Sydney Road Assets Performance Contracts...•Introduce you to the SRAP Contracts Service Delivery...

Sydney Road Assets Performance Contracts

Transcript of Sydney Road Assets Performance Contracts...•Introduce you to the SRAP Contracts Service Delivery...

Page 1: Sydney Road Assets Performance Contracts...•Introduce you to the SRAP Contracts Service Delivery Lifecycle •Obtain a list of questions and queries for coverage in a future session

Sydney Road Assets

Performance Contracts

Page 2: Sydney Road Assets Performance Contracts...•Introduce you to the SRAP Contracts Service Delivery Lifecycle •Obtain a list of questions and queries for coverage in a future session

Acknowledgement of

Country Presented by Tim Hahn

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Welcome and AgendaPresented by Tim Hahn

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• Introduction to the session – Tim Hahn

• Slido instruction – Tim Hahn

• Probity – Gordon Eastwood

• The Service Delivery Lifecycle – Michael Killeen

• Question and Answers – Rebecca Dean

SRAP ContractsAgenda

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• 20 May – How to return the TAMP

• In June a virtual workshop on “how to” return the commercial framework

SRAP ContractsFuture Sessions

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A reminder we are looking for a representation of the community we serve

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Page 8: Sydney Road Assets Performance Contracts...•Introduce you to the SRAP Contracts Service Delivery Lifecycle •Obtain a list of questions and queries for coverage in a future session

Presented by Gordon Eastwood


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SRAP ContractsProbity

– Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) will endeavour to any questions you have

today that are general in nature

– Request for Tender (RfT) questions and responses will be provided through the

approved e-data room channel

Contract Details

Gordon Eastwood

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 0435 472 352

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Request for TenderService Delivery Lifecycle Briefing

Presented by Michael Killeen

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingObjectives of the Briefing

• Introduce you to the SRAP Contracts Service Delivery Lifecycle

• Obtain a list of questions and queries for coverage in a future session to be held 20 May

2020 11am to cover the how to return the TAMP.

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SRAP ContractsIntroductions to the Service Delivery Lifecycle Briefing

Planning and Program’s Role

• Perform asset management and program management function for Greater Sydney Roads


• Fulfil requirements of NSW Treasury AM Policy1

The role of the Planning and Programs

• Director Sydney Assets

• 10 year Blueprint is asset management objective

• Signatory to the NSW Treasury AM Policy attestation

The Relationship between Planning and Programs to the SRAP Contract

• Set the asset management objectives for each zone and asset category

• Performance monitoring and assurance of service delivery

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – an overview

SRAP Contract supports GSRN:

– Financial and business planning

– Asset management

– Compliance with NSW

Treasury AM Policy

• Aligns agencies with ISO


• 3 core requirements

– Asset Management Principles

– Framework

– Attestation

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The TAMP

The Tactical Asset Management Plan

• One submitted for each Zone

• Defines the ‘activities, resources and timescales’1

required to achieve the AM objectives for the Zone

• Expecting alignment of methodology and format to TfNSW standards2


1. ISO 55000 Asset management— Overview, principles and terminology

2. T MU AM 01002 MA Maintenance Requirements Analysis Manual, Technical Maintenance Plan T MU AM 01003 ST, TfNSW Enterprise Risk Management (TERM) Standard 30-ST-


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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The TAMP

– Effectively and transparently convert

ConOps, FMECA and AM objectives

into ‘activity’ and then price

• Transparent methodology

• Consistent prioritisation desired

balance of cost, risk and performance

– No guarantee the resources

requested in the TAMP will be

provided – the balance of cost, risk

and performance needs to be

achieved across GSRN


1. ISO 55000 Asset management— Overview, principles and terminology

2. T MU AM 01002 MA Maintenance Requirements Analysis Manual, Technical Maintenance Plan T MU AM 01003 ST, TfNSW Enterprise Risk Management (TERM) Standard 30-ST-


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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The TAMP

TfNSW road assets are estimated

at $26 billion

– Examples of the range of assets

• five asset categories – pavement,

bridges, tunnels, roadside and traffic

• Broad range from culverts to ITS to

facilities including bus driver facilities

and carparks

• Full list in Asset Definition


Asset type Replacement value


$15.2 billion, including:

Land under roads:

$1.47 billion

Work in progress:

$1.51 billion




$6.7 billion


$1.5 billion


Slope and culverts included with embankment under roads

1.0 billion (noise walls)


Traffic Facilities assets comprise ITS assets in all of NSW, and signs and

delineation assets for Greater Sydney Road Network only.

The combined replacement value is $1.0 billion

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The TAMP


– Concept of Operations provides

importance of place, road and


– Program prioritisation should be

consistent with network need in the

Concept of operations


Walk & Place

Cycle Transit General Traffic

Freight ConOps Score

ConOps Tier

Bridge #1234

1 4 1 3 3 12

Minimum Level of Performance

ConOps Score (Rank)

5 to 8 (Rank 1)

9 to 12 (Rank 2)

13 to 16 (Rank 3)

17 to 25 (Rank 4)

Bridge Health Index

90 85 80 75

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The TAMP

Format of response

– Consistent with Transport for New



– Technical Maintenance Plan to be

providedPart Description Format

1 Executive summary MS PowerPoint

2 Narrative MS Word

3 Ten year works program and costings

MS Excel

4 Technical Maintenance Plan

MS Excel

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The TAMP


– Rationalisation requires us to consider

the options to achieve the

desired balance of cost, risk and


– To avoid iterations with Service


TAMP will contain 4 scenarios:

• Current funding increased at 2.5%

• All funding to deliver Asset Management


• 5% efficiency reduction

• Recommendation

– Make a recommendation outlining affect

on cost, risk and performance

Scenario Cost 21/22


Cost 21 to 31


Key Residual Risk

Performance against Blueprint primary outcomes

Connecting our customers’ whole lives

Successful places for communities

Strong economy and quality of life through transport solutions

Scenario 1: Current Funding including an assumed Opex CPI increase of 2.5%

13240 79500 Backlog is forecast to increase to $ xxx (Category C risk)

Scenario 2: Required Funding to Deliver Current Agreed Outcomes

13240 94963 Program delivery risk (Category D risk)

Scenario 3: Current Funding – 5% Efficiency Reduction

10963 59375 Forecast community satisfaction metrics to decline by xx% due to xxx. (Category B risk)

Scenario 4: Preferred Funding (ie Deliverable)

13520 83545 Backlog is forecast to reduce to $ xxx by 30/31

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The TAMP

The Tactical Asset Management Brief

– One TAMB provided for all


– The TAMB covers all Zones and all

asset class sets in the:

• Asset management objectives by asset

class and Concept of operations score

• Format of deliverables

• Timing of submissions

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Service Delivery Lifecycle BriefingThe Service Delivery Lifecycle – The Asset Management

Transport Asset Management


SRAP Contracts


Sustainability, Successful place,

innovation, Safety and


Sustainability, Innovation

A high performing



Quality asset and efficient networks

managed for the right price

Aligned people working together

in new ways


..that evolves in a

meaningful way…

Transport investments and solutions

that serve the people of NSW

Growing people culture and capability

…to achieve great

outcomes for all

Strong economy and quality of life

Thriving people doing meaningful work

Customer Focus, innovation

Safety and performance,

Sustainability, Successful places

Safe and seamless journeys for

people and goodsNew mobility options and experiences

Integrated, resilient and accessible

transport networks and places

Protecting and enhancing communities

and their environments

Connecting our customer’ whole lives

Successful places




10 Y

ear B





ort 2


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Questions and

Answers Presented by Rebecca Dean and

responses by the Subject Matter Experts

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Close and

Thanks Presented by Rebecca Dean

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Questions taken from Sli.doSRAP Contracts Service Delivery Lifecycle Information Session –


Anonymous 13 May , 2020

Will the Asset Health Index (e.g. Bridge) methodologies be made

available for us to assess with the performance framework


Anonymous 13 May , 2020

Will the current funding be made available for scenario assessment

for both tactical and routine maintenance?

Anonymous 13 May , 2020

Are you intending to issue further asset data e.g. condition reports?

Anonymous 13 May , 2020

Will you provide a historical TAMP as a sample?

Anonymous 13 May , 2020

For Tactical Works, are we correct in assuming that we only

address projects within the areas that the proponent has been


Anonymous 13 May , 2020

It would appear that TfNSW has provided a FWP for the FY22-24

periods. How does TfNSW see proponents taking asset condition

risk based on a provided FWP?

Anonymous 13 May , 2020

Do we develop a price estimate for the tactical projects specified in

10.04.05 - Addendum 1 or for the 3xyear works program we develop

and include in the TAMP?

Anonymous 13 May , 2020

Can TfNSW please confirm the historical spend in the current


Anonymous 13 May , 2020

Can TfNSW confirm how the development of the TAMP and the

TAMP outcomes included in the RFT submission will be evaluated

in the tender process?