Symantec Ghost User's Manual

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Transcript of Symantec Ghost User's Manual

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    Symantec Ghost

    Users Manual

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    Table of ContentsServer Installation/Configuration.........................................................................................3Client Installation...............................................................................................................11Pulling an Image ................................................................................................................13

    Pushing an Image...............................................................................................................16

    Imaging Manually..............................................................................................................18

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    Server Installation/


  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    1. Run CDStart.exe from the Symantec Ghost installation folder.

    2. Click Install Symantec Ghost.

    3. Click Install Ghost Console and Ghost Standard Tools.

    4. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform a standard installation.

    5. After installation, run Ghost Console. From the Help menu, select Register Console

    and then Add Legacy License. Enter the following information: Name: Jeff Davidson

    E-mail Address: [email protected]

    Serial Number: 2214548970Validation Key: 021E3FB677B5EE8000EF

    6. If you have any issues with installation or registration, contact Jeff Davidson at

    [email protected].

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    For each unique set of computers that will be imaged, organizational folders should be created

    under Machine Groups.

    7. In the left pane, click Machine Groups. In the right pane, right-click and select New

    Folder. Give the folder a meaningful name (e.g. EEB30).

    8. Double-click the new folder. In the right pane, create two more folders called All and ToImage. Repeat steps 7-8 for each unique set of computers.

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    9. As clients are connected to the server, they will be listed in the Default folder under

    Machine Groups. Select all computers for a unique group (e.g. EEB30XX) and copy and

    paste them into the All folder in their corresponding group. Repeat for all groups. The com-puters are now placed and organized into manageable groups.

    Each group will need two tasks one to create an image (pull) and one to image computers(push). The next steps describe creating Image Create Tasks and Image Push Tasks.

    10. In the left pane, click Tasks. In the right pane, right-click and select New Image Create


    11. Give the task a meaningful name such as Pull EEB30 Image. For now, leave the source

    machine blank. You will select the source when you are ready to use the task.

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    12. Under the Image section, click Browse.

    13. Click on Images to expand the folder. If an image does not currently exist for the group,click New and select New Item.

    14. Give the image a meaningful name such as EEB30. Next to Location, click Browse.Browse to a location on the server to save the Ghost image. At the time of this writing, the im-ages were saved in /Ghost Images on the file server. Be sure to create a folder corresponding

    to the image name to put the image file in (e.g. EEB30). In the File name field, enter the

    name of the image (e.g. EEB30) and click Open.

    15. Click OK. The image should now be listed. Select the image and click OK.

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    16. Choose your desired level of compression. I usually choose Fast. Check the box to

    Remove machine from Domain before taking an image. Click Save. The Image Create

    Task is ready!

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    17. In the left pane, click Tasks. In the right pane, right-click and select New Task.

    18. Give the task a meaningful name such as Push EEB30 Image. Under Task Steps, se-lect Clone. Next to Target Machine Group/Machine click Browse.

    19. Expand the desired group folder and select the corresponding To Image folder and clickOK.

    20. At the top, select the Clone tab.

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    21. Under the Image section, click Browse. Expand Images and select the desired im-

    age. If the image does not exist, refer to Creating an Image Create Task for creating an im-

    age. Select the image and click OK.

    22. Click Save. The Image Push Task is ready!

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    Client Installation

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    1. Run CDStart.exe from the Symantec Ghost installation folder.

    2. Click Install Symantec Ghost.

    3. Click Install Ghost Console Client.

    4. Follow the prompts to install Ghost Console Client. When prompted for the name of theGhost Console server, enter the name of the server such as ENGSVR.

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    Pulling an Image

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    1. Open Symantec Ghost Console. In the left pane, click on Tasks. Double-click the Im-

    age Create task. If an Image Create task does not yet exist, refer to steps 10-16 in Server In-


    2. Under Source machine click Browse. Select the source machine (located in the Defaultfolder) and click OK.

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    3. Verify the settings look good and click Execute.

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  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    1. Open Symantec Ghost Console. In the left pane click Machine Groups. In the right

    pane, open the group and open the All folder. Select the computers you wish to image and

    Cut them (Ctrl+X or right-click and select Cut). Navigate to the To Image folder and Pastethem there (Ctrl+V). Be sure that ONLY the computers you wish to image are in the To Im-

    age folder.

    2. In the left pane, click Tasks. Right-click the Push Image task and select Execute Task.

    If a Push Image task does not yet exist, follow steps 17-22 in Server Installation/


  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    Imaging Manually

  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual



    Sometimes it is not possible to use Ghost Console to automatically image a computer. In such

    cases, a manual Ghost session must be started, with the client booting from some external de-

    vice such as a CD, USB flash drive, SD card, or floppy. In the first part of this tutorial, youwill create a custom boot device for the client. Then you will create and join a manual Ghost


    1. Before creating a boot device, you must determine what network card the client uses. Thiscan be done in a number of ways.

    The first way is by looking in the device manager. The device listed will not match exactlywith a Ghost driver, so take more notice of just the manufacturer and a model number.

    The second way is by looking in Symantec Ghost Console. If the computer or a computer ofthe same model has ever been connected to the Ghost Console, you can view what driver Ghost

    Console uses. Open Ghost Console. In the left pane, click Machine Groups. Open the

    Default group and double-click on the client. You can note the Network Adapter under the

    General tab. Click the Client tab. The driver that Ghost Console uses is listed under UseSuggested Template.

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    2. Once you know what driver to use, you can create a boot disk. Start by running Ghost Boot

    Wizard. Select Network Boot Package and click Next.

    3. Select the appropriate driver from the list. If the driver is not listed, check to the box to

    Show All Drivers (Advanced). Once the driver is selected, click Next.

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    4. Click Next.

    5. Click Next.

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    6. Click Next.

    7. Click Next.

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    8. There are three different types of boot options that Ghost supports: floppy, ISO, and remov-

    able disk. If the client supports booting from USB, then the easiest and most efficient option is

    to use a USB flash drive (removable disk). If booting from USB is not supported, burning anISO to a rewritable CD works well. If neither of these options are possible, then creating a set

    of floppies can be used as a last resort. The steps to create floppies, ISO images, and removable

    disks is described in the three sections below.

    A. Select the Format Floppy Disk Set option and click Next. Follow the instruc-

    tions to insert/ format the flop-

    B. Select the Create ISO Image option. Click Browse and select a location and file

    name to save the ISO image. Click Next. On the next screen, click Next again.

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  • 8/2/2019 Symantec Ghost User's Manual
