Syllables and Their Planetary Lords

Syllables, their Planetary Lords, and Mystical Meanings Sanskrit syllables written in ITRANS (for font translator go to www.omkarananda- ) Source: Vedic Remedies In Astrology by Sanjay Rath which is based on the fifteenth century teachings ofSri Achyutanada Das of Orrisa (with minor additional information) Ruling Planet Sylla ble Mystical Meaning Sury a Vowels a Raksha Beeja for protection; Imperishable; unity of mind and soul; Symbolizes Omniscient Brahma. Initiator of Pranava (AUM) aa Supreme power, brilliance, creator of Vagdevi Beeja (enhances speech). i Bestows Nectar; imparts knowledge; Sthambhak (arresting evils); infatuating, Armed for eradicating black magic etc. Connected to Ardhanaarisvara. ii u The seed of Uccahatan (infatuation) bestows supreme power to attain any desire. Symbolizes Omnipresent Vishnu and the middle of the Pranava. uu R^i Bestows Mantra Siddhi as it refers to the Seer or Rishi, Success in all good and righteous works. R^I L^i Preaches truth, inventor of speech, cause for the origin of Lakshmi Beeja; responsible for salvation. L^I e Saraswati Beeja; The origin of Jala


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Transcript of Syllables and Their Planetary Lords

Page 1: Syllables and Their Planetary Lords

Syllables, their Planetary Lords,and Mystical Meanings

Sanskrit syllables written in ITRANS (for font translator go to

Source: Vedic Remedies In Astrology by Sanjay Rath which is based on the fifteenth century

teachings ofSri Achyutanada Das of Orrisa (with  minor additional information)

Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning


Raksha Beeja for protection; Imperishable; unity of mind and soul; Symbolizes Omniscient Brahma.

Initiator of Pranava (AUM)

aaSupreme power, brilliance, creator of Vagdevi Beeja

(enhances speech).












Sublime, Worships Vishnu & Lakshmi; youthful; Used for other Beeja with specific objective



Powerful Maran (destructions) and Ucchhatan (infatuation) Beeja, bestows of auspicious results


aMBestows faith-the natural Guru Mantra; creates peace,

knowledge and represents Godhead.

aH Shanti Beeja, Grants boons 

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Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning



Brahma Akshara; grants fame & unparalleled knowledge; Fulfiller of all desires as Kama or Krishna

Beeja (Kleem).


Aakasha Beeja; Gives success & mastery of Tantra; considered akin to Kalp Vriksha i.e. the wish fulfilling


gaWorks towards Pranava and Maya Beeja and is the

Ganesha Beeja.

ghaSthamban Beeja; remover of impediments, creator of

Mohan Beeja.

~NaDestroyer of enemies. Creator of Vidveshan (Causing

differences) Beeja. Used for worshipping Narada.


Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning


ca Manasa Siddhi; Creator of Uccahhatan Beeja

ChaCreator of Aap Beeja, cause of death, Chhaya the

shadowy wife of the Sun God.

jaInvokes inner protection; destroyer of mental and

physical sufferings, Mritunjaya Beeja (Jum).

jha Instantly removes black magic and evils.

~na Used in Infatuation


Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning


TaBahri Beeja, Beeja for fire sacrifice. Used in

Ucchatan Tantra for Hanuman.

Tha Used in Dhoomavati Beeja, doer of cruel and evil deeds; violent,

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Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning

Da Judicious & auspicious

Dha Maran Beeja, creates disturbances.

Na Bestows peace & all Siddhi's.


Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning



Attractive, innovator of power, accomplisher of things capable of achieving Sarva Siddhi in combination with

Saraswati Beeja.

thaAccomplisher of good task, friend of Lakshmi Beeja

capable of infatuation in combination with other Beeja.

daDestroys Karma Yoga and self control , Sukra (Desire)


dhaHelper of Shreem and Kleem Beeja; a friend indeed;

producer of Maaya Beeja.

naIndicator of will – power, mind purifier, creator of five

elements (Tathwas).


Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning


paA friend coming for the help of the mind to reach


phaKartaveeryarjuna Beeja; Agni Astra (Weapon of Fire);

used in Ucchatan as FHAT.

ba Helping to play according to the circumstances.

bha Used for Maran and Ucchatan.

maNatural Mother (Ma) used in the Mantras for begetting



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Ruling Planet Syllable Mystical Meaning




ya Peace giver; Prostration; Vayu (Air) Beeja


Vahni/Agni (fire) Beeja; Carries the mantra to the Gods and is used in most Beejakshara e.g. Hraam,

Hreem, , Kreem etc. contain RA.


Prithvi (Earth) Beeja; Lakshmi: Used for wealth & prosperity. Causes Agni sthambana (extinguishes the fire of RA Beeja and replaces it with the happy LA

Beeja) and carries the prayers to the Gods e.g. Hleem, Kleem etc.

va Jala (Water) Beeja.


sha Shanti (Peace) Beeja.

ShaAgni Stambhana (Fire extinguisher). Used in black

magic etc.

saSatya Karma Yoga. When used in Mantra, all works

are accomplished.


haGagana (Sky) or Akasha Beeja. It represents

Shiva/Hanuman and can remove all evils.


Poison Destroyer Garuda Beeja. Used with all mantra that destroy the evil connected with the Nivritti

Direction ruled by Rakshas


See Matangi Mantra broken down into syllables to understand deeper meanings within the

mantra: auṁ hrīṁ klīṁ huṁ mātaṅgyai phaṭ svāhā ǀ

hrīṁ : Māyā, Sakti bīja; creator of the entire material world by this sound

klīṁ : Kamā bīja, invoke the fire (of agni bīja), fulfills all desires

huṁ : damana bīja- supressionof all evils and problems (Rāhu runs away)

mā : Mother bīja

taṁ : gives the power to attract, people will come to you, accomplisher of things capable of achieving

all perfections (sarva siddhi) in combination with Saraswatī bīja.

yai/ya : Vāyu bīja, peace giver, prostration

ai : Saraswatī bīja, giver of vidyā (knowledge) and siddhi (perfection), origin of Jala bīja (from here

the water starts flowing-creation, creative energy), ends enmity

ya + ai = yai : Vidyā and siddhi for the purpose of peace

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mātaṅgyai: Attracting the Mother for knowledge and peace (Mataṅga means elephant, the person

becomes as powerful as an elephant).

phaṭ : astra bīja, invokes the power of the deity to protect, protects dharma

svā : self, atman, fire

hā : ākāśā bīja, the seed sound of space/ether tattva

svāhā : the wishes of the self taken to the skies, offered to the gods

Note on the ending of mantra :

svāhā: pull beads to you- asking for protection

phaṭ: if not using svāhā, push beads away from you- throwing weapon, destroying faults,

pushing mantra away from you 

Syllable and Words:

Mataṅgi’s daśakṣari mantra has 7 words and 10 akṣaras. It takes the energy of the 7th

(desire/partnership) to the 10th house of career/karma in this world. Mataṅga is an elephant, so it

brings auspicious energy to ones work, as well as fame and good name. It suppresses the negative

aspects of the Sun, which are ego, and controlling nature. It supports vitality, speech, and dhī
