Synthesis Examples

VHDL 360 © by: Mohamed Samy Samer El-Saadany


Getting familiar with code changes' impact on synthesis Skills gained: 1- Writing synthesis friendly code This is part of VHDL 360 course

Transcript of Synthesis Examples

Page 1: Synthesis Examples

VHDL 360©

by: Mohamed Samy Samer El-Saadany

Page 2: Synthesis Examples

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Module 4

Synthesis Examples

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• Getting familiar with code changes' impact on synthesis

• Skills gained:– Writing synthesis friendly code

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Outline• Introduction• Synthesize and Learn

– Combinational Logic– Latch Inference– Sequential Logic– Flip-Flop Inference

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• VHDL is a H/W modeling language used to model digital circuits

• Digital circuits can be either Combinational or Sequential– Combinational Logic circuits: Implement Boolean

functions whose output is only dependant on the present inputs

– Sequential Logic circuits: Implement circuits whose output depends on the present inputs & the history of the inputs. i.e. Circuits having storage elements

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• Synthesis tools translate the VHDL code to a gate level netlist representing the actual H/W gates [and, or, not, Flip-Flops…etc]

• Only a subset of the language is synthesizable– A model can be either

• Synthesizable: Used for both Simulation & Synthesis• Non-Synthesizable: Used for Simulation only

VHDL Standard

Synthesizable VHDL

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Synthesize and Learn

• In the next slides we will use examples from the previous modules to demonstrate synthesis and study the synthesized logic

• We will also modify these examples and observe the impact on the synthesized logic

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Combinational Logiclibrary IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; Entity mux_case is Port(a, b, c, d: in std_logic; Sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); F: out std_logic); End entity;

Architecture rtl of mux_case is begin process (a,b,c,d,sel) is begin Case sel is When "00" => f <= a; When "01" => f <= b; When "10" => f <= c; When "11" => f <= d; when others => f <= a; End case; End process; End architecture;

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Example 1: 4x1 Multiplexer

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Skills Check• What is the impact of removing some signals from the sensitivity list

as shown in example 2?

Architecture rtl of mux_case is begin process (a,b,c,d,sel) is begin

Case sel is When "00" => f <= a; When "01" => f <= b; When "10" => f <= c; When "11" => f <= d; when others => f <= a; End case; End process; End architecture;

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Architecture rtl of mux_case is begin process (a, sel) is begin

Case sel is When "00" => f <= a; When "01" => f <= b; When "10" => f <= c; When "11" => f <= d; when others => f <= a; End case; End process; End architecture;

Example 2: 4x1 Multiplexer Example 1: 4x1 Multiplexer

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Skills Check (Soln.)

Architecture rtl of mux_case is begin process (a,b,c,d,sel) is begin

Case sel is When "00" => f <= a; When "01" => f <= b; When "10" => f <= c; When "11" => f <= d; when others => f <= a; End case; End process; End architecture;

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Architecture rtl of mux_case is begin process (a, sel) is begin

Case sel is When "00" => f <= a; When "01" => f <= b; When "10" => f <= c; When "11" => f <= d; when others => f <= a; End case; End process; End architecture;

Example 2: 4x1 MultiplexerExample 1: 4x1 Multiplexer

• No Impact on the synthesis results, however we will find that the simulation results differ

• Synthesis tools don’t use the sensitivity list to determine the logic, but simulation tools depend on the sensitivity list to execute the process

• Example 2 suffers a problem called “Simulation – Synthesis mismatch”

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Combinational Logic• VHDL 2008* introduced the keyword "all" that implicitly adds all read

signals to the sensitivity list to avoid “Simulation Synthesis mismatch”

Architecture rtl of mux_case is begin process (all) is begin

Case sel is When "00" => f <= a; When "01" => f <= b; When "10" => f <= c; When "11" => f <= d; when others => f <= a; End case; End process; End architecture;

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*Not yet supported by all tools in the market

Example 3

Golden rule of thumb• To avoid “Simulation Synthesis mismatch” problems when

modeling Combinational logic, add all read signals to the sensitivity list

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Combinational Logic

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LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

ENTITY add_sub IS port (a, b : in integer; result : out integer; operation: in std_logic);END ENTITY;

ARCHITECTURE behave OF add_sub IS BEGIN process (a, b, operation) begin if (operation = '1') then result <= a + b; else result <= a - b; end if; end process;END ARCHITECTURE;

Example 4: Adder-Subtractor

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Combinational Logic

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LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

ENTITY adder IS port (a, b : in integer; result : out integer; enable: in std_logic); END ENTITY adder;

ARCHITECTURE behave OF adder IS BEGIN process (a, b, enable) begin if (enable = '1') then result <= a + b; end if; end process;END ARCHITECTURE;

• Consider that someone tries to re-use that code to implement an adder with an enable He modifies the add_sub example; removes the else branch & renames the “operation” port to “enable” as shown below, How would these changes affect the logic?

Example 5:

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Combinational Logic

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LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

ENTITY adder IS port (a, b : in integer; result : out integer; enable: in std_logic); END ENTITY adder;

ARCHITECTURE behave OF adder IS BEGIN process (a, b, enable) begin if (enable = '1') then result <= a + b; end if; end process;END ARCHITECTURE;

Example 5:

• This will infer a latch, because we didn’t specify what should happen to “result” when “enable” isn’t equal to '1'

• Simulation & synthesis tools will just keep the value as is…i.e. It latches the last value

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Combinational Logic

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY incomplete_case IS port(sel : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); A, B: std_logic; F : out std_logic); END ENTITY; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF incomplete_case IS BEGIN process (sel, A, B) begin case (sel) is when "00" => F <= A; when "01" => F <= B; when "10" => F <= A xor B; when others => null; end case; end process; END ARCHITECTURE;

Example 6:

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• In the below example, the "11" value of "sel" signal is not listed as a case choice, hence signal "F" is not assigned a value in this case

• A Latch is inferred in this example Probably that wasn’t needed

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Skills Check

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;ENTITY incomplete_assignment IS port(sel : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); A, B : in std_logic; O1, O2: out std_logic); END ENTITY; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF incomplete_assignment ISBEGIN process (sel, A, B) begin case (sel) is when "00" => O1 <= A; O2 <= A and B; when "01" => O1 <= B; O2 <= A xor B; when "10" => O1 <= A xor B; when "11" => O2 <= A or B; when others => O1 <= '0'; O2 <= '0'; end case; end process; END ARCHITECTURE;

Example 7:

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• Do you think a Latch would be inferred in the below example?

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Skills Check (Soln.)

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;ENTITY incomplete_assignment IS port(sel : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); A, B : in std_logic; O1, O2: out std_logic); END ENTITY; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF incomplete_assignment ISBEGIN process (sel, A, B) begin case (sel) is when "00" => O1 <= A; O2 <= A and B; when "01" => O1 <= B; O2 <= A xor B; when "10" => O1 <= A xor B; when "11" => O2 <= A or B; when others => O1 <= '0'; O2 <= '0'; end case; end process; END ARCHITECTURE;

Example 7:

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• Do you think a Latch would be inferred in the below example?

• Latches are inferred for both signals "O1" & "O2"• Though the case is complete & no "null" statement

is there, we find that "O1" & "O2" are not assigned in all case's branches This is called “Incomplete signal assignment”

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Latch Inference• Most of the time latches are not desired in the

design because they affect timing badly• To remove unintended latches:

– Cover all branches of if-else and case statements– Avoid incomplete signal assignment by assigning a value

to each signal in each branch• if you don’t care about other conditional values then assign the

output to '0' or '1'

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Sequential Logic

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Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;Entity d_ff is Port(d, clk, rst : in std_logic; Q, nQ : out std_logic);end entity;Architecture behav of d_ff is Begin process(clk) begin If (rising_edge(clk)) then If (rst = '1') then Q <= '0'; nQ <= '0'; else Q <= d; nQ <= not (d); end if; end if; end process;end behav;

• Let's model the well known D-FF with outputs Q & nQ and see the synthesis results

Example 8:

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Sequential Logic

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Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;Entity d_ff is Port(d, clk, rst : in std_logic; Q, nQ : out std_logic);end entity;Architecture behav of d_ff is Begin process(clk) begin If (rising_edge(clk)) then If (rst = '1') then Q <= '0'; nQ <= '1'; else Q <= d; nQ <= not (d); end if; end if; end process;end behav;

• Let's model the well known D-FF with outputs Q & nQ and see the synthesis results

Example 8:

Two Flip-Flops ?!

Change the code to have only one Flip-Flop

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Sequential Logic

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• Let's model the well known D-FF with outputs Q & nQ and see the synthesis results

Example 9:

Yep…That's what we want!

Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;Entity d_ff is Port( d, clk, rst : in std_logic; Q, nQ : out std_logic);end entity;Architecture behav of d_ff is signal Q_int: std_logic;Begin process(clk) begin If (rising_edge(clk)) then If (rst = '1') then Q_int <= '0'; else Q_int <= d; end if; end if; end process; Q <= Q_int; nQ <= not (Q_int); end behav;

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Sequential Logic

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Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;Entity d_ffs is Port(d: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); clk, rst : in std_logic; Q, nQ : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));end entity;Architecture behav of d_ffs is signal Q_int: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); Begin process(clk) begin If (rising_edge(clk)) then If (rst = '1') then Q_int <= (others => '0'); else Q_int <= d; end if; end if; end process; Q <= Q_int; nQ <= not (Q_int); end behav;

• What about making an array of D-FFs?Example 10:

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity shift_register is Port ( clk, D, enable : in STD_LOGIC; Q : out STD_LOGIC); end entity; architecture Behavioral of shift_register is begin process(clk) variable reg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin if rising_edge(clk) then if enable = '1' then for i in 1 to 7 loop reg(i-1) := reg(i); end loop; reg(7) := d; end if; end if; Q <= reg(0); end process; end Behavioral;

Sequential LogicExample 11: 8-bit Shift Register (Shift right)

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Flip-Flop Inference

• Assignments under clock edge where the object value needs to be remembered across multiple process invocations Flip-Flop– Signal assignment under clock edge will always infer a Flip-Flop– Variable assignment under clock edge will infer Flip-Flop only when

its value ought to be remembered across process invocations

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Exercise 1

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Entity unknown is port(x: out std_logic; y: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); c: in integer); End entity; Architecture behave of unknown is Begin x <= y(c); End behave;

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• Deduce what the below code models• Use synthesis tool to validate your answer

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