t a df i JapaneseHand Work - University of...

A- tty l rf1t 1b < rr f r V L- r5l y airy l t- V k t EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1 190ft PAGE Ft to s- i t I ti TEAPOTTIDBITS J f SAUER KRAUT IN BULK A SWEITZER CHEESt I OLIVES IN BULK J f df PURE MAPLE SYRU- CRANBERRIES 7 i m j 1 t- t MINCE MEAT AND I CRANBERRY IAUCE h LOBSTERS SHRIMP JAMS AND JELIES Ti- TEAPOT PLACE > = GROCER- Dr I y r u W H Dodge and family left s terday for Jacksonville where sy will spend several days with relatis Messrs Vvitherspoon and Dick DCe wil continue their journey to DavltVi College N C of which instituvi they are students while their sis Mrs Mary DodgeMaddox accompais Ahem to Davidson College to comP her Bible studies preparatory to ent Ing the Nashville training school 3 taking up missionary work in Bra Mr A M Withers of the nil Mores firm of McNeill Goodwin I Withers Standard was in the f today r Captain George Russell and brotl f from Wisconsin but who is the gt of his brother at Weir Park were town today to get lumber and tr o J OCALA OCCURRECL iI Masons teat tomorrow evening If you need electric wring or repair ¬ ing of any kind nhone 300 The V t T U met this afternoon at the home of Mrs E 1 an Hood I Mr L W Duval has nlurwd from- a visit of several days to Georgia Passengers and baggage transferred day or night by Arthur Cobbs livery Mr Whisenant of B < lleview was a business visitor in the city today Large assortment of CUT GLASS and CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore Mr J B Malloy of Anthony was in the city today Ben Condon haV a line of new coast- er ¬ bicycles for rent Mrs T E Bridges went to Jackson- ville ¬ today Nice line of candies brushes and perfumery at the corner drugstore- Mr E W Agnew came up from the lake today All the new Ocala post cards at the Ocala News Co R E Martin who spent several days at Weir Park came up today Mr Welsh the Holder builder was in the city today Frank Pelot represented the City of Oaks in town today lIngs for their new boat Miss Mattie Pyles is the new cashier Rev C C Carroll went down to with Mclver MacKay J Petersburg this afternoon where will address the State Teachers WANTEDCheap for cash a small soctation tomorrow morning and piece of colored tenement property cning close In Address Ajax care Star 1 Miss Annie R Russell daughter Ed Carter one of the young ben Editor A M C Russell of the Brooedicts of the Fellowship section was vllle Argus will tie married Janua visitor to the city today 7th to Mr Gilbert D Webster of t city Mrs George Williams and children- are home from a visit to relatives in Peyton Bailey after a pleasant vLeesburg to his relatives and friends in Ocs in Alacl Messrs Knight Lang the vehicle has returned to his position 1 county Peyton says the engine nu harness men made a big shipment dPf wagons into Sumter county today v runs has wheels and he sure make them go round J Alex Moorhead completed yesterday the A timber survey for Messrs K W Persons employed during Hack orne Co In the Levon section wishing the services of Mrs I No 15 during office hours phone aM Annie Fie berg a very popu appointment for evening at make Sr lady of Dun 1ellon left today for parlors 103 Wenona Livingstons pew York to visit friends Mrs Emma T Hackett manicuri with M Th4 state of Georgia was annexed formerlv of Chicago now the V the desert of Sahara at one oclock Affleck the milliner solicits tronagft of the people of Ocala Faciis morning masage a specialty Office hours J t It Laurie Benjamin left today for Si m to 5 p m andarin to resume his studies at S- tlA large line of post card albums jusephs Academy at the Ocala News Co Miss Mary Landers who has been > Mr Hector Wade and son Hecteiting her brother Mr Otis Landers s Jr of Martel were In town toda Quincy returned home today I Mr Wade is with the ClarkRa Johnson Co LOSTA bicycle wheel Saturday tween Ocala and Oldtown A lib Mr Otto Mente arrived yesterdy reward for the finder NIel Fer from Jacksonville driving throufeon Ocala Fla i the country in his buggy Mrs Men and the children arrived Sunday ajisses Annie Mathews and Annie the family will spend two weeks vision went down to Leesburg this Ing Mrs Mentes parents Mr aigrnoon to attend the annual ball to lira R E Yonge Sr given in that city tonight by the sburg Rifles Dont fall to gee our big line of Oca I x post cards in colors Ocala News C 1 Isg Mary Burford has returned to studies at Belmont College Nash Mathers Leon Fish Robert Messrs Leer Tenn after spending a pleasan Curtis went down to and Prof muss aimsa with her parents and many afternoon to burs this ballglvfds Jn Ocala for the annual New Years Rifles which will 1 by the Leesbur lass Hooper or New York City Is tonlghtlQ that city It will given kiting her sister M rsf R Moor of its affair ous the most ausplC and In the next four weeks will- of and great time is ar a the season renovate Qr design any creation the society set of Lee fief pated by lie way or mil inery desired phone J burg 324- GLAS Large assortment or CuT t Harralsonf who has been sec and emMA at PosUfflce Drugstore I foreman at Fivay for the Tampa hcnf railroad was in town today Hon H W Long of Martel was will proceed to Summerfield to townjthis morning to get his h at to take charge of a sects > n Of feWhlch at the meeting of the stewar A L railway He will move ti 1 of the M E church South he nanmily later on swapped for another that did not me Ills requirements at is meant by The Corner store Oh tis the greatest of There are now three ships at pOs > where visits are made by pos Ingll loading phosphate Two < s of beautiful faces them < are loading for the Dunne lq Phosphate Co and one for J Buttgeriry Shaw > a veteran of the Pedro bach Co in and one of the most indus t and successful farmers in the STOCKHOLDERS MEETING y was In town today for a lead annual of tW storage meat of which he will The regular stockholders of the Ocala TelephoJplenty for his own use and Company will be held in the city cjr some of his less fortunate i Ocala Florida at the hour of elevens in the 1 J oclock in theforenoon f fif- 1st MsyKedn its sectetetY 1 t the difference oetweena of J eo Afc v itTi Monday the thirteenth day of JanugS boy and a pretty girl One ut jKfer AD 1908 f0- v R McKean a pawn shopitW other goes to jt 8ttC1e turi UW Drugstore T yt Vi- kYt n- 1h2 t > r i > o- or L t 1 bo J > r v- J it I- c > < jW i tXL 4 ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS- AND REBEKAHSj Tulula Lodge held its semiannual election lust night with the following result Noble GrandJ F Thompson Vice GrandP V Lea n ngoo Secretary M Little Treasurer H Benjamin The above named officers will be in- stalled ¬ next Tuesday evening January 7th On this occasion all Odd Fellows I and Rebekahs and their families are i invited to attend and witness the in ¬ stallation and afterwards partake of refreshments to provide which the most competent committee vh Jake brown M M Lint and C L Bittin- qxr has been appointed It is the desire of Tulula Lodge that this event shall be one of the highest social and fraternal enjoyment and therefore all Odd Fellows ahd Re ¬ bekahs in the city should attend and bring their families i air L F Ballard took the third de- gree ¬ and is now a full fledged Odd Fellow Ballard has always been an Odd Fellow in spirit and his formal entry into the lodge is only a rein- carnation ¬ AT THE ARMORY THIS EVENING The members of the Ladies Lycum Quartet arrived in the city this aft ¬ ernoon and will give a highly artistic and entirely enjoyable performance at the Armory this evening and every ¬ body in Ocala who appreciates the best in entertainment should be there and most of them probably wiM There are a few seats as yet untaen go around to the Ocala News Co and se ¬ cure them Ladies please remember Mr Bridges plaintive polite and proper request i Dont wear your hats you look very nice without them BROWN BROTHERS MOVE THEIR OFFICE Messrs A Brown Bro have mov ¬ ed their office both wholesale and re ¬ tail down to their big wholesale ware ¬ house and the stock room of the re- tail j store part of which has been used for an office will now be devoted ex- clusively ¬ to carrying stock for the re ¬ tail business The firm is also taking stock both in the retail and whole- sale ¬ I departments- THE JOHN DOZIER CO The John Dozier Company has mov ¬ ed its offices from the Holder block to the Yonge building on Osceola street where it has offices and warehouse- room and will carry a stock of flour meal grits feed stuffs and fertilizer from which to fill small local orders promptly All shipments of any size are made directly from Jacksonville or elsewhere The company is doing well and Is rapidly building up a big busi ¬ ness 3ARACA CLUB MEETING- The Baraca Club will hold a busi ¬ ness meeting Tuesday night at 8 oclock at the residence of Mrs S A Standley Business of importance is to be transacted and a attendance is urged LOST A POCKET BOOK Lost on the streets Saturday a small alligator pocket book containing 70 cents and a slip of paper with the name of Fred lies thereon Finder will be suitably remarded by return ¬ ing to this office Mr E W Williams of Washington- D C came in last night and is at the Ocala House ARMORY THEATER 3 NIGHTS 3 OPENING Monday Jan 6th Beggar Prince Opera Co Monday Night Said Pasha Tuesday Night uLa Mascots Wednesday Matinee Olivette Wednesday Night Chimes of Normandy BetterBigger than ever Night prices 25 50 and 75c Matinee 25 and 50c Seats on sale at Ocala News Co- w X j 1 F A i > A AA z M rr Qtt oc f lfr1t i SPECIAL SALE- OF t- u w t J- On a to fi ft iS Japanese Linen Hand k Work 1 e y rah A nice assortment of Scarfs Center- Pieces r 1 and Squares at 25 per- cent 4 3 x i less than cost L1 3 1 V r f s Pieces that we sold at 98c reduced to 60c S Pieces that we sold at 124 reduced to 75c x 5 Pieces that we sold at 8139 reduced to 85c li Pieces that we sold at 148 reduced to 90c Pieces that we sold at 174 reduced to 105 r i Pieces that we sold at 198 reduced to 120 Pieces that we sold at 223 reduced to140 t Pieces that we sold at248 reduced to 150 fj i Pieces that we sold at 298 reduced to 180 a y Pieces that we sold at 348 reduced to X225 t Pieces that we sold at 448 reduced to 2fi4 i 3 Pieces that we sold at 598 reduced to 360 s tT SALE BEGINS 3 Monday December 30 3x4 t AND CONTINUES FOR THE WEEKf 3 t ot LOOK AT THE WINDOW > i i N THEM t YARhTYO7DI7ff r r Ri n t I FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES E Western Beef Veal t Florida Stall Fed Beef Mtrttpu 4 1r 1 motifs Star Ham Armour Tt Pork Sausage Cab- bage ¬ Rutabagas Turnips Sweet i Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions f 7 S- If W P EDWARDS Y fHONE 106 7 CITY MARKED 1 FOR SALEOne good farm hors one twoyear old colt 180 bales of good Florida hay and 50 bushels of corn Apply to Mrs G M Long Red I dick Fla Mrs Libble Tompkins and mother Mrs Tyler moved today from the sec ¬ ond ward to the Dr Allred residence- in the fourth ward Bert Jewell is visiting his parents- Mr and Mrs C J Jewell Bert is I employed in the A C L machine shops at Tampa I Miss Barnett who accompanied her parents Rev and Mrs R H Barnett from Jacksonville to Ocala has re ¬ turned to her duties as music teacher at Weslyn Female College Macon I Judge Coyle of the Montezuma ho ¬ tel went down to Leesburg this aft- ernoon ¬ Mr and Mrs A L Sargent of Bos ¬ ton are among the arrivals at the Ocala House yesterday They will be in the city some time Mr R G Daniel of Millen Ga is among last nights arrivals at the Ocala Hous- eFOUNDA I gold filled locket and chain Owner can have same by caW Ing on L F Ballard at the Star of- fice ¬ and pa7I ttai I s t k5 r- t p- s 1 N Jno S Pedrick who has been en- gaged ¬ i in keeping books at Dunnellon has severed his connection with the firm and is now at home < Y Plumbing and l- Vf a Plumbers Supplies t R E Yonge Co the original and reliable plumbers having gone entire- ly ¬ out of the bicycle business are now f devoting all of their time with a com- petent d force of men to the plumbing K and tinning business and are bettftt f prepared than ever to do firstclass q work in quick time and at living A prices The company has just receiv- ed ¬ a big shipment of the Standard goods In enameled bath tubs one piece sinks lavatories toilet sets etc and have also a big line of medium priced z i goods as well as a cheaper line in tin and galvanized iron for customers who a desire them The company has a s complete stock of fittings faucetsand r fixtures of all kinds and will be pleas- ed ¬ to show the stock to you and give A M1 you an estimate on the cost of your S work An experience of quarter of t aY a century glvesth1i5compatiYJPaDT r- advantages 1 1 rl Bee y E Y cI1 if d 6 you kMdi tll M CCr l y r- tI c 4- f 4 A 1SZ f > L

Transcript of t a df i JapaneseHand Work - University of...

Page 1: t a df i JapaneseHand Work - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00734/0010.pdf · r Captain George Russell and brotl f from Wisconsin but who is the gt ...

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y r u

W H Dodge and family left s

terday for Jacksonville where sy

will spend several days with relatisMessrs Vvitherspoon and Dick DCe

wil continue their journey to DavltVi

College N C of which instituvithey are students while their sisMrs Mary DodgeMaddox accompaisAhem to Davidson College to comPher Bible studies preparatory to entIng the Nashville training school 3

taking up missionary work in Bra

Mr A M Withers of the nil

Mores firm of McNeill Goodwin I

Withers Standard was in the f


r Captain George Russell and brotlf from Wisconsin but who is the gt

of his brother at Weir Park weretown today to get lumber and tr




Masons teat tomorrow evening

If you need electric wring or repair ¬

ing of any kind nhone 300

The V t T U met this afternoonat the home of Mrs E 1 an Hood


Mr L W Duval has nlurwd from-a visit of several days to Georgia

Passengers and baggage transferredday or night by Arthur Cobbs livery

Mr Whisenant of B < lleview was abusiness visitor in the city today

Large assortment of CUT GLASSand CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore

Mr J B Malloy of Anthony wasin the city today

Ben Condon haV a line of new coast-er


bicycles for rent

Mrs T E Bridges went to Jackson-ville



Nice line of candies brushes andperfumery at the corner drugstore-

Mr E W Agnew came up from thelake today

All the new Ocala post cards at theOcala News Co

R E Martin who spent severaldays at Weir Park came up today

Mr Welsh the Holder builder wasin the city today

Frank Pelot represented the City ofOaks in town today

lIngs for their new boatMiss Mattie Pyles is the new cashier

Rev C C Carroll went down to with Mclver MacKayJ Petersburg this afternoon wherewill address the State Teachers WANTEDCheap for cash a smallsoctation tomorrow morning and piece of colored tenement propertycning close In Address Ajax care Star


Miss Annie R Russell daughter Ed Carter one of the young benEditor A M C Russell of the Brooedicts of the Fellowship section wasvllle Argus will tie married Janua visitor to the city today7th to Mr Gilbert D Webster of tcity Mrs George Williams and children-

are home from a visit to relatives inPeyton Bailey after a pleasant vLeesburg

to his relatives and friends in Ocsin Alacl Messrs Knight Lang the vehiclehas returned to his position

1 county Peyton says the engine nu harness men made a big shipmentdPf wagons into Sumter county todayv runs has wheels and he sure

make them go round J

Alex Moorhead completed yesterdaythe A timber survey for Messrs K W

Persons employed duringHack orne Co In the Levon sectionwishing the services of Mrs

I No 15 during office hoursphone aM Annie Fie berg a very popuappointment for evening atmake Sr lady of Dun 1ellon left today forparlors 103 WenonaLivingstons pew York to visit friends

Mrs Emma T Hackett manicuriwith M Th4 state of Georgia was annexed

formerlv of Chicago nowthe V the desert of Sahara at one oclock

Affleck the milliner solicitstronagft of the people of Ocala Faciis morning

masage a specialty Office hoursJ t

It Laurie Benjamin left today forSi m to 5 p m

andarin to resume his studies at S-

tlA large line of post card albums jusephs Academyat the Ocala News Co

Miss Mary Landers who has been

> Mr Hector Wade and son Hecteiting her brother Mr Otis Landerss Jr of Martel were In town toda Quincy returned home today

I Mr Wade is with the ClarkRaJohnson Co LOSTA bicycle wheel Saturday

tween Ocala and Oldtown A libMr Otto Mente arrived yesterdy reward for the finder NIel Fer

from Jacksonville driving throufeon Ocala Flai the country in his buggy Mrs Men

and the children arrived Sunday ajisses Annie Mathews and Anniethe family will spend two weeks vision went down to Leesburg thisIng Mrs Mentes parents Mr aigrnoon to attend the annual ball tolira R E Yonge Sr given in that city tonight by the

sburg RiflesDont fall to gee our big line of Oca

Ix post cards in colors Ocala News C

1 Isg Mary Burford has returned tostudies at Belmont College Nash

Mathers Leon FishRobertMessrs Leer Tenn after spending a pleasanCurtis went down toand Prof mussaimsa with her parents and manyafternoon toburs this ballglvfds Jn Ocala

for the annual New YearsRifles which will 1

by the Leesbur lass Hooper or New York City IstonlghtlQ that city It willgiven kiting her sister Mrsf R Moorof itsaffairousthe most ausplC and In the next four weeks will-

of and great time is arathe season renovate Qr design any creationthe society set of Leefief pated by lie way or mil inery desired phone

J burg 324-

GLASLarge assortment or CuT t Harralsonf who has been secand emMA at PosUfflce Drugstore I foreman at Fivay for the Tampa

hcnf railroad was in town todayHon H W Long of Martel was will proceed to Summerfield to

townjthis morning to get his hat to take charge of a sects > n OffeWhlch at the meeting of the stewar A L railway He will moveti1 of the M E church South he nanmily later on

swapped for another that did not meIlls requirements at is meant by The Corner

store Oh tis the greatest ofThere are now three ships at pOs

> where visits are made by posIngll loading phosphate Two <

s of beautiful facesthem <are loading for the Dunne lq

Phosphate Co and one for J Buttgeriry Shaw > a veteran of the Pedrobach Co in and one of the most indus

t and successful farmers in theSTOCKHOLDERS MEETING y was In town today for a lead

annual of tW storage meat of which he willThe regular

stockholders of the Ocala TelephoJplenty for his own use and

Company will be held in the city cjr some of his less fortunatei Ocala Florida at the hour of elevens

in the 1 Joclock in theforenoon f fif-

1stMsyKedn its sectetetY 1 t the difference oetweenaof Jeo Afcv itTiMonday the thirteenth day of JanugS boy and a pretty girl One

ut jKfer AD 1908 f0-vR McKean a pawn shopitW other goes to

jt 8ttC1e turi UW Drugstore Tyt Vi-



> ri >

o-or L t 1 bo J >r v-


it I-c> < jW

i tXL4


Tulula Lodge held its semiannualelection lust night with the followingresult

Noble GrandJ F ThompsonVice GrandP V Lean ngooSecretary M LittleTreasurer H BenjaminThe above named officers will be in-


next Tuesday evening January7th On this occasion all Odd Fellows I

and Rebekahs and their families are i

invited to attend and witness the in ¬

stallation and afterwards partake ofrefreshments to provide which themost competent committee vh Jakebrown M M Lint and C L Bittin-qxr has been appointed

It is the desire of Tulula Lodge thatthis event shall be one of the highestsocial and fraternal enjoyment andtherefore all Odd Fellows ahd Re ¬

bekahs in the city should attend andbring their families i

air L F Ballard took the third de-


and is now a full fledged OddFellow Ballard has always been anOdd Fellow in spirit and his formalentry into the lodge is only a rein-carnation



The members of the Ladies LycumQuartet arrived in the city this aft ¬

ernoon and will give a highly artisticand entirely enjoyable performance atthe Armory this evening and every ¬

body in Ocala who appreciates thebest in entertainment should be thereand most of them probably wiM Thereare a few seats as yet untaen goaround to the Ocala News Co and se ¬

cure themLadies please remember Mr Bridges

plaintive polite and proper requesti

Dont wear your hats you look verynice without them


Messrs A Brown Bro have mov ¬

ed their office both wholesale and re ¬

tail down to their big wholesale ware ¬

house and the stock room of the re-


store part of which has been usedfor an office will now be devoted ex-


to carrying stock for the re¬

tail business The firm is also takingstock both in the retail and whole-sale




The John Dozier Company has mov ¬

ed its offices from the Holder block tothe Yonge building on Osceola streetwhere it has offices and warehouse-room and will carry a stock of flourmeal grits feed stuffs and fertilizerfrom which to fill small local orderspromptly All shipments of any sizeare made directly from Jacksonville orelsewhere The company is doing welland Is rapidly building up a big busi¬



The Baraca Club will hold a busi ¬

ness meeting Tuesday night at 8

oclock at the residence of Mrs S AStandley Business of importance isto be transacted and a attendanceis urged


Lost on the streets Saturday asmall alligator pocket book containing70 cents and a slip of paper with thename of Fred lies thereon Finderwill be suitably remarded by return ¬

ing to this office

Mr E W Williams of Washington-D C came in last night and is at theOcala House



Monday Jan 6th

Beggar Prince Opera Co

Monday Night Said PashaTuesday Night uLa MascotsWednesday Matinee OlivetteWednesday Night Chimes of


BetterBigger than ever

Night prices 25 50 and 75cMatinee 25 and 50c

Seats on sale at Ocala News Co-w X

j 1 F

A i > A AAz

M rr Qtt oc f lfr1t




t J-



to fi





Work 1


y rah

A nice assortment of Scarfs Center-Pieces


and Squares at 25 per-


3 x

i less than cost L131V rfs Pieces that we sold at 98c reduced to 60cS Pieces that we sold at 124 reduced to 75c x

5 Pieces that we sold at 8139 reduced to 85cli Pieces that we sold at 148 reduced to 90c

Pieces that we sold at 174 reduced to 105 r

i Pieces that we sold at 198 reduced to 120Pieces that we sold at 223 reduced to140t Pieces that we sold at248 reduced to 150 fj

i Pieces that we sold at 298 reduced to 180 a

y Pieces that we sold at 348 reduced to X225 t

Pieces that we sold at 448 reduced to 2fi4 i

3 Pieces that we sold at 598 reduced to 360s


3 Monday December 30 3x4


t ot



i N


YARhTYO7DI7ff rr Ri




Western Beef Vealt Florida Stall Fed Beef Mtrttpu 41r 1

motifs Star Ham ArmourTt Pork Sausage Cab-bage


Rutabagas Turnips Sweet iPotatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions f

7 S-




FOR SALEOne good farm horsone twoyear old colt 180 bales ofgood Florida hay and 50 bushels ofcorn Apply to Mrs G M Long Red


dick Fla

Mrs Libble Tompkins and motherMrs Tyler moved today from the sec ¬

ond ward to the Dr Allred residence-in the fourth ward

Bert Jewell is visiting his parents-Mr and Mrs C J Jewell Bert is I

employed in the A C L machineshops at Tampa I

Miss Barnett who accompanied herparents Rev and Mrs R H Barnettfrom Jacksonville to Ocala has re¬

turned to her duties as music teacherat Weslyn Female College Macon I

Judge Coyle of the Montezuma ho ¬

tel went down to Leesburg this aft-ernoon


Mr and Mrs A L Sargent of Bos ¬

ton are among the arrivals at theOcala House yesterday They will bein the city some time

Mr R G Daniel of Millen Ga isamong last nights arrivals at theOcala Hous-



gold filled locket andchain Owner can have same by caWIng on L F Ballard at the Star of-


and pa7I ttai I s t k5 r-

t p-

s 1


Jno S Pedrick who has been en-

gaged¬ i

in keeping books at Dunnellonhas severed his connection with thefirm and is now at home <


Plumbing andl-



Plumbers Suppliest

R E Yonge Co the original andreliable plumbers having gone entire-ly


out of the bicycle business are now fdevoting all of their time with a com-petent

dforce of men to the plumbing K

and tinning business and are bettfttfprepared than ever to do firstclass q

work in quick time and at living A

prices The company has just receiv-ed


a big shipment of the Standardgoods In enameled bath tubs one piecesinks lavatories toilet sets etc andhave also a big line of medium priced zi

goods as well as a cheaper line in tinand galvanized iron for customers who adesire them The company has a scomplete stock of fittings faucetsandrfixtures of all kinds and will be pleas-ed


to show the stock to you and give A


you an estimate on the cost of your Swork An experience of quarter of t aY

a century glvesth1i5compatiYJPaDTr-

advantages1 1rl

Beey E Y cI1 ifd

6you kMdi tll M CCr l y r-



f 4 A1SZ

f >L