Swords of Melvyn Caradeth

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Transcript of Swords of Melvyn Caradeth

  • 8/22/2019 Swords of Melvyn Caradeth


    Swords of Melvyn Caradeth

    Pcs seeking cure for Toms knight.

    Legend tells of a miraculous relic within an ancient ruined tomb withn the Great Forest.

    Though it is said a terrible guardian lairs within and guards the site.

    The journey to is frought with peril, and the precise location is known to very few.

    The Guardian

    The guardian is an enchanted Knight of champion quality charged with preventing any but the

    worthy from claiming the prize.

    Champion knight, lvl 20.

    Standing nearly 8, clad in ornate gold chased armour and wielding a fearsome 2handed vorpal axe..

    He challenges pcs to turn aside or prove their worth.

    The test is an exchange of blows.

    He challenges the accepting pc to strike him down. He offers them a single blow, then they must in

    turn submit to a blow .

    If refused he readies for combat.

    His blow will sever the pcs head unless an intervention (at double normal %)roll is successful.

    The tomb itself is simple, a stone barrow with a single chamber, in which is a stone bier and

    sarcophagus. At the foot of which is an arming chest with an ancient double padlock (rusted).,

    Inside are two scabbarded bastard swords with ornate belts, and a pair of vicious crossbow bolts

    wrapped in a bloodied rag.

    An inscription on the coffin reads Here lies Sir Melvyn Caradeth, True Knight and Brother.

    Unequaled on field of battle, Just and Fair without. Strong of arm and in faith. Laid low by the bolts

    of a coward.

    Within the chest a rolled parchment rests upon the contents.

    Here rest the blades of Melvyn Caradeth,

    Nights Fang and Fire of Dawn.

    Beware the black, its savage steel

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    It is hunger, wrath and scorn

    The white blade also has its sting

    As the rose must have its thorn.

    The slayers barbs which lie within

    By which life was torn

    The Heroes blood the greatest gift

    With faith strength is reborn

    The bolts are for a heavy crossbow, and are +3 Poisenous (enchanted) missiles.

    The rag gives the ability to perform a great cure as a Priest (using pcs piety as if casting) and is

    considered a relic.

    The Black Sword is a +7 Soul Drinker Ego blade, it can sense enemies and magick and gives its

    wielder the ability to berserk.

    The White sword is a Holy sword, but carries a geas and a curse. Its owner must never lose the blade

    and if doing so sickens until it is recovered or they die.

    The sarcohagos could be raided, Caradeths remains are within, clad in his armour, +5 Platemail,

    inscribed with his sigils, also a +5 classical helm, coif, and a +5 type 3 shield bearing his arms (which

    include a dragon-indicating he was a dragonslayer)

    These objects are cursed should they be removed. The pc will become inauspicious, and will

    experience increasing misfortunes in all aspects of their life until the items are returned and

    atonement is made.







    Giant snake


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    Traces of Clunn camp




    Questing Knight



    Questing beast

    White stag


    Magical pool

    Elf Glade

    Elf mound


    Unseelie fey


    Holding of an outlaw knight

    Thorpe- escaped serfs

    Thorpe-woods folk (sturdy foresters)



    Thorpe- lycanthropes (wereboars/panthers/wererats)


    Dark altar


  • 8/22/2019 Swords of Melvyn Caradeth
