T-IN-CNF01-100-A [Modo de Compatibilidade] -...


Transcript of T-IN-CNF01-100-A [Modo de Compatibilidade] -...









Confluence: A web-base application tool in charge of managing information, files,

etc. developed by the Australian company Atlassian.

This tool enables the user a high level of customization both layouts and permissions

through plugins.

Tool features:

-Permission customization

-Integration with other tools



*Note: Dashboard screen as an example of use in a customized project.



Login Screen: Enter username and password.

*Note: Confluence 2.8.1 version login screen with a default configuration in a HSQL base

instance with no preexisting data and installed in demonstration space.


Dashboard: It is the presentation initial page.

Dashboard is organized according to the user's needs.

*Note: Dashboard screen with default configuration and no preexisting data, only

demonstration space provided by Atlassian.


Dashboard spaces: In the initial page tabs with option to view user's spaces or all



Create a space option: Screen where you create spaces.


RSS Feed Builder option: Screen where you create RSS customized feed, select feed

content, format and access.


People directory option: Screen with the list of users in Favourite.


Recently updated option: Screen with the list of links and user's view options.


Dashboard option show all: List of all links and user's view options.


Demonstration space option: Link to demonstration space screen.


Edit option: Edition menu.


Edit rich text option: Screen to edit texts in Confluence pages.

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Edit wiki markup option: Screen to edit markups in Confluence pages. Text formatting: *bold* » bold _italic_ » italic -strike- » strike +under+ » under

Headings: h1. Large heading! h3. Medium heading h5. Small heading...

Lists: * Bulleted points # Numbered points

Linking: [title#anchor] » Link a page [dev:title#anchor] » In space with 'dev' [http://host.com] » Remote link [phrase@shortcut] » Shortcut Notes: [alias|any_of_above_links] » Custom link title Tables: ||head1||head2|| |colA1|colA2| |colB1|colB2|


*strong* Write a strong text.

_emphasis_ Give emphasis to your text.

??citation?? Crete a text in citation.

-strikethrough- Write a text with strikethrough.

+underlined+ Write an underlined text.

^superscript^ Write a text with superscript.

~subscript~ Write a text with subscript.

{{monospaced}} Write a text with a code text.

bq. Some text blocks mentioned 21 To make a paragraph into a block quotation, you need to use " " before writing it.


Add option: Menu to add pages, content news and attachments.


Add page option: Link to add pages.


Add new page option: Screen to add a new page.


Add option: Menu to add pages, content news and attachments.


Add news option: Add news screen.


Add option: Menu to add pages, content news and attachments.


Add comments option: Add comments screen.


Add attachment option: Link to add attachments.


Add attachments option: Add, edit, remove attachment screen.


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Tools option: Confluence operation menu.






-View wiki markup

-Export to PDF

-Export to Word





Tools option Attachments: Link to attachment screen.


Attachments option: Add, edit, remove attachment screen.


Tools option History: Link to history screen.


History option: View changing history screen.

*Version comparison option.


Tools option Favourite: Link to add page to Favourite.


Tools option Watch: Link to add a page to user's watched items.


Tools option Info: Link to information screen.


Information option: Information about hierarchies, links, labels and recent changes



Information option: View bookmarks.


Export to PDF option: Link to export content to PDF format.


Export to PDF option: Save PDF file generated.


Export to PDF option: View PDF file generated from the Confluence content.


Export to Word option: Export content to .doc format.


Export to Word option: Save .doc file.


Export to Word option: View .doc file generated from Confluence content.


Copy option: Link to content copy.


Copy option: Content copy screen.


Move option: Link to move page.


Move option: Screen with option to move a page to another space.


Remove option: Link to remove contents.


Remove option: Screen with the option to cancel or continue the removal.




Administration option: Administration screen is the interface used to manage

and configure Confluence.


-Look and Fell



General Configuration option: View and change Confluence general configuration screen.

Site Configuration

Configure the site appearance and behaviour as a whole. The most important is the URL Base Server, which must be set to the externally-accessible address of your Confluence site.

Feature Settings Some features are installed as plugins and must be enabled or disabled from plugins administration page. Security and Privacy

Settings for user management site security and user privacy.

Formatting and International

Settings Language changing


Attachment Settings

Settings for attachment use permission.

Connection Timeouts

Connection timeout edition.

------------------------- This screen allows you to manage the Confluence general configuration. Site Title: Allows you to specify a site title which will appear on your browser title bar. Default: Confluence Site Homepage: Allows you to configure a site homepage to which users will be directed when they log in. Default: Dashboard Site Welcome Message: Allows you to configure the welcome message for the site/dashboard. Not defining a site homepage will lead to a default message. View Space Goes to Browse Space: Determines whether view space request should be redirected to the homepage of space or to the Browse Space page. Default: OFF


Site Support Address: The default email address the administrator created for the support. Activate Rich Text Edition: The Rich Text edition is activated as default. You are allowed to disable it here. Default: ON Users view the Rich Text Editor as default To enable Rich Text as edit default. Default: ON Links to Camel Case:


Daily Backup Administration option

This screen allows you to configure where your backups are stored, whether or not

attachments should be included in the backups and the naming format for the backup



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Manage Referrers option

Record External Referrers:

Turning on this option will prevent external links from being displayed on

the site.

Default: OFF

Excluded External Referrer Prefixes:

This allows you to specify Urls you want to exclude from the external referrers list

displayed in the Info tab of a page. Separate domain pages by these characters: space,

tabs, new line, colon and semi colon.


Plugins option

This screen displays the installed plugins active for this Confluence installation.

Option to upload a new plugin or disable any of active plugins.


Plugin Repository option

Screen to view which plugins are available for the version used of Confluence with a

tab to upload file: Add a .jar URL file related to the plugin installed or the local path

where the file is stored.


Language option: Screen to change the available languages of Confluence.

As default, Confluence is in English, but it is also available for French (Français) and German (Deutsch) language options.


Shortcut links option: Screen to configure shortcut links in Confluence.


Global templates option: This screen displays the templates currently defined for the

site. Add a new template or edit an existing template using regular Confluence markup.

*Templates are pre-defined pages that can be used as prototypes across the site.


Mail servers option

This screen allows you to set up a mail session in Confluence Standalone version.


User macros option: User Macros are simple templates defined by Confluence

Administrator. Macros defined here are made available to all users when editing


User Macros can be used to generate boiler-plate messages or automate commonly

repeated markups.


JIRA Issues icon mappings option: To use the {jiraissues} macro to retrieve information

from JIRA server, use this screen to tell Confluence where to find the icons to any

custom statuses or issue types you have configured in JIRA. Ensure that the icon with

that filename is located in the /images/icons directory of the JIRA server.


There are encoding error or to facilitate backup Attachment Meta data is

Attachment storage option: This screen allows you to manage where Confluence stores


File System:

This option (default) stores all Attachments on the local file system. Attachment

metadata is handled and stored by Confluence (unlike WebDAV).


This option stores all Attachments in the database. It may be useful when

encoding issues exist or for ease of backing up. Attachment metadata is handled

and stored by Confluence (unlike WebDAV).


This option will store all Attachments on a remote WebDAV server. Attachments exist

independently of Confluence and can be added, removed and updated through

standard WebDAV protocol.


To choose a storage method different from the current configuration will request a

migration from a data storage to another.


Spam prevention option: Screen to enable or disable span prevention control.

When Captcha is enabled, users trying to sign up the accounts, edit pages or leave

comments are required to read some texts from an image and type them into the form.

Enable Captcha if:

Confluence is open to public access.

You are having problems with malicious edits or spam.

Disable Captcha if:

You are running Confluence privately.

*Captcha is a technical term for a test that can distinguish a human being from an

automated agent such as a web spider or robot.


PDF language support option: Screen to configure support to PDF file formatting.


Default content screen option: This page allows you to customize what is shown on a

page of a space when it is created. Customizations will only apply to spaces created

after you have made your changes. Existing spaces will remain unchanged.


WeDAV configuration option: WebDAV allows you to access Confluence content as if it

were a folder in your computer file system. Option of permissions on pages, attached files,

folders and virtual files.


Site themes option: Screen to configure pre-defined appearance themes.

If you select a theme, then any colour or page layout defined in that theme will be

applied across the whole Confluence site.

If you do not select a theme, the default look will be applied, or you may customize

the site appearance through colour-scheme and layout customization.

Space administrators may select a different theme for their spaces.

*Themes are plugin modules that customize the look of your site.


Colours scheme option: Screen to customize the colour scheme of your site.

Enter standard HTML/CSS2 colour codes or use the colour picker to choose a new

colour from the palette provided.

Any change you make will immediately be reflected across the Confluence installation.

You can easily return to the default scheme by clicking 'Reset Default'. The default

colour scheme for the site will also become the default for all spaces within it. However,

it is possible for space administrators to configure different colour scheme for spaces

from the space administration screens.


Global logo option: Screen to replace the global default logo with a logo of your choice.


Custom HTML option: Screen to optionally add snippets of custom HTML code to

each page, giving you the ability to configure Javascript page statistics.

You can provide custom HTML to be inserted in three locations:

Just before the end of the HEAD tag,

just after the start of the BODY tag and

just before the end of the BODY tag.

* Ensure any custom HTML has closed all tags properly and the content is trusted.

Broken markups can prevent you from accessing content in Confluence.

Some custom schemes cannot support the addition of custom HTML.



spaces) will remove all Confluence content from database. You need a

Backup & Restore option: Screen to allow you to manually backup the contents of the

database into a zipped XML file. You can use this backup to move Confluence between

different databases if requested. This may take a few minutes.

Restoring data allows you to restore a site or a space from a backup file.

*Restoring a backup of an entire Confluence site (consisting of multiple spaces) will

wipe out all Confluence content in the database. Ensure that you database is backed

up. Make sure you know your login details in the data being restored.


Content indexing option: Screen to manually rebuild this content index.

You are able to do it if you find errors while searching or in email threading.

The Queue tab will display the content that is queued for inclusion in the index. By

default, the content is indexed once every minute.


View Mail queue option: Screen to view email massages waiting to be sent to 'Mail

Queue' frequently flushed from Confluence every minute.

A site administrator can also manually flush email from the mail queue.


Cache statistics option: Screen to view values of memory cache used by



Import data from SnipSnap option: Screen to use the SnipSnap importer to import

SnipSnap XML backup file into a space in Confluence.

*This process could take a few minutes.


License details option: Screen to view and upgrade licenses in Confluence.


System information option: Screen to view information and features of the



Raise support request option: Screen to request support.


Logging and profile option: Screen to configure log saving profiling.

*Note: Any change you make is not persisted and will be lost when you restart


Performance profiling:

Logs the speed of pages and will help with diagnosing performance problems.

Should not be enabled for long periods as it results in large log files.

SQL Logging:

Should only be enabled under direction from Atlassian support.

Log4j Logging:

The Production profile allows you to revert to the default setting.

The Diagnostic profile logs more information, useful for troubleshooting error. This

profile has a small performance overhead.

The Custom setting allows for logging of very specific information, usually

under direction from Atlassian support.


Global activity option: Screen to view, graphically, how many times pages and news

were viewed over current time period and, view how many pages, news and

comments were created or updated over current time period.


View trusted applications option:

Confluence allows trusted applications to access specified Confluence URLs on behalf of

the trusted application users (without the user logging in to the Confluence).

*Note: Each user must be the same in both databases.


Manage users option: Screen to browse all user in the system.


-Add new user: Add a new user.

-Show all users: Show all users.

-Reset filter: Reset a filter.

-Search: Search for one or more users through filters.


Manage groups option: This screen displays the existing user groups on the site

and allows you to add new groups.

Users for the groups are added from the 'Manage User' screen.


View global permissions option: Screen to edit the types of permissions


-System Administrator: Administrator has a complete control and access

to all administrator functions.

-Confluence Administrator: User can administrate the application, but he is disallowed

from operation that may compromise system security.

-Create space: User can add a new space to the site.

-Attach Files to User Profile: Users can upload files to store them in their user


-Confluence user: User can access this Confluence installation.

* Without this permission, users will not be able to access to Confluence




Space option: Menu with option to access to the space screen with pages, news, labels,

attachments, bookmarks, mail, activity tags, advanced options and space administrator.


activity advanced options and space admin

Eg: office12 jpg

Pages option: Screen with pages, news, labels, attachments, bookmarks, mail, activity tags, advanced options and space administrator.

View of recent updates:



Example index

Source code

Creating pages and linking


Search Confluence content

Formatting content

Using Spaces

Thumbnail gallery

RSS Capabilities

Jira integration

Confluence Overview (Space Homepage)

Breadcrumb demonstration


Email archiving

* Links to access attached files.

Eg: File office12.jpg File pdfdoc.pdf


Pages option: Screen with pages, news, labels, attachments, bookmarks, mail, activity

tags, advanced options and space administrator. View recent updates in alphabetic



Pages option: Screen with pages, news, labels, attachments, bookmarks, mail, activity

tags, advanced options and space administrator. View recent updates in tree.


Recent news option: View screen.


Popular labels option: Screen to view the most popular labels used in Space.

The bigger the text, more popular is the label. Click a label to view the content



List attachments option: Screen to view a list of attachments.


Bookmarks option: Drag this link to your browser>bookmarks/favourites bar or right click and add to your browser bookmarks/ favourites to create bookmarks in Confluence. Use this URL to subscribe to bookmarks feed. You will get a new feed item, whenever someone creates a bookmark in this space.


Add bookmark option: Screen to add bookmarks.

-Option to use this screen to make a bookmark to any URL.

-You can save the bookmark in any space where a user can create a page.

-You can also label a bookmark, just as you would a page.

-If you label a bookmark for_spacekey, the bookmark will show up in that space.

-Try using bookmarks to send links to users by labeling them ~ username.


Mail option: Screen to add or remove mail accounts.


Space activity option: Screen to view graphically activities.


Advanced option: Screen to view space details.


Orphaned pages option: Screen to view space orphaned pages.


Undefined pages option: Screen to view space details.


Templates option: Screen to view space template details.


Create template option: Screen to add templates.


Export space option: Screen to export page data.


RSS feeds option: Screen to view space details.


Start/stop watching this space option: Link to enable or disable the option



Add/remove favorite space option: Link to add or remove the space as Favourite.


Space Administration option: Option of space administrator configuration.


Edit space detail option: Screen to edit space.


Edit space labels option: Screen to edit labels.


Remove space option: Screen to remove a space with all content also including the

existing pages within space.


Trash option: Screen to view the content deleted, option restore.



Permissions option: Screen to edit permission options. Permissions can be granted to users or specific groups. Confluence grants permissions to anonymous users (users not logged in system). These types of permissions are available for: View: Users are allowed to view space contents. Pages: Users are allowed to view space details, pages and blog-posts. Create – Creation and edition of pages on a specific space. Export - Export of pages to a specific space. Remove - Removal of pages from a specific space. News: Create - Creation of new items on a specific space. Delete – Removal of items from a specific space. Comments: Create – Creation of comments on a specific space. Delete - Removal of comments form a specific space. Attachments: Create – Addition of attachments to a specific space. Delete – Removal of attachments from a specific space. Mail: Remove – Deletion of personal items.


Restricted pages option: Restricted pages are those that have had either 'View' or

'Edit' restrictions enabled on the page edit screen.

This page allows a space admin to remove any page restriction within this space.


Mail accounts option: Screen to view and maintain data of mail accounts.


Mailbox import option: Screen to import from mailbox.



Space theme option: Screen to configure visual themes in Confluence.

'Themes' are Confluence plugin modules that customise the look of the space.

‘Themes’ must be installed and enabled by the site administrator before they are


If you select a theme then, any colour or page layouts defined in that theme will be

applied across this space.

If you do not select a theme, the globally configured look and feel will be used in this


You may customise the space appearance manually through colour scheme and layout



Colour scheme option: Screen to customise Confluence visual for this space. The

simplest modification you can make is customising the space colour scheme. More

advanced users can edit the space 'decorator' templates.

This screen allows you to change completely the site appearance and layout.

*Note: Any modifications done here will override the default colour scheme and

default decoration set up by your administrator.


Edit site layout option: Screen to edit and configure layouts.

Layouts are used by Confluence to generate the HTML code for each page, giving you

control over your site appearance and layout. You can use Confluence layout to change

the layout of the site, add logos and banners, move or change the appearance of menus

and control the display of pages and blog posts.

To edit a layout, you will need to be familiar with HTML.

Advanced editing will require some knowledge of velocity templating language.


Change space logo option:

You can use Confluence layout to change the layout of the site, add logos and banners,

move or change the appearance of menus and control the display of pages and blog


To edit a layout, you will need to be familiar with HTML. Advanced editing will require

some knowledge of velocity templating language.

*Layouts are used by Confluence to generate the HTML code for each page, giving you

control over your site appearance and layout.


Import pages from disk Options: Screen to import pages.

If you choose to trim extensions, any file extension will be removed from the page title.

By default, pages being imported with the names which are the same as existing

pages will be renamed (the name will have a number added to the end). If you

choose to overwrite the existing pages, imported pages with the name clashes will

overwrite the pages in the system. The existing pages will still be in the page history.


Preferences option: Menu with ‘Preferences’.


Preferences view profile option: Screen to view user's profile.


Preferences edit profile option: Screen to edit profile.


Preferences labels option: Screen to view the list of labels used, as well as the most

recent labels you have used since you logging in.

You can categorise content within Confluence by the use of labels.

Confluence enables you to use a great number of labels, which can be searched for

browser or used as filters.


Preferences watches option: Screen to view the list of content being watched.


Preferences drafts option: Screen to view drafts.


Create personal space option: Screen to configure personal space.


Your recent history option: Link to view user's recent history.