T Blackfoot Optim Republican. ist - Library of Congress...not fail to attend the presentation of...

Republican. T he B lackfoot O ptim ist OFFICIAL PAPER OF BLACKFQPT CITY AND BINGHAM CO., IDA. VOL. IX. NO. 13 BLACKFOOT, BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24,1916 $2 j 00 PER YEAR m CHARLEY HARRIS DINED Payette, Feb. 19.—Charles E. Harris, grand chancellor of Knights of Pyth- ias, visited the Payette Pythians Thursday evening when the fifty-first Pythian anniversary, which came on the 19th of this month, was celebrated in the nature of a reception for the grand chancellor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sturdevant, lO.'iO Cen- tral avenue. Besides the local Knights and Pythian Sisters a representative of the Weiser Knights and some local invited guests were present. A splendidly appointed dinner was served at 7:30. Attorney Kenward was master of ceremonies. Mayor Venable welcomed, the grand chancellor, who made an appropriate and instructive response. Toasts were responded to by almost all present. The affair was one of the nicest in the social way that Payette has had this year.—Capital News. Farewell Party A very pretty party was given Wed- nesday evening at the home of the Parkinson ’s in honor of Fred Heese, who goes on a mission on the 4th of March. The evening was spent m play- ing games and dancing, after which a dainty lunch was served. Among those present were: Ernest Scanell, Robert Robbins, Tacher Allred, John Chapman, Floyd McDonald, George Heese, Lucile Evans, Leonore Jordan, Ida Chapman, Anna Heese, Mary Tanner, Lyman Tanner and Phillip Buckland. Children Injured Tuesday morning the delivery horse and wagon of the Blackfoot Packing company ran away and came near do- ing great bodily injury. Paul Smith’s little boy and girl were riding a tri- cycle on Bridge street near the Kinney Mercantile company, when the runaway horse collided with them. The little children were knocked down and run over, and quite badly bruised, the boy’s injuries being the most serious, and caused him to vomit blood. Their tricycle was badly damaged. Club Entertains The Helping Hand Club entertained their husbands and families last Friday evening at the home of H. S. Peck. About forty persons were present, and the evening was spent in music and games, after which a palatable lunch- eon was served. For Sale or Trade Carload of good work horses that are all broke and gentle and in good condition. They are for sale or trade for war horses. Apply at the Fail- grounds .or the Commercial Hotel for particulars. SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY Mr. Aleck Younie, president of the First Nationak bank, an« the Farmers’ Milling company, reached the seventy- fifth milestone in life’s journey last Tuesday (Washington’s birthday), which was celebrated by a surprise birthday party at the home of his dau- ghter, Mrs. E. M. Kennedy. Among the many pleasant features of the party was a cake with seventy-five candles. Mr. Younie, who is a native of Quebec, Canada, arid the father of three child- ren and nine grandchildren, is still active and hearty, and capable of doing as much work as most men not half his age. AT LAST OVERTAKEN W. L. West, one of the alleged cattle rustlers who broke jail about a year ago and shot Ferdinand Faekrell in the leg for trying to capture him, was ar- rested last week by the Salt Lake City authorities who notified the sheriff’s of- fice of their capture. Last Saturday Sheriff Simmons brought him back to his old quarters in the’ Bingham coun- ty jail where he will be a carefully en- tertained guest. He will be charged with an attempt to commit murder, and possibly with the crime of jail-break - ing. THE “ NEW YORK WORLD’S’’ COMMENT ON WELSH SINOERS Sylvester Rowling, musical critic of the New York Evening World has the following to say of the concert given by “ The Gwent Welsh Male Singers’’ in Aeolian Hall of New York City: The Gwent Welsh Male Singers scor- ed antoher success last night at Aeol- ian Hall. A large audience enjoyed their lovely singing and demanded sev- eral extra numbers. The name Gwent is Welsh for Monmouthshire, the coun- ty in Wales from which the singers come. While some of the choruses were in Welsh far the greater part were in English, and admirably sung they were too. The individual voices were of ex- cellent quality and the choir disclosed splendid unison, fine precision and bal- ance, clean cut attack and delightful nuance- This is the same organization which will appear at High School Auditorium Blackfoot, Idaho, on the evening of Feb. 25th, with the exception of the vacancies which were cap sod by the Lusitania disaster in which several, of the singers and former conductor Mr. George F. Davis, lost their lives. Mr. David Johns, one of the most success- ful conductors in Wales succeeds Mr. Davis. An entire new program is a feature of their forthcoming engage- ment. Tickets at Power’s Pharmacy. l I-« * % jrUM 3 MAKES A t ttLm ftn ! \ « à jAMMUNittO « -V THE PRINCIPAL IB ALL RIGHT—WHETHER YOU WANT TO FIGHT OR NOT. ARE ENTITLED TO PASSES A person holding office of presid- ent of a stake of t.he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a min - ister of religion within the meaning of the law, namely, subdivision 3, sec- tion 16, chapter 16, 1913 session laws, according to an opinion handed down from the office of the attorney gen- eral Friday. According to this, he is legally permitted or eligible to receive free transportation within the state of Idaho from a railroad company. The I torney General Dunning in response to , an inquiry. Qualified Minister , I The opinion says: I “ It is the opinion of this office that : a person holding office of president of a stake of the Church of Jesus I Christ of Latter-day Saints is a min- ister of religion within the meaning ^of said law. DISCLAIMS NEWSPAPER INTEREST The news item published in this paper on the 10th inst., stating that the Aberdeen Times had been sold and that D. W. Davis of American Falls was one of the purchasers, and Commission- er Fugate of Aberdeen, was another, seems to have been either a political canard, or the imagination of a Demo- cratic editor. Col. Fugate of Aberdeen denied this alleged guilt in connection with the reported newspaper sale be- opinion was written by Assistant At- article was published, and now after the article has been widely cir- culated by the newspapers of the state, for political purposes, no doubt, comes Air. Davis, the Republican farmer banker candidate for governor, an<l em- phatically declares his innocence of the charge made against him. We know Mr. Davis socially and commercially as a man of unquestioned veracity, and when he says he is not interested in . , , . . . . the Aberdeen Times we know he is I “ Such olheer is regularly ordained, I . , , „ ,, .... , , not, and therefore cheerfully publish is authorized amt required to lecture .. , i. .u I- L his denial of the charge made against Going on a Mission or preach the doctrine of the church and solemnize marriages. Such offi- ’ cers are not paid a salary, and it is ^ our understanding that such denoniiua- 1 tion does not have salaried preachers or ministers. “ It is the opinion of this office that a person duly ordained in his respec- him by Editor Toner, Mr. Davis fur- ther informs us by phone that he has not got a dollar invested in the news- Fred II. Hesse leaves oil the 4th of March for Scandinavia on a mission for. the L. D. S. Church, and expects to be gone between two and three years. He was born in Blackfoot twenty years ago, and for the last two years has been a trusted time-keeper in the local sugar factory. The First Ward Church will honor him with a farewell party next Monday. A large attendance and a good time is expected. Washington Birthday Party Last Saturday evening Johnny Pow- ers entertained the L 4’s and the AI. B.’s at his home which was patrioti- cally decorated with the Star and Stripes in honor of the Father of his Oonntrv. Buy Your International Stock Food Co.’s Stock Food, Tonic, Oils, and Remedies of Powers’ Pharmacy The San-Tox Store—Where Everybody Goes. A Full Line Always on Hand paper field of Idaho, and does not in- tend to have any such investment. If the charge made by his Republican gubernatorial opponent and namesake, jthat the editors who sell their editorial tive church to officiate and adminis- S|,a(.e is at all true, we do not blame ter, either with or without compensa-1any decent man from disowning any tion, is a minister of religion within personal interest in liewspaperdoin— the meaning of such laws, even fol. his dear wife’s sake, at least, though, in the interval between a[ pointments, such person resorts t secular employment as a means of sul sisting himself and family. •People of Blackfoot who like to see a gooil dramatic performance should not fail to attend the presentation of “ The Amazons" at the High School Auditorium here next Monday niaht. This high-class comedy drama will be Pillion, Alont., Feb. 19.—A quarter of presented by the Shelley High School Dramatic company. This same company at Shellev recently and Thirty Cent Wool a million pounds of wool was contract- ed today at 30 -cents or better by Bos- ton buyers. Senator E. O. Sehvay was the first to contract. This is the first wool sold in Alontana in 1916. highest price was paid for wo Beaverhead country, the biggest region in the state. A Good Operetta The juvenile operetta “ Preclosa- given at the Isis theatre last night by a bevy of bright boj s and girls uudei the direction and instruction of Airs. Effa Duke was well attended and very much appreciated by the audience. The little stars displayed marked ability and pains in their training, and re- flected much credit on their instructor, Mrs. Effa Duke. played the pic scored a big hit, there not being a weak spot in the entire cast. The pro- The , duetion is under the personal direction at j nf Aliss Mary Spencer, one of the cool I Shelley school faculty, who has a won- derful amount of dramatic ability. Ali who attend will be agreeably surprised at the completeness of this presentation of a splendid drama. Subscribe for The Optimist. THERMO-THERAPY INSTITUTE All cases of rheumatism, no mattei of how long standing, and all chronic diseases yield speedily to our treatment Special attention to diseases of women and children. Graduate nurse in attendance. Consultation at all hours. Rooms 7-8-9 Blenkle Bldg. (Over i P e a r s o n ’s.) Phone No. 398. adv. PARKINSON Unlimited Amts, of Money To loan on good farm securities. Interest 8 per cent. No waiting is necessary if title is right. Land inspected by F. C. Parkinson. Office No. 11 Pacific Street Blackfoot, Idaho. PROPERTY BRINGS GOOD PRICE Last Saturday the resilience proper- ty on the southwest corner of Pacific and Taylor streets, which was the pro perty of W. E. Barnhart of Spokane, Wash., was sold for $6000, to Messrs. W. E. ami B. W. Hopkins, the well- known butchers. While most people seem to think that the price was high for residence property, the new owners do not agree with them and think the property which is soon destined to be- come business property, was very rea- sonable. The sale was made by J. II. McDonald. Mr. Barnhart, who is an ex-resident of Blaekfoot where he was in the renl estate business with .1. H. McDonald, bought this property twen- ty-seven, years ago for $200, and it has been a revenue produced ever since. The lot is 50x125, and the improve- ments consist of a residence and barn. It is rumored that the Hopkins broth- ers will build an up-to-date market and cold storage plant on the property in the near future. PYTHIAN MINSTREL Numerous Would-BeSheriffs The county political pot has suddenly commenced to boil quite strenuously. The sheriff’s office seems to be a great magnet for office seekers, as there are about a half dozen whose political am- bition prompts them to a desire to suc- ceed Sheriff Simmons, who we are in- formed is not seriously opposed to a second term. One of the rumored aspirants when interviewed said, “ maybe,’’ and another denied the ul- legation. All of them seem to be quiet ly feeling the public pulse as to their chances of success. We have also been informed that one of these would-be sheriffs again hails from Shelley, he is a Republican and his name is Packer. He is politically inclined, and we be- lieve would take a long chance to reach to reach the sheriff’s salary. ; On March 6 and 7, at the Orpheum the K. of P. Lodge are going to stage the real show of the season. They have been working for about three weeks on a minstrel show under the direction of F. I). Turner, who is an old minstrel man. They have gotten together Black- foot’s best talent, ami you are assur- ed ft musical treat. Anyone who does not like to have a hearty laugh should stay away for the local jokes of tin end men will sure make you laugh. There are thirty people in the oast, and an 8-piece orchestra. Latest songs, good dancing and a marvel in special scenery. Prices 50c and 75c. Get your seats early. CLAINED THE PUBSE The little purse we found in the postoitiee several weeks ago and adver- tised for owner brought forth several purse losers other than the one adver- tised. But last Saturday J. H. Allred called and identified the purse in ques- tion and was familiar with its silver contents and took the lost purse home with manv thanks to the finder. Coal Thieves Punished Two Atexieans were before Judgo Doud last Thursday and were fined $20 each, which they failed to pay and are now doing time in the county jail- Tliey were caught in the act of robbing a car by railroad detectives, who seem to lie ever on the nlert for cool tress- passers. Charity Ball. The Kings Daughters will give their nniiual charity ball in Progress Hall next Tuesday, February 29th. Tickets $ 1. 00. Orpheum Theatre | Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 29, Mar. 1 “The Rosary” A Selig Red Seal Play in Seven Reels. Written by Edward E. Rose from his wonderful stage drama. It is as Good as Any Sermon e The Earning Power of Money All are invited through Um* purchase of time deposits to profit by our ex- collent facilities and liroai experience in the investment market. Time deposits are issued in conveni- eut amounts, large or small as desired, and mature in months or a year. Their purchase permits careful, in- telligent investment of individual funds by this institution, insures absolute safety, a definite and lilu r:il rate of interest, amt a form of investment that iB readily negotiable at will. (’all today and we will nish further information. gladly fur- D. W. Standrod & Co. Bankers Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Wo pay 4 per tent, interest, compounded quarterly in our Savings Department or (Certificate* of Deposit.) BLACKFOOT IDAHO J)

Transcript of T Blackfoot Optim Republican. ist - Library of Congress...not fail to attend the presentation of...

Page 1: T Blackfoot Optim Republican. ist - Library of Congress...not fail to attend the presentation of “The Amazons" at the High School Auditorium here next Monday niaht. This high-class






P ay e tte , Feb. 19.—Charles E. H arris ,

g ran d chancellor o f K n igh ts o f P y th ­

ias, v isited th e P ay e tte P y th ian s

T hursday evening when the fifty-first

P y th ia n ann iversary , which came on

th e 19th o f th is month, w as ce lebrated in the na tu re o f a reception fo r the g rand chancellor a t the home o f M r. and M rs. W. C. S tu rdevan t, lO.'iO Cen­tr a l avenue. Besides th e local K n igh ts and P y th ia n S isters a rep resen ta tive of the W eiser K n igh ts and some local in v ited guests w ere p resent.

A splendidly appoin ted d inner was served a t 7:30. A tto rney K enw ard was m aster o f ceremonies. M ayor V enable welcomed, the g rand chancellor, who m ade an app rop ria te and in stru c tiv e response. T oasts w ere responded to by alm ost all present. The affair was one o f the nicest in th e social w ay th a t P a y e tte has had th is year.—C apital News.

Farewell Party

A very p re tty p arty w as given W ed­nesday evening a t th e home o f the P ark inson ’s in honor o f F red Heese, who goes on a mission on the 4th of M arch. The evening w as spen t m p lay ­ing gam es and dancing, a f te r which a d a in ty lunch was served. Among those p resen t w ere: E rnest Scanell, R obert R obbins, Tacher A llred, John Chapm an, F loyd M cDonald, George H eese, Lucile E vans, Leonore Jo rd an , Ida Chapm an, A nna Heese, M ary T anner, Lym an T anner and P h illip Buckland.

Children Injured

Tuesday m orning th e delivery horse and wagon o f th e B lackfoot Pack ing com pany ran aw ay and came near do ­ing g rea t bodily in ju ry . P au l S m ith ’s l i t t le boy and g irl w ere rid ing a t r i ­cycle on Bridge s tree t near th e K inney M ercan tile com pany, when the runaw ay horse collided w ith them. The little ch ildren w ere knocked down and run over, and qu ite badly bruised, the b o y ’s in ju ries being th e most serious, and caused him to vom it blood. Their tricycle was badly dam aged.

Club Entertains

The H elping H and Club en terta ined th e ir husbands and fam ilies la s t F riday evening a t th e home o f H. S. Peck. A bout fo rty persons w ere p resent, and th e evening w as spent in music and gam es, a f te r w hich a pa la tab le lunch­eon w as served.

F o r Sale or T rade

Carload of good work horses th a t a re all broke and gen tle and in good condition. They are for sale or trad e fo r w ar horses. Apply a t th e Fail- grounds .or th e Commercial H otel for particu lars.


M r. A leck Y ounie, p residen t o f the

F irs t N ationak bank, an« th e F a rm e rs ’

M illing com pany, reached th e seventy-

fifth m ilestone in l i f e ’s journey last

Tuesday (W ash ing ton ’s b irth d ay ),

which w as ce lebrated by a surprise

b irthday p a rty a t the home of his dau ­

g h te r, M rs. E . M. K ennedy. Among th e m any p leasan t fea tu res of the party

w as a cake w ith seventy-five candles.

M r. Younie, who is a n a tiv e of Quebec,

Canada, arid th e fa th e r of th ree ch ild ­ren and n ine grandchildren , is s till ac tiv e and hea rty , and capable o f doing as much w ork as most men not ha lf h is age.


W. L. W est, one o f th e alleged ca ttle rustle rs who broke ja il abou t a year ago and shot F erd inand F aek re ll in the leg for try in g to cap tu re him, w as a r ­rested la st week by th e S a lt L ake City au tho ritie s who notified th e sheriff’s o f ­fice of th e ir cap tu re. L ast S atu rday Sheriff Simmons brough t him back to his old quarters in th e ’ B ingham coun­ty ja il w here he w ill be a ca refu lly en ­te rta in ed guest. H e w ill be charged w ith an a ttem p t to com m it m urder, and possibly w ith th e crim e o f ja il-b reak ­ing.


Sylvester Rowling, musical c ritic of th e New York Even ing W orld has the follow ing to say o f th e concert given by “ The Gwent W elsh M ale S in g ers ’ ’ in Aeolian H all of New York C ity :

The G w ent Welsh M ale S ingers scor­ed an toher success la st n igh t a t Aeol­ian H all. A large audience enjoyed th e ir lovely singing and dem anded sev ­era l ex tra num bers. The nam e G went is W elsh for M onm outhshire, th e coun­ty in W ales from which th e singers come.

W hile some of th e choruses w ere in W elsh fa r the g rea te r p a r t w ere in English, and adm irably sung they w ere too. The indiv idual voices w ere of ex ­cellen t quality and the choir disclosed splendid unison, fine precision and b a l­ance, clean cut a tta c k and delightfu l nuance-

This is the same organization which w ill appear a t H igh School Auditorium B lackfoot, Idaho, on the evening of Feb. 25th, w ith th e exception of the vacancies which w ere cap sod by the L usitan ia d isaste r in which several, of the singers and form er conductor Mr. George F . D avis, lost th e ir lives. Mr. David Johns, one of the most success­ful conductors in W ales succeeds Mr. Davis. An en tire new program is a fea tu re o f th e ir forthcom ing engage­ment.

T ickets a t P o w e r’s P harm acy.

l I-«*


3MAKES A tt t L m f t n





- V



A person holding office o f p resid ­

en t o f a stak e of t.he Church o f Jesu s

C hrist of L a tte r-day S ain ts is a m in ­

is te r o f religion w ith in the m eaning of the law, nam ely, subdivision 3, sec­tion 16, chap ter 16, 1913 session laws, according to an opinion handed down from the office of th e a tto rn ey gen ­eral F riday . A ccording to th is, he is legally perm itted or elig ib le to receive free tran spo rta tion w ith in the s ta te of Idaho from a ra ilroad com pany. The

I to rney G eneral D unning in response to , an inquiry .

Qualified Minister ,I The opinion says:I “ I t is th e opinion of th is office th a t : a person holding office o f president o f a s take o f the Church o f Jesus

I C hrist o f L a tte r-day S a in ts is a m in­is te r of religion w ith in the meaning

^of said law.


The news item published in th is paper

on th e 10th inst., s ta tin g th a t the

Aberdeen Times had been sold and th a t

D. W. D avis o f A m erican F alls was one of the purchasers, and Commission­er F ugate of A berdeen, was another, seems to have been either a political canard, or the im agination of a Demo­cra tic ed itor. Col. F ugate of Aberdeen denied th is alleged g u ilt in connectionw ith th e reported new spaper sale be-

opinion was w ritten by A ssistan t A t- artic le was published, and nowa f te r the artic le has been w idely c ir ­cu lated by the new spapers o f th e sta te , fo r political purposes, no doubt, comes Air. D avis, the Republican farm er banker cand idate fo r governor, an<l em­phatica lly declares his innocence of the charge made ag a in st him. We know M r. D avis socially and com m ercially as a man o f unquestioned veracity , and when he says he is not in teres ted in

. , , . . . . th e A berdeen Times we know he isI “ Such olheer is regu larly ordained, I . , „ „ , „ ,, . . . .

, , not, and the refo re cheerfu lly publishis au thorized am t required to lecture . . ,

i. .u I- L his denial of the charge made against

Going on a Mission

or preach the doctrine o f the church and solemnize m arriages. Such offi- ’ cers are not paid a sa la ry , and it is ^our understand ing th a t such denoniiua- 1 tion does not have salaried preachers or m inisters.

“ I t is th e opinion o f th is office th a t a person duly ordained in his respec-

him by E d ito r Toner, M r. D avis fu r ­the r inform s us by phone th a t he has not got a dollar invested in th e news-

Fred II. H esse leaves oil the 4th of M arch fo r S candinavia on a mission for. th e L. D. S. Church, and expects to be gone betw een two and th ree years. He was born in B lackfoot tw en ty years ago, and for th e last tw o years has been a tru s ted tim e-keeper in th e local sugar fac to ry . The F irs t W ard Church w ill honor him w ith a farew ell p a rty next M onday. A large a ttendance and a good tim e is expected.

W ashington B irth d ay P a r ty

L ast S a tu rday evening Johnny P ow ­ers en te rta in ed the L 4 ’s and th e AI. B .’s a t his home w hich w as p a tr io ti ­cally decorated w ith th e S ta r and S tripes in honor of the F a th e r o f his Oonntrv.

Buy YourInternational Stock Food Co.’s Stock Food,

Tonic, Oils, and Remedies of

Powers’ PharmacyThe San-Tox Store—Where Everybody Goes.

A Full Line Always on Hand

paper field o f Idaho, and does not in ­tend to have any such investm ent. I f th e charge made by his Republican guberna to ria l opponent and nam esake,

j th a t th e editors who sell th e ir ed itoria l tiv e church to officiate and adm inis- S|,a(.e is a t all true , we do not blam e te r, e ither w ith or w ithou t com pensa-1 any decent man from disow ning any tion , is a m in ister o f religion w ithin personal in te res t in liewspaperdoin— th e m eaning of such laws, even fol. his dear w ife ’s sake, a t least, though, in the in te rv a l between a[ poin tm ents, such person resorts t secular em ploym ent as a means of sul s isting him self and fam ily.

•People of B lackfoot who like to see a gooil d ram atic perform ance should not fa il to a tten d the p resentation of “ The A m azons" a t the H igh School A uditorium here next M onday n iah t. This high-class comedy dram a will be

P illion , Alont., Feb. 19.— A quarter of presented by th e Shelley High SchoolD ram atic company. This same company

a t Shellev recently and

T h ir ty C ent W ool

a million pounds of wool was con trac t­ed today a t 30 -cents or b e tte r by Bos­ton buyers. S enator E. O. Sehvay was th e first to con tract. This is the first wool sold in Alontana in 1916. h ighest price w as paid for wo Beaverhead country, the biggest region in th e sta te .

A Good O pere tta

The juven ile o pere tta “ P rec lo sa - given a t th e Isis th e a tre last night by a bevy of b righ t boj s and g irls uudei the d irection and instruc tion of Airs. Effa Duke w as well a ttended and very much appreciated by the audience. The little s ta rs displayed m arked ab ility and pains in th e ir tra in in g , and re ­flected much c red it on th e ir instructor, Mrs. Effa Duke.

p layed th e picscored a big h it, there not being a weak spot in the en tire cast. The pro-

The , duetion is under the personal direction at j nf Aliss M ary Spencer, one o f the

cool I Shelley school facu lty , who has a won­derfu l am ount of d ram atic ab ility . Ali who a tten d will be agreeably surprised a t th e com pleteness of th is presentation of a splendid dram a.

Subscribe fo r The O ptim ist.


All cases o f rheum atism , no m atte i of how long standing , and all chronic diseases y ield speedily to our treatm ent

Special a tten tio n to diseases of women and children. G raduate nurse in a ttendance . C onsultation a t all hours.

Rooms 7-8-9 B lenkle Bldg. (O ver i P e a rso n ’s.) Phone No. 398. adv.


Unlimited Amts, of MoneyTo loan on good farm securities. Interest 8 per cent.

No waiting is necessary if title is right.Land inspected by F. C. Parkinson.

Office No. 11 Pacific Street Blackfoot, Idaho.


Last S atu rday the resilience p roper­

ty on the southw est corner of Pacific

and Taylor s tree ts , which w as th e pro

perty o f W. E. B arn h a rt of Spokane, W ash., was sold fo r $6000, to M essrs. W. E. ami B. W. H opkins, th e well- known butchers. W hile most people seem to th ink th a t the p rice w as high for residence property , th e new owners do not agree w ith them and th in k the property which is soon destined to be ­come business property , was very rea ­sonable. The sale was made by J . II. M cDonald. M r. B arnhart, who is an ex-resident o f B laekfoot w here he was in the renl es ta te business w ith .1. H. M cDonald, bought th is property tw en ­ty-seven, years ago for $200, and i t has been a revenue produced ever since. The lot is 50x125, and the im prove­m ents consist o f a residence and barn.

I t is rum ored th a t th e H opkins b ro th ­ers will build an up-to-date m arket and cold sto rage p lan t on the property in the near fu tu re .


Numerous Would-BeSheriffs

The county political pot has suddenly commenced to boil quite strenuously. The sh eriff’s office seems to be a g rea t m agnet fo r office seekers, as there are about a ha lf dozen whose political am ­bition prom pts them to a desire to suc­ceed Sheriff Simmons, who we a re in ­formed is not seriously opposed to a second term . One o f the rumored a sp iran ts when in terv iew ed said, “ m aybe,’ ’ and ano ther denied th e ul- legation. All o f them seem to be quiet ly feeling th e public pulse as to th e ir chances of success. We have also been inform ed th a t one o f these would-be sheriffs again hails from Shelley, he is a Republican and his nam e is P acker. He is po litically inclined, and we be­lieve would tak e a long chance to reach to reach the sheriff’s salary . ;

On M arch 6 and 7, a t th e O rpheum the K. of P. Lodge are going to stage the real show of th e season. They have been w orking for abou t th ree weeks on a m instrel show under th e d irection of F. I). Turner, who is an old m instrel man.

They have gotten toge ther Black- fo o t’s best ta len t, am i you are assu r­ed ft m usical tre a t. Anyone who does not like to have a hearty laugh should s tay aw ay fo r th e local jokes o f t i n end men w ill sure m ake you laugh.

There are th ir ty people in th e oast, and an 8-piece o rchestra.

L a tes t songs, good dancing and a m arvel in special scenery.

P rices 50c and 75c. Get your seats early.


The li ttle purse we found in the postoitiee several w eeks ago and ad v e r­tised fo r ow ner brough t fo rth several purse losers o ther than th e one ad v e r­tised . But last S atu rday J . H. A llred called and identified the purse in ques­tion and was fam iliar w ith its silver con ten ts and took the lost purse home w ith m anv th an k s to th e finder.

Coal Thieves Punished

Two Atexieans w ere before Judgo Doud la st Thursday and w ere fined $20 each, w hich they failed to pay and are now doing tim e in th e county jail- Tliey w ere caugh t in the ac t o f robbing a car by ra ilroad detectives, who seem to lie ever on the n le rt fo r cool tre ss ­passers.

Charity Ball.

The K ings D aughters w ill give th e ir nniiual ch a rity ball in P rogress H all next Tuesday, F eb ruary 29th. T ickets $1.00.

Orpheum Theatre |

Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 29, Mar. 1

“The Rosary”A Selig Red Seal Play in Seven Reels.

Written by Edward E. Rose from his wonderful stage drama.

It is as Good as Any Sermon

eThe Earning Power of Money

All are invited through Um* purchaseof tim e deposits to profit by our ex-collent fac ilitie s and liroai experiencein the investm ent m arket.

Time deposits a re issued in conveni-eu t am ounts, la rge or small as desired,and m ature in m onths or a year.

T heir purchase perm its carefu l, in-te lligen t investm ent o f indiv idual funds by th is in stitu tio n , insures absolutesafe ty , a definite and lilu r:il ra te ofin te res t, am t a form of investm entth a t iB readily negotiable a t will.

( ’all today and we will nish fu rth e r inform ation .

gladly fur-

D. W. Standrod & Co. Bankers

Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Wo pay 4 per tent, interest, compounded quarterly in our Savings Department or (Certificate* of Deposit.)


J )