SV40 HETEROKARYONS TRANSFORMED Cellskaryon, as well as in the BSCnuclei, and that reactivation does...

PRODUCTION OF SV40 VIRUS IN HETEROKARYONS OF TRANSFORMED AND SUSCEPTIBLE CELLS* By J. F. WATKINSt AND RENATO DULBECCO THE SALK INSTITUTE FOR BIOLOGICAL STUDIES, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Communicated August 7, 1967 Cells transformed by DNTA viruses do not produce progeny of the virus that caused the transformation. However, Gerber' and Sabin and Koch2 found that small amounts of SV40 virus are produced if SV40-transformed cells are grown to- gether with cells able to support SV40 multiplication. A clue to the possible mech- anism of this activation was provided by Gerber3 and by Koprowski and Jensen,4 who observed that more virus is produced if UV-inactivated Sendai virus is added to the cell mixture. The inactivated Sendai virus promotes cell fusion;5 it is possible, therefore, that SV40 virus is produced by heterokaryons resulting from fusion of transformed cells with virus-susceptible cells. This article will give evidence in support of this hypothesis, and describe some of the characteristics of reactivation. Materials and Methods.-Cell cultures: A line of SV40-transformed cells (SV3T3) derived from 3T36 cells was supplied by Dr. H. Green. It has been maintained for over a year in this laboratory by weekly transfer of about 104 cells in a reinforced Eagle's medium7 with 10% calf serum (EC medium). Five other transformed lines, also from SV40-infected 3T3 cells, were produced by Dr. Marguerite Vogt in this laboratory. The SV40-susceptible line, BSC1, derived from African green motkey kidney cells (referred to as BSC), was maintained in reinforced Eagle's medium with 10% fetal bovine serum, and 10% tryptose phosphate (EFT medium). Cells transformed by polyoma virus included a line of transformed 3T3 cells, a line of 3T3 cells doubly transformed with SV40 and polyoma virus (both supplied by Dr. H. Green), and a line of BHK8 cells transformed by polyoma virus (Py 19). Cell fusion: A modified version of the method described by Harris and Watkins' was used. Cells were diluted in Earle's saline9 at 40C. 0.5 ml of each cell suspension was placed in a 3 in. X 1/2 in. test tube, and 1.0 ml of ultraviolet-inactivated Sendai virus (UVSeV), containing 400 hemagglutinating units, was added. The tube was stoppered and gently tilted horizontally until clumping of cells seemed maximal. It was then incubated in a 370 water bath, without further agitation, for 15 min. After gentle resuspensions of cells, 1.0 ml of the mixture was added to 5 ml of EFT medium in each of two 50-mm plastic Petri dishes, one of which usually contained several circular glass coverslips 11 mm in diameter. The dishes were incubated at 370 in a C02- flushed incubator. The medium was changed after 24 hr incubation. Virus titration: Cells and medium were frozen and thawed three times. After centrifugation, 0.1 ml of supernatant was titrated by plaque formation on monolayers of BSC cells in 50-mm Petri dishes.10 Virus yield was expressed in plaque-forming units (PFU). Mixed immune hemadsorption" was carried out with a rabbit antiserum prepared against Ehrlich ascites tumor cells.'2 At a dilution of 10-4 this serum produced hemadsorption on all SV3T3 and 3T3 cells, and on no BSC cells. Staining of coverslips: Coverslips were fixed in methyl alcohol, stained in 1: 10 Giemsa at pH 6.7, dehydrated in acetone, cleared in xylene, and mounted in "Permount" (Fisher Scientific Co., New York). Preparation of clonal cultures of SV3TS cells: Sterile glass coverslips were broken into pieces a few millimeters across in 50-mm plastic Petri dishes. Five ml of EC medium containing about 500 cells was placed in the dish. After incubation for 18 hr at 370, the coverslip segments were examined microscopically, and fragments bearing a single cell were transferred to separate Petri dishes (30-mm diameter), each containing 2 ml of EC medium. After 7 days' incubation at 370 in a CO-flushed incubator, fragments bearing colonies of SV3T3 cells were transferred to a drop (0.05 ml) of 0.15% trypsin in a separate Petri dish for each fragment, and placed at 370 for 15 min. 1396 Downloaded by guest on June 3, 2021

Transcript of SV40 HETEROKARYONS TRANSFORMED Cellskaryon, as well as in the BSCnuclei, and that reactivation does...




    Communicated August 7, 1967

    Cells transformed by DNTA viruses do not produce progeny of the virus thatcaused the transformation. However, Gerber' and Sabin and Koch2 found thatsmall amounts of SV40 virus are produced if SV40-transformed cells are grown to-gether with cells able to support SV40 multiplication. A clue to the possible mech-anism of this activation was provided by Gerber3 and by Koprowski and Jensen,4who observed that more virus is produced if UV-inactivated Sendai virus is addedto the cell mixture. The inactivated Sendai virus promotes cell fusion;5 it ispossible, therefore, that SV40 virus is produced by heterokaryons resulting fromfusion of transformed cells with virus-susceptible cells.

    This article will give evidence in support of this hypothesis, and describe some ofthe characteristics of reactivation.

    Materials and Methods.-Cell cultures: A line of SV40-transformed cells (SV3T3) derived from3T36 cells was supplied by Dr. H. Green. It has been maintained for over a year in this laboratoryby weekly transfer of about 104 cells in a reinforced Eagle's medium7 with 10% calf serum (ECmedium). Five other transformed lines, also from SV40-infected 3T3 cells, were produced byDr. Marguerite Vogt in this laboratory. The SV40-susceptible line, BSC1, derived from Africangreen motkey kidney cells (referred to as BSC), was maintained in reinforced Eagle's mediumwith 10% fetal bovine serum, and 10% tryptose phosphate (EFT medium).

    Cells transformed by polyoma virus included a line of transformed 3T3 cells, a line of 3T3 cellsdoubly transformed with SV40 and polyoma virus (both supplied by Dr. H. Green), and a lineof BHK8 cells transformed by polyoma virus (Py 19).

    Cell fusion: A modified version of the method described by Harris and Watkins' was used.Cells were diluted in Earle's saline9 at 40C. 0.5 ml of each cell suspension was placed in a 3 in. X1/2 in. test tube, and 1.0 ml of ultraviolet-inactivated Sendai virus (UVSeV), containing 400hemagglutinating units, was added. The tube was stoppered and gently tilted horizontally untilclumping of cells seemed maximal. It was then incubated in a 370 water bath, without furtheragitation, for 15 min. After gentle resuspensions of cells, 1.0 ml of the mixture was added to 5ml of EFT medium in each of two 50-mm plastic Petri dishes, one of which usually containedseveral circular glass coverslips 11 mm in diameter. The dishes were incubated at 370 in a C02-flushed incubator. The medium was changed after 24 hr incubation.

    Virus titration: Cells and medium were frozen and thawed three times. After centrifugation,0.1 ml of supernatant was titrated by plaque formation on monolayers of BSC cells in 50-mmPetri dishes.10 Virus yield was expressed in plaque-forming units (PFU).Mixed immune hemadsorption" was carried out with a rabbit antiserum prepared against

    Ehrlich ascites tumor cells.'2 At a dilution of 10-4 this serum produced hemadsorption on allSV3T3 and 3T3 cells, and on no BSC cells.

    Staining of coverslips: Coverslips were fixed in methyl alcohol, stained in 1: 10 Giemsa at pH6.7, dehydrated in acetone, cleared in xylene, and mounted in "Permount" (Fisher Scientific Co.,New York).

    Preparation of clonal cultures of SV3TS cells: Sterile glass coverslips were broken into pieces afew millimeters across in 50-mm plastic Petri dishes. Five ml of EC medium containing about500 cells was placed in the dish. After incubation for 18 hr at 370, the coverslip segments wereexamined microscopically, and fragments bearing a single cell were transferred to separate Petridishes (30-mm diameter), each containing 2 ml of EC medium. After 7 days' incubation at 370in a CO-flushed incubator, fragments bearing colonies of SV3T3 cells were transferred to a drop(0.05 ml) of 0.15% trypsin in a separate Petri dish for each fragment, and placed at 370 for 15 min.





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    Two ml of EC medium was then added to each dish, and incubation was continued for 10 moredays, when the cells were trypsinized and used in fusion experiments or for further passage.

    Results.-Absence of SV40 infectivity in cell lines or Sendai virus preparation:No plaques were obtained on titration of the following materials: (a) supernatantsafter freezing and thawing up to 108 SV3T3 cells in 1.0 ml of EFT medium; (b)supernatants after freezing and thawing SV3T3 or BSC cells which had been treatedone week previously with UVSeV; (c) UVSeV ill Earle's saline at a concentration of40,000 HAU/ml.

    Production of virus after fusion of BSC and SV3T3 cells with UVSeV: After106 BSC and 107 SV3T3 cells were fused, 0.2 ml (i.e., one tenth) of the suspension wasplaced in each of eight Petri dishes with 5 ml of medium; one of the Petri dishescontained coverslips. Each day one dish was removed for titration of SV40 and acoverslip for cytological examination. As a control, a similar experiment was per-formed without UVSeV. Table 1 shows that SV40 was detected from two daysafter fusion, always in much larger amounts than in the mixture without UVSeV.The time course of virus production corresponded closely with that found in SV40-infected BSC cells. The rise of virus titer at the seventh day probably originatedfrom a second growth cycle for reasons given in a subsequent section. The re-covered virus was neutralized by SV40-specific antiserum.

    TABLE 1


    Days aftermixing cells 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    No Sendaivirus added


    FIG. 1.-BSC/SV'3T3 heterokaryon 4 days after fusion. M-Xouse surface antigen labeled witherythrocytes. The nucleus of the heterokaryon, formed by fusion of the original nuclei, showsa halo between the nuclear membrane and chromatin. An enlarged nucleolus is also present.Normal, unfused BSC cells are also ini the field.

    cases, cultures were infected after fusion. Other cultures were uninfected (Table2). In all cases, the fused cells were placed in coverslip-containing Petri disheswith 5 ml of fresh medium. Four days after fusion, two coverslips were removedand, before staining, mixed immune hemadsorption for mouse antigens was carriedout. Under these conditions, more than 99.3 per cent of all miultinucleated cellscontaining mouse surface antigens were heterokaryonis. On all preparations, theproportions of heterokaryons, homokaryons, and single BSC cells with "haloed"nuclei were determined. The results showed that haloed nuclei were seen inheterokaryons in all cases when the cultures were infected before or after fusion.They were not seen in BSC/3T3 heterokaryons or in single BSC cells, or in BSChomokaryons in any experiment unless the cultures had been infected after fusionwith SV4O. The perfect correlation between the haloed appearance of hetero-


    UnfusedInfection netero- Hetero- BSC homo- Homno- BSC cellswith SV40 karyons karyons karyons karyons with SV40

    Cells fused 24 hr after per with haloed per with haloed nuclearwith BSC cells fusion coverslip nuclei (% coverslip nuclei ()changes(%3T3 160 0 320 0 03T3 ± 113 51 177 43 483T3±+SV40* -218 9 732 0 0SV3T3 -262 10 608 0 0SV3T3 -137 7 330 0 0SV3T3 + 139 35 278 31 45

    * 3T3 cells infected before fusion.




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    karyon nuclei and infection with SV40 shows that in BSC/SV3T3 heterokaryonshaloed nuclei indicate SV40 development.The absence of changes in isolated BSC cells or in BSC/BSC homokaryons in the

    same culture in which the BSC/SV3T3 heterokaryons showed the characteristicnuclear alteration is strong evidence that SV40 was reactivated only in heterokary-ons. Reactivation occurred in 7-10 per cent of heterokaryons.Evidence of SV40 replication was seen in heterokaryons of all sizes. Most of

    these heterokaryons had undergone nuclear fusion but occasionally a binucleatedheterokaryon was seen, in which both nuclei showed the characteristic changes.This suggests that replication of SV40 can occur in the SV3T3 nuclei of a hetero-karyon, as well as in the BSC nuclei, and that reactivation does not require theformation of a hybrid nucleus. The latter point is confirmed by observations withfusion of BSC and preinfected 3T3 cells, when most infected heterokaryons hadseparate nuclei, all of which had haloes.

    Proportions of heterokaryons that produce SV40: Two types of experiment werecarried out. (1) Twenty-four hours after fusing BSC and SV3T3 cells, the culturewas trypsinized, the cells were seeded onto BSC monolayers and overlaid with agarto allow development of SV40 plaques. (2) SV3T3 and BSC cells were fused, andthe suspension was diluted by tenfold steps from 10-1 to 10-3. One ml of eachdilution, together with 2 X 105 untreated BSC cells, was placed in a 50-mm Petridish with 14 coverslips and 5 ml of EFT medium. After incubation for four hoursat 370, four coverslips were removed from each dish and stained to provide esti-mates of the average number of heterokaryons on each coverslip. Each of theremaining coverslips was placed in a separate 30-mm diameter Petri dish with 2 mlof EFT medium. The dishes were incubated, without being disturbed, for sevendays at 370, when all the coverslip cultures were stained with Giemsa stain. Micro-scopic examination showed that BSC cells with nuclear changes of SV40 infectionwere usually found in foci of between 10 and 50 contiguous cells. Occasionally amultinculeated cell with the nuclear changes of SV40 infection was seen in the centerof such a focus. Many multinucleated cells were not associated with foci of in-fected BSC cells. It is most likely that the foci represented the sites of reactiva-tion of SV40, since similar foci were seen in coverslip cultures of BSC cells infectedwith diluted SV40 and incubated for seven days. Some foci, however, may haveoriginated from secondary infection early in incubation, although the time courseof viral multiplication makes this unlikely. Therefore, counts of foci provide anupper limit for the proportions of heterokaryons yielding virus.Both experiments were carried out with either 105 SV3T3 and 106 BSC cells, or

    106 SV3T3 and 105 BSC cells. The populations of heterokaryons obtained in thetwo cases differed sharply in the predominant nuclear type. There were 15.8BSC and 1.4 SV3T3 nuclei per heterokaryon, as average in the former case, and2.0 BSC and 17.0 SV3T3 in the latter case.The results of experiment 1 indicated that between 0.1 and 10 per cent of

    heterokaryons, depending on the proportions of the two kinds of nuclei per hetero-karyon, were capable of giving rise to a plaque. Similar results were obtained inexperiment 2 (Table 3). These data agree with the results of cytological ob-servations (Table 2).SV4O production in heterokaryons made with cloned SV3T3 populations: BVen




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    Heterokaryons Foci of SV40-infected Foci per coverslipper coverslip BSC cells per coverslip as percentage of

    Population (mean of 4) (mean of 10 coverslips) heterokaryonsBSC 106/SV3T3 105 230 Uncountable (>23) >10

    35 7.2 (S.D. 1= 3.6) 207 1.0 (S.D. i 0.57) 141 0.1 (S.D. + 0.36) 10

    Mean 15BSC 105/SV3T3 106 480 3.9 (S.D. + 2.0) 0.8

    28 0.8 (S.D. + 0.42) 2.85 0.2 (S.D. i 0.42) 4.0

    Mean 2.5

    clones of SV3T3 cells were grown for approximately 20 generations. Then 101cells of each clone were fused with 106 BSC cells and incubated as usual. Afterfour days' incubation at 370, mixed immune hemadsorption was carried out oncoverslips from each fused clonal culture. The coverslips were stained and ex-amined. The cells in the second dish were assayed for SV40 after seven days'incubation. At the time of fusion, 104 cells of clone 3 were seeded into a dish.After seven days at 370 (about nine generations) ten samples of 105 cells from thisdish were each fused with 106 BSC cells, and then examined in the same way as thecells from separate clones. Table 4 shows that virus was produced by nine of the


    CLONED SV3T3 POPULATIONSYield of virus seven days after fusion

    Clone (PFU per Petri dish)1 9.0 X 10'2 4.5 X 1023 6.5X1054 1.8X1065 1.1 X 1066 6.3 X 1047*


    BSC cells, these clones all yielded SV40, between 2.5 X 104 and 2.5 X 106 PFU perculture.These results show that most or all SV3T3 cells contain at least one complete

    SV40 genome, and that its presence is not dependent on external reinfection.Generality of reactivation of viral genome by fusion of transformed cells with virus-

    susceptible cells: (a) Reactivation in other SV3T3 lines: With 105 cells of each offive lines of 3T3 cells, which had been independently transformed and carried forvarying times, were fused 106 BSC cells, and the yield of SV40 determined afterseven days' incubation. Infectious virus was obtained from all five lines in yieldsranging from 5 X 104 to 5 X 106. No SV40 was recovered from 107 unfused cellsof each line after freezing and thawing.

    (b) Failure to produce reactivation in lines transformed by polyoma virus: Nopolyoma virus was detected by plaque titration on mouse embryo cells after sevendays' incubation followed by freezing and thawing of polyoma-transformed 3T3cells fused with either secondary mouse embryo cells or 3T3 cells. Fusion of a lineof polyoma-transformed BHK cells (Py 19) with 3T3 cells also failed to induce theappearance of polyoma virus. In an experiment in which 3T3 cells doubly trans-formed with SV40 and polyoma virus were fused with BSC cells, SV40 was re-covered but not polyoma virus.Discussion.-3T3 cells transformed by SV40 do not produce infectious virus, but

    contain functioning viral genes; in fact, they synthesize virus-specific messengerRNA14 and proteins (such as the T antigen). We have shown that when thesecells are fused with BSC cells, which can support viral multiplication, infectiousvirus is produced in heterokaryons. This appears to be a general property ofSV40-transformed cells of 3T3 origin. Furthermore, the study of clones of SV3T3showed that most or all transformed cells contain the complete viral genome. Theseresults raise two main questions: that of the mechanism preventing the expressionof selected viral genes, and that of the state and location of the viral genome in thecells.The lack of expression could be attributed either to the presence in the trans-

    formed cells of a specific repressor of viral functions (either viral, as in lysogeny,or cellular), or to lack of a factor required for the expression of these functions.These hypotheses are better defined and somewhat circumscribed by the results re-ported in this article. The following observations are especially relevant. (1) Theability to produce virus is dominant over nonproduction. (2) Virus productionrequires cytoplasmic but not nuclear fusion, and can occur even in dikaryons.(3) Both SV3T3 and BSC nuclei show cytological signs of viral multiplication inthe heterokaryons. (4) The time course of virus production is similar to that ob-served in SV40-infected BSC cells. (5) 3T3 cells are unable to support SV40 multi-plication, but the hybrid of BSC and infected 3T3 will do so. Then virus de-velopment in the 3T3 nuclei is revealed cytologically.

    Since virus production is dominant, the BSC component of the heterokaryoncontributes a positive factor, such as (a) repressor-free areas in. which the SV40genome can be totally expressed, (b) ail antirepressor which neutralizes an SV3T3repressor, or (c) a factor lacking in SV3T3 cells.

    Considering the first point, it seems unlikely that a simple dilution of an SV3T3




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    repressor after heterokaryon formation could be responsible for the activation of thevirus genome, because small heterokaryons (with two nuclei) show SV40 activation.It seems also unlikely that, as in zygotic induction of lysogenic bacteria, SV40DNA becomes activated after passing from the SV3T3 part of the heterokaryon toa repressor-free space (for instance, a BSC nucleus), because virus-specific nuclearchanges can occur in the SV3T3 nuclei of the heterokaryons. It must also betaken into account that SV40-infected untransformed 3T3 cells are unable tosupport SV40 multiplication. Thus, the repressor should be either very potent orvery abundant, thus practically excluding hypothesis a.There are no elements for discriminating between hypotheses b and c. If BSC

    cells contribute to the heterokaryons a factor lacking in either SV3T3 or 3T3 cells,this factor is cytoplasmic, since virus-specific changes occur in SV3T3 nuclei ofheterokaryons without nuclear fusion. The factor could affect the translation ofviral genes, which, as with other nuclear DNA viruses,"5 is likely to occur in thecytoplasm. The factor could be, for instance, a tRNA which recognizes a ratetriplet; and the SV40 DNA could be viewed as carrying a mutation sensitive to asuppressor present in BSC but not in 3T3 or SV3T3 cells.The similarity between the time course of viral multiplication after heterokaryon

    formation and in SV40-infected BSC cells shows that in SV3T3 cells viral develop-ment is arrested at an early step. This deduction is in agreement with the ob-servation that in these cells the viral genome expresses only early functions, suchas the synthesis of the T antigen, but not late functions, such as the synthesis of thecapsid protein.

    Concerning the state and location of the viral genome in SV3T3 cells, its pres-ence in all or most cells suggests a rather stable association. Lack of reactivationin most heterokaryons could derive either from a heterogeneity of the SV3T3component of heterokaryons or of the reactivation mechanism. That SV3T3 cellsare heterogeneous is suggested by the differences of viral yields in different SV3T3clones. Moreover, one clone became reactivable after many cell generations duringwhich reactivation could not be demonstrated. The latter event strongly suggeststhat reactivability arises by a mutation-like event. A similar hypothesis couldalso explain the high variability of viral yields in the other clones. The eventconferring reactivability would have to occur with a rather high probability, with-out, nevertheless, causing a progressive accumulation of reactivable cells. Thesetwo conditions would be met, for instance, if the event were a change of state of theviral genome, perhaps similar to that occurring in induction of lysogenic bacteria;and if the reactivable genome had a limited life. Other hypotheses are also pos-sible, and further experiments are therefore required.The observation that virus-specific changes occur in the BSC nuclei of hetero-

    karyons shows that the viral DNA reaches them after fusion. If, in SV3T3 cells,the viral DNA were present exclusively in the nuclei, it would have to go throughthe cytoplasm in order to reach the BSC nuclei. Whether or not the viral DNAcan leave the nucleus in which it resides is not known. An alternative possibilityis that in the cells in which viral multiplication is activated by fusion, viral DNAexists free in the cytoplasm.The failure to activate the viral genome in several lines of cells transformed by

    polyoma virus is unexplained. Owing to the small number of polyoma-virus-




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    transformed cell lines studied so far, this result cannot yet be considered evidencethat SV40 and polyoma virus establish different types of virus-cell relationships intransformation.'6Summary.-Evidence is provided that the reactivation of SV40 virus in mixtures

    of transformed cells (SV3T3) and susceptible cells (BSC) treated with UV-inactiv-ated Sendai virus occurred only in heterokaryons. Most heterokaryons were non-productive. Fifteen SV3T3 clones and five independent SV3T3 lines all yieldedSV40. The proportion of productive heterokaryons depended on the proportionof each kind of cell in a heterokaryon. It is suggested that the SV40 genome inSV3T3 cells may exist in either of two states, one reactivable, the other not. At-tempts to reactivate polyoma virus from transformed cells by this techniquewere unsuccessful.

    The authors thank Dr. Marguerite Vogt for providing the transformed 3T3 lines and for manydiscussions.

    * This work was supported by research grant CA-07952 from the National Cancer Institute.t The work reported in this paper was undertaken during the tenure of an Eleanor Roosevelt

    Cancer Fellowship of the American Cancer Society awarded by the International Union AgainstCancer to J. F. Watkins. Present address: Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford,England.

    lGerber, P., and R. L. Kirschstein, Virology, 18, 582 (1962).2Sabin, A. B., and M. A. Koch, these PROCEEDINGS, 50, 407 (1963).3Gerber, P., Virology, 28, 501 (1966).4 Koprowski, H., and F. Jensen, Federation Proc., 26, 313 (1967).5 Harris, H., and J. F. Watkins, Nature, 205, 640 (1965).6 Todaro, G. J., and H. Green, J. Cell Biol., 17, 299 (1963).7 Dulbecco, R., and G. Freeman, Virology, 8, 396 (1959).8 Macpherson, I., and M. Stoker, Virology, 16, 147 (1962).9 Earle, W. R., J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 4, 165 (1943).10 Hatanaka, M., and R. Dulbecco, these PROCEEDINGS, 56, 736 (1966).11 Espmark, J. A., and A. Fagraeus, J. Immunol., 94, 530 (1965).12 Watkins, J. F., and D. M. Grace, J. Cell Sci., 2, 193 (1967).13 Love, R., and M. V. Fernandes, J. Cell Biol., 25, 529 (1965).14 Benjamin, T., J. Mol. Biol., 16, 359 (1966).15 Fujinaga, K., and M. Green, these PROCEEDINGS, 55, 1567 (1966); Fujiwara, S., and A. S.

    Kaplan, Virology, 32, 60 (1967).16 When this manuscript had been completed, an article by H. Koprowski, F. C. Jensen, and

    Z. Steplewski (these PROCEEDINGS, 58, 127 (1967)) contributed additional evidence on this sub-ject.




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