Systematically Rising Above the Noise


Transcript of Systematically Rising Above the Noise

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Mathew Sweezey

Principal of Marketing Insights @msweezey



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@msweezey This presentation will be covering a lot of slides in a very

short amount of time. If you would like to follow along on your device please find my slides posted to slideshare. Find my slides on Twitter @msweezey and there is the URL to the slideshare presentation.

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We are here

You must understand we are in a time of radical change, and only changing radically can we succeed, and become extinct.

In assessing the blame for the failure of good companies, the distinction is sometimes made between innovations requiring very different technological capabilities, that is, so called radical change, and those that build upon well-practiced technological capabilities, often called incremental innovations. The notion is the magnitude of the technological change relative to the companies’ capabilities will determine which firms triumph after a technology invade an industry.   -Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovators Dilemma

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Old Foundations Don’t work in the

Limitless World The marketing foundations we use were built during the world of limited access to information. We no longer live in this world yet continue to use those foundations to guide our efforts. This is a failure.

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We need New Systems We need a new coherent body of ideas or

principles which take into account the changed environment. Not just iterations of the old ones.

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These are Not New Systems

You’ll likely say, “But I’ve got social media, marketing automation, and do content marketing. I’ve got new systems”. You are wrong. You have new tools, and channels. We still use your same old systems, just on new channels.

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Forrester Estimates For every 100 leads a best in class B2B company

generates they close 1.54 of them into actual business. It’s half of that for every one else.


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Infinite noise is the largest marketing problem we face in the future. Our current models and foundations are not adapted to infinite environments so we must change.

Problem’s we face

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5 Media Channels In 1960 there are only 5 marketing channels we must

master. They are all analog, and mass. All of our marketing foundations are created during this time.

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Over 200 Channels now Gartner also predicts the CMO will have the

largest IT budget by 2017. Increasing the number of channels into infinity because it will be the biggest budget, so it will get the most tools.

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Limitless Media Consumption This is over 12 hours per day, across

multiple screens. Tangling up work life, personal life, and everything else together.

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Media Ubiquity More people in the world have access to a mobile

phone than have access to clean drinking water or electricity. The effects of this are only now beginning to be fully understood.

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Limitless Media On average there are 1,500 posts waiting for you on

Facebook, and on average you check Facebook 17 times per day (Ages 35-49). You also have 7.4 social channels on average.

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Media Changes

Everything Marshall McLuhan denotes how media has changed every society in his foundation text “Gutenberg Galaxy”. Campaigns have not caught up to the modern human, or how we use media.

“For Richard Nixon to win the presidency he must lose 10


-Marshall McLuhan

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Attention Spans The average human based on a Microsoft study in

2013 has an average attention span of 8 seconds.


Goldfish have an attention span of

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Buyers harness more power when they do a single Google search than all of NASA had in 1969 to land a man on the moon. Anything can be found in an instant, and if it’s not they they leave.

1.70 Page views Per visit to your site

80% Bounce Rate From Google AdWords

Instant demands

are a heuristic

result from Google’s


Instant Demands

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LET’s Test You Lets see just how much you have changed based on

the environment around you to make this point even clearer.

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“A” or “b” How do you manage your

email in box?

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“We now disqualify before

we qualify”

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“A” or “b” How do you download data?

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“We batch research”

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Daily content consumption. Usually is Learn, and Escape. Happens across all media channels. How we engage with Research content.

Batch Research Defined

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Add to this the idea of more channels, more noise, and more businesses and you can see the

idea of “More is not more, but different” emerges.

limitless Competition

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3-D printing has democratized production. Now anyone, anywhere, at anytime can print them selves products.

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SaaS technology democratized business operations. Now any business can have the best tool set to run their business, and build their product, with almost zero overhead.

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The switching economy is estimated at $1.7 Trillion dollars. Making it the 10th largest

economy on planet earth in 2015.

$1.7 Trillion

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It is easier and cheaper to reach a single person today than it every has been in our history as marketers. Every social media channel is locked in competition for your marketing dollars. Reach is now democratized.

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There are entire industries being revolutionized not by new businesses, but by new market places which businesses are not apart of. This is technology making latent supply instantly available.

A world with No Businesses

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Production, Technology, Distribution, and Reach are all democratized making the relationship you have with your consumer the only sustainable competitive advantage.

Old business Models fail

of Fortune 500 companies are removed from the list in Last decade (2004-2015) 1/3

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The NewRevolution

Thought marketing we build the relationships which fulfill human desires. It is from these relationships we learn what to build, and fulfill the human desires of the future.

Market > Sell > Build

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Infinite media not only is more noise, infinite competition, but it also changes the inner

desires of every human.

Desires Change

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Authentic Experiences

Joe Pine II explains consumers want, “Honest and Authentic” experiences. He also writes about this concept in three books, Authenticity, The Experience Economy, and Mass Customization.

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Experiences Are Made of


Wrote “Permission Based Marketing” in 1999. The forward to this book was Don Peppers who co-authored “The One to One Future” written in 1993. Yet, most of us just see “Content” as something we create and mass distribute.

Nope! He said create value, and then exchange the value for permission. People don’t desire content they desire honest and authentic experiences, content is just one of ways to deliver it.

Most people read Seth Godin’s book and decided they needed to create more content.

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Mass Media Does not create


The worlds best media brands are failing. BBC laid of 500 reporters last year. Gigaom the $22 million dollar backed media brand, who pioneered blogging closed it’s doors after 8 years in 2015. We need to be relationship brands.

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The Truth About

Mass Media

Mass Media owned the relationship because there was no other way to access content. Mass publishing is not the way forward, but rather only what worked in the finite environment. Case and point, organic reach on social media.

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More is not influential

There is no correlation between publishing more often and influence the content has with in a persons life, or with the relationship you have with the consumer. The idea of more content is better is a total red herring.

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71% of B2B buyers have been disappointed by content

-Pardot research 2013

71% Of B2B Buyers Have been disappointed with

content -Pardot Research Report 2013

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71% of B2B buyers have been disappointed by content

-Pardot research 2013

25% Of them will never engage with your

content again -Pardot Research Report 2013

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Social literacy means connecting to the desires the person has for the media, and

the engagement.

Radical Tactic #1

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Building relationships with consumers inner desires is what we should be focused on. This means understanding the desires of the modern human from their experiences.

Edward Bernay’s created Public Relations after learning from his uncle

Sigmund Freud the power of the unconscious mind. He create a new

form of strategic marketing which built relationships between products

and consumers inner desires.

Relationships are built on

Human Desire

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Path to Purpose

Google research done in 2013 proves it is no longer a linear journey to purchase, but rather helping consumers meet their purpose. When you do you increase purchases by 42%.

Honest experiences help them fulfill their inner desires, and discover their purpose.

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Fight Boredom

PEW research found that 51% of the time a CEO picks up their mobile device because they are BORED. We use the internet to fight boredom. This is the purpose at that time. It can lead to other things via passive discovery.

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Escape !People wanting to escape will lean on self discover and

social channels. They are looking to escape their work, life, job, and take a short break. No barring on sales readiness. However the escape must be an honest, escape. It can not

be contrived by a business, but must be found by the person.

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Read this article for more on creating humor in your content:

Kronos Case Study Kronos, a workforce

management software company, uses a weekly

comic to engage with their audience. Their comics are

consistently shared on LinkedIn two to 10x more

than their corporate blog posts.

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Discover Things

Self Discovery means finding things on your own. Same reason your boss doesn’t like your idea, until they think it is their own.

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Discover!Discovery is one of the greatest gifts of the internet. We

have both passive and active discovery modes.

Active Discovery: Direct searches on the internet Passive Discovery: When you scroll down in Facebook

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Self Discovery The highest form of value the internet provides to a

human is self discovery. The instant nature to find what ever, and fulfill any purpose or desire instantly.

“Mass Publishing is the lowest form of value the internet


-David Weinberger ( Co-author of Cluetrain Manifesto)

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ActiveDiscovery Anytime you do a search you are engaging in “Active

Discovery” This is when you are looking, seeking, or wanting to find a specific item.

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PassiveDiscovery Amazon hires 473 “Data Scientists” to

study their conversions, and it’s effect on the customer relationship. If they do something look at why.

“ strives to be the e-commerce destination where

consumers can find and discover anything they want to

buy online.”

Jeff Bezos,

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Guided Discovery

Requires you to know each and every person, and demands a system of relevance which touches all aspects of your business. This puts the customer success platform at the heart of your marketing efforts. Then allows for scaling across all channels, with dynamic and predictive personalization.

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Presence!Is the content which consumers create about themselves to

validate the mediated self they are projecting. Simply engaging with this is fulfilling their purpose, and is

helpful, and does not require you to create more content.

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Mediated Self

On average we have 7.4 social channels and project a different self on each one. The value to us is in expressing our being, and having that desire validate by others. The Power of a Like!

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“ “ “Maintaining mediated relationships at

a distance requires "Frequent small gestures that tend to be phatic. Mobile media fit into a continuous conversation in which each mediated interaction reactivates, reaffirms, and reconfigures the relationship". Lipscome: 2004 "Connected" presence: the emergence of a new repertoire for managing social relationship in a changed communication technoscope

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“When you see people voting up your answer or adding their own replies in real time it makes you realize there’s a good group of people reading your stuff. I don’t get that immediate rush on my blog”

-Robert Scoble, Futurist and Social Media icon

“ “

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Modern Media Engagement

Releases Dopamine The New York Times, called Dopamine “The Molecule for Motivation” in their 2009 article on neuroscience.

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Dynamic automations are the only way to provide a contextual and instant

experience at scale.

Radical Tactic #2

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David Oglivy once said, “He’s the best copy writer in the world. That’s why I’ve got him”. Remember 80% of your email copy is not read, and people vary rarely even “Read” anymore. It’s mostly scanning.

Get to the point

“Most marketers write like engines. They take a while to start up, then they get running. Just start off running.”

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Cookie based tracking and automated marketing technology allows this to happen, far surpassing Dunbars wildest dreams. Now small teams of people are traffic cops rather than execution machines.


Are not optional

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Data Collection

Buyers become highly fragmented beings across multiple channels. They are always connected, and always on. The only way to reach them is to know more about them, and understand what it takes to really be relevant to the modern buyer.

You no longer compete with those in your own industry, but rather the best of those fields. Consumer are now comparing all experiences against each other rather than against their vertical.

Behavioral Data

You no longer compete with those in your own industry, but rather the best of those fields. Consumer are now comparing all experiences against each other rather than against their vertical.

Psychographic Data

Also combine with all other internal data.

CRM Data

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This Is the old way of thinking about conversion. How do we make content, and drive people to it. Now we take a new approach with dynamic journeys.

Static Experiences Follow Historical

Logic. Stop it!

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Demandbase underwent a new optimization of their website. They began changing their website based on the IP of the people landing on their home page they obtained a 416% increase in demo requests.

416% Increase in Demo’s The idea of Zero Click is to be able to completely change the experience you are presenting to someone based on a variable you know about them. This can be an IP address, a lead score, a buyer persona, etc.

The Goal Is a Zero Click


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Lead Nurturing Wins Using the 3-2-1 technique of lead nurturing eCornell has been able

to see amazing results. Converting 50% of all sales

qualified leads who are nurtured into new customers.

eCornell Lead Program Is the online branch of the Ivy

League Cornell University. They are responsible for driving all

traffic and produce 5,000 leads per month.

16X Higher conversion rate on leads that have been nurtured vs those that have not. Produced the single biggest increase in leads from any other method.

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Choose Your Own Adventure

This is how you nurture leads on your website and provide a relevant, and contextual information. Offers change based on their stage to be relevant.

( These are Dynamic Content)

( These are Dynamic Content)

( These are Dynamic Content)

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John, I thought you’d like these 10 tips on nurturing. It was written by Trulia, one of our clients. Also if you’re looking for some research reports on marketing automation here’s the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Best, Mathew



Choose Your Own Adventure

This is how you use Choose Your Own Adventure in email. By allowing people to self select into content you gain the insights, and they gain trust.

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The majority of the “Noise” in the future will not come from business but come

from consumers. The only effecitve way to manage this is with a proactive


Radical Tactic #3

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“It is not the height of your highs, but the valley of your lows which will shape your brand”

-Andrew Davis, Author of Brandscaping

“ “

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Ship My Pants

National retailer spends over $10 million on a campaign to get people to shop in their stores. The campaign was based off of an award winning tag line “Ship My Pants”

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Infinite Media Hurts

Upon a Google search to find the local store the average review is 2.9 out of 5. Creating a bad impression directly following the positive impression of the “Ship My Pants” campaign.

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Net Positive Experience

Upon going to the website to then purchase the website was broken. This now has created a “NET NEGATIVE” effect and the only way to win this consumer back is to spend more money. This is not sustainable.

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Mindset Everyone in the organization understands everything they do will end

up online. Services will receive tweets, product will receive reviews, and sales will be talked about. Everyone must understand the net

positive effects of their actions.

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Creating Mindset

Everyone in the company must be able to answer three basic questions. If they can you will proactively mitigate bad experiences and ensure a “Net Positive” experience in the future.

-  What do we value in an employee -  What do we value in a customer -  What do we call success

Simplicity Wins in Mindset

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Customer Executive

Having everyone in your with the same mindset is the only sustainable way for you to proactively protect your brand from the infinite amount of content which will be published about you in the future. This is why companies like AT&T give CX a seat at the Executive Table.

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Customer Experience

Forrester’s Customer Experience Index (CXi) leaders had a cumulative 43% gain in performance over a six-year period (2007 to 2012), compared with a 14.5% increase for the S&P 500 Index and a 33.9% decrease for a portfolio of customer experience laggards.  

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Creativity in the future is itterative, not singular.

Radical Tactic #4

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Place your pin on the blue dot. Your goal will be to close

your eyes and then draw a straight line to the red dot. Stop when you get there.

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Your line probably looks like this.

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Now try again, but feel free to stop when ever you want.

Leave your pen on the paper, and open your eyes. Recalibrate, close your eyes then continue to draw your

line. Take as many stops as you want.

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Your second line probably looks like this.

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Agile Theory

Small and frequent iteration is the key to success when you operate in dynamic environments. Our marketing enjoinment is dynamic since our consumer, and channels are constantly changing. Technology also has now caught up to a place where instant iteration is possible.

User Stories




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User Stories

What is their role with the customer? What responsibilities do they have? What issues do they face? What do they want to learn?

User Stories




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MVP Minimum Viable Product: What is smallest way you can provide value to your core consumer. This is your minimum viable product. Create this, then learn how to improve it.

User Stories




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Review You need to have baselines to compare things to. Industry baselines will not help you much. Instead look at your own internal numbers. Better not best is what you should shoot for.

User Stories




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Further Reading

On Agile:

Read this:

User Stories




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Pick up The Phone

Was the content you engaged with helpful? How can it be better? What was the best thing you’ve found?

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We are here

You must understand we are in a time of radical change, and only by fully understanding the change can we succeed in the infinite future.

In assessing the blame for the failure of good companies, the distinction is sometimes made between innovations requiring very different technological capabilities, that is, so called radical change, and those that build upon well-practiced technological capabilities, often called incremental innovations. The notion is the magnitude of the technological change relative to the companies’ capabilities will determine which firms triumph after a technology invade an industry.   -Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovators Dilemma

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