (and tho large Premium Engraving) $ 2 .BO

" (andouogratU) 8 . 0 0 _ ," ,...(*M on* greau) l a . O O One copy each of POST and LVDY'S Km KNII, and

PBB»IUMKNOIIAVIK». . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . J . . . 4 . 0 0 Tlioeelteruporaclub will alWays rocclvq* copy

of tlm l'liKMiuM KNUIIAVIN.I. Mciiibnis of a cldb wishing tho Premium Engraving, must ronilt On*

fjrSpccliuon coploa tent grade. , H. P E T E B S O N «VBO., Address,

an. 31 f* WALNUT street, PbUi 4*1;

0R0WK rmleg far l,ltMne»s


FA1.L O A M P A I » N

Revolution In Dry C6ods I AT THE ONE-PRICE :

NEW CASH 8TO [IE ft ••• - > o r

B.- iVu J O i E I N - B C r ' N , MASONIC HALL BLODKi,

WEST BIDE MAIN 8TRKBT, COBTLA> D, N. T., where he Is dally receiving lot* of

Fall and Winter G<J>ods for Ladles', Mtssea', Man and Boys' wear.

All good* at hi* store will bo 80LDA8 CHEAP A8 AT ANY STORK IN OBN.

TRAX, NEW YORK. The public are invited to call and C.

• • « ;


Just received M JOJUiUON'B KKW j TORE.

ShawK Cttoakings, I i M . ' , l . ' . l-:t(!l l> ( l - IT f l

_ Water-Prooft, EmpreBs OlothB, ,


v " '' ' JOMTBIMPBHxiW



Tai lors ' Tr immlngb , a roll stock JUHI received, at _. ' jomraora HBW jm*&

Black and Fanoy Bilks and Sating; iBgaa, Buttons, Lao**,

Traveling Bags and - Also a large lot



Hoop Skirt and Corset MANUFACTORY OP

A A R O N & D U B L I N , S Y R A C U S E . .

fllHK nndeialgned woold respectfully Inform tho la-JL die* of Hom,er and Cortland, and also vicinity, that they have opened a .) • i

New Store in Homer Village, Lobkted on MAIN ST., NO. *BARBBR BLOCK, ren­ovated and rertttod the store In etagant and apleadtd style, superior to any other store In CIIIIIBIUI count v, where they will keep on band a splendid v*ri«ty of

HOOP S K I R T S , of tluilr own manufacture, and the mast elegant as­sortmont of a

F r e n c h O o i ' s e t M , which will be sold at

Lower jvMcei than any other Establish­ment in Central New York!

They would also announce to the ladle* of Cortland county that they have secured the services of a lady who thoroughly understands the

HOOP SJvTRT BUSINESS and will wait with pleasure on their cuatonters. Every Skirt W a r r a n t e d to Las t Twlqo

a s Long a s any o t h e r In Market . If any Skirt purchased at their store JBREAK8




Old Skirts Repaired, Altered, as New,



IVo. « B a r b e r I31«i>ck;. AARON * DCtBLfN.

Homer, October 88. 1868. nl6m6

Great Reduction in Prices!




Would respectfully Inform the people of


That they have o|i«ned a

B r a n c h S t o r «


First door north of the Masonio Hall,

Main Street,

Where thoy offer for sale a good assortment of


And a line selection of


Furnishing Croods,


Th/tn any otf^erlSlitfMttthment in the


All their friend*, and th6 public generally, are W vltadtoeall at their *lor* *nd *xamlaa th*Hr

•look before parchaalug eltewhere, Mid •, be convinced.

• '•.!; i n i v k i q n f t t .|.


« « » , I H s« i , i R e t a i l at Wb*>le-

rf.'f sa le Frlce*.

OortUnd, Oct.«, 18M. DANZIGBR * BROS,


v *>t."« j i iL A N D .


N E W S B T T L K M B N T ^ o ^ V 1 N E L A N D .

A Rare Opportunity in the best MarM and mottd. HoAf/W and heathy OUmatein the ffnSmToSL TMrly MUeeSoulh of Philadelphia, on a RlnlroaX> Mnga Rich NuUanahighlylwottuctiv* BTtaa/Xand' among the best in the OOraen State of New Jersey. '

It consist* of B0 «qu*r« ratio* Of GOOD land, divi­ded Into n,r„„ 0f ,Hffor<-ill SIKUS to tnit tho purchaser —ruoa so Acnirs AND urwaitDS.

tmdtf ANDTBRM8. Tim land is sold at the rate of **S

' • •

r ai-ro lor the farm bud payable onofourth cash, andtbe lialauec by half.yeariy Installments, with legal Inftrtist, within upwSds year*' u p 0 n flU'a", ^ * ">"* M<1

by one liundroiUud nfiy feet doop, at f ISO to $»00-tho balance wilhln a year.

twenty acre*, «r mora, that

Ji10iruMet l?cC,!'[ ,n''*.»>"<* ft°«» on the rail-« f« . '•W* out with (In* and spsclotis avenue*, with

pavable one-half cash and II It Is only upon farm* ortw. four year*' lime Is given.

* town la the cantor. liiHttiK It*! -v

THE 8qiL . -it.rr a Rtm.Ci.aY LOAM, suitable for /W<ito*»-H|lso a dark and rich *•»--corn; swoet potatoo*, tobaooo, com; swoet potatoo*,

crfpi . - _cn *s urabes, I

to iho^iidolphla^Sid'lJew York nd<

be no mistake, aivtsttonican examine both. and«onu —-~ • • » • a s i ~ m n v | a * i • " • " ' i r v«*l( ' a ' l l i u i l l ' IMJIII, n u l l l l l ' l i v as* cjpoctod to buy before so doing, aadlndlna the** •tatomebts correct—under those clrcunutaoo**, ««• test these statement* were correct there uouU be no vet . . . statement* vmrconvct there voulst be no vte in their being made. It I* considered

Tun BUST Km IT Son. IN IIIK tl rSee Reports of Solon Roblntori, Bag., of the Wow ctrk Yribuns. end of Dr. Oh**, ?• Jackson, StAto

((eulogist of Mass., which will lie fin nMuil Inqotrer*.] Yorl


i(5w in tht I •'«(/)», andliss ill n New York and Philadelphia

By looking over the mi_ that It enjoys the best man rectcommunication-with 1... ticlce a day, being only thirty tieo miles from tho lat-tar. I'ntiluee Inl!ils market brings double the price that tt'dooa In locations distant from the elites. In this location It can bo put Into market tho sauio day It Is gathered, and for what the farmer sells be get* the highest pneo; whilst groceries and other article* he purchases he gets at Iho lOwost prlco, In Iho Wost, what he sells brings htm a pittance, but for what he buys ho pays two prices. In locating hero the tattler haa many other ''N'1 •• i v-"^- .»


la within a fow hours,, by railroad, groat cities of New Rnatland and the Middle I

all tho . States,

near his old friends and associate*. Ho has schools for his children, dlviue service, and ail the advantage* of civilization, and. he Is near a larg* city.

THE CLIMATE . / . ; •

i delightful; tho winters bolng salubrious and opea, hllst tho auminora arena wanner than In tho North, 'he location Is upon the line ot latitude with North-ru Virginia. / ,(T III J' .--u Ps-RSONS WANTlNd A ClIANOK OV Cl.lMATB FOR

IKAI.TH, would lie much Itenentted In Viuolaml. The mlldnes*. of the climate and ils bracing Infiuonco

flow*, dyemfr-' make It excellent for all pulmonary affet Ha, and general tlebilily. Visitors will notice a enco In a few day*. I Chills atldferenare unknown

OoHVBNiBMoaa AT HAVO. Building material Is plenty. Fish and Oysters are

plentiful and cheap. WHY ran Paormfr HAS HOTIIKKVHSTTI.SU llxrona.

'I'lils question the reader itsl trails **ka. II It be­cause It lias been hold In largo tract* by families not disposed to sell, and being without railroad facilities, tbey had few InducojneiiTs. The railroad haa boon

-tllm opened through the property but* abort tin for In

thorough Investigation,

Visitors aro slmwn over lite land lu a carrii of expens*, ami afforded Hunt and opporta

age, flrco mity for

Those vho come with a rtdw to settle, should bring money to secure their purchases, as location* art not hHd upon refusal.

POPULATION! In the Autumn of 1H01, the population of Vim-land

consisted ol" lour ranitltce. I t now (t«r») consists of ten thousand thriving and Industrious people. The town plot In the cantor ha* a population of three thousand iieopl* Vlnolahdwtllns people by 1878. Improvement* aro going on In all d roctlons. Now buildings, stores and mamifactorio. aro bolng erected, and now farms aud orchards clear­ed and planted.


pi e a population of twonty thonraud

Improvement* aro going no In all di-

Upon the Vlnoland tract aro eighteen public schools and three prlvato seminaries. Tlie Methodist Confer­ence t* I HI IM" ding at I he prosentilrooone of tho largest seminaries lu the United Ruttcs. The building will lie 14* that long, 6fl feet wide, and four stories high. There aro

CHURCHES, eonslslldgol Methodist. ProsbyUtrlan, Baptist, Epis­copal. Unitarian and other denominations —Masonic and Oddfellow ordors. a Lyceum, Public Library, and various socletlos for Intellectual Improvement.

PUBLIC ADORNMENTS. . . i the flrst place in the world i

oral system of public adornment has beeu adop All tlie roads are planted with shade tree*, and roadsldos seeded to grass. Th* houses sot luck from

, , , . , . , , . . . , . . . . . ---(king


Vlnoland ulii-udy one of the the country

i beautiful placet in


Vlneland Is the first settlement In the world where decided inoasures have been adopted to **curo the Intorost* of tho actual settler against the speculator. Nit piopiuiv l« sold but iipnii ilm oxpres«ooudltloii

the neighboring property. enco Is oo-operatlvo In Its character.'

irovlslon overy |iart of the country Is Improved. T#e inprovomeut of one property enliaucos the value of

••- ' ' • • rn this respect the liiflu. iracter. Tblt provlt-

lon acooiint*. to a great extent, for the remarkable succoss of Vlnitlsnu, and Iho prosjKirit.v ot the place.

THE TEMPERANCE PRINCIPLE. Ernry year It laiiibtultMd to a vote of the pcoplo

whuiher any tavern slull lie licensed to sell liquor. The llconse hat nevet boon carried, and no liquor is sold In Vluitltiiiil. At the last election tliere w*t not one vole cast In favor of liquor rolling, a thing that haa never probably occurred bo/ore. This IK a great protection to families, and to the Industrious habits of the new settler. •

TO » l A M . » - A | . « . | . | i H K The town affords a nno ojieiilng for various raanu>

fiietmlug businesses, being near 1'hlladelphltj and the surrounding country has a laive population which affords a good market

This settlement I* now one of tho most beautiful places In the country, and moat agreeable for a rati-donee.

It it Intended to make It a

OTUUT AND VIN* growing country, as this culture is- the mott proflta bio and tho best adapted to tho mar"

Itl pros;

The hard times throughout thocounir;

arket. Kvory ad-eiici- fur aeltlors will be Introdu-

(try will be an ml pels poople to ro-

•ile and the best adapted to II.e . . igo and convenlei...

ced which wilt Insure the prosiiorlly of the place. o iHtm

vantage to the settlemonl. as II com sort to agriculture for a living,

In settling In this locality tlio settlor I t l l l V H i e s i - l l l f f l i l i S H - l f i - s 11ll-

advantage of lieing noiir his fHcm|t and old assocla-tlnns, Instead of going thousands of miles Into a far-off wilderness. Into which the necessaries of clvlll/a-ilini have not been InfrtHluced, and where, In case of slckuett »hd mlsfiii Hunt, It It almost lmposslhl* to obtain tho assistance of friends. This Is within a few hour* of New England and tlie Middle Hlfiien.

At any moment a dav or inoro can be spent in Now York, Boston, Philadelphia or vicinity, In the traiw-action of business or visiting friends, at but Httlo ex­pense, and without neglect of biislnea*. It Is In a

ttlod country, whore no danger or rlBk Is incurred, liero Is no great expenditure* of money required

before II can be made to pay, as Is usually the case. Another Important consideration Is It*

HEALTH. Tho tattler here incurs no danger of losing Ins f«ui

liy by those dreadful fever* whTcli, In tome places,

sel ' I ' l l

are at regular nml periodical as the aeatona, and rears to become what Is tormod eccll.

jeuerally atn loss. of<one-lhlrd,of a family ti l l l lcll , HUH.II]

which requlro years to become what Is tormod eccll-

Sauti-ally atn loss, orone-lhlrd of a family 10 women and children. (Irion hosltb Is an

essi-ii'tlnl thing Ip die pioiiiuitie cultivation of a him, and tlicricnest soil In 1)ie world may yield very poor­ly If the ft i Her I* unable to expend spoil It hit labor on account of his shivering with the aguo, or if com­pelled to take trade at a heavy charge for Ills grain, lit ic all the evidences of refinement and cultivation are at band. It la not necessary to ride fifty inllet lo

li, or«r a rough road aud through a wilder nest i-oimiiy i norato tlie wlntorttmid- -tneyar**h«/t and open. The seasons coumvonce veiy i »t|v. In April the plowing Is tlnlthcd (n-equenliycamnieii< in March) and the seed is In.


o flour mill, or«r a ruugli road aud through


W H A T VISITORS W I L L SEE. The visitor will tee a* good crops growing In Vine-

see anywhere I* (he rulon, noi tj.vpi Ing the West, lite soil It highly productive. land as he wi l l see any where I

dreds of farmt are uuder cultivation, hundreds of orchard* aud vineyards In bearing.

not oxAVipu l l t / t . I l u

Ho will a l l i -cai be driven through a bundled utiles of farmt, or

rat upon the Vlneland tract, and beauty aud Improvement not excell-The undersigned furnishes cartla-

chards and vlnoy behold a scene of od In the Union. get to those who come to look on the laud, free of *x,-penso. A tpade alway t accompshlos the carriage aud overy opportunity Is given for examination.

The now land Is easily cleared, and the flrst Crop of swept potatoes will pay for the cost and the clear!

• " o p t ( doi i i whoat and grass. What has boon dono can In- done.

All the beautiful hornet In Vlneland havo been taken nW

<-et potatoes will pay for the cost and the clearing of tho land, after which It will produce large crops of

t boeo dono can be •inelionl havo been

in tlie new land by tile hand of Industry and pa­tience. There aro hundreds of settlers In Vlneland, who camq thcr* with from two to Ave hundred dol­lars, that are now worth thousands. These men, however, are not Idlor* Or »pocnl*tor*, but men of industry. Intelligence, patience and nerve. . Large numbers of people are purcliatlng, and ueo pic who desire the heat location should visit the placo III •n i ce . ,

Improved land It also for sale. TIM11KR LAND

can be koagbt. with or without timber- the timber at market valuation.

THE TITLE. The tldoU Indisputable. Warrantee dooda given,

cloar of all Incumbrances, when the money Is paid. Boarding conveniences at hand..

Letters promptly answered, and Reports of Solon Robinson sud Dr. Chas. T, Jackson t*nt, togother with tho "Vlneland Rural.".

Persons before VIsitlngtAe plao* had better write, us full infoimillion will lie s«M relative to the route, end i.i her p.nllctilaiv, which will bo found In the pa­pers tent. Address,

CHA8. K. 1/ANHIS, Proprietor, i,If, Vlneland P. O.. Now Jersoy.

fcimrns «fc Van Buskirk, House Painters,


ArohiteoturQ) i,:,. i i.Ooiorists.

I »JIini. m i x e d . t<>:,^r

JPerton* u>(*hmg ontuTNB Jin*iclEfi i* the line of color* *»» depend oh our ewperiencex.

Shop'iii May- 6f, Spen<Mey'8 &****• nM

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