.. ... - Jtusaictvffli N. Y^ .IUday, November IS, 1957 owtMnx utminMKSmBBi Pleasants - M allard D ucks p \ Capons' - Fryiers ' AKNUSn game : F A R M PbMe 8-«611 DeDd. N. V. PAMOUS ffVlllR iU IC I No ariMT b n ^ p«n«tnrtM hair to •Hmulal* Hi* matf CM•ff*criv*ly. fohancM th« wavs; brings mm springing, «hlnlng baowty. - YovrAoriierindFifllar Brush DMter, CHARLES J. HC»1MEL JR. Write or Call STAMFORD, N. Y., R. D. STAMFORD 5818 THE ROXBURY NEWS Monday, Nov. 12, 1957 \ Irma M. Gxiffin, Editor a>ee BFD a t Grand Gorge Tfiere is a movanMit to have rural free delivery at Grand Gorge. Roxbury has had rural free delivery since it was iasti: tuted in 1907. Joanne Looise Arrives ( A daughter, Joanne Louise, five pounds 13 ounces, was bom Election day to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Jr. at the Mar- garetville hospital Mrs. William d a rk of Cteeonta has beoi visiting Mrs. Helen K. Bates and Miss Marion Keeveny. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haynes of Pawling were recent ovein^t guests of their cousin, Mrs. David B. Brower. I BozlNiry Adds Two A daughter, weighing eifSit pounds 13% ounces, was bom Fri- day, Nov. 8 , to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert J. Haggerty at tlie Margaret- ville hospit&L " A son, Vincent Ifoward, was bram Thursday, Nov. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. E^rerett Snyder at the Mar- garetville hospit^. Mr; and Mrs. E. Crosby Morse left Wednesday for their winter home at DeLand, Fla. Went to norlda Mrs. Leo Morse accompanied Mrs. \^rginia Kcanlos of Marga- retville to Key West, Fla., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayes of Long Valley Spent Armistice week^d with Mr. and lite. How- ard Cartwright. The “Sputnik hop,” sdieduled for Friday night was cancelled^ by the school dosing b ^ u se of the flu. \ Mrs. Carrie Finch, Mrs. Frances Finkle and Irma M. Griffin were in Oneonta Thursday. Also in Oneonta were M ^ Andrew Gray, Mrs. Charles Shultis and Mrs. Charles H. Reed. r Mrs. Robert Elndi and daugh- ter, Lois, of Sand Lake called hCTe for the funeral of Paul Jenkins, have r^natoed to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ilnch. Robert has returned to Sand Lake. Lewis Higgins Jr., young son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Higgins, is a patient at Margaretville hos- pitjal where he is receiving treat- ment f<n: his leg. Mrs. Howard Pi Gibbs is a pa- tient at Margaretville hospital | Mr. rad Mrs. Frank T. Bouton and children, Carol and Rpbert, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Car- meli of New York city spent the wedcend with Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bouton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slaus(» took their son, Alan, to a spedal- i^t in Kingston last Wednesday, because of nasal hemoniiages f<d- Ibwing the flu. Alan is mudi bet- ter now and able to be out. The Roxbury Reading dub met Monday evening at the library of the central schOoL “The ' Last Angry Man,” a novd by Gerald Grtene, was reviewed by Mrs. Fred W a]^le. Gentle Kiii^t," a biograi^ of Walter White, w rittra by his wife, PoK>y Cannon, was reviewed fay .M rs. Bruce Caswdl. Seme oth^ bodts were planned but illness preveiit- ed their review. liindon B. Morse was speaker at the Rotary did> Mqnday eve- ning. He showed slides taken at the district conference at the Concord in Monticello, whidt he and other Rotarians had attended. The seccmd in a series of study groups on “Raice Rdations” was hdd Sunday evoiing at the Jay Gould Manorial Reformed diurch. Bernard Hickey of Newburgl^ spent a few days with his daugh- ter^ Mrs. William Graham. Thomas Brady of N ew bu^ spent the weekend with his unde, and aunt, Mr. land Mrs. Graham. James Hickey, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Graham has returned to his home in California. Snow was D e^ Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Taylor and family spent Armistice weekend at Salmtmca with Mr. Taylor's AMERICA'S BIGGEST CAR VALUE—ON SALE TODAYI N EW 1958 M EBCUEY SHOWN (above) ARE COLONf PARK STATION WAGON; MONTEREY PHAETON COUPE (cenier) THE MONTCUIR PHAETON SEDAN. \ Only car to bring you SporJts-Car Spirit ... w ith Lim ousine ^ de Mercuiy introduces the year’s biggest advance in car performance_a combina- tion of the superb control and handling ease of a sports car_plus the room, ride, and comfort of a limousine. 4 SERIES OF MERCURYS TO CHOOSE FROM IN *58. PRICES START JUST ABOVE THE LOWEST. T h e M o n te r^ aeoBB^ 5 modds within easy reach^lrayffls of low-priced cais. For only a few doIlaiB m m , M em ny’s six M ontdairs give yoa many additional luxury features. *niere*s a dioice of six station wagon modds in 3 price ranges. For magnifinencB imlimitoMi, there are 3 models in the entirdy new Park Lane aeries. And, even here, prices aie suipiian(^ modest. ANNOUNaNG AN ENTIRELY NEW FAMILY OF MARAUDER ENGINES WITH UNIQUE COOUPOWER DESIGN. T he great engineering advances of "Cool-Powar” Design in<dude n ^. In-Uock Combustion, Water-flow Intake *Manifdid, 3-stage Cooling, imd Cool-heid Valves'. Power and fud once lost to heat and friction are put to work for you. T hm are thnee new Marauder V-8 ’s with 312, 330 and 360 lq>. iaze aU teamed with a new hi^i-economy rear to pve yoa man power, more mileage from Jess fud. ADVANCED TREND^ETTING STYUNG-WONDBIFUL HBH DRIVING AIDS. Mercury continues its leadersh9 -.not only iit stjiing, bob in features. For example, new Sqier-Safe sdf- adjustvis ivakes. New M ulti-D i^ Merc-O-Matic' in the Park L i^ series. And you can get features like a %eed-limit Safety Monitor, automatic power lufaricatlon, maiqr othors. We invite you to attend tiie first dxowing. / THE BIG M B B B B 1I93S M ERCU RY DELAW ARE MOTORS CO. 234-238 Main Stre^ MargaretviUc, N. V. mother, iSxs. Gladys Taylor, and brothec^in-law^and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jadi Button. TTiey reported deep snow at Salmanca, viiidi necessitated shoveling before they could get odt niey were sur- prised at - ;^e small amount of snow in the Catskills. Mr. and Mrs. Obe Zuidona North Haledon, N, J., spent the Aimistice w eel^d at their new home above Roxbury. Robert L. Van Valkenburgh Is a patient'at Margaretville hosi^- tal.'^ Mrs. Van Valkenburgh is visking her daught^, Mrs. Wil- liam Grenolds, at VestaL Mr. and Mrs. Gus Poli and son, Gus jr., of Grand Gorge, Robert Hitchcock and Miss Carol Fonda of Bleidieim were Suxday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Reed. Mrs. Dorothy Stone of Stam- ford was a Sunday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reed, on Spruce* street and Mr. and Mrs. Samud Moscotti of Mar- garetville were also guests. Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Stone of Stam- ford called Monday at the Reed home. ' Deer Damaged Oar Rev. Gerald B Bostodc accom- panied several young pe<^le: Misses Arlene and Patricia How- ard, Elizabeth Weber and IJoyd Procter, to a youth rally at Pou^ikeepsie on Annistice day. On returning, a deer ran into Mr. Bostock’s car between Pratts- ville and Grand Gorge, damaging it subtly. WIU Elect Deacons Due to the school senior play date being moved frran the 15th to the 22 nd, the annual congrega- tional meeting of the Reformed church will be held this Friday at 7:45 at the church. Elders to succeed Howard P. Gibbs and Don- ald More, deacons to succeed George Raeder and Harold Hink- ley and to fill out Don Kelley’s terms will be elected. The 1958 budget will be submitted for adoption. The Roxbury American Legion post met Thursday night, Nov. 7, with William Frever^, ,commander, presiding at the meeting. It was dedded to cancd the annual Vet- erans’^day services because of the flu epidemic in Roxbury. Twelve memliers were present. Refresh- ments were served after the meet- ing. William Mattice was in charge of the refreshm ^t com- mittee. The county Legion meet- ing will be held in Margaretville Wednesday, the 20th. Junior Legionl b^eball will be discussed then. ,A new garage is being built at the Reformed church manse. So far, 23 men have ^ven 144 |iours of work. All is done except paint- ing and puttmg in the floor. 1&. and Mrs. Addison. Laslie^ of Selkirk were SatuMay guests of Mrs. Van -Vfoeri^^ K ^ e th Shaver of Pou^ikeep^ sie spent Sunday with Mr. and W&rs. Henry Van Vladk. William Donovan of Philadel- phia, Pa., and Ray Lenn of Pat- erson, N. J., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce German. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Caswell and childr^, Roxanne and Jeffrey, of. Plainville, Conn., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pebler. Mrs. Dewey E. Caswell of Plainville accompany them and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ploutz. Mrs. Adelbert Caswell and children remained for a two- week visit. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and chil- dren, ^ th y , Rose and Patrick, and Mrs. Zayda CH^ and daughter, Phyllis, of Grand Gorge were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Granson Slater and Mrs. B. H. Bennett spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bennett at Stamford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freden- burgh and children, Frederick and Gary, of Rcmie were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Teischmann. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCune and daughter, Donna, visited Mr. and Mrs. James J. Andrews at Andes last Sunday. Miss Anna E. Gockel of Grand Gorge spent from *niursday to Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and rMs. Harry Godcd. M r.'and Mrs. Omar J. Griffin are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D ous^ K. Griffin at Packanadc Lake, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Robol Bradley of Westwood, N. J., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. James Bradley. Mr; and Mrs, James Bradley Jr. of Edgewater) N. J., were guests last weekdid of Mr. Bradley’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bradl^. li was their first visit to R(»cbury since thdr marriage Sept 28 at a Baptist diurdi at Lancast^, S. C. Mrs. Bradley is the former SQss Barbara Strawn at Lan- caster. Mr. Bradley wrate t<a Lever Brothers in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bellows of Margaretville called Saturday on Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley. Miss Joan Dugan spent last week with Iifr. and Mrs. Hairy Pebler and sc»i, Ralirii, at Linden- h u r^ R a l^ Pd>ler accranpanled lifiss Jocm Dugan, his fiancee, home and spent the weekmd with Roxbmy Pine Gro«besdks V isit Rosdbuiy Roxbury, Nov. 6 .—^A number of pine grosbeaks have been fly- ing about the vicinity this fall. Some years these birds were nu- merous and sane years none is seen. Th^r are beautiful birds. The nudes are rose-cdor as to head and breast and the females have a ydlow head. Miss Brenda German celebrat- ed her 10th birthday Wednesday after sdiod by a party at her home at which six girls were present: Ldnda Hinkley, Joan Wheeler, Kathleen Rhyner, Ldnda* G^gory and Rose PurchdL Dtivid Munsell has a position in the office of the Ddawfu^e and Hudson railroad company at Al- bany. He graduated last Jime fh»n Delhi Agricultural school. Mrs. Carrie H. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. G eoi^ Hoag and Mrs. Kath- erine Scudder wwe at Middle- burgh Friday ni^t, where they attended the reception for Mrs. Johnson, Eastern Star commis- sioner o fAPPeals. R ali^ Morse of Sussex, N. J., spent the weekend with his moth- er, Mrs. Carrie H. Morse. Samud G. Lutz, Andrew F. Lutz and Thomas A. Porter at- tended the funeral of Dr. Charles H. Snow at the Havey funeral home in Yonkers Thursday. Miss Virginia Gaines was a del- egate fnnn Ithaca college, where she is a student, to a M o^ Con- stitutional convention at Syra- cuse university on Oct. 30 and 31. 'The Roxbury Democratic dub will meet at 8 p. m. Nov. 13 at the Grand Gorge fire house. Listen Veterans! Government checks for pension, compensation, insura^ and other benefits paid by the VA may now be forwarded to a persra’s new address when he or she nioves, providing a regular post office change of address- form ,is filed with the Post Office Depart- ment Until tliis law was passed by the 85th Congress such checks could not be forwarded by the post office but had to be returned to the VA. Persons who change their addresses, neverthdess, are urged to file a formal change of address with the VA. These forms and assistance in ccnnplet- ing them may be obtained from this office. Christmas parcels should be nuuled between November 1 and November 20 to members of the U. S. armed forces serving over- seas. A 70-pound ceiling W£is set by officials as the maximum w e ^ t for most packages sent overseas with the exception of cer- tain areas serviced through New York. The weight of the pack- ages for those {iteas may not » - «:eed^5p poudd&-.In additi<m to ^ ' u ^ a l normally, pro- hibited m attes "and lifte r fluid may ' not be mailed to overseas m ilitary addresses. Questions about .the^ri^ts and benefits of veterans, serviconen or their departments may be sub- mitted for individual attention to the Delaware County Veterans’ Service Agency or the New York State Division of Veterans’ Af- fair, Court House, DelhL his unde and aunt, Mp. and Mrs. George Pebler. Several students from Roxbury attended tiie Ncnr York State BiisiiiesslNiiectory Arkville MobOgds Sdrvke Stati<« jromrHU<mKS Urea Tnbos Wm M ok OreMlac Jester’s Funeral Hmae Andea. ST. Y. Phone Andes « m AMBULANCE siatVlCB LKNN SDTTIJS CHIROMtACTOR IS Tmaumi S t, Waltoa VbooB ft-S54« VtsnStfO Monday thra Fridays faO->!Oa Mon., Wed..FtLBwB THE F. A. BARTLETT TREE EXTORT CO. Local RejireMntative ALVA MOORE Murgan«vin& N. Y. . Pkone Klngrton S74S MICHAEL Oaipenter and Calrinet _ General Contractor AltoraHcnu Bepalrs Cabinet Work neiaotamaana S82 Ceramic Tile Setting Old and New Work Hree Eatfanates Domeatle or Conmieielal ROBERT HAOOERTY Penvwr.N.Y. Ph.RoxbarySIT? H. F. B A B T i^ CHIROPRACTOR Wednesdays Fk«u 1 P. M. Aeademy S t, Blaq;aretvllle Phone 0175 FOR FARM&HC^ SUPPLIES PHONE Margaretville 0871 Dugan & Taber bcorporated MABOABETVnXE. N. Y. rnrnimiimmiimmmmmm School Music Assodation area All- state in Oneonta Nov. 8 and 9, Friday and Saturday.. Present for thechprus were Judy Etts, Nancy M oi^, Sylvia Lutz, James Ross and liloyd Procter. For the band were Joan Rettmder and Patricia Numann. Hieir music teacher. Miss Beatrice Hinman, attended and the parents took turns in driving. Saturday eve- ning those who attended the om- cert at Oneonta were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Ross, Mrs. Stan- ley Etts, Me. and Mrs. Kenneth Rickard and A. Wesley Lee, Ru- dolph Gorsch' Jr. Miss Susan Ives, and Mr.« and Mrs. Reginald Fow- ler. . Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tyler of Roscoe were Sunday guests of Mrs. Tyler’s mother, Mrs. Andrew Schuman. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corsi of New York spent the Armistice weekend at their Roxbury home. Supreme Court Judge and Mrs. Sidney Foster of Liberty spent the weekend at the Corsi home. Mrs. Jolm ^Minton spent Thurs- day in Albany. Cynthia German, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce German, was a patient at St. Peter’s hospital, Albany, for 10^ days with a kidney ailment She has return^ and is at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Sqphie R estcha^ because her brothers, Raymond and Joaepb, have the flu at present Mr.^ and Mrs. Robert Keyser and son, Larry, of F<»da, Mrs. Bradley Case of Conesville and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood o£ Cobleskill were weekend guests of Mrs. John VanWcamer and son Peter. Clint<Hr Hunter, in the M arin i stationed at Camp LeJeune, N. C., came home Wednesday frar a 15- day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Ridiard Y. Todd d Youngsville were wedcend guests of Mrs. Charles H. Morse. Mrs. Herbert Happerd>erg left for New Yoric dty Monday to re- cdve treatmrat for a onu^ed bone in her anbJe. REVERENCE IS THE KEYNOTE OF OUR FINE SERVICES In tiie Tradition Of Yotff Own Faitb Our services 4re conducted in com- plete accord with the church of your faith and inter- ment arranged in any cemetery of your choice. Our service is pers(»ial- ized. Herrick’s Funoal Home Phone OSSl Cor. Chureh and Walnut Margaretville LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Notice is hereby ^ to provisions of sectimi l^V tf the hi^way law that Omar J/Griffin has recommended to the Town Board ot the Town of Roxbury, the purdiase of one used podthw 4-wheel drive truck, G.V.wT^,000 lbs., eq^pped witii V58 SP Frink Show P l^ and 12-foot levdine wing, idow and v ^ g to be foil power hydraulic' cmtroiled from cab. The cost not to exceed $4,000.00. The Town Board wiH meet at the Town Cleric’s Office in the Village of Roxbury woy. 2^ 1967, at 7:00 P. M. and ludd a public hearing to crasider sudi purdiase. The Town Board of the Town (rf Dxbury invites sealed bids for the sal6 and delivery to the Town of Roxbury of the above described ; specification may be firwn Omar J. Cmffin, S 1^>»intald«lt of Highways, of tlie Town of Roadwry. Bids will be received by the Town Clerk, at his <^ce in the village of Roxbury until time., of Hearing Nov. 22, 1957, a t 7:00 P. M. at which time said bids will be publidy opened as provided by seetkm 103 of the General Munid- pel law. ‘By Order of the Town Board i £UISHALL J. SLAUS(»r Town CleriE, Town of Rogd>ury- nl5c the VUlai

Transcript of T H E RO X BU RY N E W S...

.. . .. -

J tu sa ic tv ffli N. Y^ .IUday, November IS, 1957 owtMnx utminMKSmBBi

P l e a s a n t s - M a l l a r d D u c k sp \

C a p o n s ' - F ry ie rs '

A K N U S n g a m e : F A R MPbMe 8-«611 DeDd. N. V.

PAMOUS ffVlllR iUICINo ariMT b n ^ p«n«tnrtM hair to •Hmulal* Hi* m atf CM •ff*criv*ly. fohancM th« wavs; brings mm springing, «hlnlng baowty. -

YovrAoriierindFifllar Brush DMter,

C H A R L E S J . H C » 1 M E L J R .

Write or Call STAMFORD, N. Y., R. D. STAMFORD 5818

T H E R O X B U R Y N E W SMonday, Nov. 12, 1957 \ Irma M. Gxiffin, Editor

a>ee BFD at Grand GorgeTfiere is a movanM it to have

ru ra l free delivery a t Grand Gorge. Roxbury has had rural free delivery since i t was iasti: tu ted in 1907.

Joanne Looise Arrives (A daughter, Joanne Louise,

five pounds 13 ounces, was bom Election day to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Jr. a t the Mar- garetville hospital

Mrs. W illiam d a r k of Cteeonta has beo i visiting Mrs. Helen K. Bates and Miss M arion Keeveny.

Mr. and Mrs. F red Haynes of Pawling w ere recent o v e in ^ t guests of th e ir cousin, Mrs. David B. Brower.

I BozlNiry Adds TwoA daughter, weighing eifSit

pounds 13% ounces, was bom F ri­day, Nov. 8 , to Mr. and Mrs. Rob­e r t J . H aggerty a t tlie M argaret- ville hospit&L "

A son, Vincent Ifoward, was bram Thursday, Nov. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. E^rerett Snyder a t the Mar- garetville hospit^.

Mr; and Mrs. E. Crosby Morse le ft Wednesday for th e ir w inter home a t DeLand, Fla.

W ent to n o rld aMrs. Leo Morse accompanied

Mrs. \^ rg in ia Kcanlos of M arga- retville to Key W est, F la., fo r a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayes of Long Valley Spent Armistice w eek ^ d w ith Mr. and lite . How­ard Cartw right.

The “Sputnik hop,” sdieduled for Friday night was cancelled^ by the school dosing b ^ u s e of the flu. \

Mrs. Carrie Finch, Mrs. Frances Finkle and Irm a M. Griffin were in Oneonta Thursday. Also in Oneonta w ere M ^ Andrew Gray, Mrs. Charles Shultis and Mrs. Charles H. Reed. r

Mrs. Robert E lndi and daugh­te r , Lois, of Sand Lake called hCTe for the funeral of Paul Jenkins, have r^natoed to spend some tim e w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jesse iln ch . Robert has returned to Sand Lake.

Lewis Higgins Jr., young son of M r. and Mrs. Lewis Higgins, is a patient a t M argaretville hos- pitjal where he is receiving trea t­m ent f<n: his leg.

Mrs. Howard Pi Gibbs is a pa­tien t a t M argaretville hospital |

Mr. ra d Mrs. F rank T. Bouton and children, Carol and Rpbert, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Car- meli of New York city spent the wedcend w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M. Bouton.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slaus(» took their son, Alan, to a spedal- i^t in Kingston last Wednesday,

because of nasal hem oniiages f<d- Ibwing the flu. Alan is m udi bet­te r now and able to be out.

The Roxbury Reading du b m et Monday evening a t the library of the central schOoL “The ' Last Angry Man,” a novd by Gerald Grtene, was reviewed by Mrs. F red W a]^le . GentleK iii^ t," a b io g ra i^ of W alter W hite, w rittra by his wife, PoK>y Cannon, was reviewed fay .M rs. Bruce Caswdl. Seme o th ^ bodts were planned bu t illness preveiit- ed their review.

liindon B. Morse was speaker a t the Rotary did> Mqnday eve­ning. He showed slides taken a t the district conference a t the Concord in Monticello, w hidt he and other R otarians had attended.

The seccmd in a series of study groups on “Raice R dations” w as h d d Sunday evoiing a t the Jay Gould M anorial Reformed diurch.

Bernard Hickey of Newburgl^ spent a few days w ith his daugh- ter^ Mrs. W illiam G r a h a m . Thomas Brady of N e w b u ^ spent the weekend w ith his unde, and aunt, Mr. land Mrs. Graham. Jam es Hickey, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Graham has returned to his home in California.

Snow was D e ^Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Taylor and

family spent Armistice weekend a t Salmtmca w ith Mr. Taylor's

A M E R I C A ' S B I G G E S T C A R V A L U E — O N S A L E T O D A Y I

N E W 1 9 5 8 M E B C U E Y


\O n ly c a r to b r in g y o u S po rJts-C ar S p ir it

. . . w i th L im o u s in e ^ d eMercuiy introduces the year’s biggest advance in car performance_a combina­tion of the superb control and handling ease of a sports car_plus the room, ride, and comfort of a limousine.4 SERIES OF MERCURYS TO CHOOSE FROM IN *58. PRICES START JUST ABOVE THE LOWEST. The M o n te r^ ae o B B ^5 m odds w ithin easy reach ^ lray ffls o f low-priced cais. For only a few doIlaiB m m , M em ny’s six M ontdairs give yoa m any additional luxury features. *niere*s a dioice of six station wagon m odds in 3 price ranges. For magnifinencB imlimitoMi, there are 3 models in the en tirdy new Park Lane aeries. And, even here, prices a ie su ip iia n (^ modest.

ANNOUNaNG AN ENTIRELY NEW FAMILY OF MARAUDER ENGINES WITH UNIQUE COOUPOWER DESIGN. The greatengineering advances of "Cool-Powar” Design in<dude n ^ . In-Uock Combustion, Water-flow Intake *Manifdid, 3-stage Cooling, imd Cool-heid Valves'. Power and fu d once lost to heat and friction are p u t to work for you. T h m are thnee new M arauder V-8 ’s w ith 312, 330 and 360 lq>. iaze aUteamed w ith a new hi^i-economy rear to p v e yoa m a n power, more mileage from Jess fu d .

ADVANCED TREND^ETTING STYUNG-WONDBIFUL HBH DRIVING AIDS. M ercury continues its leadersh9 - .n o t only iit stjiing , bob in features. For example, new Sqier-Safe sdf- adjustvis ivakes. New M u lti-D i^ Merc-O-Matic' in the Park L i ^ series. And you can get features like a % eed-lim it Safety M onitor, autom atic power lufaricatlon, maiqr othors. We invite you to attend tiie first dxowing.


T H E B I G M B B B B 1 I 9 3 S M E R C U R Y

D E L A W A R E M O T O R S C O .2 3 4 - 2 3 8 M a in S t r e ^ M a rg a re tv iU c , N . V.

m other, iSxs. Gladys Taylor, and brothec^in-law^and sister, M r. and Mrs. J a d i Button. TTiey reported deep snow a t Salmanca, v iiid inecessitated shoveling before they could get o d t n ie y w ere su r­prised a t - ;^e small am ount of snow in the Catskills.

Mr. and Mrs. Obe Zuidona N orth Haledon, N , J., spent the A im istice w e e l^ d a t their new home above Roxbury.

R obert L. Van Valkenburgh Is a p a tie n t'a t M argaretville hosi^- tal.' Mrs. Van Valkenburgh is visking h er d augh t^ , Mrs. Wil­liam Grenolds, a t VestaL

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Poli and son, Gus jr ., of Grand Gorge, Robert Hitchcock and Miss Carol Fondaof Bleidieim were Suxday eve­ning guests of M r. and Mrs. Otis Reed.

Mrs. Dorothy Stone of Stam ­ford was a Sunday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reed, on Spruce* stree t and Mr. and Mrs. Sam ud Moscotti of M ar­garetville were also guests. Mr.' and Mrs. H arold Stone of Stam ­ford called Monday a t the Reed home.

' Deer Damaged OarRev. Gerald B Bostodc accom­

panied several young pe<^le: Misses Arlene and Patric ia How­ard, Elizabeth W eber and IJoyd Procter, to a youth rally a t Pou^ikeepsie on A nnistice day. On returning, a deer ran into Mr. Bostock’s car between P ra tts- ville and Grand Gorge, damaging i t su b tly .

WIU E lect DeaconsDue to the school senior play

date being moved frran the 15th to the 2 2 nd, the annual congrega­tional meeting of the Reformed church will be held this Friday a t 7:45 a t the church. Elders to succeed Howard P. Gibbs and Don­ald More, deacons to succeed George Raeder and Harold Hink- ley and to fill out Don Kelley’s term s will be elected. The 1958 budget will be subm itted for adoption.

The Roxbury American Legion post m et Thursday night, Nov. 7, w ith William Frever^, , commander, presiding a t the meeting. I t was dedded to cancd the annual Vet- erans’ day services because of the flu epidemic in Roxbury. Twelve memliers were present. Refresh­ments were served after the m eet­ing. W illiam M attice was in charge of the re fresh m ^ t com­m ittee. The county Legion m eet­ing will be held in M argaretville Wednesday, the 20th. Junior Legionl b ^ eb a ll w ill be discussed then.

,A new garage is being built a t the Reformed church manse. So far, 23 men have ^ven 144 |iours of work. All is done except paint­ing and puttm g in the floor.

1&. and Mrs. Addison. Laslie^ of Selkirk w ere SatuM ay guests of Mrs. V an -Vfoeri^^

K ^ e t h Shaver of Pou^ikeep^ sie spent Sunday w ith Mr. and W&rs. Henry Van Vladk.

W illiam Donovan of Philadel­phia, Pa., and Ray Lenn of P a t­erson, N. J., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce German.

Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Caswell and ch ild r^ , Roxanne and Jeffrey, of. Plainville, Conn., spent the weekend w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pebler. Mrs. Dewey E. Caswell of Plainville accom pany them and spent the weekend w ith Mr. and Mrs. JamesB. Ploutz. Mrs. Adelbert Caswell and children remained for a two- week visit.

Mr. and Mrs. M arshall and chil­dren, ^ th y , Rose and Patrick, and Mrs. Zayda C H ^ and daughter, Phyllis, of Grand Gorge were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Osborn.

Mr. and Mrs. Granson Slater and Mrs. B. H. B ennett spent Sun­day w ith Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B ennett a t Stamford.

Mr. and Mrs. H arry Freden- burgh and children, Frederick and Gary, of Rcmie w ere weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Teischmann.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCune and daughter, Donna, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J . Andrews a t Andes last Sunday.

Miss Anna E. Gockel of Grand Gorge spent from *niursday to Sunday w ith her grandparents, Mr. and rMs. H arry Godcd.

M r.'an d Mrs. Omar J . Griffin are spending a few days w ith Mr. and Mrs. D o u s ^ K. Griffin a t Packanadc Lake, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. R o b o l Bradley of Westwood, N. J., spent Sunday w ith Mr. and M is. Jam es Bradley. Mr; and M rs, Jam es Bradley Jr. of Edgewater) N. J., w ere guests la s t w eekdid of Mr. Bradley’s par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es B rad l^ . l i was th e ir firs t visit to R(»cbury since th d r m arriage S e p t 28 a t a B aptist d iu rd i a t L ancast^ , S. C. Mrs. Bradley is the form er SQss B arbara Straw n at Lan­caster. Mr. Bradley w rate t<a Lever Brothers in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bellows of M argaretville called Saturday on Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Bradley.

Miss Joan Dugan spent last week w ith Iifr. and Mrs. H a iry Pebler and sc»i, Ralirii, a t Linden- h u r ^ R a l^ Pd>ler accranpanled lifiss Jocm Dugan, his fiancee, home and spent th e weekm d with

R o xb m y

P in e G ro«besdks

V is it R o sd b u iyRoxbury, Nov. 6 .— A number

of pine grosbeaks have been fly­ing about the vicinity th is fall. Some years these birds were nu­merous and sa n e years none is seen. T h^r are beautiful birds. The nudes a re rose-cdor as to head and breast and the females have a ydlow head.

Miss Brenda German celebrat­ed h er 10th birthday Wednesday a fte r sd io d by a party a t her home a t which six girls were present: Ldnda Hinkley, Joan W heeler, K athleen Rhyner, Ldnda* G ^gory and Rose PurchdL

Dtivid Munsell has a position in the office of the Ddawfu^e and Hudson railroad company a t Al­bany. H e graduated last Jime fh»n Delhi A gricultural school.

Mrs. Carrie H. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. G e o i^ Hoag and Mrs. K ath­erine Scudder w w e a t Middle- burgh Friday n i^ t , where they attended the reception for Mrs. Johnson, E astern S ta r commis­sioner o fAPPeals.

R a li^ Morse of Sussex, N. J., spent the weekend w ith his moth­er, Mrs. C arrie H. Morse.

Sam ud G. Lutz, Andrew F. Lutz and Thomas A. P orter a t­tended the funeral of Dr. CharlesH. Snow a t the Havey funeral home in Yonkers Thursday.

Miss Virginia Gaines was a del­egate fnnn Ithaca college, where she is a student, to a M o ^ Con­stitutional convention a t Syra­cuse university on Oct. 30 and 31.

'The Roxbury Democratic dub will m eet a t 8 p. m. Nov. 13 a t the Grand Gorge fire house.

L isten V eterans!Government checks for pension,

compensation, in s u r a ^ a n d other benefits paid by the VA may now be forwarded to a persra’s new address when he or she nioves, providing a regular postoffice change of address- form ,is filed w ith the Post Office D epart­m en t Until tliis law was passed by the 85th Congress such checks could no t be forwarded by the post office but had to be returned to the VA. Persons who change their addresses, neverthdess, are urged to file a form al change of address w ith the VA. These forms and assistance in ccnnplet- ing them may be obtained from th is office.

Christm as parcels should be nuuled between November 1 and November 20 to members of the U. S. arm ed forces serving over­seas. A 70-pound ceiling W£is se t by officials as the maximum w e ^ t for m ost packages sent overseas w ith the exception of cer­ta in areas serviced through New York. The weight of th e pack­ages fo r those {iteas m ay not » - «:eed^5p poudd& -.In additi<m to ^ ' u ^ a l normally, pro­hibited m a t te s "and l i f t e r fluid m ay ' not be m ailed to overseas m ilitary addresses.

Questions about .th e ^ ri^ ts and benefits of veterans, serviconen or th e ir departm ents m ay be sub­m itted for individual attention to the Delaware County Veterans’ Service Agency o r the New York S tate Division of Veterans’ Af­fair, Court House, DelhL

his u n d e and aunt, Mp. and Mrs. George Pebler.

Several students from Roxbury attended tiie Ncnr York State

BiisiiiesslNiiectoryArkville MobOgds

Sdrvke Stati<« jromrHU<mKS

Urea TnbosWm Mok OreMlac

Jester’s Funeral HmaeAndea. ST. Y.

Phone Andes « m AMBULANCE siatVlCB


CHIROMtACTORIS Tm au m i S t, Waltoa

VbooB ft-S54« VtsnStfO Monday thra Fridays faO->!Oa Mon., Wed..FtLBwB


ALVA MOORE Murgan«vin& N. Y.

. Pkone Klngrton S74S

MICHAELOaipenter and Calrinet _

General Contractor AltoraHcnu Bepalrs

Cabinet Work neiaotamaana S82

Ceramic Tile SettingOld and New Work

Hree Eatfanates Domeatle or Conmieielal



Wednesdays Fk«u 1 P. M. Aeademy S t, Blaq;aretvllle

Phone 0175


F A R M & H C ^




D u g a n & T a b e rbcorporated

MABOABETVnXE. N. Y.rnrnimiimmiimmmmmm

School Music Assodation area All­sta te in Oneonta Nov. 8 and 9, Friday and Saturday.. Present for thechprus were Judy E tts, Nancy M oi^ , Sylvia Lutz, Jam es Ross and liloyd Procter. F or the band were Joan R ettm der and Patric ia Numann. H ieir music teacher. Miss Beatrice Hinman, attended and the parents took turns in driving. Saturday eve­ning those who attended the om - cert a t Oneonta were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F . Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Ross, Mrs. S tan­ley E tts, Me. and Mrs. Kenneth Rickard and A. Wesley Lee, Ru­dolph Gorsch' Jr. Miss Susan Ives, and Mr.« and Mrs. Reginald Fow­ler. .

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tyler of Roscoe were Sunday guests of Mrs. Tyler’s mother, Mrs. Andrew Schuman.

0Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corsi of

New York spent the Armistice weekend a t their Roxbury home. Supreme Court Judge and Mrs. Sidney Foster of L iberty spent the weekend a t the Corsi home.

Mrs. Jolm ^Minton spent Thurs­day in Albany.

Cynthia German, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce German, was a patient a t St. P eter’s hospital, Albany, for 10 days w ith a kidney ailm ent She has re tu rn ^ and is a t the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Sqphie R e s tc h a ^ because her brothers, Raymond and Joaepb, have the flu a t p resen t

Mr.^ and Mrs. Robert Keyser and son, L arry, of F<»da, Mrs. Bradley Case of Conesville and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood o£ Cobleskill were weekend guests of Mrs. John VanWcamer and son Peter.

Clint<Hr H unter, in the M a r in i stationed a t Camp LeJeune, N. C., came home Wednesday frar a 15- day furlough w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B ert Hunter.

Mr. and Mrs. R idiard Y. Todd d Youngsville were wedcend guests of Mrs. Charles H. Morse.

Mrs. H erbert Happerd>erg left fo r New Yoric d ty Monday to re- cdve trea tm ra t for a onu^ed bone in her anbJe.



In tiie Tradition Of Yotff Own Faitb

O ur services 4re conducted in com­plete accord with the church of your faith and in ter­m ent arranged in any cem etery of your choice. Our service is pers(»ial- ized.

Herrick’s Funoal Home

Phone OSSlCor. Chureh and

W alnut M argaretville


Notice is hereby ^ to provisions of sectimi l^ V tf the h i^ w a y law th a t Omar J/G riffin has recommended to the Town Board ot the Town of Roxbury,the purdiase of one used podthw 4-wheel drive truck, G.V .wT^,000 lbs., eq^pped witii V58 SP F rink Show P l ^ and 12-foot levdine wing, idow and v ^ g to be foil power hydraulic' cm troiled from cab. The cost no t to exceed $4,000.00. The Town Board wiHm eet a t th e Town Cleric’s Office in the Village of Roxbury woy. 2 ^ 1967, a t 7:00 P . M. and ludd a public hearing to crasider su d i purdiase.

The Town Board of th e Town (rf Dxbury invites sealed bids for the

sal6 and delivery to th e Tow n of Roxbury of the above described

; specification m ay be firwn O m ar J. Cmffin,

S 1 > » in ta ld « lt of Highways, of tlie Town of Roadwry.

Bids w ill be received by the Town Clerk, a t his < ^ c e in th e village of Roxbury until time., of H earing Nov. 22, 1957, a t 7:00 P . M. a t which tim e said bids will be publidy opened as provided by seetkm 103 of th e General M unid- pel law.

‘By O rder of th e Town Board i £UISHALL J . SLAUS(»r Town CleriE, Town of Rogd>ury-

n l5c

the VUlai