Synthesizing of the Writing Skill Journal, Final Project Mr. Adi

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  • 8/10/2019 Synthesizing of the Writing Skill Journal, Final Project Mr. Adi



    There are 4 (four) journals used as the references in synthesizing, such as first,

    Enhancing EFL Learners Writing Skill via Journal Writingwritten by Luu Trong Tuan

    from National University of Ho Chi Minh City. His research sought to investigate if learners

    can grow out of the writing difficulties by engaging in journal writing activity based on

    Lagans (2000: 14) comment on its value: Because writing is a skill, it makes sense that the

    more you practise writing, the better you will write. One excellent way to get practice

    writing, even before you begin composing essays, is to keep a daily or almost daily journal..

    He takes 85 second-year students (from among a population of 253 second-year students), 53

    females and 32 males, from the two writing classes, which divided into one treated as the

    experimental group (EG) and the other as the control group (CG), at the Faculty of English

    Linguistics and Literature of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi

    Minh City (USSH-HCMC). The average age was 20.21 years ranging from 19 to 25 years

    old. The reason for this selection was their extensive history of writing experience. were

    invited to participate in the study. This research investigated the benefits of journal writing

    as an extensive activity to nurture learners' writing motivation and boost their writing skill as

    well as to establish a close rapport between teachers and learners. Through reading and

    responding to learners' journal entries, teachers are able to measure each learner's competence

    and understand their needs, thoughts, and feelings, which helps teachers accommodate their

    teaching ways to learners preferences and give learners appropriate assistance to their

    problems along the writing course.

    Second, Developing Students Writing Skill through Peer and Teacher

    Correction: An Action Research written by Ashok Sapkota. This research aimed to test

    the progress of the students while writing an essay, based on the Nunans (1992) steps ofaction research. The main objectives of the study was to find out whether there will be

    improvement in students writing skills through the strategies of peer correction followed by

    teacher correction and to forward some pedagogical suggestions based on the findings of the

    research. The population for the study consists of ten students from a B. Ed College. The

    College was selected purposively and the students were selected by using simple random

    sampling procedure. Test items were the main tool used for data collection as primary

    sources. The tools was used to elicit the data involve pre-tests, progressive test and post-test.

    The test items consist of two different questions related to writing skill as for pre test and post

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    test. After the analysis of data collected through test items, it was seen improvement in

    students writing in post test than in pre-test. The students (Ss1-Ss10) were found using the

    words in an increased order and grammatically correct sentences in their writing in each test

    made and committed less grammatical errors in post test than in pre and progress test.

    Regarding mechanics of writing, their writing was found systematic in case of punctuation,

    proper use of paragraphs, in coherence and cohesion in writing. The peer correction and

    teacher correction technique was found productive in teaching writing through action

    research as a whole.

    Third, Using WebQuests and electronic journals to cultivate writing skills,

    written by Sean Dowling in Sharjah Higher Colleges of Technology Sharjah, United Arab

    Emirates. The subject of this research is Tertiary-level students in the UAE, particularly those

    in their foundations (preparatory) year, often find producing written texts in English (L2)

    very challenging. Weak L2 linguistic knowledge is one reason for this but another is poor

    process-writing skills. The students struggle when doing L2 writing activities which require

    them to generate ideas, collect data and produce a finished piece of writing which integrates

    these ideas and data. There are a number of reasons for this. First, they have entered the

    foundations year straight from secondary education where they have been very dependent on

    teachers supplying the right answers necessary to pass their exams, both in L1 and L2;

    therefore, they struggle when doing writing activities that use the non-linear process approach.

    They are quite content to copy everything that is written on the board, but less able to write down

    their own ideas. In addition, as well as having poor process writing skills, students linguistic

    knowledge is weak. Finally, a lot of the materials used in the classroom do not relate to students

    real-world experiences; hence they find it difficult to generate ideas from the materials. Based on

    the problem faced by the students researcher attempts to show how using Webquests and

    electronic journals can cultivate students L2 writing skills.

    This research discussed about First, the different approaches to writing, gives a briefdescription of WebQuests and electronic journals, and outlines Gagnes (1985) theory of

    instruction. Then, the it provides a detailed discussion about how the materials were designed

    and implemented using a task-based, product/process approach to writing and incorporating

    digital technologies such as WebQuests and electronic journals. This discussion will also pay

    particular attention to how the materials have cultivated foundations-level students L2

    writing skills. The result of the study by using a task-based, product/process approach to L2

    writing activities incorporating digital technologies such as WebQuests and electronic

    journals appears to positively influence students written texts. However, as similar (or

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    perhaps better) improvements may be achieved using a product-only or process-only

    approach, it would be useful to run a comparative study as to the effect of each approach. In

    addition, for higher-level students, there is perhaps less need to focus on product and more

    need to focus on process. Finally, care must be taken that learning activities are not using the

    technology just for its own sake. The activities must be carefully designed, using sound

    instructional design techniques such as Gagnes theory of instruction (1985), so ensuring that

    no stages in the learning process are neglected and that interesting, and therefore motivating,

    learning opportunities are given to students.

    And the fourth is Journals: A Tool To Improve Students Writing Skills, written

    by Annabelle Hernndez Herrero. He used 23 Reading Comprehension students, 10 men and

    13 women, studying English at the University of Costa Rica during the first semester of 2006,

    participated in the study. The students whose ages ranged from 18 to 24 were all native

    speakers of Spanish. They met on Fridays from 10:00 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. The purpose of the

    study was to determine if explicit instruction of troublesome linguistic aspects (syntax,

    morphology, lexicon, and punctuation) taken from the students journal entries improved the

    students writing skills. Research tools were used to gather information such as the students

    journals, a questionnaire, and personal communication with the students. The comments

    included in the analysis of results were transcribed verbatim when they were in English, and

    they were translated when they appeared in Spanish. The result of the study can be concluded

    that journal writing can be a helpful tool to improve students writing skills. First, the learners

    are more motivated to write because they have a chance to express their opinions about the

    books they read. Second, they have an opportunity to use the language learned in the readings

    in a real context. Third, feedback can be tailored to the students needs. For teachers, the

    journals provide authentic samples of students work; therefore, they can pinpoint content

    and linguistic problems and give individual and group feedback. Since all the entries are kept

    together in a notebook, the professor can also keep track of the students progress throughout

    the semester. However, it seems that paying close attention to feedback and taking the time to

    edit their entries are key elements for students to succeed.

    Based on the researches done, it can be seen that as a teacher, he must use different

    strategy and technic in teaching and learning process. Although that, there are some

    strengthness and weaknesses in using the teaching strategies which conducted by the

    researchers. First, Luu Trong Tuan, to enhance the EFL learners in improving the students

    writing skill, he uses journal writing. The students will write everything happened

    surrounding him. In here, the student will not affraid to make mistake in writing. It can be

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    motivated him to write more and be a good writer. But, for the student who have a weak

    writing comptence, it can be difficulted to him.

    Second researcher also use the strategy in teaching writing that is by using peer and

    teacher correction. The strenght of this strategy is every student wil correct their writing with friends

    and the teacher. So, the student will learn directly from the mistakes done. Then, using WebQuests

    and electronic journals to cultivate writing skills is one alternative method will be used by teacher in

    teaching and learning process in the classroom or out the classroom. This method will be difficult for

    the student who lack of operate the internet. And the strength of this method is student will explore

    their knowledge in operating the computer and using internet as learning media beside text book given

    in the school.

    According to the research, i can conclude that in teaching and learning of writing is important

    in order to develop the students writing skill. Teacher can use variance strategy and method to get thestudents interesting and will not bored. Writing journal report is beneficial to the student, because

    journal writing is used as an extensive activity to nurture learners' writing motivation and

    boost their writing skill as well as to establish a close rapport between teachers and learners.

    Through reading and responding to learners' journal entries, teachers are able to measure each

    learner's competence and understand their needs, thoughts, and feelings, which helps teachers

    accommodate their teaching ways to learners preferences and give learners appropriate

    assistance to their problems along the writing course.