SYLLABUS -  · Web viewCooperative Training and Education - Importance of job...

SYLLABUS FOR HIGHER DIPLOMA IN COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT PAPER - I Environment for Cooperatives and Rural Development Unit : 1.5 Sessions : 45 PART-A Co-operation (Session 35) 1. Gensis of Cooperative Movement Meaning, Definition and concepts of Cooperation, history of Cooperative movement-charateristics of Cooperative economy Positioning of Cooperative in Market Economy-Benefits of Cooperation. 2. a) Mission goals and objectives of Cooperative enterprise-Understanding Cooperative Organisation-Enterprise and Institutional aspect b) Basic Values in Cooperative System c) Factors influencing Enterprise Performance d) Stake holders in Cooperative Enterprise e) Strategy formulation- Definition, Choice, Options 3 Principles of Cooperation - Analysis and Explanation : 1937 ICA committee, 1966 ICA Commission, 1995 ICA Commission-Cooperative Identity, Cooperative values, -Their applicability to cooperatives. 4. Cooperation in Foreign Countries: Evolution of cooperative credit-Raiffesen & Schultze Delitzch credit movement in Germany- Consumer Cooperative Movement in Great Britain, Sweden-Dairy Cooperatives in Denmark- Rural Electrification in U.S.A..-Agricultural Cooperative in Japan. 5. Cooperative Movement in India:

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PAPER - IEnvironment for Cooperatives and Rural Development

Unit : 1.5Sessions : 45

PART-ACo-operation (Session 35)

1. Gensis of Cooperative MovementMeaning, Definition and concepts of Cooperation, history of Cooperative movement-charateristics of Cooperative economy Positioning of Cooperative in Market Economy-Benefits of Cooperation.

2. a) Mission goals and objectives of Cooperative enterprise-Understanding Cooperative Organisation-Enterprise and Institutional aspect

b) Basic Values in Cooperative Systemc) Factors influencing Enterprise Performanced) Stake holders in Cooperative Enterprisee) Strategy formulation- Definition, Choice, Options

3 Principles of Cooperation - Analysis and Explanation :1937 ICA committee, 1966 ICA Commission, 1995 ICA Commission-Cooperative Identity, Cooperative values, -Their applicability to cooperatives.

4. Cooperation in Foreign Countries:Evolution of cooperative credit-Raiffesen & Schultze Delitzch credit movement in Germany- Consumer Cooperative Movement in Great Britain, Sweden-Dairy Cooperatives in Denmark- Rural Electrification in U.S.A..-Agricultural Cooperative in Japan.

5. Cooperative Movement in India:History and growth of cooperative movement in India -Pre-Independence period-Early experiments - Sir Frederick Nicholoson Report, Passing of 1904, 1912 Acts Maclagan Committee Report and other important Committees in the Post Independence era.

6. Cooperation during Five Year Plans:The First Five Year Plan - The Second Five Year Plan- National Development Council Policy Resolution (1958) - The Third Five Year Plan (1961-1966) Working Groups and Committees, Annual Plans. The main characteristics, Strategy and targets of cooperative development in Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Plans.

7. State Aid and Cooperation:

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Role of State Government in the development of Cooperative Movement in the State. Maintenance of Cooperative Deparetment - State Aids- Legal, Financial and Administrative Support Duties, responsibilities and the powers of Registrar of Cooperative Societies and other functional Registrars.

8. Training of Education :Cooperative Training and Education - Importance of job oriented cooperative training, education, publicity and propaganda in cooperative movement-Role of National Cooperative Union of India - National Centre for Cooperative Education - National Council for Cooperative Training - State Cooperative Unions- District Cooperative Unions- Constitution and functions- Cooperative Education Fund.

9. International Institutional supporting cooperative development :International Coopertive Allience, International Labour Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organisation.

10. Important Recommendations various Committees/Commissions:1) All- India Rural Credit Survey Committee, 19542) All- India Rural Credit Review Committee, 19693) CAFICARD,19814) Report of the Agricultural Credit Review Commissions.



1. Concept and significance of Rural Development-Philosphical and Sociological aspects of RD.

2. Approaches to Rural Development in India

3. Various Rural Development Programmes

4. The concept and structure of Panchayat Raj System. Role of Panchayat Raj Institutions in the development of Rural Economy. Important provisions of Panchayat Raj Act of the State concerned.

5. Causes and remedies of rural indebtness

6.. Social forestry and Wasteland/Dryland development

7. Other Programmes/Policies of Rural Development of State concerned.

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Unit : 2Sessions : 60

PART -ACooperative Law (45 Sessions)

1. Evolution of Cooperative Legislation in India - Cooperative Societies Act 1904, 1912, Provincial Legislation - present trends.

2. Cooperative Societies Act and Rules of the State concerned -salient features - Registration of coops.-need, conditions and effect of registration- procedure for registration- preparation of registration proposal.

3. By-Laws - its importance- amendment of by-laws- meaning, provisions and procedure- change of name, liability - powers of the Registrar of cooperative Societies to direct amendment - preparation of amendment proposal.

4. Re-organisation of the societies- Division and amalgamation-procedures-preparation of proposal- Determination of owner’s equity and revaluation of shares.

5. Membership-type, eligibility and admission- rights and liabilities-Qualifications and disqualifications of members-expulsion of members

6. Management-power of General Body, consititution, procedure for convening of annual and special general meetings- Agenda to be discussed - recording of minutes - Budget, Audit rectification & distribution of net profit.

7. Committee of Management- nominated and co-opted members Constitution, powers and duties of the Committee of Management- Disqualification for Committee Members.

8. Elections-Rules, provisions and procedures.

9. Privileges of cooperatives-charge and set off, exemption from fees, duties and taxes deduction of dues of cooperative from salary earners.

10. Supervision and Inspection - Audit, enquiry, Inspection - provisions and procedures - surcharge procedure.

11. Suspension & disqualification of Commitee Member - Drafting of Supersession Notice/Order - Securing possession of records by search and seizure - Reconstruction of Records

12. Properties and funds of Cooperative Societies - Statutory funds - appropriation of net profit - Investment of funds and reserve fund - Rules for employees Provident Funds.

13. Settlement of disputes - arbitration and awards - Attachment before award - Provisions and Procedures - Drafting of Plaint - Procedure for hearing - recording of order sheet and drafting of Judgement/award.

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14. Execution and enforcement of awards - Provision and Procedures for filing Enquiry Petition - Attachment and sale of Movable and Immovables - Powers of Principal Officer and Sale Officer.

15. Liquidation - Grounds, Appointment and Powers of Liquidator - Settlement of Claims by Liquidator - Distribution of Surplus Asset - cancellation of registration

16. Appeal, revision and review - meaning and distinction - decision against which appeals are made, appellate authority, Cooperative Tribunal, Constitution and Powers.

17. Offences and Penalties - provisions and procedures

18. Special by laws/sub rules relating to the service conditions of employees of cooperatives

19. Salient Features of Multi State Cooperative Societies Act, 1984 and Model Cooperative Societies Bill (Self Reliant Cooperative Societies Act)



1. Cooperative Management - Special feature and Values Masnagement - Special pattern in Cooperatives - Role of General Body, Management Committee, Chairman and Managing Director/Secretary, Meetings, Tenure and Quorum

2. Principles and Approaches to Management - Function of Management

3. Planning - Elements and types of Planning, Tools and Techniques of Planning - Planning in Cooperative Enterprise.

4. Staffing - Principles and Elements of Staffing

5. Directing and Controlling - Process - Tools and techniques

6. Maintenance of various records in the Cooperatives

7. Departmental set up of State Cooperative Department - Registrar, Secretary Cooperation, Chief Auditor, Functional Registrars - their role and responsibilities

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PAPER – IIICooperative Credit and Banking

Unit : 1Sessions : 30

PART - ACooperative Credit (Session 20)

1. Meaning of Credit-Need for Production and Development Credit. Importance of Agricultural Credit and its Characteristics. Type of Credit Short-Term, Medium and Long Term Credit. Need for the Institutional Credit for Agricultural and Rural Development

2. Structure of Credit Cooperative Federal/Unitary ad Mixed Type. Need for the Integration of Short Term, Medium Term and Medium Term Credit Structure (Single Window)

3. Classification of Credit Cooperative Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and Non-Agricultural Credit Cooperatives. Agricultural Credit Coops-PACS, FSS, LAMPS, DCC Banks and State Cooperative Banks. Non-Agricultural Credit Cooperative-Urban Cooperative Banks, Salary Earners Cooperative Credit Societies/Banks, Industrial Cooperative Banks and other Non-Agricultural Credit Societies.

4. Organisation, Membership, Sources of Finance and Working PACS, FSS and LAMPS, Crop Loan System-its Prospects and Problems Preparation of Normal Credit Statement, Procedure of Sanctioning Crop Loan, Linking of Credit with Marketing, National Agricultural Insurance Scheme- Latest Progress and Problems.

5. Central Cooperative Banks (DCC Banks). Organisation, Membership Management, Objectives, Functions and the Working. Mobilisation of Resources. Lending different Types of Loans, Agricultural Lending and Non-Farm Sector Finance Procedure of obtaining loan from State. Cooperative Banks, NABARD, RBI and other agencies. Seasonalities in lending, Scale of Finance. Minimum Involvement and Non Overdue cover. Disbursement of Loan, Supervision and Recovery of Loan, Latest Progress, Problems and Remedies to overcome them. Development Action Plan.

6. State Cooperative Banks (Apex Banks) Organisation, Management, Objectives, Functions and Working. Role of Apex Banks in the development of Cooperative Movement in the State. Latest Progress, Problems and Remedies to overcome them.

7. Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks. Need, Objectives Functions Sources of Finance and Working. Floating of Debentures, Types of Debentures and Procedure of Floating Debentures - Project Approach and Schematic Lending-Latest Progress Achieved.

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Primary Coop. Agriculture and Rural Development Banks functions, management and working, problems of long-term lending coops. and remedial measures.

8. Management of Overdues, Causes for Overdues and Remedies - Recovery ethics/Important Recommendations of Dates Committee on Overdues. Non-performing Assets-Assets Classification, Income Recognition and Provisioning Norms, Capital Adequacy Norms.

9. National Federation of State Cooperative Banks, National Federation of Agriculture and Rural Development Banks and National Cooperative Bank of India and their Role in the Development of Cooperative Banking.

10. Organisation, Objectives, Functions and Working of Urban Cooperative Banks-Employee Cooperative Banks and other Non-Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and Industrial Cooperative Banks, Mobilisation of Resources, Diversification of Lending Portfolio- Lending for Priority Sectors and Weaker Sections.

Role of RBI in the development of Urban Cooperative Banks, Important Circulars issued by RBI relating to Urban Cooperative Banks.

Important recommendations of various committees on Urban Banks - K. Madhavadas Committee, Marathe Committee and Higher Power Committee.

11. Role of NABARD in Agricultural Refinancing Assistance to Agricultural Credit Cooperatives - Procedure and Norms of NABARD for the issue of Refinance to Cooperatives

12. Lead Bank Scheme, Service Area Approach, Deposit Insurance Guarantee Corporation Act.

13. Management of Funds in Cooperative Banks.

PART-BBanking (Session 10)

1. Meaning and Definition of Bank, Banker and Banking, Functions of Banks. Banker Customer Relationship

2. Banking Operations-Mobilisation of resources - Acceptance of Various Types of Deposits Procedure for opening and operation of Various Types of Accounts and Various Types of Customers Documentations for Various Loans

3. Management of Funds in Banks - Principles of Good Lending and Investment, Profit Planning Consortium Schemes, Merchant Banking.

4. Important provision of Negotiable Instrument Act 1881.

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5. Important provision of B.R. Act 1949 (as applicable to Cooperative Societies, 1966)

6. Banking Services - Collection, Remittance, Agency Services, Administrative Services, Trusteeship Clearing House-Innovative Banking.

7. Branch Licensing Policy Adopted by RBI Banking Ombudsman for Customer Services.

8. Productivity in Banks - Social Aspect of Banking - Concept of Development Banking

PAPER – IVNon-Credit Cooperatives

Unit : 1Sessions : 30

S.No. Topic

1. Classification of Cooperative Societies :

Agricultural Cooperative Societies - Non-Agricultural Cooperative Societies - Agricultural Credit - Agricultural Non-Credit-Non-Agricultural Credit - Non-Agricultural Non-Credit

2. Agricultural Non-Credit Societies :

a) Cooperative Marketing - Role of Cooperative Marketing Institutions in Agricultural Production - Essential Prerequisites for organisation of successful Marketing Institutions - Structure of Cooperative Marketing Societies.

b) Primary Marketing Societies, Product Marketing Societies like Jute, Mango, Coconut, Grape etc., Regional level marketing Societies - Apex level marketing Societies - Membership, Constitution, Organisation, Function and Working of Cooperative Marketing Societies.

c) Regulated Market - Place in Agricultural Marketing - Storage and Warehousing

d) Marketing Finance - Sources of Finance - Role of Cooperative Banks and NCDC

e) National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation - Constitution, Working, Internal and International Trade.

3. Cooperative Processing :Types of Processing Cooperatives and their Importance in Agricultural Production - Sugar Factories - Spinning Mills - Cotton Ginning - Modern Rice

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Mill - Oil Crushing - Flour Mills - Fruit Processing Unit - Organisation - Pattern of Assistance - Block Capital, Working Capital, Office and Godown Premises - Managerial and other Assistance from Government and Other Sources.

4 Cooperative Farming :Need for Cooperative Farming - Features - Types of Cooperative Farming - Problems and Prospects.

5. Non-Agricultural Non-Credit Societies :

Consumer Cooperatives :

a) Importance and Advantages - Constitution and Management-Essential Conditions of Success

b) Structure of Consumer Movement - Primary Consumer Stores - Wholesale

Stores, State and National Federations - Constitutions and Working.

c) Departmental Stores and Supermarkets Role of Consumer Movement in Stabilisation of Prices

d) Various Schemes of Assistance for Development of Consumer Cooperative - Public Distribution Centres.

6. Industrial Cooperatives :

a) Industrial Cooperative Societies - Tea Factories - Weavers Societies - Cottage and Small Scale Industries - Constitutions, Function and Working.

b) Pattern of Assistance, Government, Cooperative Banks, Various Statutory Boards.

7. Dairy Cooperatives :

a) Significance of Milk Cooperatives in the Socio Economic Development of Rural Area - AMUL Pattern.

b) Primary Milk Producers Cooperatives, Milk Unions, State and National Dairy Cooperative Federation - NDDB - Constitution, Working and Functioning

8. Miscellaneous Cooperatives :

a) Labour Contract and Construction Societies - Fishery Cooperatives - Housing Cooperatives - Transport Cooperatives - Fertilizer Cooperatives - IFFCO - KRIBHCO - Rural Electrification Societies - Constitution and Working - Insurance Cooperatives

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PAPER - V : Cooperative Accounts & Audit

Unit : 1.5Sessions : 45

PART - ACooperative Accounts (Session 30)

1. Fundamental of Accounting Keeping - Accounting concepts and conventions.

2. Principles of Book - Keeping and Accountancy - Its Significance.

3. Classification of Accounts - Principles of Single/Double Entry System and Cooperative Accounting System - their relative usefulness

4. Accounting Procedure - Book of original Entry-Journal and its Subdivisions - rules for passing Journal Entries - preparation of different types of Cash Book and Day Book in Cooperatives

5. Various Types of Ledgers - General Ledger - Posting of Ledgers from Books of original entry - Balancing of Ledger

6. Preparation Bank Reconciliation Statement and Follow Up Action

7. Preparation Receipt and Disbursement Statement and Trial Balance-Accounting - Errors and their rectification - Type of Errors - Steps to locate Errors - And their Rectification

8. Capital and Revenue Expenditure/Receipts - Distinction - Deferred Revenue Expenditure.

9. Depreciation - Methods, their Application in Cooperatives with Reference to types of assets.

10. Creation of reserves - Different Sources and Types, Statutory Reserves, Reserves for Bad and Doubtful Debts - Other Reserves and Provisions in Cooperatives - their Investment - Prudential Norma for Income Recognition - Assets Classification and Provisioning and other related Matters - Guidelines for NPA Concepts.

11. Treatment of Loans and Subsidies in Accounts - Managerial and Other Revenue Subsidies - Capital Subsidy - Treatment in Final Accounts and Balance Sheet.

12. Adjusting and Closing Entries - Preparation of Trading/Manufacturing Accounts, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account, Balance Sheet from Trial Balance/ Receipt and Disbursement Statement.

13. Concept of Consignment Account, Joint-Venture Account, - Branch Account- their Reconciliation and Incorporation in Head Office Accounts.

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13. Special Features of Maintenance of Accounts of different Category of Cooperatives - Credit - Non - Credit at Primaries, Central and Apex Level and Special Type of Cooperatives - Books and Registers required to be maintained.

PART - BCooperative Audit (Session 15)

1. Audit - Auditing : Definition and Advantages - Objects of Cooperative Audit - different Types of Cooperative Audit - Difference between Cooperative Audit and other Audits.

2. Internal Control : Nature and Objectives of Internal Control - Internal Check and Internal Audit - Internal Control Vis-a-Vis Statutory Audit.

3. Audit Programme, Routine Checking and vouching

4. Adjustment Entries, Rectification Entries and Closing Entries

5. Valuation and Verification of Assets - Closing Stock - Including Stock on Consignment, Verification of Contingent Liabilities- Estimation of Bad and Doubtful assets and Creation of Reserves and Provisions. Prudential Norms - Provisioning for Non-Performing Assets in Cooperative Banks - Depreciation Critical and Comparative analysis.

6. Examination and Analysis of Manufacturing Account, Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet.

7. Audit Objections - Suggestions for Improvement - reporting of serious Objections - Spot Rectification of Bonafide Errors- Review of Compliance Report of Previous Audit.

8. Administrative Audit - Appraisal of the Performance the Management and Employees, Performance Audit, Efficiency Audit - Proprietary Audit, Social Audit - Cost Audit and their applicability.

9. Tax Audit - Conduct, Preparation and Submission of Tax Audit Report under the Income Tax Act.

10. Assessment of Audit fee and Audit Classification

11. Audit of Different Types of Cooperative Institution - Credit and Non Credit Primaries, Central, Apex Level and Special Types of Cooperatives

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PAPER - VI MIS And Computer Application -I

Unit : 1Sessions : 30


- Types of Computers- Role of Computer Components - Memory, Cache

Memory, Disk, RAM/ROM etc.- Computer Capabilities- Peripheral Devices - Input/Output, Secondary

Storage Devices etc.- Need & Role of Computer Languages - Higher

Level, Lower Level


- Need and Role of an Operating System- DOS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS-NT, UNIX



4. WINDOWS’98 :

- Windows Essentials- FOLDERS/SHORTCUTS etc.- Windows Explorer- Sharing Resources- Standard Windows Settings

5. MS - WORD - 97

- Documents Creation, Saving- Paste, Find, Replace, Goto- Different View Options, Adding Toolbars, Header, Footer- Insert Options, Format Options- Spell Check, Auto Correct, Mail Merge

- Tabulations

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Unit : 1.5Sessions : 45

PART - ACost Accounting (20 Sessions)

1. Meaning, Scope, Objectives, Concepts and Utilities of Cost Account

2. Relationship and difference between financial, cost and management accounting

3. Elements of cost-classification of cost, cost sheet preparation4. Materials, labour and overhead - their related aspects

5. Methods of costing- Job costing- Process costing- Service costing, and- Contract costing in cooperatives

6. Inventory valuation & control

7. Cost analysis for decision making - marginal costing- Cost - volume profit analysis, or, break even analysis- Pricing single and multiple products- Capacity utilisation- Product mix decision

8. Standard Costing - variance analysis - causes of variance - budget control

PART - BFinancial Management ( 25 Sessions)

1. Introduction to Financial Management- Definition- Objectives, scope of financial management- Investment, financing and dividend decision

2. Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements- Meaning- Advantage- Limitations- Different types of Financial Statements

(a) Ratio Analysis - Meaning- Objects and limitation

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- types of ratios- Significance of ratios- Application of Ratio Analysis in Cooperatives

(b) Funds flow and Cash flow Analysis- Significance and Procedure- Interpretation of Funds flow and cash flow Statement

3. Working Capital Management- Concept and need of working capital- Estimating working capital requirement- Optimum level of current assets- Managing Cash- Managing accounts receivable- Managing inventories

4. Designing the capital structure for cooperatives- Features of an appropriate capital structure and its

determinants- Source of capital in cooperatives- Cost of capital in cooperatives

5. Budgets- Preparation of various budgets- Cash budget, sales budget- Production budget- budgetary control

6. Funds Management- Significance of funds management in cooperatives- Credit appraisal- Recovery Management- Managing term loans - raising of term loans- Internal financing - compulsory deposit- Corrective and follow up measures

7. Capital Budgeting- Process of capital budgeting- Types of Evaluation

8. Reporting to Management for financial decisions- Objectives and Types of Reporting

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Unit : 1Sessions : 30

1. INTRODUCTION TO CONCEPT OF MARKETINGMeaning, Traditional and Modern concepts - Marketing Mix - Elements of Marketing Mix.

2. MARKETING FOR COOPERATIVESFeatures and basic concepts of marketing for cooperatives

3. MARKETING SEGMENTATION - POSITIONINGImportance of market segmentation - Bases for segmentation - Selection of Segments - Basic issues lying in product positioning

4. PRODUCT POLICY AND PLANNINGWhat is a Product - Product - Mix and Product line Decisions- New Product Decisions - Packaging and Brand Decisions

5. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLEDistinct stages in PLC - PLC concept as a tool in marketing strategy

6. MARKETING STRATEGYThe Meaning and significance of Marketing strategy - Formulating the Marketing strategy.

7. MARKETING PLANNINGImportance of Marketing Planning, Steps involved in Marketing Planning

8. MARKETING PLAN IMPLEMENTATIONSteps, Scope and techniques

9. MARKETING STRATEGY FOR COOPERATIVES:Formulating marketing strategy for cooperatives in different sectors like, Agri. Produce marketing, Handloom products, handicrafts and Cooperative (Service Marketing) etc. - Practices in Agriculture produce and inputs marketing - Procurement, Grading - Processing - Warehousing - Transportation - Distribution.

10. PRICINGMeaning, Pricing objectives, Setting the price - Setting price objectives - Pricing Methods etc.

11. MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEMS - MARKETING RESEARCHMeaning, Purpose and scope of Marketing Research - Steps involved in Marketing Research - Marketing Research in India Problems etc.

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12. MARKETING RESEARCHNeeds and Practices in Cooperatives

13. DISTRIBUTION AND ITS STRATEGYIntroduction - Channels of Distribution - Planning and Designing the Distribution channel, Steps involved in developing the channel Design - Selecting an Appropriate channel.

14. PROMOTIONIntroduction - Decisions in Promotional Mix - Advertising Decision - Sales Promotion strategy - Publicity and Sales Promotion - After Sales Service

15. BUYER BEHAVIOURStudying Buyer Behaviour & Basic requirement - Factors influencing Buyer Behaviour - Buying Habits - The Buying Process.

16. EXPORT MARKETINGConcepts and Procedures - Opportunities for Cooperatives




Unit : 1Sessions : 30

1. Constitution of India - Provisions relating to various writs - its application to cooperative societies

2. Indian Contract Act - essential elements of a valid agreement - void and voidable contract - enforcement and breach of contract - appropriation of payments - contract of agency - bailment and pledge - contract of guarantee and indemnity.

3. Sales of goods Act - Sale and agreement to sale - condition and warranty - doctrine of caveat emptor - Breach of contract of sale - Rights of an unpaid seller.

4. Salient feature of Income Tax Act & Sales Tax Act - Exemption to cooperatives - filling of returns.

5. Transfer of property act - Sale, mortgage and charge - various types of mortgages - doctrine and clog-on-redemption.

6. Indian Evidence Act - Facts in issue and relevant facts - Oral & documentary evidence - Admissibility of evidence - Rules of estoppel - Examination of witness, cross examination and re-examination.

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7. Civil procedure code - Res-sub-judice and resjudicata - Execution of orders - properties not liable for attachment (sec. 60)

8. Indian Penal Code - theft, misappropriation of property, criminal breach of trust - forgery and tampering of records.

9. Criminal procedure code - F.I.R. - Complaint case - cognizable and non-cognizable offences.

10. Indian Limitation act -salient features - calculation of limitation period and its extension.

11. Consumer protection Act - definition of consumer and procedure for redressal of consumer grievances at District, State and National Consumer Commission and enforcement of orders/awards.

12. Salient features of Agricultural Produce Market Act - regulation of markets.

13. Salient features of shop and establishment Act - essential commodities Act - Standards of weights and measures Act.

14. Service Laws - Government Servants Conduct Rule - State civil service classification, control and appeal rules relating to departmental proceedings/domestic inquiry.

15. Salient features of minimum wages act, Bonus Act, Industrial dispute Act, Gratuity Act, Provident Fund Act, and Factories Act.


Unit : 1Sessions : 30

PART - AOrganisational Behaviour (Session 15)

1. Nature and scope - Approaches to Organisational Behaviour - Behavioural issues of attitudes aspirations of employees members.

2. Individual and Organisation - Individual as a unit and sub-system - basic assumptions about individuals and work behaviour -issues of individual ability and organisational influences on work performance and job performance - individual and organisation - interaction, psychological contract - expectations and demands - areas and conflict etc.

3. Motivation - nature and process - theories of motivation, Maslow - Herzberg, McGregor and Hawthorne experiment - Motivation of employees productivity.

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4. Inter personal relationship in a organisation - three dimensions - FIRO B - Dyad

5. Groups and Group Dynamics - Formation of formal and informal groups - Group process and decision making - Group effectiveness - stages of group development.

6. Management of conflict - Organisational conflicts - inter group conflicts management - building trust - conflict between different groups in cooperative organisation.

7. Transactional analysis Introduction - Structural Analysis - Ego States - Transactions.

8. Leadership - concept of managerial leadership types - qualities of leadership - leadership effectiveness - leadership in cooperative organisations - development of leadership qualities.

9. Management of stress and time management - physiology and psychology stress - time management - case analysis.

PART - BCommunication (Session 15)

10. Dimension of Human Communications, Channel of Communication, Communication strategy, Barriers and Gateways in communication, Situational learning.

11. Oral Communication - Listening Exercises - Two ways communication - Written Communication

12. Proposal and Report - Ways of written - oral, verbal and non-verbal communication - preparation of proposals and reports, structure of presentation basic content of presentation for decision making.

13. Committee Dynamics - Preparation of agenda for meeting, conducting meeting, writing proceeding to convey decision taken in meeting.

14. Interview - Structure of interview situation - Interviewer, Interviewees, Inter-personal situation and interaction with oral-verbal and non-verbal communication.

15. Negotiation - Demonstration by presenting concept of negotiation, scope of negotiation in cooperative organisation (Verbal and Non-verbal)

16. Individual Assignment work and presentation by participants and assessment by teacher.

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Paper - XI: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations(HRM & IR)

Unit : 1Sessions : 30


Key role of human resource; personnel policy, pre-requisites of HRM; Objectives of organisation, employees and personnel function; System approach in personnel function.

2. MANPOWER PLANNING - IManpower Inventory : Job and appraisal of data, role analysis; Job and role description etc.

3. MANPOWER PLANNING - IIBusiness Plan (LRP & SRP) vis-a-vis, Turnover ratio, stability index. Forecasting period assessment of personnel to be recruited and preparation of MPP.

4. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTIONRecruitment policy; Job specification; sources of supply of manpower; process of recruitment.

5. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT - INeeds and dimensions of personnel development - blocks to development; self-development initiative and process etc.

6. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT - IIIdentification of training needs, formulation of training plan, methods of training - Cooperative Training facilities.

7. CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTIONSCareer path - promotion and transfer policy; Cadre system open and close, Career development planning

8. EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION SYSTEM (ECS - I) Compensation policy; basis for fixation of compensation (salary/wages), legal provisions, Job evaluation)

9. EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION SYSTEM (ECS - III)Developing skill for evaluating different methods of compensation and selection of appropriate packages for a given job; Payment by time or by result incentive plans - individual/group sharing fringe benefits; fair pay and parity according to level.

10. EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITYFactors and tools of productivity, productivity techniques.

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11. PERFORMANCE APPRAISALPurpose of performance appraisal, its role in development of personnel performance measures etc. Appraisal by superior, peers, subordinates, self-appraisal, multiple rating, result oriented appraisal, Problems in appraisal.

12. DISCIPLINE AND DISCIPLINARY ACTIONConcept of Discipline :Organisational Disciplinary Code : Problems of discipline; counselling; guidelines for administering discipline; Formal approach to discipline, requirements, I.D. Act/I.R. Act, Rules and Procedures of disciplinary action and their application.

13. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND TRADE UNIONSI.R. need, I.R. policy and system approach, Problems of I.R. and work rules. Indian situation, I.R. in the cooperative organisations - special problems, I.R. and the rule of Trade Union and the management. Trade Unions in India - their philosophies and strategies.

14. EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION IN MANAGEMENT AND NEGOTIATING WITH TRADE UNIONS.Trade Union - management relations, Employee participation need, mode, joint works committee, purposeful effective union, management negotiation.

15. REVIEW AND INTEGRATION Focus on system approach - operational measures and steps.

Paper – XIIStatistics, Research Methodology & Project Management

Unit : 1Sessions : 30


1. Nature of statistical data - Meaning and definition - Importance of statistics

2. Classification, Tabulation and Interpretation - ratios, percent ages and Indices - Cross Section Data Grouped and Ungrouped Data

3. Presentation of data - diagrams - charts and graphs

4. Measures of Central Tendencies

5. Index Numbers

6. Measures of Dispersion

7. Forecasting and Time Series Analysis

Page 20: SYLLABUS -  · Web viewCooperative Training and Education - Importance of job oriented cooperative training, education, publicity and propaganda in cooperative movement-Role

8. Research Design

9. Sources and Collection of Data - Designing Questionnaires - Interpreting Results - Sampling

10. Preparation of a Research Report and Evaluation of a Project Report.


1. Project Concept - Identification - Formulation - Market, Financial and Cost Benefit Analysis.

2. Appraisal and Funding of Projects.

3. Project Implementation Stages

4. PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) & CPM (Critical Path Method)

5. Management Control System as a tool for Project Management

6. Design of Procurement System for Project.

7. Preparation of Project Report

8. Project Evaluation


Unit : 1Sessions : 30

1. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM- MIS concepts- Characteristics of MIS- Information requirements at various levels- Transaction Processing System (TPS)- Decision Support System (DSS)- Computer Based MIS - Advantages- Processing Cooperatives - Sugar, Dairy, Spinning etc.- Services of Cooperatives - Banks- Cases on MIS

2. MS-EXCEL ‘97- Creation of Workbook- Autofill facility- Find, Replace, Goto- Inserting Built-in-functions, Charts, Pictures- Formatting Facility

Page 21: SYLLABUS -  · Web viewCooperative Training and Education - Importance of job oriented cooperative training, education, publicity and propaganda in cooperative movement-Role

3. MS-ACCESS ‘97- Database Concepts- Creating New Database- Different Views of list- Setting Properties of database- Adding Toolbars- Different insert options- Spell check & auto correct- Concept of Relationship

- Integrating the documents, worskheets and databases