Syl Lab Us Matrix

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Transcript of Syl Lab Us Matrix

  • 8/9/2019 Syl Lab Us Matrix





    CreditHours Course Nae

    Co!ta"tHours #re$re%uisite Courses


    T' #r T' #r


    1 GS 101 2 1/2 Applied Chemistry 2 3* Intermediate level knowledge of Chemistry (

    2 GS 102 2 1/2 ngineering !hysi"s 2 3* Intermediate level knowledge of !hysi"s )

    3 GS 103 3 0 Cal"#l#s $ Analyti"al Geometry 3 0 Intermediate level knowledge of %athemati"s *

    & 'S 101 2 0 Islami" St#dies/ thi"al (ehavior 2 0 Intermediate level knowledge of Islami" St#dies +

    ) 'S 102 2 0 !akistan St#dies 2 0 Intermediate level knowledge of !akistan St#dies ((

    CS 111 2 1 Introd#"tion to Comp#ter 2 2 College +evel ,nowledge of Comp#ters- (,

    T-TAL (, 0 (1


    1 'S 103 2 0 Comm#ni"ation $ Interpersonal Skills 2 0 Intermediate level knowledge of nglish (*

    2 GS 10& 2 0 +inear Alge.ra/ e"tors Cal"#l#s andensor Analysis

    2 0 GS 103(+

    3 % 111 3 0 hermodynami"s 3 0 GS 103 GS 102 (

    & % 121 3 0 ngineering %e"hani"s 3 0 GS 102 ,

    ) I% 121 1 1 ngineering !ra"ti"eI 1 3 GS 102 1

    I% 131 0 2 Comp#ter Aided ngineering rawing 0 Intermediate level knowledge of e"hni"al rawingCS 111


    4 111 3 1 (asi" le"tri"al ngineering 3 2 GS 102 ,(

    T-TAL () ) 0 (2



    CreditHours Course Nae

    Co!ta"tHours #re$re%uisite Courses


    T' #r T' #r


    1 GS 201 3 0 5rdinary $ !artial ifferential 6#ations 3 0 GS 103 ,1

    2 + 2)1 3 0 (asi" le"troni"s 3 0 111 ,*

    3 % 212 3 0 7l#id %e"hani"s 3 0 GS 103 GS 10& GS 101 ,+

    & % 320 3 0 %e"hani"s of Solids 3 0 % 121 )() I% 221 0 1 ngineering !ra"ti"eII 0 3 I% 121 ),

    I% 231 3 0 %aterials ngineering 3 0 GS 101 )1

    4 % 23 0 2%e"hani"al ngineering +a. I87l#id Solids $ %aterials ngg9

    0 7l#id %e"hani"s %e"hani"s of Solids %aterialsngineering


    T-TAL (1 , 0 (2


    1 GS 202 3 0 Comple: $ 7o#rier Analysis 3 0 GS 103 &;

    2 + 2)2 2 1 le"troni" Cir"#it Analysis 2 3 + 2)1 )1

    3 2)3 3 0 le"tri" %a"hines 3 0 111 )&

    & % 330 3 0 %e"hani"s of %a"hines 3 0 I% 131 % 221 )

    ) I% 222 2 0 %etrology and Ga#ging 2 0 % 121 I% 121 I% 221 )