T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The...

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 1 aristocracy are said to be blue bloods, when a sample was extracted from this woman it turned out to be bright green, really quite odd. Towards the conclusion of the games it was thought that one female competitor must have been a superwoman, she had competed in every different sports discipline and won three medals. Doubts were cast on her superior stamina and she was suspected of cheating. The drug tester gave her a specimen bottle and asked her to produce a sample. When the bottle was opened for testing it had a very strong apple smell. Eventually it was found to be negative and the competitor was declared drug free and allowed to keep her hard won medals. During a men’s only event one competitor must have been feeling slightly mentally challenged, instead of going over the hurdles he went under them thus creating confusion and the need to rerun the race. This subsequently resulted in a tie for first place so two medals were awarded for this event. After the last medal had been presented at the conclusion of the final event the games were declared closed for another year. Contestants and spectators were then invited to adjourn to the catering tent. While they were served a delicious lunch of soup, sandwiches and slices the raffle was drawn. Winners were Dorothy Lord of Swansea, Doreen Sims of Lilydale, Bev Cleaver of Aldersgate Village and Bill Perkins of Ravenswood. The general consensus of all present was that the 2012 ’Limpic Games had been good fun. When the guests had departed the cleaning crew moved in and with all hands on deck the venue was soon spick and span once again. Tired officials went home very pleased knowing that the 2012 Lilydale ‘Limpics Games had been successfully staged. Helen Lilydale ‘Limpic Games 2012 Just after 10 am on Thursday July 12, approximately 35 to 40 competitors and spectators began arriving at ‘Limpic Stadium Lilydale (Senior Citizen’s rooms). Guests from as far away as Swansea, Deloraine, Selbourne, Riverside, Winnaleah, Bridport and Launceston joined a handful of locals for a fun day out. The day was fine but cool and the decision was made to hold the event undercover so everyone moved indoors where they were greeted by members of the organising committee(Lilydale CWA). Arriving slightly late, just after 10.35 am the exhausted marathon runner, having run the last leg of the Torch Relay from Rocherlea, limped into the arena and handed the ‘Limpic Torch to a waiting spectator. The Torch was passed round the ground by all those present and finally ended in the hands of Alderman Annette Waddle. Deputising for His Worship the Mayor who was attending a Local Government conference, Alderman Waddle proudly held the Torch high, made a short speech alluding to the ’Limpic ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play and declared the 2012 Games open. ‘Limpics President Margaret Hanstein invited all to participate in some gentle warm up exercises before the first event. Two equestrian races were followed by two heats each of weight lifting, swimming, hurdling and shot putt. The events attracted a great deal of cheering from spectators, unfortunately the occasional boo was also heard. Medals were awarded to the winners between each heat. After the second heat of the swimming was completed one competitor seemed a little dazed so a random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found. While the majority of us have red blood running through our veins and the Volume 33, Issue 7 THE LILYDALE PROGRESSIVE Inside this Issue: Letter to Commuity Progress Association 3 Neighbourhood Watch Senior Citizens 5 Lilydale Bowls Club Lilydale Lions Upper Piper Art & Craft Lebrina Prgoress Assc. 7 Lilydale Online Centre Book Fair Lilydale Landcare 9 Amazing Household Tips World’s Easiest Quiz 11 Lilydale School Snippets 13 Health Notes Classifieds 14 Community Noticeboard 15 What’s on This Month 16 Progressive Deadlines Articles to Pharmacy or email: [email protected] à 2012 deadlines: August 24th September 21st October 26th November 23rd à Quotable Quote: “Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.” Josh Billings

Transcript of T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The...

Page 1: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 1

aristocracy are said to be blue bloods, when a sample was extracted from this

woman it turned out to be bright green,

really quite odd.

Towards the conclusion of the games it

was thought that one female competitor

must have been a superwoman, she had competed in every different sports

discipline and won three medals. Doubts were cast on her superior stamina and

she was suspected of cheating. The drug

tester gave her a specimen bottle and asked her to produce a sample. When

the bottle was opened for testing it had a

very strong apple smell. Eventually it was found to be negative and the

competitor was declared drug free and allowed to keep her hard won medals.

During a men’s only event one

competitor must have been feeling slightly mentally challenged, instead of

going over the hurdles he went under them thus creating confusion and the

need to rerun the race. This

subsequently resulted in a tie for first place so two medals were awarded for

this event.

After the last medal had been presented at the conclusion of the final event the

games were declared closed for another year. Contestants and spectators were

then invited to adjourn to the catering

tent. While they were served a delicious lunch of soup, sandwiches and slices the

raffle was drawn. Winners were

Dorothy Lord of Swansea, Doreen Sims of Lilydale, Bev Cleaver of Aldersgate

Village and Bill Perkins of Ravenswood. The general consensus of all present was

that the 2012 ’Limpic Games had been

good fun.

When the guests had departed the

cleaning crew moved in and with all

hands on deck the venue was soon spick and span once again. Tired officials went

home very pleased knowing that the 2012 Lilydale ‘Limpics Games had been

successfully staged.


Lilydale ‘Limpic Games 2012

Just after 10 am on Thursday July 12,

approximately 35 to 40 competitors and spectators began arriving at ‘Limpic

Stadium Lilydale (Senior Citizen’s rooms). Guests from as far away as Swansea,

Deloraine, Selbourne, Riverside,

Winnaleah, Bridport and Launceston joined a handful of locals for a fun day

out. The day was fine but cool and the

decision was made to hold the event undercover so everyone moved indoors

where they were greeted by members of the organising committee(Lilydale CWA).

Arriving slightly late, just after 10.35 am

the exhausted marathon runner, having run the last leg of the Torch Relay from

Rocherlea, limped into the arena and

handed the ‘Limpic Torch to a waiting spectator. The Torch was passed round

the ground by all those present and finally ended in the hands of Alderman

Annette Waddle.

Deputising for His Worship the Mayor who was attending a Local Government

conference, Alderman Waddle proudly

held the Torch high, made a short speech alluding to the ’Limpic ideals of good

sportsmanship and fair play and declared the 2012 Games open.

‘Limpics President Margaret Hanstein

invited all to participate in some gentle warm up exercises before the first event.

Two equestrian races were followed by

two heats each of weight lifting, swimming, hurdling and shot putt. The

events attracted a great deal of cheering from spectators, unfortunately the

occasional boo was also heard.

Medals were awarded to the winners between each heat. After the second

heat of the swimming was completed one

competitor seemed a little dazed so a random drug test was conducted. The

lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was

found. While the majority of us have red

blood running through our veins and the

Volume 33, Issue 7


Letter to Commuity

Progress Association


Neighbourhood Watch

Senior Citizens


Lilydale Bowls Club

Lilydale Lions

Upper Piper Art & Craft

Lebrina Prgoress Assc.


Lilydale Online Centre

Book Fair

Lilydale Landcare


Amazing Household Tips

World’s Easiest Quiz


Lilydale School Snippets 13

Health Notes



Community Noticeboard 15

What’s on This Month 16

Progressive Deadlines

Articles to Pharmacy or email:

[email protected]


2012 deadlines:

August 24th

September 21st

October 26th November 23rd

à Quotable Quote:

“Consider the postage

stamp: its usefulness consists

in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.”

Josh Billings

Page 2: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 2







TRADING HOURS: MON - THURS 8.00 - 4.45 FRIDAY 8.00 - 1.00

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Building Design

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For all Commercial and

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PO Box 478, Launceston, Tas, 7250.

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Ask about our reasonable rates

Page 3: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 3

Finally, I realise that I will be open to criticism, but I do

know that I have a lot of support as this has been the

case from the many discussions I have had on this


A $7,000,000 water project for 160 households is in

my mind an incredible waste in these tough economic

times and it will result in increased costs for all

consumers. Surely our current water system can provide clean potable water at a much lower cost.

Ben Lomond Water say not, but could not produce a

costing figure or evidence at the recent information

meeting at Lilydale.


Tom Dancer

Business and residential property owner in the Lilydale

Water District.

Lilydale and District Progress

Association Inc. - News.

July's Progress meeting included a summary of the BLW

public meeting on the 14th June. At that meeting BLW

did allow for public comment. It was called primarily as a result of public objections to the proposed reservoir

- Inevitably though the subject of the project as a whole

was raised. It appeared to me that BLW did not cost

the local supply option and so could not produce

figures. The Chairman Mr Miles Hampton made several promises to those present and the LDPA Inc.

transcribed those verbal statements and followed up

with written confirmations. Those include promises of

a further Public Meeting to make announcements and show figures.

The reservoir issue has been a major factor in bringing

BLW to the table with regard to the general Australian

Standards water supply options for Lilydale.

Thank you to those who took the time to meet with Andrew Pitt to consult on the location for Ben

Lomond Water's proposed reservoir at Lilydale. He

was engaged as an independent by BLW to consult with

the community on the location of the reservoir.

The Agenda for the coming meeting on Tuesday

August 7th 7pm at the Old Court House:

Lighting Cameras - at the Village Green.

Sales of the Lilydale 150th DVD

Youth Space project

History Group

Neighbourhood Watch Anniversary


The AGM of the Lilydale District Progress Association

Inc. will be held on Tuesday September 4th 2012. 7:30 pm in the Supper Room at the Memorial Hall.

Membership is open to the Lilydale community and is

$2 payable on the night or at the post office.

Letter to the community,

I am writing with regards to Lilydale water, I do not

pretend that everyone will agree with my thoughts but

I believe that there is some merit in what I will put

forward. Firstly it is important that I make a couple of points of importance. There are around 720 residences

& businesses in the Lilydale District (Post Codes 7267

& 7268) of these there are around 160 connected to

the current reticulated water system, this represents

78% of properties operating there own water supply systems.

Ben Lomond Water say that the Health Department is

instructing them to bring the Lilydale water supply up

to the required Australian standard.

I know of no standards for individual domestic water systems. I would imagine that some of them would well

below the required water standard that Lilydale will

have to comply to, due to source of water, older

storage tanks, pipelines, etc. This could open up conjecture, but you cannot deny it is a fact.

I, like the majority of Lilydale residents would like clean

potable water. No argument.

Mount Arthur supplies our township with what I

believe is pristine water at its source, the poor quality originates between the source to the storage in the


Ben Lomond Water want to spend $7,000,000

(upwards of $40,000 for each current connection) to bring chemically treated water to Lilydale via a pipeline

from Mount Direction some 20 plus kilometres away.

It seems to me that an upgrade to our local system

would be a lot more cost effective (I have no hard

evidence at this stage, but this is being thoroughly investigated) and keeping in mind if the current local

system is decommissioned the waters from Mount

Arthur will become a waste. Also what will it do to

the current water flows in McGowans and Rocky

Creeks if this system is no longer used?

Part of the original pipeline (from Mount Direction)

costings by BLW would have taken into account that

they would have a further 100 plus properties to be

able to draw service and usage fees from. This is no longer the case as they have advised that people along

the pipeline route that they can opt out from

connecting and that includes not paying a service fee.

Is this fair, I can opt out from using BLW water but I

would still have to pay the service fee because their water passes my properties.

The current land zonings restrict the District for

development therefore the Lilydale township area is

unlikely to grow at any great rate. If major residential developments were planned or taking place at Lilydale I

could understand why BLW would need to consider


Page 4: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 4

I’d like to welcome Michelle Bignell to Lilydale Hair. OPENING HOURS

MON 9-5PM TUES 9-3.30PM WED 9-5PM THUR- 12-7PM FRI 9-5PM

SAT BY APPOINTMENT 9-12PM Note: Salon hours may vary in upcoming months.

Thank you for your understanding. From mid Sept to late Oct/Nov the salon will

only be open from 9.30am-4pm on Mondays & Thursdays




Digital antenna

Set ups for digital set top


Satellite dishes

New connections

Laszlo(Les) & Eva Borbas

Phone: 6395 2048

0419 927 292

Weedon Real Estate have been involved in

selling properties in the Lilydale District for

over 25years and have always had agents

living in the area which ensures firsthand

knowledge of what is has to offer.

Our current local agent has a wealth of

experience being licenced for 24 years and

spent 12 years selling well over 100

properties in the district during that time.

Locally we can offer you excellent

negotiable commission charges which also

include no costs for advertising.

If you are interested in selling and would

just like a free no obligation market

appraisal contact our local agent Tom

Dancer on 0419 369 162.

Weedon Real Estate

66 George St, Launceston

(03) 6331 3566

Craig’s Plastering &


Free Quotes for any job Licensed Installer of

Insulation Plastering: large or small jobs Renovations & Restorations Decks Bathrooms & Kitchens General maintenance No job too big or too small

Reasonable rates Guaranteed work


0439 005 142


MARION COURT (Rental accommodation for retired tenants

aged over 55 years.)

There is currently a vacant unit at Marion Court,

Lilydale. The unit is a one bedroom, attractive rental, heating, is freshly painted and the carpet cleaned. Units are on level ground, within easy flat walking

distance to all local amenities.

The grounds are maintained by the Board of

Management, and consist of a large central rose garden,

surrounding lawns and outside seating area with sun um-

brella and water feature. Undercover car parking is available

for tenant’s vehicles.

Enquiries please phone Julie 6395 1272 (AH) or

Maureen 6395 1431.

Further information can be obtained from our website: www.lilyretunit.yolasite.com.

Page 5: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 5

I remember from school how a senior teacher made a

student who was running down the corridor turn

round and walk back - walk back and do it right. It was

often heard bouncing off the walls “Don’t run along the corridor”. The little chap was humiliated but he

complied. When children are told “Don’t run along the

corridor”, they understand as it as “Run along the

corridor” to the chagrin of their parents or teachers.

So what is the solution? Use positive language patterns

that state clearly what you are asking for.

Instead of “Don’t run” say “Walk”.

In my role as secretary of the Progress Association one

of my tasks has been to ask the LCC and BLW to 'consult'. It was great to see the process in action on

the issue of the reservoir location. In my view it would

be even better if the whole wider project restarted and

was undertaken with a due respect for community consultation.

Be happy.

Next meeting August 7th 7:30 pm Old Court House.

Secretary LDPA Inc.

John Gallagher - Parent and Teacher (retired)

Neighbourhood Watch

Our June Meeting was held Thursday 14th June at the Fire Station, with 14 people

attending including our Guest speakers Jeff and Doreen

Sims and Constable Terry Otis

Jeff and Doreen, recently travelled to Vietnam and they both spoke to the meeting about their trip and showed

photos of the places they visited. There are certainly

many beautiful places and attractions to be seen in


Everybody associated with Lilydale Neighbourhood Watch, would like to thank Doreen and Jeff for sharing

their wonderful trip with us, and we are pleased to

have you back.

Police Report

Terry Otis was able to attend the meeting, for which we are all very grateful.

In the Afternoon of 2nd July approx. 3pm a Green

4WD vehicle was stolen from a front paddock at

Powers Road. This vehicle has a Bull Bar and Winch and 33” Mud Tyres along with other 4WD accessories.

Lilydale Police are investigating.

On the evening of the 10th July an orange trailer was

stolen from Lebrina and later found abandoned in

Waddles Road at Karoola. Lilydale Police are investigating.

Anybody who can assist the Police with enquiries on

any of the above incidents are urged to contact Lilydale

Police on 63952050 or CRIME STOPPERS on 1800 333 000

Important Message from Northern Community Policing


Design out Property Crime

As a member of the community, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your property from

crime. People that take all necessary precautions are

less likely to be targeted by thieves. Use the following

information to reduce the likelihood of your property being targeted.

Whilst the majority of people are conscious of locking

up their homes, a recent analysis of burglaries in the

Northern District has shown that some people are still

not securing their garages, sheds and workshops adequately.

Recently thieves have been specifically targeting these

areas. Common items stolen are tools and chainsaws.

These items should not be left in the front or back yard or on display for any length of time. Many people are

complacent when it comes to securing these areas.

Sheds, Garages, Workshops should be locked at all

times when not in use.

Stolen items of property are usually sold at a very cheap price. If the price of your new chainsaw is too

good, then the chances are it is stolen. If you suspect

this is the case, contact Launceston CIB for advice on

131444. Did you know, that if you purchase items you

suspect or know are stolen, then you may well be committing a crime yourself?

If you see or hear something suspicious call Police on

131444 and report it.


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Lilydale Neighbourhood

Watch will be held 09th August 2012 at 7.30pm at the

Fire Station. This meeting is our A.G.M.

Remember everyone is welcome to attend. Hope to see you there.

Lilydale Senior Citizens

Our carnival is coming around so quickly, we have been

lucky to get 24 teams for it.

On a sadder note we have lost one of our life

membership ladies from the Units, she has moved to Devonport to live so she can be closer to her family,

we all wish Kath good health and a happy time in her

new home.

Our AGM will be held on August 14th in the

clubrooms at 1.30pm, everybody is welcome.

Our rooms were hired out in July to the CWA for an

Olympic Games afternoon. Quite a good crowd and

fun was had by all.

Good bowling until next month.

Page 6: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 6

Bardenhagen’s Supermarket

New Proprietors Tom & Liz Wragg welcome all new and old customers

Good range of Tassie cheeses

Fruit & Veggies



IGA Everyday Specials

ATM instore now

Pre-paid phone cards


Mon - Fri 7 am - 7 pm

Sat 7 am - 6 pm

Sun 8 am - 6 pm

Main Road, Lilydale

Phone 6395 1422

We are proud supporters of local policing and the Neighbourhood Watch Program

10 Yard Tipper Hire

Local Gravel Suppliers for all your needs;

driveways, roading etc.

12 ton Excavator also available

for excavations

Phone Gene

0428 447 731

YOUR LOCAL AREA SPECIALIST ... with a proven track record

Debbie Sarich

0408 265 919

LJ Hooker Launceston 183 Charles Street Ph: 03 6334 9111 Fax: 03 6334 9199 Email: [email protected]

A dedicated consultant: experienced and down-to-

earth with extensive local knowledge.

For an honest obligation free opinion and personalised service call Deb.

Captain's Club Member

Page 7: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 7

Lilydale Bowls Club News

New players wanted urgently

Your local Bowls Club in Lilydale is urgently seeking

new players to take part in both the women’s and

men’s 2012/2013 bowls pennants competitions. Commencing October, women can bowl on either a

Thursday or Saturday, while men compete on

Saturdays. Club and social games are also conducted

throughout the season.

Previous lawn bowls experience is not required as coaching is provided, as are playing shirts and jackets.

Membership provides full access to Club facilities and

to our vibrant social programme. All welcome.

For more information phone Maurice Bird on 6395

6277 or 0448 372 805, or Lona Bardenhagen on 6395 1248, or call into the Club at 8 Charob Ave (off Station

Road), Lilydale.

What’s happening at the Bowls Club

With Spring only a few weeks away the Club is getting ready for the start of the bowls season in October.

The bowling green has responded well to its winter

maintenance and, for the first time, the Club will be

running a pre-season Club competition based on a

40/40 game format, weather permitting.

On the social side, a Games Night will be held at the

Club on Saturday, 4 August, from 7.00pm. This will be

an entertaining evening so come along and try your skill

at various card and other games. There will also be a wood raffle and wheel spins with great prizes. Entry is

free, with a light supper provided.

On Saturday, 25 August the Club will be conducting its

annual Trivia Night, from 7.00 to 10.30pm, with trivia

masters Darryl and Jill Wells. Great prizes and loads of fun. Entry is $10 per person, 6 persons per table. Light

supper provided. Numbers are limited and bookings

are essential. Phone Ian Williams on 6395 1062 or 0414

488 064. See you there.

Lilydale Lions

Due to lack of a suitable venue it has been a few years since Lilydale Lions have actually

held a Change-over Dinner in Lilydale. We have been

combining with Bridport on the first Saturday in July at

their venue. This year we again combined with Bridport

for the dinner but this year it was held at the Lilydale Bowls Club in Charob Avenue Lilydale.

We were also joined by guests from various places

including some of our very loyal supporters from


From all reports received everyone had a good time,

the evening went off very smoothly, and the meal was


The official part of the evening was a credit to our very

own Amanda Olson who handled the installation of

Office Bearers for the next 12 months, well done


Lilydale Lions look forward to the next year and

beyond being a part of the community and lending a hand whenever possible.

Don’t forget that the ever popular bags of manure are

always available, phone Steve on 6395 1323 with your

order and remember we may be able to deliver it straight to your door

Upper Piper Art and Craft

Co op

The Winter Solstice has come and gone and thankfully our daylight hours will slowly increase.

However, as Jayne wrote in her editorial last month,

winter is the perfect time to be creative indoors

especially involving arts and crafts.

It’s time to brush away the cobwebs, come to the Co

op to see some demonstrations of various arts and

crafts, get some new ideas or maybe new techniques.

On Sunday 26th August from 10.30 to 3.30pm various

art and crafts will be demonstrated in the old court room of the Court House, just across the corridor

from the Co op. See details on the notice board

outside the Co op of what techniques and times they

will be on, this will be available in the next couple of

weeks. Demonstrations could include but not exclusively card making, spinning, Vignettes, foundation

piecing and Trapunto.

Come down to the Co op have a cuppa and light

refreshments, then spend some time looking at the demonstrations and the new stock we have in the Co

op. Lilydale and the North East really have many

talented Artists and Craftspeople.

Lebrina Progress Association Update

The Winter Solstice – Feast of the Senses was a great

success once again. Many braved the cold night to

come along and enjoy the longest night of the year. Many thanks to our fantastic MC, Mr Patrick Scott,

who kept us highly entertained throughout the evening.

The proceeds from the night totalled just over $2000

and will be used in coming months for upgrades to the Hall. Any suggestions for next year’s Winter Solstice

would be welcomed. We are planning to hold the

event on Saturday 22nd June next year (to ensure we

don’t clash with the Lantern Walk).

Next meeting of the Lebrina Progress Association is on Tuesday 31st July at 8pm at the Lebrina Hall. All


For further information phone Brooke on 0419893390

or Graham on 63956122

Page 8: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 8

Start your day the RIGHT way, lose weight the FAST, healthy way with Herbalife.

Replace 2 meals a day with our delicious, nutritious Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix.

Ask for your FREE sample today.

Contact your local Herbalife Independent Distributor: Jayne Saddington

Ph: 6395 1598 or 0407 325 291

More information at: www.myherbinfo.com Or order directly online with secure payment


I’ve lost 17 kilos, you can too!



Accredited Livestock Carrier Supply & Deliver

Road base Material Tip Truck Hire & General Cartage

Phone 6395 4278 or

Mobile 0408 133 748

from one pet to large mobs

Comb & Cutter sharpening service also available

Ph 6395 4335 Jeremy Fuller

Local Sheep

Shearer Available

Lilydale-Scottsdale Veterinary Service a branch of Scottsdale Vet Service

Now located behind Yummies

Take Away

Main Rd, Lilydale

Ph: 6352 2996

Khyle and Colleen Stewart BVSc,

and Sonika Mitchell BVSc.

24 hour Veterinary Service Available

in conjunction with Scottsdale Veterinary Services.

Clinic hours Thursday afternoons 4-5pm

by appointment only.

Large animal calls booked in on these afternoons will

only incur mileage from Lilydale.

Page 9: T HE L Plilydaleprogressive.zohosites.com/files/Issues/12/...random drug test was conducted. The lady in question was declared to be drug free however a surprising anomaly was found.

The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 9

discover new things and get inspiration from people

who share your interests.

Come to the Centre and learn how to find the perfect

site for your interests.

Lilydale Online Access Centre Opening Times:

Tuesday: 2-6 pm

Wednesday: 9 am-1pm

Thursday: 2-5 pm Friday: 2-6 pm

Ph/Fax: 6395 0155

To book your one hour session.

www.lilydale.tco.asn.au - [email protected]

Book Fair

Lilydale District School Parents & Friends in

conjunction with the Lilydale District Community Library and the school library will be holding a book

fair to coincide with Book Week.

Funds raised will go directly to the library.

Books will be available for viewing and/or purchasing on:

Friday 17th August 10.30am - 7.00pm

Saturday 18th August 10.00am - 12.00pm

Monday 20th August 9.00am - 3.15pm

Heaps of titles for everyone.

Cash/card or cheque accepted.

Come along and bag a bargain.

Lilydale Landcare

Lilydale Landcarers have been very busy this past month with a tree planting day for NATIONAL TREE

DAY and a Movie screening of “THE VANISHING OF

THE BEES”. This movie points out what a devastating

effect this phenomenon could have on the future of our food industry if this problem is not addressed. As much

as 30% of our food crops rely on the humble honey

bee for pollination and our native plant species are un-

der threat as well. Until now Tasmania has been spared

the impact of this, but with the Varoa Mite also threatening our shores, we are uniquely placed to build

up our colonies and safeguard the future of our food

and cropping industries. To this end Lilydale Landcare

has a “PLAN BEE”.

If you would like to help or find out more information, please contact Laura Wordsworth, 63951280 or Greg

Duke 0407882595.

You are reminded that new members, of all ages are

always welcome and Membership costs only $5.00. Phone Nick, 63951280 or Mike Arms on 63951130.

The next meeting is to be Saturday August 5th at 239

North Lilydale Road at 10.30 AM.

Lilydale Online Access Centre

Last month I found some interesting craft websites this

month I thought we’d find some interesting sites for

the men in our lives.

Sites for the Guys:

Make Use Of: www.makeuseof.com - A daily blog

that features cool websites, computer tips, and

downloads that make you more productive. The aim of

MakeUseOf is to guide you through the web and tell

you about hot websites that you have never heard of, best software programs, and all kinds of “how to” tips

for Windows, Mac and Linux computer users.

Uncrate: http://uncrate.com/ Described as a digital

magazine for guys who love stuff! From the Jetovator

to the Hyundai Zombie Survival Machine, there are some truly interesting things on this site.

Wired: www.wired.com - A little bit of geekiness is

almost essential for today’s man. Wired is the place for

you if you want to be on the cutting edge of technology. Wired is neatly organised into sections,

each specific to a certain mainstream geek culture. For

instance, you can head to the GeekDad whose blog is

about parenting while surrounded by technology. It was

ranked a couple of years back as one of the top 25 blogs by Time.

Wonder How To: http://www.wonderhowto.com/ -

another site for the guys, find out how to make a

vertical wall mounted chessboard or gadgets from the latest Batman movie even how to create your own Big


Brotips: www.brotips.com - Some funny, biased,

useful? Tips by guys for guys. (Not recommended for

the politically correct or easily offended, but some of the tips made me laugh ;-)

And here are a couple that might be of interest

to everyone:

Symbaloo: www.symbaloo.com - Ever been on

holidays and tried to remember one of your favourite websites to show to friends and family? Symbaloo gives

you a nicely designed and easy to use start page for the

web. It’s like a favourites bar on your browser but

nicer. It holds your favourite sites as well as a number of useful web tools, and the best part is if you have

access to the internet you have access to your sites.

Attack of the cute: http://attackofthecute.com - A

social networking site where people post pictures of

their pets and other animals. Very cute!

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com Pinterest lets you

organize and share all the beautiful things you find on

the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings,

decorate their homes, and organize their favourite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pinboards created

by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to

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All of your excavation requirements


State-wide Assistance for all your computer hardware needs,

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Reasonable rates

Phone now for an

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I can help you with: Upgrading your old system

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General computer support & troubleshooting

Website maintenance

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The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 11

Amazing Household Tips

1. Tighten your hammer handle: Soak in used

engine oil for a day.

2. Open that stuck zip: Spray the stuck zip with

shaving foam.

3. Easily untie a knot in a chain: cover the knot

generously with cold cream.

4. When your pet has no appetite: Try a saucer of

beer. It's known to perk up the appetite.

5. Simple eye glass cleaner: Vinegar diluted in water makes fine eyeglass cleaner.

6. Remove ink stains from carpet: Apply a paste of

milk and cornstarch, let stand a few hours and

brush off.

7. What to do if you oversalt food: Drop a potato or two into it. Absorbs the extra salt.

8. Easy boiled egg peeling: Keep lid on for a few

minutes after boiling, pressure causes shell to fall


9. Keep windshields frost free: Apply solution 1

part vinegar to 3 parts water over windshield.

10. Remove mildew smell from luggage: Put a bar of

soap in luggage before storing.

11. How to clean rust from chrome: Rub it with aluminium foil.

12. A needle sharpening pin cushion: Use a steel

wool to fill your cushion, keeps needles sharp.

13. Keep vegetables fresh longer: Put paper towels in bottom of bin. It will absorb moisture which

causes decay.

World’s Easiest Quiz

(Passing requires 4 correct answers)

1. How long did the Hundred Years War last?

2. Which country makes Panama hats?

3. From which animal do we get catgut?

4. In which month do Russians celebrate the

October Revolution?

5. What is a camel's hair brush made of?

6. The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?

7. What was King George VI's first name?

8. What colour is a purple finch?

9. Where are Chinese gooseberries from?

10. What is the colour of the black box in a commercial airplane?

All done? Answers in next month’s Progressive.

State Library of Tasmania


1947 Main Road, Lilydale, 7268

Phone 6395 1110

OPENING HOURS Tuesday: 3.00pm – 7.00pm Friday: 2.00pm – 7.00pm Saturday: 10.00am – 12.00pm

Borrow, return and reserve State Library

lending items including books, CDs and DVDs.

Access to information from State Reference Library and

Archives Office of Tasmania.

Search our online catalogue TALISPlus.

For further information on the State Library

search our website at www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au

WEED PROBLEMS? Quickspray Unit on Trailer

Available for Hire

PH: Greg Duke 0407 882 595 Rob Derazzio or Mike Noonan

6395 0100

Lilydale Landcare offers its special unit for hire at exceptionally low rates:

$30 per day ($50 per weekend) The unit is very easy to use with 50 metres of hose - with remote radio retractable - mounted on a trailer.

With a little help from you it is DEATH TO WEEDS

This service is made possible by the valued sponsorship of: Neil Buckby Motors, Elders Ltd and Seasol - together with Tamar Natural Resource Management - your NRM group

On sale after the 30th March.

Then and Now a double DVD set recording

Lilydale 150 Years Celebration in October 2011

Disc One - a 72 minute video celebrating the events

Disc Two - a series of celebratory slide shows

including captioned historic photographs

$15 available at the Lilydale Post Office

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The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 12

In store now is a good range of winter weight tights, both fleece lined and unlined in footless, stirrup and full foot varieties. Lots of lovely bras and panties for many sizes from 10A to 22DD.

I have in stock now lots of great scarves and pashminas in silk, wool, cotton/ linen blend, nylon and chiffon and some very pretty lace scarves. Some of the scarves are a little different from the norm with a terrific range of new ones in with various toggles on them.

Lots of knitted beanies and beret’s in a variety of colours and lovely woollen beret’s in some smashing colours.

Also arrived this week is a range of circle scarves/ neck warmers which are great if you find the dangling ends of the scarf to be a problem.

I have some nice jumpers and skinny jeans in, also some nice shrugs and boleros in popular colours and a number of lace dresses and pleated chiffon skirts and dresses have arrived. Laces, pleats and chiffon are bang on trend this season on the European catwalks. Thereby making their way to our shores.

There are some cute new cocktail dresses in with more arriving all the time, so get in quick to secure yours for the upcoming leavers dinners. Which are only about 2 months away.

As always I have a huge range of sterling silver jewellery at very good prices.

Lots of brand name cosmetics, with a new range of M.A.C Foundations, eye shadows and blushers, eyeliners and mascaras.

There are some new designer inspired handbags and eve-ning clutches arrived.

Remember nothing in the shop is over $60 so there are lots of bargains to be had.

I am happy to offer lay-by’s so with Christmas bearing down on us once more now is a good time to start that shopping for any of the ladies in your life. Avoiding the rush and hassle of the city and the inevitable parking nightmares.

Don’t forget I am now situated in the back of Yummies Takeaway near the gift and Lolly shop.

Hope to see you there soon. Cheers

Lilydale Waxing & Nail Salon

Now located in Yummies Café Takeaway

Catering to all your waxing, manicuring and pedicuring needs

Open Wed - Fri 10-4 (other days by appointment) - Call 0467 533 515 for an appointment

Are we over the rain yet? I think I’m starting to get web feet ! Time for some comfort food from

the Lollydale Shoppe.

Norma has a new range of Neman’s chocolate boxes in a range that is sure to find something that satisfies, as well as Pink Lady assorted twist chocolates. Plus, of

course, all the usual favourites like chocolate honeycomb, choc bullets, candy coated almonds,

sugar free and gluten free lollies and bars.

Back in stock are the Smurf collectable mushrooms that proved very popular and a new arrival

Gorilla Gum a massive 60cm long chewing gum guaranteed to give you a jaw ache.

Don’t forget you can sit down in Yummies for proper cappuccinos, lattes, tea or hot chocolates

and one of our home-made slices.

Lollydale is open the same hours as Yummies - so you can call in on your way home – Mon – Thurs until

7:00pm 7:30pm Fri and Sat and 6:30pm Sun.

Chat to you soon, Norma, Kylie and David

The Lollydale Shoppe

1974 Main Road Lilydale 6395 1156

Open 7 Days - Inside Yummies Take-away, Café, Newsagency

Jayne’s Recipe of the Month: I don’t know about you but during cold weather soup

is always on at our house. Here’s my recipe for:

Curried Cream of Vegetable Soup Servings: 4 Cooking Time: 20 minutes


1 whole onion, sliced

2 sticks celery, sliced

1 whole leek, sliced 2 medium zucchini, sliced

1 medium potato, peeled and diced

1 Tbs Vegetable curry powder

1 Tbs Vegeta (or any vegetable stock powder)

1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper


300 ml cream


Fry onion, celery and leek in a little oil until


Add zucchini, potato, Vegeta, curry powder, salt and pepper and stir to combine. Fry another 2 minutes.

Add water to just cover vegetables and bring to the


Simmer until vegetables are cooked.

Puree soup in blender or food processor.

Reheat and stir cream through.

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Phone: 6395 0100 Fax: 6395 0199 Email: [email protected]

A message to parents from the

Australian Council of State School

Organisations Inc.

In February, the findings of the Gonski

review were handed to the Federal

Government. This review was the most comprehensive investigation of school

funding our nation has conducted in almost

40 years. The findings clearly revealed that, as a nation, Australia invests far too little in

our schools, particularly our public schools; the current funding model is not transparent

and it is in great need of repair. We urgently need a new funding model if all young people

are to receive the high quality of education

they deserve.

We are asking you to please support this

campaign. You can register your support at

the campaign website igiveagsonski.com.au

We would also encourage you to contact your federal MP directly. Send them an email,

text or put a message on their Facebook page.


Milkshake Fundraiser

Thank you to all those

who supported the recent SRC fundraiser.

The Breakfast Club was very happy to receive

$173.55. These funds help purchase items needed to

fund this programme.

Tasmanian All Schools

Cross Country Championships 2012 Lilydale Results

The following students represented Lilydale in the Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country Championships

at Symmons Plains recently: Jaydn Crawford Chelsea Fairley

Christine Adams Nixsyn Wade

James Hawes Isabella Crack Bonnie Waddle Duncan Muir

Eve Viney-Retallick Krystal Fairley James Babos Alecia Jepson

Aimee Hawes Megan Anderson

Shane Davenport Nathan McLachlan

Congratulations to all those who competed at this high

level, we saw some outstanding results. Keep up the good work!

Gold Medal Writers

Congratulations to the following students who

entered their creative writing stories in the recent

Launceston Competitions and were awarded the

Highest Aggregate Junior Creative Writing

2012. The standard of the competition was very high and it is wonderful to see our students compete at

such a high level and for Lilydale to be recognised for its high standard of achievement.

Each student will receive a Medal – Gold for 1st place and Silver for 2nd and LDS is the proud home of the

shield for the next year, which will be on display in

the trophy cabinet in the corridor near Mr Morgan’s office. It was great to see Lilydale as the only public

school on the shield!

Well done girls.

Olivia Hughes 1/2 Kerslake

Katelin Peters 5/6 Carins

Rioko Learmont 5/6 Carins

Jessica Blair 5/6 Carins Meg Cornish 5/6 Carins

Supermarket Vouchers and Stickers

Both supermarkets are still issuing either their vouchers or stickers till mid August, so please keep

collecting them for us.

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The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 14

Health Solutions from the Lilydale Pharmacy

Your health matters Lilydale Pharmacy

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Colin and Helen Denney.

Phone 63951 336

Protect your lips from the dry winter winds.

Blistex 2 for 1 bonus on lip balms and conditioners.

We are a NDSS supplier of needles and test strips

MASSAGE Healing, Tantric and Remedial


Studio equipment and mat work

YOGA Stress management

relaxation and meditation

0418 146 039 Kinga-Sascha KC

In the Village next to Bardenhagen’s IGA 1963 Main Road Lilydale

Flu or Cold?

A cold tends to have significant head symptoms like

sore throat, blocked nose and sinus congestion. Fever,

headaches and muscle pains are mild. Cough and chest

discomfort are usually mild to moderate.

Flu tends to hit suddenly with significant fever, chills,

muscle pains and exhaustion for a few days. Cough and

chest discomfort can be severe, with bronchitis or

pneumonia. Head symptoms like sore throat and

blocked nose are uncommon. The illness may last for 10 days or longer.

Viruses cause colds and flus, so antibiotics are not

effective. However, there is a treatment for flu

(Tamiflu) which can reduce the severity and duration of

the flu. It must be started within 1 or 2 days of flu symptoms and costs about $50. Other treatment for

colds and flu is symptomatic only - but at least you can

feel better while you are recovering. It usually takes 7

to 10 days to recover, so if you aren’t better after this time – or start to feel ill again, then you may have

caught a secondary infection. These are often bacterial

and can be treated with antibiotics from your doctor.

Conditions like asthma or diabetes are often made

worse by colds. Some serious illnesses can resemble colds or flu, so see your doctor if you have fevers over

38.5, noisy or fast breathing, neck stiffness, light hurting

the eyes, skin rash, chest pain or persistent cough.

Viruses are spread by touching hands or objects (eg tissues, toys) or by breathing droplets from sneezes or

coughs. To help prevent the spread of colds and flus,

cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing (use

your elbow not your hand). Wash your hands regularly

with soap and water, or antibacterial hand gel, before handling food and after blowing your nose. Use tissues

to blow your nose then throw them away.

Kaszazz Workshops - August

Countdown to Christmas - Wed, 22nd, 1pm

Get a head start on your Christmas Cards!! Make 12

cards, 4 each of 3 different designs, using a variety of

techniques. Suitable for all levels of experience. Bookings essential, by 14/08/12, Cost $20

Leather Look Father’s Day Cards - Wed, 29th,


Make 4 rustic Father’s Day cards incorporating an

embossed leather look effect. They can easily be adapted into mascul ine b irthday cards.

Bookings essential, by 21/08/12, Cost $20

Ph: Karen 0409 025 190 or 6395 1254 for further



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Uniting Church Services - August

Sun 5 August 11.15am Rev Nicholas

Sun 19 August 11.15am Rev Nicholas

See church noticeboard for time.

Uniting Church - Social Afternoon

Our social group meets again on Thursday 30th August

at the Lilydale Uniting Church - come when you can and go when you must - you’re very welcome.

Tai Chi Exercise Classes

Come and experience the ancient exercise of

Tai Chi in the Uniting Church Hall (behind

the Church)

All Welcome - 9.30 Wed morning

Lions Club of Lilydale Needs You

We need members. Any age over 18 Male or Female.

A fun way to meet and help the community.

Phone: Call Barry on 6395 4233

Lilydale Playgroup

Friendly relaxed atmosphere

ALL WELCOME - First session free!

$3 / week per family, includes hot drinks and munchies

toys and books

messy play, painting, craft,

play dough

sand pit, slide, fort, swings,

water play, bubbles, music

and lots of fun!!!

Wednesdays 10 am - 12 noon

Where? Behind the Anglican Church, Station Road,


For more information phone:

Anni 6395 4399

Or just pop in!

Lilydale Fitness Group

Come and join us at fitness every Tuesday at

the School Gym from 7pm to 8pm.

Cost per session $7. We would love to see

you there.

Don’t forget our new Saturday morning

sessions. Starting from 5th May at the School Gym from 10.30 - 11.30 am cost of sessions is $8.

Lilydale District Progress Association


The AGM of the Lilydale District Progress Association Inc. will be held on Tuesday September 4th 2012. 7:30

pm in the Supper Room at the Memorial Hall.

Membership is open to the Lilydale community and is

$2 payable on the night or at the post office.

Neighbourhood Watch AGM

Lilydale Neighbourhood Watch will be holding an Annual General meeting on August 9th commencing

7.30pm at the Fire Station.

Everybody is welcome to attend, hope to see you


Lilydale Retirement Units AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Lilydale Retirement Units Inc will be held on 14th August 2012, 7.00 p.m.

at Unit 7, Station Road, Lilydale.

Lilydale Senior Citizens AGM

Our AGM will be held on August 14th in the club-

rooms at 1.30pm, everybody is welcome.

Lebrina Progress Association

The LPA manages the facilities of the Lebrina Hall and

Recreation Ground. We encourage local people to

come along and have input into what is planned to improve the facilities and for future fundraising events.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 31st July at 8.00pm at

the Lebrina Hall.

For further information phone Brooke on 0419893390 or Graham on 63956122.

Book Fair

Lilydale District School Parents & Friends in

conjunction with the Lilydale District Community

Library and the school library will be holding a book

fair to coincide with Book Week.

Funds raised will go directly to the library.

Books will be available for viewing and/or purchasing


Friday 17th August 10.30am - 7.00pm

Saturday 18th August 10.00am - 12.00pm

Monday 20th August 9.00am - 3.15pm

Heaps of titles for everyone.

Cash/card or cheque accepted.

Come along and bag a bargain.

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The Lilydale Progressive - August 2012 Page 16

W 1 Lilydale Playgroup - AC, 10am

Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am CWA Lions - 7.30pm

T 2

F 3 Senior Citizens Bowls - SC, 1.30pm

Badminton - LH, 7.30pm

S 4 Active Fitness Group - LG, 10.30am

Bowls Club Games Night - LBC, 7pm

S 5 Uniting Church Service - UC, 11.15am

M 6 Valley Voices - UC, 7.30pm

T 7 Active Fitness Group - LG, 7pm

Lilydale Progress Association - CH, 7.30pm

W 8 Lilydale Playgroup - AC, 10am

Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am

T 9 Neighbourhood Watch AGM - FS, 7.30pm

F 10 Senior Citizens Bowls - SC, 1.30pm

S 11 Active Fitness Group - LG, 10.30am

S 12

M 13 Valley Voices - UC, 7.30pm

T 14 Active Fitness Group - LG, 7pm

Upper Piper Art & Craft Co-op - CH 7pm

Lilydale Retirement Units AGM - 7pm

Lilydale Senior Citizens AGM - SC 1.30pm

W 15 Lilydale Playgroup - AC, 10am

Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am Lions - 7.30pm

T 16

F 17 Senior Citizens Bowls - SC, 1.30pm

Badminton - 7.30pm LH

History Group - TOCHC, 8.00pm

Book Fair - LDS10.30am-7pm

S 18 Active Fitness Group - LG, 10.30am

Lilydale Adult Riders - KO

Book Fair - LDS 10am-12pm

S 19 Pony Club - KO

Uniting Church Service - UC, 11.15am

M 20 Valley Voices - UC, 7.30pm

Book Fair - LDS 9am-3.15pm

T 21 Active Fitness Group - LG, 7pm

W 22 Lilydale Playgroup - AC, 10am

Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am

Kaszazz Workshop - 1pm

T 23

F 24 Senior Citizens Bowls - SC, 1.30pm

S 25 Active Fitness Group - LG, 10.30am

Bowls Club Trivia Night - LBC, 7pm

S 26

M 27 Valley Voices - UC, 7.30pm

T 28 Active Fitness Group - LG, 7pm

Lilydale District School P&F - LDS Staffroom, 7pm

W 29 Lilydale Playgroup - AC, 10am

Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am

Kaszazz Workshop - 1pm

T 30 Uniting Church Social Afternoon - UC, 1.30pm

F 31 Senior Citizens Bowls - SC, 1.30pm


Fire - Police - Ambulance 000 Launceston General Hospital: 6348 7111

Poison Information Service: 13 11 26

Lilydale Medical Clinic: 6395 1455

6395 1258 AH

Lilydale Pharmacy: 6395 1336

Native Animal Rescue: David – Birds Fish etc 6395 1345 or 6395 1579 AH

Lorraine – Native animals: 6326 3502 or 0417 108 596

Patsy – Native animals: 6395 6248

Local Fire Brigade Permit Officers

Turners Marsh/Holloways Hill area: Leon & Allison King: Mob 0419 964 317

Austins Road Area:

Adrian Smith: Mob 0409 790 657

Leon King: Mob 0419 964 317

Karoola/ Lower Turners Marsh Area:

Adrian Smith: Mob 0409 790 657

Lilydale Area:

Dave Cleaver: Mob 0407 047 083 David Dornauf: Mob 0409 868 712

Bi - Weekly Calendar Events Every 2nd Mon: Fire Brigade Training; 7-9 pm 6395 1260

Calendar Event Venues AC Anglican Church, Station Rd, Lilydale CH The Old Courthouse, Main Rd, Lilydale FC Footy Clubrooms, Doaks Rd, Lilydale

FS Fire Station, Doaks Rd, Lilydale KH Karoola Hall, Karoola KO Karoola Oval, Karoola LBC Lilydale Bowling Clubrooms, Main Rd, Lilydale LG Lilydale High School Gym, Main Rd, Lilydale LDS Lilydale District School LH Lebrina Hall, Golconda Rd, Lebrina MH Memorial Hall, Main Rd, Lilydale SC Senior Citizens Clubrooms, Main Rd, Lilydale SH Sacred Heart Church, Karoola SA Saint Anne’s Church, Lalla Rd, Lilydale UC Uniting Church, Main Rd, Lilydale

VG Village Green

Progressive Contact Details Lilydale District Progress Association Inc PO Box 3,

L i lyda le , TAS 7268

Edi ting & Layout: Editor: J ayne Sadd ington

Phone: (03) 6395 0155

E-mail : l i ly .progress ive@gmai l .com

The L i l ydale Progressive i s publ ished monthly from

February to December by the L i l ydale Distr i ct

Progress Associat ion Inc . Art ic le s & Let ters to the

Edi tor (up to 200 words) and other copy may be le ft

a t the Li lyda le Pharmacy, or e -mai led to:

l i ly.progress ive@gmai l .com