SWACHH BHARAT MISSION(GRAMIN)swachhsangraha.gov.in/sites/default/files/Report of...


Transcript of SWACHH BHARAT MISSION(GRAMIN)swachhsangraha.gov.in/sites/default/files/Report of...






Organised by: Swachh Bharat Mission(Gramin)

Department of Panchayatiraj, U.P

Supported by: UNICEF, U.P, Lucknow





Swachh Bharat Mission(Gramin) organised a 2 days workshop with its Development partners for developing

strategy of ODF Sustainability. UNICEF, UP supported for organising this workshop under the leadership of

Mission Director, SBM(G). It was organised in Hotel Lineage, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow from 8th to 9th May


Participants: 52 (including RPs)

DD, SBM(G), DD (Panchayat), WASH Specialist/Officers of UNICEF, Delhi & Lucknow, State officials of World

Bank, Water Aid, WSSCC, National level Resource persons, state representatives of PLAN India International,

Save the Children, Aga Khan Foundation, GEAG, World Vision, SARTHAK, State SBM(G) Consultants, YP and

IED/UNICEF Consultants. The workshop was chaired by Mission Director, SBM(G). Participants list at


Objective of the workshop:

The major objectives of the workshop are;

Building consensus among the SBM(G) team and partners about essential tools of ODF-S

Developing a roadmap for implementation of ODF-S

Finalizing training module of SLWM and ODF-S Framework

Day wise session summary

Day-1 (8th May 2019)

Session-1: Welcome address, participants introduction & objective sharing

On the opening day, the Deputy Director(P) & Nodal Officer, SBM(G), Sri Yogendra Katiyar extended a warm

welcome to all the participants and expressed that it is a matter of satisfaction that all Development

partners come together to discuss and develop strategy of ODF Sustainability for the state and roadmap for

its implementation. It is desired that soon after election, the state will take all initiatives to expedite ODF-S

process. The workshop was inaugurated by the dignitaries by lighting the lamp. In the concluding of the

session, participants including resource persons shared their introduction.



Session- 2: Presentation by WASH Specialist, UNICEF, Mr. Chiranjibi Tiwari on Emerging issues and visions

for sustaining ODF UP

He appreciated the effort of SBM(G), Govt. Of UP for achieving the task of achieving the state ODF status. But

the challenge is what next. The major points of his discussion was:

How to sustain what have been


SLWM- key to sustain ODF

Areas to harmonize the efforts & move


ODF-S is more difficult than ODF. Single

technology adopted for toilet

construction, incentive for toilet fixed

@ Rs. 12,000/-, CLTS & BCC tools

effectively used for community

mobilization, strong leadership by DM

For SLWM, solutions for all villages won’t be similar, hardware cost, estimates, design may

be different. Plans to be approved by competent authority, institutional structure is

different- so it’s a complex process.

SLWM is not merely about construction rather it is about proper management and behavior


For effective management- agreement on framework, preparation & use of toolkit, massive

capacity building etc. required.

Other aspects of ODF-S like MHM, water security & safety, retrofitting, IEC/SBCC, proper

planning and delivery mechanism needs to be strengthened.

Session-3: Inaugural address by Mission Director, SBM(G), Mr. Akash Deep (IAS)

In the inaugural address, the Mission Director expressed that SLWM comprises a chain of things like-

segregation of waste at source, its collection &

transportation, treatment, recycle, reuse and disposal of

rejects. It is a complex process and don’t cater single

solution. But the State’s priority is to adopt a simple, low

cost and feasible approach for its planning &


He gave a nice expansion of SLWM as: Simplified Low

Cost Working Mechanism. In his view, while planning for

SLWM, the economics of it must also be considered.

SBCC is one of the important factors for the success of

SLWM. In that context, he cited the example of SLWM project of Varanasi which does not seem very

successful. The major reasons may be due to involvement of more capital expenditure and less

community participation & ownership. Operation & Maintenance of created assets is one of the

important aspects of SLWM and it is not possible without strong community participation. But it is

learning and we must learn from failures not to repeat it and move forward. There should be a

common framework for all Development Partners and co-ordination among each other for effective

implementation of SLWM.



Session-4: Presentation by DD(P) & Nodal Officer, SBM(G), Mr. Yogendra Katiyar on objective

Sharing and State’s perspective on ODF-S & Roadmap

The DD(P) in his presentation shared the objectives of the workshop and the components of ODF-S.

He clearly explained major points of ODF-S Planning and activities to be undertaken by State mission

like: strengthening of Swachhagrahis & Nigrani

Samities, promoting School & AWC Sanitation, MHM,

provision of safe drinking water by PWS, SLWM,

plantation & CSC. There are certain challenges for

achieving it like: absence of guidelines of retrofitting,

construction of toilet by own resource, O&M of CSC,

paucity of fund as per requirement and ensuring

continuous engagement of community/trained

resources for ODF-S. To address such challenges,

support of Development partners is required in the

following aspects like:

Framing of guidelines for retrofitting

Developing Model SLWM projects for scaling


Capacity building of Human Resources

Literature development for MHM and C.B

Organising Exposure visits on successful projects

Documentation of best practices for replication

Session-5 : Presentation by Mr. Sujoy Majumadar, WASH Specialist, UNICEF Delhi on National

perspective on ODF-S

In the presentation, he focussed on the perspective of MoDWS i.e. Capacity enhancement initiative

for PRIs. He expressed that GoI is now taking initiatives for involving the PRI members in ODF-S so

their capacity building is crucial. Development of roadmap for their C.B is under process. Their

service will be utilized not only for sanitation but also for promoting water safety and security. The

idea is to transforming villages into- Swachh & Sujal


He explained the concept of ODF+ = ODF-S+


ODF-S comprises of: # Sustained use of toilets

# Retrofitting

# New HHs to be covered

# O&M of toilets including institutional &

public places


# Faecal Sludge Management

# Bio-waste Management

# Grey Water Management

# Plastic Waste Management



Session-6: Presentation by State representative, Water Aid, Ms. Anjali Tripathy on Role of Water

Aid and its contribution

In her presentation she informed about the focus districts of W.A, activities taken so far and planning for 2019. Like:

Capacity building of DPRO/DPCs on ODF plus components and sustainability at state level

Training of core group at State level on MHM Workshop for CDOs at state level on SLWM

and MHM Exposure visit to model developed in Lucknow Capacity building support of district level team Retrofitting GAPs mapping in direct /focused

GPs Construction support of PWD toilets in villages

She shared about some model initiatives taken on SLWM by Water Aid in Lalpur village of Mohanlalganj block of Lucknow.

Session-7: Presentation by Mr. Arun Dobhal, Senior W&S Specialist, World Bank and Mr. Rahul

Mallik, Associate Director, PWC on Training module of SLWM & FSM

Mr. Dobhal shared that World Bank is

providing technical support in UP for

preparation of state specific strategy for

rural waste management. In its strategy,

waste is considered as a resource and its

scientific management will result into

multiple benefits to individuals at

community. The new term introduced in this

context is SLRFSM.

World Bank has designed the 5 days module

of SLRFSM for C.B of Master Trainers. Mr.

Rahul discussed the day wise session plan including M-water App, suggested activities to be

taken up at GP level etc. He also shared extracts of some field experience and suggestive action

points. It is agreed that the session plan will be discussed in groups and to be finalized.

Session-8: Presentation by National level Resource Person Mr. Nitya Jacob Strategy for

sustaining Sanitation in U.P

He has drafted the ODF-S Framework for UP supported by UNICEF. In his presentation he

discussed about definition of Sustainable sanitation, its objectives, challenges in sustaining ODF

status in UP, critical actions to be taken, major issues to be addressed, suggestive institutional

framework. He also shared the key focus areas for sustaining ODF status as- retrofitting,

IEC/SBCC, role of school, FSM and capacity building. The document drafted will be discussed in

groups and feedback/input to be taken from participants to improve upon.



Session-9: Presentation by Mr. Mahim Kumar, State SLWM Consultant, SBM(G) on Approach

for Solid & Liquid Waste Management in the state

In the presentation he discussed on objective and institutional framework as well as major

challenges encountered for planning and implementation of SLWM in the state. However the

main focus of his discussion is different technology options (Nadep, vermi composting, pipe

composting, soakpit, pond stabilization, bio-gas etc.) of SLWM which is low cost, easy to

implement, feasible and require less technical knowledge to implement. He stressed that simple

and traditional ways of managing solid & liquid waste should be adopted in the villages and

emphasis to be given for reducing the waste at source and its reusing as far as possible.

Session-10- Presentation by Ms. Madhurima Sangma, National RAL Consultant, WSSCC on

intervention made so far & way forward

In the presentation she shared that the

major focus of WSSCC will be on capacity

building of different stakeholders

including PRIs, Pump Operators &

Swachhagrahis. She informed the house

that preparation of ToT manual &

triggering tool for SLWM is under process,

Master trainers to be developed at state

& district level to train Swachhagrahis for

behaviour change.

Session- 11- Presentation by Mr. Pramod Dabarase, Director, CSEDI & Resource Person

Mr. Pramod, National level Consultant, supported by UNICEF has drafted process guidelines for

developing GP SLWM Plan for the state. In his presentation, he discussed about steps of SLWM

Plan, Key elements of GP plan, timeline, necessary conditions for inter-departmental co-

ordination and template for 5 year Model SLWM Action plan. The document prepare will be

discussed in group and feedback/input of members and participants will be incorporated before

its finalization.

Session-12- After all the presentations, the participants were divided into 5 groups to discuss

about key identified 5 areas/topics. The

5 topics of discussion are as follows:

I. ODF Sustainability Framework

II. IEC/SBCC Strategy for ODF-S

III. 5 year GP level SLWM action Plan

IV. Retrofitting

V. 5 days Training Module on SLRM & FSM

The day concluded with group discussion by

participants on above topics.



Day-2 (9th May 2019)

Session:1- Presentation by Mr. Bhai Shelly, C4D Specialist, UNICEF on Strategy Guidelines for SBCC in SLWM

In his presentation he discussed about the major barriers and motivators for implementing SLWM, what will

be the communication strategy at individual, community and policy level, communication approaches, media

vehicles, preparation of SBCC plan & its implementation and monitoring indicators to measure the impact.

Session-2 : Group Presentations

In the second session, all the 5 groups discussed in details about the topics assigned to them and

presented the group findings in the presence of MD & DD. Inputs of the participants are also taken

by the groups for incorporation. Some clicks of the group work & presentations are as follows:

Mr. Sunil Giri of PWC/W.B presented on ODF Sustainability, key challenges, field observations and factors affecting ODF-S in the state.

The case of Bhawpur GP of Rajpur block of Ghaziabad district was presented by Mr. Vasu S. Misra & Mr. Janmejoy Kumar where some initiatives of SLWM initiated.

Ms. Madhushree Pandey, Head, SARTHAK presented on accelerating MHM & WASH in school outcomes in UP. She shared the successful implementation of GARIMA project based on MHM in the state. SARTHAK is supporting MHM in 9 districts of the state supported by UNICEF viz. Shravasti, Gonda, Balrampur, Bahraich, Ghaziabad, Bulandsaher, Sonebhadra, Bhadohi & Mirzapur and the future roadmap for its promotion.

It is also shared in the house that 28th May is the World MHM Day and it is planned to organize a state level event on that day.

In the closing session, it is agreed that UNICEF(sl. II & IV) , World Bank(Sl. I &V) & Water Aid (Sl. III)

will work on the 5 documents/guidelines/topics incorporating the feedback/inputs of members

presented during group work and submit to SBM(G) within a time frame for further action. Mission

Director appreciated the effort put by all the Development partners for providing support and taking

forward ODF-S including SLWM. The workshop concluded with vote of thanks by DD to Chairman &

all participants.