Sweeney Todd.docx

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  • 8/17/2019 Sweeney Todd.docx



    Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street Music and Lyrics: StephenSondheim

    Book: u!h "heeler

    #remiere: Thursday, March $, $%&%

    'dit ( $)* +pdated $ .u!ust */0



    .s the audience enters, an or!anist takes his place at a hu!e eccentric or!an tothe side of the sta!e and be!ins to play funeral music) Before a front dropdepictin! in a honeycombed beehi(e the class system of mid-$%th century'n!land two !ra(edi!!ers appear, carryin! sho(els, and be!in to di! a !ra(e

    downsta!e center) .s they di! they disappear si1 feet into the earth, lea(in!piles of dirt on the upsta!e side)

    .t curtain time a police warden appears, looks at his watch, hurryin! them) Twoworkmen enter) They pull down the drop) The deafenin!ly shrill sound of afactory whistle) Blackout)

     The li!hts come up to re(eal the company) . man steps forward and sin!s)


    .ttend the tale of Sweeney Todd)

    is skin was pale and his eye was odd)e sha(ed the faces of !entlemen

    "ho ne(er thereafter were heard of a!ain)

    e trod a path that few ha(e trod,

    Did Sweeney Todd,

     The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)

    .23T'4 M.2:

    e kept a shop in London town,

    3f fancy clients and !ood renown)

    .nd what if none of their souls were sa(ed5

     They went to their maker impeccably sha(ed

    By Sweeney,

    By Sweeney Todd,

     The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)

    6. blindin! li!ht cuts down the sta!e as an upsta!e iron door opens) Two menenter) They carry a body in a ba!, tied at both ends with rope) They arefollowed by a woman carryin! a tin canister marked 7Flour)7 They walk to theed!e of the !ra(e and unceremoniously dump the body in it) The woman opensthe canister and pours black ashes into the hole) This action co(ers the ne1t(erse of the son!8


    Swin! your ra;or wide, Sweeney<

    old it to the skies<

    Freely =ows the blood of those

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    "ho morali;e<


    is needs were few, his room was bare:

    . la(abo and a fancy chair,

    . mu! of suds and a leather strop,

    .n apron, a towel, a pail and a mop)

    For neatness he deser(es a nod,

    Does Sweeney Todd,


     The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)


    >nconspicuous Sweeney was, ?uick and @uiet and clean Ae was) Back of hissmile, under his word,

    Sweeney heard music that nobody heard) Sweeney pondered and Sweeneyplanned, Like a perfect machine Ae planned)

    Sweeney was smooth, Sweeney was subtle, Sweeney would blink and ratswould scuttle)

    6The men oin in sin!in!, (oices o(erlappin!, in a !radual crescendo8 Sweeneywas smooth, Sweeney was subtle,

    Sweeney would blink and rats would scuttle) >nconspicuous Sweeney was,

    ?uick and @uiet and clean Ae was, Like a perfect machine Ae was, "as Sweeney<




    6T3DD rises out of the !ra(e and sin!s as the company repeats his words8

     T3DD .2D 93M#.2:

    .ttend the tale of Sweeney T3DD)

    e ser(ed a dark and a (en!eful !od)


    "hat happened then C well, thatAs the play,

    .nd he wouldnAt want us to !i(e it away,

    2ot Sweeney,

     T3DD .2D 93M#.2:

    2ot Sweeney T3DD,

     The Demon Barber of Fleet Street) ))

    6The scene blacks out) The bells of a clock tower chine) 'arly mornin! li!htcomes up) ))8

    .9T >

    . street by the London docks) . small boat appears from the back) >n it areSweeney T3DD, .2T32 ope and the pilot) .2T32 is a cheerful country-

    born youn! shipAs rst mate with a duEel ba! slun! o(er his shoulder) T3DD is

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    a hea(y-set, saturnine man in his forties who mi!ht, say, be a blacksmith or adockhand) There is about him an air of broodin!, sli!htly ner(e-chillin! self-absorption)


    > ha(e sailed the world, beheld its wonders

    From the Dardanelles

     To the mountains of #eru,

    But thereAs no place like London<

    > feel home a!ain)

    > could hear the city bells

    4in! whate(er > would do)

    2o, thereAs no pl C


    2o, thereAs no place like London)

    .2T32: Mr) T3DD, sir5


     ou are youn!)

    Life has been kind to you) ou will learn

    6They step out of the boat, music under8

    >t is here we !o our se(eral ways) Farewell, .2T32, > will not soon for!et the!ood ship Bountiful nor the youn! man who sa(ed nay life)

    .2T32: ThereAs no cause to thank me for that, sir) >t would ha(e been a poor9hristian indeed whoAd ha(e spotted you pitchin! and tossin! on that raft andnot !i(en the alarm)

     T3DD: ThereAs many a 9hristian would ha(e done ust that and not lost a winkAssleep for it, either)

    6. ra!!ed B'.4 "3M.2 suddenly appears8

    B'.4 "3M.2: .lms< ) ) ) .lms< )))

    For a miserable woman

    3n a miserable chilly mornin! ) ) )

    6.2T32 drops a coin in her bowl8

     Thank yer, sir, thank yer)

    6Softly, suddenly leerin! in a mad way8 A3w would you like a little s@uiE, dear, .

    little i! i!,

    . little bounce around the bush5 "ouldnAt you like to push me crumpet5 >t looksto me, dear,

    Like you !ot plenty there to push)

    6She !rabs at him) .s .2T32 starts back in embarrassment, she turnsinstantly and pathetically to T3DD, who tries to keep his back to her8

    .lms< ))) .lms< )) )

    For a pitiful woman

    "otAs !ot wanderinA wits )))

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    ey, donAt > know you, mister5 6She peers intently at him8

     T3DD: Must you !lare at me, woman5 3E with you, oE, > say<

    B'.4 "3M.2:

     Then Aow would you like to sh me s@uiE, mister5

    "eAll !o i! i!,

    . little C

     T3DD: 3E, > said) To the de(il with you<

    6She scuttles away, turns to !i(e him a piercin! look, then wanders oE8

    B'.4 "3M.2

    .lms< ) )) .lms< )))

    For a desperate woman )))

    .2T32: #ardon me, sir, but thereAs no need to fear the likes of her) She wasonly a half-cra;ed B'.4 "3M.2) LondonAs full of them)

     T3DD: > be! your indul!ence, boy) My mind is far from easy, for in these once-familiar streets > feel the chill of !hostly shadows e(erywhere) For!i(e me)

    .2T32: ThereAs nothin! to for!i(e)

     T3DD: Farewell, .nthony)

    .2T32: Mr) T3DD, before we part C

     T3DD: "hat is it5

    .2T32: > ha(e honored my promise ne(er to @uestion you) "hate(erbrou!ht you to that sorry shipwreck is your aEair) .nd yet, durin! those manyweeks of the (oya!e home, > ha(e come to think of you as a friend and, iftrouble lies ahead for you in London

    ))) if you need help C or money )))

     T3DD 6.lmost shoutin!8: 2o<

    6.2T32 starts, perple1edG T3DD makes a placatin! !esture, sin!s @uietly

    and intensely8

     ThereAs a hole in the world Like a !reat black pit

    .nd the (ermin of the world >nhabit it

    .nd its morals arenAt worth "hat a pi! could spit

    .nd it !oes by the name of London) .t the top of the hole

    Sit the pri(ile!ed few, Makin! mock of the (ermin >n the lower ;oo,

     Turnin! beauty into lth and !reed) > too

    a(e sailed the world and seen its wonders, For the cruelty of men

    >s as wondrous as #eru,

    But thereAs no place like London<

    6#ause, music under, then as if in a trance8 There was a barber and his wife,

    .nd she was beautiful)

    . foolish barber and his wife) She was his reason and his life, .nd she wasbeautiful)

    .nd she was (irtuous) .nd he was C 6Shru!s8

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     There was another man who saw That she was beautiful,

    . pious (ulture of the law "ho with a !esture of his claw

    4emo(ed the barber from his plate) Then there was nothin! but to wait .nd shewould fall,

    So soft, So youn!, So lost,

    .nd oh, so beautiful<

    .2T32) .nd the lady, sir C did she C succumb5


    3h, that was many years a!o )))

    > doubt if anyone would know) 6Speaks, music under8

    2ow, lea(e me, .nthony, > be! of you) ThereAs somewhere > must !o,somethin! > must nd out) 2ow) .nd alone)

    .2T32: But surely we will meet a!ain before >Am oE to #lymouth<

     T3DD: >f you want, you may well nd me) .round Fleet Street, > wouldnAtwonder)

    .2T32: "ell, until then, Mr) T3DD)

    6.2T32 starts oE down the street) T3DD stands a moment alone in thou!ht,then starts down the street in the opposite direction8


     ThereAs a hole in the world

    Like a !reat black pit

    .nd itAs lled with people

    "ho are lled with shit

    .nd the (ermin of the world

    >nhabit it)))

    6.s T3DD disappears, we see M4S) L3H'TT As pie-shop) .bo(e it is any emptyapartment which is reached by an outside staircase) M4S) L3H'TT, a (i!orous,slatternly woman in her forties, is =ickin! =ies oE the trays of pies with a dirtyra! as she sin!s or hums) T3DD appears at the end of the street and mo(esslowly toward the pie- shop, lookin! around as if rememberin!) Seein! the pie-shop he pauses a moment at some distance, !a;in! at it and at M4S) L3H'TT,who has now picked up a wicked- lookin! knife and starts choppin! suet) .ftera beat, T3DD mo(es toward the shop, hesitates and then enters) M4S) L3H'TTdoes not notice him until his shadow passes across her) She looks up, knife inair, and screams, free;in! him in his tracks8

    M4S) L3H'TT: . customer<

    6T3DD has started out in alarm) M4S) L3H'TT sin!s8 "ait< "hatAs yer rush5"hatAs yer hurry5

     ou !a(e me such a C

    Fri!ht) > thou!ht you was a !host) alf a minute, canAtcher5

    Sit< Sit ye down< Sit<

    .ll > meant is that >

    a(enAt seen a customer for weeks) Did you come here for a pie, sir5

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    Do for!i(e me if me headAs a little (a!ue C !h<

    "hat is that5

    But youAd think we had the pla!ue C From the way that people C

    Ieep a(oidin! C 2o you donAt<

    ea(en knows > try, sir< >ck<

    But thereAs no one comes in e(en to inhale C Tsk<

    4i!ht you are, sir) "ould you like a drop of ale5 6T3DD nods8

    Mind you, > canAt hardly blame them C These are probably the worst pies inLondon, > know why nobody cares to take them C

    > should know, > make them) But !ood5 2o,

     The worst pies in London C '(en thatAs polite)

     The worst pies in London C >f you doubt it, take a bite) >s that ust dis!ustin!5

     ou ha(e to concede it) >tAs nothin! but crustin! C

    ere, drink this, youAll need it C The worst pies in London C

    .nd no wonder with the price of meat "hat it is

    "hen you !et it) 2e(er

     Thou!ht >Ad li(e to see the day menAd think it was a treat Findin! poor


    "ot are dyin! in the street) Mrs) Mooney has a pie shop,

    Does a business, but > notice somethin! weird C Lately all her nei!hborsA catsha(e disappeared) a(e to hand it to her C

    "ot > calls 'nterprise,

    #oppin! pussies into pies) "ouldnAt do in my shop C

     Just the thou!ht of itAs enou!h to make you sick) .nd >Am tellin! you thempussy cats is @uick) 2o denyin! times is hard, sir C

    '(en harder than

     The worst pies in London) 3nly lard and nothin! more C

    6.s T3DD !amely tries another mouthful8 >s that ust re(oltin!5

    .ll !reasy and !ritty,

    >t looks like itAs moltin!, .nd tastes like C "ell, pity

    . woman alone "ith limited wind

    .nd the worst pies in London< .h sir,

     Times is hard) Times is hard)

    6She nishes one of the crusts with a =ourish, then notices T3DD ha(in!diKculty with his pie, speaks8

    Spit it out, dear) o on) 3n the =oor) ThereAs worse thin!s than that down there)6.s he does8 ThatAs my boy)

     T3DD: >snAt that a room up there o(er the shop5 >f times are so hard, why donAtyou rent it out5 That should brin! in somethin!)

    M4S) L3H'TT: p there5 3h, no one will !o near it) #eople think itAs haunted)

     ou see

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    C years a!o, somethin! happened up there) Somethin! not (ery nice) Therewas a barber and his wife,

    .nd he was beautiful,

    . proper artist with a knife,

    But they transported him for life) .nd he was beautiful)))

    6Speaks, music continuin! under8

    Barker, his name was C Benamin Barker)

     T3DD: Transported5 "hat was his crime5

    M4S) L3H'TT: Foolishness)

    e had this wife, you see,

    #retty little thin!)

    Silly little nit

    ad her chance for the moon on a strin! C

    #oor thin!) #oor thin!)

    6.s she sin!s, her narration is acted out) First we see the pretty youn! wife inthe empty upstairs room dancin! her household chores) Durin! the followin!, a

     JD' and his

    obse@uious assistant, the B'.DL', approach the house, !a;in! up lecherously) The wife remains demure, sewin!8

     There were these two, you see,

    "anted her like mad,

    3ne of Aem a JD',

     TAother one his B'.DL')

    '(ery day theyAd nud!e

    .nd theyAd wheedle)

    But she wouldnAt bud!e

    From her needle)

     Too bad) #ure thin!)

    6Far upsta!e, in (ery dim li!ht, shapes appear) . swirl of cloth, !lints of ewels,the faces of people masked as animals and demons) Durin! the followin! lyric,the wife takes an ima!inary baby from an ima!inary cot and sits on the

    =oor, cradlin! it in her arms as she sobs8

    So they merely shipped the poor bu!!er oE south, they did, Lea(in! her with

    nothin! but !rief and a year-old kid)

    Did she use her head e(en then5 3h no, od forbid< #oor fool)

    .h, but there was worse yet to come C #oor thin!)

    6.!ain the shapes appear, this time a bit more distinctly)8

    M4S) L3H'TT 6speaks, musin!ly8 J3.22., that was the babyAs name ) ) )#retty little J3.22.) ) )

     T3DD: o on)

    M4S) L3H'TT: My, you do like a !ood story, donAt you5

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    6The B'.DL' reappears, !a;in! up at the wife, mimin! in a solicitous mannerfor her to come down) M4S) L3H'TT, warmin! to the tale, sin!s8

    "ell, B'.DL' calls on her, all polite,

    #oor thin!, poor thin!)

     The JD', he tells her, is all contrite,

    e blames himself for her dreadful pli!ht,

    She must come strai!ht to his house toni!ht<

    #oor thin!, poor thin!)

    3f course, when she !oes there,

    #oor thin!, poor thin!)

     TheyAre ha(inA this ball all in masks)

    6The shapes are now clear) . ball is in pro!ress at the JD'A house: thecompany, wearin! !rotes@ue masks, is dancin! a slow minuet) The B'.DL',leadin! the wife, appears, mo(in! with her throu!h the dancers) e !i(es herchampa!ne) She looks da;edly around, terried8

     ThereAs no one she knows there, #oor dear, poor thin!)

    She wanders tormented, and drinks, #oor thin!)

     The JD' has repented, she thinks, #oor thin!)

    73h, where is JD' T4#>257 she asks)

    6Durin! the followin!, the JD' appears, tears oE his mask, then his cloak,re(ealin! himself naked) The wife screams as he reaches for her, stru!!lin!wildly as the B'.DL' hurls her to the =oor) e holds her there as the JD'mounts her and, the masked dancers pirouette around the ra(ishment,!i!!lin!8

    e was there, all ri!ht C

    3nly not so contrite<

    She wasnAt no match for such craft, you see,

    .nd e(eryone thou!ht it so droll)

     They !ured she had to be daft, you see,

    So all of Aem stood there and lau!hed, you see)

    #oor soul<

    #oor thin!<

     T3DD: "ould no one ha(e mercy on her5

    6The dumb show (anishes) Music stops) T3DD and M4S) L3H'TT !a;e at each


    M4S) L3H'TT: So it is you C Benamin Barker)

     T3DD: 2ot Barker< 2ot Barker< Todd now< Sweeney Todd< "here is she5

    M4S) L3H'TT: So chan!ed< ood od, what did they do to you down there inbloody .ustralia or where(er5

     T3DD: "here is my wife5 "hereAs Lucy5

    M4S) L3H'TT: She poisoned herself) .rsenic from the apothecary on the corner)> tried to stop her but she wouldnAt listen to me)

     T3DD: .nd my dau!hter5

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    M4S) L3H'TT: J3.22.5 eAs !ot her)

     T3DD: e5 JD' T4#>25

    M4S) L3H'TT: '(en he had a conscience tucked away, > suppose) .dopted herlike his own) ou could say it was !ood luck for her ) ) ) almost)

     T3DD: Fifteen years sweatin! in a li(in! hell on a trumped up char!e) Fifteenyears dreamin! that, perhaps, > mi!ht come home to a lo(in! wife and child)Let them @uake in their boots C JD' T4#>2 and the B'.DL' C for theirhour has come)

    M4S) L3H'TT 6.wed8: ouAre !oin! to C !et Aem5 ou5 . bleedin! little nobodyof a runaway con(ict5 DonAt make me lau!h) ouAll ne(er !et is Ai!h andMi!htiness< 2or the B'.DL' neither) 2ot in a million years) ou !ot any money5Listen to me< ou !ot any money5

     T3DD: 2o money)

    M4S) L3H'TT: Then how you !oin! to li(e e(en5

     T3DD: >All li(e) >f > ha(e to sweat in the sewers or in the pla!ue hospital, >All li(eC and >All ha(e them)

    M4S) L3H'TT: 3h, you poor thin!< ou poor thin!< "ait< 6She disappears behinda curtained entrance leadin! to her parlor) For a beat T3DD stands alone,almost e1alted) M4S)L3H'TT returns with a ra;or case) She holds it out to him8See< >t donAt ha(e to be the sewers or the pla!ue hospital) "hen they come forthe little !irl, > hid Aem) > thou!ht, who knows5 Maybe the poor silly bli!hterAll beback a!ain someday and need Aem) 9racked in the head, wasnAt >5 Times asbad as they are, > could ha(e !ot (e, maybe ten @uid for Aem, any day) See5

     ou can be a barber a!ain) 6Music be!ins) She opens the case for him to lookinside) T3DD stands a lon! moment !a;in! down at the case8 My, themhandles is chased sil(er, ainAt they5

     T3DD: Sil(er, yes)

     These are my friends)

    See how they !listen)

    See this one shine,

    ow he smiles in the li!ht)

    My friend, my faithful friend)

    Speak to me, friend)

    "hisper, >All listen)

    > know, > know C

     ouA(e been locked out of si!ht

    .ll these years C

    Like me, my friend)

    "ell, >A(e come home

     To nd you waitin!)


    .nd weAre to!ether,

    .nd weAll do wonders,

    "onAt we5

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    6M4S) L3H'TT, who has been lookin! o(er his shoulder, starts to feel his otherear li!htly, absently, in her own trance) T3DD lays the ra;or back in the bo1and picks out a lar!er one) They sin! simultaneously8


     ou there, my friend)

    9ome, let me hold you)

    2ow, with a si!h

     ou !row warm

    >n my hand,

    My friend,

    My cle(er friend)

    4est now, my friends)

    Soon >All unfold you)

    Soon youAll know splendors

     ou ne(er ha(e dreamed

    .ll your days,

    My lucky friends)

     Till now your shine

    "as merely sil(er)


     ou shall drip rubies,

     ouAll soon drip precious

    4ubies) ))

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    >Am your friend too, Mr) T3DD) >f you only knew, Mr) T3DD C 3oh, Mr) T3DD,

     ouAre warm >n my hand)

     ouA(e come home)

    .lways had a fondness for you, > did)

    2e(er you fear, Mr) T3DD, ou can mo(e in here,

    Mr) T3DD)

    Splendors you ne(er ha(e dreamed

    .ll your days

    "ill be yours)

    >Am your friend)

    DonAt they shine beautiful5

    Sil(erAs !ood enou!h for me,

    Mr) T)

    6T3DD holds up the bi!!est ra;or to the li!ht as the music soars sweetly, then

    stops) e speaks into the silence8

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     T3DD: My ri!ht arm is complete a!ain<

    6Li!hts dim e1cept for a scaldin! spot on the ra;or as music blares forth fromboth the or!an and the orchestra) The company, includin! the JD' and theB'.DL', appears and sin!s8


    Lift your ra;or hi!h, Sweeney< ear it sin!in!, 7es4D S'LL'4: un!ry as always, Miss J3.22.)


    reen nch and linnet bird,

    2i!htin!ale, blackbird,

    ow is it you sin!5

    ow can you ubilate,

    Sittin! in ca!es, 2e(er takin! win!5 3utside the sky waits, Beckonin!,beckonin!, Just beyond the bars) ow can you remain, Starin! at the rain,

    Maddened by the stars5 ow is it you sin! .nythin!5ow is it you sin!5

    reen nch and linnet bird, 2i!htin!ale, blackbird, ow is it you sin!5

    "hence comes this melody constantly =owin!5 >s it reoicin! or merelyhalloin!5

    .re you discussin! or fussin! 3r simply dreamin!5

    .re you crowin!5 .re you screamin!5 4in!do(e and robinet, >s it for wa!es,Sin!in! to be sold5 a(e you decided itAs Safer in ca!es,

    Sin!in! when youAre told5

    6.2T32 enters) >nstantly he sees her and stands trans1ed by her beauty8My ca!e has many rooms,

    Damask and dark) 2othin! there sin!s, 2ot e(en my lark)

    Larks ne(er will, you know, "hen theyAre capti(e)

     Teach me to be more adapti(e) reen nch and linnet bird, 2i!htin!ale,blackbird,

     Teach me how to sin!) >f > cannot =y,

    Let me sin!)

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    > ha(e sailed the world,

    Beheld its wonders,

    From the pearls of Spain

     To the rubies of Tibet,

    But not e(en in London

    a(e > seen such a wonder ) ) )


    Lady look at me look at me miss oh Look at me please oh

    Fa(or me fa(or me with your !lance) .h, miss,

    "hat do you what do you see oE There in those trees oh

    "onAt you !i(e wonAt you !i(e me a chance5 "ho would sail to Spain

    For all its wonders, "hen in IearneyAs Lane

    Lies the !reatest wonder yet5 .h, miss,

    Look at you look at you pale and >(ory-skinned oh

    Look at you lookin! so sad so @ueer) #romise

    2ot to retreat to the darkness Back of your window

    2ot till you not till you look down here) Look at

    .2T32 J3.22.:

    Me< reen nch and linnet bird,

    Look at 2i!htin!ale, blackbird,

    Me< Teach me how to sin!)

    >f > cannot =y,

    Look at me ))) Let me sin! )))

    6.s J3.22. turns back to !o inside, their eyes meet and the son! dies ontheir lips) . hushed moment) Then suddenly a clawlike hand darts out from apile of trash) .2T32 umps and looks down to see the B'.4 "3M.2, whohas been sleepin! in the !arba!e under a discarded shawl, thrustin! her bowlat him) J3.22., fri!htened, slips back out of si!ht8

    B'.4 "3M.2:

    .lms< ))) .lms< )))

    For a miserable woman )))

    Be! your pardon, itAs you, sir )))

     Thank yer ) ) ) Thank yer kindly ) ) )

    6.2T32 turns back to disco(er J3.22.) !one and the window shut) The

    B'.4 "3M.2 starts oE8

    .2T32: 3ne moment, mother) #erhaps you know whose house this is5

    B'.4 "3M.2: That< ThatAs the !reat JD' T4#>2As house, that is)

    .2T32: .nd the youn! lady who resides there5

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    B'.4 "3M.2: .h, her< ThatAs J3.22., his pretty little ward) But donAt you!o trespassin! there, youn! man) 2ot if you (alue your hide) Tamper there anditAs a !ood whippin! for you C or any other youth with mischief on his mind)

    6Leers at him, sin!s8 ey< oy< Sailor boy< "ant it snu!ly harbored5

    3pen me !ate, but dock it strai!ht, > see it lists to starboard)

    6She !rabs at his crotch and starts to dance around him !rotes@uely, liftin! herskirts) .2T32 is appalled) e pulls coins out of his pocket and tosses themto her8

    .2T32: ere and here and here) Take it and oE with you) 3E)

    6The B'.4 "3M.2, cacklin!, collects the coins and scampers oE) .2T32turns back to the house, !a;es up at the window) The noise has fri!htened thebirds, who start screechin!) .2T32 becomes aware of them and mo(es o(erto the now sleepin! bird seller, shakes him awake, and inspects the ca!es)Music continues under8

    .2T32: "hich one sin!s the sweetest5

    B>4D-S'LL'4: .llAs the same, sir) Si1 pence and cheap at the price)

    .2T32: e sin!s bra(ely) But why does he batter his win!s so wildly a!ainstthe bars5

    B>4D-S'LL'4: "e blind Aem, sir) ThatAs what we always does) Blind Aem and, notknowin! ni!ht from day, they sin! and sin! without stoppin!, pretty creatures)a(e pleasure of the bird, sir)

    6e e1its) J3.22. reappears at the window) .2T32 holds up the ca!e,

    indicatin! it is a present and she should come down to !et it) She hesitates,smiles, nods, disappears from the window) e waits) Shyly, almost furti(ely,

     J3.22. slips out of the door and stands there) e mo(es toward her, holdin!out the ca!e) Slowly her hand !oes out toward him) Their n!ers touch8


    > feel you,


    > feel you)

    > was half con(inced >Ad waken,

    Satised enou!h to dream you)

    appily > was mistaken,

     J3.22.< >All steal you, J3.22., >All steal you ) ))

    6They stand so absorbed with each other that they do not notice the approachof JD' T4#>2, followed by the B'.DL'8

     JD': J3.22.< J3.22.<

     J3.22.: 3h dear<

    6For!ettin! the bird ca!e, J3.22. scurries toward the house) .2T32 turnsto nd the JD' !larin! at him8

     JD': >f > see your face a!ain on this or any other nei!hbor street, youAll ruethe day you were born) >s that plain enou!h speakin! for you5

    .2T32: But, sir, > swear to you there was nothin! in my heart but the mostrespectful sentiments ofC

     JD' 6To B'.DL'8: Dispose of him< 6e strides toward the house8

     J3.22.: 3h dear< > knew

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    B'.DL': ou heard is "orship)

    .2T32: But, friend, > ha(e no !ht with you)6The B'.DL' takes the ca!efrom him, opens its door, takes out the bird, wrin!s its neck and then tosses itaway8

    B'.DL': et the !ist of it, friend5 2e1t time itAll be your neck< 6e starts afterthe JD' and J3.22.8

     JD': J3.22., if > were to think you encoura!ed that youn! ro!ue )))

     J3.22.: 3h father, > hope always to be obedient to your commands)

     JD': Dear child) ow sweet you look in that li!ht muslin !own)

    6She runs into the house, the JD') after her) The B'.DL' follows) .2T32is left alone, the empty ca!e in his hand8


    >All steal you,


    >All steal you<

    Do they think that walls can hide you5

    '(en now >Am at your window)

    > am in the dark beside you,

    Buried sweetly in your yellow hair) > feel you,

     Johanna, .nd one day >All steal you)

     Till >Am with you then, >Am with you there,

    Sweetly buried in your yellow hair )))

    6e smashes the ca!e, throws it away and e1its as li!hts fade8

    6Li!hts come up to re(eal St) DunstanAs Marketplace) . hand-drawn cara(an,painted like a Sicilian donkey cart, stands on the street) 3n its side is written inornate script 7Si!ner .dolfo #>4'LL> C aircutter-Barber-Toothpuller to is 4oyalMaesty the Iin! of 2aples,7 and under this: 7Banish Baldness with #>4'LL>As

    Miracle 'li1ir) 7 T3DD and M4S) L3H'TT enter) T3DD is carryin! his ra;or case)M4S) L3H'TT has a shoppin! basket8

     T3DD: ThatAs him5 3(er there5

    M4S) L3H'TT: es, dear) eAs always here Thursdays)

     T3DD: aircutter, barber, toothpuller to is 4oyal Maesty the Iin! of 2aples)

    M4S) L3H'TT: 'yetalian) .ll the ra!e, he is)

     T3DD: 2ot for lon!)

    M4S) L3H'TT: 3h Mr) T), you really think you can do it5

     T3DD: By tomorrow theyAll all be =ockin! after me like sheep to be shorn)

    M4S) L3H'TT 6Sees B'.DL'8: 3h no< Look) The Beadle C Beadle Bamford)

     T3DD: So much the better)

    M4S) L3H'TT: But what if he reco!ni;es you5 adnAt we betterC5

     T3DD: > will do what > ha(e set out to do, woman)

    M4S) L3H'TT: 3ops) Sorry, dear, >Am sure)

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    6T3B>.S, #>4'LL> As adolescent, simple-minded assistant, appears throu!h acurtain at the rear of the cara(an, beatin! on a tin drum) . factory whistleblows and a crowd of people comes runnin! on, !atherin! around him8


    Ladies and !entlemen<

    May > ha(e your attention, perlease5

    Do you wake e(ery mornin! in shame and despair To disco(er your pillow isco(ered with hair

    "ot ou!ht not to be there5 "ell, ladies and !entlemen,

    From now on you can waken at ease)

     ou need ne(er a!ain ha(e a worry or care, > will show you a miracle mar(elousrare)

    entlemen, you are about to see somethin! wot rose from the dead<

    6. woman !asps C he smiles and wi!!les his n!er no8 3n the top of my head)

    Scarcely a month a!o, !entlemen, > was struck with a Aorrible Dermatolo!icdisease)

     Thou!h the nest physicians in London were called, > awakened one mornin!ama;ed and appalled

     To disco(er with dread that my head was as bald .s a no(iceAs knees)

    > was dyin! of shame Till a !entleman came,

    .n illustrious barber, #>4'LL> by name) e !i(e me a li@uid as precious as !old,> rubbed it in daily like wot > was told, .nd behold<

    6DoEs his cap dramatically, re(ealin! mountains of hair which cascade to hisshoulders8

    3nly thirty days old< ATwas #>4'LL>As Miracle 'li1ir,

     ThatAs wot did the trick, sir, True, sir, true)

    "as it @uick, sir5 Did it in a tick, sir, Just like an eli1ir 3u!ht to do<

    6To $ST man8

    ow about a bottle, mister5 3nly costs a penny, !uaranteed) 69rowd,o(erlappin!8

    $ST M.2: #enny buys a bottle, > donAt know ) ) )

    *2D M.2: ou donAt need C

    $ST M.2: .h, letAs !o<

     T3B>.S 6To N4D M.28: o ahead and tu!, sir) N4D M.2: #enny for a bottle, is it5

     T3B>.S: o ahead, sir, harder ) ))

     T3B>.S 6Stoppin! the $ST man, whoAs @uite bald, by pourin! a drop on hishead8: Does #>4'LL>As

    Stimulate the !rowth, sir5 ou can ha(e my oath, sir, ATis uni@ue)

    6Takes the manAs hand and !ently applies it to the wet spot8 4ub a minute)

    StimulatinA, iAnA it5

    Soon youAll ha(e to thin it 3nce a week<

    #enny buys a bottle, !uaranteed< 69rowd, o(erlappin!8

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    $ST M.2 6to *2D M.28: #enny buys a bottle, mi!ht as well) ) )

    N4D M.2: "otcher think5

    *2D "3M.2: o ahead and try it, wot the hell)) )

     T3B>.S: ow about a sample5 a(e you e(er smelled a cleaner smell5

    $ST "3M.2 6 to N4D M.28: >snAt it a crime they let these urchins clo! thepa(ement5 /T M.2: #enny buys a bottle, does it5

     T3B>.S 6To *2D M.28: ThatAs enou!h, sir, ample)

     T3B>.S: ently dab it)

    ets to be a habit)

    Soon thereAll be enou!h, sir, Somebody can !rab it)

    6#oints to a man standin! nearby8 See that chap with

    air like ShelleyAs5 ou can tell AeAs sed #>4'LL>As< 69rowd, o(erlappin!8

    $ST M.2: Let me ha(e a bottle) *2D M.2: Make that two)

    N4D "3M.2: 9ome to think of it, > could !et some for arry ) ) )

    /T "3M.2: 2othin! works on arry, dear) Bye bye)


    o ahead and feel, mum)

    .bsolutely real, mum ) ) )

    *2D M.2 6To $ST M.28: ow about a beer5 $ST M.2: ou know a pub5

    *2D M.2: ThereAs one close by)

    $ST "3M.2 6 To *2D "3M.28: ou !ot all the hair you need now) N4D M.2: ThatAs no lie)

    /T M.2: #ass it by)

    *2D "3M.2: >Am ust passin! by)

     T3DD 6Loudly to M4S) L3H'TT8: #ardon me, maAam, whatAs that awful stench5

    M4S) L3H'TT: .re we standin! in an open trench5

     T3DD: Must be standin! near an open trench<


    Buy #>4'LL>As Miracle 'li1ir: .nythin! wotAs slick, sir, Soon sprouts curls)

     Try #>4'LL>As<

    "hen they see how thick, sir, ou can ha(e your pick, sir, 3f the !irls<

    6to /T "3M.28

    "ant to buy a bottle, missus5 69rowd, o(erlappin!8

     T3DD 6SniKn! $ST man As bottle8: "hat is this5

    M4S) L3H'TT 6'1aminin! N4D M.2OSbottle8: "hat is this5

    $ST M.2: #ropa!ates the hair, sir) /T M.2: >All take one<

     T3DD: Smells like piss)

    M4S) L3H'TT: Smells like C phew<

    *2D M.2: e says it smells like piss)

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     T3DD: Looks like piss)

    M4S) L3H'TT: "ouldnAt touch it if > was you, dear<

    *2D M.2 6to N4D M.28: "otcher think5

     T3DD 62ods8: This is piss) #iss with ink)

    T M.2 and "3M'2: Says it smells like piss or somethin!)


    #enny for a bottle )))

    a(e you e(er smelled a cleaner smell5

    ow about a sample5 ) ))

    ow about a sample, mister5 )))

    $ST "3M.2: i(e us back our money< *2D "3M.2: i(e us back our money<

    $ST "3M.2: Did you e(er C 5 i(e us back our money< N4D "3M.2: lad >didnAt buy one, > can tell you<

    /T "3M.2 6to T3B>.S8: >f you think that piss can fool a lady, youAre mistaken<

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    i(e Aem back their money<

    Did you e(er C 5

    i(e Aem back their money<

    N4D "3M.2: i(e Aem back their money, > say< i(e Aem back their money<

     T3B>.S 6Tryin! to calm them, !esturin! to T3DD8 :

    2e(er mind that madman, mister ) ) )

    2e(er mind the madman ) ) )

     T3DD and M4S) L3H'TT: "here is this #>4'LL>5


    "here is this #>4'LL>5 6Hariously, o(erlappin!8

    "hat about my money, laddie5 es, what about the money5 and it back<

    "e donAt want no piss, boy< i(e it here )))

     T3B>.S 6Desperately, beatin! the drum out of rhythm8:

    Let #>4'LL>As

    .cti(ate your roots, sir C


    Ieep it oE your boots, sir C

    'ats ri!ht throu!h)

    943"D: o and !et #>4'LL><


     es, !et #>4'LL>As<

    se a bottle of it<

    Ladies seem to lo(e it C

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    M4S) L3H'TT: Flies do, too<


    and the bloody money o(er<

    and the bloody money o(er<

     T3B>.S 6Frenetically fast, lookin! desperately toward the curtain8: See #>4'LL>As

    Miracle 'li1ir

    row a little wick, sir, Then some fu;;)

     The #>4'LL>As

    SoonAll make it thick, sir, Like a !ood eli1ir .lways does<

     Trust #>4'LL>As<

    >f your hair is sick, sir, Fi1 it in the nick, sir, DonAt look !rim)

     Just #>4'LL>As

    Miracle 'li1ir,

     ThatAll do the trick, sir C

    $ST M.2: "hat about the money5

     T3B>.S: >f youA(e !ot a kick, sir C

    943"D 6>ndi(iduals, buildin! to a shout8:

    "hat about the money5

    "here is this #>4'LL>5

    o and !et #>4'LL><

    "hat about our money5


     Tell it to the mi1er

    3f the Miracle 'li1ir C

    >f youA(e !ot a kick, sir C <

    6Desperately yanks the curtain aside, re(ealin! #>4'LL>, an e1cessi(ely=amboyant >talian with a !litterin! suit, thick wa(y hair and a da;;lin! smile Cthe crowd falls silent, stunned) T3B>.S collapses, e1hausted8

     Talk to him<

    #>4'LL> 6Bows and poses splendidly for a moment, in one hand an ornate ra;or,in the other a sinister-lookin! tooth-e1tractor, sin!s8:

    > am .dolfo #>4'LL>,

    Da kin! of da barbers, da barber of kin!s, ' buon !iorno, !ood day,

    > blow you a kiss< 6e does8

    .nd >, da so-famous #irelli, > wish-a to know-a

    "ho has-a da ner(e-a to say My eli1ir is piss<

    "ho says this5

     T3DD: > do) 6e holds up the bottle of eli1ir8 > am Mr) Sweeney Todd and > ha(eopened a bottle of #irelliAs 'li1ir, and > say to you it is nothin! but an arrant

    fraud, concocted from piss and ink)

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    M4S) L3H'TT: eAs ri!ht) #hew< Better to throw your money down the sewer)

     T3B>.S 6Beatin! a!itatedly on the drum, shoutin!8: Ladies and !entlemen, payno attention to that madman) "hoAs to be the rst for a ma!nicent sha(e5

     T3DD 6Breakin! in8: .nd furthermore ) ) ) > ha(e ser(iced no kin!s, yet > wa!er

    that > can sha(e a cheek and pull a tooth with ten times more de1terity thanany street mountebank< 6e holds up his ra;or case for the crowd to see8 ousee these ra;ors5

    M4S) L3H'TT: The nest in 'n!land)

     T3DD 6To #irelli8: > lay them a!ainst (e pounds you are no match for me) ouhear me, sir5 'ither accept my challen!e or re(eal yourself as a sham)

    M4S) L3H'TT: Bra(o, bra(o)

    #>4'LL> 6e speaks with a fairly ob(ious put-on forei!n accent, barelyconcealin! an >rish underlay8: Pees are indeed ne ra;ors) >nstruments like

    ;ees once seen cannot be soon for!otten) 6Takes out a tooth-e1tractor8 .nd ane e1tractor, too< ou wa!er ;ees a!ainst (e pounds, sir5

     T3DD: > do)

    #>4'LL> 6.ddressin! the crowd8: ou hear ;is foolish man5 "atch and see howhe will re!ret his folly) Fi(e pounds it is< 6Music starts8

     T3DD 6Sur(eyin! the crowd8: Friends, nei!hbors, whoAs for a free sha(e5

    $ST man 6Steppin! forward ea!erly8: Me, Mr) T3DD, sir)

    *2D man 6Steppin! forward ea!erly, too8: .nd me, Mr) T3DD, sir)

     T3DD: 3(er here) Brin! me a chair)

    #>4'LL> 6To T3B>.S8 : Boy, brin! ;e basins, brin! ;e towels<

     T3B>.S: es, sir )))

    #>4'LL>: ?uick<

     T3DD: "ill Beadle Bamford be the JD'5

    B'.DL': lad, as always, to obli!e my friends and nei!hbors)

    6.s another man comes on with a wooden chair and T3B>.S emer!es from thecara(an with basins, towels, etc), the B'.DL' instantly takes o(er) To man,indicatin! where to set the chair8 #ut it there) 6$ST man sits on T3DD As chair)

     The *2D man is ensconced on #irelliAs chair) #irelli shakes out a fancy bib with a=ourish and co(ers his man) T3DD takes a towel and tucks it around his manAsneck8 4eady5

    #>4'LL>: 4eady<

     T3DD: 4eady<

    B'.DL': The fastest, smoothest sha(e is the winner) 6e blows his whistle) Themusic becomes a!itated) The contest be!ins) #irelli strops his ra;or @uickly,

     T3DD in a leisurely manner) #irelli keeps !lancin! at T3DD in (arious paranoidways throu!hout, fri!htened of ToddAs pro!ress) e starts whippin! up latherrapidly8

    #>4'LL> 6Sin!s to crowd while mi1in!, furiously8: 2ow, si!norini, si!nori,

    "e mi1-a da lather But rst-a you !ather .round, si!nor-

    ini, si!nori,

     ou lookin! a man

    "ho ha(e had-a da !lory To sha(e-a da #ope<

    Mr) Sweeney-so-smart C 3h, > be!-a you pardon C All

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    9all me a lie, was-a only a cardinal C


    >t was-a da #ope<

    6Looks o(er shoulder, sees T3DD still stroppin! slowly, !ains condence, startsto lather his manAs face8

    #erhaps, si!norini, si!nori, ou like-a > tell-a

    Da famous-a story 3f ?ueen >sabella, Da ?ueen of-a #olanA

    "hose tootA was-a swollen,

    > pull it so nice from her moutA That-a thou!h to be!in SheAs-a screamin!-amurder, SheAs later-a swoon-a wid Bliss anA was heard-a

     To shout:

    7#ull all of Aem out4'LL> holds this note elaborately, T3DD, with a few deft strokes,@uickly lathers his manAs face, sha(es him and si!nals the B'.DL' to e1aminethe ob8

    B'.DL' 6Blowin! whistle8:

     The winner is T3DD)

    M4S) L3H'TT 6Feelin! the customerAs cheek8: Smooth as a babyAs arse<

    62ote: The followin! scene, in italics, was deleted from the production8

     T3DD 6Looks around8: .nd now, whoAs for a tooth pullin! C free withoutchar!e< M.2 ">T '.D T>'D # >2 4.: Me, sir) Me, sir) 6e runs to the chair(acated by the sha(ed man8

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     T3DD 6Lookin! around8: "ho else5 6There is silence from the crowd8 2o one56Turnin! to the B'.DL'8 Then, sir, since there is no means to test the secondskill, > claim the (e pounds<

    M4S) L3H'TT: To which he is entitled< 6To crowd8 4i!ht5 6The crowd applauds8#>4'LL>: "ait< 3ne moment) "ait< 6e turns to T3B>.S8 ou, boy) et on that

    chair) T3B>.S 6>n terror8: Me, si!nor5 3h, not a tooth, sir, > be! of you< > ainAt !ota twin!e C not the tiniest pain) > C

    #>4'LL> 6i(in! him a stin!in! blow on the cheek8: ou do now< 6Forces him intothe chair) Turnin! to the crowd8 "e see who is ;ee (ictor now) Pis Mister T3DDC or ;ee !reat #irelli<

    B'.DL': 4eady5

    #>4'LL>: 4eady< T3DD: 4eady<

    6The B'.DL' blows his whistle) "hile T3DD, e(en more nonchalant thanbefore, merely stands by his patient, #irelli forces open the mouth of T3B>.S,

    brandishin! his e1tractor) e peers in, selects a tooth, thrusts the e1tractor intothe mouth and starts to tu! while sin!in! with pretended ease) Durin! theson!, T3B>.S starts moanin!, then screamin!C musically8

    #>4'LL> 6Sin!s8: To pull-a da tootA "idout-a da skill

    9an dama!e da root C 6.s T3B>.S s@uirms8 2ow hold-a da still< .nA if-a you slip

     ou !rip a bit, ou hit da pit of it 3r chip-a da tip .nd ha(e-a to ll< To pull-a datootA "idout-a da !race,

     ou lea(e-a da space .ll o(er da place) ou try to erase "idout-a da trace )))

    6larin! archly at T3DD8 Sometimes is da case

     ou e(en-a kill)

    6T3DD still watchesG #irelli is ha(in! trouble, T3B>.S As wails are becomin!louder8

     To hold-a da clamp "idout-a da cramp, "id all dat sali(a, >t could-a dri(e-a oucra;y C<

    6To T3B>.S, who is !roanin!8 DonA mutter,

    3r back-a you !o to da !utter C 6To the crowd, forcin! a smile8 My touch is as

    li!ht as a butter-a 9up<

    > take-a da pains, > learn-a da art, > use-a da brains, > !i(e-a da heart,

    > ha(e-a da !race, > win-a da race C <

    6"hile a!ain #irelli holds the note, T3DD stands watchin!) Then in one swiftmo(e, he tu!s the ra! oE his patientAs head, neatly opens the mouth, looks in,and with a sin!le deft motion of the e1tractor, !i(es a tiny tu! and, turnin! tothe crowd, holds up the e1tracted tooth) The beadle blows his whistle) Thecrowd roars its appro(al) #irelli, cut oE a!ain in the middle of his hi!h note,sees that T3DD has e1tracted his customerAs tooth, and droops8

    > !i(e-a da up)

    M.2 6Jumpin! up from chair8: 2ot a twin!e of pain< 2ot a twin!e< M4S) L3H'TT: The manAs a bloody mar(el<

    B'.DL' 6Beamin! at T3DD8 : The two-time winner C Mr) Sweeney Todd<

    6#irelli lea(es the tooth unpulled in T3B>.SAs mouth and, still retainin! hisimposin! di!nity, mo(es o(er to T3DD8

    #>4'LL> 6"ith profound bow8: Sir, > bow to a skill far defter than my own)

     T3DD: The (e pounds)

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    #>4'LL> 6#roduces a rather =amboyant purse, and from it takes (e pounds8:ere, sir) .nd may the !ood Lord smile on you C 6"ith a sinister smile8 C untilwe meet a!ain) 9ome, boy) 6Bows to crowd8 Si!nori< Bellissime si!norini< Buon!iorno< Buon !iorno a tutti< 6Iickin! T3B>.S ahead of him, he returns to thecara(an which T3B>.S, like a horse, pulls oE8

    M4S) L3H'TT 6To T3DD8: "hoAd ha(e thou!ht it, dear< ou pulled it oE<

    M.2 ">T 9.#: 3h, sir, Mr) T3DD, sir, do you ha(e an establishment of yourown5

    M4S) L3H'TT: e certainly does) Sweeney T3DDAs Tonsorial #arlor C abo(e mymeat pie-shop on Fleet Street) 6The B'.DL' strolls somewhat menacin!ly o(erto them8

    B'.DL': Mr) T3DD ) ) ) Stran!e, sir, but it seems your face is known to me)

    M4S) L3H'TT: im5 ThatAs a lau!h him bein! my uncleAs cousin and arri(edfrom Birmin!ham yesterday)

     T3DD: But already, sir, > ha(e heard Beadle Bamford spoken of with !reatrespect)

    B'.DL': "ell, sir, > try my best for my nei!hbors) 6to M4S) L3H'TT8 FleetStreet5 3(er your pie-shop, maAam5

    M4S) L3H'TT: ThatAs it, sir)

    B'.DL': Then, Mr) T3DD, you will surely see me there before the week is out)

     T3DD: ou will be welcome, Beadle Bamford, and > !uarantee to !i(e you,without a pennyAs char!e, the closest sha(e you will e(er know)

    6M4S) L3H'TT takes T3DD As arm and starts with him oE-sta!e as the sceneblacks out) The factory whistle) >n limbo, the B'.4 "3M.2 appears withother members of the company) They sin!8

    M'MB'4S 3F T' 93M#.2:

    Sweeney pondered and Sweeney planned)

    Like a perfect machine Ae planned,

    Barbin! the hook, baitin! the trap,

    Settin! it out for the B'.DL' to snap)

    Slyly courted Aim, Sweeney did,

    Set a sort of a scene, Ae did)

    Layin! the trail, showin! the traces,

    Lettin! it lead to hi!her places )))

    Sweeney)) )

    6The followin! scene, in italics, was deleted from the production8

    6The li!hts shift to a room in JD' T4#>2 As house) The JD' is in his udicialclothes, a Bible in his hand) >n the adoinin! room, J3.22. sits sewin!8

     JD' 6Sin!s8:

    Mea culpa, mea culpa, Mea ma1ima culpa,

    Mea ma1ima ma1ima culpa< od deli(er me< 4elease me<

    For!i(e me< 4estrain me< #er(ade me<

    6e peers throu!h the keyhole of the door to J3.22.A s room8 Johanna, Johanna,

    So suddenly a woman,

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     The li!ht behind your window C >t penetrates your !own )))

     Johanna, Johanna,

     The sun C > see the sun throu!h your C 6.shamed, he stops peerin!8


    od< Deli(er me<

    6Sinks to his knees8 Deli(er me<

    6Starts tearin! oE his robes8 Down<


    Down )))

    62ow naked to the waist, he picks up a scour!eQrow the table8

     Johanna, Johanna,

    > watch you from the shadows) ou si!h before your window .nd !a;e upon thetown )))

     our lips part, Johanna,

    So youn! and soft and beautiful C 6"hips himself8


    6.!ain and a!ain, as he continues8 Deli(er me<

    Filth Lea(e me<

     Johanna, Johanna,

    > treasured you in innocence

    .nd lo(ed you like a dau!hter) ou mock me, J3.22.,

     ou tempt me with your innocence, ou tempt me with those @ui(erin! C6"hips himself8


    6.!ain and a!ain8 od<

    Deli(er me< >t will- StopC

    2ow< >t will C Stop C






    2ow )))

    69alm a!ain, ha(in! kneed his way o(er to the door, he peers throu!h thekeyhole8 Johanna, Johanna,

    > cannot keep you lon!er) The world is at your window, ou want to =y away)

     ou stir me, Johanna, So suddenly a woman,

    > cannot watch you one more day C < 6.!ain whips himself into a fren;y8 od<

    Deli(er me< od< Deli(er me< od< Deli(er C 69lima1es8 od

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    6#antin!, he rela1esG when he is in control a!ain, he starts to dress8 Johanna, Johanna,

    >All keep you here fore(er, >All wed you on the morrow) Johanna, Johanna,

     The world will ne(er touch you, >All wed you on the morrow<

    .s years pass, Johanna, ouAll tend me in my solitude, 2o lon!er as a dau!hter,

    .s a woman)

    6e is fully dressed a!ain8 Johanna, Johanna,

    >All hold you here fore(er then, ouAll keep away from windows and ouAll

    Deli(er me, Johanna, From this ot


    De(il "ith your Soft "hite 9ool Hir!in #alms) ))

    6Ma!isterial a!ain, pickin! up the Bible, he produces a key and opens the door,the key for!otten, still in the lock) J3.22. umps p8

     J3.22.: Father<

     JD': J3.22., > trust youA(e not been near the window a!ain)

     J3.22. 6Durin! this speech her eyes fall on the key in the lock8: ardly, dearfather, when it has been shuttered and barred these last three days)

     JD': ow ri!ht > was to insist on such a precaution, for once a!ain he hascome, that conscienceless youn! sailor) Ten times has he been dri(en from my

    door and yet)) ) 6Breaks oE, !a;in! at her, smitten with lust8 ow sweet youlook in that li!ht muslin !own)

     J3.22.: ATis nothin! but an old dress, father)

     JD': But fairer on your youn! form than win!s on an an!el))) oh, if > were tothink )))

     J3.22. 6Demurely, mo(in! to the door8: Think what, dear father5 JD': >f >were to think you encoura!ed this youn! ro!ue )))

     J3.22. 6Durin! this speech, she slips the key from the lock, hides it in herdress8: >5 . maid trained from the cradle to nd in modesty and obedience the!reatest of all (irtues5 Dear father, when ha(e you ceased to warn me of the

    wickedness of men5

     JD': Henal youn! men of the street with only one thou!ht in their heads) Butthere are men of diEerent and far hi!her breed) > ha(e one in mind for you)

     J3.22.: ou ha(e5

     JD': . !entle man, who would shield you from all earthly cares and !uideyour falterin! steps to the sober warmth of womanhood C a husband C aprotector C and yet an ardent lo(er too) >t is a man who throu!h all the years

    has surely earned your aEection) 6Drops to his knees8 J3.22. 6Sta!!ered8: ou5

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    .lms ) ) ) alms ) ) )

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    .lms ) ) ) alms ) ) ) ow many times ha(e > told you5 >All not ha(e trash from the!utter han!in! around my establishment<

    B'.4 "3M.2: 2ot ust a penny, dear5 3r a pie5 3ne of them pies that !i(ethe stomach cramps to half the nei!hborhood5 6. cacklin! lau!h8 9ome on,dear) a(e a heart, dear)

    M4S) L3H'TT: 3E) 3E with you or youAll !et a kick on the rump thatAll makeyour teeth chatter<

    B'.4 "3M.2: Stuck up thin!< ou and your fancy airs< .lms ))) alms ))) Fora

    desperate woman )))

    6'1its) Music continues) M4S) L3H'TT rin!s the bell to indicate her approachand starts climbin! the stairs) .t the sound of the bell, T3DD alerts andsnatches up a ra;or) The music becomes a!itated) .s M4S) L3H'TT appears, herela1es somewhat) M4S) L3H'TT is now (ery proprietary towards him8

    M4S) L3H'TT: >tAs not much of a chair, but itAll do till you !et your fancy newone) >t was me poor .lbertAs chair, it was) Sat in it all day lon! he did, after hisle! !i(e out from the dropsy) Iinda bare, isnAt it5 > ne(er did like a bare room)3h, well, weAll nd some nice little knickknacks)

     T3DD: "hy doesnAt the beadle come5 7Before the week is out,7 thatAs what hesaid)

    M4S) L3H'TT: .nd who says the weekAs out yet5 >tAs only Tuesday) 'asy now)

    ush, lo(e, hush) DonAt distress yourself, "hatAs your rush5 Ieep your thou!hts2ice and lush)


    ush, lo(e, hush) Think it throu!h) 3nce it bubbles, Then whatAs to do5

    "atch it close)

    Let it brew)


    >A(e been thinkin!, =owers C

    Maybe daisies C

     To bri!hten up the room)

    DonAt you think some =owers,

    #retty daisies,

    Mi!ht relie(e the !loom5

    .h, wait, lo(e, wait)

     T3DD: .nd the JD'5 "hen will > !et him5

    M4S) L3H'TT: 9anAt you think of nothin! else5 .lways broodinA away on yerwron!s what happened hea(en knows how many years a!o C

    Slow, lo(e, slow) TimeAs so fast)

    2ow !oes @uickly C See, now itAs past< Soon will come) Soon will last)


    DonAt you know, Silly man,

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    alf the fun is to #lan the plan5

    .ll !ood thin!s come to Those who can


    illy=owers, maybe, AStead of daisies ) ))

    > donAt know, thou!h ) ) )

    "hat do you think5

     T3DD 6Docilely8: es)

    M4S) L3H'TT 6ently takin! the ra;or from him8: illy=owers, >Ad say) 2othin!like a nice bowl of !illies)

    6Music stops) Durin! the abo(e, we ha(e seen .2T32 mo(in! down thestreet) e sees the si!n and stops) e !oes to the bell and rin!s it, then startsrunnin! up the stairs) The eEect on T3DD is electric) '(en M4S) L3H'TT,aEected by his tension, alerts) She hastily !i(es him back the ra;or) .2T32bursts in enthusiastically8

     T3DD: .2T32)

    .2T32) Mr) T3DD) >A(e paced Fleet Street a do;en times with no success) Butnow the si!n< >n business already)

     T3DD: es)

    .2T32: > con!ratulate you) 6Turnin! to M4S) L3H'TT8 .nd))) er)))

    M4S) L3H'TT: Mrs) Lo(ett, sir)

    .2T32) . pleasure, maAam) 3h, Mr) Todd, > ha(e so much to tell you) > ha(efound the fairest and most lo(in! maid that any man could dream of< .nd yetthere are problems) She has a !uardian so tyrannical that she is kept shut upfrom human eye) But now this mornin! this key fell from her shuttered window)6e holds up J3.22. As key8 The surest si!n that Johanna lo(es me and ) ) )

    M4S) L3H'TT: Johanna5

    .2T32: ThatAs her name, maAam, and Turpin that of the abominable parent)

    . JD', it seems) But, as > said, a monstrous tyrant) 3h Mr) T3DD, once the JD' has !one to court, >All slip into the house and plead with her to =y with

    me toni!ht) et when > ha(e her C where can > brin! her till > ha(e hired acoach to speed us home to #lymouth5 3h Mr) T3DD, if > could lod!e her here

     ust for an hour or two<

    M4S) L3H'TT: Brin! her, dear)

    .2T32) 3h thank you, thank you, maAam) 6To T3DD8 > ha(e your consent, Mr) Todd5

     T3DD 6.fter a pause8: The !irl may come)

    .2T32: > shall be !rateful for this to the !ra(e) 2ow > must hurry, for surelythe JD' is oE to the 3ld Bailey) 6Turnin! at the door8 My thanks< . thousand

    blessin!s on you both< 6e hurries out and down the stairs8

    M4S) L3H'TT: Johanna< "hoAd ha(e thou!ht it< >tAs like Fate, isnAt it5 ouAll ha(eher back before the day is out)

     T3DD: For a few hours5 Before he carries her oE to the other end of 'n!land5

    M4S) L3H'TT: 3h, that sailor< Let him brin! her here and then, since youAre sohot for a little )) ) 6Makes a throat-cuttin! !esture8 ) ) ) thatAs the throat to slit,dear) 3h Mr) T, weAll make a lo(ely home for her) ou and me) The poor thin!<.ll those years and not a scrap of motherly aEection< >All soon chan!e that, >will, for if e(er there was a maternal heart, itAs mine) 6Durin! this speech #irelli,accompanied by T3B>.S, has appeared on the street) They see the si!n and

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    start up the stairs without rin!in! the bell) 2ow, as M4S) L3H'TT !oes to T3DDco@uettishly, #irelli and T3B>.S suddenly appear at the door)

     T3DD pulls (iolently away from M4S) L3H'TT8

    #>4'LL> 6"ith >talianate bow8: ood mornin!, Mr) T3DD C and to you,

    bellissima si!norina) 6e kisses M4S) L3H'TT As hand8

    M4S) L3H'TT: "ell, Aow do you do, si!ner, >Am sure)

    #>4'LL>: . little business with Mr) T3DD, si!nora) #erhaps if you will !i(e thepermission5

    M4S) L3H'TT: 3h yes, indeed, >All ust pop on down to my pies) 6Sur(eyin! T3B>.S8 3h lawks, look at it now< DonAt look like itAs had a kind word since halfpast ne(er< 6Smilin! at him8 "hat would you say, son, to a nice uicy meat pie,eh5 our teeth is stron!, > hope5

     T3B>.S: 3h yes, maAam)

    M4S) L3H'TT: Then come with me, lo(e) 6They start down the stairs to theshop8

    #>4'LL>: Mr) Todd)

     T3DD: Si!nor #irelli)

    #>4'LL> 64e(ertin! to >rish8: 3w, call me Danny, Daniel 3Ai!!insA the namewhen itAs not perfessional) 6Looks around the shop8 2ot much, but > ima!ineyouAll pretty it up a bit) 6olds out his hand8 >Ad like me (e @uid back, ifn yadonAt mind)

     T3DD: "hy5

    6>n the shop, M4S) L3H'TT pats a stool for T3B>.S to sit down and hands him apiece of pie) e starts to eat !reedily8

    M4S) L3H'TT: ThatAs my boy) Tuck in)

    #>4'LL>: >tAll hold me o(er till your customers start comin!) Then itAs half yourprots youAll hand o(er to me e(ery week on a Friday, share and share alike) .llri!ht ) ) ) Mr) Benamin Barker5

     T3DD: "hy do you call me that5

    M4S) L3H'TT 6Strokin! T3B>.S As lu1urious locks8: .t least youA(e !ot a nice fullhead of hair on you)

     T3B>.S: "ell, maAam, to tell the truth, maAam C 6e reaches up and pulls oEthe 7locks7 which are a wi!, re(ealin! his own short-cropped hair8 C !ets awfulAot) 6e continues to eat the pie) #>4'LL> strolls o(er to the washstand, picks upthe ra;or, =icks

    it open8

    #>4'LL>: ou donAt remember me) "hy should you5 > was ust a down and out>rish lad you hired for a couple of weeks C sweepin! up hair and such like C6oldin! up ra;or8 but > remember these C and you) Benamin Barker, later

    transported to Botany Bay for life) So, Mr) T3DD C is it a deal or do > run downthe street for me pal beadle Bamford5 ou tAink-a you smart,

     ou foolish-a boy) Tomorrow you start >n my-a employ< ou unner-a-stanA5

     ou like-a my plan C 5

    63nce a!ain he hits his hi!h note, and once a!ain he is interrupted CT3DDknocks the ra;or out of his hand and starts, in a protracted stru!!le, to stran!lehim8

     T3B>.S 6Downstairs, unaware of this8: 3h !awd, heAs !ot an appointment withhis tailor) >f heAs late and itAs my fault C you donAt know him< 6e umps up andstarts out8

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    M4S) L3H'TT: > wouldnAt want to, >Am sure, dear) 6T3DD (iolently continues withthe stran!lin!8

     T3B>.S 69allin! on the stairs8: Si!ner< >tAs late< The tailor, sir) 64ememberin!83h, me wi!< 64uns back for it) pstairs, T3DD stops dead at the sound of the(oice) e looks around wildly, sees the chest, runs to it, opens the lid and then

    dra!s #irelli to it and tumbles him in, slammin! the lid shut ust as T3B>.Senters) >t is at this moment that we reali;e that one of #>4'LL> As hands isdan!lin! out of the chest8 Si!nor, > did like you said) > reminded you ) ) ) thetailor ) )) 3w, he ainAt here)

     T3DD: Si!nor #>4'LL> has been called away)

     T3B>.S: "here did he !o5

     T3DD: e didnAt say) ouAd better run after him)

     T3B>.S: 3h no, sir) Inowin! him, sir, without orders to the contrary, >Ad bestwait for him here) 6e crosses to the chest and sits down on it, perilously near

    #>4'LL> As hand, which he doesnAt notice) T3DD at this moment does, howe(er)Suddenly he is all ner(ous smiles8

     T3DD: So M4S) L3H'TT !a(e you a pie, did she, my lad5

     T3B>.S: 3h yes, sir) SheAs a real kind lady) 3ne whole pie) 6.s he speaks, hishand mo(es (ery close to #>4'LL> As hand8

     T3DD 6Mo(in! toward him8: . whole pie, eh5 ThatAs a treat) .nd yet, if > know a!rowin! boy, thereAs still room for more, eh5

     T3B>.S: >Ad say, sir) 6#attin! his stomach8 .n achin! (oid)

    63nce a!ain his hand is on the ed!e of the chest, mo(in! toward #>4'LL> Ashand) Slowly now, we see the n!ers of #>4'LL> As hand stirrin!, feebly tryin! toclutch T3B>.S As hand) "hen it has almost reached him, T3DD !rabs T3B>.Sup oE the chest8

     T3DD: Then why donAt you run downstairs and wait for your master there5 ThereAll be another pie in it for you, >Am sure) 6.fterthou!ht8 .nd tell M4S)L3H'TT to !i(e you a nice bi! tot of !in)

     T3B>.S: 3o, sir< in, sir< Thankin! you, sir, thankin! you kindly) in< ouAre a9hristian indeed, sir< 6e runs down the stairs to M4S) L3H'TT8 3h, maAam, the!entleman says to !i(e me a nice tot of !in, maAam)

    M4S) L3H'TT: in, dear5 "hy not5 6pstairs, with !reat ferocity, T3DD opensthe chest, !rabs the screamin! #>4'LL> by the hair, tu!s him up from the chestand slashes his throat as, downstairs, M4S) L3H'TT pours a !lass of !in andhands it to T3B>.S) e takes it) The tableau free;es, then fades8

     T4'' T'234S 6'nter and sin!8:

    is hands were @uick, his n!ers stron!)

    >t stun! a little but not for lon!)

    .nd those who thou!ht him a simple clod

    "ere soon reconsiderin! under the sod,

    9onsi!ned there with a friendly prod

    From Sweeney T3DD,

     The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)

    See your ra;or !leam, Sweeney,

    Feel how well it ts

    .s it =oats across the throats

    3f hypocrites ) ))

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    6The ballad ends on a crashin! chord as the sin!ers black out and li!ht comesup on JD' T4#>2 in full panoply of wi!, robe, etc) e is about to con(ict ayoun! boy8

     JD': This is the fourth time, sir, that you ha(e been brou!ht before thisbench) Thou!h it is my earnest wish e(er to temper ustice with mercy, your

    persistent dedication to a life of crime is such an abomination before od andman that > ha(e no alternati(e but to sentence you to han! by the neck untilyou are dead) 6e produces the black cap and puts it on his head) .s he doesso the condemned prisoner is led away8 9ourt adourned) 6Durin! the followin!,

     JD' remo(es cap, wi!, and !own) To the B'.DL'8 >t is perhaps remiss of meto close the court so early, but the stench of those miserable wretches at thebar was so oEensi(e to my nostrils > feared my ea!erness for

    fresher air mi!ht well impair the soundness of my ud!ment) 6Li!ht dims on thecourt and nds the JD') and the beadle now walkin! down a street to!ether8

    B'.DL': "ell, sir, the adournment is fortunate for me, sir, for itAs today wecelebrate my sweet little .nnieAs birthday, and to ha(e her daddy back so soonto hu! and kiss her will be her crownin! oy on such a happy day)

     JD': >t is a happy moment for me, too) "alk home with me for > ha(e newsfor you) >n order to shield her from the e(ils of this world, > ha(e decided tomarry Johanna ne1t Monday)

    B'.DL': .h, sir, happy news indeed)

     JD': Stran!e, when > oEered myself to her, she showed a certain reluctance)But thatAs natural enou!h in a youn! !irl) 2ow that she has had time forre=ection, >Am sure she will !reet my proposal in a more sensible frame of mind)6Li!ht lea(es them and comes up on J3.22. and .2T32 in J3.22. As

    room) She is pacin! in a!itation and fear8


    e means to marry me Monday,

    "hat shall > do5 >Ad rather die)


    > ha(e a plan C


    >All swallow poison on Sunday,

     ThatAs what >All do, >All !et some lye)


    > ha(e a plan C


    3h, dear, was that a noise5


    . planC


    > think > heard a noise)


    . plan<

     J3.22.: >t couldnAt be, eAs in court,

    eAs in court today, Still that was a noise, "asnAt that a noise5

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     ou must ha(e heard that C


    Iiss me)


    3h, sir)))


    .h, miss )))

     J3.22.: 3h, sir )))

    >f he should marry me Monday, "hat shall > do5 >All die of !rief)


    "e =y toni!ht C


    ATis Friday, (irtually Sunday, "hat can we do with time so brief5


    "e =y toni!ht C


    Behind the curtain C @uick<


     Toni!ht C


    > think > heard a click<




    >t was a !ate<

    >tAs the !ate<

    "e donAt ha(e a !ate) Still there was a C "ait< ThereAs another click<

     ou must ha(e heard that C

    .2T32: >tAs not a !ate) ThereAs no !ate,

     ou donAt ha(e a !ate)

    >f youAd only listen, miss, and Iiss me<




    Iiss me)


     ou mean toni!ht5


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     The plan is made)


    3h, sir<


    So kiss me)


    > feel a fri!ht)


    Be not afraid)

     J3.22.: Sir, > did

    Lo(e you e(en as > Saw you, e(en as it Did not matter that >

    Did not know your name)


     Toni!ht >All



     J3.22., >All steal you )))

    >tAs me youAll marry on Monday, ThatAs what youAll do<


    .nd !ladly, sir)


    St) DunstanAs, noon)


    > knew >Ad be with you one day, '(en not knowin! who you were) > feared youAd

    ne(er come,

     That youAd been called away, That youAd been killed,

    ad the pla!ue, "ere in debtorAs ail, Trampled by a horse, one to sea a!ain,.rrested by the C Iiss me<


    3f course)



    .2T32: .h, miss,

    Marry me, marry me, miss, 3h, marry me Monday< Fa(or me, fa(or me

    "ith your hand) #romise,

    Marry me, marry me, please, 3h, marry me Monday C ouAre sure5


    Iiss me<


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    > shall<

     J3.22.: Iiss me< 3h, sir )))

    6Li!hts dim on them but remainG li!ht rises on the JD' and the B'.DL', stillwalkin! to!ether) Music continues under8

     JD' 6Strollin! with B'.DL'8: es, yes, but surely the respect that she owesme as her !uardian should be suKcient to kindle a more tender emotion)


    '1cuse me, my lord)

    May > re@uest, my lord,

    #ermission, my lord, to speak5

    For!i(e me if > su!!est, my lord,

     ouAre lookin! less than your best, my lord,

     ThereAs powder upon your (est, my lord,

    .nd stubble upon your cheek)

    .nd ladies, my lord, are weak)

     JD': #erhaps if she !reets me cordially upon my return, > should !i(e her asmall !ift)



    Ladies in their sensiti(ities, my lord, a(e a fra!ile sensibility)

    "hen a !irlAs emer!ent, #robably itAs ur!ent ou defer to her !ent- ility, mylord)

    #ersonal disorder cannot be i!nored, i(en their !enteel procli(ities) Meanin!no oEense, it

    appens they resents it, Ladies in their sensit- i(ities, my lord)

     JD' 6Feelin! his chin8: Stubble, you say5 #erhaps at times > am a little

    o(erhasty with my mornin! ablutions ) ) )


    Fret not thou!h, my lord,

    > know a place, my lord,

    . barber, my lord, of skill)

     Thus armed with a sha(en face, my lord,

    Some eau de colo!ne to !race my lord

    .nd musk to enhance the chase, my lord,

     ouAll da;;le the !irl until

    She bows to your e(ery will)

     JD': That may well be so)

    6They ha(e reached the JD' As house8

    B'.DL': "ell, here we are, sir) > bid you !ood day)

     JD': ood day)

    .nd where is this miraculous barber5

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    B'.DL': >n Fleet Street, sir)

     JD': #erhaps you may be ri!ht) Take me to him)

    6They start oE) Li!ht up on J3.22. As room) J3.22. and .2T32 !et upfrom a couch8


     The name is T3DD )))


     Todd, eh5


    "eAd best not wait until Monday


    Sir, > concur,

    .nd fully, too)


    Sweeney T3DD)


    >t isnAt ri!ht)

    "eAd best be married on Sunday)


    Saturday, sir,

    "ould also do)


    3r else toni!ht)

    6The JD' and the B'.DL' mo(e past the house8


    > think > heard a noise)


    Fear not)


    > mean another noise<


    Like what5


    3h, ne(er mind,

     Just a noise

     Just another noise,

    Somethin! in the street,

    >Am a silly little

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    2innynoddle C


     ou mustnAt mind,

    >tAs a noise,

     Just another noise,

    Somethin! in the street,

     ou silly C

    B3T 6Fallin! into each otherAs arms8:

    Iiss me<


    3h, sir)))


    "eAll !o to #aris on Monday)


    "hat shall > wear5

    > darenAt pack<


    "eAll ride a train )))


    "ith you beside me on Sunday,

    "hat will > care

    "hat thin!s > lack5


     Then sail to Spain )))


    >All take my reticule)

    > need my reticule)

     ou mustnAt think

    Me a fool

    But my reticule

    2e(er lea(es my side,

    >tAs the only thin!

    My mother !a(e me C

    Iiss me<

    Iiss me<

    "eAll !o there,

    Iiss me<

    "e ha(e a place where we can

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    "hy take your reticule5

    "eAll buy a reticule)

    >Ad ne(er think

     ou a fool,

    But a reticule C

    Lea(e it all aside

    .nd be!in a!ain and

    Iiss me<

    > know a place where we can !o


    Iiss me<

    "e ha(e a place where we can

    o)))o toni!ht)

    B'.DL' 6Simultaneously with the abo(e8: The name is Todd)




     Todd) Sweeney Todd)


     Todd )))




    > lo(ed you

    '(en as > saw you,

    '(en as it did not

    Matter that > did

    2ot know your name





    > lo(ed you

    '(en as > saw you,

    '(en as it does not

    Matter that > still

    DonAt know your name, sir,

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    '(en as > saw you,

    '(en as it does not

    Matter that > still

    DonAt know your name ) ))

    B'.DL' 6Simultaneously with abo(e8: Todd ) ) ) Sweeney Todd)

     JD' and B'.DL':

    Sweeney Todd)

    .2T32: .nthony ) ) )

     JD': Todd ) ) )

    B'.DL': T3DD)

     J3.22.: .2T32 ) ) )

     JD': T3DD, eh5

     J3.22. .2T32:

    >All marry .2T32 Sunday, ou marry .2T32 Sunday, ThatAs what >All do) ThatAs what youAll do,

    2o matter what< 2o matter what<

    > knew youAd come for me > knew >Ad come for you one day, one day

    3nly afraid that youAd for!ot) 3nly afraid that youAd for!ot)

    B'.DL' 6Simultaneously with abo(e8:

    Ladies in their sensiti(ities, my lord )))


    #ray lead the way)


    a(e a fra!ile sensibility )))


     Just as you say)


    > feared youAd ne(er come,

     That youAd been called away,

     That youAd been killed,

    ad the pla!ue,

    "ere in debtorAs ail,

     Trampled by a horse,

    one to sea a!ain,

    .rrested by the )))


    Marry me, marry me, miss, ouAll marry me Sunday) Fa(or me, fa(or me

    "ith your hand) #romise,

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    Marry me, marry me, That youAll marry me C 'nou!h of all this )))

    6e crushes her to himG they kiss8

    B'.DL' 6Simultaneously with abo(e8:

    "hen a !irlAs emer!ent,

    #robably itAs ur!ent) ))

    Ladies in their sensiti(ities )) )


     Todd )))

     J3.22. 6.s she sinks to the =oor with .2T328 :

    3h, sir )))


    .h, miss ) ) )


    3h, sir)))

    3h, sir )))

    3h, sir )))

    3h, sir )))

    3h, sir )))

    3h, sir )))


    .h, miss )))

    .h, miss ) ) )

    .h, miss )))

    .h, miss )))

    .h, miss ) ) )

    6Li!ht lea(es them, comes up on the pie-shop-tonsorial parlor) pstairs, T3DDis silently cleanin! his ra;or) >n the shop, M4S) L3H'TT and T3B>.S unfree;efrom the position in which they were last seen8

    M4S) L3H'TT: Maybe you should run alon!, dear)

     T3B>.S: 3h no, maAam, > darenAt bud!e till he calls for me)

    M4S) L3H'TT: >All pop up and see what Mr) T3DD says) 6ummin!, M4S) L3H'TTstarts climbin! the stairs) .s she enters the parlor8 .h me, my poor knees is

    not what they was, dear) 6She sits down on the chest8 ow lon! before the'yetalian !ets back5

     T3DD 6Still impassi(ely cleanin! the ra;or8: e wonAt be back)

    M4S) L3H'TT: 2ow, Mr) T), you didnAt< 6T3DD nods toward the chest) 4eali;in!,M4S) L3H'TT umps up) For a moment she stands lookin! at the chest, then,!in!erly, she lifts the lid) She !a;es down, then spins to Todd8 ouAre cra;ymad< Iillin! a man wot done you no harm5 .nd the boy downstairs5

     T3DD: e reco!ni;ed me from the old days) e tried to blackmail me, half myearnin!s fore(er)

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    M4S) L3H'TT: 3h well, thatAs a diEerent matter< "hat a relief, dear< For amoment > thou!ht youAd lost your marbles) 6Turns to peer down a!ain into thechest8 3oh< .ll that blood< 'nou!h to make you come all o(er !oose=esh, ainAtit) #oor bu!!er) 3h, well< 6She starts to close the lid, sees somethin!, bends topick it up) >t is #irelli As purse) She looks in it8 Three @uid< "ell, waste not, wantnot, as > always say) 6She takes out the money and puts it down her bosom) She

    is about to throw the purse away when somethin! about it attracts her) Sheslips it too down her dress) She shuts the chest lid and, @uite composed a!ain,sits down on it8 2ow, dear, we !ot to use the old no!!in) 6.s she sits deep inthou!ht, we see the JD' and B'.DL' comin! up the street8

    B'.DL': There you are, sir) .bo(e the pie-shop, sir)

     JD': > see) ou may lea(e me now)

    B'.DL': Thank you, sir) Thank you) 6e starts oE as the JD' approaches theparlor8

    M4S) L3H'TT 69omin! out of her ponderin!8: "ell, rst thereAs the lad)

     T3DD: Send him up here)

    M4S) L3H'TT: im, too< 2ow surely oneAs enou!h for today, dear) ShouldnAtindul!e yourself, you know) 2ow let me see, heAs half seas o(er already withthe !in ) ) 6.s she speaks, downstairs the JD' clan!s the bell) T3DD runs tothe landin! and peers down the stairs) The B'.DL' is still (isible, e1itin!8

     T3DD: #ro(idence is kind<

    M4S) L3H'TT: "ho is it5

     T3DD: Jud!e Turpin)

    M4S) L3H'TT 6Flustered8: im, him5 The Jud!e5 >t canAt be< >tC

     T3DD: ?uick, lea(e me<

    M4S) L3H'TT: "hat are you !oin! to do5

     T3DD: Lea(e me, > said<

    M4S) L3H'TT: DonAt worry, dear) >Am C out< 6She scuttles out of the tonsorialparlor and starts down the stairs as the JD' ascends) They meet halfway)She !i(es him a deep curtsy8 '1cuse me, your Lordship) 6She hurries back to

     T3B>.S in the shop8

     JD': Mr) T3DD5

     T3DD: .t your ser(ice, sir) .n honor to recei(e your patrona!e, sir)

    M4S) L3H'TT 6To T3B>.S8 : 2ow, dear, seems like your !u(nor has !one andleft you hi!h and dry) But donAt worry) our .unt 2ellie will think of what to dowith you) 6#icks up the bottle of !in and pours some more into his !lass) Stillholdin! the bottle, she leads him toward the curtains8 9ome on into my lo(elyback parlor) 6They disappear throu!h the curtain8

     JD': These premises are hardly prepossessin! and yet the B'.DL' tells meyou are the most accomplished of all the barbers in the city)

     T3DD: That is !racious of him, sir) .nd you must please e1cuse the modesty ofmy establishment) >tAs only a few days a!o that > set up @uarters here andsome necessaries are yet to come)Sit, sir, if you please, sir) Sit) 6The JD'settles into the chairG music under as Mrs) Lo(ett, still holdin! the !in bottle,enters her back parlor with T3B>.S8

    M4S) L3H'TT: See how nice and co;y it is5 Sit down, dear, sit) 6She starts topour him more !in8 3h, itAs empty) 2ow you ust sit there, dear, like a !ood@uiet boy while > !et a new bottle from the larder) 6She lea(es him alone8

     T3DD: .nd what may > do for you, sir5 . stylish trimmin! of the hair5 .

    soothin! skin massa!e5

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     ou see, sir, a man infatuate with lo(e,

    er ardent and ea!er sla(e)

    So fetch the pomade and pumice stone

    .nd lend me a more seducti(e tone,

    . sprinklin! perhaps of French colo!ne,

    But rst, sir, > think C a sha(e)

     T3DD: The closest > e(er !a(e)

    6e whips the sheet o(er the JD', then tucks the bib in) The JD' hums,=ickin! ima!inary dust oE the sheetG T3DD whistles !aily8

     JD': ou are in a merry mood today, Mr) T3DD)

     T3DD 6Sin!s, mi1in! lather8: ATis your deli!ht, sir, catchin! re From one manto the ne1t)


    ATis true, sir, lo(e can still inspire

     The blood to pound, the heart leap hi!her)


    "hat more, what more can man re@uire C


     Than lo(e, sir5


    More than lo(e, sir)


    "hat, sir5




    .h yes, women)

     T3DD: #retty women)

    6The JD' hums auntilyG T3DD whistles and starts stroppin! his ra;orrhythmically) e then lathers the JD'As face) Still whistlin!, he stands back tosur(ey the JD', who is now totally rela1ed, eyes closed) e picks up thera;or and sin!s to it8

    2ow then, my friend) 2ow to your purpose) #atience, enoy it)

    4e(en!e canAt be taken in haste)

     JD' 63pens his eyes8:

    Make haste, and if we wed,

     ouAll be commended, sir)

     T3DD 6bows8: My lord ) ) )

    6oes to him8

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    .nd who, may it be said, >s your intended, sir5

     JD': My ward)

    6T3DD free;esG the JD' closes his eyes, settles comfortably, speaks8 .ndpretty as a rosebud)

     T3DD: .s pretty as her mother5

     JD': "hat5 "hat was that5

    6.s the music reaches a shrill crescendo, T3DD is slowly brin!in! the ra;ortoward the JD' As throat when suddenly the JD' opens his eyes and startsto twist around in curiosity8

     T3DD: 3h, nothin!, sir) 2othin!) May we proceed5 6Starts to sha(e the JD',sin!s8 #retty women ) ) )

    Fascinatin!) ))

    Sippin! coEee, Dancin!)) ) #retty women .re a wonder) #retty women)

    Sittin! in the window or Standin! on the stair, Somethin! in them 9heers theair)

    #retty women ) ) )




    Stay within you )) )




    Stay fore(er )) )


    Breathin! li!htly ) ) )


    #retty women )))


    #retty women<

    Blowin! out their candles or

    9ombin! out their hair )))


     Then they lea(e )))

    '(en when they lea(e you

    .nd (anish, they somehow

    9an still remain

     There with you,

     There with you)


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    #retty women )))


    .t their mirrors ) ))


    >n their !ardens ) ) )


    Letter-writin! ) ) )


    Flower-pickin! ) ) )


    "eather-watchin!) ) )


    ow they make a man sin!<


    '(en when they lea(e,

     They still



     TheyAre there)

    #roof of hea(en

    .s youAre li(in! C

    #retty women, sir<

     JD' T3DD: #retty women, hereAs to #retty women, all the #retty women )))

    #retty women, yes< #retty women, sir< #retty women<

    #retty women, sir<

    6T3DD raises his arm in a hu!e arc and is about to slice the ra;or across the JD' As

    throat when .2T32 bursts in8


    She says sheAll marry me Sunday,

    '(erythin!As set, we lea(e toni!ht C <

     JD' 6Jumpin! up, spillin! the basin and knockin! the ra;or from T3DDAshand8: ou<

    .2T32: Jud!e Turpin<

     JD': There is indeed a i!her #ower to warn me thus in time) 6.s .2T32retreats, he umps on him and !rabs him by the arm8 Johanna elope with you5Decei(in! slut C >All lock her up in some obscure retreat where neither you norany other (ile, corruptin! youth shall e(er lay eyes on her a!ain)

    .2T32 6Shakin! himself free8: But, sir, > be! of you C

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     JD' 6To T3DD8 : .nd as for you, barber, it is all too clear what company youkeep) Ser(ice them well and hold their custom C for youAll ha(e none of mine)6e strides out and down the stairs8

    .2T32: Mr) T3DD<

     T3DD: 3ut< 3ut, > say< 6Bewildered, .2T32 lea(es) Music be!ins under, (erya!itated) T3DD stands motionless, in shock) .s the JD' hurries oE down thestreet, M4S) L3H'TT, with a new bottle of !in in her hand, sees him) She!lances after him, then !oes into the back parlor where T3B>.S is now asleep)She looks at him, puts down the bottle and hurries out and up the stairs to


    M4S) L3H'TT: .ll this runnin! and shoutin!) "hat is it now, dear5

     T3DD: > had him C and then )))

    M4S) L3H'TT: The sailor busted in) > saw them both runnin! down the streetand > said to myself: 7The fatAs in the re, for surenterruptin!, sin!s8:

    > had him<

    is throat was bare

    Beneath my hand C <

    M4S) L3H'TT: There, there, dear) DonAt fret)


    2o, > had him<is throat was there,

    .nd heAll ne(er come a!ain<

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    'asy now)

    ush, lo(e, hush)

    > keep tellin! you C



    M4S) L3H'TT:

    "hatAs your rush5


    "hy did > wait5 ou told me to wait<

    2ow heAll ne(er come a!ain< ThereAs a hole in the world Like a !reat black pit

    .nd itAs lled with people "ho are lled with shit .nd the (ermin of the world>nhabit it C

    But not for lon!<

     They all deser(e to die< Tell you why, Mrs) Lo(ett, Tell you why:

    Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs) Lo(ett, There are two kinds ofmen and only two)

     ThereAs the one stayin! put >n his proper place

    .nd the one with his foot >n the other oneAs face C Look at me, Mrs) Lo(ett,Look at you

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    2o, we all deser(e to die< Tell you why, Mrs) Lo(ett, Tell you why:

    Because the li(es of the wicked should be C Made brief)

    For the rest of us, death "ill be a reliefC

    "e all deser(e to die< .nd >All ne(er see Johanna,

    2o, >All ne(er hu! my !irl to me C


    6Turns on the audience8 .ll ri!ht< ou, sir, ow about a sha(e5 9ome and (isit

     our !ood friend Sweeney C < ou, sir, too, sir C

    "elcome to the !ra(e< > will ha(e (en!eance, > will ha(e sal(ation<

    "ho, sir5 ou, sir5

    2o oneAs in the chair C 9ome on, come on, SweeneyAs waitin!<

    > want you bleeders< ou, sir C anybody<

    entlemen, now donAt be shy< 2ot one man, no,

    2or ten men, 2or a hundred

    9an assua!e me C > will ha(e you<

    6To M4S) L3H'TT8 .nd > will !et him back '(en as he !loats)

    >n the meantime >All practice 3n less honorable throats) .nd my Lucy lies in


    .nd >All ne(er see my !irl a!ain, But the work waits,

    >Am ali(e at last .nd >Am full of oy<

    6e drops down into the barberAs chair in a sweat, pantin!8

    M4S) L3H'TT 6"ho has been watchin! him intently8: ThatAs all (ery well, but allthat matters now is him< 6She points to the chest) T3DD still sits motionless)She !oes to him, peers at him8 Listen< Do you hear me5 9an you hear me5 etcontrol of yourself) 6She slaps his cheek) .fter a lon! pause, T3DD, still in ahalf-dream, !ets to his feet8 "hat are we !oin! to do about him5 .nd thereAs

    the lad downstairs) "eAd better !o and ha(e a look and be sure heAs still there)"hen > left him he was sound asleep in the parlor) 6She starts downstairs89omeon< 6T3DD follows) She disappears into the back parlor and re- emer!es8 2oproblem there) eAs still sleepin!) eAs simple as a baby lamb) Later > can fobhim oE with some story easy) But him< 6>ndicatin! the tonsorial parlor abo(e8

    "hat are we !oin! to do with him5

     T3DD: Later on, when itAs dark, weAll take him to some secret place and buryhim)

    M4S) L3H'TT: "ell, of course, we could do that) > donAt suppose thereAs anyrelati(es !oin! to come pokin! around lookin! for him) But)) )

     ou know me) Sometimes ideas ust pop into me head and > keep thinkin! ) ))

    Seems a downri!ht shame ) ) )

     T3DD: Shame5

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    Seems an awful waste )) )

    Such a nice plump frame


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    ad ) ))


    2or it canAt be traced)

    Business needs a lift C

    Debts to be erased C

     Think of it as thrift,

    .s a !ift)))

    >f you !et my drift)) )


    Seems an awful waste)

    > mean,

    "ith the price of meat what it is,

    "hen you !et it,

    >f you !et itC

     T3DD 6Becomin! aware, chucklin!8: .h<

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    ood, you !ot it)

     Take, for instance,

    Mrs) Mooney and her pie shop)

    Business ne(er better, usin! only

    #ussycats and toast)

    .nd a pussyAs !ood for maybe si1 or

    Se(en at the most)

    .nd >Am sure they canAt compare

    .s far as taste C


    M4S) L3H'TT,

    "hat a charmin! notion,

    'minently practical and yet

    .ppropriate, as always)

    Mrs) Lo(ett

    ow >A(e li(ed without you

    .ll these years >All ne(er know<

    ow delectable<

    .lso undetectable)

    ow choice<

    ow rare

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    M4S) L3H'TT:

    "ell, it does seem a

    "aste )))

    >tAs an idea )))

     Think about it)))

    Lots of other !entlemenAll

    Soon be comin! for a sha(e

    "onAt they5

     Think of 

    .ll them



    For whatAs the sound of the world out there5

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    "hat, Mr) Todd,

    "hat, Mr) Todd,

    "hat is that sound5


     Those crunchin! noises per(adin! the air5

    M4S) L3H'TT:

     es, Mr) Todd,

     es, Mr) Todd,

     es, all around C


    >tAs man de(ourin! man, my dear, .nd who are we

     To deny it in here5

    M4S) L3H'TT:

     Then who are we

     To deny it in here5

     T3DD: These are desperate times, Mrs) Lo(ett, and desperate measures arecalled for) 6She !oes to the counter and comes back with an ima!inary pie8

    M4S) L3H'TT: ere we are, hot from the o(en)6She holds it out to him8


    "hat is that5

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    >tAs priest)

    a(e a little priest)


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    >s it really !ood5

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    Sir, itAs too !ood,

    .t least)

     Then a!ain, they donAt commit sins of the =esh,

    So itAs pretty fresh)


    .wful lot of fat)

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    3nly where it sat)


    a(enAt you !ot poet

    3r somethin! like that5

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    2o, you see the trouble with poet

    >s, how do you know itAs


     Try the priest)

     T3DD: ea(enly) 2ot as hearty as bishop, perhaps, but not as bland as curate,either)

    M4S) L3H'TT: .nd !ood for business C always lea(es you wantin! more) Trouble is, we only !et it in Sundays ) ) ) 6T3DD chuckles) M4S) L3H'TT presentsanother ima!inary pie8 LawyerAs rather nice)


    >f itAs for a price)

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    3rder somethin! else, thou!h, to follow, Since no one should swallow

    >t twice)


    .nythin! thatAs lean)

    M4S) L3H'TT:

    "ell, then, if youAre British and loyal, ou mi!ht enoy 4oyal


    .nyway, itAs clean)