t O Asve- IOIWW W J ter rs -...

v X I l tl94 u I been removed becauM of the recent dli t orders in the province In twentysi commune the population wrecked oovernment buildings nnd the lint itof conscripts which had been prepared Hi the moblllwitlon which was to have m made In the Baltic provinces on Aug 80 K There wa flier a resumption of forw mot millions of rubles was destroyed thirds of the landowners In the have taken refuge In jniB l paif e Order for tm- UptcM ntipaielt lo Tiir HUN LOHDON Aug deitpatch to T from Hamburg BOVH that Krupps havereceived an order from Japan Vi for sheet Iron anti guns for the fleet of value of 2jtoooo- Japs Balie the Deitroyrr SOny SficM Cabli nupalrh lo TH SCK Toxin Aug 23The Russian torpedo boat destroyer Sllny sunk in the harbor of Port Arthur during the siege has refloated DIED TO SAVE IllS HORSE Ecoentrlr Farmer FerrUs narn Bnrnf- J and Neighbor Aocnied of Arson ROCHELLE N Y Aug 23 Jame Cummerford was arrested this at Greenwich Conn for arson and la under l00obond for trial In the Greenwich on Saturday He Is accused of settln fire to the barn of Alonzo Ferris an ee centric farmer 75 years old who had off the Ferris property The IJKl occurred at 10 oclock last Two on the second floor their lives Mr Ferris went Into the barn to rescue his favorite horse I wee heard calling for help at a door the one which he had entered The door bad been nailed tight and his bonee v were found near It this morning i coyitTS DiaxiTY RUFFLED f flat Magistrate nakrr Takes flack Three MonUiiSentence on Woman Who Iainlint Mrs Mamie Seller of 2301 Eighth avenue wee sentenced to the leland in the Harlem court yesterday by Magistrate Baker for I laughing as she left the court room The Dromon had been summoned to court on the complaint of Mrs Rone Pike who said Mrs Belter had gossiped about her- s Mrs Boiler was reprimanded by the Magistrate She took his 1 comment and started to J As she wee walking out the door turned back and laughed Magistrate Baker noticed the sent a court policeman after her you laugh asked Magistrate Baker i Mrs i Th Magistrate ordered that a complaint- of be made out andthen announced that she must either furnish 300 bail or go to the Island for months Mrs the- s probation officer of the to learned Mrs Beller was a sick woman and that the san f tonce might seriously affect her health j The on hearing this her In custody of Mrs but enjoined A her came to court not i to forget the dignity of the place I BAD CHECK O HOXEY OOX TRIP Warrant for Rich New f Yorker FBANCISCO Aug 23 arrest of Alfred C Jahl of New York in the charge of obtaining money Judge Hogan this morning by Herbert M Bates of the Charles F f Sloane Company electrical brokers The Involved la ISSO- 5f Jahls alleged crime was the drawing of check on a New York bank in which he had no fuada Estes told an unusual story i when be applied for the warrant Jab- lf was supposed to be wealthy and connected S with Marine Supply Company- of of New York The two men were E mates and close friends in the Fast Last Jahl arrived on his honeymoon trip He at v Hotel and renewed his associations with iv Fates The bridal received many from Estes during their On Honolulu bJ steamer however Jahl Is to the check and without question Jahl 851 380 The check came marked MAILS CLOSE TO GOOD ThINGS Department Issues Orders Barring Several jf Suiplrlous Advertisers WiBniNOTON Aug Post Office Department has Usued an order denying M1 the lie of the mails to John R Rogers of v 180 Nassau street New York who sure tldhg tips on the races I ofder was also Issued against W A Koyes of 874 Block Rochester fei XB the former name sf offered lo send a formula for the cureof con pi on receipt of a two cent stamp but it turned out that the prescription iiy only bo filled by treatment two M The Department Other orders were issued against the ff Publishing Company of 32 Twentythird street A a 1923 New York The former offered to send gold watches to winners of alleged puzzle contest on payment of the latter I i A FLAX THAT FAILED W Rapid Transit to Give tp Can to South S Feriy to Relieve Bridge The plans by the Brooklyn Sn Rapid on Aug 14 to i j diverttrafflo to South Ferry and thus re somewhat the congestion on the BrooklynBridge have not met with much euocesa The loss to the company by South Ferry it U said has been iii almostWOO if this continues the 3 It waa at the urgent request of- JjlPeriment are pretty well satisfied that It to devise A any lessen the tide of traffic on Bridge j Bobben TAke V H MeCartera- w V Silverware RED BANK N J Aug 23 Thieven en itered the summer residence of Uzal H ftt IcCarter of the Prudential Life Insuranc- eS Company of Newark on the road near Seabright at about S silverware It U thought that the thieves not as a quantity of- T other wa J Candidate for V S Scnatn fines to Jail AUSTIN Tex Aug 2siJohn OConnor former member of the Texas Legislature i Populist candidate for United States in 1869 has ten tried and con- victed of theft at Marlin Tex and bomea ifuntll this charge was made against him the for been a Rreat Timber of the value Two province- of C urland Sweden- or iI t Cob 24 A the Mal the the F been 0 t I Nit morning court I put nigh fan jump He J i i remark l cur led se G ten supped Cum SAN Under wu sworn out mount Apr 1 ors Baled Rid di on tna of New to rash 1 l 23The adv- ert Power Ny n cud an neal month and the not all rpr- ei Est han for worc to lone at home Inaugurate rig on of b the end of the month J the that the to Seine Rum with a lot of pre to two MI In tnp 1aJe by prCCion tire pn cealo i z L I him fire I op- posite I I court- room she her the woman r falie pretenses befor- c United thL3 have the offered T1 Nofuzids sumpti 4 misleading medicines be rush cars eevoral servIowlIl be iiecontmued i fore Transportation the wee started and railroad officials after ten ax of f r were sad Senator son penitentiary He a I y < < < > > < > > The rtllroidi the but hettli the rritaursnti the etclmlve clubs serve the Cracker tint nrownivlllf on It brut homes tiers II try them TraM iiipplted Cbatland 4 tenhart Brown vlllr Pa Cracker Hakeri or U year GEORGE ADES SUDDEN DROP Lost In the Mazes of tbe Empire Theater He Ire In Kid MeCoyl A tall young man strolled Into the Empire Theater building yester- day afternoon and asked the attendant at the door to him to the offices William theatrical manager Right up those stairs the attend antNow the offices in the Empire Theater Building are perhaps the most royatertoui ware of cubbyhole in the oity They are twisted around on all the theater proper they are stuck into crevices perplexingly intricate passageways then again they are pushed out roofs of low stores on all sides The tall clean shaven young man wan- dered up one flight and then faced a leading down again He took this route and fetching up at another flight steps leading upward he began to climb After he had puffed and climbed a while he came face to face with a blank door He pushed it open and found himself on root overlooking Fortieth street He cau- tiously picked his way over the roof and made toward Broadway Then finding another door he stepped- In and descended another flight of dark narrow stairs At the bottom there was a- very small landing that led to another dark passageway The young man didnt this and turning short fell down into inky nothingness With a bang he landed against something hard and It gave way It proved to be a door leading into the raths keller of Mr Kid McCoys The young mans was even more startling than those that the McCoy employees arts accustomed to The sudden intruder waa yanked by tho collar and hurled up another of steps and with a dull thud he out on the sidewalk in Fortieth st As the human missile lay gasping on the sidewalk a cab drove up and out stepped Wells Hawken representative of Charles Frohman Hey Wells howled the pros- trate man from the sidewalk For Gods sake George whats hap- pened to you Dont ask me any questions growled George Ado but if you see Bill Seymour tell him to hurrr out to my prairie in Indiana I want to talk to him Mr Ade was able to be last night but he didnt go near tbe Theater Building DELTA TAU DELTA FEAST Four of the Founders Meet for the First Time since 119 at Hotel The thirtyeighth annual banquet Delta Tau Delta fraternity ws held at the Astor last night The fraternity men said that the banquet was the largest ever given by a fraternity in this city Delegates to the number of 412 were present Including representatives of every State In the Union and of each of the sixtyseven chapters of Delta Tau Delta Four of the eight men who founded the York schools Dr Jacob 8 low of ishtabula Ohio J C Johnson of Bridge New York They are the charter members now After leaving college they all enlisted for the war two on the Northern and two on Southern Among were Champ Clark Will Carl ton ri dent 0 Baboock p f Arizona Uni erslty President A C Humphreys of Stevens Institute and Dr E De Pauw Uninnlty The convention close today OLD MAXS SWIFT SUICIDE Knocked Class From Hli Hand at- He Drank Lart Drop or Potion Herman Kable a boss painter 70 killed himself last night ng on the graaa plot In front of an unoccupied house at 106 Glenwood avenue tersey City where he had been working Mrs saw him pour some a bottle into a knocked out of his hand a he drank the drop He lived only a few minutes- A vial labelled was found in Kahle wo well known among painters of the city He llvedat 144 son William connected with the Seventh which the old man committed suicide LITTLE PATS GOATS KILLED Badly and Wagon Smashed Pat Fitzpatrick who U 11 and lives at Third street and Neptune avenue Coney Island was driving his team of goats luster and Butter to a red wagon last He was crossing the road when a trolley oar came the killed the goats instantly badly Pat was taken a Reception Hospital with a wound many U in a serious condition ROBERTSOXS ALL RIGHT Reported MIssing but Hli Friend Say nit Whereabouts li Known Alexander R Robertson of the Robertson Company 139 Front street failed to t his home 53 Plerrepont street that Robertson had been beard rom of town and return friend said he was not at liberty to tell lobertsons whereabouts but waa right or MiMing Stevedore Emery Fosnd The of Edwin M S Emery yesterday Government dock Fort Hamilton was identified last night by his brother lllton Emory The stevedore who was years old lived at 71 Stone avenue and was head of the Emery Company stevedores at 42 South street the loading of a nsWerabln brother thought evea overboard finest mol O Asve- W ter with our b HOe diet of sid of pver the of a salon fight far abut of the Hotel or the at met for the They J LN a the New or Wet and J the sid of abut year A from the his Hal Hat Got night bed Bay hit gn and app on Monday a friend the boy ate dore the and 39 Il on rromrPier tem In of his hn had hen and It is e U 1 11 rs has soup 53151 suit cheese 5 do many o the It a J aides and and stair- way see Alter chapter fraternity Bethany College West Virginia back in 1859 first leaving college were Hunt In civil Congress- man ii will Woman last the Eli policeman Pat was missing notified police The all Body disappeared Saturday 33 was superintending was robbed killed 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ > SAM LEE THE YELLOW PERIL lf4V urll LAXK 0 IfU TO llelng InsIde the Maine herder He Hnall Visa Into Conflict With Ihf Urave Con table of Kilter and Now Thlnl Scribes Cant Drink on Tickets PORTSMOUTH V H Aug 23 The building which the envoys pass before cross the bridge Into the navy ard It Chinese laundry kept by Sam I ee It remarked again and again how appro It Is that this symbol of the yellow peril should stand just outside of the for bidden territory To Mttery temperate cold water Mt Sam Lee In a yellow peril peril greater than any fear of Mongolian hordes and engulfed civilizations and things Sam Lee represents the yellow peril of the American home He IB the living In Klttery of the Demon has kept his laundry on the banks of peaceful and nonalcoholic Plsca taqua these two years This summer Kit tory began remark how his business was growing Men were going In and out the laundry at all hours of the day and night principally night Especially did the ma- rines from the navy yard bring over great packages of laundry evening departed with other Afterward there were several arrests for drunkenness in Klttery In Klttery as In all Maine the plaInest untrimmed drunk la assessed before the courts at 110 and which runs the bill up to 11090 Just a thorough enthusi- astic Western drunk would cost la a matter past mathematical computation It was a prize scholar In tbeCongregatlona Sunday school Bible class who Informed on Sam Lee He came into the laundry- to get some washing Well Sam what have you today- he said by way of making conversation and being something of a cutup he winked Sam Lee reached into the bosom of n starched white shirt and brought rors a bottle He dived Into a washtub and produced a glass He laid on an ironing board and said one dllnk twentyfive two With the horror of an awakened con- science the prize pupil fled to Constable Philback and Informed on Sam Lee The constable donned gum shoes It was just a week before the peace Kittery that Phllheck caught the very act of lifting a poisoned bowl to his lips The constable burst in and arrested Sam Lee In the name of the law Sam Lee took It coolly He only asked Constable Philbeck to let him up some washing In the back room did not want to be too hard even on a rum seller Sam Leo stepped into the back room A second later Philbeck heard the crash of glass and a splash in the river and realized that he was foiled 8am Lee bad dived from a second story window Philbeck ran to the river bank and un limbered his trusty gun It was a black night but out in the river he discerned a boat doing eccentric turns and twists In fact Sam Lee had jumped into a boat which was tied aft cut away only the stern peddling frantically against line Stop or I shoot you damn Chink shouted Philbeck using the deepest oaths that Is permitted an officer of the law in Klttery Me no Chinee me Melican I fishes for lobstab earns back a voice from the boat thereby estabishlng an alibi for Sam Lee Constable Philback Is astute He is no to be fooled Unlimbering his trusty weapon be fired five shots after the boat whose bow had at last Sam Lee drifted A posse from the Sons of Temperance was waiting- for him when be landed in Portsmouth Portsmouth isnt in Maine and is out of Klttery jurisdiction but there U a law higher than mans law Sam Lee was shanghaied He was to Kittery and the justice of the was pulled out of bed to administer summary punish mentWhen you going to hang me was the first question he asked the judge Thereby- he showed that his Oriental mind was get ting the Maine idea He admitted after- ward that what he feared was not death but torture He had an idea that he would get the death of a thousand cuts The fine was 100 and costs aggregating 1108 He got also a sentence of three months In jail suspended during good behavior There 1s no liquor hi the Sam Lee laundry now Today by way of experiment Sam was asked for rum Always call it rum in Maine It shows you are on the right sideNo sabe said Sam Washeestaohee lion shirt 10 cent oollah 1 cent No Babe lum This Maine Nobody catch em lum Whassamalla you ExSenator Bill Chandler of New Hampshire arrived today with Louis A Coolidge After the conference Chandler looked up Baron Rosen and ran him off to a seat in the Palm Garden They did not talk of peace or war they talked of the troubled Equitable in whlch Baron is an anxious policyholder For the time when the conference- has held a session Mr Witte returned- to the hotel for luncheon today His stomach is a little out of whack and he requires special food The hot weather Is back again also the mosquitoes The are holding a subscription dance tonight for the benefit of a crippled musician A crowd of the young people gave a dinner before the dance and we have a number of naval officers to give the affair life and color At intervals the dancers stop and slap It la etiquette In these summer stairs to slap for your partner If you see It first The dance U a brilliant and speckled function The shuffleboard tournament is over Boston wins Even the Irish were out of It by the semifinals and plain American citltena fought it out The French the the English and the other for nowhere Strike on New Apartment Houses A strike was yesterday i street Park avenue to force the discharge nonunion til layers The plumbers helpers painters and cement work The strike was ordered on of Tile Union 61 which i working under the km The contractor for the building toot however a member of the assoola ion and the unions are not held by the agreement in case Ts Hid SsdfefcUers Estate ef Foxes HADDIM Costa Aug J3W O Bralnard the well known hunter and trapper made an engagement to sad and annuals likely ipoa birds on of Rockefeller in the Adirondacks Iralnard exterminated foxes n hi own neighborhood He is to receive 100 a from Mr IOIWW the ben a embodi- ment Ru- mS Co of ever cot outhor thee amble rack for d lie lie pre rowe Ron frt guest Japans p- er order of pat of hut t Ur TIlE 1I lCF Laundry last they has They con- ference and arbitration agreement the has foxes k > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STriAMPEDi XOtiKSTO WALK tno Antrrlcih rrciii Trouper Pcnnllfi anti Hungry In France WABIHNOTOSV Aug Americans member of MacCaddori- clrou troupe nre ntnnJeJ In Franco without food or shelter money or franc portatlon back to the United States circus failed and Is In the hands of receiver The member of the show are demanding their money The receiver offered them each tangportatlon to London and 20 francs or about 14 According to the Information at the Department which came by cable from France today the employees of the refuse to the receiver- In the meantime their chances of starving are considered excellent An appeal been made through the consular service for Government aid from Washington- but there Is absolutely nothing the Gov- ernment can do there being no fund aiding stranded Americans abroad The State Departments information con earning the circus U meager It seems that the MacCaddon show was touring France when It reached In the southeastern of the At Grenoble the show met untimely end Grenoble Is a of 00000 American style of outdoor amusement ap- parently please the good It 1s difficult to foresee what will become of all those Americans They have not enough money to get back and there no one can them If It were merely a of ten or twenty people it be as cured for them but to secure employment- for 2CO all at once an impossibility Americans being stranded an old story to Depart- ment never many reported all at once as in tbe ease Department has urged to a for stranded travelers back to the United States but Congress has always refused to take The MacCaddon circus Incident be taken before the next session- as an is needed The Department would like to have Congress in its mall contracts with steam ship lines which are paid a subsidy a clause the company to bring free wayfarers to become abroad provided always that have or diplomatic officers Movements of Naval Veiieli WASHINGTON Aug 23 The following movements of naval vessels have reported to the Bureau of Navigation Cruiser Hartford arrived New London Pontlac arrived New York Gunboat Castlre sailed from Monte Christi for Sanchez Destroyer Worden New London Whltestone for a cruise Tug Apache ar- rived Oyster Bay Submarine ar rived Oyster Cruiser Maryland OBITUARY Frank Temple Reamer who died yesterday morning In Denver Col will be mourned by a large circle of friends In New York where he had lived for many years Mr was the son of Mrs Elizabeth Lawrence Reamer and he was born In Louisville Ky 34 years ago Ills family has been Iden- tified with the social and political history of Kentucky since Revolutionary days Mr Roamer was from Columbia Co- llege He wu a mem- ber of the Psl Upsilon fraternity He was con- nected with the fidelity aim oasualtr depart ment of the firm of Johnson A Higgins of 40 Wall street and success In this line of wqrk had been marked Mr Reamer had been of a number of includ- ing tbe Calumet Two he was taken ill and a moth ago he sent to Denver in the exoectatlon that thechange of climate would restore him to halth His brother Lawrence Reamer was with him when he died The remains will be brought to New York for Interment In Woodlawn Mrs Iucle Bolce Wood a soprano soloist on Tuesday at her home In East Orange the wife of Milton Rusallng Wood also a singer and was born In New Bruns- wick 20 She was a of Mr and Henry Smock Bolos of Brooklyn At the time of she soprano In St Jamess Methodist avenue New York where her husband la the barytone Edward White Williams a cheese exporter died on at hit 671 East Twentythird street Flatbush In his He was prominent In musical circles and for had charge of the muslo In the Second Presby- terian Church In Remsen street was for several a deacon In the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church was a member of Club and a Twenty third veteran Ills wlf two daughters survive Patrick McCaffrey who died on Monday In seventyfifth year at his 087 Orand street was an Intimate tin former Democratic leader of Brooklyn- Mr born near Haven Conn and when years old his family prominent In Democratic politics offIces was a rope maker Mrs Samuel Colt widow of Colt of Hartford Conn died yesterday afternoon- at the Newport Mrs- C I where she been visit- ing this summer last Mrs Colt was stricken with paralysis and was con- scious but a before her death body will be taken to Hartford tomorrow morning by special train funeral on Friday was 79 years old Dr James H Salisbury who illness was horn In Scott Cortland county Union College and on June 2 1800 New York State Geological Survey and specialist in the treatment of chronlo din leaves a widow and a son Dr T n Cleveland Ohio Claybnrn Webb at the home of of Mo night after a weeks Illness Mr Web was the survivor of the Seminole war le having served under Gen Zachary Taylor luring the entire campaign was Tennesaean by born In Miles county that State In lilt He went to county Mo In 1834 Mother Xavier Kean who wa one of the Park died lat Monday after a retracted Illness Her was a director f the Savings Bank tome Mother Xavier a ileterMrs Charles Lopez who I the wife of a sculptor was a concert linger Tames George Forman a well known real estate In who was Interested the development of the Hillside Park his honie SW St Marks avenue He was active In Ican politics and a the Invincible Union League Club Theodore AV Dalley a well known con and builder N Y dropped dead yesterday at Goshen N T fell over dead C De Grove of 887 Fourteenth street Brooklyn who had a member the Stock 1840 Tuesday at his summer home Henry and several children survive Impure breath arising from the- se of liquor or tobacco is com neutralized by daily use of SOZODONT LIQUID POWDER OR PASTE ASK Y0UR DENTIST 23Two hun rol The State show for mater d Stat Cong Cong ben are a- rrive graduate his cub die ears hi Wllal friend of the I let In beam die at his at a long S Y on Oct IS from Ife a the a pals a rMr A Polock of die his lon a best known In ago and In nd Manor on at Club ale 81 Mr of In or of New York cIty and at when he ben of dIe N yea ml wire ple ely l d J tVrrbl I k has has has Ore noble Its Reamer with wember was Mrs was was early has Mrs yester- day home errr 1621 was Clara Brasee was Jack- son sisters Urauline Convent Locust died Tuesday member of was the residence Oraxt Browns stooo looking the house ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MAKKS A niTTKh flPM TO UFA lleMarrs Tint Man Never Proper t ervtd With Papers In the Tenurwe- ApllmtKheMaf Klielll Have That l e- crre AnmillrdMay Ind stilt Mere Mr Barton Sewell whose husband the vicepresident of the Amen an and Refining Company has secured frcr her a decree of In Tennessee re- plied at length last night to the charge that her lawyers had demanded largoeum of money to settle the case and told side of their troubles This U her state- ment I was very much astonished to read li- the papers the false and Intemperate state monte made by Mr Bewells tc the effect that efforts were being made by me and on my behalf to blackmail Mr Sewell It seems to be the fashion now where parties are caught In the commission of crime tp wail before they are convicted that attempts are being made to black- mail them The inference that may be drawn from the wild and incoherent statements made by my husbands counsel la that he tie counsel Is suffering the keenest disap- pointment because he was not able to carry through successfully his latest attempt b benefit client at my expense To be specific at this I will say that though this same who Is so loose In his charges of blackmail of which he says he has no evidence and thus failed to move the District Attorney to action sought- to carry through an agreement with me for the purpose of making that provlslori to which I am lawfully entitled as MrSowelPs wlfeby the terms of which certain securities belonging to me under a trust agreement with a trust company of this city were to be replaced by securities of less value and stability and the difference In the market value of the two stocks to be obtained from a sale of my securities was to be paid over to me In satisfaction- of my claim for support That Is to say I was to pay myself out of my own securi- ties Mr Sewell and his were not quite so successful on as they have been on others when attempting to damage me When I discovered the way in which Mr Sewell and his counsel pro posed to pay me out of my own securities I repudiated the whole matter Immedi ately afterward both of sons whose dependence upon their father in perhaps excuse for their to see me and with me to make an amicable settlement and not to take legal proceedings against him as it would would his prospectsfor the presidency of the Ameri- can he was most anxious to obtain Of course I could not accede even to the pleadings of my sons that I should mit a monstrous aa this fraud- ulent and Tennessee divorce decree tostand against me Not satisfied refusal my son wrote me a letter dated 3 1005 begging me to an amicable settlement his father A brief review of my marital life and seems necessary in order that of the conduct of Mr Sewell and his numerous hirelings may be appre- ciated I was to Chicago on Christmas Day 1873 and by aa one suggested We lived in Chicago happily 18W when we came to New took iip our residence- at the Waldorf The following summer I went abroad with my two sons On my Sewells conduct which became worse and worse on return from a Second to Europe- in the summer of 1901 he deserted me I was compelled to Institute a suit against him on in the Supreme Court of this State On 31st day of December 1901 final In that action was entered- in my favor adjudging that he had de me and to tomy support in his McCormick was his attorney of record and in to the decree Notwith- standing solemn decree of the Supreme Court this State which Is still force and effect Mr Sowell instituted an for divorce against me at Knoxville on November 14 1904 the complaint in which Is sworn to by Mr alleges that I had and maliciously and had contracted the habit of habitual drunkenness and that he had been a resident of Tennessee for two years at that time ie was at the San Remo Hotel In New else than in New York city since we came from Chicago- It became necessary to have the take in the evening at an at Knoxville Tenn at a time when was no term of the court and as service- of the upon me would have been prejudicial to success of the was and a notice was published in a labor or- ganization paper at purporting- to upon me to defend the I was In Europe having saLed from York on 1B04 Two before sailing Mr Jones of the firm of Jones A Mr Sewella at- torneys then and now called me no hint of the which was after- ward taken in Tennessee though I noticed by one of the papers that It was said that I to Europe for the purpose of evading service I was in Rome in the month returned to New York for the purpose this decree annulled as attorney Charles C Lock of this I supposed that this decree would be sot having ascertained aa 1 have men above that the provisions of the drafted by purporting to make my not contemplate the of this I dissatisfied and desired to have other attorneys substituted for me in Mr and I caused a motion a that effect to be made in the action for beolutw divorce brought in my name in associate counsel I have had no other Dunsel in thIs matter except the counsel attorney In my ever made any upon Mr towell to pay sum of money upon threats of The decree I have made in the of this State seem todispose in the I had deserted him a for the other that I had habit of habitual drunkenness that would seem to be an matter to many witnesses if it had any foundation n Immediately after securing this Ten lessee Mr Mrs litchle at Montclair N residence with her at occupied I very much regret notoriety that has come out matter been of my seeking Mr a woman SO has an apartment at 14 East Sixtieth street Her Edgar J Philadelphia and P Maloney discussed her case at length It was the time Mr met Mrs Bowel at the conference the was issued Lawyer Pershing afterward volunteered some statement Into the action He said aa far as Bewail only claIm to a residence in ownership since April I he Smelting divorce her pint I cull M trouble way I not a at the an ser refuse a acton York He hadever anywhere her pre tie of ft of the of this I of em- ployed annu but toned for Mr met kid refer- ence Curt the by Jan by her West not of of of frt Money I ton Tent Tee t- f n r n i r ftsSEWELLO GRI1SRAUD lit slIIVDS lit RUE S thIs was waitress time has infill resIding resided 1905 1 learned through friend Institution Tennessee at- torneys became this State his representing be- half would Tennessee hIs 12 street the state- ment > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PureRyeWhiske r u4 i k- V T rhOai The GflMoa UW b the of parity tn wty to whiskey TIME IS MONEYY- ou save time and money ordering a suit of our and winter weights We have on sale regardless of what formerly sold for sut to measure 820 The style value and workmanship must you otherwise they remain here Saturday noon Broadway AR- NHEIMBroadway Q Ninth Street n L Ii j n 1- f I j f f I I V t I o I tr I I- ou a SO I AI I I last p t ii 1 i i- oS IbsCIUtS gugra S jo jell y aU dssIiti I 5es41i1ss can faII to the divorce decree of a ten acre laurel bush patch Mr Pershing says that Law and Turner are looking after things for him In Knoxville There a practical admission on Mrs Sewells part does not intend tc prosecute divorce action now pending is the plaintiff Her purpose at present she to annul Tennessee Sewell from him by obtained in Westchester ago Henry of Jones t McCor blackmail statement went to Boston yes There was nothing more forthcoming from his side of the Herbert of Wellman Gooch ft Smythe made the following statement as litigation Mr was brought into the litigation last by C Lock Sewells attorney His advice was sought and he gave as his opinion that maintain an action for here The question of her alimony allowance then came cussions were had with Jones and McCor- mick No specific demands were made nor were threats of any kind The discussions resulted an agree- ment signed on by and Mrs a previous agreement concerning her allowance By agreement a certain Hum about 137000 was to her in cash by the sale of Smelters securities held in trust for her and the reinvestment of of the United States Steel preferred her the same income 12000 a year that she had pre- viously This agreement was In no tense in litigation either existing Her action was about time and is still pending Our connection with the case our advice was on May I understand Mrs Sewell other lawyers but what they have done can be no of ours as counsel In a pro- fessional in just the manner cated TWO FORGIVING WOMEN Both Are Married to the Fame Man and Neither Is Resentful GREENWICH Can Aug 23 Two re appearing women each about 80 had been wronged by James Stewart forgiving affection that startled court with one of the women under the name of Mr and Mrs Johnson Mrs Stewart who lives in Hartford and brought him before the court on the Mrs Johnson said she was married to the man In Springfield Mass last May and was until evening She had no complaint to make him however He was bound over for SI000 ball and while Mrs home to his clothes for him Mrs Stewart began to hustle for bail to get him free Dr Pepper Goes to California University SAN FRANCISCO Aug 23 Dr William Pepper lecturer in Semitic languages at Columbia University during the last two has been instructor Semitic languages at the University of Dr will at the university in time to take charge during present academic year Naval Yeoman Commits Snlclde WASHINGTON XugZJ Guy Earle Howett on the receiving Franklin at the Norfolk committed suicide some time yesterday at the Metro- politan Hotel himself with- a after first taking chloroform- His body did his intention to kill himself and directing that hi be shipped to his liven 11 Chicago gave no reason for his uct Army and Navy WASRIMOTON Au i a army Commissary Major id having been f baa been retired First Lieut James department of the army at third annual of the American Health Association atBoston Sept 21 to n First The following navy orders have been tuned UeutenantCommander A W Dodd to San ait assistant to the commandant Pacific Naval district W B Iraunersreiithcr from WashIngton to navy yard Island Lieut from the to Boston Lieut H O Naval M M Ramsey o navy yard Portsmouth as pay a home I K treatment naval hospital Yokohama to the sleigh V a retired from naval station to home neat Lieut from Olonfapo station to naval SILVER PLATE THAT WEARS For Nearly M Vein Spoons Forks Knives etc satisfaction have been the trade mark When baying Urerware it will n buying flutes Tu- MFiUDEN BRIT1OO and u the of the dec J who out with the Swel prod mad Just cal Sic ace ted old toy the of her of and cur John te round not a He left a Ore H Port Thor Regimen al E found on Carl AM181 on to 5 Han80 I Pekln car Edward Jr QuarlerLner to For Yr to A W to CPI hOPI Yokohama r knoW eSt r c i c this State in herself wife Barton county counsel the case connection di- vorce several modIfying ant that 35 own whereabouts husband charges abandonment to call note ue orders were Lsued Hughes Fouttli to as etaileul represent Pub c Lleut Haywood Surf eon from Manila ones Francisco League ash Kline from the Raleigh from Iii 1 I I best BR ORS1 I i to see that each piece ostai- ua r goo s S of- t 4 I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ Ifrauises or 7rov Morgans Ginger Ale and Club Soda ACKNOWLEDGED BESTHIOHEST AWARD Order from your dealer or direct from 3 J West 38th Street N V 3SS8th Established 1MO TIlE POLICE STUMPED Jersey Citys First Murder Myitery irr Nearly a quarter or a Century The body of the unidentified man who was murdered in a lot at the foot of Canton avenue Jersey City on the western elope of the hill on Sunday morning Aug 6 was buried yesterday In the patters field Snake Hill The man was hacked to death with a lathers hatchet It Is believed that he was a foreigner but the police Are not sure whether he was an Italian Greek every murder committed in for nearly of a haabeen1 1 clearest up and the murderer arrested i Chief Police is Interested suggestion made Detective Sergeant New York that the men r for the murder of an Italian In Claremont Park know something the Jersey City murder men It is said that Petrosini learned that Claremont Park victim was lured a Pennsylvania town to New SEA CAPTAIN DROPS DEAD Dobrlns of Charleston 8 C Had Clean Yellow Fever Bill of Health Karl Dobring 20 died at Park row and New night of an in- ternal hemorrhage Papers found on the ftody showed that Dobring was a captain of a sailing vessel and came from Charleston at 318 First He a paper dated Aug 11 show- Ing F of board of of Charleston had pOsed him a of his departure Shot toy HI Cwwtn KB vis N Y Aug M William Westbrook aged 20 son of Dayton West brook a farmer residing In Montague nine miles below Port Jervis was accidentally shot his cousin George of Kingston N Y who this at the house for an outing Ornattu et Bonitai Correct Hftia for Melt Fall Styles WillBelssutd- Wedneiday Avgiiit 30tK DIED KANE Suddenly at CornwaUonHudson N T- on Wednesday AUf tOOL In Her tel year HcFarlanl widow of Nicholas of Mrs John Erly- Funerel private from St Peters Church Cora wall N Y- ItATHERAt the Mather homestead Psrirn on Monday AUf 21 IMS Joseph W In the Mth ye r of his are Funeral terrlcea In the Darien Conrrecathntl att P M Thursday Aur Darlen will meet train leaving Central Station New York City at ana P M REAMERFrank Temple Reamer Aur M 1 at Denver In th 14th year of his atr Notice of funeral hereafter Louisville psprn please copy 3ALISBUnvCn Ati Dr James It Salisbury atterallnierUrUln his residence Dnh- MFenrontheiTudson la the Hd year ot b age Interment la Cleveland Ohio Lndon ant Parts papers please copy FHUKDled Anf M I M gSO P M Ottlt- lThutn wife of Oeorcb Thum at her late it l ta Avenue D N T will be 10 X U houa j- Ot 100 In Bronze COMA MOROAN Pone or With a abut a frt York yen S C and a at m We- n he alB not yellow In the Fatal and Ana her Cnn Churl CM 4 1 t t I t dent Dane E hhn f r nce Gate 5 ill WILJACKSON lhtlOPl JGNOt JOhN Armenisn this exception a a to in the had wife living Charleston city roomed fever having been district fatally I ol 21 Kane 24 Grand 23 j atlAs e- I <

Transcript of t O Asve- IOIWW W J ter rs -...

Page 1: t O Asve- IOIWW W J ter rs - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1905-08-24/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · Cracker Hakeri or U year GEORGE ADES SUDDEN DROP Lost

v XIl tl94 uI

been removed becauM of the recent dli

t orders in the province In twentysicommune the population wreckedoovernment buildings nnd the lint

itof conscripts which had been preparedHi the moblllwitlon which was to havem made In the Baltic provinces on Aug 80

K There wa flier a resumption of forw

mot millions of rubles was destroyedthirds of the landowners In the

have taken refuge In

jniB l paif e Order for tm-

UptcM ntipaielt lo Tiir HUN

LOHDON Aug deitpatch toT from Hamburg BOVH that

Krupps havereceived an order from JapanVi for sheet Iron anti guns for the fleet of

value of 2jtoooo-

Japs Balie the Deitroyrr SOny

SficM Cabli nupalrh lo TH SCK

Toxin Aug 23The Russian torpedoboat destroyer Sllny sunk in the harborof Port Arthur during the siege hasrefloated


Ecoentrlr Farmer FerrUs narn Bnrnf-J and Neighbor Aocnied of Arson

ROCHELLE N Y Aug 23 JameCummerford was arrested thisat Greenwich Conn for arson and la underl00obond for trial In the Greenwich

on Saturday He Is accused of settlnfire to the barn of Alonzo Ferris an eecentric farmer 75 years old who had

off the Ferris property TheIJKl occurred at 10 oclock last Two

on the second floortheir lives Mr Ferris went Into

the barn to rescue his favorite horseI wee heard calling for help at a door

the one which he had entered Thedoor bad been nailed tight and his bonee

v were found near It this morning

i coyitTS DiaxiTY RUFFLEDf flat Magistrate nakrr Takes flack Three

MonUiiSentence on Woman Who IainlintMrs Mamie Seller of 2301 Eighth avenue

wee sentenced to the leland in the Harlemcourt yesterday by Magistrate Baker for

I laughing as she left the court room TheDromon had been summoned to court on thecomplaint of Mrs Rone Pike who saidMrs Belter had gossiped about her-

s Mrs Boiler was reprimanded by theMagistrate She took his

1 comment and started toJ As she wee walking out the door

turned back and laughed MagistrateBaker noticed the sent a courtpoliceman after her

you laugh asked Magistrate Bakeri Mrsi Th Magistrate ordered that a complaint-

of be made outandthen announced that she must

either furnish 300 bail or go to the Islandfor months Mrs the-

s probation officer of theto learned MrsBeller was a sick woman and that the san

f tonce might seriously affect her healthj The on hearing this

her In custody of Mrs but enjoinedA her came to court noti to forget the dignity of the place


Warrant for Rich Newf Yorker


arrest of Alfred C Jahl of NewYork in the charge of obtaining money

Judge Hogan this morning by Herbert M

Bates of the Charles F

f Sloane Company electrical brokers TheInvolved la ISSO-

5f Jahls alleged crime was the drawing ofcheck on a New York bank in which he hadno fuada Estes told an unusual story

i when be applied for the warrant Jab-lf was supposed to be wealthy and connected

S with Marine Supply Company-of of New York The two men wereE mates and close friends in the Fast Last

Jahl arrived on his honeymoon tripHe at

v Hotel and renewed his associations withiv Fates The bridal received many

from Estes during theirOn Honolulu

bJ steamer however Jahl Is to

the check and without question Jahl851 380 The check came marked


Department Issues Orders Barring Severaljf Suiplrlous Advertisers

WiBniNOTON Aug Post OfficeDepartment has Usued an order denying

M1 the lie of the mails to John R Rogers ofv 180 Nassau street New York who

sure tldhg tips on the racesI ofder was also Issued against W A

Koyes of 874 Block Rochesterfei XB the former namesf offered lo send a formula for the cureof conpi on receipt of a two cent stamp

but it turned out that the prescriptioniiy only bo filled by

treatment twoM The Department

Other orders were issued against theff Publishing Company of 32

Twentythird street Aa 1923 New York The former

offered to send gold watches to winners ofalleged puzzle contest on payment of

the latter


W Rapid Transit to Give tp Can to SouthS Feriy to Relieve Bridge

The plans by the BrooklynSn Rapid on Aug 14 toi j diverttrafflo to South Ferry and thus re

somewhat the congestion on theBrooklynBridge have not met with much

euocesa The loss to the company by

South Ferry it U said has beeniii almostWOO if this continues the

3 It waa at the urgent request of-

JjlPeriment are pretty well satisfied that Itto devise

A any lessen the tide of traffic onBridge

j Bobben TAke V H MeCartera-w V Silverware

RED BANK N J Aug 23 Thieven enitered the summer residence of Uzal H

ftt IcCarter of the Prudential Life Insuranc-eS Company of Newark on the

road near Seabright at about S

silverware It U thought that the thievesnot as a quantity of-

T other wa

J Candidate for V S Scnatn fines to JailAUSTIN Tex Aug 2siJohn OConnor

former member of the Texas Legislaturei Populist candidate for United States

in 1869 has ten tried and con-victed of theft at Marlin Tex and

bomeaifuntll this charge was made against him



a Rreat Timber of the valueTwo

province-of C urland Sweden-


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J the that




Rumwith a lot of


to two MI In tnp

1aJe by prCCion

tire pn cealo





him fire

I op-






the woman

r falie pretenses befor-c



have theoffered

T1 Nofuzids


4 misleading medicines



cars eevoral

servIowlIl be iiecontmuedi fore

Transportationthe wee started and

railroad officials after ten ax



r were





I y





> <



The rtllroidi the but hettli therritaursnti the etclmlve clubs serve

the Cracker tint nrownivlllf on It

brut homes tiers II try them

TraM iiipplted Cbatland 4 tenhart Brownvlllr Pa

Cracker Hakeri or U year


Lost In the Mazes of tbe Empire TheaterHe Ire In Kid MeCoyl

A tall young man strolledInto the Empire Theater building yester-day afternoon and asked the attendantat the door to him to the officesWilliam theatrical manager

Right up those stairs the attend

antNow the offices in the Empire TheaterBuilding are perhaps the most royatertouiware of cubbyhole in the oity Theyare twisted around on all the theaterproper they are stuck into crevicesperplexingly intricate passagewaysthen again they are pushed outroofs of low stores on all sides

The tall clean shaven young man wan-

dered up one flight and then faced aleading down again He took this

route and fetching up at another flightsteps leading upward he began to climbAfter he had puffed and climbed a whilehe came face to face with a blank doorHe pushed it open and found himself onroot overlooking Fortieth street He cau-tiously picked his way over the roof andmade toward Broadway

Then finding another door he stepped-In and descended another flight of darknarrow stairs At the bottom there was a-

very small landing that led to another darkpassageway The young man didntthis and turning short fell down into inkynothingness With a bang he landed againstsomething hard and It gave way Itproved to be a door leading into the rathskeller of Mr Kid McCoys

The young mans waseven more startling than those that theMcCoy employees arts accustomed to Thesudden intruder waa yanked by tho collarand hurled up another of steps andwith a dull thud he out on thesidewalk in Fortieth st

As the human missile lay gasping on thesidewalk a cab drove up and out steppedWells Hawken representative of CharlesFrohman Hey Wells howled the pros-

trate man from the sidewalkFor Gods sake George whats hap-

pened to youDont ask me any questions growled

George Ado but if you see Bill Seymourtell him to hurrr out to my prairiein Indiana I want to talk to him

Mr Ade was able to be last nightbut he didnt go near tbe TheaterBuilding


Four of the Founders Meet for the FirstTime since 119 at Hotel

The thirtyeighth annual banquetDelta Tau Delta fraternity ws held at the

Astor last night The fraternitymen said that the banquet was the largestever given by a fraternity in this cityDelegates to the number of 412 were presentIncluding representatives of every StateIn the Union and of each of the sixtysevenchapters of Delta Tau Delta

Four of the eight men who founded the

York schools Dr Jacob 8 low ofishtabula Ohio J C Johnson of Bridge

New York They are thecharter members now After

leaving college they all enlisted for thewar two on the Northern and two on

SouthernAmong were

Champ Clark Will Carl ton rident 0 Baboock p f Arizona Unierslty President A C Humphreys ofStevens Institute and Dr E

De Pauw Uninnlty The conventionclose today


Knocked Class From Hli Hand at-He Drank Lart Drop or Potion

Herman Kable a boss painter 70killed himself last night

ng on the graaa plot In front of anunoccupied house at 106 Glenwood avenuetersey City where he had been working

Mrs saw him pour somea bottle into a knocked

out of his hand a he drank thedrop He lived only a few minutes-

A vial labelled was found inKahle wo well known among

painters of the city He llvedat 144son William

connected with the Seventhwhich the old man committed



Pat Fitzpatrick who U 11 and lives atThird street and Neptune avenue ConeyIsland was driving his team of goatsluster and Butter to a red wagon last

He was crossing theroad when a trolley oar came

the killed the goats instantlybadly Pat was taken

a Reception Hospital with awound many U in a seriouscondition

ROBERTSOXS ALL RIGHTReported MIssing but Hli Friend Say nit

Whereabouts li KnownAlexander R Robertson of the Robertson

Company 139 Front street failed tot his home 53 Plerrepont street

that Robertson had been beardrom of town and return

friend said he was not at liberty to telllobertsons whereabouts but waa


or MiMing Stevedore Emery FosndThe of Edwin M S Emery

yesterdayGovernment dock Fort Hamilton

was identified last night by his brotherlllton Emory The stevedore who was

years old lived at 71 Stone avenueand was head of the Emery

Company stevedores at 42 South street

the loading of ansWerabln brother thought

evea overboard


O Asve-W ter




diet of



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of the


or the atmet

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Hat Got

night bedBayhit gnand

appon Monday

a friend the

boy atedoretheand


Il onrromrPier

temIn ofhis

hn had hen and It is eU

1 11


soup 53151 suit cheese 5 do many o theIt a






chapter fraternity BethanyCollege West Virginia back in 1859

first leaving collegewere Hunt In









was missingnotified





disappeared Saturday33 was


robbed killed







lf4V urll LAXK 0 IfU TO

llelng InsIde the Maine herder He HnallVisa Into Conflict With Ihf Urave Contable of Kilter and Now ThlnlScribes Cant Drink on Tickets

PORTSMOUTH V H Aug 23 Thebuilding which the envoys pass beforecross the bridge Into the navy ard ItChinese laundry kept by Sam I ee It

remarked again and again how approIt Is that this symbol of the yellow

peril should stand just outside of the forbidden territory

To Mttery temperate cold water MtSam Lee In a yellow peril

peril greater than any fear of Mongolian

hordes and engulfed civilizations and thingsSam Lee represents the yellow peril of theAmerican home He IB the living

In Klttery of the Demonhas kept his laundry on the banks

of peaceful and nonalcoholic Plscataqua these two years This summer Kittory began remark how his businesswas growing Men were going In and outthe laundry at all hours of the day and nightprincipally night Especially did the ma-

rines from the navy yard bring over greatpackages of laundry eveningdeparted with other Afterwardthere were several arrests for drunkennessin Klttery

In Klttery as In all Maine the plaInestuntrimmed drunk la assessed before thecourts at 110 and which runs the billup to 11090 Just a thorough enthusi-astic Western drunk would cost la a matterpast mathematical computation

It was a prize scholar In tbeCongregatlonaSunday school Bible class who Informedon Sam Lee He came into the laundry-to get some washing

Well Sam what have you today-he said by way of making conversationand being something of a cutup he winked

Sam Lee reached into the bosom of nstarched white shirt and broughtrors a bottle He dived Into a washtuband produced a glass He laid onan ironing board and saidone dllnk twentyfive two

With the horror of an awakened con-science the prize pupil fled to ConstablePhilback and Informed on Sam Lee Theconstable donned gum shoes

It was just a week before the peaceKittery that Phllheck

caught the very act of liftinga poisoned bowl to his lips The constableburst in and arrested Sam Lee In the nameof the law

Sam Lee took It coolly He only askedConstable Philbeck to let him up somewashing In the back room didnot want to be too hard even on a rumseller Sam Leo stepped into the backroom A second later Philbeck heard thecrash of glass and a splash in the riverand realized that he was foiled 8am Leebad dived from a second story window

Philbeck ran to the river bank and unlimbered his trusty gun It was a blacknight but out in the river he discerned aboat doing eccentric turns and twists Infact Sam Lee had jumped into a boatwhich was tied aft cut away onlythe stern peddling franticallyagainst line

Stop or I shoot you damn Chinkshouted Philbeck using the deepest oathsthat Is permitted an officer of the law inKlttery

Me no Chinee me Melican I fishes forlobstab earns back a voice from the boatthereby estabishlng an alibi for Sam Lee

Constable Philback Is astute He is noto be fooled Unlimbering his trustyweapon be fired five shots after the boatwhose bow had at last SamLee drifted A possefrom the Sons of Temperance was waiting-for him when be landed in Portsmouth

Portsmouth isnt in Maine and is out ofKlttery jurisdiction but there U a lawhigher than mans law Sam Lee wasshanghaied He was to Kitteryand the justice of the was pulled outof bed to administer summary punish

mentWhen you going to hang me was thefirst question he asked the judge Thereby-he showed that his Oriental mind was getting the Maine idea He admitted after-ward that what he feared was not deathbut torture He had an idea that he wouldget the death of a thousand cuts

The fine was 100 and costs aggregating1108 He got also a sentence of threemonths In jail suspended during goodbehavior

There 1s no liquor hi the Sam Lee laundrynow Today by way of experiment Samwas asked for rum Always call it rumin Maine It shows you are on the right

sideNo sabe said Sam Washeestaoheelion shirt 10 cent oollah 1 cent No Babelum This Maine Nobody catch emlum Whassamalla you

ExSenator Bill Chandler of NewHampshire arrived today with Louis ACoolidge After the conference Chandlerlooked up Baron Rosen and ran him off toa seat in the Palm Garden They did nottalk of peace or war they talked of thetroubled Equitable in whlch Baronis an anxious policyholder

For the time when the conference-has held a session Mr Witte returned-to the hotel for luncheon today Hisstomach is a little out of whack and herequires special food

The hot weather Is back again also themosquitoes The are holding asubscription dance tonightfor the benefit of a crippled musician Acrowd of the young people gave a dinnerbefore the dance and we have a numberof naval officers to give the affair life andcolor At intervals the dancers stop andslap It la etiquette In these summerstairs to slap for your partner If you seeIt first The dance U a brilliant and speckledfunction

The shuffleboard tournament is overBoston wins Even the Irish were out ofIt by the semifinals and plain Americancitltena fought it out The French the

the English and the other fornowhere

Strike on New Apartment HousesA strike was yesterdayi street

Park avenue to force the dischargenonunion til layers The plumbers

helpers painters and cementwork The strike was ordered

on of Tile Union 61 whichi working under the

km The contractor for the buildingtoot however a member of the assoolaion and the unions are not held by the

agreement in case

Ts Hid SsdfefcUers Estate ef FoxesHADDIM Costa Aug J3W O Bralnard

the well known hunter and trappermade an engagement to sad

and annuals likelyipoa birds on of

Rockefeller in the AdirondacksIralnard exterminated foxesn hi own neighborhood He is to receive100 a from Mr





embodi-ment Ru-









for d


lie pre






p-er order











arbitration agreement













STriAMPEDi XOtiKSTO WALKtno Antrrlcih rrciii Trouper Pcnnllfi

anti Hungry In FranceWABIHNOTOSV Aug

Americans member of MacCaddori-clrou troupe nre ntnnJeJ In Francowithout food or shelter money or francportatlon back to the United Statescircus failed and Is In the hands ofreceiver The member of the show aredemanding their money The receiveroffered them each tangportatlon to Londonand 20 francs or about 14

According to the Information at theDepartment which came by cable fromFrance today the employees of therefuse to the receiver-In the meantime their chances of starvingare considered excellent An appealbeen made through the consular servicefor Government aid from Washington-but there Is absolutely nothing the Gov-

ernment can do there being no fundaiding stranded Americans abroad

The State Departments information conearning the circus U meager It seemsthat the MacCaddon show was touringFrance when It reachedIn the southeastern of theAt Grenoble the show met untimelyend Grenoble Is a of 00000American style of outdoor amusement ap-parently please the good

It 1s difficult to foresee what will becomeof all those Americans They have notenough money to get back and there

no one can them If It weremerely a of ten or twenty people it

be ascured for them but to secure employment-for 2CO all at once animpossibility Americans being stranded

an old story to Depart-ment never manyreported all at once as in tbe ease

Department has urged toa for

stranded travelers back to the UnitedStates but Congress has always refusedto take

The MacCaddon circus Incident betaken before the next session-as an is needed TheDepartment would like to have Congress

in its mall contracts with steamship lines which are paid a subsidy a clause

the company to bring freewayfarers to become

abroad provided always thathave or

diplomatic officers

Movements of Naval VeiieliWASHINGTON Aug 23 The following

movements of naval vessels havereported to the Bureau of Navigation

Cruiser Hartford arrived New LondonPontlac arrived New York

Gunboat Castlre sailed from Monte Christifor Sanchez Destroyer WordenNew LondonWhltestone for a cruise Tug Apache ar-rived Oyster Bay Submarine arrived Oyster Cruiser Maryland


Frank Temple Reamer who died yesterdaymorning In Denver Col will be mournedby a large circle of friends In New York wherehe had lived for many years Mrwas the son of Mrs Elizabeth LawrenceReamer and he was born In Louisville Ky34 years ago Ills family has been Iden-tified with the social and political historyof Kentucky since Revolutionary days MrRoamer was from Columbia Co-llege He wu a mem-

ber of the Psl Upsilon fraternity He was con-nected with the fidelity aim oasualtr department of the firm of Johnson A Higgins of40 Wall street and success In this line ofwqrk had been marked Mr Reamer had been

of a number of includ-ing tbe Calumet Two he wastaken ill and a moth ago he sent toDenver in the exoectatlon that thechange ofclimate would restore him to halth Hisbrother Lawrence Reamer was with himwhen he died The remains will be broughtto New York for Interment In Woodlawn

Mrs Iucle Bolce Wood a soprano soloiston Tuesday at her home In East Orange

the wife of Milton Rusallng Woodalso a singer and was born In New Bruns-wick 20 She was a of Mrand Henry Smock Bolos of Brooklyn Atthe time of she sopranoIn St Jamess Methodistavenue New York where her husband la thebarytone

Edward White Williams a cheese exporterdied on at hit 671East Twentythird street Flatbush In his

He was prominent Inmusical circles and for hadcharge of the muslo In the Second Presby-terian Church In Remsen street wasfor several a deacon In the LafayetteAvenue Presbyterian Church was amember of Club and a Twentythird veteran Ills wlf twodaughters survive

Patrick McCaffrey who died on MondayIn seventyfifth year at his 087Orand street was an Intimate

tin former Democratic leader of Brooklyn-Mr born near HavenConn and when years old his family

prominent In Democratic politicsoffIces was a

rope makerMrs Samuel Colt widow of Colt

of Hartford Conn died yesterday afternoon-at the Newport Mrs-C I where she been visit-ing this summer last Mrs Coltwas stricken with paralysis and was con-scious but a before herdeath body will be taken to Hartfordtomorrow morning by special trainfuneral on Friday

was 79 years oldDr James H Salisbury who

illness was horn In Scott Cortland county

Union College and on June 2 1800

New York State Geological Survey andspecialist in the treatment of chronlo din

leaves a widow and a son Dr T nCleveland Ohio

Claybnrn Webb at the home ofof Mo

night after a weeks Illness Mr Webwas the survivor of the Seminole warle having served under Gen Zachary Taylor

luring the entire campaign wasTennesaean by born In Miles

county that State In lilt He went tocounty Mo In 1834

Mother Xavier Kean who wa one of thePark died lat Monday after a

retracted Illness Her was a directorf the Savings Bank tome

Mother Xavier a ileterMrs CharlesLopez who I the wife of a sculptor

was a concert lingerTames George Forman a well known real

estate In who was Interestedthe development of the Hillside Park

his honie SW St Marks avenueHe was active In

Ican politics and a the InvincibleUnion League Club

Theodore AV Dalley a well known conand builder N Y

dropped dead yesterday at Goshen N T

fell over deadC De Grove of 887 Fourteenth

street Brooklyn who had a memberthe Stock 1840

Tuesday at his summer home Henry

and several children survive

Impure breath arising from the-

se of liquor or tobacco is com

neutralized by daily use of



23Two hun rol





mater d












hiWllalfriend of the

Ilet In


dieat his at a long

S Y on Oct ISfrom

Ife atheapals a rMr A Polockof

die hislon


best known In



In ndManor on



ale 81 Mrof

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benofdIe N yea mlwire

ple ely

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Ore noble











yester-day home errr

1621 was

Clara Brasee was


sisters Urauline Convent

Locust died Tuesday

member of

wasthe residence

Oraxt Brownsstooo looking the house
















lleMarrs Tint Man Never Propert ervtd With Papers In the Tenurwe-ApllmtKheMaf Klielll Have That l e-

crre AnmillrdMay Ind stilt Mere

Mr Barton Sewell whose husbandthe vicepresident of the Amen anand Refining Company has secured frcrher a decree of In Tennessee re-

plied at length last night to the chargethat her lawyers had demanded largoeumof money to settle the case and toldside of their troubles This U her state-ment

I was very much astonished to read li-

the papers the false and Intemperate statemonte made by Mr Bewells tcthe effect that efforts were being madeby me and on my behalf to blackmail MrSewell

It seems to be the fashion now whereparties are caught In the commission ofcrime tp wail before they are convictedthat attempts are being made to black-

mail themThe inference that may be drawn from

the wild and incoherent statements madeby my husbands counsel la that he tiecounsel Is suffering the keenest disap-pointment because he was not able to carrythrough successfully his latest attemptb benefit client at my expense Tobe specific at this I will say thatthough this same who Is so looseIn his charges of blackmail of which hesays he has no evidence and thus failed tomove the District Attorney to action sought-to carry through an agreement with me forthe purpose of making that provlslori towhich I am lawfully entitled as MrSowelPswlfeby the terms of which certain securitiesbelonging to me under a trust agreementwith a trust company of this city wereto be replaced by securities of less valueand stability and the difference In themarket value of the two stocks to beobtained from a sale of my securitieswas to be paid over to me In satisfaction-of my claim for support That Is to sayI was to pay myself out of my own securi-ties

Mr Sewell and his were notquite so successful on as theyhave been on others when attempting todamage me When I discovered the wayin which Mr Sewell and his counsel proposed to pay me out of my own securitiesI repudiated the whole matter Immediately afterward both of sons whosedependence upon their father in perhaps

excuse for theirto see me and with me to makean amicable settlement and not to takelegal proceedings against him as it would

would hisprospectsfor the presidency of the Ameri-can he was mostanxious to obtain

Of course I could not accede even tothe pleadings of my sons that I shouldmit a monstrous aa this fraud-ulent and Tennessee divorcedecree tostand against me Not satisfied

refusal my son wrote mea letter dated 3 1005 begging me to

an amicable settlement hisfather

A brief review of my marital life andseems necessary in order that

of the conduct of Mr Sewelland his numerous hirelings may be appre-ciated I was toChicago on Christmas Day 1873 and by

aa one suggested We lived inChicago happily 18W when wecame to New took iip our residence-at the Waldorf The following summer Iwent abroad with my two sons On my

Sewells conductwhich became worse and worse on

return from a Second to Europe-in the summer of 1901 he deserted meI was compelled to Institute a suit againsthim on in the Supreme Courtof this State

On 31st day of December 1901

final In that action was entered-in my favor adjudging that he had de

me and totomy support in

his McCormickwas his attorney of record andin to the decree Notwith-standing solemn decree of the SupremeCourt this State which Is still forceand effect Mr Sowell instituted anfor divorce against me at Knoxvilleon November 14 1904 the complaint inwhich Is sworn to by Mralleges that I had and maliciously

and had contracted the habitof habitual drunkenness and that he hadbeen a resident of Tennessee for two years

at that time ie wasat the San Remo Hotel In New

else than in New York city since we camefrom Chicago-

It became necessary to have thetake in the evening at an

at Knoxville Tenn at a time whenwas no term of the court and as service-

of the upon me would have beenprejudicial to success of the

wasand a notice was published in a labor or-ganization paper at purporting-to upon me to defend the

I was In Europe having saLed fromYork on 1B04 Twobefore sailing Mr Jones of the firm

of Jones A Mr Sewella at-torneys then and now called me

no hint of the which was after-ward taken in Tennessee though I noticedby one of the papers that Itwas said that I to Europe for thepurpose of evading service

I was in Rome in the month

returned to New York for the purposethis decree annulled

as attorney Charles C Lockof this I supposed that

this decree would be sothaving ascertained aa 1 have men

above that the provisions of thedrafted by

purporting to makemy not contemplate the

of this Idissatisfied and desired to have

other attorneys substituted for me in Mrand I caused a motion

a that effect to be made in the action forbeolutw divorce brought in my name in

associate counsel I have had no otherDunsel in thIs matter except the counsel

attorney In myever made any upon Mr

towell to pay sum of money uponthreats of

The decree I have madein the of this Stateseem todispose in the

I had deserted hima for the other that I had

habit of habitual drunkenness thatwould seem to be an matter to

many witnesses if it had any foundationn

Immediately after securing this Tenlessee Mr Mrslitchle at Montclair Nresidence with her at occupied

I very much regret notorietythat has come out matter

been of my seekingMr a woman

SO has an apartment at 14 East Sixtiethstreet Her Edgar J

Philadelphia and P Maloney

discussed her case at length It was thetime Mr met Mrs Bowelat the conference the

was issuedLawyer Pershing afterward volunteered

some statementInto the action He saidaa far as Bewail only

claIm to a residence inownership since April










way I not a at the


ser refuse


York He hadever anywhere




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1905 1 learned through friendInstitution Tennessee



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The GflMoa UW b the

of parity tn wty to


TIME IS MONEYY-ou save time and money ordering a

suit of our and winter weights We have onsale regardless of what formerly sold for sut to measure820 The style value and workmanship must you otherwisethey remain here Saturday noon



Q Ninth Street

n L Ii jn 1-

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to the divorce decree of a ten acre laurelbush patch Mr Pershing says that Law

and Turner are lookingafter things for him In Knoxville

There a practical admission on MrsSewells part does not intend tcprosecute divorce action now pending

is the plaintiff Her purpose at presentshe to annul Tennessee

Sewell from him byobtained in Westchesterago

Henry of Jones t McCor

blackmail statement went to Boston yesThere was nothing more

forthcoming from his side of theHerbert of Wellman Gooch ft

Smythe made the following statement as

litigationMr was brought into the

litigation last by C LockSewells attorney His advice

was sought and he gave as his opinionthat maintain an action for

here The question of her alimonyallowance then camecussions were had with Jones and McCor-mick No specific demands were madenor were threats of any kind

The discussions resulted an agree-ment signed on byand Mrs a previousagreement concerning her allowance

By agreement a certainHum about 137000 was to herin cash by the sale of Smelters securitiesheld in trust for her and the reinvestmentof of the United StatesSteel preferred her the sameincome 12000 a year that she had pre-viously

This agreement was In no tensein litigation eitherexisting Her actionwas about time and is stillpending Our connection with the case

our advice was on MayI understand Mrs

Sewell other lawyers butwhat they have done can be no ofours as counsel In a pro-fessional in just the mannercated


Both Are Married to the Fame Man andNeither Is Resentful

GREENWICH Can Aug 23 Two reappearing women each about 80

had been wronged by James Stewart

forgiving affection that startled court

with one of the womenunder the name of Mr and Mrs JohnsonMrs Stewart who lives in Hartford

and brought him before the court on the

Mrs Johnson said she was marriedto the man In Springfield Mass last Mayand was untilevening She had no complaint to make

him howeverHe was bound over for SI000

ball and while Mrs home tohis clothes for him Mrs Stewart

began to hustle for bail to get him free

Dr Pepper Goes to California UniversitySAN FRANCISCO Aug 23 Dr William

Pepper lecturer in Semitic languages atColumbia University during the last two

has been instructorSemitic languages at the University of

Dr will at theuniversity in time to take charge during

present academic year

Naval Yeoman Commits SnlcldeWASHINGTON XugZJ Guy Earle Howett

on the receiving Franklinat the Norfolk committedsuicide some time yesterday at the Metro-politan Hotel himself with-a after first taking chloroform-His body did

his intention to kill himself and directingthat hi be shipped to hisliven 11 Chicago gave no reason forhis uct

Army and NavyWASRIMOTON Au i a army

Commissary Majorid having been

f baa been retired First Lieut Jamesdepartment of the army at

third annual of the AmericanHealth Association atBoston Sept 21 to n First

The following navy orders have been tunedUeutenantCommander A W Dodd to San

ait assistant to the commandant PacificNaval district W BIraunersreiithcr from WashIngton to navy yard

Island Lieut from theto Boston Lieut H O

Naval M M Ramseyo navy yard Portsmouth as pay

ahome I K

treatment naval hospital Yokohama to thesleigh V a retired from navalstation to home neat Lieut

from Olonfapo station to naval


For Nearly M VeinSpoons Forks Knives etc

satisfaction havebeen the trade mark

When baying Urerware it will

n buying flutes Tu-


and u the ofthe


who out

with the Swel



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herself wife Barton


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whereabouts husband

charges abandonment

to call note


orders were LsuedHughes Fouttli to


etaileul represent

Pub c

Lleut Haywood Surf eonfrom Manila ones


League ash

Kline from the Raleigh



1I I



i to see that each pieceostai-

uar goo s



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Morgans Ginger Aleand Club Soda

ACKNOWLEDGED BESTHIOHEST AWARDOrder from your dealer or direct from

3 J West 38th Street N V 3SS8thEstablished 1MO


Jersey Citys First Murder Myitery irrNearly a quarter or a Century

The body of the unidentified man whowas murdered in a lot at the foot of Cantonavenue Jersey City on the western elopeof the hill on Sunday morning Aug 6

was buried yesterday In the patters fieldSnake Hill The man was hacked to deathwith a lathers hatchet It Is believedthat he was a foreigner but the police Arenot sure whether he was an Italian Greek

every murder committed infor nearly of a haabeen1 1

clearest up and the murderer arrested iChief Police is Interested

suggestion made Detective SergeantNew York that the men r

for the murder of an Italian InClaremont Park know something

the Jersey City murder men

It is said that Petrosini learned thatClaremont Park victim was lureda Pennsylvania town to New


Dobrlns of Charleston 8 C Had CleanYellow Fever Bill of Health

Karl Dobring 20 died at Parkrow and New night of an in-

ternal hemorrhage Papers found on theftody showed that Dobring was a captainof a sailing vessel and came from Charleston

at 318 FirstHe a paper dated Aug 11 show-

Ing F of board ofof Charleston had pOsed him a

of his departure

Shot toy HI CwwtnKB vis N Y Aug M William

Westbrook aged 20 son of Dayton Westbrook a farmer residing In Montague ninemiles below Port Jervis was accidentallyshot his cousinGeorge of Kingston N Ywho this at thehouse for an outing

Ornattu et Bonitai

Correct Hftia for Melt

Fall StylesWillBelssutd-

Wedneiday Avgiiit 30tK

DIEDKANE Suddenly at CornwaUonHudson N T-

on Wednesday AUf tOOL In Her tel yearHcFarlanl widow of Nicholas

of Mrs John Erly-Funerel private from St Peters Church Cora

wall N Y-

ItATHERAt the Mather homestead Psrirnon Monday AUf 21 IMS Joseph W

In the Mth ye r of his areFuneral terrlcea In the Darien Conrrecathntl

att P M Thursday AurDarlen will meet train leaving

Central Station New York City at ana P M

REAMERFrank Temple Reamer Aur M 1

at Denver In th 14th year of his atrNotice of funeral hereafter Louisville psprn

please copy3ALISBUnvCn Ati Dr James It Salisbury

atterallnierUrUln his residence Dnh-MFenrontheiTudson la the Hd year ot bage

Interment la Cleveland Ohio Lndon antParts papers please copy

FHUKDled Anf M I M gSO P M Ottlt-lThutn wife of Oeorcb Thum at her late it l

ta Avenue D N T

will be 10 X Uhoua

j-Ot 100

In Bronze



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