t HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...iti--n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i-nl TV. lil 5i iki a W---p rvQr fttifK a. w lnrc...

t THF n AW m GAZETTE .. m. MwtiinJ la N'MMItil i .aaa.a --. T)Ms ft V I M J tn & m v rcwiaa J Ur-Ut- aB tlo( 1(V J it tJLInr.-llB- t. ,,.. I to a p. WHITNEY IHE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, SlUaH-llata- w. .... I 18 T SY HENRY IW. MU.m a !.. IN I tl II S- alt tJUi..-4l.- ch 4 W too It 00 M Q..ttwvf(4.aia li It W UN M TatnlOl.a m It w WW tt C6 rHPMnils PIS iTiSPMl llltt(4 . tow ItU ft u torn TtKTilt4 CVilaata. II o MCA Oa. rwarna . I eo 41 Ml tit A TPEEKLT JOITEXAL. DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. J- - BatlatH OrJ. vnta mfdnt fte M tmr. ait alkittrJ a dlweaat Orn I.m. tatM, a.kb ar Kit IrtMHit a4t.ttttMti, a pM t tattl qatrltttf. N. IV All Hxls a4TMltwtaU ai.ilt arwwMl4 lth t iot w4wmI la, m mi aotle. .HI ! Itlt. t T- - it w li 0c Rwidtw; tatav tl. ralM i(taat(.i at. ditto talk, aton k K aa. U-L- . AJLU.-Ov- O. oil.. HONOLULU, AVEDESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1877. WHOLE No. 663. rtMlttiMM tot Kal.ta Aaitikaa aJtttllMMi..tw tat. .iwh.1 ; Mtlfllwi a.I.Bit. aw. U awJ. h? taat Hm, t4 M Ita rtal .. Ulir (tint a UlV: f 1SWSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES, INSURANCE NOTICES. "NSUllAJsCE NOTICES. FOUEIGN NOTICES. ..aaaaV WWa.prrW. m.i ni A4fu)kM, Vfiii aa a. Ml a at., a.l, - ) .j. afaw MliM iiftfii aahin.i .. dt .rhan ii nanTsaWi.ei; Aa a. i.iK . a aayt . a. V $m Ml lhg mx aWvm. VARIETY, -- i . mmii dttefc. 5ii ycrtwtoi W s Wkf 3. TK tr MIX t WMMtcy.TWIl MJwWHtf TK., 1 lji V. j jjtiiit- - A siM pal wfcW At kBi svaa4viA u.- - jiv ni km Wi-- f;. Au MT . . y. t fS llULlt &s :..iku.( afMsiiu(iKtdhwuiwti ZU jk wi kwn( aui w ttut ifrn- - S--kit at &aua4 VWfHfcW i&ra u? fit tainNuOKiBC te. SijU i..:aiailt(: (B(f c wt Ui.fif. ' z- - m . a uV.'' rk. ! A ks VBWC joMlrSii fetrrot in.trf ' . Vu V--fC trfigit ttVat JHji. jt itn if Tk MrOV . tiMw rMt fHbiti; snoaxr vs ;- - ajC7 mA4. TW -- M U4y u,ni4it af--tt Mi xnMHmd-ifttn-ll&iadin- M. ' tlltoinrfi iftmaBh. .. 4y i ns -- f 2rt ul KmhuuT uui . I iti-- n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i- nl TV. lil 5i iki a W-- -p rvQr ftt ifK a. w lnrc T m iJtui Un etet fcc f TW MadKaa uf taul Am vtten Mix aVaaal Tl ii i n.u.". jut. i.ufVjaT. BJMCUd VMmVMI il fitncuan rfWutM. Ax aMM krbpnaA tm np ttit . Xtw u kV ViBtt it Jih. X. 1. ia. tu - cum kf- -- hi ti Ww x . kJa. tM.t , &p a ioi at Ao V m a aat. Ink. aK't at Btei tar )f." nji a aatr fanat a Mi m. i aW f pMHf & a. aarac -- Tafa ju .u I aftMt tt awe 4am xx at ar aaVaal mj hwuh auat a aaav A Fimohnu. aaaela aW Saftat luu. ai wy ---. -- Vwctat IhIk'Ii n.-na- i. m tr i.nCjw Wluiw aaC Wt . vtfaa. ai - uu. k yi44j aaC aw tar at i. fur mani. "W in T.'Jaaa a laa-.- " saSt a aiCT fiJr to i iii(tnni, "akii w jaat ians. jvut i ii t ! SMa! iJ.ftC 3uik. aat i . i afcimiiiBHniT.' jwaia.rt 1 pea as. m aVna . 1 - aAaVViliia&bt mM aJJufar 1 a mm rWakaIaaaaaap9rMafa.trataaU-C- fl ttftmvaa.tMj.arjnirWHa. Taa. . r--" aa. UTat Snav. AS.iaair watt. laataaKaaakawaljtWtaKaufacv. &akaii.aKKrfK!!tevmaliati- - w.x fea&atv urfltMxi rTaS-Lt- c Ta tafctiti Tiffin aftfta waH "torwmia''" iant aasuaV R Ja.aat.it kf au TVcaVuf Inn- - ua. (Mcuf ax aat ao?nuaiua Cmoa. anaaM. tnuuuiiu.exsaajsa. w Mt. t uaji.M a. aaasaiav zasfimirtv aarasam. atm. uaaaa. , aMv acaau. tutSMA. M&Kooin. acanwu. Aasuaaav Ttan- - t ti'nniii nit. Tif naiA. ixrtMi. Xacanit. Ikuu, iart- - . lacwotaa. tartM. xacuatMo. faraaia. arm famtna. latrtMga. Xacqamuz. ajataua. 1 art aw . aarwaiMTat. Aacatns. A.YiaHn gnf garjt a&ar a-- ra3ltj at aEnifnr.ir 1 laan ar a. -- fritar i Jt. iii ft vaj SnamLCaCSa vdCs. Itk-adc- m ' iwi)iaiif inaaar aat. atai asara- ni aa tujirfiati JaasiSFaTasiaiBrf'5iair TOtafcwcrt- - aa. I5 jcauaar awpmnri a jw at aaaov a T na i aau, an 5. j pafaaor at aaeilai aaaata" c f. 'n afius Thiat Sac a stXa- - aaat antiiirnti aatt Yag. aatagaxSga te si- - 7aaecu3attaJlaa.?iMaarsBasr Sutiaoa- - JUes. aaavc aK sk OBit or a nltmna at 5sa W.1T.-- , lu- - Jvj- - v.. r -- - at t- -ir axaa; "4 a4lr anaBtaJ &saTr ragHSfiESau'' r .& Xaaai aaouta-m- r SLojaia, JkMC aaaatSajt- - 'Tar 3ErVaSXj7i-bl&- . 5tiiiatHrsra-- iacfl43attn- - a.ii.ittr-aanjitju- c. ATatrtraa ca.t,itiTyaga CUtmlisraM t XMT.lgi ait : Hanriffaqiy Xk A3 SSltC- - Xayrt-j- l- aTMTg;aJTaatJ ai ftagyaaiE wimlV AaibCl'oaifcamattimj-ft- CiUjxrgragrga m. aWijfacitJBcr jwTm?Wtirrr amnfcwatjraiaii-riai- i; - XKJShaJaJC&Xfi- - awn- - vtuo, s. a. arcti, ., aaarv. , Suirsr Factors. i -- KT Xnka ... .-- - Vi.A 3laworTWlll. Skua. nUrr sxnr -. tlnl ajater A jarta..?. .TaaaMar'tt lflMt OwwmiWI Wfc. ywWBWtlb,vV ! t4 --r . V. a... vjc.-u- . ftrv C ASTUK .V CO O li . sssrara xxa waransox stsscHisrs, Dealers In General Merchandise, r Iwnw&.wxmxn ,. S(K l!u! Uk hu OmiMji Km. i T)M VIBm1. $vt4yUjhK. hubfaA U Ik 0rt.i.t.tUto. (VrA. Swm. W trf S K. XU fcwi. .M ttmS, XjovbtK. St-- I s .nA.n. G-i- TZtzziixz&ui rarir Bit OMtmp. jBmMk. iSiiA. i?jr. ."?. vft. ih.-- iu. WJC . K. ULKR. A. C- O- 3SA12ES5 DT 3ST 65SS AST J""'f UIU.UUILU! Jt CO.. ak. f I V .. H k 12.. .T twv H . 11AUX. A. 0". t3CCiTSiS AX irrt XX EAS3VASS 5jjWivIbvWi.vfeMi.KiiuA-i- . TAIEO. 11. 1 OIEJ. JkalwttowUVi . -- m ua iit jjagaa w.i.t .- - v J 0 11A X WAT tUiilO 1 .E. cS'Ssrxs ax? asAss ix t:tt-.- T - XESCSVX2SSS.'" 2f Ca Srnl Sncnli.il. X t T .LeUMJUaJ. w. -- jija JL. j!. CLKCU01i Jt C. I io3rot f.-- n r 1 o. j... . Ti.Tl.i m llntfi j( w uutjt. uarMrlmuBiuES. ' 111-?I- A BKOTllEK. AXr traywrr .Tt lr JwAmaiw vWc-iva-:, Inn, O-- ?. 3Mf. i.-w.ij- tjn- - wyty WtMwa irsaMuaf MMtt. cw. JanAtJhC; JKtfTalftataitaCVWaVarMtnmK, ED HOrrSCHUVEGEK JL C-- . aj.'SSC AX3 TO3DE3S3X XESCXAXTS. afaQMOrite. ftU. S I. V ljn"EU A. DlCAi!0. UC?SSTSS5 A- - BZALiSS IS L53t3SS- - .tlaaaa rjiufito$KuaHlBvTMaan. aWtxdx v. Jt CO.. jiigmnc. at ivte ew. i ?3m. eU. Xj2i- - 54t aii 33i2j AEJ. VttirM.'ii if 3t)LL Jt CO- -. f dAaScj a.ii CjTTTT-Td- x XiirYrra. pfwrann-Lil- fniitnT &3. 2Geaiu9wt..Ma a?nic cst JL. IV PU1KCE Jt CO-- i pmauj tiCL Xmr.tci X 4V.J ia? CinBiri axIi3acCtWT-r-rKiixTrTCT,tl-- 3. Putin S& Tijra. fST SmiilBJkt. StirittiaiitKiJbv a a B5ZWS5 fr co t i. 3 asjtsrsz. H SHtrrlK I COXSISSBI HEECHA1TS. ts. rr"'i Sja-r- rr rtrm,ft. y -- 1 T "JI. Jt CO g.,. ce3tITTtT iSXIti. iS6-AtoiV- i: SS-- . ATOSGA: a.CHTTCK-- l3CTSrS. 'aTiirfasjie SSi 22 3iAiiT3 X 3CTrt7Cie rwr a ,? r B .r " f'-- GUKK3I. Jl.VCF.4JEA-.Or- E Jt C- O- Xjinnamra jVgriuf CnwaSe. Tamaafc. S.X. ttaj yflL S. t'iia. Slaaj 33aai Onujti. ax. a ! utMiir irnnr TTun aHu. gt- - TCtJeuir rjwinciia. Tl imn ?lwiiB(diah XiiftaC a 'twiwi,'- !- aott atawiaftt law tf gtettaaw SC K. J CHAKFEK iCO. CTOilS . UJitaavi; Jtt K. ii BE Btaritrtu!BJaaaaSaaia: u. &, av .ss. a si suBoaua tn.rxjr 3ZOB13003T. wxxr irunxa iaaaia Xttmmiu 3Ctrr31tai. 3 liar Inm XtituitaiAi. tlDiank. ly I TPPTAHIITI gTOEF r irm 2CaT TraagrJPii-u- j Olaan. 3jbt: 5Srf SI Sifwt&aiwXia- a- s& jq Avs.ci-piunJtC- enaiArSicr4sCntua. mar TTJt. JOHKOT. I -- JV"4- ' ' " TmtimiaBn gt- - tagaalaai- - C wjmaito-i- . lr BISHOP 5: CO., I 3 JaL S, ije icia. of acranHX. - - sa nicsr i Jca-Tn- t. gwntrr. Aj ajEmBaTLmiCBSKH.niL, : : ; twmil- - JU T71STJ- - 301X113135 S3 S3 '17. jaiC JtrniEaaja.rSgiiiotlati&nT C3 ? THKOI OAT, j-- " r gIi ipntiT kuE aaqRfilityaaJBgtr aciniaC! ux ihm irttiot ei-- t ZX.T-- . CHASE. XjrscxKAxr AJB ZAJTSttCJLFZ: a?StTW- -f eujsxr. OoKmattIsix.2!ur2C39iijaiIi TTirmntiftT ZCn.KVT.thvi C. S. II.IRTOW, AsnUnKT. u sr JOIUX WORTH. - rt " w jU i;, Met.VI It' UK Jt UKOTHKS. qsoCSST. TSSD 5T0BS id BiiERY, iwoouxr. gt? EI0CSSI2S XX3 TSOTISIOy r.FUTTiS Tusfi? &rcr?t .Twi2: svcv J!' HIn.smt,iuidi. C1U4S. T."liiCtC. Jf?' tvsrrr- - tC3ce. Xllia. IT Attorney o.-- t Iiaxr, CtScr-tSc- wc rflVrt t K: Stwrej. jjS EHWAUU T. O'IULLOK.0. iruMttmtnmjniami !! a tcs f nl fs lit Jjr. W UMiut & twro. it Cortf l SJ yar lt.tut. J. ?1 PITIDSOX. . 3 r4,twM Suw Sm. irar toi: kfMfntt- - Buouuifli. K. t . "lUUl M K. CASXI.E. eiac t xSaa Ssswt. i.ei jc t jv v. CKCtl. UKOTO. ATK2X3T AX3 CCrXSTCS AT lA act It JOLO II. PATV. XCXASX2r2iKiiC0JClCJir;X32i;: Ot. 3 It K. G. HITCHCOCK. ATTCiXST AT ZXTT, HUA, HAVAO. J M. irHlTAKY. 33. D . XI I CA . Ja.lTXKKDGt3.30. D.. 54C at. 4jfnfumzr G3ac at 114 cvotinw ftwi. OiJSMniii. uiMittis t nai t nuiisiit ftc sjf yncai uf lis jgjajau. Aa.fiprJiaT!li nftrx- - wax j& Siazafi aj MMaat no. noou: awv&uf 3ix c aamt- titrf &tvr OB. K. B. UirXC1113a0?f. JHTSLIX1X A33 JTSSSiX. tfificr Snj ster, syrTur f Tic. ijif 3jfrsxaaje tno. ,j?iluia J.imuur ATtmaii a!ur J.31.X1 tome Uiaja aimn.i I a. a. tWr K. H. KSTJKliS. iCA.A.V.-- i -.-- T rr A3T 15B SUSGZOS, wahext xah. K. JSTUKUZ, A3crici2T ii? liteeut. UOl.I.ITEK Jt CO.. t Cr.cJce Cgirs, Tcfc-acc- ajid SnirtT. ma I? HONOLULU LEON TTOBS CO., pr. TE-C- K EJGIE. STBAEt "" SaVrn SHUkxSmm Jraa. lew mtEtemsur. Maci-Jce- rj cf Eterj DesctipaeR, , -- 3taB a, 7l toi ALnrf-t- r jaaiTTnHLEcaraiatTOai.tauriarfiuiiaK ;rfBaiiT .jSv IVM. TVEIGHT jSa SKIP A)tD CISESAL SL.VCKSWITH. lu7 oo. uat '&ir Swc f 3Ptnaaix. 5&Tt, 342 St ta HinatBm.I5dtuM Suttuflifit. &L Z. mtmnT. zjFj J2JER? S5X. u ismvcutfjr 3i.liiaiaai3araua,afaa tiaircaiJttrf AE win a.iilHr Silani2 tC ft tcamzut Ad Ttjrl it 31; Ifo. .xazt&iiC 4t fiagn- - 4uC fap. saatw. iUC"t TH.OJI.JLSi X.XCK. Jilantwr at Vi&ix. XalC NicrJcist. Lcci aci Ci:n Sa-Jt- n JtOTBtartaWZaiitf rTSjJi1xHEIJXJri3J5aUSXSi IK i&wiv SimKHifti. i- - r J- J. JSraEKKS. 3LA.CKSMI7H A WKEELWaiCHT, 37KSA TJ1T1X. 4StQir G. sEGEXEEV Jt CO. 2IX: f3I2HS i3"5 PT.XTX3SE5. X-- 2 Ixoii crc 3nraiciai41r.aaBr au Xtmz of T!tr. ! smv aait t aenct. gaT-''- TT IT? Jlt.t TrfYV-T- n- TT T- - J- - BJJiTEJZ. 3'jo 3mua tc -.-- ir- tfraa t Aiuraa attcftgj. mmiiftmt, S. J. Utrl e. v. shoots:. 1 Euffineer, . XitJ.3riKI f.iTSgg'.I'lX.gBgacZSS..T. cajsTirais. iri'"tn;eiii. )H.ic j I'i'i i; i. Jte, . XA3tF AXa 22nBatZS israiI2:r si. J. H. TTiCaE. Ca tfianr Suflmr Ttf stge. Tiriitlll'. aTaiC .f. f tt asata xaiC stairt aezac xmauIksiBai. ffiae twgcajiaang pnr-irrr- . aiUCIy H. T. BO.TIEIX. ff.f 1- - a 7 T.TTT A53 3 t :;,--; 't.-l- , CHRISTIAN CERTZ, nriis tu ATr0! to the rCKUCsT n?S5a3u ttt ia ?wia4 E3v. m'MmVMilvtnvniaiiy S.W J tVn b f .s. Nm- - .CI !.., .. w . .:; ".-- " - - - 4hm v CARPENTER AND JOINER Vtv? .ig It K. r 11.1.1 .M.,. XASTTACTCSES, II?OSISS JLS3 BS1LSS . . . .... . . . . - ' t r .t- r ...x mrntm .1. Jfn .1 .J f DO.MESTIC PUODUCE, KATJPAKTJEA PLANTATION , fcMrftM--.rrosoiAcirc- t P5oTpfr Mill. T.?liHiTin. JpULHPBOJ. A Tl-KT- t. rUOHKlKTOES. CX9lt f Clf eftWPIH5Htjr,-""M- i SPENCER PIiANTATION. "V-ET- T IKOP OrMGAB JOTT COHIM2 J Ci MMS JtXCTXXlAXt X WW !(- - VAISAPIT PLANTATION. "JC"CW" CROP or r'lC AOtl CnSMG IX 3 M. XiCTiltAM: X vVV, AjSjw PTJTJLOA EANCH TANNERY. gJOIKAn MDDLE UUTtlEE. TAXXEB vh sszxs; iCArAiuos j. co. SOLS d: SADDLE LZATHEE. Tanned Goat and Shep Skins j porjLvri.voxjusD andi-o- sjux. l Ull suKqr, 1". Ljt inju. rpprtrtr., HATTAnAN SOAP VOHKS ! GREY & CO., fuiijauj; ' v&! lr I ALL KINDS OF SOAPS 1- -4 U KJy 5sru HBlnia. U03I0LVL.L SOAPWOBK, BY W.J. RAWLINS. n:?ar-ifCmr- f ta auTSvri a iraviJDmnlrtK 1 lit EwLaC ra Putf So-S- enn. Ij- - Waipuolo House, ,iiw y r r .orri.v located ix w.ixa. 9tt I EitcHft frliatt Jil Stl wita. iiT ac ptdcci. aK3Xd. TS3JC: Jrttir U uzlt JUtii 34 lisz 3tc- tiAcu; . Stnf- - gtr wf jisat&Btnc a JIETBOPOUTAS 30AJiKKT. $SF C- - WALLER, Proprietor. Klt 5ml. ait; Halala. FAMILY MARKET! Jmatita rUKI man! ITziM Src0. G. F1LLEE, PrtFriettr, jDSPf i ' Cbaeest Hssts fraa tkc Finest HEflfs ' Iish. Poultry, Yegetsbles, &c, trmXtStett t Orgies', "p XTatlS Tttelr aarf Taacriliora Teai. Tiit?T!l5tsjir!larJtiarIMirfaitiia2itoo!tiiS:B 1HET1IL&. rain" 1.13 Ifiilir. AJJ.on4icia3Vnasr3tri:3tcrt,': 8jrsat t jranjscsr aaiC KuSaaoacrr ill arturr Jnr mnQ&atn- - nmlaa3rjia:taiaiii'-9a.jaa- it acumaajaifa aa i.uucaiT!i KkjtuitaC3raiCTr'C&. fcaeftacp 3 it- - evaratcsx. . OIL BLACKING.., t l t r i U t 3UL3TCFAl,T LKED t ti gfG. S. PIMKHAM &CO..;g "f LSlTlC. ! t 5--1 "ROTTPS & Ca lTits- - -- i -- , ' " ' t - t -- - v -- oHixovna tio r . CATT gtRLTET, ATTTJXaEr,ra7TtBiXTT'A3T:ST-- i v a a - JTt i, i, - ,.r- - .t t JLA3X. A Tt ( .l i taWtTr- AJiCnliEaSsinracg-Asntac- . SAM'L G WILDER, AGENT Hais-siisr- : Szeszzzz UEELIKElf arirrgiTT SsfliEg Ifejs ssre- - Schsdnis! AAtTKE-STSOSLTiTlS- OrJIiTE mm mm 01 eiEMuni PbUadclphia BoArd of Vtidtrwrlter. A GKXT fr the lUwatltn WLml TV M Bwtoa Board of fadfrwrittrs. nrvrc . . w k . . "-- L " ",," ?, kwt TIUJCS-ITLAXTI- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, or mnnrBii. IjixKsivsvnKn ox iinuiiMivSEH. it. UACKTSXn A CO.. Atmtv r. A. C11.1KKKK. ACK.XT.rllnMiHllupUfCmlirirTll'n, -- fl . kwM CAMHUOl V INSURANCE COMPANY. j T'VSiSSSSSf. " C? K.KXCKTHU.1CVX iAnmun-um;jn- L r l RE IXSTIRANOK COMPANY. ,,1, T"vnviwti'vi.r. 'iV' - irputiu.-r.ttt.aj- ..i "" - ifVMUjVfcj AA CO. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRS INSTJEANCE COMPANY, OF IIAJtBCBO. It bum4 citcu tomi. A. JAECER,ArnnfcctaHwaiaiiiuMs. ta-t- SOSXH BSITISH AKD XSBCASTILE INSURANCE CO., OP LO.DOV AXD KDIXBCUGH, ESTA8UHE IV. capita. . . .. n.ooo.ooo aiUu t.d ki. i,s3sii mnE r.Di;u;M:D have bkkx ap- - M. rvKXTIK AVi DTS t r !. &uiTa.k IUli, .u, Lt&4rts4 1. r Fir. xmi Ckivr&j. Irw XsAi t& m ufn it ti iula2i rdd. BuiUisxt .3)2 iui4& novt tivti, rrKif n. ii rw tsu., TdxUHr Cm1. 9&i?s A WrVv -- itk w vttV.t ruxM Tas Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. OP nXTEKTIlCK. TUK CDERMG,KD aw acthoriied On Cargo, Freight and Treasure Iraa K.nnfaH u 9fts cftla vacU, .oa;a Coaster, by PermUtlon I Oa ll xu!M hnnSIt teru. Br. a. rjLvix i co Ol-l- r Afati S.r Ul iUiSu Ii'iafi. RhentshWestphaltan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, or S. GUOBACU. Rhniti Prttuia. Afchen and Leipzig Insurance Co., ti,... or AAC1IX. CAIX.UL-C1IAPEIJLE- 0 1 1.1. CXAIJO. rOK rARTICTULK AVLJU SIW afriTT OfidUiM. OAT. t W BSAi4 fe l4 &- - aixuotracietens!tfeT tssitrsfa.Ea'i4r t it r LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. I Assets. $26,740,105,70 ESTABLISHED AX AGEXCT IX HAVE fit tX fUilu ItfAiJ. asd ti aat&fm)carft m ;n;ofr ta wrj rs ia3 F1EE OX EUILDLSCS, jjEBCHASIsE A.TO DTTELL1XGS ' Co. &vacai uj'i..v DareiliAC Biaaa a Spteeiai-- ! Ity &tcdkl &Haf a4 traAffia aswtrt 2Lr a ;aX f dm 3kbk& 5.r t ;MOna fci ifnaa. loaaet avraaaotiT- - aJJtcttfJ aad praJIe bre. tU-i- ji IbSOPiCH. hbemis's fcsd INSURANCE COMPANY, O? SA2T yBASCISGO. 3?iro azxd ZLtarino, Cub Capital, tiali. tsaa.ooo. JXvHUcvjt Ki. a Sperlaiitr- - IKf iaataji a.nt wirattirt feisamJ gar a gucat tC amTtartxCrrtnt,rT. otuu ax trat- - r .iL-ig- - KSikI B3t nt ckioJIt mk raaa vt3 IIDES51IT 3ECOJD TO XOXK. Losses Promptly Adjusted. BISHOP &- - CO., 'BE tf ApaaariiaBaTaaaalitaaJa. NORTHWESTESN Hutual Life Insurance Company, JCrXWACSEE. HnscoxsTJ. I AS8ZTS, S17,000,000t rjlUE MOST STCXXXSTTTX. XXSCltAXCi: JL tTitt? t XT ax gt Strit. CEA2TIZZB IX IIJI. Euatiiuortif 'Wta!Ea aflintrers. Xerrr ijl a. uLur .( t SsSea a I.Ttr iiit o far Ca &ianT runCr. JgytrirTfarragtfTastleCgeeaa' Tr.s.rrTXoa, of a It AfBtaiara EynSu.Iim.il j t.,., - ,., ir t P WnJ a. Ml w a aata aaa; Afeait for tbe HattaALut Ittanalj, l 17 -- ir 1 T - T llntTial AJIO Inimnrft IjO ! OFXXTT TORiC Largest, Safest and Most , i........... . . ...a ... i r ry u j j a . at II t I I U t III ri.iiniiHii.nl i rr in.T i.ii- - ES" THE WORLD! Assets-Ci75)-S80.000- ,000 ATCTi i 5ci is a Gccd Time to LisTire JPialtn7iniCjja2Jij7iit3. S JTI4TJE aTTTH aVTXJZt .V Ofc Preserved Meats. inut AJtar PETPtEEB i I m, ftsnats pa O ssate tt t""-- . ia asx. aav ( aWriar ar at TJa,TT.T: T)--- T-J U.--- . litJildLLdU LIGtCilCtl JjrdUJ.r Ciinstathit Dried, SmoKed, AX3 OTBEB STTLES f PIESj.E1 KEF, gjayaitryaar-tnCtaeaai3aTX.ZrXiJt- T i; la Jitsxjtx 8TrfT!n.Ziang. 13 See T. A. KZAZ7.Z dc Csl Insurance Notice. ACJKXT FOR THE XRITWH Pit. THE Mlrl. lM.rUK twMlij. (Untk If cll lutracttor. U rlnc tU. r.t.. ( liuvnac. Wt.M. ItadlBla uj Il I. Ik rwttte. 4 It ir lrJ t Im.. IVIKW t tit. bwvit rttN. with .riJ r4f U.HI 0 ITf4(&t Nr tl4MH. TKKtX tl. BAVI5S. ly Al BrtU IX Uu. lot. Cs UmIIiJ NEW ZEALAND INS. CO., KST.VULT.ltKD, IU. OrtTOitoJL: $5,000,000 (With uatimltrj tUtx&t!' uf SbrfhoWrv) KUTV)T WSJ, rBOTKCT YOURSSUT-SS- Ut VM INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. CvrmyJfKTplopnprtymj txrirKtotwItxiUkaa &irmny .1 mcJfnUmn. ilerchtndue. Goods aai 3'reigat Injured B iMam ukt uBIoc "l. JZa c t mJ. castu: cookk. HO IT AKtat for UcKMtnht. F011EIGN NOTICES. RUPTURE. VNE XO SORE XBTU THISSIM! Xo mar SntCtr-In- c front Iron Hoop- - or ll f JiprtntiS PIKKCITJI Patent Magnetic Elastic Truss. -- vra Til!. u u4 coafort XIGltT AXTt D iT, vkl U1 rt.tkv currt wbn mlloltitra ttll. KaJr, tfroptnrol.TUY'OSK: JoawWlirtrrtST.yt. C9 oJ for lUuniI Book aa4 rric list to Mnxnetle Kl&allr Trau tVv, txv Thtic Tr&sMti ir MBt br cull to or part c( th. wcM.- - It HAZELTON PIANOS aCtriaaSpVlBalal JaT "aaaW J'ff?? Grand, Square and Upright. THE BEST IN THE MARKET! PRICES LOWER TTJan any other rim.Claas Planoa. IXtiV WjURAVntD t ausd aaj hi.ii. snd b(aa(3 asj Pxlcclitt. CHAS. S. KATOS, Guinl Arm!. CMOa WXvutcczarbtntt, Stir rnsdxxx.cn. R. J. TRUMBULL, Gre.fr. Importer, Wholeule and Betall Dealer In FLOWER, FIELD. TREE AND GARDEN SEEDS FLOWEBIXG PLAXTS axd BULBS, FBUTTS AXD OEyAMKXTJUt TREES, Etc. FAXCT WIRE DE5IGX3, G AE- - DEX TBELLISES, SYB- - IXGE5, GABDEX HARDWARE, Cazaic ti ecu ccK Stock Ever Offered on the Pacific Coast. Prfcw Caraar low. Tn Price Lit ca a;na. Xr-ei- ie a YettsmaaM Flower Garira" arm Utftbt2(tAMn. It ccouiaa tcr&c"t9ai .a tlcsasr FniJ. Xat aat Oreasusul Trw&erit, llff.'fr,, tc B.J.TBCHBrLL, KM Ca li ul 43 Suaat fsw. Saa Ftaacbeo THE QAXUND BANK OF SAVINGS. OAEIJLXTJ, CAUtORXIA. C. K. A. IXCOEPOEATED, IMT. ACniOBIZXTt CAPITA!. -- fl.04l OOO Capin paJd In and Beerre Fanil I Aaaeu. jaja-j- - 1st. istt, f f9,eo X. C. tESSIOJi, PrvaiaL COXS. BOBEZIS. CiUio-rrxzc7c- Z.C.geairri. tr. A. AtdrVOt, A. 'W. Btnrcaa. Bcsrj Sttcrrt, tr. tc. Ctses. a". H. Ttr;gV. Xmyjdzi frto 3j peJao cf la Caotd Scats. Ecrcpe ac d KxsaiUi. Tra.V.. ear t Mat fcr co3 r ai.tvt, &a excx ar cxr7roc7. or ex tfiat. aa aa tcarseat ar A j tot alia sreoer roirVa ata b ia- - atCatTreEZrat E&tasb RetalrAaceea la c2rrt9 tT"5taerttSeaaIaJeaTreatra4M. Taetatsaiare taeslatieB-Taij-ae- . atrxcaatalfcealttiraaTt tTtxKcxacxrc rie Parry ta iuh as tbeaaayeat at Jaarrant nsta tsA ctmra Kie. caa (- - , - . .... . . . l - I r ..wi .M .r. . hi. . JM ..- -. joasa. XatsaaaretMtre&Bzttsr&uksocAA. TS.ira3leMis4Te&!lr,aerT- - fcVarl af ranrtan. aad can- - t aac tya; excarrtry c Xrtt ritaa Eat Eata vita; iqt rtr-ff- . Cxtud fuua. Pet Ccasaty aad City Idn.ta.A. AS CxarUr.4 if rta&t ar -- irnfrngTateet are can&2y tutsOtA. ZXtr&cjtX . ..n Hil. .w .U'-t- ai KIS. .JiW 1TXVK FCWKJ W. B . rw . . .... .. .Mi . .. .., , t Ta - .. . . t ..u... . . ' i hk ,i a u ly 47 ah ar aa a., .it t -- - ., wn w aoar ctstau aort9erTerKit,aiK4taar .tits, at I Vr menrtOra czts aa ct OTtttwt tar U9 i liit As i U4cra fa esaxecSsa Ki a earrfat aavt eaow MrrtaSw. xaaaapeatatas. Iaraacam ta caaat3r. a raaraat csr.aejrt. ' 1Zg-- 5 ctratsaooa Ve afc. ! d!mva,aaassntatcrta Eta, atda Oaatrad of xxsntatrstKtntx!ixrtrTrt4jabrxuatT'i'K!Sti ta mrAbu K as ta ;rirt msn erarxeeavm - vryiKian. luta nM ttvaun ansa na ta Wravlat-a- ri iar JF .m'a a. .r av f m M k -- - vmrnx m w. , ttlutC aattataxtet ly Oa iaaa, eir t H 3SSS ZZZZZl757x?gl a4XtaaaJeauraVreafusrytre)3ict-t- . tU I rEKiaial.tttrTr rSie at tta exti. erf raitf tk evulz. ararra atr taaa aayy&t wa tt ran ai. x iarymc. resaCns tarae fcdt oliaOr axatk. rSiBSSi. uCritts tafctltre-- t. tsudctrklradaart ibaSarvt. atut j aii tx JTaantr a&t Jaty a fdi year, aa.aaatwcaiai.atwraaat &$.&. vx. ae craaaes lata. ST re ran.. &riia o7wd aa faetSaa. fcf tttUiad caeaerd fcy . ew. ari i.t m. so.. pw awtTrTaaaa t7ata. ajutt. lataa aa ' &tucf jatrcettarx3xx. Jvr sh pnatai una atut ataann- . wafr;- - t avows X 3 rami. Tr fcrSUr ytclasum w prSattif o.SSta. ."- - jv ii ,yiara lid irlJ fc Hrart4 Is Cavtas paat trtafr'C A Crratrrat BaatltJaxr Baattateaa Traataatat. tltettT rxAtacf ta Xenr Trr. ImAm, Tnxtlsrt ta GCe-n- Vn saiia4titaiarffaadtegTnat rate. tlr t i aaaaai urn lalnatra ItAVmil OV AO'fJHHVXIUWCl! i 26. II. W. 8KVKK,a?tCK, rOKHmillOX HKKCHAMT, 4U moXT STnKKT, MAX PRAXCIIU'B. tst-i- ROBERTON & SYKES, COMMISSION MERCHANTS UtrcritooU Eacland. dstlfatntatl renlmt aal thlftntolt mad., aad Ue UtlMt laftxmatlaa fltra oT rector. aa4 WI tuuiubcliartitr matktta. U A. P. EVERETT, ForwardiHS aid CeBBfcsleH McrckaRt, 03 Front Strtct, Corner of Clajr, SAX KRAXCISCO. aa TanlcaUt atUalioa aM U CWIfantott of ItluJ rrvJoc. Mt It axjit a. ailAUav ataai r. aUlcXAaa WILLIAMS, BLAHCHAfiD & CO.. SbipplBR aBd "CeaisiH Merckails, B nt California !trt, Sn Trtntllra. It C0BJ1TT & MACLEAY, Snipping aad Comaaissloa Mcrchaals, 13 ul IS lYral SU 10 aa4 11 Tint tu, rccUtod, Or sax inAxcisco orncs. st sacraukxtu stkimt. atria to Bot rt BtltUh tVJ.mbU rwtUad.Or.raa rintatkoatGiUIUiilc . . .. San Fraactac Uwtra. II. ItactMJ A Ck Ilooolnla Xrwa. tlltiiip A Ctt., Buktn ....... 11 joo.it a Maura. arra,AluuUa.Oo Uoaolala tvf I.LnJ ProJac. tolldlej, an .kka CASH ADTAXCE3 WILL BE M ADS. oSST 'T HENRY K. CUMMINGS & Co., Fruit and Produce Commission House ESTABLISHED ltM. Xo.43t Bntterj-St.- , rororWathlafc-lou- , Xwr the ll Ode. SAX fRAXCISCO, CAL. Spedal AttesUoa rlttn to Vnilu, llontr, raUtoes, Oaloaa, rooitrr. Etc. ALSO.... California and Ortgon Eggs and Dairy Produce aur We mpctiullj aondl rear Cwitnm.nu. Mark; allOoodt "II.K.aiCO.,S.F." tSSly PACiriC IRON WORKS, SAX FRANCISCO, CAUrOILNIA. EatatitUanllnlJM. R AXKIX, BRATTOX A CO., afanafacttr Engines, Boilers, and ilaehintry of every Description. PinfcnHr attentloa paid to tae maanfaetDie et StTQAIl HILLS, VACCCM PAXJ, Ac Befenace la Uonolnln E, P. Asavs, Eao, Mir. BOOKS & STATIONERY. Tho Basis of Our Business. To Slant! raetnre all such Hock and FIIIST. tvs oui b (Urn hr u well u lhr, bsI thtrtbj direcUy tveatflt oar caiUoLtn ju.1 ovtcItcc; SECOND. Ta Hay and Sell Book. nl Utk-.r- y m t aula It to tlM letrtnt f dtri al coaraatr to turat to Mt U prtftrrmr to $ciic l. PT Wo ttAomiVtar ni Its pert Tery dratcrfptioa of Flo tjontry. carrjlsi; Urx itTJctti c rapr l?aTtlcT aod EUat Ikwt e4f Mr own nati-ctare- , loVv, SUtx, etc Ai-O-rtr 1,500 TMiUMcfIUok fbnna kept In Stock. A. La BANCROFT A. CO.. gaa rraneiica. Col ROBERT WILKES & CO., SLASTTFACTTOEES k ILAHtJEACIlTEEB'S A0EST3 UtPOStEES AXD KXPGBTEK3 OF American, English & European MAXCrACTl'RES. 2sctj t dIa tb. UrrMt tartetx cf Ocatral Vlmhaa- - Lm tfuat bjur ONE U0C3X IV TUB WOULD. Ktirj ittifr iboakl hati a CauLfa. tna tiU BJ4 a. tern. rsoi. laarcry Ua. ar.tar.plMt Toroota, 4S tnd to Tost, ttrett; UmtrrtL 1M aad IM, WcOal ttreet; Ltniaa, 01 QaMn Tktoria ttreet, E. C. ; EaeStU Butct ICorti. Xew Tcrt. tl Worth Etnet. and (3 Tfai Bnatlwtj-- . C3ljr ajj INDIA RICE MILL, f COBXEB or 9 MISSIOM 4 FREBOUT SIS., SIM FHIICISCO, OIL 1 fpnEIXBIA Blt-EHI- KATIXO CXDEK- - - IS J. (coe ttaxexlal IdproTecetLU, la sow la partect eco jtai dUloa lor ti. j B Hulliflg and Dressing of Paddy AXD. UNCLEANED RICE. ta Oa Eet PtwOle Itaaaer TL. ftlcm tar 1ICXT.XX3 aid OBEEetXO PADDT taa teen lledaced S3 perceat. Faddy and Hulled Bice I ' t) IViU Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. WK. K. 0EEX5W0OD, Ceceral Ccrriatlcn IftrrAast ad Prcprarlcr ef Intta EeMZL ta ly 08. J. COLLIS BEefTSE'S OHLOjH.ODTN'B IS THE 0B1GDTAL A5B OSLYrGESTDtrZ rjnBR PTBI.IC ARK CAUnuiED aixrr ti. b4 itilnnti Itntnlli aivit. - tiat tka .. .! k . n.r.Mnl 1. V.AW. tA nIlll XJL t.. V.l miita Tt. firfl I. CVXeTbd T.. U dlMSTtTM aat iatraud ty r J OOLUJ BBOWSf (ta Aray Xtdkal iu7! aad Maxmeic7 Wax. aadrt t UStl 3 ttapU at aaalytutr tia ntCaeail.tacria.ajy. BtmW aaecrrll ta. jcrpwt-- a ..t. sercr kt. &wvmu. m at aVttsaa. Uwttfc taat taythisr kU aar lit aas, mt. tir J COIAIS BBOtrAB! CULOBODTilC, U mnmrU pt hajtatfca. .. . .. T .' " . . IT r- . . bMU .. .aAoaUas. a ta. latcatcr et - tAJcra - Bia-rDiA- L inn asd actios. TiU UraiaaUe rtaxdy prMuM 4LtC ratrtaalaz tlWo, 41 .. 11 VAV tH. rr&rtt tad. ealata ta. ytia, mum tt. saraaf td fea-- 1 B tla.a ULaL .tlaccla. VmIIAiT Mltcal tt MCritaO.! CtT tk. toiy. atOwat crtatiar aay U tits extttejaat rraua at. a UadiaraaesMctcpiaas. OVt aad ytaax auy tat.lt atalll 1" tan aat tUta wlra raialtlta. Taoaatadj " perK- - tael mt .. . ... .mJ1. J '.a ... ..ulMMaa.M ..tft. fl UiJ .. M. nilllww . ..a. Mr. ...niiwM'H, -- . autitat i .ltd lu rMw avut ezUsoftaly aalar It ta grtt t araetlM tuOwvlar fiMtut rtiUtrt IffMt. UT . a t. ttt. arte- - a aaa - Ku a,e ajf .. O tU ttry. iAarrao( oMuea, utarM, Attama. jtaraxtauKB, tn niriL,'3riv4itCi(i,CniB?JljUrU.U. rzTZAcrrrBmt itratCAL omjtiom. Tie Jtlrat ix. Zu aVtaMtl ccassaalcaUd to la. Callrr. ' cf rtrtota, tad J T Patrepeet, taat k. tad raeHf at la. i Bratuni.ii.iauiuiMn,i iiswiimhi mt.. I iaCaOtravuCaLritrtirstV UlAut,U.UM. &f I.., XatVal Xlatjaary U Jeda, Jtert .!. J) , Itat lasatrlyattry caM(CaUralaakkB Or J COIAll . SfcOtTjr J CaLOMTCTJCE adnlaUtttaL la patirat rteareraf. - m . . i Kttntt Urn Mvlieal limn. it. tz.iv-ixm- T fcaeTanla7ietet'tdrt-ealrcaiaoaa- . taara it wi ttca t. alara-art- y pagxiar did M aat MTflyaaaataad laapUca.'" Zttrart frtat tae (Xttatnt .faafd rf laadoa, U lu rtta-- y t. Oftbra " U rUtttfj tavfou t tV. laanu rtlaa t tU. ttBtdy, ttat a caait l tWrttly -. .4.. - at r a ajta..f . f t t. .It t.flrrrrrrar-.v,a- k moIjj xl.t ra. aar. MSr J. GOLUc BWaTSB" aa aa Orttraavtat ftasa. Otar tralattetaarltwtlattryiccti!..-.wj-atj- . I KM K.eaawxar i".vf. In. UUUZtxUt a. Oreat EoMil It-- , UU U tit lWt.lt. ... Tt. Jr. B- - fecznea I 0. it t 3 I. tb a. v HP c&crir .TTnrtSrTirc,EaiitLi.H.I fZX" XlzUllBrt a. OSWBJ fltux- -

Transcript of t HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...iti--n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i-nl TV. lil 5i iki a W---p rvQr fttifK a. w lnrc...

Page 1: t HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...iti--n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i-nl TV. lil 5i iki a W---p rvQr fttifK a. w lnrc T m iJtui Un etet fcc f TW MadKaa uftaul Am vttenMix aVaaal Tl iii.ufVjaT.i n.u.".


THF n AW m GAZETTE.. m. MwtiinJ la N'MMItil i.aaa.a --. T)Ms ft V I M J tn & m

v rcwiaaJ

Ur-Ut- aB tlo( 1(V J ittJLInr.-llB- t. ,,.. I to a p.


SY HENRY IW. MU.m a!.. IN I tl II S-alttJUi..-4l.- ch 4 W too It 00 M

Q..ttwvf(4.aia li It W UN MTatnlOl.a m It w WW tt C6

rHPMnils PIS iTiSPMl llltt(4 . tow ItU ft u tornTtKTilt4 CVilaata. II o MCAOa. rwarna . I eo 41 Ml titA TPEEKLT JOITEXAL. DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. J-- BatlatH OrJ. vnta mfdnt fte M tmr. aitalkittrJ a dlweaat Orn I.m. tatM, a.kb ar Kit IrtMHita4t.ttttMti, a pM t tattl qatrltttf.

N. IV All Hxls a4TMltwtaU ai.ilt arwwMl4lth t iot w4wmI la, m mi aotle. .HI ! Itlt. t

T- - it w li 0c Rwidtw; tatav tl. ralM i(taat(.i at. ditto talk, aton k K aa.U-L- . AJLU.-Ov- O. oil.. HONOLULU, AVEDESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1877. WHOLE No. 663. rtMlttiMM tot Kal.ta Aaitikaa aJtttllMMi..tw tat..iwh.1 ; Mtlfllwi

a.I.Bit.aw. U awJ. h? taat Hm, t4 M Ita rtal ..


..aaaaV WWa.prrW.

m.i ni A4fu)kM,

Vfiii aa

a. Ml a at., a.l,

- ) .j.afaw MliM iiftfii aahin.i

.. dt .rhan ii nanTsaWi.ei;

Aa a. i.iK . a aayt . a.

V $m Ml lhg mx aWvm.


-- i . mmii dttefc.5ii ycrtwtoi

W s Wkf 3.

TK tr MIX t WMMtcy.TWIl MJwWHtf TK.,1 lji V. j jjtiiit- -

A siM pal wfcW At kBi svaa4viA

u.- - jiv ni km Wi-- f;.

A u MT . . y. t fS llULlt & s:..iku.( afMsiiu(iKtdhwuiwti

ZU jk wi kwn( aui w ttut ifrn-- S--kit

at &aua4 VWfHfcW i&ra u? fit

tainNuOKiBC te. SijUi..:aiailt(: (B(f c wt Ui.fif. '

z- - m . a uV.'' rk. !

A ks VBWC joMlrSii fetrrot in.trf

' . Vu V--fC trfigit ttVat JHji. jt itn if

Tk MrOV . tiMw rMt fHbiti; snoaxr vs;- - ajC7 mA4. TW --M U4y u,ni4it af--tt Mi

xnMHmd-ifttn-ll&iadin- M.

'tlltoinrfi iftmaBh... 4y i ns --f 2rt ul KmhuuT uui .


iti-- n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i- nl

TV. lil 5i iki a W-- -p rvQr ftt ifKa. w lnrc T m iJtui Un etet fcc f

TW MadKaa uf taul Am vtten MixaVaaal Tl ii i n.u.". jut.i.ufVjaT.

BJMCUd VMmVMI ilfitncuan rfWutM.

Ax aMM krbpnaA tm np ttit . Xtwu kV ViBtt it Jih. X. 1. ia. tu -

cum kf- --hi ti Ww x . kJa.tM.t , &p a ioi at Ao

V m a aat.

Ink. aK't at Btei tar )f." njia aatr fanat a Mi m. i aW f pMHf &a. aarac --Tafa ju .u I aftMt tt awe 4amxx at ar aaVaal mj hwuh auat a aaav

A Fimohnu. aaaela aW Saftat luu. ai wy---. --Vwctat IhIk'Ii n.-na- i. m tri.nCjw Wluiw aaC Wt . vtfaa. ai- uu. k yi44j aaC aw tar at i. fur mani.

"W in T.'Jaaa a laa-.- " saSt a aiCT fiJr to

i iii(tnni, "akii w jaat ians. jvut i iit ! SMa! iJ.ftC 3uik. aat i.

i afcimiiiBHniT.' jwaia.rt 1 pea as. maVna .

1 -aAaVViliia&bt mM aJJufar 1 a mmrWakaIaaaaaap9rMafa.trataaU-C- fl

ttftmvaa.tMj.arjnirWHa.Taa. . r--" aa. UTat Snav. AS.iaairwatt. laataaKaaakawaljtWtaKaufacv.&akaii.aKKrfK!!tevmaliati- -

w.x fea&atv urfltMxi rTaS-Lt- c

Ta tafctiti Tiffin aftfta waH "torwmia''"iant aasuaV R Ja.aat.it kf au TVcaVuf Inn--

ua. (Mcuf ax aat ao?nuaiua Cmoa.anaaM. tnuuuiiu.exsaajsa. w

Mt. t uaji.M a. aaasaiav zasfimirtv aarasam.

atm. uaaaa., aMv acaau. tutSMA. M&Kooin.

acanwu. Aasuaaav Ttan--t ti'nniii nit.

Tif naiA. ixrtMi. Xacanit. Ikuu, iart--. lacwotaa. tartM. xacuatMo. faraaia.

arm famtna. latrtMga. Xacqamuz. ajataua.1 art aw . aarwaiMTat. Aacatns.

A.YiaHn gnf garjt a&ar a-- ra3ltj at aEnifnr.ir

1 laan ar a. --fritar i Jt. iii ft vaj SnamLCaCSa

vdCs. Itk-adc-m' iwi)iaiif inaaaraat. atai asara- ni aa tujirfiatiJaasiSFaTasiaiBrf'5iair TOtafcwcrt--aa. I5 jcauaar awpmnri a jw ataaaov a T na i aau, an 5. j pafaaor ataaeilai aaaata" c f. 'n afius Thiat Sac a stXa- -

aaat antiiirnti aatt Yag. aatagaxSga te si--7aaecu3attaJlaa.?iMaarsBasr Sutiaoa- -

JUes. aaavc aK sk OBit or a nltmna at 5saW.1T.-- , lu-- Jvj- - v.. r -- - at t- -ir

axaa; "4 a4lr anaBtaJ &saTr ragHSfiESau''

r .& Xaaai aaouta-m-r SLojaia,JkMC aaaatSajt- - 'Tar 3ErVaSXj7i-bl&- .

5tiiiatHrsra--iacfl43attn- -

a.ii.ittr-aanjitju- c.

ATatrtraa ca.t,itiTyaga CUtmlisraM tXMT.lgi ait: Hanriffaqiy Xk A3 SSltC- -

Xayrt-j- l-


ai ftagyaaiE wimlVAaibCl'oaifcamattimj-ft- CiUjxrgragrga m.

aWijfacitJBcr jwTm?Wtirrr amnfcwatjraiaii-riai- i;

- XKJShaJaJC&Xfi- -

awn- - vtuo, s. a. arcti, ., aaarv. ,

Suirsr Factors. i

-- KTXnka ... .-- - Vi.A3laworTWlll. Skua. nUrr sxnr -. tlnl

ajater A jarta..?. .TaaaMar'tt lflMt OwwmiWI Wfc.ywWBWtlb,vV ! t4 --r . V.

a... vjc.-u- . ftrvC ASTUK .V CO O li .

sssrara xxa waransox stsscHisrs,

Dealers In General Merchandise,

r Iwnw&.wxmxn ,.S(K l!u! Ukhu OmiMji Km.


T)M VIBm1. $vt4yUjhK. hubfaAU

Ik 0rt.i.t.tUto. (VrA. Swm. W trfS K. XU fcwi. .M ttmS, XjovbtK. St-- I

s .nA.n.G-i- TZtzziixz&ui rarir Bit

OMtmp. jBmMk. iSiiA. i?jr. ."?. vft. ih.-- iu.WJC

. K. ULKR. A. C- O-


ak. f I V .. H k 12.. .T twv

H . 11AUX. A. 0".t3CCiTSiS AX irrt XX EAS3VASS

5jjWivIbvWi.vfeMi.KiiuA-i- .

TAIEO. 11. 1 OIEJ.JkalwttowUVi .

-- m ua

iit jjagaa w.i.t .- - v

J 0 11A X WAT tUiilO 1 .E.cS'Ssrxs ax? asAss ix t:tt-.- T

- XESCSVX2SSS.'"2f Ca Srnl Sncnli.il. X t T

.LeUMJUaJ. w. -- jijaJL. j!. CLKCU01i Jt C. I

io3rot f.-- n r 1 o.j... . Ti.Tl.i m llntfij( w uutjt. uarMrlmuBiuES. '

111-?I-A BKOTllEK.

AXr traywrr .Tt

lr JwAmaiw vWc-iva-:, Inn, O-- ?. 3Mf. i.-w.ij-

tjn- - wyty WtMwa irsaMuaf MMtt. cw.JanAtJhC; JKtfTalftataitaCVWaVarMtnmK,


aj.'SSC AX3 TO3DE3S3X XESCXAXTS.afaQMOrite. ftU. S I. V

ljn"EU A. DlCAi!0.UC?SSTSS5 A- - BZALiSS IS L53t3SS- -

.tlaaaa rjiufito$KuaHlBvTMaan. aWtxdxv.Jt CO..

jiigmnc. at ivte ew. i

?3m. eU. Xj2i-- 54t aii 33i2jAEJ. VttirM.'ii if

3t)LL Jt CO- -.

f dAaScj a.ii CjTTTT-Td- x XiirYrra.pfwrann-Lil- fniitnT &3. 2Geaiu9wt..Ma a?niccst

JL. IV PU1KCE Jt CO--ipmauj tiCL Xmr.tci X 4V.J

ia? CinBiri axIi3acCtWT-r-rKiixTrTCT,tl-- 3.

Putin S& Tijra.fST SmiilBJkt. StirittiaiitKiJbv a

a B5ZWS5 fr co

t i. 3 asjtsrsz. H

SHtrrlK I COXSISSBI HEECHA1TS.ts. rr"'i Sja-r-rr rtrm,ft. y

-- 1 T"JI. Jt COg.,. ce3tITTtT iSXIti.

iS6-AtoiV- i: SS-- .

ATOSGA: a.CHTTCK--l3CTSrS. 'aTiirfasjie SSi 22 3iAiiT3

X 3CTrt7Cierwr a,? r B

.r " f'--

GUKK3I. Jl.VCF.4JEA-.Or- E Jt C- O-

Xjinnamra jVgriufCnwaSe. Tamaafc. S.X.

ttaj yflL

S. t'iia. Slaaj 33aai Onujti. ax.a ! utMiir irnnr TTun aHu.

gt-- TCtJeuir rjwinciia.Tl imn ?lwiiB(diah XiiftaC

a 'twiwi,'- !- aott atawiaftt law tf gtettaaw SC

K. J CHAKFEK iCO.CTOilS . UJitaavi; Jtt K. ii

BE Btaritrtu!BJaaaaSaaia: u.

&, av .ss. a si suBoauatn.rxjr 3ZOB13003T.

wxxr irunxaiaaaia Xttmmiu 3Ctrr31tai.3 liar Inm XtituitaiAi. tlDiank. lyI


TraagrJPii-u- j Olaan. 3jbt: 5Srf SI Sifwt&aiwXia- a-

s& jq Avs.ci-piunJtC-

enaiArSicr4sCntua. marTTJt. JOHKOT. I

-- JV"4- ' ' "TmtimiaBn gt-- tagaalaai- - C wjmaito-i- . lr


3 JaL S,ije icia. of acranHX. - - sa nicsr i

Jca-Tn- t.gwntrr.

AjajEmBaTLmiCBSKH.niL, : : ; twmil- -

JU T71STJ- - 301X113135 S3

S3 '17. jaiC

JtrniEaaja.rSgiiiotlati&nT C3 ?


j-- " r gIi ipntiT kuE aaqRfilityaaJBgtr aciniaC! uxihm irttiot ei-- t

ZX.T-- . CHASE.XjrscxKAxr AJB ZAJTSttCJLFZ: a?StTW- -feujsxr.



C. S. II.IRTOW, AsnUnKT.u sr


- rt " w

jU i;, Met.VI It' UK Jt UKOTHKS.qsoCSST. TSSD 5T0BS id BiiERY,

iwoouxr. gt?

EI0CSSI2S XX3 TSOTISIOy r.FUTTiSTusfi? &rcr?t .Twi2: svcv

J!' HIn.smt,iuidi.C1U4S. T."liiCtC.

Jf?'tvsrrr- - tC3ce. Xllia. IT

Attorney o.-- t Iiaxr,CtScr-tSc- wc rflVrt t K: Stwrej. jjSEHWAUU T. O'IULLOK.0.

iruMttmtnmjniami!! a tcs f nl fs lit Jjr.

W UMiut & twro. it Cortf l SJ yar lt.tut.

J. ?1 PITIDSOX.. 3 r4,twM Suw Sm. irar toi:

kfMfntt- - Buouuifli. K. t .


eiac t xSaa Ssswt. i.ei jc t jv v.


act It




J M. irHlTAKY. 33. D . XI


CA . Ja.lTXKKDGt3.30. D..54C at. 4jfnfumzr G3ac at 114 cvotinw ftwi. OiJSMniii.

uiMittis t nai t nuiisiit ftc sjf yncai uf lisjgjajau. Aa.fiprJiaT!li nftrx- - wax j& Siazafi aj

MMaat no. noou: awv&uf 3ix c aamt- titrf &tvr

OB. K. B. UirXC1113a0?f.JHTSLIX1X A33 JTSSSiX.

tfificr Snj ster, syrTur f Tic. ijif 3jfrsxaaje tno.,j?iluia J.imuur ATtmaii a!ur J.31.X1 tomeUiaja aimn.i I a. a. tWr

K. H. KSTJKliS.iCA.A.V.-- i

-.-- T rr A3T 15B SUSGZOS,wahext xah.

K. JSTUKUZ,A3crici2T ii? liteeut.

UOl.I.ITEK Jt CO.. t

Cr.cJce Cgirs, Tcfc-acc- ajid SnirtT.

ma I?

HONOLULU LEON TTOBS CO.,pr. TE-C- K EJGIE. STBAEt ""SaVrn SHUkxSmm Jraa. lew mtEtemsur.

Maci-Jce- rj cf Eterj DesctipaeR, ,

-- 3taB a, 7ltoi ALnrf-t-rjaaiTTnHLEcaraiatTOai.tauriarfiuiiaK ;rfBaiiT

.jSv IVM. TVEIGHT jSaSKIP A)tD CISESAL SL.VCKSWITH.lu7 oo. uat '&ir Swc f 3Ptnaaix. 5&Tt, 342 St ta

HinatBm.I5dtuM Suttuflifit. &L Z.

mtmnT. zjFjJ2JER? S5X.u ismvcutfjr 3i.liiaiaai3araua,afaa tiaircaiJttrf

AE win a.iilHr Silani2 tC ft tcamzutAd Ttjrl it 31; Ifo. .xazt&iiC 4t fiagn- - 4uC fap.

saatw. iUC"t

TH.OJI.JLSi X.XCK.Jilantwr at Vi&ix. XalC

NicrJcist. Lcci aci Ci:n Sa-Jt- n

JtOTBtartaWZaiitf rTSjJi1xHEIJXJri3J5aUSXSiIK i&wiv SimKHifti. i-- r J-




G. sEGEXEEV Jt CO.2IX: f3I2HS i3"5 PT.XTX3SE5.

X-- 2 Ixoii crc3nraiciai41r.aaBr au Xtmz of T!tr. !

smv aait t aenct.gaT-''- TT IT? Jlt.t TrfYV-T- n- TT


3'jo 3mua tc -.-- ir- tfraa t

Aiuraa attcftgj. mmiiftmt, S. J. Utrle. v. shoots:.1 Euffineer,.

XitJ.3riKI f.iTSgg'.I'lX.gBgacZSS..T.

cajsTirais.iri'"tn;eiii. )H.ic j I'i'i i;

i. Jte, .

XA3tF AXa 22nBatZS

israiI2:r si.

J. H. TTiCaE.

Ca tfianr Suflmr Ttf stge.Tiriitlll'. aTaiC .f. f tt asata xaiC stairt aezac

xmauIksiBai. ffiae twgcajiaang pnr-irrr- . aiUCIy

H. T. BO.TIEIX.ff.f 1- - a 7 T.TTT A53 3 t :;,--; 't.-l- ,


nriis tu ATr0! to therCKUCsT n?S5a3u ttt ia ?wia4E3v. m'MmVMilvtnvniaiiyS.W J tVn b f .s. Nm-- .CI !.., .. w ..:; ".-- " - - - 4hm v


Vtv? .ig ItK. r 11.1.1 .M.,.


. . . .... . . . .- ' t r .t- r ...x mrntm .1. Jfn .1 .J f



fcMrftM--.rrosoiAcirc- t

P5oTpfr Mill. T.?liHiTin.JpULHPBOJ. A Tl-KT-

t. rUOHKlKTOES.CX9lt f Clf eftWPIH5Htjr,-""M- i




3 M. XiCTiltAM: X vVV, AjSjw


vh sszxs; iCArAiuos j. co.

SOLS d: SADDLE LZATHEE.Tanned Goat and Shep Skins j

porjLvri.voxjusD andi-o- sjux.l

Ull suKqr, 1". Ljt inju. rpprtrtr.,


GREY & CO., fuiijauj; '

v&! lr I

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS1--4 U KJy 5sru HBlnia.


n:?ar-ifCmr- f ta auTSvri a iraviJDmnlrtK

1 lit EwLaC ra Putf So-S- enn. Ij- -

Waipuolo House,,iiw y r r .orri.v located ix w.ixa.

9tt I

EitcHft frliatt Jil Stl wita. iiT ac ptdcci.aK3Xd.

TS3JC: Jrttir Uuzlt JUtii 34lisz 3tc- tiAcu; .Stnf- - gtr wf jisat&Btnc a


$SF C-- WALLER, Proprietor.Klt 5ml. ait; Halala.

FAMILY MARKET!Jmatita rUKI man! ITziM Src0.

G. F1LLEE, PrtFriettr,


Cbaeest Hssts fraa tkc Finest HEflfs'

Iish. Poultry, Yegetsbles, &c,trmXtStett t Orgies',

"p XTatlS Tttelr aarf Taacriliora Teai.

Tiit?T!l5tsjir!larJtiarIMirfaitiia2itoo!tiiS:B1HET1IL&. rain" 1.13 Ifiilir.

AJJ.on4icia3Vnasr3tri:3tcrt,': 8jrsat tjranjscsr aaiC KuSaaoacrr ill arturr Jnr mnQ&atn- -

nmlaa3rjia:taiaiii'-9a.jaa- it acumaajaifa aai.uucaiT!i KkjtuitaC3raiCTr'C&.

fcaeftacp 3 it-- evaratcsx.



r iU t 3UL3TCFAl,T LKED t

tigfG. S. PIMKHAM &CO..;g

"f LSlTlC.


t5--1 "ROTTPS & Ca lTits- - --i-- , ' " ' t- t

-- -v -- oHixovna tio r


ATTTJXaEr,ra7TtBiXTT'A3T:ST-- iv a a - JTt i, i, - ,.r-- .t t JLA3X.

A Tt ( .l itaWtTr- AJiCnliEaSsinracg-Asntac- .


Hais-siisr- : Szeszzzz UEELIKElf


SsfliEg Ifejs ssre-- Schsdnis!


mm m m 01 eiEMuni

PbUadclphia BoArd of Vtidtrwrlter.A GKXT fr the lUwatltn WLml


Bwtoa Board of fadfrwrittrs.nrvrc . . w k .. "-- L " ",," ?,kwt


FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,or mnnrBii.IjixKsivsvnKn ox iinuiiMivSEH.

it. UACKTSXn A CO.. Atmtv

r. A. C11.1KKKK.ACK.XT.rllnMiHllupUfCmlirirTll'n,

-- fl . kwM




iAnmun-um;jn- Lr l R E IXSTIRANOK COMPANY.,,1, T"vnviwti'vi.r.

'iV' - irputiu.-r.ttt.aj- ..i"" - ifVMUjVfcj AA CO.



bum4 citcu tomi.A. JAECER,ArnnfcctaHwaiaiiiuMs.




ESTA8UHE IV.capita. . . .. n.ooo.oooaiUu t.d ki. i,s3siimnE r.Di;u;M:D have bkkx ap--

M. rvKXTIK AVi DTS t r !. &uiTa.k IUli, .u,Lt&4rts4 1. r Fir. xmi Ckivr&j. IrwXsAi t& m ufn it ti iula2i rdd. BuiUisxt

.3)2 iui4& novt tivti, rrKif n. ii rwtsu., TdxUHr Cm1. 9&i?s A WrVv --itk w vttV.t ruxM

TasSwiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co.


TUK CDERMG,KD aw acthoriiedOn Cargo, Freight and Treasure

Iraa K.nnfaH u 9fts cftla vacU,.oa;aCoaster, by PermUtlon I

Oa ll xu!M hnnSIt teru.Br. a. rjLvix i co

Ol-l- r Afati S.r Ul iUiSu Ii'iafi.

RhentshWestphaltan LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,or S. GUOBACU. Rhniti Prttuia.

Afchen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,ti,...



SIW afriTT OfidUiM. OAT. t W BSAi4 fe l4 &- -aixuotracietens!tfeT tssitrsfa.Ea'i4r



Assets. $26,740,105,70ESTABLISHED AX AGEXCT IXHAVE fit tX fUilu ItfAiJ. asd ti

aat&fm)carft m ;n;ofr ta wrj rs ia3F1EE OX EUILDLSCS, jjEBCHASIsE A.TO


Co. &vacai uj'i..v DareiliAC Biaaa a Spteeiai-- !Ity &tcdkl &Haf a4 traAffia aswtrt 2Lr a ;aXf dm 3kbk& 5.r t ;MOna fci ifnaa. loaaet

avraaaotiT- - aJJtcttfJ aad praJIe bre.tU-i- ji IbSOPiCH.



3?iro azxd ZLtarino,Cub Capital, tiali. tsaa.ooo.

JXvHUcvjt Ki. a Sperlaiitr- - IKf iaatajia.nt wirattirt feisamJ gar a gucat tC amTtartxCrrtnt,rT.otuu ax trat--

r .iL-ig- - KSikI B3t nt ckioJIt mk raaa vt3

IIDES51IT 3ECOJD TO XOXK.Losses Promptly Adjusted.

BISHOP &-- CO.,'BE tf ApaaariiaBaTaaaalitaaJa.

NORTHWESTESNHutual Life Insurance Company,


AS8ZTS, S17,000,000trjlUE MOST STCXXXSTTTX. XXSCltAXCi:JL tTitt? t XT ax gt Strit.

CEA2TIZZB IX IIJI.Euatiiuortif 'Wta!Ea aflintrers. Xerrrijl a. uLur .( t SsSea a I.Ttr iiit o far Ca&ianT runCr.


ofa It AfBtaiara EynSu.Iim.iljt.,., - ,., ir t PWnJ a. Ml w a aata aaa;

Afeait for tbe HattaALut Ittanalj,l


--ir 1 T - TllntTial AJIO Inimnrft IjO !


Largest, Safest and Most,i........... . . ...a ... ir ry u j j a . at II t I I U t IIIri.iiniiHii.nl i rr in.T i.ii- -

ES" THE WORLD!Assets-Ci75)-S80.000- ,000


5ci is a Gccd Time to LisTireJPialtn7iniCjja2Jij7iit3.


Preserved Meats.inut AJtar PETPtEEB iI m, ftsnats pa O ssate tt t""-- . ia asx. aav (

aWriar ar atTJa,TT.T: T)---

T-J U.---.litJildLLdU LIGtCilCtl JjrdUJ.r


Dried, SmoKed,AX3

OTBEB STTLES f PIESj.E1 KEF,gjayaitryaar-tnCtaeaai3aTX.ZrXiJt- T

i; la Jitsxjtx 8TrfT!n.Ziang.13 See T. A. KZAZ7.Z dc Csl

Insurance Notice.ACJKXT FOR THE XRITWH Pit.THE Mlrl. lM.rUK twMlij. (Untk Ifcll lutracttor. U rlnc tU. r.t.. ( liuvnac.

Wt.M. ItadlBla uj Il I. Ik rwttte. 4 It irlrJ t Im.. IVIKW t tit. bwvit rttN. with .riJr4f U.HI 0 ITf4(&t Nr tl4MH.TKKtX tl. BAVI5S.

ly Al BrtU IX Uu. lot. Cs UmIIiJ



OrtTOitoJL: $5,000,000(With uatimltrj tUtx&t!' uf SbrfhoWrv)



CvrmyJfKTplopnprtymj txrirKtotwItxiUkaa&irmny .1 mcJfnUmn.

ilerchtndue. Goods aai 3'reigat InjuredB iMam ukt uBIoc "l. JZa c t mJ.

castu: cookk.HO IT AKtat for UcKMtnht.



front Iron Hoop- - or llf JiprtntiSPIKKCITJI

Patent Magnetic ElasticTruss.

--vra Til!. u u4 coafort XIGltT AXTt D iT,vkl U1 rt.tkv currt wbn mlloltitra ttll.

KaJr, tfroptnrol.TUY'OSK: JoawWlirtrrtST.yt.C9 oJ for lUuniI Book aa4 rric list to

Mnxnetle Kl&allr Trau tVv,

txv Thtic Tr&sMti ir MBt br cull to or part c( th.wcM.- - It


aCtriaaSpVlBalal JaT "aaaW J'ff??

Grand, Square and Upright.



PRICES LOWERTTJan any other rim.Claas Planoa.

IXtiV WjURAVntD t ausd aaj hi.ii. sndb(aa(3 asj Pxlcclitt.CHAS. S. KATOS, Guinl Arm!.

CMOa WXvutcczarbtntt, Stir rnsdxxx.cn.

R. J. TRUMBULL,Gre.fr. Importer, Wholeule and Betall

Dealer In






Cazaic ti ecu ccK Stock

Ever Offered on the Pacific Coast.

Prfcw Caraar low.

Tn Price Lit ca a;na.Xr-ei- ie a YettsmaaM Flower Garira" armUtftbt2(tAMn. It ccouiaa tcr&c"t9ai .atlcsasr FniJ. Xat aat Oreasusul Trw&erit,

llff.'fr,, tcB.J.TBCHBrLL,

KM Ca li ul 43 Suaat fsw. Saa Ftaacbeo



ACniOBIZXTt CAPITA!. -- fl.04l OOO

Capin paJd In and Beerre Fanil IAaaeu. jaja-j- - 1st. istt, f f9,eoX. C. tESSIOJi, PrvaiaL COXS. BOBEZIS. CiUio-rrxzc7c-

Z.C.geairri. tr. A. AtdrVOt,A. 'W. Btnrcaa. Bcsrj Sttcrrt,

tr. tc. Ctses. a". H. Ttr;gV.

Xmyjdzi frto 3j peJao cf la Caotd Scats. Ecrcpeac d KxsaiUi. Tra.V.. ear t Mat fcr co3 r ai.tvt,&a excx ar cxr7roc7. or ex tfiat. aa aa tcarseat ar

A j tot alia sreoer roirVa ata b ia--atCatTreEZrat E&tasb RetalrAaceea la c2rrt9tT"5taerttSeaaIaJeaTreatra4M. Taetatsaiare

taeslatieB-Taij-ae- . atrxcaatalfcealttiraaTttTtxKcxacxrc rie Parry ta iuh as tbeaaayeatat Jaarrant nsta tsA ctmraKie. caa (- -, - . .... . . . l - I

r ..wi .M .r. . hi. . JM ..- -.

joasa. XatsaaaretMtre&Bzttsr&uksocAA.TS.ira3leMis4Te&!lr,aerT- -fcVarl af ranrtan. aad can- - t

aac tya; excarrtry c Xrtt ritaa Eat Eata vita;iqt rtr-ff- . Cxtud fuua. Pet Ccasaty aad CityIdn.ta.A. AS CxarUr.4 if rta&t ar--irnfrngTateet are can&2y tutsOtA. ZXtr&cjtX...n Hil. .w .U'-t- ai KIS. .JiW 1TXVK FCWKJ W. B

. rw. . .... .. .Mi . ...., , t Ta - .. . . t ..u.... . 'i hk ,i a u ly 47 ah ar aa a., .it t-- - ., wn w aoar ctstau

aort9erTerKit,aiK4taar .tits, at I

Vr menrtOra czts aa ct OTtttwt tar U9 iliit As i U4cra fa esaxecSsa Ki a earrfat aavt eaowMrrtaSw. xaaaapeatatas. Iaraacam ta caaat3r. a raaraat

csr.aejrt. '1Zg-- 5 ctratsaooa Ve afc. !

d!mva,aaassntatcrta Eta, atda Oaatrad ofxxsntatrstKtntx!ixrtrTrt4jabrxuatT'i'K!Stita mrAbu K as ta ;rirt msn erarxeeavm- vryiKian. luta nM ttvaun ansa na taWravlat-a- ri iar JF .m'a a. .r av f m M k-- - vmrnx m w. ,ttlutC aattataxtet ly Oa iaaa, eir t H3SSSZZZZZl757x?gl

a4XtaaaJeauraVreafusrytre)3ict-t- . tU I

rEKiaial.tttrTr rSie at tta exti. erf raitf tkevulz. ararra atr taaa aayy&t wa tt ran ai. x

iarymc. resaCns tarae fcdt oliaOr axatk.rSiBSSi. uCritts tafctltre-- t. tsudctrklradaartibaSarvt. atut j aii tx JTaantr a&t Jaty a fdi year,aa.aaatwcaiai.atwraaat &$.&. vx. ae craaaes lata.

ST re ran.. &riia o7wd aa faetSaa. fcftttUiad caeaerd fcy

. ew. ari i.t m. so.. pw awtTrTaaaa t7ata. ajutt. lataa aa' &tucf jatrcettarx3xx. Jvr sh pnatai unaatut ataann- . wafr;- - t avows X 3 rami.Tr fcrSUr ytclasum w prSattif o.SSta. ."- -jv ii ,yiara lid irlJ fc Hrart4

IsCavtas paat trtafr'C

A Crratrrat BaatltJaxr Baattateaa Traataatat.tltettT rxAtacf ta Xenr Trr. ImAm, Tnxtlsrt ta

GCe-n- Vn saiia4titaiarffaadtegTnat rate.tlr

t i aaaaai urn lalnatra



II. W. 8KVKK,a?tCK,





dstlfatntatl renlmt aal thlftntolt mad., aad UeUtlMt laftxmatlaa fltra oT rector. aa4

WI tuuiubcliartitr matktta. U

A. P. EVERETT,ForwardiHS aid CeBBfcsleH McrckaRt,

03 Front Strtct, Corner of Clajr,SAX KRAXCISCO.

aa TanlcaUt atUalioa aM U CWIfantott of ItluJrrvJoc. Mt It

axjit a. ailAUav ataai r. aUlcXAaa


SbipplBR aBd "CeaisiH Merckails,B nt California !trt, Sn Trtntllra. It


Snipping aad Comaaissloa Mcrchaals,13 ul IS lYral SU 10 aa4 11 Tint tu, rccUtod, Or

sax inAxcisco orncs. st sacraukxtu stkimt.atria to

Bot rt BtltUh tVJ.mbU rwtUad.Or.raarintatkoatGiUIUiilc . . .. San FraactacUwtra. II. ItactMJ A Ck IlooolnlaXrwa. tlltiiip A Ctt., Buktn ....... 11 joo.it aMaura. arra,AluuUa.Oo Uoaolala

tvf I.LnJ ProJac. tolldlej, an .kkaCASH ADTAXCE3 WILL BE M ADS. oSST 'T


Fruit and Produce Commission HouseESTABLISHED ltM.

Xo.43t Bntterj-St.- , rororWathlafc-lou-,

Xwr the ll Ode. SAX fRAXCISCO, CAL.

Spedal AttesUoa rlttn to Vnilu, llontr,raUtoes, Oaloaa, rooitrr. Etc.

ALSO....California and Ortgon Eggs and Dairy Produce

aur We mpctiullj aondl rear Cwitnm.nu. Mark;allOoodt "II.K.aiCO.,S.F." tSSly



R AXKIX, BRATTOX A CO.,afanafacttr

Engines, Boilers, and ilaehintry of everyDescription.

PinfcnHr attentloa paid to tae maanfaetDie et StTQAIlHILLS, VACCCM PAXJ, Ac

Befenace la Uonolnln E, P. Asavs, Eao,Mir.

BOOKS & STATIONERY.Tho Basis of Our Business.

To Slant! raetnre all such Hock andFIIIST. tvs oui b (Urn hr u well u lhr, bsIthtrtbj direcUy tveatflt oar caiUoLtn ju.1 ovtcItcc;

SECOND. Ta Hay and Sell Book. nl Utk-.r- ym t aula It to tlM letrtnt f dtri al coaraatr to

turat to Mt U prtftrrmr to $ciic l.

PT Wo ttAomiVtar ni Its pert Tery dratcrfptioa of Flotjontry. carrjlsi; Urx itTJctti c rapr l?aTtlcT aod EUatIkwt e4f Mr own nati-ctare- , loVv, SUtx, etc

Ai-O-rtr 1,500 TMiUMcfIUok fbnna kept In Stock.

A. La BANCROFT A. CO..gaa rraneiica. Col



American, English & EuropeanMAXCrACTl'RES.

2sctj t dIa tb. UrrMt tartetx cf Ocatral Vlmhaa- -Lm tfuat bjur ONE U0C3X IV TUB WOULD.

Ktirj ittifr iboakl hati a CauLfa. tna tiUBJ4 a. tern. rsoi. laarcry Ua.


Toroota, 4S tnd to Tost, ttrett;UmtrrtL 1M aad IM, WcOal ttreet;Ltniaa, 01 QaMn Tktoria ttreet, E. C. ;EaeStU Butct ICorti.Xew Tcrt. tl Worth Etnet. and (3 Tfai Bnatlwtj-- .

C3ljr ajj



fpnEIXBIA Blt-EHI- KATIXO CXDEK- - - ISJ. (coe ttaxexlal IdproTecetLU, la sow la partect eco jtai

dUloa lor ti. j BHulliflg and Dressing of Paddy


UNCLEANED RICE.ta Oa Eet PtwOle Itaaaer TL. ftlcm tar 1ICXT.XX3aid OBEEetXO PADDT taa teen lledaced S3 perceat.

Faddy and Hulled Bice I ' t)IViU Receive Prompt and Careful Attention.

WK. K. 0EEX5W0OD,Ceceral Ccrriatlcn IftrrAast ad Prcprarlcr ef Intta

EeMZL ta ly



rjnBR PTBI.IC ARK CAUnuiED aixrrti. b4 itilnnti Itntnlli aivit. - tiat tka.. .! k . n.r.Mnl 1. V.AW. tA nIlll XJL t..V.l miita Tt. firfl I. CVXeTbd T.. U dlMSTtTM

aat iatraud ty r J OOLUJ BBOWSf (ta Aray Xtdkaliu7! aad Maxmeic7 Wax. aadrt t UStl 3 ttapUat aaalytutr tia ntCaeail.tacria.ajy. BtmWaaecrrll ta. jcrpwt-- a ..t. sercr kt. &wvmu. mat aVttsaa. Uwttfc taat taythisr kU aar lit aas,mt. tir J COIAIS BBOtrAB! CULOBODTilC, U mnmrUpt hajtatfca. .. ... T .' " . . ITr-. . bMU .. .aAoaUas.a ta. latcatcr et- tAJcra


L inn asd actios.TiU UraiaaUe rtaxdy prMuM 4LtC ratrtaalaz tlWo,


.. 11VAVtH.

rr&rtt tad. ealata ta. ytia, mum tt. saraaf td fea-- 1 B

tla.a ULaL .tlaccla. VmIIAiT Mltcal tt MCritaO.! CtT tk.toiy. atOwat crtatiar aay U tits extttejaat rraua at. aUadiaraaesMctcpiaas. OVt aad ytaax auy tat.lt atalll 1"tan aat tUta wlra raialtlta. Taoaatadj " perK- - tael mt.. . ... .mJ1. J '.a ... ..ulMMaa.M ..tft. flUiJ .. M. nilllww . ..a. Mr. ...niiwM'H, -- .autitat i .ltd lu rMw avut ezUsoftaly aalar It tagrtt

taraetlM tuOwvlar fiMtut rtiUtrt IffMt. UT

. a t. ttt. arte- - a aaa - Ku a,e ajf .. O tUttry. iAarrao( oMuea, utarM, Attama. jtaraxtauKB, tnniriL,'3riv4itCi(i,CniB?JljUrU.U.rzTZAcrrrBmt itratCAL omjtiom.

Tie Jtlrat ix. Zu aVtaMtl ccassaalcaUd to la. Callrr.' cf rtrtota, tad J T Patrepeet, taat k. tad raeHf at la.i Bratuni.ii.iauiuiMn,i iiswiimhi mt..I iaCaOtravuCaLritrtirstV UlAut,U.UM.

&f I.., XatVal Xlatjaary U Jeda, Jtert .!. J), Itat lasatrlyattry caM(CaUralaakkB Or J COIAll. SfcOtTjr J CaLOMTCTJCE adnlaUtttaL la patirat

rteareraf. - m . . iKttntt Urn Mvlieal limn. it. tz.iv-ixm- T

fcaeTanla7ietet'tdrt-ealrcaiaoaa- .taara it wi ttca t. alara-art- y pagxiar did M aatMTflyaaaataad laapUca.'"Zttrart frtat tae (Xttatnt .faafd rf laadoa, U

lu rtta--y t. Oftbra " U rUtttfj tavfou t tV.laanu rtlaa t tU. ttBtdy, ttat a caait l tWrttly

-. .4.. - at r a ajta..f . f t t. .Itt.flrrrrrrar-.v,a- k moIjj xl.t ra. aar. MSr J.

GOLUc BWaTSB" aa aa Orttraavtat ftasa. Otartralattetaarltwtlattryiccti!..-.wj-atj- .


KM K.eaawxar i".vf. In.UUUZtxUt

a. Oreat EoMil It-- , UUU tit lWt.lt. ...Tt. Jr. B- - fecznea I 0 .



I. tb



c&crir .TTnrtSrTirc,EaiitLi.H.I fZX" XlzUllBrt a.OSWBJfltux- -

Page 2: t HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...iti--n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i-nl TV. lil 5i iki a W---p rvQr fttifK a. w lnrc T m iJtui Un etet fcc f TW MadKaa uftaul Am vttenMix aVaaal Tl iii.ufVjaT.i n.u.".


nv ArrnoBiTV,



Aadlrncr at lolnnl nlnr.Tt-tw-T. the k lunt. it IS J'rfeck wwb.

Hi. tt; ike -l- ac tw at re-- HiI .rt-a- tg A- - FMtrc. wfca laircWkK4 l-- atse- X. l-- aty Mm- - ay awn led 3tMKC

-- wt of l- -t l?--ttr Slate,

IK Xajesly m aUra Sty lit- - 1 --kck.-- feten, Onl W r Attar. -- flttnMt;the Jaif (Me-$a-ir e Uaaet, Jit-- aflfc--Wry c, a. sr09ma.

Hi. -e-t- H MeMrt Fwttra A8lr,3 "--

A. IWw. ws tc fc tet fear ef tt KVaj:,

aai . earat Oaafrr, 1 aaewwar.3Jc. Dcrsc j pr-M- -te kettcr. no-- U

la-- fcM . -- -. Jo tt KlaR cZ est, K .

XT ft Tr X!at- -

1 tt heear t pt-e- t. a mhiUff SnfVrM- - f Iktl.BrdSttto, 4 4rr f4

o Taae Mr t. wM i rw.Bt!ma cu. t & Jatt-- r !u teat w thh , aaE & --m IU iU toe.

M mi8c l te Be tfce--ttj arm c ni IleatalmlloiiCMiiwietmmi. Unlrct fcjrr iu rwirfW iimkL tk esnrrte;V ir Han. drtHOMn a I

t 3lali a iatbrttj. Aariaj; cy am I.mlilt'tMl A' na-- TwttVAwmr ml

aw Hw &rt uw, HW l M)Vt 1 --f "- - " n"'V, totrei tc attt. ta Jalj ls . I 2?:22,ay aMf cgwtH tumciim tf lay SZik CSStxjSutiBTafaaMaff acvr Vcea icretr la caMviSc tiM j Tj-j- ia nrwiir. rt,(iMM Incadrtir k Tecr ltrBMM. uUt l aMM,Miai. Katscv,

ri u unKtiMuaanau iat Jaastnllarea erta. jwi4e tc lfc- ostsu cvkmkv- -

TMwe hvitkfc rwtnrws, X but air retrtcrt !- -i

T Jr tt tltomihH m the k!telfnitlMa Battle): 6 lo stfe iretraihae ut sUrpA Aad tn4c 4

BerlttMiaUtaiiwwocM fna Ik OMTtStn Kivijevxsir. imkMmt4 tmir rr Mace . tare TT )isai,r wtmt--

l trnla tai)Muacc A a lankensMire. k.Vatisni Mt VrcktMoi. parcMtt k TearH4Kr' oiauini ban: ka ta.aix, snMfbOMxcrf itraitaMr &enif., vtlftmtrtl

IaunactaTiTr3iitr,Iua hMlraiC S

saacr im rre &oj t tac Lnt Miles, t

tiavartkea th tTKaAir TCiMMML M tamalr IwbttC lg IkO" Gararaatatt. xailtwatr t taatr rf. watasta at Sgag- - 1

iHmtfaitkw lmti ncianta! c.--r

Wlu iv f tat Sinr a:UirM IkaAToafFE(pUjrt)aa;aaCKv4s; tjj Voar !

ttf at limn So x Ittct Je atCkairtua !

.; mpoilM, u law a4u! Her ,UKr " )ctk Jirt. rc aC immt;-- ' I ,

ckae :U tkc auMc ot MrMSltacatrsccsr. H Omi)t OMya tint tauet fum XHrbhr KoUeat, rf I exm- -ctUTTCiatffct fcic la tat owlmw tag XiaiaTTaer MJ5t. xad fct ( af Xar G era--

Mr Iv-r-. IVitr nwirfii 1U: rscwilke le--SaneiAM taa twbt eCMt! d9t u CaKej siUoXaw Smteat law SiKftee sr ooomc atcttKtaiji; rcUI Irssc lil ii--

atr Saal uw-ktJ- f uai tt. att lac Scen ttthat iKxvMx; iwrN; Iat jwrW anrtiiltrj. tc icfc fcT fccal aScc k lecBtftiiki tve Mi ,ol ftHoKKB Sek, aa4 i

iy wlA J Hr & sataas ?- -Hauac yrr rtt tmt Sfe f jwb 6raraaMjc pchUc aa amiJe taNtIMaJ autlcn,ycat. Mrfc ii an:$oMaciiMacaaCeawtnr vkkek ku sMr smmss rf lif l

reoMwi aaa9WTAaxMQlaiBBXaiIsscr- -

HMacuCutMTdsrkaac mnerWrk KMaim. WL-ajsn- i

aC aar kaiac aai jwar rraal ae-- "

cMtuxr Kt u Smwocss. Cfctfa aawfe s

. taw &asaac at wA Uk cafaMQe at S 'a:-at- labvMaacr. kuaitiiMteHrRsaatt laaTurcLat oats ta tveStttuia; eSekt xatcr- -

"aaj: jwar teeBaetMaej. aai ia isaMhtcTc If win at ur aat tats fiaafttnia- - i

It I Vtirfvt. ta iMUBmwhil laMimX sC smtrof avs3fritarKaaabKCaatt!s --iaf att Mtwn csae?aal rjilwsj aitt. ifcfc

KIbc. ar iwsi r javtty rmsaedaasan.a tusate aauxie iy ia ntCuanaeMni at Kfr.vj :a wsfa yat tJtefc. (kt aay Sweater be liufeatrt w wc HilHi; at

aa inte-lteri- cforU ic rrtas&ims &UCK -

M.I ak jiac yaarksai eipresiiat aCcitkb k at isi bj Jji. Be are rtuty-'- a w aiai Sa atr aaacRsa aa !r ,

--t arKr eaalaas UfBaa aaat avparir.Toe ism a.ar. iw ts sostfs. c Smi--

raC arfAnBiaac af fek&e aai eait tetter aatt:at panwc rtoapMaw nac as wa iart li--

tMR VkK eaaSv-- woaa dnwe aac fer

H Ssmateac?' aes. Okv ajarssct lit Efeg.

T. xl- - MasaCT. u --Vair Swm8 sf t CateatfwK tc It Raii bhaiik la Mhrs-asc-

eaa Ijs Inac aa iiltjafcj -tj-urr-wmk

aat TaiMit StaKa.fLawwmitae.at afe Qaaet..aar a xX rwwrKiafti tt a gturrrag far ae

Vtttaita'nKiit Jyiat Ibe yrar

bi jaartgewg,!. lilt iassxire TMrXaatraTae--MKesuRf lt ievtraat9C I iavt ti iswec--

nfevMaa. 1c omeaaet ai ascstsC tae btf- -aMkar aa( jJ twilw.r wteda iuve iianri-- ij e rilntaMMi telwwg tfct tw oiio fcc naxlnt tane w r y.-ja-c ATBaa; SI

m?3m Jf t$ p.-c-i. ninLiu jitr-i-i aae farla jtntowa skdfe9AU e( 2i(waiibac t ttt taa af xbe isatazy Os.s-- t

- Zantac ttx itae Aijib5' war H .r arxT.-- taai taae !kt poiwic a tfej hiriiii It-i- aae

aM2e a aac iWS erstj Ifttiit (-' c M sw aa w. I casvK awrret 5Sos

MMcaatta: ctw t "I Msrtrfi f taat, pcajpic,Mr I Sa lie iac tw ot at a ax lsu

ar TkeTkattfcC Stafrscsmy wiaait5osliajaoi tTMtawjj ackategr ttataaj; as Usa.ix ObBC9Sias, 1 s. t Xtoiitr SB Vt KaasfXy Marratta rxik dse ic a &; tn z;arsf tsr--

ltht t&x iast at iai ftsafSc. I is as jara: '.iff isui ani iiiffaBC irfyiKcr Jlajctir. asi

foe jcveney ta xia itsaucSo. iof. tic !; ixi

artsdei. Oun,XajaiiaMFS? reaarveynz- aisirtTiaroC tiieSe- -

URtfT- O- 3 rce ttg ggtoM (r as hm rrfiiecf w t iurc at--

m exes- a- Irt-w- r ?fsve ib.1". cu. stawsacs te ya- - 3prassc3r'i iajiptaac atO :ain wtftisaatvai Val- - e

. a m e i .we I ;t a ifiy b aa jtar ffir.i. aa jv.-c-i t- -

ilEik.-- Et-- - i pa ;sUcaiEaMt 6e aa 3t feryetr

!&ry2s. inaic u:cd wr bj- OAtiCr. a Vt r-- tr Hgt. nsK- 1

or wr ctiry tta itut Ste lorciifeat:SCCE fccto aatcg-a- i tree tfts.lrWE y-- ill nj

n-- Ti --ttscClta:tic tar Cay ct&S- - csurie Jer--eca

I ra--j ' i ! STZsay i:s7cKi arwai TK'ai ay3i wjE tlataj

a jiiacteie act 3e-!H"TiT- hPTOMSt w a 1S1 ac.15. a : y S-p-t --aaaa.

Xr Icwt pri ; Br. Eyic,?; ;;TaK;iCis; t aVs,iit 2faw Xi.i-- i Be. XSua. Car,r C--


CiSfcc sa.

ASar a trmr ijss b. erts H X

easjr Sesar Csr as-- aagryrff'tmTlateral aK sC ca tan.

X3?K9 !(" Crasx . g. .',"iia t a

tT!a to imiiii tiu irt fjjiu, "i. rfr-- .,

Ctr Sx iTimiTW : awittag iTfiirr --aa TnTKIrTr: aafVOiTJiCTr

w.ataira3rfr-ac,.3i-- ,s x j itap.aCK7r- -

mb attpc! 1 1IT a tTTt ) C

aajec aa rx 3 ar -t- wi.lmn.jat :Ji - aS-a- tg l-- a..

1iSc,v. r, - ,., i. w

p . . IE ea I.- -. - - .. -- - -

-- - AJC-.TTt- iayn-r- wr ra m- --

.Ja-w- t Kra5aF ... .. - c Xa S. ta. . Sia

t.aa-aeM.-- V.

B-a-vP. ssjiw-to-aE- y i,si --stw: ..

--- ---- - jks--.- "-pnr-r- - txr it A nr jr n. ii ? iiin. cujw-H- - , tT- f tt

j;un l uS it ttV r yH" 117,, unTli ... iT f TrJn ......

XE ST .jn- - Tl- -c ex -- ,.

sr 4asss w . .,' ptF?fw.

r Vale- - r .til mm, hww. ttt. hw - w

Ve -- To - G --.' ATI1-- '-

NIlJllltltftM.fC Jj J. TTT Mltnl, --Met --f ltHwr.

rri y i)nwv r-- t t t i, wi a i - ui BrMm ' I fc t t f ia.




- O-- k He , r-- U, M7t.

smit, V her la, irt, at K V.-v- , -- J

V 1 at - few! a f AI,. HVrwimw Utmttl- - -,- Ki. .

Vlf'tl T i-

lMfar(yKtv.HMiK.vrt.smxr. a

0 (,, Vtfc, M Vrl . tw

tw jm inx i lw -- mMJAK-HlM twihnimm rfttw mT Jv WllAa wi H im J tbUt vn. llwrt rrbe

ik. 4 Morr jrrK, jiwrwo.IatrMh.L4,lr1J( on.Icct-- . Uvplrluc- In !cptciM.

Iter. 17TSTJUL.o.ur

JHr. TTu. Maa MrC HAoriate.


IZTulr SWr""

m ao vu xuMMm4.t llwrt c4.rwtt!H K J: Ndfefe. JfV Nl

3 raMam,jjuHovlii-xrAtJ-


37 X. yX, r lna.W IWU, WkfcM, SubiIwSS W" rvnnf. paanirn, RMa,

lunvat. srjier.

watxjs&AU: sjrnirr.It B(AAu A Cta, Xm&axi News. Boaoiftc.

S& tbep Jb.CVwlu2unBjkWCIrr.Kaaci&.V1CTCAUA.

!-- Ju Itn. Xom ,nt, K waiii.-- fVn,iaw.aaMt.

.!. i-- aS.

MIUIRJVS-- Jm , Xcaua Stsm. Xizl&.

jsrzvsES.,ssapiii6,!U5.js, K. UKnTkiaH.a VlKUrsnitXuwEnbIWlJU, lu. Knt3U"- -J ta1, lin. j:in.- - M.orc

HOKS.VXk. X K a Gcre TVras. Ko rt

ii lp So Xt aTAX vxllA.crots nK TT.

TJ : jxck kiT!a cxaanxwtutu

CkaJts.v.-Jos- .. o.K.tjKswutvutot... wKTJUEic

S3 - - - f,Ji . l!ISiaKawaiu

JTT. - "K jcliiiii'SaT '"" " ITvr. T7j!:a5vj;i.." .. - ,;s.(u jsiWkuji.IW'l' . W. KN&AtS

- sla.aai JEaal. ..;.. KalwSS " " "" '

.t.AS-i- a" "JSraa " ... . ..J.A.Xa5jiSHav. . .XvAl.vl avnd Xataval .A.Siitil

KanaX.Staufei. . .... . .. .i. WasaAiaaVda . . ....XTa7fcP3e3Kuas r.rvjpasiiJa

'.xtHwaaL . ... juTi'miJ. t. XAKCXA, aCbicorXaajiw

Taatr;jV$irsxL,fc3.4,l-CS- ;I

Oalead.au- - xr- - thr .Vcatcr-Tx-m- .--V. J

u. l!TT. iI

Havajtaa 3naT CamxavCasK.8e rj.-Baj- y JUxcva a. Sanw. JLKiy St-- j

Tkt Site ts. iii Sittitai.i. TinHtstfatzi.St Fjf va. ISihj. Liswor. . S. &&t

T Siftj: va. SYyiUnil Tanwiixarili te tXit-- t Sarasaxa. OtcS r nAc t&cr- -aa- - ;

51 JSaj; va. Saaa tttJty. Iar!tyrCji3t. J.IC SiniMt fee einaaj.

riitaTajrv. SasXrSy. IajwT eiTCaTSt. Jlj- -niXSrwa liucats Jrs, iiaa.jtfit. 7. Jt. IVa-- ,

iv,mvl, villas. ,

SattJUaye.AaSva.J.Xr.SaSaa. S-- ai. e. t

naMazarlaxaXi,azJ. U.icabcUrt maae-- Iait.

Sixsa Eaidfcr.t'tTt va. V. H. Xaii;li-1i- .

SUcai-oi- . C. Brr-- a aai E. ?? Sar jiiiiiLf.A 5-- 5armX axJi . . r--i ie 5k &tSaisx.

y.X-- tiitacax ra. Eaua KajMuitST. KaS. rK4-xstx- t.X S 3iritNU. 5tc jiaati

?alMb v. BwAAx t. JJraiml. . 3CBa--rabtf- a.

ax r r CTSaSmx S c jlaaisaal7. Aci es a; a. Slvxtaaa i. 2csblS. X

IVBtatia fee ftirrf"..,SiaeSe va. AsKctxTSii. AToaJ! ?:jl

"W 54rtnai Faitatxxa va. T.CiiAi. Lnkai "

iiiw T C itoriswi. JLsr cniuaB. J. X.

tiaj va. r. C 2ari, AfiTTtigraitc JiTCXa- -aa ictaaiw. npt. W. Catqie Jse Jia.--XSi I 1. v dw nir vcjrai.ua..a. jSj- ir rir a

tstaluau. 1?k6c A-- 5. Hrtvl its ,

2atC i "W. - Ci iarar Si i iaja gat.SiiTir. nt "

Orrgr.iT- .- A-- .

S si .. t,

C- - fial i&e, 3.t ,iH!nram- -W. . Cafr itt- - patX.5,x ra. . Sitai t xni . znr.ayrtmt. X. ax Cat rm.aigs.Traxb Caga ra XeVi,rT. . "TGT.aL. '

Carilf fur jiaC X X. 7hk. Sic su,J3a Jrtv Carrie T. Caxx2Eij.imj. 2i u J.SlIlujjUiX

fa- jwdjgifii-rt- .jTt Xif . Boxx f Zujmg xt

Xi t it. CnxcCn.Caz--aauc Say aa. 3-- . 3un erg .--raixcjiC axCriric3 kxg, JLtow trim.ls Jxtxck. T. Cu Sic aStt ai". snx ax .Si i . . XitrtaS. fr11" m ,c.wmi :- -1 . 3ar ir-t-n: rfCtT.T- - ' . - Tv . v - n I"ait. ..ij". riuum. v..

irjSeax.. itau lirt x a tt .....--,

c t - Cn. JUau-u-j- m . tt--iraarxoa..tT.t?i. . .J.Sramti.1..,; ai. rn, w. X. 3. e4c ai X-- X. aTnc t

-x jalua.e. :,, bSo Sra.Stru;fti T. u iar -

aritTrtiT. X. m : I ri?iTimfi-r- r.. !. ir6.i-- "

ajui 3 jiwiii-n-3k.vr-i- . & 3ur

. c &rs.L S

t i s- -c .) Tilt .,.- -

ttif n TT . cwr ar.?. . .irguax aa.T.C Srrtr. w rf-P --- -,--

Be t&Tfwft lamf TOW..Cll-Tiiarj-2i .

a-n- .Ii-ilt k e igr ii TTiTiiit tarr-- f. f cr-JUS. bEr3iw a --- --TT -. J -

. irxi .- - 4

SS-2-i---Srvan!?-- - ".,

?: r2"j- -. - JasC ars

". l- - - t' X--- --. IT.



T the lntc.Tux cnJcrKgTH! Us unJerlaVca to edit tli

and, alos tic 3cain5oT h jwtvte lms shauM reat, wJH

coatinne in ekinje of the K4itpril XVjwrt- -t

aariag tbe wnuder oT Mr. nitav"cripn xntli Urn xier, vis: ntil the cad

e4 ihc ixrostat vtMT. In nW? tWs tBc- -ot fee o?acd wisVis hU fnnds ana

the poVRe pewxallr ta un.kressiaJ dwrinctly

:Kat he x xtA iatcntica of Stn? S ercafor a time, tic jwactic of hi WjfesMon.

Th; itt his jiennsacat wxpUon and CaH-i- hj:

5a life he wiM cwaaueUs follow it ascsnal.

Of the poller to be pawned w the Kditarial

caadort of the pper it is oat pt;vsd t

speak heixs in detail. The writer s opinions

ws the rarioss iaaters of paMic interes-- t a3'ect-- ii

thi cocuaonity will be jaaae suScieUrnanifest as the Matters coae cs for dis- -ccssroa froa aae to dase ia the colasias ttf

this jearaaLT prccat the new of iht weefe n the


most complete aad satlsfaciwy aaaaer thatoarliaifed space will allow, and treat H

ttaStcr reqeirir.geditsial cvsnuaeai ia a aia-n- er

at oa ia3eedeii!; castdH, asidcour-tea- s,

will be the writer's ooastaat airs.

Chahkes F. Koikscss, JIJ).Hoaolulc, Sept. 26, 1517.

Ix the osarse of hasaaa eveats it havae to pass UaS the newspaper las lee j

an arsJde of prime aoi iodiseasabJe woks--tty, aad the editw a Mdfeat of paWic '

arwt aad public beaefamr which na avfl--l if. 4m. .. v. j. vrtfVw... TlBriis... Vfv ...7 -

editorial iacutabeacy it will b oar aira to j

suke the .Hawaiiax CtAErrr a aseful aspossible ta all lejitiKite iaserestSj busieess !

aad otherwise, of tiis coaatrr. Ia this laai- - 'able cadeavor we ask she sssistaace aai cv- -

nil probable

mindhand Bripham


religions social

tit roHasaj t f mi tkat Dcata i ef mUI prcprittj kl Qn or"" " i nU of ti. ,


1.jai, to ..... . . . . 'c jjtji ajtiAj . .hA

aavaai who taar ewpocwl $ " T ' " " W"I

ro a haad. We be P;irfmcUtMUr,Mrf,.Bpleaded taforsatJoa aad .( a rartk,ica. ti, suz t tkat tkU

iaicstrial aad , 1 trPl t aertSxr, ifdacaveJaKrersofsheowiaayfSackis sogar, Ureter, an. wkiA attiadsatiia

graiiaj, VTe shall lo tiij art f?i ta ssirauy-.- )

'pat all sadt So gvxxl cse. aad to suke ocr Stf.rriif t MualarriU eaU.titwtcresdagaad valaaWe to ill cta&s&s " 'd'u tiil ia tkt raita arrtit

oorcoaacawtv titlaTii-4XtM- l ttta Htrt.tits.aaa tiat tiasc art ra afraat

Hrs xsus Kt.a arrixed front ai s t itit, aj " it

-- ais taa.r jatutti .T tit itjaltfT cf tu s - Bao -' f" 1

tif--li' j

! paar"::".::'..,.,., i.v ..., v. -

..r. .. .tSTM KTrfS


aiiai Ron WnUesdi,

Mu tvT s;lT ai atasaSaadav, aad was received widt caoarv ?

saJate frota -- e PacKwl ba.tCT.-- His ifa- - I

, 'essy was scvrapaaied ESs Er. A. i.mnawk . ,vwni.j. g


Er EcseHeocy Gcaaral Coady, tbe oewJksencaa Xiaifisr. wis Hts

A faB ascsat of ske pro-cc-Sr

eat Ail coiiioc wiJi be foasd ia

ll s cave caraBlty stscjic xrar news iswe ai i; skittered roi zht oalcaas of&e varOCKirSil by -

aai I CEiHe ta eia frass iavibiBJ- -. .vy or ococicsjve. Very ieavy

Stssir bai le aai was iiW ostar caii. - . .vanoEj parti, b o: C7psraxs islarce, tbe tHioaiies ar Neirltti cssfcssi i

.. " .aaa it u mjwsAe it eBreseal ttoewsiitew-it- i av' degree cfcer- -

.. . . j-- .iaasy me as. raii oi rejaai cassgweaa.TwejuttkeSissiiiaveiwcass-iSt- -

iS every oerrt ta idtartrarf wro- -

il Ss af VxcVitbest t access ti esve aissaen! aaa celeczaasi ecortta reintve titirSKTrass aai rsoavec tie groizti k: in pre--t3c eaKKEaucs. .Rgi--eafeur tie tiat are wove, iawever. as

tae,aiis sx tfeu tie tivaat--

af &Jrterhiej cfonaacsiSKR, eaardysruicn tatar owa trnrr, Sit Isasti (Kaa: ta tie srtestc .,3

x- - -

dear tnt tie s ;ife sab cclsstisasBBts :c$s c tit Jit fAe jcssMC ciTv-ASge-

. f&r it is jscaaliy 10--Esatiii x-- tie bsst qsaSSsi aj3.MSiaii5Eti5 i Ssssats reosver, aa3 & jsvSy,tie raeaS jeeracsHy ioss, tie Utsiess tie

TffiU ccm pat isi ? io i2S cfctrrrkiC' ct 5aces!!y sy agsreiavi

I3VC-- S.

.th. Tiers,2s3 : v ex-?r- ea:

i Bicciig a ea Xtc- -, e Sr5fS40ia ics Si years J c IT

cays. TTe c it e te s riiai rj- -

iis s is cejjviT cS k5srs tr;,.- - -toaaic iHa jp. ty rebs '

OiCi4- 5tvt x m us cs T5s '

jsxrrjvxss sss Ehay ereiy . i

. .c- - jezSs 2i M- -- " .one5 it SiSt i CEiy ca ii tx!, J

L Tis st M cc Qt CC lt I--

'3ttic; rtr.feftea-r- .- tscvCi;&i -

e adae, -- hn"f tidy ;,jrJ leJj5 tisi rasi cc

prirr - era-- ! r xv3 - ,

! cre ts I iertu j

x f . ! rrat ..- --, sae L tte ii e

-!iaerg cffigcnT -- -. -- -- sil thS- -- - ;-,- V.lJr,B-v . ., z r ?

.- - - - ji,u,.j.rntiii .is..re -- !" - iHrSies s..BC X Z ili TCTCTT5 a-- jj reE xS grtfr--- : t. S3stse' c3i sse Cr fBrarhcn: rrf; rVSrThr." -- t : C r h. "B;

b T s s;t tbI 5xe5 ts fys! ie t s ss Irrg-a-

aica- - bSl xj exs:- -a aaas - t jct a.

c.ew:'..;.: r cr jn y5 s ax rs fc is a

--5- s j j j, -- - -- - J,-

-----. -- -J iaT rt5t i---r

Iit --?!- --. i3B- - T2-

-' 032.21 23 T- -.

E- - g ,eS - 2ci a.yrarmg t5-- i tc- 533uEj aErr- -

i j . j.- -- .

1 3E - 2..: J lfW r J X TZpjH

C .i 1" ?x ...i,,.,. .g

ance of the syntem to reader it atthat the entire tructuro vrill, as cvme harefoodly imagined, tumbled in ruin like a houseof tank to aosn as the inspiring aidgaiding of Young &ra with-

drawn. Thgh lwvw no one wancapaWe of readily titling his place, he leavesa considerable number of able and experiencedleaders who can for a time at least carry onreasonably well machinery which he haswwstrueted asnl set in motion. That ax

is doomed we certainly believe, hutits extinction is cowing either or

su.ldealy w ery much doubt, llegardingthe "Church of the LatJer Day Saints '"asone of the most curious andpjobleajs of the present liiuo wc ehall watch

rtfweitj ilrtiir,aai5sPf

rptlp4! to8LrftwXilVKKaifMiini iBcartif.

cpe.-atJoa- B feel P""1lead siall (w,

receive sgsaocsbsarisg cpaa the leadasg pro- - ctj, ,a erfrj

tttriw.woal, etc eieavr eiar:tr.

writtrjajt,cole-M- is

aU of

of riaa:l.,ic eatcs aaa sa

JiArssTT iii.-.t-: aai Btat

rro- -5tt

Sx, rcra




received by Xa-jt- rr



Ac ajjd





tiebs tiavs

le rT.

C!a tL







-i- --



. ..... .. .

its future wiih deep interest.

Fak ftttra) Jxt UjI l, 4 a frt fi'ii,tir sli;Yit kT Wb ta t la tr f tk ior

IVtjurUxal, tc tk 11 Traiaeal tltiliia;, .

ewJ att dT li efcita il rBa, uxuUjTbj-- tkr I p t taosltM, er

to Mht slir, Of: rUjl at ," tsilUthKal emnj Wa tkcltr t o

VfMT lk orrUft taii-- ta V rrfMtai.VTi'.ata ts tin narotiBJ rtr 1)M 1k-- brVo Su(4, till U ltd f4 or (ulaniJ to fttcrriJ, ii Vj- - tat difenat taUtXtrt asJ fntiti f1st ratj, r & stppcjt tl m a tmlxrtT p4p! ajst V& oitrwi.

It jU W jaaea tail ta auv coajjt 4 Jart NavVitJ tbjr MrtAiji asj tlaelUaNSi--

cJ."4 p 1t aiirrUft. Or U tat ciJil of Sp--

1.w...r m fiA il eJt n rT. .. Vmimh tl ? )i.V,,jrfv-iat.b,w,rf,.fAl..t- ta, .- -;

rwi! VTVm futiral H i; J llu tat ItavtiUa St.Htccs utr p!ct ia tat caltaiar m ia tac odiTH.-- ni it jjlWt tiit all th Jrusian of tkcj!r cti aare prttrt'l all tiw briJei t

Set i cutiHi attkcatkt btatlti It w kidxt axotkrr fisua ef lit aitur. Prekiklj txttjcstbtn Vat taai tkU rata U b iati ia lbk!r iUtttfuUta.tT m taaie br pttn ak kii

Lopsrary. tkt . C JLittUtr, ca Satariay. titliti iicjc!, t cut r jitt tkt vluutrp&,a4. IijT.CiapttrXIir.o'tit Ttaal


C2 aVi tit IffUUi-i- t Uuiiei ta lpu'slt i rsU-.-t tkt cataat

sw ai ck i jrarx aiil iat --MwrstJ

.... ... .. ..."J t IBM liAK , 4.... V. ...tarsal ispedaat cf

;ersaiaaSeaeiaeafe4t'kt titrtusodttaautiii Vta T d!aii." Tiu ii at firea direcilj- - aitit ea2uxia! t jin-M- , Vat tiu, " Xaxj- - fra istia crBiai:r eaS is xtUea tit exroiiescr- - azititzltt exityrfsit erse jirfXtilTti Atjirstj-tieatca-

takttc iataoccal lit circcsutacciet aadnl iUJriixf f tiu jve. It is tifectri tiat J

si law ia tt5 ia. 1 u.,ifl f a aa- -4 ytars ran ai ituii. Tiat siaay tf tie par- -Das aw airwui iare teet arag WkszIt lor fertral

axa reaa aa n sey wtrv same-a- s

iiai aeol waraaa twi nUe lit idtariiaaiwiveiiftctiitaeoiaiaxisawxiriitJ. I

aa-- i tiat ia 4o cai ti frat&iliait ztlatiaaa eab- -at beswwee faaBt wiw iariac st&antei J

Vi eKtiap,xsti.s?ea ti xw rtJadta. (

It!SJtiaieiay cftit cStiiiir part- -

j iK-xa- titj irit joraaa rcSotat were '

Hj a ami fai aai Jejal resjs-- - ,iiSty- - Itfaccti-- Uzttf taoMrvu far ?

.& siu. rri auai t ti eiairea I

fteiax.""TT yrMtii ij. it wivt it vi wsrti.

iEci dai4 ti a ;.-.--i rraa tae

falati-- acsatra l.rrwj if svu, axs wsa Kul ill is vizVxow etrviM a tieeTt it.

Xw. wiat art tie " tmcautxt ail tie Kralsuxsx (m ti.it fitrfwt tiat easy pera2 cxy tiaiStsyf rferi:tiIawr WatUi-- aaj. I

mcc-aS- ac y estisuw ti?eaix e i Srtfifiirta.dT fN. rut it rMtirri iaAatricaa aai

tie HawasaaaiftitT iirtb-j- i latrii aiT a liixr, irtiere--Ipsa tBfcciea aai y tie law aai taciile far .

am "Ai aus- - i

Ctaaaasiirtat lxi illl chajjer i tie raal caae ;auasr titrwajaeK 5ktmu aii ia r cry reryefiaitr ttswrwea siatieeftxaf ajasui a jaal .

lax. wi EaVk i af--i He faiea tie 'rSft. TBgi,ji-:ffl- -t r ;

ii- - sr ,e Cscr tit etr-- y rry r.irTTilSeiaa. --? tiew i, rf far.! r

r irr jt r rr if ; rsraj? ss STi.r i sasicr iCrtia r-- TTiiri--

"'.. - -- iC3tCT .IXZZt TTCS? HT 1T XKXiC --TJ,- . . ite at it a5sr36i I n u-nt-. lixsSinn iaa alwaya i Jx ti a iiy tgn&i 1,!3S ootT. wii iaa xtrer Saw- -tct--i ! gtTifi.-- -; wiii u ezajaicnl s.tc--tSer ac i isaSry a i it e 3us wiat an iaX- c- rtax-- axi C --&i taat ti ral ,tt ii.tcyxT.xiaaiTIsel te wie cxxtr. axi ni xTtr-r- et perrx-- xj: --ax xaw. ain eaxxii tiixi tiat

.ISSKa-Slyat- r. fan xtae arree af a &w. ts tart w xtaxy iti ar a:t- -- rtitrrjci t siat ar-- ui

wi iaTy5x xs"ynftWy ax eij cfrtrxri-- s

xtHfix xi77--. i t iare hecx Tgitr?i.a exaxgxa

xa x t-- aI Ta rrbr ti' x2 ix e- -n. xxr. wi xxanr tr ax ar--,. we isxr s exxbttr

at wt-- -- itwxJ S tit ewxy li xrr. tie

. r n - V a CJ .ti.;L V.t-- . mtt5 fnmE rr. r m ia ta

il.I?fMai?:TO!IstMprsxiyrtjcci.--"'" """""'TEW Al)T:RTIi5EMErTS.

I--W ll ntiflfl.aaT-..T ax 0 1VVV'

T?TTX OPS.JL T3Oa. IX3iSl.Jr ( aTr"Si5T a3?Tt -TOO-- ei-- f re cf eJ?3E: a -

gaf.3-ear--- it. imto-- -fiij3ig- -' a ry eimnn ji.,- -; jic j- t-- ,T:e tear--xit j c v-m- gr e gert.ai, Fitr-1T- n -B, &--, sEJ. H

House and Land for Sale,Orr3E-.orL--I


rxr rrE ) afjxip- - 51 3s. lxi g ai SereaaJK--f -- ig 3EE':

. j3-g-t- - f ': -

A Very Full Assortment

snF in m .tius!!! nuiuni CDV.-- It w naaaa m --.

-- y

3ZW2TS 05. Mih'D.

Us&t'Whsls Boats axui Boat Stock

T3 t, arTTriVntr;,


For San Francisco.The rrrlp AravrlCNtn RurU


Will fcavo Quick Dltpatch for nbovo Tort'FM YfltUt r hrlne tivr kwuim-Utk-far cMn nt Pt tvwtwptx rry la


For Portland, Oregon.THK FAStSAtUNU nAUKKXTISK

ra& Jane A. Falkinburg,lltltU.VIiT. Mntor.

haTe Quick for the above PortlvrYrUftlM'rr,arply to

For Portland, Oregon.The HnnRttau

Mattie Macleay,'roi"K. iualer.

Will save Quick Dispatch for above portHavtnc ta rrtattr part of Ur oansM tnjajJ.



srixxmn steahsiup



On or about Tuesday, Oct. Oth.




about Oct. 18th, 1877.l'aisacf arNr

K. IIACKFKUJ .t Aetata,Tor salreitnt ptr tttamer ran dow bt atortJ

itacntr, vrarttMHi fbe oTsUfrfr.

3?I3Vi:JE3 T&JEZJLsJEJnffliimn



"f" for"2rllJ'

yaitoiiiaiMsiOi KawaEas it!auT. wa ! i VTO oaulTigS XiVery WeeK,U tt f S A iasie af axx Se5cy j . FOEUTEKPOOL:tie lusciSif T H. xctrasc u till it ts ia?-;f- aa ad ri! Ttrtia iief. I Sis Tork etayiu iu fj2zcwicre vitre

aet.-w- v







itsseaas at

b:t-- e









TrxiL-:-7- "

r wy2 . --r.aBC:cxi

- rwss

Will Dispatch





aaj .CO..



rrtiar. Sptibr II, ;W SawntwUIMaar. stplH I...... ...rnaa:oa Tta Koa uJ rvmrnMla.Ott HEoaadreram

oaaaj. Oct S ranatnu IU KonaUoodar.OotU UUo ana returnTtiraiay, Oct !..... ... . . ... ..Circuit of Kacat

Rates of Passago will boTo or fiua Xassasatal, XoioSai,. . .. M

Laaataa,UaaL ...... .... M.. aiaaUta, . ..... ... T Wm Vtaxesa, ... S CO

- - Xiiclooa.lU.ia ... Id CO

" Kawalaat, ... .... M M- KaSca. " ... . .. to CO- Kaawoa. " .... 10 00UEo, . .. K M

... la M. SM.... S CO

.... W Of

.... SOU

aouej. --8Tleketa at Ibe oSicc oaly.

2CabtrtawiUbcAaUteXaataXtauntnpaldtcr. KotrasbrarsauaitSSacsxftoraa7 Frelxat orrax-c- ei

saitss recepl for.Freigit 2foasj Dai ca Desaad.

J-- ab tfoct vis e xaaJt la have tkt Suaaer reachilaacXa ca l trtlx of t sasit daj-aL- t Itarca Mac!

SAJICELO. W1LDEK, J teat.FortUuttni-tret-


CDiXIRD !-!-


Established 1840.

Frva Boston erery Szi-jrdo-

RATES OF' PASSAGE!S0. S10O and 9IS4. Gold.

JLoxjiSsc ta


S" VS Currtnqr.

FrTf.f...."riIXIA31S BLiifCHAKl) i Oa,

&aa rrasciaca.;aS.AtxiXuut,

SU Scale Si. Borsc

4Fg2B. Xew Tcrt,

HaSt-S-d Se aSS zorvtJLa crxiltt- -uvju-P-a-a- S porn,

sfr:-- r t ixrv-- ip ji aattT cf Zxtyw-xoct.

immj Va- -t U I Pww"- -"' " -- -r a vrwerr "r"- -

Ui ly 4 Ba Crtta. JTtw Terr.


fe C. Brewer Co --Agents.fc rteti,t Slerapt Free aaiK?i- -i asra aai. ca,;: ly tiufce.


C. Brewer . Co. Agents.yara arret reimta cas alwaf X

i. e eXaraft ax liij xt af 03. Sere, 7td, Diita aactr RaaK la Sew SX. x. 5ew Tata aai

Etfxr--U.m-l-r C zn- r- t CO.


e Ji5i rr-- s

ti ce if act a b iX tbe lr d-- cCetTC -- I3G C JSC TAl CO.

iics.J-3-ac.lC- T, :

Trntii is Lgty and willPrevaiLTHE rXDEBSIGSEB IS 3TOT THE

5 XceRt cf fl Wzt axy jtrAie3- C . ojrty d to at a . ay. --

ee j- - caecf eraa aacre,ca tblvwc pe terra. Ta t e . e ox aaae tiepE.feiint?cewx,. TTy , -

V aXlLCUElILL w V ,SrHXaI.11.

-- i,Cc i a. ;ewr7 e ! as-- r;-ir- rf, aidcc rea:

TTat-e- Cijitall at-rt-e- Kr Z3 CttEntai&i leu ta c--1 a - Jt refer, Z

aiiyyre rggte ir agcfGcli JcTreby, Stttt, Cii, Lcti,

2?or, i-- 5, G&azd CoS.tt BeSoxa,c S i r, &, J2s.

Tt- - 3- -t Jrs-t-r- j ix ryt Srjla.e4Sa G Eeer a - Cadera.

S Set a j T.-- rr-w etTe gciexjt Vi E e

xdoe I r im r o.

ee If Crt t IU ee

wtiy D.W.CLARK.

j0'"-7- - O O 3L

Caxlrr at er, . H. er.I"CnKs3t"1 - c--t r

- 'rO C i 2 test Xxa SV cr,:5 J 03 i C ra .

Cu C e ikct1:--v,t- !. i a, 7 y. , c

S les O- -t Kay, Lime, Rubber Paint,j-- -- -f- rf-jM --t ii at-!- --,.. i&cj ca.

New A-dvertiseme-




SteaTn er friici ScCill "7"el.From San Francisco, New York and England.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.Tho Qonuino Improved Paris Plow with Rolling Coulter.

uMolino Plows, heavy anil light Cast Stool,Eaglo Io. 2, and XI Steol aud XO Stool Plows,

IMolino Horso Plows, Ctvat Siael, No. 40 & SO

CttHtiators. Ox YoWi and Ox Uowi, 1J, 1J and 3 in.; Hot., ltke, Shottlf, SptJtt, 0o aaci Sajtktf,Tick anil At Mattocki, Vick Ax, Crow Ur, Iron anJ Sll. Can KnlTt'. Am, ilatrkxt. Adi, 4e.Put Nalli, 3J to COJ ; Cut pibc. 8, 7. S ; Wrought Xalli. I to 4 lneb , Klniiilnj Nallf, t. S. IM ; Coptr'Klttt. 4 lu, 3 IB aal J UlicK, Ctntrirufal Clots, Id. II and II 10311 j Ualranistd Win ClaU, lb a Mto.10 and U in.; lUktlt Mttal, ttt Amtriean, 0 and Ho. 1 ; Canal Whttlbattoat ; Hop Iroc. J. i. 1 and 11tech ; A 14. Pick, 0a, SltJg, Adit and Iloa Handlti,


HuhbucVi Boiltd and Kav Ltaid Oil, Uubbuok'i Par. LtaJ and Whit Sine. Flre-pro- Falat. a LarjAMortmtnt of Palate la Oil In t and 3 lb tlm ; Copal Daiaar and Height Varnlih ; Valtotlnt't Dtit Aiu'dCaitiif Varnbkti.

DOWNER'S, DEVOE'S, A1STD PRATT'S KEROSENE OIL,Direct from th Masufactnrtrf.

Eroomt. ?CrJ MMchti, lliofhara Bnckttf, Comtl and Japan Tta, GolJtn Oat and Ortfon Ftoar Fatat.V.raiih. ShM. Hon, Slot aud Sttncil Uruihtt ; Dlacklnr. Whitia;, Dorax, Atom. Siltplr. Cars. Soda,Crtam Tartar, Camphor. Soap ; A Xlca Annrtaant of l'UUK Kaciiih Spices ; QolJta OaU Jlataa and TailFruiu.



DUX OOODS IM XA1METX!Amoikta; lnim, Tieki. Drilli and Bltaahed Cottoni ; Utica Langdaa .Mill Amoakeag and Ptrklat FiaCottosi . Beit EnglUn Priati. Hon Blank, ti. 100 Inch ShtttioR. Fintit Linen ShMtioR. 1C0 ia. aid :Pillow Cotton and Linto, Rnsiian Diatr and Craih. Victoria Lawn, Silejla and Cambric, andCotton and HVjI Wattrnroof, All Linen and Union Linen Pant Stnifj ; Fineit, MrJiam ami Comaon 4--tand TS Flannel.

A Large Assortment of Stationery.Agents for Jajce'i Pattnt Mtdicine, a full line ; Uiant Pander Co., Willeox a Oibbi', and S'mjtr Swtac

Mackln Co.; Blake'i Stcamp Pnmpi, belt In th mr.tkttAibtstos Sttam Packing, Superior to any other lo th market; Afbettoe Cement and EcUer Cotetinj;

I K Hon, 1. 1 la, It, U and 2 in ; I It Packing, IS, 5 and -t Inch.

Also, Three Fine Pianos, from a Celebrated Boston Manufactory,MII.l. BE SOLD CIIKAI'.


Can Furnish tho Singer Now Family Sowing Machine I

Equal to any othtr Double Thread Machine, for 35.Singer Tailor Manufacturing Machine, for $55 1

Ai proof of the Superiority of the SIXGKa MACHINES, their talei number MORE than all thatin world, put together. Alio, on hand.

The Wilcox & Gibbs' Antomatao Machine.Th tallest running, tmpleit and only noiieUie Machine, th Laditi' aeoritt, for HO. COS Sat


C3-li3EA- T j


Black Grenadines, plain and stripped..Alouair iiress taoooaDcbajre Dreaa GoodsHambnrgXettBlack Dress Silks.Black Silk Velvets......Black Silk FringesCorsets (100 bone)..Linen Dresses (3 pieces)Scarf Xetts (all silk) ...Xectercbiefs (silk lace)Farisiennes (silk lace)..Yard wide Brown best.. per yard 0 12Jxoweis... ............................................ .per uoz. 0 5Turkey Bed Table Damask ...peryard 1 00

Linen Handkerchiefs 0 J2tInitial Handkerchiefs (extra fine) q 50'

Gent's Initial Handkerchiefs " " , 0 75SCOTCH TVTEED SUITS 8 50

"We call special attention to our complete assortment of KID 6L0YESwhich for elasticity and durability cannot be excelied.

Also, a --Full Iirie of EIam.lTirAT THE


AUCTION HOUSE!60 Fort Street, Honolulu.


COrBT OF TUEFOIUTH JLDI.Sa-- O, aa . asxt Tens D. 1177.-- iViri w. t for Tr Ta Ioanl k. HbeOe.Ia ainre tatWtil Bbtl for finne, It ll bow ordrrtdtiat a 6to e of irvorre fraca te boadj of mauimonr be

taxtrtd la favor cf ti aali KaJsa w, r the canae of eaerj of tbe aiU Ioa a, to be made aiaolot alter tbetxpraaoa of atx coothi from toe date of ta ilecree,rpoa xpiDce with tte Urrna tbereof. nt suOeituta t aia-- arpcar U--e cssuary.Aad e t b crterrt to ci-- aa aUtttcd copy ct

taorderlaSi GoTtrrtt GaaeUeasd Kaorii sXMre week, tbe pcam to be wltblo oaeosid trn cate cr ts orCer. t all pence Inter.

tated i month! abow catne wby aa decreeattbeae aMolsu.Bt tbe cc ntayK brtct.Ceit Omit C 1 4 Judk 1 Urcslt.

gt-i- f. auiott Hi, itt;,aww,al, A9(ti, JK7.I beretr ewrtff tiat tie fcrttox Is a true and til li-

fe! cxct cf lie ertrisal 4cre ta IM abort uaed en.J. bow oa is tbe OCeecf tbe Ore t Unrt of

xj-rn- i vstc reiSK BI5DT.aitt OrtCrrtCocrt t J3ciarmlt.corT ix eqcttt a. j. ciet-7ICBT,-

of I eEata te cf lTeory T. poor,--e -- . --a. - i e i Wootl aad wife, a4 f. WBsxe Pecara&rec ..are.Scrse Ccrt, HawaEaa !

To W. C r , Kq , tnl of tb Ua-a- .a T.;,- -t

or Lii Dep.tr rec .Tea areocs-ait- d. r crier ot tbe Heaorae A.

Fixac Jaii. Ja ee of tbe c9rt Co--rt, aI Viceeetr. u noa W Pfca aaa w 1. Mu tli wife.a I F. W. Hod. cf at- -, ttasta. to be aad

. ..., y-- t ii, TWt1H., CT.WiIBUTHiaCc.Uoe.teC3t-'0o-- J telai ca rrt7. e M r of oTaber aeit. at It ooe--

--- ., r c Hetr tbe prarer or lexaler J.cT-rtij.- Tre af a exu , of H-- ry y Poor,

aios a be tratett rssaat tott ae. cf . 3cfea7a tbemo-s-exe- d,tare joa tbea ere It writ, witb rI rern ofyotrarcesca tbertuWi te u e a rraacW laM. la-e-e cf tiea. a; Oucrt. at Ifss, la 15 ty orJs:jr,.O.J7.

JSO. K. BartABD. C3er

I facre--y eatSj tat tie fer- -t ii a trw eopr f tbes a ed tbtiprt Do rt of IbeKics--a.

Ia w a wberear I tan brres at oy tbd asd&1 ae ,3f tyfjlr..ll77.

aHfeB W. C PaBK,Tart

Manufacturing Jeweler I

Uotioo.THE rBEIGjrE, yoKXKBI.T WTTMrt bex. to la r te-- a of fia--! aadtbet ece --r. at be baa ten U tto re oo fortBerset e?pv- -e Odd FeCawa n3, f noettroecsiied trTSl Tan-a- y., erbere be f tsTe .aobi tbetara . 7 rc tfaS ICadtofjt-itlrr-7- rr

a Urea to fieffl and Kral vnV.--S3 - c i la aa a wort. --SBt3811" TT . . wrgEB- -

Real Estate fir Sate of Lease.TEST BRHIIBIX



Lxaitd ia dijtrent ptait cf it: CUtf,-- J Ca , Oit Kf. trr7 xre , tod la

j--r aicx, Z ErtfS f ZESO J P






per yard 0 25.....per yard 0 53.....per yard 0 25

per yard 0 75pcryird 1 SO

per yard 1 00per yard 9 65per pair 1 75

.... ..for 5 00per yard 0 25

0 25o 25

Edging- -


lala-d- a, October Term A. D. JI77.IatbemattrofepuonofI)Tldalaaaa. tiiuK. DemUiU. J.o Dom-il-e, her bt sd, it 1 efbera--- Olboro, ber bnebai, to q.Stt tUlc la etnataDdi claimed by rt- -t of laberitan- e- Btfor Str. JuaScaOn asd --Oaetbepetitloa ofl t Ca kaoa.L-r- . Ito, J. o. Domini, ber -t- --

. itt"".-.fBrn- . fcertnd. sfUoola.elalmto. Btby rljtit sfiabtrttai-t- la-L. ". !" ta " H"3aaIo,bttt--eacrlbrt ta tie UtSaaa terete a t -. to Caaatsa, wbo died teate at Iloao lu, la od of O a,about the - day of February, In tbe year IK7. aad ray- -ttor proc-- M ta aod r a re r,?, '"V4 K1-5"- 0- K. BoU, wife of J.O Doming, aud it &bor, wife of A. Oexlwrs,to entitled to said !i la wboteorla part

fordered that Wedoey, tie ttm da7 ef Oc.t!77, be aod b, bertby ate ted f--r be Id vb-- eabetore ad Joce cf tbe Enpum Coon, att-at-- xtrexular term of tbe tuprt Coo ft. la w, at ti.Houae In Horn ti ,, at which time acd p m all peraoaaeo&eernednxtpp r and aarwby tbe bid petim ibould sot be . rold. aod 1. 'fl--otfec be poet Bed lo Hosolots la tb t aadla tr, the Hia t !. a

In the Ks a lante, ud th aT-- ewrpaper pot i bi 1 M . t 3aoaar. Ibr aocte than three eek btfo re tbvfirat dajof tbe lter tof tbe ftopreaie Court.

aled IioxeIc.II. .Stpbr4, Igrr.--WB5CB itOJIXY.

'"-- Pr CourtCte Brown, aturaer.attest: Jno-E- . f roard, r Kjjt

JCDIKil. , Aex tTea A. D. ISTJ.i??,!'.w' T,,- - Kto k- - sr rf -- -St itfcrM' 6f . a w w--

t. ?J "S1? Ja after t-- ezp-u-ioa5 -- f tM. .. IM eMi-a--e.

toSit"n,contrary.,b"0A "a MBet t ease abaSa;pt- -r

--rtac-t. -- rarer,,9x C--elt Cmrt Jt I cue,3a BwiH, Ka.,ao.tT, ix.I? '"?' a,- -t ae J. tnae 4 tV U

cupyof tbeorSc ere In ta ara aatJed c

? ?tft l "" 0e of tbe Cw!t Ontt f IYoarih jBdid Urc t JB S E.S&T- -ai t rtc t3rc t Cc--rt ia JsdSci CctCiRrfrr cec&i or

-a- s-, n., aorSTtr, irj.Ahpa-e)- k. GbeUaat fcr-- rct ri. JteJaaiio-- See.

a tie ab--re eatilied E ! fcr dlrcrre It 1 aw- " U beatredtnr of ( 4a, r IcMf a-- --

eerttoa of tb iuta A- -, , to b mad a aafter tb expira-- ei 1 ofitio -- 1 dale f -

fffl0 to'fB- - a a Una Ibenuf. as a- tam appear tatlw ca-- T-hi - t9 t sa aeaaol ey

oie order ia Lb Oartmant Outue aad Kaoata ter; CSntpstasa ta be !- -JJJfT i

23?'. S" -- r ca w why dtrarcaaot t aj.-y- t-tC rt. J--4!E BtSOT,

erktSrr tCosrte JtCT- -Jfawcwtaj a,a-r- nt , int.2la a 2, 4ac3ttf-- x, II'- -

JbntbreenilxnAta SgttfsWt lean-.- -- -f copTcf ati(iaidecrwfa tbvabova - oSL ' 1K Oa 0 e f a OnI Ctartaf ttaraw Jbi Cr-- M, F3 SISCT.k ts--, a.




Page 3: t HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...iti--n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i-nl TV. lil 5i iki a W---p rvQr fttifK a. w lnrc T m iJtui Un etet fcc f TW MadKaa uftaul Am vttenMix aVaaal Tl iii.ufVjaT.i n.u.".


FtaMi of ti Im: for tb. Seats cf Stpt, 1177.yi' nt f (bya. Ifexaa! jraiti, iftariat Mite ,

Royeu-u- r vsjormtE.'- Vra- - Xa --- ...

Fat OHIKt .!- - Fbi. Mm iraimy-- Aa qm ..,,,, T v r x

'a SOT RSj- - ash skthns.mm tt h Saw ( ili y ,

s s-- K iKl ?: Ulr--. ,1 I, tw a K S Srd J S. r Itaa . SM IBNI a as a. a aa w a va r K

it M lb I t HI A X wao kJS r Xi

CO.UHDUCUU.ieaV.vaW.rTr. SEKMXBnc asst, isr:

wr, a. -- l tu tar tirt uini. u ia.aa-- k be to iAr d ataa--ar. TVruK..w i; t; -n-Mi-: u Ou i ol . Wij '

; M X Aarj I" a (!, t CMllUlll Ult-- - k ruu. Ims i Oo. irt Xkm ii- -

cImt hMkil KcsVr & pnn) nnlitMn i

s. fVuaa.Mp'-lMrtl4kuCrtiriC-k. lnj imn k TlMnlay J rii; S X. ls


Tk' nc H lLm- - u tAt tbxn mn4 lI5u

lUtwiMtwrmtaiat I

Tkt Su( w & ui t e Tt tn.-iH,--r tc

.utpiwatMittn I

1'"' Ttjiij onoruKK, I

ax(illiiitu. . lA M IVS ,

h.i iin Ufc. m ite TAtnR kS - I

- "i . . Kwf. S. I.:li XIWjotA.wiii.ti enio, ,

.MtoutaiiMittttiK uirak ;

""" " c"" V nut ott.TMiidinuiiHwiNitk(ui((Hakt i

kuUMirfUBuiniaMHuriiuiutifvJ fcr iw noiii- -

u-k-m iaJuu:t J



J Ju kc ji i: nn, a s kd 5m3-- aK Xme XKia), Fw. a ? ta iitrn.

XM V..noii, CWtOht. T ojUitahiM,!

hki:Mb)o.lMlaWMWOCinmi. tsr. cj tisuhin. ?

xorriOM ,no lauus,iu i

Z M- - low, Xu. ha CA!. KnjLMWIMiCakvaiit. JnAL Hus Via,

H ttna.Cktrih. twUnulCihseas TO tlA.1. tMai JiOIU.Xr lni i. Pal, kaa taV? Kr naii.ia, auuiai, tra Hi),lxr VarattK. Mi Sat. (nam Xt.u.Kaa-- Utiaa-a- . JIuoVul, far Nmaikatt

TiltT.tTIT.Sfi ra, far Ea&iii. EUL

Mar Lal. Juai. fcr Kaaak.&av tVaoa. raaMv (at EaWaU. Biaiav&m ar Mil a. iriln-- at arw la.ln'TiTVhtti 'Aain trnrnlirti I

MrUoaw.KMa(.kTXii.': Pkr NO HiiiK Orxaa. far t.ii"

Soa-Aa- KlJaa far SacMao L&aULc. Wiwailj, lariaaaaOt.ax kor Jafea X li3. JL vwj. far VaaWa, Iia2-- at V H Aaaj. Vfaoaav far iu HsuaScar JLua. CaaB. fcr Eaaa u JUi, Kva.Jl fKir bll lUrMIM, ar KltalH.

Kar T HUa, tuuaV tar Mat, KiaUL$tav Lft.aaa. Xanoui, iar lainM Para.

3a KOt Vmi,i. ViiHn far iltlTtcar J.aaj. aaM,av. fat &aoiaV. X

Sea aTaraart. Jaaa Bsb. Iar Vaairil.i


ABC a.ar C V Kjacat tb-v4i- u. J JUtwa-- dauaatciac.

A KW i X 1

AC f-- T or Iar. i. Taaraank. aan. alis aara m V jaarraf . laaac. mKltlTWf-iKM- tWA Wj Ia. lal.na. fcr aVtaj IitiaA.

if tar Xaatai Viriw? rap dwcaaaa.ATia.

T STaacaaay Tl ol.a .. Qaav flaa.

Saevrt a.'Aat UaiJ. A MtataecSatta 4 XaaucSaOaatrao AMatai.Sri J(. !( afe-a- l am--a ia aa raaaaaaav as lat tiiiwafa niiii aaii 11

lUalf aW teeb. aa caaw lata prt Mat Oft v.r.aaart af aai Xnr T V I afar. Waal

a.vBkaiTmaal. Aaxol. UiVairoltraaaaraaa. Ttiat ja ;ai a UIJ- -baa aM r araOf V." aooaa la 011 aaC afMt.

AVTHM af aha BnC JaOa X Anrj. ATrj-- . XlHH-IV- mja ' OW aaaa awav aaa ! oja. ; af Kaaa a laaCa aaav nalyaia. bar W V a ami r. aauiSrlac. oarabaara.Xafun ct X.X.S Tnhoi. Clanaorr Sot

" 1 a Jl r aat aC Oaat rx.---j 0't aVarf. fax lYaa- -(.m-- l.t pail aataaj. W i raHi a u US

a 0.ao.aaHTa1l avMtlMaatlu. Xmrrat; a aa Va atTJ a aaf tbeSaaac aA tacaaabaau'ataax. X-- XefMul. Pctaer.

aaaarlafliaaSarbXaaaa. Xartk. Par. Xartr tNtAaatraa. Sf bat. I,a. aaa (iwat aaa Cateaaaa Taf laa.tC aaa'-a- .l ; egaWSar ItV--mxlaa.!ra'atSva4ailllartlr. a. .a J. a , at . u. - - aV.i, iar i.ia-.'-- .aJ TI.1L11I1 lalta-rtmili-

i oo- - r'f-- ARtiae'OaaswaHaatblab,a. T aa. aai taa. km adrtate aai tt lb. Swa.

Sana- - . Am Srt C Xarraf ftUt. Xaaiir LaS SaaTraacM aa t r a. at faaaoir. $. aai r r aac -

aiatotaolauMaiEiXaatna ftablia,a.. aaataUa.t-anaa'SW'aai- ast a aaaax omfci a: S a aa.AaWa.i-- '

omj m1MImi.-- -. F,''aiBX)aaaiM,H(a aa, aa. k aAj wr. w jij.a-a-

rWaat-f- -c u A T.tTaalcrt. $a 3 v&T-- aaOar. ISC ool Sa .fan. MT rtr. rtaara:


lnTTi' TKTyacM-jt-:ai"fc-- t

Fri... a.r 7ai X Artrf. St It tW3tatrano-aar- v isaeav a amaawiKmag

lam art1.aa fvr Staeb Siaji.. St t T4 Vaac-- a. Mb aaVa. M ai. KU. SaVracar Jaaaa, Metfaa. aw aMC Jf rral aWIm baa ftiara.-- . T.r taar Tn'--i- n. Sm 2 ttS

r S C la ... 5t S-j-aV SmCasata Iailanaatacaar.aMaJ:ratsIlt,aaaarai aaaH, B lOMa fill.iaj

PA KS o HU.s.' JaOa XAlflrr. SaK S. 3t

CalTaMaa4.0aa.AoVr.afc-aatlbai-om- .

1 r VSaaa, Ta-- a Oi tmou, Cta JCOVr.rnam raila... Fat Xassa W.riraf. 5M Sab-- Kr A

r. M'm Tar T."lii, Sa- -a bleb CaaaralI iaOa.ll a anul Xaa AV XaaV. -

Maa1aa amoai lOailaI a. V rCAvaSa. atWanana i OaaAa. anTbrwar.JlnC6iOa.XSuu.Xaaaaaa . kva-a- ; an ut u(iHr.:it(iaa. fin r at A aaoa E OaaajrC aa t aafrvir.aaaMaaaV.rrrUiUxW'a.Bii1.



1 aaat A frvTaaaadra. Xt Trl. 2 SCMacS. XSra Xea Pttaat. cbuc CUlk. 2 aad

mErra,laaalaoaa I )t Ha. a, lb. wo. af X. Ia.l

DIIID.Tft ttIT aa 3taaaa-a- a Vlma, Taraear aW atbcii.oi..r aaar aw ac4 at niairtu Kfiatil a:a

JaaanC. aai Ur; H 3taJar af WaataAX. Xli.VoaOtaXK Ja ias ifl Otaia QiSfftMrfn.

ax ? oaiaaoor Ok-xC-a-

aracitAmx --te nooilox. 5t aaba .tTiwt, a aaar

.3Vi-- SoVw aW ffcaxar

Sac. Tbe pwUed aaade cfoa tbe Alisc- -

TXjGeoer-a- i VytbePC AsxrSr, tar iastitaafer '

Biaatcbab- -

basloc. nerbai so asswe? aae etberb&as to reier to ettk e tSa take by e,wtoeb aasecrst caber tbtegi retafcesbe rtefcot aiSireotlawaof JA Kisriccz, isdsLiE pcosecxtstbe

aajsewkb atfcaoe-- ''

,acc5oas wbieb taab saas taaat aaawerfcaaaseaf to bis Kaksr, bca w aay aaxs dslex

psbsklT xsd scaidateasly tbe brrf?w .,x tbe cfG, aad. I tax bapjy ta tie

rerateccau ceEacaxlmIrresg: or sroearicg wltb oa xt sis asWalt, i Sbai caade t axear is asarseceatber by tbe coest&aiats est cemte 3i-- x - ra,oas.ajLll r OT t Se a- - ,v . , Htaoaa,..,.. -pab. xbatsiitwat at t jrxasssietiar

iTttl . S, 'm.. I

Heevetels, Sect S, 1ST. 1

, lb Illl

!S5-i- :i. N aW

SOTES OF TIIK WEEK.ST We notice the arrival br tie ZeaUcdU of

"r Kennedy, who foraacse years resided and

nr- -r rr . ." uii4 .aeseaooocr m ancletaade another firing; trip to Mtal aad hick. ShetHacbargrd ad took In fall asd -- " caJrabsej;t three, data,

fcJ Tbe Schooner Leahi bit aa xstit atrip. Sbe left here on Wednesday, weat ta Kohila,aoeoMJOAAoaS, thence to Basalt, back hereob Monday raorrfcc ire days oat,

- i.fcc tr.,.-.- 4 to leara ... tie French s'raneroisex Unrier, Oosuitr IWh, was to leareTOHiTrr- - Island bar IK port M Septrraher li

. Tbe Ueifer curie a crew ana Bcs.re .MKJDatT A : of esrtb- -

cT, eirtraatbe cerdesof SJ. lha. Hocvrre fJates ind ersckerx brokra. bet etfcrrl

c diaire t We iH tbe nrtbBikr- -

K Te cMjt cot Mi; for lirtctKadl Dortac toe week Rdnrfef l rketr"" TfoMei fcr terenl ibowrn wMch t&oora

eneffaitentioaui2 coatee sroMt of osre- -kw Lire aftAtmill beMt to toe

W r ic sij be Iiromi wi oeTte . Tie nslim hi stnMccoe4Ms, xi bpter it eatr i torrs it S -

-fc" Tie UnuBrr Utrifte retsrsej iron trrtii to os Ssit sMrater iW kA M v--

tiy median, tfce rws tl wi u fir isTi KoBji, ii ret:-- t br tbe use nate.

Next week ike j iroesi t&e eonh red ofjHxwifi fri HOo luirtlrrxs. Sttr-wtki- t- boou- - Atireuot tor tkehiltioe.Mi OlMlta P. P. firtBhlr rll troa-- . I--

tbii CKsasoitT, iB LMae eoasioi.w Sussex Tooa. BrickiQ Twsac

:SiR lakeCKT, ec WedetsiiTtbe SfcofkBvxT o J til. - oi' a" --V"'" '- - " - - atatMKan n mics id Bine JC WZ1UN MdrJi 1 iln aTiV. Km-.!- . l -- r- .- -;. .wc-kioiih- t)

&oe orsfcies beteires ta raoare UskwseiWeto tite erro irfv-oifctt- xai tfce sssbrof re baWac tbre irftiliou to tie dec-r-

tat tBI liesRoeta zsasra U tUwc th.-va- ssarete csifcitcAxsaTAt or tki Xcr C S. Mmsnr. Amsj

toe irrirOi by toe Zeikadii iru tbe sw ColtedmoUler KMeot Gesen Jtmt JL Oal.

Gosenl C. U nxrfis$c it- - bit UsSr cactUtiaXof Jin. Ooelr od tkree e&aWreo tvo br rodooeprI.aUaeaeKm.at. We wosU eiH e

of ozr seoeor toe JVrtlrr to tbe finli tire ;ToOesuB' xe U cot - Ooabr," btOoHr" oi tfett kthteli " Co3tJooer."Vetl-iaafcl- er.- Geoerd Oslr xmi treti jcre: racta Di Jinn &i-- . riii ?;Oooiak

Bom. Gsbt. We tare bees fiTorrd oiti apriraJe aai cmSsearial toterrk- - b tbe Ea- -

--aiUB Hotel Gbos- - nrinVianr1kbn.Mei, aaiEelfbbttat we tare tthte'a cxpeee ejapaatleg as arraaprsest bisSootUbap by be a-- far preesl isbatde.We traii r terricn io aatter b appre- -(riitei. Tbe perl to aUet oar rosstrrseaexpaaei troas toe ofLori Derby au as oo--laOBC CaWopargt aTb tbit rw abfct oar bfafc j

"- - aaMsa tx. i. io-i- nc aaatHTbiTeresssei! toeox.

A XtXatUI OT TEC VlMT r 1E "Stxttv"5rbbelutasiB rrerirri --o Jiestrt

L5jaiAe Oa of Laoooc, a orrafar assseaptoattberwa toiiAstsaar psCb,s oee btod-se- e

Sro. Totrase, oittb soaps io Blajtrttkjof.'A Toraje Arauc fttWerldit toe -- Ssobeasi.''tr Xrt. BrasasiJ. To tbe aabtr of omr peo- - j

Ie woo reseaeee witb picutre tbe Tfcis ef tbeSoabeas to osr Masit a few tsools ajo we

lee( sore tab aooosaetxaeot wtUbea wvjeosserwe.aoi we bare bo &aot Mawartaw air. kru"aaeraoiatTote6se a maeeoeotex ot tbekrirf oot Taeasut aaoaaotaoce tber colored 'otat tie aecosafisoed aet&eeess lad iitr baitiai

: sseor Kay araesr as.

Scrnxs Dcats. Jt Is oor rursfsl daty ta oee

tbe aoe4eatb of Xrs. Gertrcie G4as.toe ourUr aswaogsbed beioTeii- - wife oftbe OMassa&eer. of toe C. S. Scfeoei Sbip aajes-to- wx

Leet Cos. Eeorr Tbis aoezpnaedereot CKsatnd resterfiy aaraiax Sept. ocfeeari 'Jtraesasws. SeaT se cbHd, adassbaer.aWattwoTesrsetd. Ifrs. Glass was tbeoKbterofasesIVTVocatoa E.ofSta Fra-a-

wajre a WaC CaTcJe SiZZEt asi o- -ferroos aB mc-- ota berearlrfeaafc U tbeajeot jyears. TbeFoseraS Semerf wSB tbeidxttberace af tk C. ii Coosot Dr. St. it J 'oeJoci r X. to-d- ar. iter resaiof NMrero--i

rraoQsca. (I

XAUCoSCS GossXT-- A strikiaj: Brsstratkie oftte propeasaly wboab possesses sose ofoar pjtoatartasiefccsaitt railkioas sed sajoasded n--

ari, was aforied last week. after j

toearririlo taxaIkaoorr ATerTtkererort !

fetqt et;r. cc streets, tit a ,.1 j

&ees jiiBaLiir. mr KetM, . BosalUc i .Jh la-- .


Saraatlec Stat tbe Cbe4 Nasties asd C&aarczBor of 'tkal 1 aaa a WaJ T owa. a awAab sa4,a a H. Tt --4KaCa ffaS jH.-UI- IS i

Loo. Wewer aoabie to trars tbe repsrt rs ,Ms scarce. Wbiorrer tbe erkisator d tbas fJapaiaa oeartiess taoax say bare teen, bas coodact eS-e-

sem-dao- ae Aoset retire tae repro-Sttt-

t aS we Sspased persoss. We rr--- re we ,iit oot bis tiat w abs. pebliab it fee tbe ;beoelt of tbepabBcasdas a aaratax to otoer

sfisd pKsoss. Letters tros Jare Earris."tines Ki. bit cws baoi aod recrtred br toeZeiwoiBM. sbvow a stsey te birr br eattreirwktMct foasdaaioai. t


aaeestor was hdi Sashay erraoajrra tbe caress teat j

oetbe Esptasade, tbe lsjfecices T tbe f

TososrXes's CbrisJUa Aseiitios of Hosekla.deterciaed oasS

laieiattewtd: till tbe sotirttirte was of aeces- -'satybttitrud faspsleaa aod as a ceeseoess: tbe ,

arte5aOwaSBisaa!ertaaaaiabeltCiee.-- ic pratesMc Pratt coooeted aaeetter a:

aacressea were aaaaeoy ier. ur. croc

JS '

C S V-- r .Jta, Alaa. a S J- '- "-- ,

iiy.iiitieays. Capaaa scaitb was ;

brsabera, xBefwbeaa were taaKmof!vaala a,rJra W tiia . - t

ir Sew Loader be ISO. twdre years ace i

be aerrsd as oSi boy c tbe Aaaericsx pdisteer 'jSoel Bartew. and, witi tbe rest of ber crew, wastakee prifrseer br a Srtel raraae s ta tbe IIsle d Si. Catberase's, is tbe WesJ Iz&tt, batiardr aer was.excbasxed. aad tberebr cscared i

cscesa is tbe bvaas Dirt!c acluc, towboab cccspaatot wbere seas aac wbere teasbm ef tbesc Trsaa at tatwrfbis release f

tVaas SL CberaK's --ta 13s 1 tefare tie1 rst wttier. fcrir karT? and ber

westTCSSC 5i a a aOREass: brad. OabsrJseceed Tsrare be sbprd as ssatt, aai ai tbe are i

fMr njircoharf tatbe CMaaaasdcf tbe'wasJerCotKaiere Perrr Tbtreaser be w eas--

Striata. PbcUx. acpr, mwraaa Jl -J .i aa-- aa aaA ! Wa- " - a a.--. r: a a a x la am o

aaarkabar sacmtdil roraxss. acri2f aaacaabc crsae tbe Sbrrxii aaair &.0C? barreis ttsea irrftTT,t o5 odT Dtaclgatai IsLas.sjsd lafasrttcotsare Trajsa t Descaataes tie Gafeattua f

aaalelOTS tarrei! of cZ. la 1S5I be baxebtaacd ax tbe brig Zoe trass Xtw Loodoo to suaFraatsscsi asd a year Utter ras beratrecaiar lateraals a a jurtK "siipbeSweeE lier pxtasdHoaaacsls, Saadwaab lslaaids. Be was, tbtrt&re.abeaaaada-rja- tbe irsi packet KsecaieseecicctbeCaSacaaa eatst wfcb tbe ataidwic TfHif f. XalSSC.baiisx acid tbe 3Uc be retcrsedto Sew LcntocbcStabe packea Taaire asd baabt tbe FraxassBaSne3r.aa)d tbeas aa tbe Ifrnr. i.fr'.rcalaa.afew yeart laaer. abeCsaetaa2tbeScedw. Wititbese reaf a rerrtarrxtir bsataseso was tuav-e-d.tbejrsdiiei" wtaCasoisScsstbabaredasaaspostyaaeasaaEaaiiero orescbercf tbe.-- j. a,;.; .-- v-j Een-3re- d ifyaefiaa .a' p i tC33 , ia. aig- tla'iyTXewLeotox. of XiA. Twssa's --gjcgb

It w3 1 aeaaber Ctacxlx trsca tbe ooe--taaa wa5ab xpprtrt IxtbalTcixaae. ts.eabB'wjtbbaaterat3 otka aaitt, grxazs cbtr--1 - -- tj o. sar c

OVW aaOWfaaaWaoVa. aa9Owaf VatVaa JkoaaaaToT JoVaT AaaOAfOjOJL JCWaf " - a

&aaSaox. v.ymaa Iaatraat rsSa-s- S W EiS. We are jai ebroekie low ttberiEE.Ti.aia.Aa. utt, tjcaaaia. aaa aa Cbar.aiara. baTaSbeeE ledaossppieetroaareaaarks wbactbiTe

tvaa cb.-i- tat txiajaw . apeeued it re tbat tbe idra ofbeaiicr air oere75L"4.'3LX5??-ifc"l.f!- r teaseeaasstadbeeaabtieeed. We bSeVe tbe

Aaa.CXaa.IlaijiK..sTba d ewe d we l--p tbey wrtaaa,8aig-aaKaamlu(itai.- b feit rtraraess CaTadrerse caftarivai,SaAaaa. Staaat aai V Va.iT Xa SataaKac. 3trK MAaarfdXXa)lN DlATE Or CalrTAtW JaJCES SXITS- - Tt fcSow- -Xaa w- latate. at ILirT.aai.aa an yfaHaa. st?a Ai,iat fctxa afce e w Tork Herald tB bt fa.terrtua.j- -

XItlaeaxJ. 5rtfEat1!L--W

Xa. Vraa j: Tata. EaiEXTuma Has K widely caaaa asi siipasaer.illl Aa, aa T llfcKL.-- .

aa fTara.




GsaasalpreseesooedforadaateryasidreqeA-- r iratx

tbe aa

tbat "IsbaSatd isdcclatcod&aaIaraxxaeat

IaeeatfpxyiastaitbepriTiaeaaincareabera.Tiereare '

Ssr bex

west law say.aaitl of tbss brm-l- T

w2e, bib








bees eoGBtrr








tbetab WaB




Sta,tbe Sbe



asdtiie .".


wBi beartr






eecdaXafcr??' TT

Wbeax cf




ae-- i






Src SsibiS-fi-i






Per S. S. "Zfialandia," Sept. 20th.

The War in the East !

Itri.SftnYerlha, lBtHic&u Vera t4

till tb Tarkisb fue a tit frcstwr braVws aritrrj ta raur $rrrU iaiix(4mlST if b MitJput iti lb air.

Batbircfl. JrptraVtr Ifib. A3 rrUfrrmUfiMfiac ar are biac barri4 fraird Unrii

kriJf i rrr". Tbe Crstl.Tis cf lb WBm. iraj cir4 bu tikea tbl

Loif a, 5f tesbtr If :b. Tie farther BTeatttf tb .!tEria us; ut uruis. Xa dtiai:faia tu bna drctirj ara.

Tb. rtftnt ia StJfni tilt Grsiar ia arftifSrrrU U urtwa ia tb wir ar dlrtii:J iaVwaaa.

A Siecti curatsb j Tbr a atrer ifit.fTiariiT aalb rirat f lb Kucrijt anaj.Tb Wm were iurj r bitj aa bb iiJu. TbRantaos rrtraiJ bri tb Cffr Ls. TbKat--nl irar iu tie Lis. ai iu a.v ccexrjts; Ahbra.

Parij. $ptiabtr Iftb. A Ifitrxas frea Outtaa-tiacf- ef

rpru Ibat lit wist c i'sltou Paiba'iara r ku JMJri sarli of lb lUlkict.

A tfteiil fros iiriia.flc mji s gt frr arFmiC itr t tilt ap a tMiuu krtc Kii irMti Sr Ua tnabtr.

Tiers. SeatcaWr I hi, It iat Vea aMtrtiiseitbit MaaHaaowilr ami ti Euiri EutuntSCru9iia easiUri attraeiUtt ia res EUrw tt

.n osirini. in ia iaij et &sg&Kis. bib-i-tl

br Grtk. 158 fcftm an bsrarJ aid 5xiuiicrai. 0a baaartd earjuu of v&xraiar Ws JivdTfrri at SairU. A lcUtrujj titlefacli are riei b; tit Caiiili.

Pari, SertesaVtr Irtb. .1 Wan dLiUirrM'.ilie raar tiat Oisaa Paii a-- rrOritic; frPlrai. Tbtre if, ba-rrr- . ibtateujr a trail,irartlij-- tafaraitiaa e tiu jiat rii Mlbtr lii.

TbrMtisaiaai fraai SaStlsaa Puba'iarair bar raaebtj Airiiaap! ; .ff ar at Ktlwi-rS- k.

ai at Suifka tir S ait artr U bHiiiu.Tbe Bsntist ia Arseaii ar caririaj titsttlrei

t a atfuur attiuit.Gnl Trryskajwi' U ftrtifraf bis pcui-jja- i

star IraTr. UNastai tie rai leaiisc t tifiiis of Ssraa.

Tii Car vtutuel lit erniti ca FriiiT l-- fr

Ktraa.Arerfcr t Hirt Pasii'i repart, ti ata-- f.rti-leiU- at

at $bmpat art ttrMC arb t itttrtrtb laest t aMt aili.v;: ti cm f lrptit .

Ar arnir wu 111 li L Tbaniij fr titparyM cf barriac tb eti. dcriir biti tie Sa-li- ia

ax4 Tarkub tr( frateratud iar.iT. ibak--taciaaii taei atit-- , karuriaf triaktti Jar 'tasaie-a- . txtitafe ami. tr.

Osf Uatia. Sr5eyr lfti.Tbt Geraa asirrtsillijtilri iir vmeatei r9af3aiMstati rii araiaft tie r!at af lb ea-it- -i

t. it jerj reaa! ttrriti-i- t f tb ar4trf lie Genua aai Frmi CrraU at Salaiei ia

Xit rflait jtar. Tb Freaii at ersaaas tilttb Kattae I cirri est. TbGraaa aat it--

".tf.Sfa.tS!?!j!!T;,.f.i:!ntai arci.

ruim atria-?.- a aectstrr.IV Jtriaei. Iaa.Aijart. ?ki. Tit ittxiis tt

ti raBraaa aceaieat as ti Ciiaira. Eei Iilaedaai Piailr. alti eajt braaeb cf ti Fcsr-ta-

Crrtk. rra &t froa ti eir. ar bepaaiaj tarrirt. Ti tal of kai is oitisatei at frttea ta tfty. AM ti tr iti ti tarfiaa tt tiIjiag-a- r at szxa tie K. Tb eiia uesysat ofisfib, Eirar ti.a-cirae-

dwaaaj: titrest. aaiitit saii lU ti trara(aaU bat eae kaiei. It i icprib: ta

fie fall fisiaUn y. u tb aceaUst ccearreiMitral s9 fra a UnriK ti-r-. Arraar-saet- ti

aUl be saie fartejrrajiie wnaiaaafirtetfrKatit kui eftit twrafeat.

At t eJocb, wresteee ciM iai b taieafrMa ti Tw ar um ar kan t I;ii ti wrtek. It it tbcrt y tiat litre aretoT ttber; utber a tb t4Ua f ti ear cr Indiawx iSrtaav. bat tit lest pAKel aiy ti tata! eali

rt exceed lataiy. ia iceas waert ta arc- -dt aeearrtd was wrtr bf.e taa t rtaeb KWtW: ijrtt T a trrr a. JL. t.. ' . . . - .w4t, tb baaks abxt twrr fret laps. Tt ka--

Uii. ia its aaVJ iasi. tao&ea k at tb ft of tbarssara sii. aai iaXbrad iuif sa tit ani. Bar- - t

-- a .v. aa. rsfii sai ia eaaaxca.T itfiace aad taa att jt& eter tiis. tittf-aiL. sea7ia; aaiart. Tb list yssarr earaas rriJ luasi; lata tie Kmz btita. vbrtti a--ir m ftx ft ittp. Tb text ear tatar- -d aadet tits. ttw;jaf wia: it. aai ti ait tJe- -

aslfaifibiti.triiar. Tb sp--f ci a,4 j-- jn z. LaJWT"" aa u na jar k. iu tceafiait were irrei.at aa wer rtnaasy izjired. Tb ec at tiat ottaeajiaatatu.iessxJWdas ttmie. Tt nixaa faiaac a tarrtcu. utsc;Aaied Vr wiad. Iirit--

aire aai riatest tittatr. Ti erasb aatcatlitEfbts. aad ti sceacdtrrar easaiar air well a

isari.kaieiiaair terei taaelaSirta. vbacxa4 s."Jarre Oa SttJ jtri. wb bii laia far iawia tb aatr. witi a saaa Iriar dtalbesiit bar. wasfatai aai ruaared, aaia.r sisas as sias tfia- -

7 .v .v. ,..,, , - .u cVk. ""

. t

muTrmiumiBi.Cbisapa. .Sl-1-4- . I ,.. .r. wr..v. . :

at-- tin .a...... V. . . .. . - --;-. -- n..., ...qM i.i.i ac7iriiar. a.trftrtr eases at FraiHi.- - 1 .r a .'ata- - ciMa artar wsa un ftijkiau toradatxst leart tiat eaty. ias tirtax tit wial ajat


cKT:tiTuli rrat eaaceaeat, Qaarartia baila estabiubed vcaiui Ftraaadia. ia aS jrixeAla it ti Stat.

Ti Iaiiaxi S5rs' Orriaas Hast, u Salrits-tsa-- a.

frriirt. was barccd Satariiy airit-- Lots.JH.W: urtriist. fdt.f.arts tiat Ossaa Pasia bora ia Asia Jfixar. ef ' tICassxhaa: pansts. 1

Tsi Faxete is Isdca. Tbe ascaaaa frc tie 'ftI-'ke- s' disarteat of Iadta eoetisae to cf

os aastreMjti: ciaracler. Tie caaabercf--,

? reodrtec aid froa tbe OTraeal direolyd oviireetlr U coaabered eotoslybytbe ls-- j

-- ef tbwtsaads bt by taiSkcs, aad tbeterri--tory fciTolred io tbe exltaaiey saetas toberttbar ,

wilwa; tbaa otherwise. Itiscratifyiax&oweTer

ucria tapratpaai iar is? ra: frtaTa.--e tcbteafet. xs w sesa fraaa tbef also wtardJsralabes: "CUa. SeC IB. Weatker rcrtfor tbepast week are dceadedir cbeerias. AM tieXadras aSsarieu tare tad raia. raid is taasy t

parts K was betTy. Hart titra bas also bats rala,aedaavtaxal.Sciade. Vysore, aad tbe eeslnl pro- -Tiasea. TbepcospectaaPBiiiib bas crssilr la--Iprored. Tbe tteiriaa Is tbe sortbwest proiiace ,axd is Oade is aa9 criUcaL Tbase dastricu

tie taat w-- st aaoasoos cowbiTe fairprospeatslar Uler crspa. Tiss is cttciiaj orders j

lortbtCealrrryet jraa ia October, acd easy be tie i

3sse ofa cia tbta la caoaes: ofdsaaiest i3- -psets." A later iSspttcb sa. Tbe coeadijoe ofaiaia aa iaabtrs LvdU is lataraiiar. owferto tbe

'" raiasS.'


Administrators's Sale.ACHES. JIOEE OE XVE5S. or SrcAECASE, aj TuCsa.'bebe.CatiC C , aafy i at ioa te ate a xrcca

-- . a. ii. a fa.-- -

S Jxra&sa3r Ecu xbd. arajd.A Card.

A TOCXG LADT WaSBES AX FJG1GE.Anatai Caeaaa.fb7-pmanrtaaieaa.ora- e-

rAaTXereabea. vrBi'TTbcacapeosxa. AAreat-- &, ta y rrs. Sfgnjt. '

CO Irai

Piano For Sale.W9. AlimicU Aflu SAl-f- e c

A3T A I GUXB PIlTO wr-- yr

trsssi aa eiaeEaai xaaaxa Xnn Caa.Skalba.Sr.Tat. a--a V a14 avjJtw Tart Cast Caabeacasaa f

3t A.Te2tai3Bgserts. iStStreaa. Vfam'r. ntr i

Marshal's Sale.BT.aKTa.E OP-- A. XSSCXB CT '

Com la tVRr-rA- tt r a- - !. . . .SRtaO rg.f . T.B J aa -- Jl- - - B TBM. JSta i

Ai4W.a T rraA . -

a c no. - jb.a. a xsc cc weaie-- c'TifVT.ffJata' wia aaii Kat Is caat,. ..

!3aaSTa3Jce3CEa.xXr-SaaaalrTr-?- L ?--W. c i'rrA trrr aCT. t U

Ttlb9rto baa bees jjcaaTcoet - mar,Xe-cesab;ba,ts- n.



$25,000 WORTH--FOK-




S. MACNIN'S.Nuuanu Street,


A Fine Stock of Dry Goods,

Clothing,Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes. Etc., Etc.,

Just Iraportttl per Star. Zealand!.


Fine Casalceres, 25 a yatvis

Sats, cl.S5 ta t.TS a yanl.Fine Freaei, Anjerkan aai EsgUti Prlola,

fra S ta 13 per yards."Water-proo- f, TS ctt to $1 per yard.

Oil. CLOTHS!Llccs xususkx, bJacb aai rab!ea:b, at 73

per yard.


LV FSHi SfllSLaiies.' Ucea Dresses, 3 pieces, well trtaaej,

Seaeb.A iae select! stock of CtKirea. Drtsses,

frosa f3 to eaab.

Misses' Dresses.

Llaea Daaauk NarkSas, froaa S5 eeati to ilperJae2.

A splendid Ass't. of Ladies' Shawls.

ICO derm Geat't aad Boyi Cae Wtite acdColored Siirti, at creaUy rcdecrd prices,

Aad a creat taasy eibtr coeds too cac:eroas totaeatloc

This Large .Stock of GoodsWas selected by tae la Saa Fraaeisco,

Bought Cheap for Cash,AND WILL BE

C fj I 11 THE SAME!a3 a Oat Ia


The Undersignedrt AVE EEEX APPOISTEJl SOLE AGESTSXjL aa&siaxc!.rtasa;tacsuasiMILLER, STREW AT & Go's

csovrx bsisd op j


fa-- srvo; cski. T tare emt ltj.tTCpr 13rt rtajcoryt-- -.

A Small Invoice of these Whiskies.Wlliei will be onered as ArtnU' Botes,

iSCTltea.taTa.-aisacrtcaakjaaJ)aaa'4b;- ,

. Bra 1. 1 ia ea),a,,- En ia 1 &nx tucd eaua. I. . . . ..- l a, v ..', T. .V9 r. tfi.a ri--

. k k a an - - trrMsirSsrCEXSS. XACFAEtaM.4 CO. WtGoar.aarvtmeirbialanloUttbttYaeia - Xmter. Satan rt

OS's Oea--a Braai." rrt tnxa tbeta oaSsr ajaiisl.


sait Apao ix XSkt. Stea-s- A Oa,c IltiTf. aTtortr--

A. W. PEIRCE & CO.?irnu for

ctcxvoa salt. naAsrrs zsokb gcxs.--

BfosaTs LWmb Jjuie-- ,

US tr Perrr Hart- - Pain EJIler, ate.


Strained Sperm Oil,


ET QCAX.u a !, at tb lw raiea.

Al0.Polar aod ITolm OIU Maartv Oil.

Paint OU. EerMrnt Oil. ate.F0rSabT


NEW GOODS.From London, wla Sydoey.

SEUFXT IXTOICE OP SCOTCHaaFUaageaaocTaBaa3.rTrta.-r-a- t

alfjgyarsCaa tfta- - m.xa Ss ao Sera AtlKxsaa.

Frtaa Jra-t- J KtatabaXfVa.1 ars2s:GAalaa?,.CactTi FaJj TtSvn, 5 Eaacaafecs, iaraiteaI3W Eoaa3.Tyi itta. aa Podut SSaea.Bea-r- baaraer XxzraLcEETH9a ao: Patr,raaaar &--i y ATSgg av bita yn.-H-.-


NEW BOOKS.Ti aFVoaot-FrBal--x "C- -, t&il, fUl,u Utr-r- , .Css&zcel.

We-Af-Ta I3ck-- e.

Pks3T --T Ex jiiafc TyiTrr.,Wifr SereaftS.T iacGtsscKTfveCaT-is- e

kl9. cf ScuiiUo 2E- -s.Tat Horaw-o- cit lac GEri.X m --fGr-w3 bcof--.

XTs ZaKa ctCS-Sf- ca

1-- FMSll.r H 3C UHIfALI.

Landscanes.. - I . .

I uauauaiuioaoii SEiBITSriEWS OP MOUSES. GEOUPS, 0B


- S; ji.v,v ,m.i-i- .. .- -,













i silaaasUlt aeri,aa: ca'tb' n a.Saasa Knsr-- trrri aaa ttraack tbe PeascaariaeiTXCT?i-rrTr- Y;


Small Size Manila Rope,1X114. sua. ISsAv- - X 1--. stoat s--

so KATESrx, JasartaTte?ex-a-.H.lfrre- r."

Itebfcjear OIiXS ACS.

O0aX 7ax.Botiia co.

Sperm Candies,C1IT885.




XaXvr-ln.o- .


(at Par the Hawaiian Iiliadt. tt


New England Mutual life Insurance Co.OFCOSTOS.MASS.

IXCORPORATED, 1S33.Ike Q&kit PvrW Xt.iu.il Life Ustuwict Cb. in

(St Cnittxi $!ti(.Polieita Iasstd oa tb nut farorabla Tarma.

Uiimplf orXon.Forfeltaro Plan.ixscntn aok. TKAHM)RmsARr urn rux

1 ABaaal rm!w rcaUaeai l!iy S yn a Jj.3 Aaaaal rrtalca tvwtlaa. rxJkr 4 jtan It lj3 Aanaal malaat CtWIiaaM tVlkj ST Uij4 Aaaaal ! cvllaa INJkj S yaarl dJla Aaaaal rtiluivatlaa IVaKT 18 JlJdaj.

Aaota, : : $10,300,000!lxe PW UjroncU llonolnln Ajrenrj-- ,

$49.000 !




A Supply of these Pickets,w tab pfeanr la offtriar taern to lb pabHc as lb

ORXAXEXTAL A2TD DURABLEAa4 at tb tasi tba lb cbrapett auttrUl uf vblcb Iobafli a fracn. A tract maJ ibe atur mi rt rial na baeeo oa NcciBQ ATesoe, aVMat balf a mQ ftvxu lovo.II reiln i p!i io a toot of ftodar., aad tier cantw pt op la a Tarietr tt vcaya.

Vttr fcnber ianVc!iri laclre ofttn r. O. HAtl. 1 SOX.



Tbe I'ndenlzrned hasJust Received from San Francisco I


Large and Handsome Assortment

PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODSSoci as Frases. Vrlrtt Ours, Ceioo CaMs, Jtc


Printed in Porcelain,Portraits in Alba Plates,

A Svlt aerer btfart Introduced in Honolulu.

Asj a!u brn ia mj tail b b pnpired t take rbotorrras ftoa Uva.u. ac4 proiaee a Retare Ilia, a allblA wai bt rtvnea-Vr-tJ br Uocc!a2a praple sooe rear.ato,saabrXr. Weei

Xitry faSy a be foaad ai bli rstabUibaitatTo take any and all kinds of Picture.AY1J by lb altstsu aut lb ajraatar. of ''aai taterpnwi. Civ bla a Caa.



Ship Chandlery and Ship Stores:lor Sole by BOIAES ; CO.

SMALL CHAINS!6gms nioii i- -i To i.a ijfcn. rx QCAS.3 Trnxiassfa. SKtirei per-c- u.'

Far Sal ar BQLiESi CO.

onn n --I ar Tt jf 1n Jojj ijuus new xieuiuru tjuruugc,SIZES, from 1 1- -2 to a Inch.4!SO0TCD VThiJttiC. duUi FaUl, !&,


Ration Groceries,C O U I .V G A. .PER Oaf&ra:-- : Vau. laais's ri!, to raO- -

eoaoi balfaalloa Jars.Cas Lxbaten. Caias. Orntn-Mcaa- mr's

Casea ZAtrofx Sa-- t Ooro tbe bxt artWe la tbecart.c

Oaaet Aaaxaed Vee tables, assarted Sccpa, ToaaloSocpa. XacTvrd cp,

t!7 FOrSaUbf BOLUS A Co.

California Lime & 'White Brother'--TIXGIJSII OBTLASD CE3IEXT Best jnal- -

JaJi itr Far a BOU.ES ACQ.

Saloon Pilot Bread.X CASES A.VD QVABTEK CASES, KeeelTed

rorSii.brUZ BOLLES Co.

Pacific Rubber Paint Company's


B0LLES & Co.

Ta Bxbbtr Fatal Is jasaTy ee!brat!, aad Is cenftrtalacranlsa.aJla!Iwbo bar rireo II a trial tieilrrecca&s It. Tb carKxd bar, reaeral aisorl-sacst- af

a3 oaacrs aa aajdrs, as4 wbl s:p cp lbaaaGrtcact,aod be ready to 3 orders at ibsGrtsiaocSre.

CO BOIXE! i Co- -



FEET.Ter a by It. McXSXBST.

fits siC5l!s 1fc

Sr--5 :.OJI Id M ul- c ti E.aaa VS nnla

A 62 5 a S o a.- Olhl3iZ;--r gig e ft.i ,

Xa5 S atf , 1 aa: : a.

' J a. -i ata- .- aa ISO C- -.- C a aSa w ;-- -i .

-- r asaa. a. j" m, .i sWs'J--- J' c;.i .

S!a W i--- B5S5S "2ri-J- . i a.


JL CHTxa per DUXXITEKT ISO Cssea DEVOKTSBK1LLI AST Eenora Oi, aaat wSI b aola at lowprJcea. Itui BOU-E- S at CU.

Extra Filet tsi. Uttfun Bread,TJECEITEB PER "iaLASI."rcrSacr


; - z - B Zsa-- 5 "-- fa;

S!,S Mar.2 J '.!-i- a:

aSatd? aa- - TT -- !."




ON THURSDAY, - - SEPT. 27th,

At bair-iui- .t 9 A.M ut Snlraroora,

Dry Goods,Clothing,

Fancy Goods.Also, Saw Line ot


To Cloae Oonslarntueuta, at 13 o'clock.

Tn Casts No. 1 Genoia. Manila Cigars,

Four Cases Xo. 2 QQaui. Manila Cigars,

SCO BJlts Hoop Iron, 1 and 73 inch,

CbtaU Tta, Cbtsa Chilrs. China Wine, Etc.


Ex Bark Ed. James from Oregon.

95 Barrels 0rtron Flour, to qr tacks,S3 Tons Ortgoa day,

6 Birrtlt Bf. 1 bamli fork,JOOO Feet Tongual and Groorol Floorinf,

13000 Ft Roogb Lumbir,SO M Shlnrltl,


Centre-boar- d Yacht with Sails Complete.

E. 1. ADAMS. AnetT.




We wUl SU

FOR 0SlSI3l!The Lands of Makahanaloa

And Pepekeo,Sllnote In tbe District or llllo, Ilnwntl.

These Laatls are a4icoi to acb otbr, mablox ooetract of about T.aofl acres la xtat,of which l,$7Sacrea,more or less, are

Cane Land, e..tne rest Ohia Forest Land

Xoeb of which ia SCTTABLK FOR COFFEE. There Is alanjtur for boats .1 the beach.

Till Award of lie Land Cttmnhaioo, b0. alia BAfanas Mrtnieea asd ishta.

Tbii Salt offers a on. opportnnlty for lnTitmnt laarir Caltnrt, with an ampl. flald for a flnt class Ptanta-Co- o

Enttrprise.For fanhtr partlca:ars inqalre of S. B. DOLE, or E. P.

ADAiti Cbaru at tbe Sales ltoom.J. mott surrn,E. O HA IX.3. a DOLE.

Trait! of the LnoalOi Estate.Ul lot E. P. ADAMS, Ancfr.


close Mortgage.Notice Is bercbf tlreo that I, J. R. Williams, tbe

mortgsgee named ia tbit certain Indenture of mort-eat- e,

rxecnted by Lert Cluoibeilaln and Johnllicbelt on the 1st day of October, 1STS, and re-corded In tbe Office of tbe Registrar of Convey-ances, in Honolulu, In Liberal page yi. Intend toforecloee the said mortgage, according to the terrasand conditions therein named, default baring beenmade in tbe condition named In tbe same rclillrets tbe pajmenl ufinteresl; and to sell tbe propertyearned In said mortgage at public suction npon tbe29tb day or September, 1S77. at 12 o'clock noon ofsaid day, at tbe office oi E. P. Adams, In Honolulu,Oshn.

Schedule of property named In tbe mortgage:Now on tbe lisliwa Plinuiion at said Ewa, Tia,Ooe tngir mill of three rollers with pluloos, lengthof rollers being tblrtv-fo- Inches, and diametertwenty inches, one large steam engine complete oftwenty-fi- te inches by ten inches cylinder, one smallportable engine and steam boiler seven feet Inlength by twenty-si- leches diameter, two centri-fugal machines complete; one Urge boiler twentrfeet In length by fire feet diameter, two clsrlfiersof fire hundred gallons each, two Urge dri.ingwbeeU with shaft complete, each fonr feet and sixinches In diameter, one counter shaft with two listand two loose psllejs, led one Sy wheel for largeengine, one copper worm, one water tank, twosliding dampers, thirty to forty tbonsand bricks(more cr Ins), inndry tools, as bUcksmlth'i bel-

lows, cooper's intU. etc., thirty-si-x coolers, oneforce pomp, two pumps, coaster shaft for driiiDgpump, oce round damper, four farnaee fronts withdoors and foresee bars. lot of steam and waterpipes, steam cocks and lecae Til res, boldlcg-dow- n tbolts lor engine, tain ana ceniniagai micnices,two steam gesges, lot ot square Iron braces, andone mandril for centrifugal midlines, and all thefixtures and appurtenances thereto belonging orappertaining J. B, WILLIAMS.

E. P. ADAU3, Auctioneer.W. B. CiSTXX, Attorney. Oi Si



SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd,At 13 o'clock 'oon,

At Sis Buosn of E. P-- Adasis. Qors StrMt, Hoaolnbl,we sbaS 11 tor CASU. tbi

Ahupuaa of iioouapo.ASD


In the District of Kan. Hawaii.Tbese Lands are adjaceal to each aiimx, mialpg ooe

Tract of

About 2,200 Acres in extent!Of whlca 1CCO Acres, con or Itta,


GOOD GRAZJNG ZAND.TlUe, Laad Ccessdoa A wird So. I Hi B. Apana IJ.Tbtreli alulae .poc tbese Laads cxpirlai; oa tbe lit

cfJifinry. )IT9.Tbe opper part cf ttis Tract lies In a rain bell, wber

tbere U ssSdcat. saSatsr. for cane crowlsgtbe 7eartOTBd.

For fanber partScs'ara, loqslr of 8. B. DOLE, or E. P.ADAM. Cbaru at ealea Eoaun.

E.O. HALL3. voTT axmr,8. B. DOLE,

Truices of fnrinv E.ule.Z. P. AD1M3, Ascdoor.


Wa.lhaffl Watches, Walfa Watches.Tj3XSEWATC3IE,ACaiSaWLElKiEr

to be tbeT&e aioft BeliaIe Time.keepen

la ttcarOBLD, aad acrpaawee a3 Ksgfisb. Swta. asdrrtsrii Waacbea. ar. to ta Lad la Oessiae 15 fc. Cold, aodsxSa faCrcr Caaca.

Ererr 'Woteti aTsuTaatecI to be a PerfectTlnaeviaeeper.

M. RelSEKST.Bel Agent for Vaitbam Watcb Co.,

For tbe Hawafaa laiasds.saTrade ssptSed rsost tarorabte ttrsuxa at Am

PER n R. C. Wylie frsm Ifeien24 IEOS STOCK A5CH0BS. ata. from a up ta SSS0 tbe.JnaAXXCHAlS.la crrrffirato rat, stars X taeb to

S-- cf aa tacb.CHAISCAPrrH,t-- l I W.IU,1U1M

tacs. iBTaal to? LyCIS EOLLES A CO.

PER KAMOi.1CASE OF RC3TISO-R- ed, Wblte suad Bte.by EOLLES ft CO.


By C. 8. BARTOW.

Room Slcile.

ON FRIDAY, : : : : SEPT. UQt,At 10 o'clock A. V win b. 8cat

Dry Goods, Clotliing, Groceries,

lot or- XT H. IVT I --? TJ 3E -Bntil!., Matlraa., Itartao,

ilatbia-to-p SMtbat , "Taabaaal,CitbToha, CoobSioT. ate, Ac.

C.-- BARTOW, Afr.


ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th,All! o'clocb noon at Salts Room, wtU b. aold,

I Large Flying Fish Net.a s. BAirrow, Arr.

For Sale,One Rice Mill, One Rice Hnller,

Ono Rico PolLaher.

Xw Can b. worked by band. May be ma atSalts Boom of

0. S. BARTOW, Anetionttr.

JUST RECEIVED!Anothtr Inroie of those Jnitly etitbratrd

Melbourne Preservetl Meats!Corapriied in part as follows :

Ox aad SbeepTongnts.eqaaltoanyPatadaFoIGras,Alio, Cuts of Roast Betf, Roast Mutton, 'Boiled Mutton, Iriih Stew, llotcb Potcb.Tripe (pUIn). Trip, and Onions, Harricot Mattan,Ox Cheek and Vegetables, Spiced Bear,Spiced Mutton, Risolas (ttasoced). Collar! II tad.Rump Steak Sttw, Beef a U Mod.


Compriiing Ox Tail, Mulligatawny, Julians.. Bchd. Mtr, Mock Turtle. KIda.y, Prince of Walts, Pattd'llalie, Mutton Broth, Orary, JJacaronl, Ac.

Extractum Carnis!(Prepared according to tb. direction lof Barotf Lia-bi-

This extract of meat il .npariar to any thathas .rer ben ofitrad ia Honolulu,

Thtse mcaU are prepared in Taano. aad are O'AlC-AXTKE- D

to remain PERFECTLY 3WEET fot anylength of time, in any climate. a 'Joat lh ililnc for Plcalcw, and ParUes ns;

ou t&e otlitr Ialoncra.Iilmd Orders repetfully solicited and filled at

prices to dtfy competition.Ord.r the M.lboura. Meat Prwerrlng Co'i MtaU,

and yea can rely npon EVERY TIN biing In paifactorder.

For sal. byFRIEL at BCSR.

ess St Fort Street.


Oornor Fort db Merchant Sta.



Ladies1, Misses' and Children'sCuatm-Ma- Eaira Fin. and If tattua Qoalttr

Boots db SlaoosExer offered In Honolulu.





Bark Mattie Hacleay,SsXotTtr Xtxo

From Fortland, Oregon,C0XSISTIXQ OF-- -

BBLS. OF EXTRA FLOUR!Cases cf Frtih PDot Bread,Spanlding Sugar Cured Ilams,Sas s of Bran,Sacks of Oats,Sacks of Potatoes,

168 Bbls. No. I Col. River Salmon,

SO Half bbls. Ditto,Cases Spanidicg'i Best Lard, is It lb tins.Cases 2 lb tin Saloon,Caiei I lb tin Ditto,Cues Roast Beef and Mutton, in 2 lb tins.

Boxes of Dried Herrings,Boxes cf Dried Apples,Cuts 2 lb tin Oysters,Chests Best Japas Tea,

100,000 Cedar Shingles.1 01,000 Cedar Poits,Boxes California Soap,Bast Corn Brooms,Best Ctdir Fails aad Buckets,


Best Bourbon Whiskey,Eta, Etc., Etc


Valuable Real EstateFOR SALE.

The Lands of Kaawaloa I KealateaftiH.LASB OP HAWAII,

BeRBEBISB ASB EMBRACIjTeM tb beautlfis! Bay cf ffn'itrilrnii wsere fall l ""

tie auiocs Ckpt. coca.

Tliese Two LancisO0UPB1SE

An Area of 12,260 Acres !

Own tanlng a great rarirty af EoO. CJlnsat and Sctstry.TL wbale Property w01 b , oa terms,

with all lb eoelaaare. aad Imworemeau; or la tare,separate drfalosj, to salt parehAatre.

First. A larg. eauot, moatly abor tb great too tor-e- st,

a.1rr,1rifclj adapted ta a fcbeep or CattU tUfccb. y,

fATlxo 33eart OoCea Xaazxcls.FanSy fenced. Tblrdly Laads well s.ltrtail to Sugar,OraGgta, Ftea Applta, P.iniTin, Ac fbar. are

Two Large Irwllig Khw,Pisrmtraly ambowtred wltb rrerr rarUtr cf thad,rrnit aad Fiawar, aad Ibra aaull H0C1E3,AH aoeaa4 near Me lrleoovero, LooaWog; of


A Choice Lot' of Stock,UTattacldwlt5lhlpUc,lf drslreL Iaflulreof

J. D. PAU1S, 1 goes.Of . D-- rJLUU. IcaJXaa-aO- .

Or CIEOBOS P. hSEXC Ea .Can Joar, CaL

OracirDSl,laBJai,UT7. aiO Jja

" ';- aataaf !j3a?tai- iMaV.al- Si - rtn " i, -aa

Page 4: t HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,...iti--n SiiWii tOnwiit U; cip-i-nl TV. lil 5i iki a W---p rvQr fttifK a. w lnrc T m iJtui Un etet fcc f TW MadKaa uftaul Am vttenMix aVaaal Tl iii.ufVjaT.i n.u.".



Iew- - 5" - $mWm j wrfSJT'SSSVKEPW WW&V wmhsshb marrams?'' BEnwgwl



TJEST MOUSE CAST STEEL BREAKING UP FLOIYS. tocot IS. 14. 1C In. furrows.AJ Set Cat Mad Jdoline IIere flest Cmt Steel XI and XO Horse flows.I'ara Ptowi. . J, scpcrUr Plew fr Utee Cultivators and Second. Plowing.

Revolving Coulters, trt'll aa sriloafIm end Steel Crw Bars, freta IS to 30 111. I I. II. Steam Fukta. . and J 16 inch-.- v

Heavy Ox Yokes. Itoocd Iran i. 1. U Inch. I Melton's Centrifugal Lining. IS an4 14 inch.Asbe-to- s Stan Fading. . , ui 1 Isroond. i Bbbit Metal, Xo 0, best ia the market.

ASBESTOS PAINT. ASBESTOS PAINT,the heft rroteclka against Fire and Sun to be found In the Print line, and equal if not superior

to the best Paints in body tad durability.

Asbestos for Pipe and Boiler Coverings.The creXevt isrenUon fer ivi:- - best vtnl letiesing the eon am fit. on or fuel, and oeeJei by all So fir Mil

own en In lbe-- time of high price for fael.

Japan and Hawaiian Rice, 50 and 100 lb. Bags.Pilot and Saloon Bread,

Extra C. C. Family Flour.



Two Sixperioo? N3e"w PianosrsoH a celebrated bosto-- s macfactory.

These JctrcsitrU are wimoltl first class, ia perfect order, sisd will be sold cheap.


Vs0 I Lsnsj CL On V--7 aJ aJ fV En. S I

WOcos & Gitos, at 850 00 and 60 00Singer's Hew Family Machine at than California Prices.


S3-- Jla-hic- sent to residents la tin on trial for one week. C50 3m


HFox a.le to Arrivela September, or tie Splendid Sew

American Bark Amy TurnerA XEWELL, Mu,

The Following Assortment

MERCHANDISE.FRENCH COODSirrxDREu xo steam co x.Two feuadre! ad Uklnj-av- e tons Combcxiuxl Co&!

Tweaxr mott Ok.iBsjraTHabcredSO Fret Vrw Bedford TTctZe Boats.One Xfest. owe to for tnene.

Cs. Boston Card MatchesCASES j


cd Csi PUe, 4. a mi ( Incbn,

Naval Stores and Ship Chandlery,

SptttB ITpllM, CrB I. OS. 1 tO WL

ATntfPek MnO Rope msEdtl & So-- , Inch.EFoJIs WuJi-f-i. AsiaU4X

PLANTATION STORES!Lelltt K4taac. Eabb 3tot,

OestzOwi-UiilBE- S. Bobber racE&,

L2?S 10"WSse HiU Fte.-x- , Zj& nowE,


DRY GOODS,xjuyr-lao,- rtefiarf. Honest TtdUi, Etoti.

iHBL S ia Stcatfarc Casitoctc S io.MrrriB)r rnctt- is . Asttrted rrtnts, ti ia.Kjucnoc&er Frwia. UxmStoo rnsu,IXiaw. Bar fris

PAIKBAES" SCALES,Aum2 Stee. ec 'Waeels.

GROCERIESy- -- Gnu , cmo CBrn (L Citii Brand.Itaue krJcfcop roOf. iteia, Lot3sien,Tucaso,Mnvt3(M& ora3ire&OWtOK irf FaOM aad I ca3es Jars ,


SMi. u. i:s Beef. Am. Exn rrsu Twt,Ucanex wmis Oat IWt

EPSiXLtS axLca. OUSHI an. SI aai ratots. Sealed Unseed OU, 5 EL tinsl3sar mat Ocaca s&a.

Iron and Metals,t-- ,. Mm i. u-- - ac. suoatzed rire. H to 1! aa... . u- - ?m ..irtj L.rlM. .- nJ L2C4reITMi ..Wl. v -- w .Ma., !m t,- - Lli. HMSt.

eOow --feta. Itca. tors a&v. siieaaiSaas, IV Ut

HARDWARE,--,. JiiiKcia, Kaet llirris.



VU Q O TP 33 gJ "W --S.2""t-"""3 ,Are RaaSka. S-r- Stags. Fa&nc Ootlea Horses,Win. H.i I) --a. Casal Sairvwv

E&STERK PIKE BARRELS AND SHOOKS--spaces SJrf Hcis. awaited suet . HU FolMa,jcs raper Sags.

FURNITURE!--ranc3isars.'rKd$-:cia,CanairesaaUrSt,B2-,""-e!SdecjJI- .


McXurray's Txesli Oysters,Oo ai tve pocci cans

Aa Jtsst of Knowles' Steam Pumpsrte-- 3 two xo aerea.


JL 1Tel-Slcte- d JlJrtmenl of SASDIXS,I OIeraXd .HjUr.es-- .

Ccxr"S Ioaa aa Ts!sa Extncts.smaa caou-ae- t. Kalmoa aaS Xose--a.

CM 3s - BREWER t CO.

Preserved Meats and Fnuts,AiAOBTED TABLE FKCITS,

s Caaea a. Caiacea,Ox Fri Beet mad Xittoa.

f Tl 1 Tf -- -t-

12oxes Xciec An utC Uaa.As m geswial at of




Labor Contracts.rHE rXBEKSIGXEl HATE TULD PS&i JlXIOTceIta,a-anlllil!y.wl-ipeei-linues-att- e Xasex and fexraaiT laws asels force

afl!fl,iM '

SlEskForsEi of labor ContrEcU,

ac Sbc aS esse, whiei -- 3ey wnalfi new oiTer far sal--HHAeafiTizmrtsecnnloT merrmc. wiL the fsBaass-- v

SiUiae7are'w only foraa caw lacs saueccsnlyt4-- ayicrac ugna


.. ea wta tfleaea A. Jl3 tf X3P J1


CEAS. T. GCUCE.to taix- - to Gxacactx fir

tvt?iBascKoaa.Isaaaicx"Oai.rm1it iiajrtfc, MTt. HI in










Selected for this Market,

Just Received Per Haw. Bark Ka 3Ioi,


BLUE AND STRIPED I) EMMS,HEAVY Kuipes Blae and Wldte TVctluc.Browa Ohmw Dtilt. Ko' Cotton IirBl.Wblie Osnsn, ilorrockses' Lose Qotl,Brown Oottoas .ssorte. Tarter Ked.Usee asd Cetan Sheeting Llnea nd EotUnds,

Blue Fi&arel.Ktana L&wns.

Mosqoito ettinc,Scoteb Water-proo- f, German Water proof,Bedford OoMs, frSecias,


IHack and J? MroadclotJisa

CaiJimercs3 diagonals, c.

BKck tjutitir. Btock Cobourps,luttiB OoUis, BUck uid Oored Merinos,LUm aad lotte Ttrd,&S linen ad OoUoa IlamltercJiIeXs,Utam and Oetiaa Towels,XeritwO ad Oeuon SlocUncs and bocW

Asst. of Shawls, Umbrellas & ParasolsLarge asaorunent of sairu, and CndersM-t- a,

Large Asst. of Superior 'ClothingBed QoU:s. BUakets, Kc Canvas,JL!arta.Ktt of Barti , TwiaM, B--s and Gaacles,

TINE ASST. OE SADDLES,Blacked Treach Cmlfttlns.

Gimpav-der- , o 11 Snot.

3a: el i L tv .st jt e .Paimt Sheep S&ears. Tla Rates BaWalU's Metal.Baaca-ri- a Bntcdier Knifes, Fen and rocket do,edAnrh Ctarcoal Iroaa. pors,(alvaj-lse- d FmBa. L&i.tenis,Sneet ZSw, Feoc Wine, Hoop Iron, Kliets,SaZss, Perfenated Brass,

MnuB' TeOow --desaland Cuaposltioc.

v rappiue; 2r5o.iDoi-'- .

Fine Asst. of Rhine Wine,Flue aussortaieet of Claret, Cbampag-p- aajSpartVSsf Hoct. Gtrmaa A If. Barariaa Brown Brcr,Gin Id oms. Gin ia baskets. Alcohol 9t pr cent.

PIPES, HAVANA & GERMAN CIGARSFeifcjceir-- , Hair OS and Soaps, Brasses and Coons,


Toys and Fancy Goods, &cBaixnonlcas, Teainc Xnste-- s. Blaalc Books.Frtnttrg Pap Cx. OoreBope.tpcnrrn 3dJ-imc- . Causae Suda, rahaOZ,HcDcf Be Paints mad faint ORs,Bed Lead. Tesetlan FJd Tetlow Ochre.3Lin.ec Ea&i, Oein!o:xsaH toigaBoca,Coal Tar, Tar. BiicVa, lues,


WHITE BROTHERS,Empty Fetrefcs--a Barrels. Eap-- y Syrcp Barrel.S aod 0d OS Sio.ii. Bern Conulcers.Oat Soats, Cctch and GaaUer, BSci Brocuas.

All Groods atLowestMarket EatesAnd on Liberal Credit,from the ifte,--i yrsspay ertccted.

fcil Sra

FLORIDA WATER.JLnnay & Florida "Water !

THis CELEBRATED EljORAE PEBJtsieafavorue with the r..v..K oridtl

toned Into tie-- Islmads. i UxniSt Florida

chlrf. and b ali spera.-- u anyTe-fu- m ererlcS SilUcf.CA-Eix- j Uc lecU cmd SmtUxxMf titrmk. itaao aayx tie Irrltx&oa cmssed by xniuiary mtiau, mad

resnovn Him, Jridio, Piwrpia er ElX&nfram Siejaa,htt ka BM, a. uuci c KTTOmi mCCJUCAC JJ1U lpa-- 3 aSowoffresiaessaadTrgnr, rtowerer used aadlsaxriossgentle and odcr.

Fkz SaLi EvEXTwasmcIt S'tNiXY',

Eo Agent fsr the Hawaimn isUais.Jl . Trzit isfjiud d VtrMgjaam Pnco.and s thmtcmchbocxlebs the gexinine Txti-j- tr-- UrTSiV t IivHi-t- s

IXasiu Warn- - tc xy

U rf3frr.s choice pixrrarET. ihlakgm.mj nu..v, wxcj un, aac okw pemmes, iVtitrarworl--rtdecefetrtr--- . ToCtt ater, lAveadar

Mer, eiooca mer xaa ce GDiosxe, Lme Jmce andGljoe-ia- e for tie Hair. Honey. 'Windsor andotsex-- aoo-- a. Violet and Bice Powder, Aucaden-l- a farJieTeeti. it , Strstad. If. Bveat Sunt, and Is,OmiB, London. Sold by an Perxtsnera and G&cmle--x.

gtrltteied Ixade -- jrk aaierald-icrca- t. CS-l-y



rnsusnED ad edited byHENRY M. WHITXET.


Xlie Kusulnno In Turkey.

It has beoa a matter of great sorprisa to many

that the Ra-in- s with their va-- l superiority in

resources of all kinds, numerical, territorial and

financial tbould have been again and again so

chsaatroaslv, not to say digraceful!y, beaten

dnnng tbe present campaign. Tlie following ex-

tract from a letter of the very intelligent corres-

pondent ol the New York Times, dated Simmtia

Jcly 20lh, 1S77, as interesting to throning lighton this subject:

The intrepidity and steadiness of tbe RussiansoMie, the chivalrous gallantry of his officers,

is beyond nil praise, bat as an army Kasha'share not made one step forward since 1S54.

Killed mnikeu were in their infantry then, rifledcannon were nnknown, breechloaders were un-

dreamed of, and yet we see all the old nisiakeaand errors even of 182S bad enongh th n, butinfinitely wore now that modern ingennity hasextended the range or fire-ar- repeated inevery detail. Tlieirsncces-fu- l operations againstthe Tli erkiss and the Turkoman, which, likelhoe or the French against Kabyles and Be-

douin, were supposed to be a good trainingschool for the voong generation of officers, havebeen the rein of their army. Tor it has taoghtihein, a the French were taught, to despite andundervalue their enemv. Since the Crimeanwar the Rasian3 have never been pitted againstany civilized foe, where great masses werebrought in presence, and sow that their old fogychiefs find thera-elv- with tho-- e masses in theirbands, they are utterly at a loss how to u:e themAs early as 1S40 Marshal von Multke. to whomthe extraordinary suece-se- s of the GermanArmo have given a kind or infallibility in mili-

tary matters, signalled the difficulties attendantupon a campaign against the Turks. He show-

ed vhere they erred in 1823 and 1S29, andproved, algebraically almost, that they could

ever be completely and rapidly succeWai un-

less their oiierations were commenced upon amuch greater scale than bad hitherto been theircustom. But, as a little learning is always amost dangerous thine, these people profited bythe letter of adrite, bat had not the intelli-gence to understand its spirit. Ueneral Xepo-koitrhk- y

bad read Mullke's "books, and badseen how he had been snece-sf- ul in his enter-prise against l'aria, although he had ventured onUE siege with Meti still untaken in bi- - rear, ?ndbe thought that he could go and do likewise,and, simply masking the quadrilateral, couldmarch on victoriously to Adnanople, forgettingthat tbe Germans had already had an appren-ticeship to their new tactics in the campaignsagainst Denmark and Austria ; that Russia'slegions can no more be compared with those ofGermany than can the grear warriors of KingJohn of Abys-ini- a, and that the incapacity oftbe French Generals, even more than bis owntranscendent abilities, secured tbe success of aseries of operations which, against other ene- -

my man iue aisorgauizea, uauiy commsnaeaFrench, would hare had a very different issue,and that, with the enterprise and initiative ofAmerican troop', the leagners of Paris wouldhave never left the country except as exchangedprisoners.

Strategically and tactically, every conceptionhas been fanlty and every execution defective.Thre hundred thousand men crossed the I'rutb;2i0 000, according to their own accounts, are onTurkish territory, and with what results'! Theirsplendid army has been broken up into fragments:they have moved along eccentric, divergent out-er


Iiom, when each step forward removed eachfraction further from its base, and from all pout '

biluy of mutual support. Tbey bave fought j

tbeir troops in driblet, and now, after nearly'tix lweeks occnpalica of the oni-kir- ts of the enemy'scountry, they can only register in their favor thepassage of an undefended river, Ihe capture of apetty fortress by a force double the numbers of i

Us garri-o- n, and a successful raid to a positionia tne isiiKans wnicM one more defeat willrender ncteaable. They have no onranired !

future.is yellow for

honey-de- w

tainal in

overcome ablya

prophesied andiuiv uui mure tuau uu.utiu Italians

reached line of Turkish defendnot y of would ever get toDanube, occurrences of out 10

mv rIdnltinn mrbaled, not "partiality prejudice, upona anoIedKe the couatrv" and of qualities t

of the Torki-- h soldier.. I

eon XtituulistWhen ilr. Spargeon has anything to say heapt to it in a wav leave no doubt to

ms ice ioiiowidj- - is a case in point.In a late sermon Mr. Spargeon said "According the papers, a certain reverend , curatecharge in south has recently alluded to the

of confession in the following select andinstructive terra. He says Let them comeboldly to appointed priest to receive ab-- o

lotion. They not nov a tender tiewould soon spring up between ibetnselres andhim a tie more tender than ever existed be

any another

assertion, contrary sheonly coin;?

wives areiooe OOUOO IO ia reverenathis tender tie ? With this warningere they each one to march down thechurch with his wife his arm, see thegood gentleman intends to form this tet,derlie Will the fathers and brothers of Enritnd

contemplate this tvicg process withsatisfaction I is mven no tofy letbarey opoa matter of Popery, andiue- - aiiunr iiiKe lane pr.esta ior ever to onfrom one thing to another they fetchthe Pope and his cardinal, and blazice

and all I ws are atnocjas defend liberty or a rewould our own. Lberty not license, neither

liberty give leave to a servant to act as amaster. clenrr bound lo the reli--gion .1 tLe .:.".in way which the nation

and it has never yet, either by an Actof rtrliament oy any other mode of

agreed to the practice auricular confts--Sommon the men of England put it

or Jay,' Shall yonr andera xonfes3 to the parish clergyman,himself a priest 1 and Jt would be earned in tfcn

much enthusiasm waving ofhorse-whip- s. Why, then, the Ritualistic

allowed, in the name of the cation'sreligion, to carry on a loathsome practice whichbaa only to be mentioned to anivere&l

The of families bemaintained waile tte confessional exists? tha

may as left out from the' aauiary me women of the

household other confidants for moat

I Bull 3 taste, we are sure. the' 0?t!4yi. ol the past s sour. apple-tre- e and a ""JSa. ,i i.ituiier ue wusiu cave oeen ice reward of any

man tried to ' Ball's daught-ers. Happily that period has pissed away; butwe hope wil! find gentle butequally eScacioas of easilybeguiled, and will in some way or other atan this very ' tender tie' Oneof the best willle refrain enteringii only atplaces where the Gospel is preached the

mixture of rites. Too attendTractarian performances merely see the em-broidery, and postnnng; but fromseeing the softer sort on lo andthence to accepticg. the

before any or thesa ' tender tied trefanned."'

Sir John Lubbock on. Abu.In May number of the Popular Scienco

Monthly the new paper the Englishnaturalist on'tha habits of the Ants.1 From itwe quote tome strange things


another species, Polyergusthis is not the case. Tbey present a

sinking lesson of the degrading tendencyslavery, for they have become depend-ent on tn.eir slaves Een their bodily

a change mandibles havelost their teeth, have becunia mere nippers

deadly indeeed, but useless exceptwar. They have lost tbe greater part of

instincts. their art. that is, tbo poner of building; tlieir domestic naous, lor tuey take no careor young, all this being dona by tbe slaves ;their industry they take no ptrt in providingthe daily supplies if colony thesituation of its masters are all carriedby the slaves to new one ; they haveeven lost the habit of feeding. ilnber placedthirty of them, with some Urix and pups, and asupply of booey in a box. ', At Got," saje,"tbey appeared to .pay some litllo tothe LirvajftEey carried hero and there,but pre-enl- ly replaced them. More than ouohalf of tbe A masons died of hunger in less thantwo days. They had not even traced oatdwelling, and tbe few ants still m exuleocewere langmd and without I comaiiscr-ale- d

cordmon.and'gave them one ofblack companions. This individualorder, formed a chamber in the earth, gatheringtogether the larvx extricated several autswere ready to quit the condition of pups, andpreserved of the remaining Amazons.'

This observation has been fully couSrmed byother naturalists. HoneversmaU the prison, however large the quarlity food, tbeso stupid crea-

tures will starve in midst of plenty ratherthan feed themselves. I have a nest of thisspecies under observation for a long lime, butnever saw one of the masters feeding. I havekept isolated for weeks by givingthem slave for an hour two u day to cleanand feed them, and under these circumstancesthey in peifecl beatm, wliUo but forthe slaves they would have perished in two orthree days. 1 know no olber case in nature ofspecies having lost instinct ol

rrt'on.NG the habits or ants.I have kept in captivity nearly half of our

British species of ants, and at tne present mo-

ment have in my room more than thirty nests,belonging lo about twenty species, some of which,however, are not English. Xo two species areidentical in hibit3, and on various accountsmode of life is far from easy lo unravel. Infirst place most of tbeir time is parsed under-

ground ; all tbe education of the young, for in-

stance, is earned on in the dark. Agais, autsare essentially gregarious ; u is in some casesdifficult keep a by in captviiiy, ai auy rate tueir uauits uuaer sucacircumstances are entirely altered. If, on the

hand, a whole community is kept, then tbegreater number introduces a element ofdifficulty and complexity. within tbesame species, the seem lo differ incharacter, and even tbe same individual will be- -

very differently under different in circumstances then, ants attracted

attention ol tnanv naturalists Gould, DdGeer, Swammerdam, Latreille, Leeuwenhoeck.jjube'r aDlj bare recently been the object ofinteresting by Frederick Smith.Belt, Moggridse, Mayr, Emery, Forel, andotLers, they still present one of the most promis

for and experiment.


food of ants consists of insects greatnumbers of which they destroy of honey , honey-de-

and fruit : indeed scarcely any orsweet subtance comes amiss to them. Somespecies such, for instance, as the small browngarden ant ascend bashes in search of aphides,The ant then taps the gently with ber

and tbe emits a drop of sweet fljid,which the ant drinks. Sometimes tbe ants evenbaild covered op to and over tbe aphides, iwnicn, moreover, tuey protect irotn toe atlhCKS

other insects. Our English ants do not collectiof for the winter tudeeJ, is

not or a na'nre which would admit of this. Somesouthern species, however, collect grain, occa-- ,sioually ia considerable quantities. Moreover,tnougn our ingiisn ants cannot be said exactlyto lav no stores, some at least do take sleo3 lo

ol nrnaence to mat ol soma

Kvarts CoutriictInr ix Sentence.our wa3 C6a"ne 10 P m w!len 1Ir

E-- . our erudite of Slate, sealedhimself io his to construct a tinglesentence which h proposed incorporating in aforthcoming speech. He had devoted an hourto the work when Mrs. EvarU raised her headfrom her pillow, shaded her eyes with her hand

shrilly sung oat : "William! are you nevercoming to bed ?" The Secretary, without liftinghis eyes from hn sharply responded:"It is absolutely imperative, my dear, that tbebrief sentence, npon which I am now engaged,thenture oi which is a matter of no momentyoa, should be brought to a conclusion while mymind is in sympathy with tbe subject. Itdetain me not longer a minute two."When dock struck twelve a nuiht cappedbead again called : "Do come to bed K., itis gelling very late." "The sentence is nearmgcompletion," returned the statesman.

ni-- ht " Mr TVum rinen ins npn. tirlM nfT

bis slippers, and testify replied, io Richard GrantWhite's" Everyday Enpiish:' "0, ves, I'llcome right away. J suppose lean get np a cou-ple of hours before breakfast and finish this sen-

tence." And in !e-- s than fifteen minoles theSecretary of Slate was in bed, dreaming of

I f..n j. -. .a c : r, i.fguages.-Xorrist-

owa ll'erald.

Xlic Commander ol RussianIr'orce.

The fsllowtng, from an English paper, indicatesthat the real comzander of the Bassian forces is aPole, who served in the Crimean war of ISM aci 5.

i.ne watt 01 military snecess 07 ice cuius....XTaj -r - B0 'ma deS"e u telr"at of b,e Genvls. The Grand Dnke Jfieiolas

ne looking, tail, forty-ii- x jears old, a brother of'he Ciar, ai kaaghtya Prince sj the Honse of Eom- -

' has ever and a soldier u devoid of aaU,tirr history tt any review aod parade guardsman. Tbe Grind Dnke is a mere figurehead, guid-

ed and by bis Chief of Staff, General2iepokovtchixky, tbe Mo'lie ef Eujjia,. He hasbeen in active service since the age sixteen or fatthat j j tin put, bnt has cad scarcely any Seidexpnences He spent a few days ia Sebastopol

' dnnng the siege, and was, wben quite a youth at- -

tacked for two vein to the reneral staff of the armyf f tie Caneisai, where he toot parr ia a few iktrm- -! "V -- . - ""." "

I SV and is at present the chief of all theI UU.M.J uiutie si ise " .t, ..--

uebea as hu assulant. It is rather a staggerer tothose who believe that lie Poles are completely des-

pised, down-tredie- and oppressed bj tbeir crs

tilt tie chief cf tie Itassiaa general staff inthe Dmcab.a- - ar-a- y, and tie xnaa who will actuallylead and command the Bossiaa forces, u aGeneral Nepokojtchiiky' ongin hu for a long time

a to his bat Lis abilitiesart too sot to be ultimatelj acknowledged. liewax, daring tin wu of 1S53-54- , of staff in FifthArmy Corps, coamandei by General lenders. Hewas the leading spirit all tie operations on theDanube dnnng that war, and has cow tbe incalcula-ble operating on a field perfectly fami-liar to bun. He has niclced oat for Bnradiers andDivision Geserals xnea wha icrvei under him 21

ago u captains aad majors, asd who, aessri-ngl-

the Saasbias region last ai well as hedoes."

Stockholm Tar, in Bbls.T ECEITED PER HA HOI.

commi-saria- t, they are without money, and, ' provide themselves with food in the 'Ihewhat worse all, notwithstanding tbeir j small meados aat (L-tsi- fliTU").

perseverance, and dinng, they are ! stance, lives principally on the ofone single General who is capable of I aphides wbieh'sack the roots of grass. Tbe

successfully commanding a brigade. I ways ants the aphides the nest, not onlysupposed that there would be great and serious watching over them themselves, bat, as I haveobstacles to before their Inurnp was been to satisfy myself, even over tneir eggs

d, but I never anticipated so utter col- - an act which one is much tempted to refer tolapse. I at the beginning or the ; t, which in such a case implies a


tbe second thetbem bad. the

and lha thednvs fnllr wh,h I

upon or butof the

Spurs; on Conle-sor- s.

is fay to asmeaning.


to innthe


God'sdid what




tween husband and wife other relation.' --M(fit ehall DOt mon0pol1Ze my timeThis u very frank language, and deserves to be minute." It was half past two when Mrs. Evartawell weighed. We do not troth of again awoke, and seeing her husband still writ-tb- e

but, on the believe it to gg rapidly, impatiently cried: "Hcsband,be too true Who are the whose do come lo bedl Or are yon to sit op all

tamer bybefore them

going toon and


also coolour nation a Jead.

the wiU

gotill over

red hats,states those who would

warmly lha Catholicbat

doeThe are do


or ipres- -noo, ofsion. andTea' wives daught- -

who calls

negative amid andare


exciteexecration! peace can never

word home" well beween

have their

auite In hirhar- -

who confess' John

that Paterfamillesways protecting tbe

putend to business.

ways to fromAnglican and attending

withoutEd Popish many


go admiring,Bettercut connectionat once,

tbeappears of


In however,


'structurehas undergone : their


lu their


; the changesnut, the

the nay,




strength.their their








atbe feeding.


to fen alive them-elve- s




haveAlthough, bave



ing fields observation



their food

decree sunenoreavages.



maaa-crip- t,


shallthan or


Xew Tork



anoff prodoeei,


eEp-n- t


hinderance cromoticn,great


isadvantage cf



or ,






jlu, anrsaie by E0IXE3 4 CO.

llrlfr,b.nm Younp Dead.Salt Lake City, August 29th. Brifhata Touat;

ditd at4 o'clock this afternoon of InMaraaUoa ofthe bowels. lie has been sick aboal a week. ThtraIs no discutslnc the fact that hlv death. will uaUrtally weaken, if not the Mormon Church.The litigations and oompllcallons which mult iramt-dlalel- y

arose from the financial troubles his avaricehat entailed upon the Church can bard! be lur-vit-

It Ii conceded on all tides to night that theloccetsorship to the position of the Preildene; willbe bitterly contested by the friends of John "T.Young and Brigham Young jr., the Prophet's sons,and Geo. Q Cannon and John Taylor. Tbe majorityof the leading Mormons will oppose tbe succession ofthe Young family. Tbediri'Ion, if not disintegra-tion, of the Church Is predicted by the most tnteltl-ce-

and best rotted cititens. Tbe removal of Brig- -ham Young will be the emancipation of thouianJifrom tbe rule of the priesthood.

The opposition to the tuccetiion of either John W.Young or Brigbam Young, Jr., to the Presidencyof tne Church, is outspoken; and in many cases mottbitter. John )Y., who is the only one at all fitted bynatural or acquired ability for Ihe poiluoo, it finan-cially a bankrupt, and has until the last tix monthsbeen suspected of apostacy. lie returned from anEastern residence last Fall, embarrassed, and im-

posed heavy Ioei upon tbe Prophet, upon whosecredit be had been operating, lie was made FintCounsellor to Pretident Brigham, without passingthrough the subordinate gtadet of promotion, con-

trary to the usages of the Church, in order to pla-- e

him in the line of succession, and since that time behas been very active, with BrigbaoVt assistance, inworking bis way into a position to fill tbe Prophet'splace when the time came. The appointments havebeen made and wires laid with that end in view,bnt there is a strong, outpoken, aod rapidly organ-izing opposition to tho Young dynasty, based upuuthe personal unfitness of the candidates, as well asupon the determination on the part of the Churchleaders to rid tbemielies or the pecuniary emoar-rasaen-

that Brigham's avarice and selfish man-

agement bave entailed upon tbo Churob and to beexempt from tbe developments the last few monthshave made of the murders and "blood atonement"doctrines of tbe Church, which are claimed to s,

and not legitimate Mormoniam. A strongparty favor the retention of the succession in abey-ance, allow'.ng John Taylor, who is the President efthe Council of Tttelve, to act a ex officio Presidentof tbe Church. Tajlor is not only ambitions, butentirely unscrupulous. He was with Joeph and Hiram Smith at auroo, at tbe time ol tneirassassina-tien- ,

and was filled with bullets on that occasion.He is not a business man, but in every sense of tbeword, a religious fanatic, with more brains than theProphet's son. A strong faction favor Oeorgo Q.Cannon, who has been a great favorite of Brigham's.He is a smooth, cunning, well spoSten man, an pop-

ular with Ihe masses, lie has been a member of thePresident's household, and has occupie I a positionof confidence, which he roast in a great measure be-

tray to the weakening of John W. Young's chances,by being a candidate him-el- There are many whonot only believe but openly express the opinion thattho Presidency should be taken from th family ofJoseph Smithr and this class do not hesitate to applvtbe words, "intruder" and "usutper" to BrighamYoung, and declare that tbe succession shall not passto his familv. The contest will be a bitter one, andwhatever diSculty there may be in predicting the re-

sult, it is safe to say that the Yonog dynasty is prac-tically at an end, and that the struggle for powerand authority will distract and shake tho Church O-rganisation and the recrimination that will accompanythis contest will be carefully gathered op by the"outsiders" as legitimate frmts of a warfare in whichthey bare no other interest than the total annihda-tio- n

of all tbe belligerents. S. F. Atta.

Good Advicb. Mr. Bryant, the venerableeditor of the Xow York Evening Post, gave ayoung contributor to his paper some ad icewhich U susceptible of a aide application. Hesaid : young friend, I observe that youhavo used several French expressions fn yourarticle. I think if you mil study the hnglishlanguage that you will find It capable of express-ing all the ideas you may bave. I havo aiwayafound it so, and in all that I bave written I donot recall an instaoca where I sras tempted touse a foreign word, but that, on searching, Ifound a better one in my own language."

Genkrai. Banks' Method of Dealimj wmian-- Enemt. General Banks can craw I out of asmall hole as majestically as any man who everlived. Yesterday he remarked to Mr. Blaino"There are no onweary ones on our side." Mr.Blaine reported, "Which is the gentleman's side?"Most men in bis position would have been em-

barrassed, but tbe General, with this usual dig-

nity, replied, "It is the side of the Constitutionof the United States and of tbe laws made inpursuance thereof." A story is told ol the Gent-ra-

t, that during tbe war one ol bis staff camerushing in while he was at breakfast, anil gasp-

ed. '''I he rebels are advancing upon us rapidly;our outposts have been attacked and our picketsdriven in ; what shall be done!" The Generaleat serenely at tbe table, and with a wave of bishand, said grandly, "Repulse the enemy at once."


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4UEBXAX PAPERS.Leslie's IUns bated Weekly 1.00Oenoaola, weekly..,- - 1.09New Tork ZeJtnns. weeklr 5.00Sail Francisco Zeltung, weekly s tnKews of Germany and --Switzerland... . LOOCberiand and Meer. , (00Vienna Illnstrated Zeitunc, aemteaonthly. COO

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Pocket Knives and Gold Pens.FTXEST ASSORTzCEVr OF GOLDTHE Pea and Peac3 Cases, cf new and elegant

cittenia. ever aeen In Hooololo. Also. Gent's andLadles fine Poetet CaUexa, and a few of those cheap andstrccz floy's Knives, at

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Assortment of Goods,

Comprising a Large Assortment of


Shirts, Clothing-- ,

Broad Cloth,



Steel Ploughs-.an- d Coulters I

Bags and llnKfTlng:.

Oilcloth, Velvet Ilucs,


Blood Wolfe & Co's Ale,

Comat Ale,

Pis Braud Stout.

Oilmen's Stores,

Wines and Spirits, Alcohol,


Champagne and Red Bar Claret i









a oratorsAnd Weston's Centrifugals,



THEO. H. jDAVIES.651 3m

WILDER CO.,Importers and Dealers in











AT,SO, OIV DBCLLVIA Most Complete Stock of

DRY REDWOOD!Scantling ; Plank, surfaced and rongb,Boards, surfaced and rough ; Battens,

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Of Eastern and California Make.





"TTTTI ffj



No 5 Merchant Stxeet,

HAVIXO TIIORarGKLTSTSCTKXATIZEBand lately added larr-I- y to Ms Star,

would call tho attention of old friends and tie pobUc. to.theAato-unenl-


SIBAL MsiiNQl!Snnmeratad below, which




Bouiv Moaseanx. Bnliun. ren and Ftla,SUIery Moaaeaox. Hck-Jcc- k Jt Co-,- 1

cn earre. atonic!(quarts and prats.)

BRANDIESMartell. jcuinern Vineyard Proprietors Co.

Henneeay, De Luge, F1U A Co.

WHISKIES:J. It. Cutter, O K," KentncSy Favorite.

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WINES :California Hoc, Sherry, Olcrtr,

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AL.ES:Blood. Wolfe Co., lad Coop. A Co..

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Kaiser, A. Holler's,(pints and quarts.)

PORTERS:Blood. Wolfe Co., Abbot's.

McEwan's, (pints and quarts) Jufttea.

BITTERS :Eerma Blanco, Von IlumboUt'a,

Angostura, Uoa tetter's.bchomberg, Mplcur.

Boaeta, Orange. As.

Curacaa. Maraschino,Vermouth, Absinthe,

1'ecanter Cordials,syrups,

Schwcdiah Fnnch, ddALSO


Boats, Walnta Ivory,Davits. Caaka and OU Barrels,

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Virginia Hug Tobacco, Butcher Knives,Cigars. llamMwiIums. dr.

Stockings. Ut 1m

THE THALBERG PIANO.THE want has lon been frit of a food useful Family

Piano, to meet this want the Thalners Piano la now Intro-

duced Into this market and the paUonaxe or th Public laconfidently solicited. These are made of a uniformSTAN-D- BI).

Full Seven Octave Solid Iron Frame.

OVERSTHUXd Baas Carved leirs Round Front Corners, Serpantlne Monldlngs and Dounla veneered Re-woo- d

Cases combined with CLEARNESS andJIICIINKSS of TONE BEAETY of flnl-- h mnd cfthe

Most Celebrated Make.!PURCHASERS may therefore order these ineuu.

mentm with conlldence aa each la fully warranted. Atthese Instruments will be largely need In schools aodConvents, special iodncementa il be given to parchaaerafor soch purposes and alao to Clergymen for the nsa oftheir famlUee.

It may be asked how it la possible to supply a GOODWarranted 1'IAN O at about one half the price frequentlycharged. The answer l plain. There are no Una showItooms to keep np, no grand Music Hall's to maintain andnoexpenstvelravelllngax-entstopa- Tbe Piano can there-fore-

offered to the public at Bottom prices. TheMottoes of the Thalberg Piano are

A Piano for Every FamilySMALL PROFITS

With Large Saks, and

CHEAP FOR CASH!'Gainst Bear on CrediC

THE special points of advantage of this IXSTBC-HES-TAHKhKlSOAEIl XATERLtL,MIDiO

Workmanship, Uniform quality. Full, gmranteed richnessof Tone and MODERATE: PRICE.

Samples of these Pianos and fullpartlcnlarscanbe ob-

tained from II. M WHlXiET,Agent of the Thalberg Pianos for Ihe Uawauan Islands.For fie season of 1877 the Thallbers Piano la still oaVed

as me caan price or

$3oO!Bnt the size of the Instrument la Increased to "evenami Oue-- t hint OctHvea, mod the A trrall'e Treblehas been added, making wliooat exceptiua the most aetractlve and best toned Instrument In the world. ,

N. B. Parties residing on any of the other Islands cmahave Photographs of these. Instruments furnished on ap-plication, aa lyr



A brier Description or tbe Ila-rslla- n Islands,tbeir Uarttora. Atrrlcul InnU Reunrtes,

Plantations, Sceaer-r- . oleanctcs.Climate, Popalatlau, asstl

Coaimfrre ; vrllB.a. SIAJP, J. 3BT7IjXa AJIIAJ3n3r,

BEFEEEXCBi T KEAKI.T TWOhundred Tuples of Interest, or places to be visited is

this Group.

This Eeally Valuaole Hand-Boo-k




To Vuil this Group, or Seeiiruj Informationabout tha Island.

It gives lest the information wanted by Tourists andla-mlgrac- t.

vitaCotorTraTeIlBsr,l.IrlBg-,TLHd.A:- c

TPrlcG Fifty- - Cents!Mane to any part of the Called States or Enrep.

For 65 Cent, Pall Poitage Prepaid.ADDBES3:

i. m. wnrrxET, nosotsig."WHITE & BAUKU. Baa rrandaeo.

Ml ia OOBDOX UOTtal, Sydney, If. 8. W.

Asaesaorr for the several taxation d!arlcU of th Xla-do- m

br ta year 1877:

rirnZEXS A3TB REBIBE-rr- S OF M9S8iy I u RtrerrsreneraHy ara

eonllanylnvlted to attend Public Worship mtPOKTBT.CUUBCH, where Services are held every biiwn. "o'clocJcA.JC.and 7K P.Jt- - Seata are proridsdfor allwho maybe pleased to attend. Tier la aeventa Prayer UeeUnj; at 7 o'clock, la M LaetaraKoca.toirUch sJIarewtlcome. tzlly

