Swimming behavior and velocities of barnacle cyprids in a

MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 433: 131–148, 2011 doi: 10.3354/meps09186 Published July 18 INTRODUCTION For planktonic larvae of coastal species to locate a suitable juvenile or adult habitat, they often must complete a cross-shelf migration towards shore. Most invertebrate larvae are slow swimmers (~1 to 10 mm s –1 , Chia et al. 1984) that often cannot make head- way against horizontal ocean currents, so horizontal advection of larvae on the continental shelf relies on currents generated by physical forcing such as winds, tides and buoyancy differences (Scheltema 1986, Shanks 1995a). For example, some larvae exploit vertical shear in the water column by main- taining their position at depths with persistent and preferential flow direction (Epifanio 1988). Some organisms that migrate between embayments and coastal habitats exhibit rhythmic vertical migratory behavior synchronized with tidal phase (selective tidal stream transport) to mediate net transport (DiBacco et al. 2001, Epifanio & Garvine 2001). Such adaptive behaviors may have evolved to exploit pre- dictable patterns of flow and increase the chance that larvae reach suitable settlement sites and adult habitat. © Inter-Research 2011 · www.int-res.com *Email: [email protected] Swimming behavior and velocities of barnacle cyprids in a downwelling flume Claudio DiBacco 1, *, Heidi L. Fuchs 2 , Jesús Pineda 3 , Karl Helfrich 3 1 Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, PO Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2, Canada 2 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, USA 3 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA ABSTRACT: It has been proposed that barnacle cyprids can maintain position in shoreward- propagating fronts by swimming upward against a downwelling flow, potentially mediating onshore transport of larvae toward intertidal habitat. This study developed a novel flume to characterize swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in a laboratory downwelling flow. Seawater was pumped through a cylindrical observation chamber fitted with diffusers to produce a homogeneous down- welling velocity field. The flume generated plug flow with mean downwelling velocities (indicated by negative sign) of 0 to –47.3 mm s –1 . Behavior experiments were done with wild Semibalanus bal- anoides cyprids. Vertical swimming rates and behaviors were estimated from video observations, and a mixture model was used to estimate velocity distributions for distinct behavioral modes. Larvae exhibited multiple behaviors but typically swam upward in response to downwelling, with a maxi- mum estimated vertical velocity of 72.3 mm s –1 . When faced with downwelling flows, cyprids alter- nated between upward swimming and downward swimming to maintain their vertical position in the chamber. As downwelling velocities increased, cyprids that remained in the field of view of the cam- eras exhibited faster mean upward swimming velocities. It is unclear how long individual S. bal- anoides cyprids can maintain depth, but cyprids were able to maintain depth throughout the 2 min observation period. This study supports earlier hypotheses based on field observations by demon- strating that S. balanoides cyprids swim well enough to counter downwelling velocities characteris- tic of convergence zones. Swimming against downwelling flow could be an adaptive behavior that enables shoreward transport in the absence of any larval ability to swim toward shore or even to sense its direction. KEY WORDS: Downwelling flume · Barnacle · Cyprids · Semibalanus balanoides · Convergence zones · Larval behavior Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

Transcript of Swimming behavior and velocities of barnacle cyprids in a


Vol. 433: 131–148, 2011doi: 10.3354/meps09186

Published July 18


For planktonic larvae of coastal species to locate asuitable juvenile or adult habitat, they often mustcomplete a cross-shelf migration towards shore. Mostinvertebrate larvae are slow swimmers (~1 to 10 mms–1, Chia et al. 1984) that often cannot make head-way against horizontal ocean currents, so horizontaladvection of larvae on the continental shelf relies oncurrents generated by physical forcing such aswinds, tides and buoyancy differences (Scheltema1986, Shanks 1995a). For example, some larvae

exploit vertical shear in the water column by main-taining their position at depths with persistent andpreferential flow direction (Epifanio 1988). Someorganisms that migrate between embayments andcoastal habitats exhibit rhythmic vertical migratorybehavior synchronized with tidal phase (selectivetidal stream transport) to mediate net transport(DiBacco et al. 2001, Epifanio & Garvine 2001). Suchadaptive behaviors may have evolved to exploit pre-dictable patterns of flow and increase the chancethat larvae reach suitable settlement sites and adulthabitat.

© Inter-Research 2011 · www.int-res.com*Email: [email protected]

Swimming behavior and velocities of barnaclecyprids in a downwelling flume

Claudio DiBacco1,*, Heidi L. Fuchs2, Jesús Pineda3, Karl Helfrich3

1Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, PO Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2, Canada2Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, USA

3Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA

ABSTRACT: It has been proposed that barnacle cyprids can maintain position in shoreward- propagating fronts by swimming upward against a downwelling flow, potentially mediating onshoretransport of larvae toward intertidal habitat. This study developed a novel flume to characterizeswimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in a laboratory downwelling flow. Seawater was pumpedthrough a cylindrical observation chamber fitted with diffusers to produce a homogeneous down-welling velocity field. The flume generated plug flow with mean downwelling velocities (indicated bynegative sign) of 0 to –47.3 mm s–1. Behavior experiments were done with wild Semibalanus bal-anoides cyprids. Vertical swimming rates and behaviors were estimated from video observations, anda mixture model was used to estimate velocity distributions for distinct behavioral modes. Larvaeexhibited multiple behaviors but typically swam upward in response to downwelling, with a maxi-mum estimated vertical velocity of 72.3 mm s–1. When faced with downwelling flows, cyprids alter-nated between upward swimming and downward swimming to maintain their vertical position in thechamber. As downwelling velocities increased, cyprids that remained in the field of view of the cam-eras exhibited faster mean upward swimming velocities. It is unclear how long individual S. bal-anoides cyprids can maintain depth, but cyprids were able to maintain depth throughout the 2 minobservation period. This study supports earlier hypotheses based on field observations by demon-strating that S. balanoides cyprids swim well enough to counter downwelling velocities characteris-tic of convergence zones. Swimming against downwelling flow could be an adaptive behavior thatenables shoreward transport in the absence of any larval ability to swim toward shore or even tosense its direction.

KEY WORDS: Downwelling flume · Barnacle · Cyprids · Semibalanus balanoides · Convergencezones · Larval behavior

Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011

Cross-shelf larval transport could be mediated byphysical mechanisms that accumulate planktonic lar-vae in surface convergent zones that subsequentlypropagate onshore (Shanks 1983, Helfrich & Pineda2003, Scotti & Pineda 2007). Convergent zones areassociated with physical features such as internalwaves (Shanks 1983), internal tidal bore warm fronts(Pineda 1994), upwelling relaxation fronts (Farrell etal. 1991), and estuarine fronts (Eggleston et al. 1998).These mechanisms all exhibit converging surfaceflows that accumulate flotsam and produce strong ver-tical (downward) flows in the convergence zones. Lar-vae that are entrained and retained in these conver-gent zones may experience net horizontal transportshoreward as long as the onshore horizontal currentspeed (u) is faster than the propagation speed (c) of theconvergent front (see Pineda 1999).

In convergent zones generated by surface currents,entrainment is most likely for organisms that inhabit ormigrate into surface waters. Once entrained, positivelybuoyant organisms or those that swim upward may beretained within downwelling zones, ultimately formingdense larval aggregations in surface layers of frontalzones (Shanks 1995a, Pineda 1999). Pineda (1999)characterized hydrodynamic circulation and larval dis-tributions within internal tidal bore warm fronts off thecoast of La Jolla, California. He observed cyprids of 2barnacle taxa (Chthamalus spp., Pollicipes polymerus)concentrated in frontal convergent zones despitedownwelling currents, while bryozoan larvae (Mem-branipora spp.) were not concentrated in the front.Pineda (1999) suggested the cyprids could maintaintheir position within convergent zones because theyswam well enough to counter downwelling velocities,whereas bryozoan larvae would be prevented fromaccumulating in the front because of their limitedswimming abilities and negative buoyancy.

Numerous field studies provide evidence that con-vergence zones propagating across the continentalshelf can transport larvae into shallow-water intertidalhabitats. This evidence includes: (1) higher concentra-tions of larvae sampled within internal wave conver-gent zones (slicks) than outside these zones (Shanks1988, Pineda 1999), (2) shoreward transport of buoy-ant flotsam and surface drifters within convergentzones (Shanks & Wright 1987), and (3) strong correla-tions between daily settlement of larvae in intertidalhabitats and the occurrence of processes featuringconvergent zones impinging the shore (Shanks 1985,1986, Pineda 1991). Note, however, that local concen-tration of particles by internal wave convergencesdoes not imply transport, as pointed out by Franks(1997). Although field evidence is circumstantial, lab-oratory experiments and numerical analyses of strati-fied flow provide more tangible evidence that buoy-

ant gravity currents, characterized by a convergentfront, can lead to accumulation and transport of buoy-ant particles in the direction of the propagating front(Franks 1997, Helfrich & Pineda 2003). For larvae tobe transported, however, they must have a behavioralmechanism that promotes entrainment in convergentzones that propagate shoreward. The purpose of thepresent study was to test the hypothesis that barnaclelarvae can swim well enough vertically to counterdownwelling currents associated with surface conver-gent flows.

A direct test of this hypothesis would require simul-taneously measuring vertical velocities of both flowand larvae within a convergent zone. Such measure-ments are infeasible at sea where it is difficult tomeasure flow fields near the air–sea interface andeven more difficult to locate, observe and identifymicroscopic larvae that are sparse in situ. Because ofsuch challenges, larval swimming behavior has rarelybeen studied under natural field conditions (but seeShanks 1985, 1995b, Fuchs et al. 2010), and larvalswimming velocities are usually estimated in con-trolled laboratory experiments (reviewed by Chia etal. 1984). In still-water experiments, swimming isoften observed over very short temporal (s) and spa-tial (cm) scales. On these scales, observed swimmingbursts or cruising may poorly represent the sustainedvertical swimming rates that organisms would needto maintain their positions within downwelling zones.An alternative method is to expose larvae to currentsof known magnitude in a flume and to measure theindividual’s behavioral responses to varying flowfields, but most flumes produce only horizontal cur-rents atypical of convergence currents and lack thevertical currents typical of convergence zones. Anexperimental test of our hypothesis required thedevelopment of a new method for generating down-welling flow in the laboratory.

This paper describes a novel flume used to measuresustained vertical swimming speeds and behavior ofcyprids of the wild barnacle Semibalanus balanoidesin a downwelling flow. The flume was designed to sim-ulate constant velocity flow fields (plug flows) in anexperimental chamber that could be used to assessswimming abilities (e.g. maximum sustained swim-ming rates) and behavioral responses (i.e. rheotaxis) ofbarnacle larvae exposed to specified flow conditions.Characteristic flow fields and calibration data are pre-sented along with a preliminary study that character-ized sustainable swimming rates of late-stage cyprids.Larvae were exposed to a range of downwelling watervelocities, their movements were recorded with digitalvideo cameras, and the images were analyzed withparticle tracking software to determine behavioralresponses and sustained swimming rates.


DiBacco et al.: Swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in downwelling flows


Downwelling flume. Larval swimming experimentswere conducted in a downwelling flume constructed atthe Rinehart Coastal Research Center at the WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). The flume is aclosed system with a vertically oriented observationalchannel constructed from an acrylic pipe ~90 cm inlength and 30 cm in diameter (Fig. 1). The ends of thischannel were capped with removable acrylic plates fit-ted with PVC fittings and pipes to introduce and drainwater from the top and bottom of the chamber, respec-tively. Seawater is circulated through the observa-tional channel at variable flow rates by an inline, con-tinuous duty, variable-speed pump and AC drivecontroller. Two diffusers located at the top of the obser-vational channel, ~15 cm from the top where waterenters the channel, were used to disperse the flow andcreate a relatively uniform cross-sectional and longitu-dinal flow field in the lower two-thirds of the channel(see ‘Results’). The first diffuser consisted of ca. 1 cm

diameter glass beads packed in a conical arrangementto disperse the initial jet of water, while the second dif-fuser consisted of a perforated (ca. 1 mm diameterholes), 1.25 cm acrylic plate positioned below the con-ical diffuser. The observational chamber was placedinside a 325 l acrylic box that served as a water jacketto help maintain a constant seawater temperatureinside the chamber. This water jacket was designed asa flow-through system for ambient seawater, but itcould be adapted to circulate water from a reservoirmaintained at specific temperatures with supplemen-tal chillers or heaters. The square water jacket alsohelped correct image distortion resulting from lightdiffraction due to the larval chamber’s cylindricalshape.

The bottom of the observation chamber was fittedwith stainless steel tubes (ports) for injecting larvaeand tracer particles. Injection ports allowed the flumeto remain a closed system, which helped maintainexperimental conditions. Injection tubes were roughlycentered in the channel’s cross-section and could be






(g) (h)





Fig. 1. Downwelling flume. The downwelling chamber (a) sits in a water jacket (b) that receives ambient seawater through-flowto regulate and maintain water temperature in the chamber. The water pump (c) and dual range frequency controller (d) regu-late the speed that seawater is recirculated through the flume. The pump is connected to the downwelling chamber via an inte-grated, closed system of 2.54 cm PVC pipe and hose (e). PVC pipe connected to entrance of the chamber is fitted with an in-linethermometer (f), pressure release valve (g) and pressure gauge (h) to monitor chamber conditions. Diffusers (i) located at the topof the observational channel dispersed the flow and helped to create a relatively homogeneous flow field in the lower two-thirdsof the channel. The bottom of the chamber is fitted with a retractable larval injection port (j) used to introduce larvae into thechamber during experiments. Two orthogonally positioned video cameras (k; 1 camera shown) and a computer (l) were used

to capture digital images for particle tracking analysis of larval behavior and swimming velocities

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011

raised and lowered to introduce larvaeor particles into preferred observationalregions along the channel’s longitudi-nal axis. The injection tubes wereretracted before experimental runs tominimize flow field disruptions.

When ambient seawater was used inthe flume, bubbles formed on the in -side wall of the observational chamber. Bubble formation was attributed to de -gassing of cold seawater as it was recir-culated through the diffuser and per-haps even a slight warming of theseawater. This problem was minimizedby partially degassing seawater beforefilling the flume by holding it at roomtemperature (15 to 20°C) for 12 to 24 hin a sterilized, high density polyethyl-ene holding tank. Once the seawaterhad degassed and equilibrated to roomtemperature and pressure, it waspumped into the flume and cooled toambient ocean temperatures with theaid of the water jacket. An inline ther-mometer was used to check that theflume’s seawater had returned to ambi-ent ocean temperatures before larvaewere introduced and swimming experi-ments were conducted.

Flow velocity characterization. Meandownwelling velocity fields for theobservational chamber were deter-mined for a range of pump rates with alaser Doppler velocimeter (LDV, DantecDynamics). All calibrations were donebefore the behavior experiments toensure that a relatively homogenousand predictable flow field was gener-ated and to correlate downwellingvelocities with their associated pump rates. For all LDVcalibrations, the tank was filled with filtered seawaterand seeded with hollow glass beads (Sontek) that hada nominal diameter of 4 to 20 μm (density, ρ = 1.05 gm–3). The flume was allowed to run for 5 to 10 minbefore measuring vertical and horizontal velocities ateach of 42 points (N = 2000 to 10 000 estimates perpoint) on a 12.1 × 56.9 cm sampling grid (Fig. 2) cover-ing half the focal plane of the larval video frame.Velocity gradients at the chamber walls (e.g. Vogel1994) were not measured. The flow was assumed to besymmetric and the other half of the video frame wasnot characterized. Vertical flow velocities were mea-sured at each LDV sampling point for a series of7 pump rates: 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2000 and2500 Hz. Horizontal velocities could not be measured

with the LDV owing to technical difficulties. LDV mea-surements were completed before larval observationsto avoid any interference of laser-seeding particleswith larval swimming behavior and rates. Interpolatedmean downwelling flow fields of the flume’s observa-tional chamber are contoured along with correspond-ing estimates of flow field variability, expressed asstandard deviations (SDs) in the flow.

Pliolite® particles (diameter 100 to 200 μm, ρ = 1.026g cm–3) (Eliokem, http://eliokem.com) were employedto measure downwelling velocities at a pump rate of300 Hz. The Pliolite® particles were mixed throughoutthe chamber and subsequently maintained under no-flow conditions for about 15 min to allow heavier parti-cles to settle, leaving only apparently neutrally buoy-ant particles in suspension. The remaining particles


90 cm

–1.9–3.7 –7.4








30 cm

(0, 2.4, 4.8, 7.2, 9.6, 12.1 cm)Water diffusingregion

Videocamera A




e fr





te (c


Videocamera B









Fig. 2. Schematic of downwelling flume observational chamber. (A) Markedsampling grid intersects (d) indicate locations of laser Doppler velocimeter(LDV) measurements. Grid point row number (1 to 7 in square brackets) andcorresponding distance (cm) from the diffuser plate is provided. The left side ofthe grid and chamber was not characterized with the LDV and was assumed tobe equivalent to the right side. Laser measurements included N = 2000 to10 000 per grid point. Larval video observations were recorded in a focal planeindicated by the shaded box. Two cross-sectional views are provided: (B) is thelocation of LDV grid points relative to the chamber’s walls and distance of eachpoint from the center of the chamber (center = 0 cm); (C) is the position andapproximate focal depth (shaded rectangles) of 2 orthogonally positioned dig-ital video cameras and cross section and position of the larval injection tube (s)

DiBacco et al.: Swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in downwelling flows

were video recorded first with the pump switched offand then with the pump turned on. The video serieswith and without pumping included most of the sameparticles because the estimated gravitational sinkingrates of the particles were very low (0.74 ± 0.12 mm s–1,mean ± SD) and no movement was detectable by eye.Video recordings of Pliolite® particles with and withoutpumping were analyzed with particle tracking soft-ware to estimate vertical and horizontal velocities. Alinear regression between pump rates (Hz) and resul-tant mean downwelling velocity estimates derivedfrom seeding with glass beads and Pliolite® is pre-sented in ‘Results’ (see Fig. 3).

Larvae. Semibalanus balanoides cyprids were col-lected at the WHOI pier, Woods Hole, Massachusetts,on 4 and 24 March 2004. Species identification andsampling dates are consistent with observations ofS. balanoides larvae between January and March(Pineda et al. 2002). Zooplankton were sampled within75 cm of the surface with a 200 μm mesh plankton net.Samples were concentrated in a 30 l cooler filled with100 μm filtered ambient seawater and transportedback to the laboratory within 10 min of being collected.In the laboratory, cyprids were initially separated fromother plankton by projecting a bright light ~3 cmbelow the water level onto the inside wall of the cooler.Cyprids aggregated near the reflected light wherethey were siphoned with a large bore tube and con-centrated into 1 l beakers containing ambient, filtered(20 μm) seawater. Cyprids were isolated with largebore pipettes and dissecting microscopes. Once sorted,cyprids were held in filtered seawater (20 μm) andmaintained in the dark at ambient ocean temperatures(ca. 5.5°C) until they were used in larval behaviorexperiments. Similar dark and cold conditions had nosignificant effect on swimming behavior of Balanusamphitrite cyprids and prevented settlement andmetamorphosis for 7 d (Amsler et al. 2006). All labora-tory experiments were completed within 32 h of fieldcollections.

Experimental design. Two experiments were con-ducted to observe Semibalanus balanoides cypridswimming behavior and to measure mean sustainedswimming rates. Flume experiments were conductedon 4 and 24 March 2004. Cyprids were introduced intothe downwelling chamber for each of a predeterminedseries of downwelling velocity treatments correspond-ing to prescribed pump rates (Table 1). Cyprids wereexposed to downwelling flume velocities (indicated bynegative sign) that ranged from 0 to –41.5 mm s–1 andfrom 0 to –47.3 mm s–1 during laboratory experimentsconducted on 4 and 24 March 2004, respectively (seeTable 3). Larvae were added to the chamber beforeeach run to ensure a large number of observations, butthe number of larvae remaining in the camera’s field of

view typically fell to <20 individuals by the end of the2 min observation period.

The number of larvae available for laboratory exper-iments was limited by the time required to sort cypridsfrom field samples and because individual larvae wereused in only one replicate treatment. On each experi-mental date, still water and 6 or 7 downwelling rateswere used, of which still water and 2 other treatmentswere replicated. All treatments were replicated onboth experimental dates except that the 2500 Hz treat-ment was conducted only on 24 March.

Once larvae had been introduced into the down-welling chamber, they could not be removed from theflume without draining the system. Refilling the tankand acclimating seawater temperature required about5 h, so draining the system between treatments wasimpractical. Instead the observational chamber waspurged of larvae between replicate treatments by run-ning the system at high speed until all larvae wereoverwhelmed and flushed from the chamber.

Since cyprids are positively phototactic (see Crisp1955), faint background lighting was maintained byturning off overhead lights in the vicinity of the flumeduring larval swimming experiments. Overhead light-ing was expected to elicit an upward swimmingresponse a priori, but observations were consistentwith swimming behavior that maintained larval posi-tion in the water column. To video record the larvae,the observation area was backlit with a fluorescentlamp positioned directly opposite the camera. Beforeeach experimental run, the recirculating pump and flu-orescent light sources were switched off. The pumpwas preset to start pumping at the specified down-welling velocity once switched back on. The larvalinjection tube was raised and centered in the video


Pump Mean SD Minimum Maximum rate velocity (mm s–1) velocity velocity(Hz) (mm s–1) (mm s–1) (mm s–1)

300 –5.11 1.63 –9.90 8.34500 –8.10 2.12 5.71 11.51750 –14.36 2.50 11.32 18.61

1000 –18.81 2.67 13.24 24.991250 –25.28 2.99 20.78 29.431500 –29.12 3.48 24.11 34.052000 –41.48 3.19 34.75 50.432500 –47.29 3.05 42.42 52.89

Table 1. Summary of downwelling water velocity (indicatedby negative sign) measured in the observational region of thedownwelling flume (–29.4 cm and –58.8 cm; see Fig. 2) with alaser Doppler velocimeter (LDV). Pump rate (Hz) specificparameters are the mean, SD, minimum and maximum down-welling velocities (mm s–1). The downwelling velocity wasassumed to be 0 mm s–1 when the pump was off (pump

rate = 0 Hz)

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011

camera’s field of view (ca. 15 cm wide × 11 cm high) toseed the observational region of the chamber. About100 ml of seawater was gently injected into the cham-ber until ca. 100 to 200 larvae were visible in the cam-era’s field of view. Larvae were allowed several min-utes to reorient themselves and assume a normalswimming behavior before the fluorescent lights andthe pump were turned on. The flume’s flow field wasallowed time to establish and stabilize; calibrationstudies (with Pliolite® and LDV) indicated that <10 swere required to reach maximum flow velocities atpump rates used in this study (250 to 2500 Hz, corre-sponding to 5.1 to 47.3 mm s–1 downwelling velocities).During larval swimming experiments, downwellingvelocities were estimated from the pump calibrationrather than by LDV to avoid potential effects of thelaser or glass seeding on larval behavior.

The video field of view was narrower than the flumewidth to avoid visual artifacts associated with thechamber’s curved walls. The effect of flume walls onlarval swimming rate or behavior is unknown. As aprecaution, swimming behavior was video recorded inthe middle of the chamber (Fig. 2) where mean down-welling velocities were free of wall effects, spatiallyuniform and temporally stable. The fields of view of2 cameras (A and B) were at least 6.5 cm from the wall;the mean (±SE) width and height of the field of viewaveraged across replicate experiments and cameraviews were 14.7 ± 2.0 cm and 10.9 ± 2.0 cm, respec-tively.

Larval velocity measurements. Swimming larvaeand Pliolite® particles were video recorded with ablack and white digital camera (Hitachi, model KP-F120 with square pixels and 1390 × 1040 resolution),and images were captured with XCAP-Std software. Acapture rate of 6 frames per second (fps) was selectedto limit the distance that larvae or particles were dis-placed between consecutive frames and to facilitatetracking of individual larvae and particles. Videosequences were about 2 min long and were limited bythe size of the computer’s RAM memory. Particle track-ing software was used to analyze digital video record-ings and estimate vertical and horizontal swimmingrates of Semibalanus balanoides cyprids. Individuallarval and particle trajectories were constructed withMatlab software described in Fuchs et al. (2004). Lar-val positions were determined to subpixel accuracyfrom the centroid of groups of pixels (typically 10 to20 per larva) in binarized images. Still images of thelarval injection tube located in the camera’s focal planewere saved to serve as as a scale bar before conductinglarval swimming experiments. Travel distances werescaled from the width of the larval injection tube ofknown diameter (8.0 mm). Improbable larval trajectorysegments were removed manually. Any larvae that

were not retained within the camera’s focal plane for atleast 1 s were excluded from the data analyses.

After trajectories were constructed, swimmingspeeds were determined based on an individual’s netdisplacement between consecutive digitized images(i.e. distance traveled in 1⁄6 s). The error in the verticalswimming speeds (i.e. frame to frame displacement) isestimated to be about 10%. The horizontal maximumfield of view used was 175 mm giving 0.126 mmpixel–1. Thus, a swimming speed of 5 mm s–1 results indisplacement of 6.6 pixels in 1⁄6 s. Centroids of particlescan be estimated to an accuracy of 0.1 to 0.25 pixels(Wernet & Pline 1993) giving an uncertainty in the dis-placement of about 10% using a 0.25 pixel error inboth the initial and final positions. Additional error inthe estimated larvae swimming speeds will arise fromturbulent fluctuations and gradients in the mean fluidvelocity within the camera’s field of view (see Figs. 3 &4 and ‘Discussion’ below). The turbulent fluctuationsare <2% of the mean vertical velocities in the field ofview and will have a small effect on the mean verticalswimming speed estimates. The mean flow gradientswill be a more significant source of uncertainty, butsince larval tracks occupy the field of view, these variations should be reduced when larval speeds areaveraged.

We could not use all velocity measurements fromindividual tracks because they were dependent andbiased toward slower individuals that spent more timein the video frame. To analyze only independent, unbi-ased data, we took a single point estimate from nearestthe center of the larval trajectory as the representativevelocity. All single point estimates were used to esti-mate the mean and variance of swim speed in eachtreatment and to assess behaviors (see ‘Larval behav-ior analysis’ below). Both vertical and horizontal swim-ming velocities were quantified from barnacle larvaltracks. These components were not combined to pro-duce 3-dimensional vectors and associated ‘true’swimming velocities because those detailed analyseswere beyond the scope of the present study. The verti-cal swimming rates reported here are accurate, butthey are conservative estimates of actual swimmingvelocities since larvae were moving in 3 dimensions.

Corrected mean vertical swimming velocities wererelated to flume downwelling velocities by linearregression analysis. Because the cyprids used in eachexperiment were collected in situ about 3 wk apart, ageneral linear model (GLM) was used to test whetherthe slopes and intercepts of regression equations weresignificantly different for 2 independent laboratoryexperiments.

Larval behavior analysis. Larval swimming tracksshowed qualitatively that cyprids exhibited multiplebehaviors. Some larvae moved in a slow wobble, for


DiBacco et al.: Swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in downwelling flows

example, whereas some alternated between slowswimming and passive sinking, and others movedfaster in tortuous loops. Different behaviors were alsodetectable as multiple peaks in histograms of larvalvertical velocity. We assumed that larvae have multi-ple distinct behavior modes and that within a givenmode larval velocities are normally distributed. On thisassumption, the frequency distribution of larval veloci-ties in each treatment represents a normal mixture.This mixture can be analyzed statistically to separateindividual behavior modes and to estimate the velocitydistribution within each mode. A similar approach wasused in Fuchs et al. (2004) to estimate the proportionsof larvae that were swimming, hovering or sinking inthe presence of turbulence. Here we can ignore turbu-lence because diffusion is negligible compared withadvection (see ‘Results: Chamber calibration’).

We assume that larvae have g behavior modes andthat within each mode the instantaneous verticalvelocities are normally distributed with mean μi andvariance σi

2, where i indicates the mode number. Theprobability density of observed larval velocity is givenby


where ƒi(x; θi) is the normal probability density func-tion for component i with parameter vector θi = [μi, σi],πi is the mixing proportion for component i, and φ = (π,θ), where π and θ are the vectors of πi and θi. The goalis to estimate the mixture parameters φ from the ob -served larval velocities. We can estimate φ for a speci-fied number of behavior modes g by using an expecta-tion-maximization algorithm (e.g. McLachlan & Peel2000) to maximize the log-likelihood of ƒ.

Here the number of modes is unknown, so we esti-mated g by using a likelihood ratio to test the nullhypothesis H0 : g = g0 against the alternative hypothe-sis H1 : g = g0 + 1 for g0 = 1 to 6. The null hypothesis isrejected if the test statistic


is large, where L(φ’0) and L(φ’1) are the log-likelihoodsfor parameter estimates under H0 and H1, respectively,and prime symbols denote maximum likelihood esti-mates. Because Λ does not follow its usual χ2

ν distribu-tion for mixture models, we estimated the null distrib-ution function of Λ using a bootstrap (McLachlan1987). The estimated number of modes g ’ was taken tobe the smallest g0 for which H0 could not be rejected ata significance level α = 0.03. Analyses were done inMatlab 2008 with the Statistics toolbox. Finally, we cor-rected the estimated mean vertical velocities (μ’i) ofeach behavior mode by subtracting the downwellingvelocity.


Chamber calibration

Mean water velocities measured in the observationalregion of the flume’s downwelling chamber rangedfrom –5.11 to –47.29 mm s–1 (downward direction indi-cated by negative value) corresponding to pump ratesof 300 and 2500 Hz (Table 1, Fig. 3). Downwelling ve-locities were assumed to be 0 mm s–1 when the pumpwas turned off. The water-diffusing region (WDR) atthe top of the chamber evenly spread the flow from the5 cm diameter inflow pipe into the 30 cm diameterchamber without producing a jet (see ‘Inflow’, Fig. 2).Velocity fields interpolated from LDV data were rela-tively uniform throughout the observational chamber(Fig. 4A,C) except immediately downstream from theWDR where small-scale turbulence resulted in unpre-dictable mean velocities and proportionally large vari-ance (SD) in mean flow. The turbulent region immedi-ately below the WDR was thicker at higher pump rates(Fig. 4B,D). This turbulence dissipated quickly and ve-locities became more uniform with increased distancefrom the WDR. The ratio of turbulence versus meanflow (WRMS/W, where WRMS is the root mean square ofvertical velocity) generally decreased at higher down-welling velocities (Fig. 5), including Rows 5 and 6 in thebottom half of the chamber (Fig. 2) where larvae werevideo recorded. At all pump rates, turbulence gener-ated by the diffusers dissipated quickly and produced adownstream flow field that was nearly uniform across

ƒ( ; ) ƒ( ; )x xi i ii


φ π θ==∑


Λ = ( ) − ( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦2 1 0L ’ L ’φ φ


Pump rate (Hz)








) 0






0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

y = –0.020x + 0.879R2 = 0.993

Fig. 3. Measured downwelling velocity (mm s–1, ±1 SE) versuspump rate (Hz) in the flume’s observational chamber. Down-welling velocities corresponding to pump rates of ≥500 Hz weremeasured with a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV), while veloc-ities corresponding to the 300 Hz pump rate were measured viaimage analysis of near-neutrally buoyant Pliolite® particles.Downwelling velocities were averaged from measurementsmade at sampling grid points in Rows 5 and 6 of the LDV

sampling grid (see Fig. 2; y = –29.4 cm and –44.1 cm)

the chamber and consistent with near-plug flow veloc-ity profiles (Vogel 1994). Observed mean horizontal velocities within the field of view ranged from ~0.4 to1.4 mm s–1 at downwelling rates ranging from 500 to2500 Hz (Fig. 4A,C). This variation in mean velocitiescorresponds to about 5 to 30% of observed mean cypridswimming velocities measured at coincident down-welling rates of 500 and 2500 Hz.

Flume pump rates and resultant mean downwellingvelocities were highly correlated in all regions of the

LDV sampling grid except Row 1 (Table 2,Fig. 2). Coefficients of determination (r2) in-creased from 0.965 to 0.996 with distancefrom the WDR (Table 2). Because pump rateand downwelling velocity were so highlycorrelated, a linear regression model ofmean downwelling velocity (y) measured inRows 5 and 6 versus pump rate (x) (y =–0.02x + 0.879, r2 = 0.993; Fig. 3) was ade-quate for predicting downwelling velocitiesduring larval swimming experiments.

Larval swimming rate

Mean upward swimming velocities ofSemibalanus balanoides cyprids increasedas larvae were exposed to greater down-welling water velocities (Fig. 6), implyingthat larval swimming generally opposed theflume’s flow direction. The observed meanvertical velocities reflect net larval move-ments owing to (1) downwelling flume flowand (2) larval swimming behavior. If larvaeacted as passive particles, the observedspeeds would be comparable to the flume’sdownwelling velocity (see 1:1 line, Fig. 6).The corrected mean vertical velocities areadjusted for advection due to downwellingand reflect true cyprid swimming rates. Ob-served mean vertical velocities were ~0 mms–1 under static flume conditions when thepump rate and associated downwelling ve-locity were zero (Fig. 6). These velocity esti-mates agree with qualitative observations ofcyprids, which appeared to hover in thecamera’s field of view under static flumeconditions. Observed mean vertical veloci-ties were almost always negative underdownwelling conditions (Fig. 6), indicatingthat cyprids experienced net downwardtransport when exposed to tested down-welling velocities. As the flume’s pump rateand corresponding downwelling velocity in-creased, however, the corrected, true verti-

cal swimming velocities also increased (Fig. 6). Based ona GLM analysis, neither the slopes (GLM: df = 1, t =1.443, p = 0.177) nor the intercepts (GLM: df = 1, t =0.789, p = 0.446) of the regressions of corrected meanvertical velocities versus flume downwelling velocity dif-fered between 4 and 24 March (Fig. 6).

Cyprid vertical velocities measured with 2 ortho -gonally oriented cameras (see Fig. 2C) were compara-ble (Fig. 7). Correlations between observed and cor-rected downwelling velocity estimates for Camera A

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011138

−10 0 10

A) 500 HzMean(mm s–1)

Mean(mm s–1)

SD(mm s–1)

SD(mm s–1)







−10 0 10

B) 500 Hz













−10 0 10

Cross-stream position (cm)








C) 2500 Hz










−10 0 10

D) 2500 Hz













































Fig. 4. Contour plots of (A,C) mean downwelling water velocities (mm s–1)and (B,D) SDs generated at low (500 Hz) and high (2500 Hz) flume pumprates. Velocities were measured with a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) atspecified grid points (s) (see also Fig. 2). Boxes framed by dashed lines indicate the size and position of video fields of view used to record larvalswimming velocities and behavior. Note missing data from top row of thesampling grid in plots C and D where levels were too high to make accurate

LDV measurements

DiBacco et al.: Swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in downwelling flows

versus Camera B were highly significant for the 4 and24 March laboratory experiments (Fig. 7). The veloci-ties recorded from Camera B were slightly higher thanthose from Camera A. The sequences recorded fromCamera B were twice as long as those from Camera Aand the higher velocities may reflect the loss of weakerswimmers as they were washed out of the frame inlater observations.

Cyprids had considerably lower mean horizontalswimming velocities than vertical velocities (data notshown). Horizontal velocities ranged from ≤1 mm s–1 atflume downwelling rates < 20 mm s–1 to a maximum ofabout 2.6 mm s–1 at the highest downwelling velocity

tested. Regression analysis revealed significant positiverelationships between mean horizontal velocities (y) andcorresponding mean flume downwelling velo cities (x) foreach experiment (4 March: y = 0.031x – 0.027, r2 = 0.614,p = 0.037; 28 March: y = 0.056x – 0.363, r2 = 0.824, p =0.002). Because no horizontal flow velocities were mea-sured, it is unclear whether larval horizontal velocities in-creased at higher downwelling rates owing to changes inbehavior or to increased flow velocity variance.

Larval behavior

Cyprid trajectories in still water showed qualitativelythat larvae had multiple distinct behavior modes


–1.9 cm–3.7 cm–7.4 cm–14.7 cm–29.4 cm–44.1 cm–58.8 cm








0.001000 1500

Pump rate (Hz)




2000 2500

Fig. 5. Ratio of turbulence to mean flow (WRMS/W , whereWRMS is the root mean square of vertical velocity) for down-welling velocities estimated with a laser Doppler velocimeter(LDV) along the vertical axis of the downwelling flume’sobservational chamber. Each plotted line corresponds to a dif-ferent region of the chamber at a set distance from the dif-fuser, which is indicated in the legend and corresponds to

rows of the LDV sampling grid (Fig. 2)

Row Distance Regression Coefficient of (cm) equation determination (r2)

1 –1.9 y = 0.01x – 10.043 0.3962 –3.7 y = –0.02x + 1.520 0.9653 –7.4 y = –0.02x + 0.096 0.9744 –14.7 y = –0.02x + 0.726 0.9795 –29.4 y = –0.02x + 1.027 0.9896 –44.1 y = –0.02x + 0.731 0.9967 –58.8 y = –0.02x + 0.829 0.996

5 & 6 –29.4 & –44.1 y = –0.02x + 0.879 0.993

Table 2. Summary of results for linear regressions of down-welling velocity versus pump rate for rows 1 to 7 of the laserDoppler velocimeter (LDV) sampling grid and for rows 5 and6 combined, which correspond to the region of the chamberwhere larval swimming rates and behaviors were videorecorded. Regression equation; y = predicted downwelling

velocity (mm s–1), x = pump rate (Hz)

Downwelling velocity (mm s–1)


al v


ity (m

m s




4 March

1:1 LineObserved mean vertical velocityCorrected mean vertical velocity

24 March



















0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 6. Semibalanus balanoides. Mean vertical velocity esti-mates (mm s–1, ±1 SE) versus flume downwelling velocities forcyprids tested on (A) 4 March 2004 and (B) 24 March 2004.Downwelling velocities were estimated from the pump rateversus downwelling velocity regression (Fig. 3). The 1:1 line(dotted line in both A and B: y = 0.879 – 0.020x) equates flumedownwelling velocity estimates with mean vertical velocities(i.e. mean downwelling velocity estimates of passive particleswould fall on this line). Observed mean vertical velocities (s)were estimated from video recorded larval swimming experi-ments and reflect net larval movements due to both down-welling and larval swimming. Corrected mean vertical veloc-ities (d) reflect actual larval swimming velocities estimated asthe difference between observed mean velocities and corre-sponding downwelling velocity (i.e. distance from the 1:1line). The dashed line (---) relates downwelling velocity(mm s–1) to corrected mean vertical velocity (A: y = 0.037 +

0.423x, r2 = 0.975; B: y = –1.819 + 0.480x, r2 = 0.985)

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011

(Fig. 8). Some larvae moved rapidly through the videoframe in loose spirals or tortuous loops. Other larvaemoved slowly, apparently trying to hold their positions,or alternated between slow swimming and passivesinking. Our statistical model enabled us to estimatethe number of different behavior modes and the veloc-ity distributions for each mode. As the downwellingvelocity increased, cyprids continued to exhibit aboutthe same number of behavior modes, but the flow-

corrected mean velocities for these modes generallyincreased (Fig. 9), and the fastest group of larvae oftenswam up at speeds that nearly matched the down-welling flow. Overall mean cyprid velocities calculatedfrom the mixture model and from the larval observa-tions were nearly identical (y = 0.998x + 0.149, r2 =0.995, where y is modeled mean velocity and x isobserved mean velocity in mm s–1).

The total number of modes varied between treat-ments, ranging from g = 1 to 4, but most often therewere 2 modes if both cameras are considered seper-ately (Fig. 10). When the number of modes differed be-tween the 2 cameras, Camera B typically showed moremodes than Camera A, probably because Camera Bprovided longer video records with more observations.Note that mode numbers do not correspond to specificbehaviors, but for graphing purposes (Fig. 10) themodes are numbered in order of increasing mean ve-locity within each treatment. A mode with mean down-ward velocities of –6.7 to –3.3 mm s–1 and SDs of 0.3 to1.6 mm s–1 clearly corresponded to passive sinking andprobably indicates a resting phase. This mode rarelyappeared except in still water (Figs. 9 & 10). In weakerdownwelling flows there was another mode with a neg-ative mean velocity (–3.2 to –0.9 mm s–1) but with largerSDs (1.8 to 10.9 mm s–1), probably representing larvaethat swam in downward loops with occasional upwardambits. The resting and downward-swimming modesdisappeared in stronger downwelling (<–19 mm s–1),but it is unclear whether larvae stopped doing these be-haviors in strong flows or simply got washed out of theviewing area. The most common and persistent modehad mean velocities of ~3 to ~12 mm s–1 and SDs of ~4to ~20 mm s–1, probably representing larvae that swamupward in loopy trajectories. This mode was observedat most treatment levels and may be a default behavior.At higher downwelling flows, generally >1500 Hz, an


Camera A velocity (mm s–1)



B v


ity (m

m s



























4 March

24 March

y = 0.934x + 0.573; R2 = 0.969

y = 1.021x + 1.111; R2 = 0.953

y = 0.915x + 0.890; R2 = 0.968

y = 1.038x + 1.498; R2 = 0.940

–30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 7. Semibalanus balanoides. Observed (s) and corrected(d) mean cyprid vertical velocities (±1 SE) measured withorthogonally oriented digital video cameras (Cameras A andB) with overlapping field of views on (A) 4 March 2004 and (B)24 March 2004. Each data point corresponds to mean veloci-ties estimated at specific flume downwelling velocities. Allpoints would fall on the 1:1 line (solid, grey) if both camerasobserved the same larvae over the same time period; videorecordings for Cameras A and B averaged 45 and 90 s, respec-tively. Dashed and dotted lines represent linear correlations

with corresponding equations provided in the legends

−60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60






x-distance (mm)






Fig. 8. Semibalanus balanoides. Representative cyprid trajec-tories in still water. An × marks the beginning of each track.

Data are from 4 March 2004, Replicate 1, Camera A

DiBacco et al.: Swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in downwelling flows

additional mode appeared with larger mean velocitiesof ~15 to 38 mm s–1 and a wide range of SDs (1.3 to29.5 mm s–1). The fast modes with small SDs may repre-sent larvae sprinting against the flow. Modes with SDslarger than the mean probably are not distinct behav-iors but rather a spurious fit to sparse data in the longtails of the velocity distributions. At the highest down-welling rates one sprinting mode had mean velocities of71.7 to 72.3 mm s–1, but this mode included only 4 to 7%of the population.

The normal mixture model generally provided a goodfit to the velocity distributions, but results should be in-terpreted with caution. The observations (N = 23 to 486)were distributed over a wide range of velocities, sosome distributions were gappy, particularly in the tails.Ideally we would have had many more (e.g. 1000s) ob-servations. In general though, the velocity data withinindividual behavior modes were approximately normal,based on probability plots of velocities assigned withhighest probability to individual modes. The exceptionswere the modes containing <5 to 10% of the observa-tions (e.g. the fastest sprinters) or those with large SDs(e.g. >15 mm s–1), which had particularly gappy distrib-utions. Although these exceptions may be spuriousmodes, we include them here because they could notbe rejected by the likelihood ratio test.


Swimming velocities and behavior

The present study demonstrated that cyprids exhibitstrong directional orientation to downwelling currents(rheotaxis) and that their mean upward (positive)

swimming velocities increase at higher downwellingrates (Fig. 6). Cyprids attempted a depth-keepingbehavior by swimming upward against downwellingcurrents. This upward swimming represents a differ-ent form of depth keeping than was observed in stillwater where cyprids alternated between swimmingand sinking. The increase in mean upward swimmingis considered a direct response to increasing down-welling (negative) velocities rather than phototaxis,because little or no phototaxis was observed in stillwater experiments (see below) and background light-ing was constant. Our interpretation is that when facedwith a strong downwelling flow, cyprids attempt toswim upward and occasionally ‘sprint’ against the flowto maintain their vertical position.

The ability of cyprids to sprint or otherwise alternatebehaviors may offset the apparent inability to matchdownwelling velocities as indicated by cyprids’ meanvertical velocities. Some cyprids were able to maintaintheir vertical position in the flume despite down-welling velocities and probably would be capable ofexploiting shoreward propagating convergent zones.Whether cyprids succeed at depth keeping may also berelated to energetic state (lipid reserves) and age. It isunclear how long an individual larva can maintain asprint, but reported cyprid swimming velocities aresufficient (Crisp 1955, Yule 1982, present study) tomatch flume downwelling rates within the rangetested.

Horizontal rheotaxis has been reported in manymarine fishes (Arnold 1974), which typically turn andswim into oncoming currents. This behavior has beenexploited in laboratory flume studies to characterizehorizontal swimming rates (Leis 2006). Rheotaxis alsohas been reported in several marine invertebrate post-


Downwelling Replicate Larval velocities ± SE (N)velocity number Cyprids (4 March 2004) Cyprids (24 March 2004)(mm s–1) Camera A Camera B Camera A Camera B

0 1 –0.817 ± 0.711 (76) 0.582 ± 0.485 (175) 0.540 ± 1.905 (23) –0.466 ± 0.854 (112)0 2 –1.153 ± 0.688 (86) –0.348 ± 0.507 (186) 0.502 ± 1.087 (48) –0.080 ± 0.423 (230)–5.11 1 3.681 ± 0.707 (107) 3.065 ± 0.551 (190) 0.721 ± 0.535 (115) 1.747 ± 0.386 (201)–5.11 2 1.151 ± 0.766 (118) 1.565 ± 0.398 (366) 1.782 ± 0.439 (126) 3.040 ± 0.437 (175)–8.10 1 0.033 ± 0.749 (87) 3.673 ± 0.504 (297) 1.036 ± 0.534 (102) 3.230 ± 0.407 (213)–8.10 2 nd nd 2.687 ± 0.439 (330) 2.936 ± 0.385 (468)–14.36 1 4.938 ± 1.019 (86) 7.443 ± 0.726 (217) 5.502 ± 0.793 (94) 8.322 ± 0.593 (200)–18.81 1 6.247 ± 1.328 (74) 10.121 ± 0.716 (270) 6.191 ± 0.654 (172) 8.769 ± 0.484 (301)–18.81 2 6.865 ± 1.070 (128) 7.942 ± 0.581 (355) nd nd–29.12 1 12.331 ± 0.814 (162) 14.035 ± 0.789 (464) 10.701 ± 1.096 (131) 13.592 ± 0.786 (142)–41.48 1 13.758 ± 1.033 (192) 15.722 ± 1.294 (268) 14.521 ± 1.161 (53) 17.657 ± 2.974 (51)–47.29 1 nd nd 21.975 ± 1.437 (195) 21.035 ± 2.630 (27)

Table 3. Semibalanus balanoides. Corrected mean (± SE) vertical larval velocities (mm s–1) and number of observations (in paren-theses) per downwelling velocity treatment. Negative velocities indicate downwelled flume circulation and positive velocitiesindicate upward swimming by larvae. Larval tracks were recorded by orthogonally oriented video cameras with overlapping

fields of view (Fig. 2). nd: no data collected

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011

larvae in response to in situ or laboratory-generatedhorizontal currents. Blue crab Callinectes sapidusmegalopae are capable of sustained upstream swim-ming in currents up to 4.8 cm s–1 and able to hold theirhorizontal position rather than being swept down-stream (Luckenbach & Orth 1992). All lobster larvalstages exhibit rheotaxis, but the response is weak inearly stages (I–III) and strongest in postlarvae (Ennis1986). Postlarval lobsters consistently orient into cur-rent flow in laboratory flumes but have no obviousdirectionality of swimming in still water (Cobb et al.1989). Semibalanus balanoides cyprids in the presentstudy likewise exhibited a lack of directional swim-ming in still water and an apparent rheotaxis in flow,but here the flow was vertical rather than horizontal.

Although horizontal rheotaxis is common in crus-tacean larvae, currents are often multidirectional orunpredictable, so other environmental cues are re -quired to orient movement onshore (Ennis 1986, Cobbet al. 1989). For example, American lobster Homarusamericanus larvae that swim shoreward towards set-tlement sites must be able to perceive the shore fromseveral kilometers offshore (Cobb et al. 1989). Poten-tial directional cues include differences in the qualityof light over land versus the ocean (Cobb et al. 1989),polarized light (Ennis 1986), chemical cues (Hudon etal. 1986) and sound from waves breaking on the shore(Phillips & Macmillan 1987, Macmillan et al. 1992).Though there are examples of onshore orientation andshoreward migrations by postlarval crustaceans, mostmarine invertebrate larvae seem to rely on shorewardadvection by currents (Jeffs et al. 2005).

Shoreward advection would be facilitated by thevertical rheotaxis exhibited by Semibalanus bala -noides cyprids in this study, even in the absence ofdirectional cues. In still water, cyprids alternatedbetween swimming and passive sinking, which wouldmaintain their distribution in surface layers until theyencountered a downwelling front. In downwellingflows, cyprids exhibited strong upward swimming thatwould enable them to maintain near-surface depths inpassing fronts. Many coastal areas are dominated byshoreward-propagating convergence zones such astidally generated internal waves and bores (Pineda1994, Shanks 1995a). Because these hydrographic fea-tures occur regularly, larval behaviors may haveadapted to use these physical mechanisms of shore-ward transport. A simple rheotactic response to down-welling currents would facilitate entrainment in fronts;larvae that sprint part of the time should be betteradapted for depth keeping in fronts than larvae thatignore the flow.

Depth regulation by marine invertebrate larvae gen-erally relies on swimming or sinking in response tocues that indicate vertical direction (Sulkin 1984,


−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 500


0.4 N = 197

−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 500




0.08 N = 171

−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 500




0.08 N = 329






−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 500



0.06N = 81

−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 500


0.04 N = 437 W = −29 mm s−1

W = −14 mm s−1

W = −9 mm s−1

W = −5 mm s−1

W = 0 mm s−1

Corrected cyprid vertical velocities (mm s−1)

Fig. 9. Semibalanus balanoides. Representative cyprid dataand mixture model fits for cyprids in still water and 4 down-welling rates (pump speeds: 300 Hz, 500 Hz, 750 Hz,1500 Hz). Histograms show observed vertical velocity cor-rected for advection. Lines indicate probability density func-tions for individual modes distinguished by mixture modelanalysis (separate modes, dashed lines; combined modes,solid line). Number of observations and downwelling velocity

(W ) from pump calibration are indicated

DiBacco et al.: Swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in downwelling flows 143

1 2 3 40







0 HzCam. ACam. B

1 2 3 4

300 Hz

1 2 3 4

500 Hz

1 2 3 4

04 March Replicate 1

750 Hz

1 2 3 4

1000 Hz

1 2 3 4

1500 Hz

1 2 3 4

2000 Hz

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 40






80 0 Hz

1 2 3 4

300 Hz

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

04 March Replicate 2

1 2 3 4

1000 Hz

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 40







0 HzCam. ACam. B

1 2 3 4

300 Hz

1 2 3 4

500 Hz

1 2 3 4

24 March Replicate 1

750 Hz

1 2 3 4

1000 Hz

1 2 3 4

1500 Hz

1 2 3 4

2000 Hz

1 2 3 4

2500 Hz

1 2 3 40










V (m

m s





V (m

m s





V (m

m s





V (m

m s


0 Hz

1 2 3 4

300 Hz

1 2 3 4

500 Hz

1 2 3 4


24 March Replicate 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Fig. 10. Semibalanus balanoides. Mean velocities (±1 SD) for behavior modes distinguished by mixture model analysis at all treat-ments. Data shown for both cameras (Camera A, black symbols; Camera B, grey symbols). Thin dashed lines indicate zero veloc-ity; thick dashed lines indicate downwelling (negative) velocity. Bar graphs below each plot show the proportion of larvae esti-mated to be in each mode. Replicated treatments for each day are shown in separate panels. Prop. = proportion; CCV = corrected

cyprid velocity

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011144

reviewed by Forward 1988). Cyprids, zoeae, and mostother invertebrate larvae are negatively buoyant withfew exceptions (Chia et al. 1984) and there is little evi-dence that they can maintain depth by regulatingbuoyancy. They are generally thought to rely on loco-motor responses, including swimming and sinking,mediated by environmental cues (e.g. Sulkin 1984).Brachyuran crab larvae, for example, orient to gravity(geotaxis) and swim upwards or sink in response topressure increases and decreases (barokinesis), re -spectively (Sulkin 1973, 1984). Semibalanus bala -noides cyprids exhibit high barokinesis with a lowresponse threshold, which may enable them to regu-late depth by swimming upwards when pressure risesand sinking when pressure falls (Rice 1964, Knight-Jones & Morgan 1966, Knight-Jones & Qasim 1966).Although upward swimming is typically oriented to -wards light rather than gravity (Rice 1964), cypridshave been shown to orient to gravity in the absence oflight (Knight-Jones & Morgan 1966, Knight-Jones &Qasim 1966). Light and gravity were held constant inthe present study, making it difficult to identify a pri-mary directional cue used for depth keeping.

Many plankton respond to small changes in pressure(e.g. 5 to 15 mb, Knight-Jones & Morgan 1966), andthese sensitive responses would enable depth keepingwithin the downwelling flume’s 75 cm depth range.For example, Knight-Jones & Qasim (1966) showedthat cyprids maintained their depth within fairly nar-row limits by frequently alternating between swim-ming and sinking. Cyprids stopped swimming up -wards and sank in response to drops in pressure assmall as 10 mb, equivalent to an upwards migration ofabout 10 cm. The same cyprids continued to sink untilthey experienced an increase in pressure that wascomparable in magnitude with the previous drop(again ca. 10 cm), which then elicited upward swim-ming. This low response threshold to pressure sug-gests that depth-keeping mechanisms may be regu-lated over shallow depth ranges. The cyprids used inthis study were collected in surface waters (<75 cm)and may have been predisposed to maintain theirdepth within the observational region of the chamberusing pressure changes.

Phototaxis is another commonly observed orienta-tion behavior in zooplankton, but for many speciesthe response is a laboratory artifact resulting fromstimu lation with abnormally bright and focusedbeams of light (Forward 1988). Semibalanus bala -noides cyprids hardly swim in the lab in the absenceof a strong light stimulus (Crisp 1955), and lightsused in the present study were relatively weak. Fluo-rescent tube lights provided diffuse backlighting toenhance contrast in digital images, but there was noevidence that these lights elicited phototaxis from

cyprids. Instead of swimming towards the light source,cyprids swam in random paths in the horizontalplane (data not shown) at very low mean swim veloc-ities (<1 mm s–1). Overhead lighting was a greaterconcern because of reports that cyprids aggregate insurface waters owing to photo positive behavior (Stub -bings 1975), but overhead lights were turned off nearthe flume. In still water, individual cyprids remainedwithin the camera’s field of view for extended peri-ods as they swam in loopy paths or alternated be -tween swimming and sinking. The mean verticalswimming velocities were near zero, indicating thatthere was no net movement due to phototaxis. Ofthe directional cues present in our experiments(i.e. phototaxis, rheotaxis and barokinesis) light wasprob ably the least likely to have elicited observedswimming responses.

Experimental considerations

The downwelling flume is a novel apparatus thatenabled us to observe behaviors of many larvae(100s to 1000s) simultaneously in a vertical flow.These observations of larvae over extended periods(45 to 90 s) yield more realistic velocity estimatesthan the ‘stopwatch’ methods typically used to mea-sure swimming or sinking rates of larvae in smallcontainers (reviewed by Chia et al. 1984). Previousstudies of Semibalanus balanoides cyprids used fo -cused light beams to elicit phototaxis over short dis-tances and time periods (seconds) (Crisp 1955,Walker 2004). Those studies produced mean velocityestimates ~2.5 times higher than the ones we ob -served, and our results more accurately representsustained swimming speeds.

The flume is larger than the observational regiondefined by the camera’s field of view, so our velocityestimates include only the larvae that remained withinthe video-recorded region of the chamber. Larvae thatswam upward or that sank owing to gravity wereunobserved after they were lost from the observationalregion. Individuals may have contributed multipletimes to estimated mean swimming rates if they leftand re-entered the field of view. Because the flow wasunidirectional, randomly swimming larvae would bemore likely to leave the observational region by beingwashed out than by swimming upward. Cyprids actu-ally had a net accumulation in the field of view, sug-gesting that our results were biased toward more posi-tive values (see Fig. 6) and a greater proportion oflarvae in upward swimming modes. In fact, morecyprids entered the field of view through the top thanleft through the bottom. The number of larvae thatentered or left the field of view through the sides was

DiBacco et al.: Swimming behavior of barnacle cyprids in downwelling flows

negligible. Near neutrally buoyant (passive) Pliolite®

particles had no net accumulation. The accumulationof larvae within the observation region indicates thatcyprids were actively moving upward to maintaindepth rather than being washed away.

The number of healthy, viable larvae available forlaboratory experiments is often limited by their avail-ability from natural sources. Larvae typically make upa small proportion of the total number of individualscollected in a plankton sample, which must be identi-fied to species level microscopically. This is a time- consuming process, and many researchers eitherresign themselves to small sample sizes or to culturinglarvae in the laboratory. For example, Walker & Lester(2000) estimated cyprid swimming rates from 20 indi-viduals raised in a single batch culture. These few laboratory-reared larvae may not represent the inher-ent variability in cyprid swimming rates or behavior,and laboratory-reared larvae swim significantly slowerthan field-sampled ones (Cobb et al. 1989). In the pre-sent study, larval swimming rates were typically esti-mated from concurrent observations of >100 larvalswim tracks per treatment replicate, and cyprids wereused within 30 h of being collected in the field.Although field-collected larvae might be expected tohave variable behaviors, we observed statistically sim-ilar mean swimming velocities and behavior modes incyprids sampled 3 wk apart, suggesting that our resultsare robust.

Significance of cyprid behavior

The accumulation of zooplankton in frontal zoneshas been explained as depth-keeping behavior byorganisms capable of swimming against downwellingcurrents (Franks 1992, Epstein & Beardsley 2001). Inthe case of meroplankton, cyprids and other larvae aresignificantly more abundant in convergence zoneswhen compared with shoreward and offshore sides ofthe convergent features (Shanks & Wright 1987,Pineda 1999). Genin et al. (2005) provided direct evi-dence that zooplankton were capable of swimmingagainst downwelling currents by acoustically trackingorganisms in situ while simultaneously measuringambient currents. Semibalanus balanoides cyprids inthe present study swam upwards when exposed todownwelling flows, a response that is consistent withthe inferred behavior of Pollicipes polymerus andChthamalus spp. cyprids sampled in internal tidal borewarm fronts (Pineda 1999). Shore crab Pachygrapsuscrassipes megalopae can maintain their position in theneuston via positive phototaxis, negative geotaxis andhigh barokinesis and photokinesis (Shanks 1985).Shanks (1985) hypothesized that the strong swimming

ability of P. crassipes megalopae (~10 cm s–1) couldallow them to maintain their position in the neustonand, as a result, aggregate in passing convergentfronts, ultimately resulting in shoreward transport.

The effect of vertical buoyancy or swimming capa-bilities on the accumulation and transport of planktonby propagating fronts has been investigated in labora-tory and numerical modeling studies (Helfrich &Pineda 2003, Scotti & Pineda 2007). Particles (andplanktonic larvae) retained in surface layers with sufficient buoyancy (or vertical swimming abilities)experienced accumulation and shoreward transport inconvergent zones associated with frontal features(Helfrich & Pineda 2003). Scotti & Pineda (2007) incor-porated swimming behaviors based on preliminaryobservations from the present study in a 3-dimensionalhydrodynamic model of gravity currents and nonlinearwaves. Model results showed that observed upwardswimming velocities were sufficient for larvae to accu-mulate and be transported onshore by nonlinear inter-nal fronts. They also showed that the accumulation andshoreward transport was possible for larvae with sus-tained upward swimming speeds in the range of 0.1 to10 mm s–1, well within swimming velocities docu-mented for Semibalanus balanoides cyprids in ourstudy.

Although empirical data are limited, it is reasonableto assume that downwelling velocities in convergencezones may be only a few centimeters per second. Ver-tical currents were up to ~4 cm s–1 during extendedperiods of downwelling in the Red Sea (Genin et al.2005) while downwelling currents estimated from thevelocity of vertical deformation of the thermoclineaveraged 4.75 to 4.90 cm s–1 (Zeldis & Jillett 1982,Shanks 1985). These estimates are only slightly greaterthan the maximum downwelling speed used in ourstudy. Semibalanus balanoides cyprids were able toswim against these flows suggesting they swim wellenough to maintain themselves within surface frontalzones and benefit from onshore transport.

Downwelling convergent circulation may accumu-late flotsam that is sufficiently buoyant to resist down-welling in frontal convergent features (Ewing 1950,Arthur 1954, Shanks 1983). Examples of flotsaminclude natural (algae) as well as anthropogenic mate-rials (Styrofoam) along with attached organisms(Kingsford & Choat 1986, Shanks 1995a). Thigmotacticlarvae, including crab megalopae (Shanks 1985 andreferences cited therein), may cling to flotsam andmaintain themselves in surface layers without swim-ming. These organisms as well as the flotsam would betransported in surface layers by winds, currents anddownwelling convergent fronts as long as the onshorehorizontal surface current velocity (u) is faster than thepropagation speed (C) of the convergent feature.


Mar Ecol Prog Ser 433: 131–148, 2011

In southern California, Pineda (1994, 1999) esti-mated that internal tidal bore warm fronts propagateno more than 1.5 to 2.5 km from offshore waters tothe surf zone. At an average propagating speed of14.8 cm s–1 (Pineda, 1999), assuming constant velocity,this would take about 169 to 282 min. This range rep-resents a conservative estimate for the time requiredfor larvae to get to shore since cyprid larvae are oftenwithin 300 to 600 m of the shore (Tapia & Pineda 2007).

The relative position (meters) of larvae in differentregions of shoreward propagating fronts has not beendocumented in situ for logistical reasons. These issueshave been studied and described by Helfrich & Pineda(2003) and Scotti & Pineda (2007). Rather than holding‘permanently’ to fronts, most larvae probably recircu-late in the broad frontal area. It is likely that larvae are(1) initially pushed to the leading edge as surface cur-rent velocity in the direction of front propagation (u) islarger than the propagation speed of the front (c), then(2) swept down and away from the leading edge by thefrontal downwelling turbulent circulation, and finally(3) swim up and reach the front again, as u > c.Whether there are vertical currents that are too strongfor cyprid larvae is unknown, but this question maysomeday be resolved through a better understandingof dynamics at the leading edge of a front.

The ‘swim and sink’ behavior observed for Semi bala -nus balanoides cyprids is similar to the ‘hop and sink’strategy initially described for calanoid copepods (Bain-bridge 1952). It is more energy efficient to alternate be-tween swimming upwards and sinking downwardsthan to keep depth by continuous swimming if organ-isms can slow their rate of descent by increasing dragduring sinking (Haury & Weihs 1976). Copepods in-crease drag by spreading their antennae during sinkingand fold them away to reduce drag while swimmingupwards (Alexander 1990). S. balanoides cyprids sink~18.5% slower with open carapaces and extendedlimbs than with closed carapaces during a passive de-scent (Yule 1982). Cyprids swim with their thoraciclimbs by rapidly accelerating forward on the backwardstroke and equally rapidly decelerating during the re-covery stroke. Yule (1982) estimated that about 29% ofthe energy exerted on the power stroke was used tocounter negative thrust on the recovery stroke. This in-efficiency enhances apparent benefits from a ‘swimand sink’ strategy, especially since cyprids do not feedand rely entirely on lipid energy reserves gained dur-ing naupliar development (Holland & Walker 1975).

Another potential benefit of ‘swim and sink’ behav-ior is increased stability. Negatively buoyant organ-isms with no means of orientation when swimming cancontinually return to a consistent or stable positionthrough a series of upwardly inclined jumps (Lochhead1942), suggesting that the sinking phase may enable

an organism to orient to gravity. Knight-Jones & Qasim(1966) observed that Semibalanus balanoides cypridssank dorsal side downwards and that a short swim-ming burst reoriented cyprids anterior end upwardswithin the first few strokes. This provides a simplemechanism for cyprids to orient upwards with respectto gravity and or light and facilitate depth-keeping orvertical migratory behavior.

When exposed to downwelling flow, cyprids exhib-ited individual variation in behaviors and swimmingvelocities, suggesting that larvae in situ have variableabilities to exploit shoreward-propagating fronts.Although cyprid swimming velocities were compara-ble with downwelling velocities in situ (Shanks 1985,Genin et al. 2005), we expect that only a fraction ofcyprids will be transported by fronts. The rate andduration of sustained upward swimming velocities bycyprids, together with the turbulent circulation in theleading edge of the fronts, will determine how long lar-vae will be able to remain within frontal zones and ulti-mately how far they will be transported. Internalwaves decompose from a solitary wave into a set ofwaves that propagate shoreward in packets (Haury etal. 1979, Pineda 1991). Larvae that maximize timespent within each convergent zone and that takeadvantage of successive convergent features shouldexperience the greatest transport. The relative viabil-ity of larvae spawned at different times of the year orexposed to different ambient conditions in the plank-ton (e.g. temperature, food concentration) can signifi-cantly influence the proportion of in situ larvae thatwill be able to be transported onshore and ultimatelyrecruit successfully.

Acknowledgements. We are grateful to J. Sisson for con-structing the flume and for making LDV measurements. H.Richmond, V. Starczak and F. Tapia assisted with in situ zoo-plankton collections and timely sorting of barnacle larvae forlaboratory experiments. V. Starczak provided statisticaladvice while T. Bird and K. Bradley assisted with laboratoryexperiments. Funding for this research was provided througha US National Science Foundation Biocomplexity Grant(OCE-0083976) to J.P.


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Editorial responsibility: Steven Morgan, Bodega Bay, California, USA

Submitted: November 17, 2010; Accepted: April 28, 2011Proofs received from author(s): July 7, 2011