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  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus Internal Mphil Ma Ba(h)-Other Deptts



    Government College University, Faisalabad.

    Department of English


    (Internal Examinations)

    Ma English, BA (Hons) English, M Phil English.

    English Courses for Other Departments.

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    Government College University, Faisalabad

    Department of English

    1. Syllabus of M Phil English

    M Phil in EnglishTotal Credit Hours: 36

    Policy Guidelines:

    1. Focus should be on critical appreciation and evaluation of the texts.

    2. Along with presentations focus should also be on discussion in class and

    students should be encouraged to study critical works on the subject.

    3. No Objective Type questions.4. Students should be discouraged from plagiarism and copying in the

    assignments. Only genuine assignments should be accepted.

    Semester: 1

    Sr # Course Title Course code CreditHours

    1 Literary Criticism and Theory ELL-901 3

    2 Contemporary Poetry and Drama ELL-902 3

    3 Novel and Short Story ELL-903 34 Research Methodology1 ELL-904 3

    Total 12

    Semester: 2Sr # Course Title Course code Credit


    1 Postcolonial Studies ELL-905 3

    2 Pakistani LiteratureOr

    ELL-906 3

    3 American Literature ELL-907 3

    4 World Literature in Translation ELL-908 3

    5 Research MethodologyII ELL-909 3Total


    Semester: 3&4Sr # Course Title Course code Credit

    Hours1 Thesis ELL-910 12

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    Semester 1

    Course I

    Course Title: Literary Criticism and Theory:

    Course Code: ELL 901 3(3-0)

    1) Introduction to Literary Criticism from Aristotle to T. S. Eliot2) Formalism, New Criticism

    3) Structuralism and Semiotics

    4) Poststructuralism and Deconstruction

    5) Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Reader Response Theory6) Marxism

    7) Psychoanalysis

    8) Feminism

    9) Modernism and Postmodernism10)Postcolonial Theory

    Suggested Readings:

    1) A Short History of Criticism by Wimsatt and Brooke

    2) Critical Approaches to Literature by David Daiches3) Making of Literature by R A Scott James

    4) A History of Modern Criticism by Rene Wellek

    5) Modern Criticism and Theory. Ed by Thomas Lodge and Nigel Wood

    6) Modern Literary Theory: An Introduction: by Terry Eagleton

    7) Literary Theory: Basics: by Hans Bertens8) Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory by Bennett and Coyle

    9) Modern Literary Theory by Jonathan Culler10A Readers Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory by Raman Selden

    11)A Glossary of Contemporary Literary Terms by Jeremy Hawthorne

    Course II

    Course Title: Contemporary Poetry and Drama

    Course Code: ELL 902

    1) Contemporary Drama:

    1. Modern Drama

    o Henrike Ibsen

    o G B Shaw

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    2. Theatre of Absurd

    o Sartre and Albee

    3 American Drama

    o Arthur Miller and Eugene ONeill

    2) Contemporary Poetry:

    1) Symbolist Poetry

    o Yeats

    o Eliot

    o Pound

    2) Poets of Movement

    o Philip Larkin

    o Ted Hughes

    3) Postmodern Poetry

    o Heaney

    o Atwood

    o Neruda

    4) American Poetry

    o Whitman

    o Reich

    o Asbury

    Course IIICourse Title Novel and Short Story

    Course Code: ELL 903 3(3-0)

    A) NOVEL

    1) Modern Novel

    o Conrad

    o Wolf

    o Lawrence

    o Joyce

    o Drabble

    2) Magic Realism

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    o Marquez

    o Milan Kundera

    o Steinbeck

    3) Novel Across the Globe


    o Borges

    4) War Novel

    o Orwell

    o Robert Graves

    o Erich Maria Remarque

    B) Short Stories

    1) A Selection from French Short Stories

    oJeannot and Colin by Voltaire

    o The Executioner by Honore de Balzac

    o Zodomirsky Duel by Alexander Dumas

    o The Maid of the Dauber by Emile Zola

    o A Wifes Confession by Guy de Maupassant

    2) A Selection from Russian Short Stories1. Anton Chekhov

    o The Bet

    o The Darling

    2. Fyodor Dostoevsky

    o The Christmas Tree and the Wedding

    3. NiKolai Gogol

    o The Cloak

    4. Maxim Gorky

    o One Autumn Night

    o Her Lover

    5. Leo Tolstoy

    o God Sees the Truth, But Waits

    6. Ivan Turgenev

    o The District Doctor

    3) Latin American Short Stories

    o Jorge Luis Borges: The Aleph

    o Gabriel Garcia Marquez: The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World

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    o Alejandro Rossi: Orions Glow

    o Luis Loayza: A New Man

    o Rodrigo Fresan: National sovereigntyo Pablo Soler Frost: Clamour

    Course IV

    Course Title Research Methodology 1

    Course Code: ELL 904 3(3-0)

    1) Philosophy of Research2) Qualitative Research

    3) Quantitative Research

    4) Research Mechanics


    Course V

    Course Title: Postcolonial Studies

    Course Code: ELL 905 3(3-0)

    Postcolonial Theory

    1) Issues and Debates

    o The Occasion for Speaking by George Lamming

    o The Economy of Manichean Allegory by JanMohamad

    o Signs Taken for Wonders by Homi K Bhabha

    2) University and Differenceo Colonialist Criticism by Achebe

    o Heroic Ethnocentrism: The Idea of Universality in Literature by Charles


    3) Representation and Resistance

    o Orientalism (Introduction) By Said

    o Figures of Colonial Resistance by Jenny Sharpe

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    4) Nationalism

    o National Culture by Fanon

    o Fanon, Cabral and Ngugi on National Liberation by Chidi Amuta


    Languageo The Language of African Literature by Ngugi wa Thiongo

    o The Alchemy of English by Braj. B Kachru

    o Language and Spirit by Raja Rao

    6) Education

    o Minute on Indian Education by Thomas Macaulay

    o The Beginnings of English Literary Study in British India by Gauri


    o On the Abolition of the English Department by Ngugi wa Thiongo


    Hybridityo Fossil and Psyche by Kirsten Holst Petersen and Anne Rutherford

    o Named for Victoria , Queen of England by Chinua Achebe

    8) Feminism and Post-colonialism

    o First Things First: Problems of a Feminist Approach to African Literatureby Kirsten Holst Petersen

    o Decolonizing Literature: Toward a Theory for Post-colonial Womens

    Texts by Ketu H. Katrak

    Suggested Readings:

    The Post-Colonial Studies Reader: Ed. Ashcroft, Griffith and Tiffin.Routledge, London and New York, 1999

    Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader: Ed. Mongia, Padmini

    OUP,Oxford, 2004 A Companion to Postcolonial Studies: Ed. Schwarz, Henry and Ray,

    Sangeeta, Blackwell Publishing, Victoria Australia, 2002 The Empire Writes Back : Ed. Ashcroft, Griffith and Tiffin. Routledge,

    London and New York Key Concept in Postcolonial Studies: Ed. Ashcroft, Griffith and Tiffin.

    Routledge, London and New York

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    Course VI

    Course Title Pakistani Literature

    Course Code: ELL 906 3(3-0)

    Section 1

    o Introduction to Pakistani Literature

    o Major Themes

    o Indigenous Literature

    o Expatriate Literature

    o Literature on Partition

    o Resistance in Pakistani Literature

    o Post colonialism in Pakistani Literature

    o Model of Pakistani Literature in English

    Section II


    o Alamgir Hashmi

    o Taufiq Rafat

    o Daud Kamal

    o Kalim Omar


    o Nadeem Aslam

    o Bapsi Sidwa

    o Hanif Qureshi

    o Mohsin Hamid

    Short Story

    o A Selection from Leaving Home ; Towards a New MillenniumEssay


    o A Selection

    o Decolonizing Literature Faiz Ahmad Faiz

    o Culture and Identity by Faiz Ahmad

    o My Fifty Years in Lahore by Intizar Hussain

    Pakistani Female Writers

    Sorayya Y Khan

    Kamila Shamsie

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    Suggested Readings:

    Rafat, Toufiq: The Arrival of Mon Soon,Lahore, Vanguard Books, 1985

    Hashmi, Almgir: America is a Punjabi Word, Lahore, Karakor and Range,

    1979 Umar, Kaleem: Wordfall, Karachi, OUP, 1975 Kamal, Daud: The Blue Wind, Karachi, Interim Press, 1985 Qureshi, Hanif: My Beautiful Laundrette, London, Faber and Faber,1986 Shamsie, Muneeza: Leaving Home: Towards New Millennium,OUP,2001 Hashmi, Alamgir: Pakistani Literature, Islamabad, Gul Mohar,1987

    Hashmi, Alamgir: Common Wealth Literature, Lahore, Vision Press, 1987 Rehman, Tariq: A History of Pakistani Literature in English,

    Vanguard,1991 Sleri, Sara: The Rhetoric of English India

    Shamsie , Moneeza: A Dragon fly in the Sun, Pakistan, OUP,1997

    Pakistani Literature: Anthology ,Published by Academy of Letters ,Islamabad


    Course VII

    Course Title American Literature

    Course Code: ELL 907 3(3-0)

    1) American Novel

    o William Faulkner: Light in August? ABSOLAM ABSOLAN

    o Hemingway : A Farewell to Arms

    o Toni Morrison : Beloved

    o Steinbeck : The Grapes of Wrath

    2) American Short Story

    o Alexander Allen Poe: The Fall of the House of Usher, The Murder inRue Morgue, The Mask of the Red Death

    o Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Celestial Railroad, The Ministers Black

    Veil, The Maypole of Mary Mount, Young Goodman Brown,

    o Ernest Hemingway: The Too Big Hearted Rivers

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    o Harriet E Wilson: A Friend for Nig from Our Nig

    Suggested Reading:

    Bloom, Harold. Ed. Modern Critical Views: William Faulkner ( Modern CriticalViews Series) . New York; Chelsea House,1986

    Bradbury, M. Modern American Novel,1983 Brown,Julie. Ed . American Women Short Story Writers: A Collection of Critical

    Essays. New York: Garland Pub,1995 The Heath Anthology of American Literature Vol.2 Fourth Edition: Ed. Lauter,

    Paul,Houghton Mifflin Company,Boston , 2002

    Course VIII

    Course Title: World Literature in Translation

    Course Code: ELL 908 3(3-0)

    o Homer : Selection from The Iliad and The Odyssey

    o Herman Hess: Siddhartha

    o Doestovski: Crime and Punishment

    o Rumi

    o Iqbal: Selection from Poetry

    o Faiz : Selection from Poetry

    o Ghalib: Selection

    o Goethe

    o Rabindernath Tagore

    o Frederico Garcia Lorca( Spanish) : Blood Wedding

    o Lu Hsun( Chinese) : The Kite and After Death.


    Suggested Readings:

    Arberry. A R ed : Persian Poems. London; J M Dent and Sons.1954 Bowra, C.M : Tradition and Design in the Iliad. Oxford: Clarendon Press.1950

    Blyth, R H. The Genius of Haiku, London;1994 Murray G : The Rise of the Greek Epic. OUP,1934 OKelly,H.W.ed The Cambridge History of German Literature. Cambridge.

    Cambridge Press,1997 Schimmel, A M . The Triumphal Sun. New York: State of New York


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    Course IX

    Course Title: Research Methodology-II

    Course Code: ELL 909 3(3-0)

    Section I

    o The Nature of Critical Writing

    o Academic Writing

    o Writing about fiction

    o Writing about Drama

    o Writing about Poetry

    Section IIo Research Methods

    o Research Design

    o Writing Synopsis

    o Thesis writing

    o Writing Literature Review

    o Ethics in Research

    o Thesis Defense


    and 4th


    Course X

    Course Title: THESIS

    Course Code: ELL 910 12(12-0)

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    Government College University, Faisalabad

    Department of English

    2. Syllabus of M A English

    Revised Syllabus of M.A. English Literature (Semester System)

    Approved By Board of Studies on 08-8-2009

    To Be Implemented From Fall Semester 2009Total Credit Hours: 72

    Policy Guidelines:

    5. Focus should be on critical appreciation and evaluation of the texts.

    6. Along with presentations focus should also be on discussion in class and

    students should be encouraged to study critical works on the subject.

    7. No Objective Type questions. Short Questions may be included in the

    question papers.8. Students should be discouraged from plagiarism and copying in the

    assignments. Only genuine assignments should be accepted............................................................................................................................

    Semester: 1Sr # Course Title Course code Credit

    Hours1 Classical Poetry ELL 701 4

    2 Greek and Elizabethan Drama ELL 702 4

    3 History of English Literature ELL 726 44 Prose ELL 704 3

    5 Academic Reading and Writing ELL 724 3Total 18

    Semester: 2Sr # Course Title Course code Credit


    1 Literary Criticism ELL 713 4

    2 Novel-1 ELL 707 33 Romantic and Victorian Poetry ELL 708 4

    4 American literature ELL 709 35 Literary theory ELL 719 4

    Total 18

    Semester: 3Sr # Course Title Course code Credit

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    Hours1 Research Methodology ELL 720 32 Modern drama ELL 711 4

    3 Modern Poetry ELL 722 44 Postcolonial Studies ELL 725 4

    5 Literature around the World ELL 712 3Total 18

    Semester: 4Sr # Course Title Course code Credit

    Hours1 Modern Novel ELL 718 4

    2 Pakistani Literature in English ELL 717 43 Short Stories ELL 726 4

    4 Popular Narrative ELL 727 35 Comparative Approaches to Literary Studies ELL 728 3

    Total 18

    Semester: 1

    1. Course Title: Classical Poetry 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -701

    Chaucer The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales( Ten selected characters) Milton Paradise Lost Book 1

    Pope Rape of the Lock ( First Two Cantos)

    John Donne Selection from Metaphysical and Love poems

    2. Course Title: Greek and Elizabethan Drama 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -702

    Sophocles: Oedipus Rex

    Marlowe : Dr Faustus

    Shakespeare; Othello

    3. Course Title: History of English Literature 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -726

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    History of English Literature from Chaucer to Modern Era

    4. Course Title: Prose 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL -704

    Bacon : Essays Selection ( Five Essays)

    Swift : Gullivers Travels ( First and last voyage)

    Russell : The Conquest of Happiness

    5. Course Title: Academic Reading and Writing 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL -724

    1. Sentence structure and analysis

    2.Paragraph / Essay Writing3.Academic Reading and Writing

    Critical reading skills

    Critical writing

    Rhetorical analysis

    Writing Summaries of Articles

    Analysis and Synthesis of AcademicStephen Bailey: Academic Writing: Routledge

    Semester: 2

    1. Course Title: Literary Criticism 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL 713

    Study of literary genres( poetry, drama , fiction)

    Aristotle: Poetics

    Longinus: On Sublime

    Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical Ballads

    Matthew Arnold: Selected Essays

    T S Eliot: Selected Essays

    2. Course Title: Novel-1 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL -707

    Dickens: Tale of Two Cities

    George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss

    Hardy: Tess of the DUrbervilles

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    3. Course Title: Romantic and Victorian Poetry 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -708

    Wordsworth: Ode to Intimation, Tintern Abbey, Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to Nightingale, Ode to Autumn

    Shelley: Ode to the West Wind, Ode to Dejection

    Blake : Selection from Songs of Innocence and Experience,

    Browning: The Last Ride Together, Fra Lippo Lippi

    Tennyson: Ulysses(selected parts)

    4. Course Title: American literature 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL -709

    Robert Frost: Birches, The Road Not Taken, After Apple Picking, MendingWalls, Stopping by Woods

    John Ashbury: Painter, Melodic Trains,

    Sylvia Plath; Morning Song, youre, Bee Meeting, Arrival of the Bee Box

    Arthur Miller: The Crucible

    Tony Morrison: Jazz

    5. Course Title: Literary theory 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -719

    Formalism and New Criticism,

    Structuralism and Poststructuralism





    Cultural Studies

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    Semester: 3

    1. Course Title: Research Methodology 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL -720

    1. Research Methods

    Philosophy Of Research

    Kinds of Research

    Process of Research

    Writing Research Proposals

    Preparing A Research Design

    Documentation of Research

    Research Ethics

    Use of Technology in Research

    2. Mechanics of Thesis Writing

    Writing Abstract, Literature Review, Methodology Writing Textual Analysis

    Following Structure and Argument in Thesis Writing

    Bibliography Writing

    2 Course Title: Modern drama 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -711

    Henrike Ibsen : A Dolls House

    G B Shaw: Pygmalion

    Pinter: The Caretaker

    Beckett: Waiting for Godot

    3. Course Title: Modern Poetry 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -722

    T S Eliot: The Wasteland, Love Song of J Alfred Prufork

    W B Yeats: Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium ,

    Philip Larkin: Mr Bleany, Church Going, MCM 1914

    Seamus Heaney: The Tollund Man, Toome Road, A Constable Calls

    Ted Hughes: Thought Fox, That Morning

    4. Course Title: Postcolonial Studies 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL -725

    Edward Said: Orientalism ( Introduction and selected chapters)

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    Ashcroft et al : Empire Writes Back

    John Mcleod: Beginning Postcolonialism

    5. Course Title: Literature around the World 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL-712

    Albert Camus: The Outsider Herman Hesse: Siddhartha

    Turgenev: Fathers and Sons/Kafka: Metamorphosis

    Semester: 4

    1. Course Title: Modern Novel 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL-718

    Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness Virginia Wolf: To the Lighthouse

    Chinua Achebe : Things Fall Apart

    2 Course Title: Pakistani Literature in English 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL-717

    Taufiq Rafat : Kitchen , Time to Love, Reflection,

    Ahmed Ali: Twilight in Delhi

    Mohsin Hamid : Reluctant Fundamentalist

    Sara Suleri: Meatless Days ( Excellent Things in Women, Papa andPakistan)

    Muneeza Shamsi : Leaving Home ( Selection any five stories or essays)

    3. Course Title: Short Stories 4(4-0)

    Course code: ELL-726

    Syllabus as recommended by the University of the Punjab

    4. Course Title: Thesis 6(6-0)_

    Course Code: ELL-723

    5. Course Title :Popular Narrative 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL: ELL-727

    Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes

    Tolkin: Lord of The Rings

    J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter

    Allan Edgar Poe: Two Short Stories

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    6. Course Title: Comparative Approaches to Literary Studies 3(3-0)

    Course code: ELL-728

    What is comparative literature today?

    How comparative literature came into being?

    European models of comparative study.

    Comparative study of literary and cultural issues in world literatures. Women and literature: Comparative study of women writers.

    Comparing the literature of British Isles

    Comparing identities in postcolonial world and postcolonial literatures.

    Constructing cultures: the politics of travelers tales

    From comparative literature to translation studies.Note: the teacher will select texts for comparative study and the students will be asked towrite the comparative analysis as their assignments.


    1) Thesis will be offered only to those students who secure

    at least 70% marks in the first two semesters andqualify the written test if any. The department reserves

    the right not to offer thesis to any student or class.

    2) The students who opt for thesis will drop Course ELL727 Popular Narrative and Course ELL 728Comparative approaches to literary studies.

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    Sr # Course Title Course code CreditHours

    1 Novel-3 Eng(H) 601 4

    2 Pakistani Literature in English-11 Eng(H) 602 33 Postcolonial Studies Eng(H) 603 4

    4 World Literature Eng(H) 604 35 Research Methodology Eng(H) 605 3

    Total 17

    Semester: 8Sr # Course Title Course code Credit

    Hours1 Comparative Approaches to Literary Studies Eng(H) 606 3

    2 Sub- Continental Literature Eng(H) 607 33 Media and Culture Studies Eng(H) 608 3

    4 Russian and French Literature Eng(H) 609 35 Popular Narrative Eng(H) 610 3

    6 Thesis Eng(H) 611 6Total 15

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    Semester: 1

    1. Course Title: English-1 (Grammar) 4(4-0)

    Course Code: Eng( H) 301

    Parts of speech(word classes) Phrases

    Clauses: subject, verb, direct/indirect object, object complement,subject complement

    Sentence structure

    Kinds of sentences

    Combining sentences

    Use of active/passive voice and direct/indirect narration

    Recommended Readings:1- High School Grammar by Wren and Martin

    2- Practical Grammar of English: Thomson and Martinet3. Azar, Betty Schrampher. (1996) Basic English Grammar (2

    ndEdition). New

    York: Longman

    4. Azar, Betty Schrampher. (2000) Understanding and Using English Grammar


    Edition). New York: Longman5. Howe, D. H. (2004) English for Undergraduates (3


    Karachi: Oxford University Press

    2. Course Title: Introduction to Literary Studies 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 302

    1. Defining Literature: Major Genres in Literature

    2. Studying poetry:

    Major Genres in poetry: Narrative(i.e. epic) vs. Lyric (i.e. sonnet) poetry

    Lexical- thematic dimension: looking at words, simile and metaphor,conceit, personification, symbols, image and imagery, paradox andambiguity

    Rhythmic-acoustic dimension: Meter and variations in meter, rhyme andrhyme schemes, Stanza forms, end stopped and run on lines, rhythm.

    Alliteration, consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia

    Studying poem as a whole (chapter from Mastering English Literature)

    3. Studying Drama Major Genres in Drama

    Text, transformation and performance

    Conventions of drama

    Character and plot

    The language of drama4. Studying Fiction

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    Major forms of fiction

    Narration and point of view

    Characters (from Mastering English Literature & Introduction to Literary


    Plot, Story and Setting (from Mastering English Literature & Introduction

    to Literary Studies) Themes (from Mastering English Literature & Introduction to Literary


    5. Theoretical Approaches to Literature (Introduction to Literary Studies)

    6. Interpretation of Literature (Mastering English Literature)

    Core Readings1) Richard Gill Mastering English Literature

    2) Mario Clarer Introduction to Literary Studies

    3) W. H. Hudson Introduction to the Study of Literature

    4) J.A.Cuddons Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms

    3. Course Title: History of English Literature- 1 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 3031. Brief Introduction to Medieval English Literature till 1400.

    2. Age of Chaucer

    Salient features of the age of Chaucer

    Chaucer as representative of his age

    Chaucers contribution to English language and literature3. Renaissance and Reformation4. University Wits

    5. Elizabethan drama

    6. Elizabethan Poetry7. Jacobean Drama

    8. Prose in Elizabethan Era

    9. Milton

    10.Metaphysical School of Poetry11.Restoration Comedy


    Century: Age of Prose Reason and Satire (Neo-Classical Era)

    13.Rise of English Novel.

    Core Readings:

    1) Ronald Carter : Rouledge History of English Literature

    2) David Daiches: Critical History of English Literature3) Legeouis-Cazamian: A History of English Literature

    4) Ifor Ivans : History of English Literature

    5) William J. Long: English Literature

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    4. Course Title: Elective-1 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 304

    General Linguistics-1

    Psychology-1 Sociology-1

    Mass Communication-1

    British History-1

    Punjabi -1


    5. Course Title: Islamiat 2 2(2-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 305

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    Semester: 2

    1. Course Title: English-2 (Reading and Study Skills) 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 306

    1. Reading Comprehension

    Identify Main Idea/Topic Sentence

    Find Specific Information quickly

    Recognize and Interpret Cohesive Devices

    Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion

    Skimming and scanning


    Notes taking techniques

    Analyzing paragraph structure

    Identifying the writers intent such as cause effect, reasons,

    comparison and contrast, exemplification. Interpreting charts and diagrams

    Making appropriate notes using strategies such as mindmaps, tables, lists, lists, graphs.

    2. Enhancing Vocabulary Through Reading

    3. General Study Skills Like Time Management, Finding Learning Style,

    Developing Reading Keys And Systems

    Recommended Readings:

    1. Wallace Catherine: Study Skills: CUP

    2. Yorky R. Study Skills.3. Smazler. Write to be Read: reading, reflection and writing. CUP

    2. Course Title: Classical Poetry 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 307

    Chaucer: The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales( Ten selectedcharacters)

    Milton: Paradise Lost Book 1

    Pope: Rape of the Lock ( First Two Cantos)

    John Donne: Selection from Metaphysical and Love poems

    Recommended Readings:1- Bowden, Muriel.A Commentary on the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.

    New York: Macmillan.

    2- Coghill, Nevil. The Poet Chaucer. Oxford.3-Gargner, Helen. Ed.John Donne: Twentieth Century View Series

    4- Tillotson, G. On the Poetry of Pope

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    3. Course Title: History of English literature-2 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 308

    1. Romantic age

    2. Victorian Age


    Modern age4. Postmodern ageFrom 1800(Romantic Era) to the Recent Times with an exclusive focus on

    literary movements





    Existentialism/ Absurdism



    Suggested Readings:

    Fowler, Alas Tair, A History of English Literature, US, Harvard University Press,1987

    Richetti, Jhon (Editor), Cambridge History of English Literature (A Dotcom history)UK, Cambridge University, Press, 2006

    Fulk Robert and Cain M Christopher (2002) USA Blackwell Publishing, A history of

    old English Literature

    Pech, John and Coyle, Martin, A brief history of English literature, New York,Palgrave Publishers Litd, 2002

    Longaker, Mark and Bolles, C Adwin, Contemporary English literature, New YorkAppleton Century Crofts. In, 1953

    Schofield, William Heusy. English Literature from Norman Conquest to Chaucer.New York, Mac Millan Company 1931

    Hichs, Granville. Figures of Transition, New York, the MacMillan Company 1939

    Ward, A.W. and Waller, A.R. The Cambridge History English and AmericanLiterature Cambridge. Cambridge University, Press, 1907

    O Neill, Michael. Literature of the Romantic Period. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998

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    Rogers, Pat (edit) the Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford, OxfordUniversity Press, 2001

    Cornin, Richard. Romantic Victorians. USA, Palgraue 2002

    Lowen Stein, David and Mueller, Janel. The Cambridge History of Early ModernEnglish literature. Cambridge University, Press 2002

    Daiches, Dawid. The Present Age in British Literature. Bloomington, Indiana

    University, Press, 1958

    Carter, Roland and McRae John. The Routledge History of Literature in EnglishLondon. Routledge, 2001

    Woods, Tim. Whos Who of 20th

    Century. Novelists, New York, Rutledge, 2001

    Wood Coch, George. Introduction to 20th

    century Fiction, London, Macmillan Press,1983

    Sambrooh, James. The Eighteenth Century. Singapore, Longman Publishers, 1988

    Sampson, George. The Concise History of English Literature. Cambridge, CambridgeUniversity, Press, 1975

    Evans, IFFOR. A Short History of English Literature. England Penguin Books, 1976

    Leguis, Emile. A Short History of English Literature. Oxford, Oxford University,Press, 1978

    4. Course Title: Elective-2 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 309

    General Linguistics-1



    Mass Communication-1

    British History-1

    Punjabi -1


    5. Course Title: Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 310

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    Semester: 3

    1. Course Title: English-3 (Writing Skills) 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 401

    1- Creative Writing Selection of Themes


    First Draft


    Final Draft2- Paragraph / Essay Writing

    3- Application/Letter4- Academic Writing

    Writing Summaries of Articles

    Analysis and Synthesis of Academic Material in Writing

    Assignment/Term Paper WritingRecommend Readings:

    1- Axelrod. R.B and Cooper, C.R.2002. Reading Critical Writing Well:A Reader and Guide

    2. Goatly , A 2000. Critical Reading and Writing :An Introductory Critical .

    London: Taylor & Francis3. Grellet, F, Writing for Advanced Learners of English. CUP

    4. Jordon, R.R.1999. Academic Writing Course.CUP

    5. Withrow, J, Effective Writing,CUP

    6. Stephen Baily. Academic Writing

    2 Course Title: Greek Drama 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 402

    Sophocles: Oedipus Rex

    Aeschylus: Orestian Trilogy

    Recommend Readings:1. Justina Grgory. A Companion to Greek Tragedy. Blackwell.2005

    2. H.D.Kitto. Greek Tragedy. Condon : NewYork: Routledge.20023. Shawn O Bryhin. Greek And Roman Comedy :Translations And Interpretations of

    Four Representative Plays. University of Texas Press.2002.

    3. Course Title: Prose 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 403

    Bacon : Essays Selection ( Five Essays)

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    Swift : Gullivers Travels ( First and last voyage)

    Russell : The Conquest of Happiness

    Recommended Readings:

    1. Walker, Hugh . The English Eassys And Essayists. S.Chand & Co.Delhi.

    2. Gravil , Richard, ed. Gullivers Travels (Case. Book Series) .Macmillan .1974.

    3. Leavis, John. Bertrand Rusell, Philosopher and Humanist. New World

    Paperbacks.4. Coleridge, Stephen. The Glory of English Prose. Tutis Digital


    4. Course Title: Computer Literacy 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 404

    5. Course Title: Elective-3 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 405

    To be selected from the list

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    Semester No. 4

    1. Course Title: English-4 (Listening , Speaking and Presentation skills) 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 406


    Listening and Speaking Understand and use English to express ideads and opinions

    related to studentss real life experiences inside and outside the

    class room

    Ask and answer questions to seek information, clarification etc

    Enhance listening and speaking through



    Problem solving2. Pronunciation


    Syllable Structure Word/Sentence Stress

    Aspects Of Connected Speech3. Presentation Skills


    Class Room Presentation

    Recommend Readings:

    1- Ellen, K. 2002.Maximize your presentation skills: how to speak, look and act onyour way to the top.

    2- Hargie, O. Ed.Handbook of communication skills

    3- Mandel, S. 2000.Affective presentation skills: A practical guide for better

    speaking4-Mark, P. 1996.Presenting in English.Language teaching publications.

    5- Gimson,A. C. 1984. An introduction to the pronunciation of English.

    London:Arnold.6- Knowles, G. 1987.Patterns of spoken English. London: Longman.

    2 Course Title: Literary Criticism 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 407

    Aristotle: Poetics

    Longinus: On Sublime

    Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical Ballads

    Matthew Arnold: Selected Essays

    T S Eliot: Selected Essays

    1) Scott-James. R. A . Making of Literature

    2) Daiches, David. Critical Approaches to Literature3) Wimsat and Brooks. Critical History of Criticism

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    4) Vincet B. Leitch ( General Editor) . The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism.

    3. Course Title: Elizabethan Drama 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 408

    Marlowe: Dr. Faustus

    Shakespeare: Othello: Twelfth Night

    Recommended Readings:

    1- Constance, B. Kuriyama, Christopher Marlowe: A renaissance Life Ithca.Cornell university press.

    2- Patrick Cheney. The Cambridge companion to Christopher Marlowe.

    Cambridge: CUP. 2004

    3- Barbar, C. L. Shakespeares festive comedy. Princeton.4- Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy. London.

    5- Chambers, E. K. Shakespeare: A survey. New York: Hill andWang, Macmillan.

    6- Eagleton, T. William Shakespeare. New York: Blackwell.

    4. Course Title: Novel -1 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 409

    Dickens : A Tale of two cities

    Eliot : Mill on the Floss

    Thomas Hardy : Tess

    Recommend Readings:

    1- Allen, Walter. The rise of the novel. London: Penguine.2- Allen, Walter. The English novel. London: Penguine.

    3-Bloom, H. Ed.Modern critical views: Thomas Hardy.4- Bloom, H. Ed.Modern critical interpretation: Jane Austen.

    5- Bloom, H. Ed.Modern critical views: Charles Dickens.

    6- Kettle, A.An introduction to the English novel. Volume 1 & 2. 2nd



    5. Course Title: Elective-4 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 410

    To be selected from the list

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    Semester: 5

    1. Course Title: Romantic &Victorian Poetry 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng( H) 501

    Wordsworth: Ode to Intimation, Tintern Abbey,

    Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to Nightingale, Ode to Autumn

    Shelley: Ode to the West Wind, Ode to Dejection

    Blake : Selection from Songs of Innocence and Experience,

    Browning: The Last Ride Together, Fra Lippo Lippi

    Tennyson: Ulysses(selected parts)

    Recommended Readings:1- F.R. Leavis.Revaluation: Tradition and Development in English Poetry.

    2-M. H. Abrams. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and Critical

    Tradition.3- M. H. Abrams. Ed.English Romantic Poets: modern Essays in Criticism.

    4-Joseph Bristow -The Cambridge companion to Victorian poetry

    2. Course Title: Modern Drama 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 502

    Henrike Ibsen : Hedda Gabbler

    G B Shaw: Pygmalion

    Beckett: Waiting For Godot

    Recommended Readings:1- Modern Critical Views and Interpretation, eds. Harold Bloom

    2- Kitchin, L. Mid-Century Drama. London3- Lane , Richard. Ed. Beckett and Philosophy, Palgrave Macmillan,2002.

    4-Northam, John, Ibsens Dramatic Method.

    3. American Literature-1 (Drama) 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 503

    Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman

    Eugene O, Neil: Long Days Journey into Night

    Recommended Readings:1- Bigsby, C.W.E. A Critical Introduction to twentieth century American Drama: 1,

    1900-1940; II Williams, Miller, Albee; III Beyond Broadway, 1982-85

    2- Modern Critical Interpretation on each dramatist and work. Edited by HaroldBloom.
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    4. Course Title: Literary Theory-1 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 504

    Liberal Humanism

    Formalism, New criticism, Practical Criticism

    Structuralism and semioticsRecommended Readings:

    1-Belsey, Catherine. Critical Practice

    2-Culler, Jonathan. The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction3-Eagleton, Terry. Modern Literary Theory: An Introduction

    4- Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory.

    5- Eagleton, Mary. Feminist Literary Criticism.

    5. Course Title: Pakistani Literature in English-1 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 505

    Taufiq Rafat : Kitchens , Time To Love, Reflection,

    Ahmed Ali: Twilight In Delhi Bapsi Sidhwa: Ice Candy Man

    Faiz: Selectoion.

    Recommended Readings:

    1-Afzal Khan, Fawzia. Culture Imperialism and the Indo-English: Genre andIdeology in R.K. Narayan, Anita Desai, Kamla Das and Markandaya.Pennsylvania

    State University Press.

    2- Bose, Sujata & Jalal Ayesha.Modern South Asia: History, Culture,Politics and

    Economy. OUP. 2nd

    edition. 20043- Hashmi, Alamghir.Kamal Dauds Entry in Encyclopedia of Post-colonial

    Literatures in English.Volume 1. Ed Benson. E. & Connolly, L.W. London:

    Routledge.4- Jameson, Fredrick. Third World Literature in the era of multinational capital in

    social text 15, Fall 1986.

    5- Khawaja Waqas, A.Morning in the Wilderness: Reading in Pakistani Literature.

    Sang-e-meel Publications, Lahore.6- Rehman, Tariq A.History of Pakistani Literature in English. Vanguard press

    (pvt) Ltd, Lahore. 1991.

    7- Saeed, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. Vintage London 1993.

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    Semester: 6

    1. Course Title: Modern Poetry 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 506

    T S Eliot: The Wasteland, Love Song of J Alfred Prufork W B Yeats: Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium ,

    Philip Larkin: Mr Bleany, Church Going, MCM 1914

    Seamus Heaney: The Tollund Man, Toome Road, A ConstableCalls

    Ted Hughes: Thought Fox, That Morning

    Recommended Readings:1.New Case Book Series: S Eliot.

    2. Harold Bloom Critical Interpretations: B Yeats.

    3. Jane Ayers : Modernism

    4. Unterecker L. W.B, Yeats: A Readers Guide. London: 19885. Bloom, Harold. Seamus Heaney. Critical Intrepretations

    2 Course Title: Novel-2 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 507

    James Joyce: Portrait of an Artist as A Young Man

    D. H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers

    George Orwell: 1984

    Recommended Readings:1. Beach, J W. The Twentieth Century Novel.

    2. Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce3. Harold Bloom Critical Intrepretations : James Joyce4. Harold Bloom Critical Intrepretations : George Orwell

    5. Harold Bloom Critical Intrepretations : D H Lawerence

    6. Peter Faulkner. Modernism

    3. Course Title: American Literature-11 (Poetry & Novel) 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 508

    Robert Frost: Birches, The Road Not Taken, After Apple Picking,Mending Walls, Stopping by Woods

    John Ashbury: Painter, Melodic Trains,

    Sylvia Plath: Morning Song, youre, Bee Meeting, Arrival of the

    Bee Box Tony Morrison: Jazz

    Recommended Readings:

    1-Bloom, H. Ed. Modern Critical Views: William Faulkner2 Bradbury, M. Modern American Novel.

    3 Chase, R. The American Novel and its Traditions 1958

    4 Colourise, J. Michel. New Essays on the Scarlet Letter, Cambridge UniversityPress,1983.

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    5 Gray , R.American Fiction: New Reading,1983

    4. Course Title: Literary Theory-11 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 509


    Gender Studies Psychoanalysis

    Post structuralism/ Postmodernism

    Recommended Readings:1-Belsey, Catherine. Critical Practice

    2-Culler, Jonathan. The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction

    3-Eagleton, Terry. Modern Literary Theory: An Introduction4- Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory.

    5- Eagleton, Mary. Feminist Literary Criticism.

    5. Course Title: Literary Text Analysis 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 5101. Analyzing some literary elements


    Figures of speech



    Rhyme2. Analyzing the style

    Literary stylistics

    3. Analyzing the narratives


    Recommended Readings:

    1.David Birch:Language, literature, and critical practice: ways of analysing text

    2.Paul Simpson:Stylistics: a resource book for students

    3.Mieke Bal:Narratology: introduction to the theory of narrative
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    Semester: 7

    1. Course Title: Course Title: Novel-3 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 601

    Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness

    Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse Chinua Achebe : Things Fall Apart

    1. New Case Book Series: Conrad.2. New Case Book Series: Woolf

    3. Harold Bloom Critical Interpretations: Achebe

    4. Harold Bloom Critical Interpretations: Woolf5. Harold Bloom Critical Interpretations: Conrad

    2. Course Title: Pakistani Literature in English-11 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 602

    Mohsin Hamid : Reluctant Fundamentalist Sara Suleri: Meatless Days ( Excellent Things in Women, Papa

    and Pakistan)

    Muneeza Shamsi : Leaving Home (A Selection of any five storiesor essays)

    Sadat Hassan Manto: selection from short stories

    Recommended Readings:

    1-Afzal Khan, Fawzia. Culture Imperialism and the Indo-English: Genre and Ideology

    in R.K. Narayan, Anita Desai, Kamla Das and Markandaya.Pennsylvania StateUniversity Press.

    2- Bose, Sujata & Jalal Ayesha.Modern South Asia: History, Culture,Politics and

    Economy. OUP. 2nd

    edition. 20043- Hashmi, Alamghir.Kamal DaudsEntry in Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Literatures

    in English.Volume 1. Ed Benson. E. & Connolly, L.W. London: Routledge.

    4- Jameson, Fredrick. Third World Literature in the era of multinational capital in social

    text 15, Fall 1986.5- Khawaja Waqas, A.Morning in the Wilderness: Reading in Pakistani Literature.

    Sang-e-meel Publications, Lahore.

    6- Rehman, Tariq A.History of Pakistani Literature in English. Vanguard press (pvt)Ltd, Lahore. 1991.

    7- Saeed, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. Vintage London 1993.

    3. Course Title: Postcolonial Studies 4(4-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 603

    1. Edward Said: Orientalism ( Introduction and selected chapters)2. Ashcroft et al : Empire Writes Back

    3. John Mcleod: Beginning Postcolonialism

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    Recommended Readings:1- Ashcroft, B. Griffiths, G. &Tiffin, H. Eds. The Postcolonial Studies Reader. London:

    Routledge. 19912- Boehmer, Elleked. Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Oxford : OUP.1995.

    3- Loomba, Ania. Colonialism / Postcolonialism. London: Routledge. 1998

    4- Peck, J. Ed.New casebook on Postcolonial Literatures.Macmillan. 19955- Smith, H.Beyond the postmodern Mind. Lahore: Suhail Academy. 2002

    4. Course Title: World Literature 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 604

    Albert Camus: The Outsider

    Herman Hesse: Siddhartha

    Kafka: Metamorphosis

    5. Course Title: Research Methodology 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 605

    1. Research Methods Philosophy Of Research Kinds of Research Process of Research

    Writing Research Proposals Preparing A Research Design Documentation of Research

    Research Ethics Use of Technology in Research

    2. Mechanics of Thesis Writing

    Writing Abstract, Literature Review, Methodology

    Writing Textual Analysis Following Structure and Argument in Thesis Writing

    Bibliography Writing

    Recommend Readings:

    1-Bryman, A.Research Methods for Social Sciences. Second edition.Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    2-Creswell.J.W. Quality Inquiry and Research Design:Choosing among

    five approaches.(2nd

    ed). Thousand oaks; Sage publications3-Miles, M.& M. Huberman. Qualitative Data analysis. CA; Sage.

    4-Scholfied, P. Qualitative and quantitative research.

    5-Silverman , David . Ed. 1998. Qualitative research; theory, method

    and practice. London; Sage.

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    Semester: 8

    1. Course Title: Comparative Approaches to Literary Studies 3(3-0)Course code: Eng ( H) 606

    What is comparative literature today?

    How comparative literature came into being?

    European models of comparative study.

    Comparative study of literary and cultural issues in world


    Women and literature: Comparative study of women writers.

    Comparing the literature of British Isles

    Comparing identities in postcolonial world and postcolonial


    Constructing cultures: the politics of travelers tales From comparative literature to translation studies.

    Note: the teacher will select texts for comparative study and the students will beasked to write the comparative analysis as their assignments.

    Recommend Readings:

    1. Steven Ttsy de Zepetnek:Comparative literature: theory, method, application

    2. Sussane Bessnett: Comparative Literatures

    3. Amiya Dev,Sisir Kumar Das:Comparative literature: theory and practice

    2. Course Title: Sub- Continental Literature 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 607

    Arundhatti Roy: God of Small Things

    Arvind Adiga: The White Tiger

    Ismat Chughtai: A Very Strange Man

    Recommend Readings:

    1.Alex Tickell:Arundhati Roy's Thegodofsmall things

    2. Amitabh Roy:Thegodofsmall things: a novel of social commitment

    3 -Afzal Khan, Fawzia. Culture Imperialism and the Indo-English: Genre and Ideology

    in R.K. Narayan, Anita Desai, Kamla Das and Markandaya.Pennsylvania State

    University Press.

    4- Bose, Sujata & Jalal Ayesha.Modern South Asia: History, Culture,Politics and

    Economy. OUP. 2nd

    edition. 2004
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    5- Hashmi, Alamghir.Kamal Dauds Entry in Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Literatures

    in English.Volume 1. Ed Benson. E. & Connolly, L.W. London: Routledge.

    6- Jameson, Fredrick. Third World Literature in the era of multinational capital in social

    text 15, Fall 1986.

    7 - Khawaja Waqas, A.Morning in the Wilderness: Reading in Pakistani Literature.

    Sang-e-meel Publications, Lahore.

    3. Course Title: Media and Culture Studies 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 608

    Cultural Studies and Culture Theories

    Literature And Society: From Culturalism to Cultural Materialism

    Cultural Theory : From Ideology Critique to The Sociology ofCulture


    The Cultural Politics of Difference

    Posrmodernism and Cultural Theory Media and Globalization

    Media Power , Ideology and Market

    Representration and Language

    Multiculturalism and Multiperspectivism

    Cultural Productions, Consumptions, and Aesthetics

    1. James Curran & Morley: Media and Cultur e Theory: Routledge

    1. Andrew Milner: Contemporary Cultural Theory: UCL

    1. Douglas Kellner: Media Culture ;Cul tural Studies, Identity and Politics I n

    Modern ism and Postmodernism: Routledge.

    1. Meenakashi Durham & Douglas Kellner: Media and Cul tur e Studies: Key Works:Blackwell Publishers.

    4. Course Title: Russian and French Literature 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 609

    Anton Chekhov: Cherry Orchard

    Turgenev: Fathers and Sons

    Russian & French Short Stories: A Selection from the Punjab universitysyllabus

    1,Catriona Kelly:Russian literature: a very short introduction

    2.Neil Cornwell:The Routledge companion toRussian literature

    3.Charles A. Moser:The Cambridge history ofRussian literature

    4.Maurice Baring:An Outline ofRussian Literature
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    5. Course Title: Popular Narrative 3(3-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 610

    Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes(selected stories)

    Tolkin: Lord of The Rings (selected parts)

    J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter (any one book) Allan Edgar Poe: Two Short Stories

    1-Bob Ashley:Readingpopular narrative: a source book

    2-Cliff Notes: lord of the rings

    3 -Harold Bloom Modern critical interpretation: lord of the rings

    4-Kevin J. Hayes:The Cambridge companion to Edgar AllanPoe


    6. Course Title: Thesis 6(6-0)

    Course code: Eng ( H) 611


    1. Thesis will be offered only to those students who secureat least 70% marks in the first two semesters and qualify

    the written test if any. The department reserves the right notto offer thesis to any student or class.

    2. The students who opt for Thesis Eng ( H) 611will dropCourse Eng ( H) 609 Russian and French Literature and

    Course Eng ( H) 610 Popular Narrative.
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    Government College University, Faisalabad

    Department of English


    English 1 for BS (Hons) for Semester 1


    1. To develop the ability to communicate effectively2. To enable the students to read effectively and independently any intermediate level


    3. To make the experience of learning English more meaningful and enjoyable

    4. To enable the students to use grammar and language structure in context

    Objective:This course will be introduced in the first semester of all departments of pure sciences,

    humanities and social sciences. The course has been designed to meet the particular needs

    of the students in terms of grammar and sentence making skills.

    1) Basic Grammar Skills

    Parts of speech

    Noun number kinds, gerund

    Verb: forms, transitive and intransitive, participle, infinitive

    Adjective: degrees of adjective





    2) Sentence Structure

    Phrases and Clauses with their types

    Active and passive voice

    Direct and indirect method

    Simple, compound and complex sentence

    Synthesis of sentence

    Tenses with their details structures

    3) Paragraph Writing

    Sentence of the paragraph

    Topic sentence, supporting sentence, concluding sentence

    Unity and coherence

    Writing paragraphs (on topics given)

  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus Internal Mphil Ma Ba(h)-Other Deptts



    4) Prcis

    Recommended Books

    1) Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T.A., & Kirkpatrick, D.L., (2004). Oxford English for

    undergraduates. Karachi. OUP2) Wren and Martin : High School Grammar3) Hayden Richards. Junior English

    4) Sixty Steps to Prcis by Longman Publishers


    English 2 for BS (Hons) for Semester 2


    To enable the students to: Read the lines (literal understanding of text), read between the lines (to interpret

    text) and read beyond the lines (to assimilate, integrate knowledge etc.)

    Write well organized academic texts including examination answers withtopic/thesis statement/supporting details

    Write argumentative essays and course assignments


    This course has been designed to introduce students of second semester in all department

    of pure/social sciences and businessstudents with the particular language skills

    focusing on reading and speaking skills which they require to fulfill their academic needs.The particular focus will be given to help them improve their presentational skills by

    systematic drills and activities in the areas of reading and speaking.

    1) Reading skill

    Reading and comprehension (at least 4 to 8 paragraphs)Techniques of reading such as skimming, scanning, estimating, anticipating, previewing,

    summarizing, sQ3R and Sq4r Methods

    2) Study Skills

    Motivation, concentration, time managementListening and note taking

    Exam skills MCQs, short answers, essay question, open book, laboratory exams

    3) Speaking and presentational skills

    Types of presentation structure of presentation,Preparation stage, audience analysis, objective analysis, checklist, handling and asking


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    Presentation, managing time, handling non verbal means, feedback

    4) Writing SkillsParagraph writing leading towards the writing of five to seven paragraphs long essay

    Basic structure of essay, Topic sentence, supporting sentence, concluding sentence, thesis

    statementUnity and coherence, introduction and conclusion

    Recommended Books

    1) Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T.A., & Kirkpatrick, D.L.,(2004). Oxford English for

    undergraduates. Karachi. OUP

    2) Reading Skills by OUP3) Reading Skills by OUP


    English 3 for BS (Hons) for Semester 3

    Communication skills: Theory and Practice


    The course has been planned to help students learn and understand basic concepts of

    communication process. However this theoretical aspect will be intensively covered withthe practical activities given on regular intervals. For that purpose the faculty will be

    provided reference books and materials to help design their class room methodology.Since the course is meant for the students of third semester in pure/ social sciences and

    business students, an exclusive module has been added for business writing and workplace documents. This module will be given with greater details to the students of

    business administration to meet their particular needs in the area of business


    1) Communication process, encoding, decoding, sending and receiving

    Elements of communication

    Effective communication with all its features of correctness, coherence and compactness

    Barriers and inference in communicationAll these aspects of communication will be followed by practice from the booksmentioned below.

    1) Communication for IT by McGraw Hill 2002

    2) Effective Communication by Hurta Murphy

    3) Technical Communication: Principles and Practice by Meenakashi Raman andSangeeta Sharma

  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus Internal Mphil Ma Ba(h)-Other Deptts



    2) Writing Skills

    Paragraph writing leading towards the writing of five to seven paragraphslong essay

    Basic structure of essay, Topic sentence, supporting sentence, concludingsentence, thesis statement

    Unity and coherence, introduction and conclusion Kinds of writing: expository, argumentative, descriptive and narrative

    Methods of writing: cause and effect, problem solution, comparison andcontrast, pros and cons approach

    Stages of writing: brainstorming and researching, drafting and editing3) Writing at workplace

    Business letters, positive, negative and persuasive message


    Writing and sending Emails,

    Report writing, preparation and planning

    Recommended Books:1) Communication for IT by McGraw Hill 2002

    2) Effective Communication by Hurta Murphy3) Technical Communication: Principles and Practice by Meenakashi Raman and

    Sangeeta Sharma


    English 4 for BS (Hons) for Semester 4

    Objective:This course has been designed for the students of 3

    rd& 4

    thsemesters of B.S (Hons) in

    pure sciences. It gives students an orientation of literature with particular focus on

    various literary genres. The course contents have been consciously selected to cater the

    interest of science students for literature.

    Section 1:


    1. New Year Resolution by Elizabeth Sewell

    2. The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth

    3. All the Worlds a Stage by Shakespeare

    4. After Apple Picking by Robert Frost

    5. When I have Fears by John Keats

  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus Internal Mphil Ma Ba(h)-Other Deptts




    1. The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet

    2. The Place of Science in a Liberal Education by Bertrand Russell

    3. The Grey Beginnings by Rachel L Carson

    4. Emotional Meanings by Robert H. Thouless

    5. End of the Road by Muhammad Asad

    6. August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury

    Section 2:1. Essays on Social issues and Current affairs

    2. Report Writing

    3. Official and Business Letters